单词 | the red | ||||||||
释义 | the red
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 红领巾侠,裴涩琪,红色的 1. You are quite right; the "Red dinning room" is just the new address of that of Sanlitun. 别有什么疑惑,这个“红餐厅”就是三里屯红餐厅的新址。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 2. The report said the company was still in the red, but was able to cut its loss from the year before. 报道称,该公司目前仍处于亏损状态,但较前一年亏损减少。 www.bing.com 3. As a result Zhaojing Li Bao to talk out of the total social communication in a number of men and women of the red things. 于是赵经理向鲍总讲起在外面交际应酬中一些男女的红粉之事。 bookapp.book.qq.com 4. Hey, Joseph, you know I'd sure like to help you raise money for the Red Cross. 这个朋友回答说:嗨,约瑟夫,你知道我肯定是愿意帮你为红十字会筹款的。 www.kekenet.com 5. The red room was a cold, silent room, hardly ever used, although it was one of the largest bedrooms in the house. 红房子阴冷、寂静,尽管是最大的卧室之一,却很少使用。 www.chinaedu.com 6. The red fox's resourcefulness has earned it a legendary reputation for intelligence and cunning. 赤狐的聪明狡猾足智多谋使它誉满四海。 www.bing.com 7. The durable, aromatic wood of any of these plants, especially that of the red cedar, often used to make chests. 雪松木这些植物的耐久的、带香味的木材,尤指红雪松的木材,常用于制作箱子。 www.godict.com 8. The Red Cross said the union gave assurances that the neediest patients would continue to be served. 红十字会说工会已经确保会继续照看最需要照料的病人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Carl Sagan stands watching the red planet. He wishes he could travel across the dark, cold distance of space to the planet Mars. 卡尔.萨根也站在那注视着火星,他希望他能够穿越黑暗、寒冷的太空飞到火星上去。 www.bing.com 10. He said the Red Cross is gravely concerned by the growing number of civilian deaths and injuries. 克雷恩布尔说,红十字会对平民伤亡人数的日益增加表示严重关切。 www.ebigear.com 1. In the face of changes that seem to be rolling out the red carpet others are wondering what they might be missing. 当迎来看似即将大受欢迎的改变时,其他人都在怀疑他们是不是错过了什么。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Later, it came out that she held no such position and was rumored instead to be either a mistress or relative of someone at the Red Cross. 后来事情证明,郭美美并没有这样的头衔,有传言称,她不是红十字会某人的情妇就是亲戚。 www.bing.com 3. The Blue's quarterback ran back and tried to pass, but before he could, the Red's end threw him for a loss. 蓝队主投往回跑想传球,但红队后卫将他抱倒使他损失得分。 qq163s.cn 4. Mrs. Proce says, and she holds the red sweater up in the air for all the class to see. 普莱斯太太说,他把那件红毛衣举在空中让全班同学看。 www.bing.com 5. Zhang films include "Raise the Red Lantern" and "Hero" , he said he believed the audience will be touched by the performance. 张艺谋的电影包括《大红灯笼高高挂》和《英雄》,他相信观众会被届时的演出所感动。 bbs.guobuy.com 6. I shall have to ask the bank manager to let me go into the red until my salary cheque come through. 在我收到薪水支票以前,我请求银行经理允许我欠债。 www.jukuu.com 7. Gray Wolf afraid of his wife's red is often a Wolf, his wife, he must do things if shots, fine, just waiting for the red Wolf pan to serve. 灰太狼怕他的妻子红太狼,经常是妻子一出口,他就必需得出手,如果工作没办妥的话,就只能等着红太狼的平底锅服侍了。 jin.yo52.com 8. To some extent, the elder might have saved one's life while this guy trying to go through the red light, for he might be hit by other cars. 或许就因为老人的一块砖还救了闯红灯者的一条命呢,因为说不定他闯过去的下一秒就会被其他车撞。 bbs.5i5i.cn 9. Finding a seat on one of the red plush divans close to the great windows which look out on Broadway's busy rout , he sat musing. 他在大窗户旁边的一只红丝绒长沙发上坐了下来,窗外看得见百老汇大街的喧闹景象,他坐在那里想着心事。 dict.v.wenguo.com 10. If you had 20 pieces along the red-line but without "class" (like good styles or characters) you were nothing but a toy. 如果你有20件沿着红色线,但“类”(如良好的样式或字符),你只不过是一个玩具。 bbs.chinahiphop.org 1. Therefore, in the red dress embroidered Sweet 16 Dresses with phoenix and very easy to understand. 因此,就很容理解绣着凤的红色礼服。 www.bing.com 2. It said the Red Cross had no role in managing blood donations, only in assisting health authorities with publicity. 报道称,中国红十字会在管理他人献出的血液方面没有任何贡献,仅仅是配合卫生部门宣传献血。 www.ltaaa.com 3. I've been busy with a first aid course that I started about a week ago at the Red Cross. 我一直忙于一周前在红十字会那里开始学的急救课程。 talk.oralpractice.com 4. I would go out to that lawn on summer nights and reach up to the red light of Mars and say, "Take me home! " 我总在夏日的夜晚,跑到那个草坪,举手触摸火星的红色光芒,说:“带我回家!” www.bing.com 5. They suggest that their result may be connected with the fact that the colour of many fruits is at the red end of the spectrum. 他们称这一结果是因为很多果实的颜色都处于光谱的红色那一头。 www.ecocn.org 6. It had no locks because there is no great difference between the levels of the Red and Mediterranean Seas. 运河并没有被锁上因为红海和地中海之间的水位差别并不是很大。 www.crazyenglish.org 7. As we climbed into our sleeping bags once more, Soc's face shone at me in the red glow of the fire. 我们再度爬进睡袋里,在红色的火光映照下。苏格拉底容光焕发。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The Red Sox and Yankees are marketing behemoths , so it is no surprise to see that they outperform their revenue target. 红袜队与洋基队都是市场巨兽,所以她们超出了获利潜能目标一点也不令人感到惊讶。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. We are the red lion group of zhu "s palm, half of his mother" s personnel ", " the President had other sons and daughters. 曜南是朱氏红狮团体的半个掌门人,他的母亲是“红狮”总裁的养女。 www.cntingshu.net 10. The mud drying in the sheets the next morning was black, more like the soil near the cabin than the red clay of her first grave. 第二天,在床单上干成片片的泥土是黑的,更像在小屋附近的泥土而不像她第一个坟上的红土。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. When Karen appeared at the ceremony with her red shoes, the minister advised her to wear black shoes instead of the red shoes. 当凯伦穿着那双红鞋子出现在仪式上的时候,牧师建议她把红鞋子换掉,穿黑色的鞋子。 www.chnxs.com 2. Visiting investors are routinely given the red-carpet treatment, as if the vanguard of a new caravan of capital bearers. 到访的投资者照例会受到红地毯的待遇,被当作财力雄厚的新商队派出的先头部队。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Exasperated by the successive apparition of the red flag and the old coat which he took for the black flag. 他在接连看到红旗后又见到把旧衣当作黑旗,这使他怒不可遏。 bbs.ycwb.com 4. Work out how much sleep you owe your body and find out how to recover if your sleep account is in the red. 算出你到底缺少了多少睡眠。如果你的睡眠帐户处于赤字的话,要用多少时间来补。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. The next day, the Brunette and the Red Head are talking about going Home early again. They ask the Blonde if she wants to leave early again. 第二天,褐发女郎和红发女郎又开始谈论提早回家的事情。她们问金发女郎想不想提早回家。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Springtime on Mars is quite a bit balmier than the planet's winter season, but it's still plenty icy near the Red Planet's poles. 火星上的春季相较该星球的冬季要温和的多,不过靠近这个红色星球的极点仍旧十分冰冷。 www.bing.com 7. Finally, the Red Team's free kick did not use much strength and the goalkeeper could kick it out without doubt. 最后红队罚的那个任意球,力量并不很大,守门员完全可以扑出来; www.1stenglish.com 8. However, yesterday, he said he was the Red Boy, not the Monkey King. 但是昨天,他却说改口说他是红孩儿,不是孙悟空了。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I gather William's coat and hat from his hook and wait for the door to the Red Room to open. 我收起衣架上威廉的外衣和帽子,等着红色教室的门打开。 dongxi.net 10. Gates has estimated that money generated by the Red campaign has been used to save more than 2 million lives. 据盖茨估计,红色标记运动所得的资金已被用于挽救200多万人的生命。 www.america.gov 1. You view a screen on which the red crosshairs at the center occasionally disappear just as a light flickers elsewhere on the screen. 每当屏幕上其他位置出现闪烁的光,你就要去看屏幕中央出现的红色十字光标。 www.bing.com 2. All day long the red squirrels came and went, and afforded me much entertainment by their manoeuvres. 整天里,赤松鼠来来去去,它们的灵活尤其娱悦了我。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The red priest rested by day but kept vigil through the dark hours, to tend his sacred flames so that the sun might return to them at dawn. 这个红袍僧白天休息而在黑暗的时段中则一直清醒的看顾他神圣的火焰,这样在黎明时太阳才会回归他们。 www.cndkc.net 4. The Blues boss provoked laughter at his pre-match press conference but he was trying to put the battle with The Red Devils in perspective. 蓝军主帅在赛前的发布会上惹笑众媒体,但他还是尽力将压力转移给红魔曼联。 bbs.qieerxi.com 5. Between the red cheeks and that white forehead shone a pair of black red eyes well suited to strike terror into the bravest heart. 在红脸颊和白额头之间有着一对可以把最大胆的人吓懵的小眼睛。 school.ecp.com.cn 6. That kind of the sports clothes of the red black is like the stick of similar nature of my second floor skin at me. 那种红黑色的球衣就像我的第二层皮肤一样自然的贴在我身上。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 7. As the fish would not come off the plate, they put it into the red-hot crinkly paper fire in the kitchen, but it would not burn either. 既然鱼怎么也不会从盘子上下来,他们就把它放进厨房里的炉火中,皱纹纸做的炉火通红,但是也烧不起来。 www.qikan.com.cn 8. Sluggishly rising pile of fire, burning out in the col, I do not know is the red sun rising or the continuation of the evening. 慢腾腾升起那堆火,又在山坳燃明,不知是升起的红日还是延续的黄昏。 www.enwaimao.cn 9. NARRATOR: The vast factory complex at Norilsk was to become a major battleground between the Red Directors and a new kind of Russian. 旁白:在诺里尔斯克(Norilsk)这一庞大的综合工业基地将成为红色领导人(RedDirector)和新俄罗斯人斗争的主要阵地。 www.dzxsw.com 10. The red bar tells me that there was a failure, and the rest of the information in the view helps me determine what went wrong. 红色条说明失败,视图中其余的信息帮助我确定发生错误的内容。 www-128.ibm.com 1. The International Committee of the Red Cross is often the first humanitarian organization into a conflict zone and the last to leave. 国际红十字会通常是第一个进入冲突地区,也是最后一个离开的人道主义组织。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 2. Laird, the red-bearded lawyer, turned again to the stranger: "We didn't know whether there would be anyone with him or not, " he explained. 红胡子律师莱尔德又转身对那陌生人说道:“我们不知道要不要有人陪他,”他解释说,“路很远,你最好另外坐出租马车。” www.bing.com 3. His skills were sublime, he was a great goalscorer, wore the red shirt with passion and led from the front. 他的球技出神入化、炉火纯青,同时它也是一个天生的射手用他的热情引领着红魔一直向前。 www.bing.com 4. "The red and green split is totally perfect - as if I've painted it, " he said. 莫里斯说:“这个苹果的红绿两色从中间完美分开,就像是画出来的一样。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. As the Red Queen hypothesis fell out of favour, researchers began to cast around for other possibilities. 随着红皇后假说的失宠,研究者们试着在别的地方碰运气。 www.bing.com 6. Whilst we were surprised to see that the Red Bulls were quite so fast, it makes for great competition at the front. 就在我们讶异于红牛的速度时,他们就立刻取得前排发车位,给了我们一个巨大的挑战。 www.barrichello.com.cn 7. The red-shirts are trying to force Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to step down and call an election. 红衫军试图逼迫总理AbhisitVejjajiva下台并要求重新选举。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. Who are the heart of Acacia, species into the red beans. Wait for me to grind beans into dust, Acacia did not see there? 是谁把心里相思,种成红豆。待我来碾豆成尘,看还有相思没有? www.onlylz.com 9. Karen believed that this was all on account of the red shoes, but the old lady thought them hideous, and so they were burnt. 凯伦相信老妇人收留她完全是因为她穿着那双红鞋子,但是老妇人人觉得那双鞋子很丑陋,于是把它们烧掉了。 www.bing.com 10. It was not easy to walk in these suits, but we slowly made our way to the edge of the crater and looked down into the red, boiling centre. 穿着这些衣服走起路来实在不容易,但我们还是缓缓往火山口的边缘走去,并且向下看到了红红的沸腾的中央。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The red light, one of hundreds of lines to various exchanges, brokers and offices around the world, began to blink. I picked it up. 在连接交易所、券商和全球交易机构的几百条通讯线路中,有一条线路的电话开始闪亮红灯,我接起电话。 www.ecocn.org 2. After one and a half hours' ride, we got to the Red Cross Hospital, where the AIDS children are staying. 一个半小时的自行车车程后,我们到达了红十字医院,那里住着艾滋患儿。 www.langfly.com 3. Behind each fence and barnyard wall there must be a risk that we hadn't though of, you know, like the red coats retreating from Lexington. 在每一个篱笆和空场围墙的后面肯定会有一个我们没有想到的风险,你知道,就象当年红衣军团撤出莱克星顿一样。 www.dzxsw.com 4. The red dwarf star Ross 154 looks as if it's been relegated to the position of "eighth closest star. " 红矮星Ross154恐怕要被认定为是“第八近的恒星”。 www.bing.com 5. But the complete defeat of the Red Army during the Battle Warsaw allowed Poland to ask for the border to run much to the East of this line. 但是,红军在华沙战役中的完败让波兰人可以提出向东移动边界的要求。 www.bing.com 6. "Lord of Light, bless your slave Moqorro, and light his way in the dark places of the world, " the red priest boomed. “光之王,祝福您的奴仆莫阔罗吧,在世界的黑暗中为他照亮道路,”红袍僧突然提高嗓音。 www.cndkc.net 7. He slept fully dressed with his head on his hand, his elbow sinking deep into the red down-cushions his host had arranged for him. 他穿着完全同睡在他头部,另一方面手肘下沉深入红色扎咕主人已经安排他。 www.cqwx.net 8. The old lady smiled, pointed at my tofu approvingly and went back to crocheting the red and white chequered slippers she was making. 老妇人笑着指了指我碗中的臭豆腐表示赞赏,然后她继续用钩针编织她的红白格子拖鞋。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. I sort of think about it as the DNA -- these colors, the red, blue, yellow, the primary colors and white and black. 我把它大概想象成了DNA—这些颜色,红,蓝,黄,三原色和白,黑。 www.ted.com 10. But after a decade in which Washington ran up the country's credit card, we've got to find more savings to get out of the red. 但是在华盛顿刷爆这个国家的信用卡十多年后的今天,我们还需要更多的存量资金才能走出“红色”困境。 www.bing.com 1. A minute later the Red Sox fan without a ticket strolls over to the bathroom and knocks on the door. 不过一分钟后,只见那个没有票的红袜队球迷慢慢朝厕所走去,敲了敲门。 www.bing.com 2. In the Year of the Tiger, the children's heads are written on the red "King" character seems to enhance their energy and vitality. 在虎年,孩子们的头上都写上了红色的“王”字看似能增强他们的精力与活力。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The red-robed man came into the tent, standing up straight and maintaining an air of dignity. 那红袍人进入帐内,仍是神威武,直立不屈。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 4. The Red Cross appeared to be the charity of choice among celebs, who encouraged their fan bases to make donations via text message. 明星更倾向于为红十字会筹集善款,鼓励粉丝通过发短信捐款。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. In contrast, corals in the Red Sea and Mauritius that did not suffer bleaching had only a tiny percentage of this same algae. 正相反,在红海和毛里求斯海的珊瑚虫却不能忍受漂白,而且有很多好的可以抗高水温的藻类。 bbs.wwenglish.org 6. How much is the red dress you have on display in the shop window? 橱窗里摆的那条红色连衣裙多少钱? dict.wenguo.com 7. This soul ended up more interfering than the red or white gods and was expelled less than a year later. 这一灵魂以比红白族虚假神更多干扰而结束,不到一年后就被驱逐。 niaoshiguanchao.blog.163.com 8. As one of his senior manager adds afterwards: "Nobody wanted to tackle him - as he came near us it was like the parting of the Red Sea. " 正如其一名高管后来所补充的:“没人想阻截他——当他向我们靠近时,就像在分隔红海。” www.ftchinese.com 9. I set out to see how the rest of the Bulgarian coast has fared since the days of the Red Riviera. 我准备去看一看,自从“红色里维埃拉”的年代过去之后,保加利亚的海滨日子过得怎么样。 www.bing.com 10. With poor working and living conditions, the stuff used the red and blue pencils which had been got from the captured enemies. 当时这里的工作和生活条件十分艰苦,工作人员绘图、制表用的红蓝铅笔都是从敌人手里缴获来的。 www.sirt.edu.cn 1. "There are lots of ways of getting off the front page, " said a salesman, "but sending in the Red Army has got to be the most creative. " 一位销售人员表示,“有许多方法可以让自己免上头版新闻,但让红军出马肯定是最具创意的。” www.ftchinese.com 2. He made the Red Sox into a worldwide brand and into arguably the second most popular sports team of any in the world. 他使红袜队的声望扩大到世界范围内,成为了全世界第二受欢迎的球队。 www.lfcbbs.com 3. She would keep her eyes on Aegon's High Hill across the city, on the towers of the Red Keep shimmering in the light. 她会一直注视着城市对面的伊耿高丘,注视着在阳光中闪耀的红堡塔楼。 www.cndkc.net 4. The same evening, as you walked up the canyon into the hills, the red earth was damp under your feet, soft, yielding, and full of promise. 同一天的傍晚,当你走上峡谷、走进群山,潮湿的红土在你脚下,细腻柔软,充满了希望。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn 5. His reforms ripped pages out of the Red Book of regulations with which customs inspectors tormented Indian businessmen. 他的改革删除了《规则红皮书》中原有的许多规则——海关审查员正是依据这些规则折磨着印度的进出口商人。 www.bing.com 6. Ladies and gentlemen, for a new product, if the first shot did not hit the red, then back to the contrary would be more difficult. 各位,对于一个新产品来说,如果第一炮没有打红的话,那么,后面就反而会更加困难了。 www.xiami360.com 7. The Red Devils is Canada's oldest motorcycle club but don't seem to be as violent as the others. 红魔鬼在加拿大是最老的车队,但不见得其就和其他车队一样都有暴力倾向。 www.elanso.com 8. In the Party organization of the Red Army, however, criticism is not always of this character, and sometimes turns into personal attack. 但是红军党内的批评有些不是这样,变成了攻击个人。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Even more, she wanted to fly with her father on his private plane and walk up the red carpet with him. 不仅如此,她还希望父亲能开着私人飞机送她去,能够和她一起走红地毯。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Struggling to catch up with him, but the whereabouts of the red block and can only stay at cars off, do nothing. 他奋力追赶,却被红灯阻挡去向,只能呆望着车扬长而去,无可奈何。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The red shirts should be looking for common ground, not the final, bloody showdown a few seem to crave. “红衫军”应该寻求广泛的支持,而不是他们中少数人期望的“决一死战”。 www.ecocn.org 2. He said that Libya "crossed the Red Line" and came to the point where it was able to build an atomic bomb. But, he added. 卡扎菲上校说,利比亚“越过了红线”,到了它能制造原子弹的水平。 www.tingroom.com 3. They do not believe that the Israelites could have walked across the Red Sea in winds of almost hurricane force. 他们并不认为以色列人可以在风力强似飓风的风中徒步走过红海。 voa.hjenglish.com 4. The military alliance that faced down the Red Army might have been expected to crush the clumsy forces of Colonel Qaddafi in days. 人们期望这个曾经挫败过(苏联)红军的军事同盟在数日内粉碎卡扎菲上校不堪一击的部队。 www.remword.cn 5. PourIng the red paste onto the brush, I cleaned my teeth as If there was no tomorrow. 我把红色的牙膏挤到牙刷上,我开始拼命地刷,好像明天就是世界末日一样。 dict.ebigear.com 6. How much is the red sweater? It is eight yuan. 这件红毛衣多少钱?这是八元。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The couples were seated only a few rows apart but didn't speak during the show. They also managed to avoid one another on the red carpet. 两队座位仅隔几排,但是全程他们没讲一句话。在红地毯上他们也是刻意避开对方。 bbs.24en.com 8. Convection within the red giant dredges the new proto-dust atoms from the core up to the surface. 红巨星内部的对流碰撞出新的原始尘埃原子会从其核心撞到表面。 www.bing.com 9. death from loss of blood, has no memory of the Red Cross nurse who happened to be driving by a few minutes after the mine exploded. 因失血过多,霍尔茨几乎丧命,她不记得那位在地雷爆炸几分钟后碰巧驱车经过的红十字会护士。 www.jukuu.com 10. The only disappointment was the red card for Darren Fletcher ruling him out of the final, which made it a bitter-sweet occasion. 唯一的失望是弗莱彻的红牌,他没法打决赛了。那是个糟糕的时刻。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 1. Quickly he was back on his feet. He had returned to good financial health. His company, however, ended up in the red. 很快他回到从前,他回到有好的财务状况。他的公司出现了亏损。 bbs.putclub.com 2. It was the first of the "Superman" films, showcasing Christopher Reeve as the red capped man of steel. 这是“超人”电影的第一,展示钢的红色斗篷男子克里斯托弗里夫。 www.maynet.cn 3. How much is the red sweater? 那件红色的毛衣多少? zhidao.baidu.com 4. When he sat down under the light and took off his hat, you saw he had very red hair, and the red freckled skin which accompanies red hair. 当他在灯光里坐下来,脱掉帽子,你便可以看到他一头深色的红发,下面是布满红斑的头皮。 www.tdict.com 5. All you need to do is to aim your trigger at the red ball image, then the ball will act as if it were light and hit the red ball. 只要把发射器对准镜内红球的影像,白球便会依循光的反射路线击中红球。 www.lcsd.gov.hk 6. That such a respected statesman is in their crosshairs is a sign that the red-shirts' agenda contains the seeds of a social revolution. 而如果连廷素拉暖上将这样备受尊崇的人物都成了敌人,这说明红衫军的目标中已经包括了进行社会革命的内容。 www.ecocn.org 7. Impatience is often a precursor to self-punishment, so stop way before the red light hits. 焦躁通常是自我惩罚的前兆,因此,你得赶快在红灯亮起之前停下来。 www.bing.com 8. She took a place near the front and began flirting her white mane, hoping to draw attention to the red ribbons it was plaited with. 她在靠前处找了个地方,然后开始玩弄她那白鬃毛,想让别人注意到她佩带的红丝带。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. With management insight from Ceibs and the injection of new personnel talent, the company started to move out of the red. 依靠从中欧获得的管理洞见,加上引入了新的人才,全时开始逐渐走出亏损状态。 www.ftchinese.com 10. She was yawning, and he saw the red interior of her mouth as if it had been a snake's. 她正打着阿欠,克莱尔看见她嘴里面红红的,仿佛蛇的嘴一样。 www.hjenglish.com 1. They point at the red Berlingo driving across the sky as though it were Halley's Comet. 他们指着驶过天空的红色贝林戈,就好像它是哈雷彗星似地。 www.bing.com 2. Those of you who are from Boston know that this was the moment -- rare -- where the Red Sox won the World Series. 那些从波士顿来的人知道有这样一个时候--极少数--红袜对赢得了冠军。 www.ted.com 3. He had to carry water and dig up the red earth and mix it into a stiff clay. 他要取水挖掘红泥,并把它混成稠密的粘土。 www.jukuu.com 4. The Dark Twin looks purple or violet as the blue light it normally emits is mixing with the red dust in the atmosphere. 黑暗双星看起来是紫色或是紫罗兰色,因为它通常发出的蓝光与大气中的红尘相混合。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. In kindergarten, your idea of a good friend was the person who let you have the red crayon when all that was left was the ugly black one. 幼儿园时,好朋友是当你的手中只剩一支丑陋的黑蜡笔时给你红蜡笔的人。 www.crazyenglish.org 6. His company, however, ended up in the red. It lost more money than it earned. The company was no longer profitable. 但是,他的公司就没这么好运了,出现财政赤字,亏的钱比赚的还多,不再盈利了。 voa.hjenglish.com 7. Hung along the main activities of a year, the Red, 4th Front Army of the Red line road, the ultimate rendezvous in Gansu. 主要活动是沿着当年红一,红二,红四方面军路线行进,最终在甘肃会师。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. It was a far-cry from her Vera Wang bridal gown, but the newly married Kim Kardashian glittered on the red carpet in a slinky silver dress. 与之前一袭王薇薇新娘礼服大不相同,新婚不久的金·卡戴珊这次以一身银色紧身连衣裙在典礼上熠熠发光。 news.mso.com.cn 9. It was an ordinary church tower, a familiar sight above the red tile roofs of every Danish village. 那是一个普通的教堂塔楼,是丹麦每个村庄红瓦屋顶上方一个熟识的景象。 msjin.blogchina.com 10. He want you know the following items when you point to the red carpet in the dream for him with your effeminate hands. 当你用流转的烟波和柔弱无骨的双手,指给他看梦里的红地毯,其实他很想让你知道。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. the strong wine red of the carpet and the red-white patterned bedspread gave it a certain challenging gaiety(being gay). 深酒红色地毯和红白色图案的床罩相互挑战谁比较华丽(是快乐的)。 wenwen.soso.com 2. The International Committee of the Red Cross, which is usually slow to press the panic button, says it may be the tragedy of the decade. 通常在援救方面行动过慢的红十字国际委员会也说道,这也许是十年来的悲剧。 www.ecocn.org 3. Daytime it secretly mountain to see or household on the door, and the land drum the red ring, frighten it jittered, turn and run back to. 白天它又偷偷下山来,见还是户户门上红,遍地咚咚响,吓得它胆颤心惊,调头又跑回去了。 wenku.baidu.com 4. The children asked the old man to tell them stories about the Red Army. 孩子们请这个老人给他们讲红军的故事。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. Don't argue with Frank any longer. You are only wasting your breath trying to get him to contribute to the Red Cross. 不要与弗兰克再争下去了,你要他给红十字会捐款只不过是白费口舌而已。 6. If you haven't got a date for the red-letter day(5), read on and pick up a thing or two to make it bearable(6) for you. 如果你在这个重要日子里没有约会,不妨从中挑出一两条适合你的。 www.nbfob.com 7. Excuse me, how much is the red pencil sharpener? 打扰一下,这个红色的铅笔刀多少钱? m.anoah.com 8. I look up just in time to see a black car speeding directly at me through the red light. 我抬头只看见一辆黑色轿车闯红灯,朝我的方向全速开来。 www.bing.com 9. The car, out of plain deviltry, began to run one, too. The red fluid in the engine gauge on the dashboard started to rise alarmingly. 那辆车,出于纯粹的暴行,也发起烧来,仪表盘上发动机表中的红色液体开始急剧升高。 kcpt.cidp.edu.cn 10. The president of the International Committee of the Red Cross says it must be free of any religious or national connections. 国际红十字会主席表示新的标志应该与一切宗教和国家标志无关。 sq.k12.com.cn 1. The City Hall said it would hand the money to the Red Cross if it was not reclaimed within three months. 市政府说,如果这笔钱三个月内还无人认领就将它捐给红十字会。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 2. After the German defeat at Kursk, the Red Army would effectively have the upper hand for the rest of the war. 当德军在库尔斯克战败后,红军在之后的战争中占据了上风。 www.bing.com 3. Sales began to drop and the company was soon in the red. They had to sell the building. 销售开始下跌,公司财务不久便出现赤字,他们只得把那幢大楼卖掉。 www.jukuu.com 4. Absolute equalitarianism, as shown in these examples, is still very serious among officers and soldiers of the Red Army. 这些都证明红军官兵中的绝对平均主义还很严重。 www.dictall.com 5. Despitemany trials over the years, many Ethiopians still do not know what happened tofamily members who disappeared during the Red Terror. 尽管这些年来有许多有关的审讯,许多埃塞俄比亚人仍然不知道红色恐怖期间在他们失踪的家人身上发生了什么。 www.ecocn.org 6. The green is meand the red is you, which are the same close as you and I. 那绿的是我,红的是你,两相依恋,亲密无间。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Lizzie's frill is shaped as the map of Australia with its green and gold colors, while her body is the red ochre color of the land. Lizzie打开的颈部皱褶为澳大利亚地图的形状,颜色为绿色和金色。身体的颜色为象征着澳大利亚大地的赭褐色。 www.bing.com 8. The enemy's slow march made the Red Army gain time for the preparation of the next battle. 敌人行动迟缓,使红军赢得时间准备下一次战斗。 englishonline.sut.edu.cn 9. One of the wolves keeps off the goat . It opens its mouth and bites the red pigtail around the goat's neck. 一只狼让开大山羊的犄角,张开血红的大嘴,一口咬住了大山羊脖子上的红色小辫。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. As the red flame lit, bundles of Ming Yi of a plume of thin smoke, curling into the sky with thoughts of future generations. 随着红红的火苗燃起,一捆捆冥衣化着缕缕轻烟,带着后人的思念袅袅升空。 enwaimao.cn 1. When the sun of tomorrow rise in the sky of the red earth, we believe that those foregoes will be yielding good results of economy. 当明天的太阳升起在红土地上空时,我们相信那些先行一步的投资者正在收获满捧满怀的经济硕果。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The main water-treatment plant serves Harare and the surrounding area. The Red Cross said the equipment will improve the plant's efficiency. 这家主要的水处理厂负责处理哈拉雷以及周边地区的水处理。红十字会表示,这些验水设备会提高这家水处理厂的效率。 www.tingroom.com 3. Hemoglobin is an iron-rich protein that gives the red color to blood. It also carries the oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. 血红蛋白是一种富含铁的蛋白质,它使血液呈现红色,能够携带氧气从肺部运输到机体其他各个部位。 www.bing.com 4. Dongzi persisted in sending messages to the Red Army even if he was in danger of being arrested by the enemy. 即便有被敌人抓起来的危险,冬子还是坚持为红军送信。 bak.xinkb.org 5. the red bookcase is from ikea. it's filled with photography books, magazines, old cameras and a few of my favorite vinyl figures. 宜家买的红色书柜,里面摆了摄影书籍,杂志,老式相机还有一些我非常喜欢的乙烯小人。 www.bing.com 6. Voldemort's expression did not change. The red eyes seemed to burn in the firelight. Slowly he drew the Elder Wand between his long fingers. 伏地魔的表情没有变化,火光里,那双红眼睛似乎在燃烧。他把老魔杖放在修长的手指间慢慢地抽动着。 okread.net 7. Flowing water, though, has routinely moved gargantuan amounts of sediment on Earth and could have done so on the Red Planet as well. 反观地球上的水则是一直在反覆搬运著数量庞大的沉积物,那麽在火星上也可能进行相同的过程。 8. There was a aluminum body as the main body of the glass sub, above the red as close to the three characters: Rou Gamo. 车身同样放着一个铝合金主体的玻璃罩子,上面同样贴着三个红色的大字:肉夹馍。 blog.wtojob.com 9. Sometimes the red infamy upon her breast would give a sympathetic throb, as she passed near a venerable minister or magistrate. 有时候,当她走过一位德高望重的长官或牧师身边时,她胸前的红色耻辱就会感应出一种悸动。 dict.ebigear.com 10. In the afternoon of the next day the army advanced along the tree-lined streets leading to the red shirts' encampment on a canal bridge. 次日下午,军队沿着绿树成荫的街道到达红衫军在运河大桥上的营地。 club.topsage.com 1. On the next Sunday, there was the Communion Service, but Karen wore the red shoes and went to church again. 到了下个星期天,是圣餐礼,但凯伦又穿着红鞋子去了教堂。 www.chnxs.com 2. Mr. Gordon, the Red Cross official, said he did not expect the situation to become as bad as that. 红十字会官员戈登称,他不认为情况会变得那么糟糕。 cn.nytimes.com 3. The Red Cross flew to the area of the floods , ready to dole out supplies of food and medicine . 红十字会人员飞抵水灾地区,准备发放食物和药品。 www.bing.com 4. RCSC also decided to suspend all the work of the Red Cross Society of Commercial System until the investigation is finished. 中国红十字会还决定在调查结束之前暂停其商业系统的所有工作。 www.bing.com 5. 'Well! You have come here to be educated, and taught a useful trade, ' said the red-faced gentleman in the high chair. “行了。你上这儿来是接受教育,是来学一门有用处的手艺的。”高椅子上那位红脸绅士说。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The Red Cross said the killings had apparently occurred in just one district of the Ivorian city of Duekoue on Tuesday this week. 红十字会表示,杀戮事件很明显发生在本周二科特迪瓦迪埃奎市一个地区。 www.voanews.cn 7. Last week I got tickets to her latest movie premier and even got to meet her on the red carpet! 上周我得到一张她最新影片首映式的入场券,我在红地毯上见到了她。 content.edu-edu.com.cn 8. The enemy troops were driven out of the fortress and the Red Army got the final victory. 敌军终于被逐出要塞。红军取得了最后的胜利。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. This can be seen on the front of the red car: it is yellow where it faces the camera and then fades towards purple as the angle increases. 可以看到在红色车前面:面对相机的地方是黄色,然后随角度的增加消退成紫色。 game.ceeger.com 10. He ordered troop deployments in the Sinai and closed the Red Sea to Israeli shipping, hoping that this would get his allies off his back. 根据之前他们签订的防务条约,纳赛尔命令把部队部署到西奈半岛(Sinai),并封锁红海以禁止以色列船只通过,期望这样能使盟友避免背面受敌。 www.ecocn.org 1. Able to track game for days across the red Kalahari dunes, the San tribesman plans to resume a traditional way of life. 闪族人可以数天跟踪猎物穿过红色的卡拉哈里沙丘,他们打算重新开始一种传统的生活方式。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The sunlight was shining directly in her face, and there was a blaze of light all about the red church on the hill. 阳光直晒在她的脸上,而山上红教堂的周围,更是一片通红。 3. The residents, all of which had been damaged by the fire, were given help by the Red Cross. 那些家什被大火全部烧毁了的居民得到了红十字会的援助。 www.023java.com 4. Flea, the bassist for the Red Hot Chili Peppers, is trying to build support for basic music education for young people. 弗利(Flea),红辣椒乐队的贝斯手,在努力尝试为年轻人的基础音乐教育建立支持。 dongxi.net 5. But when they came up out of Egypt, he walked through the desert to the Red Sea and came into Cades. 因为以色列从埃及上来的时候,是经过旷野,到了红海,而来到卡德士。 word.hcbus.com 6. Flowers in the sun's shining, the show was filled with smiles which the red, Cao Er Dou exposed to see a better world for all. 花儿在阳光的照耀下,露出了洋溢这笑容的红脸,草儿露出了钭,看看世界的美好的一切。 hi.baidu.com 7. The red cross fly to the area of the flood, ready to dole out supplies of food and medicine. 红十字会飞往洪涝地区,准备发放食物与药品。 dict.ebigear.com 8. Though the red-shirt cause outgrew him, his stubbornness seems to have undone the peace talks. 尽管红衫军事业的壮大已超出他的初衷,但似乎正是他的执拗毁灭了多轮和平谈判。 www.ecocn.org 9. But the red pen in the hands of your local Grammar Grundy has conditioned such a terror of being wrong that people fear variation itself. 但是在各自的语言暴君格伦迪夫人挥舞的红笔之下,人们害怕犯错,甚至害怕语言变化本身。 www.bing.com 10. His outgoing personality and imaginative, familiar with all the ball games, on behalf of the Olympic rings in the red one. 他性格外向奔放,熟稔各项球类运动,代表奥林匹克五环中红色的一环。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. It was also interesting to hear how confident he was to start the race while the Red Bull drivers moaned. 当红牛车手还在抱怨时,我们听到他对开始比赛很有信心,这也是一个很有趣的花絮。 www.xcar.com.cn 2. Peiping is complicated and yet tangible. I can feel it by touch. I can feel the red wild jujubes growing on its ancient city wall! 不像北平那样既复杂而又有个边际,使我能摸着——那长着红酸枣的老城墙! www.jukuu.com 3. He said the red coat you're wearing didn't fit you, but on the contrary, I think it 's rather beautiful. 他说你穿的这件红衣服不适合你,但是我的看法相反,我认为非常漂亮。 wdwg.92doc.com 4. Jie recommend you to run the red eye drops, repeated drops in the surrounding Doudou, a half hour later, Doudou become a small circle. 向你推荐润洁的红色眼药水,反复滴在痘痘周围,半小时后,痘痘会变小一圈。颜色也不会很发红。 blog.39.net 5. After consulting with one of his assistants, German referee Wolfgang Stark shows Pepe the red card one minute after the play took place. 在表演开始后的一分钟,德国主裁判沃尔夫冈?斯塔克在咨询了其的一名助理裁判后毅然向佩佩出示了红牌。 page.renren.com 6. To call in a nurse, he has to push a red emergency-call button from his bed. But where is the red button? 要叫来护士,他得从床上按一个红色紧急呼叫键。可是红色呼叫键呢? blog.sina.com.cn 7. In the past, the red envelope was just a simple red packet, without any characters printed on it. 过去,红包只是一个红纸套,上面没印任何字。 www.zftrans.com 8. My heart stood still when the other car ran through the red light and I knew we were about to crash. 当我看到那辆汽车穿红灯的时候,我知道我们要撞车了。我的心都好像停止跳动了。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. originally referred to the red packets containing money as a gift from the senior to the junior in Spring Festival. “红包”最早是指过农历春节时长辈给小孩儿的装着钱的红纸包。 i.myechinese.com 10. Given the potential disadvantages of choosing the red pill, the motivation for discovering the truth must then be very strong. 考虑到选择红色药片的潜在弊端,发现真相的动机在那时一定十分强烈。 www.bing.com 1. The operas about The Dream of the Red Chamber in Qing Dynasty can be looked as a special kind of form of reception on the novel. 清代红楼戏是当时人们对《红楼梦》小说文本的一种独特接受形式。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Africa may have to look to South Africa, the continent's sole coastal country between the Red Sea and the Cape with a proper navy. 非洲也许不得不寄希望于南非——红海和好望角之间的非洲大陆上唯一的海军规模还好的强国。 www.ecocn.org 3. Dream of the Red Chamber is said to have been translated into dozens of? languages in the last decade. 据说《红楼梦》在过去十年中已经被翻译成多种语言。 www.bing.com 4. Top predators in the Red Sea, geometric moray eels (Gymnothorax griseus) slither out of a hideout on the sea floor. 水下面的肖像图片美术馆。顶端食肉动物在红海,几何学的海鳝鳗(细点双犁海鳗)滑行来自于一个藏身点的海底。 www.danganj.net 5. A Dream of the Red Chamber is said to have been translated into dozens of languages in the last decades. 据说在过去的十年里,《红楼梦》已被翻译为几十种语言。 www.eduzhai.net 6. At this point, the Red Cross Panmunjom direct telephone contact businesses and returned to normal from today. 至此,板门店红十字会联络业务和直通电话从今日起重新恢复正常。 www.englishtang.com 7. Thus, before the door on the red paper pasted together on New Year's message to the word yellow. 于是,节前就在门联上贴上红纸黄字的新年寄语。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The Red Hot Chili Peppers are one of the few alternative rock bands that have consistently maintained their sound over the years. “呛红辣椒”乐队是唯数不多的一支另类摇滚乐队,因为这些年来,他们始终保持着自己的声音。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The universe is rolling out the red carpet for you, and all you need to do is dress up and strike your pose! 宇宙是为您推出的红地毯,和所有你需要做的就是你的打扮和打击姿势啊! bbs.chinatarot.com 10. A destination of a nice love is supposed to step on the red blanket in a wedding, which is a wish of a number of women, and hers as well. 一段美好感情的终点,应该是踏上婚姻的红地毯,这是多少女人的心愿啊,当然她也不例外。 www.bing.com 1. It's easy to get into the red if you don't pay close attention to the amount of money you spend . 你若不密切注意自己所花的金额,是很容易出现赤字的。 www.bing.com 2. The struggle to preserve old-style, fixed employment contracts has been a key element in the survival, or revival, of the Red Brigades. 围绕着维持旧式固定雇佣合同的斗争,是“红色旅”得以继续存在或者说得以死灰复燃的关键因素。 www.ecocn.org 3. The red-and-yellow diesel engine was beginning to curve through Dashwood Pass, and the driver had to alert workmen on the track. 红黄两色的柴油车头开始驶入达旭沃山口的弯道,司机须要鸣笛警告在轨道上工作的工人。 www.bing.com 4. The only Western nation in a lot near the religious feelings will show some of the red worship. 而西方不少民族只是在一种近乎宗教化的情感中才会表现出某种对于红色的崇拜。 www.fabiao.net 5. If red dwarfs can be compared to the red embers of a dying fire, then brown dwarfs would be the smoldering ash. 如果把红矮星比作一团熄灭的火焰的红色余烬的话,那么褐矮星就是闷烧灰烬。 www.bing.com 6. follow the long From the advertisement can be seen in the red army to the national industry, to the attention of the well-known products. 从这张通告中可以看出红军对民族工业、对知名产品的高度重视。 www.9999jiu.com 7. Because time was short - the patient was dying - the Red Cross man and an officer set out in an army vehicle. 由于时间紧迫--病人已奄奄一息--红十字会的人和一名军官乘一辆军车出发。 wiki.jukuu.com 8. would divide to let them pass, as they believed that the Red Sea had done for the ancient Jews in their flight from Egypt. 他们怀着感人的信仰,坚信地中海的水会退去为他们让路,因为他们确信红海就是为了帮助犹太人逃离埃及曾这样做的。 www.jukuu.com 9. We have to produce new products to get out of the red otherwise we will go bankrupt. 我们应该生产新产品来谋求盈余,否则我们就会破产了。 www.rr365.com 10. Holding a willow branch, smile, be integrated into the red sunset light, your shadow may no longer be able to distinguish distant. 手执柳枝,回眸一笑,便轻盈地融入火红的夕阳,你的身影遥远得再也无法分辨。 www.letou.cn 1. I can't pay for your dinner as I was in the red for half a year. Perhaps, it will be my treat next time. 因为欠债半年了,所以不能为你付午餐费,也许下次我请客。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. The red rose is often connected with love. 红玫瑰往往与爱情有关。 bbs8.ruiwen.com 3. Another idiosyncratic restaurant is the Red Capital Club , a courtyard house decked out with Mao memorabilia. 另一家特别的餐厅叫做“新红资俱乐部”(RedCapitalClub),一家用毛泽东纪念品装饰而成的四合院。 www.ebigear.com 4. The red-spotted eye of a red Irish lord fish stands out in God's Pocket Marine Provincial Park in British Columbia, Canada. 奇特的海生物图片画廊。红色有斑点的眼睛的一条红色爱尔兰人上帝鱼站立远在上帝的口袋海洋省立公园在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省。 www.danganj.net 5. I asked the matchmaker, he said, the red line was my two waste finished, I was terrified. 我问月老,他说,红线被我两浪费完了,我吓得目瞪口呆。 www.bing.com 6. Mrs. Reed came. "Take her away to the red room and lock her in, " she said. Four hands then quickly carried me upstairs. 里德太太来了。“把她带到那间红屋子里去关起来,”她说。当即就有四只手抓住我,把我拖上楼去。 www.hxen.com 7. She said, her eyes on the red. 说着说着她的眼睛就红了。 bookapp.book.qq.com 8. Star of many members of each group, they entered the Great Hall of the scenes, dubbed by journalists who take the "red carpet. " 各路明星委员众多,他们步入人民大会堂的场景,被记者们戏称为走“红地毯”。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 9. The R&B diva prowls the red carpet in her one-shoulder, leopard-print gown, adding dazzle to her sleek updo with chandelier earrings. 这位蓝调天后身穿单肩豹纹的礼服出现在红毯上,并用大吊坠的耳环来为光滑的发髻增加光彩。 www.hjenglish.com 10. The Red Knights see their potential control of United as a "a form of social philanthropy, " one of them said. 红色骑士团认为自己控制曼联是一个“社会公益事业”,他们中的一个人说。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 1. The talons on his left leg had been ripped off, and where the brilliant fan of tail feathers had gleamed, only the red feather remained. 它左腿的爪子被扯掉了;在那扇炫丽尾羽曾经闪耀的地方,仅剩下红色的羽毛。 www.fane.cn 2. In his joint appearance with Mr Abhisit, General Anupong admitted that some of his troops are conspiring with the red shirts. 在与阿披实同时露面时,阿努蓬将军承认他领导的一部分军队正与黄衫军秘密计划。 www.ecocn.org 3. As the red lines around the Egyptian military underscore, true reform is impossible until the governments themselves embrace it. 围绕埃及军方的警戒线说明,除非政府自己愿意,否则真正的改革是不可能的。 www.bing.com 4. The red-brown thrombus can be seen in on both sides of the section as it extends around the aorta. 剖面图的两端可见红褐色的血栓在主动脉内延伸。 www.binglixue.com 5. Did not Tsai Ting-kai and his associates once fight bitterly against the Red Army? 蔡廷锴们不是同红军打过死仗的吗? www.1stenglish.com 6. 'You fell sick, I suppose, in the red- room with crying; you'll be better soon, no doubt. 你是病了,猜想是在红房子里哭出病来的,肯定很快就会好的。 www.irunnet.com 7. Sleep would come easily and in the morning the red squirrel would be on the roof, tapping out his gay routine. 很快便能入睡,到了早晨,红松鼠会爬上房顶,敲敲打打地开始它快乐的日常工作。 www.putclub.com 8. "We need tents, " said the man with the red beard. "We were promised tents. But none have arrived. " “我们需要帐篷”,红胡子男人说,“政府承诺给我们帐篷,但现在没看到一顶。” www.bing.com 9. The index will then turn lower and decline into late October and it should fall to the bottom end of the (red) trend channel or further. 指数将开始往下走且会跌到十月下旬,应该会跌到(红色)趋势通道的底端或更多。 www.blancpartners.com 10. Neuter skin: neutral skin belongs to a hundred of natural beauty, do not appear white oil, the red aesthetic feeling, fine skin pores. 中性肌肤:中性皮肤属于百年一见的天生丽质,不干不油,呈现白里透红的美感,肤质细腻,毛孔较小。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The currently running task (now preempted) is returned to the red-black tree through a call to put_prev_task (via the scheduling class). 当前运行任务(现在被抢占的任务)通过对put_prev_task调用(通过调度类)返回到红黑树。 www.ibm.com 2. In fact she was twelve, a happy, uncomplicated child with a nature as open as the red hibiscus that decorated her black, waist-length hair. 实际上她只有十二岁,一个快乐的,并不复杂的孩子的本质就像朵盛开的红色木槿花,装饰了她漆黑及腰部的长发。 peacherino2009.blog.163.com 3. (Now the Amalekites and the Canaanites dwelt in the valley. ) Tomorrow turn you, and get you into the wilderness by the way of the Red sea. 亚玛力人和迦南人住在谷中,明天你们要转回,从红海的路往旷野去。 www.examw.com 4. Palpatine installed his own elite guard, the red-robed Royal Guardsmen, for the protection of his office. 帕尔帕廷建立了自己的精锐卫队——红袍皇家近卫军——来保护他的办公室。 www.starwarsfans.cn 5. I'm not allowing you to go to Shots with me looking like that, go put the red dress on quickly and I'll do your make up. 我不允许你穿成那样跟我去Shots,快换上这件红色连衣裙然后我给你化妆。 tieba.baidu.com 6. Do you know why the superman could fly in the sky? Because he wearing the red magic cape on his shoulders. 你知道为什麽超人可以在天上飞吗?因为他的肩上披了一件红色的魔法披风。 home.gamer.com.tw 7. Please give the red acceptance form to me. A moment please. Is there any discrepancy in the title deed of house? 请把红色的受理单给我。请稍等,请核对契证上是否有出入? www.hzns.gov.cn 8. Asked on the red carpet if it was a cautionary tale, Sir Michael replied: "It is a warning, it is a warning. " 在红地毯上被问及这部电影是否是一部警示小说时,麦克先生回答到:“它只是一个警戒,只是一个警戒。” blog.163.com 9. Their colors range through the spectrum, changing as they age, from the red of a hatchling to the black of a great wyrm. 他们的颜色从幼时的红色到衰老时的黑色,随着年龄在一定范围内变化。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The red arrow indicates the point where steady state is considered to be reached. 红色箭头表示被视为达到稳定状态的点。 www.ibm.com 1. NOL stayed firmly in the red through the first quarter of the year, despite some of its biggest shipping line rivals returning to the black. NOL(东方海皇)在今年第一季度仍陷入赤字,而他一些强大的船公司竞争对手已经恢复盈利。 www.bing.com 2. The red one is beautiful . How much is it? 红色的那件很漂亮,多少钱呢? wenwen.soso.com 3. Michael presses the numbers at random and between each sequence watches to see if the red light above the box will turn green. Michael随机地按着这几个号码,每次按过后,他观察盒上的红灯是否会变绿。 www.bing.com 4. The red handkerchief you carry around all the time, who gave it to you and what meaning has it to you? 红色手帕你一直带在身边,这是谁送你的,对你有什么涵义吗? bbs.8da.com 5. The red cheeks had paled; she was thin, worn, a little older-looking than her age, which must have been nearly thirty. 淬,看上去比她的年龄稍显老相——她一定快30岁了。 www.kekenet.com 6. He had returned to good financial health. His company, however, ended up in the red. 然而,他的公司却遭受赤字,入不敷出,没有利润。 voa.hjenglish.com 7. This is one of the villages affected, and you can see where the red tide, the sludge got to. 这是受有毒废水泄漏影响的其中一个村庄,你可以清楚的看到这些赤泥,这些有毒泥沙。 bbs.koolearn.com 8. Notice that the red rectangle is shifted down and to the right from the original rectangle, shown in blue. 请注意,红色矩形相对于原始矩形(用蓝色表示)向下和向右发生了移动。 technet.microsoft.com 9. The reason his father hid himself away from the world was a literary one, as he threw himself into writing his epic work The Red Wheel. 他父亲两耳不闻窗外事的原因正是与文学有关,他全身心投入到史诗巨著《红轮》(TheRedWheel)的写作中。 dongxi.net 10. Beneath a flowing aqueous mesh the wet trees in the garden droop submissively, and the red flower beds by the terrace are uncommonly vivid. 花园里的树罩在雨滴织成的水网里,低低地垂下身子;阳台上红色的花圃愈加娇艳。 www.bing.com 1. A more logical explanation for the red eyes may be a reference to the memory of your father. 一个关于红眼睛的更具逻辑性的解释是它可能涉及对你父亲的回忆。 blog.163.com 2. Aalborg on the game, he gave Berbatov the first Champions League appearance on behalf of the Red Devils. 对阿尔堡的比赛,他给了贝尔巴托夫第一次代表红魔亮相冠军杯的机会。 www.showxiu.com 3. Please, please. What time is the next tour? We are on tight schedule. You see, we have to see the Red Fort this afternoon. 拜托,拜托。我们接下来要游览哪儿?我们时间很紧张。你知道的,下午我们还要游览RedFort。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The best fishing is to fish up to the stone river, the river to lead the Red River to follow the same track 56 years. 鱼最多最好钓的是石板河,这条河要过了赤水河再走五六里地。 www.tradeask.com 5. The failure of the Red Army officers and men in the face of bitter thoughts with the hope that out of command of Mao Zedong's Red Army. 红军指战员在惨痛的失败面前思索着,希望毛泽东出来指挥红军。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. shouted an old jailer, slapping the red-haired woman on her bare, fat back, so that it sounded through the corridor. 男看守大声喝道,他啪地一声朝红头发女人肥胖的光脊背上打了一巴掌,声音响得整个走廊里都听得见。 novel.tingroom.com 7. After her performance, Gaga spoke to the press on the red carpet in an odd ensemble that made her look like a pearly queen. 演出结束后,LadyGaga一身古怪装扮出现在发布会的红毯上,活像一个戴满珍珠的女王。 dongxi.net 8. The Red Cross has estimated at least 45, 000 died, while Haitian government officials have said the final tally could easily top 100, 000. 红十字会估计至少有45,000人死亡,而海地政府官员说最终的死亡人数很可能超过100,000人。 c.wsj.com 9. When he donates blood, there's so much alcohol in it. The Red Cross uses it to sterilize the instruments. 他去献血,可里面酒精浓度过高,红十字会拿来作医疗器械消毒。 www.haiguinet.com 10. The Red Summer is a story of destruction, but it is also a story of the beginning of a freedom movement. 红色的夏天是一个毁灭的故事,但也是自由运动开始的故事。 dongxi.net |
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