单词 | task pane | ||||||||||||||
释义 | task pane
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 任务窗格,任务面板,工作窗格 1. The Layout task pane offers a collection of predesigned layout tables that you can use in your form template to give it a visual structure. “版式”任务窗格提供一系列预设计的版式表格,可用来为表单模板提供可视结构。 office.microsoft.com 2. Click Previous at the bottom of the task pane to go back a step or two if you need to make other changes. 如果需要进行其他更改,请单击任务窗格底部的“上一步”后退一步或两步。 office.microsoft.com 3. If you were using the Mail Merge task pane, Word returns to your place in the task pane when you resume the merge. 如果停止合并前使用的是“邮件合并”任务窗格,Word将在恢复合并时转到您在任务窗格中的位置。 office.microsoft.com 4. Back in my document, the task pane on the right hand side shows that this document is restricted. 回到文档中,会发现右侧的任务窗格显示此文档受限制。 office.microsoft.com 5. If the template you want isn't in the task pane, click Browse at the bottom of the pane to locate and apply it. 如果您需要的模板不在任务窗格中,请单击窗格底部的“浏览”以找到并应用该模板。 office.microsoft.com 6. The task pane scrolls down, and the pointer clicks Complete the Merge at the bottom of the task pane. 任务窗格向下滚动,然后指针单击任务窗格底部的“完成合并”。 office.microsoft.com 7. Click View List, and then in the Page List task pane, click the name of a page to jump to it. 单击“查看列表”,然后在“页列表”任务窗格中,单击要跳转到的页的名称。 office.microsoft.com 8. The next time you want to create a new page for your site, in the New Page or Web task pane, click Choose page under New from existing page. 下一次为网站创建新网页时,在“新建网页或站点”任务窗格中,单击“根据现有网页新建”下的“选择网页”即可。 office.microsoft.com 9. In the Edit Master Pages task pane, click the arrow next to the master page to which you want to add page numbers, and then click Edit. 在“编辑母版页”任务窗格中,单击要添加页码的母版页旁边的箭头,然后单击“编辑”。 office.microsoft.com 10. A wizard to help you print a view as a report is available in the Report task pane of the Project Guide. 在“项目向导”的“报表”任务窗格中,可以找到将视图打印为报表的向导。 office.microsoft.com 1. When a document is checked out, the Document Management task pane in your Office program provides a command to check the file back in. 文档签出时,Office程序中的“文档管理”任务窗格将提供用于签入该文件的命令。 office.microsoft.com 2. In a box in the bottom half of the task pane , the column headings from your data file are listed . 在任务窗格下半部的框中,列出了您的数据文件中的列标题。 www.bing.com 3. If you are satisfied with the previews, at the bottom of the task pane click Next: Create merged publications. 如果您对预览感到满意,请在该任务窗格的底部单击“下一步:创建合并出版物”。 office.microsoft.com 4. When you double-click this area of the status bar, the Contributor task pane opens, if it is not already open. 当您双击状态栏的该区域时,将打开“参与者”任务窗格(如果尚未打开)。 office.microsoft.com 5. At the bottom of the Mail Merge task pane, click Next: Create merged publications. 在“邮件合并”任务窗格的底部,单击“下一步:创建合并出版物”。 office.microsoft.com 6. The custom task pane cannot be docked to the top or the bottom of the window. 自定义任务窗格不能停靠在窗口的顶部或底部。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. In the Manage Styles task pane, double-click one of the style sheets used in this page, such as pageLayout. Css, to open it for editing. 在“管理样式”任务窗格中,双击在此网页中使用的样式表之一,例如pageLayout.css,以将其打开进行编辑。 office.microsoft.com 8. You should see PowerPoint with your add-in loaded, displaying the task pane with its list of categories. 应看到加载了加载项的PowerPoint,显示带类别列表的任务窗格。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. You need to save your template in this folder if you want it to appear in the Preview Gallery of the New Publication task pane later. 如果希望模板以后出现在“新建出版物”任务窗格的“预览库”中,则需要将其保存在此文件夹内。 office.microsoft.com 10. Then, you can click Next at the bottom of the task pane to proceed with the merge. 然后单击任务窗格底部的“下一步”继续进行合并。 office.microsoft.com 1. At the bottom of the task pane, click Next: Preview the publications. 在任务窗格的底部,单击“下一步:预览出版物”。 office.microsoft.com 2. If you turned off the links to the Microsoft Office Online Web site, the Template Help task pane will not automatically open. 如果关闭指向MicrosoftOfficeOnline网站的链接,则“模板帮助”任务窗格将不会自动打开。 office.microsoft.com 3. The following code example creates a custom task pane that cannot be docked to the left or right side of the application window. 下面的代码示例创建一个不能停靠在应用程序窗口左侧或右侧的自定义任务窗格。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. When a task pane is active , select the next or previous option in the task pane, respectively . 任务窗格处于活动状态时,分别选择该任务窗格中的下一个或上一个选项。 www.bing.com 5. Click Next: Create your publication at the bottom of the task pane. 单击任务窗格底部的“下一步:创建出版物”。 office.microsoft.com 6. At the bottom of the Mail Merge task pane, click Next: Write your letter. 在“邮件合并”任务窗格的底部,单击“下一步:撰写信函”。 office.microsoft.com 7. Click on the human task pane in the human task editor to see the human task properties tabs. 在人工任务编辑器中单击人工任务窗格,可以看到人工任务属性选项卡。 www.ibm.com 8. When you are satisfied with the merge results, click Next at the bottom of the task pane. 如果对合并结果感到满意,请单击任务窗格底部的“下一步”。 office.microsoft.com 9. If you're in Internet Explorer, the Research task pane must be open before you can press ALT and click to look up information. 如果使用的是InternetExplorer,必须先打开“信息检索”任务窗格,才可以通过按Alt并单击鼠标来查阅信息。 office.microsoft.com 10. Looking at the effect again in the task pane, click the arrow on the right to display the drop-down menu, and then click Timing. 在任务窗格中再次查看该效果,单击右侧箭头以显示下拉菜单,然后单击“计时”。 office.microsoft.com 1. Automatically copies items to the Office Clipboard without displaying the Clipboard task pane. 自动将项目复制到Office剪贴板,而不显示“剪贴板”任务窗格。 office.microsoft.com 2. The collected items stay on the Office Clipboard until you exit all Office programs or you delete the items from the Clipboard task pane. 收集的项目将保留在Office剪贴板中,直到您退出所有Office程序或者从“剪贴板”任务窗格中将其删除。 office.microsoft.com 3. This task pane makes clear the relationships among the forms, tables, queries, and other objects in a database. 这个任务窗格清楚地说明了数据库中的窗体、表、查询以及其他对象间的关系。 office.microsoft.com 4. Select this check box to enable the viewing of the Parameters Task Pane if parameters have been defined for the workbook. 如果选中此复选框,则允许查看“参数”任务窗格(如果已为工作簿定义了参数)。 office.microsoft.com 5. In the New Page or Web task pane, under New from Template, click one of the choices that are provided. 在“新建网页或站点”任务窗格中的“根据模板新建”下,单击所提供的某个选项。 office.microsoft.com 6. The 2007 Microsoft Office system applications do not include a built-in interface for showing and hiding your custom task pane. 2007MicrosoftOfficesystem应用程序不包括显示和隐藏自定义任务窗格的内置界面。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Now that you created the task pane and bound its controls to the appropriate data sources, you can interact with the host application. 既然已经创建了任务窗格并将其控件绑定到相应的数据源,即可与宿主应用程序进行交互。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. At the bottom of the Web Parts task pane, click New Web Part Zone. 在“Web部件”任务窗格的底部,单击“新建Web部件区域”。 office.microsoft.com 9. When you are satisfied with the way the publications look, at the bottom of the task pane, click Next: Complete the merge. 当对出版物的外观效果感到满意时,请在任务窗格的底部单击“下一步:完成合并”。 office.microsoft.com 10. To paste items one at a time, in the Clipboard task pane, double-click each item that you want to paste. 要一次粘贴多个项目,请在“剪贴板”任务窗格中,双击要粘贴的每个项目。 office.microsoft.com 1. Visual Studio loads PowerPoint 2007 with your task pane displayed, as shown in Figure 3. VisualStudio加载PowerPoint2007,并显示您的任务窗格,如图3所示。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Your custom group and button appear, enabling you to display and hide the custom task pane. 出现自定义组和按钮,使您能够显示和隐藏自定义任务窗格。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The example also uses properties of the CustomTaskPane object to modify the default appearance of the custom task pane. 该示例还使用CustomTaskPane对象的属性来修改自定义任务窗格的默认外观。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Your add-in really requires some simple interface, perhaps a toggle button on the Office Fluent Ribbon, to show and hide the task pane. 您的加载项实际需要一些简单的界面(可能是OfficeFluentRibbon上的一个切换按钮)来显示和隐藏任务窗格。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. There may be times when you want to open a task pane on your own. 有时,您可能需要手动打开任务窗格。 office.microsoft.com 6. In the Layout Tables and Cells task pane, under Table properties, set the properties that you want. 在“布局表格和单元格”任务窗格中,在“表格属性”之下,设置所需的属性。 office.microsoft.com 7. With the template open, click the Using This Template link at the top of the task pane on the right. 在打开模板的情况下,单击右侧任务窗格顶端的“使用该模板”链接。 office.microsoft.com 8. You can change the height of the task pane if it is docked horizontally or is floating. 如果任务窗格为水平停靠或是浮动的,则可以更改它的高度。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. If the site manager has made a style sheet available to you, those styles appear in the Apply Styles task pane. 如果网站管理员已为您提供样式表,这些样式就会显示在“应用样式”任务窗格中。 office.microsoft.com 10. The add-ins all include an identical task pane that draws data from the Northwind sample database, as shown in Figure 1. 所有加载项都包括从Northwind示例数据库提取数据的相同任务窗格,如图1所示。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. In the Custom Animation task pane, select the animation you applied to the chart, click the down arrow, and then click Effect Options. 在“自定义动画”任务窗格上,选择要应用于图表的动画,再单击向下箭头,然后单击“效果选项”。 office.microsoft.com 2. To create a custom task pane, you can add a new item to your project, and then add controls and code to that new task pane. 要创建自定义任务窗格,可以将新条目添加到项目中,然后将控件和代码添加到新的任务窗格中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The pointer pauses on the Change permission button, showing that permission status can be changed from the task pane. 指针暂停在“更改权限”按钮上,表明可以从任务窗格中更改权限状态。 office.microsoft.com 4. After you select the data that you want to format, the Create button in the Conditional Formatting task pane becomes available. 选中要设置格式的数据之后,“条件格式”任务窗格中的“创建”按钮变为可用。 office.microsoft.com 5. In the new Data Graphics task pane, click the format that presents the data the way that you want it in your diagram. 在新的“数据图形”任务窗格中,单击您希望在图表中显示数据的格式。 office.microsoft.com 6. If the custom task pane is floating, it cannot be docked to a side of the window. 如果自订工作窗格是浮动窗格,便无法停驻在视窗的任一侧。 technet.microsoft.com 7. At the top of the Design Checker task pane, click Change Compatibility Settings. 在“检查设计方案”任务窗格顶部,单击“更改兼容性设置”。 office.microsoft.com 8. And any controls that have been added; it does not hide the task pane. 以及已经添加的任何控件;它不会隐藏任务窗格。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Select the XML Structure task pane from the drop-down list of task panes at the top of the new pane. 从位于新窗格顶部的任务窗格下拉列表中选择“XML结构”任务窗格。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. In the task pane, click Print to print the personally addressed copies of your publication. 在任务窗格中,单击“打印”以打印包含个人地址的出版物的副本。 office.microsoft.com 1. The Task Pane will appear as a window on the right side of your screen. 屏幕右侧随即会显示一个“任务窗格”窗口。 office.microsoft.com 2. Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools for the 2007 Microsoft Office system opened up the task pane to developers in a new way. MicrosoftVisualStudio2005Toolsforthe2007MicrosoftOfficesystem以一种新方式向开发人员开放了任务窗格。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Modify the procedure so that it looks like the following code, which creates a new CustomTaskPane instance and displays the task pane. 修改此过程,使其如以下代码所示,这样就可以创建一个新的CustomTaskPane实例并显示任务窗格。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Form designers can use the Add Custom Control Wizard to add the updated version of the template part to the Controls task pane. 表单设计者可以使用“添加自定义控件向导”将更新版本的模板部件添加到“控件”任务窗格。 office.microsoft.com 5. In an Office program, use the Organize Clips link in the Clip Art task pane (Insert menu, Picture command). 在Office程序中,使用“剪贴画”任务窗格中的“管理剪辑”链接(使用“插入”菜单的“图片”命令)。 office.microsoft.com 6. Another common way to create a Document Workspace is to use the Shared Workspace task pane (Tools menu) in a Microsoft Office program. 创建文档工作区的另一种常见的方法是使用MicrosoftOffice程序中的“共享工作区”任务窗格(“工具”菜单)。 office.microsoft.com 7. When you try to close a publication with content in the Extra Content task pane, Publisher notifies you, so that you won't lose your work. 尝试关闭在“其他内容”任务窗格中有内容的出版物时,Publisher会通知您,这样您就不会丢失您所做的工作。 office.microsoft.com 8. If the Styles and Formatting task pane is not open, click Styles and Formatting on the Formatting toolbar. 如果“样式和格式”任务窗格没有打开,请在“格式”工具栏上单击“样式和格式”。 office.microsoft.com 9. Working with data in a custom task pane is similar to working with data in a typical Windows-based application. 在自定义任务窗格中使用数据类似于在基于Windows的典型应用程序中使用数据。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. If the Microsoft Office Clipboard is not displayed in the task pane, select Office Clipboard on the Edit menu. 如果MicrosoftOffice剪贴板没有显示在任务窗格中,请在“编辑”菜单上选择“Office剪贴板”。 office.microsoft.com 1. In the task pane, this effect shows at the top of the list, above the trigger bar. 在任务窗格中,此效果显示在列表的顶部,触发器栏之上。 office.microsoft.com 2. In the Page Setup task pane, in the Size list, click the size of paper that you want to use. 在“页面设置”任务窗格中的“大小”列表中,单击要使用的纸张大小。 office.microsoft.com 3. The Design Checker task pane will now display errors and messages that resulted from changing the compatibility settings. “检查设计方案”任务窗格现在将显示由更改兼容性设置带来的错误和消息。 office.microsoft.com 4. Use the Mail Merge task pane to create form letters, mailing labels, envelopes, directories, and mass e-mail and fax distributions. 使用“邮件合并”任务窗格创建套用信函、邮件标签、信封、目录和大量电子邮件和传真。 office.microsoft.com 5. Under Browser Compatibility in the Design Checker task pane, click the text of the error or message you want to review. 在“检查设计方案”任务窗格的“浏览器兼容性”下,单击要查看的错误和消息文本。 office.microsoft.com 6. The improved Pack and Go Wizard, which is now in a task pane, makes the process even simpler and the file smaller. 改进的“打包向导”现在位于任务窗格中,可使该过程更简单,文件更小。 office.microsoft.com 7. Clicking a Dialog Box Launcher opens a related dialog box or task pane , providing more options related to that group . 单击对话框启动器将打开相关的对话框或任务窗格,其中提供与该组相关的更多选项。 www.bing.com 8. On the Formatting toolbar, click New Slide, and then, in the Slide Layout task pane, click Blank as the layout. (在“格式”工具栏中,单击“新幻灯片”,然后在“幻灯片版式”任务窗格中,单击“空白”作为版式)。 office.microsoft.com 9. In the Styles task pane, point to Continued-On Text or Continued-From Text, and then click the arrow that appears next to the style's name. 在“样式”任务窗格中,指向“‘下转。’文字”或“‘上接。’文字”,然后单击出现在样式名称旁边的箭头。 office.microsoft.com 10. On the Format menu, click Slide Design, and in the Slide Design task pane, click the template that you want to modify. 在“格式”菜单上,单击“幻灯片设计”,然后在“幻灯片设计”任务窗格中单击要修改的模板。 office.microsoft.com 1. In the Postcard Options task pane on the left side of the window, click Color Schemes, and select the color scheme you want. 在窗口左边的“明信片选项”任务窗格中,单击“配色方案”,然后选择需要的配色方案。 office.microsoft.com 2. After you type a search term into the Search for box and click Go, clips that match the search term appear in the task pane. 在“搜索文字”框中键入搜索词并单击“搜索”后,与搜索词相匹配的剪贴画将出现在任务窗格中。 office.microsoft.com 3. The Graphics Manager appears in the task pane on the left side of your screen. 此时“图形管理器”出现在屏幕左侧的任务窗格中。 office.microsoft.com 4. With the Microsoft Office System you can use the Research task pane to insert MSN Money Stock Quote prices into your workspace. 通过MicrosoftOfficeSystem,您可以使用“搜索”任务窗格将MSNMoneyStockQuote价格插入工作区。 office.microsoft.com 5. However, if you must resize the width of the task pane, you could use the following code to achieve this task. 但是,如果必须调整任务窗格的大小,则可以使用下面的代码完成此任务。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The following steps hook up the code that handles the VisibleChanged event of the custom task pane. 以下步骤挂接处理自定义任务窗格的VisibleChanged事件的代码。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. In the Add Web Parts task pane, under Web Parts, select the type of list or library that you want to add. 在“添加Web部件”任务窗格的“Web部件”下面,选择要添加的列表或库类型。 office.microsoft.com 8. Any items that don't fit into the selected design appear under Extra Content in the Format Publication task pane. 任何不适合所选设计方案的项都将显示在“设置出版物格式”任务窗格中的“其他内容”下。 office.microsoft.com 9. If the Web Parts task pane is not already open, open it by clicking Web Parts on the Task Panes menu. 如果“Web部件”任务窗格尚未打开,请通过单击“任务窗格”菜单上的“Web部件”打开该窗格。 office.microsoft.com 10. My list of recent searches are no longer available when I click the Back button in the Research task pane. 在“信息检索”任务窗格中单击“返回”按钮时,我的最近搜索内容列表不再可用。 office.microsoft.com 1. In the task pane, under Use an existing list, your data file is now listed. 现在,任务窗格中的“使用现有列表”下列出了您的数据文件。 office.microsoft.com 2. In the Mail Merge task pane under Create merged publications, click Print preview again to check your adjustments. 在“邮件合并”任务窗格的“创建合并出版物”下,再次单击“打印预览”以检查调整。 office.microsoft.com 3. Of course, it does not actually do anything yet, but you can still configure and view the task pane in PowerPoint 2007. 当然,实际尚未进行任何操作,但是您仍可在PowerPoint2007中配置和查看任务窗格。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. To use this stationery after you download it, on the New task pane, under Stationery, click New from stationery. 要在下载后使用此信纸,请在“新建”任务窗格的“信纸”下,单击“从信纸新建”。 office.microsoft.com 5. By choosing the options in the task pane, you can quickly edit the existing conditions, modify their styles, or delete them. 通过选择任务窗格中的选项,可以快速地编辑现有条件、修改条件的样式或删除条件。 office.microsoft.com 6. To remove the current theme colors or theme effects from all shapes , in the Theme task pane , click the None thumbnail . 要删除所有形状的当前主题颜色或主题效果,请在“主题”任务窗格中,单击“无”缩略图。 www.bing.com 7. Click the repeating schema element on the XML Structure task pane to add it to the document. 单击“XML结构”任务窗格中的重复架构元素,以将其添加到文档中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Note The CSS Properties task pane offers a more visual approach to editing the style. 注释“CSS属性”任务窗格提供了一种更直观的样式编辑方法。 office.microsoft.com 9. To remove the currently applied color scheme, in the Color Schemes task pane, in the Apply a color scheme list, click None. 若要删除当前应用的配色方案,请在“配色方案”任务窗格内的“应用配色方案”列表中,单击“无”。 office.microsoft.com 10. If the Apply Styles task pane is not visible, on the Task Panes menu, click Apply Styles. 如果“应用样式”任务窗格不可见,请在“任务窗格”菜单上,单击“应用样式”。 office.microsoft.com 1. In the New Publication task pane, under New from a design, click Publications for Print, and then click Envelopes. 在“新建出版物”任务窗格中,在“根据设计方案新建”下,单击“书面出版物”,然后单击“信封”。 office.microsoft.com 2. In the Views task pane, click the view that you want to rename, and then click View Properties. 在“视图”任务窗格中,单击要重命名的视图,然后单击“视图属性”。 office.microsoft.com 3. The E-mail Merge task pane gives an overview of the process and walks you through the mail merge. “电子邮件合并”任务窗格提供了整个过程的概览,并且帮助您完成邮件合并。 office.microsoft.com 4. Each style sheet that is applied to the current page appears as a section heading in the CSS styles list in the Manage Styles task pane. 应用于当前网页的每个样式表在“管理样式”任务窗格的“CSS样式”列表中都会显示为一个节标题。 office.microsoft.com 5. In the Format Publication task pane, under Publication type Options, click Change Template. 在“设置出版物格式”任务窗格中的“出版物类型选项”下,单击“更改模板”。 office.microsoft.com 6. The custom task pane cannot be docked to the left or right side of the window. 自定义任务窗格不能停靠在窗口的左侧或右侧。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. The pointer returns in the Database window to the View menu and opens the Object Dependencies task pane again. 指针返回“数据库”窗口并指向“视图”菜单,并再次打开“对象相关性”任务窗格。 office.microsoft.com 8. In the Theme task pane, right-click the thumbnail for the theme you want to duplicate, and then click Duplicate. 在“主题”任务窗格中,右击要重复的主题的缩略图,然后单击“重复”。 office.microsoft.com 9. Linked and embedded OLE objects are not displayed in the list of pictures in the Graphics Manager task pane. 链接和嵌入的OLE对象不会显示在“图形管理器”任务窗格中的图片列表中。 office.microsoft.com 10. To change the publication's font scheme, click Font Schemes in the task pane, and then click the font scheme that you want. 要更改出版物的字体方案,请在任务窗格中单击“字体方案”,然后单击所需的字体方案。 office.microsoft.com 1. Each element appears in bold type in the XML Source task pane to indicate that the element is mapped. 在“XML源”任务窗格中,每个元素都以粗体显示,用于指示该元素已被映射。 office.microsoft.com 2. Page through each merged document by using the next and previous buttons in the task pane. 使用任务窗格中的下一页和上一页按钮来浏览每一个合并文档。 office.microsoft.com 3. task pane: A window within an Office application that provides commonly used commands. 任务窗格:Office应用程序中提供常用命令的窗口。 www.tdict.com 4. In the Properties window, click the Events button on the toolbar to display the list of task pane events. 在Properties(属性)窗口中,单击工具栏上的Events(事件)按钮,显示任务窗格事件的列表。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Task pane, which indicates the elements that a user has applied to a document. 对象的集合,它指示用户已应用于文档的元素。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. In the Research task pane, under Translation, click Translation options. 在“信息检索”任务窗格中的“翻译”下,单击“翻译选项”。 office.microsoft.com 7. In the Format Publication task pane, under Newsletter Options, click Change Page Size. 在“设置出版物格式”任务窗格中的“新闻稿选项”下,单击“更改页面尺寸”。 office.microsoft.com 8. In this article, you started by creating a task pane for PowerPoint and then created similar task panes in Word and Excel. 在本文中,先为PowerPoint创建任务窗格,然后在Word和Excel中创建类似的任务窗格。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Switch between the Help task pane and the active application . 在“帮助”任务窗格和活动应用程序之间进行切换。 www.bing.com 10. In the New Publication task pane, under New from a design, click Design Sets, and then click Master Sets. 在“新建出版物”任务窗格中,在“根据设计方案新建”下,单击“设计方案集”,再单击“主设计集”。 office.microsoft.com 1. In the Edit Master Pages task pane, click the arrow next to the master page you want to edit, and then click Edit. 在“编辑母版页”任务窗格中,单击要编辑的母版页旁的箭头,再单击“编辑”。 office.microsoft.com 2. If this task pane is not visible, on the Task Panes menu, click CSS Properties. 如果此任务窗格不可见,请在“任务窗格”菜单上,单击“CSS属性”。 office.microsoft.com 3. You can also select the task pane in the drop-down list at the top of the Properties window. (也可在Properties(属性)窗口顶部的下拉列表中选择任务窗格)。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Publisher will add the new style under Pick formatting to apply in the Styles and Formatting task pane. Publisher会将新样式添加到“样式和格式”任务窗格中的“选择要应用的格式”下。 office.microsoft.com 5. Clicking the button on the task pane inserts formatted information about the selected product. 单击任务窗格上的按钮插入关于选定产品的格式化信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. In the lower part of the Add Web Parts task pane, click Show All Lists. 在“添加Web部件”任务窗格的下方,单击“显示所有列表”。 office.microsoft.com 7. You can place the insertion point in the document without selecting text and click an XML tag in the task pane. 可以在文档中放置插入点而不选择文本,然后再单击任务窗格中的XML标记。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. The task pane guides you through all of these steps. 任务窗格将指导您完成所有这些步骤的操作。 office.microsoft.com 9. In the task pane designer, double-click insertButton to load the Click event handler for the control in the code window. 在任务窗格设计器中,双击insertButton以便为代码窗口中的控件加载Click(单击)事件处理程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. If you drag the task pane to the edge of the program window, it becomes docked. 如果将任务窗格拖动到程序窗口的边缘,可以将其固定。 office.microsoft.com 1. The pointer goes to the task pane and selects Objects that I depend on. 指针指向该任务窗格并选择“引用对象”。 office.microsoft.com 2. The following table describes the difference between errors and messages in the Design Checker task pane. 下表介绍了“检查设计方案”任务窗格中的错误与消息之间的区别。 office.microsoft.com 3. Type a folder path or a report name to view catalog items within the task pane. 键入文件夹路径或报表名称,以在任务窗格中查看目录项。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Gets or sets a value that prevents the custom task pane from being docked in the specified position. 取得或设定值,防止自订工作窗格停驻在指定的位置上。 technet.microsoft.com 5. Easily deal with any conflicts in the new Refresh Conflicts task pane . 在新的“刷新冲突”任务窗格中轻松处理任何冲突。 www.bing.com 6. The Help Pane is a task pane that provides access to all Office Help content. “帮助窗格”是提供访问到所有Office帮助内容的任务窗格。 office.microsoft.com 7. However, the correct formatting and font information is restored when the item is pasted from the task pane. 不过,在从任务窗格中粘贴项目时,会恢复正确的格式和字体信息。 office.microsoft.com 8. You can create a subweb using the New Page or Web task pane, or by converting an existing folder into a subweb. 您可以使用“新建网页或站点”任务窗格创建子网站,或将现有的文件夹转换为子网站。 office.microsoft.com 9. Under Select from Outlook contacts in the task pane, click Choose Contacts Folder. 在任务窗格的“从Outlook联系人中选择”下,单击“选择‘联系人’文件夹”。 office.microsoft.com 10. Display the full set of commands on the task pane menu. 显示任务窗格菜单上的整个命令集。 office.microsoft.com 1. The default location of the Objects toolbar is next to the task pane. “对象”工具栏的默认位置在任务窗格旁边。 office.microsoft.com 2. Close the task pane manually, and the toggle button updates its display accordingly. 手动关闭任务窗格,切换按钮相应更新其显示。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. In the E-mail Merge task pane, under More items, click Insert personalized hyperlink. 在“电子邮件合并”任务窗格中的“其他项目”下,单击“插入个性化超链接”。 office.microsoft.com 4. In the New Publications task pane, click Publications for print, and then click Labels. 在“新出版物”任务窗格中,单击“书面出版物”,然后单击“标签”。 office.microsoft.com 5. The following code sets the width of the new task pane, and finally makes the task pane visible. 下列代码设置新任务窗格的宽度并最终使任务窗格可见。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. In the List Views task pane, make the changes that you want. 在“列表视图”任务窗格中,进行所需的更改。 office.microsoft.com 7. Select the next item in the Help task pane. 在“帮助”任务窗格中选择下一个项目。 office.microsoft.com 8. In the Content Library task pane, in the Category list, select the category that you want, such as Business. 在“内容库”任务窗格中的“类别”列表中,选择所需的类别,如“业务”。 office.microsoft.com 9. The Help task pane that provides access to all Office Help content. 使用“帮助”任务窗格可访问所有“Office帮助”内容。 office.microsoft.com 10. In the Mail Merge task pane, under Create merged publications, click Print. 在“邮件合并”任务窗格中的“创建合并出版物”下,单击“打印”。 office.microsoft.com 1. Easily deal with data conflicts that may arise when data changes by using the new Refresh Conflicts task pane . 通过使用新增的“刷新冲突”任务窗格,可以轻松处理数据更改时可能会出现的数据冲突。 www.bing.com 2. You can use the Field Templates task pane to choose from a list of predefined fields. 您可以使用“字段模板”任务窗格从预定义的字段列表中进行选择。 office.microsoft.com 3. In the Apply Styles task pane, click Options, and then click Show Styles Used On Selection. 在“应用样式”任务窗格中,单击“选项”,然后单击“显示选择的内容使用的样式”。 office.microsoft.com 4. Occurs when the user changes the dock position of the custom task pane, or when code changes the value of the DockPosition property. 当用户更改自定义任务窗格的停靠位置时,或者当代码更改DockPosition属性的值时发生。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Once you have saved the publication as a template, you can open it as a new publication in the New Publication task pane. 将出版物另存为模板后,您可以在“新建出版物”任务窗格中将其作为新建出版物打开。 office.microsoft.com 6. The Theme task pane appears to the right of the drawing page. “主题”任务窗格会显示在绘图页的右侧。 office.microsoft.com 7. After they complete the wizard, the template part appears in the Controls task pane, under the Custom heading. 当他们完成此向导后,模板部件将出现在“控件”任务窗格中的“自定义”标题下。 office.microsoft.com 8. In the Mail and Catalog Merge task pane, under Select a merge type, click Catalog Merge. 在“邮件和目录合并”任务窗格中的“选择合并类型”下,单击“目录合并”。 office.microsoft.com 9. The scene changes to show the Create your catalog merge template in the task pane. 屏幕切换为在任务窗格中显示“创建目录合并模板”。 office.microsoft.com 10. In the Format Publication task pane, under Web Site Options, click Insert a page. 在“设置出版物格式”任务窗格的“网站选项”下,单击“插入页面”。 office.microsoft.com 1. In the New Publication task pane, under New from a design, click Templates. 在“新建出版物”任务窗格中的“根据设计方案新建”下,单击“模板”。 office.microsoft.com 2. Close and then reopen the task pane(s) in the products where you don't see your updated services. 请在产品中关闭看不到更新服务的任务窗格,再重新打开。 office.microsoft.com 3. In the Design a Form task pane, under Open a form in design mode, click On My Computer. 在“设计表单”任务窗格中的“在设计模式中打开表单”下,单击“在‘我的电脑’上”。 office.microsoft.com 4. A collection of classes for developing task pane solutions. 用于开发任务窗格解决方案的类的集合。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The wizard shows column headings from my spreadsheet in the task pane. 向导在任务窗格中显示电子表格中的列标题。 office.microsoft.com 6. Form designers can add or remove ActiveX controls in the Controls task pane. 表单设计者可以在“控件”任务窗格中添加或删除ActiveX控件。 office.microsoft.com 7. The Task Pane sample demonstrates how to create a designer for a task pane control. 任务窗格示例演示了如何为任务窗格控件创建设计器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Follow the rest of the steps in the task pane. 完成该任务窗格中的余下步骤。 office.microsoft.com 9. Click New Style in the Styles and Formatting task pane, or click Table AutoFormat on the Table menu, and then click New. 在“样式和格式”任务窗格中单击“新样式”,或在“表格”菜单上单击“表格自动套用格式”,然后单击“新建”。 office.microsoft.com 10. In the Visio Help task pane, under See also, click Online Content Settings. 在应用程序“帮助”任务窗格中的“请参阅”下,单击“在线内容设置”。 office.microsoft.com 1. On the Select a power plan page, in the task pane, click Require a password on wakeup. 在“选择电源计划”页面的任务窗格中,单击“唤醒时需要密码”。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 2. The results appear in the Research task pane under Translation. 结果显示在“信息检索”任务窗格中的“翻译”下。 office.microsoft.com 3. To choose theme effects, in the Theme task pane, click Theme - Effects. 若要选择主题效果,请在“主题”任务窗格中单击“主题-效果”。 office.microsoft.com 4. Under Create the publication in the task pane, click Address Block. 在该任务窗格的“创建出版物”下,请单击“地址块”。 office.microsoft.com 5. Drag one or more repeating elements from the XML Source task pane to a worksheet. 从“XML源”任务窗格中将一个或多个重复的元素拖到工作表。 office.microsoft.com 6. The Conditional Formatting task pane opens. 此时会打开“条件格式”任务窗格。 office.microsoft.com 7. Under Use an existing list in the task pane, click Browse to locate your data file. 在任务窗格的“使用现有列表”下,单击“浏览”以定位数据文件。 office.microsoft.com 8. The title that appears in the title bar of the new custom task pane. 出现在新的自定义任务窗格的标题栏中的标题。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Select a category and then a product, and click the button on the custom task pane. 选择一个类别,然后选择一种产品,最后单击自定义任务窗格上的按钮。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. In the Postcard Options task pane, under Size, click Quarter-page. 在“明信片选项”任务窗格中,在“大小”下,单击“四分之一页”。 office.microsoft.com 1. Text, the image displayed in the task pane looks slightly altered. 文本),任务窗格中显示的图像的外观会发生一些改变。 office.microsoft.com 2. The duplicated theme is added to the Theme task pane under Custom. 所重复的主题会添加到“主题”任务窗格中的“自定义”下。 office.microsoft.com 3. This is a new lookup method in the Office System, and the results appear in the Research task pane. 这是OfficeSystem中新增的一种查阅方法,查阅结果显示于“信息检索”任务窗格中。 office.microsoft.com 4. To choose theme colors, in the Theme task pane, click Theme - Colors. 若要选择主题颜色,请在“主题”任务窗格中单击“主题-颜色”。 office.microsoft.com 5. To change the publication's font scheme, in the task pane, click Font Schemes, and then click the font scheme you want. 若要更改出版物的字体方案,请在任务窗格中,单击“字体方案”,再单击所需的字体方案。 office.microsoft.com 6. In the New Project task pane, under New, click From existing project. 在“新建项目”任务窗格中的“新建”下,单击“根据现有项目”。 office.microsoft.com 7. The task pane title differs for each Office application. 随着Office应用程序的不同,任务窗格的标题也有所不同。 office.microsoft.com 8. The Mail and Catalog Merge task pane opens at the preview step. 在预览步骤中,“邮件和目录合并”任务窗格会打开。 office.microsoft.com 9. To map one or more elements to your worksheet, select the elements in the XML Source task pane. 要向工作表映射一个或多个元素,请在“XML源”任务窗格中选择这些元素。 office.microsoft.com 10. In the Clipboard task pane, click the arrow, and then on the menu, click Close. 在“剪贴板”任务窗格中,单击箭头,然后单击菜单上的“关闭”。 office.microsoft.com 1. In the Mail and Catalog Merge task pane, make sure Mail Merge is selected. 在“邮件和目录合并”任务窗格中,确保选中“邮件合并”。 office.microsoft.com 2. In step 4 of the Mail Merge task pane, you can add addresses, greetings, and other personalized merge fields. 在“邮件合并”任务窗格的步骤4中,您可以添加地址、问候语和其他个性化合并域。 office.microsoft.com 3. I don't see a Research options link in the Research task pane. 在“信息检索”任务窗格中看不到“信息检索选项”链接。 office.microsoft.com 4. In the Mail Merge task pane, under More items, click Greeting line. 在“邮件合并”任务窗格中的“其他项目”下,单击“问候语”。 office.microsoft.com 5. In the Mail Merge task pane, under More items, click Picture field. 在“邮件合并”任务窗格中的“其他项目”下,单击“图片域”。 office.microsoft.com 6. When you work with imported XML data that has an inferred schema , you can also customize the XML Source task pane . 在处理导入的XML数据(具有推断的架构)时,还可以自定义“XML源”任务窗格。 www.bing.com 7. In the Styles and Formatting task pane, click Create new style. 在“样式和格式”任务窗格中,单击“新建样式”。 office.microsoft.com 8. The Add method returns a reference to the new custom task pane. 该Add(添加)方法返回对新自定义任务窗格的引用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. A UserControl that provides the user interface for the new custom task pane. 为新的自定义任务窗格提供用户界面的UserControl。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Continue following the steps to display the task pane. 继续以下步骤会显示任务窗格。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. On the right, these styles appear in the Apply Styles task pane. 在右侧,这些样式显示在“应用样式”任务窗格中。 office.microsoft.com 2. In the Mail Merge task pane under More items, click Address Block. 在“邮件合并”任务窗格的“更多项目”下,单击“地址块”。 office.microsoft.com 3. You create a single-mapped cell by dragging a nonrepeating XML element from the XML Source task pane onto a single cell in your worksheet. 通过从“XML源”任务窗格中将非重复的XML元素拖到工作表中的单个单元格中,可以创建唯一映射单元格。 office.microsoft.com 4. On the View tab, under Show, clear the Startup Task Pane check box. 在“视图”选项卡上的“显示”下,清除“启动任务窗格”复选框。 office.microsoft.com 5. For each new slide, select a layout from the Slide Layout task pane. 对于每个新幻灯片,从“幻灯片版式”任务窗格中选择一种版式。 office.microsoft.com 6. In Actions section of the task pane, click Add a New View. 在任务窗格的“操作”部分中,单击“添加一个新视图”。 support.microsoft.com 7. The duplicated theme appears in the Custom list in the task pane. 复制的主题显示在任务窗格的“自定义”列表中。 office.microsoft.com 8. Follow these steps to create the content in the custom task pane. 按照以下步骤在自定义任务窗格中创建内容。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. There are no restrictions on the docking behavior of the custom task pane. 对于自定义任务窗格的停靠行为没有任何限制。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. In the Theme task pane, click New theme colors or New theme effects. 在“主题”任务窗格中,单击“新建主题颜色”或“新建主题效果”。 office.microsoft.com 1. The New File task pane has reached its limit of custom commands. “新建文件”窗格已达到它的自定义命令数目极限。 www.fane.cn 2. Modify the task pane Load event handler by adding a call to the FillProducts method. 修改任务窗格Load(加载)事件处理程序,方法是添加一个对FillProducts方法的调用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Change or select any additional options in the task pane. 更改或选择任务窗格中的任何其他选项。 office.microsoft.com 4. In the Styles and Formatting task pane, click the arrow on the table style, and then click Modify. 在“样式和格式”任务窗格中,单击表格样式上的箭头,然后单击“修改”。 office.microsoft.com 5. You can drag layout tables onto your form from the Layout task pane. 您可以将版式表格从“版式”任务窗格拖至表单上。 office.microsoft.com 6. This is because text is always displayed in the task pane by using the Tahoma font. 这是因为在任务窗格中文本总是以Tahoma字体显示。 office.microsoft.com 7. An updated result set will appear in the Research task pane. 将在“信息检索”任务窗格中显示更新后的结果集。 office.microsoft.com 8. On the Select a power plan page, in the task pane, click Create a plan. 在“选择电源计划”页面的任务窗格中,单击“创建计划”。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 9. In the Design a Form task pane, click New from Data Connection. 在“设计表单”任务窗格中,单击“根据数据连接新建”。 office.microsoft.com 10. Apply templates from the Slide Design task pane. 应用“幻灯片设计”任务窗格中的模板。 office.microsoft.com 1. The Mail and Catalog Merge Wizard opens in the task pane on the left side of the window. “邮件和目录合并向导”在窗口左侧的任务窗格中打开。 office.microsoft.com 2. In Step 6 of the Mail Merge task pane (Complete the merge), click Print. 在“邮件合并”任务窗格的步骤6(“完成合并”)中,单击“打印”。 office.microsoft.com 3. In the Research task pane, under the Search for box, select Translation in the list. 在“信息检索”任务窗格中的“搜索”框下,在列表中选择“翻译”。 office.microsoft.com 4. In the task pane's Load event handler, add the following line of code. 在任务窗格的Load(加载)事件处理程序中,添加以下代码行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. In the Edit Master Pages task pane, click New Master Page. 在“编辑母版页”任务窗格中,单击“新建母版页”。 office.microsoft.com 6. In the Background task pane, click the arrow next to No Fill. 在“背景”任务窗格中,单击“无填充”旁边的箭头。 office.microsoft.com 7. Move back to the previous task Pane. 移动到上一任务窗格。 www.tdict.com 8. All of the tasks will appear in the task pane on the right! 所有的任务将出现在任务窗格就没错! word.hcbus.com 9. You can also select Add to current Web when you choose an Empty Web or a page from the Web Site Templates in the New Page or Web task pane. 您也可以在“新建网页或站点”任务窗格中选择“Web站点模板”中的“空白网页”或页面时,选中“添加到当前站点”。 office.microsoft.com 10. In that task pane, the pointer hovers over Customers to show the table from which the Customers form takes its data. 在该任务窗格中,指针停留在“客户”窗体上,以显示“客户”窗体从中获取数据的表。 office.microsoft.com 1. You should see PowerPoint with the add-in loaded, displaying the task pane. 应看到加载了加载项的PowerPoint,显示任务窗格。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. To add a new link, click the Add New Link command in this task pane. 若要添加新链接,请在此任务窗格中单击“添加新链接”命令。 www.dictall.com 3. A CustomTaskPane that represents the new custom task pane. 一个代表新的自定义任务窗格的CustomTaskPane。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. If data conflicts arise, resolve them by using the Refresh Conflicts task pane. 如果出现数据冲突,请使用“刷新冲突”任务窗格来解决冲突。 office.microsoft.com 5. This add-in lets you select a product from the task pane. 此加载项可以让您从任务窗格中选择产品。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The new Research task pane is also available on the Tools menu. 也可以从“工具”菜单访问新增的“信息检索”任务窗格。 office.microsoft.com 7. The Mail Merge Wizard opens in the task pane on the left side of the window. “邮件合并向导”在窗口左边的任务窗格中打开。 office.microsoft.com 8. Follow these steps to create the new task pane. 按照以下步骤创建新的任务窗格。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Note Only 40 characters will display in the Edit Master Pages task pane. 注释“编辑母版页”任务窗格中只能显示40个字符。 office.microsoft.com 10. Select the previous item in the Help task pane. 在“帮助”任务窗格中选择上一个项目。 office.microsoft.com 1. The XML map is displayed in the XML Source task pane. XML映射将显示在“XML源”任务窗格中。 office.microsoft.com 2. On the Task Pane drop-down menu, click Views. 在“任务窗格”下列菜单中,单击“视图”。 support.microsoft.com 3. Add the following procedure to the task pane's class. 将以下过程添加到任务窗格的类中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. After you understand the process of creating a data-driven task pane, you learn how to add data from the result set to the active document. 了解创建数据驱动任务窗格的过程后,将学习如何将来自结果集的数据添加到活动文档。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The XML Source task pane is displayed. 将显示“XML源”任务窗格。 office.microsoft.com 6. In the Contents task pane, double-click the file AllItems. Htm. 在“内容”任务窗格中,双击文件“AllItems.htm”。 office.microsoft.com 7. Displays the Search task pane. 显示“搜索”任务窗格。 office.microsoft.com 8. The XML Structure task pane opens. 随即打开“XML结构”任务窗格。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Under Type a new list in the task pane, click Create. 在任务窗格的“键入新列表”下,单击“创建”。 office.microsoft.com 10. Use the arrow keys to position the task pane. 使用箭头键定位任务窗格。 office.microsoft.com |
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