单词 | suited for |
释义 | suited for例句释义: 全部 1. the intriguing question is to which extent the neural approach proves to be better suited for certain applications than existing models. 迷人的问题是神经系统的方法到什么程度比现有的模型证明更好地适合某些应用。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. That made it a durable material well-suited for insulating. 这一点使之成为耐久绝缘材料。 www.chinavalue.net 3. China was a society that was suited for the uses of opium and for the most part did not demonstrate widespread abuse of the drug. 而中国正是一个适合使用鸦片的社会,而不能广泛地滥用不同的毒品。 www.chinaelections.org 4. So what are the characteristics of BEP systems, or to put in another way, what are the application characteristics best suited for BEP? 那么,CEP系统的特征是什么呢,或者换句话说,最适合于CEP的应用程序特征是什么呢? www.ibm.com 5. Hydrogen technology is better suited for generator applications and for industrial uses at its current stage of development, he said. 在目前发展阶段,氢气技术更适合运用到发电机和工业。 diversity.blog.hexun.com 6. In this regard, and with this in mind, there is a wide variety of different toys that ideally are suited for the bath and for your baby. 考虑过这一点,并且将其牢记于心,那么就有各种各样不同的适于你的孩子洗澡时间使用的玩具供你选择了。 www.elanso.com 7. With its dangerous river crossings and climbs, river tracing is typically not a sport suited for dogs, so all of her gear is custom-made. 以渡河和攀登为主的溯溪并不是一种适合狗儿的运动,所以Lively的装备都是特别订制的。 www.taipeitimes.com 8. For your own implementation, you may want to carry out a few tests to find the number of nodes that is best suited for your environment. 对于您自己的实现,您可能需要执行一些测试来发现最适合您的环境的节点数量。 www.ibm.com 9. Also consider which type of wheelchair would be best suited for school and any other activities your child participates in. 还有一个应考虑的因素是:哪种轮椅最适用于孩子参加的学校活动和其它活动。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. But we're going to have to continue to work to see how we're best suited for each other. 但我们必须继续磨合,来找到彼此之间最好的适应点。 greatrunner8.blog.163.com 1. Counter their skepticism by knowing exactly (and I mean, exactly) what you intend to do afterward and why you are suited for it. 对他们最有力的反击就是坚信(我是说坚信)自己以后要做的事情以及你为此不倦追求的原因。 www.bing.com 2. The blind adaptive detector is not sensitive to users' number and is also suited for non-stationary channel due to its online algorithm. 同时该算法对用户数敏感性小,在线处理方式也适用于非平稳信道。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. The Java perspective, as you might expect, has a set of views that are better suited for Java development. 正如您所预期的那样,Java透视图具有一组更适合Java开发的视图。 www.ibm.com 4. The morning of Ji Yu nods: "Is not equal to you pillage back, I feel that these two absolute being soldiers are suited for you more. " 姬宇晨点头:“不如你去抢回来,我觉得这两把神兵更加适合你。” cnxp.tk 5. This schema fits into a document-style WSDL but is not well suited for RPC style since there is no global level type defined. 此模式适合在Document样式的WSDL中使用,但并不适合RPC样式,因为未定义全局级别的类型。 www.ibm.com 6. The free account has a 100MB storage limit, so unless you're ready to spend some cash, Drop. io is best-suited for smaller files. 免费帐户有100M的存储空间限制,如果你不想花钱的话,它比较适合小型的文件。 blog.163.com 7. The reader shouldn't only be impressed by your technical qualifications, but should find you to be likeable and well suited for the team. 招聘者不会只对你的专业技能印象深刻,而更希望发现你讨人喜欢,并且适合他们的团队。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Dynamic UIs are well suited for applications in which users might need to have several instances of a page or portlet open for multitasking. 动态UI非常适合用户可能需要打开某个页面或Portlet的多个实例以实现多任务的应用程序。 www.ibm.com 9. Ideally suited for both skirmish warfare and fleet support, destroyers are touted as one of the best anti-frigate platforms available. 无论是小规模战斗中还是舰队护卫任务里,驱逐舰都被认为是最好的反护卫舰武器。 bbs.cnlineage2.com 10. It lets you render a single portlet on the page; it is very easy to use and is best suited for development. 它使您可以在页面上呈现简单的Portlet;它非常易于使用并且最适合用于开发。 www.ibm.com 1. He hurried out to meet his friends. No one would be better suited for Halloween he. 小熊维尼迫不及待地去找朋友们了——肯定没人比他的万圣节服装更棒了! www.netfm.com.cn 2. I recognize that this perspective is well suited for technical discussions. 我知道这种角度对于技术讨论来说是非常适合的。 www.infoq.com 3. Most of the product vendors cater to a limited set of requirements and might not be suited for each scenario. 大部分产品供应商都能满足一组数目有限的需求,但可能不适合每个场景。 www.ibm.com 4. Albino gators are ill suited for life in the wild because their pale skin offers little protection from the sun. 此种鳄鱼由于白化已不适合在野外生活,因为他们从苍白的皮肤不能保护它们在太阳底下生活。 www.bing.com 5. Despite this, my results should help give you an idea of what filesystem may be best suited for a particular task. 尽管如此,我的结果应该可以帮助您形成一些概念,那就是:哪个文件系统可能最适于某个特定任务。 www.ibm.com 6. This unit is well - suited for use out-of-doors , as well as in demanding high - temperature or corrosive environments. 此部件是非常适用于户外安装,以及在需要高温或腐蚀性的环境中安装。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Presenting existing information is important, and the solution shown in figure 3 is perfectly suited for your needs. 显示现有信息非常重要,图3所示的解决方案可完美地满足您的需求。 www.ibm.com 8. This algorithm is well suited for real-time processing of common embedded devices due to its simplicity and availability. 该算法简单有效,非常适合普通嵌入式终端的实时处理。 www.fabiao.net 9. This way, his internal clock is in sync with the dark hours best suited for observation. 这样一来,他的人体生物钟调整到最适合夜观天象。 www.bing.com 10. However, Java serialization is ill-suited for enterprise systems where data needs to be organized in a well-defined structure. 然而,Java序列化并不适用于企业数据,需要以一种定义良好的结构对这些数据进行组织。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Each profile has its own runtime environment and is suited for a range of similar devices. 每个概要文件有自己的运行时环境并适合于一系列类似的设备。 www.ibm.com 2. The data store is well-suited for your hybrid application, and it takes very little Python to whip up a RESTful interface to your queue. 这个数据存储很适合于混合应用程序,并且只需很少的Python编程就可以打造出一个面向您的队列的RESTful式接口。 www.ibm.com 3. It has excellent UV resistance, excellent thermal stability and and is well suited for automotive interior applications. 它具有优异的抗紫外线性能,优良的热稳定性,以及适合汽车内饰应用。 www.jdzj.com 4. Musical Instruments--Musical instruments, including electronically-aided instruments suited for an adult musician, are general use products. 乐器--乐器,包括于适合一位成人音乐家的电子辅助的仪器,是一般用途产品。 www.angui.org 5. The Liebherr demolition excavators therefore, as well are ideally suited for civil engineering applications. 因此,利勃海尔拆毁挖掘机特别适合于土木建筑应用。 www.liebherr.com 6. Perfectly suited for strap on harness play or to use separately. 完全适合于发挥利用皮带或单独使用。 www.ttbuy168.com 7. Jena is engineered to work well with RDF data models, just as JDBC is suited for working with relational models. Jena的设计目标是可以良好地处理RDF数据模型,正如JDBC适合处理关系模型一样。 www.ibm.com 8. Like the traditional SRS, however, use cases are better suited for domains that are well understood. 但是,就像传统的SRS,用例更适合已被很好了解的领域。 www.ibm.com 9. Simply choose the Java package suited for your operating system and follow the appropriate instructions to complete the installation. 只需选择适用于您的操作系统的Java包并遵循相应的说明来完成安装。 www.ibm.com 10. Synergy makes this relatively easy, as it provides a wide range of debug level output perfectly suited for this task. Synergy使得此过程相对简单,因为它提供了非常适合这项任务的各种调试级输出。 www.ibm.com 1. Kitchen and dining room are not so well suited for regular study, since books and pens get in the way of the day-to-day uses of those areas. 厨房和餐厅不太适合日常学习,既然书本和笔在这些区域每天都使用到。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Is well suited for handling hydrochloric acid at all concentrations and temperatures. Good resistance to sulfuric and phosphoric acids. 特别适用于处理所有浓度和温度的盐酸。对于硫酸和磷酸具有很好的耐腐蚀性。 www.famens.com 3. Pick the right size handbag for your outfit. Large handbags go with casual outfits, while small clutches are suited for eveningwear. 选择尺寸合适的手袋来搭配你的服装。大的手袋搭配随意休闲的服装,而较小的手袋适合晚宴服装。 www.kekenet.com 4. Tissue expansion, scalp reduction and flaps are more suited for those who are looking for a more dramatic change. 组织扩张,头皮皮瓣复位较为适合那些正在寻找一个更戏剧性的变化。 actuafreearticles.com 5. Therefore, Windows authentication is suited for intranet scenarios, where users have logged on to a Windows-based network. 因此,Windows身份验证适用于Intranet方案,即用户登录到基于Windows的网络的方案。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Interactive mode contains a number of help features and is ideal for beginners while script-mode is best suited for algorithm development. 交互模式包含了许多帮助特征,并且对初学者是理想的选择,而脚本模式最适合于算法开发。 chinapubmed.net 7. Wear proper shoes. Your doctor may recommend a shoe that's especially suited for your foot type, your stride and your particular sport. 穿合适的鞋子:医生可能会推荐一双特别适合您的脚型,步伐和具体运动的鞋子。 bbs.running8.com 8. It is tried to be explored as filler in papermaking in this paper, the results showed diatomite was suited for light printing paper. 本文探索性地研究了硅藻土作为造纸填料的使用性能,发现其适合作为轻质印刷纸的填料来使用。 www.dictall.com 9. It is not suited for modern multi-user environments, is not portable and not always available. 它不适合于现代的多用户环境,非便携且不是总有效的。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The system is best suited for apartment blocks which can provide a captive source of raw material, according to its designer, A Mohan. 根据设计师阿莫汗表示,这项系统最好设置在住宅区,比较能提供原料的来源。 www.newdaai.tv 1. Their model is well suited for larger screens, and provides some of the best contrast ratios and colors available. 它很适合大屏幕,并能提供最好的对比度与颜色。 www.bing.com 2. A heat exchanger suited for ultra heavy oil heating and its accurate operation parameters also have been developed. 开发出适用超稠油加热的换热器,确定准确、合理的工艺参数; paper.pet2008.cn 3. There is more than a little truth to that, however Maya adds many tools that make it uniquely suited for industrial strength MPR projects. 有超过一点点真理更知道,无论玛雅人还说,使其成为独一无二的工业实力革运项目适合多种工具。 www.cgfriend.org 4. Ideally suited for removing large amounts of solids (up to 25 percent) from water and other low viscosity liquids. 该产品在除掉水中大量的固体杂质(达到25%)和其他的粘度液体方面是一款理想的材料。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 5. It is well-suited for use with raw materials used in the production of photoresists and for ultra high purity solvent applications. 它非常适合用于光阻材料生产中的原材料处理和其他超高纯度溶剂应用。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 6. Therefore, specific forms of examination questions must be suited for the branch of learning and study individual. 因此,具体的题型变化必须有节有度,具有学科的针对性与学习个体的适应性。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. This program suited for centrifugal pump design and manufacture phase, the method rarely used in the production of the site. 这一方案适于在离心泵的设计制造阶段,该方法在生产现场很少采用。 bbs.qjy168.com 8. As for myself, I believe you will find me a competitive candidate, well suited for this position. 相信你们会发现我是这个职位极具竞争力的候选人之一。 www.7781.org 9. Though weight does not affect the quality of the microfiber, it does make some towels better suited for certain jobs than others. 虽然重量不影响超细纤维的品质,但是它确实在某些工作上比较适合。 www.autobling.net 10. The new CMOS sensor is suited for a broad range of industrial, movie and TV, traffic monitoring and motion control applications. 该传感器新的CMOS是适合于工业,电影,电视,交通监控和运动控制应用领域非常广泛。 forum.xitek.com 1. My undergraduate background in Marketing and my interpersonal and communication skills make me ideally suited for the sell director. 以我大学念新闻系的背景,以及我对人际和沟通的技巧,使我十分适合做销售主任的工作。 el.mdu.edu.tw 2. The libraries are the part of our implementation that's best suited for parallel development. 库是我们实现中最适合并行开发的部分。 www.infoq.com 3. My undergraduate background in journalism and my interpersonal and communication skills make me ideally suited for the post of PR director. 以我大学念新闻系的背景,以及我对人际和沟通的技巧,使我十分适合做公关主任的工作。 www.wwenglish.com 4. It is not suited for high throughput caching and does not provide any LRU based cache invalidation or distributed locking semantics. 它不适合进行高吞吐量的缓存,也不支持基于LRU(LatestRecentlyUsed)的缓存校验与分布式的锁语义。 www.infoq.com 5. The yurt is suited for nomadic life, and like the Chinese, Mongols live within the boundaries of a village. 蒙古包适合游牧民族的生活,就好像其他中国人生活在一个有边界的村庄里一样。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. It is ideally suited for a variety of applications including the operation of air systems that require rapid valve or cylinder action. 这是非常适合的,包括空调系统的运作需要快速阀或气缸行动的各种应用。 www.gyzdhw.com 7. Clonezilla SE is best suited for backup and restoring multiple servers simultaneously across the network. ClonezillaSE最适合跨越网络同步备份和恢复多个服务器。 www.ibm.com 8. It was concluded that (with the control technology available at the time) tailless craft were not suited for transonic flight. 以当时的科技水平来看,人们认为无尾翼的飞机不适用于超音速飞行。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Projects that are best suited for test assertions as requirements are those where the end users of the application are themselves technical. 最适合将测试断言作为需求的项目是应用程序的最终用户自己掌握技术的项目。 www.ibm.com 10. These advantages make Synchron Motors ideally suited for a broad range of speeds with light to moderate torque loads. 这些优势使其成为轻,中度转矩负载应用的理想选择。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 1. The big-strike capability is well suited for high-BMEP or other engines that are prone to misfire. 大打击能力,非常适合高bmep或其他引擎,它们很容易失火。 www.genset.hk 2. The push mode is best suited for processing XML documents on the go, like reading an RSS feed and displaying it as an HTML Web page. 推模式最适合边读入边处理XML文档,比如读入RSS提要并显示为HTML网页。 www.ibm.com 3. The golden topology is suited for all the remaining cases, in which asynchronous processing plays a significant role in the solution. 黄金拓扑适合其余的所有情况,其中,异步处理在解决方案中发挥举足轻重的作用。 www.ibm.com 4. And after chatting a bit, I have to say that while she is a perfectly unique young woman, you two are definitely not suited for each other. 跟她聊了一会后,我不得不说,虽然她是个,绝对特殊的女士,你们俩完全不适合对方。 show.kekenet.com 5. Firstly, the directional-lateral motion equations and transfer functions suited for the certain third generation fighter were deduced . 首先推导了适用于某第三代超声速战斗机横航向运动方程和传递函数。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. I'm suggesting that those long-running integration tests are better suited for a continuous-integration server. 我的意思是,这些耗时的集成测试更适合于持续集成服务器。 www.ibm.com 7. A number of end- use applications require encoders with features specifically suited for the demands of harsh environments. 许多终端应用场合需要编码器带有特别适合恶劣环境要求的特性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. With my hard word and remarkable achievements, I feel perfectly suited for this position. 以我的敬业精神及卓越业绩,我认为我足以胜任这个职位。 www.tingroom.com 9. The grounded junction probes are also suited for applications with benchtop meters and with oscillating machines. 接地探针同样也适用于台式仪表和振荡机的应用。 www.18show.cn 10. But Cristina is the one better suited for Juan Antonio, and she enters into a prolonged affair. 但克里斯汀娜是更合适胡安安东尼奥口味的人,并且被卷入了更多的风流韵事中去了。 www.elanso.com 1. I wish I could give a priority level to each of my feeds (some are better suited for mobile, others I'd rather read on a bigger screeen). 我希望能够给种子一个合适的优先级(例如有些更适合手机,另一些我却希望能在更大的屏幕上阅读)。 www.bing.com 2. Otherwise, the following procedure suggests one way that you can create graphics that are suited for this walkthrough. 否则,下面的过程提供了一种方式,可创建适合于本演练的图形。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The characteristics of sodium sulfur batteries are well-suited for that. 钠硫电池的特点就非常适合那样的情况。 www.bing.com 4. A practical method suited for the whole ship's reliability distribution of each phase in ship design is proposed. 提出一种适用于舰船设计各阶段的舰船总体可靠性分配的实用方法。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. As you would expect, web services are best suited for internet based applications. 如你所料,Web服务最适合基于Internet的应用。 www.infoq.com 6. The plot holes and logical gaps in Star Wars make it ill-suited for an intelligent viewer. 对聪明的观众来说,其情节漏洞和混乱逻辑是让人无法忍受的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Hydraulic springs are particularly suited for applications in which high load capacities and stiffness are required. 液压弹簧尤其适用于要求承载能力和刚度很高的地方。液压弹簧 wenku.baidu.com 8. Object-orientation is a technique for system modeling. It offers a number of concepts which are well suited for this purpose. 面向对象的设计是一种软件系统建模的技术,他提供一系列的概念和方法来更好实现这个目标。 blog.csdn.net 9. Film comes in a few different flavors suited for different purposes. 摄影目的不同,使用的胶卷各异。 kk.dongxi.net 10. His talent and managerial experience are well suited for leading NEA and I know he will work hard to share the joy of the arts with America. 依他的才干和管理方面的经验是堪当领导基金会之任的。我也知道他会努力工作与全国一道分享体验艺术的喜悦的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Did you consider your own strengths and limitations and think about which of the two will be better suited for you? 你会想到自己的优势和软肋,到底这两个哪个更适合自己吗? dongxi.net 2. The foundation of the health equipment overhaul joint logistic system in the army is suited for the new military affairs' change. 军队卫生装备检修联勤保障体制的建立,是适应卫勤保障新军事变革的体现。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Designers reckon it's perfectly suited for the small but fiercely formed Singapore soldiers' jungle-fresh fighting. 设计者认为它最能迎合新加坡的小型精锐部队在丛林激战。 xnwap.cn 4. The machines are particularly durable, constructed of materials that are suited for the work environment. 该机器特别耐用,适合对于工作环境适合的材料建造。 512121.com 5. It is equally suited for playing all types of music as it is for recreating the sounds that bring your home cinema to stunning life. 它同样适合各种类型的音乐,因为它能再现声音,给你的家庭影院一种惊人的生活享受。 www.xinheaudio.com 6. Plus the vet may recommend a certain type of food that's particularly well-suited for your pet. 此外,兽医可能建议非常适合你宠物的特定种类的食物。 dongxi.net 7. But the council is ill suited for such a role, and incapable of developing a plan and vision for the future. 然而,欧洲理事会并不适合扮演这样的角色,也无力制定一项有关未来前途的计划和蓝图。 www.ftchinese.com 8. To be able to advise clients on what kinds of new media strategies are best suited for them and to aid them in implementations if needed. 能给予客户采用哪种最适合的媒体策略方面的建议,并能够应客户需要帮助他们加以实施。 www.u3w.com 9. As you can see, the event-based API is ideally suited for deriving a document from other documents. 如您所见,基于事件的API非常适于从其他文档派生文档。 www.ibm.com 10. The model is suited for double directional converters and performs the simulations of the power electronic system easily. 这种模型可应用于双向变流器以及电力电子系统的仿真。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Recently, I was asked how someone knows whether or not they are suited for a position in management. 最近,我被人问道如何才知道自己是否适合参与管理工作。 www.bing.com 2. The group at the top is best suited for cloud deployment; each successive group is less suited for cloud distribution. 顶部的组是最适合云计算部署的;依次越来越不适合云计算分布。 www.ibm.com 3. The experimental methods of the social and behavioral sciences are not well suited for the issues faced by designers. 社会学与行为学的实验方法其实无法很好的适应设计师所面临的现状。 sinaurl.cn 4. They are particularly well suited for conducting automated sampling, sample preparation, and analysis in a multi-well plate assay format. 特别地,它们被很好地配置成在多孔板分析形式下进行自动取样、样品准备和分析。 ip.com 5. They have remarkably human-like spines and lower limbs that would have been well suited for long distance travel. 他们有明显的类似人的脊椎和较短的腿,这些很适合长途的旅行。 www.elanso.com 6. It's summer now, and the lighter ripstop material is better suited for the heat. 夏天到了,轻量化的防刮面料更适合炎热的天气。 word.hcbus.com 7. Utility models are considered particularly suited for SMEs that make "minor" improvements to, and adaptations of, existing products. 对于中小企业来说,实用新型被认为特别适合其对现有产品的“小”改进和修改。 www.wipo.int 8. However, from start to finish, On is still a remarkablelisten, well-suited for background music or intent listening. 然而,从开始到结束,《On》依旧是一次非同寻常的听觉体验,是极为适合用作背景音乐或者专心聆听的作品。 www.bing.com 9. Magnetic field sensors are activated by magnetic fields and are especially suited for piston position monitoring in pneumatic cylinders. 磁场感应器被激活,并通过磁场,尤其是活塞在气缸位置监控适合。 www.gyzdhw.com 10. But how do you know whether an enterprise application is suited for the cloud? 但是您怎么知道一个企业级应用程序是否适合云计算? www.ibm.com 1. Need not be a fully fledged web shop, but maybe PayPal API suited for small dealers and end customer alike. 不必是一个完全成熟的网上商店,但也许贝宝API的小经销商和最终客户都适合。 www.bing.com 2. Scale up efforts to help towns and cities identify and deliver the scale economies they are best suited for. 加大力度帮助城镇和城市确定和发展对其最适用的规模经济模式。 web.worldbank.org 3. Since the Person class is what the app's data access layer returns, it is definitely not suited for consumption by the UI. 由于Person类是应用的数据访问层返回的东西,它绝对不适合直接被UI使用。 kb.cnblogs.com 4. In this context, two unique and salient characteristics of the PRC equity market are ill-suited for institutional investors. 从这一点来看,目前中国的资本市场有两个不利于机构投资者发展的地方。 web.worldbank.org 5. My feet were thoroughly wetted; I was cross and low; exactly the humour suited for making the most of these disagreeable things. 我的脚全湿了;我心境不好,无精打采,这种情绪恰好适于作这类最不愉快的事。 putclub.com 6. We believe that by following these guidelines we have built a solution well suited for the iPhone and iPod touch devices. 我们认为,通过遵循这些原则,我们将能够构建一个适合iPhone和iPodtouch设备的解决方案。 www.ibm.com 7. Fortunately for us it had also a shallow area, which is suited for small kids. 对我们来说,好在有浅水区,适合小朋友玩耍。 r-and-k.travellerspoint.com 8. Details are currently scant, but mobile devices may be better suited for the tech than full-size displays. 目前缺乏详情资料。但是相对全屏显示来说在移动设备上或许更合适使用这种技术。 www.bing.com 9. Each claw ended with a sharp point ideally suited for digging into the flesh of prey. 每个脚爪的末端与锋利尖端的适合挖掘到食肉的猎物。 bbs.a0598.com 10. Find out based on your risk parameters, which currency is best suited for your trading style. 分析出基于你的风险参数,那一种最适合你的交易风格。 www.forexyard.com 1. They're also less prone to heart attacks, and Lovelace considered them better-suited for the claustrophobic isolation of space. 她们也不易患心脏病。洛夫莱斯认为她们更能适应太空中导致幽闭恐惧的孤独。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 2. Resulting tree representations are difficult to interpret and are not suited for visualization of this type of data. 结果树表征是难以理解的,并且不适合与这种类型数据的可视化。 chinapubmed.net 3. Cloudscape is well suited for applications that require a completely invisible, embedded data server for Java applications. Cloudscape非常适合于需要完全不可见的嵌入式Java应用程序数据服务器的应用程序。 www.ibm.com 4. Module is suited for system setup and debugging, data acquisition, analysis, monitoring, and PC based control applications. 模块适合于系统的安装和调试,数据采集,分析,监测,和基于PC的控制应用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Apache Derby is an open source relational database system most suited for small repositories. ApacheDerby是一个最适合于小型存储库的开放源代码关系数据库系统。 www.ibm.com 6. Methods: Methods of medical check-up suited for nurses were summarized retrospectively, to probe into its feasibility and shortage. 回顾性总结适合护士使用的体格检查方法,探讨其可行性及存在的不足。 www.chemyq.com 7. This breed is best suited for those with pervious experience with large dog breeds, and those which are more assertive. 这品种是最适合那些与透水经验与大狗的品种,以及那些是更加自信。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. At first sight, laser beams and charged particle beams do not seem well suited for particle acceleration. 乍看之下,雷射光束和带电粒子束似乎并不适用于粒子加速上。 www.jukuu.com 9. The coating compositions are particularly suited for forming shell coatings on solid pharmaceutical dosage forms. 该包衣组合物尤其适用于在固体药物剂型上形成衣壳包衣。 ip.com 10. Nope, according to a Chinese acquaintance, "Americans' bodies are better-suited for distance running than Chinese people. " 但我的中国朋友却告诉我,美国人的身体比中国人更适合长跑这项运动。 www.bing.com 1. High-rate clarification (HRC) processes are well suited for enhanced primary treatment of wet-weather flows in combined sewer systems. 高利率的澄清(硬度)过程非常适合强化一级处理雨雪天气流动相结合的污水处理系统。 www.syyxw.com 2. Reliable and well protected from the elements, these controllers are particularly suited for submersible pump or dry pit lift stations. 由于所采用的元件稳定可靠,并具备很好的保护措施,因此这些控制装置特别适合于潜水泵或干井提升站。 www.jukuu.com 3. If you feel that I am suited for the job that you have in mind. please info rm me of the time convenient for an interview. 如阁下认为我适合该项工作条件,请尽早惠函赐知面试。 www.docin.com 4. You need to plan out and think of the best kitchen cabinet design suited for your kitchen. 您需要适合的计划和认为最佳的厨柜设计为您的厨房。 word.hcbus.com 5. Music is suited for people's sense of sound, human engineering. 音乐符合人的听觉,人体工程学。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Gravure printing in business card printing and membership card when making metallic ink is well-suited for flexo printing in glazing. there. 瘪印在制卡和会员卡制作金属油墨时不入格得当。柔印在上光方面也有其独到之处。 www.bing.com 7. But, unfamiliar with California flora, Ms. Louden says she left it to Yahoo's landscaper to pick a grass suited for Sunnyvale. 劳登说,由于不熟悉加州的植物特点,最后她将挑选草皮的工作留给了雅虎负责景观的部门。 dict.kekenet.com 8. There are things it is well not to ponder over too much, things that bare words are the best suited for. 有一些事情最好不要过多咀嚼,最适合用来描述它们的,就是质朴的语言。 hi.baidu.com 9. Financial Accounting is ideally suited for any students taking an introductory financial accounting course. 财务会计是适合于任何以介绍财务会计课程的学生。 www.ccebook.net 10. Fastest response time is usually better suited for web applications. 通常情况下,最快响应时间更适合Web应用程序。 www.ibm.com 1. The themes and modules elements of this kit are particularly suited for customization. 该工具包的主题和模块元素特别适合进行自定义。 www.cnblogs.com 2. In fact, they are often better suited for apartment dwelling than some of the more active small breeds. 事实上,他们比别的更活跃的小型犬种更适合在公寓里喂养。 bbs.sgou.com 3. Instead, many corporate executives and human resource managers are turning to other disciplines to fill jobs ideally suited for IEs. 但是,许多执行总裁和人力资源经理却在学习适合工业工程师的相关学科。 bebigear.com 4. Yet, it still provides the flexibility of the underlying EC2 infrastructure, which makes it ideally suited for enterprise applications. 然而,它一直提供基本EC2基础设施的灵活性,这使其非常适合企业应用程序。 www.ibm.com 5. You are best suited for an organization seeking a better sense of direction. 对于那种寻找方向的企业而言,你是最适合不过了。 www.bing.com 6. Carl was a collection of pupae, perfectly suited for gladiatorial combat. 卡尔就是一群蛹的结合体,非常适合角斗。 starwarsfans.cn 7. Best suited for online transaction processing, it provides secure and reliable database environment. 它提供了安全可靠的数据库环境,最适用于联机事务处理。 www.ibm.com 8. Discover your unique career profile to find the jobs that are best-suited for you. 利用你独特的职业经历来找到一份最适合你的工作。 www.hjenglish.com 9. These machines are widely suited for flat surfaces, grooves and gear machining in various mechanical machining sectors. 该产品操作方便,性能可靠,广泛适用于各类机械加工部门,加工各种平面、沟槽、齿轮等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. it is well suited for each accessory of the precision grinding of bearing , electronics , mold and vehicle material industry. 适用于轴承业电子业模具业交通器材业等各种零配件之精密研磨。 www.ichacha.net 1. Meanwhile, accuracy tests performed with the optical localizer show that the accuracy of system is suited for ENT and other surgeries. 同时对三维光学定位器的精度进行了测试,证明该定位系统适用于计算机辅助耳鼻喉科手术和其他临床手术。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. I suggest doing a project that is well suited for that language and doing language suggest project it in that language's style. 我打交道由此奇迹建议做一个适合该语言的项目,并且按这门语言的风格去适合项目建议做。 www.cto360.com 3. This tutorial is best suited for readers with moderate UNIX or Linux familiarity and experience with basic IP networking concepts. 该教程最适合于中等熟悉UNIX或Linux、有基本IP网络经验的读者。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Another theory suggests that seas heated by global warming are better suited for breeding, multiplying the creature's numbers. 另一个理论称,全球变暖导致海水温度上升,使海洋更适宜水母繁殖,总数成倍增长。 www.bing.com 5. The method has good selectivity. It is operated simply and is suited for determination of cesium in silver catalyst. 样品测定的相对标准偏差小于10%本法具有选择性好,操作简便等优点,适用于银催化剂中铯的测定。 www.chemyq.com 6. Motion-control shoes are also best suited for big or heavy runners who need plenty of support and durability. 运动控制的鞋最适合提供体形大或者体重重的跑步者最佳的支持力及耐久力。 item.feedsky.com 7. Mainly be suited for these industries: rolling shear, cut grain, package, gum elastic , heath, matter, food, timber, etc. 主要适用于:滚剪、切粒、包装、橡塑、卫生材料、食品、木材等行业。 dict.kekenet.com 8. Since you take control of the web server, Node. js is uniquely suited for the advance of the realtime web. 因为你可以控制网站服务器,Node.js对实时网站的适应程度是独一无二的。 www.bing.com 9. The knockAge program is well suited for providing an additional channel of user input for your system. knockAge程序非常适合用于为系统提供一种额外的用户输入通道。 www.ibm.com 10. As a text-based standard, XML is well-suited for exchanging data between client and server systems. 作为一个基于文本的标准,XML非常适于在客户机和服务器系统之间交换数据。 www.ibm.com 1. A speech coding books, are ideally suited for beginners are welcome to download, share! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 一本语音编码的好书,非常适用于初学者,欢迎下载,共同交流!!!!!!!!! 3333355555.com 2. The extension provides a solid subset of database access features that are ideally suited for PHP 4 and continue to be available in PHP 5. 该扩展提供了坚实的数据库访问特性的子集,非常适合PHP4,仍然可在PHP5中使用。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Some businesses and people are better suited for the traditional models, and that's OK. 对于有些行业和人来说最好的还是传统的模式,这没什么。 www.bing.com 4. Optical disc has a 600 megabyte capacity and is well suited for the computer applications needing the vast storage. 光盘的容量600兆,并同时为广大计算机需要存储应用的理想选择。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Via replacing different dentiform milling flake and adjusting strike technics. It will be suited for various requirements of striking pulp. 通过调换不同齿形的磨片和调整打浆工艺,可以适应各种浆料的打浆要求。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. But only about 35% of those surveyed said they know which technology is best suited for certain types of driving. 不过,只有35%左右的受访者说自己知道各种新技术和特定驾车方式之间的最优搭配关系。 c.wsj.com 7. The Sludge Nabber is ideally suited for numerous sampling requirements including chlorine in solution. 污泥取样工具适合更广泛的样品采样,包括含氯溶液中取样。 www.showxiu.com 8. This topology is best suited for server environments requiring high availability and read scalability. 此拓扑最适合需要高可用性和读取可伸缩性的服务器环境。 technet.microsoft.com 9. The low freezing point of this chain makes it well suited for lubricant application. 此链的低冰点使其非常适合应用的润滑油。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Well suited for use in super car audio systems, industrial robots, telecommunication equipment of DC or pulse circuits. 广泛用于精密汽车声频系统、工业机器人、电信设备的直流或脉动电路中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. While admirable for amateur construction, Druine's primary aim, it was less well suited for the demands of club flying. 法国设计师德吕纳的首要设计目标是方便自制飞机爱好者的制作,因此那架飞机并不是十分切合飞行俱乐部的需求。 www.cneaa.net 2. The aircraft are uniquely suited for urban areas where more traditional bombing can cause collateral damage, he added. 该战机可以独特地在市区使用,而更多的常规轰炸会导致大规模的伤亡。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Rapier and projectile looms, which by design insert single picks, are ideally suited for pick - and - pick capability. 剑杆织机和片梭织机都是按每次引入一纬设计的,因此可以任意引纬。 dict.ebigear.com 4. Additionally, standard operating tables and imaging equipment are not suited for obese patients. 另外,标准手术台和影像设备也不适合肥胖病人。 www.dxy.cn 5. The Series P72 Flowmeters are suited for water treatment facilities that deal with these aggressive types of gases and fluids. 该系列P72流量计适合用于水处理设施,涉及到一些腐蚀性类型的气体和液体等。 www.dianqi163.com 6. PHP is especially suited for Web development using HTML; you can embed PHP into the application using simple PHP tags. PHP尤其适用于使用HTML进行Web开发;您可以使用简单的PHP标记将PHP嵌入到应用程序中。 www.ibm.com 7. The two were well suited for their chosen vocation -- they were a two-headed alien that shared a single body. 他俩非常适合他们所选的职业——他们是双头共身的异族人。 starwarsfans.cn 8. Event processing engines are suited for real time processing of those signals. 事件处理引擎比较适合信号的实时处理流程。 www.infoq.com 9. Plants and animals migrate toward the land and climate they are suited for. 动植物会朝着陆地和适合它们的气候搬迁。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The golden rectangle design is well suited for photo galleries, portfolios and product-oriented websites. 黄金矩形的设计非常适宜于展现照片库、作品集和以产品为导向的网站。 www.bing.com 1. With centralized management, it is suited for large installations with unlimited numbers of users, cameras, servers, and sites. 集中化管理使它适合无数用户,摄像机,服务器和站点的大型设施。 www.21csp.com.cn 2. They both like the study of English, seeming cut out (well suited) for each other. 他们俩都喜欢研究英文,看起来很匹配的。 0592en.com 3. Results 12 STR loci system had high power of discrimination( DP ) and it was suited for analysis of dated bloodstain especially. 结果该系统12个STR基因位点在汉族人群中均为高识别率位点,特别适合于陈旧血痕检验; dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The identification and choosing model suited for the enterprise are also explored according to the key account management theory. 文章运用大客户管理理论探讨了适合湖南志远铝业公司的大客户识别与选择模型; www.fabiao.net 5. Due to their lightweight design and modest resource requirements, they are also well suited for the embedded space. 得益于其轻量化的设计和较少的资源需求,它们也非常适合于作为嵌入式组件使用。 www.ibm.com 6. Yet the unique properties of nanoscale particles makes them particularly well suited for treating water. 然而,纳米尺度颗粒的独特性质让它们特别适于处理水。 www.scidev.net 7. On shared memory systems, High Performance FORTRAN is a language suited for parallel programming. 在共享内存系统中,HighPerformanceFORTRAN是一种非常适合并行编程的语言。 www.ibm.com 8. Even though you are normally effective and goal-oriented, today is best suited for reflection and contemplation, or even just lazing around. 虽然你通常很有效率并以目标为导向,但今天适合反省与沉思,甚至消磨时光。 horoscopes.blogbus.com 9. It is especially suited for engine protection, sequenced operations, and critical timing applications. 它尤其适合于发动机的保护,测序行动,和关键时机的申请。 dajiao.net 10. You're suited for data processing for a large multinational corporation. 你适合在大型跨国公司资料处理部门方面发展 www.bing.com 1. The common flowmeters are not suited for metering the crude oil containing water and sand. 对于含水、含砂量较高的原油计量,采用一般流量计已不适应。 www.chemyq.com 2. Why do you think you are suited for his job? 你为什么觉得自己适合这份工作? campushr.cn 3. That makes this transaction strategy ill suited for applications that are "chatty. " 这使得这种策略不太适合“聊天”应用程序。 www.ibm.com 4. Yet more confirmation that the Steinecker brewhouse system is ideally suited for all plant sizes. 这就再次证明了,斯坦尼克的糖化设备适合各种企业规模。 www.krones.com 5. These varieties included both wine and table grapes as well as varieties suited for each. 这些品种既包括葡萄酒和葡萄,以及为每个适合的品种。 www.shuiguobang.com 6. Disclosed are substrates suited for dispensing air treatment chemicals upon being heated. 公开了一种适于在被加热时散发空气处理化学品的基底。 ip.com 7. "It's aesthetic, comfortable, and suited for younger people and older people, " he says, extolling the shoe's virtues. “这种鞋子美观、舒适,而且老少咸宜”,他在夸耀这双鞋的优点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The containers are particles of the Cowpea mosaic virus, which is ideally suited for designing biomaterial at the nanoscale. 这种载体是豇豆花叶病毒颗粒,一种非常符合设计需要的纳米级生物材料。 news.dxy.cn 9. They are also well-suited for applications experiencing vibration, mechanical stress and strong erosive forces. 还非常适合在受振动、机械应力和强烈腐蚀的环境中应用。 www.bokee.net 10. Informix is particularly well suited for use as an embedded database. Informix特别适合作为嵌入式数据库使用。 www.ibm.com 1. Best suited for measuring temperatures of dies, molds, plates, walls, glassware, bearings and other stationary surfaces. 最适合于模具、铸模、平板、墙面、玻璃器皿、轴承以及它静止固体的表面温度。 www.measure-qd.com 2. The method was suited for the control of zinc, copper and iron content in porcelain insulator pla. . . 该法适用于镉镍电池陶瓷绝缘子镀液中锌、铜、铁含量的现场控制分析和样品系统分析。 www.chemyq.com 3. While DataStage job design is well suited for relational data, the assembly is well suited for hierarchical data. 虽然DataStage作业设计很适合于关系型数据,但程序集很适合于分层数据。 www.ibm.com 4. Ideally suited for Experiment Instrument, Air and Water Supply Equipment and Display and Control of Pressure in the Process, etc. 是实验仪器,供气、供水设备,工业过程压力显示和控制等的理想选择。 www.shengche.com 5. The course is especially suited for students undertaking empirical exercise in writing their M. A. thesis. 本课程对于写实证研究的硕士论文特别有益。 ap09.emis.tku.edu.tw 6. It is particularly suited for measuring some parts as case shape. It's ratio of price and performance is the optimal option for enterprises. 该仪器特别适合箱体类零件的测量,其特有的价格性能比是各大中小型企业的最佳选择。 www.jixie.net 7. In practice, blind tables are best suited for figure labels and table headings rather than section titles. 实际上,隐形表最适合用于图像标签和表头,而不是段落标题。 www.ibm.com 8. Linear acceleration of electrons and positrons is what plasma-based accelerators are most suited for. 电子与正子的直线加速,是以电浆为基础的加速器最适合的领域。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. In college, I chose Exhibition and Show specialty, because my personality is suited for service industry. 在大学,我选择了会展专业,因为我觉得自己的性格很适合从事服务行业。 www.zx0371.com 10. TheCLI is particularly suited for automation of repetitive or delayed tasks, and provides very simple inter-process communication. CLI将被特别适合自动化重复或延迟任务,并提供了非常简单的进程间通信。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. But they emphasize different usage patterns, which makes them better suited for different tasks. 但它们强调不同的用法模式,从而使其适用于不同的任务。 www.ibm.com 2. There are a number of common usage patterns that are well-suited for using message queueing. 有一些最适合于使用消息排队的常见用法模式。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Ball Check Valves are well suited for general applications of fluids free from debris and entrained solids. 球体止回阀适用于没有碎片和颗粒进入的各种普通应用场合。 www.h6688.com 4. Microstrip antennas is especially suited for conformal applications because of its characteristic. 微带天线的特性,使它特别适合于做共形天线。 www.fabiao.net 5. An overly simplified description, but the result is a new intermediate form better suited for high- and low-level optimizations. 这是一个过度简化的描述,但是其结果是一种新的中间形式,这种形式更适合于高级和低级优化。 www.ibm.com 6. UML is a standard modeling language best suited for designing and implementing software. UML是最适合设计和实现软件的标准建模语言。 www.infoq.com 7. If there's one place in your home that is most suited for the "one-in, one-out" rule, it's your underwear drawer. 如果你家里的一个地方最符合“一进一出”规则的话,那它就是你的内衣抽屉。 www.bing.com 8. SOFTIMAGE|XSI is ideally suited for the demands of fast-paced commercial production. XSI是满足快节奏商业制作需求的理想选择。 archive.hxsd.com 9. "IPads are not suited for inputting and processing data, so people end up having both their laptops and iPads. " “iPad不适合输入和处理数据,所以人们既带笔记本又带iPad。” www.bing.com 10. Therefore, their stability makes miRNA levels well suited for being tested in patient samples. 因此,它们的稳定性使得其实际值与在病人身上得到的测试值吻合的很好。 www.bing.com 1. Publication of general medical healthcare series, "Yi Hsien Wen Ku" is well suited for general public. 同时也出版大众医学保健丛书「艺轩文库」,适合一般社会人士阅读; dictsearch.appspot.com 2. "Architects are well-suited for modeling and lighting" , Ha on qui , "but they make lousy animators! " “建筑师非常适合广告设计师薪水做模型和灯光”,Haon自嘲地说,“但是他们总让动画师感觉恶心!” www.bing.com 3. Elizabeth Barrett Browning and her husband, Robert Browning, led lives suited for leading Romantic poets. 伊丽莎白·巴雷特·勃朗宁和她的丈夫罗伯特·勃朗宁的生活符合一流浪漫诗人的身份。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. Batteries made this way tend to be small and costly, suited for specialist devices like sensors. 使用这种方式制作的电池往往是小型的和昂贵的,适用于特殊设备比如传感器。 www.ecocn.org 5. Spring AOP was not suited for advising fine-grained objects-objects need to be Spring-managed or proxied programmatically. SpringAOP不适合通知细粒度的对象——对象需要由Spring管理或者通过编程被代理。 www.infoq.com 6. But if he isn't perfectly suited for the triangle offense, at 6-10, Odom remains the most diversely talented player in the game. 但是如果不是因为这个6尺10寸的大个子能够很好的适应三角进攻,他也不会被成为联盟里最有天赋最全面的球员。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Optimum polishability and photo etching properties suited for nitriding, hard chromium plating &PVD coating. 抛光性能和光蚀性能甚佳,适合氮化,镀硬铬和物理气相承继等。 www.qiyeku.com 8. They have two thumbs on their hands that aid in grasping, as well as strong arm muscles suited for climbing. 它们手上有两个爪子,这有利于攫取,同时强有力的手臂也很适合攀爬。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 9. Yes, WebSphere Portal is well suited for enterprise applications, and we have customers running WebSphere Portal with several million users. 是的,WebSpherePortal非常适合于开发企业应用程序,我们的有些客户也正在运行有几百万用户访问的WebSpherePortal。 www-128.ibm.com 10. This scenario is best suited for applications where the application server has a DB2 Connect gateway available. 该场景最适合于其中应用程序服务器可获得DB2Connect网关的应用程序。 www.ibm.com 1. In other words, astrometry is ideally suited for detecting planetary systems like our own. 换句话说,天体测量很适合探测像我们这样的行星系统。 my.opera.com 2. Suited for teams playing in lower divisions or teams with far less technical skills then league average. 适合玩队在较低的分部或小组,以尽量少的技能,然后联赛平均水平。 ourcm.net 3. This hotel is not suited for people who have large families or who have more than one small luggage! 这间酒店不适合那些大家庭以及带很多行李的人。 weike.taskcn.com 4. Impaired memory and judgment, dizziness, drowsiness and other complications made them ill suited for troops in combat. 记忆力减退、认知障碍、头晕、困倦和其它的伴随症状都困扰着战场上的士兵。 news.dxy.cn 5. I suggest doing a project that is well suited for that language and doing it in that language's style. 我建议用这门语言的风格去做一个适合该语言的项目。 www.bing.com 6. I suspect that iUI is best suited for sites that can be easily conceptualized as a list. 我认为iUI最适合用于能够轻松实现为列表的站点。 www.ibm.com 7. A blade assembly suited for both blending and food processing in small throat blender jars is provided. 提供了一种适合在小喉口搅拌瓶中进行混合和食品处理的刀片组件。 ip.com 8. The washes are suited for moderate hand washing and machine washing at low or normal temperature water. 本发明的洗涤物适用于低温水或者常温水中的温和手洗与机器洗涤。 ip.com 9. These loading stations are ideally suited for applications with limited space. 这些装载站非常适合空间受限的应用。 www.gyzdhw.com 10. Recently re-signed Joel Anthony is a solid big man that can rebound and play defense, but is also suited for a reserve role. 最近重新签订的乔尔安东尼是一个坚实的大个子,可以抢篮板和防守,也是一个适合的替补角色。 www.zoomkobe.cn 1. These products are well suited for testers (and developers) to use in the course of testing software. 这些产品非常适合测试人员(和开发人员)在软件测试期间使用。 www.ibm.com 2. It is demonstrated that the technique is suited for fabrication of astronomical thin mirror. 试验证明所采用的方法适合于大口径天文薄镜面的加工。 www.opticsjournal.net 3. The result showed that the new roll groove material and the roll structure were suited for continuous casting. 经试用表明,用于辊套的新材质和新的辊子结构更适于连铸辊的工作条件。 www.chemyq.com 4. free web hosting is best suited for small sites with low traffic , like family sites or sites about hobbies. 免费虚拟主机适合于低通信的小网站,像家庭网站和有关兴趣的网站。 www.ichacha.net 5. The premium that the market gave light, sweet crude oil, which is well-suited for making diesel, has dwindled as diesel demand has shrunk. 适于生产柴油的轻质低硫原油的溢价也随着柴油需求的萎缩而降低。 laoguoweixiu.blog.163.com 6. My manager advised that my combined technical, marketing, and legal background made me uniquely qualified and well-suited for promotion. 我的经理建议我说我身兼的技术,市场和法律背景使得我在晋升的时候处于独一无二的有利地位。 www.bing.com 7. The program is well-suited for long time unattended recording and you don't miss the start of a song or sound. 该方案是良好的,长期无人值守录音适合你不要错过一首歌曲或声音的开始。 www.jisuxz.com 8. XML Schema is widely used and well-suited for statically describing the structure and content of XML. XML模式广泛用来静态地描述XML的结构和内容,它非常适合这个用途。 www.ibm.com 9. Although armed, it is better suited for behind-friendly-lines battlefield replenishment. 虽然有武器,但它更适合在己方战线后面执行战场增援任务。 starwarsfans.cn 10. But when market competition is limited, firmsarebetter suited for conflict resolution than markets. 不过当市砙赫邢奘?更有利于冲突解决的是企业而不是市场。 www.bing.com |
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