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复数:towels 现在分词:towelling 现在分词:toweling 过去式:towelled 过去式:toweled towel 显示所有例句
IDM throw in the towel (informal) 认输;承认失败;放弃努力to admit that you have been defeated and stop trying 例句释义: 毛巾,手巾,纸巾,抹布,用毛巾擦干,毛圈布,毛巾类,面巾 1. Use a disinfecting cleanser once a week on the bathroom floor and sides of the tub and shower; rinse well and dry the surfaces with a towel. 每周用消毒清洁剂清洗浴室地面、浴缸外侧以及淋浴间,然后用毛巾擦干。 www.kekenet.com 2. Ellen dropped her towel that she had been washing the dishes with and walked daintily over to the door. 艾伦放下了正在刷碗的毛巾,优雅地走到了门口。 www.bing.com 3. She comes out with a kimono on and a towel stuck between her legs, trying to look dignified as usual. 她披着一件晨衣,两腿之间夹着一条毛巾走出来,竭力要显得像平时一样有气派。 www.bing.com 4. One of them takes out a tiny sleek telephone from his towel and starts talking. 其中一位从毛巾里掏出一部小巧圆滑的手机,开始讲话。 www.ftchinese.com 5. So before their last meal together, He took off His outer garment, wrapped a towel around His waist, and began to wash His disciples' feet. 所以在最后晚餐之前,祂脱下外衣,拿一条手巾束腰,开始为门徒洗脚。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 6. It is easy to see then, why getting bombed on a beach and then laying out on your towel to catch some rays can be disastrous. 现在你就知道了,为什么在沙滩上喝了两杯然后躺在毛巾上晒会太阳结果会很悲剧。 www.bing.com 7. Generally, if I'm blotting food like pizza my paper towel or tissue begins to break down and I get paper pieces in my food. 一般,如果我用毛巾纸或者棉纸来去除食物上的油,如比萨,就会有纸屑开始掉落在食物上。 www.elanso.com 8. Pouring hot water into a basin, Mum passed me a large towel, hurrying me to wash my feet. 把水烧开以后,倒进盆里,妈妈给我一块超大的毛巾,让我洗脚。 i.myechinese.com 9. I scolded you as you were dressing for school because you gave your face merely a dab with a towel. 当你在准备上学的时候,只用毛巾随便的擦了一下你的脸,我就骂你。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The fabric bed head was stained where other guests' heads had been and I had to put a towel over it before I could sleep. 用丝织成的床头被以前用过的客人染色,我睡之前不得不在床头盖上一个毛巾才能睡。 www.taskcn.com 1. What I've been puzzlIng about all day, " she saId after a sIp, " Is why leslIe Is throwIng In the towel now. “我整整一天都在纳闷,”她呷了一口酒说,“为什么莱斯里现在认输了。” dict.ebigear.com 2. Neighbors saw the mother, a towel over her head, clinging to her one surviving child, being escorted by the police to a waiting ambulance. 邻居们见到这位母亲时,她头上裹着毛巾,紧紧抱着她仅存的那一个孩子,在警察的护送下进入一辆等候在外的救护车里。 cn.nytimes.com 3. Dye printing towel merit artistic, variety more changeable, after the shortcoming washes the variety to be easy to draw back. 印花毛巾优点美观、花色较多变化,缺点洗涤后花色易退。 apps.hi.baidu.com 4. In General, cotton towel is often lighter than the color dyes direct dyes, but the towel easily fade. 一般而言,颜色较浅的棉毛巾常采用直接染料进行染色,但这样的毛巾容易掉色。 www.texclo.net 5. The next morning Carmen came to return Zoe's towel and retrieve her clothes. Zoe was just about to leave for school. 第二天早晨,卡门来归还佐伊的毛巾并拿回自己的衣服,这时佐伊正要去学校。 dict.ebigear.com 6. poured out the water on the ground, gently, and then entered the kitchen and began to wipe his face diligently on the towel behind the door. 他卷起袖子,轻轻地把水泼在地上,转身走进厨房,用门后面的一条毛巾使劲地擦着脸。 chinaorb.com 7. Coming out of the bathroom, Churchill dropped his towel, and there was the PM, in all his naked glory, pacing and talking. 走出来浴室,丘吉尔下降,他的毛巾,有人时,在他的所有赤裸裸的荣耀,起搏和说话。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 8. With a wet towel bound about his aching brow, he had been at work all day. 乔用一条湿毛巾捆在疼痛的前额上,已经工作了一整天。 www.crazyenglish.org 9. But WTO chief Pascal Lamy said ministers wanted him to revive the talks quickly and he would not "throw in the towel. " 但WTO总干事帕斯卡?拉米(PascalLamy)表示,各国部长希望他能尽快重启谈判,他也不会“缴械投降”。 cn.reuters.com 10. Sara presses a towel against the wound in his neck to help stem the flow of blood, meanwhile urging him to stay with her and keep breathing. Sara用毛巾压住他颈上的伤口,阻止血的流出,她还鼓励Abruzzi坚持住,持续保持呼吸。 www.bing.com 1. ( Runs out in a towel ) What's the matter with you ? (围着浴巾跑了出来)你是怎么搞得?。 www.bing.com 2. They were all wearing the same uniform: a tea towel stamped with the Hogwarts crest, and tied, as Winky's had been, like a toga. 他们都穿着清一色的工作服,茶具拭布上印着霍格瓦彻饰章,系的像温奇系的一样,像一件官服。 novel.tingroom.com 3. Then He poured water into the basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded . 约十三5随后把水倒在盆里,就开始洗门徒的脚,并用自己所束的手巾擦乾。 www.bing.com 4. Let's dry in a hot towel and let all that water drain out of the tub. 用热毛巾把自己擦干净,然后放掉浴缸中的水。 www.seed.slb.com 5. We certainly felt the impact for a brief amount of time, but I wasn't ready to throw in the towel. 有段不长的时间,我们确实感觉到了冲击,可我并不准备就此认输。 dongxi.net 6. He grabbed his towel to cover himself, but as he did so she stepped out of the shadows and showed herself to him, in all her terrible glory. 老卡斯卡利安下意识地抓过浴巾遮掩住自己的裸体,露辛迪克从阴暗的角落里走到他的面前,向他展示自己无比美丽光辉的躯体。 omigaweapon.blog.163.com 7. Turkoglu trudged through the tunnel dejected, a towel hanging from his head. 特科格鲁用一个毛巾包住了头,很沮丧的走进了球员通道。 www.kobechina.com.cn 8. Thinking no one would see him, he ran down the stairs into the dark basement without even a towel on. 他认为没人会看见他,于是跑下楼梯,进入漆黑的地下室,身上连一条毛巾都没有披上。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. They were usually in some stage of drunkenness, often in need of soap and a towel, and always ready to sing. 他们常常是醉醺醺的,有必要用香皂和毛巾,总是随时可以引吭高歌。 www.america.gov 10. Ten minutes later, she emerged from the bathroom feeling fresh and clean, with only a towel on her shoulders and slippers in her feet. 十分钟过去,她感觉清爽地身披毛巾,脚穿拖鞋走出浴室。 www.bing.com 1. She'd hardly begun when she heard someone running up the stairs. She was lying on her stomach, so she just pulled a towel over her rear. 她刚脱掉衣服就听到有人跑上楼。当时她趴着,只盖了条毛巾在背上。 cet.hjenglish.com 2. In case of gas, gas leak, fire, use wet towel to cover your mouth and nose crawl around the upper hand against the wind to direction. 如遇燃气、毒气泄漏、火灾,用湿手巾捂住口鼻,匍匐逆风绕到上风方向。 www.666so.com 3. The next time the Field Mouse came to the village he brol4ght a piece of soap and a towel which he asked the worker's wife to give him. 地老鼠听说了,有一次,他回村的时候给这位煤矿工人带了一块肥皂和一条毛巾,叫这个工人的妻子转交给他。 www.chinashakestheworldbook.com 4. I confess there was more than one moment in 1981 when I felt ready to throw in the towel. 我坦率承认,在1981年,我不止一次感到要认输了。 5. If someone came and sat down in front of me on the beach, I would probably move my towel next to them and start a conversation. 如果这海滩上有人走过来,在我面前坐下,我也许会把自己的毛巾移到他们旁边,开始和他们聊天。 my.nuaa.edu.cn 6. He made a daily raft out of the towel stand, the tea tray, and his pillows. 他用手巾架、茶盘和枕头做了一只日用的木筏。 www.bing.com 7. Rinse the soap out with cool water and lay a white towel on your cross stitch and roll it up to dry. 冲洗用冷水和肥皂奠定了在您的十字绣白色毛巾卷起来干。 www.soszx.com 8. In addition, members should be ready to do fitness ball of water and a towel, ready to add water. 此外,会员在做健身球运动时应准备水和毛巾,随时补充水分。 www.xiami360.com 9. Edward Ryan, a third-class Irish passenger, put a towel over his head before stepping into a lifeboat. 来自三等舱的爱尔兰乘客EdwardRyan包了一块毛巾在头上后就跳到了救生船上。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Towel after use must be promptly cleaned, disinfected once a week, hanging Office would like to air dry, preferably dry or drying time. 毛巾使用后要及时清洗,消毒,每周一次,挂处要晾干,最好是干燥或干燥时间。 www.qiyeku.com 1. Every morning the pool attendant would place a rolled towel and a blossom which had been freshly picked that morning on the poolside chairs. 每天早上游泳池的工作人员会放置一卷毛巾,一束早上刚摘采的鲜花放在池边椅子上。 www.taskcn.com 2. the bath towel folded behind the knee, his hands to " relieve the fist" to draw a circle along the knee bone contour massage method. 将浴巾折叠放在膝盖后方,双手握成“舒解拳”以画圆方法沿著膝盖骨的轮廓按摩。 www.cqtyam.com 3. His wife stood patiently by his side holding a towel, an old woman was sleeping soundly in a corner. 他正忙着剃胡子,他的妻子很有耐心的拿着毛巾站在旁边,一位老夫人正在角落中熟睡。 www.kekenet.com 4. Drying off with a stinky towel is not pleasant after getting squeaky clean. Get rid of that nasty mold funk with a few kitchen supplies. 清洁后用发出霉味的毛巾来擦拭是令人不愉快的。利用厨房一些触手可及的物品,清除这种令人不快的异味。 www.kekenet.com 5. He is relying on do not want such a belief is throwing in the towel, a brilliant run into the sky. 他就是靠著这种不愿服输的信念,闯出了一片灿烂的天空。 baike.baidu.com 6. You know, a burn-out, or eventually the body says, "I can't take it anymore, " and throws in the towel. 疾病突然爆发,最后身体对你说“我再也受不了了。” www.ted.com 7. There was a man in a suit, a woman with a beach towel, and a few others. 一位男士身着西装,一位女士手拿沙滩毛巾,还有另外几个人。 www.neworiental.org 8. Bonus points: If your dog walks around all day with his head covered by the towel and NEVER bumps into anything, give him an extra point . 附加分:如果你的狗狗头顶毛巾,到处乱逛,还什么东西都不碰,给它加一分。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Following a bubble bath you've prepared for her, wrap her in a towel that you've warmed up in the dryer. 和她一起洗完你准备的泡沫浴后,用烘干机加热好的毛巾来给她裹身子。 www.bing.com 10. In the early mornings, if I wore long shirts and draped my head in a towel, I could walk along this beach without scaring people. 清晨,我穿上长袖衫,头上蒙住毛巾之后,就可以沿著这海边散步,而不会吓著别人。 big5.cri.cn 1. The singer was wearing just a pair of skimpy black briefs and attempted to cover her bottom half with a tiny striped towel. 她在下面穿了一条黑色的紧身内裤并试图用一个彩条毛巾来遮住她的下半身。 www.bing.com 2. I emerged and gingerly sat down on the towel on the couch, legs tightly crossed. 我走出来,小心翼翼地坐在长椅的毛巾上,两腿交叉紧紧地夹住。 www.bing.com 3. He came out in swimming trunks, with a towel slung around his neck. 他穿着泳裤,脖子上披挂着毛巾走出来。 www.hsfxah.com.cn 4. Now comes word that some of its dealers are ready to throw in the towel. 现在有传言说,部分萨博的经销商已经打算洗手不干了。 www.fortunechina.com 5. The mixture of water and add the proper flour, tune into a paste, then rub in the face, and fifteen minutes later with a towel. 将混合的水中加入适当的面粉,调成糊状,然后涂抹在脸上,十五分钟后用毛巾擦净。 www.xuejiewang.com 6. Cover the rack with a damp tea towel , then wrap in clear film . Leave in a cool place for at least 8 hours or overnight , if possible . 用潮湿的布遮盖烤盘,然后缠上塑料薄膜。冷置至少8小时,如果可能的话,隔夜。 www.bing.com 7. once a week, after cleaning the bathroom with a clean towel wrung, repeated several times to swab. 每周一次,清洗后用干净的毛巾拧干的浴室,反复数次拭子。 www.qiyeku.com 8. But what happens when a week goes by and you don't receive an offer? Should you sit by the phone and wait or throw in the towel? 但是当一个礼拜过去后你还没有收到通知呢?你要守候在电话旁边还是认输放弃呢? bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Towels and deep color of chemical fiber class is indirect staining methods, this towel relatively not easy to fade. 而深颜色的化纤类毛巾采用的是间接染色方式,这样的毛巾相对而言不易褪色。 www.texclo.net 10. Sit with your back firmly against the chair. If necessary, place a small cushion or rolled towel behind the curve of your lower back. 保持后背紧靠椅背。如有必要,在后背下部的弯曲后面放置一个小靠垫或是卷起的毛巾。 select.yeeyan.org 1. Tip: Pour soda powder into a paper towel, bind up and put it into silk stockings. And then put into shoe cupboard, the smell can be removed. 方法:将梳打粉倒进纸巾内,包扎后放进旧丝袜内,绑好放进鞋柜,可除臭味。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Bend over on the ground, protecting mouth and nose with wet towel. After shakes shift to safe places, crawling against the wind line. 趴在地上,用湿毛由捂住口、鼻。地震停止后向安全地方转移,要匍匐,逆风而进。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. He jumped up and hastened to the mirror in the bathroom , taking away the towel to examine the cut upon his cheek . 他跳起来,连忙跑到浴室的镜子前,拿掉了毛巾,细看他面颊上的伤口。 www.bing.com 4. If any of the cleaning product has dripped onto the floor wipe away with a paper towel for a spotless finish. Clean, shiny and germ free. 如果清洁产品滴到地板上,用纸巾擦掉,这样你的厨房就一尘不染,闪闪发光,也没有细菌了。 www.kekenet.com 5. Then spread 1 tsp of olive oil with your hands all over the dough. Then cover it with a clean, damp towel. 然后手上粘上橄榄油,将油涂满整个面团,盖上一块干净而润湿的布。 blog.163.com 6. If unable to escape, but back into a room with a wet towel, etc, to prevent doors shut gas enter. 如无法逃离,可退入一个房间内,用湿毛巾等封住门缝,防止烟气进入。或利用阳台向路人求救或等待消防人员到来。 www.fangfavip.com 7. Mere cooks might roll up to a holiday dinner with a towel-wrapped butcher's knife. 一般的小厨师可能只用一把包着毛巾的菜刀来应付假日的晚餐。 www.bing.com 8. Let any particles in the water settle to the bottom of the pot, or filter them through a paper towel or clean cloth. 让水里的颗粒沉淀至锅底,或者用纸巾或干净的布过滤。 www.bing.com 9. Use a towel after bath pat dry instead of hard water, then heat can be coated with a strong dose of moisture to maintain skin moisture. 洗浴后要用毛巾轻拍,而不是用力擦干水分,然后可涂上浓厚的滋润保温剂,以保持皮肤上的水分。 www.cn-eb.com 10. The man in the middle is mending shoes. At a counter on the right, a woman is showing an old man a towel and some soap. 中间这位男子正在修鞋,靠右边的柜台里,女售货员拿出毛巾和肥皂给一位老人看。 www.hxen.com 1. Rather than throw in the towel, however, Harley decided to make a significant investment in its quality and distinctive styling. 而不是认输了,不过,哈利决定做一个重要的投资在其质量和独特的风格。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. As McLaren's difficult season hit a high point with fourth place in Bahrain, Lewis Hamilton admitted he did consider throwing in the towel. 作为迈凯轮车队的困难的赛季创下的高点,第四位在巴林,汉密尔顿承认,他确实考虑轻易服输。 usa.315che.com 3. Place in a lightly oiled bowl, turn and cover with a damp towel. 放入一个抹薄油的盆,晃动让整个面团都沾到油脂。 www.bettyskitchen.com.cn 4. When Yao heard that the " Yao Ming brand sanitary towel " was on China's market , he didn't know whether to laugh or to cry . 当姚明听到国内有“姚明牌女用卫生巾”出售这个可笑消息时﹐自己也觉得啼笑皆非。 www.bing.com 5. The invention discloses a towel embroidering apparatus. The apparatus consists of a guide rail and a thread-wiping and looping mechanism. 本发明公开了一种毛巾绣装置,该装置包括导轨和拨线打环机构; ip.com 6. By the time he came she was lying on the bed with an old towel. 等他回来的时候,她正裹着一条旧浴巾躺在床上。 anikin.bokee.com 7. Towel used to cover pillow should last for 12 days, wash pillowcases once a week should be. 枕巾应一两天换一次,枕套应当每周换洗一次。 wenwen.soso.com 8. I recall her coming out of the bathroom, her skirt tucked into her knickers and a blood-stained sanitary towel visible. 我记得她从卫生间出来时,把裙子扎在短裤里,从裤子外面能明显的看到带血迹的卫生巾形状。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 9. Nick stood up. He had never had a towel in his mouth before. 尼克站起了身,他以前从来也没有被人用一条毛巾绑在嘴上过。 www.unsv.com 10. After placing the eggs on a towel at the bottom of the aquarium and turning on the light, we began our patient vigil. 我们把鸭蛋放在箱底的毛巾上,打开灯,开始耐心地守候。 dict.ebigear.com 1. Place a towel over the entire top of the bottle, grasp the cork and slowly twist the bottle until the cork is almost out of the neck. 在整个瓶子的顶部包住一个毛巾,抓住塞子然后慢慢的转动瓶子之道瓶塞完全从瓶口取出。 www.bing.com 2. First, shake out as much water as you can and dry it off with a paper towel. 首先你要使劲的甩干它,然后用纸巾尽量吸干。 www.bing.com 3. Towel used to cover pillow skin contact with the face, if the light does not face the same towel used to cover pillow for no face. 枕巾经常与脸部皮肤接触,如果光洗脸不换枕巾等于没洗脸。 wenwen.soso.com 4. If interrogators shoved a detainee against a wall, his neck was to be supported "with a rolled towel to prevent whiplash" . 如果审讯员把扣押犯猛推到墙上先要在犯人脖颈上套好毛巾,以免其颈部受伤。 www.ecocn.org 5. Let the sun recharge your battery while you lay on your beach towel and enjoy your favorite drink. 当你躺在沙滩上喝着美味的饮料,让阳光来给你冲下电。 www.kekenet.com 6. They did not say anything. George reached down for a towel and wiped the counter. 他俩不再说下去。乔治伸手去拿一条毛巾,把柜台擦了擦。 www.unsv.com 7. Most people place the towel on their head. And remember do not use any soap or shampoo or other skin cleansers in bath tub. 大多数人是用这毛巾来敷在头上的以及请记得不要在浴池内使用任何的肥皂洗发露或其他的洁肤品。 onsenji.com 8. A "baby box" is there with a thick towel covering the bottom, and lights and heating to keep a baby comfortable. “弃婴收容箱”里铺着厚厚的毯子,里面的光照和温度让婴儿觉得舒服。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. They stood watching while I took a change of clothing and a towel from the drawer under one of the bunks in the after cabin. 然后我从后轮的一个铺位的一个抽屉里拿出一条毛巾。 bbs.24en.com 10. We design and time requirements of these is the need, or need you to design any late towel, just need to provide the LOGO on it. 我们人和时代设计公司就是需要规定的这些内容,不然晚巾需要你设计什么,只需要提供LOGO就可以了。 www.rhtimes.com 1. Arable set the carton down at Fern's place. Then he walked to the sink and washed his hands and dried them on the roller towel. 阿拉勃先生把纸箱放在弗恩的位置上,然后走到洗手槽那里洗手,并用卷筒毛巾擦干。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Have the rest of the state Xialechuang , careless father suffers from a bath towel just trap , the door was forced open . 装着慌慌张张的样子下了床,胡乱抄起一件浴巾刚裹住下身,门就被撞开了。 www.bing.com 3. As a courtesy to the next passenger , may we suggest that you use your towel to wipe off water basin ! Thank you ! 为了下一位乘客便利,用后请用纸巾将脸盆擦干净。谢谢! www.bing.com 4. "At a local level . . . I think the first inclination was to try and put a towel over it and deal with it without an official recall. " “在地方一级……我觉得他们首先想做的就是试图掩盖事实,希望不通过官方正式召回就解决问题。” www.ftchinese.com 5. "No. Finished. " The waiter wiped the edge of the table with a towel and shook his head. “不,没有了。”年轻的侍者一边拿毛巾擦擦桌子的边缘,一边摇头.。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Let the infant or child have a special teddy or toy and use a warm fluffy towel as a wrap or to lie on. 按摩时给宝宝一个特别的泰迪熊或者其他的玩具,准备一条绒绒的毛巾用来包裹或者平铺在地上。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. To avoid the appearance of imbroglio , still should be in body underlay a few towel. 为了防止一团糟的场面,还应在身下垫一些毛巾。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. A pair of underwear, a piece of black soap and a towel. 一套内衣裤,一块黑肥皂和一条毛巾。 www.langmanzg.com 9. The book says the saying began because a competitor's face was cleaned with a cloth towel or other material. 书上说这句话开始,因为竞争对手的脸用毛巾布或其他材料清洗。 www.englishtang.com 10. Never had a cigarette . I have never found a hotel towel or blanket in a dog's suitcase . 从来没有一条狗在床上抽烟而引起失火,也从未发现狗的箱子里有旅馆的手巾或毯子。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. A second woman is shown crouching to support the head of the new mother, who appears to be lying on a towel. 照片上另一名女子蹲着扶着新妈妈的头,她身下似乎铺着一条毛巾。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. When her mother untwisted the towel, Alison watched the thick hair bounce around her sister's shoulders. 当妈妈把毛巾解开时,艾利森看到一团浓密的头发在妹妹肩头荡来荡去。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. She threw in the towel before you were ready. Get on her good side and win her back. 在你准备好之前她就已经放弃了。要发现她的优点并将她追回来。 www.kekenet.com 4. Sucre watches as Michael pulls the cell phone from his pocket, wraps it in a towel and stuffs it in the box. Sucre看见Michael从口袋里拿出了一个手机,用手巾包裹起来塞进了箱子里。 www.bing.com 5. Wash the chicken breast and dry up with a kitchen towel. Thinly slice and add in cornstarch . Mix them thoroughly with your hand. 鸡胸肉洗净,用厨房纸巾擦干水分,切成薄片,再调入玉米淀粉,用手抓匀。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. If the dog is dirty when it comes in from outside, put it in it's crate with a clean cotton towel for about a half an hour. 如果狗是不洁的时候,从外面把它在它的板条箱与清洁棉毛巾大约半小时。 bbs.westies.cn 7. I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busily drying myself with a towel when I heard the steps. 我刚刚走出浴室,正在忙着用毛巾把自己擦干,这时我听到了脚步声。 qkzz.net 8. After I get out of the shower, I prefer to towel-dry my hair, not blow dry it. 洗澡之后,我更喜欢用毛巾擦干头发,而不是用风筒吹干它。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. "I love this town so much, " the older woman said, a blue towel draped over her head to protect against fallout. “我爱这个小镇,”母亲说。蓝色的手巾在她的脸前垂着。 www.bing.com 10. When it rang out with with a sterile towel dry clean water. 用时将瓜瓤取出,用消毒洁净毛巾吸干水份。 sites.google.com 1. apply warm compress to the breasts ( e . g . with a warm towel ) for a few minutes. 热敷乳房数分钟(可用热毛巾,但避免敷及乳头和乳晕)。 www.ichacha.net 2. After it finished, Agassi then sat in his chair and put a towel to his familiar face. He was already starting to cry. 赛后,阿加西坐在椅子上,用毛巾遮住了那张我们熟悉的面容,已经泣不成声。 zxkt.com 3. Computer has key in your towel. You can show your request to us when you wish to use it, but you can only use it once a day. 毛巾已经入电脑了,你可以在你想使用的时候向我们提出,但每天只能使用一次。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Her hair - The hair is a woman's crowning glory. But it was used as a towel on the feet of Jesus. 自己的头发---头发是一个女人至高的荣耀。但如毛巾一样被用在耶稣的脚上。 gbicp.org 5. When poison gas leaking, run against the wind. Use wet towel to cover your mouth and nose. 遇到化工厂着火,毒气泄漏,不要向顺风方向跑,要尽量绕到上风方向去,并尽量用湿毛巾捂住口、鼻。 wenwen.soso.com 6. From this chart, you can see that the Miracle Towel is one of our thickest towels. 从这一图解,你能见到,奇迹毛巾是我们最厚的毛巾之一。 www.autobling.net 7. At present, printing flame to thin thin plain weave fabric or fabric, most used for making women's shirts, caps and gowns, towel and skirt. 长远,印不攒毛织物以薄型陡纹织物或薄纱织物为主,众数用来制息妇女的衬衫、便服、被巾和裙子。 www.bing.com 8. And a power tie ? - No , pretty much just a towel . 打着领带?-不,他只围一条浴巾。 www.icrystalnotes.com 9. First of all, should first cover your nose and mouth with a wet towel, and then quickly fled from the stairs, do not take elevators. 首先应该先用湿毛巾捂住口鼻,然后迅速从楼梯逃离,勿坐电梯。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Are there any telltale signs you should be looking for when trying to decide if you throw in the towel? 当你在决定是否要放弃的时候,你是不是应该寻找一些迹象呢? www.kekenet.com 1. I can remember walking into the dressing room and the first thing I saw was Zola's bum as he reached for his towel! 我还记得走进更衣室时,第一眼看到的是佐拉(前切尔西球员---译注)的光屁股,他正要取他的毛巾! www.bing.com 2. He stood up, use a handkerchief wiped out of hand, and touch another piece of towel, the old woman's saliva slowly erase. 他站起来,用一块手巾擦了擦手,又摸出另一块手巾,把老妇人的口水缓缓地擦掉。 www.aixxs.cn 3. Wrap your dog in a heavy towel or blanket to keep him warm and restrict his movements. Having assistance would be helpful. 将受伤狗用大手巾或者毯子包裹起来,以保持其体温,并限制其活动,如果能有人协助将会更好。 www.8pet.net 4. Then, wipe the phone gently with a towel, and shove it into a jar full of uncooked rice. 然后小心地用毛巾包住手机,并放入装满生米的罐头瓶里。 www.bing.com 5. "Here put that towel down again and let's see if I can crawl out of here, " I instructed. “再把毛巾放到这里来,我看看能不能爬出去吧,”我指导他。 www.joyen.net 6. He did not have cancer -- but the "growth" that had been causing him pain was in fact a 25-year-old surgical towel. 他没有得癌症——一直以来引起他疼痛的“生长物”实际上是留在体内25年的手术纱布。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Folding the bath-towel-sized ballot paper will also be tough, and voting will take so long queues will need patience. 如何折叠浴巾大小的选票也很棘手,而投票时需要排队等很长时间因此需要耐心。 www.ecocn.org 8. BATHROOMS: A man has five items in his bathroom: a toothbrush, shaving cream, razor, a bar of soap, and a towel from the Holiday Inn. 一个男人在他的盥洗室里有五件东西:一把牙刷,剃须膏,剃刀,一盒肥皂和从假日旅馆顺来的一条毛巾。 www.bing.com 9. His eyes passed over the frightened attendant and focused on Gallagher, who threw another rolled towel down the 60-foot hall. 他的眼睛扫过吓坏了的看护员,接着盯着加拉赫。加拉赫此时往60英尺高的厅里又扔了一个卷着的毛巾。 www.zftrans.com 10. will be Taomi Shui (the first two times) into the pot, put a towel put to cook, boil and then multi - cook for a while on the list. 将桃米水(前两次到锅),把一条毛巾,做上,煮沸,然后多-做饭一名单上一段时间。 www.qiyeku.com 1. Half basin of water with a towel laid on the edge of the basin, washing face was at a price of five Fen. 脸盆里盛了小半盆清水,盆沿上搭块毛巾,洗一洗脸五分钱。 www.bing.com 2. He traveled only with a bag, which contained a razor, a piece of soap and a towel. 他旅游时只带了一个包,包里装着一个剃须刀、一块肥皂和一条毛巾。 www.worlduc.com 3. Both of the dining room and bar do not use the throwaway chopsticks , the disposable wet towel and plastic tablecloth . 餐厅及吧室不使用一次性筷子、一次性湿毛巾和塑料桌布; www.bing.com 4. This creative towel reminds you to be careful during the summer. 这条设计新颖的毛巾让你在炎炎夏日小心身体。 www.bing.com 5. American women due to the habit of make-up, so they do not welcome service personnel sent to incense towel facial. 美国妇女因有化妆的习惯,所以他们不欢迎服务人员送香巾擦脸。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Please bring: Swimsuit, towel and spare pair of socks. Shampoo, soap etc. ( Showers available). 携带泳衣、毛巾、浴巾、备用的袜子、洗发精、肥皂等盥洗用具。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. To lower the body temperature or get rid of scorching effects you can wrap your body with a damp towel or cloth. 为了降低体温或消除灼热感,你可以用湿毛巾或衣物包裹你的身体。 www.bing.com 8. Gently towel her dry and tuck her into a freshly made bed with a kiss on the forehead. 温柔地用讲她拭干后放入刚铺好的床上并给她的额头一个轻吻。 www.huawai.org 9. If you need to run to the bathroom, grab a towel, or get some water, slow the machine down to a very reduced pace and lower the incline. 如果你需要跑向卫生间,拿毛巾,或者拿水,让机器的速度慢下来,放低坡度。 www.bing.com 10. he could not hide his disappointment at his defeat , burying his face in a towel and slumping to his chair dejectedly. 他无法掩饰自己输掉比赛后的沮丧。他用毛巾捂着脸,心灰意冷地倒在椅子上。 www.ichacha.net 1. Keep spine lengthened. Do not allow low back to shift or twist. If hamstrings are too tight, place a towel under buttocks. 保持脊柱收紧,不要让下背部抬起或旋转,如果腘绳肌太紧,放一个浴巾在臀部下面。 xiaozu.renren.com 2. Applicable scope: Inspection on dress, towel, glove, knitted sweater, down and feather garment, bedding as well as plush mid and small toys. 适用范围:服装、毛巾、手套、羊毛衫、羽绒服、床上用品及长毛绒中小玩具的检测。 www.shydfzjx.com 3. A bathing suit and towel are the basics for a great day of swimming or running through the sprinkler. 只要有一套泳衣和一条毛巾这些基本的东西,你这一天就可以在飞扬水花中尽情地游泳和奔跑。 www.elanso.com 4. Do towel the children down very thoroughly, they're wet to the skin and might catch cold! 一定要用毛巾把孩子们彻底擦干,他们浑身湿透了,说不定会着凉的。 www.websaru.com 5. Since towel fabric has unique loose structure, continuous padding of it with vat dyes was performed, followed by wet shortened steaming. 由于毛巾织物具有特殊的疏松组织结构,一般采用浸染方式进行还原染料染色,但浸染工艺重现性差、能耗大、产能低。 www.chemyq.com 6. In the old days there was a laundered towel in a roll that you pulled down . 过去,人们是把洗干净、卷成卷的毛巾拉下来。 www.bing.com 7. Sometimes, we would even throw a bath towel into the dryer just before a shower, so it would be nice and warm to wrap around our bodies. 甚至有时候在洗澡前,我们会提前把浴巾烘一下,因为这样裹在身上觉得十分柔然而且热烘烘的。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. As a courtesy to the next passenger, may we suggest that you clean the basin with the towel you have been using. 为照顾其他顾客,我们竭诚建议你用清洁纸把刚使用过的脸盆擦干净。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Buying Bank One is not meant to be a sign Mr Harrison is throwing in the towel on investment banking, analysts said. 分析师表示,如今摩根大通收购第一银行,并不表明哈里森先生要放弃投资银行业务。 finance.sina.com.cn 10. Mary was afraid she had left her towel where the tide would reach it, but she found it high and dry. 玛丽本担心她搁浴巾的地方潮水会溅到,但是她后来发现它并没有溅湿。 www.websaru.com 1. "What difference does it make? " Jen asked rather calmly. "No one can see me up here, and besides, I'm covered with a towel. " “有什么差别吗?”珍非常平静地问道:“这里反正没人看见,再说我也有盖毛巾啊。” cet.hjenglish.com 2. Jack pulled out a paper towel wiping his tears, said: oh no, give me a chance! WuWuwu . . . 杰克掏出纸巾擦着眼泪说:别,给我一次机会吧!呜呜呜… blog.sina.com.cn 3. Makes a move as if to finish work , then turns and looks at loaf of bread outside the breadbox . Drops towel . 开始动手好像要把活儿干完,然后转身看着面包盒外的那条面包。 www.engbus.com 4. The next day, take everything out and clean with a damp paper towel. 第二天,去除所有东西用湿纸巾擦一擦。 www.bing.com 5. A man has six items in his bathroom: toothbrush and toothpaste, shaving cream, razor, a bar of soap, and a towel . 一个男人的浴室里有6样东西:牙刷,牙膏,剃须膏,剃须刀,香皂和毛巾。 www.bing.com 6. This paper towel holder was used for the Save the Trees awareness campaign (Shanghai). 用于保护树木宣传活动的纸巾盒子(上海)。 bbs.cnnas.com 7. Use either a store-bought cold pack or simply freeze a wet towel before going out on a run. 在跑步之前用商场买的冰袋或者简易的冰冻的湿毛巾冰敷。 www.bing.com 8. This one is a lion with a movable knocker, it looks a little bit like a towel holder. 这一个用一个可动的敲击者是一只狮子,它看像一个手巾持有人的小一点点。 wenwen.soso.com 9. You need more than a bent nose, scar tissue and a towel to be a trainer. 要成为一个好教练,你需要的不仅仅是一只打歪的鼻子、一身伤疤以及一条擦汗大粗毛巾。 bbs.transn.com 10. Particularly a time switch is arranged; therefore people can dry the towel only through opening the power source with convenient operation. 特别是设置了烘干定时开关,人们只需启动电源即可达到烘干毛巾的目的,操作方便。 ip.com 1. Do not lose sight of the towel used to cover pillow, a clean bed. 千万不要忽略了枕巾、枕套的清洁卫生。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Getting out of the shower and wrapping yourself with a warm, fuzzy towel. 沐浴后裹上一条温暖柔软的毛巾。 spaces.msn.com 3. The heat will draw the wax out of the carpet and into the towel. 热量会把地毯上的蜡吸收到毛巾上。 www.bing.com 4. or you can be common towel, replaced with your name for a small towel. 或者你可以将普通擦手巾,换成绣有你们名字的小毛巾。 xian.edeng.cn 5. Even though you warp up in a towel, your body starts to shake. 即使你裹在大毛巾里,你的身体也在发抖。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Crossed Bob of a few seconds to gave money to go, wife is bemused excited her wrap luckily on towel goes upstairs. 过了几秒Bob给了钱就走了,老婆困惑又兴奋她的好运的裹上毛巾上楼。 qyweb.org 7. Mrs. Madrigal picked up a towel and began drying dishes next to her daughter. 马德里格夫人拿起一条毛巾,开始擦干她女儿旁边的盘子。 wenku.baidu.com 8. Do not use erosional chemical product, cleanser or scour to clean mobile . please dip little suds with soft towel to clean. 勿用腐蚀性化学制剂,清洁剂或强力洗涤剂来清洗手机。请使用软毛巾蘸少量肥皂水擦拭。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. You can throw in any other like-colored laundry with the towel to run a full load. 你可以将同样颜色的其他任何衣物和毛巾一起丢入洗衣机,这样就可以满负荷运载。 www.kekenet.com 10. wife thinks, take off next towel, naked station is before Bob, crossed Bob of a few seconds to gave money to go. 老婆想了想,就脱下毛巾,裸站在bob面前,过了几秒bob给了钱就走了。 qyweb.org 1. The great white shot out of the water, thrashing Endris like a wet towel. 大白鲨冲出水面,像一条湿毛巾一样打在Endris身上。 www.bing.com 2. After a while, Ken found the laptop in James's cupboard which is covered by his towel and clothes. 一会后,肯在詹姆斯的毛巾和衣服下面找到了詹姆斯的笔记本。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Occasionally wipe off any residue with a towel and proceed to the next areas. 偶尔用毛巾擦掉残留物,然后继续到下一个地区作业。 www.autodetail.cc 4. A bath-towel was by some weird chance in the boat, and, tying this on the stick, the captain waved it. 很奇怪,船上碰巧有条浴巾。船长把浴巾绑在木棍上不断摇晃。 el.mdu.edu.tw 5. Please get one towel with you, drink the water with the bottle, don't eat the food in the yoga room. 请您随身携带毛巾、用密封的水壶饮水,瑜伽房内不允许携带任何食品,不准嚼口香糖。 blog.iqilu.com 6. In order to save water, I haven't washed the hotel towel in a week. 为了节水,我一个星期都没洗酒店的毛巾了…… www.douban.com 7. How hard should a web designer fight for a good design decision before they throw in the towel and let a bad design decision happen? 在设计师们认输并采用一个糟糕的设计策略之前,他应该做出多少努力来维护他的良好的设计决策呢? blog.sina.com.cn 8. Love is giving her the towel when her eyes are filled with shampoo. 爱是她眼睛上沾满洗发水的时候递过去的毛巾。 blog.163.com 9. After washing clean, do not wring their hands, use a towel wrapped wrung out excess water, then dry in the shade complete. 洗洁净之后,不要用手拧,要用毛巾包著拧出多馀的水分,然后在阴凉处完整晾乾。 99mrw.5d6d.com 10. When cleaning an inside ceiling, spray the product on a clean towel for scrubbing, then wipe it twice more with a wrung -out wet towel! 清洁内部顶棚时,应将产品喷在干净毛巾上擦洗,再用拧干的湿毛巾抹多两遍! dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Do not wipe the refrigerator with a soiled dish cloth of wet towel. 不要用脏抹布或湿巾擦洗冰箱。 www.en-ch.com 2. To maintain the crisp crust, store draped with a clean tea towel or in a heavy paper bag. 为了保持面包清晰的外壳,最好用干净的茶巾或厚重的纸袋将其悬挂。 www.dltcedu.org 3. While in the locker room, make sure you wear flip-flops, and avoid sitting nude on any exposed surface, try to sit on your towel instead. 当在更衣室,确定您佩带啪嗒啪嗒的响声,和避免坐裸体在任一被暴露的表面,尝试改为坐在您的毛巾。 officialhealthtips.com 4. Lastly, wipe the powder brush clean with a paper towel. Then using a gentle, circular motion, blend any noticeable bronzer stripes. . 最后,用纸巾把粉刷擦干净。然后,以打圈的方式,轻轻地把修颜粉打匀。 www.yayan123.com 5. The second was another case of a foreign bank throwing in the towel after failing to crack America's retail market. 第二宗交易则可以看成外资银行在开拓美国零售银行市场又一次失败的案例。 www.ecocn.org 6. Giving her the towel when her eyes are filled with shampoo . 她眼睛沾到洗发精时,赶快递上毛巾。 www.bing.com 7. A man has five items in his bathroom: a toothbrush, shaving cream, razor, a bar of soap, and a towel. 男人浴室有五宝:牙刷,剃须膏,剃须刀,一块肥皂和一块毛巾。 wenku.baidu.com 8. The material on the robot's conveyer belt, which MIT calls a "paper towel for oil spills, " can absorb up to 20 times its weight in oil. 机器人的传送带制作材料被麻省理工称为“原油泄漏纸毛巾”(“papertowelforoilspills”),它能吸取相当于自身重量20倍的原油。 www.bing.com 9. As he starts to shave he suddenly remembers that there is no clean towel. 正要刮胡子,他猛然想起没有干净毛巾了。 www.bing.com 10. Use a hot iron over a damp towel to draw wax spills out of a rug. 使用高温熨烫的方法,下铺一湿湿的毛巾,除去地毯上的蜡滴。 sunstreak.blog.35.cn 1. Dab it dry with a clean white towel, then let the carpet air-dry (it will appear slightly darker until completely dry). 用白色毛巾快速擦干,然后让地毯自然风干(在完全干透之前它的颜色会显得有点深)。 www.bing.com 2. I don't want my friends to see her smeared with icing, so I wet a paper towel and wipe her. 我不希望我的朋友看到她与结冰抹黑,所以我湿纸巾擦拭她。 www.126fw.com 3. Another good trick: Have a complete bag of running gear (and a dry shirt and towel) always at the ready in the trunk of your car. 另外一个建议:另备好一整套的跑步服装(带上干净的衬衫和毛巾),放在车上以备用。 www.bing.com 4. Should the product get wet, remove any residual water immediately with a paper towel, pack loosely with paper and allow drying naturally. 一旦皮革沾湿,立即使用纸巾擦拭上面附着的水滴,用纸轻轻包住等待自然风干。 www.italki.com 5. Don't fret over spilled eggs. Just pour salt on top of the spill to cover the eggs. Then wipe the eggs up with a paper towel. 不要洒出的鸡蛋而苦恼,只需在鸡蛋顶部撒些盐覆盖着它,然后用纸巾擦掉就行了。 www.100ye.com 6. Wipe off the salt and water with a towel. To make sure your board doesn't warp, set it on its side when you are finished cleaning. 用毛巾擦干盐和水。为了保证砧板不变形,清洁工作完成之后将砧板侧放。 www.kekenet.com 7. As a token of appreciation, each participant will receive a WWF towel pack and a bottle of drink . 所有参加者均可获世界自然基金会毛巾礼品包一份及饮品。 www.bing.com 8. It was a towel that somebody left the last time. 那是上次手术留在里面的一条手巾 www.tingclass.net 9. Please remember to: put towels you want washed on the floor. leave towels you will use again on the towel racks. 请牢记:将您需要清洗的毛巾放在地板上;将您准备继续使用的毛巾挂在毛巾架上。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. people who were ready to throw in the towel . 已经准备放弃希望的人们…… www.ichacha.net 1. Suddenly she hears somebody to come up, change the posture into Fu to lie immediately, pulled a bath towel lid to be on the back! 因为没有其它人,她便全身赤裸。忽然她听到有人上来,便马上把姿势改成俯卧,并拉了条浴巾盖在背上! qyweb.org 2. Please wait for a moment. I'll change another clean towel for you. 请稍候。我将另外给您换一块干净的餐巾。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Or, of course, it could mean you are done with your relationship and are about to throw in the towel. 或者,当然了,它可能意味着你对你的人际关系感到精疲力尽并准备认输。 bbs.okshe.com 4. Hand me that towel , please . I'm going to take a bath . 请把毛巾递给我。我要去洗澡。 www.bing.com 5. Mom and the children place the limp gander on a soft towel in the box. 妈妈和3个孩子将那只受伤的公雁放在了箱子里柔软的毛巾上。 www.fzfanyi.com 6. Neckguard cushion can only be dry-cleaned, but neck guard towel can be washed. 护颈垫只能干洗,护颈毛巾可洗涤。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The bank finally threw in the towel and declared bankruptcy. 这家银行终于承认失败,宣布破产了。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. Just because Schwarzenegger can't be in the new Terminator film does not mean Hollywood should throw in the towel on revamping the series. 只是因为斯瓦辛格无法在新终结者电影并不意味着好莱坞应该扔在毛巾上改造系列。 tieba.baidu.com 9. Dispense proper amount onto towel or shower cotton, work it into foam, then apply onto the body and cleanse the skin with clear water. 将适量的椰清沐浴露倒在沐浴巾或浴棉上,揉搓至产生丰富泡沫,然后涂抹全身再以清水冲净即可。 tr.bab.la 10. The first expression finds all rows that contain the word "towel" in the product description. 第一个表达式查找产品描述中包含单词“towel”的所有行。 www.ibm.com 1. After thinking for a moment, the woman drops her towel and stands naked in front of Bob. After a few seconds, Bob hands her $800 and leaves. 她想了想,脱掉了浴巾,裸体站在鲍勃面前。过了一会,鲍勃给了她800元,然后离开了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. To start, the biggest mistake investors might be making is to think that Google has thrown in the towel on the world's most populous nation. 首先,投资者可能犯的最大错误是认为谷歌已经在世界人口最多的国度认输了。 bbs.m4.cn 3. Fold the left edge of the towel just past the center of the towel, lining up the top edges. 将毛巾的左边缘折叠到刚好过毛巾的中心,上下对齐。 www.kekenet.com 4. We wish as well to get the prices diaper covers fro babies also napkins and babies towel, babies shirts and bras, confirm yo. . . 有意购买婴儿尿布、餐巾、婴儿毛巾、婴儿服装和纹胸,请报价并确定供应量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Anthony slowly pulled himself up, turned left toward the scorer's table, and flipped a towel to the court in disgust. 安东尼慢慢地站起身来,他一边朝左边的记录台走去,一边没好气地将毛巾摔到了地上。 www.bing.com 6. For Jason Trennert, founder of economic-research firm Strategas Research Partners, the moment to throw in the towel came Aug. 2, he says. 经济研究公司StrategasResearchPartners的创始人杰森?却诺特(JasonTrennert)说,对他来说,投降认输的时刻是在8月2日。 cn.wsj.com 7. Exhale and extend your left arm back to starting position, keeping tension on the towel with your right arm. 呼气同时把你的左臂伸直,右手同时拉直浴巾。 www.bing.com 8. The event has been referred to as 'the swim that needed no towel'. 这一事件后来被称为“不需要毛巾的游泳”。 www.elanso.com 9. stubborn films from paint and glass with a simply wipe of a microfiber towel. 倔强的阴影从涂料和玻璃用简单的超细纤维毛巾擦拭。 www.autodetail.cc 10. Order chairs and a sun umbrella from one of the vendors. It's not cool to sit on a towel. 订几把椅子和遮阳伞,坐在毛巾上可不太好玩。 cn.reuters.com 1. "Bernard thought it was demeaning to have his name on a tea towel, so he used Laura's instead, " Wood said. “伯纳德觉得把自己的名字印在餐巾纸上很降低身份,所以他用劳拉的名字做替代。”伍德说到。 www.bing.com 2. So, will sit on the pool, might as well fitted sit again, don't let bath towel skin direct contact with the ground. 所以,要坐在池边的时候,不妨垫上浴巾再坐,不要让皮肤直接接触地面。 www.99inf.com 3. and two paper towel folding shuttle frames are arranged in front of the pair of folding rollers. 在所述的一对折叠辊前装有两具纸巾折叠梭架。 ip.com 4. He adds cold water to the basin and washes himself; then with face and hands dripping and eyes tightly closed, he reaches FOR a towel. 他把凉水加在脸盆里洗起来,然后脸和手都滴着水,眼睛紧闭着去摸毛巾。 dict.ebigear.com 5. Precautionary measures like wiping down with a towel before stepping into the shower might help, too. 在淋浴前用毛巾擦拭干净等一些预防措施也可能有帮助。 www.bing.com 6. To ensure all dirty towel are place in collection bin. 确保脏毛巾统一放置在收集箱内。 bj.jobems.com 7. After running two miles of the marathon, Andy and Jessica decided to throw in the towel . 跑了两英里的马拉松比赛之后,安迪和洁西卡决定放弃比赛。 absorby.appspot.com 8. A vomit bag is in the seat pocket in front of you. I'll be right back with a hot towel and water. 在您座椅前哨口袋内有干净袋,我去给您拿热毛巾和水,立刻回来。 www.zhongguodianti.com 9. However, I still consider the frugal factor and will divide a paper-towel sheet in half and use only what I need. 然而我还是考虑了节俭因素,我将纸巾减少一半,只使用我想要的餐巾。 www.elanso.com 10. pick out the gristles , rinse the body and legs thoroughly and dry with kitchen towel. 剔去软骨后将鱿鱼彻底洗净,并以厨房纸巾印乾。 www.ichacha.net 1. Cleaning the flat iron with dry towel but not sharp material avoid hurt the surface. 使用后,用干毛巾擦拭表面,保持干净。请不要用锐器刮伤表面。 www.meiti.net.cn 2. The company threw in the towel after losing all of its major customers. 公司丢了所有的主要客户之后只好举白旗认输了。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. On the office desk was a paper towel roll and an ashtray with 8 cigarette butts in the ashtray. 办公桌上有一卷纸巾和一个烟灰缸,缸内有8枚烟头。 forum.china.org.cn 4. The gifts for the VIPs are also modest, including a men's tie, a candle, some chocolate and a tea towel. 贵宾们的礼包也很简朴,包括一条男士领带、一个蜡烛、一些巧克力和饮茶时用的毛巾。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. He wanted to dry himself off with the towel, but the egg rolled against him, broke, and glued his eyes shut. 他想用毛巾把水擦乾,鸡蛋又滚出来破了,把他的眼睛给粘上了; www.tingclass.com 6. So for me to throw in the towel and cry "uncle" on a shopping expedition is a serious event. 在购物历险中让我认输投降是一个很严重的事件。 www.gzdlw.com 7. She was not worried about the towel. She was just busy being beautiful. 她不是在为浴巾担心,而是忙着显示美丽。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. While standing over an old towel or newspaper, apply the mixture to your problem areas. 站在旧毛巾或是旧报纸上,将混合物抹在脂肪堆积处。 www.elanso.com 9. Before having dinner, waiter per person the first a wet towel to wipe the hand is in, had better not use it to wipe the face. 用餐前,服务员为每人送上的第一道湿毛巾是擦手用的,最好不要用它去擦脸。 www.0799.tv 10. c. Application of pressure at the perineal apex with a towel-covered hand helps to prevent extension of the episiotomy. 在会阴尖部覆盖毛巾用手加压,有助于防止会阴切口延长。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. "So true, it's strange how things happen, " said Lisa smiling and leaving Alex on the small table next to the bathtub in a towel. “千真万确,事情的进展真奇怪。”丽莎笑着把阿历克斯裹在一块浴巾里放在浴盆边的矮桌上。 mansioushi.blogcn.com 2. There were even private discussions of replacing him with Paper Towel Man (who had the same super power, but was disposable). 曾经有人私下头论过把“海绵”用“纸巾男”(他又同样的超能力,但他是一次性的)代替。 www.douban.com 3. Pat skin dry: Avoid rubbing or wiping your skin. Instead, leave it moist by gently patting or blotting with your towel. 轻拍皮肤使水自然晾干:避免揉搓擦拭你的皮肤。而是通过柔和拍打或者吸去以使皮肤保有水分。 news.dxy.cn 4. If the ink stain has just happened, get a paper towel and press it against the fabric very firmly for several seconds. 如果墨迹是刚刚沾上的,拿一张纸巾在布料上用力的擦几秒钟。 www.bing.com 5. The antibacterial towel also needs to be soaked in a nanophase material liquor. 还要将其放置在纳米材料溶液中浸泡。 ip.com 6. For respiratory protection, cover your month and nose with a wet towel or cloth to filter out radioactive particles. 应采取呼吸防护,包括用湿毛巾、布块等捂住口鼻,过滤放射性粒子。 cstiit.com 7. If your friend is staying overnight, make sure that his room is ready in advance with closet space and a fresh towel. 倘若客人留宿,那事先就应准备好房间,并备有衣橱和新毛巾。 8. Sure, you can be angry at getting splashed with mud, stepping in dog poop, or inadvertently throwing a red towel in with the white laundry. 要是泥水溅脏了衣服,踩到了狗屎,或是无意中将一条红色毛巾混在一堆白色衣物中洗,你当然会很生气。 www.ebigear.com 9. Any silk wet after can distort, do not have to use the towel and the paper napkin cleans the dirt the place. 任何的丝绸都会在湿了之后变形,不要用毛巾和餐巾纸擦拭污渍的地方。 beriney.com 10. Cover the bowl with a towel in a warm place and let it rise until doubled. About an hour or so. 在温暖的地方用毛巾盖住面团,直到其膨胀到原来的两倍大。一般需要一个小时左右。 www.bing.com |
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