单词 | tiled |
释义 | 例句释义: 平铺,平铺的,瓦片 1. The fifth grade teacher's primary school in Vietnam's northern mountains region used to have no lights, no fans and a leaky tiled roof. 这位五年级教师教书的小学校位于越南的北部山区。那里曾经没有电灯,没有电扇,瓦片铺就的屋顶是漏水的。 web.worldbank.org 2. Construction work on the block appeared to have been nearly completed, with windows fitted and a tiled facade. 正在装配窗户和外墙瓷砖的这座楼,施工工程似乎已近完成。 www.bing.com 3. Like an East Side clinic it was, with tiled walls, bare light, and marble-topped tables. And of course a big stove with an elbow pipe. 它很像纽约曼哈顿东区的一家平民诊所,砖墙,无罩的灯和大理石桌面的桌子,当然少不了一只带拐弯烟筒的大火炉。 www.bing.com 4. Wu nodded, but finished her Double Happiness brand cigarette before stubbing it out on the tiled floor. 吴点了点头,但在瓷砖上踩熄烟头之前,她还是抽完了她的双喜牌烟。 dongxi.net 5. We were at my grandparents' farm and I remember how cold the tiled floor felt underfoot. 那天我们在祖父母的农场上,我记得脚下瓷砖地板有多冷。 www.bing.com 6. In an upstairs alcove, a tiled fireplace with fitted seats is sunk into a wall, a homely architectural fitting, emanating kindness and love. 楼上有一个小凉亭,里面设有一个壁炉,尺寸相宜的席位镶嵌在墙里。整个凉亭散发着关爱和仁慈的气息,给人以家的感觉。 www.suiniyi.com 7. A black wrought-iron gate opened onto a tiled entryway that led to the three levels of shelves where the dead were to be placed. 打开一扇黑色的锻铁门,便是瓷砖铺砌的入口,再往里是三层搁板,摆放的全是亡者的尸体。 9.yeezhe.com 8. The building is constructed out of prefabricated concrete elements and its roof and end sections are tiled in grey aluminium. 建筑采用预应力混凝土构件做主要结构,其屋顶和结束部分表面铺设灰色铝板。 arch.mr926.me 9. I told that before we did not dance together today. She was tiled, so was I. 我说过我们今天没有一起跳舞。她累了,我也是。 q.sohu.com 10. Yes, when you've finished the cupboards , I'd like the wall above them to be tiled. 当你做完碗碟橱的时候,我想将它们上面的墙壁铺上瓷砖。 www.tingroom.com 1. Through the open door you see a red-tiled floor, a large wooden bed, and on a deal table a ewer and a basin. 从敞开的门外边,可以看到屋子里的红砖地,一张大木床,牌桌上摆着一只大口水罐和一个面盆。 www.for68.com 2. After his release from jail, Mr. Li spent a few days at his parent's red tiled three-floor house outside Wuhan. 李俊获释后,在他父母于武汉郊区的三层楼房内住了几天。 cn.wsj.com 3. She gently places the cat on the tiled pavement and proceeds to stomp it to death with the sharp point of her high heel. 她轻轻地猫在平铺路面并著手踩它死刑,尖高跟鞋的她。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. An old-style Mexican hotel (right) pales beneath the gleaming blue- tiled domes of the upscale Riverside Lodge in Batopilas, Mexico. 在墨西哥的巴托皮拉斯,一座老式墨西哥旅馆(右侧)在有着闪闪发光的蓝瓦圆顶的高档河畔别墅的衬托下相形见绌。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The white and grey tiled building is a corpse hotel, its 18 deceased guests tucked up in refrigerated coffins. 这栋白墙灰瓦的建筑是一座存尸所,有18位具尸体被安放在冷冻的棺材里。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Decorator: Would you like the walls painted, or to have it tiled, or wallpaper? 室内设计师:请问您喜欢墙壁用油漆、瓷砖、还是壁纸? cchc.org 7. "My Lords, " he said, his boots echoing on the tiled floor as he crossed the room. “先生们,”他说道。他穿过屋子,他的靴子敲击着花砖地板发出了回音。 www.showxiu.com 8. He would shuffle in, his soft, shiny leather shoes dancing across Momma's sunflower-yellow-tiled kitchen floor. 他总是慢慢走进屋来,穿着柔软光亮的皮鞋跳着舞步,踩过妈妈喜欢的金黄色厨房地板。 www.bing.com 9. there were unseen defenses that held it back , that kept the sun shining on the white walls , the gardens , and the red - tiled house. 有一种看不见的抵抗力挡住了它,太阳依旧照在白墙,花园和红瓷片房屋上。 www.ichacha.net 10. He was walking down the white-tiled corridor, with the feeling of walking in sunlight, and an armed guard at his back . 他走在白色瓷砖的走廊里,觉得像走在阳光中一样,后面跟着一个武装的警卫。 jukuu.com 1. After walking through the Sheesha Courtyard and past a classic Moroccan tiled fountain, you're ready for a trip to Fez or Marrakech. 穿过水烟筒院落,经过一个摩洛哥式喷泉,你就好比到了非斯或马拉喀什。 qzone.qq.com 2. Its charred chassis and a singed palm tree next to the colonel's white-tiled but wrecked villa were shown off to the foreign media. 利比亚政府向外国媒体展示了这辆车烧焦的底盘,和在上校被摧毁的白瓦别墅附近的一棵烧焦的棕榈树。 www.ecocn.org 3. In the misty gloom we draw towards buildings with black-tiled roofs and red pillars, like the palaces in Seoul. 在薄雾的朦胧中我们在一座有黑色屋顶和红色柱子的庙舍前停了下来,屋子有点像首尔的宫殿。 www.bing.com 4. Translational symmetry can be used to create patterns, such as in the case of tiled website backgrounds and repeating design elements. 平称对称可用来制作各种图案,例如平铺的网站背景和重复的设计元素。 www.bing.com 5. At his Dongdaemun Bath Academy, students gathered in a tiled shower room to learn how to scrub naked customers with a pair of sponge mitts. 在这所Dongdaemun洗浴学院,学生们集中在一个铺了瓷砖的澡堂中学习如何用海绵手套给裸体客人擦洗。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. He pushed the door open and walked down the black-and-white-tiled hall. 他推开门,然后走进了铺着黑白地砖的客厅。 www.bing.com 7. The Guest Apartment has lovely views, a terrace and a separate kitchenette and modern bath tiled in white italian marble. 客房公寓景致优美,有一个阳台和一个单独的小厨房,和镶有白色意大利大理石瓷砖的现代浴室。 www.bing.com 8. The rest of the image is then stretched or tiled (as you specify) in order to enlarge or compact the image as needed. 图像的其余部分,然后拉伸或平铺(如你指定),以图像放大或压缩需要。 www.linuxso.com 9. Like a number of publications and other common side set method, the side set way bookbinding bridge is but not fully tiled. 象一些出版物等常采用侧订方法,侧订方式装订牢固,但不能完全平铺展开。 www.bing.com 10. Looking at the house from the patio, with its ceramic tiled roof, it becomes conventional. 从庭院里看过去,这个瓦屋顶的房子显得十分传统。 www.dooland.com 1. She pulls away, looks around the room. "Nice, " she says looking at the wall tiled with antique mirrors. 她一把推开,环顾室内。“蛮好看的,”她看着墙上用瓷砖镶嵌着的老式镜子说道。 www.bing.com 2. I'm not going to do this because this texture was meant for a wall and doesn't need to be tiled vertically. 我不打算这样做,因为这本来是一个纹理墙,并不需要垂直平铺。 www.dogame.com.cn 3. There the bar, hand-tiled in aqueous mosaics, sits in the dreamlike state of a frozen wave. 在那,有瓦片镶嵌的手工流体方案,酒吧就座落在这定型了的波状梦幻境界之中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. With a striking red-tiled roof and spired towers, the 10-storey hotel pays homage to Singapore's classic colonial style of the early 1800s. 10层楼高的酒店,楼顶建有以夺目红砖砌成的塔尖,凸显新加坡于1800年代初的经典殖民地色彩。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Images can be tiled several different ways, as shown in the following table. 图像可以几种不同的方式平铺,如下表所示 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Tiled walls are typical of the subterranean stations of this period, a style that has been described as "bathroom architecture" . 墙面贴有瓷砖的地下车站主要是这一时期的作品,这一风格被誉为“浴室建筑”。 www.ell.com.cn 7. Then it uses statistic methods to adjust the input of each projector and achieves the visual-allowance seamless tiled display wall. 然后依据亮度响应曲线,引入统计算法来调整投影仪输入,从而实现视觉上无缝的多投影拼接显示。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Elevators, Gated & monitored, Water fountain, Extensive landscaping, Granite tiled courtyard, Steel trellis system. 电梯,门控和监测,水喷泉,大规模的园林绿化,庭院花岗岩砖,钢网格系统。 www.chinesebuyhome.com 9. It carries me upstairs through a square in the tiled ceiling to a dim, oak-paneled office. 传送带穿过一个有屋顶瓷砖的方格带我上楼,把我送到一间阴暗的、橡木装饰的办公室。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. During Qing Emperor QianLong's reign it was reconstructed again in 1751. This time the roof was tiled only in azure colored tiles. 在1751年清朝乾隆年间又再次重修了。这次屋顶全部只用蓝色的釉砖。 www.beijingguide2008.com 1. Rush-bottomed arm-chairs faced each other across the tiled hearth, and rows of Delft plates stood on shelves against the walls. 两把灯心草根做的扶手椅面对面摆在铺了瓷砖的壁炉地面两侧,靠墙的架子里是一排排德尔夫特生产的陶瓷盘子。 www.bing.com 2. Above a washed-away hamlet clay-tiled homes are still standing, and a garden with tenderly coiffed trees. 在一座被海啸冲刷过的小村庄里,一间瓦房仍然矗立在原地,旁边的公园里还有仔细修剪过的树木。 www.hxen.com 3. Flora: Oh, what a dazzlingly white room! Tiled walls, white wash-basin, and a bathtub! Well, well, beauty and comfort combined! 弗洛拉:真是白得耀眼的房间呐!瓷片贴的墙,洁白的洗手盆,还有浴缸!好哇,好哇,真是既美观又舒适! dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Almost all systems have adopted a tiled-grating approach to meet the size requirements for the compression gratings. 几乎所有的该类大型装置均采用拼接光栅的方法满足压缩器光栅的尺寸要求。 www.opticsjournal.net 5. This French castle may have slate-tiled turrets and a castellated tower but its interior is more like Philippe Starck. 这个法兰西城堡有着板岩平铺而成的角楼和一个城状型塔,但是她的内部装修却是菲利普·史塔克风格的。 www.bing.com 6. The building was regular , the roof was tiled , the window shutters were not painted green, nor were the walls covered with honey suckles . 它的建筑一般化,盖瓦的屋顶,百叶窗没有漆成绿色,墙上也没盖常青藤。 www.bing.com 7. The tiled floor was cool and smooth, and the feel of it reminded him of holidays long ago in hot places. 铺了瓷砖的地板冰冷而光滑,这种感觉令他联想起很久以前在炎热地带度过的假日情景。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. If a rectangle can be tiled with squares then the ratio of two neighboring sides of the rectangle is rational . 如果一个矩形可以划分成一些正方形,则该矩形的两条邻边之比是有理数。 www.bing.com 9. The walls are fully tiled with Italian limestone and for convenience, there is media installed on the wall. 墙壁上完全铺设意大利石灰石瓷砖,为了方便,墙上安装了媒体。 www.caimeiju.com 10. If you select a picture for a background , the picture is repeated ( or tiled ) to create the background texture for your Web pages . 如果选择图片作为背景,则该图片将被重复(或平铺),以创建网页的背景纹理。 www.bing.com 1. All MDI child windows are tiled horizontally within the client region of the MDI parent form . 所有MDI子窗口均水平平铺在MDI父窗体的工作区内。 www.bing.com 2. With markets quaking , Mr. Trichet convened an informal conclave of the ECB's governing council in the palace's tiled wine cellar . 外界,市场急剧震荡,在酒庄铺着瓷砖的酒窖里,特里谢召集了欧洲央行理事会秘密会议。 www.bing.com 3. The simulator has been evaluated to have fine efficiency in Tiled CMP simulation as to provide a novel flexible and well scalable platform. 实验表明模拟器执行效率较高,为片上多核研究提供了灵活、高效并具备可扩展性的新平台。 fcst.ceaj.org 4. So, the use of the overlapped tiled layout method can speeds up the motion estimation process. 因此,叠瓦式存储方式的使用,可以有效地加速运动估计过程。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. I kept my eyes low, watching my scuffed dark loafers pad across the tiled floor. 我眼睛低垂地看着我的磨损的鞋子趿拉着平平的地板。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Character details include living and dining rooms with beamed ceilings, leaded glass, French windows and tiled flooring. 室内的客厅与饭厅有特别的天花设计、含铅玻璃、法式的窗户和瓷砖地板。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. ROOFING ACCESSORIES. ROOF SKYLIGHT WITH GUTTER AND RAIN WATER HEAD FOR SLATE AND PLAIN TILED ROOF TOPS. TERMINOLOGY. DIMENSIONS. 屋顶附件.石板或平瓦屋顶用带接水槽和箱屋顶框架.术语.尺寸 www.mapeng.net 8. the tiled glazed lampshade decorated with assorted patterns in the unique shape, annotates the unique royal honour perfectly. 平铺的琉璃灯罩表面饰以各种图案,其独特的造型,完美的诠释了惟一的皇室尊荣。 www.ttjd365.com 9. All the exterior body, and gives to each floor, garden villas are feeling, for all slope roof design body, decorated with navy blue tiled . 所有楼体的外观上,每栋楼都给人以花园别墅之感,屋顶设计为四面坡体,饰以海蓝色的瓦面。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. You will learn how to use Net Render to reduce your render time of animations as well as still images using a Tiled Camera. 您将学习如何使用网络渲染,以减少您提供的动画时间以及静态图像照相机使用平铺。 www.cgfriend.org 1. During drawing, the image in the pattern color is tiled as necessary to cover the given area. 在绘图时,图案的颜色将会平铺在需要复盖的区域。 www.cocoachina.com 2. tiled walls packing plant workers have admitted, two workers in today's first bomb-line arrangement, tiling tomorrow. 包装车间内墙贴瓷砖的工人已经进场,今日先安排两个工人进行弹线,明日开始贴瓷砖。 www.ok06.com 3. There's a picturesque garden where guests gather in warmer weather, or heated, mosaic-tiled lounging areas for cooler days. 酒店还有风景如画的花园供游客在好天气纳凉,也有温暖、用马赛克拼成的休息区供游客在冷天休息。 big5.cri.cn 4. And a tiled prayer niche from Iran that was installed facing East, toward Mecca. 画廊内还铺设了一块祷告用的伊朗利基石,它面朝东方的麦加。 www.remword.cn 5. The following illustration shows how the rectangle is tiled by the image. 下面的插图显示如何使用图像平铺此矩形。 msdn.microsoft.com 6. Cached (tiled) map resources always utilize the tiling scheme defined by the map service host. 缓存(瓦片)地图资源已经利用了有地图服务器的定义的瓦片计划。 www.cnblogs.com 7. Terracotta-tiled suites with personal plunge pools kiss this exclusive patch of Pacific shoreline. 赤陶瓷砖装饰的套房,加上个人跳水池亲吻着这个太平洋沿岸独特的小地方。 www.suiniyi.com 8. Tile - Emulates the acoustic reflections of a tiled room, such as a bathroom with bright early reflections . 瓷砖-模拟声波反射的一个瓷砖的空间,如浴室与光明的早期思考。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The bathrooms are generally one large tiled space, with no division between shower and toilet areas. 盥洗室通常面积很大并铺有地砖,但浴室与厕所之间并没有隔开。 www.oobang.com 10. To provide a cooling system shade was often combined with water that splashed from fountains onto tiled walks. 阴影经常是提供一个冷却的系统与从源泉到并列的散步之上那溅起浪花了的水结合了。 iask.sina.com.cn 1. They will exercise their vocal cords in a studio set that replicates a bathroom with tiled walls, showers and taps. 他们会在一个厕所模样的录音间里唱歌,这个新市录音间厘米那有瓷砖,喷头,还有各种水龙头。 english.cri.cn 2. "You're a nurse, " She chided herself, her voice reverberating against the tiled walls. “你是一个护士,”她开始责怪自己,声音在铺满瓷砖的墙壁间回荡。 www.bing.com 3. The wallpaper can be set as tiled , stretched, centered or using smart size. 壁纸能够被平铺,拉长,集中或者使用聪明的大小。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Pluralized windows can be either tiled or overlapping. 多元状态下窗口既可以平铺,也可以层叠。 it.bab.la 5. A porcelain mosaic tiled wall and plastic stools in chartreuse give this kitchen a refreshing, modern look. 马赛克墙面与塑料制品给这个厨房增添了不少清新与时尚的气息。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Easy browsing: The tiled layout is clear and provides an excellent overview at a glance. 容易浏览:一目了然的并列排版同时有一个良好的总览。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. On observing the behavior of tiling of editors, we notice that whenever editors are tiled, a new tab folder gets created. 通过对编辑器平铺行为的观察,我们注意到不管在何时平铺显示编辑器,都会创建一个新的Tab文件夹。 www.ibm.com 8. The name of the bunker is tiled in there. 地堡的名字被装饰在那儿。 www.bing.com 9. The shower is tiled floor to ceiling with white subway tile, gray grout and exposed chrome shower fixtures. 淋浴房从地道天花板都用灰泥贴了白色的地铁瓷砖(subwaytile),我们的龙头是铬的。 www.bing.com 10. The tiled roof was of sea-green porcelain, and the jutting eaves were festooned with little bells. 屋顶以海青色的瓷瓦铺就,飞檐上则悬着小小的铃铛。 www.bing.com 1. It's a quiet New York Thursday afternoon in Bergdorf Goodman's white-tiled beauty department. 纽约,白瓦屋顶的伯格道夫·古德曼(BergdorfGoodman)美容百货商店,一个宁静的周四下午。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Why not consider a tiled base for the mattress as a bed solution? 为什么不想想用瓷砖来铺搭一张床呢? www.china-designer.com 3. The tiled floor of the kitchen slopes towards the drain. 厨房的瓷砖地向排水沟倾斜。 www.dictall.com 4. Standing side by side before the tiled wall were several water vats for receiving rain water dripping from the eaves. 花砖墙跟前,并列着几只大水缸,用以承接檐下的雨落水。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 5. What's unusual about it is that there are more than 700 million ancient Chinese ceramic chips tiled all over its outworn walls. 与众不同的是,这栋陈旧的法式建筑上竟贴满了7亿多块中国古代瓷片。 i.myechinese.com 6. A long tiled passage leads to the main part of the bunker. 一条用瓷砖装饰的过道通向地堡的主要部分。 www.bing.com 7. Our house is rent from a local farmer. it is one-storied house, we called it tiled house in my hometown. 我们的房子是租当地一个农民的。是平房,在老家叫瓦房。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Outside, a flock of white birds dip over gray-tiled rooftops and persimmon trees. 窗外,一群白色的鸽子停在灰色的屋瓦上,点缀在柿子树丛里。 www.bing.com 9. They both stick out about an inch (2. 5 cm) from the smoothly tiled surface of the ship's belly. 它们从航天飞机光滑的、覆盖着隔热瓦的腹部突出了将近1英寸(约合2.5厘米)。 gb.cri.cn 10. The uncarpeted wooden or tiled floors (excellent, again, in summer) are freezing under foot. 脚下未铺地毯的木制或瓷砖地板(在夏天又是那么的宜人)此刻也是十分冰凉的。 www.ecocn.org 1. Visit the wax and candle museum in exquisite old tiled buildings. 请参观古老雅致的瓷砖建成的石蜡和蜡烛博物馆。 www.jnto.go.jp 2. Do you see that house with the tiled-roof? 你看到那栋瓦房子吗? www.fjptyz.com 3. Once off the strip, the course jogs left onto a shaded tiled path that boarders the Park's green belt. 离开狂欢带后,路径向左跑上一条阴凉平铺的道路,与公园的绿化带相临。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. There's another layer of modification that can provide a lot of interest to the boring old pie chart: tiled slices. 还有一种层次的修改可以为令人厌倦的旧饼图提供大量有趣特性:即平铺分区。 www.ibm.com 5. A texture is tiled across a shape to fill it in when the texture is smaller than the shape it is filling. 当纹理小于它所填充的形状时,纹理在该形状上平铺以填满该形状。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The interior of the element is a tiled image. 该元素的内部为平铺图像。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Specifies how a texture or gradient is tiled when it is smaller than the area being filled. 指定当纹理或渐变小于所填充的区域时平铺纹理或渐变的方式。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Once, in ski boots, I negotiated a tiled, wet, squat toilet. 一次,我穿着滑雪靴去了一个湿漉漉的瓦房蹲便厕所。 www.ftchinese.com 9. And besides, as soon as the user moves neatly tiled windows, he is thrust right back into overlapping window excise (see Chapter 11). 另外,只要用户移动整洁的平铺窗口,则必定要重新面对层叠窗口的附加工作(参见第11章)。 www.jukuu.com 10. I walked on the tiled floors, white speckles with grey. 我走在散落着白色小斑点的灰色瓷砖地板上。 www3.060s.com 1. His footsteps echoed loudly in the tiled hall. 他的脚步声响亮地回荡在铺着瓷砖的大厅里。 wenwen.soso.com 2. I customized this so that the effect could be tiled in the necessary areas. 我定制这些可以让效果平铺在我想要的区域。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. First floor is tiled throughout while 2nd floor is carpeted. 第一层是整个平铺瓷砖,二楼是地毯。 www.chinesebuyhome.com 4. The station was built in 1902 and has a classic East-meets-West design: a Chinese tiled roof, Victorian granite steps and French windows. 该警署建于1902年,设计风格是典型的中西结合:中式砖瓦屋顶,维多利亚式大理石台阶,法式窗户。 cn.nytimes.com 5. He tiled his chair back too far and fell on the floor. 他把椅子向后倾斜的太厉害,因而摔到在了地上。 home.ebigear.com 6. This is one image scaled and tiled across all cells to create a full-screen image. 这是一个跨所有单元缩放和平铺的图像,以创建全屏的图像。 www.ibm.com 7. The new design features a tiled look with the ability to show more than 1, 000 photos on a single page. 新版界面可以在同一个页面上显示1000多张图片。 www.bing.com 8. Image is tiled from top to bottom once. 图像从上到下平铺一次。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Wash all tiled areas. 水洗所有铺瓷砖的地方。 judymail.cn 10. Because the image is smaller than the ellipse it is filling, the ellipse is tiled with the image. 因为图像比它所填充的椭圆小,所以图像平铺在椭圆上。 technet.microsoft.com 1. The floor is tiled in blue. 地板被铺成蓝色的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Customer: I would like the wall tiled. I like the wall tiles with patterns on. 顾客:我喜欢用瓷砖。我喜欢瓷砖上有图案的。 cchc.org 3. These are tiled in several columns, which is fine, because it's a sit-back, scan and pick your experience moment. . . 这是平铺在几个列,这是好的,因为它是一个坐在回,扫描和选择你的经验时刻… www.duoente.net 4. Just as Windows allows you to choose whether wallpaper is centered, tiled, or stretched to fill the screen, the, 正如Windows允许选择是否居中、平铺、伸展墙纸以填满屏幕一样, msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Corrosion Resistant Resin Mortar and its Application in Tiled Lining of a Bleaching Tower 漂白塔砖板衬里中耐蚀树脂胶泥的选择和应用 www.ilib.cn 6. I'd also like the floor tiled. I rather like the thought of terracotta tiles, 我也想铺地面。我相当喜欢赤土色的瓷砖, www.tingclass.net 7. a northern port that nevertheless somehow savoured of the Mediterranean in its whitewashed houses and tiled roofs 具有髹上白色的房屋与铺了瓦的屋顶,有点地中海风味的一个北方海港 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Anti-corrosion Resin Mortar Technology and Its Application in Tiled Bleaching Tower 纸浆漂白塔砖板衬里中耐蚀树脂胶泥的选择和工程应用 www.ilib.cn 9. Design and Development of a Gesture-Based Interaction System for Multi-Projector Tiled Display Wall 面向多投影显示墙的手势交互系统设计与实现 www.ilib.cn 10. Automatic Alignment of Tiled Displays for a Desktop Environment 桌面环境下拼贴显示的自动对准 www.ilib.cn 1. Technical specification for engineering of antistatic tiled floor 防静电瓷质地板地面工程技术规程 www.cecs.org.cn 2. Compensation methods for alignment errors of tiled grating-pair compressor 拼接光栅对压缩系统中的误差补偿 www.ilib.cn 3. Far-field analysis of ultrashort pulse through the tiled gratings 超短脉冲通过拼接光栅的远场分析 service.ilib.cn 4. Global Color Correction for Multi-Projector Tiled Display Wall 多投影显示墙的全局颜色校正 www.ilib.cn 5. Far-Field Diffraction Pattern Analysis of Tiled Gratings 大面积拼接光栅的远场衍射分析 www.ilib.cn 6. Temporal Property of Tiled Grating Compressor 拼接光栅压缩器的时域特性 7. a fireplace with a tiled surround 周围镶有瓷砖的壁炉。 www.jukuu.com 8. Leak cause of tiled roof and its prevention 瓦屋面渗漏原因及其预防办法 service.ilib.cn 9. If Tile , the graphic is tiled (repeated horizontally and vertically) to fill the area. (35) 如果您选择平铺,该图形平铺(横向和纵向重复),以填补该区域。 ooo.pingju.org 10. Stable usage management when using tiled input data 使用切片输入数据时,稳定的使用管理 blog.sina.com.cn 1. A Distributed Multi-screen Rendering System Based on Seamless Tiled Display 基于无缝拼接的分布式多屏渲染系统 service.ilib.cn |
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