单词 | syncing |
释义 | syncing是sync的现在分词
第三人称单数:syncs 现在分词:syncing 过去分词:synced 例句释义: 同步,同步中,同步一次 1. on syncing your music without iTunes, we found a few tools that were more than up to the task. 最近有一篇文章,是关于不使用iTunes同步音乐的,我们发现能够担当这个任务的工具很多。 www.bing.com 2. I'm the kind of person who never plugs her mobile device in for syncing, so this over-the-air backup is ideal for me. 我是那种从来不会连接电脑来对手机进行同步的人,所以这种在线同步对我来说非常理想。 c.wsj.com 3. Unlike many other syncing services, Libox does not move users' data to its own servers. 与其他同步软件不同,LiBox并不将用户数据上传到自己的服务器。 www.bing.com 4. It remains to be seen whether mainstream users and business professionals will grasp the syncing concept and easily make it work. 主流用户和商业人士是否能掌握这种同步概念并轻易地用起来尚有待观察。 www.bing.com 5. Ninety-nine cents does not feel like a lot to pay for the hours of joy that running around my house and lip syncing to Shoop brings me. 99分跟我在家里东蹦西跳,假唱不已几个小时的快感比,一点都不算多。 www.bing.com 6. syncing tool similar to Dropbox but which allows you to use your own server (or some already existing servers) . 类似于Dropbox的同步工具,与后者不同的是它允许您使用自建服务器(或者是其他可用的服务器)。 www.bing.com 7. It also said that Apple would stop using the word "push" in its advertising until Macs and PCs did their syncing nearly instantly. 信上还说,Apple决定在Mac和PC可以近乎真正同步更新之前,停止在广告中使用“推送”这个词。 www.bing.com 8. Account syncing: Both the official Twitter and Facebook applications offer to sync your followers and friends with your contact list. 账户同步:Twitter和Facebook官方都提供你的读者及朋友的联系列表的数据同步。 www.bing.com 9. Syncing with BlackBerry Enterprise server has long been one of the most requested features among Google Apps customers. 一直以来,GoogleApps用户都希望可以实现与黑莓企业服务器的同步。 www.bing.com 10. Of course, Weave isn't the only solution for syncing bookmarks and XMarks is currently the most popular bookmark syncing tool. 自然,Weave不是唯一的同步书签的工具,XMARKS是目前更为流行的同步工具。 www.bing.com 1. Syncing is one of the toughest problems in personal technology; I'm not sure if anyone's ever nailed it. 同步问题是个人技术方面的一大难题;我不确定是否真的有人做到过。 www.hxen.com 2. But Microsoft is still working on syncing with Apple's iCal calendar program, and the Outlook calendar can't sync with Google Calendar. 但微软目前仍不能解决Outlook日历和苹果自带的iCal日历无法同步的问题。 c.wsj.com 3. In June, Mr. Jobs presented the company's new online storage and syncing service, iCloud. 6月,乔布斯先生展示了公司最新的在线存储和同步服务,iCloud。 dongxi.net 4. Apple and Palm have gone back and forth, with Apple disabling Palm syncing as it brings out new versions. 苹果(Apple)和Palm总是相错一步,当苹果推出新版本时,Palm就无法与之同步。 chinese.wsj.com 5. The only trick to syncing such data with Dropbox is making sure that your apps still know where to find the data they need. 要用它同步这种数据的唯一有难度的就是,你要确保你的程序可能找得到它们存放数据的地方。 www.macfans.com.cn 6. To transfer videos to the iPad, users have to go through iTunes and use Apple's built-in syncing mechanism. 把视频传到iPad上,用户必须通过iTunes,并使用Apple内置同步机制。 www.bing.com 7. Tip: Use iTunes to organize playlists before syncing. It'll make it easier to find the music you want. 窍门:在同步之前使用Itunes来编辑播放列表会让你更简单的找到自己想要的歌曲。 www.bing.com 8. Again, however, it should be obvious that the battery gauge is not syncing up with reality. 然而,数据再一次显示出电池指示电量与实际用电并不同步。 www.bing.com 9. Having trouble syncing your Google calendar with your Yahoo calendar? 发现Google的日历和Yahoo的日历同步有困难是吧? www.bing.com 10. Before this, Ubuntu One was something like Dropbox, another cloud-based file storage, syncing and sharing program. 在此之前,UbuntuOne只是一个类似Dropbox的云端文件存储同步分享程序。 www.bing.com 1. AT&T lets its customers set Mobile Backup to work daily or once a week, and they can set the specific syncing time down to the minute. AT&T让用户可以设定移动备份业务每天进行或者每周备份一次,并且可以设定到分钟。 www.bing.com 2. Likely improvements will include plugin support, an option for videos and better support for application syncing across PCs. 这次的改进很有可能包括视频插件支持和PC间应用同步的更好支持。 www.bing.com 3. The cross-platform FolderShare (original post) is more of a file syncing tool than it is a traditional file-sharing service. 跨平台的FolderShare已经超越了传统的文件共享服务的范畴,而更应该被看作是文件同步工具。 www.bing.com 4. Unlike some entertainers she was actually singing the songs live and not merely lip syncing. 不像其他的明星那样她确实在真唱而不是在对口型。 www.bing.com 5. And on the desktop side of things, they're working on webOS-syncing software that will run on Windows (and Macs), we hear. 桌面方面的产品,运行着webOS同步软件的产品将建立在Windows(和Macs)上。 www.bing.com 6. Improved Video, hopefully fixes the out of syncing issue. 改进的视频,但愿批改了同步的题目了。 www.h2ofans.com 7. The animations for flight are all right, but the botched lip syncing, shadows, and bland environments screw everything up. 飞行时的画面是还不赖,但画面对比,阴影和环境构成搞砸了这一切。 bbs.duowan.com 8. The professional singer was caught lip-syncing during a concert broadcast by the local TV station. 这个职业歌手在由地方电视台播放的音乐会上被抓住假唱。 gb.cri.cn 9. AOL also just announced two-way syncing with Twitter when it launched its AIM Lifestream service last week. 美国在线在推出AIM生活流服务的时候也支持和twitter进行双向同步。 www.bing.com 10. Google Reader syncing would make it perfect. 谷歌阅读器同步将更加完美。 www.acpp.com.cn 1. These new features such as Windows syncing and improvements to speed might be just the thing users are after! 这些特性中如:Windows文件同步和速度提升也许就是用户真正想要的。 www.bing.com 2. It also supports syncing with Android, iOS, and most all eBook reading devices, including the Kindle. 它还支持安卓,iOS,和大多数阅读设备的同步,这其中当然包括Kindle。 www.bing.com 3. True cloud syncing: One thing I've never understood about the iPhone and iPad is its reliance on a Mac or PC to sync data. 真实的云同步接收:iPhone和iPad让我始终不理解的一件事就是在数据同步时对Mac或者PC的依赖性。 www.bing.com 4. However, MobileMe now finally does a fast, reliable job of syncing calendar and contact items. 不过,MobileMe目前终于在同步日程表和联系人方面做到了迅速可靠。 www.ebigear.com 5. It's very useful for creating documents on-the-go, but needs a slightly better solution for syncing files. 这是非常创建文件上这去有益的,但需要有一个同步文件稍微好一点的解决方案。 www.acpp.com.cn 6. Memory Card Databases syncing - Support for syncing databases stored in memory cards within HanDBase Conduit. 记忆卡数据库同步-支持同步数据库储存在记忆卡内handbase导线。 nokia.it168.com 7. Binding with automatic syncing is implemented by a new concrete AutoBinding subclass. 使用自动同步的绑定则通过一个新的AutoBinding子类实现出来。 www.infoq.com 8. They store all your files online, so you don't need to worry about syncing them or carrying around CDs or flash drives, or backing up. 你可以在线保存文档,因而不必再为同步文件、随身携带光盘或闪存、备份文档等事情忧心忡忡了。 www.bing.com 9. Q: I saw your column last week saying Apple's MobileMe now does a better job of syncing contacts, calendar items and email. 问:我看你上周的专栏说苹果公司(Apple)的MobileMe服务现在在同步联络人、日程表和电子邮件方面做得更好了。 www.bing.com 10. It also lacks software for syncing even larger files, like music, photos and videos. 该机也没有音乐、图片和视频等大型文件的同步软件。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Syncing with standard calendar resource. 与标准日历资源同步。 translations.launchpad.net 2. Far too often, the images were fuzzy, or syncing between audio and video was off, or the calls would freeze or crash. 图像总是很模糊,音频和视频经常不同步,通话也常常停顿或中断。 c.wsj.com 3. But by using the method below, you can send any document or even web page straight to the Books section of iTunes for syncing with ease. 不过通过下面这个方法,你可以把任何文档,还可以直接将网页发送并通过iTunes同步到iBooks。 www.bing.com 4. After Palm syncing is enabled in iSync, open HotSync Manager. 在iSync中启用Palm同步之后,请打开HotSyncManager。 docs.info.apple.com 5. It also sounds similar to MobileMe, the cloud-syncing service Apple ( NSDQ: AAPL) launched along side the iPhone 3G last summer. 它听起来有些类似MobileMe,这个去年夏天随3GiPhone面世,苹果公司发布的云同步服务。 www.bing.com 6. Photos will work the same way, syncing across devices. 照片会以同样的方式,跨设备同步。 www.97md.net 7. If you've changed your setup or any settings, try syncing again. 如果您已经更改了设置或任何配置,请再次尝试同步。 docs.info.apple.com 8. 10AM - Contacts, calendar, mail are all empty -- looks like it's time to do some syncing. 10AM-联络人、行事历、电子邮件全部空白,看起来现在可是同步的时间了。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. But, in a world with ubiquitous ultra-fast broadband, will syncing still matter in 5-10 years? 但是,在一个超高速宽带无所不在的世界里,在5到10年的时间之内,同步是否依然还是个问题? www.bing.com 10. In other words, Google doesn't supply any equivalent to Apple's iTunes or the BlackBerry media-syncing software. 谷歌并没有提供象苹果的iTunes或黑莓的媒体同步软件之类的软件。 www.acsf.cn 1. Simple to use: no computer, no cables, no syncing. 使用简便:无需计算机,无需网线,不需要同步。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Click iDisk, and then click Start in the iDisk Syncing panel. 点按iDisk,然后在iDisk同步面板中点按“启动”。 docs.info.apple.com 3. Until now, people had to manually transfer songs among devices by syncing them with their PCs. 时至今日,人们仍需要手动的通过同步个人电脑在不同设备间传输歌曲。 dongxi.net 4. Now, there are a number of online file storage and syncing services that will make your data available on as many computers as you like. 现在,出现了很多在线文件存储和同步服务,只要你愿意,你可以在任何一台电脑上访问你的数据。 www.bing.com 5. Syncing of task alarms supported. 支持同步任务报警。 bbs.pdaxp.com 6. Upgrade to Internet Explorer 7 to continue syncing these feeds. 升级到InternetExplorer7后便可继续同步这些源。 office.microsoft.com 7. You'd think the iPhone and iPod teams would have figured out how to program WiFi syncing after all these years. 你肯定觉得在经过了这么多年后iPhone和iPod的团队应该已经发现如何解决无线同步的方法了。 www.bing.com 8. I am currently working on a way to assist in the syncing of security fixes from Debian to Ubuntu. 我目前正在研究一种将Debian的安全补丁同步到Ubuntu的方式。 www.bing.com 9. This is syncing your subjective time with objective time. 这将使你的主观时间与客观时间同步。 www.bing.com 10. This approach to tab syncing is surprisingly seamless and works very well. 这种标签同步方式平滑地令人惊讶,表现非常出色。 www.bing.com 1. Popular file-syncing start-up Dropbox grew more than 500% in 15 months, from 4 million to 25 million users. Dropbox是一家广受欢迎的从事在线存储服务的初创公司,在短短15个月内,它的增长超过了500%,用户从400万达到2500万。 www.fortunechina.com 2. You wouldn't notice any lip syncing even if we had it. 即使我们做了唇形同步,你估计也不太可能会注意到。 nga.178.com 3. Syncing Photos and Videos with Your Computer 与电脑同步图片与视频 www.bing.com 4. Will support syncing files between Windows desktops and your Ubuntu One personal cloud 将支持Windows桌面和UbuntuOne个人云的文件同步 www.bing.com 5. Fix syncing error if a document's title was set to a non-empty whitespace string in Mendeley Desktop 修正了Mendeley桌面中,当文档标题为一个非空的空白字符串时出现的同步错误 www.bing.com 6. Even Better, Add Wireless PC Syncing 更妙的是,新增无线PC同步 www.bing.com |
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