单词 | tiger woods | ||||||||||||
释义 | tiger woods
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 老虎伍兹,泰格-伍兹,球王老虎伍兹 1. The name was in place before the Tiger Woods texting scandal, he claims, and the company decided to stick with it. 这个程序的命名是在泰格·伍兹丑闻之前的,他声明,而且他的公司也同意坚持这一点。 www.bing.com 2. Some champions, like the golfer Tiger Woods, make millions of dollars a year. 一部分冠军,像高尔夫球手,泰格.伍兹,一年能挣数百万美元。 www.hjenglish.com 3. More importantly, we were able to raise a lot of money for the Tiger Woods Foundation, which will enable us to help more kids. 更为重要的时候,我们能够为老虎伍兹基金会筹集到一大笔钱,这让我们可以帮助更多孩子。 blog.pixnet.net 4. The young lady got up the nerve to ask Tiger Woods to dance with her. 那位年轻的女士鼓足勇气请求老虎·伍兹与她共舞。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The announcement from Tiger Woods has confirmed growing speculation that he was ready to end his self imposed exile from competitive golf. 各方不断猜测,泰格·伍兹准备结束从高尔夫比赛中的自我放逐,他的宣布证实了这种说法。 www.kekenet.com 6. Tiger Woods said he would accept being picked for the Ryder Cup by United States captain Corey Pavin but has targeted qualifying outright. 老虎伍兹表示他愿意接受被美国莱德杯队长科里-帕维选入莱德杯队,但是他会尽全力争取自动进入。 www.1872.net 7. TIGER WOODS: That first tee, I'm looking forward to it. I haven't looked forward to that tee shot in a long time, not like this. 伍兹:一号洞发球台,我一直梦想着那里,我已经好久没有比赛了,那种感觉又仿倾佛回来了。 www.ugolf.com.cn 8. Pay attention Anthony Weiner, Tiger Woods, Brett Favre and others caught up in public, sexual indiscretions. 看看其他性丑闻遭曝光的名人吧,比如安东尼?温纳、老虎伍兹、布雷特?法佛尔等等。 beijing.newchannel.org 9. The scandals Tiger Woods created for himself is enough to give any golfer the yips, yet alone the greatest golfer the sport has ever seen. 老虎伍兹自找的诽闻足以让任何高尔夫球员大喊救命,更何况他是高球界最杰出的球员。 times.hinet.net 10. The parents have the right intentions. They want their kid to be the next Tiger Woods. But those fantasies are getting in the way. 父母有权利的意图。他们希望自己的孩子成为下一个老虎伍兹。但那些都是幻想没有阻碍。 www.sjgcz.cn 1. A statement on Tiger Woods' website said simply that he was in a minor car accident outside his home and is in "good condition" . 老虎·伍兹的网站上的声明仅仅说他在家门外发生了一起很小的汽车事故,现在“状态良好”。 www.bing.com 2. Tiger Woods gets a place in the American team despite indifferent form. 老虎伍兹尽管表现不好还是在美国队佔了一席之地。 www.ctcvn.org 3. Tiger Woods, too, could well emerge with added lustre from his own debacle. 老虎伍兹同样也能从他的溃败中再次翻身,变得更加耀眼。 www.ecocn.org 4. Who's one of the greatest golfers alive today? If you said Tiger Woods, know that he has a coach to help him keep at his best and improve. 请问当今最棒的高尔夫球员是谁呢?如果你说那是泰格?伍兹,那你就要知道,他也有个教练帮他保持最好状态,并实现提高。 www.bing.com 5. A Los Angeles cocktail waitress claims she had a nearly three-year fling with golf superstar Tiger Woods, according to US Weekly magazine. 据美国周刊报道,一名洛杉矶酒吧服务员宣称自己与老虎伍兹保持近三年的暧昧关系。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. Tiger Woods is missing his first US Open since nineteen ninety-five. He is out with leg injuries. 老虎伍兹(TigerWoods)自1995年以来首次错过美国公开赛。他由于腿伤退赛。 www.bing.com 7. But if you do get divorced, be aware you are going to have to downsize your lifestyle from your days as Mrs. Tiger Woods. 但如果确实离婚了,你要注意自己的生活方式将不可与当伍兹夫人时同日而语。 c.wsj.com 8. However, unless we are Tiger Woods, the ball will typically not fly straight and only travel about half the distance we targeted. 然而,除非我们是老虎伍兹,球将典型地不笔直地飞和只有关于我们对准的一半距离的旅行。 www.knifriend.com 9. The recent sex scandal involving Tiger Woods caused the golfer to lose some of his sponsorship deals. 近来卷入性丑闻的高尔夫名将老虎伍兹便因此失去了某些赞助协议。 cn.reuters.com 10. His entrepreneurial role model, he said, is Tiger Woods. 据他说,他的偶像是老虎伍兹。 www.elanso.com 1. United States Ryder Cup captain Corey Pavin has denied saying he would offer a guaranteed wild card place to Tiger Woods. 美国莱德杯队长科里-帕维已经否认曾经说过将确保给老虎伍兹发放外卡。 www.1872.net 2. The world's top golfer, Tiger Woods, and his wife, Elin Nordegren, have divorced 8 months after Woods' sex scandal, AP reported. 据美联社报道,世界头号高尔夫球手“老虎”伍兹在性丑闻事发8个月后,正式与妻子艾琳离婚。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. In the men's game, world number one American Tiger Woods returned to his winning ways after no victories in 2004. 在男子组方面,世界一级的美国选手泰戈伍兹自2004年惨遭连败之后,今年再度重返冠军宝座。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. With some of the racy advertising they use, I half expect them to try and sign Tiger Woods to a sponsorship deal. 以他们“火辣”的宣传攻势,我还以为他们要尝试和泰格·伍兹签订赞助商协议呢。 www.elanso.com 5. The company gained worldwide fame in 2009 when its animated drama of golfer Tiger Woods' squabble with his then wife went viral. 2009年,该公司制作的一段高尔夫球手泰格?伍兹(TigerWoods)与其妻子争吵的动画广为流传,壹传媒动画在国际上声名鹊起。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The best sportsman can deal with it, someone like Tiger Woods thrives on it. 顶级的运动员应该学会处理,就像老虎伍兹。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. For a third straight day, golfer Tiger Woods declined to meet with investigators from the Florida Highway Patrol today. 高尔夫球手老虎伍兹连续第3天拒绝与佛罗里达州高速公路巡警队的调查人员见面。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. These days, it is up to current stars like Tiger Woods and David Duval to keep spectators glued to the TV set. 现在,高尔夫则靠当红球星泰格·伍兹和大卫·杜瓦的魅力吸引球迷通过电视观看比赛。 www.wwenglish.com 9. TIGER WOODS: You know, my knee feels great. 伍兹:你知道,我的膝盖现在感觉很好。 www.ugolf.com.cn 10. Tiger Woods is now taking what he calls "an indefinite break from professional golf. " 现在,泰格?伍兹宣布“无限期退出职业高尔夫球赛”。 wenku.baidu.com 1. In what will certainly be one of the new decade's most dissected mea culpas, Tiger Woods did the expected things. 这个新的十年里谁的道歉剖析地最深刻?毫无疑问,老虎伍兹最让我们满意。 wh.2901.blog.163.com 2. Now that the ninth alleged Tiger Woods mistress has emerged, many are wondering why he went so far astray. 眼下号称是老虎伍兹情人的已有九位之多。许多人不禁要问,是什么原因让他如此堕落。 www.hxen.com 3. A secret affair or two may seem rather attractive and fun, but the kicks will be rather short-lived. Just ask Tiger Woods! 一两条爆料或许更具吸引力,但是这种乐趣是短命的,就像不久前的“好好先生”老虎伍兹! www.bing.com 4. Tiger Woods always wears red the last day of a golf tournament, because he says it is his "power colour" . 老虎·伍兹(TigerWoods)在高尔夫球锦标赛最后一天,总是穿红色衣服,因为他说红色是他的“威力色”。 www.bing.com 5. TIGER WOODS: Yeah, I had a busted-up lip and a pretty sore neck, and that was it. 伍兹:我的嘴唇破了,颈部有些疼痛,就是这样。 www.igolfyou.cn 6. People of numerous cultures have embraced Eurasians like actresses Karen Mok and Maggie Q, not to mention superstar golf player Tiger Woods. 许多源自不同文化的人都相当欣赏混血儿,诸如莫文蔚、玛吉Q等等,更不要说超级高尔夫明星泰格·伍兹了。 www.ebigear.com 7. How well could Tiger Woods play golf if he had to keep reminding himself of the rules? 如果老虎伍兹时刻想着打高尔夫球的规则他又怎么能够打得如此好呢? www.bing.com 8. Tiger Woods is feeling the tension ahead of his return to golf after four months in self-imposed exile. 在经历了四个月的自我放逐之后,老虎伍兹对眼下的复出感到“紧张”。 www.hxen.com 9. Tiger Woods broke his silence about his driving accident by posting a statement Sunday on his Web site. 虎伍兹(TigerWoods)打破了对其交通事故的沉默,周日在他的网站上发表了一份声明。 c.wsj.com 10. And by damaging Tiger Woods's reputation, it may be damaging all of their financial interests. 损害了伍兹的名声,可能也会损害两个人的所有财务利益。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Two US professors have pinned the loss to shareholders from Tiger Woods's marital infidelity at up to $US12 billion ($13. 65 billion). 两名美国教授寄予股东的损失高达$US12亿元(一百三十六万五千点零零万美元)由老虎伍兹的婚姻不忠。 bbs.kafan.cn 2. Tiger Woods made it popular among male players, but Beatriz thinks it's a useful shot for the women too. 老虎伍兹让这种击球方法在男性球员中大受欢迎,但比特利兹认为它同样适用于女性球员。 www.englishbaby.com 3. And while Washington Wire can't speak for the rest of 2009's disappointments, the latest poll suggests it's not all bad for Tiger Woods. 尽管华盛顿电讯难以判断这些事件对其他人的影响,但最新的调查显示这对伍兹来说并不全是坏事。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 4. Mickelson has a chance to overtake Tiger Woods at the top of the world rankings at Whistling Straits this week. 米克尔森这周有机会在呼啸峡超过老虎伍兹排在世界前列。 www.1872.net 5. Tiger Woods is expected to talk with police for the first time today, following his early morning car crash on Friday. 老虎·伍兹在周五早间的发生车祸后,预计今天会和警察进行首次谈话。 www.bing.com 6. She told the New York Post: "I do not have sex with celebrities and I have not had an affair with Tiger Woods. " 她告诉纽约邮报:“我与名人没有性关系,我与老虎伍兹也没有婚外情。” www.elanso.com 7. Tiger Woods had a cortisone shot in his right ankle 10 days ago to relieve lingering soreness. 老虎伍兹有一个10天前在他的右脚踝可的松打一针挥之不去的疼痛。 www.1872.net 8. But this week, Tiger Woods appeared in a black-and-white television aid for sportswear maker Nike. 但是本周,老虎。伍兹出现在一条黑白的电视广告中,为运动服制造商Nike代言。 www.51voa.com 9. "I was surprised to find that Tiger Woods was the unfaithful type, " said psychologist Oliver James. “老虎·伍兹居然是不忠的那种人,我很意外。”心理学家奥利弗·詹姆斯(OliverJames)说。 select.yeeyan.org 10. And professional relationships are not immune, as Tiger Woods's coach Hank Haney resigned via text after six years together. 而职场关系也无法幸免,老虎伍兹的教练汉克?哈尼也是通过短信结束了两人长达六年的师徒关系。 www.kekenet.com 1. The posters are of her idol: Tiger Woods. 这些海报贴的是她的偶像:泰格·伍兹。 www.24en.com 2. Tiger Woods and Serena Williams were the male and female athletes of the year. 今年泰格·伍兹和威廉姆斯分别被评为男女最佳运动员。 www.kobechina.com.cn 3. "'I'm amazed that fans still cheer for me" says Tiger Woods in first press conference since infidelity scandal . 性丑闻事件过后,老虎伍兹在第一次新闻发布会上说:“我没想到,粉丝们还是一如既往的支持我。” en.v.wenguo.com 4. A man down to the Tiger Woods of this, the really not a general. 做人倒到伍兹这份上,还真不是一般的。 wusun.info 5. Golf in the Genes--Will Tiger Woods' Niece Be the Next Big Thing? 泰格-伍兹的小侄女会成为伍兹家第二位顶尖高尔夫球手吗?。 engnet.jiangnan.edu.cn 6. Nike doesn't just sponsor Tiger Woods; Tiger Woods sponsors Tiger Woods (check out the personal logo on his cap). Nike不仅赞助老虎伍兹;老虎伍兹也赞助他自己(你可以在他的帽子上看到他的个人标识)。 www.bing.com 7. Tiger Woods was suffering from an ankle injury, But promised to rest and be ready for the Ryder Cup challenge next month in Spain. 泰格·伍茨目前正受脚踝伤痛的折磨,不过他保证将积极疗伤,为下个月在西班牙举行的莱德杯赛作准备。 dict.yeshj.com 8. Unfortunate " Tiger Woods is done for the year. That's because the golfer is having surgery to repair a torn ligament in his left knee. " 因老虎伍兹将对左膝盖进行前交叉韧带重建手术,这位不够幸运的高尔夫球手今年本赛季的赛事将告一段落。 bbs.putclub.com 9. At the 1996 Masters, Jack Nicklaus predicted that amateur Tiger Woods would win more green jackets than Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer combined. 1996年的大师赛,杰克·尼可拉斯曾预言当时还是业余选手的老虎伍兹将赢得的绿夹克比尼可拉斯和阿诺德·鲍尔默加起来的还多。 www.bing.com 10. Nike-clad icons like Tiger Woods and Jordan resist politics at all costs. 老虎伍兹和乔丹等耐克打造的偶像都不惜任何代价来抵制政治。 www.bing.com 1. Tiger Woods appears on media center monitors at the Masters golf tournament in Augusta, Georgia. 在奥古斯塔名人高尔夫邀请赛上,老虎伍兹出现在媒体中心显示屏上,格鲁吉亚。 thehlc.cn 2. Tiger Woods Wife Outrun, an online game that mocks Tiger Woods' car crash, has become a web hit, the Daily Telegraph reported. 据《每日电讯报》报道,一款调侃伍兹撞车事件的在线游戏日前流传网络。 page.renren.com 3. Philandering cost Lakers star Kobe Bryant and golfer Tiger Woods millions in lost endorsements. 打情骂俏让湖人球星科比布莱恩特和高尔夫球星老虎伍兹在代言上丢失了数以万计的钱财。 www.bing.com 4. For CASE, Tiger Woods started golfing when he were only ten months old. 例如,大山。伍德十个月大时就开端打高尔去球。 www.ffenglish.com 5. In Augusta, Georgia, Tiger Woods becomes only the 3rd golfer in history to win back-to-back Masters titles. 在佐治亚州奥古斯塔市,泰格?伍兹成为历史上唯一一位完连续三次赢得大师赛冠军的高尔夫选手。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. "It's like Tiger Woods. When they don't win every single week, it's called a bad year, " Blake told reporters. 布雷克对记者说:“感觉就像‘老虎’伍兹一样,如果有一周的比赛输了,那一年就都会被列为糟糕的一年。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Many other child prodigies like Tiger Woods and LeBron James have gone on to greatness. 许多天才少年,像老虎伍兹和勒布朗·詹姆斯也成为了巨星。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Fourteen-time major champion Tiger Woods has announced he is to miss the upcoming U. S. Open through injury. CNN报道--十四度主要赛事冠军得主泰格伍兹已经宣布他将因伤退出即将来临的美国公开赛。 www.bing.com 9. Fran : But not Phelps. He's like the Tiger Woods of swimming. 法兰:但费普斯没有。他就像是游泳界的老虎伍兹。 www.wangxiao.cn 10. However, a series of recent studies by psychologists at Queen's University adds an important wrinkle to the Tiger Woods parable. 然而,最近昆士兰大学心理学家所做到一系列研究使老虎伍兹的寓言问题出现。 www.bing.com 1. US golfer Tiger Woods (see photo) will have accumulated $1b as a professional player by 2010, Forbes estimated. 据《福布斯》估算,高尔夫球巨星泰格?伍兹(见图)的职业收入有望在2010年突破10亿美元。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Steve Wonder and Tiger Woods are in a bar. Steve Wonder says: "How's the golf? " 史提夫·汪达和老虎·伍兹在酒吧里聊天。史提夫·汪达说:“最近高尔夫打得怎么样啊?” www.kekenet.com 3. Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren have announced their divorce in a statement on the world number one's official website. 老虎伍兹和艾琳-诺德格林已经在世界第一高尔夫球手的官方网站的一个声明中宣布他们离婚的消息。 www.1872.net 4. And Tiger Woods, for a long time, the perfect brand ambassador. 泰格.伍兹,曾在很长一段时间里,被认为是最完美的品牌代表。 www.ted.com 5. Tiger Woods looks into the camera as his father is heard asking him questions, including "Did you learn anything? " 老虎。伍兹面对镜头,然后他父亲的声音传来,“你学到了什么吗?” www.51voa.com 6. Tiger Woods' transgressions were far more grave, but he has been staggered by them. Tiger may never win another tournament. 老虎伍兹的罪过更严重,但他已错过了他们。伍兹可能再也赢不了另一个锦标赛了。 www.bing.com 7. until later it wasn't strange to us to watch Oprah on television. It wasn't strange to watch Tiger Woods golf. 到后来我们能在电视上看到Oprah秀不再奇怪看到老虎伍兹打高尔夫也不再奇怪 zhidao.baidu.com 8. It is both his character and his achievements that make Tiger Woods unique. 真我个性与才华横溢,这就是老虎?伍兹——唯一的冠军。 www.tagheuer.com 9. Call it the Tiger Woods phenomenon . New research weighs in on how men and women pick their mates. 这可以称为老虎伍兹现象:有新研究揭示男人女人选择配偶背后的原因。 tr.hjenglish.com 10. Should Tiger Woods mow his own lawn ? 老虎伍兹应该自己修剪草坪吗?。 www.bing.com 1. Tiger Woods is an experienced golf master. 老虎吾兹是高尔夫球界的斫轮老手。 www.nciku.cn 2. I'm an athlete, like Roger Federer or Tiger Woods, but with far loftier ambitions. 我是一个运动员,像费德勒和老虎伍兹那样,但我有更大的抱负。 www.bing.com 3. TIGER WOODS: Well, that's part of the problem I had, is the way I was thinking was not correct. 伍兹:呃,这是我自身存在的问题的一方面,在那种状态之下我的想法是不正确的。 video.sina.com.cn 4. Tiger Woods would boo a goose with a wood. 老虎。伍滋会用嘘声加木杆吓走鹅。 login.sina.com.cn 5. When the conversation turns to Tiger Woods, though, Parker gets serious. 当话题转到老虎伍兹,帕克的态度严肃起来。 www.bing.com 6. Yao Ming explained why he enjoys more media coverage than Tiger Woods. 姚明在解释为什么他比老虎伍兹得到更多的报道时说。 club.sohu.com 7. Tiger Woods is golf in the 21st century, and anybody who plays the game owes him respect, if not half their paycheck. 老虎·伍兹是21世纪“高尔夫之神”,任何一个打球的人都应该对他表示尊敬,如果没有,让自己奖金减半先! www.bing.com 8. Forbes magazine listed F1 racecar driver Michael Schumacher as the second highest ? paid athlete in 2005 after Tiger Woods. 《财富(福布斯)》杂志把F1方程式赛车手麦克尔列为2005年第二最高酬金的运动员,仅次于泰格。伍德兹。 bbs.freekaoyan.com 9. The world's best-known "tiger" - American golfer Tiger Woods - actually isn't a tiger nor a monkey, according to the lunar calendar. 根据农历,全世界最著名的“老虎”——美国高尔夫名将“老虎”伍兹——其实既不属虎也不属猴。 www.hxen.com 10. Tiger Woods is missing his first US Open since nineteen ninety-five. 从1995年,老虎?伍兹首次错过美国公开赛。 www.hxen.com 1. Tiger Woods is a textbook example of what the research shows. 泰格?伍兹对于这个研究来说就是个教科书般的典型。 www.fane.cn 2. It is not clear whether Tiger Woods or Madonna have approved the use of their names. 目前还不确切泰格?伍兹或者麦当娜本人是否同意基金组织使用他们的名字。 www.bing.com 3. In the summer of 2007, a representative for Tiger Woods called an editor at Golf Digest with some awkward news. 2007年夏,老虎伍兹(TigerWoods)的代理人给《高尔夫大师》(GolfDigest)的编辑带来了有些匪夷所思的消息。 www.voa365.com 4. Last month, Tiger Woods PGA Tour Fry attended the Open tied for the results obtained 30. 上个月,伍兹参加了美巡赛弗莱斯公开赛,结果获得了并列第30名。 www.chuncui.cn 5. Tiger Woods is a disappointment not because he is evil (he isn't) but because he proved false. 泰格.伍兹让大家失望,不是因为他邪恶(他不是)而是因为他作假。 www.bing.com 6. Tiger Woods is the leading money winner on the pro golf circuit. 是这届职业高尔夫巡回赛的第一奖金获得者。 spring.99ss.com 7. He is reported to have said in the past, "Tennis has Federer, golf has Tiger Woods, Ding could do the same to snooker. " 据报道,他曾说过:“网球有费德勒,高尔夫球有老虎伍兹,丁一样可以称霸斯诺克。” www.elanso.com 8. Tiger Woods does not want to suffer any more damage in public. 老虎伍兹不希望自己的公共形象受到任何进一步的损伤。 c.wsj.com 9. Tiger Woods will appear on "Larry King Live" on Friday. 老虎伍兹将出现在星期五的赖瑞金脱口秀上。 www.hxen.com 10. Golf tycoon Tiger Woods, who pulled in $100 million, ranks second. 高尔夫名将“老虎”泰格·伍兹以1亿美元的收入位居第二。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Insiders say Tiger Woods doesn't know when he will return to competition. 知情人表示,老虎·伍兹并不知道自己何时能返回球场。 www.bing.com 2. Tiger Woods walks along the 13th fairway during a practice round July 12. 老虎伍兹在练习轮行走7月12日第13次沿航道。 08062788.blog.163.com 3. If Tiger Woods isn't in the tournament, television ratings take a big hit. 如果泰格﹒伍兹不参加锦标赛,电视收视率就会大打折扣。 shangfei1226.blog.163.com 4. What we created about Tiger Woods we didn't create out of thin air. 我们制作的关于老虎伍兹的动画并不是凭空而为的。 dongxi.net 5. Tiger Woods is a famous player in golf. 老虎伍兹在高尔夫球界是个有名的选手。 www.wenkoo.cn 6. Tiger Woods is the highest ranked male celebrity, in fifth place. 位列第五的泰格?伍兹是排名最高的男星。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. What about, say, Tiger Woods? 再比如老虎伍兹(TigerWoods)? chinese.wsj.com 8. Tiger Woods earned $90m in 2009, before sex scandals wrecked his image. 而在性丑闻损害其形象之前,泰格?伍兹在2009年赚了9000万美元。 www.ecocn.org 9. TIGER WOODS: Well, the police investigated the accident and they cited me 166 bucks and it's a closed case. 伍兹:警方调查了事故,他们罚了我166块钱,整个案子已经终结了。 www.igolfyou.cn 10. Tiger Woods teed off first. 泰格尔伍兹首先开球。 1. Tiger Woods married Elin Nordegren in October 2004 in Barbados. 伍兹在2004年十月在巴巴多斯娶了艾琳?诺德格伦。 voa.hjenglish.com 2. 4: This year Tiger Woods has become the biggest drawing card in professional golf in a long time. 今年,泰格尔.伍德成为长时间以来职业高尔夫球界最吸引人的明星。 www.hjenglish.com 3. including the wives of womanising celebrities who had cheating fathers such as Tiger Woods and Ryan Giggs. 像“老虎”伍兹和瑞恩吉格斯这些出轨名人的父亲都曾出轨。 gb.cri.cn 4. Will Tiger Woods play golf in 2010? 2010年,老虎伍兹还会挥动球杆吗? www.exam8.com 5. I have new heroes AS I grow older. I have golf heroes such AS Peter Jacobsen, Fred Couples and Tiger Woods. 随着年龄增长,我心目中又有了新的英雄,如高尔夫球英雄彼得·雅各布森、弗雷德·库普勒斯和泰戈尔·伍兹。 dict.ebigear.com 6. For example, Tiger Woods started golfing when he was only ten months old. 例如,泰德?伍兹十个月大时就开始打高尔夫球。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Tiger Woods is (well) known to many people. 老虎伍兹为众人所(熟)知。 home.hjenglish.com 8. Have you been following the spectacular golfing career of Tiger Woods? 你是不是对老虎.伍兹精湛的球技感到赞叹不已呢? www.24en.com 9. Sorry tale: Tiger Woods has made several fulsome apologies to his wife Elin for his serial infidelity 道歉的故事:泰格·伍兹因其一系列不忠行为,向妻子伊玲做了多次道歉。 www.bing.com 10. These are intended to stop Tiger Woods shooting 30 under par, but also make the game less fun for less gifted players. 这是为了防止泰格伍兹打出标准杆30杆的情况,但是这减少了较低水平的玩家游戏的乐趣。 www.ecocn.org 1. But Tiger Woods did it - I do these things because I have earned them. 但是老虎伍兹这样做了——我之所以做这些事,是因为我有权这样做。 select.yeeyan.org 2. Tiger Woods says: "You play golf? " 老虎·伍兹说:“你也打高尔夫?” www.kekenet.com 3. these tiger woods pictures were snapped at his own tournament , the target world challenge , in 2006 这些泰戈?伍兹图画在他的自己的比赛被猛咬,目标世界挑战,在2006。 www.ichacha.net 4. Performing badly at work? You can blame the 'Tiger Woods effect' where working alongside the employee of the month makes you slack off 工作表现不佳?都是“老虎伍兹”效应在作怪,同事中的月度最佳员工会让你工作懈怠。 www.ebigear.com 5. "I'm embarrassed for Tiger Woods. I'm embarrassed, posthumously, for his dad. I'm appalled by Nike. " (See the top 10 disgraced athletes. ) 我感觉到泰格伍兹的尴尬,也同时为他已故的父亲觉得尴尬,nike这则广告着实让我惊讶。 www.bing.com 6. Sport: Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Michael Johnson 体育方面:迈克尔.乔丹、泰格.伍兹、迈克尔.约翰逊 www.bing.com 7. Tiger Woods will be fined for his angry outburst, 老虎.伍兹因为这番愤怒的言辞将被罚款。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. Tiger Woods' apology Full transcript 老虎伍兹公开道歉视频及英文全文 blog.hjenglish.com 9. The golf world is abuzz over word that Tiger Woods will return soon, 老虎准备重返赛场的消息让高尔夫球界议论纷纷。 www.meiguoliyu.com 10. Tiger Woods Set to Host Golf Tournament in Washington DC 泰格?伍兹将主持华盛顿特区高尔夫锦标赛 www.digidea.net 1. Tiger Woods' mother-in-law home from hospital 老虎伍兹岳母出院回家 www.kekenet.com 2. Tiger Woods injured in minor car accident 老虎伍兹车祸受伤 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The world No. 1 golfer Tiger Woods parted ways with his swing coach of six years, 世界排名第一的高尔夫球选手老虎.伍兹跟他六年的挥杆教练结束了合作关系。 www.360abc.com 4. Tiger woods pga tour golf 老虎伍兹pga高尔夫球巡回赛 bbs.gamev.net 5. Tiger Woods PGA Tour Golf 07 泰格伍兹高尔夫球巡回赛07 wenwen.soso.com 6. How to revive the brand of Tiger Woods 如何挽救老虎伍兹的金字招牌? www.ecocn.org 7. 6. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 6、老虎伍兹PGA巡回赛(TigerWoodsPGATour) www.bing.com |
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