单词 | allergy |
释义 | allergies是allergy的复数
复数:allergies n. reaction,allergic reaction,sensitivity,hypersensitivity,aversion 例句释义: 变应性,过敏,过敏症,憎恶,过敏史,过敏反应,敏感 1. The shots have been known to eliminate the symptoms of allergies so effectively that most people do not need to use any other products. 这一疗法能够非常有效的消除过敏症状,大多数人经过治疗后都无需再使用其他药物。 www.elanso.com 2. It may not seem logical, but the cozy indoors is often worse for your allergies than the raw outdoors. 这听起来似乎不合乎逻辑,但舒适的室内对于你过敏症状的影响往往比室外更糟糕。 www.dltcedu.org 3. Bee stings, food allergies, and medications can be deadly, even if you think you don't have allergies. 蚊虫蛰咬,食物过敏,药物过敏都可能是致命的,即使你本人认为你没患过敏症。 www.bing.com 4. U. S. special groups that Yazi is better, a little flavor are not, at least not with allergies. And safe for your baby. 团体觉得雅滋美特的要好,一点香味都没有,用了最少不会过敏。对宝宝又平安。 99mrw.5d6d.com 5. It may not seemlogical, but the cozy indoors is often worse for your allergies thanthe raw outdoors. 看起来这个建议并不符合逻辑,但舒适的室内往往比户外更容易使你的过敏症恶化。 www.bing.com 6. Portuguese water dogs, which do not shed so much hair, are said to be less aggravating to people with allergies. 葡萄牙水犬不怎么掉毛,对于过敏体质的人来说相对安全一些。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Their search was complicated by daughter Malia's allergies, which would rule out many of the "mutts" the president has said he would prefer. 他们的寻犬之路因其女儿玛丽亚的过敏症而变得复杂,总统曾经声称瞩意的很多“杂种犬”因此被排除在外。 www.bing.com 8. It has never been used to treat allergies and researchers hope it will come into its own as a contraceptive instead. 该药还未曾用来治疗过敏,研究人员希望将它开发为男性避孕药而不再作为抗组胺药。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 9. Be very careful to read all labels on any over-the-counter preparations used to treat cough and colds, allergies or sleeplessness. 请您仔细阅读用于治疗咳嗽和感冒、变态(过敏)反应或失眠的非处方药标签。 bbs.translators.com.cn 10. Now the CTA is also looking at whether or not those with allergies to pets should be considered to have a disability as well. 现在加拿大运输法案也在考虑是否对那些患有宠物过敏症的人最好还是应该按失去能力得到照顾。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 1. Interestingly, the children most likely to benefit from probiotics were those with no family history of eczema or related allergies. 有趣的是,从益生菌中得益的儿童好像更多地是那些没有湿疹家族史或相关过敏症的家庭。 www.bing.com 2. In wet areas, mold allergies will spike, while in drier areas pollens and other airborne irritants will become more of a problem, he said. 他表示,在潮湿地区,真菌过敏将会快速增长;而在干燥地区,花粉和其它空气传播的刺激物将会成为更大的问题。 www.foodmate.net 3. Back then, there was no menu. Instead, customers only specified the number of courses they wanted to eat and any food allergies or dislikes. 那时候,餐馆根本就没有菜单,食客们能做的事情只是说明自己要吃多少道菜,有没有过敏或者不喜欢的食物。 c.wsj.com 4. The common cold lasts only for a few days, and usually causes more constant head and sinus congestion than allergies do. 普通感冒只持续几天,头痛和鼻塞症状常常比过敏引起的症状要持久一些。 www.bing.com 5. Antihistamines , typically used for allergies , can be effective for short- term relief of sleeplessness. 抗组胺剂,通常用于过敏症;,也能缓解短期失眠。 www.bing.com 6. Seek help: If you are feeling overwhelmed with your childs food allergies, dont be afraid to ask for help. 寻求帮助:如果你对你的孩子的食物敏感症束手无策,应大胆向别人求助。 www.elanso.com 7. Just as the right type of petrol helps your car run properly, the right diet for allergies is important to help you feel your best. 正如合适的汽油可以让您的汽车运行,适宜的过敏饮食对缓解您的症状是非常重要的。 news.dxy.cn 8. "There are a lot of misconceptions of what allergies are, " she added. "When you think of allergies, you don't think of life-threatening. " “现在有很多关于过敏的错误观念。”她补充道,“人们不会过敏和有生命危险联系到一起。” www.bing.com 9. Local honey in its raw, unpasteurized state is one of the greatest weapons for dealing with allergies, especially in my case. 根据我个人的经验,本地产、未经高温杀菌处理的的蜂蜜,是对付过敏最有效的武器之一。 www.bing.com 10. Later, because of her skin allergies to grease paint, which forced her to withdraw from the cinema. 后来,因为她的皮肤对油彩过敏,她不得不退出影坛。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. "One of our big findings was that 2 in 5 kids who had allergies had a severe reaction or a life-threatening reaction, " Gupta said. “我们最大的发现之一是5个孩子中有2个曾有严重的过敏反应,甚至是致命的症状。”gupta说道。 www.bing.com 2. Like any good mother, ever since my son Eden was diagnosed with life-threatening food allergies, I've been trying to find out why. 如同任何称职的妈妈一样,自从我的儿子艾登被诊断出患有可能危及生命的食物过敏症起,我就一直在苦苦寻找病因。 www.bing.com 3. The kind of itch caused by bug bites or allergies typically goes away with a little scratching or some antihistamines. 一些因蚊虫叮咬或过敏而引起的瘙痒挠几下或服用一些抗组织胺剂就不痒了。 www.bing.com 4. Would you first check on the number of staff who have reported nausea, nasal congestion, allergies of any kind and general fatigue? 你能不能先查一查那些主诉有恶心,鼻塞、各种过敏反应或全身无力的员工的人数? blog.sina.com.cn 5. A: I know there are people who have real, severe allergies, whether it's to a cherry or to shellfish. But I see a lot of stupid allergies. 答:我知道有人真的会对不管是樱桃或是甲壳海鲜严重过敏,可是我见过许多愚蠢的过敏状况。 www.chinapost.com.tw 6. Be#sides being restless, some babies show skin allergies to new clothing, detergents and fabric softeners by breaking out in a rash. 除了辗转反侧外,一些孩子会对新衣物、清洁剂或者织物柔软剂皮肤过敏,甚至发出红疹。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. A world-wide rise in allergies , particularly asthma , over the past four decades is now said to be linked with increased air pollution . 世界上不断提高的过敏病症,尤其是哮喘,据说在过去四十年中这与日益严重的环境污染联系。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Embrace the change and flow with it in the intent to ascend, and the allergies will disappear as well. 在意愿提升中,拥抱改变并适应改变,过敏也就会消失。 tisheng.org 9. My goal is to have 2 to 3 cups of green tea a day when trying to fight allergies. 为预防过敏,我通常每天喝2~3杯绿茶。 www.bing.com 10. Hair or perming hair can only deal with, the closing part of the scalp to reduce the absorption of drugs or allergies. 染发或烫发可以只处理头发中、尾段的部分,减少头皮药物的吸收或是过敏。 www.qiyeku.com 1. Actually, some people really are allergic to exercise, and this allergy is one of the most severe allergies on this list. 事实上,有些人真的对运动过敏,这是这个清单上最严重的过敏症之一。 www.bing.com 2. The findings support the idea that allergies have increased, at least partially, thanks to the deficit of bacteria in modern living. 有观点认为,由于细菌的缺少,过敏症发生率在现代人群中已提高或至少部分提高了。此发现支持这一观点。 news.dxy.cn 3. And the hard truth is if I had let Eden play in the mud like a baby farm animal, he still may have gotten allergies. 可铁的事实就是,即使我哪天让儿子在泥地里疯玩,他仍会得过敏症。 www.bing.com 4. Millions suffer from them , and thousands die each year. The rising incidence of allergies is nothing to sneeze at . 每年有数百万人患上过敏症,成千上万死于过敏。不断上升的过敏症的发病率不容轻视。 www.bing.com 5. Wheat and beef seem to cause some Westies to be more susceptible to grass allergies. 小麦和牛肉似乎带来一些衣装向更容易草过敏。 bbs.westies.cn 6. Please note: Asianwave is NOT liable for any adverse reactions, allergies or sensitivities to any of the products in our contests. 请注意︰对于以上产品可能引起的不良反应、过敏或敏感,《亚洲浪潮》恕不承担任何责任。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. "E Z SLEEP" had been expensive to develop, but not successful when used for allergies and common colds. 的研制费用很大,但治疗过敏和一般感冒的疗效却并不显著。 www.rrting.com 8. You may be able to determine whether your cough is caused by allergies by keeping track of whether it comes and goes in certain situations. 你可以根据过敏症状是否一直出现在特定的情况下来判断咳嗽是否由过敏引起。 www.microcard2u.com 9. So does this mean that children might have fewer allergies if society allows them to get dirtier and sicker? 这是否说明,如果孩子们生活中不太卫生的环境中,并经常得病的话,患上过敏症的机会就会降低呢? www.bing.com 10. Also can improve whelk, allergies, eczema, burns. And it is said to be one of the best essential oils. 改善青春豆、过敏、湿疹、烧烫伤,是皮肤最佳精油之一。 da180.com 1. By the time children enter school, many outgrow their egg allergies but until then, dietary aversion is the only treatment. 直到小孩上学为止他们的鸡蛋过敏才会停止,而那时厌食则是他们唯一治疗的方法。 www.elanso.com 2. Although some children do grow out of their food allergies, many do not. 尽管许多孩子的成长摆脱了食物过敏的困扰,但仍有许多孩子不是。 www.elanso.com 3. Numerous other immunology discoveries followed, leading to a greater understanding of such things as allergies allergies and antibodies. 大量的其他免疫学发现接踵而至,掀起了人们对于变态反应和抗体的更广泛的思考。 news.dxy.cn 4. "Unlike other childhood food allergies like cow's milk, it rarely goes away, " he said. “与儿时对食物如牛奶过敏不同的是,它消散的很快。” www.bing.com 5. Most allergies are mild, but very allergic individuals may develop serious anaphylactic shock within a few minutes of exposure. 大多数过敏温和,但很过敏的个人可以通过发展严重过敏性休克,在一个几分钟的接触。 hk.myblog.yahoo.com 6. Of course, it's not always possible to stay indoors, and treatments are available that can help you live with allergies and asthma. 当然,不可能总是呆在户内,有能帮助你对付过敏症和哮喘的治疗方法。 www.foodmate.net 7. While Xavier's extreme dairy allergy is still uncommon, the number of children with milk allergies has risen in recent years. 虽然Xavier那种对乳制品极度过敏的情况并不常见,但近年来对牛奶过敏的儿童数量有所上升。 www.bing.com 8. Derek has allergies to common antibiotics, and Jeffrey is weakened from years of treatment for Hodgkin's disease. 德里克对一般抗生素有过敏反应,而杰佛里则由于常年治疗淋巴恶性肉芽肿病而变得很虚弱。 www.24en.com 9. I have allergies every year this time of the season and my doctor back home used to prescribe me these (medication). 我每年同样时期一定有过敏症状,我在国内的医生就会给我开这些药。 www.englishtown.cn 10. One of the clumsier faux pas is when a customer fails to inform the master in advance of dislikes or allergies. 另外,有一种更笨拙的失误行径,就是顾客没事前告知寿司师傅他不喜欢什么或者对什么有过敏反应。 www.bing.com 1. Allergies to shellfish, nuts, fish, milk, eggs, and other foods cause an estimated 150 to 200 fatalities a year in the United States. 在美国,每年估计有150到200人由于对海鲜、花生、鱼类、牛奶、鸡蛋以及其他一些食物过敏死亡。 www.bing.com 2. Even if you don't have allergies, this might be a good choice for people prone to colds and plus . 即使你没有过敏症,这可能是倾向于寒冷和感冒的人的好选择。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. This medical condition, known as laryngitis, may be caused by throat infections, tonsillitis, inhalant allergies and pulmonary disease. 医学检查适应症是咽喉炎,可能是喉笼受到感染、扁桃腺炎、呼吸道过敏、或者肺部疾病。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Skin-prick testing is one of the cheapest and most widely available methods for diagnosing allergies. 皮肤点刺试验是最廉价和最广泛使用的方法诊断过敏。 www.syyxw.com 5. We used to do this to be polite to vegetarians and anyone with violent allergies. 我们过去也常常这样做,以对素食者和有严重过敏症的客人表示礼貌。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Stress, genetics, trauma, medications, hormones, food allergies or other medical problems can trigger canker sores. 压力,遗传,精神创伤,药物,激素,食物过敏或是其它医学的问题也能引起鹅口疮。 www.59zn.com 7. At the moment it is difficult for people with allergies to find the right cloth as most of the products are made with pesticides. 目前,由于大多数产品的原料都含有杀虫剂,对过敏者来说很难找到合适的布料。 www.rrting.com 8. and since stomach or gastrointestinal issues often go hand in hand with allergies, a hypoallergenic diet is recommended as well. 因为胃或胃肠问题经常去,有过敏体质的手手,防过敏的饮食建议以及。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Though not as common as dairy, egg allergies are no picnic for sufferers as eggs are in an innumerable amount of foods at the grocery store. 虽然不像奶制品过敏这么普遍,但鸡蛋过敏的人也不会去野餐,因为小卖部里大量食物都含有鸡蛋。 www.elanso.com 10. The Obamas opted for a Portuguese water dog because their eldest daughter Malia has allergies and the breed has hair it does not shed. 奥巴马夫妇选择葡萄牙水犬是因为大女儿马莉娅有过敏症,而这种狗不易掉毛。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. These tablets are used to help relieve hay fever and symptoms due to allergies. 这种药用来缓解花粉热及其他因过敏引发的症状。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Ficker: As you know, the flowers here cause allergies. 菲克:我说,这里的花会引起过敏。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. I cannot eat spicy food, cannot eat fried food, cannot eat chicken and beef, cannot eat seafood, these will react my allergies. 我不能吃辛辣的食物,不能吃油炸的食物,不能吃鸡肉和牛肉,不能吃海鲜,那些都会让我过敏。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Blood work only reveals true allergies, but does not indicate food intolerances which can be equally troublesome. 验血仅仅是揭示真正的过敏原,但并不能说明食物的不耐症也是一件很棘手的事情。 www.elanso.com 5. It looked carefully at the time in the patients' lives when their allergies were active, and it found that this timing was crucial. 它认真调查了患者生活史中过敏反应发生的具体时间,发现发生时间乃关键性因素。 www.ecocn.org 6. I twice received food to which I was allergic, both times after a doctor "recorded" a list of my food allergies. 有两次他们给了我会过敏的食物,每次都是在某位医生“记录了”我的过敏食物清单之后。 www.bing.com 7. Don't wait too long too long to give fish to a baby as we believe that it could help reduce the risk of allergies and eczema later in life. 由于我们相信它能够帮助降低生活后期过敏症和湿疹的风险,所以不要等太久再给婴儿吃鱼。 www.dxy.cn 8. It's possible that some people could be allergic to certain dyes in paper money, but most money allergies have to do with nickel. 可能也有些人对某些纸币染料过敏,但大多数的纸币过敏都与镍有关。 www.bing.com 9. Why such regional differences exist is just one of the many mysteries surrounding food allergies. 为什么会有这样的地区差异存在,只是围绕食物过敏症的未解之谜之一。 www.bing.com 10. Furthermore, doctors recommend that children with eczema should not be tested for food allergies until their eczema is controlled. 此外,医生建议湿疹儿童应在湿疹病情得到控制后再进行食物过敏测试。 www.bing.com 1. A pet peeve she cites is when others are not discreet about their food allergies or other dietary restrictions when eating or ordering. 她举出了一件让她气恼的事情,那就是在吃饭或者点菜的时候,有些人会大谈自己的过敏食物或是其他的饮食禁忌。 c.wsj.com 2. Please provide us with your medical history , drug allergies, contagious diseases, and travels here and abroad. 请提供个人过去病史、药物过敏史、旅游史、传染性疾病病史等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. If you suspect food allergies or intolerances, you can talk to your pediatrician about getting blood tests to determine the allergen. 如果你对食物过敏症或食物不耐症有所察觉,你应该告诉你的儿科医师,并通过验血来查出过敏原。 www.elanso.com 4. When things turn more intimate, allergies can be disruptive as well. 当形式变得更亲密时,过敏症还可能是有破坏性的。 news.dxy.cn 5. Several hospitals around the country are in the process of developing psychiatric programs specifically for families with food allergies. 城里的几个医院正在开展针对孩子患有食物过敏症的家庭成员进行心理治疗的项目。 www.111580.com 6. I used to get spring colds, which I later thought might be allergies. 我用了抵抗春天的感冒,否则可能会过敏。 www.fanliquan.com 7. Here's a tale to dampen romantic passions: sometimes a kiss is not just a kiss, if you have food allergies. 这是一个打击浪漫激情的故事:有些时候,一个吻不只是一个吻那么简单——如果你有食物过敏症的话。 www.ebigear.com 8. A study of mouse mast cells shows that cigarette smoke can prevent allergies by decreasing the reaction of immune cells to allergens. 从用老鼠做的实验看来,吸烟之所以有抗过敏作用,是因为能够降低免疫细胞对过敏原的应激反应。 www.bing.com 9. From the Acacia Tree's point of view, pollen is not the cause of allergies. 以阿拉伯胶树的观点,花粉并不是过敏的致因。 tisheng.org 10. Other research has found c-section babies are more likely to have asthma or allergies. 其他研究发现通过破腹产出生的儿童更易发哮喘和过敏。 voa.hjenglish.com 1. Latex and rubber are the most common causes of allergies, so you should choose those pieces of clothes that do not contain. 乳胶和橡胶就是最为常见的过敏源,所以相关人员最好选择不含有这些东西的内衣裤。 www.hjenglish.com 2. This particular product cleared up the burning, red, dry, itchy, and flaky skin on my bottom eye lids due from allergies. 这种特殊的产品清理燃烧,红色,干燥,发痒,皮肤和片状我眼睛盖子底部由于从过敏。 www.gokee.cn 3. Urticaria; food allergies; hay fever; vasomotor rhinitis; itching due to skin diseases, including eczema; pruritus; and serum sickness. 荨麻疹、食物过敏、枯草热、血管舒缩性鼻炎;由皮肤病症引起的瘙痒(包括湿疹);瘙痒病和血清病。 cn.bab.la 4. Food allergies, particularly to milk and eggs, have been on the rise in Europe as well affecting as many as 400, 000 children. 在欧洲,有高达400,000名儿童都有食物过敏,特别是对牛奶和鸡蛋过敏。 www.elanso.com 5. Nasal allergies can set the stage for sinus problems by causing the mucous membranes of your nose to swell and block your sinuses. 鼻敏感源通过引起你鼻子的鼻粘膜肿胀和堵塞你的鼻子,使得你有鼻炎。 www.bing.com 6. The rising incidence of allergies is nothing to sneeze at. 过敏的发病率逐步攀升,不容忽视。 www.bing.com 7. I must say, one of the best products ever to ward off colds, allergies, and clear congestion. 这是抵抗感冒,过敏和清除充血的最好的产品。 www.freemerce.com 8. Will people with food allergies be able to realistically monitor their diets? 食物过敏的人是否能确实监控他们的饮食? edu.sina.com.cn 9. Think of the huge range of modern afflictions, from obesity and allergies to shortsightedness and drug addiction , we suffer from. 想想范围广泛的现代病痛,从肥胖和过敏症到近视和药物依赖,人们遭受折磨。 dict.kekenet.com 10. It is best to inform your surgeon of ALL your current medications as well as allergies to medications a few days prior to the examination. 最好在检查的前几天就告诉你的外科医生你目前正在使用的药物和既往的药物过敏史。 www.bing.com 1. Excessive cleanliness has led to a steep rise in allergies, a latest report indicated. 最新研究报告显示,洁癖可导致患过敏症的风险大幅增加。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. When one is out of balance, or overly acidic, weight gain, chronic illness, allergies, cancer, heart disease and even Diabetes can result. 当一个人体液达不到平衡或者过酸,就会出现超重,慢性疾病,过敏,癌症,心脏疾病甚至糖尿病。 www.bing.com 3. Sometimes, however (particularly with food allergies), the process is not gradual at all. 然而有些时候,尤其是当你碰到的是食物里的过敏原的时候,这过程根本就不是循序渐进的。 www.bing.com 4. (B)Children who are allergic to the chemicals are no more likely than other children to have allergies to other substances. 对于这种化学物质过敏的孩子们没有更加可能,比起其他的孩子,没有更加可能对其他的物质过敏。 edu.163.com 5. People who suffer from allergies can sometimes be given injections to help desensitize them. 患过敏反应的人有时可用注射针剂以帮助脱敏。 6. Let us, however, examine one of the most common allergies: hayfever. 现在让我们来看看最常见的变态反应的一种--枯草热。 7. Stay calm: Many skin conditions, including acne , allergies, eczema and psoriasis, can be aggravated by stress . 保持平静的心态:很多皮肤毛病,如粉刺、过敏、湿疹和牛皮癣等都会因为紧张的心理压力而趋严重。 blog.163.com 8. The study also found evidence of a higher incidence of food allergies and a higher risk of developing coeliac disease. 研究还发现他们可能会有更高的食物过敏症和腹腔疾病发病率。 www.bing.com 9. Researchers in Greece have revealed that outgrowing egg allergies might become a "piece of cake" . 希腊研究人员透漏,解决鸡蛋过敏会变得很容易。 www.elanso.com 10. The staff must be trained on schedule. Training their awareness and training them identify allergies source. 定时对员工进行培训,让员工接受警觉性训练,识别过敏源。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. He had allergies, which drove him crazy despite an antihistamine and a nasal steroid spray. 他还有过敏症,发作起来没有抗组织胺和类固醇喷雾难以止住。 www.bing.com 2. Who has the best training to help you cope with allergies? Your otolaryngologist. 你的耳鼻喉科医师受过最好的训练,他能帮助你对抗变态反应。 news.dxy.cn 3. German researchers say they have found some of the strongest evidence yet linking traffic pollution to childhood allergies. 德国研究人员近日研究证实,交通污染会引发儿童过敏性疾病。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. New data suggest that they might affect brain development and influence the early immune system and allergies. 新的数据表明它们还可能影响大脑发育并且影响早期免疫系统和过敏症。 ecocn.org 5. On account of my allergies, I don't play many outdoor sports in the spring and summer. 由于我的过敏体质,我在春夏两季不做户外运动。 ielts.hjenglish.com 6. In those with gluten allergies, the immune system mistakenly identifies gluten, a protein found in wheat, as a hostile invader. 而那些对谷蛋白--小麦中含有的一种蛋白质--过敏的人,免疫系统会把谷蛋白当作是对身体的恶意入侵者。 www.bing.com 7. Parents provided details on respiratory and allergic symptoms of their children, who were also tested for persistent wheezing and allergies. 通过父母提供孩子呼吸及过敏症状的详细情况,同时也对这些孩子进行持续的喘鸣及过敏检测。 news.dxy.cn 8. Non-lubricated: These condoms are most useful for oral sex and for people with allergies or sensitivities to lubricants. 这类避孕套最适合于口交以及对润滑油过敏的人群。 www.bing.com 9. Food allergies can come into play, too, so make note of those as well. 食物过敏也同样重要,因此也同样要注意。 www.pt-bus.com 10. The vaccine should not be given to pregnant women, persons with high fevers , or those with severe egg allergies. 不适接种疫苗的人群有孕妇,高烧病人以及对鸡蛋严重过敏的人群。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. And young children who've had a cat or dog since their first year of life have fewer pet allergies than other kids their age. 而一岁以前就接触过小猫小狗的小朋友比其他孩子宠物过敏的几率要低。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Wood said shots given for cat allergies provide a little bit more comfort but several studies have shown they're not hugely effective. 伍德说对有猫过敏症的人来说列出的几点提供了些许舒适,但几项研究表明它们没有太大成效。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 3. They hope that the treatment could eventually become a routine way of combating allergies. 他们希望该疗法能逐步推广成为治疗过敏症的常规疗法。 www.bing.com 4. The most common form, atopic eczema, is seen in people with a predisposition to allergies, like hay fever or asthma. 最常见的湿疹为特应性湿疹,与干草热与哮喘相似,见于过敏性体质人群。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Children who grow up on farms tend to have less asthma and fewer allergies and autoimmune disorders than city kids. 在农场长大的孩子出现哮喘、过敏或自体免疫紊乱的可能性要低于城市孩子。 www.bing.com 6. The increased pediatric vaccination schedule has been called out as a culprit in causing the increase in food allergies. 有人认为,现在名目繁多的儿童疫苗接种是引起食物过敏症的祸首。 www.bing.com 7. Our product is a pure organic product and that's why I hope it will help people will allergies to feel comfortable. 的产品是纯绿色产品,这我希望它能使过敏者感到舒服的原因。 www.ttxyy.com 8. I believe it will ease allergies and reduce the frequency of infections by revving up the immune system. 我相信虾青素能缓解过敏反应,发动免疫系统,降低感染频率。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The main products of five areas: asthma and allergies, hepatitis, anti-inflammatory and lipid-lowering, and solid tumors. 五大主要产品治疗领域:哮喘和过敏、肝炎、抗炎、降脂、实体瘤。 www.tonke.cn 10. If the pregnant woman's family was on a food allergy, there is a substantial risk that the fetus will suffer from food allergies . 如果孕妇的家族中有人对某种食物过敏,胎儿也会有很大风险患上食物过敏症。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The allergies in question are principally due to flour, cement, hairdressing preparations, and metals. 对过敏的问题主要是由于面粉,水泥,美发的筹备工作,和金属。 www.syyxw.com 2. Echinacea also can be harmful for those who have multiple sclerosis, diabetes, HIV infections or allergies. 对患有多发性硬化症、糖尿病、HIV感染或变态反应的患者紫锥花属的毒副作用更大。 news.dxy.cn 3. Free radicals can cause oxidative tissue damage, which triggers inflammation that contributes to problems like allergies and asthma. 自由基可引起组织氧化损伤,从而引起炎症导致像过敏和哮喘这样的问题。 news.dxy.cn 4. The researchers had long been seeking an alternative treatment for food allergies to the standard, regimented food avoidance method. 研究员花了很长的时间寻求一种二选一的处理方法来治疗食物过敏,标准,受限制食物避免的方法。 www.elanso.com 5. Whatever causes late-blooming allergies, those that start in adulthood are likely to stay for life. 在成年时期,不管是什么导致的过敏都会伴随你一生。 www.bing.com 6. Children are more likely to outgrow allergies to milk or soy than allergies to peanuts, fish or shrimp. 对于小孩,牛奶或者大豆比花生、鱼或者小虾更能引起过敏。 www.bing.com 7. Use acupuncture to treat seasonal allergies as an alternative to medication therapy. 用针刺疗法,替代药物疗法来治疗季节性过敏。 www.bing.com 8. The hours of dull skin are a few some seasonal allergies, it will play some red pimple. 愚钝肌肤一换季的时分都会几有些过敏,就会起一些红疙瘩。 99mrw.5d6d.com 9. Specific inquiries should be made about drugs, allergies, animal exposures, hobbies, and occupation. 特殊病史关于药物、过敏症、动物接触、嗜好、和职业。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Please describe any physical (speech. Hearing. Sight defects. Severe allergies, ect. ) Or behavioral problems your child has. 请描述孩子在健康方面的任何问题(例如:听说视力等方面的障碍及各种过敏症) www.kinstarschool.com 1. These toxins, if allowed to build up, can cause many of the allergies and ailments from which people suffer. 这些毒素,如果允许建立,可能导致许多疾病的过敏和从人民受苦。 www.rourou88.com 2. Every year these allergies cause about thirty thousand cases of anaphylaxis, a severe reaction that requires immediate treatment. 每年这些过敏会引起大约三万个过敏案例,这是一种需要立即就医的过敏反应。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Other environmental factors probably play a role: for instance, cigarette smoking has recently been shown to aggravate allergies. 其它环境因素也可能会起作用:比如,最近已经有迹象显示吸烟会加重过敏反应。 www.bing.com 4. Up to four in 10 people in Britain suffer from allergies, research by the charity Allergy UK has found. 慈善机构英国敏感症(AllergyUK)的研究发现,英国高达十分之四的人患有过敏症。 www.bing.com 5. The results showed that all sleep disorders and sleep-related complaints were much more common in people with allergies than those without. 试验结果表明,睡眠失调及睡眠投诉更为常见的过敏的人比那些没有。 www.zhong-yao.net 6. This article outlines recent policy for management of allergies and highlights the role that nurses can take in allergy management clinics. 本文概述了最近的政策管理的过敏和突出的作用,护士可以在过敏管理诊所。 www.syyxw.com 7. Food allergies, Sears said, are the single most common medical problem shared by children with autism. 食物过敏,希尔斯说,是自闭症儿童中唯一最普遍的医学问题。 www.bing.com 8. Plus, it's hard to tell the difference between a cold and allergies. 并且,要想分辨出感冒和过敏的不同也不是那么容易的。 www.bing.com 9. Laryngospasm -- Severe constriction of the larynx in response to the introduction to water, allergies, or noxious stimuli. 呛—由于进水,过敏性或其它有害的刺激导致喉部剧烈收缩。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. GM food and feed could contain quantities of new or existing proteins which might cause food allergies in people and animals. 转基因食品和饲料可能含有新的或现存的可能导致人与动物的食物过敏的蛋白。 www.jiyinwang.com 1. The dog's non-shedding coat also makes him a good choice, given Malia Obama's allergies. 这只狗狗不太脱毛,就玛利亚奥巴马的过敏症来说,他确实是个好选择。 www.bing.com 2. Greyhounds are particularly well-suited because they do not bark and their short coat is less likely to trigger allergies. 这种长腿猎狗非常适合这项工作因为它们不会咆哮,它们的短毛不会引起过敏。 www.bing.com 3. True food allergies should not be confused with "food intolerances" . 真正的食物过敏不应该与“食物不耐受性”相混淆。 www.bing.com 4. It is the hope of many parents of children with food allergies that their children will learn to healthfully cope with allergies. 许多食物过敏的患儿父母希望他们的孩子能够学会健康有效地应付过敏。 www.elanso.com 5. During pregnancy and lactation, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, allergies are disabled. 怀孕期及哺乳期,乳腺癌、卵巢癌、子宫癌、过敏体质者禁用。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Ask your doctor to prescribe a medicine to help prevent allergies. 向你的医生开一些药来防止过敏。 www.bing.com 7. Let's take a short trip to the island of Crete. While skin allergies are common here, nasal allergies and wheezing are rare. Why? 我们来看看克里特岛。在这里,虽然皮肤过敏很常见,但是鼻腔过敏和哮喘却很少见。这是为什么? news.dxy.cn 8. Gupta and her colleagues instead wanted to design a study focused solely on the rate and severity of food allergies. gupta及其同事却希望设计一个研究,这个研究专门针对研究食物过敏的比率和严重程度。 www.bing.com 9. Constant exposure to cigarette smoke, house dust mites, pollens, pets and allergy provoking foods will promote allergies. 如果经常接触到烟雾,灰尘,花粉,宠物和吃能引起皮肤过敏的食物,那么就会很容易的患上过敏症。 learning.sohu.com 10. nasal, and lung cancers, allergies, eye and skin diseases, as well as respiratory problems in cats and dogs. 被动吸烟与淋巴癌、鼻癌、肺癌、各种过敏、眼病、皮肤疾病以及宠物的呼吸道疾病有关。 dict.kekenet.com 1. Do not contain drugs, hormone, preservative, the composition such as oxidant, plants and animals, won't bring toxicity and allergies. 不含药物、激素、防腐剂、氧化剂、动植物等成分,不会带来毒副作用和过敏。 cn.mygos.net 2. Allergies and eyelash infestation with lice may also cause blepharitis, although these causes are less common. 过敏和眼睫毛虱子引起的感染也可以引起眼睑炎,虽然这种情况不是很常见。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Such compounds have been associated with lower levels of allergies and inflammation. 该化合物与低过敏和低炎性反应相关。 www.ecocn.org 4. To enhance immunity, prevent colds allergies, dermatitis, angular cheilitis . 增强免疫力,预防感冒过敏,皮肤炎,口角炎。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Many therapeutic agents have been implicated in allergies in many species of animals. 许多动物过敏反应涉及很多治疗剂。 www.kuenglish.info 6. They can cause harmful side effects and allergies that the same food without the additives and preservatives normally would not cause. 它们可造成有害的副作用及过敏认为,同样的食物添加剂和防腐剂,通常不会造成。 uzmart.com 7. Allergies have become increasingly widespread in developed countries with hay fever, eczema, hives and asthma on the rise. 过敏症在发达国家变得日益普遍,花粉热、湿疹、荨麻疹和哮喘越来越常见。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. A sauna shower can give relief to asthma sufferers, people with bronchitis or sinusitis, and helps anyone who has seasonal allergies. 桑拿可以缓解哮喘、支气管炎和窦炎,和季节性敏感症。 www.elanso.com 9. How do you know whether you're having a naso-ocular reflex or outdoor allergies? 怎么知道你有眼-鼻反射鼻炎或者户外过敏症呢? treasure.1x1y.com.cn 10. The established effects of gluten range from allergies and coeliac disease to varying degrees of digestive discomfort. 已知的对面筋的反应有过敏和腹腔疾病到不同程度的消化道不适。 www.bing.com 1. Sensitivity to allergies is at its height now, so hayfever sufferers will have a fit of sneezes on high-pollen nights. 人们对过敏的反应最为敏感,所以枯草热的患者会在花香四溢的夜晚狂打一连串喷嚏。 www.bing.com 2. Even if you don't have severe allergies, you can still be prepared for a spontaneous reaction. 即使你没有出现过严重的过敏症状,你仍应该做好准备好。 www.bing.com 3. In response to the triggers noted above, an individual prone to allergies develops an exaggerated immune response. 通过对以上所提物质的反应,过敏患者的免疫系统会作出过激的反应。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Bill Clinton had a nose that glowed red, almost to luminousness, as his allergies assailed him. 会记得比尔?克林顿那因过敏症状变得通红甚至泛光的鼻子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Sensitivity tests should be performed on the patient before the procedure is performed to test for allergies to the collagen. 在进行手术之前,要对病人进行过敏测试,测试病人是否对胶原蛋白过敏。 www.elanso.com 6. But that is a few extreme cases only - the vast majority of allergies are things that build up over time and with constant exposure. 不过这也是很少的极端例子了——大多数的过敏是由于长期持续的积累而成。 www.xici.net 7. During the spring, I suffer from horrible allergies that make my entire head feel like a brick. 每到春天我就饱受严重的过敏之苦,整个头像装了砖头一样重。 www.360abc.com 8. More importantly, I overheard that my confinement was due to MY power of "allergies. " 更重要的是,我偷听到是因为能“过敏”我才被禁闭的。 www.bing.com 9. Make sure your doctor knows about any allergies and adverse reactions you have had to medicines. 确定你的医生知道你的过敏史,以及你对曾服用过药物的不良反应。 www.dxyer.cn 10. Coupled with the plastic wrap itself is chemicals, also easily lead to skin allergies, the body caused by other potential hazards. 再加上保鲜膜本身是化学物品,还容易引起皮肤过敏,对身体造成其他潜在的危害。 www.xiami360.com 1. AIM: To determine the prevalence of other allergies in patients with vernal keratoconjunctivitis(VKC) and their firstdegree relatives. 目的:测定春季角结膜炎患者和一级亲属中相对其他过敏的患病率。 www.studa.net 2. It used for table disinfection, oral care, oral ulcers, mosquito bites, skin itching, skin allergies caused by fungal infections and so on. 可用于餐具消毒、口腔清洁护理、口腔溃疡、蚊虫叮咬、皮肤瘙痒、真菌引发的皮肤过敏、感染等; dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Some studies have suggested that they cause cancer, allergies, and other health problems, while other studies question those findings. 一些研究结果表明它们会引起癌症,过敏和其它健康问题,与此同时,也有其它研究在考证这些发现。 www.bing.com 4. There is only one thing on the mind of someone suffering with allergies: relief. 保受过敏症之苦的人心中只有一个想法:减轻痛苦。 www.elanso.com 5. The findings showed that men and women with contact allergies had significantly lower rates of breast cancer and non-melanoma skin cancer. 结果表明,与其他人群相比,存在接触性过敏反应的人罹患乳腺癌和非黑色素瘤皮肤癌的比例要低得多。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. We all get food poisoned once in awhile, sometimes minor allergies, other times serious bowel peristalsis or diarrhea. 我们都曾食物中毒过,有时轻微只是过敏,有时严重到肚子痛或腹泻。 alive.tom.com 7. Gross level problems like insomnia and allergies were quickly resolved after I started Sahaja Yoga meditation. 我开始练习霎哈嘉瑜伽后,大的问题,像失眠和过敏反应很快就解决了。 www.xici.net 8. Individuals with special diets and allergies will need particular attention, as will babies, toddlers, and the elderly. 和婴儿、幼儿、年长者一样,有特殊饮食和食物过敏症的人需要特别留意。 www.bing.com 9. Those of us over 40 don't remember having so much as a conversation about food allergies in school. 像我们这样40多岁的人觉得读书的时候没有那么多人讨论食物过敏的问题。 www.bing.com 10. It also questions the evidence that introducing solids at four months prevents coeliac disease and allergies. 同样被质疑的还有在婴儿四个月时引入固体食品可防止罹患腹腔疾病和过敏症的证据。 www.bing.com 1. Therefore, some people particularly sensitive to physical switch to goat milk powder, has made the possibility of allergies occur. 因此,一些人特别敏感的物理交换机的山羊奶粉,已引起过敏的可能性发生。 www.qiyeku.com 2. Allergies are a kid's thing, right? Not necessarily. New research suggests more older people will be developing allergies than ever before. 只有小孩会过敏,是这样的么?事实并非如此。新的研究表明越来越多的老人也容易产生过敏。 www.bing.com 3. Also provided are pool safety tips, baby summer skin care ideas, and making sure barbecues are safe for kids with food allergies. 同时附上泳池安全贴士,抱抱夏日皮肤保护还有确保烧烤的食物不会使孩子食物过敏。 www.elanso.com 4. Allergies to medications or food, including specific questions about natural rubber latex. 药物或食物过敏史,包括天然橡胶特种过敏反应。 www.kuenglish.info 5. As for the other reasons, polyurethane condoms are available for people with latex allergies. 至于其他那些借口,对橡胶过敏的人可以用聚氨基甲酸乙酯避孕套。 www.bing.com 6. Keeping your dog free from fleas and mites, especially whilst puppies, is essential in preventing allergies. 保持您的狗从蚤和小蜘蛛解脱,特别是小狗,是根本的在防止过敏。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. So gird yourself for such strange effects as savage wildfires, disappearing lakes, and freak allergies. 所以,作好准备去应对那些奇怪的后果吧,比如凶猛的大火、正在消失的湖泊以及反常的过敏症状。 dict.bioon.com 8. Obese children and teens are at increased risk for allergies, especially food allergies, say U. S. researchers. 美国研究人员称,极度肥胖的儿童和青少年患过敏症,尤其是食物过敏症的风险正在增高。 bbs.seu.edu.cn 9. Here, they ask if I'm okay. "Allergies, " I say. 当这里有人问我好不好时,我会说:“很烦!” www.elanso.com 10. It is therefore best to inform your surgeon of any allergies to medications, iodine, or shellfish. 造影前要告诉你的医生你是否有药物、碘或者贝类过敏史。 www.bing.com 1. Scientists have long blamed our overly sterile environments for increases in asthma and allergies. 长期以来,科学家指责过分干净的环境是哮喘和过敏的元凶。 download.putclub.com 2. And Americans spend billions of dollars annually on antihistamines to treat the symptoms of allergies. 美国人每年在治疗过敏症的抗组胺药物上要花费数亿美金。 www.bing.com 3. Though many people grow out of their food allergies as they grow older, some don't. 虽然许多人随着年龄的增长食物过敏症会逐渐消失,但有些人不会消失。 www.bing.com 4. Antihistamines and decongestants provide some relief for colds and allergies. 抗组胺药和减充血药都能够帮助舒缓感冒和过敏的症状。 www.bing.com 5. The decision by the Canadian Transportation Agency followed complaints from 2 passengers with nut allergies. 该决定缘于2名患有坚果过敏症乘客的投诉。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Not only will the air you breathe be fresher, plants also naturally humidify the air reducing allergies and sinusitis. 你呼吸的空气不仅变得更新鲜,而且植物很自然的使空气潮湿,缓解过敏和窦炎。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Since echinacea helps boost the immune system and eyebright helps the sinuses, it's awesome for kids with allergies! 由于紫锥菊帮助促进免疫系统,小米草帮助鼻窦,过敏对儿童来说很可怕。 www.alasale.com 8. I posted bond, and I wasn't doing anything. I mean, I've got allergies. 我什么都没做,我,我是过敏体质 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Studies suggest it helps lower blood pressure, fight asthma and allergies, and prevent heart attacks. 研究表明,它有助于降血压,抗哮喘,防过敏,并预防心脏病发作。 www.readywin.com 10. Food allergies and intolerances, although being two different things, are both created by poor gut flora. 尽管厌食症和食物过敏是不尽相同的两种状况,但是他们都是由肠道消化系统不良引起的。 www.bing.com 1. Leave the fan on to create a "whole house" air filtration system to remove tiny particles that can trigger allergies and asthma. 将风扇开启,形成一个“全面”的空气过滤系统,除掉细小微粒,防止引发过敏和哮喘。 sunstreak.blog.35.cn 2. They need to have a list of the parent's prescriptions, allergies, physicians and contact information and the parent's pharmacy. 他们最好准备一个列表,上面记载着家长的处方单,过敏史,医生的联系方式以及家长在服用的药剂信息。 www.bing.com 3. No drug, hormone, preservative, the oxidant composition etc, won't bring toxicity and allergies. 无任何药物、激素、防腐剂、氧化剂等成分,不会带来毒副作用和过敏。 cn.mygos.net 4. Check for a history of allergies to airborne irritants and foods. 检查是否有空中刺激物和食物过敏史。 www.for68.com 5. Colds are worse in winter while seasonal allergies are more common from the spring to early fall when plants are pollinating. 冬天会加重感冒,而季节性过敏的高发率往往出现在从春天到早秋,因为植物会在这段时期传授花粉。 www.bing.com 6. The diluted mixture is thought by some veterinarians to reduce or remove the protein that causes cat allergies. 据有些兽医认为稀释的混合物减少或去除了引起猫过敏症的蛋白质。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 7. Henry is examining a woman who has allergies. "Well, you definitely look like you have allergies, " she says. 亨利是一个女人谁研究了过敏。“嗯,你一定像你有过敏症,”她说。 bbs.5i5i.cn 8. Identify food allergies early by taking colicky babies and chronic, loose stools seriously. 早期识别食物过敏则要认真看待胀气的婴儿和慢性腹泻。 www.bing.com 9. Although 2s don't often get ill due to their robust constitution, allergies can become a problem, especially in times of stress. 由于其强壮的体质,2虽然不经常生病,但是可能会有过敏方面的问题,特别是在压力大的时候。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. In theory, an over-stimulated immune system could aggravate allergies or autoimmunity. 理论上讲,机体的免疫系统不应过分受到刺激,否则其敏感症和免疫力将恶化。 www.bing.com 1. Twenty-nine percent of consumers said they view insomnia as more serious than indoor and outdoor allergies. 有29%的消费者认为失眠比户内和户外过敏症要严重。 news.dxy.cn 2. It also makes a great on-the-go snack for little ones, but be cautious if your child has nut allergies. 同时它也给婴儿提供了一种零食,但要注意你的小孩是否对坚果过敏。 www.elanso.com 3. Certain forms of mental illness can be triggered by food allergies. 有些类型的精神疾病可能会由食物过敏引发的。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Ginger acts as an antihistamine and aids in the treatment of allergies. 生姜充当抗组胺药在治疗过敏有辅助作用。 www.slideboom.com 5. Certain bacteria in the intestine are associated with greater or lesser chances of having allergies. 肠道内的一些细菌与过敏症状的产生与否有关系。 www.bing.com 6. Seek treatment for your allergies. 治疗你的过敏。 www.bing.com 7. There are many medical theories about its cause: too much salt, caffeine, or alcohol in one's diet, too much stress, and allergies. 关于这种病的成因,有很多医学解释:在食物中摄入了过量的盐分、咖啡因或酒精,太大的压力和敏感。 www.bing.com 8. Allergists have seen cases of people experiencing allergies to chemicals in spermicides, lubricants, latex or even a partner's semen. 变态反应学家已经观察到因杀精子剂、润滑剂、乳胶或者甚至伙伴的精液中的化学物出现过敏症的病例。 news.dxy.cn 9. Give our no fragrance products a try even if you can tolerate scent, don't have allergies or ingredient restrictions. 即使你不对香味过敏并且对过敏物质或洗护品的成分没有特别的禁忌,我们仍建议你尝试一下我们的无味产品。 img3.zhubajie.com 10. Scientists are also wary of potential side effects like auto-immune diseases and allergies. 科学家们仍在谨慎地研究是否此种方法会产生类似自体免疫系统疾病以及过敏的副作用。 dongxi.net 1. One suggestion is to bring a list of any medicines you take and any allergies you have. 第一,将你曾经服的药和过敏史列一个清单。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. Honey can prevent allergies for two reasons: First, it contains a small amount of venom. 蜂蜜能够预防过敏的原因有两个:一是其中含有微量的蜂毒。 www.360doc.com 3. Patients had convenient gadolinium allergies and spinal fluid that could only be tested once. 本集的患者对于钆过敏所以只能做一次脊髓液测试。 www.121321.cn 4. If allergies have your sinuses blocked, you may be feeling more tired and cranky. 如果过敏症让你的鼻子塞住了,你会更容易感到累和不安。 www.bing.com 5. Unlike raw milk, pasteurized milk can to lead to tooth decay, constipation, allergies, arthritis, cancer, and osteoporosis. 巴氏杀菌奶不同于原料奶,可以导致龋齿、便秘、过敏、关节炎、癌症和骨质疏松症。 dongxi.net 6. A new study reveals a breakthrough technique that may help children overcome severe food allergies. 最新的一项研究表明,有一种突破技术可以帮助孩子克服剧烈的食物过敏。 www.elanso.com 7. Taking an antihistamine isn't the only way to battle seasonal allergies. 服用抗组胺药并不是对抗季节性过敏的唯一途径。 www.bing.com 8. Different levels of stimulus to the eyes, can cause skin damage, skin allergies, causing liver damage and other side effects. 不同水平对眼睛有刺激作用、可引起皮肤损害、皮肤过敏、引起肝脏损害等副作用。家庭装修中的装饰装修用的油漆涂料代理加盟。 www.gzkangdian.cn 9. What Are the Best Ways to Cure Allergies Naturally? 治疗过敏最好的天然疗法是什么? www.bing.com 10. True or False: Food allergies and food intolerances are the same thing. 判断:食物过敏和食物不耐受是一回事 www.bing.com 1. Please instruct the waiter to arrange cuisine beforehand if there is Muslim, vegetarian or people with seafood allergies among your guests. 如果您的客人中有回民朋友、吃素、海鲜过敏等,请您在点菜前通知服务员,以便安排; blog.sina.com.cn 2. My allergies to seemingly benign things were so severe that I spent much of one year in the hospital, running a high fever. 我对那些似乎无害的东西的过敏症实在是太严重了,因此我花了几乎一整年的时间待在医院里,期间伴随着持续高烧。 www.bing.com 3. Plenty of research has shown that a healthy diet may protect a baby from many health conditions including asthma and food allergies. 大量的调查研究显示健康的饮食会使婴儿避免患上各种疾病,如哮喘和食物过敏症。 www.elanso.com 4. When that happens, even healthy foods can become acidic and the food allergies will become more prevalent. 到这个时候,甚至健康的食物都会被转化成酸性物质,食物过敏会越来越严重。 www.bing.com 5. Many commercial diaper wipes contain strong chemicals that can irritate, trigger allergies or contribute to diaper rash and skin damage. 很多市面上的尿片湿巾带有化学成分,能刺激,惹起过敏或天生尿疹和皮肤遭到损伤。 www.carzy.com.cn 6. Providing breast milk for feedings while you're gone protects your baby against allergies. 当你不在身边时给宝宝吃母乳,可以保护宝宝预防过敏。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. If allergies are causing your sinus pain, antihistamines and other allergy medicines can help relieve symptoms. 如果你的鼻疼痛是过敏引起的,抗组织胺和其他过敏药物能够缓释症状。 www.bing.com 8. Perhaps the US epidemic of food allergies and asthma is a casualty of genetic manipulation. 也许美国流行着食物过敏和哮喘是一种遗传基因操纵的结果。 www.picassoclub.net 9. If your eyes, nose and throat are itchy and your symptoms don't improve after two weeks, it's likely allergies. 如果你感到眼睛、鼻子或者喉咙发痒,但并没有持续超过两个星期,可能就是感染过敏了。 www.bing.com 10. And in many cases, allergies can trigger a bout of asthma, or make it worse. 案例显示,过敏会引发哮喘,甚至更糟。 www.bing.com 1. Allergies are caused by an overactive immune system responding to an allergen such as pollen, mold, dust or pet dander. 过敏是在接触到了类似于花粉、霉菌、灰尘或者宠物毛屑等过敏原的时候免疫系统作出的过激反应造成的。 www.bing.com 2. Note: only for external use only, if appear allergies or red rash, should immediately stop using it. 注意事项:仅供外用,若出现过敏或红疹,应立即停止使用。 cn.mygos.net 3. So you really thought having allergies would make you more attractive? 你真的以为有过敏症会让你更有魅力? www.tingroom.com 4. This substance is made from purified bovine collagen; therefore a skin test for allergies is required before collagen injections. 这种物质是由牛胶原蛋白纯化,因此皮肤过敏测试之前,需要注射胶原蛋白。 www.hudie.com 5. The problem is that she had serious peanut allergies. 问题是她患有严重的花生过敏症。 www.bing.com 6. Individual may occur due to drug allergies and mild local irritation, the event should stop using the drug. 有个别人可因对药物过敏而出现局部轻度刺激现象,一旦出现应停止使用该药物。 www.xiami360.com 7. This jumbled film and reduce damage to skin sebum resilience and trigger skin allergies. 这冗杂破坏皮脂膜而降低皮肤抵御力,引发皮肤过敏。 99mrw.5d6d.com 8. Of those, 35 million suffer nasal allergies, known broadly as hay fever, said Mike Tringale, the association's vice president. 其中,35,000,000人忍受鼻敏感,像广为人知的花粉热,协会副主席麦克.特邻加来说道。 www.bing.com 9. How to customise recipes for your dietary requirements or allergies. 如何依照你的饮食需求或敏感物而制定食谱 www.bing.com 10. Figure 2 shows the CDA Viewer displaying an observation event representing allergies and adverse reactions. 图2展示了一个CDAViewer,其中包含了一个表示过敏和不良反应的观察事件。 www.ibm.com |
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