单词 | tarot |
释义 |
复数:tarots 例句释义: 塔罗纸牌,塔罗牌,占卜用的纸牌,塔罗特牌 1. The result is likely to be similar to an Alchemy Tarot "Permanently increases your skill in Alchemy by 1, up to a maximum of 150. " 结果看来跟[炼金塔罗牌]很类似-“永久提升1点你的炼金学技能,最高至150。” wow.tgbus.com 2. Guinness consulted Tarot cards for a time, but came to the conclusion that the symbols of the cards mocked Christianity and Christ. 有一段时间,吉尼斯常乞灵于塔罗牌,不过后来得到了纸牌上的符号是对基督和基督教的亵渎的结论。 starwarsfans.cn 3. If trained in one of these areas, I will clearly differentiate between the tarot reading and any professional advice additionally provided. 如涉及到我的专业知识范围以内,我会清楚地向对方划分塔罗所提供的意思和自己的专业知识。 sites.google.com 4. What is so out of balance upon the land of Hawaii that the tarot plants are failing to grow in great abundance? 那么,是夏威夷土地上的什么失去了平衡,从而造成塔罗树无法繁茂生长呢? iattraction.cn 5. You don't have to be spiritually inclined to get something out of the tarot. 你不必是精神上倾向于走出塔罗牌的东西了。 www.ccebook.net 6. Joe: That is suspicious. . . . My God, Peter Lyman. Hard to believe, But if he did turn out to be the Tarot Killer, what a story! 乔:这样说来确实很可疑…天啊,我们在谈的可是彼德莱门啊,真难以置信!如果他真的是凶手,那一定可以写成一篇精采的报导! dict.kekenet.com 7. I'm currently planning a trip to Italy, and hunting down obscure and fascinating places to visit, like the "Tarot Garden" . 目前我正在计划去意大利旅行一趟,想找一些神秘且迷人的景点,如塔罗公园。 www.bing.com 8. He can be seen on the Tarot card Key 20 Judgement, which shows him in his role as the resurrecting force. 祂也被视同是塔罗牌中主牌20的审判,其示现祂在复活扮演角色的力量。 fgc.tw 9. Honor your deck and work with your tarot cards with integrity to help others. 荣耀你的牌,以正直的心态运用塔罗牌来协助别人。 xz.heyix.com 10. Tarot For Dummies explains how the tarot works, what it can and can't do for you, and how to get the most out of it. 塔罗傻瓜解释了塔罗牌的运作,它不能为你做,以及如何获得最有效地利用它。 www.ccebook.net 1. Gypsies living in fortune telling, the Tarot is one of the fortune of their methods. 吉普赛人以占卜为生,塔罗牌就是他们的其中一种占卜方法。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 2. This "Yes-No Oracle" is by Irys Vorel in an article entitled "How the Gypsies Use the Tarot" from the February 1955 issue of Fate Magazine. 根据Greer,这个“预言是否”最早是由IrysVorel发表在1955年二月号《命运杂志》里的一篇名为“吉普赛人怎样使用塔罗牌”的文章中。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. In a very long time to come Tarot can only gypsies can read, many of Tarot cards are intended to explain the Roma as the basis. 在很长的时间里塔罗牌只有吉普赛人才能看得懂,许多塔罗牌的牌意都是以吉普赛人的解释作为基础的。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 4. The power of the tarot is in the power of the image which sparks our imagination. 塔罗牌的力量就是能够以图像的力量来引发我们的想像力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Other branches of occultism are: yoga, astrology, ritual magic, tarot cards, as well as other systems of magic and divination. 其他神秘学的分支是:瑜伽,星占学,法术仪式,泰罗纸牌,以及其他法术和预知系统。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Like playing cards of the time, the first tarot deck included number and face cards in four suits. 就像当时的纸牌,第一副塔罗牌包含了四组同花色的号码牌和人头牌。 7. Carl Jung was the first psychoanalyst to attach importance to tarot symbolism. 卡尔?荣格(CarlJung)是首个肯定塔罗牌象征意义重大的精神分析学家。 dongxi.net 8. Practicing divination (This means fortune telling, reading tarot cards, reading tea leaves etc) or sorcery. 实施占卜(这意味着命运的讲述,读塔罗牌,看茶叶渣等等)或巫术。 www.bing.com 9. You should be able to find this image in books or websites dealing with the Tarot. 你应该能在书或网站上找到这些肖像,是与塔罗牌有关。 www.chinaufo.com 10. Apart from astrology, the techniques include tarot card reading, palmistry and many more things. 除占星术之外,技术包括占卜用的纸牌读书、手相术和许多事。 word.hcbus.com 1. I will represent honestly my Tarot qualifications, including educational credentials and levels of certification. 本人将诚实出示塔罗资格,包含教育文凭证件(美国塔罗协会)。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Very few such personal maps exist, and tarot may be the most exquisite and appropriate for the 21st century. 这样的个人地图非常罕有,而塔罗牌也许就是21世纪最精妙和适当的地图。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. What we determined to make quality Tarot of the game to the Kingdom of Star Wars as the background. 我们立志要做出什么品质本游戏以塔罗王国的星球大战为背景。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Scribes make Journeyman Alchemist's Tarot using Greater Healing Potion, Elixir of Defense, Jadefire Ink, and Common Parchment. 铭文师可以使用强效治疗药水、防御药剂、碧火墨水及普通的羊皮纸来制造[熟练的炼金师塔罗牌]。 wow.tgbus.com 5. Some use automatic writing, automatic drawing, and tarot cards. 有些人会自动书写、自动绘画或动物塔罗等方式。 rosina.wordpress.com 6. ' The subjects range from takeoffs on Tarot cards to satires of literary styles. 作品的主题从对塔罗牌的戏仿到文艺风格的讽刺作品,包罗万象。 www.bing.com 7. Change7 Tarot includes different card layouts, like Sample Cross and others, that are available under the Reading Layouts menu. change7塔罗牌包括不同卡布局一样,样本交叉等,也可根据读布局菜单。 xtdownload.com 8. There is a 20 page introduction to the tarot and a page of information for each card that has never before been taught. 有一个20页介绍了塔罗牌和为每个以前从未被教导卡信息页。 www.ccebook.net 9. MB Free Psychic -Tarot Glossary is a collection of all possible psychic and tarot related words. 免费下载10MB的心灵,塔罗词汇是一个集合所有可能的话心理和塔罗牌有关。 kondishenprom.info 10. ' The subjects range from take offs on Tarot cards to satires of literary styles. 其主题广泛,涉及从对塔罗牌的戏仿到对书面体式的嘲讽。 www.douban.com 1. Your Angel card is "Gifts from God" -be open to receive and your Tarot card is "5 of Swords" -choose your battles wisely. 你的天使卡“神之礼物”,是公开接受的意思。你的塔罗牌是“剑5”,意味着明智地选择你的战斗。 www.douban.com 2. Mila has noticed the yellow leaves and the sick looking plants in the tarot fields of Hanalei. 在那里的田野里,Mila注意到了塔罗树的黄色叶子及病怏怏的样子。 iattraction.cn 3. Sondra Pransky: What are you going to tell the police? "The guy owns a deck of tarot cards. . . " that''s not a crime! 你打算怎么告诉警察?那个人有一大堆塔罗牌…那就不是犯罪! www.ebigear.com 4. And that's probably the key lesson to my short talk here, is that this is how psychics work, astrologers, and tarot card readers and so on. 这也许就是我这简短演讲的重点,那就是这就是通灵者占星家、塔罗牌师等等的运作原理。 www.ted.com 5. The Hero is awarded a Tarot Deck at the start of the map. 主英雄初始就获得宝物『占卜纸牌』。 www.heroworld.net 6. Astrology enjoyed great popularity in medieval Europe, along with other fortunetelling methods such as the Tarot. 占星学在中世纪的欧洲十分盛行,和其他预测未来的方法一样,比如说:塔罗牌。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Try for free demo of our Tarot program. 20下载试用我们的塔罗牌方案免费演示。 kondishenprom.info 8. What are your views on Tarot divination? 请问您对塔罗牌占卜有什么看法? www.sojump.com 9. this tarot kit includes 22 major arcana , a table cloth and user manual. 此副立体塔罗牌套装包括22张主牌,桌布及使用守则。 www.ichacha.net 10. Your Tarot card is the 20th card in the Major Arcana "The World" --count your blessings. 您的塔罗牌卡是“世界”-数一数你的祝福。 www.douban.com 1. In the fall of 2005, bank employees shared nonpublic assessments of how the subprime market was a house of tarot cards. 2005年秋天,摩根士丹利的员工分享了非公开的评估,内容是为什么说次贷市场危如累卵。 cn.nytimes.com 2. Gives the player a random tarot card. 给玩家一个随机的塔罗牌卡。 tieba.baidu.com 3. told my fortune with tarot cards. 用纸牌来算我的命运 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Your Angel card is "You Are Safe" and your Tarot card is "6 of Swords" -be hopeful. 你的天使卡是“你很安全”。你的塔罗牌是“剑6”,这意味着有希望的。 www.douban.com 5. To do a tarot reading on sth. 用塔罗牌占卜一下。 blog.5d.cn 6. And in tarot cards, death isn't death. 在塔罗牌里死神不代表死亡。 www.b2b99.com 7. The tarot card is what? 那个塔罗牌到底是什么呢? www.bing.com 8. In general, tarot can refer to different kinds of tarot cards. 一般来说,塔罗牌是泛指很多不同的塔罗纸牌。 sites.google.com 9. Tarot it predicts a variety of future, but can not change to grief. 塔罗牌它预言了各种将来,却转变不了注定的悲痛。 www.qqrenren.com 10. Tarot cards, gems and stones Believing all that sh*t's gonna heal your soul 塔罗牌,宝石和骨头相信所有这些能愈合你的灵魂 wenku.baidu.com 1. Training programme for Tarot Consultants and Tarot Tutors 培训塔罗牌顾问及导师 www.ichacha.net 2. tarot and spiritual courses local and international 灵修及塔罗牌课程本地及外地 www.ichacha.net 3. American Tarot Association statement on Death 美国塔罗牌协会对死神牌的说明 hknewage.hk 4. Tarot Certification Board of America 美国塔罗认证委员会 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Tarot of the Southwest Sacred Tribes 西南方神秘部落塔罗 www.52yun.de 6. Tarot Art Nouveau Deluxe Editions 新艺术塔罗牌豪华版 shop34530004.taobao.com 7. Tarot of the Northern Shadows 北方之影塔罗 www.52yun.de 8. Tarot Of A Moon Garden 月亮花园塔罗 www.nmzone.net 9. Tarot of Gemstones and Crystals 水晶宝石塔罗 www.52yun.de 10. Tarot of the III Millennium 黄金时代塔罗牌 bbs.1246.cn 1. China Tarot Association HD 中华塔罗牌协会华东地区 www.chinatarot.com 2. Tarot of the Secret Forest 神秘森林塔罗牌 www.52yun.de 3. Certified Tarot Grand Master , CTGM 塔罗资深大师 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The Pictorial Key to the Tarot 塔罗图形关键 g.yeeyan.org 5. The Spirit of Flowers Tarot 花之精灵塔罗牌 bbs.1246.cn 6. Tarot of the Holy Grail 圣杯塔罗牌 shop34530004.taobao.com 7. Tarot of the New Vision 新视觉塔罗牌 nunu851180.blogchina.com 8. The Golden Dawn Tarot Deck 黄金黎明塔罗 www.52yun.de 9. Liber T Tarot of Star Eternal 永恆之星塔羅 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The Stairs of Gold Tarot 金色阶梯塔罗 groups.ifensi.com 1. Tarot of White Cats Mini 白猫塔罗牌迷你版 www.52yun.de |
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