单词 | Stapleton | ||||||||||||
释义 | Stapleton
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 斯特普尔顿,斯塔普尔顿,斯泰普尔顿 1. Miss Stapleton was clearly angry with herself. "I'm sorry, " she said. "Please forget what I said. But do come with us to our house. " 斯台普顿小姐显然对自己很懊恼。“我很抱歉,”她说道。“请忘掉我所说的话。可是,您一定得和我们一道去屋里坐坐。” www.kekenet.com 2. I cannot forget your words, Miss Stapleton, "I said. " If Sir Henry is in danger, I must tell him. “我不会忘记您的话语的,斯台普顿小姐,”我说道。“如果亨利爵士有危险的话,那我就得告诉他。” www.kekenet.com 3. First of all, I think Stapleton told you to write the letter to Sir Charles and to ask him for help. 我斯台普顿要您给查尔斯爵士写信并向他求救。 www.hnboxu.com 4. Because Stapleton thought that she would be very much more useful to him if she appeared to be a free woman. ' 因为斯台普顿早就想到了,如果她看似一个单身的自由女子就会对他要有用得多。 www.hxen.com 5. It is possible that Stapleton did not know of the existence of an heir in Canada. 可能斯台普吞并不知道在加拿大还有一个继承人。 www.for68.com 6. I had been walking for only a few minutes when I wassurprises to see Miss Stapleton sitting on a rock ahead of me. 没走几分钟便惊奇地看到斯台普顿小姐正坐在我前边的一块岩石上。 hi.baidu.com 7. He wanted to know where Miss Stapleton was, and I had to tell him twice that there was no sign of her in the house. 他想要明白斯台普顿小姐在哪里,我不得不对他说了两遍,说屋内没有她的迹象。 www.15222.com 8. By tomorrow night Stapleton will be caught like one of his butterflies, and we shall add him to the Baker Street collection. 明晚之前斯台普顿就要像他自己所捉的蝴蝶一样被捕捉了,我们还将把他添到贝克街的收集物中往。 www.chinabaike.com 9. Stapleton had the idea of buying a huge hound, and of using the phosphorus to make it shine like the hound in the story. 斯台普顿就起了买一只大猎犬并用磷来使猎犬像故事中的那只那样闪闪发光的念头。 www.gupiaochina.com 10. " It's gone, " Stapleton said. " The marsh has caught and kills it. That often happens. It is an evil place, the Great Grimpen Marsh. " “它完了,”斯台普顿道。“泥潭已把它给吞没了。这种情形经常发生。格林盆大泥潭可真是个邪恶的地方。” hi.baidu.com 1. I decided it was a good time to ask him the final questions about Stapleton and the hound. 我决定,这该是向他询问有关斯台普顿和那只猎犬的最后一些问题的大好时机了。 www.zhujiwx.com 2. We covered the body. Then Stapleton turned to go home, and Holmes and I walked towards Baskerville Hall. 我们把尸体遮盖起来。然后,斯台普顿就转身回家了,我和福尔摩斯朝巴斯克维尔庄园走去。 www.hxen.com 3. Stapleton looked hard at him, but Holmes had spoken very seriously and his words sounded true. 斯台普顿死盯着他,但是福尔摩斯说话时很一本正经,他的话语听上去也像真的。 www.hxen.com 4. When you told me that Mrs Lyons was getting a divorce, I realized that she hoped to marry Stapleton. 当你告诉我莱昂丝太太计划离婚时,我便意识到她是希望嫁给斯台普顿的。 hi.baidu.com 5. When you told me that Stapleton had owned a school in the north of England. I checked on him and where he had come from. 当你告诉我斯台普顿曾在英格兰北部办过一所学校时,我查了一下他本人的身世及其来源。 www.examda.com 6. After all, Stapleton said, the chemicals don't actually prevent things objects burning. 毕竟,阻燃剂不能防止物质燃烧。 www.bing.com 7. By heavens, clever as he is, I shall trap Stapleton before another day is past. 苍天在上,过不了另一天我就要诱捕他,虽然他很狡猾。 www.kekenet.com 8. Holmes had told Stapleton that he would return to London, but he had not said that I was going too. 福尔摩斯曾告诉过斯台普顿他将回伦敦去,但在那时并没有说我也将回去。 halimama.com 9. "When he first joined United people had high expectations, but he was far from the finished article, " says Stapleton. “当他第一次参加美国人民抱有很高的期望,但他还远远没有完成的文章说,”特普尔顿。 bbs.zhibo8.com 10. Then Stapleton locked the door, and went back into the house and into the diningroom. 接着,斯台普顿锁好了房门,又回到屋里去了,还返回了饭厅。 iinnff.com 1. Statleton and Sir Henry were sitting and smoking their cigars, but there was no sign of Miss Stapleton. 斯台普顿和亨利爵士正坐着,还抽着雪茄,可是斯台普顿小姐的迹象。 www.hnboxu.com 2. To find out, Stapleton and colleagues acquired 101 samples of foam from a variety of products purchased around the United States. 为了找到答案,Stapleton和同事从各种在美国常见的产品中抽取101个样本进行研究。 www.bing.com 3. His sharp eyes had seen a figure moving in the darkness in front of us, and the man came closer, I could see that it was indeed Stapleton. 他那敏锐的眼睛已经看到了黑暗之中在我们的前面移动的一个轮廓,而且在这个人走近时,我可以看出正是斯台普顿。 www.hxen.com 4. Stapleton told me that he and his sister had lived in Devonshire for only two years. 斯台普顿告诉我说,他和他妹妹在德文郡住了两年光景。 www.seeloc.com 5. Stapleton had caught the butterfly, and was walking back to us. 斯台普顿已抓到了那只蝴蝶,正向我们这边走回来。 hi.baidu.com 6. Stapleton, and the case has now been so entirely cleared up that I am not aware that there is anything which has remained a secret to us. 我和斯台普吞太太已经谈过两次话了,这个案件现在已经完全搞清楚了,我不知道还会有什么不解之谜。 www.for68.com 7. " Excuse, Dr Watson, " shouted Stapleton, and ran off to try to catch the butterfly. “对不起,华生医生,”斯台普吨高喊着,同时跑开去捉蝴蝶去了。 hi.baidu.com 8. We are to be accorded every courtesy, Dr Stapleton. What's your role at Baskerville? 斯坦佩顿博士请给予我们应得的尊重你在巴斯克维尔是做什么的 www.kekenet.com 9. Good heavens, Holmes! Are you sure? If she is his wife, why did Stapleton allow Sir Henry to fall in love with her? ' 天哪,福尔摩斯!你敢肯定吗?如果她是他的妻子的话,他为何让亨利爵士爱上了她呢? www.tingclass.net 10. They argued about the hound that evening, and as they argued Stapleton told her about Mrs Lyons. 他们在那个傍晚因猎犬的事情吵了起来,争吵时斯台普顿告诉了她有关莱昂斯太太的事情。 www.cceschool.com 1. "You always miss a player of Rooney's quality, but the manager has been superb in the way he's worked the squad, " Stapleton says. “你总是错过任何一个球员鲁尼的质量,但出色的经理已经在这一过程中,他的工作队,”斯特普尔顿说。 bbs.zhibo8.com 2. Miss Stapleton had fainted from the beating and exhaustion. 斯台普顿小姐已因毒打和疲劳而昏过去了。 www.15222.com 3. In the labs. Stapleton's first. It could be dangerous. 在实验室找先找斯坦佩顿那里可能会很危险 www.kekenet.com 4. Stapleton and Sir Charles gave her some money. 斯台普顿与查尔斯爵士给过她钱。 www.ttxyy.com 5. Stapleton! I knew I knew your name. 斯坦佩顿我就知道我听过你的名字 www.kekenet.com 6. Stapleton married a beautiful South Ameri can, and came to England, where he started a school in the north. 斯台普顿娶了一位南美美女,又来到了英格兰,在那儿的北部开办了一所学校。 www.91kst.com 7. I accepted Stapleton's invitation, and we walked together. 我接受了斯台普顿的邀请,于是我们便同步而行。 www.kekenet.com 8. 'I know that you are a close friend of Sherlock Holmes, 'said Stapleton. “我知道您是歇洛克·福尔摩斯的亲密的朋友,”斯台普顿讲道。 www.seeloc.com 9. "What China wants iswealth and power, " says Stapleton Roy, U. S. ambassador to China from 1991 to 1995. “中国想要的是财富和权力,”曾于1991年到1995年担任美国驻中国大使的芮效俭这样说。 www.bing.com 10. Stapleton, a mutual friend who was much concerned at his state of health, was of the same opinion. 我们共同的朋友斯台普吞先生非常关心他的健康状况,他和我的意见相同。 www.voiceofgb.com 1. But if Miss Stapleton is really his wife, why is he a close friend of Mrs Laura Lyons? ' 但是,如果斯台普顿小姐真是他的妻子的话,他为何会是劳拉·莱昂丝太太的亲密的朋友呢? www.tingclass.net 2. Well, if you ever change your mind, just go see Mrs. Stapleton. {好,如果你改变想法了,就去看看斯塔布雷顿夫人,再回到这里。}。 www.bn13.com |
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