单词 | skulls |
释义 | skulls是skull的复数
复数:skulls n. mind,brain,head,noggin,noddle 例句释义: 头骨,头脑,智能,渣壳,骷髅,骷髅头,骷髅装饰区 1. There was a temple in the town, with a mud wall about it ornamented with skulls of enemies sacrificed to the sun. 这个镇子里还有一座庙宇,其周围的泥墙上装点着敌人的颅骨,那是用来供奉太阳的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Their territory is often "posted" with the skulls of trespassers. 他们的领土经常用擅闯者的头骨“标记”。 bbs.pku.edu.cn 3. He knew what he had discovered and was eagerly seeking more of these skulls. 他了解这一发现的重要性,并急于寻求更多的头骨。 www.bing.com 4. Their skulls were joined into one and, although they did not share brain tissue, they did share vital arteries and nerves. 这对女婴的头盖骨连在一起,虽然她们并不共用大脑组织,但却共用关乎生死的动脉和神经。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 5. Dream: Lying on a slab, in a mortuary . A pillar covered with names. Racks of skulls. A symbol. A woman. A ghost. 一个梦:躺在太平间的楼板。支柱盖着名字。架子上的头骨。一个符号。一个女人。一个鬼魂。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Richard creates skulls of much more recent humans and he's used to looking at differences between populations. 理查德做的头像都是比较近代的人类,他习惯比较不同人群之间的区别。 www.bing.com 7. Other items found in the grave included the wing tip of a golden eagle, the tail of a cow, two marten skulls and a bone from a wild boar. 在这个墓穴同时被发现的还有金雕的翼尖,牛尾,两个貂鼠的头骨和一头野猪的骨头。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. This year there has been less of the usual footage of burly men bashing small furry skulls and of blood smeared across the ice floes. 今年少了平日那些魁梧的猎人猛击海豹毛皮稀少的头部以及鲜血流淌于冰川之间的场景。 www.ecocn.org 9. A man showed off the skulls tattooed on his head. 一名男子展示头部骷髅图案的纹身。 gb.cri.cn 10. "There's definitely been a trend in clothing for skulls, daggers, spiders, and goth inspiration, " agrees Sarah Logan, buyer for eLuxury. “骷髅头、匕首、蜘蛛和受哥特人启发的图形,无疑已成为服装的一种潮流,”eLuxury采购员莎拉?洛根(SarahLogan)表示赞同。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Human skulls have been used as drinking cups throughout history. 历史上一直有人用人的头盖骨当酒杯。 dipan.kekenet.com 2. What you are seeing is Kapala. It is the Tibet Buddhist ritual apparatus made of good Buddhist's skulls. 你正在看的是嘎巴拉。它是用高僧的颅骨制成的藏传佛教法器。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Their most distinctive feature is a pair of shapely prehensile tentacles that grow from the base of their skulls . 他们最显著的特征是头骨基部长出的一对触角。这对触角美观而适于抓物。 www.bing.com 4. Her mother has said she believed the skulls were bought from a mail order catalog. 她的母亲说,那些头骨是她邮购而来的。 gb.cri.cn 5. I'd argue that the mind is nothing like the brain; it can't just come from that mush of cells inside our skulls. 我争论说意识并不像大脑,它不能简单的来自头骨中的那堆细胞。 alvinyan.ycool.com 6. The team was then able to exert virtual stresses to test how the different skulls held up. 这样他们就能利用虚拟的压力对不同动物的头骨进行压力支撑测试。 www.bing.com 7. Male skulls tend to be larger than female skulls, with heavier bones and a larger braincase. 男性头骨与女性相比,头骨更大,骨骼更重,脑壳也更大。 bbs.putclub.com 8. Skulls, like these on display in the Tuol Sleng museum, are all that remain of the anonymous victims of genocide. 种族灭绝的无名受害者只留下如陈列在波布罪恶博物馆这样的骷髅。 www.bing.com 9. After it was over I asked her to play something for me. She's a musician, Elsa, even though it sounded like broken pots and skulls clanking. 事情完了以后我让她为我弹个曲子,埃尔莎是位音乐家,尽管她弹的曲子听起来像是在砸破锅,像人脑壳在一起磕磕碰碰。 www.bing.com 10. Newborns' skulls are NOT solid - but are made of five separate plates of bone that fuse as they mature. 新生儿的头盖骨不是成型的——但是由五块分离的骨头组成,当成熟时,它们会融合在一起。 www.bing.com 1. Coyotes used to be a much more fearsome bunch, with thicker skulls, broader snouts, wider teeth, and 1. 5 times the heft. 过去,郊狼的狼群要可怕得多,它们长着更加厚大的颅骨、更加宽阔的鼻梁、更加粗大的牙齿,体重是目前的1.5倍。 www.bing.com 2. any of several four-footed herbivorous horned dinosaurs with enormous beaked skulls; of the late Cretaceous in North America and Mongolia. 几种四足食草性长角的恐龙,巨大的颅骨呈鸟嘴状;生活在后白垩纪的北美和蒙古。 www.hotdic.com 3. No coffins, no piled skulls in the corners; I don't even think we have cobwebs. . . what a disappointment this must be for you. 没有棺材,屋角里没有堆积如山的骷髅,我甚至认为我们这里连蜘蛛网都没有……这肯定令你失望极了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Skulls do not normally grow after the seventh year and suture pattern remains permanently etched on the skull. 一般在第七年过后,头盖骨不再生长,蚀刻在头盖骨上的缝合结构也就永远保存下来。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Dying isn't easy, . The body was designed to stay alive. Thick skulls, strong hearts, keen senses. 死亡并非易事,天赋予我们顽强的生命力,厚硬的骨头,强健的心脏,敏锐的感官。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Persinger runs what amounts to a weak electromagnetic signal around the skulls of volunteers. 伯辛格在志愿者的头骨周围发射一定量的弱电磁信号。 www.chinaufo.com 7. The use of mammoth bones, jaws, and skulls to build structures was common among the mammoth-hunting cultures of the Upper paleolithic. 用猛犸骨头、下颚骨和头骨建造房屋,在旧石器时代的猛犸狩猎文化中很普遍。 www.bing.com 8. Calvary may have been a place of public execution, and so named from the skulls strewn over it. calvary可能已被一个地方的公开处决,所以命名为从头骨多人。 class.blackmailedslave.com 9. Researchers used computed tomography or to analyze the skulls of 190-million-year-old mammals found in a Jurassic-era fossil bed in China. 研究人员利用电脑断层或分析,在一个中国侏罗纪时代的化石床上发现190亿岁的哺乳动物的头骨。 www.maynet.cn 10. Those who still tried to break free had their skulls smashed, or were repeatedly bayonetted. 那些仍然试图挣脱的人的头骨或被打得粉碎或被刺刀多次劈刺。 www.bing.com 1. Sometimes there are skulls about him, and his lips are red with blood. 有时看到他嘴唇上都是血,周围很多骷髅头。 www.cndkc.net 2. This light could burn your eyeballs right out of your skulls. 这光线会烧得你眼珠子突出来 www.tingroom.com 3. That we were destined to be together? |- No, that we both really love skulls. 我们注定会在一起?不,我们两个都爱人头骨? www.engxue.com 4. Studying the various skulls and jaws has given scientists important information about the early species that lived here. 研究各种不同的头骨和下颚骨能给科学家们带来许多有关早期生物在此生存的重要信息。 www.elanso.com 5. The Evangelists are not opposed to it, inasmuch as they speak of one and not of many skulls. 福音不是反对它,因为他们说的一个,并没有很多的头骨。 distribution.blackmailedslave.com 6. A vast mound of Orc and Human skulls towers above the Orc camp, and with each battle it grows larger still. 一座兽人和人类头颅堆成的小山在兽人营地里高耸着,每一场战斗都让其变得更高更大。 www.odyguild.net 7. His search took him to the Sterkfontein Cave near Johannesburg in the Transvaal region in 1936, where he found skulls of adult apemen. 1936年,研究工作使他来到特兰斯瓦的约翰内斯堡附近的斯特方丹岩洞,在那里他找到了成年猿人的头骨。 8. The sum Cape aimed at the Cape Dou private's between the eyebrows, on jilting a head, two skulls heavily crash into together. 额角对准了角斗士的眉心,一甩头,两颗头颅重重的撞到了一起。 xinmingedu.com 9. These questions were quickly preempted by new discoveries of more of these skulls. 随着更多此类头骨被发现,这些问题很快就淡出了人们的视野。 www.bing.com 10. Turns all gems of the selected type into Purple Stars. Any type can be selected, including Skulls or gold. 把选择的一类宝石全部变为紫星,任何图案都可选择。 big5.china.com 1. They found that polar bears skulls were less capable of withstanding the strain from chewing hard foods. 他们发现,咀嚼坚硬食物时,北极熊的头盖骨承受压力的能力更弱。 www.bing.com 2. After the spill, these skulls were researched, presumably for the specific effects the gas had on the brain, at the nearby Hamidia Hospital. 泄漏事故发生之后,科学家对死于附近哈米迪亚医院的罹难者头骨进行了研究,发现他们的大脑都受到了这种气体的袭击。 www.bing.com 3. Rupp used translucent Japanese mending papers stretched taut over the bones to create skulls that look eerily real. 拉普还使用了半透明的日本修补纸,将其从骨头上延展出去以模拟颅骨,看起来透着令人毛骨悚然的真实。 www.bing.com 4. When the spirit of the crystal skulls awaken, the world-wide conscience will resinate within each one of us. 当水晶头骨的灵性意识被唤醒,将在世界范围内植入我们每个人的内在。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Plus, extinct cephalopods are more aesthetically appealing than hominin skulls. 此外,在我看来,已灭绝的头足类动物在审美上比古人类头骨还要更吸引人。 www.bing.com 6. 38 skulls were found in a gravel pit along with a list which declared that there should be 39 skulls. 在一个采石坑中发现了38个头颅和一张清单,清单上说应该有39个头颅。 www.voiceofgb.com 7. While, among drawings of Mr. McQueen's signature skulls and fetish shoes, was the request: "Make heaven look good 4 us. " 与此同时,在McQueen标志性的骷髅图案和令人迷恋的鞋子中,有人留下了对他的新要求:“为了我们让天堂看起来时尚点。” www.bing.com 8. A genetic mutation in our recent ancestors caused their descendants to have roomy skulls that accommodated larger brains. 我们祖先的一个基因变异使得他们的后代拥有能够容纳更大的大脑的头骨。 www.bing.com 9. The skulls were from indigenous populations ranging from Scandinavia to Australia, Micronesia and North America. 这些头颅来自于包括斯堪的纳维亚地区、澳洲、密克罗尼西亚(西太平洋群岛)以及北美地区的土著人种。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 10. BABIES' skulls dashed against rocks; attempts to twist off the heads of toddlers. 婴儿的头骨撞击着岩石;想要扭断初学走路孩童的头部而未遂。 www.ecocn.org 1. She may wear a garland of human skulls, with a trident staff leaning against her shoulder. 她会戴着用骷髅头骨围成的花环,一把三叉戟倾斜地靠着她的肩膀。 www.chinaufo.com 2. It is truly amazing that tiny female Balinese tiger skulls have cranial volumes as large as those of huge male southern African lion skulls. 这真是不可思议。雌性小巴厘虎的头骨具有的颅容量,和雄性南部非洲狮子的头骨所具有的颅容量同样大。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 3. The injuries to the skulls suggest face-to-face combat in a battle perhaps fought between warring tribes, say the researchers. 研究人员说,头骨上的伤痕暗示着一场可能发生在部落战争期间的肉搏战。 www.bing.com 4. In this singularly interesting syndrome, a single genetic mutation causes elongated skulls, and over-production of oestrogen. 在这个奇异有趣的综合征中,一个单一基因的突变会导致头骨细长,和产生过多的雌激素。 www.bing.com 5. Objective: To evaluate the imaging features of subperiosteal hematoma of the skulls. 目的:探讨颅骨骨膜下血肿的影像特征。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. On this important feast day, people might eat food in the shape of skulls, and cakes with "bones" on them. 在这个重要的节庆日子里,人们会吃制成颅骨形状的食物和装点有“骨头”的蛋糕。 www.nmhrjy.com 7. With colossal skulls, their heads can be used as battering rams, but air spaces in their skulls act like shock absorbers. 它们拥有庞大的头骨,头部可当作撞锤,但它们头骨内的空间可当作避震器。 2u4u.com.cn 8. Horses were pulling the ropes, they were dragging buffalo skulls in the dust like Christ figures. 马拉着绳索在沙尘中拖动着看起来像是耶稣雕像的野牛头骨。 www.hotdic.com 9. Some strange elongated skulls found close to the nazca lines. 一些奇怪的细长头骨,在纳斯卡线附近发现。 forum1.my903.com 10. Position individual skulls onto the design to balance out the pattern with large graphics evenly spaced. 将单独的骷髅放在画面上,使得画面空间比较平均。 feedproxy.google.com 1. On this important feast day, people eat food in the shape of skulls and cakes with " bones " on them. 在这个重要节日,人们吃的“骨头”食物对他们的头骨和蛋糕形状。 wenwen.soso.com 2. As babies skulls are thinner, babies head injuries are frequently more serious than those of adults. 由于婴儿的头骨更薄,所以婴儿头部受伤的程度通常比成人更严重。 www.tdict.com 3. FAKED votes, cracked skulls, a jailed opposition, beaten-up protesters and relations with Europe in tatters. 有人头破血流,反对派被投进监狱,抗议的人群遭殴打,与欧洲的关系支离破碎。 www.ecocn.org 4. The new arrivals soon joined the dead, a single bullet shot at point plank range through the back of their skulls. 新来的人很快就被杀死,只需小小的子弹射穿点板射进他们的后脑。 www.bing.com 5. The excavation of the skulls of ancient prehistoric men in the city dates Nanjing's civilization back to 350 thousand years ago. 发掘在城市古老的史前男性的头骨的日期返回到350万年前南京的文化。 shui.yo52.com 6. The interior is surprisingly eccentric and modern with galvanised steel, painted cow skulls . 酒吧的内部装修非常前卫、摩登,有锌铁板,也有上彩的牛头骨。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Turns all Purple Stars, Gold, and Skulls into random Mana Gems. You gain no effect for the gems transformed. 把所有紫星、金币和头骨变为随机元素宝石,之后消除的宝石不被收集。 big5.china.com 8. Champsosaur skulls are actually very similar to lizard skulls, though heavily modified. 鳄龙的头骨非常类似蜥蜴的头骨,但较沉重。 instapedia.com 9. These measurements were taken using skulls found in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. 这些数据的测量涉及在欧洲,中东,和亚洲发现的人类头骨。 www.bing.com 10. The lightweight men's double skulls was a fabulous gold for the UK. 参加男子轻量级双人双桨项目的队员为英国赢得了一枚金牌。 vipwilson.blog.sohu.com 1. To mark the festival, the skulls are given fresh adornments like hats or crowns of flowers and gift offerings are made. 在这个节日里,人们会给骷髅头装饰上新鲜的饰品,如帽子或花圈,以及制作的供品。 www.bing.com 2. They are scheduled to have surgery in the coming months to repair their misshapen skulls. 他们已被定在下月进行崎形头骨修复手术。 bbs.wwenglish.org 3. The measurements were taken using skulls found in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. 在测量当中所用的是在欧洲中东以及亚洲找到的颅骨 www.bing.com 4. Human skulls are also much thicker than mice and this could prevent the waves from impregnating the brain. 人类的头骨也比老鼠厚很多,可能会阻止电磁波浸入大脑。 www.bing.com 5. All I did was crack skulls and lift weights all day. 除了敲人脑袋和举重之外我什么都不干 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Otherwise people wouldn't smash empty beer cans against their skulls or stick their fingers in fire to see if they can feel anything. 否则人们不会酩酊大醉的时候还会继续坚持点燃手中的烟,继续喝酒,来看是否他们能还有感觉。 www.douban.com 7. The Death Skulls warriors are renowned as plunderers of the battlefield. 死头氏族的兵士们有战地掳掠者的名头。 blog.163.com 8. She wears a long necklace (descending almost to her knees) of human skulls. 她戴着长长的人类头骨项链(几乎延伸到膝盖)。 www.zftrans.com 9. After all, he only stole an election, cracked protesters' skulls and jailed opponents. 毕竟,他只不过在选举中舞弊、镇压示威者以及监禁对手而已。 www.ecocn.org 10. Witness the uproar created by pictures of German soldiers in Afghanistan holding up skulls. 德国士兵在阿富汗手举骷髅头,并拍照存证,由此引发的丑闻喧嚣一时。 www.ecocn.org 1. That can be done very accurately for all primates, and DeSilva was able to analyze a dozen Australopithecus skulls. 这种方法可以精确地运用于所有灵长类。德西尔瓦有一打南猿头骨可供他分析。 www.bing.com 2. Police found 86 human skulls in a duffel bag at a bus stop in the eastern part of India. 警方在印度东部的一个公车站牌处发现一个圆筒状帆布袋,里面装着八十六具头颅。 tr.bab.la 3. Their skulls are built to withstand greater stress from chewing tougher food like grasses. 它们的头骨能够承受咀嚼植草类坚韧食物时产生的更大的力。 www.bing.com 4. Males also sported two horns growing from the top of their skulls. 男性查格里亚人还拥有两只从其头部长出的角。 www.starwarschina.com 5. Skulls are used within our Yorick collection, as the ultimate symbol of rebellion and rock 'n' roll. 我们在Yorick系列中使用了骷髅头,作为反叛和摇滚精神的终极象征。 www.ftchinese.com 6. What sphinx of cement and aluminum bashed open their skulls and ate up their brains and imagination? 是什麽水泥合金的怪物敲开了他们的头骨吃掉了他们的头脑和想象? www.game4city.com 7. He lined the walls with steer skulls, whose empty eye sockets glowed a spooky amber when the auditorium lights went down. 当礼堂灯暗下来的时候,他挂在墙壁的头骨们空洞的眼眶里闪烁着幽灵般的琥珀色。 www.kekenet.com 8. Their skulls have adapted to a diet of mostly seal meat and blubber. 它们的头盖骨已经适应了以海豹肉和脂肪为主的饮食结构。 www.bing.com 9. The VTs and the Logans went first; then the Skulls dropped and deployed, beginning a slow approach toward Tracialle, skimming the ground. 先撒出的是变形战斗机和摇石机;接着投出并部署了骷髅中队,它们紧贴地面朝着璀夏勒尔缓缓驶去。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. A man opened his shirt to reveal three skulls tattooed on his chest. 一名男子扯开自己的T恤,露出纹在胸上的骷髅图案。 gb.cri.cn 1. The skulls had a hole drilled into the forehead. 在头骨的前额上钻了一个洞。 www.bing.com 2. The sizes of most measurements of the skulls of coastal population are bigger than that of Chuanyu population. 沿海种群头骨形态的绝大部分指标比川渝种群大。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Children's skulls are thinner than adults' and their brains are still developing. 儿童的头骨比成年人的更薄们的大脑还正在发育。 www.bing.com 4. The skulls and pelvic bones of some species of dinosaur share characteristics with the skulls and pelvic bones of all modern birds. 一些恐龙的头盖骨和骨盆骨与所有现代鸟类的头盖骨和骨盆骨有许多相同特征。 www.24en.com 5. Shade Beasts are black hounds with bared skulls. They are ethereal , but are not as powerful as Spectres or Wights. 影兽是头颅不长血肉的黑狗,他们无形,但并不如灵体或者恶灵们那么强大。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. He not only realised that nouveau-riche collectors would pay extraordinary sums for dead cows and jewel-encrusted skulls. 他发现靠收集物品发家的暴发户会高价收购死牛和宝石装饰的颅骨。 www.bing.com 7. Their doctors have called the surgery a minimal risk procedure that will provide a synthetic covering to protect their skulls. 医生们称这个手术有个小的风险便是将会用一个人造护罩来保护他们的头骨。 bbs.wwenglish.org 8. These injuries resemble those on skulls from a 1461 battlefield cemetery in England, Murphy says. 墨菲说,这些创伤很像英国一个1461年的战场墓地中颅骨的创伤。 www.bing.com 9. One of the ways they do this is by mandating hunters to bring in their bear skulls within ten days of being taken. 他们做这件事情的方法之一是要求猎人们在猎获的十天之内带回他们的熊头骨。 www.suiniyi.com 10. We could make a whole plain white with skulls in the moonlight! 我们便能令月光下的平原变白,遍布白色的骷髅! www.bing.com 1. Patterns of neat bullet holes peppered skulls and garments, many of them the baggy trousers peculiar to Kurdish men. 用于弹道测试的布满弹孔的头骨和衣物模型,许多是库尔德男性特有的那种宽大的裤子。 www.huaxia-ng.com 2. But look closer and you see the skulls and bones scattered at their feet. 但仔细看,你看到的头骨和骨骼散落在他们的脚下。 www.englishtang.com 3. It's a two-step process: First, you use adult skulls to estimate the newborn's skull size. 首先,通过成年头骨来估计出新生儿头骨尺寸。 www.bing.com 4. Methods: The JF was observed and measured from internal and external aspects in 80 adult skulls. 方法:从颅底内、外面,对80具成年颅骨的颈静脉孔进行观测; d.wanfangdata.com.cn 5. Turns Red Gems into Skulls. Your turn does not end if Red Mana is 15 . 所有红宝石变为头骨,当红宝石点15时此回合不结束。 big5.china.com 6. Alas, the physicist notes, many skulls don't come with hair. 不过,物理学家们注意到,许多头骨上并无头发。 www.bing.com 7. found three more Peking ape-men skulls. 又发现了三个北京猿人头盖骨。 www.cctv.com 8. Skull 1 Mini Skulls License Plate Frame. Chrome Metal . 斯卡尔1迷你骷髅执照盘框架。铬。 list.us.eachnet.com 9. And the steer skulls glow eerily once again. 而头骨们再一次闪耀着奇异的光芒。 www.kekenet.com 10. Skulls in Yama's head-dress show that he represents death, time and impermanence. 阎罗王头饰中的颅骨示意他代表着死亡、时间和无常。 www.jk3001.com 1. growing up been around bones and skulls and it was very natural. 在成长的过程中,看见骨骼和头骨是非常自然的。 www.kekenet.com 2. Novelty confectionery , decorated in festive shapes and designs such as skulls and worms, is also popular with children. 形状讨巧的甜食,制作成骨骼、蠕虫形状的节日食品也颇受孩子们的欢迎。 hi.baidu.com 3. Methods Microanatomic structures were observed and measured in adult 20 cadaveric heads and 20 dry skulls . 方法应用20例成年尸体头颅湿标本,20例干颅骨标本,进行显微解剖观察和测量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Who shall say which is more ghastly, the sight of bleached skulls or of dried-up human hearts? 谁又能说,枯萎的心灵和空无一物的骷髅,究竟哪一样看上去更可怕呢? 5. Skulls for kids, too, huh? 也给小孩子穿骷髅头图案,哈? cn.nytimes.com 6. How do the few kilos of spongy stuff in our skulls create the experience of being human? 位于我们头骨内的可以连绵数公里海绵状物质,究竟是如何创造出作为一个人的存在体验。 www.bing.com 7. serious injuries such as broken bones and fractured skulls. 例如骨折和头部骨折之类的严重伤害。 www.hotdic.com 8. I'm pretty sure that when it occurred in the past, when we got all these skulls on the beach, that was during a warm period. 我非常确信,当我们在海滩上得到所有这些头骨的时候,过去发生的这种洄游是在比较温暖的季节。 www.bing.com 9. According to one theory, males rammed each other with their thick skulls in order to win females. 根据一项推测,男性靠互相撞击自己厚厚的头盖骨来赢得女性芳心。 www.elanso.com 10. Reports coming in to the bridge indicated that the Skulls had repulsed the enemy attack, inflicting extremely heavy losses; 传送到舰桥的报告表明:骷髅中队已经击退了敌人的袭击,并给敌人造成重创; dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Skulls of Rhinopithecus roxellana discovered from the Guantaoyuan Neolithic archaeological site in Baoji and their significance 中国宝鸡关桃园新石器遗址中发现的金丝猴头骨及其意义 www.ilib.cn 2. Forming and Maintenance of Pre-bake Cell Skulls for Aluminum Electrolysis 预焙铝电解槽早期槽帮的建立和后期的维护 scholar.ilib.cn 3. what does he want? some takes souls, some takes skulls, boss takes shoes, , upstairs 他想怎么样?有人谋财,有人害命,老大要你的鞋,上楼吧 wenwen.soso.com 4. The skull is elongated in the shape that indigenous peoples formed their own skulls into; 这个头骨是长在形状,土著人民形成了自己的头骨到; blog.sina.com.cn 5. These skulls are so small; here are seven of them in all 这些头骨如此袖珍,这就是那全部的七个 mtslash.com 6. Distressing: Part of one of the baby's skulls which was found at the site 让人痛苦不已的照片:现场发现的一个婴儿的部分头骨 www.bing.com 7. And turn the skulls and flowers never freed, 让那从未自由的头颅和花朵, elansorcn.elanso.com 8. Polar Bear Skulls Can't Take the Stress 北极熊的头盖骨不能承受压力 www.bing.com 9. Skulls From the Killing Fields 来自杀戮场的骷髅 www.bing.com 10. Skulls, DNA and physical traits were compared in the study 这项研究对头骨,基因及体征进行了比对。 www.bing.com 1. What it take to get it through your thick skulls 用什么才能够穿过你厚重的头颅 oral.ebigear.com |
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