单词 | sprayed |
释义 | sprayed是spray的过去式
复数:sprays 现在分词:spraying 过去式:sprayed v. scatter,squirt,send out,spew,spurt n. jet,fountain,shower,sprig,bunch 例句释义: 喷,使起浪花,喷雾,溅散,水雾,雾状物,喷雾器,喷射,喷涂,喷撒 1. The result? A shirt that fits so snugly it looks as if it has been sprayed on to the body. Actually, it has. 结果呢?一件得体的衬衫穿上身就如同长在身上一般。您还别说,现在还真有这样的技术面世了。 www.bing.com 2. In the last game, David sprayed paint on the wall. Then three beauties walked out of it. 在最后的节目里大卫在墙上喷射上油漆,然后三个美女从墙里走了出来。 www.ebigear.com 3. He thought it must be caused by his pomegranate tree , so he changed for the right sort of pesticide and sprayed it on its branches. 他想了想,觉得这可能是因自己的石榴引起的。于是,他重新配了药,沿着蔓过的枝条将药打在樱桃枝上。 blog.tianya.cn 4. At a national sumo wrestling competition in Tokyo on Sunday, officials sprayed disinfectant on the hands of every spectator as they arrived. 星期天在东京举行的国家相扑摔跤比赛上,工作人员给每位到场观众的双手喷上杀菌剂。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. My friends sprayed me with champagne, as if I'd won the Super Bowl. 朋友向我身上喷洒香槟酒,像是我赢得美国橄榄球超级杯大赛(SuperBowl)。 www.bing.com 6. He also used to eat fish on Fridays and no matter how much we sprayed the office with air freshener he would not get the hint. 他每周五还会吃鱼,不管我们往办公室喷多少空气清新剂,他都理解不到。 www.ftchinese.com 7. spray detest agent, doors, Windows etc do not hope the parts should be sprayed to keep out, in case of gush to immediately with clean water. 喷憎水剂时,门、窗等不希望喷到的部位应予以遮挡,万一喷到应及时用清水洗净。 www.bm37.com 8. If so, the 45, 000 gallons so far sprayed at depth may have done more good than all the spraying at the surface. 如果是这样的话,到目前为止喷洒的45000加仑的分散剂在底部喷洒会比全部在海水表面喷洒的效果要好的多。 www.ecocn.org 9. Lloyd: I could have the place tented today, sprayed tomorrow and you could be back in here by Monday. 罗伊德:我今天就可以把它补上,明天喷药,你们星期一就能住回来了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The food is allowed to dry, and then is usually sprayed with fat, digests , or other compounds to make it more palatable. 然后,狗干粮将被烘干,一般上生产商都会喷洒一些油脂、消化液,或者其他化合物使它更加美味。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. They flew to the sea, scooped up water in their mouths, and then flew back into the sky, where they sprayed the water out over the earth. 他们飞向大海,用它们的口向上汲取水,然后飞回天空,他们在地球之上祈求降雨。 www.chinaufo.com 2. Arc sprayed aluminium composite coating can increase the service life of reaction caldron up to the design life. 采用电弧喷涂铝复合涂层来解决反应釜的腐蚀问题,可使其达到或超过设计寿命。 dict.bioon.com 3. A block down the street, a chunk of graffiti-sprayed concrete has been stuck beside the door of a very modest museum. 沿街再走一个街区,一块喷满涂鸦的混凝土墙突兀地立在一座其貌不扬的博物馆门旁。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Celery. This delicious vegetable is usually sprayed with high amounts of pesticide, much more so than other fruits and vegetables. 芹菜–因为芹菜比较容易被害虫侵蚀,所以它们需要的杀虫剂份量比其他蔬果还要高。 lifenutritionusa.com 5. For structural uses, shotcrete is usually sprayed over a framework of reinforcing bars and steel mesh. 在建筑施工中,喷制混凝土常用于钢筋和钢筋网结构的保护层。 chinafanyi.com 6. Wet sprayed concrete for supporting purposes during the drive, in situ concrete for the up to 3 m thick Base and for lining the vault. 掘进过程中的支护采用湿喷混凝土,3米厚的基底和穹拱衬砌采用浇注混凝土。 www.tdict.com 7. The flea-infested room had to be sprayed with a strong pesticide. 房间里有跳蚤,得喷强力杀虫剂。 www.kekenet.com 8. What had been sprayed on them was millions of gallons of a herbicide known as Agent Orange. 橙色剂——一种知名的除草剂,曾经数百万加仑的喷射于这片土地。 www.showxiu.com 9. Their active ingredients are blended into each tablet, not sprayed on the surface, ensuring consistent delivery and dosing. 它们的活性成分溶合在每一片内,并不是喷在表面,确保持续的摄入和补给。 www.taoyouduo.com 10. Her body had been sprayed with bullets, but she had managed to escape the poachers. 她的身体上布满弹孔,但她还是设法逃脱偷猎者的魔爪。 www.bing.com 1. I had worked for nearly a year in a rubber plantation area sprayed with the toxic defoliant Agent Orange. 我还在一个橡胶园的地区工作了接近一年,那里到处喷洒着橙剂,是一种有毒的脱叶剂。 www.bing.com 2. sprayed him with holy water , staked him through the heart . 用圣水喷过他,刺穿过他的心脏… www.ichacha.net 3. The sales assistant in my local Body Shop said she sprayed hers on her curtains as well which I've also tried, with great results. 我家附近的TBS店的店员说,它喷在自家的窗帘上,我也同样试了一下,效果非常好。 www.xiudang.com 4. Laser treatment of the sprayed coating can reduce the surface porosity of the coating. 涂层经激光照射处理,表面空隙度减少,涂层密实化。 www.13191.com 5. Once the doctors spotted the flat lesions, they sprayed a bluish dye on them to see their outlines better and remove them completely. 一旦医生发现了扁平病灶,他们将会对病灶喷射蓝色染料,以便更好观察病灶外轮廓并完全清除病灶。 www.readfree.net 6. I didn't know whether she was confused or delighted, but she picked up the squirt gun and sprayed me. 我不知道她到底是迷惑还是开心,但她拾起水枪,向我冲水。 www.bing.com 7. When she was about 7 months old, we took her to the vet to be sprayed. 当牠7个月大时,我们带牠去兽医那整理美容。 dongxi.net 8. Slowly, the wind stirred the crystalline green seas, when the warm sun sprayed golden light on the ripples of seas. 风轻轻地吹动水晶般透明的绿海当温暖的太阳洒下金色的光茫在一波波的浪上。 www.english.com.tw 9. tuyere: aluminum alloy shutter, the surface was electro -sprayed by epoxy resin. 补风口:采用铝合金百叶窗,表面环氧树脂喷涂。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Just then, Mum and Aunt Beth stepped into the garden. Both of them were sprayed with water. Boy, were they angry! 正在这时,妈妈和姨妈贝丝走进花园,她们都被喷上水了。呀!她们生气了。 www.netfm.com.cn 1. Study on plasma sprayed nanostructured ceramic coating is one of the present promising fields in nanostructured coating. 等离子喷涂纳米陶瓷涂层的研究是目前纳米涂层领域研究热点之一。 www.dictall.com 2. Fresh roses are sprayed with water to keep them moist and flown to company stores three times a week. 新鲜的玫瑰经过洒水保湿后,每周三次空运到公司各个分店。 www.tingclass.com 3. When the blue line was built, however, it was decided to show the sprayed concrete underground caves as they really were. 然而,在修建蓝线时,人们已经决定在岩石上喷射混凝土,好让地下洞穴保持其原始形态。 www.ell.com.cn 4. Dried shitake mushrooms are often sprayed with a fungicide in the US and are not advised unless they come from a health food store. 在美国,干香菇经常被喷洒杀菌剂,因此不建议食用,除非它们来自健康食品商店。 tisheng.org 5. Saw the WTC memorial yesterday. It's beautiful, but be warned: when the wind gets up it's like standing near Niagara Falls. You get sprayed. 昨天我看到了世贸纪念馆,人造瀑布很美。但请警惕:无风不起浪;常在河边走,哪有不湿鞋? www.bing.com 6. Lunar olivine was created by great volcanoes called fire fountains, which sprayed superheated lava into the sky. 月之橄榄石产生于名为“火喷泉”的巨型火山。 www.bing.com 7. The surface is sprayed with epoxy resin with high corrosion resistance . 表面环氧树脂喷涂,防腐性能好。 www.bing.com 8. Alternatively, the web can be sprayed with a binder following formation, and as the web dries, the binder seals the fiber together. 另外在网形成之后,可以喷洒粘合剂,在纤维网被烘干时,粘合剂将纤维粘合在一起。 chinafanyi.com 9. That would allow the herbicide to be sprayed on a pond to kill invading wild algae while leaving the fuel-producing strain unhurt. 这样就可以在培养池里施用除草剂,杀死入侵的野生藻,使培养的生产燃料的品种不受伤害。 www.bing.com 10. Sticky: the media is sprayed with glue, makes the dust particles unable to pass, the clean air spreads to form a laminar flow state. 粘性处理:因粘剂完全渗透介质而使尘埃粒子无法通过,得到全面过滤的空气均匀扩散,形成层流状态,达到最佳的喷涂效果; www.youboy.com 1. This means that the GM fields could be sprayed with a broad-spectrum herbicide, which would kill all plants except the crop. 这意味着,转基因作物可以喷洒光谱除草剂,将杀死转基因作物以外所有的植物。 www.daotong.org 2. Graffiti is either "writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place" . Or! 涂鸦是指在墙壁或者其他公共场所的表面潦草地写或者喷射一些违法的东西。 gb.cri.cn 3. It's made from a carbon-based, water-soluble formula, which can be brushed, stamped or sprayed onto the body. 它的配方是碳基和水溶性材料,可以在身体上涂刷、盖印或喷涂。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. A migrant worker smokes as he rests next to a wall sprayed with graffiti in Shanghai, China. 在中国上海,一名外来工休息时抽着烟,旁边墙上画满涂鸦。 newssgo.com 5. The catastrophe was caused by a disintegrating comet and saw the planet sprayed by thousands of frozen boulders made of ice and dust. 这次飞来横祸是由一颗彗星瓦解造成的,同时地球完全被无数由冰和尘埃组成的冰石所覆盖。 www.bing.com 6. One pulled a light machine gun out of a bag and sprayed the four with bullets, the witness said. 目击者说,有一人从手提包中抽出一挺轻机枪,向四人扫射。 www.netfm.com.cn 7. Conventional potatoes are sprayed with an arsenal of herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides that get absorbed into the flesh. 传统的土豆喷洒的大量除草剂,杀菌剂,杀虫剂等有害物质都会被吸收到土豆中。 www.bing.com 8. Ross: Still, I can't believe that's sprayed on. . . I mean, it looks really good. I wonder if I should get one! 我还是不能相信那是喷雾晒肤的结果……我是说,这看起来不错,我不知道魔兽世界地图。我也想做一次! www.hdjxjz.com 9. The cold end of the SER element is flame sprayed with aluminum for a distance of about two inches. 对冷端部进行喷铝是要保持大约两英寸的距离。 www.contech-development.com 10. He and I sprayed the crowd with beers, and people threw their drinks right back at us until we were soaked. 他还和我用啤酒喷大家,但是他们马上又反击回来。 bbs.ffsky.com 1. Police allegedly sprayed the grey Toyota with at least 13 bullets after mistaking the occupants for hijackers. 当时警方误认车内之人是劫持犯,公然向灰色丰田轿车扫射至少13发子弹。 www.bing.com 2. Chemical pretreatment technology of sheet and its fittings was discussed before they were sprayed lacquer. 讨论了薄板及其配件在喷漆前的化学预处理工艺方法。 www.juyy.net 3. "Burst! " One mouthful with just- drunk Qin Dynasty ruddy brandy, entire sprayed out a meantime. “噗!”秦朝刚喝的一口红酒,一下子全都喷了出来。 cnxp.tk 4. The sprayed concrete follows the shape of the rock, giving an illusion of a station in a cave. 喷射的混凝土完全依岩石的形状而为,给人以一种车站建于岩洞的错觉。 www.ell.com.cn 5. And none could be insulated unless they were sprayed or coated with an industrial chemical. 而且他们不保温,除非他们用化学工业品喷涂表面。 www.bing.com 6. Creepy took out a glue-spray vial and sprayed him. Immediately, a layer of white sticky membrane clung tightly to the man. 千奇取出一个瓶状喷胶器,往男子身上一喷,一层白色胶膜,立即牢牢地黏贴在那人身上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The utility model relates to a sprayed pipe, consisting of a main pipe, branch pipes and nozzles. 本实用新型喷淋管是由主管、支管及喷嘴组成。 ip.com 8. In Florida, as temperatures fell to record lows, citrus growers sprayed water on their trees to help prevent freeze damage. 在佛罗里达州,当温度跌破最低纪录时,柑橘种植者在他们的树上喷水来防止冰冻灾害。 www.unsv.com 9. There was this fifty-foot ice cream cone, out popped an eight-foot long skunk ran down the ice cream cone and sprayed your best friend. 有个五十英尺高的冰淇淋甜筒,筒顶蹦出来一只八英尺长的臭鼬,往筒下跑并喷臭味在你最好的朋友身上。 web2.sdps.tp.edu.tw 10. There was a hole in the hose, and water sprayed out all over me. 水管上有个洞,水溅了我一身。 wenku.baidu.com 1. A type of engine that uses a centrifugal compressor to force air into a combustion chamber where it is sprayed with fuel. 利用离心式压缩机将空气压入对其喷射燃料的燃烧室中的一种发动机。 www.infopetro.com.cn 2. If sprayed too late, the corn borer will already have made a home inside the corn stem and will not be killed. 如果杀虫剂喷洒得太晚,玉米螟早已经在玉米茎的内部安家了。这样,它们就不能被杀死。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Authorities in Australia require inbound aeroplanes to be sprayed with insecticide to ward off malaria and dengue fever. 澳大利亚有关部门要求入境航班必须喷洒除虫剂以防止疟疾和登革热。 www.bing.com 4. Volunteer health workers, their noses covered with masks, sprayed disinfectant over the ruins. 医疗志愿工作者,他们口袋防护面罩,正向废墟喷洒着防传染病的药剂。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. At one point, the Pentagon said, the US vessel Impeccable sprayed one ship with water from fire hoses to force it away. 五角大楼说,在事件中,美国舰船无暇号(Impeccable)的用消防水龙头喷射其中一条中国船只以迫使它远离。 www.bing.com 6. Using a perfume atomizer, he sprayed tiny drops of oil into a transparent chamber. 密立根用一个香水瓶的喷头向一个透明的小盒子里喷油滴。 page.renren.com 7. Small sections of roads take a whole fukin year. then winter the road cracks again from all the salt sprayed on it. so repeat next year! 一小段路修了一整年,到冬天一下雪,撒上盐后路又坏了,很好,来年接着修。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Then say that you sprayed a little WD-40 into the pipe, or put in a tiny drop of gasoline. 然后碰一些WD-40(一种可染物)在管子里,或倒入少许汽油。 hcj4584.spaces.live.com 9. The Coke car moves quickly from the oven end along rails into a quench tower and the Coke is sprayed with water. 运焦车沿轨道快速从高炉移动到淬火塔并用水喷淋焦炭。 dict.ebigear.com 10. All the electric machines should be sprayed with a coat of claret insulation paint. 所有的电机应喷一层紫红绝缘漆。 www.gk361.com 1. The clerk sprayed her with some scent and she smelt like a scent shop herself the whole evening. 店员给她的身上喷了些香水,整个晚上她的身上像香水店一样散发着香气。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. Case made of quality steel through welding with electrostatic sprayed surface. 炉壳采用优质钢板折边焊接制成、表面静电喷涂工艺处理。 www.qiyeku.com 3. Water enters from a water inlet at the upper part and is sprayed out through small water outlets at the lower part. 水上方入水口进入,在通过下方的出水小孔喷洒出去。 ip.com 4. When sprayed with tear gas, a player will have severe visual limitations imposed on him by way of blurred vision and the gas cloud. 当在游戏中被催泪瓦斯喷到时,你会因为视觉模糊和瓦斯烟雾等强制的视觉效果而使你无法看清东西。 www.jukuu.com 5. It was also sprayed at locations on the Korean demilitarized zone, to ward off any infiltration from North Korea in the sixties. 橙剂在1960年代同时也被喷洒在韩国非武装区,以阻挡北韩渗透。 www.bing.com 6. The soldier sprayed the enemy with bullets. 士兵们对敌人进行扫射。 dict.hjenglish.com 7. She later survived a grenade attack that killed more than 20 people, dodging the bullets that sprayed her car as she fled. 此后她在一次死亡超过20人的爆炸袭击中生还,逃生的时候闪开了飞溅的子弹。 www.bing.com 8. In Florida, as temperatures fell to recognized record lows, sycitrus growers sprayed water on their trees to help prevent freeze damage. 在佛罗里达,当温度跌倒历史最低,柑橘种植者给树洒水,以帮助抵御霜冻破坏。 www.showxiu.com 9. Miners are finished extracting coal here, and the sides of the tunnel have been sprayed with quicklime to suppress explosive coal dust. 矿工们已经完成了这里的煤炭开采,坑道两壁都喷上了生石灰以防止煤尘爆炸。 www.bing.com 10. It is most effective, however, when directly sprayed on the bugs, as it has little if any residual effect. 这种方法非常奏效,然而,也仅仅是直接喷在虫子上时候才见效,同时,它只有极低的农药残留。 www.bing.com 1. After the gas has passed through a free-water knockout, glycol is sprayed in small droplets into the gas to absorb the water. 在天然气经过一个游离水分离器以后,乙二醇以小滴形式被喷入天然气中以吸收水份。 www.infopetro.com.cn 2. Prosecutors say Marie sprayed her daughter with rum and set her on fire in June 2009 because she believed the child was possessed by evil. 检察官说2009年6月(孩子的母亲)Marie给孩子全身抹上朗姆酒,并将她放到火上。 www.hxen.com 3. Schaaf said toilets, blankets and clothing are being sprayed with a chlorine-based disinfectant. 夏芙说,用针对霍乱的消毒液给卫生间、毯子和衣物消毒。 www.ebigear.com 4. In tiny Bahrain men have died as the security forces sprayed protesters with rubber bullets and smothered them in tear gas. 由于安全军队用橡皮子弹扫射抗议者并用催泪瓦斯窒息他们,很多人在小巴林已经死去。 www.ecocn.org 5. Mark laughed while drinking milk and it sprayed and dribbled out of his nose. 马克边喝牛奶边笑,结果牛奶溅到鼻子,从上面滴了下来。 www.hjenglish.com 6. After gathering a pile of twigs, they sprayed it with flammable deodorant and ignited it with a cigarette lighter. 又拾捡了一些细枝桠,往上面浇上了易燃除臭剂,然后用打火机点着了。 www.bing.com 7. They are sprayed with an invisible chemical that is not harmful to the flowers or people, the company said. 这些花被喷上不可见的,但对花和人无害的化学物质。 diversity.blog.hexun.com 8. Fairies' rainwater is selfless, thereby , people can enjoy the fruits and vegetables sprayed by the water all the night. 仙女的甘露是无私的,因此,人们这一夜可以共同享受洒有甘露的瓜果蔬菜。 img3.zhubajie.com 9. Most viruses used In pest control programs have been sprayed directly onto crops. 大部分用于控制害虫的病毒都是直接喷射到农作物上的。 dict.ebigear.com 10. The pirates drew alongside the liner in a small speedboat on Saturday night and sprayed the bridge with automatic rifle fire. 星期六晚上,海盗乘坐一艘小快艇靠近这艘游轮,用自动步枪向驾驶台扫射。 www.bing.com 1. People cool off from the heat of the day under water sprayed from a fire engine on Independence Day in Philadelphia, Sunday, July 4, 2010. 人们从一个冷却下独立日在费城消防车喷洒水,从天热星期日,2010年7月4日。 08062788.blog.163.com 2. Then diesel fuel oil is injected or sprayed into the cylinder at the end of the compression stroke. 然后在压缩冲程即将结束时,柴油燃料被喷射或被喷雾进入气缸。 3. Mechanical seals that employ sprayed or laminated seal faces shall neither be considered equal, nor shall they be acceptable. 采用喷雾或薄层密封面的机械式密封既不能被认为是相同的,也不能被认为是可接受的。 www.h6688.com 4. Workers also sprayed water on the No. 3 reactor at the Fukushima facility, one of the most critical of the plant's six. 工人们也喷在3号反应堆在福岛设施,对大多数植物的六个关键一水。 sh.focus.cn 5. To prevent corrosion, I sprayed the bottom of the board with clear lacquer. 以防止腐蚀,我喷涂底部的董事会明确的漆器。 www.tech-domain.com 6. They are usually required to be sprayed on and sanded to provide a smooth finishing surface. 它们一般是用喷枪喷上之后打磨来形成很光滑的漆面。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The transparent effect is caused when micron-sized water droplets are sprayed across a thin layer of the buckyball-plastic solution. 透明效果,这引起微米大小的水滴跨越了布基球,喷一层薄薄的塑料解决方案。 www.bing.com 8. On a recent weekday, they sprayed smoke on the hotel terrace to calm the bees before extracting honey. 在最近的工作日,他们提取蜂蜜前会在酒店的露台喷烟先让蜜蜂平静下来。 www.bing.com 9. business card printing and membership card when sprayed as little as possible, otherwise causes heap foaming powder Department issued empty. 制卡和会员卡制作时尽量少喷粉,否则会造成堆粉处发空起泡。 www.bing.com 10. It's the stuff of science fiction, but could mirrors in space or sea water sprayed in the air be shortcuts to halt global warming? 这似乎是科幻小说中的情节,但是在太空中放置镜子或将海水喷到空气中,能够阻止地球变暖趋势吗? www.bing.com 1. When machining, the tool is driven by a motor to rotate, and the working fluid is sprayed upon the tool and workpiece. 加工时,工具通过一电机驱动旋转,工作液淋喷在工具和工件上。 ip.com 2. The lamellar bonding between flattened particles in a thermally sprayed coating determines greatly the coating properties. 热喷涂层中扁平粒子间的结合决定涂层的性能。 www.csejournal.com 3. The enclosure is made of casting aluminum alloy, the surfaces are sprayed with plastics, and it may prevent erosions . 铸铝合金外壳,表面喷塑,耐腐蚀。可作为控制设备、照明及指示灯的安全电源。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The bottle was sprayed on the enamel, the laser on the selected design to the fusion of this material to the glass. 在瓶子被喷涂上瓷釉后,激光就在选定的设计中把这种材料熔合到玻璃上。 www.qiyeku.com 5. The wall of the house had been sprayed with white paint. 房子的墙都已喷上了白色的涂料。 www.hotdic.com 6. The present thesis researches into the application of horizontal sprayed anchor net support technology in deep foundation pit project. 本文针对深基坑开挖工程中的平喷锚网支护技术问题进行了应用研究。 www.fabiao.net 7. Must handle in asepsis condition when have blain, draw out the succus in the blain by a syringe before sprayed. 有水疱者需在无菌条件下操作,用注射器抽出疱内渗液后再使用本品。 www.showxiu.com 8. and 6. cooling water is sprayed for condensation, and the high purity high standard indium rod can be taken out of the mould. 第六步,开启冷却水冷凝,取出即为高纯度高标准铟棒。 ip.com 9. The results show that the as-sprayed conventional ceramic coating has a typical lamellar stacking characteristic. 结果表明:用常规等离子喷涂法制备的陶瓷涂层为典型的层状堆积特征; rjggy.net 10. She sprayed floral cologne on her wrists . 她在自己的手腕处喷。 www.bing.com 1. The skunk's anal musk is so powerful that if sprayed directly, the victim will experience temporary blindness. 臭鼬的肛门腺分泌的麝香的威力非常大,如果被喷射中的话,会导致受害者经历短暂失明。 www.ryedu.net 2. Using any image as reference, this can then be used as a template for a brush, sprayed on or molded onto the creation. 你可以用任何图片作为笔刷模板,就可以参照这张图片在你的作品上进行喷涂或建模。 www.bing.com 3. Harry Whittington's wounds were serious: he was pepper-sprayed in the face, neck, chest and rib cage, and rushed to intensive care. 哈里?惠廷顿伤得不轻,面、颈、胸和胁部都被散弹击中,当时已立即被送往重症救护中心。 bbs.edulife.com.cn 4. Comparing with control group, Se content of jujube was obviously enhanced by different concentration of Se and different sprayed times. 结果表明,与对照组相比,用外源性加硒法可明显提高枣中硒的含量; d.wanfangdata.com.cn 5. The Germans brought the flamethrower into action, but it malfunctioned and only sprayed one American soldier with oil. 德军把火焰喷射器投入战斗,但是操作失误,仅仅把一个美军士兵喷了一身油。 www.langmanzg.com 6. By mid-week some 582, 000 gallons of dispersant had been sprayed since the emergency began. 从事故开始一直到大约本周周三,共计约582000加仑的分散剂被喷洒到污染海域。 www.bing.com 7. Color is sprayed with paint, is uneven, giving a sense of twilight. 颜色是喷涂料、参差不齐,颇有黎明。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Arc sprayed composite coatings are composed of iron-chromium compounds, iron oxide, and aluminum oxide with layered structure. 电弧喷涂复合涂层为典型的层状结构,主要由铁铬化合物、铁的氧化物、氧化铝组成。 www.13191.com 9. In addition, a frightening amount of soy is genetically engineered and is typically sprayed with more chemicals than most other crops. 此外,you极大数量的大豆是由基因工程种植,通常比大多数其他普通农作物需要喷洒更多农药。 dongxi.net 10. Preferably, the monosaccharide is provided in an aqueous casing solution which is sprayed on a steamed tobacco. 该单糖最好为一种调香水溶液而被喷到充有水蒸汽的烟叶上。 ip.com 1. Instruction for use it can be transferred to a watering pot and be sprayed directly into the air. 储存期限为二年。使用说明将本品装入喷壶中,直接对空间喷雾即可。 www.showxiu.com 2. Tired of repeatedly having her lunch stolen from the break room refrigerator, Debbie sprayed her bag with artificial Rotted -Lunch Scent. 德比厌倦了从面包房的冰箱偷午饭,她在自己的包里喷上了类似于坏掉的午餐的味道。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Exhaust enters from the scrubber bottom ; water or chemical added solvent is sprayed via a special nozzle to complete the initial cleaning . 废气由洗涤塔底部进入,由水或加上化学物质之水溶液,利用特殊喷嘴喷洒完成初洗。 www.bing.com 4. Today, as I was walking home, a friend passed me by on his moped, and sprayed a bunch of silly string at me. 今天,在我走回家的时候,一个朋友骑着他的电动车从我身边过,拿彩条喷罐喷了我一堆。 www.mtzz.com 5. Conventional cotton is the most heavily sprayed crop in the world (and not what you want next to baby's skin or mouth). 普通意义上的棉花是全世界最广泛最普遍的农作物(而它其实并不适合直接接触你宝宝娇嫩的肌肤和小嘴)。 www.bing.com 6. The use of the former, in which certain temperature-sensitive paints were sprayed on a model, is limited. 涂层热成像法是在模型表面喷涂一定的示温涂料,使用有一定的局限性。 www.fabiao.net 7. The last time you sprayed we almost lost them when you didn't cover up the fishbowl ! 上次你喷药的时候没把金鱼缸盖上,金鱼差点全死光。 www.jukuu.com 8. The test can be alternate or laminate sprayed simultaneous or individually. 这样可以单独或同时对试件进行交替或分层喷涂。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Seventy percent of fungicides used in US agriculture are sprayed in vineyards. 美国所使用的所有抗病农药的70%是在葡萄园里喷洒的。 www.bing.com 10. Thermal spraying - Procedures for the application of thermally sprayed coatings for engineering components. 热喷涂.工程件用热喷镀涂层的应用程序 www.mapeng.net 1. Children covered in powder are sprayed with water as they celebrate Holi at a school in Ahmedabad, India, on March 19. 在印度阿默达巴德的一所学校里,裹满色彩的孩子们正被喷水,他们以此庆祝洒红节。 www.bing.com 2. Unidentified gunmen sprayed the city centre bar with bullets and threw a hand grenade before escaping in three vehicles. 身份不明的枪手射击了市中心的这家夜总会,投掷了一颗手榴弹后乘三辆车逃跑了。 www.tingclass.com 3. Water sprayed from a supply line to create steam would increase the thrust of the engine significantly. 水从供应线,以产生蒸汽喷射会增加发动机的推力显着。 www.tech-domain.com 4. Then it was sprayed with water for hydrolysis while being stirred until it became a transparent gel with a high viscosity. 然后将溶胶用水喷淋进行水解,同时进行搅拌,直至溶胶变成高粘度的透明凝胶为止。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Monsanto also produced the infamous Agent Orange, the cancer and birth-defect causing defoliant sprayed over Vietnam. 孟山都公司还生产了在越南到处喷洒导致癌症与婴儿缺陷的声名狼藉的黄色脱叶剂。 www.panscate.com 6. In areas where insecticide is not sprayed, mosquitoes without the resistance gene do better. 在不喷洒杀虫剂的地方,蚊子没有抗药基因反而好。 www.bing.com 7. The pore sealing agent for hot sprayed coating may be applied for rollers in iron and steel producing line, etc. 本发明可用于、但不限于钢铁生产线上辊类表面热喷涂涂层的封孔剂。 ip.com 8. Firefighters sprayed water at the blaze and plucked people from balconies with extension ladders . 消防人员忙于喷水灭火,并用伸缩梯将困在阳台上的人们接下来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Your throat will be sprayed with a local anesthetic before the test begins to numb your throat and prevent gagging. 在造影前,要先在你的喉咙上喷麻醉剂进行局部麻醉以防止呕吐。 www.bing.com 10. sprayed vagina, it will in the local formation of a thin layer of gel-solid layer of protection. 喷到阴道内,就会在局部形成一层薄薄的固态凝胶体保护层。 www.chinavalue.net 1. This time she laughed and remained on the floor, rolling around on it as I sprayed. 这次她不停地笑,一直躺在地上,我喷水,她翻转着身子。 www.bing.com 2. As they worked on the street corner, a Daewoo car sped by and sprayed the walls with automatic gunfire. Nobody was injured. 有一次,当他们在街角干活的时候,一辆大宇轿车疾驶过来,车中射出一片弹雨。还好没有人受伤。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. No, they don't dab their favorite perfume behind their ears, but they do enjoy rubbing up against tree stumps sprayed with the scent. 不过它们并不是把香水擦在耳后,而是喜欢在洒了这种香水的树桩周围活动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Soldiers sprayed disinfectant over the debris to cover the stench of rotting bodies. 部队对废墟喷洒了消毒液来掩盖刺鼻的腐烂尸体味道。 www.bing.com 5. For penetrating sealing and reducing popping on fully cured inorganic zinc paint and heat-sprayed metallic zinc coating. 用于无机硅酸锌或喷锌层的表面起渗透封闭作用,减少起泡现象。 www.kuenglish.info 6. About 1 million gallons of chemical dispersants have been sprayed on surface oil in hopes of speeding its breakdown and evaporation. 此外,我们还喷洒了100万加仑的化学分散剂,以期加速海面油污的分解和蒸发。 www.bing.com 7. In the bottle is sprayed on enamel, laser in the selected design to this material located at fusion to the glass. 在瓶子被喷涂上瓷釉后,激平不离在选定的安排洋把这种质料熔分到玻璃上。 www.bing.com 8. Some of the paint sprayed on the car has rubbed off on the wall. 汽车上的喷漆有些蹭到了墙上。 9. The scientists took the boric acid sweet bait to the West African nation of Mali. They sprayed it on plants near man-made ponds. 科学家们把这项发明带到了西非国家马里,把这种硼酸甜饵喷洒在人造池塘附近的植物上。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Fanatical love the sea, in the rock, the pieces have been sprayed. 海水狂热的爱,在礁石上,被喷得粉碎。 www.bing.com 1. He sprayed the garden to get rid of pests. 他给花园喷了杀虫剂。 www.nciku.cn 2. Nowadays arc sprayed composite coatings are mostly prepared by cored wires. But the high cost has restricted their application. 目前电弧喷涂复合涂层主要使用粉芯丝材,但粉芯丝材存在成本高的问题。 www.13191.com 3. And, sprayed-in cellulose or blue-jeans is a much lower energy alternative to that. 喷洒式纤维素或者牛仔裤布料是可选用的低耗能替代品。 www.ted.com 4. Conclusion : Co-sprayed lubricant is a good water soluble tablet lubricant which has good efficacy. 结论:共喷润滑剂拥有较好的水溶性和润滑作用,是一种良好的水溶性润滑剂。 www.cjcmm.com.cn 5. Shell using aluminum alloy high-pressure electrostatic plastic-sprayed surface. 壳体采用铝合金压铸成型,表面高压静电喷塑; www.youboy.com 6. The cinema also provides special effects, and the audience is sprayed with water from above when the tide clashes against the rock. 这个影院还会提供特效:当影片中海浪冲击岩石的时候,水花会从观众上方喷出。 www.china.org.cn 7. A technician sprayed a topical anesthetic on his neck. The skin tingled , then went cold and numb. 一名医务人员在他的脖子上喷了些麻醉药,约翰感到皮肤一阵刺痛,接着慢慢变冷,最终完全麻木了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Even though the paint was often sprayed on by mouth, one can assume that the dominant hand assisted in the operation. 即使图画经常被口喷洒,一个假设是,占据主导地位的手用于操作。 bbs.xiaoma.com 9. It is being introduced into beauty products and is sprayed on fruit and vegetable crops to enhance growth. 美容产品正在引入谷氨酸,同时还在水果和蔬菜农作物上喷洒谷氨酸以改善其生长。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Because the pests prefer the taste of the trap crops, only these plants need to be sprayed, reducing the amount of pesticide use. 因为昆虫喜欢诱捕作物的味道,只有这些作物需要喷药,减少了杀虫剂使用量。 news.dxy.cn 1. But the growth and Mn nutrition of wheat were evidently improved by applying MnSO4 fertilizer which sprayed over the leaves. 而叶面喷施锰肥则显著促进了小麦生长,明显改善其锰营养。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. after the sprayed resin has expanded, another resin (17) is poured in liquid condition, thereby obtaining the insulating core of the panels. 在喷射的树脂膨胀后,浇注另一液体状态的树脂(17),由此获得板的隔热芯部。 ip.com 3. Sometimes I feel so deprived lol Kang Ta got sprayed right in the face by Vanness! 有时我觉得这样被剥夺了喷笑安七炫权在面对吴建豪! alive.tom.com 4. They sprayed Johnson &Johnson baby powder in stores that sold clothes; they sprayed a cherry scent in spots that sold food. 他们在服装商店喷洒了约翰逊&约翰逊婴儿吸湿粉;他们在摊食点上喷洒了一种樱桃气味。 www.bing.com 5. I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed . 我决不会因为夏天头发刚刚梳理过、喷过发胶,就一定要把车窗玻璃摇起来。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. CTP version means directly in the image base sprayed or " carrier " " sprayed layer, layer then carrier " . 喷墨CTP版指间接在版基上喷涂影像或在“载体”层上喷涂,“载体”层结果被冲去。 www.bing.com 7. and the clean water is sprayed into the furnace from the bottom. 从炉窑底部定时定量喷入净水。 ip.com 8. I glared at the dancing water, sprayed in the air, suddenly burst into tears. 我直直望着喷在空中,不断跳跃的水滴,突然掉泪。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The milk particle thus sprayed are evaporated into milk powder by heated air forced into the chamber. 把已经喷雾过的奶颗粒,通过压进干燥室的热空气干燥成奶粉。 www.dictall.com 10. Blue lines were mainly built in the 1970s, when the approach was to cover the rock face with a layer of sprayed concrete 7 to 8 cm thick. 而蓝线主要建于20世纪70年代,其修建方法主要是在岩石表面覆盖一层7至8厘米厚的喷射混凝土。 www.ell.com.cn 1. Some houses feature "Katrina tattoos" sprayed by rescuers as they completed house-by-house searches in 2005. 在2005年,随着地毯式搜救任务的结束,一些房屋被救护人员喷上了“卡特里娜杰作”之类的涂鸦。 www.ecocn.org 2. He staggered limply about, the blood flowing from nose and mouth and ears, his beautiful coat sprayed and flecked with bloody slaver. 他虚弱地蹒跚着,血从鼻子、嘴和耳朵晨流出来,那身漂亮的皮毛被喷溅上斑斑血迹。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Then, they sprayed stem cells on to that heart, from a mouse. 接着,他们在那个心脏上散布来自一只老鼠的干细胞。 www.ted.com 4. As we start down the decline, the smell of the bored rock and sprayed concrete is strong. 我们开始往下走,石头和散发的混凝土的味道很浓烈。 www.ditiezu.com 5. The researchers also tested mosquitoes with "sugar stations" sprayed with and without DEET. 研究者还用喷洒和没有喷洒DEET的糖块来测试蚊子。 news.dxy.cn 6. Can be sprayed seal of different colors, red, yellow, blue, white, etc. 可喷印不同的颜色,红,黄,蓝,白色等。 www.jingrong114.com 7. Although several different methods may be used, insect breeding grounds and the displaced people's dwellings may be sprayed. 虽然可以使用很多不同的方法,但对昆虫孳生场所和灾民住房应进行药剂喷洒。 pro.yeeyan.com 8. Louisiana officials say the risks come not just from oil, but from chemical dispersants being sprayed in the water. 路易斯安那官员说,危机不仅仅来自原油泄漏,还来自喷洒到水里的化学分散剂。 voa.hjenglish.com 9. Nurse the Perineal Operation: Direct sprayed the wound after the operation and cover the wound with wet gauze dy sprayed. 会阴侧切术护理:术后用本品直接喷洒于伤口,并将纱布喷湿后覆盖伤口。 www.mktimingrpt.com 10. If there is moving horse box for shipment , which must be sprayed insect repellent before unloaded. 若有装运移动马箱时,须对马箱喷洒驱虫剂后,方可卸离。 www.1x1y.com.cn 1. A car went past and sprayed me with water! 一辆车开过,溅了我一身的水! jpkc.hfut.edu.cn 2. If knitted sweaters or silk garments are sprayed by the perfume, maybe the stain are left on them. 如果是羊毛衫或丝绸衣服也许会留下斑点。 www.elanso.com 3. In the early nineties, anecdotal reports emerged in the US of people dying after being sprayed by police. 90年代早期,美国就出现了被警方的胡椒喷射器攻击后死亡的事件。 www.bing.com 4. These pesticidesare sprayed on fruits and vegetables, as well as in parks and on golf courses. 这种杀虫剂喷洒在水果和蔬菜表面,同时也喷洒在公园和高尔夫球场。 www.bing.com 5. And that overly curvy designs are likely plastic sprayed with paint. 而且过于曲线设计有可能塑料喷涂油漆。 www.erji.net 6. Then, before they are sold, these green tomatoes are sprayed with CO2 gas to turn them red instantly. 然后在出售前,这些绿色的蕃茄就会被喷上一层二氧化碳气体,令它们立时转为红色。 www.ebigear.com 7. stock plants of tea were sprayed three times at weekly intervals with benomyl before taking cuttings. 茶树母株,苯菌灵喷雾,采插条,每周一次,共三次。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Thermal spraying - Characterization and testing of thermally sprayed coatings. 热喷镀.热喷镀层的特征和检验 www.mapeng.net 9. These vandals smashed windows and sprayed paint on buildings at the downtown area. 这些蓄意破坏公物的人在市中心地区敲破玻璃又泼油漆在建筑物上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. When Associated Press journalists entered the farm on Monday, the cars were sprayed with water. 美联社记者周一来到农场时,他们的汽车接受了喷水处理。 www.bing.com 1. The research on sprayed powder is helpful to the understanding of atomizing process. 对过喷粉末进行研究有助于对雾化过程的理解。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. The area has been sprayed with insecticide since last week and the numbers of deaths and infections have dropped, the statement said. 从上周开始,当地开始喷洒杀虫剂,病死率和感染率都已下降。 www.ttxyy.com 3. The stench of death was so overpowering in the arenas that specially installed sprinkler systems sprayed perfume into the audience. 竞技场上的尸臭如此强烈,必须以特殊设计的喷洒装置向观众席喷洒香水。 www.bing.com 4. During basic army training, a sergeant was telling his group how a submachine gun sprayed bullets. 在一个陆军基本训练营里,一个长官跟下属解释小型机关枪是如何的扫射子弹。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Enclosure is cast with aluminium alloy, surface is sprayed with plastic, fine outline. 铝合金外壳压铸成型,表面喷塑,外形美观; detail.b2b.cn 6. Fine drops of a liquid, such as water, perfume, or medication, sprayed into the air. 喷雾:细小的液滴,如水,香水或药剂被喷入空气中。 blog.donews.com 7. The fountains of the pool sprayed out, presented a vivid colors under sunshine, added radiance and charm to each other. 池中喷泉交相辉映喷出或高或低的水花,在阳光的掩映下呈现五彩斑斓的绚烂色彩。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. MMVF compound, prefabricated , sprayed or cast in situ, for heat insulation, sound insulation or fire protection. 预制的或现场喷涂或浇注的,用于保温、隔音或防火的MMVF化合物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The water has to be sprayed into the shower cabin, and the user has to wear a special 5 device to prevent inhalation of water and choking. 水必须是喷雾进入那之内阵雨小屋,和使用者有到穿着一个特别的5个装置避免吸入水和闸喉作用。 wenwen.soso.com 10. this can be flow-coated or brushed, but preferably sprayed on. 可以浇涂,刷涂但最好用喷涂· wenku.baidu.com 1. A protester gets sprayed in the face with pepper spray at an Occupy Portland protest. 警察在占领波特兰的抗议中使用辣椒喷雾剂对抗示威者。 www.bing.com 2. Control of sprayed concrete quality must first control the quality of materials. 控制喷射混凝土的质量必须首先控制原材料的质量。 lib.cqvip.com 3. The gas then passes through two ammonia washers. In the first washer, liquor is sprayed to absorb ammonia from the gas. 然后,将煤气经过两个氨洗涤器。在第一个浸洗器中,喷淋洗液以吸收煤气中的氨。 dict.ebigear.com 4. Blood sprayed out across the snow, as red as summer wine. 鲜血溅洒在雪地上,殷红一如葡萄美酿夏日红。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The manufacture process of thermal sprayed ceramic coatings were introduced in this paper. 本文介绍了陶瓷涂层的热喷涂方法及工艺。 www.chemyq.com 6. Chu Zhong directly is sprayed the saliva of full face on pushing away a big gate among the packs. 楚仲一推开大包间的门就直接被喷了满脸的口水。 www.cqlxjt.net 7. The shell is made of diecasted Al-alloy or welded steel plates with plastic-sprayed surface. 铸铝合金或钢板焊接外壳,表面喷塑。 www.etlong.com 8. BUILDING WORKS. PRIVATE CONTRACTS. COVERINGS FROM BLOWN-OUT BY WET-SPRAYED PRODUCTS. PART 2 : SPECIAL CLAUSES. 建筑工程.用潮湿喷射产品时排放口覆盖.第2部分:特殊条款 www.mapeng.net 9. In addition, the raw materials are sprayed from needle valve in the form of fog, and the mixed effect is also fine. 另外,原料是以雾状形式从针阀处喷出,混合效果又非常良好。 ip.com 10. He raced to the scene and found the van, its interior sprayed with blood. 他赶到现场,看到了那辆货车,车厢内溅满了鲜血。 www1.jzsz.edu.cn 1. Please clean the miss-sprayed place with special detergent or volatile liquid. 误涂的地方请即用专业清洗剂。 www.chinaqp.net 2. A fruit preservation packaging paper is made, using common white paper sprayed with was containing preservatives. 采用普通白纸涂以混有复合杀菌剂的蜡液制成水果保鲜纸。 www.dictall.com 3. After fuel sprayed into the engine has been ignited, combustion is self-sustaining. 当喷入发动机的燃料被点燃之后,燃烧就自持下去。 www.tdict.com 4. The pole is hig-dip galvanized, plastic sprayed, with anticorrosive paint. Thus, it is wear well, it intergrated viewing and practicality. 灯柱经喷涂喷塑等抗腐蚀处理后,经久耐用、融观赏性、实用性与一体。 www.diytrade.com 5. BUILDING WORKS. COVERINGS FROM BLOWN-OUT BY WET-SPRAYED PRODUCTS. PART 1 : TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS. 建筑工程.用潮湿喷射产品喷涂的覆盖层.第1部分:技术规范 www.mapeng.net 6. DDT sprayed into the air kills mosquitoes and other insect pests. 喷射到空气中的ddt能杀死蚊子和其他有害昆虫。 www.hotdic.com 7. Much of the 40 tons it sprayed fell without hitting the facility, according to the Metropolitan Police Department. 据日本警视厅(MetropolitanPoliceDepartment)介绍,该车喷出的40吨水大都没有击中目标。 chinese.wsj.com 8. The gunman sprayed the building with bullets. 持枪歹徒向那座房子扫射。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Liquid fertilizer sources can be sprayed on the turf or fertigated at label rates. 液体肥用于草坪叶面喷施或按商标说明灌施。 www.igolfyou.cn 10. The corrosion mechanism of flame sprayed glass coatings was studied in this paper. 研究了手工火焰喷涂玻璃涂层的腐蚀破坏机理。 www.dictall.com 1. The coatings are sprayed onto the components being analyzed by using aerosol cans or compressed-air spray guns. 涂料是用按钮喷雾罐或压缩气喷枪喷到所要分析的零件上去的。 www.dictall.com 2. They sprayed sulfur and lime mixtures into homes of the infected. 他们在有感染病例的房子里洒满石灰与硫磺的混合物。 www.24en.com 3. But only after the sites in the forest were sprayed with DDT and purged of snakes, wild animals and insects. 却单是在对这个隐没于林中的遗址喷洒了DDT,驱除了蛇虺蚊蚋和野生动物之后。 chihuahu.blogspot.com 4. No smoking should be allowed in the room or in the vicinity where flammable liquids would be sprayed or used. 在喷涂或使用易燃液体的房间或附近不准吸烟。 www.oshc.org.hk 5. The shell stretch-formed by quality Al-alloy board with plastic-sprayed surface. 外壳采用优质铝合金板拉伸成形,表面喷塑。 people.b2b.hc360.com 6. He sprayed an insecticide upon the plants to kill the insects. 他给作物喷药,以杀死害虫。 dict.ebigear.com 7. Dusty Materials should be covered or sprayed with water. 应以帆布盖上或以水喷洒易生尘埃物料。 www.cuhk.edu.hk 8. He sprayed some nasal spray into the nose to make breathing easier. 他往鼻子里喷了些鼻雾喷剂,让呼吸畅通些。 www.hellomandarin.com 9. The researchers also released malaria-carrying mosquitoes, with 70 per cent of them avoiding the DDT-sprayed hut. 这组科学家还释放了携带疟疾的蚊子,其中70%避开了喷过DDT的棚子。 www.scidev.net 10. The more pesticide sprayed, the stronger pests' drug resistance gets. 农药喷得越多,连害虫都有了抗药性,怎么办? www.chinadialogue.net 1. Carried water to them for a solid summer. Sprayed them. Prayed over them. 整整一个夏天我都坚持为它们浇水,为它们喷杀虫剂,为它们祈祷。 www.tnngo.com 2. Smooth all the sharp edges before sprayed with plastic. 喷塑前所有外露锐角倒钝磨平; zhidao.baidu.com 3. He opened a bottle of champagne and it sprayed all over my dress. 他开了瓶香槟,喷了我一身的酒。 dict.ebigear.com 4. Nurse the Bedsore: Direct sprayed after cleanout the wound and inflamed area. The average daily dose 3 times daily. 褥疮护理:对有红肿或创面的部位进行清洗,然后直接喷洒本品,每日3次。 www.mktimingrpt.com 5. Oh, no. Actually, I sprayed him. I mean, unintentionally, of course. 喔不,是我喷的.当然我不是故意的 www.tingroom.com 6. He went to the river and got his trunk, put it in the water and sucked the water up. Then he sprayed his back with water. 他回到河边,把鼻子伸到河里吸水,然后把水都洒到自己的背上。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. The color-sprayed lath ceiling became quickly the second main stream of Metal ceiling products. 彩色喷涂条型天花迅速成为第二代主流金属天花产品。 husilong.com 8. Hundreds of people watched and took photos as fire trucks sprayed streams of water on the building. 在消防车向建筑物喷射水流的同时,数百人在旁围观并拍照。 www.bing.com 9. Since Rihanna dyed her hair bright red last November, she's combed, brushed, and sprayed 13 different styles. 她每天要付斯蒂芬2000英镑。自从去年11月她把头发染成浅红色之后,她又是梳又是刷,还喷这喷那的,已经弄了13种不同的造型。 dongxi.net 10. One MP in the current debate also suggested rioters be sprayed with indelible ink. 一位国会议员在近期的一次辩论中建议,引发骚乱者应该被刺青。 www.bing.com 1. and 3. spraying the hot and wet sprayed material via the nozzle to work surface with compressed air. 利用压缩空气使湿式喷射料从喷嘴喷射至工作面。 ip.com 2. He sprayed twice more as summer progressed, and as the apples matured, he thinned them. 随着夏季的进程,他给树木喷了两次药炎,而当苹果成熟时,他就疏剪了枝叶。 www.ebigear.com 3. In this paper, Al is sprayed with the new high velocity arc spray gun and the generally used one. 本文对高速电弧喷涂铝涂层和普通电弧喷涂铝涂层进行了对比试验研究。 www.chemyq.com 4. The walls of the structure are sheets of water sprayed from suspended pipes. 这道墙的构造是从悬浮着的小管子里喷溅出一片片的水。 www.elanso.com 5. The nature kingdoms suggested a grapefruit room freshener from the health food store to be sprayed into the air handler. 自然王国建议用一种来自健康食物店的葡萄柚空气清新剂来喷洒到车子的空气处理系统中。 www.qiyeku.com 6. Firefighters sprayed foam on the mangled wreckage. 消防员向机身残骸喷射灭火泡沫。 cn.wsj.com 7. Kurt leveled his assault rifle and sprayed the other Hunter, but it turtled behind its shield. 库尔特端平他的突击步枪向另一个猎人喷射,但它躲在护盾后面。 www.tianya.cn 8. water gets sprayed over the hall from these pipes. 水就由这些管道喷遍大厅。 www.bing.com 9. There were fewer mosquito bites in homes sprayed with bendiocarb. 喷洒恶虫威的室内,蚊虫叮咬就少了。 www.ebigear.com 10. It can be sprayed directly on cooling fins without having to dismantle the air-con unit. 它可以直接喷洒在冷气的冷却栅上面而不需要折卸空调机。 microcard2u.com |
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