单词 | all along |
释义 |
adv. from the start,right from the start,from the beginning,from the very beginning,from the word go 例句释义: 一直都,一路,始终,一贯,自始至终,自始自终,一向 1. I'd be lying if I didn't say that I had been secretly waiting for that moment all along. 我会说谎,如果我不说我已经偷偷在等待那一刻,所有沿线的。 www.acne-treatments-web.com 2. One said (forgive me if I summarise) that the Left had been right all along, and that the country was plainly run by a money-grubbing cabal. 一个(原谅我概括原文)称左翼一直都是对的,这个国家显然是由一个敛财的阴谋团队领导。 www.bing.com 3. Mr Chirac has said all along that he was ready to explain himself in court, and that he has "done nothing wrong" . 希拉克一直表示他已作好当庭解释的准备,而且坚称自己“没做任何错事”。 www.ecocn.org 4. The point about VAT, as we have said all along, is that [the cut] will run for a year, so it is too early to judge the effect it has had. 正如我们一直以来所说的那样,削减附加税的政策将会持续一年,所以现在就判断其利弊还为时尚早。 www.bing.com 5. Later that day, the family said the boy was found unharmed, and claimed he had been hiding all along in an attic inside the family's garage. 当日晚些时候,希内一家宣布发现福尔肯安然无恙,说福尔肯一直躲藏在家中车库的一个阁楼上。 www.bing.com 6. It will impress them more when such a fuck-up like me turns good than if I had been a good son all along. 他们会对我的浪子回头令眼相看,比我一直是他们的好儿子更令人印象深刻。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Every moon , he may eventually send me to cost of living , had not had one sentence complaint all along. 每个月,他总会给我寄生活费,从来没有过一句怨言。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Republicans snort that he was bluffing all along when he said he would get tough in Afghanistan. 共和党人则嘲笑说,奥巴马以前表示将在阿富汗采取强硬政策原来一直是虚张声势。 www.ecocn.org 9. I get the idea that you do not like your star much, so the recession offers you an excuse to do what you might have wished to do all along. 你给我的印象是,你不太喜欢你那位明星职员,因此经济衰退为你提供了一个借口,去做你可能一直就希望做的事情。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Then suddenly it's there, the warm liquid on your face, the death you have always avoided, smiling back at you as if it knew all along. 突然,尸体就在那儿了,热血流在你脸上;死,你一直避免的东西,在对你微笑,好像它早知道这就是结局一样。 www.bing.com 1. In some families, new adults and kids seem to slip in effortlessly, as though they have been there all along. 在一些家庭里,继父或继母似乎可以与孩子轻松地和睦相处,好像他们一直生活在一起。 www.bing.com 2. He had all along told me I was his wife, and I looked upon myself as effectually so as if the ceremony had passed. 他一向总是说我是他的妻子,我自己也认为是他的夫人,好象我们举行过婚礼一样。 www.jukuu.com 3. That's why we always try to have at least two guides, one Israeli and one Palestinian, plus many local guides all along the way. 这也是为什么我们总是安排至少两个导游,一个以色列的一个巴勒斯坦的,另外沿途还有许多当地导游。 www.bing.com 4. I said all along that he was not a person to be trusted, but you would not listen to me. 我一直说他是个不可信的人,但你总不听我的话。 kaoyan.ppen.net 5. It wasn't until I gave up in desperation that I finally saw the truth of what my teachers had been telling me all along. 在我几乎要绝望的放弃之前,我最终体验到我的上师们一直在告诉我的真相。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. It dawned on me that she had been right all along. 我突然意识到她一直是对的。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Easy to be moved, the academic society conversion ponder can exactly very with ease, all along with the reason, not demand. 容易感动,学会换位思考会活得很轻松,一切随缘,不去强求。 zhidao.wangchao.net.cn 8. I was expecting all along that they were going to call me up and tell me to leave Lhasa immediately. 我原本一直期待着哪天他们会召唤我,让我马上离开拉萨。 www.ecocn.org 9. All along the frontier, German preparations for invasion were intensifying, but Soviet forces had not yet even begun to mobilise. 沿着整个边境,德国人一直在加强武装入侵的准备工作,而苏联军队甚至于还没有开始进行动员。 voa.hjenglish.com 10. For this reason, the focus on order becomes one of the axe questions between the eastern thinkers and western ones all along the history. 因而,对秩序的关注成为中西各个历史时期思想家和政治家共同思考的轴心问题之一。 www.fabiao.net 1. Trade barriers will fall, just as the WTO hoped, and with the same result that should have been its goal all along: its own obsolescence. 正如WTO所希望的一样,贸易壁垒终会倒塌,随之而来的结果也本该是WTO自始至终的目标——WTO自身的废弃。 www.bing.com 2. here, who have friends in your own real summed up in the beauty tips to share with you all along. 在这里,有网友在自己糊口中实战总结出来的美容小秘诀与大家一块儿分享。 www.xuejiewang.com 3. Compared with that, the transmitting speed of the access net has been a bottleneck all along. 相比之下,接入网的传输速率却始终是个瓶颈。 www.fabiao.net 4. So the question becomes, or should be all along, what would you do if you know you only have one day, or one week, or one month to live ? 最后,最本质的问题,始终应该是:如果生命只剩下一天,一周,或一个月,你要做些什么? blog.sina.com.cn 5. Who tries to shield and protect by showing courage. . . staying strong; trying to set a good example while her heart is breaking all along? 是谁以勇气和坚强去保护,去抵挡,去努力树立榜样,尽管她的心一直在受伤? www.ebigear.com 6. 'We've known he was The Stig all along - it has been a standing joke within the regiment. 我们其实早就知道他就是试替哥,这在我们团里一直被当成笑话留传。 www.hjenglish.com 7. How accurately evaluate the status of human resource in college is all along a difficult issue in human resource management of college. 如何比较准确有效地评估高校人力资源状况一直是高校人力资源管理的一个难点。 paper.pet2008.cn 8. As the son of an Anglo mother and a Hispanic father, however, he knew all along that the task was not always possible. 然而,他母亲是盎格鲁血统,父亲是拉美裔,他早就知道这种分法不总是切实可行的。 www.hotdic.com 9. My cousins did eventually talk with her about the severity of her illness, and as it turned out, she suspected it all along. 我的表亲们最终还是和她谈到了她病情的严重性,结果证明,她一直对病情感到怀疑。 pro.yeeyan.com 10. The Emperor, from the moment he first touched down on Death Star II, made it clear that it was he who was in charge all along. 从他初次驾临死星2号的那一刻起,皇帝让人们更清楚地认识到,是他在自始至终掌控着一切。 starwarsfans.cn 1. It had not realized that all along it was not just a dot, but also a seed. 它一直没有意识到,原来自己一开始就不仅仅只是一个点,而且还是一粒种子。 www.jxteacher.com 2. Long before there was a country called Brazil, a tree with that name grew in abundance all along the northeastern coast of South America. 在巴西这个国家诞生之前很久,一种与其同名的树即繁茂地生长在南美东北海岸沿岸。 dongxi.net 3. Others will say that it was a mistake all along to embark on expensive reform at a time of acute economic distress. 其他人会说,在经济不景气的时候开始代价昂贵的改革自始至终就是个错误。 www.bing.com 4. However, these guys all along are so complacent as if partaking of the sacrificial feasts, as if mounting the terrace in spring. 可是这些人却永远都是那麽的洋洋得意,其状如享太牢、其形如春登台。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The scales fell from my eyes, and I realized that she had all along deceived me. 我终于看清真相,明白她一直都在欺骗我了。 bbs.wwenglish.org 6. Either he had slipped the ropes in a matter of seconds or his hands had been free all along. 要么就是他刚才一瞬间从绳子里挣脱了,要么就是他的手一直就没被绑起来。 www.bing.com 7. You were all along "the shadowy third" in my short life with her. 在我跟她共同生活那个短短的期间,你就永远是一个“暗中的第三者。” 8. In fact, I all along do not want you to leave but there's no other alternatives. 我知道你就快要走了,实际上,我一直都觉得很寂寞,不想让你离开,但是没有其他选择。 wenwen.soso.com 9. The villagers all along the way knew that this was the time the deer moved from the low lying farm lands to the high countryside. 沿途的所有村民都知道这是鹿从低处大片的农田土地往高处的地方迁移的时候。 bbs.tingroom.com 10. Me, only five, liked it so much; It had been with me in and out all along, I called it "my precious stone" . 那年大概是五岁的我,非常喜欢它,走出走进都带着,把它叫做“我的宝石”。 my.24en.com 1. Maybe this was his plan all along. It was not what he said. 或许,这本来就只是他的计划,并非他所说的那样。 www.bing.com 2. The micro- hole machining is all along the difficulty in mechanical manufacturing, especially in national defence manufacturing. 微小孔的加工一直是机械制造业中的难点,对国防制造业更是如此。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. He finally realized that he had already found his dream girl, and she was. . . . . . the Vancouver girl all along! 他终于意识到,他早就找到了他的意中人,她就是……那个温哥华女孩,始终都是! www.suiniyi.com 4. This will show her that you've been loving her all along and that Valentine's Day isn't just a one day thing. 这样会让她觉得你一直以来爱着她,并不是仅仅情人节这一天。 www.crazyenglish.org 5. The manager said he suspected the man of stealing the paper all along. 经理说他一直都怀疑是那个人偷了文件。 bbs.chinabroadcast.cn 6. The economic data for March did not show a strong spike, just the same growth that has been on track all along. 3月份经济数据显示的增长率并没有突然大幅上升,相比过去只属于一种正常水平。 chinese.wsj.com 7. His hit songs include "Like a Rolling Stone, " "All Along the Watchtower" and "Blowin' In the Wind. " 他的热门歌曲包括《像一块滚石》、《沿着瞭望塔》和《答案在风中飘》。 www.ebigear.com 8. The first option is to write normal JUnit test cases just as you've been doing all along by extending JUnit's commendable TestCase. 第一个选择是编写普通的JUnit测试用例,就像以前一直做的那样,扩展JUnit令人称赞的TestCase。 www.ibm.com 9. " The issue of peasants is all along fundamental to Chinese revolution and construction" . “农民问题始终是我国革命和建设的根本问题”。 www.fabiao.net 10. I have said all along the only club I would have left Feyenoord for is Liverpool and I'm really happy to be here. 我说过离开费耶诺德只有一家俱乐部我愿意加盟,那就是利物浦,我在这里确实非常开心。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. encouraged Neil Perry to follow his obsession with acting. . . when he knew all along it was against the explicit orders of Neil's parents. 鼓励尼尔培瑞继续他对演戏的固执念头而他从头到尾都知道那违反尼尔父母清晰的训令 blog.sina.com.cn 2. All along I was just thinking the police is, you know, just framing some poor guy. 一直以来我只是认为警察,你知道,只是给某个可怜的家伙捏造罪名。 www.01jp.org 3. You know you have arrived in Barbra country when all along the roadside; you see piles of empty beer bottles and cans. 要知道,当你漫步在巴尔拜的街道,随处可见都是些空酒瓶罐。 www.kekenet.com 4. If you could see that I'm the one who understands you. Been here all along, so why can't you see? 如果你明白我才是那个了解你的个人。但我一直都在这里,为什么你却看不见?。 www.yappr.cn 5. This double-identity is all along with the architecture design progress in different periods. 这双重身份始终贯穿建筑设计实现过程中的不同阶段。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. It makes it feel as if these creatures have been here all along, and that they belong and have purpose in the world. 看起来那些生物好像一直就在那儿,它们属于这个世界并且为这个世界发挥着自己的作用。 www.tgfcer.com 7. For me, i happen to be some that never loved politics because of the way it had been played all along. 比如我,恰好曾经是一个不喜欢政治人,因为过去的政治曾是那样。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 8. All along, I have kept hitchhiking , walking and waiting (for anyone who would pick me up), and yet my hometown is still far away. 沿途我一直不断搭便车走路及等候别人来载我,可是老家仍离我好远。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. China is a developing country; poverty is all along comparatively serious. 我国是一个发展中国家,贫困现象一直比较严重。 www.fabiao.net 10. Everyone knew immediately that she had been faking it all along. 大家立刻知道她从头到尾都在装模作样。 www.kekenet.com 1. He tried to shout so that he might be heard all along the street. 他大声叫喊,指望沿街有人能听到他。 blog.csdn.net 2. All along she had felt it difficult to reconcile the two ideas, of her father and a blood-shedder. 她一直觉得不容易把她的父亲和杀人犯这两种念头拼合起来。 tr.bab.la 3. The water level control for the steam drum is all along a typical issue in the control domain. 锅炉汽包水位的控制一直是控制领域的一个典型问题。 www.fabiao.net 4. For that reason, so much depends on how things have been going all along. 因此,这大部分取决于事情一直以来是如何发展的。 www.zscbbs.com 5. I would like to also thank you for giving me this opportunity to say what I've wanted to say all along in my heart. 我也想谢谢你们给我这个机会,说出来一直在心中的话。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I noticed that during the time of the Haiti quake, numerous small quakes were occurring all along the S American Plate edges. 我注意到在海地地震期间,沿着南美板块边缘发生了许多小地震。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. I would like to also thank you for giving me this opportunity to say what I wanna to say all along in my heart. 我也想要谢谢你给我这机会到发言权什么我需要到到发言权所有的向前在我的心。 blog.163.com 8. You've been trying to help her all along, haven't you? 你一直都在试图帮助她,是吧? blog.sina.com.cn 9. All along the main road they try to catch his eye and beg him for money to spruce up their shops. 一路上,他们都试着引起他的注意,向他讨钱来装饰他们的店铺。 www.ecocn.org 10. A ew study confirm what some ay they've know all along: Men, o matter how unattractive, think they've got a chance with a runway model. 最新的一项研究证实了女人共知的一个常识:不管多么差劲的男人都会自认为自己能赢得美女的芳心。 www.wuyou777.com 1. All along brave souls have incarnated to bring Light into your lives, and at times it has been a dangerous situation to be in. 勇敢的灵魂们一直都在化身为了给你们的生活带来光明,有时他们会进入到一个危险的情形中。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The painting had just been stolen in real life and the joke for viewers was that Dr No had been behind the heist all along. 然而在现实生活中,确实有名画被盗。引人发笑的是,影片中诺博士一直是盗窃的幕后黑手。 www.ebigear.com 3. It is not a question that a part of the Ganges is getting polluted, It is all along. . . 问题并不是恒河的一部份遭到污染,而是整条河均遭到污染。 www.bing.com 4. In a metadata-fortified AOP implementation, you map core concerns to classes just as you have all along. 在通过元数据增强的AOP实现中,就像平时做的那样,可以将核心关注点映射到类。 www.ibm.com 5. It suddenly came to her that she had been wrong all along. 她突然意识到她从开始就错了。 6. Of course, I've known all along the outcome of all events, it's just a case of taking its time and getting it right. 当然,我现在已经知道了所有事件的结果,这其实只是一个简单的事件,这只是需要时间然后做出正确的决定。 bbs.qieerxi.com 7. All along the face of the pink rocks that overlook the valleys are rows of tombs hewn out of the solid stone. 面对峡谷的红石上雕满了古佩特拉人的坟墓,它们都是从岩石中挖掘而来的。 kathling-1982.blog.163.com 8. Be a purpose and target that the company insists on all along , be also forever invariant promise to the customer. 是公司一贯坚持的宗旨和目标,也是对顾客永远不变的承诺。 www.365ask.com 9. I felt so disappointed in her and I thought I would hate her all along and never forgive her. 我开始对她感到特别的失望,觉得我将会永远恨她不原谅她。 bbs.5i5i.cn 10. As is mentioned above, to serve as a bridge between hotels and customers is the guiding principle to which I've adhered all along. 对于能做好酒店和消费者间桥梁这一承诺,笔者一直将其作为一贯的办刊方针,摒弃自娱自乐、孤芳自赏。 www.grandhotels.com.cn 1. Continual shelling laid waste vast areas of farmland all along the front line. 连续的炮击彻底毁坏了前沿的大片农田。 www.hotdic.com 2. One of those literary, award-winning adult novels that I secretly think was written for teens all along (see To Kill A Mockingbird). 这是一本备受赞誉的成人小说,这类小说我私下里一直认为其实是为青少年读者所写的(比如《杀死一只知更鸟》)。 www.bing.com 3. If she had not practiced hard all along, she wouldn't plan the piano so well. 如果她不是一直刻苦练习,她的钢琴就不会弹得这么好。 www.hhkao.com 4. Everything since then, well, it's just been amazing, it's been a blessing, I'm around something I've loved doing all along. 从那时起,这一切都变得让人难以置信,只能去祝福所有的事情,我一直围绕在我所喜欢做的事情的周围。 5.oyiya.com 5. This discourse is nevertheless merely one of these transformations that I have been expounding all along. 可是,这个大学的真理论述,仅是我曾经一再阐述的真理论述的转移的替代位置之一。 springhero.wordpress.com 6. It's actually been there all along, but astronomers have only now spotted what could be the seventh closest star system to the sun. 事实上它应该存在很久了,不过天文学家们一直只能观测到距离太阳第七近的恒星系统。 www.bing.com 7. Instead, the datapoints were all along the highway, where I definitely wasn't, or in nearby towns, which we biked around. 相反,这些数据点都是沿着高速公路,而我非常肯定不是这样的,或者在我们骑车经过的周边城镇。 www.bing.com 8. They attacked all along the line and gave the enemy no breathing spell. 他们发起全线总攻,不给敌人以任何喘息机会。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. "You're leaving Grotto! " someone shouted. There was laughter all along the bar. "I'll drink to that, " another voice added. “你要离开葛洛托了!”某人喊道,酒馆中立即爆发出一阵哄笑。“为此干杯!”另一个人应和道。 hi.baidu.com 10. Wild creatures [like these sandpipers ] find refuge all along the Altamaha, taking comfort in a river left to its free-flowing ways. 野生物种(如图中的矶鹞)在阿尔塔马哈附近寻找庇护所,它们需要依赖河流生活。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. "Benevolence and good-neighbourliness" were all along regarded as a treasured maxim by our ancestors. “亲仁善邻”,一直为我们的先人们奉为国之宝箴。 www.onstu.net 2. Third, "I said it was a good idea all along. " 第三,“我一直说这个想法不错。” boboan79.blog.163.com 3. All along, the discuss on the criteria for attempted and accomplished theft has always been hot and fruitful. 一直以来,学界对盗窃罪既遂与未遂标准的讨论是热烈而富有成果的。 www.fabiao.net 4. Traffic congestion has all along been a serious problem in the business hub of Central. 中区商业心脏地带一直面对严重的塞车问题。 www.hplb.gov.hk 5. All along, i appreciate it, for it is always giving me an elegant sound without any noise, and it stands on my desk in the same way. 一直都很感激我的音响,他总是不喧闹而素雅的演唱,也这样立在桌山。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Let them disappear once and for all. Along with other misfits, lowers , relics of a wilderness, nobody cares about them any more. 干脆让它们和其它一些格格不入的孤独者以及谁也不会在乎的野地废墟彻底地消失掉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Articles should be kept in sight and bags shall be carried with you all along . 鉴于治安考虑,请您随时保持警惕,将您的包袋、个人物品随身携带。谢谢! www.bing.com 8. All along the way, from the Capitol building to the White House, were huge crowds of cheering people. Hour after hour, the soldiers passed. 在游行的路上,从国会大厦到白宫,道路两傍拥挤着大量欢呼的人群,一个小时一个小时地过去,一个又一个游行方队通过。 www.bing.com 9. Moggi is still bitter with his exit following Calciopoli, and has maintained all along that the whole scandal was a conspiracy. 莫吉仍然对迫使他暂离足球圈的闹剧门怀恨在心,他一直强调这是一场阴谋。 www.juvefans.com 10. As one of the main three contents of financial management in the listed company, cash dividend policy was debated all along in theory. 股利政策做为现代公司财务管理的三大核心问题之一,一直成为理论界争论的焦点。 www.fabiao.net 1. Things that you could not possibly see then, but were in truth there all along will suddenly appear. 那些以往你无法看到却实际上与你如影相随的东西会突然显现。 www.joyen.net 2. Shrek has nightmares about the future of his children. He worries about this all along the way. 史莱克在旅途中一直做噩梦,为他的孩子们的将来担心。 www.1363.cn 3. Even if I am not beside you, I would accompany with you all along. 即使没有在你身边,也一直陪着你。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Dad had been right all along: the most precious gift is to touch the hearts of those you love. 爸爸始终是对的:最珍贵的礼物莫过于打动你所爱的人的心。 www.bing.com 5. Furthermore, I cann't get in touch with him all along, and don't know when he came back from abroad. 此外,我一直联络不到他,不知道他什么时候回国。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. From the North Cape to the Cape of Good Hope, those supply lines were threatened from German bases all along the Atlantic profile (see map). 德军在大西洋沿线的基地可以威胁到盟军从北角到好望角的所有补给线。 www.bing.com 7. The increase of price is all along of the storm. 物价的上涨完全因为那场暴风雨。 www.bing.com 8. On a weekend that is all about dressing up as somebody else, consider whether your financial adviser has been masquerading all along. 万圣节的周末化妆舞会刚刚过去,但你有没有想过,你的财务顾问是否也一直在跟你玩假面游戏。 chinese.wsj.com 9. And understands that when we're talking about poverty, we've got to look at people all along the economic spectrum. 而且明白当我们谈论贫困,我们必须去看所有经济范围内的人。 www.ted.com 10. The bilateral ties have withstood various tests and have all along been developing on the right course, he said. 朝中关系经受住了各种考验,始终沿着正确轨道向前发展。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 1. So we are looking at things in the offshore deepwater environment, as well as up through the water column and all along the shorelines. 所以,我们正在观察近海深水环境,水柱中以及海岸线的情况。 www.hxen.com 2. 'I said it was a good idea all along. ' 我一直说这是个好想法。 www.kekenet.com 3. All along, the string was tied to the axle, causing the spinning disks to return up the cord immediately after they hit bottom. 一直以来,溜溜球的绳子都是拴在轴上,让球盘旋转到底时可立即反转向上爬。 dict.bioon.com 4. Indeed, access to such a terminal may have been AirAsia's intention all along. 事实上,入驻这样的一个候机楼可能是亚洲航空自始至终的打算。 www.ecocn.org 5. It's what I'm looking for all along because it's not easy to balance after all. 这一直是我追寻的因为毕竟平衡它不易。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The company all along persists: " By artificial this, good faith respect industry" enterprise spirit. 公司一贯坚持:“以人为本,诚信敬业”的企业精神。 www.jukuu.com 7. Snapping, sudden jolts, and bouncing rock stratas reacting to a sudden release of pressure can be expected all along the Sierras. 由于对突然释放的压力做出了反应,预期整个锯齿山脉会有断裂,突发性的晃动和岩层的跳跃。 www.xici.net 8. What should have been clear all along is now impossible to ignore: the US is to the right of Mr Obama on domestic policy. 早就应该十分明显的一点现在已不容忽视:在国内政策上,美国处在奥巴马的右边。 www.tesoon.com 9. While VB had it all along, there was an supported use case. VB已经支持该特性了,同时还有一个其支持的说明。 www.infoq.com 10. I would like to convince myself that you are joking with me, but all have proved that you lied to me all along in. 我很想说服自己,那都是你在跟我开玩笑,可是事实证明了一切,你至始至终都在骗我。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. China all along did permit some access to its securities industry, but inroads for foreign firms have been patchy. 中国一直以来确实对证券业做到了部分开放,但外资进入中国市场的途径可谓坎坷不平。 smilelyspring.spaces.live.com 2. Militants were fleeing north, south, east, following trails into Pakistan all along the border with Pakistan and, for some, into Iran. 激进分子突然消失在北方、南方、东方,他们沿着山路进入巴基斯坦,部分人沿巴基斯坦边境进入了伊朗。 www.bing.com 3. Both at home and at work there's a feeling that you can do what you were "meant" to do all along. 家庭和工作都有些事让你感到这是你“注定”要做的。 www.douban.com 4. But please always keep in mind that all along, we are ourselves for one single goal-to maximize sense of satisfaction of our own. 但请永远记住我们始终都是为了一个目标而存在——我们自己的满足感的最大化。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. May the joy you share on your wedding day . Be the kind you'll share all along life's way. 愿你俩婚礼之日分享的喜悦,将伴随你俩共度人生的岁月。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. The priest had been watching him all along, noticing his apparent hangover and was disgusted. 神父的看着他一直以来,发现他明显的后遗症,是反感。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Innumerable frogs were making a loud noise all along the quiet stream, and a large snake crossed the path. 无数的青蛙在那条平静的溪流边制造着巨大的声响,一条大蛇横穿小径。 hi.baidu.com 8. He finally realized that he has already found his dream girl, and she was. . . the Vancouver girl all along! 他终于意识到,他已经找到了他梦想中的那个女孩,并且,她就是…那个温哥华女孩,一直都是! chinaptp.spaces.live.com 9. people have long accused Hollywood product of being covert propaganda for the American Way . Now it seems they were right all along. 许多人一直指责好莱坞的作品已成为美国生活方式隐蔽的宣传机器,现在看来,他们确实是对的。 www.jukuu.com 10. Will it take earthquakes and volcanoes all along the Pacific Rim to make this happen or would it happen on its own? 是遍及泛太平洋地区的地震和火山爆发让经济崩溃发生,还是让它自己发生? yushenduihua.5d6d.com 1. All along the benches men put down their cups and spoons to turn and gape at the grisly spectacle. 长桌边的人都放下了被杯子勺子转而对这番恐怖景象目瞪口呆。 www.cndkc.net 2. Life Cycle approach: Environmental impact must be considered all along the life of the product. 生命周期方法:的影响考虑在其设计开发中.在产品整个生命周期中都将把对环境造成 wenku.baidu.com 3. of the merger. to maintain I maintain that she was right all along. 坚持我坚持认为她一直是正确的。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Referring to my academic performance, I have been a good student all along. 在谈到我的学业表现,我一直是个好学生一直。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Nothing. We were arguing about ins and outs of that project all along. It's so boring. 没有,我们一直讨论那个项目的细枝末节,非常无聊。 forum.ikaka.com 6. A: China has all along opposed any form of official exchanges and contacts between Taiwan and countries having diplomatic ties with China. 答:中方一贯反对与中国有外交关系的国家与台湾进行任何形式的官方往来和接触。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 7. Early detection of the occurrence of fire and doing a good job of the fire prevention have been researched all along. 及早的探测火灾的发生、做好预防火灾的各项工作一直是人们努力探寻的方向。 www.fabiao.net 8. All along, his mind firmly believes that his future must be a learned lama. 一直以来,他心里坚定的认为自己的将来一定是一个博学的喇嘛。 www.vikecn.com 9. You're smiling! Did you know all along that I'd give you a birthday present? 你在笑!你是不是从一开始就知道我要给你生日礼物? www.wwenglish.com 10. NARRATOR: Perhaps the greatest political impact was on the Labor Party that had all along opposed Thatcher's free-market policies. 旁白:可能最大的政治影响是影响了一直反对撒切尔自由市场政策的工党。 blog.tianya.cn 1. Imagine now that there was a treasonous collaboration with Bin Laden all along. 想象一下,一直与本拉登有一个叛逆的勾结。 blog.163.com 2. For the economic appeasers who run our system, this was the destination all along. 有了掌管着我们整个系统的经济绥靖主义者,这始终都是宿命。 chinese.wsj.com 3. In the program, nor shall mean amulung herself julep small trick to share with you all along. 在节目中,阿穆隆也绝不小气地把自己的去黑头小绝招跟大家一块儿分享。 www.xuejiewang.com 4. The tech who fixed it told him that he should have been installing the virus-detecting updates all along. 修理电脑的技术人员告诉他,他早就应该安装防病毒软件了。 www.bing.com 5. I'm not sure the magnitude of the eruption was the same all along. But it's really, really tough to predict. 我不确定两次爆发的时间是否会一样长,但是要预测实在很难很难。 www.bing.com 6. In all along the line, I feel I listen to him a little bit. . . 在这整个的过程中,我觉得我听他说话还是有点… zhidao.baidu.com 7. Mr. Zhang, the school spokesman, said: "The school all along has taken the issue of safety very seriously. " 学校发言人张先生说:“学校一直都非常重视安全问题。” www.bing.com 8. We have been and always will be conscious guardians of Earth's energy flow and have held such a role all along. 我们曾经是,也一直都将是地球能量流的有意识指导者,并始终将扮演这个角色。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. All along the way I dropped pebbles so that we would be able to find our way back after they left. 一路上我都放有鹅卵石,所以我们就能在他们离开后找到路回去。 www.showxiu.com 10. The road of history is not level and smooth all along. Sometimes the path will come to a dangerous and difficult place. 历史的道路,不总是平坦的,有时会变得艰难险阻。 www.bing.com 1. They all along his eyes look, just cut watermelon and half full red liquid, is continuously jetted forth STH. As spring the same! 他们都顺着他的目光看去,刚切开的西瓜还有一半,外面全是红红的液体,正在不停地向外涌出……象泉眼一样! www.cntingshu.net 2. It is vital to provide support all along the way in the form of training, coaching, communication and change management. 在全程提供培训、指导、沟通和变化管理等形式的支持是非常关键的。 www.infoq.com 3. Now of course I had known all along that the humour of the story emanated from its very exaggeration, its absurdly illogical smoothness. 当然现在我了解了:至始至终我都知道这个故事之所以好笑就是因为它极度夸张,不着边际的无厘头手法。 www.bing.com 4. Nevertheless, almost immediately, Jordanian forces opened fire all along the armistice line and shelled western Jerusalem. 然而,几乎立刻,约旦部队开火沿停火线,并炮轰西耶路撒冷。 bbs.jysq.net 5. all along the western front people line up to receive. 沿着西线人们排起队伍只为得到她 zhidao.baidu.com 6. All along, though, Billy has had the strange sensation that he would someday meet and lay down with Dolly Parton. 一直以来比利都有一种莫名的感觉,就是他会在将来某一天遇到多莉并且和她躺在一起。 www.bing.com 7. ' Psychologists call this hindsight bias -- the uncanny feeling that 'I knew it all along. 心理学家称此为后视偏差,也就是所谓“我早就知道会这样”的怪异心理。 www.enfamily.cn 8. People don't really want to talk on airplanes; they just want to be connected. It's the way it should have been all along. 人们实际上不想在飞机上交谈,他们仅仅是想要联系,这一直以来都以其应有的方式存在着。 www.bing.com 9. And all along the sides of these chimneys is shimmering with heat and loaded with life. 并且沿着这些烟柱的边缘微微发出热量,孕育着生命。 www.ted.com 10. All along we have followed your protocol, but we reserve the right to act as necessary if any attempt is made to endanger our presence. 自始自终我们都遵循你们的礼节,但是我们保留行动的权利,如果任何的企图危害到我们存在的安全时。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. And I thought that I was strong but I knew that all along. 我以为我很坚强但是我一直都知道。 wenwen.soso.com 2. The fact remains that recapitalising banks was the correct course of action all along. 事实上,重组银行资本,从一开始就是正确的。 www.bing.com 3. The accused was vindicated when the evidence proved he had telling the truth all along the line. 当证词证明被告讲的完全是真话时,他就被证明是无辜的。 www.hotdic.com 4. By the end of day two, the Union held a strong defense all along Cemetery Ridge. 到了这两天的结尾,联邦的军队已经强有力地巩固了整个小坟岭(CemeteryRidge)的防卫。 www.bing.com 5. Groups of policemen were dispersed all along the street where the Queen was to pass. 警察沿着女王经过的街道散开。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Although the capitalist world system is in powerful position all along, its decline is inevitable, and probably will touch off big upheaval. 虽然资本主义世界体系一直处于强势地位,但其衰落势所必然,并有可能引发大的动乱。 dict.veduchina.com 7. Douglas said she had felt confident all along that she would win. 道格拉斯说,她一直都相信自己能赢。 cn.nytimes.com 8. I tried to keep our hyperbolic inclinations in mind as I spoke with the merchants, clerks and doormen all along Broadway. 当我和百老汇大街上的商人、办事员和门卫交谈时,我心里试图保持一种纽约人夸张的习惯。 c.wsj.com 9. Transportation was shut down all along the east coast, stranding residents and tourists in shelters, airports, and train stations. 东海岸的公共交通被关闭,无数居民和游客被困在避难所、机场和火车站。 www.bing.com 10. Harrington, as she maintains was her intention all along, is a single parent of twins who turn five this May. 哈林顿一直没有结婚的打算,她现在是个单身母亲,她的双胞胎今年5月就要满5岁了。 www.bing.com 1. All along, the tough talk seemed bound to resolve into compromise. 一直以来,强硬的表态似乎都会走向妥协。 www.ltaaa.com 2. King: Sabotage! You were in league with the prince all along! 国王:阴谋破坏!从一开始你就和王子是一伙的! www.d-bar.cn 3. All along the passage she sniffed, and looked at the floor. 在过道上她一路都在闻来闻去,不停地查看地板。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Integration of tools with the requirements management solution ensures the consistent process of requirements all along the. 工具与需求管理解决方案的集成保证在所有项目上对需求进行一致的处理。 www.ibm.com 5. Because the vacancy is a raw portrayal of them, the dark clouds of poverty gather over their eyebrow all along. 因为茫然是所有下岗人员的真实写照,所以贫困的乌云始终凝聚在他们的眉梢。 lqlsqsh.blog.163.com 6. We can therefore assume that this was Adam's redemptive intent all along, that is, to be Savior of the world. 我们因此可以推断,他成为救世主,全凭亚当赎罪的意愿。 dict.veduchina.com 7. Groups of police were dispersed all along the street where the Queen was to pass. 在女王要通过的街上布满一群群的警察。 bbs.xplife.net 8. smaller-scale private efforts have eaten up deserts all along the river valley and far to the east and west of the delta. 小范围的个人努力已经吞噬掉了沿尼罗河谷的多片沙漠,尼罗河三角洲以东和以西河源的地方都是运河支流。 www.ecocn.org 9. Janey: No wonder we couldn't find it anywhere; and all along I thought it was because you could only buy it in France. 难怪到处找不到这种香水,我还一直以为你可以在法国买到。 www.hxen.com 10. Carbon nanotubes are good conductors of electricity, so we are thinking of having a second cable to provide power all along the route. 碳纳米管是一种良好的导电材料,所以,我们考虑在太空梯升降过程中再使用一条缆索提供电力。 ystrans.com 1. Virtually all his senior colleagues now claim they were opposed to the idea all along. 而实际上他的所有高层同事现在都声称自己一直反对这个想法。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Similar relocations are taking place all along the main channel, which runs through four provinces. 类似的重新安置现象在水渠流经的四省沿线到处都有。 www.bing.com 3. I' ve trusted you all along the line and now you' ve let me down. 我一直信任你,可是现在你却让我失望。 www.jukuu.com 4. Arrive summer, headache via regular meeting occasionally the head bilges , occasionally the body is all along good, is this why ah? 一到夏天,偶经常会头疼头胀,偶身体一向不错呀,这是为什么呀? dictsearch.appspot.com 5. China has all along devoted itself to the comprehensive and effective implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). 中国一直致力于《禁止化学武器公约》的全面有效实施。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 6. All along, Thanks to all our friends support and love, by the occasion of the birthday, to express deep gratitude! 一直以来,承蒙各位朋友的支持与关爱,借生日之际,在此表示深深的感谢! www.bing.com 7. All along the road to Bestwood the miners tramped, wet and grey and dirty, but their red mouths talking with animation. 矿工们一路向贝斯伍德走去,个个都湿淋淋,灰不溜秋,浑身肮脏,但嘴巴还有血色,大家正谈得起劲。 8. As we keep emphasising all along , your input and co-operation are vital in helping to ensure safe food and a clean environment . 我们一向强调,市民提供意见和通力合作至为重要,这样可帮助我们确保食物安全及保持环境清洁。 www.bing.com 9. Since the middle of last century, physicists have all along conducted studies on the rare gas crystals. 从上世纪中叶以来,物理学家对稀有气体晶体进行了大量研究。 www.fabiao.net 10. But I really want to know, what will happen if I am staying here like this all along? 但是我真的想知道,如果就一直站在这里了,又会怎么样? blog.sina.com.cn 1. She had been tearing out its pages all along to wrap his father's lunches. 管家一直从那书中撕纸来包裹父亲的午餐。 dongxi.net 2. The Minoans are so confident in their navy that they're living in unprotected cities all along the coastline. 迈诺安人对他们的海军是那麽的有信心,所以他们沿著岸边居住在不设防的城市。 chihuahu.blogspot.com 3. You're still the same person they knew all along, just one that's being more open with them about a part of your life. 你还是原来他们认识的那个你,只是对于你自己,你愿意向他们坦诚更多了。 www.bing.com 4. Only the unique love of parents quietly exists all along, even if it is ignored. 只有父母的爱,始终在我们的忽视中默默存在。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Working in a foreign company has been my hope all along. The working condition and atmosphere there fascinate me. 进入外企一直是我的愿望,我喜欢那里的工作环境,喜欢那里的氛围; club.topsage.com 6. In the first place, I deny everything but what I have all along admitted: of a design on my part to free slaves. 首先,除了我所一直承认的,即我解放奴隶的计划之外,我否认一切。 www.usinfo.org 7. The storm first hit Fujian province in southeastern China, but towns and villages all along the coast have been put on high alert. 莫拉克最初袭击了中国东南部的福建省,但是沿海地区所有城镇都处于高度警备状态。 club.topsage.com 8. I knew all along that it would not last. 我深知夏日终将退去。 www.douban.com 9. I think I'm the one who was swindled, Miss . . . You knew all along the hold you had on me. 我想我才是被骗的那个,小姐,你一直知道你对我有着怎样的控制力。 www.bing.com 10. The world's largest meat company thinks the answer may have been congealing in its facilities all along: Animal fat. 世界最大肉品公司认为,答案可以就凝结在其所有技术之中:动物脂肪。 www.bing.com 1. All along the banks, river residents started on their morning chores, washing clothes, dishes and themselves. 沿岸两边的居民开始了他们早上的家务,洗衣呀、刷碗呀、洗澡呀。 www.chinaedu.com 2. An increase in primary-school skills should eventually improve results all along the line . 初级教育中的技能培训也终将在这些方面取得良好的效果。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Behind our front immense masses of stores and ammunition were accumulated in the depots all along the communications. 在我们前线的后方,沿交通线的军需库中,堆积着大量的给养和弹药。 4. All along, our products have been approved, all walks of life, would like to thank the use of our products have been friends. 一直以来,我们的产品都得到各行各业的客户认可,在此感谢一直使用我们产品的朋友。 www.tonke.cn 5. All along he suspected that she was guilty. 自始自终他认为她有问题。 admin.asiaec.com 6. However Fengmao Far East Rubber Company has all along been prosperous, which located in Ningbo What's the secret of it? 然而,地处宁波的丰茂远东橡胶有限公司经营的却一直红红火火,其中的奥秘是什么? www.cnautotime.com 7. These competing demands are lowering water levels all along the Ganges, a crisis most apparent in the sacred city of Varanasi. 这些竞争的需求降低了恒河全流域的水位,一场危机很明显的在圣城瓦拉纳西(Varanasi)展开了。 www.bing.com 8. Christ had dropped the requirement to only brotherly love, which Peter had been saying all along. 基督已经放弃了要求,只有友爱,彼得一直一直在说。 wenwen.soso.com 9. An Interpreter will go all along with you while you stay in Beijing. 您在北京逗留期间,我们将提供一名译员全程陪同您。 www.jukuu.com 10. Given Bryant's greatness and dedication, this starry night is the way it should have been all along . . . and the way it still could be. 由于布莱恩特的伟大和奉献,这个星光之夜将一直这样闪耀,它本来就可如此,也应如此。 www.kobechina.com.cn 1. Could this breakdown have been the White House plan all along? 这次谈崩会不会一开始就在白宫的计划之中? www.ftchinese.com 2. Nierenberg said prevention measures can be put in place all along the food chain. 尼兰伯格说,防范措施可以落实到食品链的每一个环节。 www.24en.com 3. The living room is dark and low-ceilinged, with bookshelves all along the wall opposite the windows. 客厅的屋顶很低,光线非常的暗,书架占据了窗户对面整一面墙。 www.bing.com 4. I knew all along that he would graduate with excellent performance. 我始终知道他会以优异的成绩毕业。 www.crjy.net 5. it was an erroneous belief all along. 这样的想法都远离了真相。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Proponents of harsh interrogation tactics have used the bin Laden operation to argue that they were right all along. 赞成酷刑的人用本拉登的行为来说明他们一直是正义的。 www.bing.com 7. But were the autocrats right all along? In the wake of revolution, Islamist movements have been gaining ground. 但是独裁者就始终是对的吗?紧随着革命复苏,伊斯兰主义运动也反响强烈。 www.ecocn.org 8. Once again, Vidal was there to claim that the U. S. government saw it coming all along. 再一次地,威达尔宣称所有这些都是美国政府引发的。 www.bing.com 9. She knew the truth all along and was laughing up her sleeve at us. 她早就知道真相,却一直在暗中笑话我们。 dict.netat.net 10. The ideology and moral character status of the undergraduates, the erectors and successors of the feature, is attended all along. 作为未来社会的建设者和接班人,大学生的思想品德状况一直以来备受关注。 www.fabiao.net 1. It was only in 1990 under Mikhail Gorbachev that the Soviet Union finally admitted what Poles and their friends had maintained all along. 直到1990年米哈伊尔?戈尔巴乔夫领导下的苏联最终承认了波兰人和他们的朋友一直主张[是苏联下令屠杀]的事实。 www.ecocn.org 2. I may as well admit that I knew the answer all along. 我干脆承认了吧,我早就知道答案。 xiongtangsheng.blog.hexun.com 3. A collapsing housing market in the US, or an oil- induced recession in the west, would prove that bond markets have been right all along. 假若美国房地产市场崩溃,或者高油价引发西方经济衰退,这些将证明债券市场终究是正确的。 www.ftchinese.com 4. This learns a territory in culture and education of domestic and international language, all along is one compares an a Gordian knot. 这在国内外语文教学领域,向来都是一个比较棘手的新问题。 word.hcbus.com 5. Eventually, his work took him to China, where he believes he was destined to hold the concert all along. 最终他来到了中国,这个他坚信演唱会最终会举办的地方。 www.bing.com 6. I knew it all along. He was the obvious choice. 我早就知道会是这样。他的当选是显然的。 www.suxuewang.com 7. All along the question remains who gained from each transaction, the shareholders of Bouygues SA or the brothers? 整个过程中的疑问仍然是在每次交易中,到底是谁获利了,是布伊格股份有限公司股东还是布伊格兄弟们? club.topsage.com 8. All along, the field of political culture in political theory research, academia generally ignored the political identification. 一直以来,在政治学理论研究中的政治文化领域,学界普遍忽略了对政治认同的研究。 paper.pet2008.cn 9. South Korean forces on the island and all along the border area routinely monitor North Korean military radio. 岛上和边界区的韩国军队经常对朝鲜军方无线电通信进行监控。 c.wsj.com 10. It has been worth all of the work and I've enjoyed it all along. 但付出的所有努力都是值得的,我一直都很享受这个过程。 bbs.hcbbs.com 1. There is still the ultimate conspiracy theory to consider: that everything happening now was planned by Mr. Than Shwe all along. 但一种终极阴谋论依然值得考虑:即现在所发生的一切都是丹瑞大将一手策划的。 cn.wsj.com 2. Because you put up signposts for them, at the beginning and all along the route. 只有你告诉他们,他们才知道,是因为你从始直终为他们设置了航标。 www.tingclass.net 3. I say, Lu! I'm sorry I didn't believe you. I see now you were right all along. Do come out. Make it Pax. 喂,露茜,以前我不相信你说的话,请你原谅。现在我已明白,你说的是对的。赶快出来,我们和好吧。 www.bing.com 4. All along, the discription of homosexuality, in Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature, also show the unique patterns. 一直以来,若隐若现的同性恋书写,在中国现当代文学中,也别具形态的展现着。 5. Prophets of a sceptical bent say all this is futile because they knew all along the single currency was doomed. 而怀疑一切的预言者则表示,这一切都是徒劳,因为他们从一开始就知道欧元注定将是一个悲剧。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Is it the knowledge of what came later, and that what came out afterwards had been there all along? 是因为了解接下来是怎么回事,并且之后发生的事情一直都挥之不去吗? www.bing.com 7. His mistake all along was to promise nearly all Americans something for nothing. 他的错误一直在于,向几乎所有美国人承诺他们可以吃到免费午餐。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Semi-domesticated donkeys and cows and horses graze in the natural pastures all along the river-worn valley bed. 半驯化驴,牛和马沿戴河河谷床的天然牧场放牧。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 9. We rebel when we find out that they've been lying to us all along, that there isn't any Santa Claus at all. 我们反抗因为我们发现他们一直在向我们撒谎,比如从来没有什么圣诞老人。 imquyi.com 10. it is simply a reorientation and formalization of many of the things good software architects have been doing all along. 它不过是重定位和规范化大多数优秀软件架构师已经一直在做的事情。 www.infoq.com 1. Worst would be some official admitting that the growth data was bunk all along. 最糟糕的是一些官员承认,增长数据自始至终都是空话。 www.ftchinese.com 2. It is uncertain all along that if the phase change vacuum boiler can be corroded obviously under super low temperature. 真空相变锅炉是否会明显发生烟气低温腐蚀,一直众说不一。 www.dictall.com 3. This one impromptu speech lets Ma Yun industry unawares , review his all along to like nevertheless " blowout " disposition also is blamed. 马云这一即兴发言让业界措手不及,不过回顾他向来喜欢“放炮”的性格也就不为怪了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. All along the canal, a frequent refrain from soldiers is: "Do you think we are winning? " 所有人都在运河沿岸。士兵们常常抱怨道:“你认为我们赢了吗?” www.ecocn.org 5. All along my pilgrim journey, Savior, let me walk with Thee. 在人生孤单旅程中,恳求主与我同行。 www.efccdenver.org 6. Innumerable challenges had given AOL a heart-rending rollercoaster ride all along the way. 难以计数的挑战使AOL犹如一直处在高速过山车中那般令人胆战心惊。 www.tdict.com 7. But influenced by clinical experience and environmental factors, the diagnostic value of Tongue Diagnosis are restricted all along. 但是由于受到医生临床经验、环境因素等主客观因素的影响,传统舌诊方法的诊断价值备受制约。 degree.fzu.edu.cn 8. The answer was there all along, and I was so afraid Edward would see that and ruin my fun. 自始至终答案都是这个,我真担心爱德华看出这一点,然后毁掉我的乐趣。 www.putclub.com 9. The parrots were coming back from the outlying woods and fields to the dense trees with their heavy foliage, all along the road. 鹦鹉们从远离市中心的树林和田野中飞回它们在大路两旁浓密的叶丛里。 hi.baidu.com 10. Turns out this quote seems to have been misquoted all along. It's a couple thousand years older than that. 这个引用一直以来都被误用了。在更古老的数千年前。 www.bing.com |
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