单词 | so has |
释义 | so has例句释义: 全部 1. Yet, as Mervyn King, the governor of the Bank of England, noted in a thoughtful speech this week, doing so has now become difficult. 但正如英国央行(BankofEngland)行长默文·金(MervynKing)最近在一次发人深省的讲话中所指出的那样,达到目标现在已经变得相当困难了。 www.ftchinese.com 2. So -- has the President lit the touch paper for the start of an almighty battle for the heart and soul of American culture? 所以,美国总统已经点燃了关于一场美国文化的心脏和灵魂的大战的导火索吗? en.v.wenguo.com 3. China's swift military modernization, and its lack of transparency in doing so, has caused concern among the U. S. and its allies in Asia. 中国的缺乏透明度的军事现代化,已经引起了美国及其亚洲的盟国的关注。 www.bing.com 4. So has the PC monolith reformed itself enough to be able to plough through the looming recession? 这个pc巨人是否足够改变自己来应对隐现的衰退。 www.ecocn.org 5. Each time the four have re-started, he doing so, has never been not to think about the past. 每一回都四重新开始,他这样做的时候,从来不去想过去。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. It is a pity that this girl only and is not with quiet attention the careful person, so has been diding not discovers the coffee of Ireland. 只可惜这位女孩并不是细心谨慎的人,所以一直没有发现爱尔兰咖啡。 blog.163.com 7. NASA had hoped to minimize the gap, but additional funding to do so has not been approved by the U. S. Congress. 美国宇航局曾试图缩短这一时间,但美国国会没有批准为此计划拨出额外的款项。 cn.reuters.com 8. ONE of the features of globalisation in the past decade or so has been a high rate of global migration. 在过去这十多年,全球化的特点之一是全球高移民率。 www.ecocn.org 9. His advice, if I may say so , has not the expected benefit to the listeners for its misuse of some key words. 他的建议,如果可以这样说的话,因为一些关键词的误用,对于听者不会有预期益处。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. I'm sorry to be so long not to write you, because want graduation, so has been no time to watch the mailbox. Your job is busy? 很抱歉这么久没给你写信了,因为要毕业了,所以一直没有时间看邮箱.你的工作还忙吗? zhidao.baidu.com 1. So has a rise in labour participation of more than 1 per cent a year, with women flooding back to work. 而且随着女性重返就业市场,劳动力参与度每年也上升1%以上。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Yet just as immigration has hugely increased, so has emigration. In particular, large numbers of skilled Britons are emigrating . 然而正如入境移民大幅增长,出境移民同样在大幅增长。尤其明显的是英国,大量能力出众的英国人正在移居他国。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Doing so has many nice properties, among them the fact that it allows an infinite number of toppings on a pizza. 这样做有很多很好的属性,其中一个事实是它允许在一个比萨上使用无数种浇头。 www.ibm.com 4. As financial services have steadily grown in relative economic importance, so has exposure to any fickleness in Beijing's policies. 金融服务在经济中的重要性日益增加,人们对北京政策改变的担心也随之不断加剧。 www.ecocn.org 5. The way a stone is cut largely determines its final appearance, and so has the least wiggle room of any of the four Cs. 钻石的切割仿石在很大程度上决定了钻石最后的表观,所以切割对四个C来说是最没有发挥空间的一个。 www.bing.com 6. The target company is usually already trading on the U. S. stock market, and so has a lot of disclosure materials available. 目标公司一般已经在美国股市挂牌交易了,因此也就已经有了许多信息披露文件。 cn.wsj.com 7. But as China's economic power has grown, so has India's trade with its northern neighbor which is now India's biggest trade partner. 但中国经济实力今非昔比,印度与这个北方邻国间的贸易也是这样。中国现在是印度最大的贸易伙伴。 chinese.wsj.com 8. As construction has slowed in recent months, so has China's steel production: Output was down 5. 5% in September from a year earlier. 由于近几个月来建筑业的放缓,中国9月份的钢铁产量也比上年同期下降了5. www.bing.com 9. Can also be associated with anger, in which you think, "Why on earth should I care that so-and-so has a sunburn? " 并且,你可能对于这些无关信息产生怒气,不明白“为什么我要关心某某人是否晒伤了?” news.cnblogs.com 10. I am here waiting for you, and so has become a winter tree, quietly waiting for you after, like the spring breeze blowing over my life. 7我在这里等你,等成了一棵冬天的树,静静守候着你经过,像春风拂过我的生命。 wenda.tianya.cn 1. Just as a driver has a wide change of speed , so has a good reader . 就如是一个司机开出多种速度一样,优秀的读者也是如此。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Cranberries encrust the swing moor so has socks look as if they are abloom. 小红莓包围着着荒野,看起来好像是这些草地在开花结实。 www.bing.com 3. So has Rodriguez given up construction? "Well, you never throw away your work clothes, " he replied. "But this thing is like a monsoon. " 那么罗德里格兹是否已经放弃了建筑的工作?“啊,你永远不会扔掉自己的工作服,”他答道,“但这件事来得就像季风一样。” cn.nytimes.com 4. So has Kate, now 29, inherited her mother's social ambition and determination? 所以,29岁的凯特,是从她母亲那里继承了那种社会的野心和果敢的性格么? www.bing.com 5. Just as China's demand for aluminium has grown dramatically, so has its ability to supply the metal. 随着中国的铝需求大幅上升,中国的铝供应能力也在大大加强。 www.ftchinese.com 6. due to the ongoing battle between the city-state , the need for strong physique, so has the nature of the military exercise. 又因城邦间不断征战,需要强健的体魄,所以具有军事锻炼性质。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. So has Grokster made a "material contribution" - or virtually no contribution at all? 所以格罗斯特做出了“实质的贡献”—或者事实上根本就没有什么贡献? www.24en.com 8. As I am busy with final exams recently, so has no time to look ate-mail, sorry. 由于我最近忙于期末考试,所以一直没有时间来看邮件,抱歉了。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. As her popularity has grown, so has speculation about her nationality -- especially following her engagement to Israeli tycoon Vivi Nevo. 随着她知名度的提高,对她国籍的怀疑也不断产生——特别是当她与以色列籍大亨维维呢沃订婚以后。 www.hjenglish.com 10. So has Micron, the sole U. S. company left that makes chips known as DRAMs, for dynamic random access memory. 而美光科技公司是美国仅剩的一家还在生产被称为动态随机存取内存(DRAMs)芯片的企业。 chinese.wsj.com 1. The vote was of an advisory kind, and so has no force as legislation. 这只是个建议性的表决,不具有立法效应。 www.ecocn.org 2. So has Brazil, especially for bioethanol. Biofuels are near the top of development agenda in the country. 巴西也是如此,特别是在生物乙醇方面。生物燃料几乎处於该国发展议程的最顶端。 scitech.people.com.cn 3. As the number of well-trained scientists has increased, so has spending on research and development. 随着受过良好训练的科学家数量增加,研发开支也在增加。 www.scidev.net 4. Other countries have eliminated low-value coins with less-than-dire results, and indeed, so has America. 其他国家曾尝试废除小面值硬币,且并未造成可怕的后果,美国也是其中一员。 www.ecocn.org 5. It releases lots of soot and various noxious chemicals as it burns, and so has fallen out of favour in many Western countries. 它会随着燃烧释放大量煤烟和有害化学物质,因此许多西方国家已经不再钟情于它了。 www.ecocn.org 6. As the popularity of incentivised referral programmes has risen, so has the size of the inducements . 随着引荐激励计划的日益流行,奖金的规模也在增加。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The utility model does not contact air, so has small temperature change, good durability, and fire resistance. 不接触空气,温度变化小,所以耐久性好,且耐火。 ip.com 8. However, confidence just about held up, the moment passed and so has the threat of imminent collapse. 不过信心在上升了,那一时刻已经过去,迫在眉睫的崩盘威胁也过去了。 www.ftchinese.com 9. As the rate of childhood obesity has exploded, so has the rate of precocious puberty. 由于儿童肥胖率日益增加,青春期早发的比率也在增长。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. And if building dams has gone out of fashion, so has spending on public works with borrowed money. 如果说修建水坝是过时之举,那么用借来的钱投资公共项目也是一样。 bbs.ecocn.org 1. For example, the shell script in Listing 10, named make_errors (and rightfully so), has been written and is ready to be executed. 例如,清单10中的shell脚本(名为make_errors)已经编写好等待执行。 www.ibm.com 2. As a result of gift vouchers you can exchange for valuable up, so has become the best object replication forged. 由于礼品券可以换取值钱的高档商品,所以也成为复制伪造的最佳对象。 www.bing.com 3. The modest rise is due to more young women going to university; the proportion of young men doing so has fallen. 这小小的上升是因为更多的女性进入了大学,而男性的比例却在下降。 www.ecocn.org 4. As the public face of the nation's teeth has improved, so has the pressure on everyone else. 在国家牙齿的公共面貌改善的同时,每个人的压力也增大了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. But so has the long period of economic integration and increasing wealth that now threatens to come to an end. 但面临终结危险的长期经济一体化和财富增长也起到了同样作用。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Even so, the media cycle has changed since the pre-internet days. So has Africa itself. 即便如此,媒体界已经和互联网时代前不同了,非洲本身也是这样。 www.ecocn.org 7. As a result, the concept of class has changed, so has the theory of social stratification. 这导致了人们阶级观念的变化,并影响了西方当代社会分层理论。 www.dictall.com 8. Aluminium-plastic cold bridge proof holddown frame is assembled without screw, so has good air-tightness and excellent cold-bridge proof. 专利产品铝塑防冷桥夹板式框架结构,无螺钉装配,密封性能好,铝塑符合结构具有优良的防冷性能。 www.cr-expo.com 9. Previous civilian administrations have been corrupt and inept, but so has the army rule that has routinely supplanted them. 上一届民选政府不仅无能而且极度腐败,但是取代它的军政府目前的状态和上届是一样的。 www.ecocn.org 10. Doing so has never been easier. 现在这样做已经容易多了。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. As the parson has ever gone hand in hand with the landlord, so has Clerical Socialism with Feudal Socialism. 正如牧师与地主密切相关一样,牧师的社会主义也与封建的社会主义密切相关。 jorping.blog.163.com 2. One of these, the undervalued exchange rate, hasn't changed much in the past year and so has not contributed to rebalancing. 第一个是低估的汇率,在过去一年里没有多大变化,因此对改变经济失衡没有贡献。 www.bing.com 3. So has the current market crisis, which is affecting financing in developed markets, had the same effect across the globe? 那么,目前影响发达市场融资活动的市场危机,是否在全球造成了相同的影响? www.ftchinese.com 4. But just as software has gone open source, so has warfare. 就像软件可以开源,战争也可以。 www.ted.com 5. As interest in EBP has grown, so has the need for educational programs designed to develop the scholarly skills of the nursing workforce. 兴趣EBP增加了,所以需要的教育项目,旨在发展学术技能的护理队伍。 www.syyxw.com 6. instantaneous UHT milk has higher temperature in sterilization treatment, so has long shelf life, but lose more nutrients. 常温奶处理温度较高,保质期长,常温保存,但营养成分损失较多。 www.fabiao.net 7. As for the international of global top 500 enterprises, so has his own enterprise culture! 国际中只要为全球500强企业,那么都有自己的企业文化! blog.sina.com.cn 8. Doing so has always been good business, and now it is becoming settled law. 这样做一直是很好的业务操作方法,现在已经成了一种固定做法。 www.ibm.com 9. Dr. Fenton's lab repeated the experiment, in various ways; so has a consortium of memory researchers, each using a different method. Fenton的实验室用不同的方式重复了这个实验;有一个合作的记忆研究人员也用不同的方法重复了这一实验。 www.bing.com 10. So has the rising nationalism transmitted from the streets across thousands of internet sites. 不断高涨的民族主义也已经从街头蔓延至数千个网站。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Yet as the internet's economic and social importance has grown, so has political intervention. 随着互联网的经济地位和社会地位的提高,政治干预也不可避免地来了。 www.bing.com 2. As interest in learning multiple languages has grown, so has the number of facilities that teach young children. 随着人们对多种语言的学习兴趣不断增加,教授幼童外语的各种机构设施也越来越多。 www.america.gov 3. As the banks' horizons have expanded, so has their international share ownership. 随着银行的界限扩大,其股权结构也趋向国际化。 www.ecocn.org 4. As the face of America has changed, so has the face of American racism. 随着美国的面貌改变,美国种族主义也改头换面了。 www.bing.com 5. Life in a large city has its advantages and disadvantages; so has life in the country. 大城市的生活有利也有弊,乡村生活也是如此。 www.bing.com 6. So has the concept of Raksha Bandhan changed over time? 所以手足节的概念是否随着时间而转变了呢? zh.globalvoicesonline.org 7. Indeed, just as optimism has grown since stock markets troughed in March, so has the trade-weighted dollar fallen by 11 per cent. 的确,自3月份股市见底以来,乐观情绪见长,而美元贸易加权汇率下跌了11%。 www.ftchinese.com 8. As the rate of promiscuity has risen, so has the divorce rate. 离婚率随着滥交率的上升而上升。 www.bing.com 9. As these anxieties grow by the year, so has the emphasis on fertilizers that promote greater yields per acre. 随着担忧加剧,人们于是更加重视能够提高单位产量的化肥。 chinese.wsj.com 10. So has anyone else ever wanted him to paint their roof white? 那有没有人要将他们家的屋顶漆成白色的呢? www.bing.com 1. They bring us many memories, these memories to us in our special significance, their growth path with us, so has a special meaning. 他们给我们带来许多回忆,这些回忆对我们来说意义非凡,它们在我们成长的道路上伴随着我们,所以具有着非凡的意义。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The center electrode of the WFC v1. 0 has been covered with a thin adhesive plastic sheet so has to get a fully insulated cathod. 该中心电极1.0的世界粮食理事会已与薄胶塑料布覆盖,因此要得到完全绝缘阴极。 tech-domain.com 3. Since 2006, so has Google, although in a form that gives users more details about when information is being kept from them. 自2006年起,谷歌也开始低头,不过,它会向用户提供更多细节,说明信息是在何时被屏蔽掉的。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Over the same period the number of wealthy private collectors has also increased many times over, and so has their diversity. 与此同时那些富有的私人收藏家的数量也增加了好几倍,同样增长是他们的多元化趋势。 www.ecocn.org 5. Of course, the internet panders to closed minds; but so has much of the press. 当然,网络会迎合闭塞僵死的思想,但是很多报纸也是如此。 www.ecocn.org 6. If Mr Assad's hard line at home has earned grudging respect, so has his firmness in foreign relations. 如果巴沙尔的强硬路线在国内获得了不大情愿的尊重,那么他在外交关系上的也会如此。 www.ecocn.org 7. So has anyone dared knock on the door? 那现在有人敢敲你办公室的门么? bbs.qieerxi.com 8. China is still poor, so has the potential to grow quickly from a low level. 中国依然贫穷,所以它具有在短时间内通过低回报创收的潜力。 dongxi.net 9. As one reverse has followed another, Britain's economic reputation has nosedived. So has sterling. 随着倒退接踵而至,英国经济声誉直线下滑,英镑也是如此。 www.ecocn.org 10. So has a Japanese environmental organization, Elsa Nature Conservancy. 于是就有了一个日本环保组织-艾尔莎自然保护协会(ElsaNatureConservancy)。 www.bing.com 1. But in the past few months, as the number of foreigners investing in coastal property has dried up, so has the cash. 但是在过去几个月之中,沿海地产的外国投资者的数量骤减,资金也随之枯竭。 www.ecocn.org 2. So has changed his idea, in fact the wide scope of the water body can raise out the big fish. 因此改变了他的想法,其实水体的宽广度就能养出大鱼。 videobangla.com 3. The company has not yet finalised its first list of films so has time to raise the debt. 该公司尚未敲定第一批影片,因而有时间举债。 www.ftchinese.com 4. As global stock markets have plunged in recent months, so has the value of almost everything else, from Mexico's peso to the price of oil. 随着近几个月来全球股市遭遇重挫,从墨西哥比索到油价,几乎所有东西都在贬值。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Even as Greece's debt crisis has shaken European confidence, Brady says, so has its immigration problem. 总部在布鲁塞尔的欧洲改革中心的移民专家布雷迪说,除了希腊的债务危机以外,欧洲的移民问题其实也动摇了欧洲的信心。 www.bing.com 6. The surge of manufacturing output in the past year or so has largely been about recovering ground lost during the downturn. 过去一年左右制造业产量激增大大的补偿了经济危机中的损失。 www.ecocn.org 7. As the country's economy has boomed, so has the sex industry, especially in prosperous cities like Shenzhen. 伴随着这个国家经济的日趋繁荣,性产业也被看作朝阳产业,尤其像深圳这样的城市。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. So has Irene Davis, director of Harvard Medical School's Spaulding National Running Center. 还有IreneDavis,哈佛医学院尔丁国家跑步中心的主任也一样。 dongxi.net 9. Father's got a cold so has taken to his bed. 父亲患了感冒,所以只好卧床休息。 www.woyao100.cn 10. So has the approach behind it designing each product to meet specific customer requirements. 每款产品都是为满足客户的特殊需求而设计的。 everharmony.com.tw 1. Like the swallow so has learnt to fly. 就会象燕子学会飞翔。 ltjzx520.blog.hexun.com 2. Oddly, as Chinese incomes have grown, so has their propensity to save. 奇怪的是,中国人的收入已经增长了,所以他们倾向于存款。 www.bing.com 3. So has the massive size of the railway ministry, which employs 2. 5 million staff, and the size of its expansion plans. 同时可能出现问题的原因还包括铁道部门的巨大规模(其员工有250万人)和中国铁路庞大的扩张计划。 www.bing.com 4. Thus, there are good reasons to consume the recommended five servings a day, even if doing so has little impact on cancer risk. 因此,根据建议每日摄食五份蔬果是正确的,即使这麽吃对癌症风险并无作用。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 5. So has the nuclear industry, which has always preferred self-regulation to government oversight. 核电行业也是如此,较之政府监管,自我监督总是更合其意。 www.bing.com 6. Strange, maybe, but sympathetic, mature, in short, a likeable guy who can't make it work with women, and so has found an alternative. 奇怪的,也许,但同情,成熟,在短期内,一家伙喜欢谁不能使妇女工作,因此,已发现一个替代的方法。 gaosheji.5d6d.com 7. black or white, white or black. everybody has different choice, so has different goals. 黑色白色,白色黑色,个人的选择不同,目标自然也不同。 wenwen.soso.com 8. To complicate the picture, just as weather patterns have altered, so has human society. 更糟糕的是,不仅天气模式发生了改变,而且人类社会也与以往不同了。 www.hjenglish.com 9. But as investors have expanded their investing horizons, so has the range of indices broadened. 但随着投资者扩大投资范畴,指数覆盖的范围也随之拓宽。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Because the star is very close to the Earth, it has a large apparent motion on the sky, and so has moved in between the 7 years. 因为这颗恒星距离地球很近,所以它在这七年中天空中有明显的移动。 www.astronomy.com.cn 1. I was almost afraid to breathe, not I am very timid, but so has enriched his own imagination! 我几乎不敢呼吸,不是我很胆小,而是自己的想象力太丰富了! www.dota123.com 2. So has not the art of photography. 同样摄影艺术也是这样。 www.bing.com 3. In central air conditioning, auto air-conditioning, refrigeration compressors, and so has a wide range of applications. 在中央空调,汽车空调,制冷压缩机等方面有着广泛的应用。 www.tonke.cn 4. So has the individuality ring, just think subwoofers don't open, will be the neighbors are called. 这么有个性的铃声,只是觉得低音炮就别开了,会把左邻右舍都叫来的。 en.cnxianzai.com 5. Middle management is composed of fiefdoms that are preserved by maintaining the status quo and so has little incentive to implement change. 而中层管理者却希望通过保持现状维护自己的既得利益。所以很难有足够的动力执行这些改革措施。 dongxi.net 6. As society's definition of family has changed, so has the law's definition of family violence. 由于社会对家庭的定义已经改变,所以有家庭暴力的法律定义。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Value and protect the leopard has high economic value, so has been is hunting and hunting objects. 珍惜和保护豹有很高的经济价值,所以一直是狩猎和狩猎的对象。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. And although gold has risen a long way, so has the U. S. money supply. 尽管黄金已经上涨了很久,美国的货币供应也一样。 chinese.wsj.com 9. So has China, which is now the biggest foreign investor in Iraq's oil patch. 中国也不例外,现在它是伊拉克油田最大的外国投资者。 chinese.wsj.com 10. If so, has the privatization of culture had any impact on the state's provision of basic welfare? 如是的话,文化事业私有化对国家基本福利政策有什么影响? zhidao.baidu.com 1. Robinson is an asset and the colonists, so has the predatory exploitation of nature. 鲁滨孙又是个资产者和殖民者,因此具有剥削掠夺的本性。 www.hazhu.com 2. As the Web has grown, so has the number of ways people use it. 随着网络的发展,人们通过各种方式使用它。 1982fj.blog.163.com 3. I was engaged in the work of landscape design in the past. So has designed this garden. : Certainly produce some apparatus. 以前我从事景观设计工作。因此设计了这个花园。当然生产一些水耕器材。 videonew.net 4. The United States has also banned foods from radiation-affected areas, and so has the Japanese government itself. 美国也禁止从受辐射影响地区进口食物,日本政府也是如此。 www.tingclass.com 5. That means that as the dollar has strengthened, so has the renminbi. 这意味着随着美元走强,人民币也随之升值。 www.ftchinese.com 6. As software has increased in importance, so has its complexity. 当软件变得越来越重要时,他的复杂性也在不断的增加。 www.ibm.com 7. Model something only if doing so has recognized business value. 只有在认识到业务价值的时候才进行建模 www.ibm.com 8. Remember, being a team player truly has its advantages, but so has being a loner. 请记住,作为一个团队工作者的确有其优势,但作为一个独立工作者也一样有其优势。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. As drug testing in sport has advanced, so has the sophistication of doping strategies. 随着体育运动中药检技术的进步,兴奋剂使用的隐蔽性也在不断提高。 www.21jk.com.cn 10. The Bush administration has lost the confidence of the American people, and so has Wall Street. 布什政府已经失去了美国人的信任,华尔街也是如此。 www.bing.com 1. Technology has thus improved nuclear's economics. So has the squeeze on fossil fuels. 技术如此改进了核能的经济学,于是就可以压缩化石燃料的用量。 www.bing.com 2. Centuries have passed by, relationships have bloomed and so has love. But no one can give the proper definition of love. 几世纪过去了人们之间的关系发生了变化,爱也不例外。但是没有一个人可以给爱下一个准确的定义。 blog.163.com 3. In recent years, its rapid economic and social undertakings, tourism, business and so has made remarkable achievements. 近年来,它在经济和社会事业发展迅猛,旅游,商业等都取得了显著的成就。 www.zidir.com 4. Harry did so fantastically well for Portsmouth but he's moved on and so has Jermain Defoe, so there will be a lot of stuff off the pitch. 哈里在朴次茅斯时做的很好,但是他离开了,迪福也是。因此在场下一定会有很多这样那样的不满。 bbs.17mcp.com 5. on the adjustment of industrial structure in rural areas, help promote peasants ' income, employment, and so has a positive effect. 对农村产业结构调整,促进农民增收、带动就业等具有积极作用。 www.texclo.net 6. As the popularity of cell phone use has grown, so has the concern. 这份担忧随着手机用户的增加渐长。 www.elanso.com 7. As the IT industry in our province late start smaller, so has attracted a lot of entrepreneurs to join. 由于我省的IT产业起步较晚,规模较小,于是也吸引了很多创业者的加入。 www.fabiao.net 8. So, has the money been well spent? 那么,这些钱是否得到了有效利用呢? www.ftchinese.com 9. Doing so has worked out well for Baidu. Its stock price has nearly tripled since November 2009. 这样做对百度是有好处的,自2009年11月以来,它的股票价格几乎涨了3倍。 www.bing.com 10. Work over the past 15 years or so has shown that people think the environment is worse the further away it is from them. 工作在过去15年左右表明,人们认为环境是远离它的进一步恶化他们的。 www.bing.com 1. I have told Chelsea Shaun is not for sale, the chief executive has, the board have and most importantly, so has Shaun. 我告诉切尔西小赖特是非卖品,主席也是这么说的,董事会也如此,最重要的是,小赖特也是这么人为地。 bbs.qieerxi.com 2. It is true the year has been unglamorous but so has every year since I started working. 不错,这一年确实是朴实无华,但是自从我开始工作以来,哪一年不是朴实无华? finance.sina.com.cn 3. So has the promise of the revolution been delivered? 那么革命的承诺兑现了吗? voa.hjenglish.com 4. The UN General Assembly is largely powerless, and so has become a forum for tub-thumping speeches by the world's least attractive leaders. 联合国大会(UNGeneralAssembly)基本上没有实权,因此已成为一个供最欠魅力的国家领导人慷慨陈词的论坛。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Their ability to communicate through the internet has been taken from them and so has their ability to finance themselves. 他们的在互联网上的通讯能力也已被剥夺,同样被剥夺的,还有他们的资金供应能力。 www.bing.com 6. And so has worldwide media -- to cover what many see as a major historical development. 同样接踵而至的是来自世界各地的媒体,他们前来报道很多人认为是历史发展重大事件的新闻。 www.tingroom.com 7. The thought, "So-and-so has betrayed me, " protects us from the more painful thought, "No one thinks about me. " “某某人背叛了我”的想法,为我们打消了“没有人惦记我”这种更痛苦的想法。 www.ftchinese.com 8. So has India, which has its own navy. 至于印度,本身就有强大的海军。 kk.dongxi.net 9. As technology has evolved, so has the legal landscape around it. 随着科技的发展,相关法律领域也跟着发生变化。 www.ftchinese.com 10. If so, has providing IDEs for any programming language become What new IDEs can we expect in the future? 如果属实,那是否意味着能支持任何编程语言的各种IDE将成为我们期望在未来会出现的新的IDE呢? www.infoq.com 1. Those prices have since fallen, but so has demand. 煤价和油价因此下降了,而市场需求也随之回落。 www.bing.com 2. Jim has finished his exercises, so has his sister. 吉姆做完了他的练习,他姐姐也做完了。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. And as their access to media has grown, so has their power to influence their parents. 而且随着对媒体的接触日愈增多,他们对父母的影响力也渐长。 www.ecocn.org 4. As so , has hepatitis B guideline changed? 那乙肝治疗指南有更改吗? www.medicines-school.com 5. But Toyota sales in the United States have fallen, and so has its stock price. 相反,丰田在美国的销售有所下降,股价也遭受相同的命运。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. John has finished his homework. So has my sister. 约翰做完了课外作业。我妹妹也做完了。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. But Toyota sales in the United States have fallen, and so has itsstuckrisestockprice. 但丰田在美国的销售率下降,它的股票价值也下滑。 voa.hjenglish.com 8. Every tenth bush or so has a red tag on it, I have no idea why. 每隔10棵灌木左右,就有一丛上挂着个红色的标签,我想不出来这是为什么。 www.bing.com 9. They are still tightening but the rate at which they do so has reduced sharply. 它们仍在收紧贷款标准,但收紧的速度正在大幅放缓。 www.ftchinese.com 10. So has the pace at which existing companies add positions. 现有公司增加就业岗位的速度亦是如此。 dongxi.net 1. So, has it been worth it? According to Carragher, the answer won't be clear for another year. 所以,它是否值得一看呢?根据卡拉格来说,答案还得来年才能给出答案。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 2. CNC programming. Mold injection molding process and so has extensive experience. CNC编程。模具制造注塑工艺等方面有丰富地经验。 fanrengu.net 3. The CICS ECI resource adapter implements the LocalTransaction interface and so has limited support for global transactions. CICSECI资源适配器执行LocalTransaction接口,所以对全局事务具有有限的支持。 www.ibm.com 4. But since China began its opening and reform thirty years ago, the world's oldest profession has made a comeback, and so has syphilis. 但自从三十年前中国开始改革开放后,卖淫这项世界上最古老的职业卷土重来,梅毒也随之蔓延。 c.wsj.com 5. So has the use of vitamin A to strengthen children's immune systems, and chemically treated bed nets to prevent malaria. 使用维生素A来增强儿童的免疫系统,以及使用经过杀虫剂处理过的蚊帐来预防疟疾。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. And if so, has the listening section been bothering you? 假如是的话,听力部分是否让你感到困扰? www.anglepedia.com 7. Furthermore, log linear model is very convenient when adding new features into the model and so has greater improvement. 并且对数线性模型的方法在增加模型的特征时很方便,因此有很大的改进空间。 www.fabiao.net 8. So has interest in the term "dead cat bounce. " 对“死猫跳(deadcatbounce)”的兴趣同样如此。 www.bing.com 9. High-speed railway is a dream of modern civilized society, which has come true in many countries. So has in China! 高速铁路是现代文明社会的一个梦,地球上不少地方已圆了这个梦,中国也是的! wenku.baidu.com 10. On lowering blood pressure, ulcer, enhance immunity, and so has a good preventive effect. 对降血脂、抗溃疡、提高免疫力等方面具有良好的预防作用。 detail.china.alibaba.com 1. Linux has done well, but so has Microsoft. Linux做得很不错,不过微软表现也甚佳。 www.bing.com 2. For even as you have home- comings in your twilight, so has the wanderer in you, the ever distant and alone. 因为你黄昏时有家可归,而你那更迷茫、更孤寂的漂泊的精魂,也有个归宿。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. I've finished my task ahead of schedule, so has he. 我提前完成了任务,他也提前完成了。 waiyu.kswchina.com 4. Just this week, we learned that retail sales have fallen off a cliff, and so has industrial production. 就在本周,我们得知零售业坠入悬崖,工业制成品亦然。 www.bing.com 5. Western demand for them to do so has been the biggest block to the planned peace talks. 西方对他们的这个要求是计划和谈的最大障碍。 www.ecocn.org 6. So has Austin told you anything about. 奥斯汀有没有提到过关于。 www.tingroom.com 7. Very uneasy! Because too long to contact English! So has misunderstood your meaning in your mail! I am sorry! 非常的不好意思!因为久未接触英文!因此在你的信件中误解了你的意思!对不起! taiwanyes.ning.com 8. so has the number of court cases that result when the government refuses an application. 同样的还有政府拒绝申请后的诉讼。 blog.ecocn.org 9. Conjunctivitis and sore and so has a good anti-inflammatory role of detoxification. 结膜炎及疮毒等具有很好的消炎解毒的作用。 www.jdxtea.com 10. So, has he found the ideal wife yet? 那么,他已经找到了他理想中的太太吗? blog.sina.com.cn 1. Curiously, while public knowledge of the risk of melanoma has grown, so has the regular use of tanning beds. 奇怪的是,日光浴床的使用量与公众对黑色素瘤的危害意识成正比。 www.bing.com 2. Not only has the address of some of Wall Street's players changed, but so has the origin. 不仅华尔街的一些参与者改换门庭,有的来历也变了。 www.24en.com 3. Person's breathing, heart rate, pace and so has the pace. So the rhythm in rock and roll has closely related with human life. 人的呼吸、心跳、脚步等都具有节奏,可见摇滚乐中的节奏与人的生命密切相关。 wenku.baidu.com 4. As you have homecomings in your twilight, so has the wanderer in you, the ever distant and alone. 迟暮之年回归家园时,你那在远方漂泊的孤独之心也会归来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Agreement in place, a quarter of an hour the kites, and so has not come to light, know that things have changed. 在约定的地点,风筝等了一刻钟也不见轻巧前来,知道事情有变。 bookapp.book.qq.com 6. The new installation system is modular in design and so has been developed with extensibility in mind. 新的安装系统采用模块化设计,在扩展性理念下开发。 www.debian.org 7. So has the Russian invasion of Georgia. 俄罗斯入侵格鲁吉亚同样如此。 www.ftchinese.com 8. So has the proportion of suicides. 同时自杀的比例也有所降低。 www.bing.com 9. Physics has made great progress this century. And so has mathematics. 这个世纪,物理学已经取的很大的进步。数学也一样。 wenwen.soso.com 10. The second, excessively low interest rates, has gotten significantly worse in the past year and so has exacerbated the imbalances. 第二个是过低的利率,在过去一年里变得更糟,因此加剧了失衡。 www.bing.com 1. The local Ford dealership has closed, and so has downtown's main restaurant. 当地的福特汽车代理商点已经倒闭,市中心最大的饭店也已经停业; www.ecocn.org 2. What you can make is strong, be like I know of you are so, has been stand down. 你所能做的就是坚强,就像我知道的你那样,一直走下去。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. This novel of orphans and an image some typical image, such as Made Stone, Yi Po, Shidierfushi, Xipu so has been studied. 这部小说中的孤儿形象及一些典型形象,如摩德斯通、姨婆、斯蒂尔福斯、希普等都已经被研究过。 www.taody.com 4. So has China, of course. 当然,中国也是如此。 www.bing.com 5. So, has he confessed yet? 他招供了吗? www.tingroom.com 6. The rain so has been down, I so have been looked at. 雨就这么一直下着,我就这么一直望着。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. And so has the Japanese yen, the British pound and most every other currency you have heard of. 日元,英镑及你所听过的绝大多数货币均是如此。 www.bing.com 8. Shanxi folk songs, folk dance, folklore, crafts and so has a unique charm. 山西民歌、民谣舞蹈、民间传说、民间工艺等具有独特的魅力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. So has BP just been unlucky? 那么,BP仅仅是不走运吗? www.ftchinese.com 10. My music has grown, so has my vision for the future. 我的音乐成长了,我对未来的看法也有所增长。 post.baidu.com 1. so has a person who has been granted a doctorate degree. 被授予博士头衔的人也一样。 www.tingclass.net 2. Spring has begun, and so has Japan's obsession with cherry blossoms. 春天来了,日本各地的赏樱热潮也开始了。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. We are rare as miracles, and in our own way, as magical, or so has been the belief of all ancient cultures on the earth. 我们是罕见的奇迹,以我们的方式在创造神话,我们是地球上古老文化的信仰者。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The third, lagging wage growth, has gotten much better and so has contributed to Chinese rebalancing. 第三个是工资增长滞后,这方面有很大改善,因此对中国经济重归平衡是有贡献的。 www.bing.com 5. So has Trend Micro, a big security software firm. 一个大的安全软件公司TrendMicro也是如此。 www.remword.cn 6. The command names have changed dramatically and so has the nature of the output. 命令名称和输出性质都有了显著改变。 www.ibm.com 7. The rain so has been down, I so has been watching. 雨就这么一直下着,我就这么一直看着。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. So, has a chance to visit. 于是,有了赏鱼的机会。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Dodder can't do photosynthesis, and so has to live off of other plants. 菟丝子不能进行光合作用,所以只能依靠其他植物生存。 www.bing.com 10. This year, the pickup in global agricultural prices since July has been more modest than in 2008, and so has the yuan's movement. 今年7月份以来全球农产品价格的上涨比2008年更为温和,人民币汇率的变动也更加缓慢。 chinese.wsj.com 1. So has Poland. 波兰亦是如此。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The government is already running a big budget deficit, so has few resources to buy off the discontented. 政府预算赤字已经十分巨大,几乎没有资源收买不满的人群。 www.ftchinese.com 3. I have finished my homework. So has Li Ping. 我已经做完了我的家庭作业。李平也做完了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. It is fast-paced and well-sourced but runs right from before the six-day war of 1967 to the present, and so has often to oversimplify. 它是快节奏和资料来源丰富的,而且从1967年的六日战争之前一直讲到现在,因此也经常过于简单化。 club.topsage.com 5. I have finished my homework, so has she. 我已经做完了作业,她也做完了。 www.rr365.com 6. I have seen the film twice; so has my sister. 这部电影我已经看过两遍,我姐姐也是。 beike.dangzhi.com 7. Djourou has come back to a good level overall, and so has Koscielny. 朱鲁总体而言复出之后回到一个很好水平,科斯切尔尼也是。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 8. Tom has a good collection, and so has Sandy. 汤姆已收集了很多,桑迪也一样。 www.kekenet.com 9. She can think like very few other people in a rigorous and creative way, and so has repeatedly developed new kinds of approaches. 霍维茨博士现在说:“很少有人像她一样有慎密和创造性的思维,正因如此她不断创造出各种成果。” www.bing.com 10. I've got a new car and so has John. 我买了一辆新车,约翰也买了一辆。(重复助动词。 yxyfqq.spaces.live.com 1. Such as Inheritance Law , Marriage , Civil Law and so has a corresponding legal provisions. 如“继承法”,“婚姻”,“民法”等具有相应的法律规定。 www.qiyeku.com 2. In 2008 the number of candidates has increased, but so has the contribution limit ($2, 300, up from $2, 000 in 2004). 2008年参加总统提名竞选的阵容扩大,捐款限额也从2004年的2000美元增加到2300美元。 www.america.gov 3. I've been in unhealthy relationships before, so has my boyfriend. 我以前经历过不健康的恋爱关系,我男朋友也一样。 www.bing.com 4. They have all got up, and so has Jack. 他们都起来了,所以杰克也起来了。 www.for68.com 5. I have seen the film. So has he. 我看过这场电影,他也看过。 www.yaohua.edu.cn 6. Now she needs to pay 0. 15 yuan per minute and so has cut her shower time down to 10 minutes. 现在,她每分钟需要付一毛五,所以她不得不把洗澡的时间降到10分钟。 www.ebigear.com 7. The name stuck, and with more than 40 million people playing in America alone last year, so has the game. 这个名称就保留下来,去年,光是美国就有超过四千万人玩台球,这项运动也常盛不衰。 www.24en.com 8. Maybe analyst so-and-so has two good sources for his info. He can run with the story. 或许那些平庸的分析师只要有两条信息时,他就去发表了。 www.bing.com 9. Lily likes playing the piano. So has her brother. 喜欢弹钢琴,她弟弟也喜欢。 blog.cersp.com 10. He knows that can not buy food in the journey, so has taken with sb. numerous food. 他知道在旅途中没法买到食物,因此随身带了大量食品。 www.jukuu.com 1. I have an apple, so has she. 我有一个苹果,她也有 zhidao.baidu.com 2. I have been to Thailand for twice by the end of the year, so has he. 到去年为止我已经去过泰国两次了,他也是。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. I have a computer. So has he. 我有台计算机,他也有。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. You have helped her, and so has she you. 你帮助过她,她也帮助过你。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. We have been to the Summer Palace. So has she. 我们去过颐和园了,她也去过。 jyzyw.fjsmyz.com:8010 6. I have been to the Great Wall. So has she. 我曾经去过长城,她也去过。 wenku.baidu.com 7. High relief compression degree, the form of the small space more ups and downs so has strong lighting effects, visual effect is good; 高浮雕的压缩程度小,形体的空间起伏比较大因此而具有强烈的光影效果,视觉效果良好; blog.sina.com.cn 8. Her sister has been to Beijing, so has mine. 她姐姐到过北京,我姐姐也到过。 xmb.go1.icpcn.com 9. Mary has gone to school; so has Tom. 玛丽去上学了,汤姆也去了。 www.haofumu.tv 10. I have been to the aquarium. So has she. 我去过水族馆.她也去过。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Indeed, just as many other industries have seen sharp increases in sales from China in recent years, so has consulting 实际上,近年来其它许多行业在华销售额急剧增长,咨询业亦是如此。 www.ftchinese.com 2. I have been to Beijing, so has he. 我去过北京,她也去过。 wenku.baidu.com 3. I have been to the Great Wall, and so has she. 我去过长城,她也去过。 wenwen.soso.com 4. I have bought a pen, so has he. 我买了一支笔,他也买了一支。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. She has made outstanding contribution for the cosmetology industry of China, so has obtained countless lofty honors 殚精竭虑,默默操劳,她为中国的美容业做出了突出的贡献,因此也获得了无数崇高的荣誉 www.gzmeisheng.com 6. He has finished his homework, so has Mary. (so have the other students. ) 他已经完成了他的家庭作业,玛丽也完成了。(其他学生也完成了。) wenku.baidu.com 7. Sorry, recently we are midterm exam, so has been not to pay attention to the mailbox 不好意思,最近我们正在期中考试所以一直没有去关注邮箱 zhidao.baidu.com 8. As China's economy has boomed, so has the sex industry 伴随着中国经济的日趋繁荣,性产业也如此 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I have been to HongKong . , so has my brother. 我曾去过香港,我哥哥也是。 www.hajzxx.cn 10. This knowledge, acquired in the past 60 years or so, has 这个在过去60年左右的时间里得到的结论已经 wenku.baidu.com 1. your electric has been canceled and so has your gas 你的电和煤气都被停止供应了 www.ichacha.net 2. And so has your name 你的名字也是如此 bbs.chinabroadcast.cn 3. the picture frames have changed and so has your name, 局面已经改变,正如你的名字一样 zhidao.baidu.com |
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