单词 | softens |
释义 | softens是soften的第三人称单数
第三人称单数:softens 现在分词:softening 过去式:softened 例句释义: 减轻,使软化,使变温和,使柔弱,二系柔润 1. Pregnant bodies produce a hormone, relaxin, which softens tissues around the pelvis to prepare it for birth. 怀孕的身体产生荷尔蒙、松弛素,松弛素使骨盆周围的组织变软,使骨盆为生产做好准备。 www.bing.com 2. If the Chinese economy softens, much of that steel could be exported, which could cause prices to fall around the world. 如果中国经济增速放缓,大部分储存的钢铁可能会出口,可能会造成全球钢铁价格下跌。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Phosphorus in the form of phosphates suspends particles so they do not stick to dishes and softens water to allow suds to form. 在以磷酸盐的形式出现的磷呈悬浮颗粒状,不会附着在碗碟上,还能使水软化让泡沫产生。 www.bing.com 4. Hawthorne offers a supernatural phenomenon together with a possible material explanation, and thus frequently softens the blow too much. 霍桑描写了一个超自然现象,又给了一个可能的物质解释,这往往使故事在力量上受到很大的损害。 5. Water treatment equipment purifies and softens potable water for municipalities, commercial and residential applications around the world. 用于世界各地市区,商业区和住宅区之食水处理以净化和软化饮用水。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Notice how expressing a desire to say "yes" softens the refusal in the following conversations. 在下面的对话中,留意那份想要答应的心意,是如何缓和了拒绝的口气。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. I must have looked like I'd just gotten beaned by an Olympic shot put to the forehead, because suddenly Julie softens. 我看起来一定像是刚被奥运铅球砸中额头(呆傻相),因为朱莉突然之间柔和下来。 www.bing.com 8. Sheldon: The supermarket was out of my regular fabric softener. If this one under-or over-softens, I'll need time to make things right. 谢尔顿:我常用的柔软剂超市卖光了,如果这一款过柔或不够柔,我得花时间处理。 show.kekenet.com 9. A park ranger's voice softens as he talks of a boyhood creek in Louisiana where he swam and fished. 一位守林人谈起他孩提时在路易斯安那故乡的小溪里游泳、钓鱼时,语调便柔和起来。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. But if the data is ambiguous and neither side softens its position, the stage could be set for a dangerous show-down. 但是,如果数据本身并不明确,而任何一方又都不愿松动立场,事态可能会发展到危险的摊牌地步。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The flash is aimed at the ceiling, wall or flash reflector, which disperses and softens the light, and bounces it back at the subject. 闪光时对准天花板,墙面或反光板,使得光线分散和柔化,并反射到被摄物上。 www.bing.com 2. QS Crystal Repair Serum for the hair moisturizes and softens hair without a heavy greasy built-up. QS水晶修复油使头发润湿和软化头发,没有油腻感觉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The hair swells and softens and stretches. The hair then molds around the shape of the perm rod. 头发膨胀、软化和伸长,然后头发塑成发杠的形状。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. A light moisturizer with a harmonious balance of scents that softens and hydrates skin with vitamins A, E and Aloe vera. 它是一种清淡保湿霜,有着和谐的香味,所含维他命A,E以及芦荟的精华可以软化并滋养肌肤。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. As the pressure builds up, the interior softens and becomes pliable. 当压力加强,内部变柔和并且变得韧劲。 www.en400.com:8080 6. Now, through the right softens image, sharpening, the relief effect, and several other special effects to handle specific. 下面就通过对图像进行柔化、锐化、浮雕效果等几个特殊效果处理来具体说明一下。 www.dssz.net 7. If monetary protectionism softens the pain felt by the trade sector, it weakens demands for the traditional variety. 如果财政保护主义能够缓解贸易部门感受到的痛苦,它就能够削弱对传统多样化的需求。 www.bing.com 8. "It shields them a little bit and softens the blow, " said Francine Blau, a labour market economist at Cornell University. “这为她们提供了一些防护,缓冲了打击,”康奈尔大学(CornellUniversity)劳务市场经济学家弗朗辛·布洛(FrancineBlau)表示。 www.ftchinese.com 9. At a rural tannery (pictured) a member of the Chamar leatherworking caste softens water buffalo skin. 在一个乡村的鞣皮厂(如图),一名从事皮革工作的珈玛将水牛皮鞣软。 www.bing.com 10. Deeper penetrating than most other carriers, unrefined Avocado conditions, moisturizes and softens dry and mature skin. 比其他的基础油有更强的渗透能力,未经精炼的酪梨油可以调理干燥和熟龄肌肤,使肌肤保湿和柔嫩。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Also, the analyst believes Sinopec's big chemical business could be hit as demand from consumers softens along with the economy. 他还认为,随着经济增长放缓,消费需求下降,中国石化旗下的大型化工业务将会受到拖累。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. In children, a lack of the vitamin D molecule causes rickets , which softens the bones and causes them to deform or break easily. 以儿童来说,缺少维生素D分子会引起软骨病,导致骨骼软化乃至于变形或容易骨折。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Autumn softens this aerial view of New York City's Central Park, the first public park built in the U. S. 秋天使纽约中央公园的俯瞰图似乎变得柔和起来。它是第一个建在美国的公立公园。 www.bing.com 4. Moon movement softens harsh shadows, however too much movement can create seemingly flat light. 月亮的移动可以柔化浓厚的阴影,但是移动过度则会使光线平淡。 www.bing.com 5. When the water comes to a boil, pour some over the pieces of bread until it softens. 水烧开以后,往面包上倒一些使它们变软。 www.douban.com 6. And nearly all expect the final three months of the year to be worse as demand softens in major markets, such as autos and construction. 所有企业均预计今年第四季度情况会更糟,因为汽车及建筑等主要市场的需求有所减少。 c.wsj.com 7. Effectively softens the horny layer and stabilizes the lipide among cells. Formulated to absorb quickly. 有效软化角质层,稳定细胞间脂质,提升护肤品的渗透效果。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. The salivary glands act as a lubricant which softens the coarse fare and aids digestion. 其唾液有润滑剂的效果,可以软化粗糙食物并帮助消化。 www.ecocn.org 9. The equilibrium grease secrete, softens the horniness, improvement skin. 平衡油脂分泌,软化角质,改善肌肤。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Softens and smoothes surface skin under makeup or on its own. 软化和平滑的表面下妆或皮肤自身。 www.freemerce.com 1. Osteodystrophy (a condition that softens the bones) and malabsorption may develop. 性骨病和不良怎么发展。 word.hcbus.com 2. "If standing beside him softens the image, that is one of the roles I should be playing. " 她说,“如果我站在一旁能使他的形象变得柔和一些,那是我应该发挥的作用之一。” www.ftchinese.com 3. After use of nozzle jet, the spanner must be pulled straight, in case that the rubber inside softens. 本产品气嘴使用后,扳手必须扳直,以免里面的橡胶弹性软化。 detail.china.alibaba.com 4. Here's another reason--high inventory levels mean that if demand softens output could fall even more quickly. 这里有一个新的理由:由于库存水平较高,如果需求走软的话,产量的下降可能还会更快。 c.wsj.com 5. Softens and strengthens the skin. It also has a calming effect. Especially suitable for sensitive skin. 舒缓敏感,增强肌肤抵抗力,令肌肤柔软舒适。适合任何肌肤。特别适合敏感脆弱皮肤。 www.decleor.com.cn 6. When Joanne falls pregnant Tom is furious, but he softens when baby Aoife arrives in their lives. 当得知乔安妮怀了马克的孩子时汤姆大发雷霆,但孙女Aoife的出世又让他的态度缓和下来。 www.ecocn.org 7. But mention Wen Jiabao, China's "crying premier" who visited the site just hours after the quake , and the parents' tone softens. 但提到中国“哭泣的总理”温家宝,父母们的语气就软下来了。地震刚过几个小时,温家宝就来到了这里视察。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Has a soothing effect, softens and moisturizes the skin after hair removal leaving it healthy and fresh. 柔润配方,温和滋润肌肤,让脱毛后皮肤倍感健康清新! www.sz-kaite.com 9. Wood paneling softens the institutional feel of the interior. 木制镶板淡化了内部制度化的气氛。 www.bing.com 10. Description: Extracted from Cocoa, lock in moisture on the dermal layer, softens skin. 介绍︰提炼自可可果,能使肌肤真皮层保湿锁水,使肌肤柔软﹑润滑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Community Trade brazil nut oil - Softens , smoothes and moisturizes the skin. 购自社群贸易计划的巴西果仁油-软化、柔润及滋养肌肤。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. CLEANSING - Gently cleans and softens all types of skin conditions. 清洁:温和清洁,缓解各种皮肤状况。 aimili.530.cn 3. Attracting the new travelers is also urgent priority as growth in travel dollars from many markets softens. 吸引新的游客也是这些酒店的当务之急,因为在许多市场,游客带来的收入增长开始放缓。 c.wsj.com 4. It nourishes, makes suppler, hydrates and softens delicate skin. 它滋养,使suppler,水合物和柔软娇嫩的皮肤。 www.ecally.com 5. Time dulls the most exquisite emotions and softens the most heartrending grief . 时间会缓和最激烈的情感,减轻最伤心的悲痛。 www.bing.com 6. The look of pained love softens the child's heart. 看见受伤者充满爱的眼神,孩子的心软化了。 www.chinesetodays.org 7. But when the rainy season softens the soil, the fat layabouts exert about 40 percent more energy digging than their industrious kin. 当雨季软化了土壤,此时这群肥胖的懒鼹鼠所付出的挖土力量只是它们勤劳兄弟们的40%。 bbs.csu.edu.cn 8. Remove the condom immediately after ejaculation, before the penis softens. 射精之后,在阴茎疲软之前立即拿掉安全套。 www.bing.com 9. Magma Shackles (Su): The ground within 60 feet of Garr constantly warms and softens, hampering his enemies. 岩浆镣铐(超自然):加尔周身60尺内的土地因不断加热而松软,阻碍敌人的移动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Soothes and softens dry, irritated, chapped or sunburn skin. 使干燥,敏感,粗糙以及晒后的皮肤柔润,富有弹性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The reason is that the dynamic recrystallization becomes difficult when alloy softens in thermal insulation. 这主要是因为保温一定时间使得合金变软,不易发生动态再结晶。 rjggy.net 2. Cooking softens food, and releases sugars and other products ready for absorption. 烹饪使食物软化,释放出糖和其它准备吸收的东西。 www.bing.com 3. Butter softens in the heat. 奶油遇热变软。 dict.hjenglish.com 4. Caprylic - Is derived from coconut oil. Softens the skin. 癸酸-萃取自椰子油,有效软化肌肤。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. It helps to reflect on the day just gone and softens the environment. 它有助于回忆起逝去的日子以及缓和环境。 www.elanso.com 6. This solution creates a chemical action that softens the inner structure of the hair. 这种方式可以产生化学反应,软化头发的内部结构。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. And if you let time go by , it kind of softens and smooths the edges . 如果就让它这样过去,时间就会模糊和抹平那些特别的细节。 www.bing.com 8. Softens after the corpse, after X light perspective, scientists have found the fetus in utero. 在尸体软化后,经X光透视,科学家发现有胎儿在母体内。 www.yazhoufanyi.com 9. It promotes bowel elimination and regularity because it absorbs water and softens the stool. 它促入肠道消化和规律性,因为它吸收水和软化粪便。 terms.shengwuquan.com 10. Softens the contrast of an image. 降低图像的对比度。 ooo.pingju.org 1. And heat physically softens food. 并且热量使得食物变软。 www.bing.com 2. Gloriousness and wretchedness need each other. One inspires us, the other softens us. 光荣和悲惨需要彼此。一个激励我们,另一个使我们变柔和。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Anti-ageing - reduces crepiness of neck and softens fine lines. 抗衰老-减轻细纹与颈部细纹 blog.sina.com.cn 4. a material that softens when heated and rehardens when cooled. 一种加热后变软、冷却后重新变硬的材料。 wenwen.soso.com 5. a preparation that softens or scents a bath. 使浴室柔和或充满香气的物品。 www.hotdic.com 6. Love softens the hardest heart. 爱能软化最顽固的心。 www.xici.net 7. He softens his high-pitched tone voice, which was soft and touching, and he focuses on weighty vibration. 他的高音将变得柔和,变得温柔、动人,他集力表现重颤音。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Lip lickable good and softens teh dry chapped lips I get in the winter. 唇舔起来很好,很柔嫩,嘴唇干燥皲裂的我在冬天必然要用这个唇膏。 www.jf609.com 9. Gold shimmer softens the look of deep violet. 金色闪光让深紫色更加柔和。 www.bing.com 10. It calms and softens my soul. 它使我的心灵安静柔和。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Heat softens iron. 热使铁变软。 www.huixue.cc 2. Shaving body hair with the razor, it is best to use shaving foam softens beard. 此外,随着剃刀剃体毛时,或者需要使用剃须膏软化胡子? www.qiyeku.com 3. Wax softens in heat. 蜡遇热即软化。 www3.060s.com 4. Heat a wok with 4 tbsp of oil until oil is very hot. Stir fry string bean for 3 mins until softens. 热镬放4汤匙油,煮至极热,放入四季豆以大火炒3分钟至软身。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The electric needle treatment patella softens clinical research of the disease 电针膝眼穴治疗髌骨软化症的临床研究 www.cjcm.org.cn 6. A Latin American country softens recession with counter-cyclical policies 一个拉美国家以反周期波动财经政策来缓冲经济衰退 www.bing.com 7. The result shows that (1) the rock stratum continuously softens under rainfall infiltration condition and the slope safety factor decreases; 结果表明,岩层在降雨条件下不断软化,边坡安全系数降低; www.ceps.com.tw 8. Softens skin and helps relieve dryness and flaking 柔嫩肌肤,有助于缓解皮肤干燥和皮屑 blog.sina.com.cn 9. N. Korea Softens Economic Demands on South 北韩软化对韩国的经济要求 www.ebigear.com 10. EU softens stance on Spanish deficit 欧盟软化对西班牙紧缩立场 www.ftchinese.com 1. Sole softens and turns yellow 蹄底变软,变黄 www.ccag.com.cn 2. China Softens Tone in Japan Dispute 中国使日本的辩驳之声减弱 www.bing.com |
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