单词 | stillborn |
释义 |
例句释义: 死产的,失败的,夭折的,死胎,流产的,胎死腹中 1. Other large traditional companies trying to do Web 2. 0 will have stillborn attempts at it as well. 许多其它的传统大型公司作Web2.0的尝试时,也会对此做出最坏的打算。 www.elanso.com 2. If one of fetal is in gravid and inchoate death, stillborn foetus can be absorbed entirely, do not need to take step. 如果胎儿之一在妊娠早期死亡,死胎可全部被吸收,不需采取措施。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. That this vision was stillborn only adds to its allure: as an incomplete experiment, it potentially could be renewed by future generations. 这一构想是死胎只会增加它的魅力:作为一个完整的实验,它可能可以延续到子孙后代。 www.sjgcz.cn 4. Do not let her be like a stillborn infant coming from its mother's womb with its flesh half eaten away. 求你不要使她像那出母腹,肉已半烂的死胎。 www.ebigear.com 5. Supposedly a woman by the name of Charlotte died in the house after having given birth to a stillborn boy. 据传曾有个叫夏洛特的女子在这间屋子诞下一死胎男孩后死去。 www.elanso.com 6. Another friend passed on the phone number for a woman whose first child had been stillborn. 另一位朋友给我一位头胎死产的女士的电话。 www.bing.com 7. as if the baby is stillborn, inherited by the heirs of the decedent. 如胎儿出生时就是死体的,由被继承人的继承人继承。 www.xiami360.com 8. But Prof Shambaugh, who detects a "hunkering down in Chinese diplomacy" , says the plan was stillborn. 但沈大伟教授表示,这项计划已经胎死腹中。他察觉到,“中国外交透出一种固执己见的意味”。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Like a slug melting away as it moves along, like a stillborn child, may they not see the sun. 愿他们像蜗牛消化过去,又像妇人坠落未见天日的胎。 www.ebigear.com 10. This is the heart of a premature stillborn with Trisomy 13 in which a ventricular septal defect is visible in the membranous septum. 这是一例因13三体综合征而流产的早产儿心脏。可见室间隔缺损。 terms.shengwuquan.com 1. That day, Hall summoned police to a park, saying she had given birth to a stillborn child, Hart said. 哈特说,当天,霍尔在一个公园里告诉警方说她生下了一个死婴。 www.24en.com 2. Still profitable firms complain of a major pullback by banks, which many warn will leave a U. S. economic recovery stillborn. 就算是仍在盈利的公司,也抱怨银行消极作法,称这将扼杀美国经济复苏萌芽。 cn.reuters.com 3. Most aneuploid cells are stillborn or growth-retarded. But in the rare survivor, he suggests, the dosage of thousands of genes is altered. 多数的非整倍体细胞不是夭折,就是生长迟滞,但杜斯伯格认为,在稀少的存活者当中,几千个基因的份数遭到了改变。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Thanks to latter-day Leonardo enthusiasts, some of the master's great but stillborn projects are finally being completed. 在许多现代达·芬奇迷的努力下,这位大师的一些伟大但未能完成的作品最终得以与世人见面。 wuzengping.blog.163.com 5. Sitting with my son at his swimming class I silenced a changing room by announcing that my third child had been stillborn. 我和儿子一起参加游泳课,在更衣室里,我宣布我的第三个孩子死产,让更衣室里鸦雀无声。 www.bing.com 6. His journal is only literature in embryo , his finished work stillborn. 他的日记只是文学的胚胎,他成熟的作品难产了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Improvement in access to family planning and antenatal care could also reduce the number of stillborn babies. 此外,改善家庭计划及产前护理的可及性亦可减少死产婴儿数目。 www.spatioepi.com 8. On top of that, 3. 3 Million babies will be stillborn and half a million women will die in pregnancy, childbirth or soon after. 其中占大多数的330万婴儿是死胎,50万妇女将在怀孕期间、分娩或分娩之后随即死亡。 www.who.int 9. About four million babies die every year in their first month of life and a similar number are stillborn. 每年约有400万婴儿在生命第一个月中死亡,死产婴儿数量类似。 www.who.int 10. an abortive revolt; a stillborn plot to assassinate the President. 夭折的起义;胎死腹中的暗杀总统计划。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. There were stillborn births during his time at the clinic, "but we never talked about it. It affected the nurses deeply" . 他在医院期间经历过一些流产,“但我们从来不谈那些,那对护士影响很大。” www.bing.com 2. No matter how many users it may garner, it will turn out like the other stillborn features in Google's search, e. g. Buzz and SearchWikis. 无论它能引得多少用户趋之若鹜,到头来仍会像Buzz和SearchWikis等谷歌搜索的其它特性一样胎死腹中。 www.fortunechina.com 3. Her baby is declared stillborn at her second trimester of pregnancy. 她的宝宝在她怀孕第二阶段被宣布是死胎。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 4. The share reserved shall, if the baby is stillborn, be dealt with in accordance with statutory succession. 胎儿出生时是死体的,保留的份额按照法定继承办理。 www.ebigear.com 5. She married a local man, became pregnant and after three days of labor, she lapsed into unconsciousness and the baby was stillborn. 她嫁给当地一个男人,怀了孕,生孩子时耗了三天时间,然后陷入昏迷,产下一个死婴。 www.bing.com 6. By the third generation, many of the kittens were stillborn while the ones that survived were all sterile. 到第三代,许多小猫死产,而那些活下来的都是在无菌条件下才得以幸存的。 dongxi.net 7. In a den, a polar bear gives birth to a cub but the cub is stillborn . 在一个洞穴里,一只北极熊生产了一个幼子,可是幼熊生下来就死了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. There, too, she buried her only child, a troubled daughter who had died giving birth to a stillborn son. 不幸的是,她也在那里安葬了自己唯一的孩子。这名患病的女儿,在分娩死胎男婴时难产不治身亡。 www.ecocn.org 9. The economic recovery could be stillborn if interest rates rise too far too fast. 如果利率增长过快,经济复苏将只能是天方夜谭。 www.bing.com 10. Mrs Connell said she underwent IVF treatment in 2004 but delivered stillborn twins, and later she suffered a miscarriage. 康乃尔说,她在2004年做了体外人工受精,双胞胎生下来就没有心跳,后来还有过一次流产。 suyage.com:8080 1. Grief is hardly a competition, but Horton is right: stillborn grief is different. 悲痛很难度量,不过霍顿是对的:死产的悲痛和其它的不一样。 www.bing.com 2. His plan was stillborn; because US citizens don't care enough about the issues Schultz wants address. 他的计划是一个死胎。因为美国公民不关心舒尔茨宣称的议题。 www.bing.com 3. If the euro collapses, or the treaty is stillborn, Mr Cameron may yet claim that he was right all along. 如果欧元崩溃,或者新条约胎死腹中,卡梅伦可能还可以声称他一直是对的。 www.bing.com 4. A family I know has just experienced the unspeakable agony of delivering a stillborn child. 我认识一个家庭,他们的婴儿刚刚流产,内心的痛苦无法言喻。 www.chinesetodays.org 5. eg. She lost two babies in a row, stillborn. 她接连失去两个婴儿,都是死产。 www.bing.com 6. There have been 153 deaths this year, 65 of them newly born or stillborn calves, NOAA said last week. 该署上周表示,今年已有一百五十三只海豚死亡,其中六十五只是新生或尚未出生的小海豚。 www.chinapost.com.tw 7. Her second child was stillborn. 她第二胎孩子生下时就是死的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. By the time she went to hospital on the Monday morning, her baby was stillborn. 当她周一上午到医院检查时,她的婴儿已胎死腹中。 www.bing.com 9. The economy is stillborn. 经济是胎死腹中。 www.ecocn.org 10. But now hospitals let parents hold their stillborn babies, so they can say goodbye. 现在,医院会让爸爸妈妈抱抱这些孩子,同他们道别。 dongxi.net 1. In 2009, according to the World Health Organization, 2. 6 million children were stillborn. 2009年,根据世界卫生组织(WTO)的资料,有260万儿童胎死腹中。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 2. The president's frustration stems from the fate of two stillborn measures 奥巴马很失望,美国已有两项法案胎死腹中。 www.ecocn.org 3. reproduction system: Detailed inquiryMenstruation, gravid reach situation of birth frequency, abortion, stillborn foetus; 生殖系统:详细询问月经、妊娠及生育次数、流产、死胎情况; dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Henry was dissatisfied because their sons had died in infancy and others were stillborn, leaving their daughter, the future 亨利感到不满意,因为他们的儿子都死了,另一些人在婴儿期,留下了他们的女儿,而未来的发展趋势 baike.soso.com 5. Diagnosis and control of sow producing stillborn foetus caused by chlamydia 母猪衣原体死产的诊断与防治 ilib.cn 6. your music is stillborn and you are unmasked 你的音乐生下来就没有生命,你也毫无掩饰 www.ichacha.net 7. Retain viscera from one stillborn pig and one newly born weak pig per 10 head of gilts 每10个新母猪群保留一个死产仔猪和新生弱仔的内脏 wenku.baidu.com |
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