单词 | break point |
释义 |
复数:break points 例句释义: 转折点,拐点,击穿点,断点,中断点,设置断点 1. In a source window, you might have to right-click the exact character where the breakpoint is set. 在源窗口中,您可能必须右击断点被设置到的确切字符。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Setting a breakpoint in a T-SQL or SQL CLR object automatically enables the server for multi-tier application debugging, if it is possible. 如果可能,则在T-SQL或SQLCLR对象中设置断点将为多层应用程序调试自动启用服务器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. You can set a breakpoint at the beginning of a function, or at a specified location within a function. 可以在函数开始处设置断点,也可以在函数中的指定位置设置断点。 technet.microsoft.com 4. The thread that generated the breakpoint instruction or exception must not be allowed to execute during the synchronization process. 在同步进程期间,不得执行生成断点指令或异常的线程。 technet.microsoft.com 5. With at least one breakpoint set, you are ready to run the debugger. 设置了至少一个断点后,就可以运行调试器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Otherwise the Choose Breakpoint dialog box will open, allowing you to specify which overload(s) to put the breakpoint on. 否则,将打开“选择断点”对话框,允许您指定将断点放在哪些重载上。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. An ideal solution for this has no overhead and simply suspends the thread when a breakpoint is hit. 对于这一问题的理想解决方案应该是不引入额外开销,然后在遇到断点时将线程挂起。 www.infoq.com 8. This might be a good place for a breakpoint, should you want to follow the execution logic. 如果您想遵循执行逻辑,这也许是设置断点的一个好地方。 www.ibm.com 9. You can use a condition with a location breakpoint to stop at a specified location only when a certain condition is true. 可以在某个位置断点处设置条件,只有当条件为真时,才会中断执行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. I do not know what conditions cause the call to fail, so I cannot set a conditional breakpoint. 我不知道什么条件导致调用失败,所以无法设置条件断点。 www.kuenglish.info 1. If I set a location breakpoint on CnvtV, the program stops on every call to that function, and I do not want that. 如果我在CnvtV上设置一个位置断点,程序在每次调用该函数时都停止,而我不希望这样。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Moreover, the continuous edge can be obtained which has no breakpoint on line. 另外,利用该方法得到的边缘连续性较好,不易产生线段断裂。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. This inserts the name of the function into the New Breakpoint dialog box so that you do not need to type it . 此操作会将函数名插入到“新建断点”对话框中,这样您就不需要键入它了。 www.bing.com 4. You can do so by clicking the leftmost column in the editor, adjacent to the line on which you want the place the breakpoint. 您可以在编辑器中单击需要放置断点的行的最左侧列来完成。 www.ibm.com 5. The breakpoint symbol appears as an empty circle with an exclamation point, indicating that the breakpoint cannot currently resolve. 断点符号显示为带有感叹号的空心圆圈,表明暂时无法解析此断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The memory address it is attached to no longer has the same meaning, however, so the results of such a breakpoint are unpredictable. 但是,附加断点的内存地址不再具有相同的意义,因此这样的断点的行为是不可预知的。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. You can set a breakpoint on a particular memory allocation by setting the global variable _afxBreakAlloc to the number shown in the braces. 通过将全局变量_afxBreakAlloc设置为大括号中显示的数字,可以在特定内存分配上设置断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. To use it, set a breakpoint by clicking to the left of the line of code you'd like to break on within the Python editor. 要使用调试器,可在Python编辑器中想中断的代码行的左侧点击,设置断点。 www.ibm.com 9. If you specify only the function name, the debugger will set one breakpoint on each overload of that function name. 如果只指定函数名,则调试器将对该函数名的每一重载设置一个断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. The OCAP RI launches, the debugger hits your breakpoint, and Eclipse asks if you want to open up the Debugger perspective. OCAPRI启动,调试器命中您的断点,Eclipse询问是否希望打开Debugger透视图。 www.ibm.com 1. You are now ready to advance to the breakpoint you set in the managed code. 现在即可前进到托管代码中设置的断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. You are now ready to advance to the breakpoint you set in the native code. 现在即可前进到在本机代码中设置的断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. When a breakpoint is hit , step through code inside the function , observing the execution of your code until you isolate the problem . 命中断点时,逐句通过函数内的代码,同时观察代码的执行,直到将问题隔离出来。 www.bing.com 4. If you want to set the breakpoint at a different location within the function, edit the values in the Line and Character boxes. 如果要在函数中的其他位置设置断点,请编辑“行”和“字符”框中的值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. When you set a breakpoint on an overloaded function, the location of the breakpoint depends on how you specify the function. 在对重载函数设置断点时,断点的位置取决于指定函数的方式。 technet.microsoft.com 6. The code executes up to the next breakpoint. 代码将执行到下一个断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Setting a data breakpoint causes execution to break when the value of that variable changes. 设置数据断点会使程序在该变量值发生更改时中断执行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. A breakpoint is a signal that tells the debugger to temporarily suspend execution of your program at a certain point. 断点是一个信号,它通知调试器,在某个特定点上暂时将程序执行挂起。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The BreakPoint technology can be integrated into all types of packaging and placed on any support using a simple labeling gun. 断点技术可以集成到所有类型的包装,并放置在任何支持使用简单的标记枪。 rbzryj.a1pak.com 10. When execution is suspended at a breakpoint, your program is said to be in break mode. 当执行在某个断点处挂起时,我们称程序处于中断模式。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. In the bottom left, the GetFlights. jsp editor view will also appear, showing where you set the breakpoint. 在左下角,还将出现GetFlights.jsp编辑器视图,这个视图表明您设置断点的位置。 www.ibm.com 2. When a breakpoint is hit, the breakpoint icon changes to help you identify the source of the breakpoint. 在命中断点时,断点图标将会发生改变以帮助识别断点源。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. You might expect the breakpoint to be hit 10 times, but if the code is optimized, the breakpoint is only hit once. 可能希望该断点被命中10次,但如果代码进行了优化,则只会命中该断点一次。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. When you set a breakpoint on an expression or type an expression in a debugger window, the expression evaluator interprets the input. 在调试器窗口中键入表达式或在表达式上设置断点时,表达式计算器即对输入进行解释。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Indicates the column offset from the name of a function breakpoint. 指示距函数断点名称的列偏移量。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Alternatively, you can click in the area to the left of a line of code to set or clear a breakpoint. 也可以单击代码行左侧的区域来设置或清除断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Indicates the line offset from the name of a function breakpoint. 指示距函数断点名称的行偏移量。 technet.microsoft.com 8. The sole reason for having a Passthrough node is to have a place to put a breakpoint for use during interactive testing. 采用Passthrough节点的唯一原因是为了提供交互测试期间放置断点的位置。 www.ibm.com 9. Creates a breakpoint at the beginning of this function. 在此函数开始时创建断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. A breakpoint causes the execution of a program thread to suspend at the location where the breakpoint is set. 断点可以使程序执行的线程悬挂在断点设置的位置。 www.ibm.com 1. Emacs now displays the source code of the main routine, together with the GUD, locals, breakpoint and stack buffers, in a single frame. Emacs会将主程序段的源代码以及GUD、本地变量、断点和栈的buffer在一个frame中。 www.cnblogs.com 2. breakpoint condition is an expression that the debugger evaluates when a breakpoint is reached. 断点条件是一个到达断点时调试器将计算的表达式。 technet.microsoft.com 3. If the application had forms, you could set a breakpoint at the form handler and view the incoming parameters. 如果应用程序包含表单,那么可以在表单处理函数上设置断点并查看输入的参数。 www.ibm.com 4. Instead, you set a breakpoint in the stored procedure code , and press Continue (F5 ) to execute code up to the break point . 而应当在存储过程代码中设置断点,并按“继续”(F5)执行代码直到断点。 www.bing.com 5. Simply set a breakpoint on your point of interest, hit the Restart program button, and run the program until your breakpoint is hit. 在您感兴趣的点上简单地设置一个中断点,您只须点击Restartprogram按钮,并运行程序,直到达到中断点为止。 www.ibm.com 6. Position the cursor at the breakpoint line in the left margin of the Source view and double-click as shown in Figure 31. 将光标定位到断点行Source视图左边的页面空白并双击,如图31所示。 www-128.ibm.com 7. During the execution, when a breakpoint location in the component's logic is reached, the execution is stopped. 在执行时,当到达组件中的逻辑的断点位置时,执行将停止。 www.ibm.com 8. When the debugger stops at a breakpoint placed in Swing code, GUI painting is interrupted resulting in GUI that looks like a blank square. 当调试程序停在Swing代码中置入的断点时,GUI绘图中断,使得GUI看起来像一个空白方框。 www.ibm.com 9. On the Debug menu, click Continue and the debugger will run the code up to the new breakpoint. 在“调试”菜单中单击“继续”,调试器将运行代码直到新的断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Another option for debugging is to set a breakpoint on the XSL transformation primitive in the Mediation Flow Editor. 另一个调试选项是在MediationFlowEditor中对XSL转换原语设置断点。 www.ibm.com 1. Now click the Resume button on the top left menu item, which looks like a green arrow, to step past the breakpoint. 现在单击左上角菜单项上的Resume按钮(看上去像一个绿色的箭头),以跳过断点。 www.ibm.com 2. Set a location breakpoint at the beginning of the function. 在函数的开始处设置一个位置断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. In a source window, click on a line of executable code where you want to set a breakpoint. 在源窗口中,单击要设置断点的那行可执行代码。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. If the check box is not selected and you type a signature that does not match, no breakpoint is inserted into the code. 如果没有选取这个核取方块,而您输入不相符的签章,则不会在程式码中插入任何中断点。 technet.microsoft.com 5. Taking the form of a self-adhesive label, BreakPoint changes color irreversibly (from white to red) if a product has been frozen. 采取的形式,不干胶标签,断点不可逆转的变化而改变颜色(从白色到红色),如果一个产品已被冻结。 rbzryj.a1pak.com 6. A breakpoint filter limits the behavior of a breakpoint to specified computers, processes, and threads. 断点筛选器可将断点的行为限制到指定的计算机、进程和线程上。 technet.microsoft.com 7. If you are following along with the Groovy Eclipse plugin, you can a breakpoint at the start of the main method and step through the code. 如果旅程中有GroovyEclipse插件一起陪伴你,那么你可以在main方法的开始设置一个断点,并跟踪进入这个代码。 www.infoq.com 8. To do this, set a location breakpoint near the start of your program. 方法是在程序起始附近设置一个位置断点。 technet.microsoft.com 9. Put a breakpoint at the program location where you want to resume Purify error reporting, and continue running the program. 将一个观察点置于您想要重新开始Purify错误报告的程序单元,并继续运行这个程序。 www.ibm.com 10. In Visual Studio, this takes you to the line where you set your breakpoint on the code page. 在VisualStudio中,此操作将转到代码页上设置了断点的行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. It takes either a specific breakpoint number as an argument or it takes *, in which case it will remove all breakpoints. 它以具体的断点号或*作为参数,在后一种情况下它将除去所有断点。 www.ibm.com 2. tracepoint is a breakpoint with a custom action associated with it. 跟踪点是带有与断点关联的自定义操作的断点。 technet.microsoft.com 3. In a source window, Disassembly window, or Call Stack window, a breakpoint appears as a red symbol or glyph. 在源窗口、“反汇编”窗口或“调用堆栈”窗口中,断点显示为一个红色符号或标志符号。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. You cannot set or clear Stop statements using debugger commands, as you would a breakpoint. 不能使用调试器命令设置或清除Stop语句,而对于断点却可以使用调试器命令。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. In other cases, the debugger might not locate the source file corresponding to a breakpoint, even though the source file exists. 在其他情况下,尽管对应于断点的源文件存在,但是调试器可能无法找到该源文件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Gets or sets a value that determines whether the debugger breaks or continues when a tracepoint or breakpoint finishes executing a macro. 获取或设置一个值,该值决定在跟踪点或断点完成执行宏的过程后调试器是中断还是继续。 technet.microsoft.com 7. The Kprobe is architecture specific and inserts a breakpoint instruction at the first byte of the instruction to be probed. Kprobe特定于架构,它在需要检查的指令的第一个字节中插入一个断点指令。 www.ibm.com 8. The debugger will encounter that breakpoint and break execution on the way out of the current calls. 调试器会在退出当前的调用过程中遇到该断点并中断执行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Conditionally control whether or not a breakpoint is executed. 有条件地控制是否执行某个断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. A breakpoint is set on the line where the Drupal bootstrap is initiated, as shown in Figure 12. 将一个断点设置在启动Drupal引导过程的位置,如图12所示。 www.ibm.com 1. A red circle appears to the left of a line with a breakpoint set . 设置了断点的代码行的左侧会显示一个红色圆圈。 www.bing.com 2. This takes you to the line where you set your breakpoint in the Visual Studio debugger session, which is highlighted in yellow. 这使您转到在VisualStudio调试器会话中设置断点的行,此行以黄色突出显示。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. In a source window, click a line of executable code where you want to set a breakpoint. 在来源视窗中,按一下您要设定中断点的可执行程式码行。 technet.microsoft.com 4. By clicking the value of a variable, you can change its value while a debug session is suspended at a breakpoint. 当调试会话在断点处暂停时,点击一个变量的值,就可以改变它的值。 www.ibm.com 5. This breakpoint type can be created by right clicking on an entry in the Modules view. 可以在Modules视图中右击一个条目来创建这种类型的中断点。 www.ibm.com 6. To set a breakpoint, click on a block diagram object with the Breakpoint tool from the Tools palette. 在工具选板上选取断点工具,单击程序框图上的对象,就放置了断点。 www.eefocus.com 7. Single step executing, breakpoint executing, message intercepting and API intercepting are main content about dynamic debugging. 单步运行、断点运行、消息捕获和API拦截是动态调试的主要内容。 www.fabiao.net 8. Your next step is to set a breakpoint in the managed code to prepare for attaching the managed debugger. 下一步是在托管代码中设置断点以准备附加托管调试器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. You can create a breakpoint within a function by passing this closure to a function like the one in Example 8-7. 你可以像示例8-7这样的函数中传入这个闭包来创建断点。 www.huomo.cn 10. You can set a breakpoint on the function with the Hit Count field to a value so high that it will never be reached. 在函数上设置断点时可以将“命中次数”字段设置为一个大到永远无法达到的值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. The debugger can run from a breakpoint in the script to a breakpoint set on the package, task, or container, and vice versa. 调试器可以从脚本中的断点运行到包、任务或容器上设置的断点,亦可反之。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Using the debugger, you can set breakpoints and see the browser output from your PHP code up to the breakpoint you set. 使用调试器,可以设置断点并查看PHP代码到所设断点之前的浏览器输出。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Use a filter to limit the behavior of a breakpoint to specified computers, processes, and threads. 使用筛选器将断点的行为限制为指定的计算机、进程和线程。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Your next step is to set a breakpoint in the native code to prepare for attaching the native debugger. 下一步是在本机代码中设置断点以准备附加本机调试器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The breakpoint is set at the next executable instruction in the function call. 在函数调用中的下一个可执行指令处设置断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. You may have hit a breakpoint in a location for which there is no source code, while debugging a language that doesn't support disassembly. 可能在调试不支持汇编的语言时在无源代码的位置命中了某个断点。 technet.microsoft.com 7. Listing 1 shows a great set of such simple and highly useful breakpoint alias user commands to edit into your growing . gdbinit file. 清单1显示了一组此类简单和高度有用的断点别名用户命令,您可以将它们添加到不断增长的.gdbinit文件中。 www.ibm.com 8. You can change the status of a breakpoint from the Sybase Central right pane or from the Breakpoints window. 您可以从SybaseCentral右窗格或者从[断点]窗口更改断点的状态。 www.ianywhere.com 9. For a data breakpoint, edit Address to change the memory location being watched and Byte Count for the number of bytes being watched. 对于数据断点,请编辑“地址”以更改监视的内存位置,编辑“字节计数”以更改监视的字节数。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. The debugger does not evaluate the expression until the first time the breakpoint is reached. 直到第一次到达该断点后,调试器才会计算该表达式。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Setting a breakpoint in a SQL CLR object automatically enables the corresponding server for SQL CLR debugging. 在SQLCLR对象中设置断点将为SQLCLR调试自动启用相应的服务器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Contains the properties and methods used to programmatically manipulate a breakpoint. 包含用于以编程方式操作断点的属性和方法。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The breakpoint causes the program to halt at the beginning of the function when the Var parameter has the value 3. 当Var参数的值为3时,断点导致程序在函数开始处暂停。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. If the application execution is stopped at the breakpoint, the debugging information is presented correctly. 如果应用程序在断点处停止执行,则表明调试信息正确显示。 www.cnblogs.com 5. If the breakpoint is set on a wire, a red bullet appears on the wire and any attached probe will be surrounded by a red border. 如果将断点设置在连线上,一个红色标记显示在连线上,而且任何一个相连的指针会被红色边框环绕。 www.eefocus.com 6. Is an expression that determines whether the breakpoint is hit or skipped. 是一个表达式,它确定断点是命中还是跳过。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. A filter causes a breakpoint to be set on specified computers, processes, and threads. 通过筛选器,可以将断点设置在指定的计算机、进程和线程上。 technet.microsoft.com 8. For overloaded functions, you can specify the arguments to set the breakpoint correctly. 对于重载的函数,可以指定参数以正确地设置断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The dynamics processor uses a sophisticated, multiple-breakpoint algorithm often found in high end broadcast compressors. 动态处理器采用高端广播压缩器常用的先进多断点算法。 www.bdtic.com 10. Click to the left of this line in the vertical gray bar to set a breakpoint . 在垂直灰色条中这一行的左侧单击以设置断点。 www.bing.com 1. And C code, complex extremely, must run whole program, install breakpoint in a certain place next. 而C代码呢,复杂之极,必须运行整个程序,然后在某个地方设置断点。 pjprimer.com 2. Execution is always suspended when the breakpoint is hit. 断点命中时,执行始终挂起。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. In addition, the CVS version became available, at Savannah, allowing images to be placed in the fringe to provide breakpoint icons. 另外,Savannah的CVS版可以在边栏上放置图片,以作为断点图标。 www.cnblogs.com 4. Visual Web Developer starts running the code for the page, but stops and highlights the line with the breakpoint on it. VisualWebDeveloper开始运行该页的代码,但是遇到有断点的行就停止并突出显示该行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. If the function or subroutine contains a breakpoint, Visual Studio will break execution at the appropriate point. 如果函数或子例程包含断点,VisualStudio将在适当的点中断执行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. When the instruction pointer , designated by a yellow arrow, appears on a breakpoint, you are debugging your stored procedure . 以黄色箭头表示的说明性指针在断点上显示时,说明正在调试存储过程。 www.bing.com 7. You can use the allocation number to set a breakpoint at the location where memory is allocated. 可以使用分配编号在分配内存的位置设置一个断点。 technet.microsoft.com 8. If you specify the complete signature, function name, and full argument list, the debugger sets one breakpoint on the specified overload. 如果指定完整签名(函数名和完整参数列表),调试器将在指定重载上设置一个断点。 technet.microsoft.com 9. Breaks occur for two main reasons: when a breakpoint breached and when an unhandled exception arises. 中断发生于两个主要原因:达到中断点时,和出现未处理异常时。 www.xue5.com 10. The project is deployed and processed, and the calculation script executes until the breakpoint is encountered. 将部署和处理项目并执行计算脚本,直到遇到断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. The number of lines skipped after each breakpoint can be modified using the SKIP option in the BREAK command. 每个断点后跳过的行的数量可以使用BREAK命令的SKIP选项进行修改。 www.ibm.com 2. You can use the Script Explorer window to open a document and set a breakpoint inside the script code. 您可以使用“脚本资源管理器”窗口打开文档,并在脚本代码内部设置断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Command takes an address symbol as an argument and applies a breakpoint at the address. 命令以一个地址符号作为参数,它在地址处应用断点。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Breakpoint: You can set breakpoints component editors either before or after the execution of the breakpoint target. Breakpoint:您可以在断点目标执行之前或之后设置断点组件编辑器。 www.ibm.com 5. The debugger breaks execution of the program when execution reaches a breakpoint or when an exception occurs. 当执行到达一个断点或发生异常,调试器将中断程序的执行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Usually, this means the code at the breakpoint or tracepoint location has not been loaded. 通常情况下,这意味着还没有加载断点或跟踪点位置处的代码。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. To accomplish this, Kprobes inserts a probe by dynamically writing breakpoint instructions at a given address in the running kernel. 为完成这一任务,Kprobes向运行的内核中给定地址写入断点指令,插入一个探测器。 www.ibm.com 8. Execution of the probed instruction results in a breakpoint fault. 执行被探测的指令会导致断点错误。 www.ibm.com 9. In the next procedure, you will set a breakpoint and step through the code to find the error. 在下一个过程中,您将设置断点并单步执行代码以找出错误。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. If you attach a data breakpoint to a local variable, the data breakpoint remains enabled when the function ends. 如果将数据断点附加到局部变量,则在函数结束时数据断点保持为启用状态。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. The screenshot shows the debugger at a breakpoint inside the around security Closure in Runner. groovy. 截屏显示了处于Runner.groovy中的around安全闭包中的断点的调试器。 www.infoq.com 2. Place a breakpoint inside each method so you can observe the flow of control inside the type. 将断点放在每个方法内,以便可以观察该类型内的控制流。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. A new breakpoint marker appears on the marker bar, directly to the left of the line where you added the breakpoint. 新的断点标记出现在所设断点行左边的标记栏上。 www.ibm.com 4. When managed code executes a breakpoint instruction or generates an exception, the runtime controller is notified. 当托管代码执行断点指令或生成异常时,将通知运行时控制器。 technet.microsoft.com 5. When execution is stopped on a breakpoint, you can hover over any variable in scope to view information about that variable. 当执行在某个断点处停止时,可以将鼠标悬停于该范围内的任何变量上,以查看有关该变量的信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Indicates the number of times a breakpoint has been hit during the active debugging session. 指示在使用中的侦错工作阶段期间,中断点叫用的次数。 msdn.microsoft.com 7. This lets you continue the debugging session, and avoid having to regenerate and restart the debug session at each error or breakpoint. 这样您就可以继续调试会话,从而避免在每遇到一个错误或断点时都不得不重新生成并重新启动调试会话。 www.ibm.com 8. In the Breakpoints window , right -click the line containing a breakpoint glyph and choose Condition from the shortcut menu . 在“断点”窗口中,右击包含断点标志符号的行,并从快捷菜单中选择“条件”。 www.bing.com 9. When the application breaks at the breakpoint, press F10 to step to the next line of code. 当应用程序在断点处中断时,按F10单步执行至下一行代码。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. You do not need to set a breakpoint in all cases, however. 您其实不需要在任何情况下都设置断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. This command does not remove the breakpoint from the breakpoint table but just disables it. 该命令不是从断点表中除去断点,而只是禁用它。 www-128.ibm.com 2. The program will then continue to run, while you wonder why your breakpoint was never hit. 然后程序将继续运行,尽管您会奇怪为什么断点从未被命中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. If that fails, try setting a breakpoint at a point before the location where the access violation occurs. 如果该操作失败,请尝试在访问冲突发生位置之前的一点上设置断点。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Note that the debugging instance of Visual Studio acquires focus and execution stops at your breakpoint. 注意,VisualStudio调试实例将获得焦点,并且执行会在断点处停止。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. A yellow arrow in the source code window indicates the current position, which is at the breakpoint. 源代码窗口中的黄色箭头表示当前位置,当前位置在断点处。 www.ianywhere.com 6. When the instruction pointer, designated by a yellow arrow, appears on a breakpoint, you are debugging the trigger. 以黄色箭头表示的指令指针出现在断点上时,说明正在调试触发器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Click the breakpoint indicator on the left of the line you wish to edit. 单击要编辑的行左侧的断点指示符。 www.ianywhere.com 8. The calculation script executes until the breakpoint is encountered. 计算脚本将执行,直到遇到断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Use breakpoint filters when you want to place a breakpoint on an individual threads. 在您要将中断点放置在个别执行绪上时,可以使用的中断点筛选条件。 technet.microsoft.com 10. Otherwise, the line is marked as an unnamed breakpoint, which is similar to what happens when you press F9. 否则,该行标记为未命名断点,它类似于按F9键时所发生的操作。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Note that when you commit the change, the debugging instance of Visual Studio acquires focus and execution stops at your breakpoint. 注意,提交更改时,VisualStudio调试实例将获得焦点,并且执行将停止在断点处。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. When the instruction pointer, designated by a yellow arrow, appears on a breakpoint, you are debugging the SQL CLR code. 当用黄色箭头表示的指令指针出现在一个断点上时,说明正在调试SQLCLR代码。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. A bound breakpoint is associated with each specific instance of the pending breakpoint. 绑定断点与挂起断点的每个特定实例相关联。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Variable Editor: While stopped on a breakpoint, you change the values of component variables. VariableEditor:当在断点处停止时,您可以更改组件变量的值。 www.ibm.com 5. The Visual Studio debugger highlights the line containing the breakpoint; while it is halted, you can perform a variety of tasks. VisualStudio调试器突出显示包含断点的行,在该调试器暂停时,您可以执行各种任务。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. If a subVI is called from two locations in a block diagram, the subVI breakpoint suspends execution at each call. 如果子VI在一个程序框图中的两个位置被调用时,则每次调用断点被执行时挂起。 www.eefocus.com 7. The address at which the program suspends execution, similar to a breakpoint in source code. 程序挂起执行的地址,类似于源代码中的断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. By default, the debugger breaks execution every time the breakpoint is hit. 在默认情况下,每次命中断点,调试器就中断执行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The status of the line switches from being an active breakpoint being a disabled breakpoint. 行的状态会从活动断点切换为禁用的断点。 www.ianywhere.com 10. In the Breakpoint Filters dialog box, use the Filter box to specify machines by name and processes or threads by either name or ID number. 在“断点筛选器”对话框中,使用“筛选器”框按名称指定计算机,并按名称或ID号指定进程或线程。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. When a breakpoint is enabled, it will cause a thread to suspend whenever the breakpoint is reached. 当断点启用时,它将导致线程在到达断点时中止。 www-128.ibm.com 2. A well- formed named breakpoint string giving a function , optional argument list, and optional IL offset . 一个格式良好的命名断点字符串,它提供函数、可选参数列表以及可选IL偏移量。 www.bing.com 3. Each bound breakpoint is associated to a pending breakpoint. 每个绑定断点都与一个挂起断点相关联。 technet.microsoft.com 4. With this dialog box, you can customize the action that occurs when a breakpoint is hit. 使用此对话框可以自定义命中断点时发生的操作。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Otherwise, the breakpoint dialog box will appear every time that you run the test. 否则,每次运行测试时,都会出现断点对话框。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Command applies the breakpoint on all processors in an SMP system . 命令对SMP系统中的所有处理器应用断点。 www.bing.com 7. When the instruction pointer, designated by a yellow arrow, appears on the breakpoint, you are debugging your function. 以黄色箭头表示的指令指针出现在断点上时,说明正在调试函数。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. You can convert an existing breakpoint into a tracepoint by adding a tracepoint action. 通过添加跟踪点操作将现有断点转换为跟踪点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. A condition is an expression that is evaluated to determine whether the breakpoint will break. 条件是一个表达式,通过计算该表达式来确定断点是否中断代码。 technet.microsoft.com 10. You can use the object ID to set a breakpoint on a method of the object. 您可以使用对象ID在对象的方法上设置断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Execution is suspended when the number of times the breakpoint has occurred is equal to the hit count. 当已发生的断点次数等于命中计数时,执行挂起。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. When the breakpoint is hit , you can step through the code , observing the action at each line, until you isolate the problem . 命中断点时,可以逐句通过代码,同时观察每行的操作,直到将问题隔离出来。 www.bing.com 3. Alabel is a name that you can attach to a breakpoint or a group of breakpoints. 标签是一个可以附加到一个断点或一组断点的名称。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Line 7 should be highlighted in red to indicate that it has a breakpoint. 第7行应该会显示为红色,表示这一行上设置了断点。 www.ibm.com 5. Verify that the breakpoint was hit, and that the call stack is accurate. 确认是否命中了断点,以及调用堆栈是否准确。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. With the breakpoint set, click on the Run button, which displays a man running, to start the program. 设置了断点后,单击Run按钮(样子为一个奔跑的人)来启动程序。 www.cnblogs.com 7. Setting a breakpoint in an ActiveX server before the container has started the server. 容器启动服务器之前在ActiveX服务器内设置断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Indicatesthe type or state of a breakpoint. 指示断点的类型或状态。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Write all the client-side script in a single function, and set a breakpoint on it. 将所有客户端脚本写入一个函数,并在该函数上设置一个断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. A small arrow appears over the breakpoint icon at line 14, indicating that execution has stopped there. 第14行断点会显示一个小箭头,标示着程序执行停止在此。 www.cnblogs.com 1. Once set, an address breakpoint can be edited in the Breakpoints window. 设置后,可以在“断点”窗口中编辑地址断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Verify that you hit the breakpoint, and examine the value of static variable i in the Locals window. 确认是否命中了断点,并在“局部变量”窗口中检查静态变量i的值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. In the Breakpoints window, right-click on a breakpoint, and choose Delete from the shortcut menu. 在“断点”窗口中,右击一个断点,并从快捷菜单中选择“删除”。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. A red dot should appear in the margin, and the code should be highlighted in red, representing a breakpoint. 空白处应出现一个红点,并且该行代码应以红色突出显示,这表示一个断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. in a source window or disassembly window , click on the breakpoint glyph. 在源窗口或“反汇编”窗口中,单击断点标志符号。 www.ichacha.net 6. Enables you to determine how many times the breakpoint is hit before the debugger breaks execution. 使您能够确定在调试器中断执行之前命中断点的次数。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Attempting to set a breakpoint in a DLL before. 之前在DLL内设置断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Alternatively, you can delete a breakpoint by selecting the breakpoint and pressing Delete. 或者,您可以选择该断点,然后按Delete键,将其删除。 www.ianywhere.com 9. Gets the offset of the breakpoint within the function. 获取函数内断点的偏移量。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. The debugger breaks execution of the Windows Form at the breakpoint. 调试器将在断点处中断Windows窗体的执行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. When processing reaches the breakpoint, processing stops. 当处理到达该断点时,处理停止。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Describes the Stop statement, which provides an alternative to setting a breakpoint. 描述Stop语句,该语句提供了一种设置断点的替代方法。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. If you drag the yellow arrow that appears in the breakpoint dot, you can specify the statement that will be executed next. 如果你拽动断点中出现的黄。色箭头,你可以指定下一次将被执行的语句。 www.xue5.com 4. Breakpoint id arguments, the tool deletes the specified breakpoints. 参数,则工具删除指定的断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Execution is suspended when the number of times the breakpoint has occurred is equal to or greater than the hit count. 当已发生的断点次数等于或大于命中计数时,执行挂起。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. This is optional, because Direct Database Debugging causes the first line of the procedure to act as a breakpoint. 这是可选步骤,因为直接数据库调试使过程的第一行代码的行为类似于设置了断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. If you set a data breakpoint on a local variable, the data breakpoint remains enabled when the function ends. 如果在本地变量上设置数据断点,则在函数结束后,数据断点仍保持启用状态。 technet.microsoft.com 8. If the breakpoint is set on a node, a red border frames the node and execution pauses just before the node executes. 如果将断点设置在节点上,该节点的图标边框变为红色,而且在执行该节点前程序暂停。 www.eefocus.com 9. If we were more interested in when "value" became equal to "div" we could set a different type of breakpoint called a watch. 如果我们对“value”什么时候变得与“div”相等更感兴趣,那么可以使用另一种断点,称作监视。 www.ibm.com 10. This dialog box indicates that the program has encountered a breakpoint. 该对话框指示程序已经遇到一个断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. When your program breaks at that point, you can set such a memory-allocation breakpoint from the QuickWatch dialog box or the Watch window. 当程序在该点中断时,可以从“快速监视”对话框或“监视”窗口设置一个内存分配断点。 technet.microsoft.com 2. Before you start debugging the calling application, you will usually want to set a breakpoint in the class library. 在开始调试调用应用程序之前,通常希望在类库中设置一个断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. If you direct the program to Run (F8), execution will resume until either a breakpoint is hit, or the program terminates. 如果您将程序指向Run(F8),执行会一直继续下去,直到达到了某一个中断点为止,或者程序终止为止。 www.ibm.com 4. Remove the breakpoint in the calculation script, by clicking the breakpoint in the left margin. 通过单击左边空白处中的断点,删除计算脚本中的断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Call Stack window to set a breakpoint on a previous call that has not yet returned. “调用堆栈”窗口在先前发出而尚未返回的调用中设置断点。 technet.microsoft.com 6. At line 14 of the source buffer, left-click in the fringe and a red disk appears. This shows that a breakpoint has been set there. 在源代码buffer的第14行左键单击行首,会出现一个红色的圆点,这表示在此行设了一个断点。 www.cnblogs.com 7. Right-click on the second breakpoint and the source buffer visits the file containing the breakpoint and displays its location. 在第二个断点上单击右键,源代码buffer会访问含有这个断点的文件并显示其位置。 www.cnblogs.com 8. Left-click at the same place again to clear the breakpoint, and observe the disk disappear. 再单击一次可以清除此断点,同时圆点消失。 www.cnblogs.com 9. In the Breakpoints window, right-click a breakpoint and choose Location from the shortcut menu. 在“断点”窗口中,右击一个断点,然后从快捷菜单中选择“位置”。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. The debugger stops on the breakpoint that you just created. 调试器会停止在刚刚创建的断点上。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. A lot of breakpoint opportunities you had to face this year. Does that concern you at all? 今年你好像给了对手很多破发点,这让你担心吗? www.roger-federer.cn 2. A data breakpoint is set on a global or local variable, rather than a location in the code. 数据断点是设置在某个全局变量或局部变量上的断点,而不是在代码中的某一位置上。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Right-click the line of SQL syntax in the editor window where you want to insert a breakpoint. 在编辑器窗口中,在要插入断点的地方右击SQL语法行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Set a breakpoint on the new query and then start debugging to step through the function. 在新查询中设置断点,然后开始单步调试函数。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Use the Breakpoints window to accomplish breakpoint-related tasks. 使用“断点”窗口完成与断点相关的任务。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The debugger is displayed again, with the breakpoint on the line in the Page_Load handler. 调试器即会再次显示,而且断点位于Page_Load处理程序中的某行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Run from the current statement until a breakpoint (or the end of the program) is reached. 您可以从当前语句开始运行直至到达一个断点(或程序尾部)。 www.ibm.com 8. Execution of the procedure stops at the breakpoint. 过程会在断点处停止执行。 www.ianywhere.com 9. You can toggle a breakpoint by double-clicking the gray margin beside the line of code. 通过双击代码行旁边的灰色空白边,就可以设置断点。 www.ibm.com 10. In this way, can smooth realization breakpoint renewal, until the whole piece cut steel plate cutting finished. 这样就可顺利的实现断点续割,直至将整张钢板切割完毕。 www.bing.com 1. dialog box , choose the behavior you want from when the breakpoint is hit list box. 在“命中次数”对话框中,从“命中断点时”列表框中选择所需的行为。 www.ichacha.net 2. Position the cursor on the line of SQL syntax that contains the breakpoint. 将光标放在包含断点的SQL语法行上。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Position the cursor on the details of the first breakpoint and press the spacebar. 将光标放到第一个断点的详细信息上,按下空格。 www.cnblogs.com 4. start . the program will run until it encounters a breakpoint or produces a runtime error. 程序在遇到断点或发生运行时错误时将停止运行。 www.ichacha.net 5. Move the cursor to the location in the file where you want to set a breakpoint, and press F9. 将光标移到文件中要设置断点的位置,然后按F9键。 technet.microsoft.com 6. If text is specified, the line is marked as a named breakpoint. 如果指定文本,则该行标记为命名断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Display the source code for the procedure that contains the breakpoint whose status you wish to change. 显示过程的源代码,该源代码中包含要更改其状态的断点。 www.ianywhere.com 8. A breakpoint halts the debugger once it reaches a specific location or once a condition is met. 当达到某个特定位置或满足某个条件时,断点将暂停调试器。 www.ibm.com 9. You can now set a breakpoint in that Java code by double-clicking on the left column on the appropriate line. 现在您可以通过双击相应行左栏来在该Java代码中设置中断点。 www.ibm.com 10. You can choose Continue from the Debug menu or press F5 to allow execution to continue to your next breakpoint. 您可以从“调试”菜单中选择“继续”或者按F5来允许继续执行到下一个断点处。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. In the Breakpoint Condition dialog box, enter a valid expression in the Condition box. 在“断点条件”对话框的“条件”框中输入有效的表达式。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. You can use breakpoint filters to place breakpoints on individual threads. 可以使用断点筛选器将断点置于单个线程上。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. If you want to set a breakpoint at a particular line, the table gives you the memory address to store the breakpoint instruction. 如果希望在某个特定行设置一个断点,那么该表给出了用于存储断点指令的内存地址。 www.ibm.com 4. Set a breakpoint at the location in the client project where you want to start stepping. 在客户端项目中需要开始单步执行的位置设置断点。 technet.microsoft.com 5. In the Breakpoints window Menu, click the New dropdown and choose New Data Breakpoint. 在“断点”窗口中,单击“新建”下拉列表并选择“新建数据断点”。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. We just want to hit our breakpoint in the state machine, so we're not interested in executing the other components. 我们只希望碰到状态机中的断点,所以对于运行其他组件不感兴趣。 www.ibm.com 7. When the debugger gets to the line with the breakpoint, it stops and highlights the line. 当调试器到达带有断点的行时,即会停止并突出显示该行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. To avoid this behavior, be sure set a breakpoint in your code before starting a debugging session. 为了避免这种状况,请确保在启动调试会话前在您的代码中设置了一个断点。 www.ibm.com 9. Breakpoints window, locate the breakpoint, and delete it. “断点”窗口,确定断点的位置,然后删除该断点。 technet.microsoft.com 10. The breakpoint is skipped only if the condition is valid and evaluates to false. 只有当条件有效并且条件的计算结果为false时,才会跳过断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Call Stack window, you can set a breakpoint on a particular function call. “调用堆栈”窗口,您可以在特定的函数调用处设置断点。 technet.microsoft.com 2. Right-click, point to Breakpoint, and then click Disable Breakpoint. 右击,指向“断点”,再单击“禁用断点”。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Here , you set a breakpoint at the first executable statement in the procedure . 下面,您要在过程中的第一个可执行语句处设置断点。 www.bing.com 4. Displays the New Breakpoint dialog box, where you can add and modify breakpoints. 显示新断点对话框,在其中可以添加和修改断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Resume breakpoint to support the proposal to use the software to download. 建议使用支持断点续传的软件下载。 www.g36.com.cn 6. Right-click the following line, choose Breakpoint, and then choose Insert Breakpoint. 右击以下行,选择“断点”,然后选择“插入断点”。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Instead, you can set a client-side breakpoint using either of the following methods. 相反,您可以使用以下方法之一设置客户端断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. You cannot set a breakpoint on a statement that declares a variable. 不能在声明变量的语句上设置断点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The breakpoint will appear as a blue dot in the grey area on the left. 这个断点在左边的灰色区域看上去像一个蓝点。 www.ibm.com 10. This breakpoint type is also created when you set a breakpoint from the source view in disassembly or mixed modes. 当您从单独或者混合模式下的源视图中设置一个中断点,也可以创建一个中断点类型。 www.ibm.com 1. Set the breakpoint in the target application after a value is assigned to the variable. 在为变量赋值之后在目标应用程序中设置断点。 msdn.microsoft.com 2. Right-click, point to Breakpoint, and then click Remove Breakpoint. 右击,指向“断点”,再单击“移除断点”。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. A pending breakpoint indicates a general place or condition for a break to occur, such as when function is encountered. 挂起断点指示要发生中断的一般位置或条件(如遇到函数时)。 technet.microsoft.com 4. hook-stop is a special definition that GDB calls at every breakpoint event. hook-stop是GDB在每次发生断点事件时调用的特殊定义。 www.ibm.com 5. A blue sphere appears indicating a breakpoint is set for this line. 这样就会出现一个蓝色圆点,它表示已为该行设置了断点。 www-128.ibm.com 6. The return value is specified in the Breakpoint Hit Count dialog box and in the Breakpoints Window. 传回值指定于[中断点叫用次数]对话方块与[中断点]视窗中。 msdn.microsoft.com 7. The debugger breaks when it reaches a line that contains a breakpoint. 调试器在到达包含断点的行时中断。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. When highlighting a breakpoint or the current statement, highlight the entire line. 突出显示断点或当前语句时,突出显示整个行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. represents a breakpoint in a function , or a watch point on a value. 表示函数中的断点,或值的观察点。 www.ichacha.net 10. Set the breakpoint inside the worker thread callback method. 在辅助线程的回调方法内设置断点。 technet.microsoft.com |
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