单词 | six-month | ||
释义 | six-month
例句释义: 六个月 1. This week's Fed statement, opening the door to more easing, pushed the U. S. Dollar Index to a six-month low. 本周美联储声明打开了更为宽松的货币政策的大门,推动美元指数到达六个月低点。 chinese.wsj.com 2. It was part of a six-month trial by one of the largest growers of carrots in the United States Bolthouse Farms. 这是美国最大的胡萝卜种植商之一的博尔豪斯农场的一个为期六个月的试验。 www.yayan123.com 3. Dazed and exhausted, she was searching for her six-month-old baby boy, who has not been seen since the disaster. 她精疲力尽,又一脸茫然,正在寻找自灾难后便不曾见到的六个月大的儿子。 www.bing.com 4. Only once did the regime crack her resolve, in 1988, when it persuaded her to leave the country for a six-month stay in Britain. 仅有一次,东德国动摇了她的决心。1988年,她被规劝离开祖国,去英国呆上6个月。 www.bing.com 5. The six-month internship presents one of the sector's better opportunities; the company offers summer internships, too. 六个月的实习期进入这个行业的较好机会之一;该公司还提供暑期实习。 www.bing.com 6. Today, it was my boyfriend and my six-month anniversary. I've really fallen in love with him, and I know he loves me the same. 今天是我和BF的恋爱三周年纪念日,我真的很爱她,我也知道他爱我。 ccoboss.blog.163.com 7. If the president's six-month deadline is to be met, Parliament will have to rush through a law to create a new national oil company. 如果总统能在6个月的期限里完成改革的话,议会将不得不赶紧通过成立一家新国有石油公司的法案。 www.ecocn.org 8. Blood and tissue testing were done over a six month period to see how quickly each drug combination rid the body of active TB. 血样和组织试验也进行了六个月去观察每个药物组合可以多快地除去体内的活性肺结核。 news.dxy.cn 9. He had only been back to work for a week after taking a six-month absence due to a bad back, according to CBC. 他因为背部受伤休息了六个月,刚回来工作仅仅一个星期就被解雇了。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. No other man could be the occasion of such delightful aerial building as she had been enjoying for the last six month. 六个月以来她所享受的欢乐只是海市蜃楼,已一去不复返,任何别的男子都不能代替它。 1. But the door to talks is still open, and the most likely outcome appears to be a six-month election timetable. 但是谈判之门依旧开着,而且最有可能的结果是一个六个月选举的计划。 www.ecocn.org 2. Her mother, after being scared by an emu, ran away and six-month-old Tijana fell from the pouch. 她的妈妈之前由于受到鸸鹋的惊吓而逃跑,途中六个月大的狄佳娜从育儿袋中跌落下来。 my.putclub.com 3. Maybe you want to have enough money in the bank to take a six-month sabbatical from work, so that you can travel. 或许你希望有足够的存款去拥有六个月的长假以便能够周游世界。 www.bing.com 4. Dubai World is seeking a six-month moratorium on interest payments, a person familiar with the matter said. 据一位知情人士说,迪拜世界正在争取延期偿付利息6个月。 chinese.wsj.com 5. and if you left it in the bank, along with your original deposit, you would receive interest on $1, 022. 50 for the next six-month period. 如果你不支取,它将并入原有的存款,在以后的六个月里,你将得到按本金1,022.50美元计算的利息。 www.gzu521.com 6. ART and antiques fairs are springing up everywhere: in a six-month period, three new ones popped up in Shanghai alone. 艺术和古董展览会就象春笋一般四处冒头:仅上海一市,就在半年期间里连续举行了三场新型博览会。 www.ecocn.org 7. We 'd like you to send us your sale's statistics every six month instead of every year. 我们希望贵方能每六个月而不是每年发给我们贵方的销售数据。 www.wst.cn 8. We 'd you to send us your sale's statistics every six month instead of every year. 我们要求你们从每年改为每六个月发给我们关于你们销售数据 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 9. The six-month study was the first to look at the potential impact of a real-world diet on cholesterol levels. 为期六个月的实验首次检验了实际生活中饮食结构对人体胆固醇水平的影响。 www.bing.com 10. There was no stopping commodities as the benchmark US oil price briefly topped $58 a barrel to touch a six-month high. 大宗商品市场继续无阻力上行,美国基准油价短暂突破每桶58美元的6个月高点。 www.ftchinese.com 1. If approved, the company would sell the drug in exchange for a six-month extension on its Viagra patent. 如该药获批准,Pfizer对该药品的销售可换来它“伟哥”专利有效期六个月的延长。 www.bing.com 2. He then said he would take a six-month leave of absence. 然后表示他将要休假六个月。 www.bing.com 3. In the end, doctors got a six-month reprieve; efforts are now under way in the Senate to extend that reprieve for a further two years. 最后,医生们得到了一个为时六个月的暂缓执行;现在正在参议院努力奔走将暂缓延长为再多两年。 www.ecocn.org 4. Jobs, who had a liver transplant during a six-month medical leave, returned to work a few days after the third quarter had ended. 乔布斯在六个月的病假期间曾做过肝移植,他是在第三财季结束几天后才重新工作的。 www.bing.com 5. In an interview with the BBC, Obeidi called for a cease-fire followed by a six month period to prepare for an election. 奥贝迪在接受英国广播公司采访时呼吁停火,停火后用6个月来准备选举。 www.bing.com 6. I knew nothing about this matter, for I had been away for six month. 对于此事我一无所知,因为我已离开个月了。 lyport.com 7. When Gina returned to Peterson last year after her six-month deployment in Iraq, she was no longer the "great little pup" Haynes remembered. 吉娜去年在伊拉克工作了6个月,当她返回皮特森时,Haynes记得,她不再是那个“大宝宝”了。 www.bing.com 8. It sent markets across the planet tumbling, last week, when executives asked creditors for a six-month extension on repaying its debts. 上星期,当高管们要求借贷者将偿还债务的期限延长6个月时,全世界股市都受到震荡。 www.24en.com 9. In Damascus, Hamas announced that the six-month-old Gaza truce with Israel would not be renewed when it expires on Friday. 在大马士革,哈马斯宣布,和以色列持续了六个月的停火在星期五到期后不会再延续。 www.voanews.cn 10. Still, it's a great place to visit and I'm lucky to be here for my six-month English course. 尽管如此,香港是一个很值得游览的地方,我很幸运地能在香港学习为期6个月的英语课程。 wenwen.soso.com 1. A six-month-old male Sumatran tiger cub rests under his mother careful watch at the National Zoo in Washington in October 2004. 这是只六个月大的雄性苏门答腊虎幼崽,正在妈妈的悉心呵护下休息,摄于2004年10月华盛顿国家公园。 www.bing.com 2. American girl Felicia Frisco is a real brave. Each night she climbs into her bed with a six-month-old Bengal tiger called Will. 美国女孩菲利希亚-弗里斯克可谓真正的勇士,每晚她都要与一头名叫威尔的六个月大的孟加拉虎“同床共枕”。 www.bing.com 3. You re on your way to the bank , only barely thinking about the six- month software checkup , when your pager goes off . 您在去银行的路上,心里极少考虑这六个月来的软件审查,这时您的传呼机响了起来。 www.bing.com 4. The Shanghai Composite Index's surge continued Monday, as the benchmark rose 3% in heavy trading, bringing it close to a six-month high. 周一,上证综合指数延续强劲涨势,收盘上涨3%,收于六个月高点,成交量巨大。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. "James" told me a six-month extension wasn't available -- but a two-year deal was! 那位“詹姆斯”告诉我没有六个月促销延期--不过有两年的套餐! bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. The problem was that England has a six month quarantine period for any dog brought into the country. 问题是英国规定任何狗入境前都要观察检疫六个月。 www.bing.com 7. Mr Sun reckons it will take months to repair the damage inflicted on his business by his six-month internment. 孙估计要花几个月的时间才能恢复六个月的监禁所造成的损失。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Clarissa drove me nuts back in 1982 when she purchased a $79 six-month membership at a gym and went exactly three times before it expired. 1982年克拉丽莎花72美元买了张健身俱乐部的半年卡,但一共只去过三次,这简直要把我气疯了。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I'm fine, too. My boss has asked me if I would like to get a six month of language training abroad. 我也很好。我的上司问我是否愿意去海外进行六个月的外语训练。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Sweden represents the European Union, as it holds the six-month rotating presidency of the 27-country bloc until the end of the year. 瑞典将在今年年底前担任为期6个月的欧盟轮值主席国,因此它是欧盟的代表。 c.wsj.com 1. The company's books are open to the union, and the union is directly consulted by each division in preparing its six-month operating plan. 公司的账簿全部对工会公开,在制定6个月业务计划的过程中,每个部分都直接地征询工会的意见。 2. Last week, Dubai's largest investment company called for a six-month delay in paying some of its debts. 上周,迪拜最大的投资公司要求延期6个月支付其债务。 wantme1314.spaces.live.com 3. "This new proposal would consider making the resources available for a six month period for countries that have very short-term needs" . “新提议将考虑向只有很短暂需求的国家提供6个月期贷款。” www.ftchinese.com 4. Bo, the first family's new Portuguese Water Dog, is six-month-old puppy who was returned to his Texas breeder by a previous owner. 第一家庭的这只葡萄牙水猎犬被称为“波”(Bo),六个月大。 cn.reuters.com 5. The new research also included a six-month intervention program to help mothers decrease their child's exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke. 这项最新研究还包括一个历时半年的干预计划,以帮助母亲们减少其宝宝接触二手烟烟雾的伤害。 big5.chinabroadcast.cn 6. Get yourself into a program, like a six-month boot camp fitness class. 你需要制定一个训练计划,比如参加为期六个月的健身班。 www.douban.com 7. In all, the economy looks to have grown at a 2% annual rate in the first half of the year, the slowest six-month stretch of the recovery. 总体上看,美国经济今年上半年按年率将增长2%,这是本轮经济复苏开始以来最慢的半年增速。 c.wsj.com 8. Completing the north-south gas grid is a priority for Hungary as it takes over the EU's six-month rotating presidency in January. 南北供气网的建设成为匈牙利的当务之急,因为1月起匈牙利将担任欧盟理事会的轮值主席国。 www.ecocn.org 9. In a six-month shut-in of these fields, the reservoir pressure can drop and oil facilities could get gummed up. 在6个月关闭在这些领域,油层压力下降和石油设施可能得到涂胶。 www.englishtang.com 10. It is only six month old and leaves much to be desired. 它只有六个月的历史,还有许多地方需要改进。 my.putclub.com 1. During the next six month, I spent as much times possible reading. 接下来的六个月里,我尽可能地多花时间去读书。 annie.famousnudelady.com 2. His country is going into the discussions holding the six-month rotating presidency of the European Union. 他的国家在谈判期间正好担任为期间六个月的欧盟轮值主席国。 www.bing.com 3. They adapted the six-month-old's DNA to see if a gene could be introduced harmlessly into an animal's genetic sequence. 科学家们调整了这只六个月大公猫的DNA,以观察某个基因是否可以无害地导入这个动物的基金序列中。 dongxi.net 4. Safety engineer Dave Dominguez lost nearly 35 pounds over a six-month period simply by cutting down on fat. 担任安全工程师的戴夫多明古兹只藉由减少脂肪摄取量便在六个月内减去了将近三十五磅。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 5. The upgrades have come in six-month cycles since the preparations for Bing's introduction in May 2009. 这些2009年五月引进Bing所作的准备,将迎来六个月周期性的升级。 www.bing.com 6. Barely six months later, while everyone was admiring the plane's first flight, Airbus slipped out news of a six-month delay in deliveries. 六个月之后,当人们还在赞叹A380的首飞之时,空客却传出延期六个月交付的消息。 www.ecocn.org 7. To that end, the vice president urged Iraqi politicians to end their nearly six-month impasse and form a new government. 为了实现这个目标,拜登副总统敦促伊拉克政界人士结束他们近六个月来的政治僵局,组建一个新政府。 www.24en.com 8. Previously, the standard had been six-month visas with a two-entry limit. 在此之前,这个标准曾经是以六个月为期限,限两次入境。 www.america.gov 9. But he had a liver transplant in 2009 during a previous six-month medical leave, and people close to him said that his cancer had returned. 但他在2009年休过6个月的病假,其间接受了肝脏移植,而且据知情人士称,他的癌症又复发了。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The tenants were consuming so much, she says, that the smoke had seeped into her six-month-old daughter's room. 烟雾都钻进了她六个月大的女儿的房间。因此,霍本科不得不把房客赶了出去。 chinese.wsj.com 1. If you are working for a bad boss I suggest you try these tactics over a three- to six-month period. 所以说,如果你有一个二货老板,我建议你在3-6个月的时间里试试下面的办法。 www.bing.com 2. Looking back at our launch calendar over a recent six-month period, we found that many products started life in employees' 20 percent time. 回顾最近6个月我们发布的日程表,我们发现许多产品诞生的灵感来源于那20%的时间。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The UN, Britain and others are pushing hard to set a six-month deadline, so as not to lose momentum. 联合国、英国和其他国家正在努力设置六个月期限,以便不失去势头。 www.bing.com 4. And how is the Dubai World debt to be met, even after the six-month delay, if Abu Dhabi will not fund the rescue package? 二是就算过6个月,如果阿布扎比不资助迪拜的救助计划,迪拜世界还有什么办法还债呢? www.bing.com 5. Apple (AAPL) has said time and time again that its CEO, Steve Jobs, will be back from his six-month medical leave at the end of June. 果公司(AppleInc.)一次次表示其首席执行长乔布斯(SteveJobs)将于6月底结束为期6个月的病假回到公司。 www.bing.com 6. The part he played landed him with a six-month stretch in prison. 由于他的参与其中被叛监禁六个月。 www.ecocn.org 7. BARELY two months into its six-month presidency of the European Union, Sweden's government is entangled in a scrap with Israel. 欧盟轮值主席任期是六个月,才刚做了两个月,瑞典政府陷入了一场与以色列的纷争之中 www.ecocn.org 8. He said i will be walking in six month if i'm fucking luckly. 他说如果我是幸运的六个月就能走了。 wenku.baidu.com 9. A Wednesday announcement of a six-month standstill in debt payments took investors and analysts by surprise. 迪拜政府周三宣布,将暂停偿债6个月,令投资者和分析人士大吃一惊。 chinese.wsj.com 10. According to the abcnews. go. com on February 8, American girl Felicia Frisco is a real brave: She sleeps with a six-month-old Bengal tiger! 美国女孩菲利希亚弗里斯克可谓真正的勇士:每晚她都要与一头六个月大的孟加拉虎“同床共枕”。 www.kekenet.com 1. Imagine this scene: a helpless mother in Guangzhou with a six-month-old baby with cancer posts online for financial help. 想象一下此情此景:广州,带着6个月大患有癌症的婴儿,一位无助的母亲在网上发帖寻求资金援助。 www.bing.com 2. About a dozen are from grantees that have sent interim reports at the six-month point of the grant. 大约有一打邮件来自捐款受赠者,他们在得到拨款后的第六个月发来了中期报告。 gb.cri.cn 3. We're less than two weeks away from the six month mark of the Obama Administration. 距离奥巴马政府当权半年之期已经不到两周了。 huizhu7.blogbus.com 4. Returns in real terms have even moved into negative territory on six-month paper, implying that investors still look to Germany as a haven. 6个月短期国债的实际回报率甚至已跌入负值区域,这表明投资者仍将德国视作一个避风港。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Esther received a six month long beauty treatment with oil of myrrh before she was brought in to King Ahasuerus. 以斯贴被带到亚哈随鲁国王面前之前,曾经用没药进行了六个月之久的美容治疗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. But, by October, EBS found volumes had already started to tail off, falling 7 per cent on the previous month to a six-month low. 但EBS数据表明,10月份以前交易量就已经开始下滑,10月份的交易量较上月下降7%,降至6个月的最低水平。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Farkash is Gaddafi's second wife, following an obscure and brief six-month marriage prior to the coup that brought him to power. 卡扎菲在政变夺权前曾有过一段不怎么起眼的短暂婚姻,仅维持了六个月,而索菲亚是卡扎菲的第二任妻子。 www.bing.com 8. The BBC's Panorama programme, which carried out a six-month investigation, alerted Primark to the problems. 英国广播公司BBC的Panorama节目,在进行了为期6个月的调查后,警告PRIMARK公司警惕这个问题。 www.bing.com 9. Commodity-price rises are usually passed on to consumers only after a six-month lag, thanks to forward-buying by food-makers. 食品企业的通常提前购买原料,因此,在六个月后,上涨的商品价格会转嫁给消费者。 www.ecocn.org 10. By comparison, the number of developed-to-emerging deals fell for the fourth consecutive six-month period. 相反,发达市场进军新兴市场的交易数量,则出现了连续第四个半年度的下降。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Free registration for translators and translation bureaus for a six-month trial period. 免费注册为译员和一个为期六个月的试验时期的翻译局。 www.360doc.com 2. And judged over a six-month period (see chart), Chinese growth is not getting much stronger. 根据6个月的情况判断,中国的增长并没有变得更加强劲。 www.bing.com 3. During the most recently measured six-month period alone, sales of the weekday paper plummeted thirteen per cent. 单单在衡量最近过去的六个月间,日报的销售量就急降13%。 www.bing.com 4. WITH only three months until parliamentary elections, Indonesia's six-month-old campaign has moved up a gear. 随着印尼议会选举仅距离三个月,已进行了6个月之久的竞选活动也再次上了一个台阶。 club.topsage.com 5. WFP is preparing a six-month emergency operation to assist as many as 2 million people affected by the quake for an initial six months. 联合国世界粮食计划署正在筹备为期六个月的应急运作,在被地震影响的最初六个月帮助200万人。 business.un.org 6. Under normal circumstances, the banks will offer the applicants a six-month grace period for repayment of the loan principal. 银行通常会给予申请人六个月偿还贷款本金的宽限期。 www.info.gov.hk 7. The latest move: a call to French President Nicholas Sarkozy, who holds the six-month rotating presidency of the European Union. 布什最近采取的行动是和法国总统萨尔科齐通话。法国总统现在担任为期六个月的欧盟轮值主席。 www.voanews.cn 8. An interim period refers to a reporting term which is shorter than a full fiscal year, and it covers six-month, a quarter and a month. 中期是指短于一个完整的会计年度的报告期间,包括半年度、季度和月度。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. No, beauty is actually a very structured aesthetic ideal, which even six-month-old babies can recognise in photographs. 才不是呢,美丽其实是一个非常具有逻辑的美学理念,就连6个月大的孩子看张照片也能辨认出美丑。 dongxi.net 10. Manchester City's unhappy Brazil international Robinho is to join his former club Santos on a six-month loan. 在曼城并不开心的巴西国脚罗比尼奥准备以租借形式加盟他的前东家桑托斯队。 www.023java.com 1. Ultimately seven customers of MCI were defrauded over a six-month period, resulting in $6m in payments to accounts in the Cayman Islands. 最终,MCI的7位客户在6个月内遭到诈骗,向几个在开曼群岛登记的帐户支付了600万美元。 www.ftchinese.com 2. In a landmark case, a court there last month handed him and two other executives six-month suspended prison sentences. 在2月份一宗里程碑式的案件中,意大利一家法院判处他及另外两名高管6个月缓刑。 www.ftchinese.com 3. After a fifteen minute conversation we had a verbal agreement and later that afternoon Jean signed a six month contract. 跟她谈了15分钟之后,我们达成了口头协议,而那天下午,吉恩就跟我签了一份为时六个月的合同。 www.justing.com.cn 4. He was living in Russia before his launch three weeks ago from Kazakhstan, training for this six-month space station mission. 三周前,焦立中在哈萨克斯坦被送入太空,之前他住在俄罗斯,为长达六个月的空间站任务接受培训。 www.jukuu.com 5. Mr Bhatt agreed to a six-month bar from acting as an investment adviser. 巴特接受了六个月内不得担任投资顾问的禁令。 www.ftchinese.com 6. But Poland, whose six-month presidency of the European Council begins in July, is in a good position to influence what it says. 但是,波兰将从7月起担任欧盟轮值主席国,届时将占据一个影响本国决策的有利位置。 www.ecocn.org 7. The state-owned conglomerate roiled markets last November when it requested a six-month standstill on debt repayments. 去年11月份,这个国有大企业要求暂停6个月还贷时还引发了市场动荡。 www.ecocn.org 8. Mars is a six-month flight away, and it has surface gravity, a thin atmosphere, frozen water, carbon dioxide and essential minerals. 飞往火星需要六个月。火星具有表面重力、稀薄的大气、冰冻的水、二氧化碳和基本矿物质。 www.bing.com 9. This soldier is less than halfway through an intensive six-month Arabic course. 这个士兵六个月的强化阿拉伯语课程,进行了还不到一半。 playenglish.net 10. But extending unemployment benefits beyond the standard six-month limit is a bad idea. 但把失业救济延长到超过六个月这一标准长度,则是一个馊主意。 www.bing.com 1. Meanwhile, Foxes goalkeeper Carl Pentney has agreed a fresh six-month deal with the Championship new boys. 同时,莱斯特城的门将卡尔-彭特尼已经与这支英乙冠军签下六个月的转会合同。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 2. Nurse with a six month old baby at State Pediatric Medical Institute in Leningrad. 护士和六个月的婴儿在列宁格勒的国家儿科医学研究所里。 www.picturechina.com.cn 3. By the way, congratulation on managing to sit steadily for your six month old. 顺便,恭喜你在六个月大的时候掌握了如何坐稳。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Performance was much stronger during the latter half of the six-month reporting period. 更强的性能在下半年的申报期内六个月。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Sugar rose to a three-year high; wheat reached its highest price since January and tin hit a six-month peak. 糖价升至3年来的高点;小麦创下自1月份以来的新高,锡达到了6个月以来的最高价。 www.ftchinese.com 6. She completed a six-month internship in psychiatry and followed it with internships in internal medicine and surgery, all six-months long. 实习时,她分别完成了6个月的精神病实习、6个月内科实习以及6个月外科实习。。 www.bing.com 7. The two sides discussed national day plans for pavilions and receptions during the six-month event. 双方重点就世博运营期间馆日活动、礼宾接待等方面进行了工作会谈。 www.hjenglish.com 8. In France, a six month consultation process has taken place before the elaboration of a new bil promoting CSR. 在法国,一项促进企业社会责任的议案在公布前半年就需要先公示征询建议。 bdf1.basedefiches.net 9. If I were rich, I be to love to cruise in the SawayITn Pacific to six month sin a private yacht. 假如我有钱的话,我要乘私人游艇在南太平洋上航行六个月。 www.ffenglish.com 10. for the next six month for fear of the mad cow disease. 因为害怕会染上疯牛病,政府宣布今后六个月禁止牛肉的进口。 www.sinoexam.cn 1. A six-month-old Wet Panda walks across a tree branch at the Munich zoo. Wet Pandas are indigenous to the Himalayan mountains. 慕尼黑动物园中一只六个月大的小猫熊在树枝上散步。这种猫熊原产于喜马拉雅山一带。更详细。 dict.bioon.com 2. A six-month-old baby being studied by non-invasive electroencephalography (EEG) using a specially constructed hair net. 头戴特制的发网,6个月大的孩子正在接受非侵入式脑电图(EEG)研究。 www.bing.com 3. The Blair announcement came on the first day of Britain's six-month tenure in control of the European Union's rotating presidency. 布莱尔是在英国担任欧盟轮值主席的第一天宣布这一消息的。欧盟轮值主席的每届任期是六个月。 www.voanews.cn 4. In general, a four to six month rehabilitation plan is required after surgery, depending on what kind of lesion is present. 一般来说,手术后需要一个4至6个月的康复计划,时间的长短取决于损伤的类型。 www.chinahorse.org 5. Peel Holdings is the lead sponsor of Liverpool's pavilion at the Shanghai Expo, a six-month extravaganza that opened in May. 皮尔控股是上海世博会利物浦展馆的主要赞助商(上海世博会于5月开幕,为其6个月)。 www.ecocn.org 6. Germany's one-year bills yield ten times less than Greece's six-month ones (see chart). 而10倍于德国一年期债券的收益率仍旧低于希腊6月期债券的收益(如图)。 www.ecocn.org 7. European stocks fluctuated between gains and losses after the benchmark Stoxx Europe 600 Index climbed to a six-month high last week. 欧股波动起伏,涨跌互现,上周斯托克欧洲600指数升至6个月来新高。 www.bing.com 8. Boeing paid her a six-month severance, and she has health care benefits that cover her and her husband for $40 a month. 波音公司给她支付了六个月的遣散费,以及40美元每月的医疗保险费用供她和他丈夫使用。 www.bing.com 9. Pachauri said that a six-month or one-year delay in the search for a deal was not the worst outcome. 帕乔里称,为寻找一项可以达成的协议而延误六个月或一年并不是最坏的结果。 www.bing.com 10. He was selected for the $111, 000 gig - a six-month contract to serve as caretaker of a tropical Australian island. 他被授予这项111000美元-为期六个月的合同,成为澳大利亚一个热带岛屿的看守人。 www.bing.com 1. Then, work out the six month income brackets, finally calculate their monthly income of average. 然后,算出这6个人月收入的总和,最后算出他们月收入的平均数。 www.aixxs.cn 2. The six-month study compared tenofovir with a placebo in 200 sexually active, uninfected women. 这项研究历时6个月,它在200名性行为活跃的未感染艾滋病的妇女身上比较了该凝胶与安慰剂。 www.scidev.net 3. China has also moved from six-month quotas to full-year quotas, decreasing its leverage over the short-term prices, according to JPMorgan. 摩根大通表示,中国还从每半年发布一次配额,转变为一次性发布全年配额,降低了其对短期价格的影响。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Yarter and his team began a six-month process to create a three-year plan with three watchwords: consolidate, virtualize, automate. Yarter和他的团队启动了一个6个月流程来创建一个三年计划,他们提出了三个口号:整合、虚拟化和自动化。 www.ibm.com 5. Oil rig workers say they are excited to get back to work after a federal judge struck down a six-month ban on deepwater drilling. 石油钻塔工人表示在联邦法官解除六个月深海钻探禁令后,非常高兴可以回去上班。 www.bing.com 6. This past winter and spring showed the largest six-month increase in tonnage ever by a single country . 去年冬春两季,中国温室气体的排放增量,为同期所有国家之最。 www.bing.com 7. A federal judge threw out a previous six-month ban. 然而这一为期六个月的禁令却被一位联邦法官却推翻。 www.bing.com 8. The announcement followed the Palestinians firing of dozens of rockets at Israel since a six-month truce expired on Friday. 在这之前,巴勒斯坦在维持了6个月的停火在星期五结束以来,向以色列发射了几十枚火箭弹。 www.kekenet.com 9. During the six month study, 91 heart and stroke complications were recorded, including heart attack, stroke and heart failure. 在6个月的研究中,91例发生心脏病和中风并发症,包括心脏病,中风和心力衰竭。 www.dxy.cn 10. Belgian ministers made a decent fist of their country's six-month rotating presidency of the European Union in the second half of 2010. 2010年上半年,比利时的部长们在竞选每半年轮换一次的欧盟主席时,打了体面的胜仗。 www.ecocn.org 1. Abbie, born 22 months ago, has barely grown to the size of a six - month - old baby, with the height of 65cm. 英国一名近两岁的女孩艾比身高却仅有65cm,相当于6个月的婴儿般大小。 www.kekenet.com 2. Every six month , we 'd like to receive from you a detailed report on current market conditions and user's comments on our products. 每六个月,我们要收到你方关于市场情况及使用者关于我们产品的想法的详细报告 www.putclub.com 3. Ghadi and several demonstrators standing near him said they estimated about 40, 000 people had been wounded in the six month conflict. 建筑学学生Ghadi和他周围的几位游行者称,在这六个月的冲突之中,约有四万人受伤。 www.ifengwo.com 4. A six-month-old baby miraculously survived a train hitting his stroller. This video shows the baby stroller rolling onto the tracks . 一个六个月大的宝宝在火车撞到它的婴儿车后奇迹般的生还。录像带显示婴儿车滚到轨道上。 www.showxiu.com 5. Labour-reform efforts, to ease hiring and firing and allow six-month trial contracts, have met opposition in congress. 为缓解雇佣和解雇并允许6个月试用合同的劳工改革工作已经在议会遭到了反对。 club.topsage.com 6. The Dow rose just under 40% in the six-month rally that sparked that bull market, so the rally wasn't quite on a par with the others. 道琼斯指数在启动了当时牛市的一轮6个月的上涨中涨幅不到40%,因此那次的上涨与其他几次并不太一样。 www.bing.com 7. Israel began its offensive in Gaza when Hamas resumed cross - border rocket attacks after a six- month truce expired last week . 哈马斯在为期六个月的停火协议于上周到期后再次向以色列发动越界火箭袭击。 www.bing.com 8. Organizers are expecting 70 million visitors during the six-month-long Expo, mostly from neighboring provinces. 有关组织者预期在为期六个月的博览会期间有主要来自周边省份的七千万参观者。 bbs.diandian.net 9. European Union leaders gathered in Brussels for the final summit of France's six-month stint in the EU presidency. 欧盟各国首脑齐聚布鲁塞尔,举行法国作为欧盟轮值主席国6个月任期内的最后一次峰会。 www.ecocn.org 10. Meanwhile, optimism in the service sector recovered to a six-month high. 与此同时,服务业的乐观情绪回升至6个月来高点。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Jobs had a secret liver transplant in 2009 in Tennessee during a six-month medical leave of absence from Apple. 乔布斯在2009年在田纳西进行了一次秘密的换肺手术,这时他正在六个月的医疗期,离开了苹果。 dongxi.net 2. A six-month ceasefire declared by Muqtada al-Sadr, the powerful radical cleric, has helped to reduce violence. 同时,势力强大的激进派牧师Muqtadaal-Sadr宣布停火六个月减少了暴力事件的发生。 www.ecocn.org 3. In 2011, less glamorously but probably more importantly, it will hold the rotating six-month presidency of the EU, preceded by Hungary. 2011年,吸引力相对较小,但可能更为重要的是,它将担任为期六个月的欧盟轮值主席国,在它之前的是匈牙利。 www.ecocn.org 4. The premium rises to a massive 45 per cent on a six-month, volume-weighted average price basis. 以6个月的交易量加权平均价格计算,这一溢价甚至高达45%。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Rikke and her husband are taking Dart in a six-month trial sponsored by a Danish firm and two Swedish partners. 丽格和她的丈夫正在参加由丹麦一家公司和两个瑞典伙伴方主办的为期六个月的试用活动。 1x1y.com.cn 6. Named Bo, the shaggy-haired pooch is a six-month-old Portuguese water dog which is black with a white chest, white goatee and white paws. 这只小狗叫Bo,是一只毛皮蓬松的六个月大的葡萄牙水犬,有白色的前胸,白色的胡子和白色的爪子。 www.bing.com 7. In just three days' time, the six-month long World Expo will open in Shanghai. 再过三天,为期六个月的上海世博会就要拉开帷幕。 www.putclub.com 8. He is lucky to be there for his six-month English course. 他很幸运要在那儿进行六个月的英语课程。 wenwen.soso.com 9. After taking notice of Diana at a polo match in the summer of 1980, Prince Charles proposed following a six-month courtship. 1980年夏季举行的马球比赛中查尔斯王子注意到了戴安娜之后,两人随即开始为期6个月的恋爱。 dongxi.net 10. It's much more flexible than a traditional laptop case, and has enough room for everything I'd hoped to bring on my six month trip. 它比传统的手提电脑的包更加柔韧,而且有足够的空间让我存放六个月的旅行中我想带的物品。 www.bing.com 1. The shenanigans risk derailing Hungary's six-month stint as EU president, starting in January. 这种恶作剧般的危机动摇了匈牙利始于明年1月的欧盟轮值主席国半年任期。 www.ecocn.org 2. China has announced a six-month campaign to crackdown on the piracy of copyright-protected goods. 中国宣布展开为期6个月的行动,对盗版受版权保护产品的行为进行打击。 www.360abc.com 3. The ECB also said it would auction six-month loans later this month, which would assure banks of funding into 2012. 欧洲央行还说,本月晚些时候它将拍卖6个月期贷款,这将保证银行的融资能够到2012年。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Partly because of worries about Greece and others, the euro fell to a near six-month low against the dollar this week. 欧元兑美元本周跌至近六个月低位,一部分就是受累于对希腊等地区的担忧。 cn.reuters.com 5. Propose a six-month experiment with indicators of performance agreed by all parties. 提出一个6个月的试验方案,采用各方都接受的业绩指标。 www.ebigear.com 6. I'm lucky to be here for my six-month English course. 我很幸运来这里进行为期六个月的英语课程。 www.linziedu.net 7. A majority of Zimbabweans, led by the then-six-month-old MDC, turned down a new constitution designed by Mr. Mugabe in 2000. 大多数津巴布韦人,2000年在刚成立6个月的民革运领导下,拒绝了穆加贝设计的新宪法。 www.voanews.cn 8. It also scheduled extra three-month and six-month refinancing operations, so that banks could come more often to the central-bank well. 而且欧央行还预定了额外三个月和六个月的重新筹集资金的操作,因而各银行可以向央行多次贷款。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. They charge around 7%, or an annual percentage rate (APR) of 100%, for a typical six-month loan. 对于为期6个月的贷款,典当行收取7%的月利息,或100%的年度利息。 www.ecocn.org 10. Follow-up appointments, such as six-month or annual checkups , might also be times when fear and anxiety overshadow hope and joy. 治疗结束以后的随访预约——例如,半年或一年一次的例行检查——带给患者的,也可能更多的是恐惧和焦虑,而不是希望和欢乐。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The move comes after a six-month period of internal upheaval, which has overshadowed the operation's strong financial performance. 在此之前,瑞士信贷亚洲私人银行业务尽管财务表现强劲,但外界最关注的却是其长达6个月的内部人事变动。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The Expo is halfway through its six-month run and remains low on the global radar, compared with the 2008 Beijing Olympics. 世博会日程已过半,但是与2008年的北京奥运会相比,国际媒体对世博的曝光率并不高。 www.bing.com 3. Civil servants retire on 75% of their final six-month salary, compared with 50% of the best 25 years in the private sector. 文职公务员退休时能够获领骑组后六个月工资的75%,相当于私营企业经营状况最好的25年里的50%。 www.ecocn.org 4. An investor has taken a short position in a six-month forward contract on the stock. 一个投资者有在存货上的一个六个月的期货契约中带一个短位置。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. In their first six-month deployment, the paras fired about half a million rounds. 在头六个月,伞兵大约开了50万次枪。 www.ecocn.org 6. A six-month course of TB treatment costs US$ 20, and a course of preventive drug therapy costs US$ 2. 六个月结核病疗程的费用只有20美元,药物预防疗程只有2美元。 www.who.int 7. Article 14 Automatic Import License of auto products is valid for six month and only within this Gregorian calendar year. 第十四条汽车产品《自动进口许可证》有效期为六个月,且仅在本公历年度内有效。 www.zlcool.com 8. In 2011 it will hold the rotating six-month presidency of the European Union, preceded by its close ally, Hungary. 2011年,波兰将在其亲密同盟国匈牙利之前,担任欧盟6个月的轮值主席一职。 www.ecocn.org 9. In their first six-month deployment, the pars fired about half a million rounds. 在最初的六个月行动中,伞兵部队受到约50万次火力攻击。 www.ecocn.org 10. Hodgson's tenure came to an end after a six-month period which finished with Liverpool a disappointing 12th in the Barclays Premier League. 在执教六个月后,霍奇森的利物浦令人失望地名列联赛第12位,他的任期也就此戛然而止。 www.lfcbbs.com 1. It expects to further cut its ownership in future follow-on sales after a six-month 'lockup' period. 财政部希望在六个月的锁定期结束后通过后续出售进一步降低持股。 c.wsj.com 2. The photo was taken by the Expedition 12 crew, who are wrapping up a six-month mission on the ISS. 拍摄者为太空站上进行为期半年任务的「远征12」团队。 mailftp.lihpao.com 3. To support these initiatives, xTuple is kicking off a six-month-long series of accounting specific webinars. 为了配合这些措施,xTuple拉开了长达6个月的会计专题系列网络研讨会。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Hungary joined the EU in 2004 and has just taken over the EU's six-month rotating presidency. 匈牙利在2004年加入欧盟。并且刚刚接任欧盟为期6个月的轮流主席职务。 www.bing.com 5. The ban is for a six-month trial basis, and it could be extended. 这一禁令将试行六个月,并有可能延长。 c.wsj.com 6. It has also created a new six-month medical visa for foreigners and their caregivers that is designed to draw health tourists. 同时,它为外商和目标照顾人创建了一项新式的、长达六个月之久的医疗签证,主要是为了吸引关注健康的游客。 www.ecocn.org 7. Organizers expect some 70 million people to tour the exhibits, mostly Chinese visitors, during the six-month-long event. 世博会组织者预期,在长达6个月的展览期间将有7000万名观众入场参观,其中中国游客将占据大部分。 www.12edu.cn 8. The link first emerged when France held the rotating six-month presidency of the European Union in the second half of 2008. 该定理第一次出现,是在2008年下半年法国担任为期6个月的欧盟轮值主席国期间。 www.ecocn.org 9. And the turmoil in the bond market has just sent those mortgage rates jumping to six-month highs. 债券市场的动荡已经导致抵押贷款利率创下了六个月来的新高。 c.wsj.com 10. In SSU2N60B, yield is almost 1% higher than six month ago, quality test failures and customer complaints are obviously reduced too. 在SSU2N60B产品上运用本文的方法后,良品率比前六个月提高了约1%,质量抽检不良和客户投诉数量也大为减少。 www.boshuo.net 1. Toddlers aid people in need without prompting, and even six-month old infants prefer watching prosocial, as opposed to antisocial behavior. 学步的孩子会自动的帮助有困难的人,甚至六个月大婴孩喜欢看亲社会行为,相反他们对反社会行为嗤之以鼻。 www.transcn.org 2. Crouching low, the Mithril agent leveled the six-month-old a serious stare. 秘银的特工压低身子,严肃地凝视着这个6个月大的孩子。 www.bing.com 3. After a six-month probationary period, her position was confirmed. 经过六个月的试用期,她的位置得到了确认。 bbs.freekaoyan.com 4. British tactics changed with each six-month rotation of troops. 英军的作战策略随着每六个月部队的轮换而更换。 www.ecocn.org 5. Also, most apartments will require tenants to sign a one-year or six-month lease. 而且,许多公寓要求租赁者签一年或者半年的租约。 6. Windu sensed Billaba's Force potential, and brought the six-month old infant to Coruscant for training. 温杜感受到比拉巴的原力潜力,于是把这个六个月大的婴儿带回科洛桑训练。 tieba.baidu.com 7. Staff: We have three-month, six-month and twelve-month maturities. 职员:我们有三个月、六个月和十二个月的。 www.24en.com 8. It has a one-year base period and one six-month option. 它有一个1年的基本期限和一个6个月的选项。 www.etiri.com.cn 9. Since the 2010 Taipei Flora Expo kicked off its six-month run on Nov. 6, the number of visitors had broken 1. 4 million. 自十一月六日起为期六个月的2010台北国际花卉博览会开始以来,参观人次已突破一百四十万。 epaper.edu.tw 10. The six-month Next Generation Jammer study is valued at approximately $6 million. 这项为期六个月的下一代干扰机研究价值估计达600万美元。 www.etiri.com.cn 1. 2I'm lucky to be here for my six-month English course. 我很幸运能在这学习六个月的英语课程。 www.5ykj.com 2. I am delighted to be able to play again after a six month lay-off . 我很高兴在受伤休息的六个月后再次为不来梅队效力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. In a six-month investigation spread across 14 provinces, police say they broke up six illicit oil recyclers and arrested 32 suspects. 在涉及14个省的六个月的时间段调查中,警方说,他们粉碎了六个非法的地沟油的团体,并且逮捕了32个犯罪嫌疑犯。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. IT departments want to deliver issues without the formal (or normal) six-month release cycle. IT部门希望交付结果而不需要正式(或通常)的六个月发布周期。 www.ibm.com 5. The beauty of the structure is that the insurance is sold only on a rolling six-month basis. 这个构造的优美之处在于这种安全保证是以六个月为期限滚动出售的。 www.ecocn.org 6. We have three-month, six-month and twelve-month maturities. 我们有三个月期、六个月期和十二个月期。 www.cnbc8.com 7. The sensational verdict climaxed a six-month trial. 那项引起轰动的裁决使长达六个月的审判达到了高潮。 8. British citizens pay HK$450 for single entry or HK$890 for a six-month pass. 英国公民单次入境签证收费450港元,6个月多次入境签证的收费为890港元。 www.ftchinese.com 9. They have spent several six-month spells at sea, returning home for brief visits. 他们在海上游玩六个月,再回家短暂休整。这样做已经有好几次了。 www.bing.com 10. It is hoped this move will shorten the usual six-month cycle of buying and production. 巴宝莉欲借此缩短以往六个月的购买和生产周期。 geography.eroticnudeparty.com 1. On Monday, the euro fell from a six-month high, on fears about the bloc's periphery. 周一欧元从六个月高点下挫,因市场担心欧元区次要国家的状况。 chinese.wsj.com 2. She also runs a six-month programme, costing about $4, 200, for cases where the wife "isn't pretty" . 她还开办6个月的课程,收费约4200美元,专门针对妻子“不漂亮”的情况。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Although it was love at first sight, after six month's courtship, they finally broke up. 她的意思就是:虽然他们是一见钟情,但经过六个月的恋爱,最后还是分手了。 www.360abc.com 4. Project team of four, six-month development cycle. 项目组四人,开发周期六个月。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 5. The crisis comes at an awkward time, because the Czechs currently hold the six-month rotating European Union presidency. 这次危机来的不是时候,因为在这6个月捷克正好是欧盟的轮值主席国。 www.ecocn.org 6. I strongly disagreed, and in the end we compromised on a six-month transition period. 我表示强烈反对。最终我们达成妥协,同意有一个六个月的过渡期。 www.bing.com 7. The lease have only six month to run . 该租赁合同有效期为6个月。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Create a six month plan with milestones to meet. 创建一个六个月的计划,该计划要包括里程碑。 www.bing.com 9. The equivalent data for the class of 2006 show that just over 71% were employed or combining work and study after six month. 来自2006年的,同样的数据显示超过71%的毕业生在毕业半年之后是已经工作或边工作边学习。 www.bing.com 10. In early 2009 the six month futures price for oil was twenty dollars higher than spot price. 在2009年初,6个月石油期货价格比现货价格高出20美元。 www.bing.com 1. Its six production lines had been in commercial operation during the entire six-month period. 部门的六条生产线在整个半年回顾期已完全投入量产。 www.t6pr.com 2. The violence erupted after a six-month Hamas-Israeli ceasefire expired on December 19. 这次暴力冲突是在12月19号执行了六个月的哈马斯-以色列停火协议到期之后爆发的。 www.voanews.cn 3. The six-month's passion had aged him very considerably. 六个月的恋爱使他一下子长大了好几岁。 dict.foodmate.net 4. Phase II, which started in March, is a six-month, $636, 000 program to demonstrate a rudimentary, 3-inch flapping-wing air vehicle system. 从2008年3月开始的第二阶段,该公司将利用6个月时间和63.6万美元对这种3英寸扑翼飞行器系统进行论证。 www.etiri.com.cn 5. Therefore, our conservative estimate for the TCO is 12, 400, 000 over a thirty-six month period. 因此我们对TCO的合理估计是12,400,000,在36个月的期限内。 www.ibm.com 6. Militias were raping six-month-old babies so that countries far away could get access to gold and coltan for their iPhones and computers. 士兵对六个月大的婴童施暴只为了遥远的某个国家可获得黄金和矿物,再来生产Iphone和电脑。 www.ted.com 7. I am lucky to be here for my six-month English course. 我很幸运能在这里完成我为期六个月的英语课程。 www.5ykj.cn 8. The six-month post-IPO lockup expired on Monday. IPO过后六个月的新股禁售期已于本周一到期。 chinese.wsj.com 9. And so a six-month episode of enlightening economic debate has come to a close. 长达6个月有启迪意义的经济学辩论就这样告一段落。 www.bing.com 10. Whichever [=No matter which] you buy, there is a six-month guarantee. 不管买哪个都有六个月的保修期。 ts.hjenglish.com 1. Noah said that a six-month-old baby girl had recently "come into care" at Holt's Fontana Village orphanage. 诺亚告诉我,一个6个月大的女婴最近刚被送到霍尔特下属的丰塔纳村孤儿院。 www.bing.com 2. Thai rice prices are nearing a six-month high. 泰国稻米价格正在逼近六个月高点。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Yesterday, its Web site touted a 5. 65% annual yield on six-month certificates of deposit. 该公司网站周一宣布,其6个月期存款的年利率为5. smilelyspring.spaces.live.com 4. Then there is the issue of getting people to give up their most dependable tools in the six-month conflict. 战争结束之后,如何劝说大家交出在六个月武装冲突中最为可靠的手中武器,这也是个麻烦事。 www.bing.com 5. In 2008, Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick resigned after a six-month legal saga. 2008年,底特律市长基尔派瑞克(KwameKilpatrick)在长达六个月的法律纠纷后下台。 c.wsj.com 6. The interest rate for a six-month time deposit is 2. 1 percent. 六个月定期存款的年利率是2. www.ebigear.com 7. This memo is available with six month. 兑换水单六个月有效。 www.8bai.com.cn 8. I can prove it. I got my six-month chip. 我可以证明,我有一个六个月的芯片 www.tingroom.com 9. Expo will be a six-month seminar in how to solve those problems, they say. 二人表示,世博会将是一次为期6个月的研讨会,让人探讨如何解决这些问题。 www.ftchinese.com 10. John Lewis offers a six-month paid sabbatical to people who have been in the company for 25 years. 约翰路易斯(JohnLewis英国百货公司)提供在公司25年以上的员工6个月的带薪休假。 www.ecocn.org 1. The Korean won hit a nearly six-month low against the dollar, with the greenback racing to 1. 092. 10 won. 韩圆兑美元创下了近六个月来的低点,美元兑韩圆涨至1,092.10韩圆。 global.cjzg.cn 2. For the six-month period ending in September, the Los Angeles Times' daily circulation fell 8 per cent to 775, 766. 在截至今年9月份的6个月里,《洛杉矶时报》(LosAngelesTimes)日发行量下降8%,至775,766份。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The six-month World Expo 2010 begins in Shanghai, China. 为期6个月的2010年世博会将在中国上海开幕。 www.elanso.com 4. On March 3, I announced that Al Gore would lead a six-month review of all federal operations. 3月3日,我宣布艾尔.戈尔将领导一项为期六个月的对整个联邦政府部门的评估工作。 www.bing.com 5. Oil hit a six-month peak above $86 a barrel and gold rallied to $1, 383. 7, just shy of its all-time peak. 油价触及每桶86美元的6个月高位,金价涨至每盎司1383.7美元,仅略低于历史高位。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Most big construction projects have a six month lead time at best, he says. 他说,一些大项目最多有6个月的准备时间。 aurora-can.com 7. Right. That's more a six-month thing. 对,早了六个月。 sfile.ydy.com 8. Sir, I'm sorry, we have the six-month rule for a reason. We can't . 我们有六个月规定的理由.,我们不能…… bbs.24en.com 9. During that six-month period, his popularity rating climbed from a low of 38% to 46%, according to OpinionWay, a pollster. 据民调机构OpinionWay公布的数据显示,在那半年时间里,他的支持率从38%的低位攀升到了46%。 www.ecocn.org 10. In Tokyo, the Nikkei 225 Average inched up just 0. 2 per cent, but did set a fresh six-month closing high. 在东京,日经225平均指数(Nikkei225Average)仅微幅上涨了0.2%,但还是确立了6个月的收盘新高。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Onceour recipient gets a car they get a six month 6000 mile warranty. 一旦接受者得到了汽车,他们也同时获得半年6000英里的保修。 www.bing.com 2. Moving in tandem, the one-year interest rate swap plumbed a six-month low at 3. 37 per cent. 与此相呼应,一年期利率互换(IRS)跌至3.37%,为6个月最低水平。 www.ftchinese.com 3. What's the interest rhad for six-month CD? 请问六个月定期存款的利率是几许钱? www.51holdzhu.com 4. Over a six-month period the agency analyzed 1, 800 messages from 1, 862 Twitter users. 该机构在六个月里分析了1,862名Twitter用户的1,800条信息。 www.forbeschina.com 5. According to Hindu mythology, this is when the day of the gods begins, after a six-month long night. 根据印度神话所说,在经过了长达六个月的黑夜之后,神灵在这一天降临了。 www.dictall.com 6. THE climax of Libya's six-month-old revolt was not only televised via satellite but also text-messaged. 利比亚六个月以来反叛行动的高潮不仅通过卫星电视转播,还通过手机短信传递。 www.remword.cn 7. The HSBC Markit PMI dipped to 51. 1 in June, a six-month low. 汇丰银行Markit采购经理人指数在6月跌至51.1,(创下)六个月的新低。 www.bing.com 8. According to Bankrate. com, the highest-yielding six-month certificate of deposit pays just 1. 3%, before taxes. 据Bankrate.com数据,六个月存单的最高税前收益率只有1. c.wsj.com 9. Madrid also sold six-month bills on Tuesday at an average yield of 5. 23 per cent, up from 3. 30 per cent last month. 西班牙周二还发行了一批6个月期短期国债,平均收益率为5.23%,远高于上月的3. www.ftchinese.com 10. On six-month loans spreads are now as high as at the two previous peaks, in September and December of last year (see chart). 其中,6月期贷款利差与去年9月和12月出现的前两个峰值持平。 www.ftchinese.com |
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