单词 | situations |
释义 | situations是situation的复数
复数:situations adj. n. current situation,difficult situation,same situation,dangerous situation,complex situation v. n. handle situation,create situation,understand situation,change situation,analyze situation 例句释义: 情况,位置,〈正式〉工作,情境,状况,情形 1. A coach has to understand the mood, be able to handle situations, decide the formations but a lot is in the hands of the players. 一个主教练需要了解自己的球员,知道如何调整掌控局势,不过球队主要还是掌握在球员的手里。 www.milanchina.com 2. There might be situations where the data you want to have on your smart device is stored in lookup tables only. 有时,希望在智能设备上使用的数据可能只存储在查找表中。 www.kuenglish.info 3. These situations can be used in combination with your application logic to ensure that the information in the cache is up to date. 上述这些情况可以与您应用程序的逻辑综合使用以便确保缓存内的信息是最新的。 www.ibm.com 4. But 20 millisieverts a year is at the top of an internationally set range for safety in long-term-exposure situations. 不过,每年20毫西弗的辐射量是国际上对长期辐射环境下安全范围标准设定的上限。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. It is commonly used in situations where existence can be established but it is not known how to determine the total number of solutions. 它通常用在已知存在解决方法,但不确定方法有几个的情况下。 www.bing.com 6. Senkel describes the easy-to-use machine as "good-natured" and potentially capable of replacing the helicopter in many situations. 森科尔形容这架好用的机器为“好脾气的”直升飞机,并很可能在许多情况下代替普通直升飞机使用。 jiangsu.zxxk.com 7. Increasing the breadth of your experiences provides richer information for your brain to draw on as it helps you anticipate new situations. 增加你经历的宽度能够让你的大脑提取更丰富的信息,从而帮助你对新的情况进行预测。 www.bing.com 8. Despite these lower velocities, there appeared to be evidence for the operation of impact-abrasion phenomena in such situations. 尽管有这些速度低,出现了以证据为操作冲击磨损现象,在这种形势。这些证据分为若干领域,下面讨论。 zhidao.baoliaoguan.com 9. "We get into some really sticky situations there in terms of what people will think is responsible, " she said. 她说:“在调查究竟什么才是负责任的行为方面,我们遇到了一些很棘手的情况。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. This tends to make the Great Pyrenees slightly aloof around strangers and out of the ordinary situations. 这点会使得大白熊对陌生人和不寻常情况有些冷漠。 www.goumin.com 1. It's easy to see how people who are in corporate situations fall into the overcommitment trap. 先是与别人合作,后来却掉入承诺过多的陷阱,这种情况随处可见。 www.bing.com 2. Although extra work is required in many situations, your ability to be flexible and solve problems is usually an asset. 尽管你在许多情况下需要额外的工作,但你的灵活变通和解决问题的能力通常很宝贵。 qqly2.cn 3. In massacre situations, up to 40 percent of circumstantial matches turn out to be wrong, according to one recent study in Kosovo. 最近在科索伏进行的一份研究指出,在大屠杀的情况下,有40%推测的身份是错误的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. It's how learning tends to happen (or not) in so many universities and corporate training situations. 这就是很多大学和公司的培训课程上学习的发生模式。 www.bing.com 5. The head of Customs shall report to his superior Customs about his work, present the situations on carrying out his duties accurately. 海关关长定期向上一级海关述职,如实陈述其执行职务情况。 rondeng.blog.163.com 6. We introduced the distinction between actual and prima facie duties to deal with those situations in which duties seem to conflict. 我们介绍实际义务和显见义务的区别是为了处理义务于其中产生矛盾的情境。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. When a person is faced with one of a list of situations, then how does he or she behave? Friesen identifies this as an "if-then profile. " 如果当某个人需要面对一系列不同环境中的某一个的时候,那么他或她会如何表现呢? www.bing.com 8. In social situations, there is an uneasiness, clumsiness, or perhaps some sort of minor embarrassment or faux pas on your part. 在社交场合,你显得有点不自然,有点笨拙,甚至可能会造成一些小尴尬和失态。 www.douban.com 9. Choose one of these situations and write a dialogue. Then act it out. 选择下列情景之一编一段对话,然后表演出来 www.tingroom.com 10. "It was one of those odd situations where the next word was always there, " he says. 其中不寻常的情形之一是,每下一个写的词总是已摆好在那里。 www.bing.com 1. Create problem situations so that students rise to cognitive conflict or to be located in the desire to problem-solving situations. 创设问题的情境,使学生引起认知冲突或置身于渴望解决问题的情境中。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. If you are complaining, the law of attraction will powerfully bring into your life more situations for you to complain about. 如果你常抱怨,吸引定律就会把更多让你抱怨的场景带入你的生活。 space.englishcn.com 3. All this said, there are certainly some time-critical situations where users must be notified in an obtrusive, attention-demanding manner. 当然,也一定存在着十分紧急的情况,需要以一种突然且吸引注意力的方式来通知使用者。 www.jukuu.com 4. The only problem was that Treader had to go back to his momma because of our living situations -- and because he wasn't weaned. 唯一的问题是,由于我们的居住条件,同时也因为Treader还未断奶,他必须回到猪妈妈身边。 www.bing.com 5. The timed button presses make it a lot more realistic and the Contain function allows you to hold up your opponent in 1v1 situations. 抢断由按键的时机来决定让一切看起来真实了许多,新的设计允许你保持和对手处于1对1的状态。 game.ali213.net 6. I tell you in the United States these possibilities to warn you and to allow you to prepare yourselves for situations you have not imagined. 我告诉你在美国的这些可能性向您发出警告,并允许你准备你有没有想象中的情况下的自己。 apps.hi.baidu.com 7. Harry's appeal stems from his role as a very ordinary boy who finds himself in extraordinary situations. 哈利的魅力来自于他的角色,一个发现自己身处不寻常境遇中的平凡男孩。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Depends how much your Devastates hit for, but in every and all realistic situations, yes. 取决于你的毁灭打击造成多少伤害,但在所有现实的情况中,是的。 bbs.duowan.com 9. As you learn to listen critically to speeches in class, you will be better able to assess the ideas of speakers in a variety of situations. 当你学会在课堂上批判地听,发言。你将能够更好地评估在各种情况下扬声器的想法。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. To be able to do this we need to avoid creating situations of debt as getting out of debt can be difficult and stressful. 为了实现这一点,我们必须尽量避免欠债,因为通常身负债务会很难摆脱。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Now that you are truly out on your own, you are responsible for all of your expenses and emergency situations. 完全依靠自己生活,你就对自己的支出和紧急事项负责。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. Mr Geithner tends to "smell" his way through situations, a senior central banker says. 一位高级央行官员表示,盖特纳往往能“凭直觉找出”度过困境的方法。 www.ftchinese.com 3. I told her that this was a Magic Quarter that I kept for situations like these. 我告诉她这是一个魔法硬币,我特地为应付这种情况留着。 www.bing.com 4. "Consumers' financial situations remain dismal as the majority reported that their finances continued to worsen, " Curtin said. 他还称,“消费者的财务状况仍显拮据,因大多数称其财务状况继续恶化。” cn.reuters.com 5. This isn't too much of an inconvenience in some situations, but I found it to be a hassle during active use. 这在有的情况下并不是很麻烦,但我觉得在比较忙碌的时候是很让人抓狂的。 www.bing.com 6. Avoid some situations where you normally drink and smoke, at least for awhile, to make it a bit easier on yourself. 避免去一些你通常会喝酒吸烟的场合,至少是少去一会儿,这样也可以使你更轻松地改掉这些不良习惯。 www.bing.com 7. There might be situations where you find it difficult to split a page into a set of normalized panels. 某些情况下,您会发现很难将页面拆分为一组规范化的面板。 blog.163.com 8. With 1. 3 billion people like this, able to grind out the toughest and most grim situations, no wonder they will be the next super power. 13亿人同样如此,能机械地坚韧近乎冷酷地面对这种情况,所以无怪乎他们是一个超级大国。 blog.163.com 9. As a loyal student, Barriss tends to be just as structured in her approach to dealing with situations, " Salenger says. " 作为一个忠诚的学生,巴丽斯倾向于照搬她的方式来处理情况。 www.starwarschina.com 10. He said it would be wrong to draw comparison between the situations in the Middle East and north Africa and that of China. 他还指出,把中国比作中东和北非的情形是错误的对比。 www.bing.com 1. Let it out in small doses, deal with the thoughts and situations as best as you can. 而是以”微小的剂量“来宣泄,并尽可能地来处理好你的思想和局势。 english.oooooa.com 2. But in the years leading up to that, my only plan was to throw myself into situations that might have interesting results. 在那十几年间,我唯一的计划就是看能不能找到带来有意思结果的事做,然后一头栽进去。 2009.cafamuseum.org 3. Taxpayers trying to cope with such surreal situations need to understand how they came to be. 想要应对这种离奇情况的纳税人需要了解它的由来。 c.wsj.com 4. We then compared how much amino acid was delivered to the leg and how much was leaving it, by analysing blood in the two situations. 然后我们通过分析血液,把运送到腿部的氨基酸的量和离开时的量做对比。 www.bing.com 5. Langer later discovered that this finding did not apply to all situations, but wrote that in most cases it actually did. 兰格后来发现这一结论并不适用于所有情况。但她也指出,在大多数情况下,这种方法还是很有效果的。 www.elanso.com 6. If you dress casual other more advanced situations, do not like to wear, such as to a casual restaurant or to the department store shopping. 如果在适宜穿其他更高级的便服的场合下,不要这样穿,比如去一家休闲餐厅或去百货商场购物。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Depends how much your Devastates hello t for, but in every and all realistic situations, yes. 决定于于你的扑灭冲击造成多少危险,但在所有实际的环境中,是的。 www.9158w.com 8. Almost 20 percent of his offense came off of the pick and roll and he made pretty good decisions with the rock in those situations. 他的进攻几乎20%是以挡拆战术完成的,而且这种情形下他通常都能作出不错的决定。 www.kobechina.com.cn 9. I cannot just walk to the end of Zhongshan Road to find the old mansion again, but I could still refresh the situations through mind. 我不可能仅走到中山路的末端再发现老豪宅,但是我可能通过头脑仍然刷新情况。 tieba.baidu.com 10. Although it's easy to forget, choosing to be grateful has helped me through a lot of difficult travel situations. 尽管很容易忘记,但是选择心怀感激帮助了我渡过很多旅行中的难关。 www.elanso.com 1. Jupiter, your guardian planet, will be retrograde until mid-October, so you won't be able to rely on luck to get out of tight situations. 你的守护星木星在十月中之前都将退行,所以你不能再依赖曾经的好运来化解危机。 www.douban.com 2. The Nuffield Council's second key conclusion was that the wide range of GM crops and situations must be considered individually. 努斐尔德生物伦理理事会第二个重要结论就是转基因作物的各种类型和情况必须个别考虑。 www.scidev.net 3. The military forces of other nations would be more suited than U. S. forces in a great many global situations, he said. 他说,其他国家的军队在很多全球情势中会比美国军队具有更合适的作用。 www.america.gov 4. The typeface was conceived to be one of the pillars of Spore's branding strategy, functioning in body text as well as in display situations. 该字体的构想成为了孢子的品牌战略的支柱之一,在正文以及在显示的情况下运作。 www.gtn9.com 5. Unfortunately, as computer systems become used in more critical situations, even denial of service is often unacceptable. 遗憾的是,随着计算机系统在更多关键场合的使用,即使拒绝服务通常也是不可接受的。 www.ibm.com 6. More than jokes, a sense of humour requires being willing and able to see the funny side of life's situations as they happen. 除了笑话,幽默感需求你情愿并且可以看到生活情形中那风趣、可笑的一面。 www.zxjw.net 7. This can give rise to curious situations, as it did in the case of John who worked as a dustman for a famous corporation. 这常常会引起种种奇快的现象,在一家著名的公司当清洁工的约翰就是这样一个例子。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The demands for vitamin C increase during these situations and supplementation is often required to maintain sufficient levels. 维生素C的需求增加和补充,在这情况下往往需要保持足够的水平。 beautyplusnz.com 9. KAKA'It really reminded me of Bruges . The situations were similar, with one man down. In the end I scored and I am happy. 这的确让我想到了和布鲁日的比赛,情况是非常的相似,我们也是少打一人,最后还是我的进球,我非常的高兴。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. As I get older I find myself more able to appreciate the people, events, and situations that have been part of my life history. 随着成长,我发现自己更会欣赏发生在我生命中的人和事以及各种情形。 www.sojump.com 1. In many physical situations, the Hamiltonian of the system is composed of an unperturbed Hamiltonian and a perturbation. 在很多物理情况下,系统的哈密顿量由未扰动哈密顿量与扰动势两部分所组成。 www.pet2008.cn 2. Know when, how, and how much to tip in different situations, ranging from taxi drivers and waiters, to bell hops and your hair dresser. 19知道在不同场合,小费该怎么给才算适当。从出租车司机、服务员到你的发型师。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. He helped advance the ball against pressure and in late game situations due to extreme youth at the point guard position on his team. 他帮助提高球对抗压力,在游戏后期由于极度的年轻后卫位置上时,他的球队。 book54530.book1234.com 4. With an extreme form of social anxiety called selective mutism, some kids and teens may be too anxious to talk at all in certain situations. 发展到社交恐惧症的极端形式——选择性不语症时,一些孩子和青少年在某些处境中可能紧张得根本说不出话来。 www.fane.cn 5. The best title, of those which seem never to arrive, of those which nobody can contest but several contingent situations seem to delay. 最好的冠军,看似永远不会来,没人能够预料到,但是一些巧合使它姗姗来迟。 www.milanchina.com 6. Psych yourself up for it to be a positive experience. Play through the day and potential situations you may encounter. 将聚会作为一次愉快的体验让自己兴奋起来,玩乐一整天也许你会得到意想不到的收获。 www.bing.com 7. China's approach is to create situations in which it is possible for individuals to make their intelligence contributions. 中国的作法是建立一种状态,在这种状态中使个人的间谍活动的贡献成为可能。 www.jukuu.com 8. I found a two-way connection between the participants' thinking and the situations in which they participate. 我发现在参与者的思考和参与者身处场景之间有一种双向的联系。 www.bing.com 9. 'You have to be very cautious and careful in these situations, ' one of the people familiar with the matter said. 一位知情人士说,面对这种局面你必须非常谨慎和小心; c.wsj.com 10. When one of the followed situations takes place, Party A is able to invalidate the contract without making any compensation for Party B. 若符合下列情况之一的,甲方可以随时解除合同,而不必给予乙方任何赔偿。 www.1x1y.com.cn 1. With a bit of luck, most of us will not find ourselves in such existential situations. 好在我们还有那么一点运气,我们中的大多数人不会发现自己也会碰到这样有关生死存亡的局面。 www.bing.com 2. Can you think of any other possible situations during Q&A and ways to handle them? 那么你是否还想到其他可能的情况以及相关的应对方法呢? www.englishtown.cn 3. However, I have learned a valuable lesson -- in desperate situations, the most feasible option is often the best option. 然而,我学到了珍贵的一课——在令人绝望的时候,最可行的方案通常会是最好的方案。 www.bing.com 4. Work together with your partner. Choose one of these situations and write a dialogue. Then act it out. 与你的同伴合作,选择下列情景之一编一段对话,然后表演。 www.dictall.com 5. Cell phones can be quite useful in emergency situations but there is definitely a limit to how much they should be used. 紧急情况下电话确实是非常有用,但是对其使用一定也得有个限度。 www.bing.com 6. Relationship within situations, environments and objects which seem as if it was naturally built. 好像自然地创造出来的东西和环境、状况的关系。 www.findesign.cn 7. The USA had not established diplomatic relations with Iran and the two countries were in tense situations. 因为美国同伊朗没有外交关系,而且两国之间关系十分紧张。 www.ourtra.com 8. But with the change of social and economic situations, it seems to be out of time to carry out this policy any more. 但在社会经济环境发生转变的情况下,继续长期实行该政策就不合时宜了。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Nonetheless, dynamic compilation does have some drawbacks that make it a less than ideal solution in some situations. 但是,动态编译确实具有一些缺点,这些缺点使它在某些情况下算不上一个理想的解决方案。 www.ibm.com 10. Some of these more complicated situations will be discussed after the basic principles have been illustrated in terms of binary mixtures. 一些相关的更加复杂的情况将在说明完二元混合物的基本原理后再做讨论。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. would obviously look to her as a First Lady to see exactly not just how to dress but how to hold yourself in certain situations. . . 会明显参考第一夫人,不仅去了解如何穿衣,而且了解如何在某些场合下保持自己的姿态… www.yappr.cn 2. However, there might be situations that will require that you to contact Microsoft Customer Support Services. 但是,在某些情况下可能需要与Microsoft客户支持服务部门联系。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Your performance is in general satisfactory, but in certain situations you do not necessarily do what you were actually planning to do. 尽管你的表现令人满意,但是在有些时候,你无法完成你本来计划要完成的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. This mode is useful in situations where you know when a task starts and stops but have no way of knowing how far the task has progressed. 这种模式在这样几种情形下是有用的,您可以知道一项任务何时开始以及何时停止,但是您没法知道任务进展了多远。 www.ibm.com 5. In most situations, all that you need to record about the relationship between two entities is the fact of its existence. 在大多数的情况下,所有你要记录有关于实体间的关系的大多数记录关系只是它的存在性。 www.cto360.com 6. The villagers told him that if dangerous situations occur, as long as he shouted for help, they will come to help him. 村民们告诉他,如果有危险情况发生,他只要大声呼喊救命,他们就会来帮他。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Response to such situations in life, is life always seem to be an inert wound, knowing that bad, but do not know where to start to change. 这类情况反应在生活中,就是生活好象总是被一种惰性缠绕,知道那不好,但又不知道从何处入手来改变。 blog.163.com 8. Outside of "work" situations, think about how much time you spend doing things you'd rather not do, say, cleaning your house. 在“工作”情境之外,想想看,你到底花了多少时间做一些本不必做的事,比如打扫房间。 www.bing.com 9. It has not been easy for me to give up and let go of the situations that keep me busy and active, doing what I do best. 对我来说,放下和离开让我忙碌和积极效力的我所能做得最好的事业,并不是一件容易的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Try to think of new perspectives for projects and consider how situations would play out in a culture with different expectations. 从新的角度思维问题、考虑在不同期望的文化中情况会如何发展。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. In extreme situations, local authorities could suspend an employer's operations until the matter is addressed. 在一些极端情况下,地方当局可以暂停用人单位的运营,直至问题解决。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Put in situations to do good, he does, even if coerced, and he often seems to have more morals than the "good guys" that he's working for. 只要是在有利的环境中,他都会去做,哪怕是被迫的。这使他相较于那些他为之工作的“好人”来说,更加具有道德品质。 www.bing.com 3. Stay away from people places and situations which might tempt you to smoke at least for few weeks after quitting . 在戒严的首几个星期避免接触会引诱你再次吸烟的人场所和情况。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. CallUma is one of a growing number of services to help travellers who find themselves in tricky situations abroad. CallUma是日益增多的此类服务公司之一。它们的工作,就是帮助在国外陷入各种麻烦处境的旅行者。 www.ftchinese.com 5. It's good to see him actually touring: You can work your way back into a comfortable space where you can deal with those situations. “这是很好的看他,其实巡回演出:你可以工作,您尽快恢复到一个舒适的空间,让你可以处理这些情况”。 www.eminemcn.com 6. This leads me to believe that the range of effectiveness range of situations seems to be a bit wider on Mac OS X. 这让我不由地相信在MacOSX上有效性的范围比其他系统更广泛。 www.infoq.com 7. Just as you have learned to do in other speaking situations. When you are called on for impromptu remarks, think first of your audience. 与你学过的其他演讲一样,当你要做即席演讲时,先考虑你的听众。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. In many situations this proud monkey has been forced to admit that she was just a nobody. 有很多情况使我这只骄慢的猴子不得不承认自己的力量还是很渺小。 sm2000.org 9. Your test should determine whether your warranty will be easy to understand and use in real-life situations. 您的测试可确定您的质保书是否容易理解和在实际情况使用。 www.bing.com 10. Gates also said he did not anticipate situations in which U. S. forces would pursue Iranians up to the border with Iran. 盖茨还说,他预计不会出现美军追剿伊朗行动人员直至伊朗边界的局面。 www.america.gov 1. The bottom line is that JSON isn't some sort of magic bullet; it is, however, a great option for some very specific situations. JSON并不是某种魔弹;但是,它对于某些非常特殊的情况是很好的选择。 www.ibm.com 2. But even in situations where there is only a small amount of data available, a hypothesis can be an invaluable director toward the truth. 但是,即使在只有极少量信息线索的情况下,一个假设可能就是通往真理的宝贵向导。 www.xiaoma.com 3. Apply this concept to all situations and you'll start to see stressful situations don't have to feel as stressful. 把这个概念应用于一切情况中,那么你将会开始发现有压力的情况不非得去感到有压力。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. This technique is often used in response to complex statements or group situations where several persons have commented on the same issue. 这个技巧大多是遇到复杂的陈述时,或是多人参与时,每个人对同一问题有各自不同的见解。 www.mscto.com 5. Be careful metering in situations like this, as the dark area on the sides of the frame may fool your meter. 在这样的情况下仔细测量环境,如暗区在画面侧面可能欺骗你的公尺。 forum.home.news.cn 6. We are still looking at various situations, but I would not like to come out on any individuals. 我们仍然在观察不同位置的球员,但是现在还没有具体的人到来。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 7. A few coins can save a life in some situations, and even if the money is wasted, that does not take away the moral goodness of the giver. 有些情况下可以用钱来救命,即使钱可能被浪费,也不会就此打消施予者的仁慈善良之心。 www.kele8.org 8. In some situations, the methods you implement might be called from more than one thread, and therefore must be written to be thread-safe. 在某些场合,方法可能会从不止一个线程中被调用,因此这些方法必须是写成线程安全的。 www.cnblogs.com 9. Salman flashes his sweet smile at me and shares an experience that gave him the inspiration to tackle such problems and situations in life. 萨勒曼闪烁在我和他的甜蜜的微笑股的经验,给了他的灵感,应付这些问题和生活情况。 group.mtime.com 10. Act safely in all situations for your own sake and that of others. 为了自己和他人,在各种场合都要安全行事。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Obviously, both situations are painful to think about, but chances are one of these bothers you more than the other. 显然,这两种情形想象起来都会很痛苦,但其中一种可能会让你更反感一些。 www.bing.com 2. In these situations, the Java code that runs the statements might not know in advance the types and number of objects and data returned. 在这些情况下,运行该语句的Java代码预先可能不知道返回的对象和数据的类型和数目。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Yes, each of these situations mark important life transitions but they are not the only times when transitions occur. 没错,这些情境都代表了人生重要的转折,但并不意味这是人生中唯一会发生转折的时刻。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. In some situations it's not easy to move scripts to the bottom. 在某些情况下,它是不容易移动到底部的脚本。 www.cnblogs.com 5. The concept of a container is critical at design time and is useful in other situations as well. 容器的概念在设计时很关键,并且在其他情况下也很有用。 www.cnblogs.com 6. Eliminates the need for synchronization in many situations, all multithreaded systems cannot be implemented solely in terms of tasks. 消除了同步操作的要求,但是不是所有的多线程系统都用任务来实现。 www-128.ibm.com 7. While such situations as illness are chosen by the personality, the individual is always left to work out its own solution. 当一个人格选择某种疾病的情形时,这个人总有机会用他自己的方式来解决。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. With that in mind, we'd change the question around a bit to state: "What role might PBE play in non-software engineering situations? " . 正因为如此,我们想要把这个问题稍作修改:“PBE在非软件工程情况下扮演的是什么角色?” www.infoq.com 9. I belong to the kind of hands-on practical ability and strong people like to try for a variety of situations. 我属于那种动手实践能力比较强的人,对于各种情况喜欢去尝试。 bask2.pklei.com 10. Write down a battle plan of maybe ten or so difficult social situations for you to be in. 所以,开始吧!写下大概10个左右对你来说难以处于其中的社交处境。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. I've simply got to tell you about the situations in that area. 我一定得把那个地区的情况告诉你。 www.bing.com 2. They'll mete out more damage than any other class, but will be very weak in melee situations, wearing only cloth armor. 他们能造成比其他任何职业都要大的伤害,但在肉搏战中将会非常脆弱,因为他们不能穿甲。 bbs.ngacn.cc 3. Write down in as much detail as possible the situations that usually trigger these stressors . 写下尽可能多通常引发这些紧张性刺激的详细情形。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Apologizing is a lot like learning a foreign language. The more you practice it in real-life situations, the better you become at it. 道歉很像学一门外语。在真实生活中你越加练习,你说得越好。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 5. Definition : Many arguments rely on an analogy between two or more objects, ideas, or situations. 定义:很多论证建立在两个或者更多对象、观念或者情况的类比上。 www.bing.com 6. All of these sentences are custom-designed for you to use in these unexpected situations! 所有这些句子都是为你量身定制,可用于各种突发场合! 7. Spier's editorial said "desperate situations call for desperate measures" and said it would be "churlish" to push aside "a mass of data" . Spier的社论说“危急的情况需要危急的手段”,他还说拒绝“大量的数据”是“无礼的”。 www.scidev.net 8. McCain said he would soon visit Iraq and Afghanistan to assess the military situations there. 麦凯恩说,他会尽快出访伊拉克和阿富汗,评估那里的军事形势。 www.kekenet.com 9. In situations like these, financial writers often pass the buck and counsel you to 'talk to a trusted financial adviser. ' 在当前这类形势下,那些写财经评论的人经常推卸责任,建议读者去“与值得信赖的理财顾问谈谈”。 www.bing.com 10. Despite occasional misinterpretations, people in most situations manage to understand utterances essentially as they were intended. 尽管有误解,人们在大多数的情况下能按他们的意愿理解话语。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. The author prays that this song will bring encouragement to all those who are facing difficulties in their respective employment situations. 愿这首诗歌都能对各位在工作或经济上有重担或困难的弟兄姐妹及朋友们作一些鼓舞。 youtube2hd.com 2. He has a sense of humor, and a knack for relating management learning to a variety of non-business, real life situations. 他为人幽默风趣,还有一种本事,能把管理学习和各种与商业无关的现实生活情景联系起来。 app.fortunechina.com 3. This places a priority on the speed of storage allocation and release, and control of these can be very valuable in some situations. 这样做会有一个很快的内存分配和释放的速度,并且能得到有效的控制。 www.douban.com 4. I'm sensitive, I feel certain situations more than the others, it is true, but I've found a strength inside me which I didn't know before. 我很敏感,我可以感到某种特殊的情况,这是真的,我发现我的身体里有一种我以前从未发觉的力量。 www.milanchina.com 5. Think about what conditions or situations about your life you find troubling and that seem to deflate your self-esteem. 考虑你的生活中哪些环境或处境让你感到有麻烦、似乎在打击你的自尊心。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Banks can usually get out of their guarantees in situations like market crashes or natural disasters. 通常而言,如果市场崩盘或是发生自然灾害,银行则不必受此承诺的限制。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Metaphoric language use is nothing but the normal way of concept formation, which is based on similar experiences of situations. 隐喻语言使用是概念形成的正常方式,而概念形成的基础是相似的情景经验。 www.dictall.com 8. there's so much more potential in situations where we might have given up all hope. 有这么多的潜力,我们可能已经放弃了所有希望的情况。 source.yeeyan.org 9. This could create deadlock situations where two or more threads wait for the release of the same object. 这可能导致死锁,即两个或更多个线程等待释放同一对象。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Make a list of situations in which your presence seems to increase the productivity of others. 还要列一张表,找出会降低其他人生产率的情况。 book.51cto.com 1. Conditions used in stability experiments should reflect situations likely to be encountered during actual sample handling and analysis. 稳定性试验的条件应考虑在实际样品处理和分析中的偶然情况。 bbs.instrument.com.cn 2. To demonstrate that an understanding of stability in ecosystems can be applied to help understand stability in other situations. 是为了证明了解生态系统的稳定可以应用于帮助其他情况下的稳定。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. I believe that such a course can be effective in many situations, not just the traditional college setting. 我相信类似这样的课程在许多情形下都会很有效,而不仅仅适用于传统的学院的设置。 www.ibm.com 4. John is one of those rare artists that has an innate ability to put certain life situations into words. John是那些拥有将特定生活转为文字天赋的少有艺术家之一。 www.bing.com 5. There might be situations when a public property or field does not need to be serialized. 有时候可能不需要序列化公共属性或字段。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. To be familiar with the language, structure and to be able to use English competently in a number of different situations. 能够在任何场景中进行交流,熟悉语言结构并掌握在工作环境中运用英语的能力。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. It would be wrong to say that bad couplings are good, but there are situations in which when bad couplings are tolerated. 说坏的耦合是好的是不对的,但是有时坏的耦合是可以容忍的。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Sales of homes that are in foreclosure or other distressed financial situations accounted for 34% of the total for October. 整个10月份,房屋销售市场方面,抵押房屋被收回或者处于金融困境的现象总计达到34%。 www.ecocn.org 9. You want to have monopoly bonds with your long-term lover. At least most situations work out better this way. 你希望与你的长期爱人保持专一关系,这样至少大多数情况发展得更好。 www.ebigear.com 10. We must also be prepared to walk away from situations that violate our basic principles and core value, no matter how high the stake is. 我们也应当准备避开那些违反我们的基本原则和核心价值的一些情况,无论利润有多么高。 tianjinzfq.blogcn.com 1. However, in certain situations, resignation may not be best the route at all - you may be better off waiting to be sacked. 然而,在某些情况下,辞职也许根本就不是办法——或许你最好是等着被开掉。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. In particular, it is common in business situations. But it is also easy to make a mistake in shaking hands. 在生意场上尤为常见,但我们也很容易在握手这个简单的问候礼上犯错。 www.bing.com 3. The question, of course, is what those situations are: what makes us more creative at times and less creative at others? 当然,问题是这样的环境是什么:什么使我们有时候更有创造力,别的时候却平常? www.bing.com 4. In most instances, however, rules can be identified by the fact that they apply to a general class of persons or situations. 可是在多数情况下,可以通过具体事实鉴别出哪些规则适用于一般阶层的个人或适用于某些情形。 www.jukuu.com 5. The optimised lighting system is now able to create various lighting situations in superb and astonishing quality. 照明系统的优化现在可以创造惊人的卓越品质和各种照明情况。 bbs.hasea.com 6. Others think differently, as you discover in situations where arrangements are up to them. 也有人认为不同的,因为你的情况下安排到他们发现。 www.douban.com 7. Qualities as adaptability, decision and making, flexibility, and degree to which one acts effectively in challenging situations. 判断力,灵活性,是否具备有效面临挑战的适应能力。 wenwen.soso.com 8. One surprise was that players put themselves into risky situations more often than epidemiologists allow for in their models. 一个令人惊奇的发现是,玩家比流行病学家的模型中所考虑的要更频繁地将自身置于危险境地。 www.ecocn.org 9. This is typically useful in situations where you're trying to limit the size of a program or function . 如果您尝试限制程序或函数的大小,通常使用该杂注。 www.bing.com 10. In his love stories, Billy Wilder did not follow the Hollywood tradition of sweet boy-meets-girl situations. 在他的爱情故事中,比利?怀尔德没有遵循男孩遇见女孩的好莱坞传统模式。 www.jukuu.com 1. It is often in unknown situations when boasters brag most. 自夸者往往在无人知晓的情况下吹嘘得最厉害。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The best rule of thumb is to put yourself in situations where the fewest mistakes possible can be made. 最重要的原则是,尽量少地使自己出错。 www.bing.com 3. Don also has a mental model for crisis situations that enabled him to determine that the group was "not in a crisis mode" (4). Don对于危机状态的思维模式也使他将其小组定论为“没有危机感”(4)。 www.suiniyi.com 4. Ecological validity refers to the extent to which research can be used in real-life situations. 所谓的自然效度,即,研究与现实情况的匹配程度。 www.bing.com 5. The requesting party shall bear the bank charges for the amendment or extension of Letters of Credit as and when such situations arise. 如果发生需要修改或扩充信用证的情况,提出的一方必须承担有关银行的费用。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Very not easy to wait until seats in the house, namely actually, basic and stranger fixed back-to-back situations. 好不容易等到座位,其实也就是在屋里席地而坐,基本和陌生人背靠背。 en.cnxianzai.com 7. Situations, scenes and quotations in the book stuck in his mind for the rest of his life. 他能永远记忆着书中的情节、场面和名言隽句。 www.kuenglish.info 8. This is about one of those situations where the strange place that I ran into him was an awards show. 这首歌说的就是我在一个陌生的环境下偶遇他,在一个颁奖典礼上。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Situations Sergei Shoigu, who was at the site of the , said 97 bodies would be placed in and taken to Moscow's Domodedovo airport. 俄罗斯紧急情况部部长绍伊古在坠机事件现场说,97具尸体将被放置于棺木中带到莫斯科的莫杰多沃国际机场。 www.suiniyi.com 10. however , situations in riau are complex , and i am prepared to support all parties involved to come up with agreeable solutions . 然而,由于廖内的处境复杂,故此任何人如能提出令人满意的解决办法,我将全力支持。 www.ichacha.net 1. And experts in increasing numbers are firmly believed that such situations might have serious social consequences. 越来越多的专家相信这种状况将产生严重后果。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The American belief that a problem can be solved inevitably clashes with the German conviction that situations must be managed. 美国人对问题可被解决的信念与德国人深信的必须掌握局势的观念不可避免地发生冲突。 www.america.gov 3. However, in most all situations the patch will apply cleanly and you'll be ready to go. 不过,在大多数情况下,应用补丁都很顺利,您可以迅速使用它。 www.ibm.com 4. Situations like this are common in motor racing; you never know where you are going to be next year. 象这样的情况是常见的赛车,你永远不知道你要去哪里是明年。 usa.315che.com 5. One of the best ways to deal with such situations is by being a bit prepared. 应付灾难的最好办法就是要有一些先行准备。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. If it suits them, they claim they cannot speak or understand English to get themselves out of sticky situations. 如果被起诉,他们就声称不会说或者听不懂英语,从而让自己从棘手的情形中脱身。 dict.kekenet.com 7. Buddhism show many signs of being able to adapt to changing situations. It has particular attractions for secularized Westerners. 佛教显示出能适应环境变化的许多迹象,它对于凡俗化了的西方人们有特别的吸引力。 zasmarquess.blog.163.com 8. In tense situations, the wrong word or incorrect pronunciation can turn a simple misunderstanding into a dangerous situation. 时局紧张的时候,不正确的单词或发音可能将一个简单的误会变成危险的处境。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. We also consider situations calling for a mixed approach where both conventional and EAV design are used for appropriate data classes. 当然我们也考虑了请求中既有传统设计也有EAV设计数据类的情况。 10. The exception is those situations where two snapshots are taken as the result of a single install or configuration action. 当两个快照是由于单个安装或配置操作导致时例外。 www.ibm.com 1. Over a period of time, you will gain more control of your emotions as you learn to breathe through difficult situations. 一段时间后,通过学习一些困难条件下的呼吸,你将能够更好地控制你自己的情绪。 www.ryedu.net 2. This is too often true in missionary situations. It is often true in Sunday schools and sometimes in church services. 无论是在宣教工场,或是在本地的教会及主日学中,这都是不争的事实。 blog.163.com 3. Management has provided guidance on the situations and frequency with which intervention may be needed. 在需要干涉的情况下,管理准则已经提供了对于情况和频率的指示。 www.aweto.com 4. Only a very few remember what life was like before, and who was always by their side in the most painful situations. 只有极少数人记得生活曾经的面貌,记得在最困苦的时候,谁陪伴在自己身边。 www.readerstimes.com 5. As you start to address these six situations and use the tips, you will find that you are outside of your comfort zone. 当你开始解决这六个情况,使用这些提示,你就会发现你不在自己的”安乐窝“中。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I have treated hundreds of these situations where individuals have been able to experience release of seemingly hopeless issues. 我已经治疗了数百个此类案例,病患们都可以释放出这种表面看来无望的问题。 www.bing.com 7. The present perfect is also used for long actions and situations which started in the past and went on until very recently. 现在完成时也用于长久的行为和状态其始于过去而持续到最近。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. It is not hard to imagine social situations that would be more awkward if you were forced to make this distinction explicit. 不难想象,在一些交际场合中,如果不得不挑明这种区别,那会多么尴尬啊。 www.ecocn.org 9. Nor has it secured management control, and the experience of multinationals in similar situations has never been inspiring. No matter. 瑞信也没有获得管理层的控制权。根据跨国公司的类似经验,这种情况向来不足以让人振奋。 www.ftchinese.com 10. When situations like that come up, you simply need to ask yourself, "How important is the integrity and consistency of my data? " 对于这种情况,您只需要问自己一个问题:“我的数据的完整性和一致性有多重要?” www.ibm.com 1. There can be a tendency to shut down in uncertain situations. 在不确定的情形下人的心理可能会有关闭的趋势。 career.51youcai.com 2. In daily life, the word "shyness" means feeling uncomfortable in social situations, but "shy" is not an entirely derogatory term. 在日常生活中,羞怯是指在社交场合中不自在的感觉,但羞怯并不是一个完全贬义词。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. Negative thoughts are not reserved for just a few people or situations. 消极不是只存在少数人或境况中。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. And so you gradually desensitize yourself to social situations or whatever you are uncomfortable with. You make it the new "normal" for you. 你逐渐地对你以往会感觉不舒服的事情没有感觉了,你将它列入了新的”正常“范畴。 www.elanso.com 5. Throughout your lifetime, however, you may find yourself in other job-seeking situations in an attempt to improve your position. 然而,在你一生中,你往往为了升职而另寻工作,以改善自己的工作情况。 www.5555333.com 6. You'll find that you can work through difficult, conflict-filled situations in such a way that everyone emerges a winner. 你会发现自己能够克服困难,处理矛盾重重的复杂局面,处理的结果会使每个人都成为赢家。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. During sample preparation, prevent loss, contamination or any other situations which may change the identity of the sample. 样品制备过程中应防止损失、污染或其他可能改变其特性的情况发生。 vernon0426.blog.163.com 8. Avoiding these things or situations tends to make the fear stronger each time the person encounters them. 对遭遇恐惧对象的人来说,每一次逃避都使恐惧感更加强烈。 www.fane.cn 9. Last Sunday, I talk to one of my student and ask the situations of IT employment. 上周日,我和我的一个学生聊天,问了他就业的情况。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. This marks the beginning of a love story that will be tested under the gravity of many life-threatening situations. 这标志着一个爱情故事将在许多人的生命威胁的情况下重力测试的开始。 group.mtime.com 1. Emotional situations are usually happy, with you providing a stabilizing influence. 你的情感状况常常是愉快的,伴随着带来的坚定的影响。 hi.baidu.com 2. In some situations, disqualifying bias can be shown by circumstantial evidence rather than by an overt statement by the official. 在有些情况下,取消资格的偏见可通过环境证据而非根据官员的公开陈述得到证明。 www.jukuu.com 3. In those situations, either party may nod and use some sort of other body gesture to convey the greeting. 在这种情况下,两个人可以点头示意,或用其他身体语言问候对方。 www.24en.com 4. Next , we ll examine some of these basic principles , and discuss some situations where disregarding them have made projects go awry . 接下来,我们将会讨论这方面的一些基本原则,并讨论各种情形,无视这一点已经使项目出现差错。 www.bing.com 5. Two or more different changes to the same line of code in situations where two or more developers have checked out and edited the same file. 在两个或者多个开发人员签出并编辑同一个文件的情况下对同一行代码的两个或者多个不同的更改。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The proposed algorithm, for five specific situations, is presented for the company to minimize the number of tardy jobs. 对于其五种特殊维修情况,我们发展的演算法,可提供公司用来最小化其延误工件数。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. However, when we put ourselves in extreme situations that tax its natural capabilities, it's up to us pick up the slack and help it perform. 然而,当我们把自己放在极端环境时,就给我们的这个自然能力加重了负担。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 8. Conceptual skills are the skills managers must have to think and to conceptualize about abstract and complex situations. 脑力能力是指思考并在一些复杂的情景中做出决定的能力。 www.showxiu.com 9. Whatever situations you find yourself in, examine the subject carefully to see if anything about It bothers you. 不管在何种状况,小心检查物品,看看有没有让你困惑的东西。 matthewlodove.blog.163.com 10. You may add a sharp or flat to any of the notes (as indicated), thereby creating different situations for each finger. 你可以在谱子上增加一个高音或一个低音(如果需要),从而使每个手指可变换不同的位置。 www.pianoweb.cn 1. If neither of these situations applies, you do not need to follow the steps that are described in this article. 如果两个这些情况适用,您就不必执行本文所述步骤。 support.microsoft.com 2. We developed a patient-centered decision making tool to help healthcare teams make ethical decisions in crisis or end-of-life situations. 我们制定了以病人为中心的决策工具,帮助医疗小组作出决定的道德危机或报废的情况。 www.syyxw.com 3. But I kept quiet. Because past experiences told me it is better to shut up in such situations. 但是,当时候我闭嘴了。因为之前的经验告诉我,在这种情况,如果有意见,就应该闭嘴的。 lookingat.passingsights.com 4. We Might Not Know Exactly What Happened for Months On this much, everyone agrees, pointing to similar situations in the past. 我们可能无法预期接下来几个月将会发生什么。但就目前而言,所有人都认为上述这些就是现状。 www.bing.com 5. I hate these situations because, if I admit that they are getting old, I am literally resigning myself to the fact that I am not far off. 我讨厌这样的问题,因为如果我承认他们老了,那我也只好听天由命等死了。 www.ebigear.com 6. Agoraphobia is a type of anxiety disorder in which you avoid situations that you're afraid might cause you to panic. 广场恐惧症是一种焦虑性障碍,在此基础上患者会有回避(患者认为)会让自己陷入恐慌中的情形的倾向。 www.bing.com 7. In these situations, it is possible that Java, Qshell, or PASE may not be working correctly on your system. 在这些情况下,您的系统上的Java、Qshell或PASE可能无法正常工作。 www.ibm.com 8. The system can be applied to the high speed data acquisition and operation situations from multichannel analog signals. 该系统可以广泛应用于多通道模拟信号高速采集的场合。 www.magsci.net 9. One of two, mutually exclusive, situations: either the neuron has or has not a spike travelling down its axon. 神经元所处的两种互斥的状态之一:沿其轴突发放或不发放冲动。 www.jukuu.com 10. Two case reports are used to demonstrate the situations in which splinting might be appropriate. 两个案例的报告来证明情况下,夹板可能是适当的。 syyxw.com 1. Everyone has had a few of these pressure situations in a career. 职业生涯里谁没这种压力啊。 www.bing.com 2. Because of the current economic situations, companies are not ready to follow the solution path they used before. 最近的经济形势使得企业不愿意继续沿用以往的套路。 www.bing.com 3. Saxe's lab is now studying the role of theory of mind in judging situations where the attempted harm was not a physical threat. Saxe的实验室现在正在研究,当这种伤害意图并不威胁生命时,心理理论所扮演的角色。 www.bing.com 4. But I have had situations with some laptops where the only way to restart them when frozen is to remove the battery. 但我使用一些笔记本电脑的时候曾经遇到过这样的情况:电脑死机时,唯一的重启方式就是卸掉电池。 www.bing.com 5. JMS can be used for messaging between services and is important in situations where reliability is required. JMS可用于服务间的消息传输,它对于需要可靠性的场景非常重要。 www.infoq.com 6. Then close your eyes and search your mind carefully for situations past, present or anticipated that arouse anger in you. 然后闭起眼睛仔细在心中搜寻过去、现在或未来会激怒你的种种情境。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. However, the ensemble parts of the film are plagued by bad dialogue and a lack of common sense in most situations. 然而,在多数情况下,整体片子被差劲的对白和缺乏常理的情况折磨了。 tieba.baidu.com 8. But I believe there are very few situations where AppConfig won't be able to do the job as well or better than the DIY approach. 但我相信,AppConfig不能做得象DIY一样好或更好这种情况是非常少的。 www.ibm.com 9. It contains a very large body of water to which steam can be directed in emergency situations. 它包含非常巨量的水,以便在紧急时刻对付蒸汽。 www.bing.com 10. One trick that may be useful is for you to configure special situations when the virtual network is available. 可能对您有用的一个技巧是配置当虚拟网络可用时的特殊场景。 www.ibm.com 1. This can create situations in which some system stored procedures do not operate as expected when they are exposed on an HTTP endpoint. 这会导致出现这样的情况:当在某个HTTP端点上公开一些系统存储过程时,这些系统存储过程并不按预期的方式操作。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. While Java programming is a fine choice for most situations, there is one very important shortcoming to wearing Java-only blinders. 虽然大多数情况下,Java编程都是很好的选择,但是它有一个非常重要的缺点,蒙住了只看见Java的好处的这些人的眼睛。 www.ibm.com 3. They would be good at sales, engineering, telling lies, weaseling out of difficult situations, working long hours, and partying. 他们擅长销售、工程技术、说谎、摆脱困境、工作时间长和举办聚会。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. In situations like this, she wished she had a gun or some lethal weapon. 在这种情况下,她真希望自己有一把枪或什麽致命武器。 www.bing.com 5. To describe all the situations I came up against is almost impossible, so I must content myself with singling out a few typical cases. 如果把所有的失败谘询情景都描述出来,这几乎是不可能的,所以我挑选了几个典型案例。 springhero.wordpress.com 6. Thus, a highly robust and adaptive workflow is needed to be able to handle unanticipated situations. 因此,需要一个高度健全且合适的工作流来处理不能预料的情况。 www.ibm.com 7. Sometimes when you get involved in political situations you can end up getting so wrapped up in it, you can't see the wood for the trees. 有时当你卷入政治的情况下,你会变得如此全神贯注于它,你不能见树不见林。 ferrari-china.com 8. Liability insurance offers a means to protect your business against one of these unfortunate situations. 责任保险提供的一种手段,以保护您的业务之一,对这些不幸的情况。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 9. The Singleton pattern applies to situations in which there needs to be a single instance of a class. 单例模式支持那些需要只保存一个单独的实例的类。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Definitely do not commit for every row, so watch out for autocommit situations. 千万不要每一行都提交,因此要小心自动提交情况。 www.ibm.com 1. In many situations, you want to allocate the shared memory at run-time rather than fixing its location at the time the system is built. 多数情况下,你想要在运行以后再分配共享内存池而不是将分配编译、固定在系统里。 hi.baidu.com 2. If you're frustrated, figure out which needs of yours aren't being met and set yourself up for situations that meet some of those needs. 如果你感到沮丧,找出其中你需要未得到满足的情况,并为满足这些需要一些自己。 www.hotsino.com 3. Students and physicians must also be able to apply that knowledge to everyday clinical situations. 学生和医师们必须也能够把这些知识运用于日常的临床情况。 www.bing.com 4. Integration was the initial idea behind the spawning of JBI, but it will prove to be useful in other situations. 集成是导致JBI产生的初始念头,但在其他情况下,其效用也将被证明。 www.infoq.com 5. But that's not to say police officers approach violent situations with a passive attitude. 但这并不是说警察们在处理暴力势态时是一种冷漠的心态。 www.bing.com 6. Hence, some spells can be only used in some particular situations in the form of a hit combo. 因此,有些规定只能在某些情况下使用的形式组合击中了。 www.kuenglish.info 7. The clamper can also be made of nonmetallic material, and is especially suitable for situations which need insulating. 该夹持器还可用非金属材料制成,特别适用于需要绝缘的场合。 ip.com 8. Many of you understand such situations, and you look for a leader who will take note of your desire for peace with all nations. 你们中的很多人知道这个情况,你们寻找那些能够代表你们愿望的领袖,为了全体和平的愿望。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. There might be situations where good library design requires that you violate these design guidelines. 在特殊情况下,要实现好的库设计,可能会需要违反这些设计准则。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. technically proficient to see and record things, persons, incidents and situations going on inside enemy planes. 技术上是能够看见和记录敌方飞机内发生的事物,人物,事件和情形。 chinaufo.com |
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