单词 | s-office | ||||||||
释义 | s-office
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 费尔奇的办公室,斯内普教授办公室,黑魔法防御术老师办公室 1. She took her son, ran out of the house, put him in her car, and drove quickly to the nearest doctor's office. 她带着她儿子跑出房子,把他放到车里,迅速的开到了最近的诊所。 www.fifl.cn 2. The marshal's office has it , along with the rest of his gear, to be turned over to his next of kin. 市执法官办公室有这个目录,还有他的其余用具,打算转移给他随时来到的亲属。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. One fine day, an old wow gold couple around the age of 70, walks into a lawyer's office. 在一个阳光明媚的日子里,一对70多岁的老夫妇走进了律师事务所。 dict.bioon.com 4. After a while, she could no longer walk on her own and frequently had to go to the doctor's office in Poughkeepsie, she said. 过了不久,她甚至不能自己走路了。她经常不得不去波基普西的医生诊所。 www.bing.com 5. Like many of Mumbai's office workers, Mr Roy eats lunch food prepared for him by his wife while it is still fresh and hot. 和孟买的许多办公室职员一样,乔伊先生能吃到妻子亲手做的刚刚出锅还冒着热气的午餐。 www.kekenet.com 6. We've got a bit of a crisis on in Mr. Parker's office. 帕克先生的办公室人手有点紧张。 www.tingroom.com 7. We wait until your number comes up, sort of like the dentist's office. Nobody 's favorite part. 我们等着你的号码的出现,排序就象是在看牙医,没有人喜欢的事情。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. I told him it was nothing, but I was wondering if I should play it up and escape to the nurse's office for the next hour. 我告诉他没事儿,可我心里在想,下节课我是不是应该装不舒服,逃到护士办公室去。 www.kekenet.com 9. And after all her tutors, and all the little tasks, she ended up in Mr. Hugo's office, as some sort of executive secretary. 私人教师们来来去去,她也学了些小技能,不过最终她坐进了雨果先生的办公室,差不多算个执行秘书吧。 www.bing.com 10. The word from the chief executive's office is always about "fresh departures" and "exciting horizons" . 执行长办公室始传出的消息始终是“精神抖数的离开”和“令人兴奋的前景。” treasure.1x1y.com.cn 1. There's not much I can do at the doctor's office , but I'll come with you to give you moral support . 在诊室我没什么能做的,但我会和你一起、给你感情支持。 www.bing.com 2. Dobrin's office is a few miles from our home, and Mike agreed to let me and Ed give the Advanced Parking Guidance System a try. 多布林的办公室离我家只有几英里远,迈克同意我和埃德去试一下这个高级停车导引系统。 www.bing.com 3. The next day as the village clock struck twice, announcing the hour of noon, a bearded man came up the street toward the sheriff's office. 第二天,当村里的大钟敲了两下,宣告午时的时候,大街上一个留着胡子的人朝着县司法办公室走来。 www.zftrans.com 4. "Everything is a little weird and crazy, " Mr. Butterfield said as he showed off the game at the company's office here. “一切都是有点怪异和疯狂的,”Butterfield先生在其公司办公司展示这款游戏时说道。 www.bing.com 5. I said that of course I didn't know that by the time I testified Starr's office had already become heavily involved. 我还说,当然,我在接受问询时并不知道斯塔尔的办公室已经在背后做了那么多手脚。 www.bing.com 6. Wang of the prosecutor's office said the investigation is still ongoing, but declined to provide further details. 台北地检署发言人王文德说,相关部门的调查依然在进行,他拒绝提供进一步的细节。 cn.wsj.com 7. My wife's office tells her to leave her computer on overnight. 我妻子的公司叫她让电脑整夜开着。 www.bing.com 8. The boss asked Adams to get back the copies, but it was too late. When Adams got to the CEO's office, he was already reading the report. 老板让亚当斯把拷贝追回但已经迟了.当亚当斯到达首度执行官的办公室时,他已经在看那份报告。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. But I rubbed it out anyway, finally. Then I went on up to the principal's office. 但是不管怎么样,我最后还是把它擦掉了,然后就走进校长办公室。 www.bing.com 10. She was there (on set with me). She has no idea. She just thinks of my trailer as Mummy's office. 她就在那里(囧娃也跟妈妈去片场了),她不知道我在干什么,她以为我的休息车是办公室。 tieba.baidu.com 1. The orthodontist's office is right around the corner from his office, and he agreed that he'd schedule the appointments and take her. 牙齿校正医生的办公室就在他的办公室拐角,丈夫同意由他安排时间带她去。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. One fine day, an old couple around the age of 70, walks into a lawyer's office. 在一个明媚的日子里,一对70多岁的老佳耦走进了律师事务所。 www.16ee.com 3. I refused, of course, and raced to my boss's office to ask that I be taken off the case. 当然我拒绝了,然后我冲进老板的办公室,要求调离这件案子。 www.bing.com 4. After Nina briefs him on Cofell's background Jack calls the man's office and pretends to be an old friend. 在尼娜简要地将科菲尔的背景告知了杰克之后,杰克打电话到科菲尔的办公室,假称自己是一个老朋友。 www.bing.com 5. The U. S. trade representative's office said the ruling could put an end to China's discriminatory trade practices. 美国贸易代表办公室说该项裁定将终结中国对于贸易行为的歧视。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. As he was making his farewells, a photographer leaped out of what looked like a cupboard in the Senator's office. 就在他告别之时,一位摄影师从参议员办公室里的一个看起来像是碗碟橱的柜子里跳了出来。 www.hotdic.com 7. On his way out to lunch, Mr. Cunningham stops at Mr. Weaver's office. 康宁海先生出去吃午饭的时候,顺便到韦佛先生的事务所。 dict.veduchina.com 8. One day a man walks into a dentist's office and asks how much it will cost to extract wisdom teeth. 一天,某人来到一个牙科医生的办公室,问他拔掉智齿需要多少钱。 yuxiaoxu.spaces.live.com 9. Harry had never been inside Filch's office before; it was a place most students avoided. 哈利以前从未进过费尔奇的办公室,大多数学生对这个地方避之惟恐不及。 www.kekenet.com 10. One day, a massive man carrying a railroad spike walked into the governor's office and said he needed to meet with me all alone. 一天,一个长得伟健的人拿着一颗铁路上的道钉走进了州长办公室,说是需要单独与我谈谈。 www.bing.com 1. It was a very sad and withdrawn girl who dragged into the principal's office the next day. This time he did look me in the eyes. 这是一个非常悲伤和沉默寡言的女孩拖着脚步走进校长办公室的第二天。这一次他看著我的眼睛。 www.bing.com 2. He greeted me with a "Good morning! " And led me to the director's office. 他问候我一声“早上好”并把我带到主任办公室。 www.pjhqgz.com 3. A: Hello, Mr. Rothman? This is Michael in Mr. Emory's office. He'd like to set up an appointment with you to talk about buying a new copier. 你好,罗斯曼先生。我是埃莫里办公室的麦克尔。他想和您定个时间商谈买一台新复印机。 bbs.86516.com 4. In Part 1 of this four-part series, you began to design a Web application that would let patients enter information at the doctor's office. 本系列文章的第1部分设计了一个Web应用程序,让患者在医生办公室中输入信息。 www.ibm.com 5. A three-year-old walked up to a pregnant lady while waiting with his mother in the doctor's office. 与妈妈一起在医生候诊室等待时刻,一位三岁的小孩走到一位孕妇跟前。 blog.163.com 6. It was the first call to arms, and it took place in an unpretentious white middle-class house half a mile from Spengler's office. 这是首次发出的武装斗争的号召,发出的地点就在斯宾格勒办公室不足半英里的一幢不起眼的白人中产阶级的住家。 dongxi.net 7. I knew it was silly of me. After all, I only knew him from the night he pulled me over and from our meeting in the magistrate's office. 我知道我很傻,毕竟只是在那个夜晚,他开车从我们相见的法官的办公室,将我送到路边。 www.kancaimi.cn 8. When she went into Heath's office to tell him her decision, he did not even bother to look up. "You'll lose, " he said. "Good day to you. " 当她走进希思办公室告诉他她的决定时,希思甚至连头都没抬。“你肯定会输,”希思说。“祝你好运。” www.bing.com 9. The breeze pouring on you is sumptuously cold and laced with a faint smell of medicine, like the waiting room of a dentist's office. 微风吹向你于你,它是如此的冷,空气中还夹带着药物的轻微香味,就像牙医诊所的候诊室医物室。 career.51youcai.com 10. He did not lose consciousness, and initial tests showed nothing abnormal, said a statement released by the president's office. 来自总统办公室的一份声明说,他没有失去知觉,最初的检查没有发现异常。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The next morning, he took the rock with him to the doctor's office. 第二天早上,他去医生办公室,带上了这块石头。 www.hjenglish.com 2. The employee table might have a foreign key for the office table that indicates which city the employee's office is in. 雇员表中可能有一个办事处表的外键,显示雇员工作的办事处位于哪座城市。 www.ianywhere.com 3. By now I habitually clicked through S's photo albums, a diversion far better than popping into a colleague's office for a romantic update. 但是当我习惯性地点击S的相册,这是一种比进入同事办公室打听八卦事情更好的消遣。 www.bing.com 4. The portly sales manager was getting ready to leave his doctor's office after a routine examination. 臃肿的销售经理做过常规体检后,正要离开大夫的诊室。 www.ebigear.com 5. The governor's office is trying to figure out how someone got a hold of that information. 州长办公室正在努力查明某些人是怎样得到这些信息的。 bbs.koolearn.com 6. Several students burst into the schoolmaster's office just as he was about to leave. 校长正要离开时,几个学生闯进了他的办公室。 wenku.baidu.com 7. It was all getting out of hand when the president finally "requested" the police and the Attorney General's Office stop the nonsense. 事情完全失控,直到“被请求”的总统要求警察总部和总检察长办公室停止愚蠢的行为。 www.bing.com 8. "You've got to help me, " Lincoln begs Pope as he stands shackled in the warden's office. “你必须得帮帮我,”Lincoln戴着全副镣铐站在狱长办公室内向Pope求情。 www.bing.com 9. The secretary led me to the manager's office and let me wait for a while. 秘书把我领进经理的办公室,并让我稍等片刻。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The next morning, at precisely 10 am, the little old lady appeared with her lawyer at the president's office. 第二天早上,10正,干瘪瘦小的老太太出现在总裁的办公室。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. But all the emperor's statements have to be approved by the prime minister's office. Not surprisingly, most of what he says is bland. 不过,所有天皇的声明都不得不经过首相办公室的批准,因此毫不奇怪,这位皇帝的所有言论都枯燥无味。 www.bing.com 2. Before the door of the headmaster's office, she stopped and re-collected herself for a while. 在校长办公室门前,她停步片刻使自己镇静下来。 3. What you do not know is that the person's office has a financial relationship with that company. 而你不知道的是,此人的办公室跟这家公司有着经济关系。 www.kekenet.com 4. I asked Lily to fetch me an English book, but she brought me a Chinese book, so I asked her to take it back to the teacher's office. 我让莉莉去给我拿一本英语书,她却拿来了一本汉语书,于是我让她拿回老师办公室。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. She jumps up from her desk, carefully replaces her chair, and runs down the lavender-hued hallway to the doctor's office. 她从桌子旁跳开,小心把椅子放回原处,穿过淡紫色的走廊跑到医生办公室。 www.ryedu.net 6. Pelosi's office declined to comment Wednesday on calls for her to step aside, but she was mounting a robust defense of her record. 佩洛西的办公室拒绝评论周三呼吁她下台,但她对她的记录安装一个强劲的防御。 www.englishtang.com 7. One evening a week, a group of CEOs meets in a Manhattan psychiatrist's office and engages in an ancient ritual. 个星期都有一天晚上,一群首席执行长要在曼哈顿的一个精神科专家的办公室里碰头,参加一种古老的仪式。 cn.wsj.com 8. She alleges she was driven to a doctor's office and an abortion was arranged for her at the behest of Casablanca. 之后她就被带往医生办公室,那里已经以卡萨布兰卡的名义给她安排好了坠胎事宜。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. Back in San Francisco, Malcom opens the door to Thorne's office and sees him sitting at a computer console with Arby and Kelly. 回到了旧金山,马尔克打开斯诺办公室的门,看见他正坐在电脑前,安慰着艾比和凯莉。 word.hcbus.com 10. I returned to the White House from a fund-raiser at about 11 p. m. and went to Leon's office to hear the grim message. 晚上约11点,我从一场募捐会返回到白宫,我去了列昂的办公室,听到了这个令人不愉快的消息。 www.bing.com 1. Back in Mr. Grayson's office, the detective told him to ask Miss Winthrop to take some dictation the next morning at 9: 45. 回到格雷森先生的办公室,侦探告诉他让温思罗普小姐在第二天早上9:45做个口述记录。 www.zftrans.com 2. As a precaution, they took the President to a place in the White House nobody even knew existed -- Joe Biden's office. 为了以防万一,他们把总统带到了白宫里一个没有人知道它存在的地方——乔·拜登的办公室。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Speaking by telephone to the BBC in an interview organised by the president's office, Mr Yar'Adua said he was making a good recovery. 再一次由总统办公室组织的BBC记者采访中总统发言,他现在正在康复中。 www.bing.com 4. Still, there are concerns about how much influence the governor's office could have on the new parole board. 但是,还是有些人关注州政府对于新的假释委员会的影响力。 www.bing.com 5. RALPH HARRIS: (laughs) Thatcher's office came on and said could she come and drop in to see him. 拉尔夫。哈里斯:(笑)撒切尔的办公室人员来到说她可否来顺道拜访他。 blog.tianya.cn 6. Mr Domenici would love to see Mr Obama and Congress share the same urgency he felt as he walked into Reagan's office in 1982. Domenici乐于看到奥巴马和国会与他共同处理紧急事件,正如在1982年走进里根的办公室。 www.bing.com 7. When was the last time you left the doctor's office without a prescription, test or referral? 离最近一次你离开医生的办公室,却不用带走药方、进行体检或者转诊是什么时候? www.bing.com 8. s office. Joint efforts of a group of general practitioners in obtaining such a slit lamp may reinforce the diagnosis in general practice. 的共同努力下,一组普通医生在获得这样一个裂隙灯可以加强诊断的一般做法。 www.syyxw.com 9. In the afternoon, when Lisa and I were about to leave, we passed by the path leading to Li Hua's office. 下午参观完准备离开时,我和丽萨经过了通往L办公室的小路。 www.bing.com 10. The investigation comes as opposition politicians say Prime Minister Naoto Kan's office appeared to have meddled in the recovery operation. 就在调查进行的同时,反对派政界人士说首相菅直人(NaotoKan)的办公室曾试图干涉核电站的救灾工作。 c.wsj.com 1. Just now a well- built young man was forced to enter the policemen's office, with his hands tied on his back . 刚才有一个体格健壮的年轻人手被捆着押进了警察的办公室。 www.bing.com 2. "It's not just a building; it's a therapeutic environment, " said Steven Baron, M. S. W. , director of the city's Office of Mental Health. “这不仅仅是一栋建筑物;也是治疗性环境,”StevenBaron社会福利学硕士、本市精神卫生局局长谈到。 www.bing.com 3. But a few weeks later Woodle was called to his boss's office on a Friday afternoon and fired without explanation, beyond "insubordination. " 然而,几周后的一个星期五下午,伍德尔被他的上司叫到办公室并被告之他被解雇了,而且除了“不服从上级”这点之外没有其他任何解雇理由。 www.bing.com 4. Editor's Note: Mr. Collier is an independent China analyst and the former president of the Bank of China International's U. S. office. 编者按:AndrewCollier是一位独立的中国分析师,此前曾任中银国际美国办事处的负责人。 c.wsj.com 5. To be proficient with all computer software used in the General Manager's Office. 了解并熟练操作总经理办公室所有电脑软件的使用; www.lietou.com 6. I entered the hotel manager's office and sat down. I had just lost $50 and I felt very upset. 我走进饭店经理的办公室,坐了下来。我刚刚丢了50英镑,感到非常烦恼。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The company's Office software, where it has no significant competition, grew 21 percent, to $5. 25 billion. 微软Office软件收入增长21%,至52.5亿美元。该领域微软几乎不存在强大竞争对手。 www.bing.com 8. An autopsy may be performed as early as Friday as the cause of the heart attack is unknown, according to local coroner's office. 当地验尸官办公室表示,由于引发心脏病的具体原因不明,最早将在当地时间26日进行尸检。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. From The Economist's office on the eighth floor it feels, for a moment, like an earthquake. 在第八层的经济学家办公室里,有一会儿感觉像是地震来了。 www.ecocn.org 10. To this end, the company convened a general manager's office meeting, a thematic discussion over whether the business. 中咨公司为此召开了总经理办公会,专题讨论是否承接该项业务。 www.showxiu.com 1. 'Forget this, ' I said, and headed over to the building where Einstein's office was. ‘忘了这些’,我跟自己说,于是我就转而去了爱因斯坦的办公室。 www.bing.com 2. I never know when my subway car is going to stall or when I'm going to have to wait at the dentist's office. 我可不知道何时我坐的地铁车厢什么时候会停下,或者,什么时候要在牙医诊所中进行等候。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. So now there's a living room full of guys. It was like the waiting room in the doctor's office. 在客厅围满了人,就好像是在医生诊所的候诊室里一样。 www.ted.com 4. Solana's office says the two agreed to continue their conversation in another call within the next few days. 办公室人员称双方同意在未来几天继续他们的电话交谈。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. I had gone into a supervisor's office to talk about a couple of issues that needed to be addressed. 我走进一位主管的办公室,和她讨论一些需要处理的事情。 hi.baidu.com 6. But a few weeks later he was called into his boss's office to be quizzed. His company had seen the e-mail. 但在几周之后,他被叫到老板的办公室接受质问。他的公司已经看到了这封电子邮件。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Google said it continued to "work co-operatively with the commission" . Mr Almunia's office declined to comment. 谷歌表示,它将继续“与欧盟委员会展开合作”。阿尔穆尼亚的办公室不愿置评。 www.ftchinese.com 8. but the practice seems to have become too wide-ranging and feels improper in today's office setting. 但是这种行为似乎已经变得太宽泛,并且在当下的办公室环境中不合适了。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. An administration staffer who answered the phone at Wu's office said the director was not accepting interviews. 一位接听吴壮办公室电话的公务员声称吴主任不会接受采访。 www.bing.com 10. According to the custom of the priest's office, his lot was to burn incense when he went into the temple of the Lord. 照祭司的规矩掣签,得进主殿烧香。 www.ebigear.com 1. A spokesman for the Indian prime minister's office said he had no immediate comment. 印度总理办公室发言人称暂无评论。 c.wsj.com 2. As she sat in the waiting room of the doctor's office, Bridget leafed through a magazine. 坐在诊所等候的时候,布丽姬特随手拿起一本杂志翻了翻。 www.bing.com 3. If all goes well in the doctor's office, the Rockets will be ready to blast off in mid - April. 如果所有家伙在医生办公室里进展良好,那么火箭队将在四月中旬点火起飞。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. A priest with a lot of prestige was on the way to his dentist's office when he came upon a group of adolescents. 一个很有威信的传教士再去看牙医得路上遇到了一群少年。 www2.ouc.edu.cn 5. I took him to Philip's office yesterday for a checkup. You should have seen the look on his face when Molly gave him the injection. 我昨天带他去菲利普的诊室里去检查身体。当莫莉给他注射的时候,他脸上的那表情,可惜你没看见。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. My legal counsel, Sam Bratton, who had been with me in the attorney general's office, was also an expert in education law. 我的法律顾问是我当检察长时曾在办公室任职的萨姆.布拉顿,他是教育法律方面的专家。 www.bing.com 7. Jennifer unexpectedly shows up at Brian's office with Justin's belongings and tells Brian he is now responsible for her son's welfare. 詹妮弗出人意料地出现在布赖恩的办公室,带着贾斯汀的私人物品,要布赖恩现在起对她的儿子负责。 happygolucky2006.spaces.live.com 8. The CIA's Office of Research and Development created this camera that was small and light enough to be fitted to a pigeon. 中情局研发办公室发明了这种可以由鸽子携带的小巧轻便的照相机。 bbs.icxo.com 9. The second day out with it on, I was stopped in the dentist's office and asked where I got my beautiful skin! 第二天与它,我在牙医的办公室被停止了并且被问我何处得到了我美丽的皮肤! www.yicike.com 10. Just as in a dentist's office, as long as the area is strictly sanitized, your chances for infection will be greatly reduced. 像在牙医诊所一样,如果场合被严厉消毒,你感染疾病的几率就会大大降低。 blog.zol.com.cn 1. A spokeswoman for the Los Angeles District Attorney's office told the BBC that so far nothing had been filed against Dr Murray. 洛杉矶地区律师事务所的一位女发言人告诉BBC说,目前还没有任何对莫里不利的文件记录在案。 bbs.ebigear.com 2. However, Rubaie read a response from the prime minister's office that said the visit had been official. 但今天主审法官宣读了来自总理办公室的回复,称布什的访问是正式的。 www.bing.com 3. The business case should be a living representation of the objectives of the project, not fodder for a dusty shelf in the CIO's office. 业务案例应当成为项目目标的一个鲜活的展现,而非CIO办公室那尘封已久的书架的摆放品。 www.bing.com 4. The ombudsman's office said the authorities at first thought they were dealing with a hoax. 申诉专员办公室表示,一开始当局认为这可能是一个恶作剧。 www.bing.com 5. But, as a video posted by Mr Perry's office on YouTube showed, he did not stop there. 但正如佩里办公室上传到YouTube上的一段视频所显示的那样,佩里并没有到此为止。 www.ftchinese.com 6. We have come to know your name and address from the Commercial Counselor's Office of the Chinese Embassy in London. 我们是从中国驻伦敦大使馆的商务参赞处得到贵公司的名称和地址的。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Imagine the path from your cubicle to the coffee machine or to your boss's office (it shouldn't be hard to choose). 想象从你的隔间到咖啡机,或者到你老板的办公室(这不难选吧)。 www.bing.com 8. Tuesday afternoon, she was sent to hand in a plan to the general manager's office. 星期二下午,她被派往总经理办公室去送交一份计划。 www.jukuu.com 9. Liverpool's star-stuck players queued outside Benitez's office to have their pictures taken with one of the world's greatest players. 利物浦的球星们在贝尼特斯办公室外排成长队,为了与这名世界上最伟大的球星合影留念。 www.lfcbbs.com 10. Perry's office is still fighting the release of at least 10 e-mails about his temporary residence. 现在,派瑞的办公室一直在忙着处理十封以上的有关其临时住所的邮件。 www.bing.com 1. Mr Cameron's office said he and Mr Obama were "united in their view that Egypt now needed a comprehensive process of political reform" . 卡梅隆首相办公室说卡梅隆首相和奥巴马总统已经“一致的认为埃及现在需要全面的政治改革进程。” www.bing.com 2. 'You know, ' he adds, 'I always say, this is the only doctor's office where if you can't move, you're happy. ' “你知道的,”他跟着说:“我总是说,这是独一无二的医生的办公室,在这里如果你不能活动,你会很高兴的。” www.bing.com 3. Betsey Wright had done such a good job with the campaign that I was convinced she could manage the governor's office. 贝琪.赖特在管理我的竞选活动的过程中表现非常出色,我相信她有能力掌管州长办公室。 www.bing.com 4. Last week, the secretary-general's office rejected Taiwan's application for membership before it was discussed by the General Assembly. 上个星期,联合国秘书长办公室在把台湾的申请提交联合国大会讨论之前将之退回。 www.way2english.com 5. It was only a few weeks after my surgery, and I went to Dr. Belt's office for a checkup. It was just after my first chemotherapy treatment. 在做完手术的几个星期后,刚刚做完我的第一次化疗,我前往贝尔特医生的办公室做身体检查。 www.bing.com 6. I saw him walk out of the boss's office like the cat that just ate the canary. 我刚看到他从老板的办公室出来,开心极了。 bbs.24en.com 7. An adviser to the Canadian Prime Minister's office has called on national television for me to be assassinated. 加拿大总理办公室的顾问在国家电视台呼吁刺杀我。 www.china.org.cn 8. They were the beautiful twelve-year-old blond girl and her mother he had seen in Woltz's office that morning. 她们就是那个漂亮的十一二岁女孩子和她的母亲,正是那天早晨他看到的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. "Operation Mocking Bird" was an initiative of the CIA's Office of Special Projects (OSP), established in the early 1950s. “百舌鸟行动”是中央情报局特别项目办公室在1950年代早期发起建立的。 www.bing.com 10. A spokesman from Mr Chen's office said the former president would attend court hearings but would remain silent. 陈水扁办公室的一名发言人表示,这位前总统仍将出席庭审,但将保持沉默。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Several of the Arab countries represented in the President's office needed the United States to fend off threats from rapacious neighbors. 有几个阿拉伯国家派人到总统办公室声称,它们需要美国的援助,来抵挡贪得无厌的邻国的威胁。 2. I spoke with a woman in the bursar's office, and she assured me you can receive a full refund on the deposit you paid toward my first year. 我和财务处的一位女士谈过了,她保证他们能够全额偿还您第一年给我支付的学费。 www.bing.com 3. Most of the time, treatment can be handled at the doctor's office or a clinic, and the child will be given oral antibiotics. 罗马诺博士这样说。绝大部分情况下,在医生的办公室或者诊所里就可以治疗;一般都会要求孩子口服抗生素。 kk.dongxi.net 4. Flashback to Michael's office, he's sitting at his desk looking over the schematics for a set of bleachers. 镜头闪回到Michael的办公室,他坐在办公台前研究着一组看台的结构图。 www.bing.com 5. Sunday's statement from President Karzai's office did not say if the two discussed the criticisms. 卡尔扎伊办公室星期天的声明没有说两位领导人是否讨论了这些批评意见。 www.ebigear.com 6. It is the Buckingham Palace that the British Queen's office building is called. 英国女王的办公大楼被称作白金汉宫。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Though, if I'm Nokia, I would be making a beeline to Zuckerberg's office right about now. 然而如果我是诺基亚我就会马上造一个直接通向Zuckerberg办公室的线路。 www.bing.com 8. The next morning, after a restless night of worries, the landlord set out to drive to the city marshal's office. 第二天早晨,经过一个心事重重的不眠之夜,房东驱车前去市警长办事处。 www.jukuu.com 9. A similar annual checkup takes place in another type of practitioner's office: financial planners. 另一种类似的年度检查是在金融顾问的事务所里进行的。 www.bing.com 10. Scene: Chandler's Office. Chandler is playing with a toy as his boss Mr. Douglas knocks and opens the door. 场景:钱勒的办公室。钱勒在玩一个玩具,老板敲门走进来。 floratang.blogdriver.com 1. Then he took the saber and followed the two messengers to Kao Ch'iu's office. 拿了那口刀,随这两个承局往太尉府去了。 www.zftrans.com 2. Jesse: Same here. Let's go to the counselor's office together then. To be honest, I'm feeling just as lost as you are. 杰西:我也一样。那么我们一起去辅导员的办公室吧。老实说,我和你一样感到很迷茫。 www.joyen.net 3. This about your damn keys? It's about something he took from the director's office. 就因为你那该死的钥匙?是关于他从主任办公室偷走的东西。 www.b2b99.com 4. "The initial reasons Burr's office gave for opposing the Act was that smooth dogfish are unique, " Toomey said. “Burr的办公室一开始反对该法案的原因是大星鲨的稀有性,”Toomey说。 www.bing.com 5. Since Jerry's office is only a few floors away, he confirms that he will take care of it. 自杰里的办公室是只有少数楼层的距离,他证实,他会照顾它。 www.ruanti.org 6. This research was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy's Office of Science, through its Basic Energy Sciences programs. 该研究由美国科技能源部科技办公室的基础能源科学项目提供资助。 www.dxy.cn 7. The gang emerges from underground with Scylla to Pad Man's office. The Company is locked down while they are locked in the office. 迈可一伙带着“锡拉”从地下室上到“将军”的办公室。“公司”实行了封锁措施,他们被困在了办公室里。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. At least, that's what the saleswoman at a bookstore near Aviad's office told him. 至少书店的女店员是这么告诉他的。 www.bing.com 9. A spokesman for the Los Angeles City Attorney's Office said the case was under review. 洛杉矶城市检察官办公室发言人表示,目前案件正在审查当中。 www.bing.com 10. Run up and down the stairs with each load of laundry, get up and change the channel, and walk to your co-worker's office instead of calling. 拿着待洗的衣服上下楼梯,跟同事商量工作时,起身走到同事的办公室而不是打电话。 www.bing.com 1. She was furious, but cool headed enough to avoid storming into the boss's office. 她很生气,但足够冷静,没有怒气冲冲闯进老板的办公室。 www.hicoo.net 2. In a press release, Ms. Ortiz's office said that Mr. Swartz broke into a restricted area of M. I. T. and entered a computer wiring closet. 在新闻发布会上,Ortiz女生说Swartz闯入了M.I.T.的限制区域并进入了一个计算机配线室。 dongxi.net 3. The Charles County sheriff's office said a man called 911 and made up a story about being robbed so that he could get a ride home. 查尔斯郡警长办公室表示,一名男子打911电话报案,捏造一则遭抢劫的故事,以便他可以搭车回家。 english.tw 4. The men targeted two other corporations, the U. S. attorney's office in New Jersey said in the statement, without naming those companies. 驻新泽西洲美国律师事务所在声明中称,这三人还将另两家公司作为目标,但未透露公司名称。 cn.reuters.com 5. Cases involving criminal allegations are referred to the attorney general's office. 设计到刑事指控案件要提交到检察官办公室。 www.bing.com 6. He learnt of the proposed acquisition from overhearing conservations in the bank's office, according to court documents. 根据法庭文件描述,他在里昂证券的办公室里无意中听到了拟议中的收购信息。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Kostya rose from his seat and walked the length of the bar to Skinny Zyama's office. 克斯特亚从座位上站起来,不慌不忙地穿过酒吧,朝瘦子季曼的办公室走去。 www.bing.com 8. Staff from Sen. Joe Lieberman's office contacted Amazon Tuesday asking why the company was providing Web hosting services for WikiLeaks. 美国参议员利伯曼(JoeLieberman)办公室的职员周二联系到亚马逊公司,询问他们向维基解密提供网络管理服务的原因。 c.wsj.com 9. Rich watched the couple pick up mail for neighbors who were out of town. He saw them drive friends to a store or doctor's office. Rich还看到这对夫妇帮助出城的邻居取邮件,开车带朋友去商店或诊疗室。 www.bing.com 10. Steve tried to be friendly, "Hi! my name is Steve Wang. " he said, " I work in Mr. Li's office . " 史蒂夫试图表示友好,「嗨,我的名字叫史蒂夫。」他说,「我在李先生的办公室工作。」 1. On Tuesday, the prosecutor's office did not lodge an appeal against the move. 周二,检察官办公处没有对MichelleMartin的要求提出上诉。 www.tingclass.com 2. Contacted from Rome, Martinelli's office said the bishop had left Tripoli for Tunis. 同罗马联系之后,Martinelli的办公室称他已经离开利比亚首都前往突尼斯 dongxi.net 3. Spitzer's office maintains that these and other claims made by the company violate the state's false advertising and general business laws. 斯皮策办公室认为公司的这些说法违反了纽约州的广告欺诈法和商业法。 www.oag.state.ny.us 4. A woman named Emily renewing her driver's license at the County Clerk's office was asked by the woman recorder to state her occupation. 一位名叫埃米莉的妇女在县办事处给驾驶执照续期时,一名女记录员问及她的职业。 www.bing.com 5. The lunch can be at a near-by restaurant, in the company cafeteria, or in the CEO's office. 午餐地址可选在附近的餐馆,公司食堂或在CEO的办公室。 www.hjenglish.com 6. In use, a digital camera first takes pictures of the retina at a primary care physician's office or other remote clinical site. 在使用时,首先,在初级护理医师的办公室或者其他远程诊所站点使用电子照相机采集视网膜图像。 www.bing.com 7. The year before he arrived, students made more than 250 visits to the principal's office; order had to be restored. 在他来之前的那一年,学生们250多次造访校长办公室,不得不恢复秩序。 www.bing.com 8. Everybody took a hit; even Hillary's office would be smaller than Barbara Bush's, though she would take on greater responsibilities. 每个人都受到了冲击;甚至连希拉里的工作人员也要比芭芭拉.老布什少,尽管她身上的职责要比芭芭拉大得多。 www.bing.com 9. The Lark sat the same chair in the Hare's office at the appointed time in the next morning as she sat yesterday. 百灵鸟第二天一早如约又坐到了兔子办公室的同一把椅子上。 hi.baidu.com 10. Back in 2010, news about Putin's alleged future son-in-law heated up the local media and Putin's office formally dismissed the rumor. 2010年,有关普京未来女婿的报道就曾遭到当地媒体炒作,普京的办公室随后正式否认了这一谣言。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Someone must drive you home and then back to the surgeon's office the next day. 请让人开车送你回家,并让他第二天送你回外科医生的办公室复诊。 www.bing.com 2. He often goes to his boss's office alone and kisses ass of his boss. His fellow workers call him an ass-kisser. 他经常自己去老板的办公室给老板拍马屁,别人都说他是个马屁精。 www.51lunwen.org 3. As promised, I did not look back, but by the time I reached the custom's office I was sobbing. 正如我说保证过的,我没有回头看,但是当我走到海关办公室的时候,我却已经哽咽了。 edu.taisha.org 4. And the people he sends them to must use a similarly secure phone, and must have had clearance from the White House counsel's office. 他发给邮件的人必须也适用类似的安全手机,而且必须有白宫的许可证。 www.bing.com 5. A display of a dentist's office inside a Jenin museum depicting daily Palestinian life is adjusted by a worker affiliated with the museum. 在以色列博物馆内展示着一间牙医诊所描述日常巴勒斯坦人的生活,博物馆的工作人员在做一些修整。 thehlc.cn 6. U. S. officials were visibly displeased, although the U. S. Embassy in Beijing and Mr. Biden's office had no immediate comment. 美方官员显然对此感到不快,不过美国驻华大使馆和拜登的办公室没有立即发表评论。 cn.wsj.com 7. A February report by the French labor inspector's office linked 14 France Telecom suicides directly to the company's management practices. 二月份,法国劳工检查办公室一份报告称法国电信14起自杀事件与该公司的管理有着直接的关系。 show.kekenet.com 8. At last we decided to call (up) Mr Black('s office). 最后我们决定给布莱克先生(的办公室)打电话。 www.yygrammar.com 9. The newcomer came into the manager's office for the first time and of course he felt ill at ease. 这个新来的人还是第一次走进经理的办公室,自然他有些紧张拘束。 oral.ebigear.com 10. Cutler, the head of a produce firm, climbed onto the ledge of his lawyer's office. 一家生产型企业的老板,爬上了自己的律师办公室的窗台。 word.hcbus.com 1. Watson might be listening to the patient through an electronic device in the doctor's office. 沃森就会通过放在医生办公室里面的一个电子装置听到这些描述。 www.remword.cn 2. In a televised ceremony at the president's office, Mr. Netanyahu accepted the invitation to form a ruling coalition. 在总统办公室举行的宣布仪式上,内塔尼亚胡接受了组建执政联盟的邀请。 cyggfupa.blog.163.com 3. To my surprise, you said to me, 'When I first met you, you were in the Leader's office. 而且让我感到惊喜的是,你对我说:“第一次见到你,你是在文局办公室。” www.tianya.cn 4. In the 1930s, the U. S. Office of Education began to publish materials and train teachers. 1930年代,美国教育部开始出版资料和培训教师。 www.bing.com 5. In Washington, the U. S. Trade Representative's office expressed concern over the latest announcement. 在华盛顿,美国贸易代表办公室对中国最新的公告十分担忧。 bbs.anti-cnn.com 6. However, Crick's office roommate, Dr. Sydney Brenner, recently donated boxes of his letters to the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Library. 不过,克里克的办公室同事悉尼·布伦那博士最近将装着他的信件的箱子捐赠给了冷泉港实验室图书馆。 www.bing.com 7. The governor's office and a Senate seat are up for grabs, with no incumbents running. 现任官员没有参与对州长办公室和参议院席位的争夺。 www.ecocn.org 8. Ma's office said the remark was aimed at demonstrating Taiwan's will to defend itself. 马英九的办公室称,该言论旨在表明台湾将自我防御的意愿。 c.wsj.com 9. he would scream, and young Dagwood would come rushing into the boss's office like a frightened puppy. 他常常这么大声喊叫自己的下属,而那倒霉的巴姆斯戴德,总是象只受惊吓的小狗一样赶紧跑到老板的办公室。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Will those teaching the children from abroad come to the headmaster's office? 叫那些教外国小孩的老师来校长办公室。 www.english88.com.cn 1. But then, the high volume of traffic caused it to crash frequently and for long periods of time, the mayor's office said. 此后,高流量的访问使得该网站频繁中断,这种情况甚至持续了很长一段时间,市长办公室表示。 www.xici.net 2. Another group of Web users in Beijing are preparing for a gathering in front of Google's office this evening to show support to the company. 在北京,另一群网民准备当晚在谷歌中国公司前聚会以示支持。 chinese.wsj.com 3. They also won Massachusetts, making Deval Patrick the second black man to be elected to a governor's office. 他们也赢得了马瑟诸赛州,使得帕特里克以黑人领袖身份第二次入主州政府主政。 www.ecocn.org 4. David Smith wants to make an appointment with his doctor for a physical examination. He calls the doctor's office. 大卫。史密斯打算找他的医生做一次体检,因此他给医生办公室打了个电话。 m.sina.com.cn 5. Many chemotherapy treatments are given on an outpatient basis (in the doctor's office or clinic), but some require hospital admission. 许多化学治疗在门诊给予(在医生办公室或门诊),但是一些需要住院。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. ' Li Tongzhong led Liu Shitou out of the meeting room and into the party secretary's office. 李铜钟拉着刘石头,走出会议室,钻进了书记屋。 www.zftrans.com 7. As a father, few things are more embarrassing than being called to the principal's office because your child was caught cheating on a test. 对一个父亲来说,没有什么比因为自己的孩子考试作弊被抓到而被请到校长办公室来得更尴尬。 www.bing.com 8. It was on the doorstep of the governor's office that his desperation finally exploded, unleashing his agonising personal protest. 终于,他的愤懑在省政府门前喷薄而出,一场痛苦的个人抗争爆发了。 www.ftchinese.com 9. He cleaned up the General Manager's office every Saturday morning. 他每周六上午打扫总经理办公室 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Yes. But I need an extension for my paper, and my professor said I had to get special permission from the dean's office. 同意了。但我的论文需要延期,教授说我的论文须得到系办的特许。 www.chinaedu.com 1. The controller's office should make an estimate of the costs of quality to identify areas where quality improvements would be profitable . 财务部可作出估计,整间公司的品质成本为多少,并进而分析在哪些方面可作出品质改善以增加利润。 www.bing.com 2. Mr Abe's office says that no pressure was put on Mr Fukui to hold rates when he was called in last week for a friendly chat. 安倍办公室称,首相并没有在上周与福井先生的友好会谈中,就维持利率一事向他施加什么压力。 www.ecocn.org 3. As Kostya eased the van onto the street, Ivetta looked up at her mother's office, on the second floor of the Ballet Academy. 克斯特亚平稳地把车开上街头,艾薇塔抬头看着她妈妈在芭蕾舞学院二楼的办公室。 www.bing.com 4. After the televised death of a meerkat in a popular wildlife show was shown recently, the show's office was swamped by grief-stricken notes. 最近,一个深受欢迎的野生动物节目播出了一只猫鼬之死后,节目办公室收到雪片般的表示哀伤的信件。 www.ecocn.org 5. The corporate arena can be a small world, and news could get back to your supervisor's office before you do. 企业领域很小,你还没得及行动,消息有可能已经传到你主管办公室了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Becky knocks on the Warden's office door and walks in. She looks around the office but doesn't see him. Becky敲了敲狱长办公室的门,然后走了进去。她在办公室内四处查看,但都没有看见Pope。 www.bing.com 7. After he knocked the door of the manager's office, all the things are so smoothly that he couldn't believe. 敲开经理办公室的门后,一切顺利得让他不敢相信。 xiyunfan.blog.163.com 8. They were delivered by him in a speech in 1996, according to a statement from Sassou-Nguesso's office. 据萨苏-恩格索政府所说,那些话是曼德拉在1996年发表演讲时说的。 www.bing.com 9. They have come out in support of hunger strikers who have been camped outside the prime minister's office in Tirana for the past two weeks. 他们的行动是为了支持过去两周一直在地拉那总理办公室外驻扎的绝食抗议者。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Guard responsible for managing the company's office space Automotive field, bicycle parking order. 门卫负责治理公司办公场所的器汽车场、自行车停放秩序。 www.007china.com.cn 1. And institutions like the Supreme Audit Commission and the Attorney General's Office are showing newfound strength. 像最高审计委员会和总律师办公室等机构都在显示出新的威力。 web.worldbank.org 2. Mr. Greenspan's office said the former Fed chief 'regrets he won't have the time to comment. ' 格林斯潘办公室说,格老“很遗憾没有时间发表评论”。 hi.baidu.com 3. As he was taken from the prosecutor's office, Mr Chen lifted his handcuffed hands and shouted: "Political persecution. " 当陈水扁被带出检方办公室时,他举起带着手铐的双手高喊:“政治迫害。” www.ftchinese.com 4. "It was done to silence her, " Akbulatov says, speaking in Memorial's office, a colour photo of Estemirova tacked to the wall. “这是为了让她闭嘴。”在格罗兹尼的“纪念”分部办公室,阿克布拉托夫说,而他的背后,正挂着爱斯特米洛娃的大幅彩照。 www.bing.com 5. Even if colleagues have been let go, workers are often surprised when it's their turn to get called into the boss's office. 即使有同事被解雇,员工在轮到自己被叫到老板办公室的时候通常还是会感到意外。 www.ebigear.com 6. This guy goes into his dentist's office, because something is wrong with his mouth. 由于嘴里出了点问题,这家伙走进了他牙医的办公室。 www.bing.com 7. A gorgeous young girl goes into the doctor's office and said that her body hurt wherever she touched it. 一个非常漂亮的女孩走进医生办公室,说自己身上碰哪哪疼。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. He found it in a dusty cabinet in his predecessor's office at John C. Calhoun Elementary in Calhoun Hills, S. C. 在南卡罗莱纳卡尔霍恩希尔斯市约翰·C·卡尔霍恩初中他前任的办公室里布满灰尘的橱柜里,他发现了它。 www.bing.com 9. The FreedomCAR and Vehicle Technologies Program is part of the US Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. 美国能源部机动车技术计划是美国能源部能源效率和再生能源办公室的一部分。 biositemap.com 10. But every time I received the letter from the Dean's Office congratulating me on my performance, I felt it was worthwhile to work so hard. 不过,每次接到院长办公室给我的嘉许状,就觉得一切努力都是值得的。 publish.ust.hk 1. Belt's office for a checkup. It was just after my first chemotherapy treatment. 这时我刚刚结束第一个疗程的化疗。 chunxue.ourtra.com 2. Your application must be filed either with the nearest I-N-S. office outside the U-S or at a designated U-S Consulate. 你必须向美国本土外最近的移民局官员或者是指定的美国领事馆提出申请。 www.bing.com 3. Michael's tone turns sinister as he tells Pope he broke the piece because he needed to make sure he'd be allowed back into Pope's office. 他转成一副邪恶的语调告诉Pope,他早前弄断了那块部件,因为他必须要确定能够再次来到狱长办公室。 www.bing.com 4. Inside the mayor's office of a nearby village I learned that the hostel had been knocked down just 12 months before. 在邻近村子的市长办公室里,我得知客栈拆了才只有十二个月。 www.bing.com 5. We followed her through the house and into a big room. This was Mr Ross's office and he was sitting behind a desk. 我们跟着她穿过房子来到一个大房间里。这是罗斯先生的办公室,他正坐在办公桌的后面。 www.kekenet.com 6. You can come out of the doctor's office or outpatient clinic looking like you've fallen down some stairs. 你从医生的办公室或门诊诊所走出来时,看起来可能会像刚从楼梯上摔下来。 tr.bab.la 7. Mr Thaksin returned to the prime minister's office to run the country as caretaker until a fresh election could be held. 作为看守总理,他信重返政坛,直到新的大选举行。 www.ecocn.org 8. I entered the hotel manager's office and sat down. 我走进饭店经理办公室,坐了下来。 www.mdaxue.com 9. Then the pirate Modi's mom said, "Oh yes, we need to stop off at the doctor's office for a quick checkup. " 然后海盗莫迪的妈妈说:“哦,对了,我们要到医生办公室那边停一下做个快速检查。” www.hjenglish.com 10. They suspected Palpatine would soon attempt to make the Council an exclusive instrument of the Chancellor's office. 他们怀疑帕尔帕廷很快会把绝地委员会变成议长办公室的一个专属工具。 www.starwarschina.com 1. Patients get rituximab through infusion into a vein (IV) at the oncologist's office or clinic. 患者可在肿瘤专家的办公室或门诊接受静脉注入美罗华。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Sadie Thompson was to be escorted on board by a clerk in the governor's office. 赛迪·汤姆逊将由总督办公室的一名职员押送上船。 www.jukuu.com 3. He came out of the manager's office all smiles. 他笑嘻嘻的从经理室走出来。 www.xdrcpx.com 4. There was also an ice spike and footprints, said Sgt. Gerry Tiffany, spokesman for the Hood River County Sheriff's Office. 在那里还发现了一只冰鞋和脚印,胡德里弗郡警局办公室发言人格里蒂法尼说。 bbs.translators.com.cn 5. A student comes to a young professor's office hours. She glances down the hall, closes his door , kneels pleadingly . 一个学生走进一位年轻教授的办公室。她扫了一眼大厅,关上教授办公室的门,祈求地跪在地上。 www.bing.com 6. Then come with General Han for a tour of the General's Office. 还不随本将军去参观参观将军府。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. She kept her phone number unlisted and had her mail sent to her agent's office but he still managed to get notes delivered to her. 她不让电话号码入编在电话薄中,让邮件送到她的经纪人的办公室,但他还是能设法把信送到她手中。 www.bing.com 8. We learned your name and address through the Commercial Counselor's Office of the Embassy of the United States. 我们从英国大使馆商务参赞处得知了贵公司的名称和地址。 www.8875.org 9. So, of course, if you go to Hamburg's office, you'll be able to see a courtroom sketch of the jury from the biggest trial of the mid-90s. 所以如果你去Hamburg的办公室就会看到一幅法庭的素描,上面有九十年代中期规模最大的审判中的陪审团。 www.elanso.com 10. There was no comment from Mr Blair's office yesterday. 昨日布莱尔办公室对此没有发表任何评论。 www.bing.com 1. My wife collects my medications (bless her, because these would keep me alive later) and drives me to my doctor's office. 太太整理了我的治疗过程(她可真是个好人,这些内容后来救了我的命),然后载我去医生的办公室。 www.bing.com 2. I find the superintendent, give him a fifth of scotch, and he opens up Einstein's office so I can take some photos. 我找到了管理员,给了他五分之一的威士忌,他给我打开了爱因斯坦的办公室,我得以拍照。 www.bing.com 3. That PDA-like device could then be taken into a doctor's office and downloaded into a computer to analyze the results. 那种类似PDA的装置可安在医生办公室,其内资料可下载到计算机上分析结果。 news.dxy.cn 4. Police were waiting to hear from the district attorney s office before making an arrest. 目前警方正在等候区律师事务所的消息,之后方可实施逮捕。 www.qeto.com 5. The commissioner's office did not return a call seeking comment. 这位部长的办公室未回复请求置评的电话。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Noticed the newspaper's office, the corridor hang photos, decor simple and wide, readily take a few pictures. 注意到报社的办公室、走廊都有摄影作品,装修风格简洁阔朗,随手拍了几张。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. A notarized copy of your Senior Middle School Graduation Certificate and Transcripts with the chop of your school's Registrar's Office. 高中毕业证书的公证件,以及高中登记办公室加盖公章的成绩单公证件 blog.sina.com.cn 8. I'm looking for the General Manager's office. Do you know where it is? 我在找总经理办公室。你知道它在哪儿吗?。 blog.oracle.com.cn 9. "We do not confirm or discuss investigations, " the Manhattan district attorney's office said. “我们不会证实或讨论各项调查,”曼哈顿地区检察官办公室表示。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Several weeks ago, as part of an ongoing court case, I released memos issued by the previous Administration's Office of Legal Counsel. 几个星期前,在一个案件的庭审过程中,我公开了上届政府法律顾问办公室(OfficeofLegalCounsel)签发的备忘录。 www.america.gov 1. It is interesting to note that the majority of the total radiation exposure is given in the physician's office. 可以有趣的注意到大多数的放射暴露检查是在内科医生办公室开出的。 www.pet2008.cn 2. I switched on my torch and went inside. I was in a foreman's office: cabinets, desk and such still there. 我打开手电筒,进入一间原先是一位工头的办公室:有橱柜,办公桌,和一些其他诸如此类的东西。 remarks.yo2.cn 3. B: Hi, this is Sharon in Mr. Reynolds's office. One of your delivery men picked up a package here about an hour ago. 你好,我是Sharon雷若兹办事处,一个小时前你们的一个快递人在这取了快递。 bbs.24en.com 4. Lawsuits have been filed by the Attorney General's Office, district attorneys, consumer advocacy groups, and private citizens and law firms. 诉讼案件已被提交由总检察长办公室,地方检察官,消费者权益保护团体和公民个人律师事务所。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. 'Do it at a time when you are not highly emotional, ' Ms. Kay says. 'Don't go into the boss's office and scream or yell. ' 凯伊说,“要在你情绪稳定的时候谈,千万不要冲进老板的办公室里大叫大嚷。” chinese.wsj.com 6. For the rest of my time in Arkansas, he was involved in all my campaigns and the work of the governor's office. 从此以后,我在阿肯色州的所有竞选活动乃至州长办公室的工作,他都参与其中。 www.bing.com 7. Marco Ventura, spokesman for the prime minister's office, flatly denied there would be an audio link. 总理办公室发言人马可-文图拉(MarcoVentura)坚决否认会有音频连线。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The U. S. Attorney's Office in Brooklyn, New York, has been investigating the funds' collapse, sources have previously told Reuters. 有消息人士曾向路透表示,美国政府律师办公室已围绕这两支基金的的破产展开调查。 cn.reuters.com 9. He said that he was hoping for another list from the Prime Minister's office that day. 他告诉我们,他和我们一样也在期待当日总理即将公布的其他收养名单。 www.bing.com 10. First, a woman swallows a pill in the doctor's office or clinic that stops the pregnancy from growing. 首先,妇女在医生办公室或诊所服用药丸,阻止胚胎增大。 www.bing.com |
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