单词 | storeroom |
释义 |
复数:storerooms n. larder,pantry,store,room,cupboard 例句释义: 贮藏室,储藏室,库房,仓库 1. The architecture is the same, with that huge vaulted ceiling, but our theme this time was to make it more of a huge storeroom. 该架构是相同的,与巨大的拱形天花板,但这个时候我们的主题是让更多的一个巨大的储藏室。 club.52harrypotter.com 2. She imagined it had once been used as a storeroom; anyway, it was now quite forgotten. 她想它以前可能是个小仓库,反正现在被人完全遗忘了。 3. They decided to turn their shelter into a storeroom. 他们决定把防空洞改造成储藏室。 www.bing.com 4. If he hadn't been cleaning the storeroom, he would not be so tired. 要不是一直在打扫仓库,他现在就不至于这样疲劳了。 qkzz.net 5. the product should be in cool, dry inside storeroom storage, effective storage period is half a year. 本产品应在阴凉、干燥的库房内贮存,有效贮存期为半年。 www.metalnews.cn 6. Ethan went through the storeroom , crossed the alley , and knocked on the back door of the bank . 伊坦穿过栈房,走到巷子对面,敲敲银行的后门。 www.bing.com 7. She went into the small storeroom behind their house and brought out some dried corn. With the bird and the corn she made a delicious soup. 老人来到屋后那间狭小的储藏室,取出一些干燥的包谷。用小鸟和包谷熬出了鲜汤。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Two microwaves are used for reheating, but the electric spice-grinder and liquidiser are mostly kept in their boxes in a storeroom. 有两个微波炉被用来为菜重新加热,但电动香料研磨机和榨汁机大多数情况下都放在储藏室的箱子里。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 9. On the day of the festival I disappeared from class during playtime, went into the storeroom and changed into 'fairy' costume. 节日那天,趁着游戏时间,我从课堂上消失,走进储藏室,换成“仙女”打扮。 site.douban.com 10. the drug storeroom as many chemical reagents are flammable, explosive, toxic or corrosive substances, so do not buy too much. 药品储藏室由于很多化学试剂属于易燃、易爆、有毒或腐蚀性物品,故不要购置过多。 www.cnqr.org 1. This floor was on an even height with the roof of the church, and it was used as a storeroom. 塔楼的这一层与教堂的顶部齐平,用作储藏室,散乱地堆放着许多古老信仰的圣像。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Mrs. tittlemouse went on her way to a distant storeroom, to fetch cherry stones and thistledown seed for dinner. 小不点鼠太太继续走向一个很远的储藏室,去取出樱桃核和轻软毛毛蓟种子做晚餐。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. To ensure the hotel main entrance and lobby area and concierge counter, storeroom, trolley is clean at all times. 时刻保持酒店入口、大堂、礼宾台、行李房和行李车的清洁。 job.veryeast.cn 4. The International Books Culture Mansion --The Remodeling of a Books Storeroom for China International Books Trade Head Co. 国图文化大厦--中国国际图书贸易总公司仓库改造。 www.bing.com 5. transactions that take place in the storeroom. 发生在库房的交易。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Without a word he led way into a narrow corridor, at the end of which stood a storeroom. 他一言不发的领着我们走进了一条窄窄的走廊,尽头是一间储藏室。 liu-jing.lj.blog.163.com 7. The conceptions and measures of little population, moving boundary, genetic storeroom and son-space are adopted in the little population GA. 小规模遗传算法采用较小的群体规模、动态变量约束、基因库、子空间等概念和措施。 www.juhe8.com 8. It was a long, nightmarish climb, but at last they reached the main storeroom. 这个过程可真是又费时,又象恶梦似的,不过最后,他们到了最上面一层的主贮藏室。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Mrs. Tittlemouse had eaten the acorns before Christmas; the storeroom ought to have been empty. 点点鼠太太在圣诞节以前就吃完了橡子,那间储藏室应该早就空了。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Objective To discuss the medical consumable materials and its storeroom management techniques. 目的:探讨医用耗材及其库房管理技术。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 1. Hanging Belt - At the school's equipment storeroom (lost property office), photograph the ghost by the belt hanging from a hook on the wall. 挂带,就在失物存放室里,挂在墙上,拍照就能发现鬼魂,见下图。 www.gotaobaowang.com 2. The Clinical Investigation of Improving the Air Conditions of Sterile Storeroom by Air Supervision. 空气监测提高无菌贮存室空气质量的临床研究。 www.ilib.cn 3. Storeroom Not wanting to frighten the poor man , Mrs Richards quickly hid in the small storeroom under the stairs . 理查兹夫人不想吓唬这个可怜的人,便赶紧躲到了楼梯下的小储藏室里。 www.bing.com 4. Maintain the cleanliness and neatness of the U & L room and storeroom. 保持制服室,布草间以及库房的干净与整洁。 www.61hr.com 5. Exhibition fair, show , celebration meeting, banquet in the open air, fight danger and disaster, do exercises outdoor, temporary storeroom . 展览展销、庆典集会、露天宴会、抗险救灾、野外作业、临时库房。 www.bing.com 6. The workshop and storeroom in the coking plant was corrupted seriously by the ammonium thiosulphate in the steel enterprises. 在冶金企业中,焦化的厂房及库房受硫铵的腐蚀较为严重。 www.chemyq.com 7. Responsible for registration of storeroom, and ensure consistency of accounting, physical inventory and cards. 负责库房的相应的登帐工作,保证帐、物、卡相符; www.010so.com 8. The storeroom is an untidy mess but I'll soon knock it into shape. 储藏室里乱七八糟,但我会马上把它整理好的。 www.tdict.com 9. She fetched soft soap, and flannel, and a new scrubbing brush from the storeroom. 她从储藏室里取出了软皂、法兰绒巾和一个新的硬毛刷。 www.languagepractitioner.com 10. OBJECTIVE: To establish a standardized quality control system in hospital medical supply storeroom. 前言:目的:探讨建立医院药库质量管理的规范化体系。 www.chemyq.com 1. Keep the storeroom clean and tidy. Regularly examine the facilities in the store. Timely report to the superior when problems found. 确保库房干净、整齐,定期检查库内设施,如发现问题及时向上级主管汇报。 www.6eat.com 2. Not wanting to frighten the poor man, she quickly hid in the small storeroom under the stairs. 为了不吓住这个可怜的人,她赶紧躲到了楼梯下面的小储藏室里。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. A place where goods are stored, especially a building in a fort or a storeroom on a warship where ammunition is kept. 仓库:储藏货物的地方,尤指军事要塞中的建筑物或者军舰上存放军火的房间。 www.fane.cn 4. The assistant rooms include: diet room, asepsis storeroom, preparation room, office and meeting room. 辅助用房包括:配膳室、无菌储物间、配液中心,办公室、会议室。 wenku.baidu.com 5. They were then lost and resurfaced in the storeroom at the Iraqi prime minister's office. 后来神秘失踪,在伊拉克总理办公室的库房再次出现。 www.tingclass.com 6. The physics department keeps its laboratory supplies in a storeroom. 物理系把实验用品存放在一个储藏室里。 www.hxen.com 7. Requisition all necessary supplies and transport from storeroom to restaurant. 从库房领取餐厅必须物品。 www.018tv.com 8. Update stock cards on all items in the storeroom, ensuring that the prescribed par stock is maintained. 更新仓库所有物品的卡片以保证存货记录地连续性。 job.veryeast.cn 9. Assist the Bell Captain in keeping the storeroom clean and tidy especially luggage trolley upkeep. 协助礼宾部领班保持行李房的整洁和行李车的干净。 jobs.zhaopin.com 10. I walked on battered floorboards towards the main storeroom. 我行走在碎裂的地板上,朝主储藏室走去。 remarks.yo2.cn 1. Ensure that goods are promptly moved to the storeroom or department concerned. 确保将货物及时和妥善地存放到仓库或相关部门。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The storeroom will have a spoilage form filled in by the bartender and signed by the outlet manager once the spoiled bottle is seen. 发现有报损的饮料后仓库将得到一份由吧员填写然后餐厅经理签字确认的报损单。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Paints in paint room to be moved to Hazard Storeroom. 油漆房油漆需移至危险品仓库。 wenku.baidu.com 4. The bartender will return the beverage to the storeroom and will receive a one for one on each item. 吧员将归还客人退回的饮料到仓库,进行一对一的更换。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Strengthen the management of the drug storeroom, Assurethe safety of the medication. 加强药库管理确保用药安全。 www.ilib.cn 6. the thefts from the storeroom? It's a bad business, and everybody is suspect. 你听说贮藏室被窃之事吗?真是一件不幸的事,结果人人受到怀疑。 www.jukuu.com 7. Usually the ground floor is the kitchen, the second floor serves as a storeroom and the third and upper floors are bedrooms. 一楼是厨房,二楼是存储间,三楼以上是卧室。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The property bull heads in Hazard Storeroom are inflammable materials, need to contact with Union to remove. 危险品仓库的牛头道具属易燃品,需联系工会移走。 wenku.baidu.com 9. MM: Hiding in a storeroom, halfling? ? Come out here and face me! 躲在储藏室里吗,半身人??出来和我较量! www.anetcity.com 10. If you're inside take cover in a basement or storeroom shelter. 如果你在地下室里面或者储藏室里。 www.pep.com.cn 1. Coordinate with the storeroom to check, code and issue the uniforms. 配合库房搞好入库验收、编号和发放工作。 bbs.6eat.com 2. Obtain requisitioned goods from the storeroom. 从仓库接取物品。 www.tourjob.net 3. We should prohibit the establishment of the spermatozoon storeroom for the commercial purposes. 必须严格规范精子库的建立,禁止其商业炒作。 www.chemyq.com 4. Obtains requested items from storeroom. 从仓库内领取物品。 jobs.zhaopin.com 5. Control storeroom orders and issue all china, silver and glass. 控制储藏室的发货及分发瓷器,银器和玻璃器皿。 www.61hr.com 6. Why should the beverage be exchanged with the storeroom? 为什么饮料要和仓库更换? wenku.baidu.com 7. Is neighboring what with the laundry room is food storeroom. 与洗衣房相邻的是食品储藏室。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. The storeroom was choked with furniture. 储藏室塞满了家具。 wenwen.soso.com 9. A room or space, such as a cellar or storeroom, with arched walls and ceiling, especially when underground. 储藏室;地下室;地窖:房间或空间,如地下室或储藏间等,有拱形的墙壁或天花板,尤指地下的。 b8.0591book.com 10. She carted the rest to the English department storeroom. 其他的全部送给了英文系图书室。 www.bing.com 1. Amazing Emma : Ghost in the Storeroom? 小侦探艾玛之储藏室有鬼?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The storeroom held the trunks and other household stuff. 储藏室里放着衣箱及其它家用物品。 www.kekenet.com 3. There are many good things in domestic, but all in storeroom. 国内是有很多好的,可都在库房里。 hfsword.com 4. I'll just check if there are any more in the storeroom. 我要核实一下仓库里是否还有存货。 www.oiohelp.com 5. The factory takes up 16327 square meter, workroom 5000 square meter, bleachery10000 square meter, storeroom 1400 square meter. 工厂占地16327平方米,生产车间5000平方米,晾晒场地10000平方米,仓库1400平方米。 www.rich8.com 6. There is lots more sugar in the storeroom. 储藏室有更多的糖。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. But the function of energy storeroom is that they use art proficiently and this is process complement each other. 而这个能量库所能起到的作用是对艺术运用到炉火纯青的程度,这个是相辅相成的过程。 www.baike.com 8. The storeroom has a volume of 4, 000 cubic feet. 这储藏室的容积是4000立方英尺。 www.24en.com 9. Probe into the Pharmacological Undergraduate Course Teaching and the Examination from the Storeroom of National Examination Questions 药理学本科教学与国家题库考试初探 scholar.ilib.cn 10. If want make it to enter type bathhouse , be not worth the 5 small storeroom of smooth rice, the proposal is chosen " L " the chest of form; 不足5平米的小储藏室如要做成步入式更衣室,建议选用“L”形的衣柜; dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The Connection Between Yield and Fountain-storeroom along with its Meaning in High Yield 产量与源库的关系及其在作物高产中的意义 www.ilib.cn 2. Investigation on acute poisoning due to ammonia leak in a refrigeratory storeroom 一起冷库氨泄漏导致氨中毒事故调查分析 ilib.cn 3. Discussion on risk assessment of unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine storeroom 偏二甲肼燃料库危险性评价方法探讨 service.ilib.cn 4. An intelligence controlled air conditioning system based on environment parameters of a tobacco storeroom 一种基于环境参数烟叶库空调系统的智能控制 www.ilib.cn 5. Several Opinions about Informational Resources Storeroom Construction at Middle and Grade Schools 中小学信息资源库建设的几点认识 www.ilib.cn 6. The Controlled Blasting Demolition for Framework Storeroom of Light Roof and Large Span 轻型屋面大跨度框架结构库房控爆拆除 scholar.ilib.cn 7. Information Construction about Teaching-materials Sample Storeroom of College 高校教材样本库的信息化建设 www.ilib.cn 8. The Practice and Experience of Carrying out the Drug Storeroom Management Model of Three Levels by Network 运用网络手段推行三级药库管理模式的实践与体会 www.ilib.cn 9. The application of computer in the film storeroom 's administration of the radiation department 计算机在放射科片库管理中的应用 www.ilib.cn 10. Discussion on Establishing the Test Questions Storeroom of Machinery- building Foundation Curriculum in our University 谈我校机械制造基础课程试题库建设 ilib.cn 1. Design of Alarm System about Burnable Gas at Oil Storeroom and Its Application 油库可燃气体报警系统设计与应用 www.ilib.cn 2. Constructing Engine Freezing Storeroom, Keeping Fresh and Storage of Vegetable and Fruit 建设机械冷藏库搞好果品蔬菜贮藏保鲜 www.ilib.cn 3. Development of Intelligent Inspect-alarm System on Multi-point Temperature Detecting for the Large Storeroom 某大型洞库多点温度智能监控报警系统的研制 ilib.cn 4. Simulation Research of Warm Environment on Normal Temperature Seed Storeroom 常温种子库房热环境模拟研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Application of the Five Routine Method for aseptic storeroom in operation room 应用五常法进行手术室无菌物品间管理 www.ilib.cn 6. Theory and Practice on Improving Homogeneous Coefficient of Powder in Solo Round Storeroom 提高单个圆库粉料均化系数的理论与实践 service.ilib.cn 7. Improving valves installing quality to decrease the valves accidents in oil storeroom 提高阀门安装质量,减少油库阀门事故 www.ilib.cn 8. Design and Application of Non- motile- homogenization Device of Powder in Solo Round Storeroom 单个圆库粉料无动力均化装置的设计与应用 www.ilib.cn 9. The Optical Test Questions Storeroom with Modern Characteristic 具有现代特色的光学试题库 www.ilib.cn 10. Analysis on the factors affecting air condition of sterile storeroom and the countermeasures 影响无菌贮存室空气质量因素分析与对策的研究 service.ilib.cn 1. Design and Application of Non- motile- homogenization Device of Powder in Solo Round Storeroom 单个圆库粉料无动力均化装置的设计与应用 www.ilib.cn 2. The Optical Test Questions Storeroom with Modern Characteristic 具有现代特色的光学试题库 www.ilib.cn 3. Analysis on the factors affecting air condition of sterile storeroom and the countermeasures 影响无菌贮存室空气质量因素分析与对策的研究 service.ilib.cn 4. Development of Intelligent Instrument on Multi-point Temperature Detecting for a Kind of Storeroom Storing Planes 某型飞机洞库多点温度智能巡检仪的研制 service.ilib.cn 5. Slip form construction of raw-material homogenizing storeroom 生料均化库的滑模施工 www.ilib.cn 6. The Necessity and Feasibility of Establishing a Test Question Storeroom 我院建立高职高专试题库的必要性和可行性 www.ilib.cn 7. Several measures to improve the quality of paper box designing process storeroom 提高纸盒程序库质量的几点措施 www.ilib.cn 8. Investigation and Design of the Gas Sensor Applying to Oil-Storeroom 用于油库安全监测的气体传感器研究与设计 www.ilib.cn 9. Research of Frequency Conversion Control System in Cold Storeroom 冷库变频控制系统研究 www.ilib.cn 10. The Realization of Intelligentized Storeroom Management 智能化库房管理的实现 www.ilib.cn 1. The Realization of Intelligentized Storeroom Management 智能化库房管理的实现 www.ilib.cn 2. you ' ll find the storeroom at the end of the corridor 你会在走廊尽头找到那间储藏室。 www.ichacha.net 3. The construction of strata of isolation air and Heat in refrigeration storeroom 冷藏库隔汽隔热层的施工 www.ilib.cn 4. Commercial enterprises offer LRA of operation site and storeroom or the copy of house property certificate 商业企业提供经营场所和库房的租赁协议或房产证复印件 english.gongyi.gov.cn 5. Hygiene supervision of storage storeroom and field in frontier ports 国境口岸仓储库场卫生管理 www.ilib.cn 6. Software design of storeroom management for forest - tree seeds 林木种子库房管理的软件设计 scholar.ilib.cn 7. the wall for the storeroom need paint 储藏室的墙壁要粉刷 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The Expert System and the information storeroom of forecasting coal-gas-outburst 基于专家系统的煤与瓦斯突出预测知识库研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Foundation of the Overhead Crane's Product Storeroom 桥式起重机标准化产品库的建立 service.ilib.cn 10. System design and realization of automated storeroom of parcel post 邮包自动仓库的系统设计与实现方案 www.ilib.cn 1. Automatic control system of temperature and humidity in storeroom 库房温湿度自动测控系统 www.ichacha.net 2. Projection room Dressing room Wall lamp Storeroom 暗藏灯管视听室更衣室 wenku.baidu.com 3. Practice on Rebuilding Mine Drainage Station of Grease Storeroom in Gushuyuan Coal Mine 古书院矿油脂库矿井水处理站改造的技术实践 www.ilib.cn 4. Fewer use items : Remain and put into storeroom 少用的东西:保存下来,置于储藏室 wenku.baidu.com 5. This room can serve as a storeroom 这个房间可用做储藏室。 wenku.baidu.com |
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