单词 | stylish |
释义 |
例句释义: 时髦的,新潮的,高雅的,雅致的,时尚,时尚的,漂亮的 1. It is always a disappointment when you order a stylish bag online, and it turns out to be a grandma's purse when it turns up the next day. 总是有这样令人失望的时候,当你想网上订购一款时尚的包包,结果第二天出现在眼前的却是一个老气横秋的小包。 www.bing.com 2. For the true celebrity look, try wearing two or three different designs at a time. Super Hot and stylish! 为了看起来像真正的名人,一次带两三种不同款式的手链。 group.mtime.com 3. Not buying clothes would seem to break the fundamental law of fashion, but happily there is a stylish way around the conundrum. 不买衣服,这看起来好像打破了时尚大法,但是幸运地是,采用一种时尚的方式就可以解决这个难题。 www.bing.com 4. When it comes to wearing Chinese styles, however, there a fine line between being stylish and looking like your dressed in a costume. 不过,在穿着中国传统服装时,必须要把握住时尚与过于夸张之间的微妙界限。 www.tvsou.com 5. You want me to wear that old dress to the ball? I'll have egg on my face for years! ---But vintage is stylish now. 你让我穿那件旧礼服参加舞会?我会难堪好几年的。---但是现在正流行复古啊。 www.kekenet.com 6. It's just a Yanko Design concept by Adam Ohearn at the moment, but the DTR looks quite stylish for a convertible Tablet PC. 这现在只是一个叫亚当·赫恩的美国人的设计理念,但DTR在双用平板电脑里似乎相当时髦。 www.elanso.com 7. Choice of small units is not a question of money, but a lifestyle choice, convenience, fast, stylish, elegant way of life. 选择小户型并不是钱的问题,而是选择一种生活方式,方便、快捷、时尚、优雅的生活方式。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. A pair of sunglasses immediately tempted me. It was chic, stylish, and looked perfect on me. It was not too expensive either: $150. 一副墨镜立即吸引了我,别致、时尚,而且看起来和我的风格很搭,而且也不太贵:150美元。 www.bing.com 9. In Beijing, the most stylish street snacks were these little stoneware pots of traditional yogurt covered with a sort of protective linen. 在北京,最具特色的街头小食品便是放在陶瓷罐里、用亚麻布盖上的酪奶。 www.bing.com 10. Summer brings with it typhoons and rainy weather, making a pair of durable and stylish rain boots an intelligent investment. 每年夏天雨季台风来袭的日子,一双耐用又时尚的雨靴,似乎是最值得投资的选择! www.inmagazine.com.hk 1. It is definitely possible for you to look stylish at the office while staying completely appropriate and professional. 你完全可以在办公室里穿得既十分时尚,又很合适、很专业。 dongxi.net 2. Netizens' comments ranged from her stylish silver hair to her radiant smile and clever replies to questions. 她时髦的一头银发、灿烂的笑容,一直到她对记着提问的机智回答都受到了网友的好评。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. The Mommy I'm Here child locator device is an advanced, stylish, cost effective and easy to use child locating aid. 妈妈,我在这里是一种先进孩子定位装置,时尚,具有低成本效益,使用方便儿童寻找援助。 www.231tao.com 4. The touchpad is stylish, and has raised bumps that make it easy to find by feel while remaining unobtrusive. 触摸板看起来很时髦,隆起的设计便于操作,同时不易出错。 user.ccw.com.cn 5. Overexposure has been a concern for the company ever since it first became stylish. 自从公司打出知名度之后,便一直困扰于过度曝光问题。 www.fortunechina.com 6. The Children Collection from STOKKE is an innovative and stylish range of children's furniture and stroller products. STOKKE的儿童系列童车是一组时尚新颖的儿童家具、童车产品。 www.elanso.com 7. A cool and trendy, free, Bible tool for teen who want a few hip buttons, stylish text and easy to use features. 酷和时尚,免费,自由,圣经的工具,青少年谁想要一个数髋关节按钮,时尚的文字和易于使用的特点。 xtdownload.com 8. Simple but stylish atmosphere revealed, Plain in the embellishment of your, Inadvertently surprised to see! 简逸却透出时尚的气息,平淡中点缀了您,不经意看到的惊喜! blog.sina.com.cn 9. Betty: Oh, but you haven't seen it. It's a smart- looking pant suit and complementary blouse, and a pair of stylish dress shoes. 哦,我想你还没有见过。是非常漂亮的长裤西服配衬衫,和时装鞋。 ienglish.eol.cn 10. In this collection we've tried to gather the most stylish and interesting in our opinion mice and even a bit of creative concepts. 在这篇文章中,我们找到了我们觉得最有风格和趣味的,甚至还很有创意概念的鼠标。 www.bing.com 1. Choose a hairstyle cut that goes with your age: A woman in twenties is young and stylish; hence a shaggy hairstyle cut would suit the best. 选择一个适合你年纪的发型;一个二十岁的女子正处于年轻和时尚的年纪;因此蓬松的发型最合适不过了。 www.elanso.com 2. Five years on, her stylish, terraced garden, with its raised pool, paving and lighting, has matured. 五年时间过后,她家那带有露台的时髦花园已经完善,里面建有凸起的水池,铺筑了小径和路灯。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Stephanie lives in this amazing house in Amsterdam and as you can clearly see from her home she is a very creative and stylish lady . . . Stephanie住在这间坐落在阿姆斯特丹的漂亮房子里,看得出来,她是位极富创意、非常时髦的女士。。。 www.bing.com 4. China*s film industry is eagerly awaiting to see what audiences respond to this weekend: stylish entertainment or historical drama. 中国电影行业上周末焦急地等着看观众会对何者更有共鸣:华丽的娱乐片还是以真实历史为背景的故事片。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Courier is another perfect fit for the App Store, with a very "Mac-like" look and a streamlined, stylish interface. Courier是另一个AppStore的完美作品,拥有“很Mac”的外观以及简单,极具个性的界面。 www.bing.com 6. After tearing away the wrapping paper, I found a stylish and expensive sweater. 撕裂后,离开了包装纸,我发现一个时髦和昂贵的毛衣。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. High-resolution block in Guangzhou City, several dress stylish easy to teach girls self Road. 在广州市高第街口,几个打扮入时的女孩毫不经意地指点道。 www.showxiu.com 8. Having children is relatively easy in France, one reason Paris seems to teem with stylish career women with several offspring. 在法国要孩子相对比较容易,所以在巴黎随处可见外表入时、却已是几个孩子母亲的职场女性。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. One of the smaller shrines, dedicated to the river's flowing water, looks like a stylish potting shed, yet feels hushed and sacred. 较小的神殿中,有一座供奉的是这条河的流水,它看起来像一座时尚制陶棚,却让人感到静谧神圣。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The bell of the glass is stylish and elegant expression for the vitality and yet elegant space. 玻璃的钟体是时尚和精致的体现,适合于活力而不失雅致的空间。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 1. Small, stylish, easy-to-use, and not that expensive, you couldn't really ask for anything more in a music player. 因为它小巧、时髦、易用,而且不贵,对于一个音乐播放器,你还能要求什么呢? www.bing.com 2. It aims to be extremely light-weighted and customizable, but still at the same time stylish and easy to use. 它的目的是非常轻磅,可定制的,但仍然在同一时间时尚,使用方便。 word.hcbus.com 3. If it's stylish and intuitive, like the iPhone's, you'll find your phone a pleasure. 反之,如果手机的操作系统很时髦而且很直观,就像IPhone,你会觉得玩手机是种乐趣。 www.bing.com 4. Daniel is Shenqi and stylish, wearing a yellow-and blue campaign colorful clothes and a pair of sports shoes. 丹尼尔显得神气而时尚,穿着蓝黄相间的运动衣服和一双色彩鲜艳的运动鞋。 wenwen.soso.com 5. "It's crucial for business, " said Zhang, who chose the chocolate-colored bag because he thought it was stylish without being flashy. “这对于生意是至关重要的”,张先生说,他选择了巧克力色的皮包因为他觉得那显得时尚而又不过于光鲜。 www.bing.com 6. Likewise, RCF seem to have climbed to another level on its stylish and commanding booth in Hall 8. 0. 同样是在8.0展厅,RCF公司似乎以其时尚的、威风凛凛的展台提升到了更高的水平。 www.bing.com 7. Men have always focussed on water fragrance bottle show resolute lines, stylish modern, clean lines are like a building with a profound. 寄情水男香瓶身展现男性线条的刚毅,现代感十足,正有如一座线条干净的建筑物,内涵深刻。 baike.baidu.com 8. Modular systems provide perfect, unobstructed vision in both land and air operations, yet convert into a stylish sunglass for downtime. 模块化系统提供完善通畅的视野,在陆地和空中作战,但转换成一个时尚太阳镜停机。 www.freemerce.com 9. Simple and yet stylish design and absolute universality make this vase desirable stuff in each home. 简单时尚的设计和明显的广泛适用性使此花瓶成为令每个家庭满意的物件。 www.bing.com 10. Handsome men also need dressing up, how could you be stylish without a pair of cool sunglasses? 帅哥也是要扮的,没有一副有型的太阳镜,怎能在这个夏天也有型呢? blog.sina.com.cn 1. Coleen had no qualms about displaying her figure in the stylish two-piece as she relaxed with family on the Caribbean island. 当她和家人一起在加勒比海岛上度假时,科琳对穿比基尼展示身材没有丝毫的不安和犹豫。 gb.cri.cn 2. It's another dollop of sensation for a stylish, onrushing country, and even in a sleepy suburb, it has kept a few people up at night. 这对一个时尚、发达的国家来说是另一种轰动,甚至对一个沉睡中的郊区来说也是这样,那里也又少数人在夜间活动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Devote themselves to efforts to create stylish, professional, fashionable and a wide variety of costumes Deputy wholesale site. 专心致力打造时尚、专业、款式新颖、品种繁多的服饰代理批发网站。 www.dilingling.com 4. Stylish clock by Michael Rosing comes with 12 time indicators that have to be attached directly on the wall. 由MichaelRosing设计的时髦时钟配有12个需要直接贴在墙上的时间指示器。 www.bing.com 5. Then he created a product that was so easy to use and stylish that he could sell it at a high price, with fat margins. 然后再创造了一个产品,如此的容易使用而且很时尚,这样可以买个好价钱,赚得足够的利润。 www.bing.com 6. Some web sites use a small text size just to "squeeze" more text into each page, or to make the page more "stylish" . 一些网站企图使用小字体,目的是使一页能够显示更多的文字,或者使页面看上去更加“时髦”。 www.w3pop.com 7. The company's product quality, stylish appearance, products are popular among customers and are sold at home and abroad. 本公司产品质量过硬,外形时尚美观,产品深受广大客户欢迎,畅销国内外。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Like permanent markers and the hairline on your stylish head doesn't seem to last or stay forever the same. 喜欢你的头发永久标记和气派头去或留似乎永远不变。 actuafreearticles.com 9. Although never a brilliant designer, she was a fashion visionary, who could intuit the needs and desires of stylish women. 虽然从来没有一个辉煌的设计师,她是一个有远见的时尚,谁能够直观的需求和欲望的时尚女性。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The key to romancing a Virgo is simple elegance -- take your date out for a tasteful, stylish evening. 与美女约会的关键是要体现优雅-独特风格的晚宴最有可能俘获对方的芳心。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Ma, 22, a model from Beijing, has won plaudits for her stylish appearance, but is equally derided for her material girl image. 来自北京的模特马诺,因其时髦靓丽的外形获得喝彩无数,但同样也因其物质女孩的形象受到嘲弄。 career.51youcai.com 2. Robby Ray: Sure is! One of those new microfibres. Totally stain resistant, yet soft, stylish and tap. . . 当然是的!还是用微纤维制造的。完全防污,而且还很柔软帅气。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Business philosophy: Design simple yet stylish clothing, and do it fast enough to stay ahead of imitators. 运营理念:设计出式样简单但有风格的服装,并且其市场运营要尽可能快地赶在仿造者的前面。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 4. But if you want a more stylish version you could also paint your nails in different colors . 如果你想要更美观,可以把你的指甲染成不同的颜色。 www.bing.com 5. The sleek, stylish outdoor design, the circular design, curved frame design, sleek design is definitely the side to select the best one. 小巧时尚的户外设计,圆形的设计,弧形框架设计,圆滑的侧面设计绝对是挑选最好的之一。 www.wellpad.com 6. Some of Europe's small shops will give up the battle with giant supermarkets and reinvent themselves as stylish showcases for e-commerce. 欧洲一些小商店将放弃与大型超市的斗争,并转到在电子商务中去展示。 www.bing.com 7. Moreover, stylish, trendy , and chic image of her recent concept matches with premium image that Laneige seeks after. 此外,兰芝品牌所诉求的形象与宋慧乔近期塑造的时尚、流行、高雅的形象十分吻合。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Uppers made of soft leather with stylish contrast stitching for a casual appeal. 柔软的皮革鞋面与时尚的对比拼接休闲上诉。 www.freemerce.com 9. A wide range of products, colourful, stylish design elegant, widely used in all types of gift wrap, packing flowers, festive decorations. 产品种类繁多,色彩艳丽,设计时尚高雅,广泛用于各类礼品包装、鲜花包装、节日装饰。 www.tonke.cn 10. These shoes have become my stand by shoes really comfortable to wear in the city and stylish enough to make an outfit come together. 这双鞋子已经成为了我待用鞋,就算在城市里穿也很舒适而且也很时尙可以把衣服衬托出来。 www.todaypopular.cn 1. When he used oriental totems for dress design, the fashion circle has come through a remarkable stylish storm. 当东方图腾跃上晚礼服,服装时尚界就多了一种引人注目的流行风潮。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Two of the four man gang were dressed as stylish women. They pulled out revolvers and made off with the store's entire contents. 这个四人团伙中的两个成员化妆成穿着讲究的女性,走进作案地点后掏出左轮手枪将整个珠宝店洗劫一空。 lixiaomin88888888.blog.163.com 3. You are the assistant to the CEO of a small textile firm that manufactures high-quality, premium priced, stylish clothing. 12你是到一个小纺织公司,生产高品质,优质的价格,时尚服装总裁助理。 www.8hp.cn 4. Significantly, the mouse isn't merely an unusual and stylish accessory. The rest of its characteristics are also fairly high. 更让人惊叹不已的是,这款鼠标不仅仅是外形独特的时尚代言人,它的其他特点同样夺人眼球。 www.bing.com 5. One protester said: "This is wrapped up in a very stylish way but it is just selling sex. " 一名抗议者提出:“这只是用时尚的方式包装了一下,但实际上就是在贩售性爱。” www.kekenet.com 6. Even the humble safety pin can be turned into a stylish statement. 连不起眼的别针也能成为时髦的表征。 video.2u4u.com.cn 7. stylish As a stylish dresser, she is always wearing stylish clothes, but she seldom cares about what she eats or drinks. 她是个穿着时髦的人,总是穿时髦的衣服,但对饮食很少讲究。 wenku.baidu.com 8. The hair-care section notes studies have shown that properly cared-for hair and a stylish haircut 'increase an individual's popularity. ' 护发部分指出,研究显示,妥善护理过的头发和时髦发型会让人更受欢迎。 www.qeto.com 9. It produced a powerful desktop computer, a stylish black cube, and its initial market was going to be in education. 它生产出一个强大的桌台式电脑,一个时髦的黑色立方体,而其初始市场定位在教育领域。 www.bing.com 10. Favored by China's last emperor, Buick is perceived as sumptuous and stylish, a contrast with its staid image among many Americans. 与许多美国人认为的样式死板形成对比,别克受到末代皇帝溥仪的青睐,在中国成为豪华和时尚代名词。 www.bing.com 1. Excellent graphics and design, plenty of game modes along with stylish sound make a great addition to the irreproachable game design. 出色的图形和设计,丰富的游戏模式与时尚的声音成为一位伟大的除了无可指责的游戏设计。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. All of these garments are great investment pieces and can be worn with or without each other to create a multitude of stylish office looks. 所有这些衣物和配饰都是值得你花钱去拥有的,不管是搭配着穿还是单独穿戴,都会营造出许多风格的办公室时尚。 dongxi.net 3. if you are a fashionable person you'd be able to wear anything, cheap or expensive, and still come off stylish. 如果你是一个时尚的人你可以穿任何东西,便宜或者昂贵,都会很时尚。 wenku.baidu.com 4. But personally he was quite happy to sell his watches online and not interested in any global launch of his meaty looking stylish watches. 但是个人倾向于通过网络来销售,而对于全球发行他的“臃肿”的时尚手表。 www.elanso.com 5. But for a slightly more grown-up and stylish look, skip the Fruit of the Loom and go with higher-quality cotton. 但如果想要更成熟、更时尚,那就别穿FruitoftheLoom,选择质量更好的棉质衣服。 chinese.wsj.com 6. You get uncompromising email, browsing and voice performance in one thin, stylish, lightweight handheld with a full QWERTY keyboard. 你不妥协电子邮件、网上浏览、话音一瘦演出美观,具有充分qwerty键盘手持轻。 www.heyuheng.com 7. Stylish and chic though someone appears to be, underneath that facade hides a very lightweight persona. 某个人也许看上去体面而时尚,但那光鲜的外表下其实隐藏着一个轻飘飘的内心。 www.douban.com 8. Choosing the right wedding dress, Evening Dress selection of colors, with color decorate their own wedding, to be stylish, beautiful bride. 选一件经典配色的盛装婚纱,让色彩点亮他们自己的婚礼,成为美丽有型的新人。 www.bing.com 9. Friends send him clothes, which on a recent day included stylish jeans, a pink golf shirt and a black Adidas jacket. 朋友们给他送来了衣服,不久前送来的包括时髦的牛仔裤、一件粉色高尔夫球衫和一件黑色阿迪达斯外套。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Regarding accessories, capes, styles and wraps were presented as a stylish alternative to a jacket. 就饰物而言,披风、长围巾和头巾都是夹克的时髦配饰。 www.51ar.net 1. Get a great haircut. When your hair looks fabulous, you look more stylish and fashion-forward than when your cut is shaggy or growing out. 理个漂亮的发式。如果发型做的漂亮,整个人看上去要比头发杂乱或参差不齐时更时尚、更前卫。 space.englishcn.com 2. When it comes to decanters, Riedel now makes a particularly stylish series but I tend to scour antique and junk shops for older ones. 说到酒壶,力多如今生产特别时尚的系列产品,但本人还是喜欢到古玩店及旧货店去淘老款式。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Commercial Rolling Door stylish beautiful, elegant style, combined with commercial door trims, creating a thick atmosphere of the business. 商用卷帘门外观时尚美观、格调高雅,与商业门饰相结合,营造出浓浓的商业氛围。 www.e-fa.cn 4. They would have to forgo that stylish Gucci wallet and that shiny Mercedes, even though their credit would allow it. 即便通过信贷可以做到,他们将必须放弃古琦品牌的钱包和光鲜亮丽的梅塞德斯品牌车。 www.bing.com 5. Stylish design is expected to be a key theme at next week's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. 预计时尚的设计将成为下周拉斯维加斯消费电子产品展(ConsumerElectronicsShow)的一个重要主题。 www.ebigear.com 6. Conz from Buenos Aires is one of the ever stylish models who love to spend time using Apple products, especially the iPhone. Conz来自布宜诺斯艾利斯,她喜欢花时间研究苹果的产品,尤其是iPhone。 www.bing.com 7. It's easy to get sucked into consumer culture and what we think is "stylish. " 我们很容易就会被吸入消费文化以及那些我们认为的“时尚”之中。 www.bing.com 8. is a brand of household products, consumers around the world dedicated to simple, stylish, healthy living products. 最生活是一个家居生活用品品牌,致力于为全球各地消费者提供简约、时尚、健康的生活用品。 fenxiao.taobao.com 9. Anyway, he was soon able to find another job, at a stylish new seafood restaurant downtown. 不管怎样,很快他就找到了一个新的工作,在一个市中心的一所新开业的具有现代化风格的海鲜酒家打工。 www.ecocn.org 10. The kitchen in this loft is compact and stylish, with a farmhouse sink as the focal point. 厨房的结构紧凑设计感强,乡村风味的水槽是整个场景的焦点。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. It may not be the most stylish fashion accessory, but a bottle of water sure can come in handy. 一瓶水其实还是很好随身带着的,虽然算不上什么时尚配饰来着。 www.ebigear.com 2. Follow the list of Christmas beauty, fashion, and relationship Do's and Don'ts for a guaranteed stylish and romantic winter season. 遵循这个圣诞扮靓流行小贴士,保证让您拥有今冬真正的时尚和浪漫。 blog.qq.com 3. This stylish car also makes your pulse race with its chrome-plated radiator grille and realistic wheel rims. 这款时尚的汽车采用了镀铬散热器格栅和形象逼真的轮圈,同样使您心跳加速。 www.baobao0-6.com 4. SHOP is to source from around the world trendy & stylish, good quality and high-end products for end customers. SHOP的使命就是搜购全球最新潮时尚、品质超群的高档商品供应给最终用户。 space.taobao.com 5. Leather and Cloth (Textile): The stylish combination of comfort and durability for your wristband. 皮革和布(纺织):对舒适性和耐久性的腕带时尚组合。 www.daily86.com 6. a newly arrived migrant worker will often spend her first month's pay on a mobile phone and a stylish haircut. 初次来到都市,他们通常会把第一个月的工资花在买一部手机上,然后搞个流行发式; www.bing.com 7. The original basketball shoe is now defined as a stylish modern-day fashion staple! 现在定义为一个时尚的现代时尚主食原来的篮球鞋! www.freemerce.com 8. But compared with a website cluttered with links and ads for penis enlargement, the apps are clean, stylish and nice to use. 与充斥着大量网站链接和阴茎增大广告的网站相比,数字媒体平台更纯净,更时尚,也更好用。 www.ecocn.org 9. It was stylish, dynamic, fun, fantasy charm of the humanities, Beijing became an important symbol of tourism experience! 它以时尚、动感、欢乐、梦幻的人文魅力,成为北京体验旅游的重要标志! blog.sina.com.cn 10. It says that technology is a stylish accessory, and that you, as its owner, are stylishly confident. 它说它是一个现代的助手而你,是它的主人。 www.bing.com 1. Hotel bars emerge as trendy places to see and be seen for stylish locals . 酒店里的酒吧间一跃成为当地人彼此见面的时髦场所。 www.bing.com 2. Decimated by the tsunami in 2004, the surrounding coastline is now teeming with stylish guesthouses and boutique hotels. 2004年被海啸大部分毁坏的海滩,现在则新建了很多现代旅馆和时尚酒店。 www.bing.com 3. Also popular was the poodle cut -- not for dogs, but for women who wanted to look stylish. 此外,流行的是狮子狗切-不是狗,但要外观时尚的女性。 www.maynet.cn 4. But her arguments are scarcely original and her plodding prose makes her the least stylish of the critics. 但是她的论点几乎不是新鲜的,而且她的单调的平铺直叙使她成了最不时髦的批评者。 www.bing.com 5. With excellent reputation, our company intends to bring the best of china from China and creates innovative ideas of stylish tableware . 基于良好的信誉,我们旨在为流行的器型赋予新品位,为客户带来最卓越的瓷器。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. As a stylish and elegant equestrian sports and entertainment activities have been popular in the world more than a century. 马术作为一种时尚高雅的体育娱乐活动在世界各国已风行一个多世纪了。 www.xiami360.com 7. Actor Brad Pitt came second, praised for his ability to look stylish in a suit or in jeans. 影星布拉德-皮特屈居亚军,并因他能把正装或牛仔都穿出时尚感觉而受到赞誉。 www.rr365.com 8. Stylish and contemporary, the Glass Fireplace comes in a triangular or rectangular shape, with the option of clear or smokey glass. 这种玻璃壁炉优雅、现代,形状为三角形或矩形,可选透明玻璃或茶色玻璃。 www.feedou.com 9. The Gran Hotel Colon offers stylish bedrooms with flat-screen satellite TV. The hotel also has pleasant gardens, a restaurant and bar. TheGranHotelColon酒店提供时尚的客房和平面卫星电视,还设有一个令人愉快的花园、餐厅和酒吧。 www.orangeway.cn 10. So I try to choose stylish and practical, strong sense of design. 所以我尽量选择时髦又实用,设计感强。易于搭配,职业装和小豪华的包包。 www.yxad.com 1. A stylish collection that ensures that you have your Revlon Beauty Essentials with you even when you are on the go! 一套露华浓完美彩装基本系列确保您在旅途上仍然保持时尚、亮丽。 www.airmacau.com.mo 2. This from the Olympics, "Flying Fish" Phelps endorsement of the model has a very stylish appearance and streamlined body. 这款由奥运“飞鱼”菲尔普斯代言的车型有着很时尚的外观和流线型的车身。 english.voc.com.cn 3. The consultant said although most young people prefer stylish weddings, the final decisions are usually made by their parents. 她还说,尽管多数年轻人喜欢时尚的婚礼,但最终还是由父母说了算。 www.i21st.cn 4. Ten paint brought the brand is not only stylish home with color, more of an attitude to life - on the individual pursuit of a better life. 十大涂料品牌所带来的,不仅是时尚家居的颜色搭配,更多的是一种生活态度——对美好生活的个性化追求。 gzkangdian.cn 5. Many people do not normally associate wearing ties with jeans, yet you can create a very stylish look by mixing the two. 通常很多人不会把系领带与着牛仔裤联系在一起,然而这两者混搭在一起能产生出非常时尚的造型。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Stylish modern chairs and brilliant chair designs from all over the world . 那些设计精妙,时尚摩登的椅子。 www.bing.com 7. Hotel Diament combines historic architecture with a stylish interior. HotelDiament酒店结合了历史悠久的建筑和时尚的内部环境。 www.orangeway.cn 8. Rooms can vary from more basic to modern and stylish, some of them located on the ground floor having a direct access to the swimming pool. 房间种类繁多从标准的到时髦的,有些位于一楼可以直接去泳池。 weike.taskcn.com 9. One thing's for sure: Wearing the special glasses -- no matter how stylish -- is still a wearisome part of seeing things in 3D. 但有一件事可以肯定:戴着特殊的眼镜看3D,无论有多新潮,仍很累人。 c.wsj.com 10. One of the most anticipated revelations for the show is the surprisingly stylish SsangYong C200 SUV. 其中最值得期待的发现为证明是令人惊讶的时尚双龙C200SUV的。 usa.315che.com 1. A stylish and incredibly solid handrail that's designed to be installed around shower fixtures. 一个时髦的,令人难以置信的固体扶手设计安装在淋浴装置。 bbs.canjiren.net 2. Magnetic Salt and Pepper Shakers come together in a warm embrace to add a stylish touch to your table setting. 这套有磁性的盐摇瓶和胡椒粉摇瓶以温暖的拥抱结合在一起,给你的餐桌布置增添了一点时尚的格调。 www.elanso.com 3. China news academic recognized news value five elements, is stylish, proximity, significantly, the importance and interesting. 中国新闻学术界公认的新闻价值五要素,是时新性、接近性、显著性、重要性和趣味性。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 4. A right shirt color, a unique sleeve button, or the folding style of your shirt sleeves alone, makes you look sensationally stylish. 衬衫花色的选择,一枚别致的袖扣,或者仅仅是衬衫袖口的翻折方法,都能让人感受到你的时尚气息。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Our first Cathy Pacific uniform, inspired by military designs, paired a navy suit with a stylish hat. 我们第一套制服的灵感是来自空军服饰的设计,海蓝色西装配衬时款的帽子。 hk.myblog.yahoo.com 6. GM is now hiring back some laid-off workers to keep up with growing demand for stylish, high-quality new cars. 通用汽车现在重新雇用了一些以前解聘的工人,来满足不断增加的对流行的高质量的新式汽车的需求。 www.bing.com 7. This style was around a bit last Summer, but the options weren't very stylish until this Summer. 这一款式在去年夏天便已出现,却始终不温不火的持续到今夏才会大热。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 8. I am writing these words on an extremely thin and stylish, but very light, laptop made of metal. 我是在一部极为轻薄时尚、金属外壳的笔记本电脑上敲下这些文字的。 www.bing.com 9. Shaun Rein, of China Market Research in Shanghai, says: "The pre-communist era was not seen as a stylish time for most Chinese. " 上海中国市场研究集团(ChinaMarketResearch)的雷小山(ShaunRein)表示:“在大多数中国人眼里,解放前算不上一个时髦的时代。” www.ftchinese.com 10. While the weather is still warm, opt for the ever stylish ankle boots and booties, which come in various sizes, shapes and forms. 天气还很暖和,就选一款无所不在而且超有型的短靴吧,这种靴子有各种大小、造型和类型。 udn.com 1. She was tall and beautiful, stylish, with perfect makeup and long, red fingernails. 她高个,漂亮时髦,无可挑剔的化装,长长的染红指甲。 bbs.shuxiangyuan.org 2. You want to be unique and stylish. Believe it or not, wearing school uniforms can also benefit you a lot. 你想成为独特的、时尚的。信不信由你,穿着校服也可以让你受益不少。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Our products of fine workmanship, stylish designs and latest materials, will certainly leave an impression on your receipients. 我们高效率的工作,独特的设计,最近的材料,将给你带来不一样的印象。 www.shengyidi.com 4. An attractive dress on a woman makes her look stylish and confident. 一件富有吸引力的裙子能让一个女人看起来时尚而自信。 www.bing.com 5. Specialized has teamed up with BMW to create the ultimate hybrid bicycle, featuring the best in comfort and stylish looks. 有专门组队与宝马创造的最终混合自行车好手的最佳舒适和时尚的眼光。 q.sohu.com 6. Stylish bathtub made of high quality glass and stainless steel. 采用优质玻璃和不锈钢制造的时尚浴缸。 www.hjenglish.com 7. And you thought, "Good Lord, one of them really is wearing a very stylish cap indeed! " 这时候你想,“噢天哪,两人中有个戴了顶很时尚的帽子!” www.kekenet.com 8. The telephone pavilions of China Telecom have got a stylish outlook, and in any case, how are the other buildings in Suzhou? 苏州市里面,中国电信的移动小亭子都非常有个性化,何况是其他的建筑物呢? bbs.fobshanghai.com 9. The stylish Sindlesham Mill restaurant, lounge and bar, as well as the grade 2 listed Poachers pub, gives dining options for all tastes. 时尚的SindleshamMill餐厅、酒廊和酒吧以及被列为二级的Poachers酒吧提供各种餐饮选择,可满足所有客人的口味。 www.orangeway.cn 10. A delicate necklace is also a great piece to have everyday to keep yourself feeling pretty and stylish. 而这款精致的细项链也非常适合日常佩戴,可以让你看上去既美丽又时尚。 dongxi.net 1. A classic slim fit will always remain classic (James Dean in his well-fitted jeans, for instance, is eternally stylish). 经典的修身牛仔裤始终都会是一种经典(例子之一就是穿着修身牛仔裤的詹姆斯·迪恩(JamesDean),那样的形像永远也不会过时)。 c.wsj.com 2. If you get a cigarette, you can perform a series of stylish and amazing cigarette magic to your friends anytime and anywhere. 只需要香烟在手,你便可以随时随地在朋友面前大显身手,表演一连串有型有款而且效果神奇的香烟魔术! dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Whatever your hobby or craft preference, allow your distinct style to shine by incorporating stylish color within your distinctive space. 不论你对手工制作和业余爱后空间有什么偏好,就让时髦的颜色使你的独特设计 zhidao.baidu.com 4. If the shoes are tight, do not expect them to stretch out, even if they look stylish. 如果鞋子很紧,不要指望它会自动宽松,即使它看起来很时髦。 www.mydellmini.com.cn 5. The curved lines are refined and nerve. They show with elegance the innovative and stylish side of this place. 曲线完善而充满力度,他们显示了项目高雅、创新和时尚的一面。 arch.mr926.me 6. Shop should be simple and comfortable and stylish atmosphere, attracting the attention of consumers. 店铺的装修要简洁舒适时尚有情调,吸引消费者的目光。 wenwen.soso.com 7. While building a basic box is fairly easy, constructing a stylish piece that that will hold substantial weight takes some design savvy. 同时建立一个基本的框是相当容易,建设一个时尚的一块,这将需要进行大量的重量一些设计手法而已。 www.ccebook.net 8. It is suitable for daily use. You will instantly look stylish and intellectual with it. So just believe your choice. 亮色的五金更是增添包包的时尚感,相信你的选择吧,时尚知性的你即刻呈现,适合日常的使用。 wwww.chris-tina.com 9. Vitreous chimney is full of fashionable feeling, can match already the household style of log series, also can match stylish household. 玻璃的灯罩则富有时尚感,既可以搭配原木系列的家居风格,也可以搭配现代风格的家居。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Louisiana: Mystery Cases is a modern full 3D adventure game with a stylish environment and catchy storyline. 路易斯安那州:神秘谋杀案是一个全3D冒险类游戏。 game.ali213.net 1. Since the 1970s, Holland has also been the nation of dazzlingly stylish football and bright orange jerseys. 自70年代起,荷兰的国家符号就又增加了令人眼花缭乱的足球和鲜艳的橙色球衣。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Judith's wise and witty text captures the potential for a happy and stylish mix of children and home. 朱迪思那机智诙谐的行文阐明了孩子与家庭是有可能快乐而又时尚地结合在一起的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Anyway, a combination of antique pieces provides a stylish environment for him, his friends, and clients to meet up. 总之,搭配了古玩的装饰风格为他自己,朋友及客户的会面提供了一个别具风格的场所。 bulo.hujiang.com 4. Here it shows some of the internal hardware components beneath the stylish casing and some comments by engineering folks. 这里显示的一些内部硬件组件的下方时尚的外壳和一些意见,由工程的乡亲。 jones.famousnudelady.com 5. Jungle Kiss line is best known for its soft Italian lamb leather body, distinguished with topstitched seams and stylish python trimming. 丛林之吻系列,以柔软的意大利羊羔皮包身闻名,独特的面缝明线,配以别样风情的大蟒蛇坠饰。 www.showxiu.com 6. Below ground, the city's stylish new Metro made its debut, while above ground was something more avant garde. 在地下,时髦的地铁交通初次登台亮相,而地面交通的发展更加前卫。 www.bing.com 7. Prevailing fashions with vivid patterns and lively designs are the choice of stylish ladies. 流行时装,图案生动,款式新颖,时髦女性的选择。 www.tdict.com 8. This upscale laptop packs a lot of tech into a stylish, ultrathin package. 这高档笔记本电脑包成时尚,超薄封装的技术很多。 www.bugutang.com 9. Full-grain leather upper with detail stitching for a stylish appearance. 全粒面皮革鞋面时尚的外观与细节拼接。 www.freemerce.com 10. Find total rejuvenation in one of our 350 stylish and elegant guest rooms and suites. 我们拥有350间时尚而优雅的客房与套房,能让您彻底放松身心、活力焕发。 www.42828.com 1. By looking clean and stylish you show that you care about your appearance and how you portray yourself. 衣着潇洒整洁展示出你举止谨慎并且注重自身的形象。 www.elanso.com 2. Mr Johnston's stylish Captain America makes comic-book cinema a form of pop art. 约翰顿式的“美国队长”使得漫画电影具备了一种流行艺术形式。 www.ecocn.org 3. Animal prints can add a dash of colour and excitement to your wardrobe, and can look stylish when done the right way. 豹纹会令你的衣橱光鲜亮丽充满激情,而如果能把豹纹穿出对的感觉,那么就会让你看起来非常时髦哦。 gb.cri.cn 4. And within its interior, the BMW Concept CS combines stylish luxury with the most uncompromising ambience full of class and value. 并在其内部,宝马CS概念车结合了最不妥协的氛围阶级和价值充分时尚的豪华。 www.bing.com 5. It has a stylish and elegant look which will definitely pique your interest and admiration. 它有一个时尚和优雅的看,这肯定会激发自己的兴趣和钦佩。 categories.christianlovedating.com 6. Stylish, simple, transparent and high, easy-care, Kang Wu Hang pressure, environmental protection and health. 时尚、简洁、透光度高,易于打理,抗污坑压,环保,健康。 bbs.shunderen.com 7. Traditionally, French fashion is chic and stylish, defined by its sophistication, cut, and smart accessories. 传统来说,法国时装是时髦而雅致,并以它的巧妙的剪裁和讲究的配件而定位。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Beautiful and stylish wigs created out of paper by Nikki Salk and Amy Flurry. 尼基?索尔克和艾米?弗勒里用纸创造出了美丽而时髦的假发。 www.bing.com 9. We all have the freedom to be shy or extroverted, brainy or ditzy, stylish or schlumpy, old-fashioned or avant-garde. 我们每个人都可以自由自在地做人:腼腆或外向、有头脑或没头脑、时髦或邋遢、老派或前卫。 www.america.gov 10. The two members that dressed the smartest and most stylish on this day were Tiffany and Sunny. 而其中两位成员,Tiffany和Sunny在今天穿得最为聪明最为潮流。 dongxi.net 1. If pursuit is stylish, the cotton linen fabrics with proposal lightsome and elegant consumer preference is beautiful. 若追求现代风格,建议消费者选择轻盈飘逸的棉麻织品为佳。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The most visionary accessory designers send these stylish headbands down the market. 最有远见的配件设计师把这些款式的发带推向了市场。 www.bing.com 3. Ultra-thin design, brushed stainless steel plated body, stylish appearance, convenient place. 超薄设计,电镀不锈钢拉丝机身,时尚美观,方便摆放。 www.kmswcp.cn 4. Stylish shades like Ray Ban sunglasses can be found online at reasonable prices. 像雷朋墨镜时尚的色调可以在网上找到合理的价格。 tieba.baidu.com 5. Youngsters that are stylish, active, and care about environmental protection. 本次活动的主要目标受众为年轻人群,时尚积极、重视环保。 www.tencentmind.com 6. Not exactly Italian style, but with some clever touches of Italian mosaic and design, the impression is stylish, elegant, and inviting. 餐厅装修并非百分百意大利风格,但非常巧妙地融入了意大利元素,给人感觉庄重典雅。 blog.renren.com 7. The premier art museum, the Musee des Beaux Museum of Fine Arts, was a stylish place to wander among paintings and sculpture. 艺术博物馆中的首选是美术馆,一个格调高雅、可供访客徜徉在画作与雕期品之间的绝佳去处。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Speaking of coffee, you might think is an elegant and stylish way of life. 说起喝咖啡,你或许认为是一种优雅时尚的生活方式。 www.xiami360.com 9. M& S should have offered styles and sizes fit for China and projected the aspirations and stylish image that its consumers want. 玛莎百货本应该提供适合中国人尺码和样式、能满足他们需求和时尚形象的服装。 www.bing.com 10. Stylish: Has brought back traditional red, custom-made "pope shoes" and old-school Ecclesiastical headgear. 传统的红色从新成为时髦。度身定做“教皇鞋”和老派教会帽都是红的。 www.bing.com 1. The shoe may be more comfortable, provide biomechanical advantages, be lighter, and be more stylish than traditional shoes. 所述鞋可比传统的鞋更舒适,提供生物力学优点,更轻质,并且更时尚。 ip.com 2. If you'd only take my advice, try to lose some weight, and get a stylish haircut! 只要你肯听我劝,试着减减肥,弄一个时髦的发型! www.bing.com 3. With the convenient and stylish Wireless Walkman say farewell to troublesome headphone cables. 一款便利和时尚无线随身听,给恼人的耳机线说再见。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. a flash car; a flashy ring; garish colors; a gaudy costume; loud sport shirts; a meretricious yet stylish book; tawdry ornaments. 廉价而华丽的小车;庸俗的颜色;华而不实的服装;廉价的运动衫;华丽庸俗但很时髦的书;俗丽的装饰物。 www.jukuu.com 5. Men will smarten up, men will become more stylish but will do it in a modern way. 男人们会变得漂亮起来,变得更有型——当然,这将以某种摩登的方式来实现。 www.qqjoy.com 6. For the true fashionista, even a girl's pajamas must be stylish. 对于真正的时尚女人,哪怕是睡衣,都要别具风格。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Perhaps it is that mix of the vulnerable, the stylish and the homespun which makes her such a fans' favourite. 也许正是这种敏感、时尚和朴实的交融使她成为如此受影迷欢迎的女演员。 www.hxen.com 8. GQ editors chose the 50 most stylish men from five decades of cover subjects for a special 50th anniversary issue of the magazine. 为了筹备《GQ杂志》的50周年特刊,杂志的编辑们从过去50年的封面主题人物中挑选了50位时尚男性。 www.bing.com 9. Unusual sea-styled graphics, pleasant music and great sound effects make King of Seas the most outstanding and stylish video poker game. 不寻常的海式图形,愉快的音乐和伟大的声音效果,使国王在公海最出色,最时尚的videopoker游戏。 xtdownload.com 10. Bar Babylon has got a stylish and intimate ambiance to relax in after a day of meetings. 酒吧Babylon有时尚和亲切的气氛作为一天会议之后的放松。 www.booking.com 1. Natural acidity coupled with stylish oak and prominent tannins offers grip, tightness and definition. 酸度自然,与现代橡木气息完美结合,丹宁显著突出,酒体稳固而有层次。 www.ttwines.com 2. Winter is coming, H&B specially for you create a stylish personality hat. 冬天即将到来,H&B特意为您打造了一顶时尚个性的帽子。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. You can create and drive your one and only smart car. Visit the smart website to create your own stylish smart car and show it off! 您可以创建和驱动你的唯一的智能汽车。访问网站的智能创建自己的时尚智能汽车和显示它了! www.movingshop.org 4. Unique modern bathtub comes with a stylish built-in aquarium . 独特的融合了鱼缸的现代浴缸。 www.hjenglish.com 5. The DM2. 0 is available in a pack of three housed in a tough and stylish carry case with a durable nylon clip included. 该DM2.0正处于一个艰难的三个时尚携带一个持久的尼龙夹容器内包可包括在内。 www.nbtydz.com 6. phenomenon all starts with the imagination and colorful, stylish artwork of one person, Kazuki Takahashi. 所有的游戏王现象都起始于一个人——这些缤纷眩目作品的作者,高桥和希。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. We believe that innovative designs can transform common materials into stylish jewelleries and accessories. 我们相信创新的设计可以把常见的材料转变成时髦的首饰及其配件。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Put on a hat with a brim. Baseball caps may be more stylish but it exposes your nape. 选择一个带沿的帽子。虽然棒球帽很时尚,但是却会暴露你的脖子。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. The Discovery 975 is much smaller and more stylish, though it is still a bit longer than the Jawbone Icon. Discovery975则要小巧得多,也更时髦,但仍比Icon长一点。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Rent some new, stylish furniture and fill your home with it. 一些新租、家具和气派填补你回家。 actuafreearticles.com 1. Injection moulded in white HDPE, the container stylish curves and large labelling area are ideal for bio-synergy needs. 注塑成型的白色高密度聚乙烯,集装箱抯时尚曲线和大型标签领域的理想选择生物协同抯需求。 wlzxscx.a1pak.com 2. and I had no interest'cause they weren't stylish. 我一点也没有兴趣,他们不流行了 www.bing.com 3. Case in point: her much-spoofed hat-throwing moment in the opening credits is a timeless symbol of stylish independence. 比如:在片头里她假装抛帽的时刻是时尚独立的永恒象征。 www.bing.com 4. The delicate discs of authentic mother-of-pearl and the shiny metal plates give the lamp an airy still stylish and glamourous character. 精致的碟状珍珠贝母和闪亮的金属盘赋予这款灯迷人的风格,如同静止在空气中一般。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. We chose a stylish Korean-European restaurant to eat, and as soon as we sat down, three white guys also sat down near our table. 我们选了一间装潢不错的韩式欧风餐厅,当我们坐下时,附近的桌子也来了三个白人。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Here's a stylish wireframe kit from Emazekraker, which includes both light and dark versions of each element. 这是一个由Emazekraker提供的漂亮的线框工具,包含每个元素的明、暗两个版本。 www.bing.com 7. Painfully stylish with a permanent snooty look on their face? 永远令人痛苦地挂着一副目中无人的时髦相? dictsearch.appspot.com 8. For a gift she'll love, choose stylish platinum hoop earrings or a classic platinum woven necklace. 作为一个她将会喜好的礼品,要选择流行的铂金耳环或是一款经典的铂金编织项链。 jstshirt.com 9. You want to be uniqe and stylish. Believe it or not, wearing school uniforms can also benefit you a lot. 你想要独特想要时尚。你信不信都好,穿校服也能给你带来很多好处。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Built on the Peugeot's 308 hatchback platform, the stylish Pug should be a cheaper alternative to Audi's TT. 内置的标致308车型平台,时尚的哈巴狗应该是一个更便宜的选择,以奥迪的测控。 usa.315che.com 1. The Cove is a lightweight, stylish boat shoe with a casual twist. 湾是一个轻量级的,船鞋与休闲的扭曲时尚。 www.freemerce.com 2. and stylish hairdos, they appear too materialistic, which is not to my liking. 他们花哨的穿着和时髦的发型使他们显得过于注重物质享受,这点我很不喜欢。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Nowdays the'innovation', a stylish word that circulates among people, has already heat up interests from public and media in a large part. “创新”现在可能是媒体和大众比较关注的事情,也是比较时髦的词。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Following the lead of small, stylish settlements elsewhere, it wants to cut new buildings down to size. 受到其它地区小型时髦住宅的影响,洛杉矶规划部门计划减小新建筑的面积。 ecocn.blogbus.com 5. With Shanghai's revival, nostalgia for the city's stylish past has brought the blossoms back. 随着上海的复兴,对这个城市传统风格的怀旧又把旗袍往日的风采找了回来。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Sanded fabric is not only stylish fabrics produced windbreaker, casual wear, ideal fashion and home textile fabrics. 磨毛面料不但是制作风衣、休闲装的时新面料,又是家纺理想时尚面料。 www.texclo.net 7. Made from lightweight neoprene and breathable air mesh, this laptop bag will give you stylish look instantly. 这款笔记本保护套由材质轻盈的橡胶和可呼吸透气网制成,它会立刻给你带来时尚感受。 www.bing.com 8. While a stylish dress code is not absolutely necessary, it can drastically alter another person's perception of you. 虽然时尚的装扮并非绝对必要,但它能在很大程度上改变别人对你的看法。 www.bing.com 9. In the evenings, you are invited to dine in the comfortable and stylish atmosphere of our restaurant. 晚上我们欢迎您到我们的舒适和优秀的餐馆。 www.booking.com 10. A wood-framed mirror from Africa, very stylish! Doesn't it look like a magic mirror from a fairy story? 来自非洲的木镜,很有风格吧!像不像传说中的魔镜啊? cn.qikan.com 1. The place, just like Adria, is low-key and unpretentious yet stylish in atmosphere and service. 整间餐厅就像阿德里亚本人一样低调、谦恭,但氛围和服务却不失时尚。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Superior rooms offer stylish comfort with views of our gardens or the ever-changing Beijing skyline. 高级客房装修时尚、环境舒适,可欣赏到酒店花园美景或迷人的北京城市美景。 www.farm.799.com.tw 3. The planners are usually covered in real leather and are quite striking and stylish. 本本的封面一般是真皮的,看上去相当显眼、时髦。 iattraction.cn 4. It is packed in a stylish glass bottle and is available in the Harrods Food Hall. 它是装在一个时尚的玻璃瓶,并在大厅的哈罗德提供食物。 www.512121.com 5. This model is relatively simple, relatively stylish casual look, use it more convenient, and the color, or with clothes. 这个款式比较简单,看起来比较时尚休闲,用起来比较方便,而且这个颜色也好配衣服。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Modern and stylish range of walk in showers with a touch of class. 在淋浴的现代与时尚的步行范围内的一类接触。 bbs.canjiren.net 7. He's a very driven, stylish individual and probably the most exciting manager in world football. 他是个上进心强而又时尚的人,可能也是世界足球最令人激动的主教练。 bbs.qieerxi.com 8. Instead of plain models, today's consumers can choose products with a stylish look. 今天的消费者则选择产品的时髦好看的外观造型,而舍弃平淡无奇的平面模式。 www.dictall.com 9. Sales of its stylish Mac line rose 28% in the quarter ended in March, despite an estimated 3% contraction in the overall PC market. 时髦的Mac系列电脑截至3月份的季度销售额增长了28%,而整个PC电脑市场的销售额大约缩减了3%。 c.wsj.com 10. Montante and Maserati collaborated on a fixed gear bike that is stylish enough to bear the Maserati logo. Montante和玛莎拉蒂合作生产的“死飞轮”单车时髦极了,以至于可以胜任为玛莎拉蒂的商标。 www.bing.com 1. Road show that the brand is derived from the French charm of the most stylish culture rhythm. 道明品牌展示的是源自法国的最具文化时尚魅力的韵律。 www.tonke.cn 2. Combined with a shower seat and grab rails they make for a solution that is stylish and practical. 结合淋浴座位和扶手,他们的解决方案,让时尚和实用。 bbs.canjiren.net 3. There are bright neon lights and skyscrapers of the buildings. Everything looked extremely stylish and full of vigor. 这里有亮丽的霓虹灯以及高楼林立的建筑群,所有的一切都显得格外的时尚和富有生机。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The 'Waverly' is a stylish and classic wing tip that every man should have in their shoe collection. “韦弗利”,是一种时尚和经典的翼尖,每个人都应该有自己的鞋收集。 www.freemerce.com 5. Elegant and stylish - this clutch in black satin, framed with clear Crystal Mesh is a star at formal evenings. 典雅和时髦-在黑缎的这台传动器,构筑与清楚的水晶滤网是星在正式晚上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. If that's right about you follow the rule: never try to combine expensive stylish garments with their cheap counterparts. 如果有上述情况,那么你要遵守这项原则:不要试图把昂贵的时尚服装与廉价的服装结合起来。 dongxi.net 7. This woman says that she is not only stylish and smart, but kind as well. 这位妇女说,她不仅时尚、聪明,而且还很善良。 voa.hjenglish.com 8. For those who want to create a site dedicated to the game, get lots of media or just to have a look at stylish pics. 对于那些想要建立一个关于突袭这个游戏的网站,得到一些动画音乐或者只是想看看漂亮图片的人。 bbs.faloo.com 9. In addition to the spy shots, we have these new computer generated renderings previewing the final design of the stylish roadster. 除了间谍拍摄,我们这些新的计算机生成渲染预览最后设计时尚跑车。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Stylish, smart, confident, independent and healthy new era of women, beautiful woman. 时尚、智慧、自信、独立、健康的新时代女性,美丽女人。 www.xunbin.com 1. Why, Mum, it's the most stylish one up to now. 为什么?妈妈?这是现在最流行的。 www.kekenet.com 2. Each of the 305 stylish and elegantly decorated guest rooms and suites are designed for guests to unwind and be at their best. 酒店拥有305间时尚典雅的客房与套房让客人放松身心,达到最佳状态。 info.china.alibaba.com 3. I also start to worry if many women in a restaurant are beautiful in a trendy or stylish way. 如果餐厅里穿着时髦、样式新颖的女人很漂亮,我也开始担忧了。 www.bing.com 4. It is very stylish and not very expensive. Go ahead and ring it up for me. 它挺时髦的也不贵。那就帮我结账吧。 www.bing.com 5. Michelle looked stylish and stayed cool on the campaign trail by sporting sleeveless dresses. 米歇尔在竞选过程中穿着无袖连衣裙,看起来既时髦又酷。 www.983210.com 6. This fashionable silver plated watch combines seven romantic symbols to bring the stylish woman the greatest luxury of all: luck! 这时兴的镀银手表由七个浪漫标志组合而成,为时髦的女士带来最好的气派:运气! www.airmacau.com.mo 7. Flip-flops may be okay if they're stylish, but save the generic rubber ones for the pool. 如果比较时尚,人字拖也可以,但是如果是普通胶质的,还是留在游泳池穿吧。 www.kekenet.com 8. Stylish piano decorated with creative patterns by Joana Vasconcelos. 超有型的钢琴,缀满了针织图案。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Satin trim on the cuffs and hood for a deliciously stylish look. 缎镶边美味时尚的外观,袖口和罩。 www.freemerce.com 10. Limited edition orange coloring on aluminum parts for stylish and distinctive look. 限量版橙色着色铝部件时尚和独特的外观。 www.toptoys.cn |
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