单词 | social security tax | ||||||||||||||
释义 | social security tax
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 社会保障税,社会安全税,社会保险税 1. US workers pay a social security tax that goes into a special fund supposedly reserved for pension payments. 美国职工都交社会保障税,税金被存放到一个特别基金账户,该基金按说是为支付养老金而储备的。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. But the recovery was still not durable enough to survive Roosevelt's spending cuts and new Social Security tax. 但该复苏持续的时间还是不够长,不足以撑到罗斯福削减开支和新社会保险税实施之后。 www.bing.com 3. Changing social security fee to social security tax is always a hot spot in the academic circle. 社会保障“费改税”一直以来就是学术界的热点问题。 lib.cqvip.com 4. China's Ministry of Finance is considering levying a social security tax in an effort to narrow the wide gap in income distribution. 中国财政部正考虑开征社会保障税,以缩小收入分配中存在的差距。 www.neworiental.org 5. Raising enough social security funds is a necessary condition for the existence and development of social security tax system. 筹集充足的社会保障基金是社会保障制度赖以存在与发展的必要条件。 www.daifoods.com 6. Social security tax is the prevalent measure of collecting social security fund throughout the world. 第三章对世界典型国家的社会保障税模式进行比较; www.13191.com 7. There three main ways to finance it in the world, namely social security tax, The pool pays the fees and budget fund account. 目前世界上主要有社会保障税、统筹缴费和预算基金帐户制三种社会保障资金的筹资方式。 www.13191.com 8. no Social Security tax, no Medicare tax, no income tax. No matching Social Security tax for small business. 不交社会保险税,不交医疗保险税,不交所得税。小企业没有与之匹配的社会保险税。 qac.yappr.cn 9. That is principally because revenue from the social security tax is greater than is needed to pay current social security benefits. 这主要是因为来自社会保障税收的收入,超过了当前支付社保福利所需的数额。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Also, high-income earners pay Social Security tax only on their first $97, 500 of income. 而且,高收入人群只在他们第一笔收入中的97,500美金中扣除社保税。 www.bing.com 1. pension; system design; social security tax; enterprise pensions; enterprise pension accounting; 养老金;制度设计;社会保障税;企业年金;企业养老金会计; www.zidir.com 2. Social Security; Social Security Tax; Feasibility; Design of The Social Security Tax; Relevant Measures; 社会保障;社会保障税;可行性;社会保障税制设计;配套措施; www.zidir.com 3. Social Security Tax: The Best Choice for Financing Models of the Optimized Social Security 社会保障税:优化社会保障筹资模式的最佳选择 4. The International Comparison of Social Security Tax and Its Implications for China 社会保障税的国际比较及对我国实践的借鉴 ilib.cn 5. Starting to Levy Social Security Tax is an Effective Way for Improving China's Social Security System 开征社会保障税是完善我国社会保障制度的有效途径 ilib.cn 6. On the Establishment of Social Security Tax with the help of Learning from International Experiences 借鉴国际经验建立社会保障税为解决基本养老保险隐性债务提供制度性基础 www.ilib.cn 7. The Urgency of Levying the Social Security Tax and the Design of Tax System under Structuring the Harmonious Society 构建和谐社会下开征社会保障税的迫切性及其税制设计 ilib.cn 8. Assumption on Experimental Unit of Collecting Social Security Tax in Hubei Province 湖北省开征社会保障税试点的有关设想 service.ilib.cn 9. Analysis of the character and economic effect of the social security tax 社会保障税的特点及经济效应分析 www.ilib.cn 10. A Comparative Study on Tax Administration of Social Security Tax in the World and Their Implications 世界各国社会保障税的征收管理及借鉴 www.ilib.cn 1. Social Security Tax--The Inexorable Trend in the Reform of Social Security System 社会保障税:社会保障制度改革的必然趋势 www.ilib.cn 2. Levying on Social Security Tax Needs the Monetization Reform of Wage System 开征社会保障税需要继续推进工资制度的货币化改革 3. Reconsideration on Our Imposing Social Security Tax 我国开征社会保障税的再思考 scholar.ilib.cn 4. A Research on the Overlapping Tax of the Social Security Tax 社会保障税的重复征税问题研究 scholar.ilib.cn 5. Social Security Tax is a Choice to Perfect Our Social Security System 开征社会保障税是完善我国社会保障制度的必然选择 www.ilib.cn 6. Theoretical Problems of Social Security Tax 社会保障税的几个理论问题 www.ilib.cn 7. Economic Analysis on Levying Social Security Tax 开征社会保障税的经济学分析 ilib.cn 8. Thought for Building Systems of Social Security Tax 对建立社会保障税制的思考 ilib.cn 9. Studies on the Position of Social Security Tax Entry Period 社会保障税定位研究 service.ilib.cn 10. Social security tax having been the biggest tax, as condition permitting , we can explore the feasibility of collecting social security tax; 社会保障税在西方国家已成为第一大税种,在条件许可的前提下,我国可探索征收社会保障税的可行性; www.fabiao.net 1. Levying the Social Security Tax Is Imperative 当前我国开征社会保障税的必要性 scholar.ilib.cn 2. Thoughts on Law System of Social Security Tax in Harmonious Society 和谐社会的社会保障税法律制度构想 www.ilib.cn 3. Probing into Problems of Social Security Tax 关于社会保障税若干问题的探讨 ilib.cn 4. On Determination of Social Security Tax Base 社会保障税税基的确定 www.ilib.cn 5. Research on Levying Social Security Tax 浅谈开征社会保障税的几个问题 www.ilib.cn 6. A Study on Social Security Tax and the Responsibility of Governments in the World 社会保障税制与政府责任的国际借鉴研究——兼论我国社会保险费改税问题 www.ilib.cn 7. Discussion on Social Security Tax and the Lessons from It 对社会保障税的讨论及启示 www.ilib.cn 8. About Slowing Down Social Security Tax 也谈社会保障税的缓行 www.ilib.cn 9. On Social Security Tax Collecting 开征社会保障税刍议 www.ilib.cn 10. On the Implementation of China's social Security Tax 论中国社会保障税的实施 scholar.ilib.cn 1. About the Collection of Social Security Tax 试谈开征社会保障税 www.ilib.cn 2. Thoughts about the levy of Social Security Tax 开征社会保障税几个理论问题的思考 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Facts and Trends of Social Security Tax in the World 世界各国社会保障税的现状与发展趋势 www.ilib.cn 4. On the Levy of Social Security Tax 试论加快开征社会保障税 www.ilib.cn 5. On Levy Social Security Tax 试论我国社会保障税开征问题 www.ilib.cn 6. Comparison between and Reference of Social Security Tax System in China and abroad 中外社会保障税制比较与借鉴 ilib.cn 7. On the Separate Designing of Social Security Fees and Social Security Tax in China 我国社会保险费改税应分别设计 service.ilib.cn 8. How to Design the Social Security Tax System 社会保障税制设计应如何进行 ilib.cn 9. Thoughts on Collecting Social Security Tax in China 对我国开征社会保障税若干问题的思考 ilib.cn 10. Discussion on Setting up Social Security Tax in China 对我国开征社会保障税的初步探讨 ilib.cn 1. Thought on Imposition of Social Security Tax in China 关于我国开征社会保险税的思考 www.ichacha.net 2. On the Collection of Social Security Tax In China 论我国社会保障税的开征 scholar.ilib.cn 3. On Collection of Social Security Tax in China 中国开征社会保障税的探讨 www.ilib.cn 4. Analysis of Levying Social Security Tax in Our Country 关于在我国开征社会保障税的探讨 scholar.ilib.cn |
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