单词 | strength reduction | ||||||||||||
释义 | strength reduction
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 强度折减,强度缩量,强度折减参数 1. However, he also said the UV will also make fabric fading, embrittlement, strength reduction. 不过,他同时表示,紫外线同样会使面料褪色、脆化,强度降低。 www.texclo.net 2. The elastoplastic finite element analysis, strength reduction method and ANSYS software are used for the calculation. 采用弹塑性有限元和强度折减法以及ANSYS软件进行了计算; www.ceps.com.tw 3. The aim of a blowdown system is to reduce the pressure inside the process equipment faster than the strength reduction due to heat exposure. 排放系统的目的是以比强度因热暴露而降低更快的速度,减小工艺设备内部的压力。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Common fatigue strength reduction factors to account for such things as surface finish can be found in design handbooks. 共同的疲劳强度降低因素占到表面完成这些事可以在设计手册中。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Contact FEM strength reduction method is an inverse process in limiting equilibrium analysis of slope stability. 有限元强度折减法可以作为极限平衡分析方法的一种逆过程。 www.rockmech.org 6. The cross section area was decreased due to corrosion attack in decarburized region, resulting in the tensile strength reduction. 于已脱碳之后期反应,因腐蚀而引起的截面积减损量变,则为抗拉强度衰减之最主要作用因素。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Ductility demands of single-degrees-freedom system under an earthquake wave don't always increase as strength reduction factors increase. 在单条地震波作用下,单自由度体系的延性需求并不总是随着强度折减系数的增加而单调增加。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. The slope stability is simulated and analyzed by finite difference program FLAC software and strength reduction theory. 将强度折减理论与FLAC软件相结合,利用有限差分程序FLAC软件来模拟分析边坡稳定性。 www.jsks.net.cn 9. PCB stacking and stitching capacitor on radiation strength reduction are also investigated. 同时,本文也探讨PCB叠构变化以及电容对改变辐射强度的影响。 10. The paper presented the advance of strength reduction FEM in - depth, and discussed its' theoretic method. 以一实际的岩土高边坡为例,探讨强度折减法的理论计算方法。 lib.cqvip.com 1. No substrate deformation and collapse, no strength reduction and cracks after welding. 无基材结构变形的影响,无变形及塌陷,焊接后强度减小和龟裂。 www.jdzj.com 2. The global stability criterion of cavern group is established based on the K-? E relation, where K is the strength reduction factor and ? E关系曲线的库群整体稳定性和破坏的关键判据,其中,K为强度折减系数,?。 3. Based on the parameters, strength reduction finite element analysis for the stability of the reservoir bank is carried out. 在有限元强度折减法的基础上,引入计算结构临界状态荷载值的弧长法进行边坡工程稳定分析。 www.dictall.com 4. Application of theory on strength reduction FEM was analyzed based on improved BP neural networks. 基于改进BP神经网络方法对目前较为流行的强度折减法的理论进行分析。 xuebao.jlu.edu.cn 5. Strength reduction method which is used to study stability of goaf overlapping roof based on catastrophe theory is established. 建立基于突变理论的采空区重叠顶板稳定性强度折减法,研究重叠顶板的安全储备。 6. Research shows that: the strength reduction FEM can be applied to the limit design of slopes and soil-nailing structures; 研究表明:强度折减的有限元方法完全能应用于边坡及土钉支护结构的极限设计中; www.cgejournal.com 7. On strength reduction factors used for seismic design of structures 结构抗震设计中的强度折减系数研究 www.ilib.cn 8. The feasibility study of strength-reduction method with FEM for calculating safety factors of soil slope stability 有限元强度折减系数法计算土坡稳定安全系数的精度研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Initial hardening and strength reduction of compression saturated soft rock and its constitutive model 饱和软岩受压硬化、强度折减及本构模型 www.ilib.cn 10. Analysis on Soil Nailing Parameter Optimization Through Orthogonal Finite Element Strength Reduction Experiment 土钉支护参数优选的正交有限元强度折减试验分析 www.ilib.cn 1. Analysis of a Foundation Pit Accident and Strength Reduction FEM Simulation 某基坑塌方事故分析及强度折减法有限元模拟 www.ilib.cn 2. Stability analysis of a reservoir slope with the method of FEM strength reduction 用有限元强度折减法对某岸坡进行稳定性分析 www.ilib.cn 3. Finite element whole course simulation and sequential strength reduction method for safety appraisal of concrete dams 混凝土坝安全评估的有限元全程仿真与强度递减法 www.ilib.cn 4. Study on tensile strength reduction of concrete due to triaxial compressive loading history 混凝土材料经历三向受压荷载历史后抗拉强度劣化的研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Strength reduction FEM applied to landslide stability analysis 强度折减法在滑坡稳定性分析中的应用 service.ilib.cn 6. State-of-art of applications of strength reduction factors in seismic design codes 抗震规范应用强度折减系数的现状及分析 www.ilib.cn 7. Research and Application of Strength Reduction Method for the Soil Nailing Wall in Deep Foundation Pit 抗剪强度折减系数法在基坑土钉墙稳定性分析中的应用研究 www.ilib.cn 8. By Shear Strength Reduction Method Used in Slope Stability Analysis 边坡稳定性分析中的强度折减法 service.ilib.cn 9. Temperature driving strength reduction method for slope stability analysis 边坡稳定分析的温控参数折减有限元法 www.ilib.cn 10. Research on the Performance of the D-P Criteria and the Applicability in Strength Reduction Analysis D-P准则的性能评估及其在强度折减分析中的适用性研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Study on the relationship between weight loss and strength reduction in treatment with cellulase 酶整理时减量率与强力损失率之间的关系探讨 www.ilib.cn 2. Strength reduction method with FEM for analyzing the expansive soil cutting slope collapse and slide 有限元强度折减法在膨胀土堑坡滑坍分析中的应用 www.ilib.cn 3. Capacity reduction factor, Strength reduction factor 强度折减因子 bbs.translators.com.cn 4. Application of Finite-Difference Strength-Reduction Method 有限差分强度折减法的应用分析 www.ilib.cn 5. Application of strength reduction FEM to analysis on stability of unsaturated soil slope 强度折减有限元法在非饱和土边坡稳定分析中的应用 www.ilib.cn 6. Slope stability and strengthening analysis by strength reduction FEM 边坡稳定及加固分析的有限元强度折减法 www.ilib.cn 7. The bisection method applied in strength reduction method of bearing capacity of foundation 二分法在确定地基承载力的强度折减法中的应用 scholar.ilib.cn 8. Analysis of Soil Slope Stability by Strength Reduction Element Method under Seepage 渗流作用下利用有限元强度折减法的边坡稳定性分析 www.ilib.cn 9. Cause Analysis on Clinker Strength Reduction after Kiln Diameter Enlarged 立窑扩径后熟料强度降低的原因分析 service.ilib.cn 10. Unsaturated slope stability analysis of strength reduction fem 用有限元强度折减法分析非饱和土边坡稳定性 www.ilib.cn 1. Progress on strength reduction factors in structural seismic design 结构抗震设计中的强度折减系数研究进展 scholar.ilib.cn 2. Discussions on Soil Slope Stability Analysis by Strength Reduction Using FEM 用强度折减有限元法分析土坡稳定问题 www.ilib.cn 3. Stability Analysis on Reinforced Retaining Wall by Strength Reduction of FEM 用有限元强度折减法进行加筋土挡土墙稳定性分析 www.ilib.cn 4. Application of strength reduction finite element method to road tunnels 有限元强度折减法在公路隧道中的应用探讨 www.ilib.cn 5. The strength reduction of slope on the basis of finite-element analysis of large elastic-plastic de 基于大变形弹塑性有限元方法的边坡强度折减分析 www.wenloo.com 6. The application of strength reduction FEM in stiffened earth-retaining wall 有限元强度折减法在加筋土挡土墙中的应用 www.ilib.cn 7. Spectrum Analysis of Seismic Strength-Reduction Factor for RC Building 钢筋混凝土结构抗震强度折减系数的谱分析 www.ilib.cn 8. Application of Three-Dimensional Strength Reduction FEM in Slope 有限元强度折减法在三维边坡中的应用研究 service.ilib.cn 9. Discussion on criteria for evaluating stability of slope in elastoplastic FEM based on shear strength reduction technique 关于强度折减有限元方法中边坡失稳判据的讨论 www.ilib.cn 10. Stability analysis of excavation by strength reduction FEM 强度折减有限元法研究开挖边坡的稳定性 www.ches.org.cn 1. Adjacent-field velocity pulse effect on strength reduction factors 近场脉冲效应对强度折减系数的影响分析 www.ilib.cn 2. Study on stability evaluation of karst cave roof with strength reduction FEM 基桩下溶洞顶板稳定性评价的强度折减有限元法 www.ilib.cn 3. Analysis on Strength Reduction Factor of Axially Loaded R. C. Column Reinforced by Increasing Section Area 钢筋混凝土轴心受压柱增大截面加固中的强度折减系数取值分析 www.ilib.cn 4. Study on strength reduction of cord tyre yarn by modifying the twisting machine 改进捻线设备以降低帘线强力损失 service.ilib.cn 5. Analysis of Slope Stability Using Strength Reduction FEM 有限元强度折减法的边坡稳定分析 www.ilib.cn 6. Determination of the anchorage depth of rigid anti-slide piles based on strength reduction method 基于强度折减的刚性抗滑桩锚固深度确定 www.ilib.cn 7. Slope Stability Analysis by Strength Reduction FEM 用有限元强度折减法进行边坡稳定分析 www.ilib.cn 8. Advance of Study on the Strength Reduction Finite Element Method 有限元强度折减法研究进展 9. Strength Reduction Analysis Method for Stability in Trenching Period of Diaphragm Wall 地下连续墙成槽稳定的强度折减分析法 www.ilib.cn 10. Strength Reduction FEM in Stability Analysis of Soil Slopes 土坡稳定分析强度折减有限元法 www.ilib.cn 1. Slope stability analysis by Lagrangian difference method based on shear strength reduction 基于强度折减的拉格朗日差分方法分析土坡稳定性 www.ilib.cn 2. Appliance of Strength Reduction Method with FEM to Analyzing Landslide of Dilative Soil Road Cut 有限元强度折减法在膨胀土路堑滑坡分析中的应用 www.ilib.cn 3. Engineering behavior of subgrade embankments on sloped weak ground based on strength reduction FEM 基于强度折减法的斜坡软弱地基填方工程特性分析 www.ilib.cn 4. Application of Strength Reduction FEM in Soil and Rock Slope 有限元强度折减法在土坡与岩坡中的应用 www.ilib.cn 5. Analysis on safety factor of slope by strength reduction FEM 用有限元强度折减法求边坡稳定安全系数 www.ilib.cn 6. Slope stability analysis by strength reduction method based on ubiquitous-joint model 基于遍布节理模型的边坡稳定性强度折减法分析 scholar.ilib.cn 7. On rational clear spacing of tunnel with small clear spacing based on strength reduction technique 基于强度折减法小净距隧道合理净距的研究 service.ilib.cn 8. An Alternative Criterion for Evaluating Slope Stability Based on Development of Plastic Zone by Shear Strength Reduction FEM 强度折减有限元法中边坡失稳的塑性区判据及其应用 service.ilib.cn 9. Study on slope failure criterion based on strength reduction and gravity increase method 基于强度折减和重度增加的边坡破坏判据研究 www.ilib.cn 10. The Analysis of Slope Stability by Strength Reduction FEM Based on ABAQUS Software 基于ABAQUS的强度折减有限元法边坡稳定性分析 service.ilib.cn 1. Analysis of Slope Stability Based on Shear Strength Reduction FEM Theory 基于有限元强度折减法的土坡稳定分析 www.ilib.cn 2. Elasto-plastic FEM for embankment stability analysis under the condition of seepage based on the technique of shear strength reduction 渗流作用下边坡稳定性分析的强度折减弹塑性有限元法 jhe.ches.org.cn 3. Stability analysis of jointed rock slope by strength reduction method based on UDEC 基于离散元的强度折减法分析岩质边坡稳定性 www.ilib.cn 4. GSD that caused by shear strength reduction of rock in dam foundation is about 3. 0; 坝基岩体抗剪强度降低使系统失效的整体安全度约为3.0; www.rockmech.org |
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