单词 | thrash | ||||||||||||||
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第三人称单数:thrashes 现在分词:thrashing 过去式:thrashed thrash 显示所有例句
例句释义: 翻来覆去,抽打,一举战胜,快节奏重金属摇滚乐,载歌载舞的聚会,鞭挞金属,鞭打,鞭笞 1. Meanwhile, with the pressures on them suspended, Hamas and Fatah would have a year to thrash out a deal on a joint government. 同时,由于加在哈马斯和法塔赫身上的压力有所缓解,他们可以用一年时间来研究达成一项联合政府协议。 www.ecocn.org 2. They thrash and roll on the surface of the sea and scream piteously as they look up to see arrogant men gloating over their suffering. 牠们在海面上拍打翻滚凄惨地喊叫,看著船上傲慢的人们,正因著牠们的磨难在忘情欢呼。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. You can never thrash out any problem with him, for he follows no logic and only talks drivel . 和他是永远谈不清任何一个问题的,他没有逻辑,只会胡扯。 dict.veduchina.com 4. Creating too many threads in one JVM can cause the system to run out of memory or thrash due to excessive memory consumption. 在一个JVM里创建太多的线程可能会导致系统由于过度消耗内存而用完内存或“切换过度”。 www.ibm.com 5. We spent the whole day trying to thrash out a solution. 我们花了一整天的时间反复不开中尽力找出一个解决的办法。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Newspaper columnists lined up to thrash it out. 报纸专栏作家纷纷进行了探讨。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The panel was set up in August to thrash out a bipartisan agreement to reduce the deficit. 今年8月,为达成两党派减赤协议而设立了该专门小组。 www.ecocn.org 8. The conference may also attempt to thrash out a timetable for handing over security to local forces. 这次会议也将尝试研究出一个把安全问题移交给地方部队的时间表。 www.ecocn.org 9. You're a coward and a pup. I'll tell my big brother on you, and he can thrash you with his little finger, and I'll make him do it, too. 你是个胆小鬼,是个狗崽子。我要向我大哥哥告你的状,他只要动动小指头就能把你捏碎,我会让他揍你的。 www.zftrans.com 10. Let there be a great debate to thrash out the question of line. 来它一个大辩论,把路线问题搞清楚。 dict.wenguo.com 1. The banks met last week in an effort to thrash out the terms of that voluntary plan. 上周,各银行曾举行会议,以求通过讨论敲定这一自愿重组计划的条款。 www.ftchinese.com 2. "I can't thrash Aunt March, so I suppose I shall have to bear it. " And Jo resigned herself with a sigh. “我不可能揍玛基姑妈,那么看来我只好忍受下去了。”裘叹了口气,只好作罢。 3. The meeting lasted until well into the night as the two sides tried to thrash out their differences once and for all. 会议持续到很晚,因为双方都想彻底探讨出彼此的差异以便解决问题。 www.i21st.cn 4. Let's thrash the matter over before putting it on the agenda . 这件事我们要反复研究之后再把它列入议事日程。 www.bing.com 5. The two clubs will play a friendly on Saturday and Juve officials will take advantage to thrash out a deal for the Portugal international. 两家俱乐部将在本周六踢一场友谊赛。尤文管理层将趁机向葡萄牙国脚发起猛烈攻势。 www.juvefans.com 6. The singer could feel she was losing her audience and she began to thrash around. 这名歌手能感觉到观众对她的表演正失去兴趣,因此她开始拿不定主意该怎么办。 7. Owner John Henry dined with the player's agent earlier this week at a London restaurant to try and thrash out a deal. 俱乐部拥有者约翰亨利与球员的经纪人在本周早些时候,在伦敦的一家餐厅一起吃饭,双方尝试促成这笔交易。 www.ept-team.com 8. It was grain like this that we used to sow and reap and thrash. 我们曾经播种、收获和打谷的谷子,就正好是这样的粮食。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. If you don't thrash your head around while listening to this song, there's something horribly wrong with you! 如果在听这首歌曲的时候你没。 www.youku.com 10. A second pan-EU body would thrash out standards to be applied to day-to-day supervision of banks, insurers and securities markets. 第二个泛欧盟机构将研究制定适用于银行、保险公司及证券市场的日常监管标准。 www.bing.com 1. I can't thrash Aunt March, so I suppose I shall have to bear it. 我不可以痛打马奇婶婶,所以我只好随她怎么叫。 www.kekenet.com 2. Union contracts, he notes, can take a year or more to thrash out. 他注意到,工会合同能够用一年或更多的时间研究解决。 www.ecocn.org 3. My arms thrash about. and i can seize on no object for my love. I am alone and want to be two. I speak. and no one is there to listen. 我挥舞双臂。但没有抓住任何一个与我相爱的对象。我是孤独的。我渴望是两个人。我说话。没有一个人在听。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Fifth song off the Thrash Metal masterpiece 'Nothing To Gain' by the Bay Area thrashers 'Violence'. 关闭的鞭挞金属杰作“毫无益处”湾区鸫鸟“比奥暴力”的第五首歌曲。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 5. Kuwait's Investment Dar said it signed an agreement with creditors and investors to freeze claims and give more time to thrash out a deal. 科威特投资机构InvestmentDar(简称TID)称已经和债权人与投资者签订协议冻结索赔,努力为达成交易争取更多时间。 www.bing.com 6. Sword arm thrash falls to the shoulder, begin rightward to turn head and increase expiratory amount. 右臂划水至肩下,开始向右侧转头和增大呼气量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The news came as top central bankers met in Switzerland to thrash out new regulations aimed at preventing a repeat of the financial crisis. 顶级银行家们相聚瑞士,研究旨在阻止重蹈金融危机覆辙而出台的法规。此时,(德意志银行收购的)消息也出来了。 www.bing.com 8. First song of the Thrash Metal masterpiece 'Nothing To Gain' by the Bay Area thrashers 'Violence'. 鞭挞金属杰作“毫无益处”湾区鸫鸟“比奥暴力”的第一首歌曲。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 9. 'Some of the interpretations were not what I was hoping for, ' Mrs. Thrash says. 她说:“一些人对着装规定的理解能力并不如我所愿。” www.neworiental.org 10. They may yell, thrash, punchand kick, and even get out of bed and run around. 他们也许会喊叫、猛烈摆动、击打或踢蹬,甚至下床到处跑。 www.bing.com 1. This thesis aimed to thrash out the problems in cluster resource management, and provide system foundation for utility computing. 论文的目标是研究解决集群资源管理相关问题的技术方案,为效用计算提供系统基础。 www.juhe8.com 2. Rushing would only thrash everything so there must be some scheduling to do for shooting. 急于求成不会有好的结果,所以必须安排时间表。 www.bing.com 3. As the state began issuing IOUs, a contentious special session was held in the state legislature to thrash out spending cuts. 正当州政府被迫签发欠条时,一场旨在解决开销问题的充满争议的特别会议在州立法机关举行。 www.ecocn.org 4. When it falls, the legs of the horse thrash and the horse is no good, so somebody shoots it. 当它摔倒了,马的腿断了,它没用了,人们就杀了它。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. This is a game where I'd love to see us thrash Reading, let's give them the reception they truly deserve, hostile. 我希望这场比赛切尔西可以打败雷丁,让雷丁受到他们该受的不友好的,敌对的待遇。 www.qieerxi.com 6. The debt talks in Greece were expected to continue into Friday evening to thrash out the fine print of the deal. 希腊债务会谈会在周五晚上继续,以敲定协议细节。 www.bing.com 7. She'll snap at the master himself, and as good as dares him to thrash her; and the more hurt she gets, the more venomous she grows. ' 甚至她对主人也会开火,并且也不怕他打她;她越挨打,她就变得越狠毒。 wap.putclub.com 8. Sooner or later your sleepy countrymen will come in and thrash the Japanese. 你那些在打瞌睡的同胞迟早会参战并战胜日本人的。 dict.veduchina.com 9. Natant player controls directional thrash to fluctuation with hands or feet, just like like sweeping the floor with conditional broom. 游泳选手用手脚向上下左右方向划水,就象用条件笤帚扫地一样。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. This encourages stability within the iteration by reducing "thrash" . 我们可以通过减少“打回”来鼓励迭代范围的稳定性。 www.infoq.com 1. European Union leaders are meeting in Brussels to thrash out the details of plans to fix the euro zone's sovereign debt crisis. 欧盟领导人与会布鲁塞尔,研讨制定欧元区主权债务应对方案的具体细节。 bbs.koolearn.com 2. Davos next week and the G7 meeting thereafter will be good venues to thrash all this out. 下周的达沃斯论坛及之后的G7会议将是商讨这些问题的好场所。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Juve and Empoli representatives are meeting in Milan to thrash out terms over the Argentine. 尤文图斯和恩波利的代表正在米兰城就阿根廷人的转会事宜进行谈判。 www.jczqw.com 4. Once the field became theirs, she would return home as a proper housewife and thrash rice. 一旦那块地成了他们自己的,她就回家做个正儿八经的家庭主妇,还有舂米。 www.bing.com 5. I should like to thrash you within an inch of your life. If you weren't drunk I would. 我想把你打个半死不活。若不是你喝醉了,我一定会那么干的。 dict.veduchina.com 6. Then, we ask a group of hooligans to go into the rooms and thrash the rooms. 之后,我们请一群小流氓冲进房间,在房间里乱敲乱打。 www.elanso.com 7. Or thrash out their views of what should be done with such satrapies as Afghanistan and Iraq? 或者研究讨论在像阿富汗和伊拉克这样地盘上的事务? www.ecocn.org 8. Tian then convened a family meeting with Tian Huaqi to thrash out countermeasures. 田凤岐于是召集全家人与田华启一道商讨对策。 www.icac.org.hk 9. To punish with a beating; thrash. 揍以揍来惩罚;揍打。 dict.hjenglish.com 10. And then you'll go back to your village and thrash rice. 到时候,你就回你们村儿打稻米吧。 9.yeezhe.com 1. "We will sit down, it has started and we will try to thrash something out, " said Campbell. 坎贝尔说,“我们会坐下来谈谈,谈判已经开始,我们会看看这么解决。” bbs1.arsenal.com.cn 2. To strike or hit repeatedly and forcefully; thrash. 揍重复且用力地撞击敲打;痛打。 dict.hjenglish.com 3. Insult to Injury is the third full-length studio album from New Jersey thrash metal band, Whiplash. 落井下石,是全长从新泽西州的鞭挞金属乐队的第三张录音室专辑,头颈部。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 4. They thrash him until he could not stand. 他们直到把他打得站不起来才住手。 dict.hjenglish.com 5. I'll thrash you into mincemeat ! turn back! 我真要把你砸成薄饼,你转回头去! dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Beginning guys, it's like, they thrash, they thrash, they get 15 feet up. 初学者,就是,他们鞭策自己,鞭策自己,他们爬到了15英尺。 www.ted.com 7. Thrash metal is a sub genre of heavy metal that is characterized usually by its fast tempo and aggression. 黑金是重金属的一种极端分化,以快速的节奏、高声尖叫的唱腔和强烈失真的吉他音为主要特色。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. To give a thorough beating to; thrash. 狠狠地打…一顿;鞭打。 dict.hjenglish.com 9. The band briefly reunited (as Forbidden Evil) in 2001 to play the Thrash of the Titans benefit concert for Chuck Billy (Testament). 乐队在2001年短暂团聚(如故宫恶)发挥捶打为查比利的(约)泰坦义演音乐会。 zh.lyricside.altervista.org 10. Let's thrash the whole subject out. 咱们把这个题目全面地讨论一下。 dict.veduchina.com 1. Meanwhile, Mavinga played the full 90 minutes as France produced a brilliant display to thrash Holland 4-1. 与此同时,马温加代表法国踢了90分钟比赛,在4比1屠杀荷兰比赛中表现抢眼。 news.ccav5.tv 2. This is largely because of the grunted vocals which set the stage for death metal's breakaway from thrash metal. 这主要因为咕哝的唱腔为死亡金属从敲击金属中分离创造了条件。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It took us over an hour just to thrash out a solution on that one point. 它花费了我们一个多小时的时间去研究解决那个项目上的方法。 blog.oracle.com.cn 4. converse regression retrogradation retrograde stem stem against thrash 基本解释逆行 wenwen.soso.com 5. (verb) Defeat completely in a fight; to thrash 痛打,打败(动词) www.fortunechina.com 6. they thrash the opposition in the chess tournament (他们在棋赛中大败对方)。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. To move swiftly or violently; thrash 迅速甩动:迅速地或剧烈地运动;猛烈摆动 www.fane.cn 8. call a meeting to thrash out the problem 召集会议深入讨论该问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Beating give the boy a good belting, IE thrash him soundly 给这孩子一顿痛打。 dict.ebigear.com 10. Speed and Thrash Metal Guitar 之速度与鞭击金属 www.iowks.cn 1. Thrash in bed with fever 发烧在床上翻来覆去 cb.kingsoft.com |
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