单词 | thrall |
释义 |
复数:thralls 例句释义: 束缚,奴役,奴隶状态[地位],被束缚的,拘泥于…的,变成奴隶的,使成奴隶,迷惑住,使神魂颠倒,萨尔,预言者萨尔,索尔 1. Don't talk back to me, troll. You know who was left in charge here. Haven't you stopped to ask yourself why Thrall chose me instead of you? 别跟我回嘴,食人妖。你知道现在这里谁是老大,难道你不曾想过为何索尔会选择我担任大酋长,而不是你呢? blog.163.com 2. Sing songs of him, great Thrall, for he was part of those who saved the world for you. 他是替你拯救这个世界的英雄之一,所以为他吟唱诗歌吧,伟大的索尔。 bbs.farm.hk 3. It was Keynes who noted that "even the most practical man of affairs is usually in the thrall of the ideas of some long-dead economist" . 凯恩斯曾指出,“即使最现实的实干家,也往往会被某些早已过世的经济学家的观点所束缚。” www.ftchinese.com 4. Advertisers are not so in thrall to the cult of youth that they are prepared to overlook such a shift. 广告商不再那么依赖生命力旺盛的年轻人,他们准备对此轮转变保持冷静。 www.ecocn.org 5. Thrall: To hell with your apologies! Right now, I need you to help me save our people! 萨尔:让你的报歉见鬼去吧!此刻,我需要你帮我拯救我的族人! www.sooyuo.com 6. Thrall put me in charge of the Horde, and I will always do what I believe is best for it. 萨尔指定我为部落的领导人,而我会永远依照我认为最好的方法来治理。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. thrall: none of this makes sense, but the spirits tell me. . . that i should trust him. 萨尔:这看来像是无稽之谈,但是我的灵魂告诉我……我应该信任他。 tieba.baidu.com 8. Thrall: That's the young sorceress Grom told me about. It appears that she seeks the Oracle as well. 萨尔:那就是格罗姆跟我谈到的年轻女巫。她似乎也在寻找圣贤。 wow8.org 9. Those who work in the financial system are assumed to be the best and the brightest. Even the government seems to be in their thrall. 金融系统的从业人员被认为是最优秀,聪明的,甚至政府也似在其役使之下。 www.ecocn.org 10. Local politics may be in thrall to national trends this year, but for much of the time, the reverse is true. 这些年,地方政治越来越能决定国家的政治走向,然而在多数情况下,还是联邦决定各州的。 www.ecocn.org 1. Thrall: This land is rugged and beautiful, much like the place from which my people originally come. 萨尔:这片土地如此壮丽而崎岖,像极了我们兽族原来居住的世界。 wow8.org 2. summer evening thus nature's human link and endless thrall proud man, still seems the enemy of all. 这就是人与自然的关系,没有尽头的奴役, blog.sina.com.cn 3. Thrall: Hmm. Prepare to move out. If our comrades did make it here, we should be able to find them along the coast. 萨尔:恩。准备出发吧。如果我们的同伴也到这儿了,我们应该可以沿着海岸线找到他们。 www.yo-yi.com 4. To sum up; in the war of armies on the ground I was under the thrall of defensive fire-power. 概括地说,关于大陆地上的军队的战斗,我迷恋于防御炮火的威力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Thrall: Those pink skins are called humans. They are our enemies from across the sea. They seem intent on keeping us from the peak. 萨尔:那些粉色皮肤的生物叫做人类。在远隔重洋的另一边大陆,他们是我们的宿敌。现在他们似乎不想让我们接近那座山峰。 bbs.wow8.org 6. Thrall: What are they up to? If they're looking to pick a fight, they've had ample opportunities before this! 萨尔:他们想做什么?如果他们想和我们一战,在此之前有很多机会那么做! bbs.wow8.org 7. Britain was not just in thrall to the cost of its victory, but it seemed somehow frozen in time. 英国不仅被她胜利的成本所束缚,也似乎不知何故地在时间里被冻结了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Thrall: Grom, what was this about? And how the hell did these humans get here, anyway? 萨尔:格罗姆,这是怎么回事?这些人类部队怎么会在这儿出现? wow8.org 9. Well, for a start, I'm not actually in thrall to the King of Death, or whoever he's meant to be. 好吧,一开始,我并不受死亡之神、或者你所想要描绘的某人的支配。 www.wowenda.com 10. Thrall: Warrior, has there been any word from Grom Hellscream? He and the Warsong clan were supposed to have been here by now. 萨尔:勇士,有没有格鲁姆。地狱咆哮酋长的消息?他和战歌部落早应该到达此地了。 www.wow8.org 1. thrall: a golem! watch yourselves, my brethren; those creatures do not sleep at night! 萨尔:一个石头人!小心,我的兄弟们:那些生物晚上不会睡觉! www.wow8.org 2. More than a millennium later, the city was in thrall to "quarrelsome, tough, crazy" Pope Sixtus V, as a later poet called him. 一千多年之后,罗马城迎来了教皇西斯科特五世,他被后世一位诗人评价为“好争论、粗暴、疯狂”。 www.ecocn.org 3. Today the long-dead economist is Keynes, and it is professors of economics, not practical men, who are in thrall to his ideas. 目前,这位早已过世的经济学家就是凯恩斯,而受其观点束缚的并非实干家,而是经济学教授。 www.ftchinese.com 4. As they struggle to reduce huge budget deficits, western politicians almost everywhere are in thrall to global capital markets. 勉力削减巨额预算赤字的西方各国政客,几乎全都受制于全球资本市场。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Thrall. . . Warchief. . . your armies await your command. Let me lead them to Northrend to remove this undead menace! 萨尔…酋长…你的军队等待你的命令。让我带领他们去诺森德除去巫妖王的威胁。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Thrall: Damn it! There's nothing to do now but fight! Tighten our defenses! I'll deal with Hellscream later. 萨尔:可恶!眼下除了战斗别无他法了!加紧建好防御工事!战歌部落的事我稍后再处理。 wow8.org 7. It is rare, however, for economic growth to be so in thrall to psychology. 但经济增长如此受到心理状态的驱使,却是非常少见。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Thrall: Great, 'cause we're getting out of here now. We're leaving the human lands for good. 萨尔:很好,因为我们现在就要离开这里了。我们正打算永远离开人类的大陆。 www.tiantianbt.com 9. Her beauty held him in thrall. 她的美貌征服了他。 www.godict.com 10. We wouldn't allow you to make yourself a thrall to such an evil person as James. 我们不会听任你给像詹姆士那样的坏人当奴隶的。 1. A little while ago the most fashionable thesis evoked the prospect of a world in thrall to this G2. 不久前,最流行的论点激发了人们对于世界将由这个两国集团(G2)主导的预期。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Thrall: The great beast was protecting a magical amulet. I'd better hold on to this. 萨尔:这头巨兽正在保护这个魔法护符。我最好还是拿着它。 wow8.org 3. but the isolation, paranoia and terror that kept the Soviet people in thrall for so long exceeded anything comparable, anywhere, ever. 使苏联人民如此长时间的饱受奴役的孤立,偏执和恐惧超过任何可比拟的界限,任何地方,以及历史上都无人可相提并论。 bbs.internet.org.cn 4. Thrall: I wouldn't advise it, ladies. Once my wolf riders bring you to ground, you'll have little chance against us! 萨尔:我建议不要那么做,女士们。一旦我的狼骑士把你们网到地面上,你们将毫无机会! wow8.org 5. Thrall: Don't worry. We'll find them. For now, drink from the pool. The spirits of this place will replenish your strength. 萨尔:别担心。我们会找到他们的。现在,先喝些这池子里的水。这片土地上的神灵会帮你们补充体力。 www.wow8.org 6. Thrall: I don't know what's come over you and your men, but this bloodlust is a liability that I can't afford. 萨尔:我不知道你和你的人身上发生了些什么,但这种杀戮欲望是我无法承受的血债。 wow8.org 7. Thrall: Perhaps. But my people deserve a land to call their own, Cairne. 萨尔:也许是吧。但我的人民理应得到一片属于自己的土地,凯恩。 wow8.org 8. Thrall led the orcs to the continent of Kalimdor, where they founded a new homeland with the help of their tauren brethren. 萨尔领导着兽人来到卡利姆多大陆,他们在牛头人同胞的帮助下建立了一个新的家园。 z-online.spaces.live.com 9. Thrall yells out a loud shout which shakes the canyon. 萨尔的大声吼叫震动了山谷。 wenwen.soso.com 10. thrall: this was only a scout. but the gnolls' camp lies just ahead. 萨尔:这是一个侦察哨。而狗头人的部落就驻扎在前面。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. In his absence, Thrall appointed Garrosh Hellscream, son of the legendary orc Grom, as acting Horde war chief. 在他离开奥格瑞玛的这段时间里,他指派传奇兽人格罗姆·地狱咆哮的儿子格罗什作为临时大酋长。 tieba.baidu.com 2. On this, as on other issues, the Obama administration needs to free its mind from Wall Street's thrall. 在这个问题上,还有其它问题上,奥巴马政府的思想应该从华尔街的束缚中解放出来。 blog.163.com 3. thrall: forest trolls! i still can't believe they were ever a part of the horde. 萨尔:森林巨魔!我仍无法相信他们曾经是部落的成员。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. ''What? Four dollars? In thrall to pelf, you would take the bread from the mouth of a penniless author? 你要,四块钱,啥也不说了。 www.bing.com 5. If we started the first sets of PvP gear with asteroids orbiting the shoulders, in a couple seasons you'd be wearing Thrall on your head. 如果我们一开始就在肩膀上放流星的话,那两个赛季以后,你就只能把萨尔戴头上了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. bellowed Drek'Thar. Thrall wished he could snatch back the words, but it was too late. He had obviously deeply offended the shaman. 德雷克塔尔怒吼道。萨尔希望能收回说过的话,但是太晚了。他显然深深地触怒了这位萨满。 www.xlmagic.com 7. Yet another is an Iraq in thrall to a nuclear-arming Iran that is increasingly hostile to Western friends and interests in the Middle East. 然而,最差的后果,是沦为把持核武的伊朗的附庸,而伊朗现在对西方在中东的朋友和利益集团敌意渐浓。 www.ecocn.org 8. Thrall: Then destroy them! Hellscream must be freed! 萨尔:既然如此就摧毁它们!必须救出地狱咆哮! www.tiantianbt.com 9. Thrall: Quickly, my warriors, the wyverns must be freed! 萨尔:快点,我的勇士们,必须解救那些双足飞龙! wow8.org 10. Thrall says: Marshal our forces. Contact our goblin shipwrights. The Horde prepares for war! 萨尔:列队。联络我们的地精飞艇。为部落而战! bbs.farm.hk 1. Thrall: Hellscream is like a brother to me, Cairne. 萨尔:地狱咆哮就像是我的兄弟,凯恩。 www.sooyuo.com 2. After much soul-searching, Jaina chose the latter and helped Thrall defeat her crazed father. 在一番思想斗争之后,吉安娜选择了后者,她帮助萨尔打败了她疯狂的父亲。 z-online.spaces.live.com 3. Naming their new land Durotar after Thrall's murdered father, the orcs settled down to rebuild their once-glorious society. 兽人们以萨尔被暗杀的父亲的名字将这新的国家命名为杜隆坦,他们定居下来,并试图重建他们那一度辉煌的文明。 z-online.spaces.live.com 4. Thrall: Perhaps this is our destiny. . . to go on fighting the humans forever. 萨尔:这也许是我们的命运…永远与人类争斗。 wow8.org 5. Thrall: It's been three days, and this. . . prophet has yet to show himself. I hope I'm not making a huge mistake by trusting him. 萨尔:已经三天了,这位…先知仍然没有现身。希望我不会因为信任他而犯下大错。 wow8.org 6. She was completely in thrall to Dickens. 她完全是被狄更斯给迷住了。 www.bing.com 7. Jaina Proudmoore: If you can provide our bases with support and keep us from being overwhelmed, Thrall and I will delay Archimonde's ascent! 吉安娜·普劳德摩尔:“如果你们为我们的基地提供支援,只要能不全军覆没,萨尔和我的部队保证会拖延阿克蒙德的脚步!” www.799.com.tw 8. Thrall: Well, we must make it through the pass, despite her. 萨尔:无论她如何阻止,我们都必须想办法通过。 wow8.org 9. Everytime you create an alliance character, Thrall eats a kitten. 每当你创建一名联盟角色,萨尔就要吃一只小猫。 bbs.91wa.com 10. Thrall: North? But there's an army of the horse men marching north. 萨尔:北方?可是正有一支人马部队在向北方进军。 www.wow8.org 1. Political systems in thrall to 24-hour rolling news have lost the capacity to make difficult choices. 受24小时滚动新闻挟制的政治体系,已经失去了做出艰难抉择的能力。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The orcs, led by Thrall, suffered a series of setbacks on their journey across Kalimdor's Barrens. 萨尔领导兽人经历了千辛万苦,在卡利姆多的荒地上展开了探索。 z-online.spaces.live.com 3. Cairne Bloodhoof: I am intrigued by you and your people, young Thrall. You are more than welcome to join us. 凯恩·血蹄:我对你和你的人民很感兴趣,年轻的萨尔。你们能加入我们实在是太好不过了。 www.wow8.org 4. Thrall says: You challenge me, boy? I don't have time for this. . . 萨尔:你要挑战我,小子?老子没时间陪你玩… www.cttstar.com 5. Grom Hellscream: I'm sorry, Thrall. You're right. I. . . I can handle it. 格罗姆。地狱咆哮:我很抱歉,萨尔。看来你是对的。我…我可以处理好的。 www.wow8.org 6. Thrall and Cairne chide him, because post-Northrend, there's an Alliance-Horde truce. 萨尔和凯恩马上责骂他,毕竟诺森德之后有一段联盟部落和平时期。 bbs.ngacn.cc 7. Vespucci 's contemporaries were not in thrall to hard facts based on firm evidence. 瓦斯普契的同时代人并不相信有着确凿证据的明确事实。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Thrall: Yes, boredom and the beating sun have put us all on edge. But we must push on! All will be made clear once we meet the Oracle. 萨尔:的确,无聊的打斗和酷热的烈日让我们很烦躁。但我们必须坚持下去!只要找到了那位圣贤,我们就可以弄清一切。 wow8.org 9. Thrall: It's been three days, and this. . . prophet has yet to show himself. 萨尔:已经过去了三天,预言者没有再出现。 tieba.baidu.com 10. Thrall: That's strange. I don't recall seeing any sheep in this land. 萨尔:奇怪。我记得从没在这片大陆上看到过绵羊。 wow8.org 1. Cairne would speak with Thrall immediately upon their return. 凯恩回去之后会立刻找萨尔谈话。 bbs.ngacn.cc 2. Thrall: That voice. You're no oracle! You're the prophet! 萨尔:这个声音是…你不是圣贤!你是那位先知! wow8.org 3. Thrall: And you fear the marauders will overtake you. 萨尔:看来你但心那些掠夺者会追上来。 www.yo-yi.com 4. Thrall: Either of those caverns could stretch for miles. Perhaps we should split up? 萨尔:两个方向的路都延伸好几英里。也许我们应该分开行进? bbs.wow8.org 5. Thrall: Fight on, my warriors! We must reach Hellscream before it's too late! 萨尔:战斗吧,我的勇士们!我们必须在一切没有变得太迟前,赶紧找到地狱咆哮! bbs.wow8.org 6. The tauren tribe is led by Baine Bloodhoof, son of the tauren war hero Cairne (who formed an alliance with Thrall in Warcraft III). 牛头人部落由贝恩。血蹄领导,他是牛头人战争英雄凯恩(魔兽争霸3中与萨尔结盟)的儿子。 bbs.ngacn.cc 7. The fate of the Chinese economy is supposedly in thrall to the US consumer, in spite of clear and persistent evidence to the contrary. 人们认为中国经济的命运掌握在美国消费者手中,尽管一直有明显证据表明事实恰恰相反。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Arise, you slaves no more in thrall! 起来,奴隶们,不再受奴役! blog.sina.com.cn 9. Are we really that in thrall to the oil markets? 难道我们真的如此受缚于石油市场? www.ecocn.org 10. Thrall: You did this. . . to our people. . . knowingly? Arrrgghhh! 萨尔:你…故意…对于族人们做了…这些吗?啊啊啊!!! www.sooyuo.com 1. thrall: leave? what's this all about, human? 萨尔:离开?这是为什么,人类? www.wow8.org 2. But he still held the crowd in thrall as ever. 尽管如此,他还是一如既往的抓住了观众的心。 www.bing.com 3. The Prophet: Thrall, this is Jaina Proudmoore, leader of the survivors of Lordaeron. 先知:萨尔,这位是吉安娜。普劳德摩尔,洛丹伦幸存部队的领袖。 bbs.wow8.org 4. Thrall: Then we must prepare this camp immediately. I want my warriors to have food and proper lodgings when they arrive. 萨尔:那我们必须立即安置好营地。我想我的勇士们在到达时能得到充足的食物和驻扎条件。 wow8.org 5. She hath my heart in thrall. 她夺取了我的心。 spaces.msn.com 6. thrall: I don't know what this all about, but I will play along. 萨尔:我不知道这究竟是怎么回事,但我会合作的。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. don ' t order me around . i am not your thrall. 不要使唤我。我不是你的奴仆。 www.ichacha.net 8. Thrall: Interesting. If we can reach the goblins without incident, we can hire their zeppelins to fly us above the pass. 萨尔:有趣。如果我们可以在不与人类部队冲突的情况下,抵达哥布林的实验室,我们就可以雇一些地精飞艇从他们上空飞过去。 wow8.org 9. From then on, I became a thrall to horror beyond recall. 从那时起,我变成难以追忆之恐怖的奴隶。 club.topsage.com 10. Thrall! I am glad ya be well. Dere were rumors otherwise. 索尔!我也很高兴你没有事,这边有一些谣言在流传著。 blog.163.com 1. From then on, I became a thrall to horror beyond recall. 从那时起,我变成难以追忆之恐怖的奴隶。 club.topsage.com 2. Thrall! I am glad ya be well. Dere were rumors otherwise. 索尔!我也很高兴你没有事,这边有一些谣言在流传著。 blog.163.com 3. Thrall: it was you i saw in the vision. Who are you? How do you know me? 萨尔:是你,我在梦境中见到过。你是谁?你怎么认识我? www.tiantianbt.com 4. thrall: what kind of nightmare is that? 萨尔:怎么会有这样的噩梦? www.wow8.org 5. Thrall: I am Thrall, and these are my brethren, the orcs. We've come seeking the destiny promised to us. 萨尔:我叫萨尔,这些是我的同胞,兽人战士。我们来到此地是来寻找预示的命运。 www.wow8.org 6. Thrall: Very well. Has there been any sign of Grom Hellscream or the other ships? 萨尔:很好。有没有发现格鲁姆。地狱咆哮酋长或是其他船只的踪迹? bbs.wow8.org 7. He is a thrall to drink. 他是酒的奴隶。 8. Thrall. Subject is your slave forever. 奴役术:受术者永久成为你的奴隶。 www.7hbl.net 9. Thrall: With these, we can reach Stonetalon Peak by morning. 萨尔:乘坐这些飞艇,我们就可以在明早前,抵达石爪峰了。 wow8.org 10. As Thrall leaves Orgrimmar for Draenor, Cairne stops him and tells him what a big mistake he's making by appointing Garrosh in charge. 随着萨尔离开奥格瑞玛前往德拉诺,凯恩找到了他并告诉他指认伽罗什上任是一个多大的错误。 bbs.ngacn.cc 1. As Thrall leaves Orgrimmar for Draenor, Cairne stops him and tells him what a big mistake he's making by appointing Garrosh in charge. 随着萨尔离开奥格瑞玛前往德拉诺,凯恩找到了他并告诉他指认伽罗什上任是一个多大的错误。 bbs.ngacn.cc 2. Thrall: Here is your heart, Aszune. Now, grant us passage to the Oracle. 萨尔:这是你的心,艾苏恩。现在,请允许我们通过此地去见圣贤。 wow8.org 3. Thrall: Damn it, Grom. Where the hell are you? 萨尔:该死的,格鲁姆。你到底在哪儿? www.hbzxr.com 4. But over the past five years he has been in Jupiter's thrall. 但是在过去5年里,他一直痴迷于木星。 www.bing.com 5. somewhere in the Arathi Highlands, Thrall, the young warchief of the orcish Horde, wakes from his troubling dream 在Arathi高地的某处,萨尔,兽人部落年轻的首领,刚从他的噩梦中醒来。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Thrall: I knew it. Can we confirm our location? Is this Kalimdor? 萨尔:我明白了。现在能确定我们的位置么?这儿是不是卡里姆多? www.yo-yi.com 7. Radically, they want to decentralise the top-heavy system in which local politicians are in thrall to Tokyo's pork providers; 他们激进地认为头重脚轻的政治体系应该下放权力,因为地方政客已经沦为东京权贵们的走狗; www.ecocn.org 8. a people in tHrall to tHe miracles of commerce(Lewis H. LapHam) 为商业奇迹而奴役的人(刘易斯H.拉伯姆) dict.ebigear.com 9. Thrall, or at large, alive whereso I dwell 无论自由或被奴役摧残, www.putclub.com |
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