单词 | standard 1 |
释义 | standard 1例句释义: 全部 1. Objective: (1)Using FPI to found a standard animal model of traumatic optic nerve injury of rabbits and explore the stability of the model. 目的(1)应用FPI建立标准化兔外伤性视神经损伤动物模型,并探讨该模型的稳定性。 www.dictall.com 2. For instance, it is less than half of the bank's international standard of $1. 25 a day in purchasing-power parity terms. 举例来讲,中国的水平不足世界银行按照国际购买力标准提出的每日1.25美元的一半。 www.bing.com 3. A rotary hook with a capacity approximately 1. 8 Times that of a standard hook. 一个旋转的钩子,最大容积是标准钩子的1.8倍。 www.juyy.net 4. The standard response to this inquiry seems to indicate that 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight is optimum. 对于这个问题的标准似乎是每公斤体重一克蛋白质是最适宜的。 www.elanso.com 5. In Version 1 of the SNMP standard, the community string was the only method of securing or restricting access. 在SNMP标准的版本1中,社区字符串是保护或限制访问的唯一方法。 www.ibm.com 6. If it exceeds $1, 000, they will be upgraded to the standard platform and will no longer be able to trade minis. 若账户净值高于1,000美元,则账户将被升至成为通用账户,不再以微账户平台交易。 tieba.baidu.com 7. Second is from the surface. 1: The Chinese standard of finish is very wide, almost flying, diving, moving, planting, do not eat anything. 从二面来说。1:中餐的选料非常广泛,几乎是飞、潜、动、植,无所不食。 wenwen.soso.com 8. The company now has more than 1, 000 employees, is now the standard factory building, staff dormitory and office building. 公司目前拥有员工1000多人,现已建成标准厂房、员工宿舍楼及办公大楼。 yp.0595stw.com 9. The bank also offered $100 billion of four-week loans against standard collateral to primary dealers. 它也以标准的抵押物做担保向主要交易商们提供1千亿的为期四周的贷款。 www.ecocn.org 10. Both American Standard and Kohler say that floor-mounted toilets are designed to hold at least 1, 000 pounds. 美标公司和科勒公司都说落地便器都被设计成至少能承载一千磅的重量。 www.bing.com 1. The ort-III series also come standard with color 10. 1-inch hand touch screens, more intuitive, easy to use. III系列还标配了10.1英寸的彩色大屏幕手触屏,更加直观、易用。 www.bing.com 2. In Part 1 of this article series, we looked at how the RSS standard has been popularized by the advent of blogs available over the Internet. 本系列文章的第1部分中,我们看到随着Internet上blog的发明RSS标准开始流行起来。 www.ibm.com 3. B group 1 week, conventional standard hemodialysis treatment and 2 times a week hemodiafiltration treatment. B组行每周1次常规标准血液透析治疗和每周2次血液透析滤过治疗。 www.bing.com 4. Table 1 describes a standard collection of viewpoints that should be useful to any software system model. 表1描述了对任何软件系统模型都应该有用的一组视角。 www.ibm.com 5. An example of such a "readability" order is mentioned in shop standard example 1 (code join predicates before local predicates). 这样的“可读性”顺序的一个例子已经在前面的实践标准1(联接谓词先于本地谓词)中提到。 www.ibm.com 6. As Figure 1 shows, WS-Security is a Web Service security standard on which other Web Services security standards are built. 如图1所示,WS-Security是一个Web服务安全性标准,其他的Web服务安全性标准构建在它的上面。 www.ibm.com 7. A few days ago, the figure is only 1, 100 times the normal standard. 数天前,这个数字不过是正常标准的1100倍。 www.englishtang.com 8. The company expects the FDA to make a decision on whether to approve the vaccine by January 2008, the standard 10-month review period. 葛兰素公司希望FDA能在10个月的标准评审期内,也就是在2008年1月份做出是否批准的决定。 www.dxy.cn 9. The level-1 process definitions of the Industry Models are often used to guide this process and to ensure the use of standard terminology. 行业模型第1层的过程定义常常用于指导此过程,并用于确保标准术语的使用。 www.ibm.com 10. In keeping with a more common industry standard, packages defined in this implementation are outlined in Table 1. 为了与更加普通的业界标准保持一致,在这个执行中定义的包可以概括到表1中。 www.ibm.com 1. For one, it was designed around the JAX-RPC 1. 0 standard, which heavily constrained the Axis architecture and limited its flexibility. 首先,它是基于JAX-RPC1.0标准设计的,而后者在很大程度上约束了Axis体系结构,限制了其灵活性。 www.ibm.com 2. Yuxi's non-standard blades Delivery usually require only 1-2 weeks, enough to make it the envy of colleagues. 裕溪公司的非标刀片供货期一般只需要1-2周时间,这足让同行们羡慕不已。 bbs.qjy168.com 3. The properties and requirements in this standard may be superseded by the applicable end-product standard. 1在这一标准的性质和要求可被适用的终端产品标准取代。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. The name, dimension of a11 the nomenclatures in equation (1), other form a be or text in this standard are listed in Annex A. 式(1)中以及本标准其他公式和文字涉及的物理量符号,其名称、单位等均列于附录A中。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The foul water from production is treated completely. The effluent quality is improved, better than the Discharge Standard, Grade 1. 生产过程排出的污水全部得到处理,而且处理出水水质有较大提高,优于一级排放标准。 dict.ebigear.com 6. Schmidt expected television studios to warm to Google TV, an offering that combines the Internet and standard television programming. 1施密特期待电视制作室能够对GoogleTV给予更多关注,Google电视是传统互电视和互联网的一种结合。 www.bing.com 7. The example shown in Listing 1 shows a top-level method called hello, which uses the writeLine method to emit a string to standard output. 清单1中的示例给出一个名为hello的顶级方法,它使用writeLine方法将字符串发送到标准输出。 www.ibm.com 8. The maximum load factor could be set to a fairly low value to work around this - but the standard requires that it is initially set to 1. 0. 可以通过将最大负载因子设为一个相当低的值来解决这个问题-但标准要求最大负载因子在初始时设为1. boost-doc-zh.googlecode.com 9. VDE DIN 0620-1: 2002 is the only acceptable standard for your Schuko Plug when you sell your appliance to German Market. VDEDIN0620-1:2002是有关你的插头的唯一可接受标准当你把你的电器卖到德国市场时。 bbs.globalimporter.net 10. So you use standard JSF components and quickly build an address form out of various input and output fields (Figure 1). 因此您就要使用标准的JSF组件,并从各种输入和输出域中快速构建一个地址(图1)。 www.ibm.com 1. Railways applications - Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance - Standard wall - Part 1 : general requirements. 铁路设施.有特殊防火性能的铁路车辆电缆.标准壁厚.第1部分:一般要求 www.mapeng.net 2. Wait for a standard length of time, such as one minute or five minutes, and then issue GET SNAPSHOT FOR ALL ON . 等一段标准长度的时间,例如1分钟或者5分钟,然后发出GETSNAPSHOTFORALLON。 www.ibm.com 3. Standard data element types with associated classification scheme for electric components - Part 1 : definitions - Principles and methods. 带电子件相关分类表的标准数据素类型.第1部分:定义、原理和方法 www.mapeng.net 4. The file systems shown in Listing 1 above all come as part of a standard installation of AIX 7. 1. 清单1中所列的文件系统都是标准AIX7.1安装的一部分。 www.ibm.com 5. Powdered milk packaging standard requirements 1. health standards as a food, the health of the most fundamental. 奶粉包装的标准要求1。卫生标准作为食品的一种,卫生性是最根本的。 www.bing.com 6. Amount of smoothing to be applied to the fluid surface. 1. 0 is standard, 0 is off, while larger values increase the amount of smoothing . 光滑的数量被应用到流体表面。1.0是标准,0是关的,当较大的数值增加光滑的数量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Measurement microphones - Part 1 : specifications for laboratory standard microphones. 测量麦克风.第1部分:实验室标准麦克风规范 www.mapeng.net 8. The original article, When A Standard Candle Flickers, was published on January 12th in the Astrophysical Journal Letters. 原文《当标准烛光闪烁时》,已于1月12日在《天体物理学报》发表。 www.astronomy.com.cn 9. Mr. Reese raises 10, 000 turkeys drawn from a flock that includes Standard Bronze fowl that he has traced back to at least 1890. 里斯饲养着1万只火鸡,按照他的考证,这些火鸡的祖先至少能追溯到1890年,其中包括标准青铜色火鸡(StandardBronze)。 chinese.wsj.com 10. On average, the participants lost almost 30 pounds during the 10 weeks, faster than the standard advice of losing 1 or 2 pounds a week. 在10周时间内,每位参与者平均减掉了几乎30磅左右体重,远远快于每周1-2磅的常规建议。 www.bing.com 1. In 1, the organization's policies and objectives whether meet the requirements of the standard, conforms to the actual tissue. 组织的方针和目标是否符合标准的要求,是否符合组织的实际。 www.cnqr.org 2. In this paper, the main research work including: (1) Analyzing the standard of CPK, and outlining the advantages and disadvantages. 本文主要研究工作包括(1)分析CPK体制各代标准的安全性,并概括其优缺点。 www.boshuo.net 3. In this case, the mobile phone radiation is only 1% of standard mobile phones. 在这种情况下,手机辐射仅是标准手机的1%。 www.xiami360.com 4. BPEL 1. 0, another standard, defined the execution semantics of a workflow process in a runtime. BPEL1.0则是另一个标准,定义了运行期中工作流的执行语义。 www.infoq.com 5. Medical electrical equipment - Part 1 : general requirements for safety - 4 - Collateral standard : programmable electrical medical systems. 医用电气设备.第1部分:安全的一般要求.补充标准4:可编程的电气医用系统 www.mapeng.net 6. The results are as following: First, the university counsellors'qualities questionnaire meets the standard of mental mesurement well. 结果表明:(1)自编《高校辅导员素质问卷》具有良好的心理测量学指标。 www.13191.com 7. Part 1 will begin with creating a simple test and a standard datapool to provide variable test data. 第一部分的开始,将创建一个简单的测试和标准数据池来提供可变的测试数据。 www.ibm.com 8. As we known, one DI model with a standard incidence rate for AIDS has already been studied by professor Jia Li in article [1]. 无疑这种假定更加符合实际情况。文中,JiaLi教授已经研究过了一类传染率为标准型的DI爱滋病模型。 www.juhe8.com 9. A standard Step Processor page contains the following widgets, as shown in Figure 1. 标准StepProcessor页面包含以下小部件,如图1所示。 www.ibm.com 10. One (1) Lub-oil temperature control valve to be provided after Lub-Oil cooler, motor driven, controller in ECR according to maker standard . 需在滑油冷却器后面安装一个滑油温度控制阀,驱动马达及集控室内的控制器应根据制造商标准安装。 www.showxiu.com 1. The standard sealing washers (fig 1) are intended for normal operating conditions, e. G. For conveyor rollers and various types of pulleys. 标准密封垫圈(图1)拟用于正常的工作条件,如用于输送机的辊子和各种形式的皮带轮。 www.skf.com 2. Let's take a look at some additional error-related global variables and the standard defined by POSIX-1003. 1 errno values. 让我们了解一些与错误相关的其他全局变量,以及由POSIX-1003.1errno值定义的标准。 www.ibm.com 3. The rate of dilation is 1. 9%. The guide line of microorganism index in non-swell can fulfil the country's standard. 罐头的胖听率为1.9%,未胖听罐头中的微生物指标达到国家规定指标。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. To redirect standard error, use the carat (^), as shown in Figure 1. 要想重定向标准错误,应该使用^操作符,见图1。 www.ibm.com 5. Those courses must drop less than one meter per kilometer to fit the standard. For a 26. 2-mile race, that's about 137 feet. 标准要求每公里落差小于1米,那么对于26.2英里的马拉松比赛,允许在137英尺内。 www.bing.com 6. We used multivariable Cox regression analysis to assess the hazard ratios associated with 1 standard deviation higher blood pressure. 运用多参数cox回归分析评估1个标准差高血压危害比。 news.dxy.cn 7. On Tuesday, Standard & Poor's informed that they will put our A long term and A-1 short term ratings on negative credit watch. 周二,标准普尔称他们将把我们的A长期和A-1短期评级列入消极信用观察列表。 dongxi.net 8. The research work of the dissertation includes: 1. Make extensive discussion on video interface standard of handheld terminals. 2. 本文做了如下工作:1对手持终端及其视频接口标准进行了广泛的讨论。 www.fabiao.net 9. In whole country more than 600 cities, the atmosphere environment quantity matches the nation a standard city in class not enough 1%. 600多个城市中,大气环境质量符合国家一级标准的城市不足百分之一。 blog.chinakids.net.cn 10. At the outset, Phase 1, the progenitor process reads from standard input stdin, writes output to stdout, and emits errors to stderr. 首先,在第一阶段,初始进程从标准输入stdin读取数据,把输出写到stdout,把错误发送到stderr。 www.ibm.com 1. If these millions of new stolen cards were sold online, the price could fall to well below the standard rate to as low as $1 or $2 each. 如果这些刚刚丢失的信用卡在网上出售的话,二手卡交易的平均价格将会跌至1~2美元。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The speed of a search is satisfactory with standard search methods (1 second). 使用标准的搜索方法能够获得令人满意的搜索速度(1秒)。 www.ibm.com 3. The apparatus conforms to and work on a standard USB 1. 1 interface and is compatible with most tested computer input devices. 本项装置符合标准USB1.1电脑介面规格并与大多数市售指标输入装置相容。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. product damaged 1, packaging design in accordance with national standard and professional standard design. 产品破损1、包装设计依照国家标准和行业标准设计。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. the improvement of China's society and people's living standard influences the formation of exotic language. 1中国社会的进步,人民生活水平的提高影响外来语的形成。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. No. 1 standard oil for rubber test was formulated by lube base oil from a deep-refining paraffinic crude blended with vacuum side streams. 以深度精制的石蜡基润滑油的基础油与减压侧线馏分调合研制了橡胶试验用1号标准油。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. This Standard is Part 1 of a two-part series on ISO metric hexagon bolts and screws. Part 2 gives the dimensions for screws. ISO公制六角头螺栓和螺钉标准分为两部分,本标准是第一部分。第二部分规定了螺纹的尺寸。 www.zftrans.com 8. Primary Responsibilities: 1. Understand customers' standards, and transfer it into internal process control and quality control standard. 2. 职位描述:工作职责:1。了解客户的标准,并将之转化成内部的过程控制及质量控制标准。 www.01hrchongqing.com 9. The JNDI 1. 2 Standard Extension API lets Java applications access objects in disparate directories and naming systems in a common way. JNDI1.2标准扩展API允许Java应用以相同的方式访问位于完全不同的目录和命名系统中的对象。 www-128.ibm.com 10. BVI is easily accessible by sea and air, has modern telecommunications and is on US Eastern Standard Time (1 hour behind EST in winters). 英属维尔京群岛是由海上和空中容易获得,拥有现代化的通讯和美国东部标准时间(美国东部时间1小时后在冬季)的。 www.hotelvi.com 1. Recently OASIS, the consortium behind UBL, announced that its members have ratified version 1. 0 as an OASIS Standard. UBL背后的OASIS最近宣布,其成员已经批准1.0版作为OASIS标准。 www.ibm.com 2. But this week's decision raises China's poverty line close to or even above the World Bank's global standard of $1. 25 per day. 但本周的决策,把中国的贫困线提高到接近甚至超过世界银行定下的全球标准线——1.25美元每天。 www.bing.com 3. In 1, the duties of each department should cover the standard requirements. 各部门职责应覆盖标准要求。 www.cnqr.org 4. 1 raw materials, accessories, standard parts, accessories, parts warehouse to plant handling, can use the flat car. 1原材料、辅料、标准件、配套件、外协件入库和出库到车间的搬运,可使用平板车。 www.517hb.com 5. "Fast" will eliminate some of the standard video processing overhead and cuts frame delay to about 1. 5 frames. “快速”将消除一些标准的视频处理开销和削减时限延误约1.5帧。 www.hd-3c.cn 6. Figure 1 shows an outline of the stack of products and components that make up Gluecode Standard Edition. 图1显示了组成Gluecode标准版的产品和组件的组成情况。 www.ibm.com 7. Global standard of post-graduate medical education has been emphasized in every country since its publication in January, 2003. 毕业后医学教育全球标准自2003年1月公布至今,得到世界各国的广泛重视。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Ah. That is a 1gp fee for every mile outside of my standard service area, back in the elves homelands. 啊。那是一项每英里1金币的费用,从我的标准服务区,即精灵族的家乡开始计算。 www.anetcity.com 9. The main contents are shown as follows: In chapter 1, technological process of steel tube and the international standard API are introduced. 本课题的主要研究工作:第一章综合叙述了钢管的工艺生产流程及API国际标准; www.fabiao.net 10. Hutts are some of the longest lived species in the galaxy, some of them living at least 1, 000 standard years. 赫特人是银河系最长寿的种族之一,有的能活到1000个标准年。 starwarsfans.cn 1. You can use the standard XPath 1. 0 Functions that are included in InfoPath, as well as some InfoPath-specific functions. 您可以使用InfoPath中包含的标准XPath1.0函数,也可以使用某些特定于InfoPath的函数。 office.microsoft.com 2. Use cat, whose name stands for together, to concatenate files and standard input streams, as in Listing 1. 使用cat(其名称表示“连接”)来连接文件和标准输入流,如清单1所示。 www.ibm.com 3. On January 14th Standard &Poor's downgraded Greece's credit rating from A to A-. 1月14日标准普尔指数将希腊的信用评级从A级降到A-。 www.ecocn.org 4. Most important, they now share a standard language, XQuery 1. 0, finally released after years of development. 最重要的是,它们现在共享一种标准语言XQuery1.0,这种语言是在历经多年开发之后发布的。 www.ibm.com 5. Listing 1 is standard, 100% valid XHTML Strict for your viewing pleasure. 为了便于查看,清单1给出的是标准的、100%有效的XHTMLStrict。 www.ibm.com 6. Standard Chartered estimates that China's actual holdings of U. S. Treasurys were $1. 2 trillion at the end of June. 渣打银行估计,到6月底中国实际持有的美国债权大约有1. www.bing.com 7. The "Track 1" Track does not include an audio conform to the DVD-Video standard. “第一轨道”的轨道不包括音频,以符合该dvd视频标准。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The 802. 11r standard improves this pause time, dropping the switching time down to well under a second. 11r标准改善了停顿时间,把切换时间降低到1秒以内。 www.bing.com 9. Many more people in this part of Henan subsist between the officialpoverty line and the $1 a day standard long used by the World Bank. 在河南,更多的人生活在官方的贫困标准与世界银行长期使用的每天1美元的贫困标准之间。 www.bing.com 10. However the dynamic contrast gradient has achieved 2000: 1 superelevation standard, lets the human hold in high esteem. 不过动态对比度达到了2000:1的超高水准,让人刮目相看。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Responsibility 1: Assist dept. manager to make work standard & instruction related to financial management. 职责一:协助部门经理组织制定健全公司财务管理工作标准、办法的规程。 www.job592.com 2. All told, one standard reference on the industry lists 118 distinct types of consulting services offered and 98 industries served. 全部,在118不相同的类型的顾问业务提供了的产业名单的1个标准的参照地方和98产业有用。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Normally distributed data assumes that about 68% of the values in the sample are within 1 standard deviation of the mean. 正态分布数据认为,样本中约68%的数值分布在距离平均值为1的标准偏差之内。 www.ibm.com 4. In the Model wizard (see Figure 1), we select the option to create a new model from a standard template, and press "Next" . 在Model向导中(请参见图1),选择通过标准模板创建新模型的选项,随后按下“Next”。 www.ibm.com 5. In that case falling back to a standard J2EE 1. 4 deployment as described earlier is the best option. 在此情况下,继续采用前面所述的标准J2EE1.4部署可能是最佳选择。 www.ibm.com 6. B155. 1 standard Board includes representatives of machinery manufacturers, security experts and icia users. 1标准委员会包括机械制造商代表,安全专家和包装机械用户。 www.bing.com 7. Unlike standard antennas, the 1hT can form multiple beams easily and survey hundreds of stars at once. 同标准天线不同,1公顷射电望远镜能方便地组成多个光束并能同时观察几百个恒星。 sts.zju.edu.cn 8. The maturity model uses standard CMM-based maturity levels as modified by COBIT and described in table 1 below. 这个成熟度模型使用经过COBIT修改的标准CMM成熟度级别,见表1。 www.ibm.com 9. Unit could also be "slice" with standard amount "1" . 单位也可以“片”的标准金额“1”。 bbs.wda.com.cn 10. Standard has 1, 000 branches in 18 sub-Saharan African countries and a presence in a further 21 nations worldwide. 标准银行在撒哈拉沙漠以南的18个非洲国家中有1000家分行,在全球另外21个国家设有分支机构。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Korea's relentless convergence towards America's standard of living (see chart 1) has barely missed a beat. 韩国疯狂追赶美国生活水平标准的脚步从未停止过(见表一)。 page.renren.com 2. As China is a socialist country, $1 trillion will mean a higher standard of living for its people. 我国是社会主义国家,国民生产总值达到一万亿美元,日子就会比较好过。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. The W3C SOAP 1. 2 standard defines the use of XML-formatted messages for communication between a service requestor and a service provider. W3CSOAP1.2规范在服务请求者和服务提供者之间定义使用XML格式的消息进行通信。 www.ibm.com 4. In Figure 11, the overall average response time dropped by slightly more then half, with the standard deviation well under 1 second. 在图11中,整体的平均响应时间下降了一半以上,并且标准偏差低于1秒。 www.ibm.com 5. To run the examples, you ll need: JDK 1. 4, Standard Edition The tutorial source code and classes. 要完成本教程,需要下列各项:JDK1.4,标准版教程源代码和类,以便您可以跟上我们的进度并理解示例。 www-128.ibm.com 6. Today, less than 1% is done in yuan, according to London's Standard Chartered Bank. 据总部位于伦敦的渣打银行(StandardCharteredBank)表示,中国进口贸易中目前只有不到1%是以人民币结算。 c.wsj.com 7. We have explored more parameters and more frequently than recommended in this standard (Table 1) in a long-term experiment. 我们探索了长期实验中该项标准(附表1)推荐的指标更多的指标,并进行更经常的检测。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Most Java developers are well aware of the java. util. concurrent package introduced as a standard part of the J2SE 1. 5 class library. 大多数Java程序员都知道,java.util.concurrent包是作为J2SE1.5类库的标准组成部分引入的。 www.ibm.com 9. In general, OHSAS18000 occupation safety management system document standard review revision cycle can be set for 1-2. 一般情况下,OHSAS18000职业安全管理体系文件标准的评审修订周期可定为1-2年。 www.cnqr.org 10. One is the Standard deployment descriptors file in the Java EE 1. 4 specification, another is the Geronimo specific deployment plan. 一个是JavaEE1.4规范中的标准部署描述符文件,另一个是特定于Geronimo的部署计划。 www.ibm.com 1. And a mere glimpse at the Standard Model's Lie group betrays its fragmented nature: SU(3)*SU(2)*XU(1). 只需大致看过一遍,便可发现标准模型理论的里群SU(3)*SU(2)*XU(1)拥有不完整的本质。 lab.es.ncku.edu.tw 2. Standard Chartered Plc, the U. K. bank that gets more than three quarters of earnings from Asia, declined 3. 6 percent to 1, 811 pence. 三个季度以来都在亚洲获得收益的英国渣打银行(StandardChartered)股价下跌3.6%,至1811便士。 www.bing.com 3. Some news reports (see here) implied that China's new line still falls below the World Bank's global poverty standard of $1. 25 a day. 一些新闻报道(点击)指出中国的新标准仍然低于世界银行的全球贫困标准,即1.25美元每日。 www.ecocn.org 4. European Committee for Standardization issued a European Standard EN215: 2004 [1] temperature control valves regulate the production. 欧洲标准化委员会颁布了欧洲标准EN215:2004[1]规范恒温控制阀的生产。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. The conclusion: (1) Burden of the senior middle school teacher is considerable and almost 67. 1% teachers task exceed standard. 结论:(1)新疆高中教师工作负荷大,超工作量的教师占到了67. www.71155.com 6. The standard JSON parser from json. org is included as part of JavaScript 1. 9. 1 as well. JavaScript1.9.1中也包含了来自于json.org的标准JSON解析器。 www.ibm.com 7. The quality of treated effluent was parallel with the demand of the Miscellaneous Domestic Water Quality Standard(CJ25. 1-1989). 经处理后的水质能满足《生活杂用水水质标准》(CJ25.1-1989)。 epub.cnki.net 8. Standard authorized and issued capital is 10, 000 shares of HK$1 each. Upon request would be allowed. 标准公司注册股本及发行股本为10,000股,每股HK$1;亦可根据客户要求而定。 www.showxiu.com 9. Description of the standard item: (1) glass pipes according to total surface area of the inside and outside of the pipe. 关于标准项目说明:1.玻璃管材按管子内外总表面积计算。 www.bing.com 10. 3 - The PC version is a standard install. You install the information from both discs and then play with 1 disc in the drive. No swapping. 3-PC版是标准安装,你将两张盘的信息装入硬盘,游戏时只需检查一张盘,不用换碟。 bbs.a9vg.com 1. Responsibility 1: Assists Sales Director to make sales strategy, set up working standard, rule related to sales management. 职责一:协助销售总监制定销售策略,制定健全公司销售管理制度、办法和规程。 www.8aza.com 2. All three key indices in the United States gained with the Standard & Poor's 500 Index adding 0. 1%. 随著标准普尔500指数上升0.1%,美国三个关键性指数都有上浮。 www.cnii.com.cn 3. Today less than 1% is done in yuan, according to Standard Chartered. 据渣打银行数据,目前不到1%的进口额是以人民币结算。 chinese.wsj.com 4. As of Python 2. 1, pydoc (and its supporting inspect ) is part of the standard library. 对于Python2.1来说,pydoc(以及它支持的inspect)是标准库的一部分。 www.ibm.com 5. As of this writing, XSLT 2. 0 and XQuery 1. 0 are at Candidate Release status, which is W3C jargon for a standard soon to be adopted. 在撰写本文时,XSLT2.0和XQuery1.0还处于CandidateRelease状态,该状态是W3C用于不久要采用的标准的行话。 www.ibm.com 6. The groundwater-type water sources were influenced by exceeding of fluoride, and the water standard rate was 93. 1%. 地下水型水源地水质受氟化物超标的影响,水质达标率为93. www.ceps.com.tw 7. Methods Standard IPT samples were prepared and immersed in a 1. 5-fold simulated body fluid to coat bonelike apatite on IPT. 方法将三维连通多孔钛制成标准试件,浸泡于1.5倍模拟体液中使之复合类骨磷灰石。 www.301xuebao.com.cn 8. Fig. 1: A typical separation of standard and advanced search (Yahoo! ). The design discourages use of advanced search. 图1.一个普通搜索和高级搜索的典型分布(雅虎)这种设计不鼓励用户使用高级搜索 www.bing.com 9. JAX-RPC 1. 0 was the original standard for web services in Java. JAX-RPC1.0是Java方面的Web服务的原始标准。 www.ibm.com 10. JT: The #1 thing that Java needs is a standard module system adopted by everyone. JT:Java首先需要的是每个人都能适应的标准模块系统。 www.infoq.com 1. Her military expenditure, at approximately 1. 5% of GDP, is comparatively low by any standard. 她的军费开支,约占国内生产总值的1.5%,以任何标准来衡量,是比较低的。 dooo.cc 2. The recovery of a 50 ng diazepam standard spiked into blank hair was 93%, with good precision (RSD = 1. 5%). 添加到空白头发中的50ng地西泮样品回收率是93%,且有好的精密度(RSD为1.5%)。 www.med66.com 3. An embedded Java Standard Edition (SE) EJB 3. 1 container, which can be used outside an application server. 一个嵌入式JavaStandardEdition(SE)EJB3.1容器,可以在应用程序服务器外部使用它。 www.ibm.com 4. Since , the estimated standard error is (3. 1). 因为,估计的标准误差是(3.1)。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. JAXP 1. 2, a maintenance release for JAXP, fills in the blanks by providing a standard mechanism on the Java platform. JAXP1.2是JAXP的一个维护发行版,它在Java平台上提供了一种标准机制,从而填补了这一领域的空白。 www.ibm.com 6. Before we start, let's agree on what overlapping iterationsFigure 1: Standard iterations. 在开始之前,让我们对重叠迭代图1:标准迭代。 www.ibm.com 7. Standard surface-mount terminal type. 1 coil latching. 标准表面贴装的终端类型。单线圈磁保持。 www.datasheetpdf.com 8. Transition's maximum takeoff weight is 1, 430 pounds, more than the standard 110 pounds, but the U. Transition的最大起飞重量为1,430磅,超过标准110磅,但美国联邦航空管理局还是网开一面,特许将该汽车列为“轻型运动飞机”。 www.59edu.com 9. Appendix 1 in this article shows a standard Atom feed for place statistics. 本文的附录1展示场所统计信息的一个标准Atom提要。 www.ibm.com 10. Lucky standard Si has already attained 9 league tournaments champions, 4 feet total cups champion, 1 European champion cup champion. 吉格斯已经拿到了9个联赛冠军,4次的足总杯冠军,1次欧洲冠军杯冠军。 iask.sina.com.cn 1. Breakfast service and decor are of 1 star standard and just awful! 这里的早餐和装饰很差劲,只有一星级的水平。 www.taskcn.com 2. Even Our Standard Members Get Paid In Only 10 Days. No Waiting, No Backlogs ! 普通会员10天以内支付,我只等待了1天就收到支付了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Listing 1 shows the standard JavaScript API for this. 清单1显示的是这方面的标准JavaScriptAPI。 www.ibm.com 4. The revisions to this section also provided further harmonization between F963 and the European toy standard, EN71-1. 这一部分的修改同时使F963和欧洲玩具标准EN71-1之间获得了进一步的协调统一。 www.intertek.com.cn 5. Litronic MPS-II LV is a price attractive 1-monitor-standard version for smaller concrete plants. LitronicMPS-IILV是一种价格适中的小型混凝土搅拌站单监视器标准版本。 www.liebherr.com 6. This variable determines where the standard toolbar should be shown. 0 is left, 1 is right, 2 is top. 这个变量决定是否显示标准工具栏。0显示在左侧,1右侧,2顶部。 translations.launchpad.net 7. A configuration for the COTS plug-in is also standard in Method Composer 7. 0. 1, as shown in Figure 2. COTS插件的配置也是MethodComposer7.0.1中标准的,如图2中所示。 www.ibm.com 8. Stick with standard HTML (currently HTML 4) (1) and your pages will look good on all browsers that support it. 遵循标准的HTML(当前版本是HTML4)(1),你的页面会在所有的浏览器里都表现出色。 www.bing.com 9. WS-I has completed and published Basic Profile 1. 0 -- the first profile which addresses standard Web services. WS-I已经完成和发布了基本概要文件1.0(BasicProfile1.0)——这是处理标准Web服务的第一个概要文件。 www.ibm.com 10. Overall response time was 1. 4 seconds with a standard deviation under 2 seconds. 整体响应时间是1.4秒,并且标准偏差小于2秒。 www.ibm.com 1. Modular order for the development of mechanical structures for electronic equipment practices - Part 1 : generic standard. 发展中的电子设备构体机械结构模数序列.第1部分:通用标准 www.mapeng.net 2. SmartGWT also uses the standard GWT 1. 6 event API which is much cleaner and flexible compared to its predecessor. SmartGWT还使用了标准的GWT1.6事件API,它与其前身相比非常整洁而灵活。 www.infoq.com 3. Summary: February 2006 the Ministry of Finance issued a new accounting standard, requirements on January 1, 2007 in the listed companies. 问题补充:摘要:2006年2月财政部颁发了新的会计准则,要求2007年1月1日起在上市公司执行。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Making 35K in the City of New York (all five boroughs) gives you the same standard of living as making 16K in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. 在纽约(所有五大区)年收入3.5万美元和在密西西比州的哈蒂斯堡年收入1.6万美元的生活标准一样的。 www.ptfcn.com 5. The present standard stipulated of the earthquake shear of soft storey is multiplied by 1. 15. 现行规范规定将薄弱层地震剪力乘以1.15的增大系数。 www.boshuo.net 6. The interest rate on standard noninflation-adjusted Treasury bonds due in four years has fallen to 1%, or 100 times its payout. 四年期未经通胀调整的标准国债利率降至1%,债券价格是收益的100倍; c.wsj.com 7. Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) 1. 0, a current W3C XML style sheet language standard. 可扩展样式表语言转换(XSLT)1.0,当前的W3CXML样式表语言标准。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Bearings to GA class preload are standard ( matrix 1 ) . 带GA级预载荷的轴承为标准轴承(方阵图1)。 www.bing.com 9. The standard electrical configuration is 1 Phase. Optional 3 Phase is available. 标准1相电流配置,也可供应3相配置; www.e-gtm.com.cn 10. The components in the standard version are manufactured from stainless steel 1. 4571. 标准型号的元件采用1.4571不锈钢制成。 tecsis.de 1. When fulfilling its obligations under Standard A1. 4, paragraph 1, the competent authority should consider. 在履行其在标准A1.4第1款下的义务时,主管当局应考虑。 www.dongfangchuanbo.com 2. Note 1-There is no similar or equivalent ISO standard. 1,没有相类似或相同的ISO标准。 wenku.baidu.com 3. The charge for excess baggage is calculated by 1. 5% of the standard ticket fare for economy class. So you have to pay 200 yuan. 行李逾重费的标准为公布票价的1.5%,您得交纳200元。 wenwen.soso.com 4. The probiotics tests showed a density of plasticizer at 600 parts per million, far surpassing the Taiwan daily standard of 1. 029 ppm. 益生菌检测表明塑化剂密度是百万分之600,远远超过台湾日常标准的百万分之1. www.hxen.com 5. U. S. stocks slipped 0. 1 percent, preventing the Standard & Poor's 500 Index from reaching its longest winning streak since July. 美国股市下跌0.1%,标准普尔500指数终止了7月以来最长的连续上涨势头。 www.bing.com 6. National primary energy production reached 1. 34 billion tons of standard coal. 一级能源生产达到13.4亿吨标准煤。 www.ebigear.com 7. For a standard game choose 6 numbers from this range. 标准玩法是您在从1到38的范围中选6个号码。 www.ozlotteries.com 8. In a symbolic touch, the new track will use the Russian 1, 520mm gauge, rather than the smaller standard used in China and elsewhere. 一个具有象征意义的细节是,新铁路将使用俄制1520毫米轨距,而不是中国和其它国家所使用的较窄的标准轨距。 www.ftchinese.com 9. By the UN standard of one dollar a day per person, there are 150 million Chinese living under the poverty line. 按照联合国人均一天一美元的生活标准,中国仍有1.5亿人生活在贫困线以下。 www.putclub.com 10. Mark strategy 1 and strategy 2 respectively for different use of simple standard deviation and time-relative standard deviation. 分别将按照简单标准差和时变标准差设定的边界记为策略1和策略2。 www.fabiao.net 1. According to the UN standard, China still has over 150 million people living under poverty. 按联合国的统计,中国至少还有1.5亿人生活在贫困线以下。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 2. Looking at Table one below, we can see the effect outliers in a dataset have on the mean and standard deviation. 查看下面的表1,我们可以在数据集中看到异常值。 www.ibm.com 3. Alternatively, employers may cut the standard workweek, say from 40 hours to 36 hours, a 10% reduction in work hours. 换一种方法,雇主可以削减标准一周工作时间,比如从(1周)40个小时变为36个小时,减少掉10%的工时。 www.bing.com 4. BPMN 1. 0 defined a standard for modeling business processes and many of the well-defined workflow patterns. BPMN1.0为业务流程建模定义了一个标准,同时还提供了众多定义良好的工作流模式。 www.infoq.com 5. Standard Chartered expects the share of China's imports purchased with RMB to reach 20% in 2015 from about 1% at present. 渣打银行预计,用人民币购买于2015年达到约20%,目前中国1%的进口份额。 www.97bg.com 6. At the end of December 1998, some 22000 households were either paying 1. 5 times standard rent, double standard rent or market rent. 截至一九九八年十二月底,缴交倍半租金、双倍租金或市值租金的租户约有22000户。 dict.veduchina.com 7. Not only have the averages decreased, but the standard deviation has decreased to below 1 second. 不仅减少了平均值,还将标准偏差减少到了1秒钟以下。 www.ibm.com 8. A month ago, the National Copyright Administration published a draft standard of 12 yuan (US$1. 5) per KTV room per day. 一个月前,国家版权局发布一份标准草案,每间KTV房每天的版税为12元(合1.5美元)。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The requirements in the annual surveillance conducted by 1. 2 audit fee charged at the standard grade with additional 20%-50%. 对要求在年度监督审核时进行的可按1.2审核费收取标准同档次加收20%-50%。 www.cnqr.org 10. Java 2 Standard Edition, 1. 4 (aka Merlin) introduces many exciting and long-awaited changes to the Java platform. Java2标准版,1.4(也称Merlin)引入许多人们期待已久并为之雀跃的对Java平台的更改。 www.ibm.com 1. Employ simple equipment and tools to gather data and extend the senses (Standard A. 1. 3). 使用简单器材和工具,收集数据,提高学生判断力。 bbs2.iyaya.com 2. The JMS 1. 02 Standard Extension API provides a vendor-independent way to communicate with messaging service providers. JMS1.02标准扩展API提供独立于供应商的方式来与消息传递服务供应商通信。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Putonghua standard test grade comes mainly from the aspects of test controllers below: 1. 普通话水平测试成绩主要来自测试人员的以下方面:1。 www.dictall.com 4. The standard equipment of Lionheart kingdom army. Adds 6 damage and 1 armor. 狮心王国军队的标准配备。增加6点攻击力与1点装甲。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The numerical values of standard tolerance grades IT to ISO 286-1: 1988 can be found in table 2. 符合ISO286-1:1988的标准公差级别IT数值可以在表2中找到。 www.skf.com 6. The first SCSI standard, called SCSI-1, was created by Shugart Associates around 1979. 第一种SCSI标准称为SCSI-1,是由ShugartAssociates在1979年前后创建的。 www.ibm.com 7. The POSIX 1003. 1 standard defines only one required entry for struct dirent, an array of char named d_name. POSIX1003.1标准仅仅为structdirent定义了一个必需的条目,即char数组d_name。 www.ibm.com 8. 6Though not part of the standard 4 1 view associated with RUP, this view is essential. 6尽管不是与RUP关联的标准4 1视图的一部分,但这一视图是基本的。 www.ibm.com 9. Kids from standard 1 to 6 will come here after class, then we provide lunch and let them bath. 一至六年级的学生放学后都回来我们这里,然后吃午餐、冲凉等。 blog.yam.com 10. According to the SOAP standard, the message in Listing 1 is a proper SOAP message. 按照SOAP标准,清单1内的消息是一条正确的SOAP消息。 www.ibm.com 1. 4 extend scope of certification, to request a separate audit audit fees by 1. 2 standard grade with charge, fee free. 4扩大认证范围时,对要求单独进行审核的审核费按1.2标准同档次收取,申请费免收。 www.cnqr.org 2. Normally the standard number 1 is too high as value. 通常默认的数值1都太大了。 www.cgbegin.com 3. Scrip in the 1930s was designed to circulate like currency and usually issued in standard denominations: 25 cents, $1, $5. 20世纪30年代的代币目的是用于流通,就像货币一样,通常有标准的面额,如25美分、1美元和5美元。 www.bing.com 4. In late 2005, Standard Chartered paid $123m for a 19. 99 stake in Bohai Bank, which is based in the northern city of Tianjin, near Beijing. 2005年底,渣打银行斥资1.23亿美元,收购了渤海银行(BohaiBank)19.99%的股份。渤海银行总部位于北京附近的华北城市天津。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The JAX-RPC 1. 0 and 1. 1 specifications define standard mappings to Java for a subset of Schema types. JAX-RPC和1.1规范为Schema类型的子集详细定义了映射到Java的标准。 www.ibm.com 6. Based on its studies, 708 Institute suggested to increase the standard displacement to 1, 800 tonnes for improved performance. 基于它的研究,708所为改良性能把标准排水量增加到1,800吨。 www.armsky.com 7. Field numbers for non-standard maps start from 1. 非标准映射字段数从1开始。 www.fan6.net 8. DB-5 wide bore capillary column was used with 1-propanol as internal standard. 采用DB-5大口径毛细管柱,以正丙醇为内标进行定量。 www.dictall.com 9. As of Monday's close, the Standard &Poor's 500 stock index was up 34. 1% from its closing low on March 9th. 截至周一收盘,标准普尔500指数较3月9日的收盘低点涨了34. www.bing.com 10. The existing 1, 000 square meter factory standard four plants. 工厂现有四栋一千平米的标准厂房。 china.toocle.com 1. The hope is that Java EE 5. 1 will address the tier-integration issue to give us a comprehensive and standard dependency injection approach. 我们希望JavaEE5.1将解决层集成的问题,为我们提供一个全面而标准的依赖性注入方法。 www.ibm.com 2. On a standardized test, a score of 86 falls exactly 1. 5 standard deviations below the mean. 关于标准化测试中,成绩为86正好1.5标准偏差低于平均值。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. By UN standard, 150 million Chinese still live under the poverty line and, even by China's standard, over 43 million are in poverty. 按照联合国标准,中国还有1.5亿贫困人口,按中国的标准,贫困人口也有4300多万。 www.24en.com 4. Standard 10 student apartments, student canteen 8, student apartment 3, a modern cultural and sports center, swimming pool 1. 标准化学生公寓10栋,学生食堂8个,留学生公寓3栋,现代化文体活动中心1栋,游泳馆1处。 weihai.qite8.com 5. The survey also shows it costs 14 thousand pounds per person to achieve a minimum standard of living, based on 2009 prices. 调查还显示,按照2009年的价格标准计算,要达到最低生活标准,英国居民人均开销为1.4万英镑。 www.hjenglish.com 6. But most work overtime, which can pay 1. 5 times the standard hourly rate. 但大多数员工超时工作,加班费为标准小时工资的1.5倍。 www.12edu.cn 7. Remark: 1. Please fill in the form in standard. 备注:1、请用正楷字填写表格各项内容。 www.sadion.com 8. For Standard Edition, you can set the database size limit between 1 and 75 GB. 在标准版中,数据库大小限制可设置在1至75GB之间。 technet.microsoft.com 9. According to the current XML 1. 0 Standard, white space is not allowed before the XML declaration. 根据当前的XML1.0标准,在XML声明之前不允许包含空白。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. The shares have dropped 3. 3 percent this year, compared with a 1. 1 percent decline in the Standard & Poor's 500 Index. 自今年以来,该公司股价已下跌3.3%,同期的标准普尔500指数的跌幅为1. www.bing.com 1. Vulcanized rubber products according to technical requirements, testing of liquid preference 1, 2, 3, Standard Oil. 可根据硫化橡胶制品的技术要求,试验液体优先选用1号、2号、3号标准油。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Rackmount devices are also standard 1. 75 inch units. 装架设备也是标准的1.75英寸的设备。 www.educity.cn 3. As of Python 1. 6, the distutils package has become part of the standard Python library. 对于Python1.6来说,distutils包已经成为标准Python库的一部分。 www.ibm.com 4. Based on the UN standard of one dollar a day, 150 million Chinese are still living under the poverty line. 按照联合国人均一天一美元的生活标准,中国还有1.5亿人生活在贫困线以下。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Therefore, you probably want to stick to the standard XForms 1. 0 set for broad deployment. 因此,您或许希望在标准XForms1.0函数集合的基础上进行广泛地部署。 www.ibm.com 6. The Committee considered the proposals P292 mandatory country of origin label Transitional standard 1. 1A. 3. 提案P292审议了关于强制性原产国标签的过渡性标准1.1A.3。 www.bing.com 7. The Review Standard of Administrative Permission: formal or Substantive . 1 Stuies in Law and Business. 99(2009). 章剑生:“行政许可审查标准:形式抑或实质”,载《法商研究》{##**$$}2009年第1期,第99页。 article.chinalawinfo.com 8. An OMG standard, the current formal version of the specification is 2. 1. 1. 作为OMG标准,该规范的当前正式版本为2.1. www.ibm.com 9. Drosera burmannii isn't very picky about soil. It grows well in the standard 1: 1 peat: sand "CP mix" . 宽叶毛对介质的要求并不严格,它在标准的泥炭土:矽砂=1:1混合介质中生长良好。 www.bing.com 10. J1 USB pins 1, 3 and 4 are tested using an ESD generator equipped with a standard finger probe and set to 15kV. J1的USB引脚1,3和4进行测试,使用的是静电放电发生器配备了标准的指纹探针和设置为15千伏。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Standard & Poor's 500 Index futures expiring in March rose 0. 3 percent today. The MSCI Asia Pacific Index lost 1 percent. 三月到期的标准普尔500指数期货上涨0.3%,摩根斯坦利亚太指数下跌1%。 www.bing.com 2. The dimension of a seagull df-1 be 146*99*96mm, with a standard lens and it weigh 960 gram. 带在标准镜头的海鸥DF-1的外形尺寸为146×99×96毫米,重量为960克。 www.jukuu.com 3. Standard estimates suggest that a dollar of public spending raises G. D. P. by around $1. 50. 标准预测显示,一美元的公共支出将推动近1.5美元的国内生产总值。 www.bing.com 4. ODF 1. 2 is the latest version of the standard. ODF1.2是这个标准的最新版本。 www.ibm.com 5. [29] T. E. Gregory, The Gold Standard and Its Future (1st ed. London, 1934), pp. 22 ff. [29]T.E.格雷戈里,金本位制及其未来(第1版.伦敦1934年)第22页。 www.bing.com 6. Daqu after smashing through 1 mm standard screen hole for 35 to 40%, not through the half. 大曲粉碎后通过1毫米标准筛孔的占35~40%,未通过的占一半。 www.9999jiu.com 7. The geopolitical ontology is implemented in Ontology Web Language (OWL) 1. 0 language, which is a W3C standard. 地缘政治本体应用了本体网络语言(OWL)1.0语言,是W3C标准。 www.fao.org 8. Response times in Mozilla 1. 7 improved by 41 percent using the standard user interface and 44 percent using the lightweight user interface. Mozilla1.7中的响应时间在使用标准用户界面时提高了41%,在使用轻量级用户界面时提高了44%。 www.ibm.com 9. And 150 million in China are still living below the UN standard of one US dollar a day per person. 还有1.5亿人的生活达不到每人每天1美元的联合国标准。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 10. VideoCharger supports many industry-standard multimedia formats at various bit rates, including MPEG-1, MPEG-2, QT5, AVI, MP3 and WAV. VideoCharger可以以各种比特率支持许多业界标准的多媒体格式,包括MPEG-1、MPEG-2、QT5、AVI、MP3和WAV。 www.ibm.com 1. Unless noted otherwise, references to the XHTML standard in this topic mean both XHTML 1. 0 And XHTML 1. 1. 除非另行说明,本主题中提及的XHTML标准包括XHTML1.0和XHTML1. msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Using the average and the standard deviation, you can interpret that 68% of the attempts were between . 2 and 1. 3 seconds. 使用平均值和标准偏差,您可以说明,68%的尝试是在0.2秒到1.3秒之间。 www.ibm.com 3. The JSSE API only became a standard with J2SE 1. 4, and slight variations exist between earlier JSSE implementations. JSSEAPI只是J2SE1.4的一项标准,并且早期的JSSE实现之间存在略有不同的变体。 www.ibm.com 4. Lead development of system and device software based on IEEE 802. 1 family standard specifications. 带领基于IEEE802.1系列标准进行系统及设备软件开发。 sz.jobems.com 5. By this definition, people are poor if they cannot match the standard of living of someone living on $1. 25 a day in America in 2005. 根据这个定义,如果2005年在美国,人们不能达到1.25美元一天的标准,这些人就是穷人。 bbs.dingdi.com 6. Is home to the Java Standard Tag Library 1. 2. 是Java标准标记库1.2的家。 www-128.ibm.com 7. As a result, exporting a standard shipping container costs $1, 770 in Colombia, against $1, 480 in Argentina. 因此,在哥伦比亚出口一个标准船运集装箱需要耗费1770美元,而在阿根廷只要1480美元。 www.ecocn.org 8. To find out the BTU's per pound, divide your therm into 100, 000 BTU's (100 cubic feet or 1 standard therm). 要找出个BTU每磅的,分割成10万个BTU你千卡的(100立方英尺或1标准千卡)。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Extracting the file should create a directory called jakarta-taglibs-standard-1. 1. 2. 解压缩文件应当会创建名为jakarta-taglibs-standard-1.1.2的目录。 www.ibm.com 10. A standard flat costs $10, 000-$15, 000 a month to rent or at least $1m to buy. 一间标准公寓月租1万到1万5千美元,想买至少得100万美元。 www.ecocn.org 1. The standard cable length is 1. 5 Meters. 标准电缆长度是1.5米。 www.riedel.net 2. Episodes typically cost $1. 99 for standard definition and $2. 99 for HD. 标准版的剧集通常价格为1.99美元,高清版2.99美元。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Standard JSTL library -- The current release is 1. 1. 2. 标准JSTL库——当前版本为1.1. www.ibm.com 4. Standard pressure gauges to EN 837-1. Nominal sizes ND 40, 50, 63; connection position bottom, radial or back, central. 符合EN837-1的标准压力表,标准尺寸表径40,50,63接口位置有底部径向或背后正中。 tecsis.de 5. Metro 1. x (which will ship later in 2008) will be based on the standard versions also. Metro1.x(稍后将在2008年发布,译注:Metro1.1已经发布)也将以标准版本为基础。 www.infoq.com 6. The positioning options are valid in any browser that implements the W3C HTML 4. 0 Standard, including those that support XHTML 1. 1. 定位选项在实现W3CHTML4.0标准的任何浏览器(包括支持XHTML1.1的浏览器)中都有效。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Unlike XML 1. 0, XML 1. 1 Is forward compatible with the Unicode Standard. 和XML1.0不同,XML1.1是和Unicode标准向前兼容的。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Part 1 of the standard (3166-1) defines two character country codes and part 2 (3166-2) defines three character codes. 这一标准的第一部分(3166-1)定义了国家代码为两个字符,而第二部分(3166-2)定义为三个字符代码。 www.bing.com 9. With the JSR 301 portlet bridge specification, we now have a standard way of running JSF applications as both 1. 0 and 2. 0 portlets. JSR301portlet桥接规范(portletbridgespecification)的出现,使我们具备了运行JSF应用的标准方式,不论portlets版本是1.0还是2. www.infoq.com 10. Standard & Poor's 500 Index futures expiring in December dropped 0. 5 percent today and Nasdaq-100 Index futures slid 1. 2 percent. 12月到期的标准普尔500指数期货当日下跌0.5%,纳斯达克100指数期货下跌1. www.bing.com |
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