单词 | stand | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
过去式:stood 第三人称单数:stands 现在分词:standing v. n. take stand,make stand,stand heat,stand side,stand pain adj. n. stand firm,strong stand adv. v. patiently stand stand 显示所有例句 站立;直立on feet/be vertical
使直立put upright
位置;状态be in place/condition
高度;水平be at height/level
汽车、火车等of car/train, etc.
液体;混合物of liquid/mixture
很可能be likely to do sth
观点have opinion
承受survive treatment
买饮料╱餐点buy drink/meal
选举in election
IDM 观点opinion
展示;摆放for showing/holding sth
体育场at sports ground
板球in cricket
乐队、交响乐队等for band/orchestra, etc.
出租车、公共汽车等for taxis/buses, etc.
植物;树of plants/trees
土地of land
例句释义: 态度,立场,观点,保卫,站立,直立,站起来,起立,忍受,看台,坐落 1. 36But watch at all times and pray, that you may be able to escape all that is bound to happen and to stand before the Son of Man. 所以,你们应当时时醒寤祈祷,为使你们能逃脱即将发生的这一切事,并能立于人子之前。 www.ccreadbible.org 2. AS I stand at the gas station filling my tank, the meter tallies how much it's going to cost me. 当我在加油站加油的时候,计价表提示我将要花掉多少钱。 www.bing.com 3. I know there are some types of music I can't stand, no matter how much I try to give it a chance. 因为我知道总有那么些音乐,不论我多么努力地想试着去欣赏,我都是不能忍受的。 www.bing.com 4. I knew the truth, but I found it emotionally difficult to focus while I was on a witness stand in front of a jury and a judge. 我了解真相,但坐在证人席上,面对一个陪审团和一名法官,令我难以心平气和地专心回答问题。 www.america.gov 5. So I don't have right to stand here to ask you What's your aim ? But I still hope you, my friends: Don't forget your duties and aims . 现在,我知道“欲速则不达”的道理,因此,我是没有这个资格来站在这里问你:难道你忘记了你的责任与目标的了么?! www.readerstimes.com 6. He made a daily raft out of the towel stand, the tea tray, and his pillows. 他用手巾架、茶盘和枕头做了一只日用的木筏。 www.bing.com 7. He said, Ok, stand here. Ive got to check your lips and Ive got to check your hands. 好,站在这边,我要看看你们的嘴唇,然后看看你们的手。 hourofpower.org.hk 8. He then tells the reporters that Keith will turn himself in and that he will stand by his son. 然后,他向记者们说,基思愿意自首,他会支持他儿子的行为。 www.bing.com 9. The letter "x" is often used to stand for an unknown number. 字母x常被用来代表一个未知数。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. No thoughts for the morrow -- he could not stand to think of it any more than he could of any other calamity. 他才不去想什么明天--他一想到明天就受不了,正如他不愿去想别的灾难一样。 www.bing.com 1. France and Belgium may be able to stand behind Dexia but supporting entire banking systems is beyond the capacity of many sovereigns. 然而,法国和比利时也许会支持德夏银行,但支持整个银行系统超出了很多国家的能力。 www.bing.com 2. To learn how much 12 pounds of clothing is (or whatever your washer can handle), stand on a scale empty handed and weigh yourself. 要知道12磅的衣服有多重(或不管你洗衣机可以洗什么),空手站在一个秤上,称下你自己。 www.elanso.com 3. Thus, if your parents, boss, neighbors, or even spouse, take a stand against some of your behavior, you can see that as natural. 只有勇敢接受这些,你才能觉得你的父母,老板,邻居甚至配偶对这些事情的提出异议其实是很自然的事情。 397565205.qzone.qq.com 4. I left him with someone who took him in, looked after him and he got to stand there during a game. 我让人带他进去了,照顾着他,而他在那里站了一场比赛! www.360doc.com 5. There you were, face to face with someone whose views and belief system should have been opposed to all that you and I stand for. 如果是从前的话,与观念与信仰完全与你和我相反的人面对面一直都是难以想象的。 tieba.baidu.com 6. lead him on the left rein on the track , ask him to stand with a soft pull on the rein and a simultaneous voice aid , for example ' strand. 用左侧缰绳牵它在路线上走,要它停止的时候轻微地拉一下缰,同时给一个声音辅助。 www.ichacha.net 7. stand against the temptations for the moment, then one tends to lose happiness at present. 顶住了眼前的诱惑,又失去了现在的幸福。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. For the LORD thy God hath chosen him out of all thy tribes, to stand to minister in the name of the LORD, him and his sons for ever. 因为耶和华你的神从你各支派中将他拣选出来,使他和他子孙永远奉耶和华的名侍立,事奉。 www.for68.com 9. "If you're good, you can work in quality control and won't have to stand all day, " bragged a woman hawking jobs for a shoe manufacturer. 而一位来自鞋厂的招工人员则提供了诱人的条件:“如果你很优秀,你可以在质量监督部门工作,不用整天都站着。” www.bing.com 10. Security is one of those things you can add to your resume to stand out in the crowd. 安全性是那些可以添加到您的简历中而使您出类拔萃的东西之一。 www-128.ibm.com 1. A few impressions stand out vividly from the first years of my life; but "the shadows of the prison-house are on the rest. " 虽然,那些鲜活而生动的记忆来自我生命的最初时光,但是,“牢房一般的阴暗将伴随着我的余生”。 www.okread.net 2. He was told to get out of the car and stand in a line of people that were being given the infamous sobriety(not drunk) test. 他被叫出车外,排进队伍接受那个臭名昭著的清醒(不喝酒)测试。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Her mother told her to stand up straight and be proud that she was so tall and slim. 她母亲告诉她要站得笔直,为自己长得高且苗条而感到骄傲。 www.jukuu.com 4. It may be connected to a host computer or it may operate as a stand-alone unit or as an element of a network. 它可接主电脑或独立操作,亦可当作网络中的一个单位。 www.jukuu.com 5. It's like the old saying, " If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen" . 这就好比那个古老的谚语所言:“如果你受不了炎热,那就远离厨房。” club.topsage.com 6. There has probably always been a greater concentration of people in prison who stand out in some way. 大概在监狱里面总是聚集着比别处更多的与众不同的人。 www.bing.com 7. Players should not stand close to or directly behind the ball, or directly behind the hole, when a player is about to play. 有人准备击球时,其他球员不可站的太靠近球位,或直接站在球位或球洞之后。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 8. Juventus would not stand in Gianluigi Buffon's way if he wanted to leave the club, stated the player's agent Silvano Martina. 吉安路易吉?布冯的经纪人西尔维奥?玛蒂娜声称,如果布冯希望离开俱乐部,尤文图斯将不会阻拦。 www.juvefans.com 9. "People had to stand in line for four or five hours to get the money from the bank, and you could often see people quarreling, " he said. 人们不得不排四五个小时的队才能取到钱,争吵情况时有发生。 www.bing.com 10. As she was on fire as to startle, he pushed hard, with her stiff body back several steps to stand firm. 她象被火烧到般惊跳,用力推开他,她僵直着身子,退了好几步才站稳。 bookapp.book.qq.com 1. Mr. Zhai sought to have Mr. Yang, who was reported to have been a victim of police brutality, declared mentally unfit to stand trial. 翟建曾试图让据称是警察施暴受害者的杨佳宣布患有精神疾病,不能受审。 c.wsj.com 2. Starting this week, I'll resume posting here regularly to let you know where things stand. 从本周开始,我会继续在这里张贴信息,让你知道事情的状态。 bbs.52xap.com 3. But I know this man called Madison fell down in a meeting to stand up in court once again run times. 但我知道这个叫麦迪的男人在一次次倒下又一次次站起在场上飞奔。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. When he was strong enough to stand without support, he rose to his feet. 等他有了力气,可以不需支撑立起来的时候,他慢慢站起身来。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. He shouldered his way into the crowd, "Stand back, all of you, and keep still. Miss Donnelly, lend me a hand. " 他挤到人堆里说:“大家让开,别乱动。唐娜丽小姐,你来帮帮忙。” 6. Who else would stand in line at the post office with me for half an hour with only the promise of a lollipop as compensation? 还有谁会和我一起在邮局排队等上半个钟头,就为了我承诺的一颗棒棒糖的奖励? www.csucatol.cn 7. Keep your head in a neutral position as you stand tall. Land on the middle of each foot and then roll onto the balls of your feet. 保持头部自然姿势。足掌中部着地后,重心移至足前掌部分。 www.bing.com 8. An electric guitar and bass player stand off to one side, not really part of the scene, just as a sort of nod to gringo expectation perhaps. 电吉它和低音乐器演奏者站在一旁,他并不是站在舞台的一部分,大概只是为了等待外国佬的到来。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. You could stand there and look down upon it for a week without getting tired of it. 你站在那里俯视它,就是看上一个礼拜,也不会厌倦。 www.kuenglish.info 10. "We stand ready to defend US territory, our allies and our national interests, " said Major Stewart Upton, the Pentagon spokesman. “我们随时准备保卫美国领土、我们的盟友以及我们的国家利益,”美国国防部发言人斯图尔特-厄普顿少校(StewartUpton)表示说。 www.ftchinese.com 1. You slowly stand up and get closer to the door. You start to be able to understand what is being said inside. 你缓慢的站起来并靠近那扇门,开始明白里面的人在谈论些什么了。 bbs.cwebgame.com 2. She tried to stand, but every time she put a skate on the ice, it took off with a will of its own. 她一边想一边挣扎着试图站起来,但冰鞋一旦踏着冰面就不听她的使唤。 www.bing.com 3. "Students would stand up and say 'It was our fault. We were high on opium. We were weak and backwards, " ' she said. 她说“学生会站起来说,‘那是我们的失败,我们被鸦片麻醉,我们软弱并且落后。’” www.kle100.cn 4. Existing shareholders will no doubt resist dilution, but they must not be allowed to stand in the way of a solution. 现有股东无疑会反对股权稀释,但银行不能让他们阻碍问题的解决。 www.ftchinese.com 5. It shows that women are better at being able to stand back and reflect for a moment while they are juggling other things. 结果显示,在处理多任务的时候,女人比男人更会退一步和反思。 www.bing.com 6. In Ezekiel 2, the Lord said to Ezekiel stand on your feet. The Spirit of God came in him and he stood on his feet. 以西结2章,主对以西结说,站立,上帝之灵进入他,他站立起来。 www.douban.com 7. Only a packaging with a clear visual idea is able to stand out at the market among the generic packagings of the competition. 唯有一个简洁明快的创意包装才能在市场中脱颖而出。 www.bing.com 8. There is also the question of how much trust investors will put in a currency with no central fiscal authority to stand behind it. 另一个问题是,会有多少投资者愿意持有没有中央财政支持的货币。 www.ecocn.org 9. Worried about having to stand up in the aisle in a crowded bus, or to wait hours for the next departure? 你还在担心只能站在拥挤的大巴过道里或者为赶上下一班车而等待几个钟头吗? www.bing.com 10. As for the other demands, Mr Monti said he would stand aside rather than accept a time limit, insisting on serving until 2013. 至于其他要求,蒙蒂说他不能接受时间期限,他坚持任职到2013年。 www.ecocn.org 1. High-speed steel costs more but tools made of it with stand heat much better than those made of ordinary tool steel. 高速钢价格比较高但是由它制造的刀具比其他用平常金属制造的刀具更加耐热。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. So when guys are out on the prowl for a one night stand what do they really look for in a girl for their one night of meaningless action? 因此,当男人们伺机想要一夜情,并煞费苦心地寻找他们心仪的女孩的时候,这种行为真的毫无意义吗? www.bing.com 3. At the White House Monday, Mr. Obama said the international community must stand up to North Korea on the nuclear issue. 奥巴马星期一在白宫说,国际社会必须在这个核问题上起而反对北韩。 kantianya.com 4. Same with the doctors: used to shove me out of the hospital before I could hardly stand on my legs, and nothing to pay. 那些医生也是一样:我没钱给他们,他们就常常在我还很虚弱的时候就把我推出了医院的大门。 en-sky.com 5. If you desire a one-night-stand from a woman, she will need a self-image packed with a sense of adventure and spontaneity to follow through. 如果你想要一个和你一夜情的女人,她的自我形象就需要是放荡风流,自发自愿的,这样才能和你“坚持到底”。 www.bing.com 6. My wife used to tell me that she would stand right by the tunnel and watch us come out. I never saw her. 我的妻子曾经告诉我她会站在通道上看着我们走出来,不过我从来没看见她… blog.163.com 7. He said the truck was parked at a stand near a market where there are chemical stores. 他说卡车被停放在靠近化学存储市场。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. His wife worked closely to the moment, he silently vowed : We must stand up and re-buy the best for his wife rings! 将妻子紧紧搂在怀里的那一刻,他暗暗发誓:一定要重新站起来,重新为妻子买回最好的戒指! www.tiantianbt.com 9. A man is no right to stand and preach if his home is not in alignment with the Word of God. 如果与家庭生活矛盾,没有甚么对上帝的事奉是有价值的。 www.pkuyy.com 10. Before I took the train back to Tokyo, I stopped at a ramen shop, an open-air stand with a few tiny tables set on raised tatami mats. 在我坐火车回东京之前,我在一家拉面店停了一下,这是一个露天摊位,只有几张很小的桌子放在抬高的塌塌米上。 www.ftchinese.com 1. We stand ready to make joint efforts with the rest of the world to strive for good outcomes of the Copenhagen Conference. 我们愿与世界各国共同努力,争取哥本哈根会议取得比较好的效果。 www.putclub.com 2. Stand with that door to your side but don't look directly at it; you want it to be in your peripheral vision. 靠着那扇门站定,但是不要直视它,只是把它纳入你的周边视野即可。 www.newstartchina.net 3. Be prepared to stand your ground firmly, yet cordially, especially in the last few minutes of the negotiations. 要准备好牢牢地站在你的立场上,仍然保持诚恳,特别是在谈判的最后几分钟里。 fanyixueyuan.scientrans.com 4. As you can see, we've got some pictures of our heroes up here, and this bar here, I'm not a genius but I'll stand behind here. 正如大家所见,我们这里悬挂了一些我们英雄的照片,而这个吧台,我不是一个天才,但我仍站在它后面。 qac.yappr.cn 5. I cannot stand him any longer. Don't take it out on me! 不要把气出在我身上。 wenku.baidu.com 6. That moron was trying to get his dog to stand on its two hind legs by repeatedly smacking and hitting it. 那个白痴一直不断的打牠,试著想要叫牠用两只后脚站立。 blog.30inc.com 7. And the question is, how much longer will it stand? 问题是,它还会站立多久? qac.yappr.cn 8. If I stand on the free-throw line, but the brain think of that 10 million viewers watching me, and I may be loss. 如果我站在罚球线上,脑中却想着有1000万观众在注视着我,我可能会手足无措。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. As he was ready to leave, he couldn't stand it and said, "You stupid bird, why don't you shut up! " 当他准备离开是,她忍无可忍地说:“你这只蠢鸟,为什么不闭上嘴!” www.hicoo.net 10. But the fear of eroding banks' margins seems to stand in the way of what would be a potent inflation-fighting tool. 这将是一个抑制通胀的有效工具,但对银行利润会因此而被削弱的担忧看来是利率市场化进程上的一道障碍。 dongxi.net 1. Second, the body to stand, her hands rested on her hips, and then bend your knees, maintain crouch slightly posture. 身体站立,双手叉腰,然后弯曲膝盖,保持微蹲的姿势。 www.fs500.com 2. Mashup applications provide valuable features in a software development environment that cannot be matched by any other stand-alone tool. 对于无法只使用任何其他单独工具的软件开发环境,mashup应用程序可以提供非常有价值的特性。 www.ibm.com 3. Morty: So, you stand in the lobby, by the elevator, and wait for her to come down for lunch. 莫迪:那你就站在大堂,守在电梯口,等她下来吃饭。 blog.niwota.com 4. The tasteful use of heading backgrounds and company logos makes every bit of information stand out on it's own. 对于标题背景和公司标志的别致应用使得每一个信息凸显出来了。 www.bing.com 5. As for Logan himself, nothing would stand in his way when faced with the opportunity to revisit the role of the would-be bounty hunter. 至于洛根本人,在他面对再次扮演未来的赏金猎人的机会时,没什么能挡他的道。 www.starwarschina.com 6. Germany or Spain now stand in Holland's way of World Cup success - and Kuyt admits it's an 'incredible feeling' to be so close to glory. 德国或西班牙现在就站在荷兰夺取世界杯的路上,库伊特承认,如此接近这项荣誉,那是种“难以置信的感觉”。 www.lfcbbs.com 7. It's not easy to stand in somebody else's shoes. It's not easy to see past our differences. 站在别人的角度上看问题并不容易,面对差异而一笔带过也很难。 www.bing.com 8. But what we've never been able to do is stand completely outside the Milky Way and look back at it. 不过,我们至今还无法从银河系之外一睹它的芳容。 www.bing.com 9. The Bank should stand ready to repo (against eligible collateral) or reverse repo any amount at any time at the official policy rate. 银行应随时准备回购(对符合条件的抵押品)或反向回购协议的任何款项在任何时候在官方政策利率。 www.njlyj.cn 10. Site optimization is far from business stand to be ranked on the matter was OK, even if the enterprise Station. 站点优化远非做个企业站得排名就OK得事情,即便是企业站。 www.82g.com.cn 1. Chinese authorities are currently trying to estimate damages, while homeowners try to assess where they stand. 中国有关部门目前正在试图估计损失,而业主也在自己做着评估。 www.bing.com 2. The scroll was sealed in seven places as it had been rolled up. The scroll seems to stand for the title deed of the whole earth. 那书卷用七印封严,它似乎是代表了这个世界的「所有权证书」。 www.seewant.org 3. He tried to teach me to stand on my own feet and see with my own eyes and think for myself. 他试图教我自立,用自己的眼睛观察,用自己的脑子思考。 bbs.ycwb.com 4. If your style is to use a blind or stand, then your hunting clothing is not as important as it would be if you were moving around a lot. 如果你的风格是使用隐蔽式或站立式,那么你的狩猎服装就不象要走很远那么重要了。 bbs.tiexue.net 5. With you not around, it's a little bit more than I can stand. Ooh, and all my tears they keep running down my face. Why did you turn away? 没有你在身边,对我来说有些难熬.ooh,我的泪不停落下。你为何转身离我而去?。 www.yappr.cn 6. I wish to thank each and every one of you who have come here today to take a stand against violence and for peace. 我要感谢今天来参加集会的每一个人,你们已经表明了反对暴力、支持和平的立场。 wiki.jukuu.com 7. If you stand far away look, it's just as bright and dazzling up into a pearl necklace, the night sky of stars twinkling in the sky. 如果站在远处眺望,它就像明亮璀璨的珍珠缀成的项链,夜空中漫天闪烁的星星。 www.bing.com 8. And, Jake, don't stand up in the boat. Never stand up in a small boat. 另外,杰克,不要在船上站起来。永远不要在小船上站起来。 www.ebigear.com 9. Oh dear! let him stand his chance and be taken in. It will do just as well. Everybody is taken in at some period or other. 噢!亲爱的——由他自己去,让他上当去吧。上上当也好。我们人人都会卜当,只不过是早晚而已。 novel.tingroom.com 10. After we said goodbye, I drove the car onto the ferry and climbed out, so I could stand on deck as the boat motored out of the harbor. 我们说完再见后,我把车开到了渡轮上,爬了出来,所以当船发动驶出港口时,我能站在甲板上。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. It's not easy to stand in somebody else's shoes. It's not easy to see past our differences. 站在别人的角度上看问题并不容易,面对差异而一笔带过也很难。 www.bing.com 2. But what we've never been able to do is stand completely outside the Milky Way and look back at it. 不过,我们至今还无法从银河系之外一睹它的芳容。 www.bing.com 3. The Bank should stand ready to repo (against eligible collateral) or reverse repo any amount at any time at the official policy rate. 银行应随时准备回购(对符合条件的抵押品)或反向回购协议的任何款项在任何时候在官方政策利率。 www.njlyj.cn 4. Site optimization is far from business stand to be ranked on the matter was OK, even if the enterprise Station. 站点优化远非做个企业站得排名就OK得事情,即便是企业站。 www.82g.com.cn 5. I wanna stand with you on a mountain. I wanna bathe with you in the sea. I wanna lay like this forever. Until the sky falls down on me. 我要与你相拥在山的巅峰我要和你徜徉在海的怀抱我要你就这样永远依偎在我的身旁直到海枯石烂直到地老天荒。 www.bing.com 6. Officers whose terms of office have expired or will expire at the beginning of the next term may stand for election to any open position. 人员的任期已满,或将在下一任期开始届满可能参选任何打开的位置。 baike.soso.com 7. Chinese authorities are currently trying to estimate damages, while homeowners try to assess where they stand. 中国有关部门目前正在试图估计损失,而业主也在自己做着评估。 www.bing.com 8. The scroll was sealed in seven places as it had been rolled up. The scroll seems to stand for the title deed of the whole earth. 那书卷用七印封严,它似乎是代表了这个世界的「所有权证书」。 www.seewant.org 9. He tried to teach me to stand on my own feet and see with my own eyes and think for myself. 他试图教我自立,用自己的眼睛观察,用自己的脑子思考。 bbs.ycwb.com 10. If your style is to use a blind or stand, then your hunting clothing is not as important as it would be if you were moving around a lot. 如果你的风格是使用隐蔽式或站立式,那么你的狩猎服装就不象要走很远那么重要了。 bbs.tiexue.net 1. Site optimization is far from business stand to be ranked on the matter was OK, even if the enterprise Station. 站点优化远非做个企业站得排名就OK得事情,即便是企业站。 www.82g.com.cn 2. I wanna stand with you on a mountain. I wanna bathe with you in the sea. I wanna lay like this forever. Until the sky falls down on me. 我要与你相拥在山的巅峰我要和你徜徉在海的怀抱我要你就这样永远依偎在我的身旁直到海枯石烂直到地老天荒。 www.bing.com 3. Officers whose terms of office have expired or will expire at the beginning of the next term may stand for election to any open position. 人员的任期已满,或将在下一任期开始届满可能参选任何打开的位置。 baike.soso.com 4. Stand alone here, I do not know, I have this pain for the heart, how do I do, please let me know. 孤单地站在这里,我不清楚,对于我这颗伤痛的心,我该怎么做,请告诉我。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Chinese authorities are currently trying to estimate damages, while homeowners try to assess where they stand. 中国有关部门目前正在试图估计损失,而业主也在自己做着评估。 www.bing.com 6. The scroll was sealed in seven places as it had been rolled up. The scroll seems to stand for the title deed of the whole earth. 那书卷用七印封严,它似乎是代表了这个世界的「所有权证书」。 www.seewant.org 7. He tried to teach me to stand on my own feet and see with my own eyes and think for myself. 他试图教我自立,用自己的眼睛观察,用自己的脑子思考。 bbs.ycwb.com 8. If your style is to use a blind or stand, then your hunting clothing is not as important as it would be if you were moving around a lot. 如果你的风格是使用隐蔽式或站立式,那么你的狩猎服装就不象要走很远那么重要了。 bbs.tiexue.net 9. With you not around, it's a little bit more than I can stand. Ooh, and all my tears they keep running down my face. Why did you turn away? 没有你在身边,对我来说有些难熬.ooh,我的泪不停落下。你为何转身离我而去?。 www.yappr.cn 10. I wish to thank each and every one of you who have come here today to take a stand against violence and for peace. 我要感谢今天来参加集会的每一个人,你们已经表明了反对暴力、支持和平的立场。 wiki.jukuu.com 1. Stand alone here, I do not know, I have this pain for the heart, how do I do, please let me know. 孤单地站在这里,我不清楚,对于我这颗伤痛的心,我该怎么做,请告诉我。 wenwen.soso.com 2. The princess could not stand the pain, so that she agreed to lend the fan to Monkey, but she actually gave him a false one. 公主无法忍受的痛苦,使她同意借扇猴,但她居然给他一个假的。 www.youeredu.com 3. Chinese authorities are currently trying to estimate damages, while homeowners try to assess where they stand. 中国有关部门目前正在试图估计损失,而业主也在自己做着评估。 www.bing.com 4. The scroll was sealed in seven places as it had been rolled up. The scroll seems to stand for the title deed of the whole earth. 那书卷用七印封严,它似乎是代表了这个世界的「所有权证书」。 www.seewant.org 5. He tried to teach me to stand on my own feet and see with my own eyes and think for myself. 他试图教我自立,用自己的眼睛观察,用自己的脑子思考。 bbs.ycwb.com 6. If your style is to use a blind or stand, then your hunting clothing is not as important as it would be if you were moving around a lot. 如果你的风格是使用隐蔽式或站立式,那么你的狩猎服装就不象要走很远那么重要了。 bbs.tiexue.net 7. With you not around, it's a little bit more than I can stand. Ooh, and all my tears they keep running down my face. Why did you turn away? 没有你在身边,对我来说有些难熬.ooh,我的泪不停落下。你为何转身离我而去?。 www.yappr.cn 8. I wish to thank each and every one of you who have come here today to take a stand against violence and for peace. 我要感谢今天来参加集会的每一个人,你们已经表明了反对暴力、支持和平的立场。 wiki.jukuu.com 9. If you stand far away look, it's just as bright and dazzling up into a pearl necklace, the night sky of stars twinkling in the sky. 如果站在远处眺望,它就像明亮璀璨的珍珠缀成的项链,夜空中漫天闪烁的星星。 www.bing.com 10. And, Jake, don't stand up in the boat. Never stand up in a small boat. 另外,杰克,不要在船上站起来。永远不要在小船上站起来。 www.ebigear.com 1. Chinese authorities are currently trying to estimate damages, while homeowners try to assess where they stand. 中国有关部门目前正在试图估计损失,而业主也在自己做着评估。 www.bing.com 2. The scroll was sealed in seven places as it had been rolled up. The scroll seems to stand for the title deed of the whole earth. 那书卷用七印封严,它似乎是代表了这个世界的「所有权证书」。 www.seewant.org 3. He tried to teach me to stand on my own feet and see with my own eyes and think for myself. 他试图教我自立,用自己的眼睛观察,用自己的脑子思考。 bbs.ycwb.com 4. If your style is to use a blind or stand, then your hunting clothing is not as important as it would be if you were moving around a lot. 如果你的风格是使用隐蔽式或站立式,那么你的狩猎服装就不象要走很远那么重要了。 bbs.tiexue.net 5. With you not around, it's a little bit more than I can stand. Ooh, and all my tears they keep running down my face. Why did you turn away? 没有你在身边,对我来说有些难熬.ooh,我的泪不停落下。你为何转身离我而去?。 www.yappr.cn 6. I wish to thank each and every one of you who have come here today to take a stand against violence and for peace. 我要感谢今天来参加集会的每一个人,你们已经表明了反对暴力、支持和平的立场。 wiki.jukuu.com 7. If you stand far away look, it's just as bright and dazzling up into a pearl necklace, the night sky of stars twinkling in the sky. 如果站在远处眺望,它就像明亮璀璨的珍珠缀成的项链,夜空中漫天闪烁的星星。 www.bing.com 8. And, Jake, don't stand up in the boat. Never stand up in a small boat. 另外,杰克,不要在船上站起来。永远不要在小船上站起来。 www.ebigear.com 9. Oh dear! let him stand his chance and be taken in. It will do just as well. Everybody is taken in at some period or other. 噢!亲爱的——由他自己去,让他上当去吧。上上当也好。我们人人都会卜当,只不过是早晚而已。 novel.tingroom.com 10. After we said goodbye, I drove the car onto the ferry and climbed out, so I could stand on deck as the boat motored out of the harbor. 我们说完再见后,我把车开到了渡轮上,爬了出来,所以当船发动驶出港口时,我能站在甲板上。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. He tried to teach me to stand on my own feet and see with my own eyes and think for myself. 他试图教我自立,用自己的眼睛观察,用自己的脑子思考。 bbs.ycwb.com 2. If your style is to use a blind or stand, then your hunting clothing is not as important as it would be if you were moving around a lot. 如果你的风格是使用隐蔽式或站立式,那么你的狩猎服装就不象要走很远那么重要了。 bbs.tiexue.net 3. With you not around, it's a little bit more than I can stand. Ooh, and all my tears they keep running down my face. Why did you turn away? 没有你在身边,对我来说有些难熬.ooh,我的泪不停落下。你为何转身离我而去?。 www.yappr.cn 4. I wish to thank each and every one of you who have come here today to take a stand against violence and for peace. 我要感谢今天来参加集会的每一个人,你们已经表明了反对暴力、支持和平的立场。 wiki.jukuu.com 5. If you stand far away look, it's just as bright and dazzling up into a pearl necklace, the night sky of stars twinkling in the sky. 如果站在远处眺望,它就像明亮璀璨的珍珠缀成的项链,夜空中漫天闪烁的星星。 www.bing.com 6. And, Jake, don't stand up in the boat. Never stand up in a small boat. 另外,杰克,不要在船上站起来。永远不要在小船上站起来。 www.ebigear.com 7. Oh dear! let him stand his chance and be taken in. It will do just as well. Everybody is taken in at some period or other. 噢!亲爱的——由他自己去,让他上当去吧。上上当也好。我们人人都会卜当,只不过是早晚而已。 novel.tingroom.com 8. After we said goodbye, I drove the car onto the ferry and climbed out, so I could stand on deck as the boat motored out of the harbor. 我们说完再见后,我把车开到了渡轮上,爬了出来,所以当船发动驶出港口时,我能站在甲板上。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. In that loud hot space I felt simultaneously this desire to stand and leave and yet to lay my head down and rest. 在那个嘈杂闷热的空间里,我既想起身离去,又想倒头大睡。 www.bing.com 10. How I hated myself for being so weak! For not being able to stand up for myself. It left me with a deep sense of shame. 我是多么痛恨自己如此懦弱!痛恨自己不能站起来反抗,这让我感到深深地羞愧。 www.chinavalue.net 1. With you not around, it's a little bit more than I can stand. Ooh, and all my tears they keep running down my face. Why did you turn away? 没有你在身边,对我来说有些难熬.ooh,我的泪不停落下。你为何转身离我而去?。 www.yappr.cn 2. I wish to thank each and every one of you who have come here today to take a stand against violence and for peace. 我要感谢今天来参加集会的每一个人,你们已经表明了反对暴力、支持和平的立场。 wiki.jukuu.com 3. If you stand far away look, it's just as bright and dazzling up into a pearl necklace, the night sky of stars twinkling in the sky. 如果站在远处眺望,它就像明亮璀璨的珍珠缀成的项链,夜空中漫天闪烁的星星。 www.bing.com 4. And, Jake, don't stand up in the boat. Never stand up in a small boat. 另外,杰克,不要在船上站起来。永远不要在小船上站起来。 www.ebigear.com 5. Oh dear! let him stand his chance and be taken in. It will do just as well. Everybody is taken in at some period or other. 噢!亲爱的——由他自己去,让他上当去吧。上上当也好。我们人人都会卜当,只不过是早晚而已。 novel.tingroom.com 6. After we said goodbye, I drove the car onto the ferry and climbed out, so I could stand on deck as the boat motored out of the harbor. 我们说完再见后,我把车开到了渡轮上,爬了出来,所以当船发动驶出港口时,我能站在甲板上。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. In that loud hot space I felt simultaneously this desire to stand and leave and yet to lay my head down and rest. 在那个嘈杂闷热的空间里,我既想起身离去,又想倒头大睡。 www.bing.com 8. How I hated myself for being so weak! For not being able to stand up for myself. It left me with a deep sense of shame. 我是多么痛恨自己如此懦弱!痛恨自己不能站起来反抗,这让我感到深深地羞愧。 www.chinavalue.net 9. Although he did not stand out at school, HKUST's dynamism and the enthusiasm of the faculty pushed him on to fulfil his potential. 尽管他的中学成绩并不突出,但科大充满朝气的气氛以及教授的热诚投入,推动他发挥优厚潜质。 publish.ust.hk 10. He said it is not good for the sport if the drivers who stand on the podium are only able to celebrate provisionally . 他说,这是不利于这项运动的驱动程序,如果谁的立场上领奖台只能庆祝暂时。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. If you stand far away look, it's just as bright and dazzling up into a pearl necklace, the night sky of stars twinkling in the sky. 如果站在远处眺望,它就像明亮璀璨的珍珠缀成的项链,夜空中漫天闪烁的星星。 www.bing.com 2. And, Jake, don't stand up in the boat. Never stand up in a small boat. 另外,杰克,不要在船上站起来。永远不要在小船上站起来。 www.ebigear.com 3. Oh dear! let him stand his chance and be taken in. It will do just as well. Everybody is taken in at some period or other. 噢!亲爱的——由他自己去,让他上当去吧。上上当也好。我们人人都会卜当,只不过是早晚而已。 novel.tingroom.com 4. After we said goodbye, I drove the car onto the ferry and climbed out, so I could stand on deck as the boat motored out of the harbor. 我们说完再见后,我把车开到了渡轮上,爬了出来,所以当船发动驶出港口时,我能站在甲板上。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. In that loud hot space I felt simultaneously this desire to stand and leave and yet to lay my head down and rest. 在那个嘈杂闷热的空间里,我既想起身离去,又想倒头大睡。 www.bing.com 6. How I hated myself for being so weak! For not being able to stand up for myself. It left me with a deep sense of shame. 我是多么痛恨自己如此懦弱!痛恨自己不能站起来反抗,这让我感到深深地羞愧。 www.chinavalue.net 7. Although he did not stand out at school, HKUST's dynamism and the enthusiasm of the faculty pushed him on to fulfil his potential. 尽管他的中学成绩并不突出,但科大充满朝气的气氛以及教授的热诚投入,推动他发挥优厚潜质。 publish.ust.hk 8. He said it is not good for the sport if the drivers who stand on the podium are only able to celebrate provisionally . 他说,这是不利于这项运动的驱动程序,如果谁的立场上领奖台只能庆祝暂时。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. of the side garden to the front, where she could stand as if in an immense gulf of white light, the moon streaming high in face of her. 她赶紧从宅边园子走到宅前园子,她可以站在那儿,宛若置身于一大片白光下,月亮高照在她脸上。 www.jukuu.com 10. He is always in danger, stand up to those of "good" , decent "honor student" cannot make justice, showing their behavior. 他总在危险时刻,挺身而出,做出那些懦弱的“好孩子”,体面的“优秀生”无法做出的正义行为,展示出自己的魅力。 aiwen.da345.com 1. Oh dear! let him stand his chance and be taken in. It will do just as well. Everybody is taken in at some period or other. 噢!亲爱的——由他自己去,让他上当去吧。上上当也好。我们人人都会卜当,只不过是早晚而已。 novel.tingroom.com 2. After we said goodbye, I drove the car onto the ferry and climbed out, so I could stand on deck as the boat motored out of the harbor. 我们说完再见后,我把车开到了渡轮上,爬了出来,所以当船发动驶出港口时,我能站在甲板上。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. In that loud hot space I felt simultaneously this desire to stand and leave and yet to lay my head down and rest. 在那个嘈杂闷热的空间里,我既想起身离去,又想倒头大睡。 www.bing.com 4. How I hated myself for being so weak! For not being able to stand up for myself. It left me with a deep sense of shame. 我是多么痛恨自己如此懦弱!痛恨自己不能站起来反抗,这让我感到深深地羞愧。 www.chinavalue.net 5. Although he did not stand out at school, HKUST's dynamism and the enthusiasm of the faculty pushed him on to fulfil his potential. 尽管他的中学成绩并不突出,但科大充满朝气的气氛以及教授的热诚投入,推动他发挥优厚潜质。 publish.ust.hk 6. He said it is not good for the sport if the drivers who stand on the podium are only able to celebrate provisionally . 他说,这是不利于这项运动的驱动程序,如果谁的立场上领奖台只能庆祝暂时。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. of the side garden to the front, where she could stand as if in an immense gulf of white light, the moon streaming high in face of her. 她赶紧从宅边园子走到宅前园子,她可以站在那儿,宛若置身于一大片白光下,月亮高照在她脸上。 www.jukuu.com 8. He is always in danger, stand up to those of "good" , decent "honor student" cannot make justice, showing their behavior. 他总在危险时刻,挺身而出,做出那些懦弱的“好孩子”,体面的“优秀生”无法做出的正义行为,展示出自己的魅力。 aiwen.da345.com 9. Now, I am heading to my ideal, whatever how much obstacle I will meet, stand up again when fall down. 现在,我正在向着我的理想前进,不管前面有多少障碍我都要跨过去,跌倒了再爬起来。 bgy.65sky.blog.163.com 10. We honor you and your mission and stand ready to assist when the time comes. 我们恭敬你们和你们的使命,事前机到来的时间就会供给支持。 www.mycqb.com 1. In that loud hot space I felt simultaneously this desire to stand and leave and yet to lay my head down and rest. 在那个嘈杂闷热的空间里,我既想起身离去,又想倒头大睡。 www.bing.com 2. How I hated myself for being so weak! For not being able to stand up for myself. It left me with a deep sense of shame. 我是多么痛恨自己如此懦弱!痛恨自己不能站起来反抗,这让我感到深深地羞愧。 www.chinavalue.net 3. Although he did not stand out at school, HKUST's dynamism and the enthusiasm of the faculty pushed him on to fulfil his potential. 尽管他的中学成绩并不突出,但科大充满朝气的气氛以及教授的热诚投入,推动他发挥优厚潜质。 publish.ust.hk 4. He said it is not good for the sport if the drivers who stand on the podium are only able to celebrate provisionally . 他说,这是不利于这项运动的驱动程序,如果谁的立场上领奖台只能庆祝暂时。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. of the side garden to the front, where she could stand as if in an immense gulf of white light, the moon streaming high in face of her. 她赶紧从宅边园子走到宅前园子,她可以站在那儿,宛若置身于一大片白光下,月亮高照在她脸上。 www.jukuu.com 6. He is always in danger, stand up to those of "good" , decent "honor student" cannot make justice, showing their behavior. 他总在危险时刻,挺身而出,做出那些懦弱的“好孩子”,体面的“优秀生”无法做出的正义行为,展示出自己的魅力。 aiwen.da345.com 7. Now, I am heading to my ideal, whatever how much obstacle I will meet, stand up again when fall down. 现在,我正在向着我的理想前进,不管前面有多少障碍我都要跨过去,跌倒了再爬起来。 bgy.65sky.blog.163.com 8. We honor you and your mission and stand ready to assist when the time comes. 我们恭敬你们和你们的使命,事前机到来的时间就会供给支持。 www.mycqb.com 9. Palestinian women as a group have never been willing to stand up to the men who send their children out to be suicide bombers. 巴勒斯坦的妇女群体从没想着去反抗那些把孩子送去当人肉炸弹的男人。 www.elanso.com 10. I never fall down in the dark, i only stand up in the light. 我从不在黑暗中倒下,我只在光明中奋起。 www.jczqw.com 1. With you not around, it's a little bit more than I can stand. Ooh, and all my tears they keep running down my face. Why did you turn away? 没有你在身边,对我来说有些难熬.ooh,我的泪不停落下。你为何转身离我而去?。 www.yappr.cn 2. I wish to thank each and every one of you who have come here today to take a stand against violence and for peace. 我要感谢今天来参加集会的每一个人,你们已经表明了反对暴力、支持和平的立场。 wiki.jukuu.com 3. If you stand far away look, it's just as bright and dazzling up into a pearl necklace, the night sky of stars twinkling in the sky. 如果站在远处眺望,它就像明亮璀璨的珍珠缀成的项链,夜空中漫天闪烁的星星。 www.bing.com 4. And, Jake, don't stand up in the boat. Never stand up in a small boat. 另外,杰克,不要在船上站起来。永远不要在小船上站起来。 www.ebigear.com 5. Oh dear! let him stand his chance and be taken in. It will do just as well. Everybody is taken in at some period or other. 噢!亲爱的——由他自己去,让他上当去吧。上上当也好。我们人人都会卜当,只不过是早晚而已。 novel.tingroom.com 6. After we said goodbye, I drove the car onto the ferry and climbed out, so I could stand on deck as the boat motored out of the harbor. 我们说完再见后,我把车开到了渡轮上,爬了出来,所以当船发动驶出港口时,我能站在甲板上。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. In that loud hot space I felt simultaneously this desire to stand and leave and yet to lay my head down and rest. 在那个嘈杂闷热的空间里,我既想起身离去,又想倒头大睡。 www.bing.com 8. How I hated myself for being so weak! For not being able to stand up for myself. It left me with a deep sense of shame. 我是多么痛恨自己如此懦弱!痛恨自己不能站起来反抗,这让我感到深深地羞愧。 www.chinavalue.net 9. Although he did not stand out at school, HKUST's dynamism and the enthusiasm of the faculty pushed him on to fulfil his potential. 尽管他的中学成绩并不突出,但科大充满朝气的气氛以及教授的热诚投入,推动他发挥优厚潜质。 publish.ust.hk 10. He said it is not good for the sport if the drivers who stand on the podium are only able to celebrate provisionally . 他说,这是不利于这项运动的驱动程序,如果谁的立场上领奖台只能庆祝暂时。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. If you stand far away look, it's just as bright and dazzling up into a pearl necklace, the night sky of stars twinkling in the sky. 如果站在远处眺望,它就像明亮璀璨的珍珠缀成的项链,夜空中漫天闪烁的星星。 www.bing.com 2. And, Jake, don't stand up in the boat. Never stand up in a small boat. 另外,杰克,不要在船上站起来。永远不要在小船上站起来。 www.ebigear.com 3. Oh dear! let him stand his chance and be taken in. It will do just as well. Everybody is taken in at some period or other. 噢!亲爱的——由他自己去,让他上当去吧。上上当也好。我们人人都会卜当,只不过是早晚而已。 novel.tingroom.com 4. After we said goodbye, I drove the car onto the ferry and climbed out, so I could stand on deck as the boat motored out of the harbor. 我们说完再见后,我把车开到了渡轮上,爬了出来,所以当船发动驶出港口时,我能站在甲板上。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. In that loud hot space I felt simultaneously this desire to stand and leave and yet to lay my head down and rest. 在那个嘈杂闷热的空间里,我既想起身离去,又想倒头大睡。 www.bing.com 6. How I hated myself for being so weak! For not being able to stand up for myself. It left me with a deep sense of shame. 我是多么痛恨自己如此懦弱!痛恨自己不能站起来反抗,这让我感到深深地羞愧。 www.chinavalue.net 7. Although he did not stand out at school, HKUST's dynamism and the enthusiasm of the faculty pushed him on to fulfil his potential. 尽管他的中学成绩并不突出,但科大充满朝气的气氛以及教授的热诚投入,推动他发挥优厚潜质。 publish.ust.hk 8. He said it is not good for the sport if the drivers who stand on the podium are only able to celebrate provisionally . 他说,这是不利于这项运动的驱动程序,如果谁的立场上领奖台只能庆祝暂时。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. of the side garden to the front, where she could stand as if in an immense gulf of white light, the moon streaming high in face of her. 她赶紧从宅边园子走到宅前园子,她可以站在那儿,宛若置身于一大片白光下,月亮高照在她脸上。 www.jukuu.com 10. He is always in danger, stand up to those of "good" , decent "honor student" cannot make justice, showing their behavior. 他总在危险时刻,挺身而出,做出那些懦弱的“好孩子”,体面的“优秀生”无法做出的正义行为,展示出自己的魅力。 aiwen.da345.com 1. Oh dear! let him stand his chance and be taken in. It will do just as well. Everybody is taken in at some period or other. 噢!亲爱的——由他自己去,让他上当去吧。上上当也好。我们人人都会卜当,只不过是早晚而已。 novel.tingroom.com 2. After we said goodbye, I drove the car onto the ferry and climbed out, so I could stand on deck as the boat motored out of the harbor. 我们说完再见后,我把车开到了渡轮上,爬了出来,所以当船发动驶出港口时,我能站在甲板上。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. In that loud hot space I felt simultaneously this desire to stand and leave and yet to lay my head down and rest. 在那个嘈杂闷热的空间里,我既想起身离去,又想倒头大睡。 www.bing.com 4. How I hated myself for being so weak! For not being able to stand up for myself. It left me with a deep sense of shame. 我是多么痛恨自己如此懦弱!痛恨自己不能站起来反抗,这让我感到深深地羞愧。 www.chinavalue.net 5. Although he did not stand out at school, HKUST's dynamism and the enthusiasm of the faculty pushed him on to fulfil his potential. 尽管他的中学成绩并不突出,但科大充满朝气的气氛以及教授的热诚投入,推动他发挥优厚潜质。 publish.ust.hk 6. He said it is not good for the sport if the drivers who stand on the podium are only able to celebrate provisionally . 他说,这是不利于这项运动的驱动程序,如果谁的立场上领奖台只能庆祝暂时。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. of the side garden to the front, where she could stand as if in an immense gulf of white light, the moon streaming high in face of her. 她赶紧从宅边园子走到宅前园子,她可以站在那儿,宛若置身于一大片白光下,月亮高照在她脸上。 www.jukuu.com 8. He is always in danger, stand up to those of "good" , decent "honor student" cannot make justice, showing their behavior. 他总在危险时刻,挺身而出,做出那些懦弱的“好孩子”,体面的“优秀生”无法做出的正义行为,展示出自己的魅力。 aiwen.da345.com 9. Now, I am heading to my ideal, whatever how much obstacle I will meet, stand up again when fall down. 现在,我正在向着我的理想前进,不管前面有多少障碍我都要跨过去,跌倒了再爬起来。 bgy.65sky.blog.163.com 10. We honor you and your mission and stand ready to assist when the time comes. 我们恭敬你们和你们的使命,事前机到来的时间就会供给支持。 www.mycqb.com 1. In that loud hot space I felt simultaneously this desire to stand and leave and yet to lay my head down and rest. 在那个嘈杂闷热的空间里,我既想起身离去,又想倒头大睡。 www.bing.com 2. How I hated myself for being so weak! For not being able to stand up for myself. It left me with a deep sense of shame. 我是多么痛恨自己如此懦弱!痛恨自己不能站起来反抗,这让我感到深深地羞愧。 www.chinavalue.net 3. Although he did not stand out at school, HKUST's dynamism and the enthusiasm of the faculty pushed him on to fulfil his potential. 尽管他的中学成绩并不突出,但科大充满朝气的气氛以及教授的热诚投入,推动他发挥优厚潜质。 publish.ust.hk 4. He said it is not good for the sport if the drivers who stand on the podium are only able to celebrate provisionally . 他说,这是不利于这项运动的驱动程序,如果谁的立场上领奖台只能庆祝暂时。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. of the side garden to the front, where she could stand as if in an immense gulf of white light, the moon streaming high in face of her. 她赶紧从宅边园子走到宅前园子,她可以站在那儿,宛若置身于一大片白光下,月亮高照在她脸上。 www.jukuu.com 6. He is always in danger, stand up to those of "good" , decent "honor student" cannot make justice, showing their behavior. 他总在危险时刻,挺身而出,做出那些懦弱的“好孩子”,体面的“优秀生”无法做出的正义行为,展示出自己的魅力。 aiwen.da345.com 7. Now, I am heading to my ideal, whatever how much obstacle I will meet, stand up again when fall down. 现在,我正在向着我的理想前进,不管前面有多少障碍我都要跨过去,跌倒了再爬起来。 bgy.65sky.blog.163.com 8. We honor you and your mission and stand ready to assist when the time comes. 我们恭敬你们和你们的使命,事前机到来的时间就会供给支持。 www.mycqb.com 9. Palestinian women as a group have never been willing to stand up to the men who send their children out to be suicide bombers. 巴勒斯坦的妇女群体从没想着去反抗那些把孩子送去当人肉炸弹的男人。 www.elanso.com 10. I never fall down in the dark, i only stand up in the light. 我从不在黑暗中倒下,我只在光明中奋起。 www.jczqw.com 1. Although he did not stand out at school, HKUST's dynamism and the enthusiasm of the faculty pushed him on to fulfil his potential. 尽管他的中学成绩并不突出,但科大充满朝气的气氛以及教授的热诚投入,推动他发挥优厚潜质。 publish.ust.hk 2. He said it is not good for the sport if the drivers who stand on the podium are only able to celebrate provisionally . 他说,这是不利于这项运动的驱动程序,如果谁的立场上领奖台只能庆祝暂时。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. of the side garden to the front, where she could stand as if in an immense gulf of white light, the moon streaming high in face of her. 她赶紧从宅边园子走到宅前园子,她可以站在那儿,宛若置身于一大片白光下,月亮高照在她脸上。 www.jukuu.com 4. He is always in danger, stand up to those of "good" , decent "honor student" cannot make justice, showing their behavior. 他总在危险时刻,挺身而出,做出那些懦弱的“好孩子”,体面的“优秀生”无法做出的正义行为,展示出自己的魅力。 aiwen.da345.com 5. Now, I am heading to my ideal, whatever how much obstacle I will meet, stand up again when fall down. 现在,我正在向着我的理想前进,不管前面有多少障碍我都要跨过去,跌倒了再爬起来。 bgy.65sky.blog.163.com 6. We honor you and your mission and stand ready to assist when the time comes. 我们恭敬你们和你们的使命,事前机到来的时间就会供给支持。 www.mycqb.com 7. Palestinian women as a group have never been willing to stand up to the men who send their children out to be suicide bombers. 巴勒斯坦的妇女群体从没想着去反抗那些把孩子送去当人肉炸弹的男人。 www.elanso.com 8. I never fall down in the dark, i only stand up in the light. 我从不在黑暗中倒下,我只在光明中奋起。 www.jczqw.com 9. My administration is going to stand with you and fight alongside with you until the job is gone. 我的政府将与你们站在一起,和你们并肩作战,直到工作完成。 www.bing.com 10. And when they got out the room, he said to her mother, "Just stand and watch her. " 在他们走出房间后,医生对她妈妈说:“我们就站在这儿观察一下她。” www.ted.com 1. of the side garden to the front, where she could stand as if in an immense gulf of white light, the moon streaming high in face of her. 她赶紧从宅边园子走到宅前园子,她可以站在那儿,宛若置身于一大片白光下,月亮高照在她脸上。 www.jukuu.com 2. He is always in danger, stand up to those of "good" , decent "honor student" cannot make justice, showing their behavior. 他总在危险时刻,挺身而出,做出那些懦弱的“好孩子”,体面的“优秀生”无法做出的正义行为,展示出自己的魅力。 aiwen.da345.com 3. Now, I am heading to my ideal, whatever how much obstacle I will meet, stand up again when fall down. 现在,我正在向着我的理想前进,不管前面有多少障碍我都要跨过去,跌倒了再爬起来。 bgy.65sky.blog.163.com 4. We honor you and your mission and stand ready to assist when the time comes. 我们恭敬你们和你们的使命,事前机到来的时间就会供给支持。 www.mycqb.com 5. Palestinian women as a group have never been willing to stand up to the men who send their children out to be suicide bombers. 巴勒斯坦的妇女群体从没想着去反抗那些把孩子送去当人肉炸弹的男人。 www.elanso.com 6. I never fall down in the dark, i only stand up in the light. 我从不在黑暗中倒下,我只在光明中奋起。 www.jczqw.com 7. My administration is going to stand with you and fight alongside with you until the job is gone. 我的政府将与你们站在一起,和你们并肩作战,直到工作完成。 www.bing.com 8. And when they got out the room, he said to her mother, "Just stand and watch her. " 在他们走出房间后,医生对她妈妈说:“我们就站在这儿观察一下她。” www.ted.com 9. How much I would like to listen to what you call my name. even I stand before speeding car. 我多么想再听你叫我的名字。哪怕是我站在飞驰的车前。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. On the stretch of the linear passage of time fear is a sense of each individual to be able to under-stand. 对绵延流逝的线性时间的恐惧是每一个有意识的个体都能体察到的。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Now, I am heading to my ideal, whatever how much obstacle I will meet, stand up again when fall down. 现在,我正在向着我的理想前进,不管前面有多少障碍我都要跨过去,跌倒了再爬起来。 bgy.65sky.blog.163.com 2. We honor you and your mission and stand ready to assist when the time comes. 我们恭敬你们和你们的使命,事前机到来的时间就会供给支持。 www.mycqb.com 3. Palestinian women as a group have never been willing to stand up to the men who send their children out to be suicide bombers. 巴勒斯坦的妇女群体从没想着去反抗那些把孩子送去当人肉炸弹的男人。 www.elanso.com 4. I never fall down in the dark, i only stand up in the light. 我从不在黑暗中倒下,我只在光明中奋起。 www.jczqw.com 5. My administration is going to stand with you and fight alongside with you until the job is gone. 我的政府将与你们站在一起,和你们并肩作战,直到工作完成。 www.bing.com 6. And when they got out the room, he said to her mother, "Just stand and watch her. " 在他们走出房间后,医生对她妈妈说:“我们就站在这儿观察一下她。” www.ted.com 7. How much I would like to listen to what you call my name. even I stand before speeding car. 我多么想再听你叫我的名字。哪怕是我站在飞驰的车前。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. On the stretch of the linear passage of time fear is a sense of each individual to be able to under-stand. 对绵延流逝的线性时间的恐惧是每一个有意识的个体都能体察到的。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. A lawyer for the plaintiffs says the trial will likely take about a week. Iverson is expected to take the stand in his defense. 原告律师说这个案子将持续大约一周的时间。艾弗森预计将采取辩护的立场。 www.iversonzone.com 10. Stand out in hand-made carpets used in part or to highlight the design. 在手工地毯中多用作醒目部分或用以突出设计。 www.texclo.net |
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