单词 | Stalinism |
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例句释义: 斯大林主义,史达林主义,史大林主义,史达林主罬 1. Apologists point to Stalinism and Nazism as murderous ideologies, as if their existence made Torquemada and the Taliban somehow acceptable. 辩护者提到斯塔林以及纳粹这些凶残的意识形态,并指出如果这些都能够被历史所接受那么托克马达和塔利班又算得了什么? www.bing.com 2. For a long while it looked as if China would never be liberalized, that it would remain locked in the super-Stalinism of Maoism. 长久以来中国被视作一个与自由化无缘的国家。它将永远的被斯大林主义的加强版-毛主义所禁锢。 www.bing.com 3. From this point of view, Russia is closer to a grimmer version of Italy than it is to an updated Stalinism. 从这一点上看,俄罗斯更像是阴冷版的意大利,而非升级版的斯大林政权。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Then, he tried to show that Smurf society is the archetype of a totalitarian utopia marked by Stalinism and Nazism. 然后,他尝试说明“蓝精灵”社会是由斯大林主义和纳粹主义展现的极权主义的原型。 dongxi.net 5. Russia has paid no compensation to the foreign victims of Stalinism (and little to its own citizens). 俄罗斯并没有对外国的斯大林主义受害者支付任何补偿(对它自己国民的补偿也很少)。 www.ecocn.org 6. The Soviet Union lasted many decades. Did Stalinism "work" until it did not? 苏联也存在了几十年,难道说斯大林主义也在其解体前一直起作用而就是正确的吗? www.bing.com 7. Russia may choose to celebrate the anniversary as a common victory over fascism. Or it may use it to justify Stalinism. 俄罗斯也许将纪念日作为对法西斯主义作战的胜利,或者用来纠正斯大林主义。 www.ecocn.org 8. It is rather that without material resources it will tend to twist into the monstrous caricature of socialism known as Stalinism. 而是,没有物质资源,社会主义往往沦为如斯大林主义的具有讽刺意味的畸形产物。 www.bing.com 9. Capitalism and Stalinism defend undemocratic control of the media by a minority. 资本主义和斯大林主义辩护着由少数人控制的不民主媒体。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Vladimir Putin has had Russian history textbooks rewritten to take a more positive view of Stalinism. 弗拉基米尔?普京(VladimirPutin)命令对俄罗斯的历史教科书进行修改,给予了斯大林更加正面的评述。 www.ftchinese.com 1. To make her argument, she yoked Nazism and Stalinism together with philosophical babble about ideology and loneliness. 为了说明她的观点,她把纳粹和斯大林主义,意识形态和哲学的喃喃自语结合起来。 www.97renven.org 2. This classic tale of an animal revolution gone rogue is George Orwell's allegorical take on Stalinism. 这个动物革命沦为暴力的经典故事,是乔治·奥威尔针对斯大林主义的寓言。 www.bing.com 3. In fact, there is a paradoxical sense in which Stalinism, rather thandiscrediting Marx's work, bears witness to its validity. 事实上,斯大林主义中存在自相矛盾的意识,不是怀疑马克思的工作,而是证明它的正确性。 www.bing.com 4. Stalinism was not an aberration, he argued, but the inevitable consequence of pursuing a communist utopia. 在他笔下,斯大林主义并非怪胎,而是对共产主义乌托邦的追求所必然导致的结果。 www.ecocn.org 5. Stalinism made the Marxism distorted beyond recognition and destroyed the figures of Marx himself. 斯大林主义使马克思主义面目全非,损害了马克思本人的形象。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. From then until 1977 the anthem was played without words, neatly illustrating the Soviet Union's ambiguous attitude to Stalinism. 从那时起直到1977年,苏联国歌在播放或演奏时都没有歌词,这贴切地显示出苏联对斯大林主义的暧昧态度。 club.topsage.com 7. But of course, after the horrors of Stalinism and the Gulag, it all seemed very humane. 但是当然,在经历了斯大林主义和古拉格之后,流放西伯利亚就显得是非常有人性的事情了。 www.bing.com 8. In the 1950s many intellectuals, including Jean-Paul Sartre, clung to pro-Soviet idealism even after the evils of Stalinism emerged. 20世纪50年代,包括让·保罗·萨特在内的许多知识分子都死抱着苏联理想主义,哪怕是后来斯大林主义的罪恶开始显现也依然如此。 www.ecocn.org 9. Having experienced the crimes of Stalinism at first hand, he exposed them in both fiction and factual form. 由于曾经亲身体验过斯大林主义的罪恶,索尔仁尼琴通过小说和纪实的形式将这些都暴露出来。 www.ecocn.org 10. If you want acompelling account of how Stalinism comes about, you have to go to Marxism. 如果你想要一个明确的斯大林主义产生的根源,那么你必须深入马克思主义。 www.bing.com 1. In a sense, China has only now gone as far as Stalinism, although even that is a great improvement over Mao. 从某种程度上来说,中国目前仅仅前进到了“斯大林主义”的程度,但尽管如此相对于毛这也是一个了不起的进步。 www.bing.com 2. How did people survive Stalinism? 人们如何在斯大林主义下生存? dictsearch.appspot.com |
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