单词 | stains |
释义 | stains是stain的第三人称单数
第三人称单数:stains 现在分词:staining 过去式:stained 例句释义: 污点,锈,变色,染污,沾污,在染色,在着色,污渍,染色剂,斑斑 1. cleaning of stains on the leather must be cleaned before coloring, easy to put dirty old color before the background color cover. 清洗的污渍对皮革染色前必须清洗,容易把背景色前盖肮脏的旧颜色。 www.qiyeku.com 2. Sure, they'd leave cum stains on your grave marker, but it has to be better than decomposing in the ground like a human turd. 没错,他们会在你的墓碑上留一滩精斑,但总好过在泥土里烂成人渣。 nightbringer.blogbus.com 3. Has become very dark, the Department of wrinkles and stains all over her eyes and cheeks. 已经变得很黑了,皱纹和色斑都部满了她的眼角和两腮。 www.tradeask.com 4. Ink can be pretty tough to get out, but most ballpoint pen ink stains come out with lots of persistence and patience. 墨迹很难清除,不过,如果你有足够的恒心与耐心,大部分圆珠笔印迹都是可以清除的。 bbs.internet.org.cn 5. Shortcomings of others can be spotted at once as if stains on white paper, but those of our own can be barely found by ourselves. 他人身上的缺点就像白纸上的黑点,一眼就能看出来;而自己身上的缺点却很难发现。 www.ebigear.com 6. Computer keyboard keys aperture stains and dust to clean up, these seem to have to carefully place, often let our cleaning job not start. 电脑键盘的按键缝隙容易留下污渍和灰尘,这些清洁起来似乎不得不小心翼翼的地方,往往让我们的清洁工作无从下手。 task.zhubajie.com 7. Light stains can be removed with a sponge damped in water or a mild soapy solution, or with a fine sandpaper. 清除一般污迹,可使用含有皂液的潮湿海绵块擦拭,或使用细砂纸。 www.ikea.com 8. Add two or three more stains using the same technique as shown in the previous step, but use different brushes. 选取不同形状的笔刷,以同样的技巧(方法如前)添加两三个污迹,如下图所示。 www.missyuan.com 9. Laser treatments do not permanently remove birthmarks known as port-wine stains, researchers have found. 研究人员发现,激光不能永久性去除葡萄酒色痣胎记。 news.dxy.cn 10. Laser treatments do not permanently remove birthmarks known as port-wine stains, researchers hae found. 研究员发现,激光不能永久性地去除被认为是葡萄酒色痣的胎记。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Upon seeing the stains, Josue has said to his mother, 'A bad man shot me. 见到血渍,Josue曾对他的妈妈说:“坏人开枪打我”。 dongxi.net 2. A simple grinding down of rocks from erosion could produce a red mineral that stains the dust on Mars, the new thinking goes. 仅仅是遭受侵蚀的岩石经磨损产生了一种红色的矿物而将火星上的尘埃进行了着色,这就是新的理论解释。 www.bing.com 3. Hand oil stains, like pieces of meat when there's nothing wrong with the napkin gently wipe, but do not be used to wipe a knife, or dishes. 手上有油渍、肉碎之类时,用餐巾轻轻拭抹亦无妨,不过,别用来擦刀、又或碗碟。 zhishi.sohu.com 4. One day, light snow seeping milk stains on the clothes, was a boy surnamed Chen found a result, light snow unwed things brought to light. 一天,小雪衣服上渗出奶渍,被一名姓陈男生发现,于是,小雪未婚先孕的事情败露。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. This chromatin is called heterochromatin. The chromatin which stains less deeply than heterochromatin is called euchromatin. 异染色质呈较大的深染团块,常染色质染色较淡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. There are a few ways to remove the stains, and a few products that can help you to do it easily. 有几种去污渍的方法,有几种产品有助于轻易除去污渍。 www.bing.com 7. Paint stains on dulcimer, should also promptly wipe clean stubborn stains with a soft clean fabric dipped in a little toothpaste. 扬琴漆面上有污迹,也应及时擦拭干净,顽固的污迹可用柔软的织物蘸稍许牙膏擦拭。 www.xiami360.com 8. "Brown Stains on the Wall, by Who-Flung-Poo, " he said and chugged his beer. “《墙上的棕色污渍》,由喷粪一郎所画。”他一边说,一边灌下啤酒。 www.bing.com 9. The only missing elements in the design of the book are stains and dog-ears, but I hope those will come with time. 这本书设计上的遗漏只有着色和摺角方面,不过我希望在将来可以完善。 www.bing.com 10. Steel Wool are often used for cleaning and removing strong stains, rust and grease spots on surface of metal-wares, ceramics and glass. 钢丝棉广泛用于金属制品、瓷器、玻璃表面的清洁、除污及抛光。 www.diytrade.com 1. Travelling by plane usually conjures up images of a few too many hours spent twiddling thumbs in chairs with unsettling stains. 乘飞机旅行常常使人浮现出种种画面:不断摆弄拇指,在座位上左扭右扭打发漫长的时间。 www.ecocn.org 2. If I had my life to live over, I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains. 假如生活可以重来,我要和孩子们一起坐在草坪上,不担心衣服上会染上草渍。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Fluid stains form alternating high and low spots which reflect the surface energies of fluid and fiber. 流体污垢形成或多或少的交错散布的斑点,这反映了流体与纤维双方面的表面能。 tr.bab.la 4. Water stains or a small quantity of smears may be eliminated easily by using wet cloth and a few household detergents or soapy water. 水渍或少量污渍用湿抹布擦洗并加入少量家用清洁剂或肥皂水可即时去除。 www.showxiu.com 5. He contemplated the water stains on the wooden beams for a while, and then answered: "It's the end of the world. " 他两眼直勾勾地看着房梁上的水渍,过了一会儿,才回答说:“是世界末日。” www.bing.com 6. Make a thin paste of lemon juice and salt; spread the paste on mildew stains. Lay out the fabric in the sun to bleach it. 用盐和柠檬汁调成糊状涂在长霉的地方,平放在阳光下漂白,然后漂洗烘干。 dongxi.net 7. Tightly coiled chromosomal material that stains deeply during interphase and is believed to be genetically inactive. 异染色质紧紧盘绕在一起的染色体物质,在分裂期间染色,据信在基因中并不活跃 www.jukuu.com 8. Besides, some of useful stains of Bacteroides are introduced as well. And this mini review provides a perspective on the tre. . . 此外,还介绍了几株有重要应用价值的拟杆菌,并就以后的研究趋势作了展望。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Designs can also be placed with a black permanent marker since stains will not bleed across the marker lines, according to Dodson. 外观设计也可以放在一个黑色的污渍,因为记号笔不会流血整个标记线,根据多德森。 www.cfli.cn 10. She finally scrubbed the ink stains away from her hands. 她终于把手上的墨渍擦洗掉了。 www.hotdic.com 1. Mineral oil stains or other edible oil stains can be applied to this method. 矿物油污渍或其他食用油污渍可以适用于这种方法。 www.qiyeku.com 2. When I finally found my bearings, I was standing on Congress avenue, out of breath, smeared up and down with grass stains and dog shit. 当我终于能确定方向时,我发现自己在国会大街上,上气不接下气,草渍和狗屎全身都是。 www.bing.com 3. Do you know of any way to get wine stains out of cloth? 你知道有什么方法可以把衣服上的酒渍去掉吗? www.ygjy.net 4. Grease stains are famously difficult to remove from clothing and stain removers can be very expensive. 衣物上的油渍是公认最难清洗的,然而去污剂可能又非常贵。 www.kekenet.com 5. Take your item to a professional cleaner if difficult stains are persistent, or if it is heavily soiled. 如果顽固的污渍非常难以清除或者非常脏,将衣物带到专业的洗衣店。 www.kekenet.com 6. Cherry juice stains easily, so its almost impossible to get out of cloth. 樱桃汁很容易留下污渍,要把它从衣服上洗掉几乎是不可能的。 hi.baidu.com 7. Samples of his body tissue looked almost recent in origin and certain bacterial stains collected had even survived the big freeze. 他体内组织的标本看上去跟刚死去的人差不多,而且某些细菌感染处历经严寒后依然存在。 www.nibiye.com 8. For paint stains on the surface of cotton and silk fabrics, wipe it off with kerosene or turpentine oil before washing. 棉、丝织品上若沾染油漆渍,需先用煤油或松节油擦到去渍为止,然后洗衣。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. A fine wine is hard to appreciate when it stains your nicest shirt. 当你最漂亮的衬衫沾上酒渍,再好的酒也不会被欣赏了。 www.100ye.com 10. If there are stains on the leather, with a clean wet sponge wiped with detergent and warm dip, and then allowed to naturally dry. 如果对皮革污渍,用干净的湿用清洁剂和温暖浸消灭海绵,然后让自然干燥。 www.qiyeku.com 1. In the cleaning stage, garments are pre-treated for stains and then machine washed in a solution of a solvent, soap and detergent. 在清理阶段,服装是前接受治疗的污渍,然后水洗机在解决溶剂,肥皂和洗涤剂。 www.ganxi-ganxiji.cn 2. My teacher told me that the liquid in the bottle could remove stains from metal and china. 老师告诉我瓶里的液体可去除金属和瓷器上的污渍。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Stains, violence, four steps dye staining, as well as "people pollution" of the office. 渍、暴、染4个步骤染色,并设“染人”这一官职。 www.chinavalue.net 4. UV perceived orientation of a unified China would UV ink stains of quality standards, in particular the purity of the index. UV油墨的色相定位一我国能否制订统一UV油墨着色剂的质量标准,特别是纯度指标。 www.bing.com 5. At this point the road like my heart traces the stains, not calm. 此时的路面就像我的心一样痕迹把斑斑,不能平静。 www.bing.com 6. Healthy teeth should be all one color. If you see spots or stains on the teeth, take your baby to your dentist. 健康的牙齿应该是一种颜色。如果你发现牙齿上有斑点,带你的孩子去看牙医。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Only a small amount of water and detergent is needed to create the water vapor that allows the beads to work and loosen stains. 洗衣时,只需在洗衣机内加注少量水和洗涤剂,便足以产生洗衣所需的水蒸气,伴随塑料珠运转,衣物脱去污渍。这种塑料珠能重复使用。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. If clinically suspicious, culture specimens and gram stains can be used to identify the specific etiologic agent. 若临床怀疑,可通过标本培养和革兰染色来鉴别特定的病原体。 www.bing.com 9. Put some yeast on the stains and wash with water. It will be more effective if a little bit of ammonia solution is added during washing. 可用酵母粉撒在污渍上,滴水洗濯,洗濯时加入少许氨水溶液效果更佳。 www.jobs.gov.hk 10. Sponge the marble floor clean in steady, arching motions. For stubborn stains, scrub vigorously with a soft-bristled brush. 以稳定的弧形动作把大理石地板擦拭干净。对于比较顽固的污渍,用软毛刷子用力刷。 www.kekenet.com 1. if there are conspicuous stains , use steel wool ball or fine sandpaper to rub the surface gently. 若是有明显污渍,用钢丝绒球或幼砂纸轻磨表面。 www.ichacha.net 2. Working-class types here swear by the stuff, and you can tell a betel-nut fan by the telltale red stains around the mouth. 这里的劳动阶层对槟榔十分锺情,而且从红红的嘴巴你就能很容易分辨出谁是槟榔爱好者。 www.kekenet.com 3. Polypropylene is a by-product of oil refining, the great majority of stains with stain resistance, resistance to chemical corrosion. 丙纶是由石油精炼的副产品,对绝大部分污渍具有抗污性,耐化学腐蚀性。 www.texclo.net 4. NO CLEANSING AGENT IS REQUIRED! JUST A LITTLE WATER! IT CAN EASILY REMOVE INDOMITABLE STAINS. 只需清水,不需清洁剂,就能轻易去除顽强污垢。 redsunproducts.com 5. He found the doorknob of his room smeared with blood and red stains on his bed. 接着,他又发现房门把手上有血的污迹,床上有红的斑点。 www.showxiu.com 6. friends, you are not the clothes you'll always be coated with a variety of stains and worry about it? 你不是你的衣服都被涂上了各种各样的污渍,并有这样的担心朋友? www.qiyeku.com 7. Tannin-rich runoff from Fraser's interior stains the sea in the aftermath of a summer storm. 在一场夏季风暴之后,流自弗雷泽岛内富含丹宁酸的径流为大海增添了色彩。 www.bing.com 8. Sprinkle some baking soda inside your mug and wipe it around with a damp cloth. Stains from coffee or hot tea will quickly disappear. 在马克杯里撒一些小苏打然后用一块湿布在杯子里擦拭,咖啡和热茶留下的印记会快速消失。 www.bing.com 9. Ensure that there is no hair in the bathtub and washbasin. Ensure that mirrors, glass and fixtures are well polished and without stains. 确保浴缸和面盆中没有头发,镜子,玻璃和装饰物光亮无污渍。 jobs.zhaopin.com 10. Use baking soda on a damp cloth to rub crayon stains off smooth surfaces. A more risky way is to use white spirit. 将碳酸氢钠放入一块湿布中,就可将笔迹从光滑面上擦去。当然,还有一种更有效的方法就采用石油溶剂。 www.elanso.com 1. Don't put anything too messy in however - a letter obscured by chocolate stains is unlikely to have the kind of impact you were hoping for. 但别放乱七八糟的东西——沾有巧克力污渍的情信似乎不会达到你预期的效果。 www.bing.com 2. Grass stains can be removed by wiping the article over with methylated spirits. Repeat until the stain is gone and wash. 甲基化酒精可用来擦除物品上的草渍,多擦几次草渍就会消失,然后将物品洗干净即可。 www.elanso.com 3. As you can see there's some dirt and wet stains at the bottom. . . I want those in it. 正如你可以看到有一些污垢,并在底部湿渍…我想在它的人。 www.dogame.com.cn 4. Examine tears, stains and missing accessories due to processing and that these be remedied and replaced. 检查破损,染色和丢失附件的衣物并将其缝补和替代。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. You can't physically remove all the stains from floorboards so they clean it as best the can and paint a sealant on the top. 你不可能完全清除地上的污迹,所以他们尽量洗干净,然后在表面漆上一层密封剂。 www.bing.com 6. Blood stains, pieces of shattered glass and flowers marked the sites where 12 hours earlier two bombs had killed at least 39 people. 血迹、玻璃碎片和鲜花让这里格外扎眼,就在十二小时前,两枚炸弹杀死了至少39个人。 www.ecocn.org 7. Nicotine causes brown stains that penetrate the groves and pits of tooth enamel and can be hard to remove by brushing alone. 尼古丁形成的棕色污渍可渗透牙釉的表层,并且很难通过刷牙清除。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. But I'm a man of dust and stains. 但我是何等渺小污秽的人。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. If you own your vehicle, the inevitable door dings and dents -- as well as coffee stains on the seat -- can also be shrugged off. 要是你拥有自己的车,那么门上不可避免的刮擦和污渍,以及座椅上的咖啡印记,你都可以随它去。 www.bing.com 10. Ultra strong decontamination ----collapse of stains thoroughly, making cylindrical objects instantly restore ecru, bright and clean as new. 超强去污——彻底瓦解多种顽固污渍,令筒形物体瞬间恢复本色,光洁如新。 detail.cn.china.cn 1. Rayon has a good appearance retention, resistance to stains, fading resistance under the Sun. 人造丝具有良好的外观保持性,抗污渍,阳光下耐褪色。 www.texclo.net 2. To remove perspiration stains from clothing, dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a cup of hot water and sponge it on. 去除衣物上的汗渍可以把一茶勺盐溶入热盐水中,然后用海绵蘸盐水擦拭。 www.bing.com 3. Fluid stains do not spread uniformly even over smooth single fibers. 流体污垢即使在光滑的单纤维上面也不会均匀分布。 www.jukuu.com 4. There were stains, too, from which she averted her eyes. 她转开眼睛不看那斑迹。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Fresh blood stains can be directly cold washed, and then added immediately after washing to remove detergent enzymes. 新鲜血渍可直接冷水洗,然后将清洗后立即删除洗涤剂酶。 www.qiyeku.com 6. Easy pollution: Granite still has certain function of absorbing water, sludge or color stains once pollution to decontamination. 易污染:花岗石还有一定的吸水作用,油泥或色渍一旦污染难以除污。 www.yangjiaoxian.com 7. He hoped to create items like self-cleaning fabric, in which enzymes embedded in cotton could simply be activated by water to remove stains. 他希望做出像自洁面料这样的东西,自洁面料的棉布中添加了酶,只需用水即可激活,从而达到去除污渍之效。 chinese.wsj.com 8. The initial formation of the flood tide, irrigation waterlogging, reduce stains, water diversion system of five water conservancy projects. 初步形成了防洪挡潮、除涝灌溉、降渍、调水五套水利工程体系。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Treated with paint, stains, creosote or other preservatives. 用油漆,着色剂,杂酚油或其他防腐剂处理。 ec365day.com 10. When the nobles finally recaptured the palace they were forced to clean up and found many stains and cigarette burns. 贵族终于夺回王宫后,他们不得不进行大扫除,并发现许多污迹和被烟卷烧煳的地方。 www.douban.com 1. Not only do other emerging markets have plenty of their own stains, they are far more exposed to future spills from the rich world as well. 因为与印度相比,其他新兴市场自身所存在的问题同样多如牛毛,而且他们更有可能在未来受到发达国家的拖累。 www.fortunechina.com 2. Soft and high resiliency, completely stick to the wiping surface together, fully absorb the water and dirt stains. 柔软富弹性,能完全贴合擦拭表面,完全吸收水分和污渍。 www.1x1y.com.cn 3. But silk fades in sunlight and stains easily, so it is best used for bedding. 但丝绸容易褪色和弄脏,所以利用蚕丝的最好办法是制成寝具。 www.common-talk.com 4. Meanwhile, match-fixing, or the suspicion of it, too often stains the game FIFA is supposed to govern. 同时,操纵比赛、或是怀疑某场比赛被操纵了这些常常玷污了国际足联本该管理好的足球这项体育赛事的名声。 www.ecocn.org 5. Evolution's role to explain everything, however, stains it with a tinge of religiosity . 然而,进化解释一切的作用使它被一丝宗教的色彩所玷污。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. By studying the images, the scientists discovered that guano stains are reliable indicators of the birds' presence. 通过研究这些图像,科学家发现粪渍是鸟类存在的可靠证据。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Histological and immunohistochemical stains Liver samples from all animals were processed for light microscopy. 学和免疫组织化学染色肝脏样本,从一切的动物被处置的光镜。 www.0717ad.com 8. An in service valve suffering from Dezincification has a white powdery substance or mineral stains on its exterior surface. 应用中的阀门如果出现脱锌现象,在产品表面就会出现粉状物质或矿物污点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Most stains like spaghetti sauce, wine and coffee com out in the wash. 大多数的脏污如义大利面酱汁,酒与咖啡都可以轻松洗乾净。 store.pchome.com.tw 10. Can wipe the oil on your mouth or stains on the finger with table napkin dime, but the absolutely not can the wipe cutlery. 可用餐巾一角擦去嘴上或手指上的油渍,但绝不可揩拭餐具。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Water stains were seen on the ceiling around the intakes and near skylights. 在入口周围和天窗附近可以看到水的污迹。 www.bing.com 2. Apply a protective coating to prevent stains. Spray or wipe on a product meant for countertops and wipe off the excess. 增加一保护涂层防止受污。用工作台专用产品喷洒或擦去多余物。 sunstreak.blog.35.cn 3. However, they should be tutored to use the green, inedible fruit to rub away the persistent stains from the ripe fruit. 然而,他们应该家教使用绿色,不宜食水果磨远离成熟水果的持续污渍。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Suddenly overflow out of the blood stains my clothes collar. 顿时鲜血溢了出来,染红了我衣服的领子。 www.crazyenglish.org 5. The blood stains on both the shroud and the sudarium are the same, and the materials of the cloths are identical. 裹尸布以及裹头巾上的血迹相同,布块的材质也完全形同。 www.elanso.com 6. Hussein then FBI agent said he was suffering from AIDS, with a blade and cut his finger, so that he can leave blood stains in the letter. 候塞因随后对联邦调查局特工称,他患有艾滋病,他用刀片割破手指,这样他就可以在信件上留下血迹。 www.chinavalue.net 7. A number of stains on the wall of my room were papered over. 我房间墙上的许多污迹已用墙纸遮盖起来了。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Semen and other biological stains can be made to fluoresce using the ALS with various combinations of wavelengths and filters. 可以用各种波长组合的可选光源和滤光片使精斑和其他生物斑点发出荧光。 str.ausbio.com 9. To remove stains, rub the cleaner bar lightly back and forth over the affected area. 以消除污点,擦清洁酒吧掉以轻心,反反复复超过受影响的地区。 www.ganxi-ganxiji.cn 10. As a final touch, use the 3rd brush of the last "Coffee Stains" set to extract a splatter. 最后,用最后那套咖啡印笔刷里的第三个笔刷来制作喷溅墨迹的效果。 www.blue1000.com 1. You can see that it is covered with coffee and tea stains. 你可以看到它充满著咖啡和茶渍。 boundaryinterfaces.wordpress.com 2. He wants better regulation, as the emergence of look-alikes "stains our brand and threatens our reputation. " 对于已经浮现的对于诺基亚品牌和声誉的损害,他希望可以加强市场管理。 www.bing.com 3. Coca-Cola can be used to clean the toilet, remove grease stains and loosen rusty bolts. 可口可乐可以用来清洗厕所,去除残留油渍,还可以用来松开生锈的螺栓。 www.bing.com 4. The present invention relates to a cleaning composition suitable for cleaning stains on surfaces. 本发明涉及适于清洁表面污渍的清洁组合物。 ip.com 5. Marvin Dodson, Rare Earth Labs produces concentrated stains that provide a wide variety of colors and tones. 马文多德森,稀土生产集中污渍实验室提供的颜色和色调多种。 www.cfli.cn 6. She told me a tip for removing stains from clothing. 她告诉了我一个除掉衣服上污点的小窍门。 86v.org 7. If you've got some special stains on them like sugar, coffee or something else please let the dry- cleaner know. 如果上面有特殊的污渍,像糖、咖啡或是其他什么,干洗时要说明。 bbs.enfamily.cn 8. The uniforms of professional ball players are often auctioned with dirt and grass stains. 职业球员的服装经常带着污垢和青草痕迹拍卖。 www.kekenet.com 9. Thanks to laundry and dry cleaning workers, those grass stains can fade, not the memories. 感谢洗衣和干洗工人,这些基层污渍可以淡出,而不是回忆。 www.ganxi-ganxiji.cn 10. Removes dust, fingerprints, water spots and common stains on furniture surfaces. Also provides a satiny gloss and smooth finish. 可以彻底清洁傢俬,去除灰尘、指纹、水印和各种常见污渍,并能同时护理傢俬表面,令其洁净亮泽。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. One's reputation, like a piece of white cloth, is easy to stain while it is hard to remove the stains from it. 一个人的名声就像一块白布,很容易被玷污,但要清除这些污点却很难。 jpk.heut.edu.cn 2. Using the handkerchief to dip with soda for wiping along the stains, it must be cleaned away. 只要用手帕沾着汽水顺着溅到汤汁的地方擦拭,一定可以很快将污垢去除的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Sanitary appliances. Resistance to domestical chemical agents and resistance to stains of the enamelled surfaces. Test method. 卫生设备.搪瓷耐家用化学药品和污点的强度.试验方法 www.mapeng.net 4. If corrosive substance has been swallowed , there will be burns stains around the lips. 如吞下的是腐蚀性液体,咀唇周围会有烧伤的痕迹。 www.bing.com 5. If tissue is inadequate, a larger biopsy sample should be obtained so that all necessary stains and procedures can be performed. 如果组织不够,需要进行较大的活检样本以便进行必要的染色和操作。 www.medicines-school.com 6. As you can see the background of the photo studio was kind of dirty, so in order to remove the stains I applied some Surface Blur. 就像你看到的,照片工作室的地面有点脏,所以为了移除污渍,我使用了一些表面模糊。 www.bing.com 7. 2 plastic casing should be flat and smooth surface, no crack, fade and permanent stains. there is no obvious distortion and scratches. 2塑料外壳表面应平整光滑、无裂纹、退色及永久性污渍,亦无明显变形和划痕。 www.videodoorphone.com.cn 8. In the event of stubborn oil, stains, cleaning agents and can be used to scrub brush. 遇有顽固油渍、污渍,可使用清洁剂及毛刷擦洗即可。 blog.163.com 9. Oxidation and left glue stains on the board surface cannot be allowed. 不允许有板面氧化和胶渍现象。 wenku.baidu.com 10. types of stains: coffee or tea solutions: cleaning the bathroom towel twisted stem can be erased in time. 类型的污渍:咖啡或茶的解决方案:清洗浴室毛巾扭干,可及时清除。 www.qiyeku.com 1. Stains can be removed by using an eraser, fine sandpaper, soap, dishwashing detergent or paint thinner. 清除污迹可使用橡皮擦,细砂纸,肥皂,餐具清洁剂或漆料稀释剂。 www.ikea.com 2. For those without sweat stains, avoid hot wash otherwise the coagulating protein attached to the fabric may form yellow spots. 带有汗渍的棉布制品不宜高温洗涤,以免汗渍中的蛋白质凝固而粘附在纤维上,从而出现黄色斑。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. The husband is having an affair but the wife chooses not to notice the late absences or the odd stains on his clothing. 丈夫有了外遇而妻子选择不去注意丈夫的迟到或是衣服上的奇怪的斑点。 cn2012.net 4. Ordinary household chlorine bleach can cause the iron in water to precipitate out into fabrics, leaving additional stains. 一般的家用漂白剂可能会让水中的铁进入衣服的纤维,这样衣服上可能会出现新的污渍。 www.bing.com 5. Immunohistochemical stains are useful for differentiated diagnosis of smooth muscle tumor and GIST. 免疫组化染色有助于两者的鉴别诊断; d.wanfangdata.com.cn 6. These "tans in a bottle" contain dihydroxyacetone (DHA), which gradually stains the dead cells in your skin's outer layer. 这些“在瓶子里晒黑”的人有二羟基丙酮,一种可以逐渐保持皮肤外层死亡细胞的物质。 www.bing.com 7. animal and plant oil stains: - Available pine perfume, banana water, gas cleaning, or washing detergent addition. 动植物油渍:-可用松香水,香蕉水,气体净化,或洗衣粉增加。 www.qiyeku.com 8. The unique decoration technique can precisely and perfectly cover black eyes, naevus, stains and acnes perfectly. 独特的修饰技术可精确及妥善的遮盖黑眼圈、黑痣、斑点、痘痘等瑕疵,看不出修补痕迹; www.25395.com 9. I wonder whether the rust stains are due to careless transportation? 我不知道生锈的原因是否是因为运输不当造成的。 bbs.xmfish.com 10. As a matter of fact, according to several sources we found, dry cleaning uses liquid chemicals to remove stains and clean clothes. 作为一个的问题,事实上,根据几个来源,我们发现,干洗使用液体化学品,以消除污渍和干净衣服。 www.ganxi-ganxiji.cn 1. Ordinary clothes of coffee stains, first soaked in hot water on the stain, and then wash with soap can be. 普通衣物上的咖啡渍,先将热水淋湿于污渍上,再用肥皂清洗即可。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Blood stains still remained on the dry slope as well as some empty cartridge clips and shell fragments. 在干枯的斜坡上还留有血迹,以及在枪战中发射的空弹箱和枪榴弹残块。 tr.bab.la 3. Uniform must be clean and well ironed, no rips, stains or dirt. No loose or missing buttons. 制服必须干净,熨烫平整,没有污渍。纽扣完好没有脱线。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Quite similarly, Turkmen believe that white stains on the stomach are a poor sign. 相当类似,土库曼人认为,肚子上有白色污渍一个贫穷的迹象。 www.scdjlm.cn 5. Topping the 2001 table of most common stains was turmeric, a pungent powder used to flavor and color curry. 名列2001年排行榜首位的最常见污渍来自味道刺激的姜黄粉,咖喱的风味和颜色就是来源于它。 www1.beiwaionline.com 6. Food and beverage stains, e. g. coffee, juices, etc. can be removed with carpet shampoo. 食品和饮料污迹,例如咖啡,果汁,可以使用地毯清洁剂清除。 wenku.baidu.com 7. types of stains: blood solution: paper wipe after wipe with hydrogen peroxide, staying too long, blood, can rub off. 类型的污渍:血的解决方案:纸擦拭后,请用双氧水,停留太久,血液,可以擦掉。 www.qiyeku.com 8. The coating of archaizing furniture is a process of defect beauty, a perfect combination of stains and nitrocellulose(NC) lacquer. 该工艺是一种缺陷美的涂装方式,是着色剂和硝基漆的完美结合。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. These qualities are fresh and healthy, no stains, no spots, such interaction makes resurrection, urging them new life. 这些品质新鲜健康,没有污渍,没有斑点,这种交往使人复活,催人新生。 www.6bei.com.cn 10. types of stains: lipstick, foundation solution: first, way off gently with tissue paper to smear, and then rub lotion. 类型的污渍:口红,基础的解决方案:第一,路要走用纸巾轻轻涂抹,然后擦化妆水。 www.qiyeku.com 1. Wrap a damp cloth around your finger, dip it into some bi-carb soda and rub the stains in a circular motion. 手指上缠一块湿布,蘸一些碳酸氢钠(小苏打),打圈擦掉污渍即可。 www.readerstimes.com 2. In the end, out of his father home, while the two sisters, step-mother's room, they find that a large effusion of blood stains . . . . . . 最终,外出的父亲回到家中,而两姐妹却发觉继母的房间渗出大片的血渍…… 999mm.5d6d.com 3. I can't get these grape juice stains out of my T-shirt. 我没有办法把我T桖上的葡萄汁污渍清掉。 hi.baidu.com 4. Acting fast is important because ink stains are very stubborn and hard to remove once they've set. 快速处理很重要,如果墨迹固定在一个区域,就极难除掉。 www.bing.com 5. Pollution, longer blue ink stains can be used oxalic acid solution after soaking scrub, and then re-use detergent wash to remove. 污染,不再蓝墨水污渍可用于浸泡后擦洗草酸解决方案,然后再用洗涤剂清洗去除。 www.qiyeku.com 6. In addition to combating perspiration odor, this method also does away with those deodorant stains on your garments. 另外,除汗味的方法也适用于去除衣服上的污点。 www.01ielts.com 7. From cleaning jewelry to fighting stubborn stains, vodka has many handy uses -- other than pepping up your Bloody Mary! 从清洁珠宝首饰到去除顽固污渍,伏特加有很多简便的小用途——而不仅仅是拿来兑“血腥玛丽”! www.bing.com 8. Temporary or semi-permanent hair colors are stains that deposit color on the outside of the hair shaft. 暂时性或半永久性染发会褪色,是因为着色剂涂抹在发根外部。 www.elanso.com 9. Remove any surface stains with upholstery cleaner. Invest in a mattress protector to prevent any future stains. 用室内装潢用清洁剂清除任何表面的污渍。可以购买床垫保护装置,防止床垫今后再被弄脏。 www.kekenet.com 10. Over time teeth may also yellow from smoking, plaque accumulation, and coffee, tea, and red wine stains . 随着时间推移,牙齿可能还会由于吸烟,牙垢积累,咖啡,茶,和红酒色斑而变黄。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Do you think that the monarchical ingredients which are more prevalent in other governments, have purged them from all foul stains? 你是否认为在其它政府中占优势的君主成分已经使那些政府清除了所有的污点? www.putclub.com 2. The author introduces the molecular typing methods on bacteria stains of nosocomial infection. 本文介绍医院感染菌株分子分型方法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Not to mention it stains our fingers, teeth and hair, and leaves us with foul-smelling breath! 更不要说它染污我们的手指、牙齿和头发,并使我们呼出难闻的气味! www.bing.com 4. Using ABH enzyme-labelled monoclonal antibody, we could rapidly detect ABO group from body fluids and body fluid stains by dot-ELISA. 本实验应用ABH酶标单克隆抗体,通过斑点ELISA,快速进行体液和体液斑的血型测定。 word.hcbus.com 5. Furthermore, this machine is extremely useful for the removal of greasy stains from dyed fabric. 此外,这台机器是极为有益的消除油腻的污渍从色织面料。 www.gongkong.com 6. 10 up wax agent: used to clean the marble ground, metope of the old wax stains. 10起蜡剂:用于清除大理石的地面、墙面上的旧蜡渍。 www.bj3658080.com 7. Clean ashtray in the ashtray down before cigarette put out, will check whether inside, clean ashtray without stains. 清理烟缸在倒烟缸之前检查烟头是否熄灭,将烟缸里外擦干净,无污迹。 www.bj3658080.com 8. Methods Using toluidine blue stains and immunohistochemical ABC methods. 方法采用甲苯胺蓝染色和免疫组织化学ABC方法。 www.chemyq.com 9. In addition to performing, the strings do not often touch, so as to hand sweat stains and rust deterioration. 琴弦除演奏外不要经常用手触摸,以免因为手上的汗水沾污而至生锈变质。 www.xiami360.com 10. MPC removes smudges, film and soil as well as unpleasant smells and many organic stains. 最大稀释度可去除污渍,薄膜及土壤中不愉快的气味和多种有机污渍。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 1. He got nicotine stains in his eyes . 他眼中有烟碱的污迹。 www.bing.com 2. If your preferred brand is filterless, your fingers and teeth may become pleasantly discolored by stubborn, yet fashionable nicotine stains. 如果你的商标是无过滤器的,你手指和牙齿可能愉快地变成不彩色的被顽固的,仍然时髦的尼古丁污染。 bbs.pep.com.cn 3. So use salt to help remove wine stains from cotton fabric. 所以,用食盐可以帮助清除棉织物上的酒渍。 www.100ye.com 4. If the odors or stains are set in, do not buy the item. 如果气味或污渍已经渗入,那么就不要购买这些衣物。 www.bing.com 5. "This kind of study helps reinforce the need to do all the microbial stains, " added Dr. Mais. Mais医师附带表示,这样的研究协助再次强调进行所有微生物染色的重要性; word.hcbus.com 6. and let the 'real thing' sit for one hour, then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke removes stains from vitreous china. 清理马桶的方法:将一听可口可乐倒入马桶,一小时后冲洗即可。可口可乐里的柠檬酸能去除陶瓷上的污迹。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The primary action of stains is to inhibit cellular cholesterol synthesis. 他汀类药物的主要作用是抑制细胞内胆固醇合成。 news.dxy.cn 8. In recent weeks, for example, Top Form decided to discontinue use of a chemical solution used to remove garment stains. 例如,最近几个星期,黛丽斯决定停止使用一种用于去除衣物污迹的化学溶液。 www.ftchinese.com 9. stains can be removed using a small amount of detergent. 使用少量清洁剂即可去除顽渍。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Most core uniform pieces are a dark color (navy, black, etc. ), so stains don't show up as easily. 大部分制服的料子都是深色的(藏青色,黑色等等),所以污渍并不大容易看出来。 www.elanso.com 1. These ink stains won't come out (of my dress). (我的连衣裙上的)这些墨水点洗不掉。 dict.qeto.com 2. iodine stains: - the stain can be immersed in hot water or alcohol, or placed in 15% to 20% soda solution two hours to dissolve dirt. 碘渍:-在污渍可以浸入热水或酒精,或放置在15%至20%的烧碱溶液两个小时解散污垢。 www.qiyeku.com 3. Stains on the walls, dirty bath tub, NO updates, bedspreads were dirty (didn't fit the bed) I literally felt sick to my stomach! 墙上有污点,浴室水管很脏,床罩很脏(床罩根本不适合床)我简直感到反胃! weike.taskcn.com 4. soaked with cold water stains Department Kaishi gently with carbon tetrachloride, or acetone, and then washing detergent, warm water rinse. 沾满部凯轻轻地用四氯化碳,丙酮冷水或污渍,然后洗涤剂,温水冲洗。 www.qiyeku.com 5. TOOTH DAMAGE: 'Smoking stains teeth, ' says Harley Street dental surgeon Dr Simon Darfoor. 对牙齿的损害:“抽烟使牙齿变黄,”哈利街的牙医SimonDarfoor说到。 dongxi.net 6. The retention modeling can reflect the effect of composition of microemulsion solution on the retention behavior of stains drugs. 所建立的保留模型能较好地反映微乳液组成对他汀类药物保留行为的影响。 www.chrom-china.com 7. To achieve this, the ground must face, not his face from a trace of perspiration and tears of stains and dirty objects. 要做到这一点,必须勤洗脸,不是自己的面部从在一丝一毫的汗渍、泪渍以及不洁之物。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Still, the best treatment for coffee or tea stains is to get them when they're fresh. 当然,最好的去除方法还是在刚沾到的时候。 dongxi.net 9. Reactive stains of various colors were applied with pointed brushes to simulate feathers. 各种颜色无污渍都是与应用模拟指出刷羽毛。 www.cfli.cn 10. Women meanwhile complained mostly of stains on the shirts and ties of their male colleagues. 同时,女性大多不满男同事衬衫与领带上的污渍。 suyage.com:8080 1. urine stains: wash urine stains can be soaked in salt solution to remove. 尿渍:洗涤尿污渍可在盐溶液浸泡去除。 www.qiyeku.com 2. These chemicals are applied to fabrics to aid in the removal of dirt and oil born stains. 这些化学品用于织物,以去涂污物和油类产生的污点。 tr.bab.la 3. Scratchy materials, including calcium carbonate and silicates, help remove food, bacteria, and some stains from your teeth. 一些稀有成分。包括碳酸钙和硅酸盐,能够帮助牙齿防止食物粘在上面,同时去除细菌和污垢。 www.bing.com 4. I can't get these coffee stains out of the carpet. 我弄不掉地毯上的咖啡污迹。 infos.edulife.com.cn 5. He bleached the stains out of the jacket. 他用漂白剂把茄克上的污渍除掉。 www.hotdic.com 6. I get these coffee stains out of the carpet. 我弄不掉地毯上的咖啡污渍。 home.hjenglish.com 7. To cover dirt and grass stains on your clothes, try colored chalk . 盖住衣服上粘附的脏物和草迹,试试彩色粉笔。 www.bing.com 8. Light stains can be removed with textile cleaner or a sponge damped in water or a mild soapy solution . 轻微的污渍可使用纺织品清洁剂或使用蘸上水或中性皂液的海绵清洗。 www.bing.com 9. Works well on these stains: Tea, Wine, Grape Juice, Chocolate Syrup, BBQ sauce, Ketchup, Coffee. 可以有效的去除:茶渍,酒,果汁,巧克力糖浆,烧烤酱,番茄酱,咖啡等污渍。 www.xinyudaogou.com 10. And it works, at least for minor guilt stains. 至少对于小恶这么做管用。 gb.cri.cn 1. You know vino is good for your heart, but it can also knock off extra pounds, fight stains, and make skin glow. 你知道,红酒有助于心脏,它还可以减掉多余脂肪,去除污渍和使皮肤变得红润光滑。 www.01ielts.com 2. stains Category: ink solution: Wipe with tissue paper, will be repeated smear vinegar dip of paper, or oxalic acid. 污渍分类:墨水解决方案:用纸巾,将纸反复涂抹,或草酸醋下跌。 www.qiyeku.com 3. Vodka can banish three of the most stubborn fabric stains known to man: ink, grass and lipstick. 伏特加可以去除三种男人衣服上最常见的顽固污渍:墨水、草渍和唇膏印。 www.bing.com 4. this product is lying at the sticky adhesive stubborn stains or cloth, wipe it over and over again. 使用方法:将本产品倒于不干胶顽固粘渍处或布上,反复擦即可。 www.bing.com 5. The floor shows many stains with lots of charcoal, and people left several partial ceramic vessels. 地板上有很多含有大量木炭的污渍,而人们留下了一些部分陶瓷的容器。 www.bing.com 6. clean the stains with a couple squirts of dishwashing liquid. 用一两滴洗洁剂清洗污点。 wenwen.soso.com 7. embroidered stains detected with a magnifying glass device 5. 用放大镜检测发现绣渍器械5件。 www.hao910.com 8. I would have sat on the lawn with my children not worried about grass stains . 我要和孩子们一起坐在草坪上,不担心衣服上会染上草渍。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Other common questions: Why do women's shirts often cost more to clean than men's, and why do only some stains come out? 另外,很多人都有这样的疑问:为什么女式衫衣的干洗费比男式的贵?为什么有些污渍能够洗掉,有些却不能? www.cn.wsj.com 10. We are very sorry for the water stains on your ceiling. 对于天花板上的水渍,我们感到很抱歉。 www.e-say.com.cn 1. TV pictures showed shattered glass, blood stains and abandoned luggage inside the bus. 电视图片显示了破碎的玻璃,血迹以及遗弃在车上的行李。 www.bing.com 2. A special detergent, which can clean oily stains in kitchen quickly and easily, was developed. 本文研制出一种迅速、简便清洗厨房油垢的清洗剂。 www.chemyq.com 3. Jute poor water resistance, dirt is difficult to clean, too much moisture (water) can cause stains. 黄麻抗水性不佳,污渍难以清洗,水汽过多(清水也如此)也能导致污渍。 www.texclo.net 4. 1 adhesive product surface shall be cleaned and dried before assembly, to ensure that no oil, or water stains. 粘合装配前须将产品表面清洗干净并烘干,确保无油污、水渍。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. They feel like ordinary cotton trousers but there's a thin nano layer, which resists spills and stains. 它摸上去就像普通棉布裤子一样,但是里面有一个薄薄的纳米层,它能防止液体弄湿或弄脏裤子。 www.kekenet.com 6. Wong Nai stains: - Brush or rub dry brush, you use ginger rubbed dirt Department, and then rinse with water. 黄泥渍:-干刷或擦刷,使用生姜擦污垢处,然后用清水冲洗。 www.qiyeku.com 7. carbon paper stains: - first, wash with soap, then wipe with alcohol to clean water for rinsing. 碳纸渍:-首先,用肥皂洗,然后用酒精擦拭干净的水冲洗。 www.qiyeku.com 8. A biological washing powder contains enzymes which break down stains and dirt whilst in the wash. 生物型洗衣粉含有多种酶,这些酶会在洗涤的时候清除污渍和尘土。 www.fachun.net 9. The baby oil dilutes and liquefies the stains and marks leaving lovely, blemish free finish! 婴儿油可以稀释并溶解污渍和水痕,还你没有任何污渍的器具! www.kekenet.com 10. Any remaining traces of contamination shall show only as slight stains in the from of spots or stripes. 直至仅剩斑点或条纹状的轻微污染物污迹为止。 www.jxcad.com.cn 1. So that through this reconciliation the crimson stains of our sins may be made as white as snow. 并且,藉着与祂和好,我们犯罪留下的斑斑血迹就变成雪那样洁白了。 www.bing.com 2. For white cotton fabric without sweat stains, boiling washing is permitted. 白色无汗渍棉布可煮洗。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. new banana stains can be used turpentine or water stains Kai trial, then used gasoline to scrub. 新渍可用松节油或香蕉水揩试污渍处,然后用汽油擦洗即可。 terms.shengwuquan.com 4. Compressive stresses and stains are considered negative in sense. 压缩应力和污渍被认为是消极的意义。 wenda.tianya.cn 5. The immaculate stains easily. ; The immaculate is easily sullied. 皎皎者易污。 6. Toothpastes use abrasives and chemicals to remove surface stains. 牙膏可以用来祛除牙齿表面的污渍。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Counter-rotation of dual-brush disc, high pressure which can stubborn stains on the ground. 双刷盘相互旋转,高强压力,可清洗顽渍地面。 www.1jxw.com 8. Always like winter winds blow away our ruthlessly miscellaneous peng or stains. 老是像冬季的寒风无情地吹走我们的杂蓬与污点。 www.268r.com 9. After eating, the baby would always have grease stains on its clothes. 宝宝一顿饭吃下来,衣服上就会沾满油渍。 www.youtheme.cn 10. But blood stains on my beautiful new suit? I wasn't sure I could handle that. 但是,我那套帅气新西装上的血迹?我不确定我能否承受得了。 www.joyen.net 1. In addition to blue ink stains, the new contaminated clothing may be soaked in cold water first, then scrub with soap. 除蓝墨水渍,新污染的衣服,可在冷水中浸泡,再以肥皂擦洗。 www.qiyeku.com 2. fresh soy sauce stains on the clothes should scrub with cold water after, and then wash detergent. 鲜酱油酱油衣服上污渍应该用冷水擦洗后,再清洗剂。 www.qiyeku.com 3. Our services include: pet odor and pest control, wax and gum and other stubborn stains removal, and mildew treatment. 我们的服务包括:宠物气味、防虫、蜡、树胶等去除顽固污渍、霉菌治疗。 life.no1net.net 4. But there are too many spots and stains on your coats. I'm afraid they wouldn't be off by rubbing. There will still be many traces left. 不过,你的衣服油渍太多,我担心会擦不掉,乾洗后仍会留有许多痕迹。 blog.roodo.com 5. Strawberries contain malic acid, which is great for removing stains on your teeth. 草莓中含有苹果酸,对于清除牙齿上的污渍非常有帮助。 www.kekenet.com 6. China-ink stains cannot be washed out. 墨汁斑渍是洗不掉的。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Tips 2. cosmetic makeup paper for clear oil content coated paper mill base or erased after the grease stains, skin becomes more delicate. 贴士2。用化妆纸清除油分涂抹粉底或用化妆纸擦除油渍后,皮肤变得更细腻了。 www.10degre.com 8. Multiply is the best blending mode to add dirt and stains to textures. 乘是最好的混合模式,以添加灰尘和污渍,以纹理。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. persimmon stains: - new stain with wine and rubbed with brine, and then wash with soap and water. 柿子渍:-新的染色与葡萄酒和使用盐水擦,然后用肥皂和水。 www.qiyeku.com 10. How can I take stains out of woolen articles? 我怎么才能去掉毛织品上的污迹呢? www.hotdic.com 1. Removing ink stains caused by biros, fountain pens and artist's ink from clothing is not an easy task but it is doable. 要除去圆珠笔、钢笔、美术作品墨水留下的污渍,可不是那么容易的事,却也可行。 www.bing.com 2. Still, the research related to RYR is promising, especially if one has experienced side effects with other stains. 尽管如此,对于红曲米的研究还是很有前景的,特别是针对那些服用抑制素产生副作用的人群。 www.fcvvip.com 3. Six of the hall of the window glass door, floating dust, fingerprints and dirty stains on the bright wiped, clean. 对大厅玻璃门窗上的浮尘,指印和脏渍进行擦拭,使之明亮干净。 www.bj3658080.com 4. The clothing was already destroyed from burn holes and vomit stains after a drunken binge. 从烧孔和呕吐渍的衣服已经被摧毁后,醉酒狂欢。 www.justwen.com 5. The bath was made of enamel which was ancient and covered in water stains where the enamel had worn away. 这个浴盆是镀釉的,它太旧了,里面全是水渍,有水渍的地方釉全都被腐蚀掉了。 www.taskcn.com 6. Wipe water stains off your wooden furniture with baking soda and toothpaste. 小苏打里放些牙膏可用来擦洗木制家具的水印。 www.kekenet.com 7. Methods: 2 patients presented with some chronic lesions in the skin were examined by HE and acid-fast stains under light microscopy. 方法:对2例有慢性皮肤损害的患者活检组织做HE和抗酸染色,光镜观察。 www.chemyq.com 8. Immunohistological stains with mast-cell tryptase and CD117 antibodies performed on the liver-biopsy tissue showed prominent mast cells. 肝活检组织的免疫组织化学染色,肥大细胞类胰蛋白酶和cd117抗体中,肥大细胞突出显示。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Chalk stains the rock and chalk-caked holds are actually worse to hang on to. 镁粉会污染岩壁,抓点上有了镁粉实际上也不好抓。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Among others, surface defects such as pinholes, holes and stains appear during the production of PM components, especially after sintering. 烧结钢部件在生产过程中,尤其是烧结之后其表面有时会出现针孔、孔洞及斑痕等缺陷。 www.chemyq.com 1. CALPROX attacks plaque and stains and baking soda assures fresher breath and assists in cavity prevention. CALPROX攻击斑块和污渍和小苏打保证口气清新,并在腔预防助攻。 www.wujinggou.com 2. ordinary ink stains scrub with gasoline, and then washing detergent. 普通墨水渍用汽油擦洗,然后洗衣粉。 www.qiyeku.com 3. lubrication to penetrate and lift those stains, and enzymes to digest them! 用润滑剂渗入污渍并使之漂浮,再用酵素把它中和干净。 tr.bab.la 4. Imagine how toilet cleaners feel, facing them shit stains every single day. 你试幻想一下,清洁工人每天看到那污渍时的感受。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. There were some water stains on the ceiling in the bathroom, but I didn't care. 浴室的天花板上有些水渍,我没太在意。 www.taskcn.com 6. And don't ever mention the stains that you left on my track. 并且无论如何不要提及“留住我的足迹只是你光辉下的污点”。 www.songtaste.com 7. Step 1: Wash or dry-clean everything before putting it away. Insects feed on food and perspiration stains; even ones you can't see. 步骤一:在摆放之前,所有衣物洗净烘干。包括食物残留;汗渍;… www.yappr.cn 8. Among the most important: sorting, pretreating stains, load size and using proper machine settings. 干洗其中最重要的:排序,污渍预处理,负荷的大小和使用适当的机器设置。 www.ganxi-ganxiji.cn 9. No, these are just old stains. I'll take five hundred dollars off the rent for you. 不会,这些只不过是旧水渍。不如我在租金上减五百元吧。 www.lovliv.com 10. ice-cream stains: - available gasoline scrub. 冰淇淋渍:-可用汽油擦洗。 www.qiyeku.com |
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