单词 | soa | ||||||||||||
释义 | soa
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 服务导向架构,面向服务的架构 1. A loose assembly of components or services like this is often referred to as a service-oriented architecture, or SOA. 像这样松散地组装组件或服务通常被称作面向服务的架构,或简称SOA。 www.ibm.com 2. Security was really just a starting point for SOA Gateways being used in this capacity, but it's still an important factor. 安全的确是SOA网关最初的立足点,但它仍然非常重要。 www.infoq.com 3. In short, application of point-to-point naming conventions in an SOA context tends to result in a point-to-point connectivity model. 简而言之,点对点命名约定在SOA上下文中的应用往往导致点对点连接模型。 www.ibm.com 4. SOA ROI requires patience - benefits may take a year or more to be properly recognized. SOAROI需要有耐心——好处可能需要一年或者更多年才能被正确认识。 www.infoq.com 5. As part of this role, expect to see SOA play a greater role in grid computing and virtualization as well. 作为这个角色的一部分,SOA在网格计算和虚拟化中扮演更重要的角色同样也很值得期待。 www.infoq.com 6. I shall also try to illustrate a set of activities (at a broad level) that need to be carried out to complete a SOA initiative. 我还将尝试演示为了完成一个SOA活动而需要进行的一系列活动(从相对较高级别进行说明)。 www.ibm.com 7. A typical organization's information environment is often not in an ideal state to enable an effective SOA transformation. 典型的信息环境常常不处于进行SOA转换的理想状态。 www.ibm.com 8. An Integration Competency center manages SOA in the company and a dedicated budget is associated to it. 公司内有一个集成能力中心来管理SOA,并有相关的专门预算。 www.infoq.com 9. How much do you consider SOA as a technical - distributed system - vs. business problem? 多大程度上您将SOA看作是一种技术——分布式系统,还是业务问题? www.infoq.com 10. Furthermore, to fulfill one of the key perceived benefits of SOA, there was a desire to build services that could be reused. 此外,要实现SOA的关键好处之一,需要构建能够重用的服务。 www.ibm.com 1. SOA does not substitute Enterprise Architecture, though it may be a significant part of it. 尽管SOA是企业架构的一个非常重要的组成部分,但是它不能代替企业架构。 www.infoq.com 2. When adopting SOA, it is imperative to adhere to open standards instead of trying to bypass them or create homegrown solutions. 采用SOA时,务必遵循开放标准,而不要尝试忽略这些标准或自己创建替代解决方案。 www.ibm.com 3. InfoQ: How much do you see your "SOA patterns" as being equivalent to "Web services patterns" ? InfoQ:您认为,您的“SOA模式”在多大程度上等价于“Web服务模式”? www.infoq.com 4. As to the question of having a single federated ESB for SOA implementation, we would say that that depends on the individual organization. 至于是否要为SOA的实现建立联邦ESB的问题,我们觉得由公司的具体情况而定。 www.infoq.com 5. This discussion is presented with a desire to reinforce the concept of coupling SOA design with a business focus. 之所以有这篇文章,我的目的是希望能够增强将SOA设计与以业务为中心相结合的概念。 www.ibm.com 6. It is often easiest to first explain the benefits of BPM, and then explain how BPM is best implemented on an SOA base. 最简单的方法是,首先解释BPM的好处,然后说明BPM为什么最好在SOA上实现。 www.ibm.com 7. With such a broad and strategic value proposition, it's easy to accept that SOA is inevitable. 由于具有这么广泛和战略意义的价值主张,因此很容易看到SOA是无法回避的趋势。 www.ibm.com 8. The company has created the SOA Center of Excellence (COE), including a quality assurance team and a certification and performance lab. 公司已经建立了SOA卓越中心(COE),包括品保团队和认证及性能试验室。 www.infoq.com 9. The SOA consumers must not be aware of this underlying heterogeneity but must be able to access the integrated information transparently. SOA使用者不必了解基础异构性,但必须能够透明地访问集成的信息。 www.ibm.com 10. You could develop a repository or library of modularized and optimized SOAs grouped into a hierarchy of various categories. 您可以开发模块化的和优化的SOA库,这些SOA被分成了不同类别的层次。 www.ibm.com 1. You also need a methodology for the ongoing maintenance of the SOA project after you have rolled it out to your organization. 您还需要一个方法,用于在将SOA项目向您的组织推出之后进行其维护工作。 www.ibm.com 2. In terms of SOA, I'll be very interested to see where it goes. 就SOA来讲,我非常想知道它将走向何方。 www.infoq.com 3. Things are often getting so bad - there was a recent article with a catchy name SOA or DOA, where DOA stands for "Dead on Arrival" . 事情常常变得如此糟糕——最近有篇文章的名字非常贴切《SOA,还是DOA》,其中DOA代表“死亡之旅(DeadonArrival)”。 www.infoq.com 4. In SOA, you think of a project as the delivery of integrated services -- some new, some existing. 在SOA中,将项目视为集成服务的交付——一些是新建的,一些是现有的。 www.ibm.com 5. I am a bit confused about all the hype around Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) -- and you seem to be caught up in it. 我对围绕面向服务的体系结构(SOA)的所有喧嚣感到有点迷惑——而您似乎被它迷住了。 www.ibm.com 6. You've got to think about it as a core part of your SOA approach and develop an actual marketing plan. 你已经开始将它作为你SOA方法的核心部分来考虑了,制定一个实际的市场营销计划。 www.infoq.com 7. Analysis level techniques exist, also referred to as bottom-up, to surface the assets that would make sense for a particular SOA project. 分析级别技术(也称为自底向上方法)可用于发现对特定SOA项目有意义的资产。 www.ibm.com 8. Architecturally, NWPI establishes a strong coupling between BPM and SOA as services are always designed to be part of a business process. 架构上,NWPI在BPM和SOA之间建立了强耦合,因为服务总是被作为业务过程的一部分设计。 www.infoq.com 9. One area in which SOA is only just beginning to gain popularity is in increasing the lifespan of legacy applications. SOA中一个正在逐渐受到广泛关注的领域是遗留应用程序的生命周期增长。 www.ibm.com 10. But an SOA is not static, just as a business is not static; it slowly matures and evolves as the business grows and changes. 但是,正如业务不是静态的,SOA也不是静态的;随着业务的发展和变化,SOA会慢慢地成熟和演化。 www.ibm.com 1. In fact, about a year and a half ago, HP's e-speak appeared with a marketing campaign built around a proprietary implementation of SOA. 实际上,一年半以前,HP的e-speak随着建立在专门的SOA实现上的市场活动而出现了。 www.ibm.com 2. Without governance, you can't fully realize the value of your SOA; without it, you could end up with a mess on your hands. 没有治理,您就不能充分理解SOA的价值;没有治理,您手头的工具可能会变得一团糟。 www.ibm.com 3. What I got was a lesson in message-oriented middleware (MOM) and a glimpse into the future of service-oriented architecture (SOA). 由此,我在面向消息的中间件(MOM)方面上了一课,而且看到了面向服务体系结构(SOA)的未来发展。 www.ibm.com 4. As a general observation, we see SOA solutions in banking being coupled to the concept of service domains defined by the line of business. 稍加注意就可以看到,银行系统中的SOA解决方案与业务线定义的服务领域概念是耦合的。 www.ibm.com 5. SOA governance is not just a single set of practices, but many sets of practices coordinated together. SOA治理不是一组实践操作,而是很多彼此协调工作的系列操作实践。 www.ibm.com 6. It is all about on demand business; however, SOA is just a concept or blueprint for IT infrastructure. 这都要求提供随需应变的业务,但是在IT基础设施中,SOA还仅仅只是一个概念或者说是一个蓝图。 www.ibm.com 7. Because one of the core principles of SOA is reuse, developers have to let go of the typical developer desire to build everything. 由于SOA的核心原则之一是重用,所以开发人员必须放弃传统开发人员希望构建一切的想法。 www.ibm.com 8. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Business Process Management (BPM) are at the heart of a large percentage of modern IT strategies. 面向服务的体系结构(SOA)和业务过程管理(BPM)处于现代IT战略的核心位置。 www.ibm.com 9. If your team is all new to SOA, I recommend bringing in an outside expert to mentor and enable the team on SOA. 如果您团队中的所有人都是SOA新手,那么我建议引进一位外面的专家,以便为团队提供指导和SOA方面的支持。 www.ibm.com 10. Providing the complete set of repositories that may possibly be used in an SOA is not in the scope of this article. 本文不会提供SOA中可能使用的所有存储库,因为这超出了本文的范围。 www.ibm.com 1. We took a pragmatic approach from the beginning and developed technologies to help our customers reach the benefits of SOA. 我们从一开始就采用了重实效的方法,努力发展技术以帮助我们的客户从SOA中收益。 www.infoq.com 2. Generally, the governance product should also be able to support the business agility needs and monitoring needs of your SOA initiative. 通常,治理产品还应该能够支持SOA活动的业务敏捷性需求和监视需求。 www.ibm.com 3. Change in the organization structure - At the heart of every SOA is a Centre of Excellence (COE). 组织结构的改变-在每个SOA的中心都有一个卓越中心(COE)。 www.ibm.com 4. Today the Cloud is a new IT buzzword, while SOA seems to be slowly coming out of favor, at least in the view of some analysts. 在今天的IT界“云”是一个热词,而SOA似乎渐渐失宠,最少在分析家的眼里是这样的。 www.infoq.com 5. But an ESB without an SOA has no services, and therefore it's just a bus. 但没有SOA的ESB没有服务,因此只是总线而已。 www.ibm.com 6. An important aspect of service management in an SOA is to be able to monitor and report the reuse of service assets. SOA中服务管理的一个重要方面是能够监视和报告服务资产的重用情况。 www.ibm.com 7. However, don't fall into the trap of assuming that this preparation for heterogeneity is not necessary for your SOA tools and technologies. 但是不要想当然的认为这种为异构性做的准备工作对于你的SOA工具和技术来说就不是必要的。 www.infoq.com 8. We start by positioning and describing the use case model in terms of its inputs and how it contributes to the modeling of your SOA. 首先,我们从输入的角度配置和描述用例模型,以及它在您的SOA建模过程中的作用。 www.ibm.com 9. This can mean generating a list of values to cross-check against records on file, but is usually beyond the direct scope of an SOA effort. 这意味着生成一系列的值,以对文件中的记录进行交叉检查,但这通常超出了SOA的直接作用范围。 www.ibm.com 10. The business team, predictably, gets upset that "this whole SOA thing was supposed to make IT more agile, but it's making it worse. " 可想而知,业务团队非常失望,因为“这个SOA原本应该让IT更为灵活,但它却使其变得更糟糕”。 www.ibm.com 1. In UDDI terms, this SOA role is often referred to as the White Pages. 在UDDI术语中,这个SOA角色经常被称为白页。 www.ibm.com 2. Now, you can start to see how UNIX fits in and is a vital part of SOA in most enterprise environments. 现在可以开始查看如何装配UNIX,以及它如何成为大多数企业环境中SOA的重要组成部分。 www.ibm.com 3. An organization adopting SOA approaches needs to have a realistic expectation on how much investment is needed and the expected ROI. 一个企业要施行SOA方法,就应该对需要进行多少投资以及投资回报有理性的预期。 www.infoq.com 4. A repository or directory service is often included in an ESB product, facilitating the move toward an SOA-based integration approach. ESB产品中经常包括存储库或目录服务,便于向基于SOA的集成方法过渡。 www.ibm.com 5. In a recent meeting, one participant who used to code in COBOL asked what was different between SOA and what he did with COBOL copybooks . 在最近的一个会议上,一个用COBOL编写代码的参与者被问及在SOA与他使用的COBOL抄写本所做的工作中有什么区别。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. SOA governance must assure that this becomes a reality and there must be a clear means of communicating that to all stakeholders. SOA治理必须确保这个承诺成为现实,而且必须以明确的方式让所有相关人员了解这一承诺。 www.ibm.com 7. You ve mentioned that SOA is not a new thing, but there does seem to be some recent focus on it. 你们提到SOA不是一个新事物,但是看起来直到最近人们才开始关注它。 www-128.ibm.com 8. At the time of this writing, SOA is still unfolding, and many of the big software vendors are still developing their SOA offerings. 撰写本文之际,SOA技术仍然处于发展阶段,并且很多大型软件供应商还在开发各自的SOA产品。 www.ibm.com 9. The processes in the proposed SOA governance lifecycle can be very helpful in combination with a maturity model. 与成熟度模型相结合后,所提议的SOA治理生命周期中的那些流程会变得非常有帮助。 www.infoq.com 10. Thus, a service bus (also known as an ESB) itself is generally not sufficient to be an integration layer in SOA. 服务总线(也称为ESB)本身一般不足以构成SOA中的集成层。 www.ibm.com 1. Although this layer is usually out of scope for discussions around a SOA, it is gradually becoming more relevant. 尽管这一层经常超出了围绕SOA讨论的范围,但是它却变得越来越有意义。 www.ibm.com 2. But the company on Wednesday submitted a report to the SOA claiming that the two goals had been met. 但是该公司周三向海洋局提交报告称,其达成了这两项要求。 www.china.org.cn 3. Dion seems to be spot on in defining current issues (and their origin) of SOA implementations. Dion在定义SOA实现的现有问题(以及它们的起源)方面看似是正确的。 www.infoq.com 4. The Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) has always been the cornerstone of any vendor's SOA strategy. 企业服务总线(ESB)一直以来都是每个运营商SOA策略的基石。 www.bing.com 5. The SOA depends on a set of data schemas that are used to describe the messages that flow around the SOA ecosystem. SOA依赖于一组用于描述在SOA生态系统中传递的消息的数据模式。 www.ibm.com 6. In this series of four tutorials, you learn how to extend the platform and its capabilities to help you as you create SOA-based solutions. 在本系列四篇指导性教程中,您可以学到怎样去扩展平台,以及在创建基于SOA的方案时,它帮助您的能力。 www.ibm.com 7. You can combine internal and external RFID Web services into a composite application in an internal SOA to increase operational efficiency. 可以将内部和外部RFIDWeb服务组合为内部SOA中的组合应用程序,以提高操作效率。 www.ibm.com 8. SOA is not about Web services - Web services is one of the ways of establishing connectivity between the clients and the services of SOA. SOA跟Web服务没什么关系——Web服务只是在客户端与SOA服务之间建立连接性的众多方式之一。 www.infoq.com 9. This concept of software as a set of services is the theme behind Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). 这一定义为一组服务的软件概念是面向服务的体系结构(SOA)背后的主题。 www.ibm.com 10. Whether the output of these technical committees will have the impact of WS-BPEL remains to be seen, but BPM is important within SOA. 这个技术委员会的产出对WS-BPEL的影响有待考察,但是BPM是SOA重要的组成。 www.infoq.com 1. Any one of the systems it depends on may not yet be ready to fully migrate to SOA. 它所依赖的任何一个系统都有可能还没有准备好就完全地迁移到SOA。 www.ibm.com 2. HTTP is quite a universal protocol to use as the logical infrastructural element for your SOA. HTTP是一个十分通用的协议,可用作你的SOA项目的逻辑基础设施的元素。 www.infoq.com 3. SOA and Service adoption paths require a gradual process which is often unique to each organization. SOA和服务采用路径需要一个渐进的流程,每个组织的这个流程通常都是独特的。 www.ibm.com 4. Seriously, if I could change one thing of SOA, it would be the perceived hit up front. 说实话,要是能改变SOA中的一个事物,我会选择一开始就击中靶心。 www.infoq.com 5. The conceptual nature of SOA leaves the networking , transport protocol , and security details to the specific implementation . 从概念上来说,SOA本质上是将网络、传输协议和安全细节留给特定的实现来处理。 www.bing.com 6. A scenario helps you to identify which usage pattern can be used in a particular situation to jumpstart an SOA initiative. 场景能帮助您确定在某种特殊情况下可以利用哪些使用模式快速启动一个SOA活动。 www.ibm.com 7. Hundreds of fishermen are waiting for a lawsuit to be filed by the SOA, but no timetable has been released so far. 数百名渔民准备向SOA提出诉讼请求,但是到目前为止并没有明确的时间表。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. DL: SOA is a complex distributed architecture that many organizations struggled with, which drove Anne to make that provocative statement. DL:SOA是一个让很多企业组织者头疼而复杂的分布式架构,这就是导致Anne提出那个说法(SOA已死)的原因。 www.infoq.com 9. Standards at the heart of SOA, however, have remained largely intact since the first XML web service went live. 但是SOA核心的标准,在第一次XML网络服务流行之后就一直没有什么大的变动。 www.ibm.com 10. To an architect, SOA is an architectural style, which at a minimum, requires a service provider, requestor, and a service description. 对于架构师,SOA是一种体系结构样式,此样式至少需要有服务提供者、请求者和服务描述。 www.ibm.com 1. Consumers operating in the common SOA infrastructure would be able to use the standard --perhaps UDDI -- repository for all services. 而运行于公共SOA基础结构上的使用者则可以为所有服务使用标准存储库——例如UDDI。 www.ibm.com 2. This mitigates the risk of any SOA endeavor: building lots of services that are never going to be used anywhere. 这减轻了任何SOA项目的风险:构建大量从来不会被用到的服务。 www.infoq.com 3. It should be noted that this article only demonstrates the major software tools from IBM that can be used in the SOA lifecycle. 应该注意,本文仅说明了可在SOA生命周期中使用的主要软件工具。 www.ibm.com 4. Also known as the Component-Based Architecture (CBA), this model focuses on providing services to citizens, not to other SOA participants. 此模型也称为基于组件的体系架构(Component-BasedArchitecture,CBA),并集中于为市民而不是为其他SOA参与者提供服务。 www.ibm.com 5. Inherently, SOA requires a more business focused and end to end thinking within the enterprise than typically exists with IT Governance. 从本质上说,与IT治理相比,SOA要求企业具有更加侧重于业务的端到端的思维。 www.ibm.com 6. This means that design-time governance is still a centerpiece of any true SOA implementation. 这意味着设计时治理仍然是真正的SOA实施的核心所在。 www.infoq.com 7. He further states that after the disillusionment at the end of its hype cycle, SOA continues to be adopted by plenty of organizations. 他进一步指出,当其成熟度曲线终结时,SOA经历了幻灭之后,仍然被许许多多的企业所采用。 www.infoq.com 8. Highlighted different techniques that are commonly used for manipulating SDO instances when building an XML-based SOA application. 中,突出了在构建基于XML的SOA应用程序时用于处理SDO实例的不同技术。 www-128.ibm.com 9. Since the SOA principles above do not strictly require these components, let's treat them as optional components. 由于上述SOA原则对这些组件并没有严格的要求,所以我们可以将它们视为可选组件。 www.ibm.com 10. The issues and concepts described so far apply to any service in an SOA. 到目前为止描述的问题和概念可以应用于SOA中的任何服务。 www.ibm.com 1. The issues and concepts described so far apply to any service in an SOA. 到目前为止描述的问题和概念可以应用于SOA中的任何服务。 www.ibm.com 2. You can implement SOA just as well by sending simple messages over Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). 也可以通过超文本传输协议(HTTP)发送简单的消息来实现SOA。 www.ibm.com 3. And the flexible and heterogeneous nature of SOA would be ideal for grids to expand their platform base. SOA的灵活特性和异构特性对于网格扩充自己的平台基础来说则十分理想。 www-128.ibm.com 4. When technologists are able to deliver on this through means of SOA the value is huge! 当技术人员能够通过SOA的手段在此基础上交付的时候,价值是巨大的! www.infoq.com 5. The third layer expresses the loosely coupled nature of a SOA that allows for great flexibility in composing or integrating services. 第三层则表示了SOA的松散耦合本质,在组合或者集成服务时它有很强的灵活性。 www.infoq.com 6. They also recommend capturing lessons learned and educate the rest of the enterprise before continuing with the next SOA project. 他们还建议要吸取经验和教训,并在开展下一个SOA项目之前把学到的经验教训传授给企业的其他人员。 www.infoq.com 7. Forces that might be assassinating SOA include: integration platform vendors, enterprise architects, certain industry analysts, CIOs. 可能暗杀SOA的势力包括:集成平台厂商,企业架构师,特定行业分析家及CIO们。 www.infoq.com 8. One of the fundamental goals of SOA governance, of course, is to insure that the use of each service generates the expected return. 当然了,SOA治理的一个根本目的,就是保证每个服务的使用都能产生所预期的回报。 www.infoq.com 9. Let's take a look at a case study of offering data validation services, a subset of data quality services, through SOA. 让我们看一个案例学习,该案例通过SOA提供了数据验证服务,这种服务也是一种数据质量服务。 www.ibm.com 10. You get also less vendor dependencies: if you are wiring your infrastructure to a vendor protocol you are missing the point of SOA. 也使你对厂商的依赖更少:如果你将你的基础设施连接到了一个厂商协议,那么你就背离了SOA的观点。 www.infoq.com 1. You get also less vendor dependencies: if you are wiring your infrastructure to a vendor protocol you are missing the point of SOA. 也使你对厂商的依赖更少:如果你将你的基础设施连接到了一个厂商协议,那么你就背离了SOA的观点。 www.infoq.com 2. The SOA life cycle helps you to organize a project plan around the four phases and the activities and tasks that constitute them. SOA生命周期帮助您围绕着四个阶段以及组成它们的活动和任务来组织项目计划。 www.ibm.com 3. In fact, it's gotten to the point where CTOs and CEOs are talking about SOA as a general strategy for running their entire IT department. 实际上,这一点直接了当地指出了CTO和CEO们是将SOA作为一种运转整个IT部门的总体战略来谈论的。 www.infoq.com 4. As you get into an enterprise SOA from a technical perspective, you need to be careful about your overall architecture. 当从技术角度看待企业SOA时,需要仔细考虑总体的体系结构。 www.ibm.com 5. However, the architecture is related with IT elsewhere in the organization, so SOA governance needs to be agreed upon with other parties. 但是,架构和组织中其他地方的IT发生关联,因此SOA的治理需要多方达成一致意见。 www.infoq.com 6. SOA is a massive topic in its own right, so future installments of this series will tackle it as a special case. SOA是一个独立的庞大主题,因此本系列未来几期文章将把它处理为特殊案例。 www.ibm.com 7. Regardless of the current level of maturity, you need to understand that SOA governance maturity cannot be achieved overnight. 无论您当前处于什么成熟度水平,都必须认识到不可能在一夜之间实现成熟的SOA治理。 www.ibm.com 8. Kanban is newer, and I'm not aware of any teams that are really pursuing SOA under a Kanban model. 看板相对较新,我还不知道有哪个团队真的在看板模型下从事SOA的。 www.infoq.com 9. RESTful SOA may argue that this mainly fits for a provision of fix document files. RESTfulSOA可能会认为,这主要适合那些固定文档。 www.infoq.com 10. EII did not gain much market acceptance when it was introduced several years ago, but with SOA, its time has come. 在几年前引入EII的时候,它并没有获得市场广泛地接受,但是借助SOA,它的时代来临了。 www.infoq.com 1. EII did not gain much market acceptance when it was introduced several years ago, but with SOA, its time has come. 在几年前引入EII的时候,它并没有获得市场广泛地接受,但是借助SOA,它的时代来临了。 www.infoq.com 2. You're starting to see your company as a mature SOA organization -- or, rather, as a maturing SOA organization. 您开始将公司视为一个成熟的SOA组织——或者正在逐渐成熟的SOA组织。 www.ibm.com 3. This approach leads to a combinatorial explosion of connections between the service consumers and providers in an SOA system. 这种方法会导致公开SOA系统中服务使用者和提供者间的连接。 www.ibm.com 4. For this reason, strong consideration should be given to the early adoption of a federated SOA Governance model. 因此,应该考虑尽早采用联合的SOA治理模型。 www.ibm.com 5. The enterprise-wide nature of SOA [ Lublinsky] requires a significant amount of collaboration between design and implementation teams. SOA具有企业级的本质(Lublinsky),需要设计和实现团队进行大量的协作。 www.ibm.com 6. One of the fundamental requirements of a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is connectivity. 面向服务的架构(SOA)的一个基本要求是连接。 www.ibm.com 7. So building an SOA has always to do with CBD, but CBD has not always to do with building an SOA as we understand an SOA. 所以构建SOA始终与CBD有关,但以我们对SOA的理解来看,CBD却并不是总是与构建SOA相关。 www.infoq.com 8. Think of an all-new data center with buzzing blade servers, new workstations, and a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) implementation. 可以想像一下嗡嗡作响的刀片服务器、新工作站和面向服务的体系结构(Service-OrientedArchitecture,SOA)实现。 www.ibm.com 9. The process of performing data analysis in the context of a set of SOA requirements is very similar to any data quality initiative. 在一组SOA需求的上下文中执行数据分析的过程非常类似于数据质量项目。 www.ibm.com 10. Service class represents an SOA-enabled . NET class file that, when compiled, can be deployed to any Microsoft service host. 服务类代表了一种支持SOA的.NET类文件,在汇编时,该文件可以部署到任意的Microsoft服务主机之上。 www.ibm.com 1. Service class represents an SOA-enabled . NET class file that, when compiled, can be deployed to any Microsoft service host. 服务类代表了一种支持SOA的.NET类文件,在汇编时,该文件可以部署到任意的Microsoft服务主机之上。 www.ibm.com 2. In SOA, one of the core activities is called service identification. 在SOA中,核心活动之一称为服务标志。 www.ibm.com 3. For that reason, we'll start with a "top-down" SOA Governance approach and define a SOA Governance Lifecycle Model, first. 基于上述原因,我们从“自上而下”的SOA治理模式开始,首先定义SOA治理生命周期的概念。 www.infoq.com 4. Overall, SOA Governance properly applied has helped SOA as it has enabled visibility to the business and traceable ROI for project efforts. 总的说来,正确地运用SOA治理会对SOA有帮助,因为它促进了业务的可见性以及项目成果ROI的可追溯性。 www.infoq.com 5. A number of surveys indicate implementation difficulties as one of the main causes of delay or sometimes even failure of SOA projects. 很多调查表明,难于实现已成为推迟甚至放弃SOA项目的主要原因之一。 www.ibm.com 6. The second phase consists of choosing the services that would make more sense in terms of business value in an SOA environment. 第二个阶段涉及选择从SOA环境中业务价值的角度而言更为合理的服务。 www.ibm.com 7. No matter how far along your organization is in its adoption of SOA, it pays to think critically about reusability and the asset lifecycle. 不论您的结构在采用SOA方面处在何种程度,认真地思考可重用性和资产生命周期都是很值得做的一件事情。 www.ibm.com 8. Whatever you go with, you want to understand the vendors' fundamental vision of SOA. 不论你采用什么方法,你都需要理解厂商对SOA的基础愿景。 www.infoq.com 9. This view of SOA as being about enabling end-to-end business processes was an ongoing theme around the conferences. 这种“SOA激活了端到端业务过程”的观点是围绕会议进行的主题。 www.infoq.com 10. Such a methodology could raise SOA's state of the art by incorporating SPL principles. 此类方法可以通过整合SPL原理来提升SOA的技术发展水平。 www.ibm.com 1. As a technical person and an architect, I tend to think of architects as the most critical SOA team members. 作为技术人员兼架构师,我倾向于将架构师视为最关键的SOA团队成员。 www.ibm.com 2. My recommendation is to include SOA governance as a critical piece of your SOA roadmap. 我建议,将SOA治理作为关键环节包含到你的SOA路线图里。 www.infoq.com 3. The profile can be applied to any new or existing model, and it adds new concepts and notations specific to SOA analysis and design. 这一概要可以应用于任何新模型或现有模型,它还为SOA分析和设计添加了一些新概念和新符号。 www.ibm.com 4. The requirements, as articulated in the use cases, are brought much closer to implementation in the form of services in an SOA. 用例中所述的需求在SOA中以服务的形式更进一步接近具体的实现。 www.ibm.com 5. Also, your SOA design and development platform should be able to take a model and evolve it into another model. 另外,您的SOA设计和开发平台也应该能够接受模型,并将其转换为其他模型。 www.ibm.com 6. SOA is the result of rational and logical evolution of the IT industry, in which careful planning and organization play a huge role. SOA是IT行业合理演化的结果,仔细的计划和组织对于采用SOA非常重要。 www.ibm.com 7. This sections looks at a few of our ideas that take advantage of the open SOA Foundation framework. 这个小节介绍我们利用开放SOAFoundation框架的一些想法。 www.ibm.com 8. This step can be reached in either of two ways: after identifying reusable pattern assets or directly after selection of an SOA scenario. 可以用两种途径中的任意一种开始这一步骤:在标识了可重用模式资产之后开始;或在选择了某个SOA场景后直接开始。 www.ibm.com 9. In a real-world scenario, getting to an ideal SOA with a fully deployed ESB environment takes time. 在现实中,获得具有完全部署ESB环境的理想SOA需要花费很多时间。 www.ibm.com 10. In fact, one of the early activities of a CoE should be establishment of a SOA lab. 实际上,CoE的早期活动之一应该是建立SOA实验室。 www.ibm.com 1. IBM developed groundbreaking techniques that facilitate the SOA journey in terms of a maturity model. IBM研发了根据成熟度模型促进SOA发展的突破性技术。 www.ibm.com 2. Taking a waterfall approach can be one of the common pitfalls in an SOA undertaking. 采用瀑布式方法可能是在进行SOA工作的过程中的常见问题之一。 www.ibm.com 3. What makes an enterprise that embraces SOA need to take governance more seriously is the distributed nature of services across various LOBs. 使企业采用需要更加重视治理的SOA的原因在于服务跨各种LOB分布的这一特性。 www.ibm.com 4. They would not be able to afford the "internal-only" SOA adoption model. 他们也没钱购买那种“只面向内部”的SOA实施模型。 www.infoq.com 5. But in an SOA context, the top level namespace is in a registry above the messaging network layer. 但是在SOA上下文中,顶级命名空间是在消息网络层之上的注册中心。 www.ibm.com 6. Therefore, the selection of the product vendors for your SOA solution should be determined by the needs of the SOA solution. 因此,您SOA解决方案的产品供应商选择应该根据SOA解决方案的需求确定。 www.ibm.com 7. You've identified a basic set of technical requirements for your SOA and are now asking yourself, "What SOA services should I build? " 您已经为SOA标识了一组基本技术需求,现在需要考虑“应该构建哪些SOA服务”。 www.ibm.com 8. A key concept of SOA is to reuse assets across the enterprise, which is composed of both OLTP workloads and batch. SOA有一个非常重要的概念,即在企业之间重用资产,它由OLTP工作负载和批处理组成。 www.ibm.com 9. Most organizations have multiple heterogeneous backend legacy systems, only some of which are funded to be enabled to participate in an SOA. 大部分组织都有多种异构后端遗留系统,而只支持投资其中的一些来参与SOA。 www.ibm.com 10. The SOA scenarios represent a set of generic business scenarios in which SOA is being used in typical customer engagements. SOA场景代表一组通用的业务场景,在这些场景中,SOA被用于典型的客户事务。 www.ibm.com 1. InfoQ: When comparing SOA with DCE and CORBA, you seem to really be comparing Web Services with earlier approaches to distributed computing? InfoQ:在将SOA与DCE和CORBA做比较时,你好像就拿Web服务与早期的分布式计算的方法做了比较? www.infoq.com 2. This seems to be a much elegant and consistent way to build distributed SOA systems. 这应该是用于构建分布式SOA系统的一种更为完善而一致的方法。 www.ibm.com 3. For a business to identify with this SOA role, it must find some commonality between their business activity and the actions of a requestor. 对于认同这个SOA角色的商业,必须找出他们的商业行为和请求者行为之间的共性。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Services should be identified and defined with reuse (and harvesting) as one of the main driving criteria of the SOA in mind. 应该将重用看作是标识和定义服务最主要的推动标准之一。 www.ibm.com 5. IBM uses the CAT tool to perform quick surveys to understand both current and desired state of SOA adoption. IBM使用CAT工具执行快速调查,了解SOA采用的当前和理想状态。 www.ibm.com 6. Therefore, an SOA application can be built out of SCA components; SCA provides a programming model for developing SOA applications. 因此,SOA应用程序可以在SCA组件外构建;SCA为开发SOA应用程序提供了一个编程模型。 www.ibm.com 7. One of the fundamental principles of a SOA is business alignment at the enterprise level. SOA的一项基本原则就是企业层次上的业务联合。 www-128.ibm.com 8. The principles of silo applications, namely inception, design, and implementation, cannot be directly applied to SOA. 顾名思义,竖井应用程序的原则和实现不能直接应用到SOA。 www.ibm.com 9. The UML-to-SOA transformation has only a few transformation options, as shown in Figure 5. UML到SOA的转变只有很少几个转变选项,如图5所示。 www.ibm.com 10. It is possible for some threats in one SOA and other threats in a different SOA to exploit the same vulnerability in the originating SOA. 可能出现一个SOA中的多个威胁和不同SOA中的其他威胁利用原始SOA中的相同漏洞的情况。 www.ibm.com 1. I don't see processes at the core of SOA, even though I understand that BPM vendors might like to see things differently. 我在SOA核心中没有看到什么流程,即使我明白BPM供应商也许希望看到不同的一面。 www.infoq.com 2. To become a true SOA-based enterprise, there are much higher levels of maturity to attain than just a Web services implementation. 为了成为真正的基于SOA的企业,需要达到更高的成熟度级别,而不仅仅是Web服务实现而已。 www.ibm.com 3. Service Provider: For a business to identify with this SOA role, it must view itself as performing some degree of an electronic service. 服务提供者:对于认同这个SOA角色的商业,必须把自己视为正在执行某种程度的电子服务。 www.ibm.com 4. SOA and ESB do not necessarily have to be implemented with Web services. SOA和ESB不必用Web服务实现。 www-128.ibm.com 5. For one thing, current OOAD methods do not address the three key elements of a SOA: services, flows, and components realizing services. 首先,目前的OOAD方法没有定位SOA三个重要的元素:服务,流,和实现服务的组件。 www.ibm.com 6. Seven of the top ten worldwide financial institutions now use IBM's Industry Models to support SOA or other project initiatives. 现在,世界金融机构前十名中的七家都在使用IBM的行业模型来支持SOA或其他项目计划。 www.ibm.com 7. This article walks through a simple scenario where an organization decides to use an SOA for a new IT solution. 本文以一个简单场景为例,在此场景中,组织决定使用SOA作为新的IT解决方案。 www.ibm.com 8. Zone Transfer SOA Request Sent is the total number of zone transfer SOA requests sent by the secondary DNS server. 发送的区域复制SOA请求指辅助DNS服务器发送的通知的总数。 www.fan6.net 9. This does not affect the service provider's implementation or how it would be translated to an SOA solution. 这并不影响服务提供者的执行或者它将如何被转变为一个SOA解决方案。 www.ibm.com 10. SOA encompasses the tools and methodologies for capturing business design, and using that design information to help improve the business. SOA包含用于捕获业务设计和使用设计信息帮助改进业务的各种工具和方法。 www.ibm.com 1. A test client allows you to test an SOA application before you deploy the application to a production environment. 测试客户端允许您在将SOA应用程序部署到生产环境之前测试该应用程序。 www.ibm.com 2. The number of tools and technologies required just to manage and a SOA environment in itself creates a management and complexity overhead. 那些需要用来管理SOA环境的大量的工具和技术本身就需要去维护了,过于复杂了。 bulo.hjenglish.com 3. Big bang SOA software projects shut down in favor of incremental projects with well defined ROI. 大爆炸式的SOA软件项目停止了,这对具有定义良好的ROI的增量式项目是有利的支持。 www.infoq.com 4. Eric: As I mentioned in the previous question, SOA governance work has really empowered architects to get close to the business. Eric:我在上一个问题中曾经提到,SOA治理的工作真的能让架构师更接近业务。 www.infoq.com 5. Using these approaches, Java clients of any size and capability can fully participate in SOA implementations. 通过使用这些方法,任何规模的Java客户机可以完全参与到SOA实现中。 www.ibm.com 6. However, lack of such a study should not prevent progress in SOA adoption. 但是,缺少这样的研究应该不妨碍实现SOA的进度。 www.ibm.com 7. It also features a Java-based server that enables easy integration of Web Services and fits well into a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). 它还有一个基于Java的服务器,可以集成WebService,并能很好地适应面向服务构架(SOA)。 www.infoq.com 8. Todd comments that while it is possible to solve the initial funding problem, the ongoing funding problem of SOA remains often a question. Todd评论说,虽然有可能解决初期的资金问题,但是进行中的SOA的资金仍然经常是一个问题。 www.infoq.com 9. At the core of the track was a set of fundamental sessions focused on updating our consultants on SOA advances. 这个专题的核心是一组基本会议,重点关注于使我们的顾问跟上SOA的发展动态。 www.ibm.com 10. The SOA Maturity Model allows you to apply the CMM to the IT architecture of your organization. SOA成熟度模型允许将CMM应用到组织的IT体系结构。 www.ibm.com 1. Within SOA, we now see an application as a dynamic entity, a configuration of services to meet a particular set of business requirements. 在SOA中,我们看到的应用程序是一个动态的实体,一个满足特殊业务需求集的服务配置。 www.ibm.com 2. As an industry buzz word 'SOA' does not now fly as high as it used to. 作为一个行业热词,‘SOA’不再像过去飘得那么高了。 www.infoq.com 3. However, governance is becoming increasingly important as IT organizations move up the SOA maturity curve. 不过,随着IT组织沿着SOA成熟度曲线不断向上移动,治理也变得越来越重要了。 www.ibm.com 4. In fact, establishing SOA Governance can be a challenging, disruptive, and destructive force in an enterprise's SOA efforts. 事实上,建立SOA治理在企业所有的SOA努力中不仅仅是具有挑战性的工作,稍有不慎它就可能成为一项对企业非常具有破坏性和分裂性的工作。 www.infoq.com 5. He characterizes SOA as an agent for reducing the TCO (Total cost of ownership) as a result of sharing and reusing composable services. 他将SOA描述为减少TCO(总体拥有成本)的一个动因,这是共享和重用可组合服务的结果。 www.infoq.com 6. As we have the service model, we are ready to extend agile software development to the SOA level! 因为我们采用了服务模型,我们准备将敏捷软件开发扩展到SOA级别! www-128.ibm.com 7. The distributed and heterogeneous nature of SOA makes it particularly prone to failures, causing exceptions at multiple levels [3]. SOA的分布式和异构的天性使得它特别容易失败,在多个层次上引起异常[3]。 www.infoq.com 8. And, counter-intuitively, much of the SOA security services implementation must be understood simultaneously. 而且,必须同时了解SOA安全服务实现的大部分内容。 www.ibm.com 9. It will soon be critical for enterprises to be able extend their infrastructure and SOA investments out to such devices. 能够将基础架构和SOA投资扩展到这类设备上对于企业来说不久将会是至关重要的。 www.ibm.com 10. When exposing integrated information as services, developers also need to understand SOA concepts, standards, and technologies. 在将集成信息公开为服务的过程中,开发人员还需要理解SOA的相关概念、标准和技术。 www.ibm.com 1. When surfacing integrated information as services, developers will also need to understand SOA concepts, standards and technologies. 当将集成信息作为服务提供时,开发人员还将需要理解各个SOA概念、标准和技术。 www.ibm.com 2. IBM developerWorks offers a variety of resources that address some of the main issues that are part of SOA development. IBMdeveloperWorks提供了各种资源,用于应对SOA开发中的一些主要问题。 www.ibm.com 3. As a practicing executive IT architect at IBM, Tilak Mitra consults with IBM customers to help them develop and implement SOA. 作为IBM的一位实践执行IT架构师,TilakMitra为IBM的客户提供咨询,帮助他们开发和实现SOA。 www.ibm.com 4. I strongly believe the core values behind SOA have merit, but there needs to be a new label attached to it. 我非常认同SOA背后的核心价值有好处,但是应该给它贴上新的标签。 www.infoq.com 5. The ability of these solutions to stabilize the SOA and avoid the disruption of SOA services leads to the increased resiliency of the SOA. 这些解决方案能够稳定SOA,并避免SOA服务中断,从而提高SOA的弹性。 www.ibm.com 6. We then descended down through a common architecture (SOA) and proceeded by outlining a set of open enabling technologies. 然后,我们通过一个普通架构(SOA)下降,接着通过概述一系列开放的实现技术继续下去。 www.ibm.com 7. The On Demand Operating Environment architecture is based on the concept of a service-oriented architecture (SOA). OnDemandOperatingEnvironment架构建立在面向服务架构(SOA)的概念上。 www.ibm.com 8. Operational systems: Represents existing IT assets, and shows that IT investments are valuable and should be leveraged in an SOA. 可操作系统:表示现有IT资产,说明IT投资非常宝贵,应该在SOA加以利用。 www.ibm.com 9. This leads to greater efficiency, reduces redundancies and costs and helps the bottom line; very similar to the goals of SOA. 这有助于提高效率、减少重复和成本并确保实现基本目标;这与SOA的目标非常相似。 www.ibm.com 10. By introducing an SOA, the goal is to unify these disparate systems within a layered reference architecture, as shown in Figure 4. 引入SOA,以在分层参考体系结构中统一这些异类系统,如图4中所示。 www.ibm.com 1. A framework that provides context and definitions to enable organizations to understand and deploy SOA governance. 一个提供了支持组织理解与部署SOA治理的上下文和定义的框架。 www.infoq.com 2. One of the main differences between Enterprise and Ecosystem SOA is the approach to service portfolio definition. 企业SOA与生态系统SOA两者之间的一个主要区别就是服务组合定义的方式。 www.infoq.com 3. Enterprise (top-down) SOA approach, which is an extremely high - risk approach with an initial price tag of a several million dollars. 企业级(自上而下的)SOA实施途经:风险很高,最初预算要几百万美元。 www.infoq.com 4. There are only a small number of suppliers, designed to take advantage of SOA and its loosely coupled and dynamic nature. 只有少数的提供者设计时利用了SOA以及它的低耦合和动态本性。 www.ibm.com 5. The only alternatives you're going to find to SOA are going to be advanced forms of SOA. 你能找到的SOA的唯一替代就是更高级形式的SOA。 www.infoq.com 6. Unfortunately, due to the mixing of Governance and Management realms, we are having such a mess in SOA Governance. 不幸地是,由于治理和管理的混杂,我们的SOA治理弄得一团糟。 www.infoq.com 7. When this occurs in SOA, you end up with a narrowly-focused service-orientation that may not meet the needs of the business as expected. 当这发生在SOA中时,你最终得到的是狭隘的面向服务,很有可能不能满足业务的预期。 www.infoq.com 8. Remember that even with the migration to the new SOA model, core parts of your application will remain the same. 记住,即使是在迁移到新的SOA模型时,应用程序中的关键部分也是相同的。 www-128.ibm.com 9. The idealized SOA is shown in Figure 1, where a requester interacts with a provider to achieve some business-relevant task. 理想的SOA如图1所示,在这种架构中,请求者通过与提供者交互,完成某个与业务相关的任务。 www.ibm.com 10. The way businesses are conducting themselves is compelling IT departments to respond, and SOA is a great supporting model for that. 业务方式的自我演化正迫使IT部门作出响应,SOA就是由此而产生的强大支持模型。 www-128.ibm.com 1. A service in a service-oriented architecture (SOA) could, therefore, also be considered a component. 因此,面向服务构架(SOA)中的一个服务可能是一个被考虑的元件。 www.ibm.com 2. Most SOA projects are still in the early stages. But that doesn't mean you can't get good value out of your SOA initiative. 大部分的SOA项目仍处于早期阶段,但这并不意味着你无法从SOA中得到较高价值。 www.bing.com 3. Transitioning SOA services to a grid and netcentric style is a way of harnessing and sharing unused resources from computers in the grid. 将SOA服务转换为网格和网络中心样式是利用和共享网格中计算机的未使用资源的方法。 www.ibm.com 4. In other words, Mrs. S. Governance wields the insignia of power, at least concerning the corporations' SOA. 换句话说,治理女士至少在公司的SOA方面有着几乎至高无上的权利。 www.infoq.com 5. there is a great deal of agreement on the foundational core concepts across the many independent open specifications and standards for SOA. 关于SOA基础性的核心概念在许多独立的规范与标准之间已经有着很大程度的共识。 www.infoq.com 6. Both of these stateful relationships, between successive invocations and between request and response are relevant to SOA service design. 这两个有状态关系(连续的调用之间和请求与响应之间的关系)都与SOA服务设计有关。 www.ibm.com 7. Because of the virtual nature of the SOA component model, many SOA components naturally support multiple implementation technologies. 因为在性质上SOA组件模型是虚拟的,所以许多SOA组件自然支持多种实现技术。 www-128.ibm.com 8. In the case of Ecosystem SOA, the business model is additionally subdivided into Core (Strategic), Competence and Peripheral domains. 而在生态系统的SOA里,业务模型进一步的被划分为核心(战略),能力与周边等不同的域。 www.infoq.com 9. Last but not the least, Mike says the reason for the SOA implementation should be in support of key business goals. 最后,Mike强调了SOA实现必须支持关键业务目标的原因。 www.infoq.com 10. I'm not convinced that SOA projects fail any more than other software projects of their size, but I haven't looked at the numbers. 我相信SOA项目在规模上不输给任何其他的软件项目,当然,我并没有具体去查这个数字。 www.infoq.com 1. Contrary to what some might believe; however, these distinct Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) design patterns are not mutually exclusive. 然而与一些人所认为的相反,这些不同的面向服务体系结构(Service-OrientedArchitecture,SOA)设计模式不是互斥的。 www.ibm.com 2. I never used techie terms. The word 'architecture' never passed my lips. 会上,我从不讨论SOA,从不使用技术术语,也从不说“架构”这个词。 www.infoq.com 3. This article is about showing how the recommended contract design policies from the versioning article relate to a SOA Maturity Model. 这篇文章则描述了那篇版本管理文章中推荐的契约设计策略与SOA成熟度模型是如何关联起来的。 www.infoq.com 4. However, with the products described here, you can do the majority of what is called for in a typical manage phase of the SOA life cycle. 不过,利用本文所述的产品,您可以完成SOA生命周期中一个典型管理阶段的大部分必要任务。 www.ibm.com 5. Proper SOA design advocates the use of a consistent business glossary that provides alignment of business terms across the enterprise. 适当的SOA设计主张使用一致的业务术语表,这样的术语表使企业中的业务术语得以统一。 www.ibm.com 6. As Part 6 notes, the data quality analysis itself must be treated as a project itself within the broader confines of the SOA project. 如第6部分所述,数据质量分析本身必须看作更宽范围的SOA项目之内的一个项目。 www.ibm.com 7. Performance: The response time of services in an SOA environment plays a key role in most production environments. 性能:SOA环境中的服务响应时间在大多数生产环境中扮演着关键角色。 www.ibm.com 8. The creation of a governance body for the adaptation and implementation of SOA is a core requirement of the governance model. 创建用于SOA的改造和实现的治理程序体,是治理模型的核心需求。 www-128.ibm.com 9. Agile enterprises in the implementation of SOA will be very good relations between the virtual enterprise flexible. . . 在敏捷企业实施SOA能够很好的将虚拟企业关系灵活化,增强敏捷能力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. But if your problem isn't one of these, SOA may not be the right approach. 但如果你遇到的问题不在此之列,SOA则可能不是正确的选择。 www.bing.com 1. The SOA system constructs and artifacts must be monitored and measured against the business metrics and SLAs that they are supposed to meet. 必须根据应满足的业务度量和SLA,对SOA系统构造和构件进行监视和度量。 www.ibm.com 2. The context for the occurrence of this antipattern is a circumstance where the SOA paradigm is relatively new for the client organization. 出现该反模式的环境是,SOA模式对于客户组织相对较新。 www.ibm.com 3. Without a proper SOA vision, SOA designers and implementers will be clueless about what the final state of the enterprise is supposed to be. 如果没有恰当的SOA远景,SOA设计人员和实现人员将无法确定企业应该达到的最终状态。 www.ibm.com 4. This means grid computing now relies on an open set of standards and protocols, including key SOA standards for Web services. 这意味着网格计算现在依赖于一组开放标准和协议,其中包括用于WebSerivces的关键SOA标准。 www.ibm.com 5. In this chapter we provided some useful analogies for understanding the fractal nature of SOA. 在这一章里,我们提供了一些理解SOA不确定实质的有用参考。 www.infoq.com 6. Typically, SOA organizations that are "grass-roots" and the result of individual, domain led service-oriented efforts are "bottom-up" . 如果一个实施SOA的组织比较草根化,结果往往就是从单个领域面向服务的努力出发的“自下而上”的模式。 www.infoq.com 7. The formation of secondary organic aerosol(SOA)is one of the research focuses in atmospheric chemical process. 二次有机气溶胶(SOA)的形成是当今大气化学过程的研究热点之一。 www.dictall.com 8. If an SOA is to be prescriptive should it state that all services should be designed to permit remote, asynchronous invocation? 如果SOA要具有描述性,是否应声明所有服务都应设计为允许远程、异步调用? www.ibm.com 9. SOA assembles applications out of software atomic services, which are reusable components, but at a much coarse-grained level. SOA使用软件原子服务组装应用程序,而软件原子服务是可重用的组件,但其粒度较粗。 www.ibm.com 10. Most of the ideas in the SOA Sourcebook have been circulating around the SOA world for some time. SOA资料卷中的许多思想在SOA的圈子里流传已久。 www.infoq.com 1. a centralized office responsible for evangelizing, coordinating, enforcing, and measuring SOA efforts across the enterprise. 一个集中式的办公室,负责跨企业的对SOA项目进行传播、协调、执行以及衡量。 www.infoq.com 2. This governance body insured that SOA was carefully integrated into the project's fabric to help decide the proper technologies. 这个治理团队保证了SOA是被仔细地集成到项目的结构中,并能帮助决定合适的技术。 www.infoq.com 3. There is nothing particularly radical about it: All software or SOA projects are defined in a similar way. 此方法也没有非常特别的地方:所有软件或SOA项目都是采用类似的方式定义的。 www.ibm.com 4. To this end, implementing SOA can greatly benefit from a strong Program Management discipline. 因此,强有力的程序管理非常有助于实现SOA。 www.ibm.com 5. The Architecture Development Method (ADM) can be applied to SOA, security, cloud, hybrids, and federated services ecologies. 架构开发方法(ADM)可应用于SOA、安全、云、混合型服务、联合服务生态环境等。 www.infoq.com 6. One of the key principles of SOA is to view services as reusable assets throughout the SOA life cycle. SOA的主要原则之一是在整个SOA生命周期中将服务视为可重用资产。 www.ibm.com 7. It claims to be the next-generation business process server that supports different forms of integration based on SOA and open standards. WebSphereProcessServer被宣称是下一代的业务流程服务器,并支持基于SOA和开放标准的不同形式的集成。 www.ibm.com 8. The creation of an SOA Center of Excellence, as an example, has proven to be extremely helpful in many organizations. 例如,实践已经证明建立SOACenterofExcellence在许多组织中非常有帮助。 www.ibm.com 9. In many ways, cloud computing can be seen as an extension of SOA past applications and into application and physical infrastructure. 在许多方面,云计算可被视为SOA后应用程序的扩展,并且已进入了应用程序和物理基础结构。 www.ibm.com 10. The high-level activities for this scenario can also be mapped to the phases of the SOA lifecycle, as shown in Figure 7. 此场景的高级活动也可以映射到SOA生命周期的各个阶段,如图7中所示。 www.ibm.com |
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