单词 | split- | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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现在分词:splitting 第三人称单数:splits split- 显示所有例句 分开divide
断绝关系end relationship
IDM split the difference (讲价等)各让一步,折中(when discussing a price, etc.) to agree on an amount that is at an equal distance between the two amounts that have been suggested split hairs 在细节上过分纠缠to pay too much attention in an argument to differences that are very small and not important split an infinitive 使用分裂不定式(在 to 和动词不定式之间插入副词,如 to strongly deny a rumour,有人认为这种用法有语病)to place an adverb between ‘to’ and the infinitive of a verb, for example to say ‘to strongly deny a rumour’. Some people consider this to be bad English style. split your sides (laughing/with laughter) 笑破肚皮;笑弯腰to laugh a lot at sb/sth split the ticket 投两党或两党以上候选人的票to vote for candidates from more than one party 分歧disagreement
香蕉甜食banana dish
身体姿势body position
例句释义: 分歧,分裂,分离,划分,使分裂,分开,分担,分摊,斯普利特,分割,劈开 1. "She had just split up from Brad Pitt, " he says, "she was like poor Jennifer and I was like 'I'm going to make you so hot'. " “她当时刚刚与布拉德-皮特(BradPitt)分手,”他表示,“她就像个可怜的孩子,而我对她说,‘我将让你性感至极。” www.ftchinese.com 2. Each thread's output is separate from the others, because at the moment there is nothing to split up the timing during execution. 每个线程的输出独立于其他线程的输出,因为在执行期间没有可用于分割时间选择的办法。 www.ibm.com 3. In recent days came the rumor that Petrochina and Sinopec are getting ready to bid for part of Marathon Oil following its planned split-up. 最近有消息称中石油和中石化在MarathonOil计划内的分割时,准备竞标购买其部分公司。 bbs.huanqiu.com 4. This was a long-term relationship that I talked about here and we split up and made up multiple times during the years of our life together. 我这里提到的是个长期的关系,在我们一起生活的几年里我们分分合合好几次。 www.bing.com 5. If the answer to both of these questions is "no, " then the code is a good candidate for using timers to split up the work. 如果这两个回答都是“否”,那么代码将适于使用定时器分解工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. It is possible to split the definition of a class or a struct, or an interface over two or more source files. 可以将类、结构或接口的定义拆分到两个或多个源文件中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. This approach makes it very easy to split up a complex transformation into a series of simple transformations arranged in a pipeline. 这个方法使将一个复杂的转换分解成以流水线排列的一系列简单转换变得非常容易。 www.ibm.com 8. Know you are split times so you know if you were quick or slow when you took a particular line through a section. 了解自己在计时点的时间,你就了解了自己通过某一部分特定路线时的快慢。 www.jukuu.com 9. You know, nate and I just split up for a couple days ago, and I can't. 我不能,你知道,内特和我只不过分开才几天。 bbs.foodqs.com 10. We were determined to split up with him due to lots of his dishonest behaviors. 由于他的诸多不诚实表现,我们决定与他断绝往来。 tieba.baidu.com 1. This seems naive: a new party of the left, if it ever came into being, might split the Democratic vote and thus elect more Republicans. 在笔者看来,这种看法太过天真,如果真有一个新的左派政党,只会抢了民主党的选票,最终让共和党得益。 www.ecocn.org 2. Then maybe a month after it had gone, he was really drunk in a pub and it was just a split-second thing. 大约一个月后,他在酒吧喝醉了,然后偷来一件外套,这也是一瞬间发生的事。 gb.cri.cn 3. She took him in and she sat him down in a split bottom rocker in front of a great big old fireplace and she went off. 她带小男孩进入屋里面,在一个巨大的火炉前的一张摇椅坐下后就走开了。 muyisheng.com 4. For the next year, the actress' travails seemed to play out on a split screen, with tabloid stories mirroring Aniston's movie titles. 第二年,小报用安妮斯顿拍的电影名字影射她的生活,这位女星挑战大银幕的努力似乎白费了。 www.anistonchina.com 5. Entire flexible restraint like horizontal distribution bar will reduce the wall's stress, and the wall is not so easy to split. 整体柔性约束如横向的分布筋则会使应力减少,降低墙体开裂的可能性。 www.fabiao.net 6. "This jurisdictional split threatens to for ever stand in the way of rationalising the regulation of these products and markets, " he said. 他说:“管理权的分裂阻碍了这些产品和市场监管的合理化。” blog.sina.com.cn 7. How to split is often not an obvious choice at least not as obvious as we would thing. 如何拆分通常没有明显的选择,至少不像我们的想法一样明显。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. But the glitterazzi turn out to be wrong and Billy Byrne is all over in a split second. 但是在外的旋转是错误的而且比利在一个劈开秒中是到处。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. With his mother bringing up seven boys on her own after his parents split up, money was tight and life was tough. 怙恃仳离后他母亲独自把七个孩子带年夜,那时的生活很是拮据。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. This dish, most often a single eel split and splayed over a bed of rice in a black, lacquered box with a red interior, is called unaju. 这道菜,通常是把一条鱼劈开,放在铺着米的黑色喷漆盒里(里面是红色),被称为“unaju”。 www.bing.com 1. He said he split with the singer because Jackson invited into his inner circle "people who really didn't have his best interests at heart. " 他说他与杰克逊分道扬镳是因为流行之王拉进圈内的人“都是些不把他的最高利益放在心上的家伙”。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The self-confident side of the leadership's split personality is often what worries China's neighbors and the US alike. 领导阶层分裂性格中的自信一面常常让中国的邻国和美国担忧。 bbs.csu.edu.cn 3. He began to split apart as flame and rage erupted from his dark hide. 他的身体裂开,火焰和热量从他黑色的皮肤下喷涌而出。 hi.baidu.com 4. A fine leather originally made of goatskin but now more frequently of split horsehide. 科尔多瓦皮革,高级皮革最初用山羊皮制成的好皮子,现多用剖开的马皮 www.jukuu.com 5. Pay the bill without hesitation. Asking her to split the bill will be awkward, and paying for her meal on the first date is a nice gesture. 要毫不犹豫地买单。要求她和你一起付账会非常尴尬,第一次约会为她买单是比较好的姿态。 www.bing.com 6. At this point, XSLT novices usually ask how to split HTML elements across two or more templates. 此时,XSLT新手通常会问:如何在两个或更多个模板之间拆分HTML元素。 www.ibm.com 7. after the thunderstorm we found a tree with a split trunk; they tore big juicy chunks from the heart of the split watermelon. 雷雨过后我们发现了一棵树干裂开了的树;他们从裂开了的西瓜正中间掰下了大块多汁的西瓜。 www.hotdic.com 8. Harry felt as though his head had been split in two. 哈利觉得他的头就好象被劈成了两半。 www.jbenglish.org 9. The company was split- up in two parts to attack through the forest from two directions but met deadly crossfire from enemy machine guns. 连马上分散成两部分,穿过森林从两个方向发起攻击,但是又陷入了德军机枪的致命交叉火力网中。 www.langmanzg.com 10. Senator Davis said the North was responsible for the growing split, because the North was trying to get complete control of the South. 参议员戴维斯说,北方要对愈演愈烈的分裂局势负责,因为北方正试图完全控制南方。 www.kekenet.com 1. The dark Protoss and light Protoss have split apart, and now they're back together on Shakuras and they're trying to reunite their tribes. 黑暗圣堂和他们自诩光明的同胞们曾经分裂开来,现在又重新团结在shakuras,努力重新集结他们的部族。 bbs.game.163.com 2. China has the Buddhism but Buddha was an Indian Prince and Buddhism is nothing more than a split end of the Vedas. 中国有佛教,但菩萨是位印度王子,而佛教不过是维达斯的一个末节。 blog.zhiji.com 3. This led to its formal disbandment, and a split, with a breakaway group contesting the polls. 正是此事直接导致了民盟的正式解散和分裂,分离出来的团体对投票提出了质疑。 www.ecocn.org 4. Newton also discovered that sunlight can be split into a spectrum made of all the colours of the rainbow. l牛顿还发现太阳光可以分解为像彩虹那样由各种颜色组成的光谱。 www.bing.com 5. Tom's freckle face was split in two by his massive grin. 'See, I told you! ' he crowed, doing a little victory dance. 汤姆有着雀斑的脸上绽放出了巨大笑容。”瞧见了,我对你说过了!“他一边得意洋洋的说,一边跳了小段胜利的舞蹈。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Just a flash of light can split the dark world and bright it. Whereas, you can not know there is how much dark in a certain space. 仅仅是一道光线就可以划破一个黑暗的世界并将它照亮,但是你无法知道一个空间的黑暗是多少。 www.elanso.com 7. Despite her split from Ryan, Scarlett still believes in the concept of marriage but she isn't looking for a new guy at the moment. 尽管她和瑞恩离婚了,斯嘉丽仍然相信婚姻,但她现在并没有找新男友。 tieba.baidu.com 8. The series finale is being split into two movies for which filming began five months ago and is due to finish in about a year. 根据最后一部小说改编的终结版于5个月前开拍,将在一年内完成。影片分上下两集。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. Split reagent content was one of the main standards used for controlling influenza vaccine quality. 裂解剂的残余含量是流感病毒裂解疫苗的主要质控指标之一。 www.chemyq.com 10. If GM is split up in a bankruptcy court, this will provide an opening for competitors, many of whom will buy up pieces of the company. 如果通用汽车被分解,上到破产法庭,就会提供给其竞争对手一个公开的机会,许多竞争者将会收购通用公司的一些部分。 www.bing.com 1. Preservation of the middle hepatic vein (MHV) for a right split liver transplantation (SLT) in an adult recipient is still controversial. 成人受体保留肝中静脉的劈裂式右肝移植仍有争议。 news.dxy.cn 2. Our crew chief was trying to hold the door on and my boss was flying the aircraft, but the left side of the cockpit was split open. 机工长试图把门关紧,我的上司操纵着飞机,但是驾驶舱的左侧裂开了。 www.bing.com 3. When he dies -- he has said he has no plan to retire -- the company will split his job into a CEO role and a CIO position. 如果他过世,公司将会把他的工作分成两个职位--首席执行官与首席资讯官(CIO),巴菲特本人表示自己没有退休计划。 cn.reuters.com 4. We were beginning to see a clear split in old vs. new user behavior. 我们发现新老用户行为之间出现了明显的分裂。 www.fortunechina.com 5. These enhancements, combined with the Split Lagrangian VOF method, improve the accuracy of the surface tension model in general. 这些增强,和分散的拉格朗日函数VOF方法结合,大体上改善表面张力模型的精确度。 www.baisi.net 6. The split between the North and South only got wider. There was a real danger that the South would declare its independence. 南北方分裂的危险越来越大,真正的危险是南方将宣布独立。 www.bing.com 7. Back in the dormitory, she opened the parcel. Her eyes popped. They were colorful split skirts. 回到宿舍,她把邮包打开,满眼的花花绿绿的,竟是漂亮的裙裤。 tieba.baidu.com 8. And of course, with wind, you could put it all over the east coast, offshore theoretically, or you can split it up. 而且使用风能的话当然我们就可以把它放在东海岸的海面上,从理论上讲,或者你可以把这些面积分散。 www.ted.com 9. Her split and stretch into a palmate leaves appears to be very open-minded and unrestrained. 她的成掌状分裂而舒展的叶片显得十分豁达而潇洒。 word.hcbus.com 10. In the late 1960s, around the time that the group split up, Terry began to establish himself as a writer and producer for other artists. 在60年代后期,各地,该集团分裂时,特里开始建立作为一个作家和其他艺术家生产者自己。 zh.lyricside.altervista.org 1. There might be situations where you find it difficult to split a page into a set of normalized panels. 某些情况下,您会发现很难将页面拆分为一组规范化的面板。 blog.163.com 2. There has been a split in American writing between a cultivated, Europeanized concept of literature, and a notion of a native literature. 美国文学里优雅的欧洲文学和本土文学之间,一直是有分野的。 3. He suffered dryness and tiredness. He felt as if his dry skin would split. Finally at dawn next day, he reached the top of the first dune. 干燥与疲惫折磨着他,他感到皮肤开始紧绷绷地像要裂开了。终于在第二天的傍晚,爬到了第一个沙丘的顶上。 kid.sina.com.cn 4. This zombie will dig under your plants and attack from the back. Use magnet-shrooms or split-peas to take care of him. 这只僵尸会从直接穿到植物的背后攻击它们,用磁力菇或者双向射手来干掉它们! www.hjenglish.com 5. Google keeps the AdSense revenue split confidential, so it's unknown exactly how much the company makes from each publisher in the program. Google为AdSense的收入分割比例保密,所以我们不知道到底它在这个项目中的每个发布者上赚了多少。 www.bing.com 6. If you try to call the split method on your string, it will split on a whitespace character (like the space). 如果试着在string上调用split方法,它会在空白字符(例如空格)处进行拆分。 www.ibm.com 7. "There is only one way I can get out of this, " he said, "and that's if I split the money with the two of you. " “只有一种方法能把我从这个困境中解救出来,”他说,“我可不可以把钱分给你们?” blog.sina.com.cn 8. Close the bottom view (remove the split) before changing views if you prefer to see the new view as a single view. 如果希望新视图显示为单个视图,请在更改视图之前关闭底部视图(取消拆分)。 www.kuenglish.info 9. Everything is split down the middle and I need more wisdom than I thought. 所有事物都从中间裂开坍塌,我比自己想象的更需要智慧。 page.renren.com 10. These creatures are sometimes referred to as "thumb splitters" because their claws are strong enough to split human appendages. 它们有时也被称作“手指分裂家”,因为它们的钳子硬到可以切开人的附肢。 www.elanso.com 1. Units welding and welding of formwork using split-type design, and compact size, easy to display, in particular, to save working space. 焊台与焊铁架采用分体式设计,而且体积小巧,容易摆放,特别节省工作空间。 www.366c.com.cn 2. They split the women into three groups, fast, moderate and slow, according to how much weight they lost in the first month. 根据他们第一个月减少了多少体重,他们把这些妇女分成快速,适中和缓慢这三组。 www.youni.com 3. Why was the political left bitterly split in Germany but not in Austria, which had lost not just a war but an empire? 为什么这个政权给德国而非奥地利留下了令人悲伤的分裂,是哪个国家不仅输掉了战争,还失去了一个帝国? www.ecocn.org 4. Like a magician's assistant, Polina felt as if she had been split in two. 波琳娜感觉自己就像魔术师助手一样被分成了两半。 www.bing.com 5. When mankind had just split out of animals, which had been the relationship between the unity of opposites at the primary state. 当人类刚从动物分化出来,这种对立统一关系就已处于初级的状态。 www.cutpic.cn 6. America's early leaders knew that trying to end slavery probably would split the nation in two. 美国那些早期的领导人们知道,如果想设法终止奴隶制,很可能国家就会被一分为二。 www.unsv.com 7. The psyche is often depicted metaphorically as an image, and this image can be further represented as whole or split. 心灵往往比喻地被描述为一种意象。这个意象更进一步被代表为整体或是分裂。 www.easemind.com 8. Road there is usually water, naughty children see, then in the water and a jump, the chaos of splash splashing around to split open and. 路面通常都会有积水,调皮的孩子看见后,便在水中乱蹦,那溅起的水花便向四处绽开。 www.268r.com 9. Allen Falkner's tongue is split down the middle, and when he sticks it out, it looks like a two-pronged snake tongue. 艾伦·福克讷的舌头从舌尖到舌中部分开,当他把舌头伸出来时,舌头就像是有著两个舌尖的蛇舌。 big5.cri.cn 10. The shock announcement of his split from wife Jennifer Lopez on Friday insisted it was an amicable decision. 周五爆出了一个惊人的消息,马克·安东尼与妻子珍妮弗·洛佩茨离婚,并坚称两人是和平分手。 dongxi.net 1. Don't be so pessimistic that for a moment, even a split moment, you fail to realize the thousands of things you have to be thankful for. 不要太过悲观,因为在一瞬间,哪怕是电闪雷鸣的一瞬间,你都会忽略那成千上万值得我们去感恩的人或事物。 www.bing.com 2. In just a few days, media conglomerate Viacom will split in two as part of Sumner M. Redstone's plan to boost shareholder value. 按照夏默雷石东提升股东价值的计划,再过几天,媒体巨头维亚康姆将一分为二。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Numerical method used in this paper is a amendment of the influx split method which is always used for compressible flow. 本文对传统的可压缩流动中的通量分裂方法进行了修正,使其可以用于扰动方程的计算。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. "The red and green split is totally perfect - as if I've painted it, " he said. 莫里斯说:“这个苹果的红绿两色从中间完美分开,就像是画出来的一样。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. She said micro blogs seem to have given "mobs" and people with "split personalities" an outlet for expression. 她称,微博好像给了那些“暴徒”以及“人格分裂”的民众一个发泄情感的途径。 blog.zol.com.cn 6. "The last week or so there has been a perceived split in our opinions as artists . . . we all came together, " he said. “大约上周我们艺术家在观点上还有分歧。。。。。。现在我们达成一致,”他说。 www.bing.com 7. Then as you grow your eyes move smoothly down the line like a lawn mower, then you stop a split second on a word, then start back up again. 长大后,当你阅读时你会像割草机一样顺畅地移动眼睛,在某个单词上只有刹那的停留,然后突然再次缩回去。 www.bing.com 8. If it's due to a recent split with someone, plan a distraction. Take them out for the evening. 如果原因是由于对方和别人产生分裂,你就想法引开他的注意力,比如晚上带他出去玩。 www.12xz.com 9. It has some very nice features. The product handles lists better than most other word processors, allowing you to join or split items. 他有几个很好的特点,改产品在处理列表时优于其它的文字处理工具,允许你加入或划分条目。 www.bing.com 10. Perhaps another army, split apart like this behind the enemy's lines, would have become demoralized and disintegrated. 如果换一支别的军队,也像这样分散于敌后,就根可能会丧失士气,归于瓦解。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. In any case, Clara split up with her husband a year or two after the wedding, and started studying. 婚礼过去一两年后克拉拉和她丈夫分手了,她重新开始学习起来。 www.bing.com 2. Isabel It burns at my heart to sit and wait, but at least this will split the demon army and ease the pressure on Nicolai. 伊莎贝尔待在这里真让人心急如焚,但是这至少可以分散魔军,从而缓解尼科莱的压力。 www.heroworld.net 3. It is possible to carry two or more policies, but the insurance companies involved would split the reimbursement between them. 投保人可能拥有两份或更多的保单,但所涉及的保险公司会在他们之间摊派赔偿金。 www.jukuu.com 4. To expose the clivus, it is often necessary to split the soft palate in the midline. 为暴露斜坡,经常需要于中线分开软腭。 www.haodf.com 5. When he did look he saw, in a split second of time, Mary turn her eyes away from his face. 他定睛一看,看见一刹那间玛丽的目光刚从他脸上移开。 dict.veduchina.com 6. The young man decided to ask if they would allow him to purchase another meal for them so that they didn't have to split theirs . 年轻人决定上前请那对夫妇允许他为他们再买一份单人餐,这样他们就不用分一份了。 www.qeto.com 7. Whether or not you think it's neglect is a different matter: a Newsvine poll posted on Thursday is split almost down the middle. 你是否认为这是不作为是另一回事:周四进行的Newsvine调查结果几乎一分两半。 www.bing.com 8. It has a split-flap system [the kind of system often used in public transport timetables] and there was a problem with one of the flaps. 它里面有一个折片翻页系统[就像是公车时间表经常使用的那种系统],其中的一个折片出现了问题。 c.wsj.com 9. If he were to let the payroll tax apply to high incomes, too, he would add another 12. 4%, split between employee and employer. 如果他打算对高收入也征收薪工税的话,他还会另外加上12.4%,由雇员和雇主平摊。 www.ecocn.org 10. No country will allow its own territory to be split off, nor will it allow any foreign force to create or support such a split. 任何一个国家都不会允许自己的领土分裂出去,也不会允许外国势力制造或支持这种分裂。 club.topsage.com 1. No country will allow its own territory to be split off, nor will it allow any foreign force to create or support such a split. 任何一个国家都不会允许自己的领土分裂出去,也不会允许外国势力制造或支持这种分裂。 club.topsage.com 2. Later in time, you see that this line has split in two lines and this one has also split in two lines. 之后,你们将看到这个线,分裂成两条,这一条也将,分裂成两条。 open.163.com 3. I would just as soon not have the sponsor of a particular athlete providing me with the split-second result. 我想很快就不会有赞助某一运动员的同时也为那种瞬间发生的结果提供数据的赞助商了。 www.bing.com 4. The Bank of England's monetary policy committee is split on whether to raise interest rates, but it has got more hawkish. 英国央行的货币政策委员会就是否调高利率问题立场不一,但整体上更倾向鹰派手腕。 www.ecocn.org 5. The injury was partly to blame for her split with Gutierrez in 2000, she said. Suleman认为,这次受伤或多或少是2000年与Gutierrez分开的部分原因。 www.bing.com 6. But Nelson is something of a radical, and the autistic community is split on his view. 但是Nelson属于比较激进的一派,他的观点在孤独症人群中也是有争议的。 www.bing.com 7. Eventually , the group could be split in two: a " good" Dubai World with all the productive assets, and a " bad" Dubai World with the rest . 最后,该集团有可能一分为二:一个是拥有所有生产性资产的“好的”迪拜世界;另一个是拥有其余资产的“坏的”迪拜世界。 www.bing.com 8. We see in history, the unity of the north is often powerful to split the south each break. 我们在历史上,看到的往往是强大统一的北方对分裂割据的南方各个击破。 www.uukkuu.com 9. Sometimes tencent is so not to lose face, want to have split up, and he pulled out a black halfway verification code. 有时候腾讯就是那么不给面子,想把已经分手的他拉黑,还要半路冲出个验证码。 www.qqzhi.com 10. Note that the split file named yaa did not finish with a newline character, so our prompt was offset after we used cat to display it. 注意,名为yaa的分解文件并未使用换行符表示结束,因此当使用cat显示提示之后,会发现提示出现了偏移。 www.ibm.com 1. And I asked fuckin' Lola to bring me a bit of dope and she's only shown Julie the letter, right, to try and get us split up. 我问他妈的萝拉给我带来了涂料位和她的信中只显示朱莉,右,试图让我们分手了。 www.ziyuangongxiang5.com 2. Who for a split second seemed to think he had been reprieved: but then Voldemort's intention became clear. 有那么一瞬间斯内普还以为自己被宽恕了:但是是伏地魔的用意马上就清楚了。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. My own development of that sort is split about equally between portable "pure C, " and Critcl used for cross development. 我将自己的开发精力分成大致相同的两半,一半是可移植的“纯C”,另一半是进行交叉开发的Critcl。 www.ibm.com 4. Then about a month later, he was really drunk in a pub and took away someone's coat. It was just a split-second thing. 大约一个月后,他在酒吧喝醉了,然后顺手拿走了别人的一件外套,这是一瞬间发生的事。 www.bing.com 5. The party is threatening to stand on its own in future elections, an option that would look more realistic if the ANC were to split. 该党威胁要在日后选举中自立,如果非国大发生分裂,这一选择看起来更为现实。 www.ecocn.org 6. To dis someone means to show him disrespect (the first syllable of the word "disrespect" has been split off and turned into a verb). “dis”谁就是对谁表示不敬[“dis”取自disrespect(不敬)一词的第一个音节,将其作为动词使用]。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. You said I could not shed a tear, you want me to remember your smiling face, yet in split second while to turn away, I saw your soring eyes. 你说我不可以掉眼泪,你要记住我最美的笑脸,但我却在你转身的瞬间,看见了你红了双眼。 dict.bioon.com 8. Like the leader in a sailboat race, one must not let the second boat split tacks but cover it to protect one's lead. 就象帆船比赛中的领先者那样,他决不能让第二条船夺路抢先,而必须压住它,以保护自己的领先地位。 9. That presumably avoided a fight from Mr O'Neal, a potentially damaging boardroom split and a likely loss for the company in court. 据推测,上述方案可以避免奥尼尔进行抗争,防止董事会内部出现具有潜在破坏性的裂痕,并避免出现美林在法庭上败诉的可能性。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The core logo can be split into any one of it's seven colours allowing it to remain flexible whilst on brand. 核心标志可以分为任何它的一个七种颜色使它保持灵活,而品牌。 www.gtn9.com 1. After the breakfast, I said to my team members, sews on the adobe-made stove, after a night, had been split. 吃完早饭,我向组员们指出,土坯炉子上的泥缝,经过一天一夜的烘烤,已经干裂了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Health Director Virginia Caine said the shipment will be split among the county's hospitals. 卫生署署长弗吉尼亚凯恩表示,货品将分派到城镇医院中。 www.bing.com 3. But the opposition camp is split three ways, between those loyal to her, a reformist wing and former leaders who have now left the BNP. 但是,反对派阵营分裂为三方,那些忠于她,改革派翼,还有现在已经离开了的BNP前领导人。 www.ecocn.org 4. A lot of the libraries we build are open sourced as soon as we get some time to clean them up and split it out of our source tree. 每当我们有空将它们整理清楚并且将它们从我们的源码树上分离开来以后,我们建立的很多的类库都得以开放。 www.bing.com 5. The negative things our subconscious cooks up for us are shocks to the system that occur from denial and a split mind. 但对潜意识为我们所谋划的消极东西,以及否认和分裂的心智系统而言,却有许多的惊吓。 pov-all.blogspot.com 6. The girl admitted that she was feeling stressed after her boyfriend split up with her. 她本人也承认自己因和男朋友分手而遭受巨大精神压力。 eamrs5211.blog.163.com 7. He believed that there was a split among each of the body, which was the source of the two very different tragedy emotions: fear and pity. 他认为,存在于每个人肉体之中的分裂,是恐惧和怜悯两种截然不同的悲剧效果能够同时存在的原因。 www.fabiao.net 8. The advertiser split off from his partner and started a company of his own. 这个广告人和他的合伙人决裂了,自己开了个公司。 liu-jing.lj.blog.163.com 9. Lara: Once called forth shall the heavens split asunder and the light of the Sun God Horus shall banish the lord of darkness, Seth. (继续阅读护身符上的文字)当雷电撕裂天空,太阳神荷露斯的光芒终将驱逐黑暗世界的霸主赛特。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. I would advise anyone in my situation to move out of a shared property, rent it out, split the rental income and make your own arrangements. 我会建议像我这种情况的人搬出共有房屋,将之租出去,然后分割租金收入,自行安排自己的生活。 www.ftchinese.com 1. We walked together for a while and then split up to go home. 我们一起走了一会后就分开回家了。 www.wwenglish.com 2. The name and the phone number are concatenated into a single string and then split into an array of two strings. 姓名和电话号码被连接为一个字符串,然后分割为含两个字符串的数组。 www.ibm.com 3. As you understand that when an atom is split it creates essentially two parts and these two parts carry off a certain amount of energy. 当你们理解了,当一个原子被分离时,它,创造出了2个部分,而这2个部分,获得一定数量的能量。 open.163.com 4. Civil war strategy and tactics in Rome, Caesar is good at choose major assault direction, cleverly split the enemy, the various will break. 在罗马内战战略战术方面,恺撒善于选择主要突击方向,巧妙地分割敌军,将其各个击破。 www.ok06.com 5. It is split into a number of modules that allow the user interface to be run on a different machine from the playing daemon, etc. 它被分为许多模块,使用户界面在播放后台驻留程序时可在不同的机器上运行。 osl.bsw.net.cn 6. Our eyes and brains together do it in a split second, without conscious effort on our part. 我们的眼睛和大脑协同工作,在我们根本还没有意识到的情况下,在瞬间就完成了这个计算。 de.bab.la 7. In the process, plutonium is split from the spent uranium and fed into a reactor to produce more power--or used to make nuclear weapons. 处理过程中,将钚从使用过的铀中分离出来,并送入核反应堆产生更多动力,或用来制造核武器。 c.wsj.com 8. Tyler wanted to put these men out and appoint men who would support him. But if he did this immediately, it would split the party. 泰勒想把这些人赶出去,并任命支持他的人进入内阁,但如果他立即这么做的话,将会引起党内的分裂。 www.bing.com 9. (b. ) If space permits, take out a single room contract that will be split among the remaining three roommates. 如果空间允许,取出一个单间的合同将在剩余的三个室友分裂。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Commercial painter Momir Zmiric, 42, from the Croatian port of Split, decided to go on such a diet without consulting doctors. 商业画家莫米Zmiric42岁来自克罗地亚的斯普利特港决定不去咨询医生而实施自己的饮食规划。 www.bing.com 1. A switch in the cockpit to alter the split of the car's braking power between the front and the rear wheels according to a driver's wishes. A开关在修改汽车的制动力的分裂的驾驶舱内在前面和后轮之间的根据司机的愿望。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Elections were held a year ago to a provincial council, won by a party representing a faction that split from the Tigers in 2004. 一年前,在一场选举中,由一个在2004年自猛虎组织分裂出来的党派赢得了选举,并组成一个省级议会。 www.ecocn.org 3. So the two sides split, the company decided to prosecute plan B owners, owners should ask how counterpart? 于是双方相持不下,B公司决定起诉欠费业主,请问业主应该如何对应? www.yinghanhuyi.com 4. Last Saturday at the grocers , we split the list and raced each other to see who could make it to the check-out first. 上周六在杂货店,我们把购物清单一分为二,比赛看谁先完成购物到达收银台。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The contents of this template might go directly in the first template, but the code is easier to follow if you split it out. 该模板的内容容可以直接用于第一个模板,但如果将其分开,代码就很容易理解。 www.ibm.com 6. She had just had a baby, split with her husband of nine years, and lost her job when Superman spin-off Lois &Clark was cancelled. 她才生了个孩子,和她共过九年的丈夫离婚,又因为超人的姐妹秀被取消而失去了工作。 www.jukuu.com 7. The pupae do not eat, but after a few days their skins split and the full - grown mosquitoes crawl out. 蛹不吃食物,但是几天后,它们的皮肤裂开,长成的蚊子就脱壳而出。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. In order to keep everything clear, the executive summary is usually split into a general summary and financial projections. 为了让每件事都清楚明白,经营计划通常分为综合概要和财务预测。 www.examw.com 9. Count me out for the banana split. I think I'll go for a triple scoop of chocolate surprise in a waffle cone. 别把香蕉船算我那份里,我想我还是想点份三克巧克力华夫饼蛋卷冰激凌吧。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. But victory did not restore the intellectual peace. Macroeconomists split into two camps, drawing opposite lessons from the episode. 但这一胜利未能恢复知识界的和平,宏观经济学家从这一时期吸取了大相径庭的教训,分裂为两大阵营。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Newton made his discovery when he noticed that white light going into a glass prism emerged split into a range of different colours. 牛顿有了这个发现,是因为他注意到白色光线进入玻璃棱镜时,会被分解为一系列不同颜色。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 2. With split-second timing, Dooku slipped out his hand before the vibrobl ade could injure him. He felt only a slight burn of he at. 就在手铐断裂的一瞬间,杜库及时抽出双手,刀没能伤到他,他只感到些许烧焦的热量。 www.showxiu.com 3. It is essential to have all the log files from the source database that were active at the time of the split to complete the crash recovery. 为完成崩溃恢复,必须具有来自源数据库、分割时为活动的所有日志文件。 www.ibm.com 4. A large cargo plane split in two while trying to take off a Brussels airport in Belgium. 一架大型货机在比利时布鲁塞尔机场起飞的时候裂成两半。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Of all the atoms that could be split, only a few are allowed to actually do it. 所有被损坏的原子中,只有一些允许这样做。 www.bing.com 6. Once the tongue is split it is possible to move both sections independently of one another. 一旦舌头被切开,被分两半中的任何一个都可以独立活动。 www.bing.com 7. Mahad is a man! Your misfortune is that you were born with a split between your legs. And now, we the family must cope with that reality! Mahad是男人啊!你生来两腿间有缝,这是你的不幸。现在我们一家就得面对这个事实! www.bing.com 8. The pair split when Maria became constantly jealous that the famous ballet dancer "looked better in tights than she did" . 但是两人最终关系越来越僵,玛丽越来越嫉妒一些著名的“比她更好看”的芭蕾舞演员。 www.bing.com 9. The monotonous labor of women is in the washboards themselves, split and worn down, like the hands and souls of the women who used them. 女人单调的重复劳动被记录在洗衣板上,洗衣板就跟使用他们的妇女的手和灵魂一样磨损而且破碎。 blog.artintern.net 10. The split feature reduces the number of steps to turn this into a separate story. 拆分特性简化了将它转换到一个单独故事的步骤。 www.infoq.com 1. These ball after the break will split into smaller ball, and you have all the ball can be broken up into the next Commissioner. 这些球击破后会分裂成更小的球,而您得把所有的球都击破才能进入下一关。 www.fishjava.com 2. To be present seems to raise the quality of whatever you are doing compared to if you are unfocused and split. 与注意力不集中、开小差相比,做到“在场”似乎会提高任何正在进行事情中的质量程度。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. My adviser was always ready to split the difference. 我的顾问总是搞折中。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Those who can be split off from the enemy camp should be won over, educated and helped. 对于反动营垒中可能分化出来的人物,要争取他们,教育他们,帮助他们。 media.open.com.cn 5. There was a split from what was once Oneness, or All That Is, into duality . 从曾经是的一体性,或“全然的存在”分裂而成为二元对立性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. If it refuses, the coalition could split, and the patience of other EU members with British recalcitrance would be severely tested. 如果英国拒绝,联盟将被撕破,这将极大考验欧盟其他成员忍耐英国固执的耐心。 www.ecocn.org 7. After split joint, just a transparent glass or an organic macromolecule board or film needs to be stuck on the frame(1). 拼图拼接好后只需在边框(1)上粘贴一块透明的玻璃或有机高分子板材或膜。 ip.com 8. The next morning they cooked breakfast, drank coffee, and drank whiskey, and then split up to fish. 第二天早上他们起来做了早饭,喝点咖啡和威士忌,然后分头去钓鱼。 www.bing.com 9. In fact, I never made the investments I promised clients, who believed they were invested with me in the split strike conversion strategy. 事实上,我从没有做过我对客户承诺的各种投资,而客户相信他们和我一起都在进行“分割结转策略”的投资。 blog.163.com 10. The world economy: Three-way split | The Economist THIS year has turned out to be a surprisingly good one for the world economy. 今年对世界经济来说竟然是一个出人意料的好年份。 www.bing.com 1. A very high count might indicate that a type or method is trying to do too much work and should be split up. 如果数目非常大,表示型别或方法尝试执行的工作可能过多,而应该分割工作。 technet.microsoft.com 2. This kind of cooperation was not a real one, but took the cooperation as a meant which eventually resulted in split, struggle even war. 这样的团结不是真正的团结,这种狭隘意义上的团结实际上是把团结作为一种手段,最终带来的是分裂、斗争,甚至战争。 www.360doc.com 3. This split in responsibilities across the reference architecture was the root cause of the observed antipattern. 这种跨参考架构的职责分配是导致反模式的根本原因。 www.ibm.com 4. My first clinical illustration at the beginning of this review may not seem relevant to the topic of vertical split. 在这篇评论开始时,我的首次临床说明,跟垂直分裂的主题可能似乎不相关。 www.easemind.com 5. Your face would be sharp enough to split the boards for your own coffin. 你的脸就会尖到可以劈木板给你自己做棺材。 www.kuenglish.info 6. Eyes that are silently looking at city the United States by the screwdriver, four eyes hand over to answer and split a spark of iciness. 由起子默默地看着京美的眼睛,四目交接,迸裂出冰冷的火花。 blog.zol.com.cn 7. In addition, try not to put a text to be split into two books please! --up business card printing and membership card. 此外,尽量不要把一个文字拆分到两个书帖上去制卡和会员卡制作。 www.bing.com 8. With a WIP of 8 split evenly between the two parts of the Todo lane, we could ensure that 50% of our work was actually intangible ones. 我们把8个并行任务限制值平均的分配到两个泳道上,这样我们就能保证有一半的人手在做“暂不明确”的故事。 www.infoq.com 9. "I don't think it was a split about immigration, but immigration shaped the split, " he said. “我认为这不是由于移民问题而引起的分裂,不过,移民问题对这次分裂具有重大影响,”他说。 dongxi.net 10. A mother might have to decide whether to keep her baby alive or split her money to feed all her children. 一位母亲可能不得不做出选择,是让她的一个孩子存活还是分掉她的钱来喂养所有孩子。 www.bing.com 1. COP is slated to complete its split in the first quarter of next year, giving the company's shares some time to turn to the upside. 好在康菲的拆分预计要到明年第一季度才能完成,埃克森美孚仍然有时间实现股价的上扬。 www.fortunechina.com 2. His bike, predictably named the Grout Portable, had a frame that split into two and a larger wheel that could be separated into four pieces. 他的自行车,不出所料地命名为格鲁特便携式自行车。他的车架一分为二,大车轮可以拆成四块。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. My little boy simply refused to believe it. "Don't be silly, Mummy and Daddy will never split up, " was all he would say. 我的小儿子干脆拒绝相信,”别傻了,爸爸妈妈绝不会分手的“,这就是他所说的。 www.bing.com 4. The side platens are split so that they follow the contour of the front roll when changing the Nip-Gap. 挡板被分割成两半,这样在改变间隙时可以包覆着辊面而相应运动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. He proposed that the two continents might have been one, then split apart. 他提出,这两个大陆曾经可能是一整块,然后分开了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The team also has preliminary data onasecond DNAregion that shows an equally ancient split, where one group seems to be exclusively Asian. 而且,研究团队手中关于第二段DNA的初步资料,也有同样古老的分歧点,其中一个群体似乎也只来自亚洲。 www.bing.com 7. The Center will be supported by public and private funding of at least $150 million over five years, split evenly between the two countries. 未来5年内,这个研究中心将得到至少1.5亿美元的政府和民间资金,资金由两国平均分摊。 www.america.gov 8. The joint chiefs of staff were warned by their chairman, Maxwell Taylor, that Lyndon Johnson did not like "split advice" . 美国参谋长联席会议主席马克斯维尔?泰勒(MaxwellTaylor)警告会议成员,林登?约翰逊(LyndonJohnson)总统不喜欢“意见不统一”。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The guests were taking their seats on chairs that made an arc around the gazebo; it was split down the middle for the walkway. 客人们环凉亭坐在椅子上,形成一个弧型,中间留出一条甬道。 www.bing.com 10. When a condensate is split into two, the pieces start out with the same wavelength and phase. 当一团凝聚体一分为二时,两团的初始波长与相位是一样的。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. How do we account for this split between the critics and the readers, the head and the heart? 评论家和读者之间,也就是理智和感情之间的这种分歧如何解释呢? www.eduzhai.net 2. There is a plan, described as being in its "embryonic" stage, to split the position of editor in chief from that of director general. 有一个正处于萌芽阶段的计划,即准备把总编的职位从总经理中分离出来。 www.hjenglish.com 3. By means of the split-step Fourier method, the propagation of solitons in a photonic crystal fiber (PCF) is numerically simulated. 利用快速分步傅里叶方法数值计算了孤子在光子晶体光纤中的传输。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Motorola said it would split its mobile-phone business from its networking division and that the two would trade as separate companies. 摩托罗拉称其将分割移动电话部和网络部,两部门将以独立公司身份从事交易。 www.ecocn.org 5. Split is a psychiatric disease, mental disorders, is a sustained, major mental illness is usually chronic. 分裂精神障碍是一种精神科疾病,是一种持续、通常慢性的重大精神疾病。 www.106jsw.com 6. Scarlett Johansson's twin brother helped her get over her split from her husband Ryan Reynolds. 斯嘉丽约翰逊的孪生弟弟帮助她从和丈夫瑞恩雷诺兹的离婚阴影中走了出来。 tieba.baidu.com 7. Then the group split up. Three, wearing civilian clothes and pretending to be workers, raided the guard tower to steal weapons and a truck. 然后他们分头行动,其中三个人穿上便服扮成工人,袭击了瞭望塔,夺取了武器和一辆卡车。 www.bing.com 8. Central Systems, also known as split systems, are usually found on boats up to 80fg in length. 中央系统,也叫做分离系统,通常在长达80尺的船上可以看到。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Into the cedar, you will see a very rough surface of the trunk. Like the drought of the land split. 走进雪松,你会看见主干的表面很粗糙。像干旱时裂开的土地。 enwaimao.cn 10. 3 - The exercise was not SPLIT into small enough pieces for the dog to understand what you wanted (you lumped the exercise). 练习没有拆分到足够小,以便狗儿理解你期待的。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Packages of routes. In order to let smaller bus operators participate, the tender is usually split up into smaller packages . 路线包装。为了让小型公交经营者参与,投标者通常被分开为小型包装。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. When a particle size achieve nanometer level, near the Fermi energy by continuous state of electronic level set level split composition. 当粒子的尺寸达到纳米量级时,费米能级附近的电子能级由连续态分裂成分立能级。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. by and by i got the old split - bottom chair and club up as easy as i could , not to make any noise , and got down the gun. 隔了一会儿,我拖出了那张用柳条编底的旧椅子,尽量轻手轻脚爬上去,不发出声音,终于把手枪取到了手。 www.ichacha.net 4. Catostylus species jellyfish seems frozen in place in this split -level view off the coast of South Africa. 在南非沿海岸,从不同高度平面的角度看去,这只彩色种类的水母仿佛被冻住了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The name was coined when Jiangnan ( "south of the Yangtze" ) Circuit was split into western and eastern halves during the Tang Dynasty. 这个名字被创造出来时,江南(“江南”)电路分为西部和东部的半在唐代。 q.sohu.com 6. Parental love is not like bread that can be broken to pieces and split amongst the children in equal shares. 父母的爱其他的孩子是像面包是可以被打碎和分裂之间不在同等份额的儿童。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Gustavus Bass, chief financial officer of Starbury, had a different account of the split. Starbury首席财务长巴斯(GustavusBass)对双方的分歧有着不同的说法。 chinese.wsj.com 8. When he knew that I fell into the urinal due to carelessness, he split his side with laughter. 当他知道我由于不小心而掉入了粪池,他笑破了肚皮。 space.englishcn.com 9. A split mirror is an identical, independent, and instantaneous copy of a disk volume that can be attached to a different system. 分割镜像(splitmirror)是具有同一性、独立性、瞬时性的磁盘卷拷贝,分割镜像可以被附加在其他系统上。 www.ibm.com 10. Voters will have time to see that "the sky doesn't fall and the world doesn't split open" . 选民们有足够的时间来认识到“天塌不下来,地球也不会裂开”。 bbs.englishto.com 1. This has been a rumor for sometime but E! could confirm the news, adding that the culprit in the split is Chuck. 虽然只是个坊间流言,但娱乐在线却证实了这一消息,并补充说Chuck是造成分手的元凶。 www.hjenglish.com 2. A ram blowout preventer (BOP) consists of two halves of a cover for the well that are split down the middle. 闸板式防喷器包括沿中间分开的两个半盖。 www.infopetro.com.cn 3. They split it between them; some of the towns came under the sole control of Bern, Zurich or Lucerne while the rest became common lordships. 阿尔高由瑞士联盟各地区分管:有些乡镇由伯尔尼、苏黎世、卢塞恩分别单独管理;有些地区成为共同的管辖区。 www.swissworld.org 4. Stress that spending a bit of time and money up front on a good split test could result in much higher conversion rates in the future. 要强调花一点时间和金钱做一个良好的分离测试会给未来网站带来更高的成交率。 www.bing.com 5. This difference determines if the North-South split in two countries, cooperation is the only choice of mutual interest. 这种差异决定了即使北南分离成两个国家,合作才是唯一符合双方利益的选择。 www.englishtang.com 6. They split the cost of the party between them. 他们分摊了聚会所花的钱。 www.qz5z.com 7. The photons then travel down optical fibers to a beam splitter, a device typically used to split a light beam in two. 随后光子顺著光纤走,到达分束镜(通常用来将光束一分为二)。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 8. Had he not split the conservative vote, they say, the result might have been altogether different. 假如没有他将保守派的选票一分为二,顾问们说,结果也许大不相同。 www.ecocn.org 9. After resting on the ocean floor, split asunder and rusting for about three quarters of a century, a great ship seemed to come alive again. 大船的残骸在海底沉寂销蚀了将近四分之三个世纪后,大船又活生生地展现在我们的面前。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. In a few years, Dr Belcher speculates, it may be possible to build a prototype machine to split water efficiently using sunlight. 贝尔彻博士推测,几年后可能会建造一台原型机利用阳光有效地分解水。 www.docin.com 1. When the bow filled with enough water, Long says, the ship split in two and sank in a matter of minutes. Long说当船头进满水之后,船体一分为二并很快沉入海中。 www.bing.com 2. It wasn't long ago that scientists first began to split the atom, releasing nuclear energy in a process called fission. 不久前科学家第一次开始分割原子,释放原子能,这个过程叫裂变。 www.oxvard.com 3. Let me repeat that I have split up mechanically the three separate planes on which we listen merely for the sake of greater clarity. 让我重复一遍,我把我们听时的三个层次机械地分开仅仅是为了更清楚起见。 www.zftrans.com 4. The crowd, split evenly between whites and Latinos, gave Mrs Clinton the kind of ecstatic reception normally reserved for Obama events. 白人和拉丁裔均衡区分的现场的人群,给与克林顿夫人一种近乎欣喜若狂的接纳,平时只在奥巴马的集会中才发生。 www.ecocn.org 5. Couples who split seem to recognize their marriage isn't working long before they get to a landmark anniversary. 分开的夫妻似乎在远未达到具有里程碑意义的周年庆之前就认识到婚姻过不下去了。 www.bing.com 6. Maybe you used to go dancing with your ex but gave it up when you split. 也许你常和你的前任携手共舞,但关系破裂后就放弃了这个爱好。 www.bing.com 7. Neither figure is overwhelming, but the Democrat would be happy if he could hope to split the foreign-policy vote with Mr McCain. 两个数字都不是压倒性的多数,但是如果他能够与麦凯恩先生平分外交政策选票,民主党将会很高兴。 www.ecocn.org 8. Obviously you know Barbara and I split up. 你大概也知道我跟芭芭拉分手了… www.bing.com 9. Users must use the storage vendor's facilities to access the split mirror; it should not be accessed in any other way. 用户必须使用存储供应商的实用程序来访问分割镜像,任何其他方式的访问应该都是行不通的。 www.ibm.com 10. IP packets that are too large can be split into multiple packets, and each part is called a fragment. IP数据包太大的话就会被分割成多个小数据包,每一个被分割的部分称作片段。 bbs.kafan.cn 1. R410A energy saving commercial split air conditioning control system has been used in many regions. R410A节能商用分体空调控制系统已经在很多地区实际运行。 www.fabiao.net 2. For a split second I thought I should let them know why I had to come here, so that they would let me subsist here. 有一瞬间我想也许我应该让他们知道我为什么必须来这里,没准他们会愿意让我在这儿待下去。 www.ebigear.com 3. At this time the composition of the southern state of South 7 confederation government, attempting to split the United States. 这时南部7州组成南方邦联政府,企图分裂美国。 www.xkyn.com 4. Nuclear experts say that radiation from the core of a reactor can split water molecules in two, releasing hydrogen. 原子能专家说,核反应堆堆芯的放射线能够把水分子一分为二从而产生氢气。 www.bing.com 5. "Companies are split on the question of Facebook, " says Graham Cluley, the firm's senior technology consultant. Ascentive公司的高级技术顾问GrahamCluley说,“公司在这Facebook引起的问题上有分歧。” www.bing.com 6. A split-cluster scenario occurs when all network communication links between two or more cluster nodes fail. 当两个或更多个群集节点之间的所有网络通信链路失败时,将发生拆分群集情形。 technet.microsoft.com 7. Agents split the unnecessary coupling of identity (a name for something you refer to) and the current value referred to by that identity. Agents分离不必要的身份(所指内容的名称)耦合和该身份引用的当前值。 www.ibm.com 8. A "Split" node indicates the beginning of parallel routes, and a "Join" node waits for completion of all routes. “分离(split)”节点表示平行传送的开始,“连接(join)”节点等待所有路线的完成。 www.ibm.com 9. Voters, moreover, remain genuinely split on the central question of the race. 另外,选民们十分关心竞选中的核心问题。 www.ecocn.org 10. Halfway there, they split up, going their separate ways. Will they both be able to make it to their destination? 兄弟俩后来在半路分道扬镳,他们都能顺利到达山的那一头吗?。 www.appannie.com 1. Beset by scandal, battered in a regional poll and split in an important state, Congress's leaders are out of sorts. 丑闻不断、地方选举失势、甚至丢掉了一个重要的邦,国会的领导人们已经无心言笑。 www.ecocn.org 2. You may want to use the system tree by opening the system tree with Window|Split and selecting the surface. 您可以想要通过打开系统树使用系统树与窗口|分裂和选择表面。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Why split hairs? A round or two, is nothing to worry about. 干嘛那么斤斤计较呢?一两局的事,没什么可担忧的。 mymti.blogbus.com 4. The true theory in elephant in form looks is to communicated the heart thing relate to, the solid split into pieces two. 表象实在论看起来是沟通了心物关系,实则割裂了二者。 www.edu-hb.com 5. When a page is split during bulk load, the new rows added to the page do not have to be fully logged. 在大容量加载过程中拆分页面时,不必完全记录添加到该页面的新行。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Soros said the proposal would lead big banks to split up and spin off investment arms. 索罗斯说,这项计划将导致大银行分裂,分拆掉投资业务。 c.wsj.com 7. Now French and Belgian officials are discussing how to split the bank up and create a so called "bad bank" that would hold its worst assets. 现在,法国和比利时官员正在讨论如何分拆该银行,并建立一个所谓的“坏账银行”来持有其最差的资产。 www.hxen.com 8. The armies were split up, there was no unity, no supreme command: Barclay was unpopular. 军队被打散后,既没有统一的指挥,巴克莱又孚众望。 www.okread.net 9. His publicist Karon Maskill says of the pair, who lived together in Hampstead, North London: 'It was an amicable split. ' 说起曾经住在伦敦北部汉普斯特德的这一对,本尼迪特的发言人凯伦说:“他们是和平分手的。” www.bing.com 10. Leo recently split with girlfriend of under a year, supermodel Erin Heatherton. 小李刚刚和交往近一年的超模女友艾丽·希斯顿分手。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. MAC also disseminated a politically neutral "cover story" that Jia's decision to split from his tour group had been caused by depression. 陆委会也散发了政治中立的声明,并声称贾甲是因为忧郁症才脱离旅行团。 billypan.com 2. The split reflected diverging views over the U. S. dollar's fate in the long term. 这种分歧反应了对于美元长远未来的观点分化。 chinese.wsj.com 3. But a three-way split would be easy enough to implement given the will. 但是,只要有意志,三分法还是相当容易实施的。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Your hair seems quite dry, you know. And I see some split ends. 你的头发看起来蛮干的,还有分叉。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. After you split a test recording into smaller test modules, you need a mechanism for sharing data between them. 在您将一个测试记录分割为小型的测试模块之后,您需要一个在这些模块之间共享数据的机理。 www.ibm.com 6. But this cannot be a forced transition it will happen over time, with assets split on both sides of the fence for quite some time. 但是,时有发生的那种强制的转型,将资产拆分在两端并保持很长一段时间的做法,这是不可取的。 www.infoq.com 7. Nuevo Leon has seen a surge in drug violence since the Zetas gang split with its former employer, the Gulf cartel. 新莱昂自从泽塔斯帮派和它原先的雇主海湾卡特尔分裂后,已出现了毒品暴力激增。 www.aitrans.net 8. "Any attempts to rock the situation with democratic slogans, to destabilise the state and split society will be stopped, " he said. “任何打着民主口号动摇局势,破坏国家稳定和社会团结的行为都要停止”,他说。 www.bing.com 9. In 2001 Winslet split from her first husband, and father of her daughter, Jim Threapleton, after three years together. 2001年,温丝莱特与她的第一任丈夫、女儿的生父吉姆?塞普雷顿分手,结束了三年的婚姻。 www.putclub.com 10. Each chunk will be the size defined by split criteria, except the last one, which might be smaller. 每个数据块都将等于拆分条件定义的大小,但最后一个数据块可能会小一些。 www.ibm.com |
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