单词 | sterilize |
释义 |
第三人称单数:sterilizes 现在分词:sterilizing 过去式:sterilized 例句释义: 消毒,灭菌,使绝育,杀菌,把…消毒,封存 1. It is often necessary to remove the fishes from the tank and sterilize everything. 它常常是必要的,以消除鱼从池和消毒,一切。 bbs.pleco.cn 2. They have been used to sterilize things since the 19th century, but steaming municipal waste in them is a new idea. 从19世纪起人们就用压力锅灭菌,但把生活垃圾装到压力锅里去蒸却是个全新的概念。 www.ecocn.org 3. This is a seven inch hat pin. it's very very sharp. And I'm going to just sterilize it a tiny bit. 这是七寸长的帽针,非常非常尖锐,我只是稍微消毒一下; www.myoops.org 4. And I'm going to just sterilize it a tiny bit. 我将把它消一下毒。 www.ted.com 5. Cat advocacy groups believe they've found a simple solution: Trap ferals, sterilize them, then release them. 猫咪拥护者们认为,它们找到了一个简单的解决方法:抓捕野猫,使之绝育,然后释放。 dongxi.net 6. When he donates blood, there's so much alcohol in it. The Red Cross uses it to sterilize the instruments. 他去献血,可里面酒精浓度过高,红十字会拿来作医疗器械消毒。 www.haiguinet.com 7. Not taking any chances, the president of the United States orders a contingency plan-to sterilize Raccoon City. 不冒任何危险,美国总统下达了紧急以外的命令——将莱肯市夷为平地。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Sterilize Alcohol may be a medical disinfectant, but should not be relied upon to sterilize water. 酒精可能是医学上的消毒剂,但决不可用来消毒饮用水。 www.xycai.com 9. During the last decade, they have come into use to sterilize some medical instruments. 在过去的十年间,等离子体已经被用来为一些医疗器具消毒了,但被用在人体上则是另外一回事。 select.yeeyan.org 10. To prevent Tana from suffering any medical complications, the doctors decided to surgically sterilize Tana, removing her genitals. 为了防止Tana患上并发症,医生决定切除她的生殖器,给她做绝育手术。 www.bing.com 1. Therefore, the product becomes city surface in the nowadays sterilize one of strenuously the strongest antibiotic. 因此,本品成为现今市面上杀菌力最强的抗生素之一。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The goal of surgical prophylaxis is to decrease the bacterial burden at the surgical site, not to sterilize the patient. 手术后预防的目标是减少手术部位的细菌的负担,而不是对病人进行消毒。 www.oaopdoc.com 3. China's ability to sterilize capital inflows is increasingly limited and harmful to its banking sector. 中国干预资本流入的能力也日益受到限制,银行业将因此受到危害。 www.america.gov 4. Unfortunately, this terminator gene can crossbreed with non GMO soybeans and other plants to sterilize these plants, as well. 不幸的是,这一终结者基因能够与非转基因大豆和其他非转基因植物跨种繁殖。 www.sciencetimes.com.cn 5. I'll sterilize the means of transportation and the means of loading and unloading in warehouse. 我要对货物,运输工具及装卸器具进行消毒处理。 wenku.baidu.com 6. The processing solved the problems including protein deposition, beverage layered, sterilize and vitamin preserving. 在工艺上主要解决了酸性乳饮料因蛋白质含量高而出现沉淀和分层、杀菌及维生素保存的问题。 www.chemyq.com 7. With special disposition, continuously inhabit germ breeding, sterilize through high temperature. 经特别处理,能有效持续抑制细菌,可高温消毒。 www.1x1y.com.cn 8. UV radiation is also used to treat jaundice in newborns, to sterilize equipment, and to produce artificial light. 紫外辐射也用于治疗新生儿的黄疸病,细菌设备和制造人造光。 www.tdict.com 9. There, my "papa" would allow me to fill syringes and sterilize instruments for him. 在那里,我的爷爷会让我为他填充注射器并且为一些器具消毒。 www.usastudy.com.cn 10. From there, Lodge said, special water-treatment tech could be used to sterilize the ballast water. 由此,洛奇说,可以使用特殊的水处理技术来对压舱水进行消毒。 www.bing.com 1. Methods Rhinoplasty patients per case were pre-carved silicone prosthesis and sterilize carved silica gel again then Surgery to patients. 方法每例隆鼻患者,均事先将硅胶假体雕刻好,将雕刻好的硅胶假体重新消毒,最后再给患者施术。 www2.chkd.cnki.net 2. The utility model relates to a processing device which uses microwave to dry and sterilize plates. 本实用新型涉及利用微波对板材进行干燥杀菌的处理设备。 ip.com 3. It has now become their final resting place as lime powder is spread on the ground to sterilize the location. 现在,随着石灰粉洒在地上来对这个场所进行消毒,这里成为它们最后的葬身之地。 www.hxen.com 4. Label product vials; retrieve samples from storage; sterilize laboratory supplies and reagents by using an autoclave or filtration device. 标签产品瓶,并且回收储存样本;另外,使用高压灭菌器或过滤装置为实验室耗材和试剂进行消毒。 hr.wtojob.com 5. The utility model can fast dry clothes and sterilize and add perfume for the clothes, and can be used extremely convenient. 本实用新型可快速烘干服饰并同时进行杀菌消毒和加香,使用非常方便。 ip.com 6. So have rumors among Muslims in northern Nigeria that the vaccination program was in fact a conspiracy to sterilize children. 在尼日利亚北方地区的穆斯林中还流传着这样的谣言,声称疫苗项目实际上是一场让孩子们丧失生育能力的阴谋。 www.ecocn.org 7. Sterilize things or places contaminated with discharges or droppings immediately. 被分泌物或排泄物污染的物品或地方应立即作适当消毒处理。 www.umac.mo 8. He pricks the blister on his heel with a sterilize needle. 他用一根消过毒的针扎破他脚后跟上的水泡。 dict.ebigear.com 9. Nothing is wrong with your service. I gotta sterilize my plate again. 你的服务没有问题,我得再消毒一遍我的盘子 www.hjenglish.com 10. Safely sterilize anything from toothbrushes to surgical instruments. 从安全到什么牙刷消毒手术器械。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. There is no seams inside so you can sterilize it very easily. But the magic is in this pouch of wax. 无缝设计,便于消毒。但神奇的地方就在这一包蜡里。 www.ted.com 2. This paper introduces a new technique of ozone on line oxidation to sterilize RO filtrated pure water for drinking. 本文介绍了一种盘管在线式臭氧接触氧化处理RO纯水工艺。 www.chemyq.com 3. Keep cookers and refrigerating appliances clean and sterilize them to ensure pollution-free food. 炊具、冷冻器具保持卫生,经常消毒,确保食品无污染。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 4. Don't worry. You'll only feel a small prick. Now, I'll just wipe it first to sterilize it. Okay, it's done. Did it hurt? 别怕。您只会觉得一点小小的刺痛。我现在给你消毒手指。好了,做完了,疼吗? yushunlan.blog.163.com 5. The present invention makes it possible to clean and sterilize the toilet bowl effectively and conveniently. 本发明的结构,使坐便器清洁消毒的方式比以往更加卫生、方便、高效。 ip.com 6. CONCLUSION Sterilization medical ultrasound couplants can sterilize obviously on the ultrasound probe and the skin. 结论杀菌型医用超声耦合剂对超声探头和受检皮肤具有明显的消毒杀菌作用。 www.bing.com 7. Before first use, wash all the parts in hot, soapy water. Then sterilize by putting cup in. 第一利用前,请将水杯和所有的配件拆开用洁净剂在温水中荡涤清洁;然后放在浮水中,或者是消毒锅。 www.ml28.com 8. Methods To use ethylene epoxide to sterilize infusion sets and syringes for single use. 方法对一次性使用输液器、一次性使用无菌注射器产品进行环氧乙烷灭菌。 www.chemyq.com 9. Now, open your hand please. I'm going to sterilize the skin with tincture of iodine. 现在请您松开拳吧!我要用碘酒给您的皮肤进行消毒。 www.bysy.edu.cn 10. It works by using ultraviolet light to sterilize the bacteria which cause the offensive odors in footwear. 这种装置原理是利用紫外线杀除导致鞋臭的菌类。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Letting the currency float would also end the central bank's need to 'sterilize' the inflow of dollars by issuing bonds in yuan. 让人民币自由浮动,还将使央行不再需要通过发行人民币债券“冲销”美元流入。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Wriggle pump filling system is convenient to clean , sterilize . 灌装系统为蠕动泵、清洁、消毒方便、生产稳定。 www.bing.com 3. Arrange a certain period of time for sun bath everyday, taking the ultraviolet ray to sterilize and kill viruses. 每天安排一定时间适当进行太阳浴,利用紫外线灭菌杀毒。 big5.xinhuanet.com 4. To the "sterilize the rich" suggestion, I think you are on the right track. 对于“为富人绝育”,我认为这个主意不错。 new.chinadialogue.net 5. The nurse helps to sterilize instruments for the doctors. 护士协助医生将器具消毒。 etlc.wtuc.edu.tw 6. HAD to sterilize all the instruments. 必须对所有的仪器进行消毒 dict.ebigear.com 7. They are going to sterilize our office this afternoon. 他们今天下午要替我们的办公室消毒。 www.ryedu.net 8. sterilize the needle, physician's finger and the insertion points. 针具、理疗师的手指和扎针部位需要消毒 wenwen.soso.com 9. The solution is blatantly obvious, isn't it - sterilize the rich. 解决办法很明显,不是应该给富人绝育吗? dialogue.iflove.com 10. Always wash and sterilize teether before first use. 第一次使用前必须清洗和消毒咬牙。 www.freemerce.com 1. Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections? 为什么他们要对致命的注射针消毒? bbs.24en.com 2. Following B-sonography localization, we will sterilize the skin. B超定位确定以后进行消毒, www.orienttumor.com 3. It is important to sterilize the medical devices for preventing the infection from blood. 为解决医源性血源感染,对医用设备器材进行灭菌是必要的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. We need to sterilize alot of people. . . There's too many people on this planet. . . Let's start with republicans hahaha. 我们需求对许多人停止节育…地球上有太多人了…让我们先从共和党员开端哈哈哈。 www.napna.com 5. Dry heat is used principally to sterilize glassware on other heatstable solid materials. 干热主要应用于灭菌玻璃器皿或其他耐热的固态材料。 6. Irradiation can also sterilize meat. 辐射还能对肉类进行消毒。 www.bing.com 7. He boiled his knife to sterilize it. 他把刀子放到水中煮进行消毒。 www.kekenet.com 8. so I can go sterilize my beak with hot coals? 我好去拿火炭给我的嘴巴消消毒 wenku.baidu.com 9. I'll just use this swab to sterilize it. 我来用酒精棉球给你消毒一下。 www.hxen.com 10. A: Now, I'll just use this swab to sterilize it, then give you the injection. 现在我要用酒精棉球给你擦一擦皮肤,然后再给你打针。 www.tingclass.com 1. How do you 'sterilize' intervention? 怎样为干预“消毒”? c.wsj.com 2. Do you agree to use food irradiation to sterilize food? 你赞成用食品辐射照射技术来消毒食物吗?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. With heating resource of electricity, it can dry and sterilize under 250? C for a long time. 以电能为热源,可长期在250?C温度下进行干燥或灭菌。 www.zyzhan.com 4. Easy to wash and sterilize all surface 表面易清洗消毒 wenku.baidu.com 5. PURPOSE of the THERMAL PROCESS ? Sterilize the Product(primary) ? Cook the Product (secondary) 热杀菌目的?产品灭菌(主要的)?烹饪食品(次要的) wenku.baidu.com 6. Sterilize technology of plasma and its clinical application 等离子体灭菌技术及其临床应用 service.ilib.cn 7. Observation on the clinical effect of hand washing and sterilize by acidized electric potential water in surgical department 酸化电位水用于外科洗手消毒的临床效果观察 www.ilib.cn 8. Various parameter and function of Dyadic microwave of tunnel sterilize equipment 隧道式系列微波杀菌设备各项参数及性能 www.nyqfoodtech.com 9. Technology of Producing the Nectar Contains Hawk Slurry and Carrot Slurry and Using Microwave to Sterilize It 山楂、胡萝卜浆饮料的生产及微波杀菌技术 www.ilib.cn 10. Analysis of the Tableware Sterilize Status of Haizhu District in Guangzhou City 广州市海珠区饮食业餐饮具消毒卫生调查分析 www.ilib.cn 1. Steadily Raising Interest Rate Level to Sterilize Excessive Liquidity 逐步提高利率水平抑制流动性过剩 www.ilib.cn 2. Evaporating Boiled Chinese Herbs to Sterilize Respiratory Ward 中药煮沸熏蒸消毒呼吸科病室空气效果观察 www.ilib.cn 3. Development of the Automatic Computer-control Machine to Sterilize and Smash the Used Injectors 微机控制一次性注射器自动消毒粉碎机的研制 www.ilib.cn 4. The exploration of sterilize effect on operative-bed and positional mat by different methods 对手术床垫、体位垫消毒方法效果的探讨 www.ilib.cn 5. Refit and application of ultraviolet sterilize carrier 紫外线消毒车的改制及应用 www.ilib.cn 6. oxidizing water; sterilize; tofu quality; 酸性电解水;杀菌;豆腐品质; dictsearch.appspot.com 7. study on the optimum condition of high pressure steam to sterilize spf chicken feed 鸡饲料高压蒸汽灭菌条件研究 www.ichacha.net 8. A Comparative Study on Peracidin and Formaldehyde to Sterilize the Pipeline of Hemodialysis 伦拿灵、甲醛消毒血液透析管路的对比研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Sterilize and Disinfect Equipment In Hospital 医院消毒灭菌设备概论 www.ilib.cn 10. Sterilize effect of peroxyacetic acid fumigation on surgical materials 过氧乙酸熏蒸手术物品的消毒效果的研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Observation on Effect of Using Peracepic Acid or Formaldehyde to Sterilize Dialyzer 过氧乙酸与甲醛在透析器复用中的效果观察 www.ilib.cn 2. Sterilize effect of laminar flow complex in operating room 手术室空气复合消毒效果观察 www.ilib.cn 3. A Comparative Study on Peracetic Acid and Peracidin to Sterilize the Reusable Hemodialysis Machine 过氧乙酸与伦拿灵用于可复用透析器消毒效果比较 www.ilib.cn |
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