单词 | single market |
释义 |
例句释义: 单一市场,统一市场,单场,同一市场 1. It would be a tragedy if the attempt to save the euro were to put the single market at risk. Germany would not want that either. 拯救欧元的努力使得单一市场体系处于危险那真是悲剧,德国当然也不会想要这样的结果。 www.ecocn.org 2. The euro makes it easy to compare prices across 16 countries, and the single market allows goods to move freely within the European Union. 欧元的使用方便了人们在欧盟16国里轻松地比较商品价格,单一的市场为商品在欧盟区自由流动提供了便利。 www.ecocn.org 3. The UK, while sceptical about certain aspects of the European project, has always been a staunch supporter of the single market. 英国虽然对欧洲事务的某些方面持怀疑态度,但一直都是单一市场的坚定支持者。 www.ftchinese.com 4. And Greece's membership of Europe's single market makes it a more attractive proposition for foreign investors. 而且希腊作为欧洲单一市场的成员,对于投资者也更有吸引力的选择。这些对希腊来说都是令其鼓舞的。 www.ecocn.org 5. Its writ can trump that of national governments when the single market is thought to be at risk. 当欧盟这一统一市场被认为有危险之时,委员会的权力能胜过国家政府。 www.ecocn.org 6. Such a protectionist measure would "run contrary to the single market and harm British interests" , the business secretary said. 曼德尔森指出,这种保护主义的措施将会“有悖于单一市场的原则,并且会损害英国的利益”。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Europe is now its largest single market, so it badly needs to sustain exports at a time when European demand is weak. 欧洲现在是中国最大的单一市场,所以中国迫切需要在欧洲需求疲弱之际维持对欧洲的出口。 cn.wsj.com 8. Some German policymakers, previously sceptical of EMU, fretted that any repeat of the crisis would be a threat to the single market. 一些先前对经济与货币联盟持怀疑态度的德国政策制定者则发愁,如果此次危机重复上演,将会对单一市场构成威胁。 www.ecocn.org 9. A single market can go ahead without a monetary union, but a monetary union without a single market would be risky. 单一市场没有货币联盟可以照行不误,但货币联盟要是没有单一市场就会步入险境。 finance.sina.com.cn 10. In the ensuing chaos and recrimination, the survival of the EU and its single market would be in jeopardy. 接踵而至的混乱以及揭丑使欧盟和它单一市场的生存陷入困境。 www.ecocn.org 1. The author is president of Bocconi University and was a European commissioner for single market, tax policy and competition. 本文作者是博科尼大学(BocconiUniversity)校长,曾任欧盟负责单一市场、税收政策和竞争事务最高专员 www.ftchinese.com 2. If the euro zone were to break up it would put huge pressure on the single market. 如果欧元区四分五裂,那么单个市场将承受巨大的压力。 www.ecocn.org 3. Digital firms should be able to benefit from the single market just as mobile-phone companies such as Nokia and Vodafone have. 数字公司应当能够像手机公司一样(如诺基亚和沃达丰)从单一市场中获益。 www.kle100.cn 4. European policymakers would be hellbent to conserve the single market rather than immolate it in the bonfire of the euros. 欧洲的政策制定者们可能力图维持单一市场而不是把它牺牲给火烧眉毛的欧元。 xiaozu.renren.com 5. Today that dream has not vanished altogether, but the single market is under threat once more. 今天,这一梦想尚未完全消失,但统一市场却再一次处于威胁之中。 www.bing.com 6. Even so, the single market is clearly not living up to its name. 即使这样,也可以很明显地看出,单一市场并没有名副其实。 www.ecocn.org 7. Without liberal economies like Britain to resist protectionism, the single market might be endangered. 在没有自由经济的国家像英国去抵制保护主义,会将单一市场至于危险境地。 www.ecocn.org 8. Continuing to enhance co-operation between national authorities within the single market is necessary but has proved not to be sufficient. 继续加强单一市场内部各国当局的合作是必要之举,但事实证明这是不够的。 www.ftchinese.com 9. And the consequences would be scarily unpredictable: Europe's single market, and even the European Union itself, might be at risk. 以及以后引起的一系列后果将是不可预计的:欧洲的单一市场,甚至是欧盟自身,都会处于危险之中。 www.ecocn.org 10. The European Commission and its single-market directives provide plenty of political cover for Italy to push towards greater liberalisation. 欧盟委员会及其单一市场指令为意大利提供了足够的政治保障以推进更深入的自由主义。 www.ecocn.org 1. Because if you fail to do so in this single market there will likely be an issue the next time you raise another fund. 因为,如果你在这个单一市场上没做到这一点,下次要发起另一只基金就会出问题。 www.ftchinese.com 2. If competitiveness is the aim, why not push for a more ambitious deepening of Europe's single market, particularly in services? 如果该法案旨在加强竞争力,为什么不提出一项更具野心的计划以深化欧洲的单一市场体制,特别是在服务业方面。 www.ecocn.org 3. At a European level, there is concern over what all this means for countries' commitment to the single market. 在欧洲层面上,人们担忧所有这些对各国对于建立单一市场的承诺意味着什么。 www.ftchinese.com 4. In Brussels Mr Cameron tells the EU to beware of breaking up the single market, and stoutly defends free-trade rules that apply to all. 在布鲁塞尔,卡梅伦提醒欧盟当心单一市场的崩溃,并坚决拥护所有成员国都要遵守的自由贸易规则。 xiaozu.renren.com 5. More frequent border checks would merely be an inconvenience, slightly gritting up the single market. 更频繁的边境检查只会造成不便,轻微的影响单一市场。 www.ecocn.org 6. He may have briefly basked in his backbenchers' praise, but if his aim was to protect the City and the single market, he has failed. 他可能暂时为后座议员的赞扬沾沾自喜,但如果他的目标是保卫金融城和共同市场的话,他已经失败了。 www.bing.com 7. The problem is particularly acute in Europe, where the single market's rules allow banks to do business freely across borders. 这个问题在欧洲尤其突出,这里的单一市则规定允许银行自由地进行跨国经营。 www.ecocn.org 8. The summit concluded with common affirmation that the EU's single market was part of the solution to the economic crisis sweeping Europe. 首脑会议结束时就此达成一致:应对这场席卷欧洲的经济危机的方案中,坚持欧盟单一市场原则是一部分。 www.bing.com 9. From the earliest days of the single market, EU leaders have attempted to square this circle by presenting the project as a grand bargain. 对于早期的统一市场,欧盟领导人尝试过通过大谈判的计划打破这个循环。 bbs.hbue.edu.cn 10. He could not allow a "treaty within a treaty" that would undermine the UK's position in Europe's single market. 他说他不允许达成危及英国在欧洲共同市场地位的“约中之约”。 www.bing.com 1. Economists reckon that the single market has increased growth, albeit by less than promised. 经济学家们猜测,单一市场已经提高了经济增长,尽管比承诺的幅度要小。 www.ecocn.org 2. A few things. First, companies can no longer view China as a single market. 首先,公司不能再把中国视为一个单一的市场。 www.bing.com 3. Another problem is that the single market is far from complete, so that competition does not even out price differences across the EU. 另一个问题是共同市场还远远没有完全形成,欧盟各国间的竞争依然存在,价格差异还未消除。 www.ecocn.org 4. The survival of the European single market and of the EU itself would then be under threat. 这样一来,欧洲共同市场,乃至欧盟本身的生命力,都将处在威胁之下。 www.bing.com 5. And a more flawed single market will damage the UK's relationship with the EU. 如果单一市场的缺陷加剧,会损害英国与欧盟之间的关系。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Especially with the establishment of the European single market, the EU has greatly increased its overall competitiveness. 特别是随着欧洲统一市场的建立,欧盟综合竞争力大大加强。 www.03964.com 7. It shows how important the information society is to the European Community, and how it fits into the single market framework. 它表明信息社会对欧盟是多么重要,以及它是如何融入单一市场框架。它旨在寻找信息社会的发展产生的突出的问题。 information.casip.ac.cn 8. This does not derive from the logic of a single market, but from a need to preserve macroprudential stability. 这并非从单一市场的逻辑衍生而来,而是来自于保证宏观审慎的稳定性的需要。 www.ftchinese.com 9. "It would be dangerous" to emerge from the crisis having damaged Europe's single market. 他说,以损害欧洲单一市场的方式摆脱危机“将是危险的”。 www.ftchinese.com 10. At home, though, barely a voice was raised to recall that the freedom for companies to do this is enshrined in Europe's single-market laws. 然而,在本国,却少有声音指出这些公司有这样做的自由,因为他们铭记了欧洲的单一市场法则。 www.bing.com 1. "There's not a single market where you cannot get a good Labor Day deal now, except maybe the Hamptons, " Messing said. 现在,可能除了在汉普顿之外。你在任何一个市场你都能得到劳动节的优惠价格,。 www.bing.com 2. As Kroes has repeatedly stated, the only current European single market for digital music and film is based on unlawful file-sharing. 由于克罗斯曾多次表示,目前唯一的欧洲数字音乐和电影的单一市场的基础是非法的文件共享。 www.dob2c.com 3. The creation of the single market involved a huge expansion of European law and therefore deep erosions of national sovereignty. 单一市场的创建涉及到欧洲法律的大范围扩展,由此极大侵蚀了各国的主权。 www.ftchinese.com 4. This advice will chafe most in the European Union, where standard rules are the basis of the single market. 这对欧共体影响最大,因为他们标准规则建立的基础就是单一市场。 club.topsage.com 5. The collapse of the single market, which has done more than anything else to knit Europe together, would threaten the EU itself. 联合欧洲最大的贡献者-单一市场-的崩溃,会威胁到欧盟本身。 www.24en.com 6. In 2005 America became the company's largest single market, overtaking Germany. 2005年,美国更是取代德国成为该公司最大单一市场。 www.ecocn.org 7. Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) was supposed to banish the competitive devaluations that threatened the single market in the early 1990s. 在二十世纪九十年代,期望着经济与货币联盟(EMU)驱除威胁单一市场的竞争性贬值。 www.ecocn.org 8. Any country's departure from the euro would fuel eurosceptic sentiment, encouraging governments to disregard single market rules. 任何国家脱离欧元区都会助长欧洲怀疑论情绪,鼓动成员国政府无视单一市场规则。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Inspired by the European model, the ASEAN region wants economic integration and a single market by 2015. 受到欧洲模式的启发,东盟地区希望进行经济整合并且到2015年成为一个单一市场。 www.scidev.net 10. A rider to the act sketched out an ambition to complement the single market with a single currency. 该法案的附文草拟了成立一个单一货币来补充单一市场的目标。 www.ecocn.org 1. We all share the single market, but otherwise coexist in a framework of flexible and variable geometry. 我们拥有一个共同的单一市场,可是在其他方面,却在一个灵活多变的地理框架里并存。 www.ftchinese.com 2. This means, above all, safeguarding the single market and its competition rules. 这意味着,首先,捍卫统一市场和竞争规则。 www.ecocn.org 3. It also makes it vital for national governments to support, not undermine, Europe's single-market rules and competition policies. 这也使得,对各国政府来说,支持而不是破坏欧洲单一市场规范和竞争政策尤为至关重要。 www.ecocn.org 4. But the alternative may be the collapse of not just the single currency but the single market and the whole European project. 但是,其它方案也许不但引起单一货币,而且会引起单一市场及整个欧洲项目的垮台。 www.bing.com 5. Suppose the representative agricultural exporter makes business on a single market--the foreign market. 假设代表性农产品出口企业只有一个单一市场—外国。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 6. Along with this comes a second task: to preserve the single market, by far the EU's greatest achievement of recent years. 第二项工作与此相关:维护好单一市场这个欧盟近年来取得的最大成就。 www.ecocn.org 7. Had it not resisted protectionist measures in the crisis, say officials, the single market would have collapsed. 委员会官员们认为,假使委员会在经济危机时期,没有对各国的保护主义措施强加抵制的话,欧洲共同市场早就土崩瓦解了。 www.ecocn.org 8. The European Union's supposed single market, which the commission polices, is fractured over the issue. 欧洲委员会管理下的欧盟统一市场也因这个问题而出现裂痕。 www.ecocn.org 9. But the truth is that the EU's eastward enlargement brought globalisation inside the borders of the single market. 然而,欧盟在东进扩大版图的时候实际上已经在单一市场内部实施了全球化。 www.ecocn.org 10. Indeed there are other signs that member states have fallen out of love with the single market concept. 的确有其它迹象表明,欧盟成员国已对单一市场理念失去了兴趣。 www.ftchinese.com 1. By 2008, 70% of its goods were sold abroad, with the U. S. its largest single market. 而到了2008年前,就已有70%的产品销往海外,其中美国是其最大的单一市场。 www.bing.com 2. Europe's greatest achievement is supposed to be its single market. 欧洲最大的成就据说是它的单一市场。 www.bing.com 3. The single market is already under attack from several governments, as is the notion of admitting Turkey to the club. 由于欧盟考虑接纳土耳其,已经使得这个统一市场面临多国政府的责难了。 www.ecocn.org 4. The euro's critics forget that the single market has never co-existed with freely floating exchange rates. 欧元区批评者忘记了一个事实:即单一市场与自由浮动汇率水火不相容。 www.ftchinese.com 5. When the single market was built in the late 1980s, the EU already had an exchange-rate mechanism (ERM) limiting currency movements. 20世纪80年代后期欧洲单一市场建立之初,欧盟已有了一种限制汇率波动的汇率机制(ERM)。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The second school of thought thinks even low-cost membership of the single market is a bad deal. 另一派认为,即使获得统一市场成员资格的成本不高,这也不是一个划算的买卖。 www.ecocn.org 7. Europe's single market and currency set countries in competition with each other on the basis of their economies and institutions. 欧洲单一的市场和货币,使得欧洲国家是基于他们各自的经济和体系来竞争的。 www.ecocn.org 8. We could sustain the single market, underpinned by institutions that match the integration of financial firms. 有适应金融企业一体化的制度作支持,我们可以维持单一市场。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Shared interests, be it in terms of the single market or single currency, should hopefully prevail, and make the EDRM more realistic. 不论是从共同市场、还是从单一货币的角度来说,都理应以共同利益为重——这也更加突显了欧洲债务重组机制的现实意义。 www.ftchinese.com 10. To that extent, the liberal argument for the single market is won. 从这一层面说来,单一市场的自由观点站不住脚。 www.ecocn.org 1. The single market and the EU's competition and state-aid rules are under attack as national governments look for ways to protect jobs. 因欧盟成员国政府各行其政保护本国就业机会,单一市场与欧盟竞争及国家援助的规定受到了指责。 www.ecocn.org 2. In 2007 it gained a little urgency, as Asean member countries vowed to establish the region as a single market and production base by 2015. 在2007年,ACMF感觉到了危机,东盟成员国签约到2015年将该地区建立一个单一的市场和产品基地。 www.bing.com 3. Companies such as BP wanted to see the world as a single market, but in reality national interests still predominate. BP等公司希望将世界视为一个单一市场,但实际上,国家利益仍处于支配地位。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Such a zone would unite China's 1. 2bn people and south-east Asia's 500m citizens in a single market. 这一贸易区将把中国的12亿人口与东南亚地区的5亿人口团结在一个单一市场中。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Some fear that saving the euro could wreck the wider EU and its single market. 有人担心,为了拯救欧元可能会损失范围更大的欧盟及其统一市场。 www.ecocn.org 6. Europe's single-market project was, from the outset, a trade-off between liberal and statist forces. 欧洲单一市场计划从一开始就是自由主义和集权主义的权衡。 xiaozu.renren.com 7. But, thanks to the European single market, Renault continues to do so. 但是在欧洲统一市场下,雷诺一直在这么做。 www.ecocn.org 8. A report on strengthening the single market by Mario Monti, a former EU commissioner, was issued on May 10th. 前欧盟委员会委员,马里奥?蒙蒂,就加强单一市场所做的报告,已于5月10日发表。 www.ecocn.org 9. It moves the group closer to the goal of forming a single market and community similar to the European Union. 新宪章推动东盟进一步接近建立一个类似欧盟那样的单一市场的目标。 www.voanews.cn 10. The new club's 17 members could still force through big changes to the single market if they acted as a bloc. 新俱乐部的17个成员国如果作为一个集团采取行动,仍有可能强行促成单一市场的重大变革。 www.ftchinese.com 1. More Europe should not mean more Sarkozy and less single market. 更加欧洲化并不意味着更加萨科齐化或者欧洲不再是统一市场。 www.ecocn.org 2. Finally, there is a consensus that Europe's wobbling faith in the single market has come at a perilous moment. 最终,普遍的共识是欧盟成员对于统一市场原本就摇摆不定的信念处于岌岌可危的境地。 www.ecocn.org 3. A poll of 1, 000 British bosses found that 54% thought the cost of red tape outweighed the benefits of the single market. 一项针对1000名英国老板的民调显示,54%的人认为繁琐手续的花销超过了单一市场的获利。 www.ecocn.org 4. Mr. Bishop: China is the biggest single market for the Cayenne and the Panamera. 毕少普:中国是卡宴和Panamera的最大市场。 chinese.wsj.com 5. The first table contains the transaction ID identifying a single market basket along with the product IDs. 第一个表中包含用来标识单个市场购物篮的交易ID以及产品ID。 www.ibm.com 6. VW calls China its "second home market" . However, the country has become by far the group's largest single market. 大众将中国称作“第二本土市场”,但如今中国已成为该集团最大的市场。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The more the single market fragments, the more likely is Britain to disengage from the EU. 单一市场分裂得越严重,英国越有可能脱离欧盟的怀抱。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The 27-country single market could fragment as decision-making gravitates to an inner core. 在受到内核引力时,27个国家的统一市场可能化为碎片。 www.ecocn.org 9. All products (ITEMID) with the same TRANSID have been bought in a single market basket. 具有相同TRANSID的所有产品(ITEMID)均被放入一个市场购物篮内。 www.ibm.com 10. But the "single market" remains incomplete and faces new threats. 然而,“单一”市场仍不完整,并且面临着新威胁。 www.ftchinese.com 1. It is also a step towards the single market that ASEAN is supposed to turn into by 2015. 东盟期望2015年前变为单一市场,该方式也是迈向此目标的一步。 www.ecocn.org 2. The European single market brought big benefits. 欧洲的统一市场带来了巨大的好处。 www.ecocn.org 3. On October 27th Mr Barnier unveiled 50 proposals to relaunch the single market, including the promotion of internet commerce. 10月27日,巴尔尼埃宣布了重新启动单一市场的50项提案,其中包括促进互联网商务。 www.ecocn.org 4. It is these four freedoms which form the basis of the single market. 正是这四方面的流动自由奠定了单一市场的基础。 www.sinvoca.com 5. Today the crisis has given Europe's leaders the chance to create their own coalition for reform, focused again on the single market. 今天,危机已经让欧洲领导人们得到了机会,能借此实行改革,创建属于他们自己的联盟,再次聚焦于单一市场。 www.bing.com 6. EU spokesman Olivier Bailly says it's not yet clear whether the new tax laws break single market rules. 欧盟发言人贝利说,尚不清楚这项新的税法是否违反单一市场规则。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The single market is perhaps the EU's biggest achievement. 单一市场也许是欧盟最大的成就。 www.ecocn.org 8. Chinese sales are expected to surpass 300, 000 cars this year, cementing its place as Audi's largest single market. 今年全年,奥迪在中国的销量预计将突破30万辆,确立中国作为奥迪最大单一市场的地位。 www.ftchinese.com 9. We are approaching the 20th anniversary of the 1992 deadline for the "completion" of the EU single market. 我们将要到欧盟单一市场结束的20周年。 www.ecocn.org 10. The biggest danger is that the euro crisis will lead to a two-speed Europe that fractures the single market. 最严重的危险在于,欧元区危机将造就一个“双速欧洲”,撕裂欧洲单一市场。 www.ftchinese.com 1. France and Germany are hostile to the Commission, partly because it harries them for breaching single market rules. 法国和德国对欧盟委员会持有敌对态度,部分原因是他们一直因为违背单一市场规则而受到后者的烦扰。 www.ftchinese.com 2. By 2008, we are also relying on spun high count yarn of a single market. 2008年之前,我们也是靠纺单一的高支纱打市场。 blog.bandao.cn 3. Misallocating capital may threaten Europe's single market, because national voters expect state aid to go to the defence of domestic jobs. 资本的错误配置可能危及欧洲单一市场,因为各国选民希望援助用于保护本国就业。 www.ecocn.org 4. In addition, its businesses operate within a single market. 此外,欧洲企业在单一市场内运营。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Formally, all 27 member states would still vote on single market rules. 在形式上,单一市场规则问题仍需欧盟27个成员国投票决定。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The single market remains half-built. 统一市场的建设仍未完成。 www.ecocn.org 7. To hundreds of millions of single market. 至几亿台的市场。 www.bing.com 8. There are risks in heavily depending on a single market for sales growth. 销售增长严重依赖于单一市场存在风险。 c.wsj.com 9. The country would, as a result, probably be excluded from the single market, too. 这样,该国可能也会被排除在单一市场之外。 www.ftchinese.com 10. We have a rather incomplete single market for financial services. 欧洲的单一金融服务市场还相当不完善。 www.ftchinese.com 1. This could even put at risk the EU's single market. 这甚至会威胁到欧盟的单一市场。 www.ecocn.org 2. But for Michel Barnier, the internal-market commissioner, the single market is both "more and more necessary, and less and less popular" . 但是,对于内部市场部委员米歇尔巴尔尼埃来说,单一市场既“越来越必须,又越来越不受欢迎。” www.ecocn.org 3. Mr Cameron must now find a way to restore the UK's influence over the single market. 他现在必须找到一种办法,恢复英国对单一市场的影响力。 www.ftchinese.com 4. In the mid-1980s, the European Union committed itself to creating a single market. 上世纪80年代中期,欧盟(EU)承诺创建单一市场。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Even those who are less dreamy about European unification have a vital interest in the EU's single market. 欧盟的单边市场与那些不相信欧洲一体化的人们也有着切身相关的利益。 www.ecocn.org 6. In theory there is a single market, but in practice only 13 of the European Union's 27 member states approve of online gambling. 理论上,那儿只有一个单一的市场,而实际上,在欧盟27个成员国中,有13个国家获准经营此行业; www.ecocn.org 7. The completion of the single market was set in train only in the 1980s and remains a work in progress. 早在1980年,单一市场已准备就绪要正式形成并将其进行下去。 www.ecocn.org 8. Some have gone global, while others focus on a single market sector such as real estate or energy. 一些人进行全球投资,而一些则专注于某一市场比如房地产或能源。 blog.163.com 9. A third strategy is the riskiest: taking a big bet on a single market. 第三种策略是风险最大的:在单一市场上下赌注。 www.ecocn.org 10. These are moves that appear to undermine the principle of Europe's single market in banking. 而这些举动看起来有损欧洲银行市场一体化的原则。 club.topsage.com 1. A single market business should focus on a story about "why to buy" from them. 单一的市场应该把精力集中在“消费者为什么要买自己的产品”上面。 www.bing.com 2. Harmonisation, for example, worked well when we needed to overcome obstacles to a properly functioning single market. 例如,当我们需要克服妨碍单一市场正常运转的障碍时,协调可以发挥良好的作用。 www.xici.net 3. Europeans ought to be seeking to strengthen the rules of their single market rather than pushing to dilute them; 欧洲人应该努力强化他们的统一市场的规则,而不是莽撞的削弱这一体制。 www.ecocn.org 4. Internet commerce reveals the limits of Europe's single market. Freeing it up will bring growth and social benefits 互联网商务暴露了欧洲单一市场的局限,对其解禁会带来经济增长和社会效益 www.ecocn.org 5. The euro was meant to underpin the single market, but it may end up undermining it 欧元本应巩固单一市场,但最终却可能对其造成损害。 www.ecocn.org 6. Market Performance and Regulation of Horizontal Alliance in Single-market 单一市场结构下横向联盟的市场绩效与规制 www.ilib.cn 7. could bring about a catastrophic break-up of the single market 那将会导致单一市场灾难性解体 www.ecocn.org 8. We must make the most of Europe's single market, especially in the areas of services, energy and intellectual property; 我们必须充分利用欧洲的单一市场,特别是在服务、能源和知识产权领域; www.ftchinese.com 9. Maintain more than 38-year-old single-market players score highest on record : 51 pm 保持38岁以上球员单场得分最高记录:51分 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Maintain more than 39-year-old single-market players score highest on record : 45 pm 保持39岁以上球员单场得分最高记录:45分 zhidao.baidu.com |
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