单词 | the press | ||||||||||||||
释义 | the press
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 新闻界,报界,报刊 1. At the press conference, Nagin said the Superdome would be a shelter of last resort for people with special needs. 在记者招待会上,Nagin说,Superdome体育会展中心将是为那些有特殊需要的人准备的一个不得已的庇护站。 www.bing.com 2. He said he's not fearful of the press or criticism but he didn't appreciate its impact on the firm's companies. 他说他并不害怕媒体的报道或者批评,但是他不希望因此对公司造成影响。 www.bing.com 3. The Frenchman claims not to read the press and is in no doubt Benitez will steer the club through its dip in form. 法国人表示他没有读更多的报纸,他毫不怀疑贝尼特斯可以让俱乐部转危为安。 www.jczqw.com 4. Yet anybody who read even just the press release would immediately see that this study had nothing whatsoever to do with shoes. 然而,任何读到这则新闻稿的人都会立刻明白这项研究对鞋子来说没有一点意义。 www.bing.com 5. At the moment, there seems to be a good rapport between the couple and the press but William does not pander to them. 就目前来看,这对夫妇和媒体间关系亲密,但是威廉并没有故意迎合他们(媒体)。 www.bing.com 6. We'll give young Jones his head and let him write the press releases for a while. 我们会让年轻的琼斯随意做他喜欢的事,记他暂时写些新闻稿件。 www.hotdic.com 7. His sexual appetite, which went well beyond the liberal French norms of seduction, was all over the press. 有关他性趣味的报道铺天盖地,远远超过了法国开放的性引诱尺度。 www.ftchinese.com 8. At the press conference, Rogge said the IOC would not probe the controversy over the age of Chinese gymnast He Kexin. 在新闻发布会上,罗格还说,国际奥组委不会把争议的矛头指向中国体操运动员何可欣的年龄上。 blog.163.com 9. The Press Association in London said thousands of people stayed up to watch the eclipse in the UK and were rewarded with clear skies. 美联社驻伦敦记者称,英国数千人熬夜观看月蚀,晴朗的夜空没有辜负他们。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. He said Reno would appoint an independent counsel who would satisfy the press and the whole thing would be over in a few months. 他说雷诺会任命一名使媒体感到满意的独立检察官,整件事情几个月内就会结束。 www.bing.com 1. He said: "Ray has given me a bit of a grilling in the press but it would be so easy for me to come out fighting. " 他说:“雷胖子在媒体上给我制造了点麻烦,我要出面和他争一争还真是个容易事。” www.knifriend.com 2. A year ago, at the press conference, you said you were a bit worried about China's assets in the United States. 一年前您在这里说过,有点担心中国在美国的资产安全,请问您今天是一样的担心? www.putclub.com 3. Waiters and restaurateurs are forever tipping off the press so that when Cheung tries to leave a restaurant, a phalanx is waiting for her. 饭馆的侍应生和老板总会向媒体告密,所以每当张曼玉离开饭馆时,总有一群人在等候着她。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Recently, I got to say that there are a lot of news about me in the press and of course there are good ones and bad ones! 最近,我知道在各个媒体上都有很多我的新闻,当然有好的也有不好的! hi.baidu.com 5. He was at Mr Bush's side for decades. His fingers were all over the policies, not just the press releases. 他辅佐布什数十年,工作涉及所有的政策,而不仅仅限于新闻发布。 www.ecocn.org 6. As the press began to ask questions about the letter, I began researching the issues of the Pollard case more closely. 随着媒体开始根据信函的内容不断地发问,我也开始更上一步仔细地收集起与波拉德一案有关东西来。 www.bing.com 7. It seems to me self-evident that police searches of newspaper offices burden the freedom of the press. 警察对报社的搜查给新闻自由造成压力,这在我看来是不言而喻的。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 8. And, except for a little fuss over the Internet being blocked in the press center, the International Olympic Committee was fine with that. 尽管在新闻中心,出过一点儿互联网被屏蔽的小麻烦,但国际奥委会对此还是很满意的。 www.bing.com 9. Thank you members of the press, who covered the local scene, critics, columnists across the country, the truth of my work and said so. 感谢你们全国新闻界的成员,无论你们身在新闻现场还是评论版或是专栏作者。我们都用事实真相说话。 tieba.baidu.com 10. I'm really lucky that I get to do that and get paid for it and all the press stuff is really just a bit of a trade-off. 我很幸运能做这些,并且因此得到薪水,所有这些媒体上的东西真的仅仅是一点点交换的代价而已。 www.orlandobloomcn.net 1. some years ago, the city is at the planning we pursue the press, for various reasons, so far have been unable to set up. 几年前,市里就在筹划成立市直出版社,出于种种原因,至今一直未能设立。 www.bing.com 2. It first happened when a member of the press asked him on television to describe what he was feeling. 事情是这样的,记者第一次在电视上请他描述一下个人的感受。 listserv.cn99.com 3. "I always forget, " he told me, "that I can still make it hard for my family there by saying something stupid in the press. " “我总是忘记,”他对我说,“如果我说了什么傻话被刊登出来的话对我的家人还是会有影响的。” www.bing.com 4. The press, meanwhile, is filled with commentaries about how the country must live within its means, and how much things must change. 同时报纸充满了对于这个国家必须在自己的财产下如何生活下去的评论,以及必须得发生多大程度的变化。 www.ecocn.org 5. To the press: " I wish we could have done this in the first 48 hours, but then you wouldn't have had so much to write about. " 对媒体:“我真希望在最初的48小时内这么做,但如果那样的话,你们就无料可爆了。” www.bing.com 6. Finishing her first book as she did was not the "fairy tale resolution" the press has since made it out to be. 完成了她的第一本书并不是一场“幻想小说的革命”而是压力使它最后成为这样。 www.ecocn.org 7. Freedom of information and of the press - so vital to a healthy society and a competitive business hub - is unfettered. 资讯和新闻自由,对一个健全的社会和具竞争力的商业中心至为重要。在香港,资讯和新闻自由并没有受到约束。 www.1stenglish.com 8. He took a copy of the newspaper as it came off the press. 报纸在印刷机上印出来后他拿了一份。 www.websaru.net 9. What the press release actually said was that some of TEPCO's periodic equipment checks were behind schedule, said the spokesman. NISA发言人说,他们当时发布的新闻所指的是东京电力公司没有按预定计划进行定期的设备检修。 www.bing.com 10. The next day, the press was very surprised that this small-budget film running under 90 minutes won the main award, the Golden Bear. 翌日,传媒得悉这齣片长少于九十分钟的低成本制作竟夺得电影节最重要的奖项「金熊奖」时,感到非常诧异。 www.hkdavc.com 1. The matter was blown up in the press. 这件事的重要性在报上被夸大了。 wenku.baidu.com 2. If I couldn't change his mind, I should talk to the press outside the White House and withdraw my support for his reelection. 如果我不能让他回心转意,我就应该在白宫外面向媒体发表声明,撤回我对他竞选连任的支持。 www.bing.com 3. I think the press was always a little wary of him, and that made him wary of the press. 我想外界新闻对于他有点过于机警了,所以导致他对于外界新闻一样的机警。 hi.baidu.com 4. Did you hear what happened in the Scott case? Some of the sensitive material were leaked to the press. Now every newspapers is all over it. 你听说斯科特那个案子的事了吗?有些敏感的资料被泄露给了新闻界。现在各大报纸都在报道这件事情。 en.neworldedu.org 5. Earlier this year, a written warning telling her to shape up from her producer in Georgia Rules was circulated in the press. 今年早些时候,她的《乔治亚法则》的制作人发出的告诉她好自为之的书面警告在新闻界到处流传。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Until Nov. 1, when El Mahroug turned 18, the press carefully pixilated part of her face in an attempt to protect the privacy of a minor. 为了保护未成年人的隐私权,直到11月1日马鲁格满18岁前,各家媒体都小心翼翼地对照片中进行了脸部模糊处理。 www.bing.com 7. I really do wish these people and the press would stop making money out of this woman; because that is all that they are doing. 我真心希望出版社不要利用这个女人来赚钱了,他们一直如此。 bbs.anti-cnn.com 8. When a good striker shows signs of unease at his present club, it is only a matter of time before the press link him with Chelsea. 当一个好的射手在当前的俱乐部表示出不安的时候,那么他与切尔西产生联系那只是时间前后的问题了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. And there were political considerations too: trying to govern, and win elections, is hard enough without the press being against you. 当然这其中也有政治考虑:即使没有媒体的反对,试图管治国家并赢得选举就已经够难了。 www.ftchinese.com 10. He told the press, "I know, via one of his agents and his father, that Barcelona had held a brief meeting about him. " 他告诉新闻界,我知道,凭借他的经纪人和他的老爸,巴萨和他有了短暂的会面。 www.soccerbar.cn 1. "As far as I know there have been no further developments since the last time I spoke to the press, " he said. 据我所知,自我上次在新闻发布会上谈过这个话题后,谈判并没有更新的进展。 www.ept-team.com 2. The press have speculated that Amauri could consider his options if he continues to be left out of the line- up. 媒体猜测阿毛里一旦继续被排除在首发阵容外,他将会考虑他的选择。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Yet, the reason I most remember Carter's performance was that I broke one of sportswriting 's cardinal rules: No cheering in the press box. 不过,卡特表演令我印象最深的一点在于,我打破了体育报导的首要原则:不得在记者席上喝彩。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The official, who declined to be identified because he was not authorized to speak to the press, did not say why Yeoh was on the list. 这位负责人,谁不愿透露姓名,因为他没有被授权向媒体发言,没有说为什么医生的名单。 www.englishtang.com 5. It is unlikely that the President could ever become a dictator, Congress, the press and the people between them rule out such a possibility. 美国总统不可能变为独裁者。国会、新闻界和人民共同监督,排除了这种可能性。 www.kaifulee.com 6. But the press release issued by the fire department the next day would be a secondary source. 但是,第二天救火部门所发布的新闻公告就是第二手来源。 www.america.gov 7. and I still have in my possession the press release put out by one of the big four clearing banks denying that it was in difficulties. 我手上有的而且发出的新闻稿中有一则关于四大倒闭银行之一的银行否认它处于困难之中。 wenwen.soso.com 8. This was a little bit invented by the press, because Michael's position is very clear since the beginning. 新闻报道内容中有一些不实的成分,因为迈克尔的立场从一开始就非常的清楚。 ferrari-china.com 9. I think now the press is beginning to understand what I'm doing. 我想现在的媒体已经开始理解我在做些什么了。 www.douban.com 10. The fact that he did not go to the press conference on the eve of the match against Lecce is not such a bad sign. 穆里尼奥不参加和莱切比赛之前一天的新闻发布会,并不见得是神秘坏事,这可以当作对他助手的一种检测。 www.milanchina.com 1. I thought Gary had made an error by challenging the press to tail him to see if they could find any dirt, but I felt bad for him, too. 我觉得加里犯了一个错误,因为他对媒体使激将法,要求媒体跟踪他,看能否发现他的任何不良行径,不过我也为他感到难过。 www.bing.com 2. Briefing editors of national dailies, a senior Indian official suggested that there was no point in the press showing any "hysteria" . 作为一名国家事务评论编辑,一名印度高级官员建议媒体不要动辄就“歇斯底里”。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Obviously, the press is an important means of communication and is still a popular form of communicating news. 显然,媒体是沟通的重要手段,仍然是一个广受欢迎的新闻交流。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. He said the press had been giving "dates" for his downfall, but that he would not flee the country as predicted by his enemies. 他说,媒体已经给他设了下台的“大限”,但是他不会像敌人说的那样逃离巴基斯坦。 club.topsage.com 5. In the second, it is upset, meaning it is squeezed to give it an expanded edge, and to give it a good surface where the press can strike. 在第二,它是不高兴,这意味着它是挤出来给它一个扩大的优势,并给它一个良好的表面可以在那里的记者罢工。 www.bugutang.com 6. Were you trying to get in touch with me, Lin? If I'm not at home, you can usually reach me at the Press Club here. 林,你一直试着和我联络吗?如果我不在家,你通常可以在记者俱乐部里找到我。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. Despite the cutthroat nature of the Indian media and its penchant for the sensational, the press has behaved as if it were in an older era. 尽管印度媒体天生残忍,对轰动性新闻情有独钟,但新闻界的举动似乎像是回到了旧时代。 www.bing.com 8. Instead, he began the press conference by reading out a summary of the Fed's statement and its economic projections. 相反,记者会是在他宣读美联储声明和经济预测的摘要中开始。 www.ecocn.org 9. What the press did not know was that Kissinger was on his way back from a trailblazing excursion to Peking. 基辛格对北京作了开路先锋般的访问,在归国途中,而这件事新闻界还被蒙在鼓里。 wenwen.soso.com 10. But she said the necessary contacts with Iran on the issue never began because of the press of other business. 但是赖斯说,由于其它事务的紧迫性,美国跟伊朗一直没有就在德黑兰设立代表处的事宜开始进行必要的接触。 www.voanews.cn 1. Graham, speaking on NBC's "Meet the Press, " said he would not vote to raise the debt ceiling unless spending is cut back to 2008 levels. Graham在美国国家广播公司(NBC)“MeetthePress”节目中表示,若不将开支削减至2008年的水平,他不会投票支持提高债务上限。 cn.reuters.com 2. The Supreme Court of the United States has never upheld a government attempt to stop the press from publishing classified information. 美国最高法院从未支持过政府试图阻止媒体发表保密信息的申诉。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 3. A little over a year ago, I was invited to talk to a group of newly appointed company directors about the workings of the press. 一年多前,我应邀为一群新任公司董事讲讲有关新闻界的工作方式。 finance.sina.com.cn 4. Unlike Ruan, Hu was eventually able to overcome the slanders of the press and lead a normal life with her husband after Dai passed away. 与阮玲玉不同的是,胡蝶最终摆脱了流言蜚语的压力,在戴笠死后,与丈夫团聚,过着平静的生活。 www.bing.com 5. Nigel: Come on angel, let me introduce you to the press. Sorry Mike no boyfriends allowed. [Posing and mumbling] Baby. . . Hm. Baby. 邓:来吧,天使,我介绍你见见记者。抱歉,迈克,不带男朋友。宝贝…… dictsearch.appspot.com 6. She said the tapes were made by a young photojournalist and Beatles fan who attended the press conference. 她说,新闻发布会的录音带由披头士乐迷、参加当天发布会的一名年轻的摄影记者制作而成。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. The rule I set for myself 10 years ago was that if the press calls it a bubble then I'd pay attention. 十年前我为自己定下了一个规矩:如果媒体说有泡沫,我就会留心。 www.bing.com 8. And with that, I'm going to ask that we take a few moments to allow the press to exit before our first session. 我的讲话就到这里,下面我们稍等一下,待记者们退场后再开始第一次会议。 www.bing.com 9. The press corps accompanying Nixon did not concern themselves with the long-range implications of the journey. 尼克松的随行记者团并不关心此行的深远意义。 www.bing.com 10. Before leaving Washington, King Abdullah sat down for an interview broadcast Sunday on the NBC television news program Meet the Press. 阿卜杜拉国王在离开华盛顿前接受了国家广播公司“会见媒体”电视节目的采访。 www.ebigear.com 1. Then came to him his mother and his brethren, and could not come at him for the press. 耶稣的母亲和他弟兄来了,因为人多,不得到他跟前。 www.ebigear.com 2. As I stepped out the door with my arms opened wide, I was greeted by members of the press there to capture the moment. 走出房间的门,我张开两臂,等候我的媒体记者抓拍了这一瞬间。 www.bing.com 3. The press reported that Flowers had been paid for the story, and that she had vigorously denied an affair a year earlier. 据媒体报道,弗劳尔斯是因为有人付钱才把这事给捅出来的,一年前她曾拼命否认这则绯闻。 www.bing.com 4. With all the press coverage, that could give Japan, [color=#ff0000]a year hence, a taste of its own Easter story. 经过媒体广泛的报道,这可以让日本在今后的一年中体验一次自己的“复活节”。 www.ecocn.org 5. If the press-shy Larson, 44, was a big deal when I wrote about him in 1999 (see fortune. com), he surely is a bigger deal today. 如果这位四十四岁,不愿抛头露面的拉森,在1999年我写到他的时候已经是个大人物的话,那他现在肯定就是个更大的人物喽。 www.bing.com 6. Gore, trailed by the press as he left the White House, allowed that he and Bush spent the whole time talking about global warming. 戈尔离开白宫时被媒体记者追问会晤内容,戈尔表示,他和布什谈的全是全球暖化问题。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. WikiLeaks' role is not the same as the press', since it does not always endeavor to vet information prior to publication. 维基解密和新闻媒体的作用是不一样的,因为它在公布信息前并不会总是尽力去审核资料。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. I would have thought that even the press and my adversaries would take a time-out on the day of my mother's death. 我本以为,即使是媒体和我的对手,也会在我母亲去世这天暂停一下。 www.bing.com 9. No sooner was the press off-loaded from the steamboat than a drunken mob formed and tried to set fire to the warehouse where it was stored. 那些报纸还来不及从船上卸下来,就有一群喝醉的暴民试图要放火烧毁存放报纸的仓库。 www.24en.com 10. Hoffmann lives with his wife in a $60m mansion outside Geneva and pays a PR firm to keep his name out of the press. 霍夫曼和自己的妻子住在日内瓦外的一个价值六千万美元的豪宅中,他还雇了一个公关公司以保证自己的名字不会出现在媒体上。 www.ecocn.org 1. But then he thought long-term and decided to make it free, to promote user growth and get the attention of the press and venture capital. 但是之后他从长远考虑,决定提供免费下载,希望藉此推动用户增长并获得媒体和风投资本的注意。 www.cs360.cn 2. The press freedom group Reporters Without Borders said Thursday that it had temporarily suspended its WikiLeaks "mirror site. " 本周四出版自由团体无国界记者组织说他们已经临时暂停维基解密的镜像站。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Even during the press conference, Bush appeared to recognize that he was overusing the word. 会上,就连布什自己似乎也意识到了这个词用得太多了。 www.elanso.com 4. I really resent the way the press is now saying that I'm depressed and in a slump, as if I'm finished. 我的确不满媒体现在的说三道四,说我情绪低落而且生活颓废,好像是我要完蛋了。 www.crazyenglish.org 5. And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes? 耶稣顿时心里觉得有能力从自己身上出去,就在众人中间转过来说,谁摸我的衣裳。 www.ebigear.com 6. He want[s] me to fly out right after the press conference and try out for the general manager job. 他要我记者会一完后立刻飞过去面试总经理一职。 www.360doc.com 7. and his associates were no. in disgrace, but there had been no. report of the matter in the Press or on the telescreen. 维泽斯跟他那帮同事如今肯定已经失宠,然而报纸电幕全未有过任何的报道。 dict.ebigear.com 8. The press release says the show will 'follow Tamara, her friends and her family as she embarks on the busiest six months of her life. 据新闻稿称,这档真人秀将在塔玛拉生命中最繁忙的六个月追踪塔玛拉、她的朋友和家人的日常生活。 chinese.wsj.com 9. After that, both the press and the public began to guess the amount of money Baidu spent on the CCTV advertising slot. 此后,媒体和公众都开始猜测百度在央视花了多少钱做广告。 www.bing.com 10. ZhaoJinFei was assigned to maintain the press corps, the front interview fangyuan will start out to the press corps do work for help. 赵劲飞被指派去维护记者团上前线采访,方圆也要动身去前线替记者团做效劳工作。 tv.360mp3.com 1. We walk into a large room where video screens have been displaying both sides of our conversations for spectators and members of the press. 我们走进一个大房间,里面的我们里面房间电视屏幕显示着我们与鉴定人员的谈话内容,以便观众和以便显示鉴定媒介人士观看。 www.cto360.com 2. After the Hart affair, those of us who had not led perfect lives had no way of knowing what the press's standards of disclosure were. 在加里的绯闻被曝光后,我们中一些生活中有这样那样的瑕疵的人根本无从知晓媒体曝料的准则。 www.bing.com 3. The Press Office serves the needs of the general public and media for information about the United Kingdom and its government policies. 新闻处的职能是为公众和媒体提供关于英国及其政府政策方面的信息。 www.uk.cn 4. If it rises to his head. The press must take care to write him up - although he has abilities. 报道必须注意不要太吹捧他-即使他有这个能力。 tieba.baidu.com 5. The press statement did not mention whether the study is to be published in a journal. 这份报告尚未表示将在杂志上发表。 news.dxy.cn 6. Other reporters choose to hear the announcements in the courtroom, where they sit in a section of seats reserved for members of the press. 也有些记者选择在法庭上听取宣读,那里有专为新闻界保留的座位。 www.america.gov 7. As I said before in the press conference, for me it is a fantastic feeling driving here with this support from the grandstand. 正如我在新闻发布会前面说过,能有看台上的支持,对我而言会是一种奇妙的感觉。 f1.sports.sohu.com 8. The press is afforded a measure of freedom, as a safety-valve, but is quickly choked off if it steps out of line. 媒体被赋予一定程度的自由作为安全阀,但一旦出界就会立即遭到扼杀。 www.ecocn.org 9. It's going to be fascinating to see if Democrats and the press let the Clintons get away with this. 如果民主党人和新闻媒体能够让克林顿夫妇摆脱此事,那么这就会更引人关注了。 www.ecocn.org 10. The original info flyers that were passed out to the press, with the preview versions said multiplayer would be in it. 原来的广告单,还有演示版都说游戏里有多人模式。 games.sina.com.cn 1. Mr. Obama acknowledged the increasingly dire nature of the situation in an interview on NBC's Meet The Press program. 在全国广播公司“会见新闻界”的访谈节目中,奥巴马承认,局面越来越困难。 www.voanews.cn 2. If the rich hate the press, it has begun to look like the feeling is mutual. 如果说富人憎恨媒体,那么,这种情感已开始变得像是相互的。 www.ftchinese.com 3. He felt they had abused his trust by talking about him to the press. 他觉得他们向报界透露有关他的情况是辜负了他的信任。 4. Mourinho has pressured me constantly as if he wanted to get the press and the fans against me. 穆里尼奥不断给我施压,好像他要让媒体和球迷都来反对我。 www.chelsea.net.cn 5. The matter was much made light of in the press. 这件事情在报纸上被极力贬低。 ts.hjenglish.com 6. Over the next four weeks, all the evidence that has leaked out into the press over the years will at last be put into the public domain. 接下来的4周里,所有出版界捕风捉影的证据都终将投入公共领域。 www.ecocn.org 7. for the press at the ball, you know? 在舞会上是头衔的压力,知道吗? blog.sina.com.cn 8. After being pressed, the new quarters come out of the press, and flow into a machine that eventually bags them. 按下后,新的宿舍出来的新闻,并把一台机器的流程,最终袋。 www.bugutang.com 9. He asks the press to leave his daughter Nicole alone because this situation does not concern the rape she endured. 他还向媒体要求,不要把她的女儿尼科尔牵扯进来,因为这件事与她所经历的强奸并无关系。 www.bing.com 10. The press will have a competitive investment cost, and its footprint will match that of a long perfector. 记者将有竞争力的投资成本,其足迹将匹配是一个长期双面。 www.512121.com 1. The image wise exposure can be performed off the press or with the plate being mounted on the plate cylinder of a lithographic press. 曝光成像可以不在印刷机上进行,或者在平版被安装在平版印刷机的印版滚筒上时进行。 www.bing.com 2. His clearest recent statement of intent on Afghanistan so far is the one he gave to NBC's "Meet the Press" . 奥巴马最近一次关于阿富汗战争的表态是在NBC的“与媒体面对面”上做出的。 www.ecocn.org 3. Tore temperature: lift up the pressure on the press machine rod, pattern printed part of the burns you tear out of the backing sheet. 温撕:抬起烫画机的压力杆后,等图案印制部分不烫手了就可以撕下底纸。 www.bing.com 4. The institutions of the press we have inherited are the result of a mixed system of public and private cooperation. 我们所继承的新闻机构,是一套公私合作混合制度的产物。 c.wsj.com 5. At the press conference , a news reporter asked the chairman if she might trouble him with a question about Taiwan issue. 在记者招待会上,一位新闻记者问大会主席她是否能提一个有关台湾问题方面的问题。 www.for68.com 6. But of the stronger power to which it pretends and of which the press bosses dream-to make and break governments. 但它假装出来的及新闻界老总们梦想的威力——如建立或推翻政府。 www.rrting.com 7. The next day, you probably heard those test subjects at the coffee shop going on and on about how biased the press is against their guy. 第二天,你很可能就听到那些实验对象在咖啡店里继续议论关于媒体对他们的候选人多么多么有偏见的话题。 www.bing.com 8. Sir Alex Ferguson made his views pretty clear in the press conference and I dare say he did the same in the dressing room as well. 弗格森爵士在记者会上已经说的很明白了,我敢说他在更衣室说的也差不多。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 9. One of the documents leaked to the press was a memorandum written by the head of the security police. 透露给报界的文件中有一份是秘密警察局长写的备忘录。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. None of the individual journalists was harassing her but it felt, to her, like harassment by the press. 事实上,没有一个记者打扰到她,但是她感觉到了来自新闻界的困扰。 www.bing.com 1. In 2005-06 the company was caught spying on board members, its own staff and the press in a doomed attempt to plug leaks. 在05-06年,公司被曝监视董事局成员,它自身的员工和媒体命中注定会捅出漏子。 www.ecocn.org 2. He admits he is usually cautious about talking to the press, choosing his words carefully when talking about his job or his private life. 他承认他通常在接受采访的时候都很谨慎,尤其是关于他的工作和个人生活他的用词都是反复斟酌的。 tieba.baidu.com 3. This book is built on celebrity gossip but Ms Walden can be reflective too, questioning whether the press was right to infiltrate his life. 此书是讲述名人绯闻的书,不过,沃尔顿也是名思考颇深的记者,她提出质疑:报界深入他的生活是否合适。 www.ecocn.org 4. Others teams and agents started to look at our players, releasing stories into the press, and it had a disturbing influence on us. 根据媒体的报道,很多球队和经纪人开始关注我们的球员,这对我们来说将是一个很大的打击。 bbs.autono1.com 5. In India, there has been a lot of discussion in the press about how the country should have its own patriotic hackers. 印度媒体界有很多关于本国是否应该组建爱国者黑客军团的讨论。 dongxi.net 6. He did not give interviews to the press, having no wish to reveal himself. 他从来没有接受过媒体采访,不愿意展示自己。 www.ecocn.org 7. A few days later, Vclav Havel came to Washington for a state visit, telling the press I was his great friend. 几天后,瓦茨拉夫·哈韦尔来华盛顿进行国事访问,向媒体表示,我是他伟大的朋友。 www.bing.com 8. Liverpool way has always been all kept in house, the only person who has been going to the press is Benitez. 利物浦的方式就是把一切都藏在家里,唯一一个需要去面对媒体的就是贝尼特斯。 tieba.baidu.com 9. Whether the accusations are true or just the sniping of losers (or both), the prominence with which the press reported them was remarkable. 不管这种指控是真的或者仅仅是对失败者的落井下石(或者两者兼而有之),媒体在对候选人的报道中的着眼点都是令人注意的。 www.bing.com 10. In the press conference, the general gave a rationalization for the retreat of his army. 在记者招待会上,将军解释了他的军队为何撤退。 www.tingroom.com 1. In the press conference, the general gave a rationalization for the retreat of his army. 在记者招待会上,将军解释了他的军队为何撤退。 www.tingroom.com 2. The press release went on to say that both parties were committed to the joint parenting of their children. 新闻发布会称,双方均会履行联合抚养孩子的职责。 www.kekenet.com 3. We had to make sure that no miscellaneous information would get out to the press. 我们必须保证没有乱七八糟的消息传到媒体上。 www.tingclass.com 4. By the time I finally talked to the press about Waco, Reno was being praised and I was being criticized for letting her take the fall. 我就在韦科发生的这一事件向媒体发言时,人们正在赞扬珍妮特,却批评我让她承担失败的责任。 www.bing.com 5. He said that the press and publication Administration will further strengthen the support for students'outside. 他表示,新闻出版总署将进一步加大对湖北的支持力度。 www.bing.com 6. Fanning Expansion of an offset press sheet across the back edge as it hoes through the press impression . 扇形张开柯氏印刷的纸张,经过压印后,值位向左右伸长的情况。 www.bing.com 7. To be sure, there are good reasons for Gov. Zhou and Minister Xie not to say much to the press. 毫无疑问,周小川和谢旭人没有向媒体发表置评有充分的理由。 chinese.wsj.com 8. BRASS: Look, I'm trying to catch a killer. I got no control over the press. If this makes the news, then it is what it is. 你看,我要抓住凶手。媒体不在我的管辖范围之内。如果这件事会成为新闻,那么就实事求是吧。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. No other definite line can be drawn between the inestimable liberty of the press and its demoralizing licentiousness. 在宝贵的新闻自由与败坏新闻道德之间,并无一条明确的界限。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. We'll circulate his picture to police officers. We'll give his description to the press and say he's just a conventional murderer. 我们要把他的照片在警官中传看;把他的容貌特征告诉报界,并宣称他只是个一般凶杀犯。 1. But sincerely speaking, I do not know where the press got Wednesday for strike. 但是说真的,我不知道媒体在哪里得到星期三要罢工的消息。 www.ebigear.com 2. and a pressing mechanism is arranged between the upper end of the press push plate and the frame. 压料推板的上端与机架之间设有压紧机构。 ip.com 3. Drawing and forming process analysis and calculation was carried out in terms of step configuration of the press-cover part. 针对压盖具有的阶梯型结构,进行了拉深、成形工艺分析及计算。 www.chemyq.com 4. More importantly, as a pioneer of modern journalism, one of its news ideas and newspaper features, this is still affecting the press. 更重要的是,作为新式新闻事业的开创者之一,其新闻思想和办报特点,今天依然影响着新闻界。 www.okqikan.com 5. The 34-year-old said: "He's so rude about me in the press, it's outrageous, " but admitted that Mears was "brilliant" and "much tougher" . 34岁的贝瘦子说“他在媒体上关于我的说反忒无理了,忒无耻了”但也承认雷胖子“很聪明”也“比自己牛逼”。 www.knifriend.com 6. the press was inquisitorial to the point of antagonism; a practical police force with true inquisitorial talents- Waldo Frank. 这家出版社对敌对的关键很好奇;能干的警察机关,具有真正的询问信息的天才——沃尔多·弗兰克。 www.jukuu.com 7. Scofield persuade him to tell the truth and ended that disaster before the press. 斯科菲尔德劝他在媒体面前讲出真相,进而结束那场灾难。 www.1363.cn 8. She was pilloried in the press for her extravagant parties. 她的聚会十分铺张,新闻界对她大加嘲弄。 www.hjenglish.com 9. But here is the press walking into the lobby of my house trying to take pictures. 然而在香港,有记者为了偷拍,擅自进入我的住宅。 www.tianya.cn 10. The head of another financial communications firm, who asked not to be named, puts it more bluntly, saying: "Rich people hate the press. " 另一家财经公关公司的负责人说得更直白:“富人憎恨媒体。”该负责人要求匿名。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The head of another financial communications firm, who asked not to be named, puts it more bluntly, saying: "Rich people hate the press. " 另一家财经公关公司的负责人说得更直白:“富人憎恨媒体。”该负责人要求匿名。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The response of most of the businesses was that they had read about the law in the press but don't know when it will come into force. 大多数店家的回应是,它们在报刊上看过有关这项法律的内容,但不知道这项法律什么时候会生效。 www.tobaccochina.com 3. But in the press conference, they appeared to be aware that skeptics may question the findings. 但是在新闻发布会上,队员们显然意识到怀疑者会质疑这项发现。 www.bing.com 4. But news is not just a product: the press is the fourth estate, a pillar of the polity. 然而,新闻却不是一件产品,新闻产业是一个政体的第四权,是政体的支柱。 club.topsage.com 5. How can members of the public hold the press accountable if they do not understand how the media work? 如果公众不了解媒体的操作方式,那么他们怎么让媒体承担责任呢? www.bing.com 6. Crayola does not allow the public--or the press, in most cases--to see its actual manufacturing facility. 克雷奥拉不允许公众-或报纸报道,在大多数情况下-看看它的实际生产厂。 www.bugutang.com 7. "Try to get these people in the front row, the press corps, to write on this more than once, and their eyes glaze over, " Mr. Warner said. 华纳说,记者们,去追问坐在前排的这些人,多报道这个问题,他们看上去目光呆滞。 c.wsj.com 8. There was so many skeptics, especially the press in London that they started flying cheeseburgers on helicopters around my box to tempt me. 当时有许多持怀疑态度的人,尤其是伦敦的记者们,他们坐直升机徘徊在我的玻璃箱周围到处扔汉堡引诱我。 www.ted.com 9. At the time I wasn't that worried about it, because I knew I hadn't broken any laws, and I still believed that the press wanted the truth. 但当时我不怎么担心,因为我知道我没有违反任何法律,而且我仍然相信媒体希望知道的是真相。 www.bing.com 10. One important sign is that the press began to talk about this. 重要标志之一是,新闻界也开始讲这个。 www.ezhaorc.com 1. One important sign is that the press began to talk about this. 重要标志之一是,新闻界也开始讲这个。 www.ezhaorc.com 2. "I'm just a housewife with two kids, " Nikki (real name Nigar Jamal) said at the press conference afterwards. “我只是一个有两个孩子的家庭主妇,”Nikki(真名Nigar贾马尔)在记者招待会上说,事后。 www.englishtang.com 3. Frank and open-minded, genuinely interested in alternative views, the general happily took the press into his confidence. 将军直率、心胸宽广、由衷地对另类观点感兴趣,他满心欢喜地让新闻界更加吹捧他的信心。 www.ecocn.org 4. The Quartet statement came at the end of two days of meetings in Moscow and was read to the press by U. N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. 中东问题四方在莫斯科结束为期两天的会议后,联合国秘书长潘基文向新闻媒体宣读了上述声明。 www.america.gov 5. The Press' counter top is carried in the carriage along the sliding tracks, which are able to reduce labor intensity dramatically. 百叶进百叶液压机工作台面是由滑道上滑动小车搬运,大大降低工人劳动强度。 china.makepolo.com 6. He made this very clear today in the press conference given to Brazilian journalists, in Rio de Janeiro. 在里约热内卢他今天在给巴西的新闻记者的记者会中使这非常清楚。 tieba.baidu.com 7. When the governor announced a trade mission to Taiwan and Japan, he told the press how glad he was to be going to the Middle East. 州长宣布他将率领一个贸易代表团到台湾和日本,他对媒体声称,他对能去中东感到太高兴了。 www.bing.com 8. I said this morning to the press that the world is a messy place, and unfortunately the messier it gets, the more work we have to do. 今早在记者会上我说这世界是一个混乱的地方,不幸的是它越混乱,我们就必须做越多的工作。 www.putclub.com 9. What he said at the press conference sounded exciting and amazing. 他在记者招待会上说的话让人激动和振奋。 www.liuxinru.com 10. The White House has even engaged in debates with the press about whether Mrs Obama ought to go bare-armed to formal events. 白宫甚至和出版社就是否奥巴马夫人应该穿露肩膀的衣服参加正式场合的活动展开讨论。 www.ecocn.org 1. The White House has even engaged in debates with the press about whether Mrs Obama ought to go bare-armed to formal events. 白宫甚至和出版社就是否奥巴马夫人应该穿露肩膀的衣服参加正式场合的活动展开讨论。 www.ecocn.org 2. When you return to the press of work, you'll bring with you that sense of balance and larger priorities. 当你重新回到高压的工作中后,将会找到新的工作生活平衡感,并享有更大的优先权。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Humphrey: The only way to understand the press is to remember that they pander to their readers' prejudices. 瞭解媒体的唯一途径是谨记它们总是迎合读者的偏见。 blog.roodo.com 4. Alternatively, you can read all about this absurd piece of garbage in the press release after the break. 另外,你可以读到这荒谬的垃圾,在新闻发布会上,休息后。 chinway.com.cn 5. He began the press conference with a humble bow, a deeply unusual move in Chinese officialdom. 相关报道新闻发布会一开始,俞光耀便谦虚地深鞠一躬,这对于中国的官员来说,是极为罕见的举动。 www.bing.com 6. Splitting A serious form of picking where part of paper surface were torn on the press due to extreme tacky of the ink. See Picking. 纸面剥离严重的剥纸情况。因油墨黏度极高,印刷时,纸的部分表层被扯离的情况。参阅剥纸。 big5.cgan.net 7. After her performance, Gaga spoke to the press on the red carpet in an odd ensemble that made her look like a pearly queen. 演出结束后,LadyGaga一身古怪装扮出现在发布会的红毯上,活像一个戴满珍珠的女王。 dongxi.net 8. The first thing I notice about the plane is how low-key it is, all coach seating from back (the press) to front (the candidate). 关于飞机我注意到了第一件事是它有多么低调,后排坐着记者,前排则是候选人,对这位有可能成为总统的人没有隔离舱。 www.bing.com 9. Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost. 我们的自由依赖于新闻自由,而限制这项自由则会失去自由 www.bing.com 10. The Press Complaints Commission, which claimed to have conducted an investigation, but failed to uncover any evidence of illegal activity. 新闻申诉委员会宣称已经进行了一项调查,但是没能找到非法活动的证据。 www.bing.com 1. Criminalizing such conduct would threaten the freedom of the press, he said. 将这类接触归入刑事犯罪,将危及新闻自由,他表示。 www.bing.com 2. The press take it as granted and put it on the news without waiting any result of investigation, but only on rumours basis. 媒体认为,即使没有确凿的证据,仅仅是传闻,把有新闻点的消息发表出来,也是理所应当的事情。 item.feedsky.com 3. It would just be better if he could tell the American people that he was thinking this way and not be tarred and feathered by the press. 他告诉美国人他很认真地在思考,这种做法较好,也不会招致媒体的苛责。 www.elanso.com 4. The press began to be accused of being one-sided, unfair, of not giving a balanced picture. 人们开始指责报纸立场偏颇、不公正、没有进行全面的描述。 jpkc.ecust.edu.cn:8080 5. But to the press outside, rich countries continued to push the message that "the G77 is blocking negotiations" . 对外面的新闻界,富裕国家继续推出“77国集团正在阻挠谈判”的信息。 www.bing.com 6. In the press conference, Liu said he and his cabinet will resign en masse this Thursday. 在记者会上,刘表示他与他的内阁团队将于周四总辞。 epaper.edu.tw 7. The press barons would no longer be able to push an unrepresentative party into office or easily manipulate it once it's there. 媒体巨头将不再能够把一个不具代表性的政党推进政府,或一旦执政就能轻松驾驭这个政党。 www.bing.com 8. At this point the press and probably much of the audience knows the election is over. 此刻,媒体和很多观众大概知道选举已经结束。 english.xv88.net 9. All cam slides to be adjustable in the press either by an insert on the cam slide or on the driver . 在冲床中可通过在凸轮或驱动装置上的镶件调节凸轮滑块。 www.bing.com 10. The political class loathes him; the press relentlessly reviles him; business despises him; and voters want him to go. 政治圈的人不喜欢他,媒体不遗余力地指责他,企业界鄙视他,选民希望他下台。 www.ecocn.org 1. Thus Felt decided to go the stealth route and expose the Nixon people through the press by being an anonymous source. 因此费特决定用匿名的方式秘密向传媒揭露尼克松政府的丑事。 channie.mugou.com 2. Mapping: Anything from your spell library or item inventory can be "bookmarked" to the favorites menu with the press of a button. 映射:所有你技能库和物品栏内的物品都可以被“书签”到最爱菜单,同时对应一个按键。 www.gamersky.com 3. The company's stock began to rally after the press release. 在新闻发布之后,该公司股价开始扬升。 www.alphayeng.cn 4. Much as he loved and admired the press, Mr. Lewis considered the courts to be the bedrock institution of American freedom. 尽管他非常热爱及敬佩媒体,但刘易斯认为,法院才是美国自由的基石。 cn.nytimes.com 5. Ms. Chan and her daughter proceeded to meet the press in her home, and read out the handwritten statement to media, signed by Mr. Ho. 陈婉珍与其女儿继续在家里接见记者,并向媒体公开宣读了何鸿燊签名的手写声明。 c.wsj.com 6. I stood at a counter and picked up the Memphis Commercial Appeal and began my free reading of the press. 我站在柜台边,拿了一份孟菲斯《商业呼声报》,读起了免费报纸。 www.8875.org 7. In Chinese writing, you had to have a very large number of characters, each individually carved to set in the press. 中文的书写需要掌握很大量的符号,这些符号在印刷时刻在版面上。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The most important piece of advice he gave me was not to read the press. It was great advice and I have not read it since. 他给我最重要的一个建议就是不要看报纸。这是我收到最好的建议。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 9. With his small talk, the press had found a stolen his " " wage section. 而在与他的闲聊中,记者发现了一张属于他的“工资条”。 www.bing.com 10. These days a candidate is fair game for the press: they'll poke into every corner of his past life to see what scandal they can dig up. 他们对候选人以往的所有一切都要仔细检查,看看能不能挖出什么丑闻来。我们再来举一个fairgame的例子。 www.examw.com 1. CNN: The press has labeled you a revolutionary but you were not in Tahrir Square during the 18 days of the revolution in February this year. CNN:新闻界已经给你贴了一个革命者的标签,但是今年二月十八天的革命期间,你并没有在解放广场。 www.bing.com 2. Although there is no censorship of the press in Britain, all newspapers have to be responsible for what they publish. 尽管英国没有新闻审查制度,但新闻报刊必须对自己的出版物负责。 eng.hzu.edu.cn 3. At the press conference the president can converse with the public rather than preach to it. 在记者招待会上总统可以同公众对话而不是向公众说教。 englishonline.pumc.edu.cn 4. The former Porto man, linking up with Luiz Felipe Scolari, mentioned to the Press Association that the Blues had to be highly-regarded. 前波尔图队员,同斯科拉里在一块,向媒体协会说起蓝军应该被高度重视。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The Public Security Bureau (PSB) of Yueqing said at the press conference Monday afternoon that Qian's death was due to a traffic accident. 乐清市公安局在周一下午的记者招待会上说,钱的死因是交通事故。 kk.dongxi.net 6. But unlike at Davos, where the press is always welcome, Bilderberg still tr ies to maintain absolute secrecy. 但不像在达沃斯,在哪里新闻界总是受到欢迎,彼尔德伯格仍试图保持绝对保密。 club.china.com 7. At the end of our talks, Arafat and Netanyahu asked me to field all the press questions. 会谈结束时,阿拉法特和内塔尼亚胡请我一起即席回答了所有新闻界的提问。 www.bing.com 8. But next time, perhaps toning down the press release would be a more honest approach. 但是下次,也许更真诚的举动是:淡化对记者招待会的大肆宣扬。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Seems the press either got it wrong or he was trying to make fun of us. 要不就是媒体听错了,要不就是卡佩罗在跟我们闹着玩。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The company says that many of the press reports so far have misinterpreted the new measure. 微软公司说目前一些媒体报道曲解了这项新措施。 www.hjenglish.com 1. The invite to the press conference said it had been called because of 'current developments in motor sport. 在新闻发布会上表示,现在是取决于这项运动的发展势态。 ferrari-china.com 2. She had almost certainly been coached in what to say and how to say it for she wasn't like her normal self at all at the press conference. 她在记者招待会上表现得完全不象她自己,几乎可以肯定,要说些什么,该怎么说,她事先是经人指点过的。 w3.hevttc.edu.cn 3. Speaking to the press on Friday Ban Ki Moon said the two were "separate issues" . 在周五的新闻发布会上,潘基文说那两个是“毫不相干的问题”。 www.eoezone.com 4. And he sought to see Jesus who he was; and could not for the press, because he was little of stature. 他要看看耶稣是怎样的人。只因人多,他的身量又矮,所以不得看见。 www.ebigear.com 5. The upper press member that moves through a stroke a distance depending upon the size and design of the press. 压榨机的上部组件在一次撞击中移动的距离取决于压榨机的尺寸和设计。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. The press is always interested in the private life of famous people. 新闻界总是对名人的私生活感兴趣。 mdedu.bbi.edu.cn 7. Following Winehouse's debut, the accolades and inquiring interviews appeared concurrently in the press with her tempestuous public life. 首张专辑发行之后,与所受赞誉以及访谈同时出现在新闻之上的还有她那乱糟糟的公众生活。 www.bing.com 8. One item the press release didn't touch on is if Starwood Capital is actually going to be owning any of the actual Golden Tulip hotels. 这篇新闻没有涉及的一个问题是SarwoodCapital是否将真正的拥有金郁金香的任何一家酒店。 www.bing.com 9. Carlo Ancelotti spoke to the press ahead of the morning training session and looked ahead to the match against Juventus. 在今天早晨的训练之前安切洛蒂接受了媒体的访问,他谈到了和尤文图斯的比赛。 www.itaol.com 10. Cause she's the only one who never badmouthed me to the press. 因为只有她没有在面对媒体的时候对我恶言相向 www.tingroom.com 1. The press can print at a speed of up to 25 meters (80 linear feet) per minute and is designed to fit seamlessly into conventional workflows. 新闻界可以打印速度高达25米(80直线尺)每分钟,目的是适应无缝集成到传统的工作流程。 www.a1pak.net.cn 2. At the moment, the press silence suggests that the Japanese in general still lack an appetite for atonement. 此时此刻,新闻界的沉默表明,日本人总体上依然缺乏赎罪的意愿。 www.ecocn.org 3. No one is openly calling for multi-party politics, at least not in the press. 无人公开呼求多党政治,至少媒体上没有。 bbs.transn.com 4. I cannot accept the fact that the press have completely changed my words and have created untrue headlines. 我不能接受媒体完全地改变了我的说话,并捏造了不真实的新闻标题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The General Manager gave the audience a brief introduction to his company at the press release. 总经理在新闻发布会上对他公司做了简短的介绍。 www.younger365.com 6. The principal news agencies are Reuters founded in 1851 and based in London, the Press Association and Extel Financial Ltd. 最首要的新闻社是成立于1851年的路透社,坐落在伦敦,新闻联合会及金融有限公司。 wiki.dioenglish.com 7. When I left the press-conference, it was well past midnight and every taxi in sight was either full or out of commission. 当我离开新闻发布会时,早已过了午夜。看到的出租车,不是坐满人了,就是已经收工了。 2008.qq.com 8. Market prices vary by that much over the course of a few weeks with no comment from drivers or the press. 几周内,市场价格会大幅波动,司机与媒体都来不及评论。 www.bing.com 9. A: If you raised the question to me or my office before the press conference, we would inquire of the Ministry of Commerce on your behalf. 答:如果你在发布会前向我或发言人办公室提出这一问题,我们会帮你向商务部了解。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 10. But much of the Press is still suffering, with magazines and regional newspapers seeing revenues continue to fall. 但是许多的纸媒依然很艰难,杂志和区域性报纸的营业收入持续减少。 www.bing.com 1. And one of the jobs of the courts is to police the press by protecting whistle-blowers while also punishing libel and treachery. 而法院的职责之一便是通过保护检举人及责罚诽谤侮辱变节等行为而达到对新闻业的监督。 www.ecocn.org 2. The only reason we don't know those answers, is because the press never bothered to ask her. 我们之所以不知道这些问题的答案的唯一原因,就是因为媒体从来都没问过她。 www.bing.com 3. The machine is a soft press. As soon as the animal gets to the machine, the floor falls down and a maral is got clutched in the press. 机器是种软的压缩装置,鹿一进入,地板就下降,鹿就被卡在里面。 www.bing.com 4. 'What has been said in the press is all gossip, there's absolutely nothing. 媒体总是说些子虚乌有的事情,毫无疑问那些都是假的。 www.qieerxi.com 5. Within a year, the press was speculating about marriage. 一年之内,媒体已经在预测他们什么时候结婚了。 www.bing.com 6. The story of a poor family that acquired fame and fortune overnight, dramatically illustrates the power of the press. 下面这户穷人一夜之间出名发财的故事戏剧性地说明了新闻报道威力。 www.joyen.net 7. Now, narrative weekly for the press picked out a couple of books, these books will be publishing house substantive sales. 现在,小赵每周都能为出版社挑选出两三本图书,这些图书将被出版社进行实体销售。 www.bing.com 8. It is not clear whether the existence of these images is known by the press. 目前尚不清楚是否存在这些图像是由新闻界所周知。 wenwen.soso.com 9. We shall hold a press conference at 3: 00 pm tomorrow at the press center and wish to see you all present. 我们将于明天下午3点在新闻中心举行新闻发布会,欢迎届时参加。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 10. Members of the advisory committee have been asked not to speak to the press before the meeting. 学术委员会的成员们被要求在会议前不在媒体前发表评论。 med.essaystar.com 1. At last, the problems to be solved and research contents of the electrical and hydraulic control system for the press are brought out. 最后提出了压块机机电液控制系统尚需解决的问题和研究内容。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Not a word about his presence in Australia had reached the press , so no one on Drogheda had the remotest suspicion he was coming . 报纸上没有披露过一条关于他已经到了澳大利亚的消息,所以德洛耶达没有一个人猜到他来。 www.bing.com 3. His case did not prevail in the courts, but his sentiment found support in the Legislature and the press. 他的诉讼案没有在法庭上获胜,但是他的观点在立法机关和新闻界里找到了支持。 www.bing.com 4. The press noted that in their demo machine with a technology patent number is the sign of an Enterprise subscription. 记者注意到,在他们演示的机器上贴有技术专利号被某企业认购的标牌。 www.bing.com 5. To his credit, Venkatesh says he understands sex workers' frustration over the way this story has spread through the press. 值得赞赏的是,Venkatesh说,这一报道在报刊中的传播,从中他理解性工作者们的沮丧。 www.bing.com 6. In late June 1942 the press of the United States and Great Britain was echoing the Russian cry for a "second front" . 1942年6月下旬,美英响应苏俄的呼吁,“开辟第二战场”。 7. he observed that everyone at the press table was scribbling and the official stenotypist had his head down , fingers racing. 他注意到记者席上的人都在忙着记录,官方按音速记员也低着头,手指飞快地动着。 www.ichacha.net 8. Considerable uncertainties over the ultimate size of the stimulus still remain despite the headlines that are being quoted in the press. 尽管媒体援引了这则消息,但对于刺激计划的最终规模仍存有相当多的不确定性。 www.enfamily.cn 9. In Alabama, which would be the key production site for a Northrop tanker, the Press-Register reports that Sen. 在阿拉巴马,将是诺斯洛普格鲁曼加油机的一个主要生产地点,新闻报道Sen。 top.jschina.com.cn 10. Visual and acoustic elements within the bed make instant, deep relaxation possible at the press of a button. 按一下按钮,床内安装的视觉和声音系统会让你马上感到深深的放松。 www.bing.com |
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