单词 | a crash | ||||||
释义 | a crash
例句释义: 那辆汽车撞翻个儿了,失事坠毁,崩盘 1. "Cod in the North Atlantic is a classic case of a crash, " he said. “北大西洋鳕鱼是种群数量骤减的一个典型例子,”他说。 ngmchina.com.cn 2. Snap the front panels back down after a crash and you are ready to take on the next challenge . 撞毁对方的表板后返回并准备应付下一次挑战。 www.jukuu.com 3. There was a crash of breaking glass inches away from her face. She jumped. 突然,呯的一声巨响,眼前玻璃打碎了,把她吓了一跳。 www.jukuu.com 4. Earlier this year, NHTSA Chief Counsel Kevin Vincent said the auto industry isn't certain about whether the vehicles are safe after a crash. 今年早些时候,NHTSA首席法律顾问文森特(KevinVincent)说,汽车行业不能肯定汽车在撞击后是否安全。 chinese.wsj.com 5. The moon was clouded over, and the wind roared in the avenue. A spark sprang out of the sky, and there was a crack, a crash. 云层遮蔽了月亮,缝在林荫路上呼啸。一道闪光划过长空,一声霹雳,接着哗啦一声响。 club.heima.com 6. If the harness is loose, the child could be thrown from the seat in a crash, or work their way out of the harness while you are driving. 如果线束松动,孩子可以从座椅抛出崩溃,或者自己的出路,而你所驾驶的利用工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. And then down he came, his belly towards me, with a crash that seemed to shake the ground even where I lay. 最后它肚子朝着我这一边倒了下来,地面一震,甚至在我趴着的地方也感觉得到。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Few days earlier, amateur astronomers found a flash on Jupiter indicates that there was a crash. 就在前些天,业余天文学家发现了木星上出现一次闪光,标志着一次撞击事件。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 9. The next day he and Darwin set off to Northern Wales where Sedgwick gave him a crash course in field geology. 次日,他与达尔文出发去威尔士北部,在那里塞奇威克给他进行地质学野外作业速成训练。 www.bing.com 10. And in 1995, after four years of deception, Iraq finally admitted it had a crash nuclear weapons program prior to the Gulf War. 1995年,在进行了四年的欺瞒之后,伊拉克终于承认在海湾战争前曾有一个重点核武器计划。 www.fane.cn 1. Cable TV channels and news outlets have dutifully been trying to give Americans a crash course as the Games approach. 奥运将至,有线电视频道和新闻机构尽职尽责地试图给美国人上速成课程。 www.stnn.cc 2. One daredevil who's attempted to break his own world record for a longest motorcycle jump ends in a crash in Oklahoma. 在俄克拉何马州一名冒险者试图打破自己的摩托车最长跳记录,结果撞翻在地。 bbs.putclub.com 3. Then he fell with a crash to the ground, and she, all her tormented motherhood flooding upon her, rushed to gather him up. 接着,他啪的一声跌落到地上,而她,她那饱受折磨的母性涌了上来,她冲上前去将他扶起。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. "It's going to be a bust, " said Gordon G. Chang, whose book, "The Coming Collapse of China" (Random House), warned in 2001 of such a crash. “这波建设浪潮的结果将会是大破产,”戈登·G·常,他的著作《中国将要到来的溃败》(兰登书屋)在2001年警告可能出现崩盘。 www.bing.com 5. Then there was a crash in the diningroom, and a man rushed into the kitchen with some pieces of marble in his hands. 这时餐厅里哗啦一声响,一个人手里拿着几块大理石闯进了厨房。 6. But others fear the continuing boom is a sign of the very failure of past tightening measures, and that there is still a risk of a crash. 但其他人担心,经济持续快速增长恰恰表明,过去的紧缩政策没有取得成效,中国经济仍存在硬着陆风险。 www.ftchinese.com 7. There was a high-speed chase and he lost control of his car. He survived a crash into a stone wall guarding a cemetery. 他在飙车躲避警察追截的时候,汽车失控了,一头撞到了墓地外的石墙上,但他却大难不死。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. Vinokourov was one of the pre-race favourites for this year's Tour but injured his knees in a crash during the first week. 曾是本年度赛事中预测的最受欢迎的选手之一,但他在第一个星期就因车祸伤到了膝盖。 robertfl.blog.hexun.com 9. Seat "compartments" are designed to absorb the force in a crash, protecting the children, School Transportation News says. 根据《学校交通新闻报》,座位“分隔”设计成类似“隔间”,以吸收碰撞力量保护儿童。 www.bing.com 10. So this is going to be a crash where they're going to slam this thing forward into a wall at thirty miles an hour and see what happens. OK? 碰撞发生的时候,这整个装置会被使劲摔到前面的墙上,速度是三十英里每小时(四十八公里每小时),然后我们看发生了什么。 www.ted.com 1. With a revolver in his right hand, Johnny hurled his muscular body against the door and smashed it down with a crash. 约翰尼右手拿着左轮,健壮的身体猛扑在门上,轰隆一声把门撞开了。 bbs.wwenglish.org 2. Then there was a crash behind him, and the deck tilted so suddenly that he almost lost his feet and went pitching over the side. 接着他身后就发生了碰撞,甲板突然倾斜导致他几乎没站稳于是被扔到了另一边。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. In the event of a crash, the journal can be replayed, bringing both data and metadata into a consistent state. 在崩溃情况下,可以重放日志,使数据和元数据处于一致的状态。 www.ibm.com 4. He added that a black box is not always necessary to establish the cause of a crash. 他补充说,对找到坠机原因来说,黑匣子也并不总是不可或缺的。 www.bing.com 5. The heavy door had closed behind him on his entrance, with a crash that made his start. 笨重的门在吉特进来后咯吱一响,把他吓了一跳。 6. What Thain did not receive upon being named chief executive was a crash course in the art of internal company politics. 但有一样东西塞恩在上任之时没有得到,那就是公司内部管理艺术的速成培训。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Some historians give us a crash course in how we got to the current standoff over the nation's possible default. 一群历史学家为我们开设了一个速成班,讲述了我们是如何陷入国家违约风险的当前僵局中的。 www.bing.com 8. I was taking my canary to the hospital. It flew out the window. The next thing I saw was his rear end, and there was a crash. 我带着我的金丝雀去医院,它飞出了车窗,我看见了它的屁股,然后撞车了。 www.bing.com 9. A crash programme to produce a vaccine against the new flu strain will probably take six months but is worth undertaking. 紧急研发一种针对新型流感病毒的疫苗,很可能需要6个月,但这方面的努力仍值得付出。 www.ftchinese.com 10. To understand their experiments, we first need a crash course in genes and embryos. I'll try to make it quick. 为了理解他们的试验,我们首先需要一堂在基因和胚胎方面的速成课,我将试着很快对此作一阐述。 www.bing.com 1. l think we might have to get her a crash helmet. 我们可能得买一顶安全帽给夏绿蒂 www.tingclass.net 2. I'm just looking at the safety instruction manual . There's a very interesting picture of the correct way to get into a crash position . 我只是在翻阅安全指南手册。里面有一张很有意思的图片,上面说明了如何正确应对即将坠毁的情况。 www.bing.com 3. It take only a minute to get a crash on someone, an hour to like someone, a day to love someone. 遇见一个人只需一分钟,喜欢上一个人只需一个小时,爱上一个人只需一天。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Indeed, I got a crash lesson in what happens when the irresistible force of an illness meets the immovable object of a crucial workday. 事实上我就汲取了深刻的教训,知道疾病不可抗拒的力量遭遇重要工作日不可动摇的任务时,将会发生什么样的情况。 c.wsj.com 5. When a wave nears the shore, its bottom is slowed down so much that its top overruns it and falls with a crash, churning up a line of foam. 海浪移近岸时,其底部的移动速度会减慢,顶部会因此超前并塌下来,碰击之下产生一道浪花。 www.weather.gov.hk 6. Seat belts protect drivers and passengers in case of accident. They also reduce the effect of a crash on the body. 万一发生事故时,座椅带能保护驾驶员和乘客,同时减少碰撞对人体的冲击。 www.bing.com 7. The goal is to reduce the impact a crash would have on the front car and prevent cars from jackknifing . 测试的目的是减少车厢前部的撞击并防止车厢折裂。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The bank warned that if not addressed immediately, a crash in the property market may derail economic growth in emerging economies. 银行警告说,如果不立刻解决这一问题,物业市场的崩溃将会使新兴经济体的经济发展脱轨。 www.bing.com 9. With monetary policy as it is now, and in the absence of a crash in global growth, global and US inflation rates could easily rise. 按照目前的货币政策,加之全球增长不出现崩溃,全球及美国的通胀率很容易上升。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Mazda said the vehicles under recall could experience a "sudden loss" of power steering, increasing the risk of a crash. 马自达称这些涉及召回的车型可能会“突然失去”助力转向,从而增加发生撞击的风险。 www.verycar.com 1. Controlled pandemonium reigned as I was quickly unbuckled and helped out of the cockpit, since fire after a crash was always a danger. 我在喧闹而有序的救护工作中迅速解开安全带撤离驾驶舱,因为坠机后如果起火会非常危险的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Traders with no pre-determined trading plan are flying by the seat of their pants, and that's usually a recipe for a "crash and burn. " 没有预先确定交易计划的交易者好像全凭感觉开飞机,这通常是一个“坠落和烧毁”的好方法。 www.douban.com 3. Peter and Jane had a crash in their car, and then suffered a double whammy when they found their house had been burgled while they were out. 彼得和简先是撞了车,随后又发现他们外出时家里被盗了。真是祸不单行。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Banks probably feel they have been on a crash diet and a strict fitness regime since the crisis. 银行也许感觉它们从危机开始以来就在进行“地狱式节食”,同时还在执行一项严格的“健身”计划。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Do you feel safer in an airplane or on the train? Recently their was a crash landing of a US airways jet in the Hudson river. 最近,全美航空的一架飞机在新泽西和纽约交界的哈德逊河里迫降,没有人员死亡,这真是好消息。 www.netfm.com.cn 6. We have to integrate every component into a crash-worthy package that meets our performance expectations. 我们必须将每个零部件整合成经得住碰撞的组合以达到我们的期望性能。 www.bing.com 7. He says a mechanic who noticed the damage told him the rubber could have burst open at high speed and caused a crash. 他说,一位看到损害之处的技师告诉他,这样的轮胎可能会在高速行驶时突然爆裂,引发事故。 www.ecocn.org 8. Man: Hey, Do you know there has been a crash on bus company network system? 男:喂,你知道公交公司网络瘫痪这件事吗? www.ebigear.com 9. Tom's company is sending him to a business meeting in Istanbul. Should he take a crash course in Turkish? 汤姆所在的公司要派他到伊斯坦布尔参加一个商业会议。他需要参加一个土尔其语的短期培训课吗? 22eng.com 10. It is now one of the dozens of large rail projects suspended after a crash in July left 40 people dead near the eastern city of Wenzhou. 在7月份温州郊区发生动车追尾事故、造成40人死亡后,这条线路便成为几十个目前暂时停工的大型铁路项目之一。 www.ftchinese.com 1. 'The fundamentals in the market are too strong, ' he said. 'There won't be a crash. ' 他说,市场基本面太强劲了,不会发生崩溃。 www.59edu.com 2. When the server restarts, Domino checks to see if it is restarting after a crash. 当服务器重启时,Domino检查它是否是崩溃后重启。 www-128.ibm.com 3. The results suggest that the object's tail is rubble from a crash with another asteroid, not the sign of a wayward comet. 观察结果显示,该物体的尾巴实际上是跟另外一颗小行星撞击后所产生的碎石,并没有表现出奇特的彗星迹象。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 4. Personal injury protection will pay for injuries you sustain in a crash, even if you were liable for the accident. 个人伤害保护将支付你受伤维持在一次事故中,即使你有可能造成事故。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. A crash programme of power generation is not keeping up with demand, which has been growing by more than 6% a year for the past decade. 发电业上马的应急策略未能满足用电需求。过去十年全国用电量每年攀升6%以上。 www.ecocn.org 6. Mr. Whitacre declined to comment Thursday because he was receiving a 'crash course' on the company, according to his secretary. 据惠塔克的秘书说,由于他正在接受有关公司情况的“速成培训”,因此周四无法发表评论。 www.bing.com 7. To be sure, China's real estate market has consistently defied earlier prognostications of a crash or even a pullback. 可以肯定的是,中国房地产市场与早期预测它会暴跌甚至滞后相抵触的。 www.bing.com 8. Back to Harvard he went, hoping for a crash course from the great scholars of modern Chinese history, J. K. Fairbank and Owen Lattimore. 于是他回到了哈佛,希望研究中国现代史的学术大师费正清(J.K.Fairbank)和欧文?拉铁摩尔(OwenLattimore)能给他上几堂速成课。 www.ftchinese.com 9. People who are obese might also be at risk because seat belts do not hold them as securely in a crash. 发生车祸时安全带对肥胖者起不到安全作用,这也可能使他们处于危险之中。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. On this analysis it is not the output loss after a crash that has to be explained, but the unsustainable high levels that preceded it. 根据这种分析,需要解释的不是危机后的产出损失,而是在危机前不可持续的高产出水平。 www.ftchinese.com 1. British observers are about to get a crash course in the subject with the launch next month of "China Now" . 英国观察人士即将就这些问题参加一个速成课程。而这个“课程”就是下月开始的“时代中国”(ChinaNow)文化节。 www.ftchinese.com 2. This non-linearity applies to currencies' values, too: the likelihood of a crash escalates as a currency becomes ever dearer. 这个非线性模型同样适用于货币价值:破产的可能性逐步升级为货币变得越加珍贵。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. "Jakarta Post" reported that two pilots flying a small Cessna -212 type aircraft, flight training began to take off, suddenly heard a crash. 《雅加达邮报》报道,两名飞行员驾驶一架塞斯纳—212型小飞机,准备起飞开始飞行训练,突然听到一声撞击。 www.englishtang.com 4. The Chinese government has been active in trying to cool the overheated property market without precipitating a crash. 此前,中国政府一直在努力为过热的房地产市场降温,同时又避免造成崩盘。 www.ftchinese.com 5. He said a "task force" representing his group had started a "crash program" in Newark. 他说,一个代表他的小组的特别工作队已经在纽华克开始了“空难救助计划”。 www.hotdic.com 6. After a crash, the kite is generally downwind of you, lying leading edge down on the water. 在落水后,一般而言风筝都会在你的下风处,风筝主管往下浮在水中。 blog.roodo.com 7. It is reported that last Friday's training, and in Iverson's teammate in a crash in the fall on the floor, which led to his injured knee. 据报道,在上周五的训练中,艾弗森在和队友的一次冲撞中摔倒在了地板上,这导致他的膝盖受伤。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Fault recovery tracks all the resources that are in use by the client or server and, in the event of a crash, cleans them all up. 故障恢复跟踪客户机或服务器正在使用的所有资源,并在发生崩溃时将它们全部清除。 www.ibm.com 9. The front door closed with a crash behind him. 前门在他身后砰的一声关上了。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Foreign lorries are throe times more likely to be in a crash than British Lorries. 外来货车发生车辆碰撞事故的可能性是英国注册货车的三倍。 www.1x1y.com.cn 1. The schooner rolled and plunged, fetching up on her anchors with a crash which for the first time they could hear. 纵帆船摇了几摇,前后颠簸了两下,紧拉着锚链,发出一声震响,这是大家第一次听到的响声。 dict.veduchina.com 2. Who knows not just hurried outside, heard a crash out on, it seems that what fell. 谁知刚追出去不远,就听到后面轰隆一声,似乎什么东西倒了。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The file system only transfers the changed metadata to the file system some time after that (or on the next reboot after a crash). 档案系统唯一的改变数据传输的文件系统一段时间后,(或在下次重新启动崩溃后)。 forum.ubuntu.com.cn 4. There are grounds for believing this was a correction, not the prelude to a crash. 有理由相信这和崩溃只是有联系,而并不是其前奏。 ecocn.org 5. They all thought they were just having fun, but that in a split second when he caused a crash that killed his 15-year-old brother, Aaron. 他们都觉得他们只是在享受乐趣,但是在瞬间他的引起的冲撞杀死了他15岁的弟弟亚伦,杰森因他的弟弟的死被判犯有过失杀人罪他。 xizheng09yingyu.blog.163.com 6. Shoot enough bullets into a tree's branch and it will fall with a crash (meaning enemies can blast away the tree you are hiding behind). 朝树枝多开几枪,它就会断裂落下来(这就意味着敌人也可以炸毁你藏身的大树)。 www.elanso.com 7. Animals may be carried away by smelling one another and there may appear a traffic jam or even a crash. 嗅到的别的动物的味道可能会使驴兴奋,从而引发交通堵塞甚至碰撞。 www.bing.com 8. I've been stumbling in the dark, living in a crash world. 我生活在一个堕落的的世界已经在黑暗中迟疑不前。 www.yappr.cn 9. But it comes in the wake of a crash in November that led to the deaths of 19 preschoolers and two adults in rural Gansu province. 不过今年11月在中国甘肃省农村曾发生过校车撞车事件,造成19名幼儿园学生和两名成年人死亡。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Pat was in the bathroom with a hairdryer in her hand when she heard a crash. 帕特手拿吹风机在浴室里,这时她听到一个撞击声。 wenku.baidu.com 1. Yes, that was a crash Recently there has been a lot of talk about a potential crash. 最近有很多关于潜在崩溃的说法。 www.bing.com 2. It is also possible for the Java application to run out of native memory, which will also cause a crash (see Resources). Java应用程序也有可能耗尽本机内存,这也会导致崩溃(参见参考资料)。 www.ibm.com 3. He heard a crash in the kitchen and went to see what had happened. 他听见厨房里发出呯砰一声,就过去看看发生了什么事。 www.wordreference.com 4. Foreign vehicles are 30 percent more likely to be in a crash than British-registered vehicles. 车辆碰撞事故中,外来车辆的数量差不多比英国注册车辆多出30%。 www.1x1y.com.cn 5. Now, Kim Jong-il's failing health is compelling Mr. Kim to begin a crash program to present his son as the next leader. 现在金正日糟糕的健康状况迫使他开始一个推举他儿子作为接班人的急迫计划。 www.bing.com 6. Don't go on a crash diet if you're hoping to try for that baby. 不要继续崩溃的饮食,如果你希望尝试的婴儿。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. My mother had a crash three days ago. She was walking, suddenly, a fast motorcycle crash into her. 大前天,我妈妈出车祸了。当时她正走在路上,忽然一辆快速行。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 8. The oil leak could increase the likelihood of a crash for the driver as well as other motorists. 石油泄漏可能增加的可能性崩溃的司机以及其他驾驶。 usa.315che.com 9. Palin, on a crash course in foreign policy, is to meet foreign leaders in New York at the UN general assembly this week. 正在参加政治外交速成班的帕林,这周将在纽约的联合国大会会见外国领导。 www.bing.com 10. Longer term, the outlook for commodities now depends on whether China can slow growth without conjuring up a crash. 就更长期而言,大宗商品的前景如今取决于中国能否在不造成崩盘的情况下放慢经济增长步伐。 www.ftchinese.com 1. safety bags full of air that help you in a crash The air bags on this new car could save your life. 这辆新车上的气囊能救你的命。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. In 1992, the aircraft in which he was flying over north Africa broke in two during a crash landing. 在1992年,这架飞机在他飞越北非发生在两个在迫降。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. Congress is holding hearings into a crash in February near Buffalo, New York. 国会正在为二月份纽约布法罗附近发生的飞机失事时间召开听证会。 www.bing.com 4. But in the months and years before a crash, co-movement seems to grow. 但股市崩盘前几个月和几年内,它的联动性会逐渐放大。 www.bing.com 5. Ironically, it was the very use of a crash-free model that helped to trigger a crash. 具有讽刺意味的是,正是这一无视危机存在的模型,催生了一场危机。 www.bing.com 6. However, learning or practicing simultaneous interpretation is not a crash course, rather, it involves a gradual process. 然而,同声传译的学习和练习不是速成的,而是一个循序渐进的过程。 www.fabiao.net 7. Cures and preventions : Put exception- handling code in the main thread to notify the dependent threads when a crash is imminent . 治疗和预防措施:把异常处理代码放到主线程中以在崩溃来临之际通知依赖线程。 www.bing.com 8. Beyond the risk of a crash, hedge funds and private equity operators are driving the wrong brand of capitalism. 以后可能出现大跌,对冲基金和私人资产的经营者的驾驶错误品牌资本主义。 www.brar.cn 9. Tomorrow I will be in Slovakia, so have to stop writing now and find time for a crash course in the language. 明天就要到斯洛伐克了,所以停下来写一些字,也希望能找到速成的语言课程。 www.bing.com 10. The EAFR has data-link recording as mandated by the FAA, and a crash survivable memory which meets environmental requirements. EAFR拥有FAA委托的数据连接录音带,和一个满足环境要求的碰撞可存活存储器。 www.etiri.com.cn 1. If we really understand and trust an investment, we're more likely to hang on to it or even buy more, in a crash. 如果我们真正理解并相信一笔投资,那么我们就更有可能一直持有,甚至在市场崩溃的时候还会买入更多。 c.wsj.com 2. AN EAST London train station, austere and damp, is an unlikely venue for a crash course in futurism. 安东伦敦火车站,简朴而潮湿,在长远看来不可能是个速成的集合地。 www.ecocn.org 3. Non-persistent messages live only in the memory of the message broker, and in the event of a crash they most likely are lost. 非持久性消息只存在于消息代理的内存中,出现崩溃时很可能丢失这些消息。 www.ibm.com 4. This dismal comedy provokes a crash of expectations, however modest they may have been after the first theatrical version of the HBO series. 第一部根据同名HBO连续剧改编的电影上映后,人们对续集的期望值可能已经很低了,然而这部画面色调阴暗的喜剧片还是令人大失所望。 c.wsj.com 5. Fixed a crash which might occur after the user views past years of certain competitions. 修正了玩家查看过去几年的某项赛事时可能崩溃的问题。 bbs.cmfans.cn 6. But the risk of a crash in the bond market means that bondholders may receive only a haircut. 但债券市场可能出现的崩盘风险意味着,债券持有人可能只会遭遇债券价值削减。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Drink driving should be treated as a crime regardless of whether the driver causes a crash. 不管是不是造成了事故,酒后驾车都应该按犯罪处理。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. There had just been a crash, and prices were dirt cheap. 那个时候,新兴市场股市刚刚经历了崩溃,股价极其便宜。 www.fortunechina.com 9. But it has done so very gradually, in an effort to avoid a crash landing. 但具体措施在逐步进行,以避免造成经济下跌过猛。 www.bing.com 10. These can worsen any blues because they cause you to feel lethargic and often result in a crash after the initial energy burst. 因为这些食品只会让你感觉心情烦躁,使你反应迟钝。在原始能量消耗完之后很可能引起碰撞事故。 www.bing.com 1. yell and a crash, and the door was burst open. 叫喊和崩溃,而门突然打开。 wenwen.soso.com 2. There was a five-car accident. = Five cars were involved in a crash. 发生了一宗五车碰撞的事故。 www.e-say.com.cn 3. As I put it, "China could be on a crash course with a correction. " 正如我所说的,“中国应该上一个关于矫正的速成班。” www.bing.com 4. The stuntman wears a crash helmet and padded clothing which has handles on the back to facilitate throwing the human projectile. 特技演员戴着防撞头盔,穿着有衬垫的衣服,衣服背后有把手以便人们“发射人体炮弹”。 www.bing.com 5. However, this is not always the effective way to avoid a crash, sometimes it even causes a more serious crash. 紧急情况下司机的第一反应一般是减速制动,但这并不总是行之有效的避撞方式,有时甚至造成更严重的车祸。 www.showxiu.com 6. Despite a crash due to failure of the parachute system , a significant amount of the samples were recovered . 虽然收集器因降伞系统的失灵而撞毁,但仍有相当数量的样本能够保存。 www.bing.com 7. It's much easier to include the code to check for the exception than to try to debug a crash later on. 添加异常检测代码要比在事后尝试调试崩溃简单很多。 www.ibm.com 8. Suddenly, there was a crash of breaking dishes, then complete silence. 忽然,传来打碎碟子的声音,而后一片寂静。 www.enfang.com 9. What is the best kind of material to make a car bumper out of to minimize damage in a crash? 要使碰撞损伤最小,制造汽车保险杠的最佳材料是什么? blog.sina.com.cn 10. A crash involving three trains in Pakistan's Sindh province killed at least 133 people. 在巴基斯坦信德省,133人死于一起三列火车相撞的事故。 www.tianya.cn 1. We're definitely nearing the turning point and a crash is a remote but plausible possibility. 我们显然正在接近拐点。崩盘的可能性虽然很小,但貌似还是存在的。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Drinking and driving increases both the risk of a crash and the likelihood that death or serious injury will result. 酒后驾车会加大撞车的危险,以及由此导致死亡或者严重受伤的可能性。 www.who.int 3. A crash test on a light bus with such steel tubes installed verifies their excellent effect of energy absorption. 在某轻型客车上安装钢管进行的碰撞试验验证了其优异的吸能效果。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Unfortunately our reaction times are not any faster, nor are our bodies any better at withstanding the forces involved in a crash. 事实上我们的反应速度并没有提升得更快,我们的身体对事故的耐受力也没有增加。 www.bing.com 5. "Maybe it slows a crash a little, but it's hard to say. " “或许它能让崩盘推迟一点时间,但这很难说。” www.ftchinese.com 6. Sadly, it was on his return to action under SupeRally regulations following a crash on the opening stage. 悲剧在于这一切发生在他首个赛段的车祸之后,得益于规则他还能回到赛场。 www.wrchome.cn 7. While that would augur for more gains in the short term, it also could set the stage for a crash later on. 尽管金价上涨预示着短期内会有更大的收益,却也可能为之后的崩溃埋下祸根。 c.wsj.com 8. I had fallen from the plane, I knew that. But why was she talking to me about a crash? 我听不懂她的话,我从飞机上掉了下来,这我知道,但她为什么要跟我谈空难呢? www.bing.com 9. Turbine Man represents the first death of a crash survivor on the island. He is sucked into the crashed plane's turbine. 引擎男是岛上坠机幸存者中第一个死亡的,他被坠毁飞机的引擎卷了进去。 www.sfileydy.com 10. In this article, we have defined the differences between a Domino server hang and a crash. 在本文中,我们定义了Domino服务器挂起与崩溃之间的区别。 www-128.ibm.com 1. There was a cry heard, and a crash. 一声惨叫传来,接着是倒地声。 www.joyen.net 2. It is generally accepted by most researchers that human contact with alien beings was first reported as part of a crash retrieval in 1941. 这是1941年最普遍接受的研究,人类与外星人接触的第一人是在检索报告为一个崩溃的一部分。 www.ufoxh.com 3. If you feel you need a crash course on Java, turn to Appendix A of my book or the Education section of the developerWorks Java zone. 如果您觉得需要一个Java速成课程,请转至拙作的附录A或者developerWorksJava区的“教学”部分。 www.ibm.com 4. Fixed a crash which would sometimes happen around the end of 2005 when running the Irish league. 修正了在运行爱尔兰联赛时,2005年末有时崩溃的问题。 bbs.cmfans.cn 5. Resource leaks can result in the DB2 server being overload, abnormal behavior within the application, or even in a crash of the DB2 server. 资源泄漏会造成DB2服务器负载过大,应用程序出现异常行为,或者甚至造成DB2服务器崩溃。 www.ibm.com 6. And perceptions are formed by dramatic news pictures and anecdotes, not dry statistics about the probabilities of being in a crash. 而人们的印象形成于重大新闻图片、奇闻轶事以及并非枯燥的有关空难可能性的统计数字。 www.ecocn.org 7. "The most likely scenario is not a crash but a step-by-step retreat. " “最可能出现的情形不是经济崩溃,而是逐步退却。” www.ftchinese.com 8. Papaya soup will not drink red wine with a crash diet, no taboos, no need to adjust to taking other drugs. 红酒木瓜靓汤喝过后不会与日常饮食有冲撞,不需要忌口,也不需要配合服用其它药物。 beautylinetm.com 9. There were rumors of a crash in the early stages of testing. . . 有传言说在试飞的早期还摔了鸡鸡。 bbs.tiexue.net 10. A crash of the server for whatever reason should not cause part of the transaction to occur. 无论服务器出于何种原因发生崩溃都不应该引起事务被部分执行。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Seats are also positioned no more than two feet apart, which limits the distance a child moves during a crash. 座椅间距不超过2英尺,发生撞车这就可以限制孩子移动距离。 www.bing.com 2. When a server restarts after a crash, a message is posted to DDM, so you can track the event at the administrator console. 当服务器在崩溃之后重新启动时,一个消息发送到DDM,这样就可以在管理员控制台上跟踪这个事件。 www.ibm.com 3. Upon the launching the app, Documents To Go shows a seven page manual of sorts to give users a crash course on using the app. 当启动应用程序,文件要前往展示了各种各样7页的手册,让用户使用的应用程序崩溃的过程。 www.acpp.com.cn 4. Thursday's decline -- the 11th largest in percentage terms in the Dow's history -- put the stock market either in, or nearly in, a crash. 道指周四创下有史以来最大单日百分比跌幅之一,将股市拖入或者说几乎拖入崩盘境地。 www.ebigear.com 5. In order to survive a crash, it is first necessary to provide a "living space" for the occupants during the dynamic portion of the crash. 为了在坠机事件中求生,首先就需要在坠机动态的过程中,为求生者提供一个“生存空间”。 dict.bioon.com 6. Blackouts are now history in Sichuan, thanks to a crash program of construction of power grids. 由于搞了一个应急电网建设项目,四川经常停电的历史已经一去不复返了。 spdc.shnu.edu.cn 7. The doors of the Great Hall opened with a crash. 大厅的门被撞开了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The beast rose and then, displaying his habit of letting the fore-leg swing, came down with a crash. 那畜牲跳了起来,然后玩弄它那晃荡前腿的故伎,一下子跌倒在地。 tr.bab.la 9. He, as a crash-test dummy. In 2001, they tied the knot in the bridal section of a department store. 而他,是一个碰撞试验假人。2001年,他们在一家百货商店的婚装展台上结婚。 www.yappr.cn 10. Ultimately, however, cutting emissions means curbing growth in energy demand, not necessarily a crash in economic output. 不过,归根结底,减排意味着抑制能源需求的增长,而未必导致经济产出大幅下降。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Sophisticated technology that helps drivers avoid a crash is accelerating its descent from the rarified reaches of super luxury cars. 帮助司机避免撞车的尖端技术,正加快其在豪华轿车领域的应用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Big jets are designed to survive the failure of one engine, even during take-off, when the risk of a crash is greatest. 空客的设计能保证在一个引擎出现故障时,即使这是在最危险的起飞阶段,飞机仍能生还。 www.ecocn.org 3. Rox vs Jazz game was on their schedule, so other local Chinese TV broadcast other NBA games to avoid a crash. 火箭和爵士的比赛本来在他们的直播计划中,所以其他的中国电视台就不播了,以免撞车。 club.sohu.com 4. Thus, the inserted rows may not be recovered in the event of a crash. 因此,系统崩溃时可能不能恢复插入的行。 www.ianywhere.com 5. Duckworth lost both her legs in a crash as an Army helicopter pilot in Iraq. 达克沃思失去了作为一个坠毁在伊拉克陆军直升机飞行员双腿。 www.bugutang.com 6. Officials launched a crash expansion to have eight lines running by last summer. 中国官员们大举扩张北京地铁,在去年夏天之前保证了八条线路投入运营。 www.bing.com 7. The little black boxes in airplanes provide useful information after a crash has taken place. 飞机上的小黑匣在撞击后提供的有用信息已经形成。 www.bing.com 8. In case of a crash, these belts expand in just 40 milliseconds. 当发生车祸时,安全带里的一小安全气囊就会展开。这种气囊的展开只需要40毫秒。 www.bing.com 9. At Carnegie Mellon University the robot Actroid-DER took a crash course in becoming more human. 在卡内基梅隆大学,机器人Actroid-DER上了一堂速成课,希望变得更像人类。 www.bing.com 10. After a crash, there should be bargains to be had for the brave. 大跌之后,勇敢者应该会有逢低买进的机会。 www.ftchinese.com 1. One example is a form that includes a badly coded button that always results in a crash when pressed. 例如一个这样的表单,其中包含一个编码错误的按钮,每当按这个按钮时,都会导致一个可重复的崩溃。 www.ibm.com 2. She once had a crash in her pyjamas. 她曾经撕碎她的睡衣。 www.bing.com 3. A major goal is making sure vehicles are handled properly by first responders to a crash. 一个主要的目的是保证对车祸最先做出响应的人能够正确处置汽车。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Pakistani volunteers and firefighters struggle to extinguish a fire at a crash site in Karachi. 巴基斯坦志愿者和消防员奋力扑灭在Karachi的一场空难的大火。 www.bing.com 5. Bart 's counselor suggested that he take a crash course in auto mechanics before he apply for a job at a local repair shop . 巴特的就业指导建议他先上一个汽车机械速成班,然后再到当地的一家修理厂求职。 www.bing.com 6. Helmets should fit snuggly and not fall off in a crash . The weather will be hot , but helmets must be worn, even in warm-up . 头盔需正确佩戴,防止在冲撞时掉落。虽然天气炎热,但参赛者必须带头盔,热身时同样需要。 www.bing.com 7. There was a crash of thunder, then the storm struck. 一声惊雷过後,狂风暴雨突然袭来。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. It caught in the window, the tower tottered , leaned forward, fell with a crash, and buried the unhappy lovers in the ruins. 塔楼摇晃着向前倾斜,轰的一声倒下,把这对倒霉的恋人埋在废墟里! www.kekenet.com 9. This process of going on a crash diet, losing muscle, putting the weight back on, going on another crash diet, losing more muscle. 这一过程持续了一个坠机的饮食,失去肌肉,使体重回,在进行另一坠毁饮食,肌肉失去更多 actuafreearticles.com 10. Fixed a crash at the end of the season in Belgium when running with top division only. 修正了只运行最高级别的比利时联赛在赛季末出现的问题。 mirror.playmyself.com 1. If a disconnection does occur, the vehicle could stall, leading to the increased probability of a crash. 如果不出现脱节,车辆可以摊档,导致越来越多的概率崩溃。 usa.315che.com 2. They found that even having just one or two drinks in the six hours before driving increased the risk of a crash 2. 17-fold. 他们发现,在开车前的六个小时内,仅仅饮用一到两杯酒,事故风险就会提高1.17倍。 cn.reuters.com 3. Then all at once there was a crash of breaking glass. 接着突然传来一阵玻璃的破碎声。 www.eweekblog.com 4. Two college students who look alike were misidentified after a crash, one of the students died, the other suffered serious injuries. 这两名惊人相似大学生在一场车祸后身份被搞混。其中一名学生死亡,另一名伤势严重。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. A common definition of a crash is a 20% decline in a single day or several days. 崩盘通常被定义为单日或数日累计跌幅超过20%。 www.ebigear.com 6. Doing so usually leads to a crash as soon as we attempt to dereference the uninitialized pointer. 因此,在对未初始化的指针进行解引用时,通常会导致程序崩溃。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. When you stop all child processes, make sure that no orphan processes and their respective resources remain running after a crash. 当停止所有子进程时,请确保崩溃之后没有孤立进程及其各自资源仍在运行。 www.microsoft.com 8. Dump files contain a snapshot of your program's state at some point in time, usually after a crash. 转储文件包含您的程序在某个时间点(通常在崩溃之后)的状态的快照。 technet.microsoft.com 9. The stone hit the parlor window with a crash of glass, tearing the shade. 石头打在客厅的窗户上,玻璃碎了,百叶窗破了。 www.jukuu.com 10. A crash while the defragmenter is running results in only the last transaction being aborted. 仅在最后的事务被中止时,碎片整理程序才会发生故障。 www.ibm.com 1. This increases the likelihood of competitive price cuts that could prompt a crash in the highly fragmented market. 这加大了竞争性降价的可能性,这个高度分散的市场可能因此崩盘。 www.ftchinese.com 2. You can force a crash of the client process with the panic keyword. panic takes a string as argument. 您可以使用panic关键字强制一个客户端进程崩溃。恐慌panic采用一个字符串作为参数。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. A crash in Congo's cobalt and copper mining industry, however, has as many political as commercial implications. 不过,刚果(金)钴矿业和铜矿业崩溃的政治含义与其商业含义同样深刻。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The housing bubble ended with a crash -- and the government was forced to take over the GSEs. 最后房市泡沫以崩盘而告终——而政府被迫接管了两房。 dongxi.net 5. Europe's biggest car group could be heading for a crash. 欧洲最大的汽车集团也许面临着的是灭顶之灾。 www.ecocn.org 6. But that was a costly achievement: a loss of control resulted in a crash that destroyed the aircraft and killed pilot Mel Apt. 但是,这是一个昂贵的成就:一失控导致飞机坠毁,摧毁了飞机和飞行员丧生梅尔公寓。 www.bugutang.com 7. I got a crash course when we visited a kitchen design studio in August, weeks before we'd even closed on the new house. 8月份,就在我们离最后敲定那套新房子之前几个星期的时候,我参观了一家厨房设计工作室,整个像上了个速成班。 www.bing.com 8. Marie instantly went on a crash diet, restricting herself to just 800 calories a day. 玛丽立刻开始了新的饮食习惯,限制她一天只能摄入800卡路里。 www.bing.com 9. Not stopping to give help when the vehicle you are driving is involved in a crash causing death or personal injury. 在致人死伤的交通事故发生后未能停下来帮助受伤的人。 grove.ufl.edu 10. In a speeding car, there is no distress unless sudden braking or a crash or a broken window result. 在一辆车内,如果不是突然刹车,撞车,或者车窗破裂,是不会引起不幸的。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Fixed a crash in StarEdit when attempting to save modified Blizzard maps. 修正了保存修改过的官方地图时候造成的星际退出。 sckaka.blog.hexun.com 2. i got a crash on you, but i am clear that it isn't love. 我曾经迷恋你,可我很清楚那不是爱情。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. New Jersey's stately Drumthwacket manor in Princeton has served as little more than a crash pad since Gov. 新泽西州新任州长克里斯·克里斯蒂今年上任之后,位于普林斯顿的富丽堂皇的德拉姆斯瓦克特庄园便几乎遭到闲置。 zjdaily.zjol.com.cn 4. Click on a crash report to get details provided by Socorro, Mozilla's crash reports server. 点击其中一个崩溃信息报告来获得细节信息,由Mozilla的崩溃报告服务器Socorro提供。 www.bing.com 5. The latest fires are in addition to a battery fire in a crash-tested Volt six months ago. 其实,最近的火灾另外也是六个月前的一次碰撞测试后的沃特车电池引发的。 www.bing.com 6. By carefully monitoring and analysing near-misses, the airline industry has avoided many a crash. 通过细心的监控和分析侥幸脱险的事件,航空业避免了许多起飞机坠毁事故。 www.ecocn.org 7. What's the difference between a server hang and a crash? (另外,)服务器挂起和崩溃有什么不同? blog.sina.com.cn 8. "There's a real risk that a couple of things going wrong could cause a crash overnight, " he frets. 他担心,“一些事情出现问题,一夜之间就会崩溃,这种风险是切实存在的。” www.bing.com 9. In fact, they say it's just the opposite: A person who loses weight on a crash diet usually gains it back--and then some. 实际上,专家称这恰恰相反:采用节食减肥的人通常会有反弹,进而更重。 news.dxy.cn 10. Linux systems are well known for their ability to run for years without failure; in fact, many Linux users have never seen a crash. 众所周知,Linux系统可以无故障运行数年,事实上,很多Linux用户还从未见过任何一次系统崩溃。 www.bing.com 1. Kathleen stood outside Mark's door and listened to him snoring. Then the snoring stopped. She heard a crash. 凯萨琳站在马克的门外,听他打鼾。接著,打鼾声停止了,她听见了撞击声。 www.taipeitimes.com 2. The tag line for this poster advert reads: "It's your sex life, not a crash test. " 海报的结尾语写到:“这是你们的性生活,而不是碰撞测试。” www.bing.com 3. Barack Obama's uncle has been stopped on suspicion of drink driving after narrowly escaping a crash in Massachusetts. 巴拉克奥巴马的叔叔,在马塞诸塞州的一项汽车碰撞的事故中逃脱之后,继续涉嫌酒后驾车追究责任。 www.bing.com 4. A crash in China's controlled economy and financial markets wouldn't be anything like a crash in the United States, of course. 当然,中国的国控经济、金融市场的垮台和在美国发生的不一样。 www.bing.com 5. Semantic actions in look-a heads, look-behind s and independent sub-expressions execute eagerly instead of causing a crash. 在顺序环视、逆序环视中语义动作以及独立子表达式的执行不再导致崩溃。 boost-doc-zh.googlecode.com 6. Perhaps even a crash before the road was even there. Maybe even a cross over between parallel existences. 也许以前这里就发生过一次撞击,也许甚至是并行的车发生的碰撞。 www.elanso.com 7. It's hard to believe when you look at this that that kid in back is going to do very well when you get in a crash. 当你看这段碰撞测试录像的时候,令人难以置信的是,坐在后排的(只用了安全带的假)孩子安然无恙。 www.ted.com 8. GM and NHTSA have pointed out that cars with gasoline-powered engines are susceptible to fires after a crash. 通用汽车公司和国家公路交通安全局都指出,汽油发动机车在碰撞后极易起火。 www.bing.com 9. To do that, the government has launched a crash construction program for county hospitals and township clinics. 为了达到这个目标,中国政府已经开始大力建设县级医院和乡镇诊所的计划。 www.bing.com 10. Place suitcases and bags securely to prevent them from becoming deadly missiles in a crash. 安置好手提箱和行李袋,不要让它们成为火车碰撞时的“致命导弹”。 www.bing.com 1. Lightning frequently strikes airplanes but rarely causes a crash. 飞机经常遭到雷击,但由此发生坠机事故却是很少的。 www.qeto.com 2. You'd expect that analysts' top picks would protect you in a crash, right? 你会指望分析师们优选的对象会保护你免受崩盘冲击,是不是? c.wsj.com 3. Fixed an issue in the Solar System Editor that caused a crash whenever you deleted a Navigation Point. 修正了一个太阳系编辑器中的问题,该问题会导致在删除导航点时崩溃。 bbs.deeptimes.org 4. Fixed a crash with stealing an object, exiting and immediately re-entering an interior. 修正了在偷东西时,离开并且立刻再进入室内空间系统崩溃的问题。 game.ali213.net 5. If there is a crash, wireless chips could tell the emergency services where to come, what has happened and if anyone is hurt. 如果发生了车祸,无线芯片会告诉救护队事故的发生地,出了什么事,是否有人受伤。 www.ecocn.org 6. Fixed an issue in the Solar System Editor that caused a crash whenever you deleted an Asteroid Field. 修正了一个太阳系编辑器中的问题,该问题会导致在删除小行星带时崩溃。 bbs.deeptimes.org 7. It would take a crash to stop it. 要想阻挡全球化,我们需要一次碰撞。 www.ftchinese.com 8. More frequent checkpoints enable faster database recovery after a crash. 更频繁的检查点使数据库在崩溃后很快恢复。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The flower bottle landed on the floor with a crash. 花瓶砰的一声掉在了地板上。 jyk.xidian.edu.cn 10. However, sometimes a creature is high enough in the air or is a skilled enough flier that it can avoid a crash landing. 但如果生物飞得足够高,或者有足够的技术,牠可以进行迴避动作不致直撞地面。 www.anetcity.com 1. The result is inaction and fear, conditions that make the stock market ripe for a crash. 其结果就是无所作为和恐惧,导致股市时机趋向崩溃。 www.bing.com 2. The Roaring Twenties ended with a crash. “兴旺的二十年代”最终以崩溃而告终。 www.unsv.com 3. Fixed accepting a game invite on the Multiplayer Menu via Friend Invite causing a crash. 修正接受游戏邀请朋友邀请通过对多层菜单导致飞机坠毁。 3dmgame.chnren.com 4. For now, we can warn the driver of any obstacle in the way and minimize the effects of a crash to some degree. 至于目前,我们可以提醒司机道路上是否有障碍物,并且尽量减小车祸造成的损伤。 www.fortunechina.com 5. This article is a crash course in writing maintainable JavaScript. 本文是一个速成班,介绍了如何编写可维护的JavaScript。 www.infoq.com 6. Operations ceased in November 2003, a result of the aftermath of a crash in 2000, the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and other factors. 作为2000年一次事故的后果,2003年11月停止运营,9-11恐怖袭击也是一个原因。 www.bing.com 7. Mr Chanos' vehicle wagers that the Chinese property market is vulnerable to a crash. 查诺斯的投资工具押注于中国房地产市场会受到市场崩盘的影响。 www.ftchinese.com 8. I began a crash program in the gym, emphasizing strength and reaction time. 在一家体育馆里我设计出一套紧急方案,重点强调了出击点和反应时间。 www.bing.com 9. But when banking and capital market activities are too interconnected, then you are highly likely to face a crash. 但如果银行业和资本市场活动之间的关联过于密切,就很有可能面临崩溃的局面。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Pretty elegant. Nothing like a crash to end a joke. 不错吧,什么都没有最后摔一跤更适合结束一个笑话。 www.ted.com 1. flash of lightning with a crash of thunder. 可见,指声音与打闪。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. If a crash occurs, the journal can be used as a checkpoint to recover unsaved information and avoid corrupting file system metadata. 一旦系统发生崩溃,日志文件就会起到一个检查点的作用,用于恢复未保存的信息,防止损坏文件系统元数据。 www.ibm.com 3. Some note that China's government, using measures such as those announced in the last week, has long avoided a crash in housing prices. 一些人指出,中国政府利用种种措施(诸如上周宣布的),长期以来避免了房价暴跌。 c.wsj.com 4. This type of program is highly susceptible to a crash caused by corrupt internal data . 这类程序非常容易遭受损坏的内部数据引起的崩溃。 www.bing.com 5. They had a crash in a small spaceship. 他们在一个小飞船里坠机。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. To make matters worse, local stock markets are still shaky after a crash earlier this year. 而本地股市年初崩盘后更加脆弱,这就进一步恶化了局势。 www.ecocn.org 7. They knew all along Nibiru was on a crash course to Earth. 他们一直都知道尼比奴向地球疾驰而来。 tieba.baidu.com 8. A group of girls gave Wolfowitz a crash course in reassembling televisions. 一些女孩给了沃尔福威茨一个组装电视机的速成课。 web.worldbank.org 9. I have broken her car accidentally as I got a crash in a rainning day. 我不是故意弄坏她的车的,我在雨天撞车了。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The valet puts on a crash helmet and full-body armor before parking your car. 仆人为你泊车得全副武装:全身护甲和钢帽。 www.54love.com 1. A crash project developed a resistant strain, thus averting a crop crisis. 经过一个应急项目开发出的一个有抵抗力的小麦品种帮助避免了那场危机。 www.america.gov 2. It is also on a crash program of building subways in major cities and high-speed trains to interconnect them. 还有,各大城市正在实施建设地铁的紧急计划,而且城市之间有高速铁路相连。 dongxi.net 3. This can cause a driver to miss key visual and audio cues needed to avoid a crash. 这能导致司机错过避免车祸所需的视力和听力的关键线索。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. If a child is too big for their child seat, it will not protect them properly and may even injure them in a crash. 如果孩子过大的儿童座椅,它不会保护他们得当,甚至可能损害崩溃。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Fixed a crash with summoning a creature and immediately exiting the cell. 修正了在召唤生物并且立即离开空间崩溃的问题。 game.ali213.net 6. The call ended with the sound of a crash. 电话挂断了,传来的是撞车的声音。 space.englishcn.com 7. Get me a crash cart right now. 快推辆车来 www.tingclass.net 8. Jakarta, Indonesia (CNN) -- A crash involving two trains in central Indonesia Saturday killed 36 people and injured 26, officials said. 雅加达,印度尼西亚(CNN)——-周六印尼两列火车在印度尼西亚的中部相撞而损毁,造成34人死亡和33人受伤,交通运输部说。 www.bing.com 9. Fixed a crash on the startup screen when user moves the mouse scrollwheel up or down. 修正了玩家在开始界面滚动鼠标滚轮所引发的游戏崩溃。 bbs.cmfans.cn 10. Unconventional oil won't save us: even a crash programme to develop the Canadian tar sands could deliver only 5m barrels a day by 2030. 非常规石油拯救不了我们:即便启动开采加拿大沥青砂这一应急方案,到了2030年每天也只能供500万桶。 www.bing.com |
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