单词 | the people's liberation army | ||||||||||
释义 | the people's liberation army
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 中国人民解放军,解放军部队,中国人民解放军海军 1. If he really did not know, it would suggest that the Chinese Communist party's grip over the People's Liberation Army is slipping. 如果他真不知情,就意味着中共对人民解放军的掌控力正在削弱。 israp.info 2. In putting down the counter-revolutionary rebellion, the People's Liberation Army made sacrifices. That was no easy thing, I can tell you. 这次平息反革命暴乱,人民解放军作出了牺牲,不容易,真是不容易。 www.1stenglish.com 3. These wonderfully talented young entertainers are the children of serving members of the People's Liberation Army Air Force. 这些非常有天赋的青年演艺人员是那些人民解放军空军服役人员的子女。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The People's Liberation Army had always been a force within the Chinese system but was firmly subordinate to the party. 在解放军一直是中文系统内的力量,而是坚定地服从党。 www.englishtang.com 5. No surprise that it ended up in the hands of its real owners, the People's Liberation Army. 果不其然,它最后落到了真正的买家手里:中国人民解放军。 www.bing.com 6. Both firms used to be part of the People's Liberation Army and still employ lots of former officers in their upper ranks. 这两家公司都曾是人民解放军的一部分,在高级领导层内仍有许多是解放军的退役军官。 bbs.kekenet.com 7. the People's Liberation Army and armed police devote themselves to the campaign against the natural disaster affecting large parts of China. 中国人民解放军和武装警察部队积极迎战这场波及全国大部分地区的自然雪灾。 www.jydoc.com 8. Combat capability of the People's Liberation Army crossing weakness is only apparent in the Golden Gate. 解放军渡海作战能力软肋也是在金门才显现出来的。 wenda.tianya.cn 9. The People's Liberation Army would safeguard China's borders from imperialist intervention, and foreign agents would be expelled from Lhasa. 解放大军将进驻西藏守卫中国的西南边疆,一切外国间谍机构必须离开拉萨。 multipletext.com 10. Yan said the pair arrived even before the People's Liberation Army rescue teams did. 鄢烈山说他们两人甚至赶在人民解放军救援队之前到达现场。 www.bing.com 1. And the people's liberation army (PLA) the surface of the bridge maintenance obligations falls on SuoTou shoulder. 而解放军这面维护大桥的义务就落在了锁头的肩上。 tv.360mp3.com 2. The company's founder and chief executive, Ren Zhengfei, was once an engineer in the People's Liberation Army. 该公司的创始人和首席执行官任正非曾经是中国人民解放军的一名工程师。 www.ftchinese.com 3. That winter he was assigned to the general staff of the People's Liberation Army. 这年冬天他被派到人民解放军总参谋部工作。 www.dictall.com 4. Shortly before Mr Obama's visit, the deputy chief of the People's Liberation Army happened to be inAustraliafor annual bilateral talks. 就在奥巴马访问前不久,中国解放军的副首长突然出现在澳大利亚参加每年的双方会谈。 xiaozu.renren.com 5. Elsewhere, I caught a glimpse of the differences between the People's Liberation Army and civilian officials. 在其它地方,我瞥见了解放军与文职官员之间的分歧。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The garrison belongs to a unit of the People's Liberation Army stationed in the downtown area of Chongqing. 该岗哨隶属人民解放军某部,驻扎在重庆市中心。 tieba.baidu.com 7. It is the masses, the People's Liberation Army soldiers heroically fighting snowstorm, the emergence of a large number of epic heroic deeds. 人们群众,解放军战士英勇抗击雪灾,涌现大批可歌可泣的英雄事迹。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Throughout 1949, the People's Liberation Army swept through China ultimately pushing Nationalist forces off the mainland. 在1949年,中国人民解放军横扫全国,并最终迫使国民党军队逃离大陆。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Media-shy founder and Chairman Ren Zhengfei was an engineer in the People's Liberation Army 25 years ago. 不喜在媒体上露面的创始人兼董事长任正非25年前曾是人民解放军的一名工程师。 www.bing.com 10. Television cameramen flocked to the territory's borders with China to film the arrival of the People's Liberation Army. 大批摄像记者蜂拥赶到同中国交界的边界地区,记录人民解放军进入香港。 www.ecocn.org 1. Most were untrained in rescue work, prompting criticism from some Western analysts of the People's Liberation Army. 大多数人没有受过救援训练,引起一些西方分析家的批评。 www.stnn.cc 2. If there's no the People's Liberation Army's help, the villagers would have been death in this flood disaster. 如果不是因为那些解放军,村民们在这次洪灾中都不能幸免。 www.kekenet.com 3. But it added that the People's Liberation Army was building a force for other operations unrelated to Taiwan. 但报告补充称,中国人民解放军(PLA)也在为与台湾无关的其它军事行动建设一支力量。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Soon after Jinzhong Battle, the Yen Hsi-shan's ruling center-Taiyuan was surrounded by the People's Liberation Army. 晋中战役结束不久,阎锡山的统治中心-太原即陷入了人民解放军的包围之中,成为孤岛。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Facing off against the People's Liberation Army, officials argue, will require a reinforced Navy and other military hardware. 军方称,要和解放军一争高下必须加强海军和其他兵种的装备。 dongxi.net 6. In the town's three convenience stores, female clerks wore olive uniforms meant to evoke the People's Liberation Army. 在镇上的三家便利店里,女店员都穿着橄榄色制服,这当然意在让人想起人民解放军。 www.bing.com 7. There is abundant celebration, however, of the People's Liberation Army, which marches in pretty files to rescue the Tangshan victims. 然而,剧中充满了对人民解放军的赞美,是他们排着整齐的队伍来到唐山拯救那些幸存者。 www.bing.com 8. The People's Liberation Army is investing heavily to give China the military muscle to match its economic power. 中国在人民解放军上的投资可观,以使其军事力量和经济力量相匹配。 www.ecocn.org 9. CRCC, formerly the railway-building unit of the People's Liberation Army, has also signed a $300m road project in Nigeria. 中国铁建还在尼日利亚签署了3亿美元的公路建设项目,该公司的前身是中国人民解放军铁路建设单位。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The Paracels boast fine beaches, but are wholly peopled by that uninviting body, the People's Liberation Army. 西沙群岛有着优质的沙滩,但完全由无趣的解放军驻守。 www.bing.com 1. Some American congressmen assume that Huawei is a front for the People's Liberation Army. 一些美国议员想当然地认为华为是解放军先头部队。 www.ecocn.org 2. Both missiles will enter service with the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Second Artillery. 两种导弹将会进入中国人民解放军(PLA)第二炮兵服役。 www.armsky.com 3. More than 100 journalists visited China's elite troop Friday morning as the the People's Liberation Army marked its 81st anniversary. 值此中国人民解放军庆祝建军81周年之际,百名记者组团于1日上午参观访问了我军的精锐部队。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Some Chinese leaders, especially those in the People's Liberation Army, were eager to fan the flames. 一些中共领导人,特别是人民解放军的头子,急著想煽风点火。 bbs.wwenglish.org 5. The People's Liberation Army has increasingly pushed a tough foreign policy line in public. 解放军日趋在公开场合推动强硬的外交政策立场。 www.ftchinese.com 6. He was born in Jiangsu and joined the People's Liberation Army Airfoce in 1982 at the age of 17. 他出生在江苏,在1982年,也就是他17岁的时候参加了中国人民解放军空军。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. It's a highly-trained, elite cyber wing of the People's Liberation Army. It's got just about 30 online soldiers. 这是解放军一支训练有素的精英级网络部队,大约有30名网络士兵组成。 www.bing.com 8. Since its founding, the People's Liberation Army has played an important role in the modern history of China. 中国人民解放军成立以来,在中国现代历史上发挥了重要作用。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 9. A female soldier in the People's Liberation Army helps another soldier put on lipstick before a military party. 在一次军队聚会前,一位解放军女兵帮另一位女兵涂口红。 www.bing.com 10. The gun system has been deployed by the People's Liberation Army (PLA) for some years. 该火炮系统已经安装完毕,由人民解放军(解放军)已有多年。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. In 1949, he was studying in the wartime capital of Nanjing when the People's Liberation Army vanquished the Nationalist forces. 1949年,解放军击败国民党部队、占领当时的首都南京时,嘉乐顿珠正在那里求学。 www.bing.com 2. Soldiers of the People's Liberation Army and members of the People's . 和中国人民武装警察部队总部颁发军人和武装警察身份证件。 www.ebigear.com 3. Those20 minutes fully displayed the heroism of the People's Liberation Army. 这20分钟充分显示出人民解放军的英雄气慨。 www.1stenglish.com 4. They fled southward helter-skelter. The People's Liberation Army immediately took up pursuit, launching a wide. 他们一齐向南溃退,人民解放军立即实行宽正面的追击。在这。 huii.cn 5. They are nurtured first by the Indian army, humiliated in 1962 when the People's Liberation Army swept into Tawang from next-door Tibet. 当年那场战争首先由印度军队挑起,而后人民解放军在1962年从西藏进入横扫达旺,把屈辱留给了印度。 www.bing.com 6. Furthermore, there are some people in a war disaster, like the People's Liberation Army, electricity repair personnel. 此外还有一些抗灾一战的人们,像解放军,电力抢修人员。他们都在抓紧时间维护人民的利益。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The letters PLA stand for the People's Liberation Army. PLA这几个字母代表中国人民解放军。 www.hxen.com 8. The people's liberation army, the eye is hot tears, with homesickness to niang heart! 是人民解放军,眼含思乡的泪,滚烫想娘的心! blog.sina.com.cn 9. The two womenare pilots drawn from the People's Liberation Army Air Force. 该大队中有两名女性,由中国人民解放军空军飞行员中选拔产生。 www.bing.com 10. Its founder served in the People's Liberation Army. 华为创始人曾在人民解放军中服役。 cn.wsj.com 1. Certainly, Lanxiang has links to the People's Liberation Army. 确定无误的是,蓝翔与中国人民解放军有关联。 c.wsj.com 2. The result is the People's Liberation Army Navy's triple-hull Type 022 missile boat, a " thoroughbred ship-killer, " according to Patch. 据帕迟所言,这批生产的出品,是中国人民解放军海军的三体022型飞弹快艇,一种“性能优良的舰船杀手”。 dongxi.net 3. This year, too, 130, 000 university graduates applied for jobs with the People's Liberation Army. 今年,还有130000大学毕业生申请参加解放军。 www.bing.com 4. Completely clear, however, is that the People's Liberation Army not only believes it, but is implementing it. 但我们完全可以确定的是,中国人民解放军(PLA)不仅信,而且正在身体力行。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The United States has no business cooperating with the People's Liberation Army to help develop its space program 美国同中国人民解放军合作,助其发展太空项目,没有任何利益可图。 cn.reuters.com 6. Last year further achievements were made in the modernization of national defense mid the People's Liberation Army (PLA). 过去一年,国防和军队现代化建设取得新的成就。 www.hjenglish.com 7. Beijing, China: A guard of honour from the People's Liberation Army prepare to hold a welcoming ceremony at the Great Hall of the People 中国,北京:人民解放军仪仗队在为人民大会堂的一次欢迎仪式做准备。 www.bing.com 8. The People's Liberation Army Is a Great Army Loyal to the Party and the Cause of the People 人民解放军是一支忠于党和人民事业的伟大军队 www.ilib.cn 9. With the help of the People's Liberation Army, have all returned to normal 在解放军的帮助下,一切已经恢复了正常 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Chinese marines take part in an international fleet review to mark 60 years of the People's Liberation Army navy 中国海军陆战队员参加一个国际舰队检阅庆祝解放军海军60岁。 bbs.cnnas.com 1. The industry learns from Daqing, agriculture learns from Dazhai and the whole country learns from the People's Liberation Army, 1971 工业学大庆,农业学大寨,全国学人民解放军,1971 www.bing.com 2. Second Artillery Corps of the People's Liberation Army 解放军第二炮兵部队 edu.sina.com.cn |
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