单词 | the pale | ||||||
释义 | the pale
例句释义: 苍原领,希达是位於英格兰辖区,希达是位于英格兰辖区 1. A bright yellow umbrella sits like the sun over the pale blue waters of a beach in Thailand. 旅游图片摄影忠告。明亮黄色伞安置在像太阳和淡蓝色大海的海滩上方在泰国。 forum.home.news.cn 2. The cheeks flattened, the pale eyes narrowed, and one corner of his mouth began to twitch. 脸颊变平了,苍白的眼珠眯了起来,一只嘴角开始抽搐。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 3. The head was held erect with a sort of robust grace, and beneath the hat the pale profile of a young man could be made out in the dim light. 头向上仰起,有一种刚健秀美的风度,映着微明的惨白光线,帽子下面露出一张美少年的侧影。 bbs.ycwb.com 4. The dark red to grey infarcted bowel contrasts with the pale pink normal bowel at the bottom. 图示暗红,灰白的肠梗死与底部淡粉红色的正常小肠对比。 www.showxiu.com 5. The pale pink light of dawn found her still out on her terrace asleep upon the grass beneath a blanket of fine dew. 淡粉色的晨曦捕获到她依旧在她的露台上,睡在草地上,覆盖着一层嫌隙的露珠。 www.todaypopular.cn 6. The pale face showed that she was ill , her parents advised her to have a medical examination. 苍白的脸表明她生病了,她父母建议她做一下医学检查。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. Gone was the pale face and brave smile and in their place was a glowing and healthy looking girl who looked ready to take on the world. 她苍白的面孔已经消失,取而代之的是勇敢的笑容,这位神采奕奕看起来十分健康的女孩子,已经准备好再次出现在公众面前了。 gb.cri.cn 8. The naked branches of the trees seemed to be lifting themselves upward toward the pale sun, impatient to put forth leaf and flower. 一根根光秃秃的树枝似乎在迎着那淡淡的太阳向上伸展,急不可待地要吐出绿叶和花瓣儿。 9. He gave all of us reasons to cherish the pale blue dot and " all that ever was or is or ever will be. " 他给出了我们珍爱这个暗淡蓝点(地球)过去未来所有事物的理由。 www.jukuu.com 10. Slowly changes the pale sentiment, actually is only the surface grasps traces airtight. 慢慢变淡的感情,其实只是表面的抓摸不透。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. I cannot admit that there was on the whole anything in our behaviour or demeanour to have put us beyond the pale of human kindness. 我不承认那主要是因为我们的行为举止方面有什么不对的地方,才招致他们把我们放在了人类仁慈的界限以外。 www.bing.com 2. Her face drew close enough for me to detect the beginning of a smile on her lips and the pale bluegreen of her irises behind her glasses. 她的脸靠近得足以让我发现她唇边绽开的微笑,还有眼镜后面浅蓝绿色的虹膜。 www.ebigear.com 3. The dark coagulated blood. The sky before the heavy rain pours down. The pale dazzling sunshine is squeeze out by dark clouds. 凝结了的发乌的鲜血,大雨倾盆前的天空,惨白晃眼的阳光被墨色云团挤压出来。 exhibit.99ys.com 4. Lady Melisandre was seated near the fire, her ruby glimmering against the pale skin of her throat. 梅丽珊卓女士坐在火边,洁白皮肤衬着喉头红宝石烁烁闪亮。 hi.baidu.com 5. You know, more than just the hallmark of the pale, nervous student pulling an allnighter or the exhausted bedraggled parent. 你知道,仅仅只是面色苍白,紧张的学生用来熬夜或者疲惫的在病床上挣扎的病人喝。 www.bing.com 6. Egg-yolks were to be beaten until an egg-ribbon, trickled over the pale yellow surface, took five seconds to dissolve. 搅卵黄之前,卵带必须细细流过它的淡黄色表面,搅拌过后,要掐准五秒钟使之溶解。 blog.ecocn.org 7. In each animal, it was easy to detect the infarct: the pale scar was clearly visible and not contracting. 每一种动物的梗塞部位都很容易就可看出:那是一个无法收缩、显而易见的淡色疤痕。 tr.bab.la 8. "You speak in riddles, learned sir, " said the pale minister, glancing aside out of the window. “你是在打哑谜,博学的先生,”牧师斜瞥着窗外说。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Weeds along the river bank, silent crops, are quietly standing in the pale moonlight, as if what is silently waiting. 河岸两旁的野草,沉默的庄稼,都静静地站在这灰白色的月光中,好象正默默地等待着什么。 enwaimao.cn 10. Something in my dream will go with the wind , like the words , like the pale shadows . 一些东西都将在我的梦里随风而逝,比如曾经的对白和无力的辩驳。 www.bing.com 1. The lines on her face show up in the pale spring light. 她脸上的皱纹在春天惨淡的阳光下显得格外明显。 dict.ebigear.com 2. Snape hesitated. His black eyes, eager in the greenish gloom, moved over the pale face, the dark red hair. 斯内普迟疑着,他的黑眼睛在绿荫下显得很热切,看着莉莉那张苍白的脸和那头深红色的头发。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Sadly masculine his naked body lies beside me, stretched out on the pale sheets of my otherwise deserted bed. 带着可悲的男子气概,他裸露的身体躺在我的身边,肢体伸展,在我否则颇荒废的床,苍白的床单上。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. He, much more than Bush, is beyond the pale; he is the man of whom we do not speak. 他,远甚于布什,超出一定的界限;他是个我们不想谈论的人。 www.bing.com 5. The Pale Ale has been invented in London and all the brewers producing the best quality were from there. 淡色麦酒传到伦敦而且所有的酿造者都能造出最好质量的。 www.24en.com 6. The "little white face" is used to describe the pale-faced scholar, and now often used to belittle those who depend on a woman living man. 而“小白脸”则是用来形容白面书生,现在常用来贬低那些依靠女人生活的男人。 wenwen.soso.com 7. The pale young gentleman's nose had stained my trousers, and I tried to wash out that evidence of my guilt in the dead of night. 那位苍白面孔的少年绅士的鼻血也曾染红我的裤腿,我只有趁着深夜时分来洗净这一罪证。 novel.tingroom.com 8. And a little later she saw the two men ride up the pale yellow hillside in search of the steers. 又过了一会儿,她看见他们两个骑着马,走上灰黄的山坡找菜牛。 wap.6dtc.com 9. This child lived, in this absence of affection, like the pale plants which spring up in cellars. 那孩子就这样生活在缺乏爱的状态中,有如地窖中萎黄的草。 www.ebigear.com 10. I can find our ideal country, love for the youth of the pale green leaves wasteland into a thriving nursery. 我可以找到我们理想的国度,可以让爱的苍白青春的荒地变成绿叶繁华的苗圃。 xzd.2000y.net 1. Her shiningly black hair runs down the shoulders, and despite the pale countenance, her eyes are also shiningly black. 她漆黑的头发披散在双肩,脸色却是苍白的,脸上,一双漆黑的眸子也黑得发亮。 yesunwei.blog.163.com 2. such an ugly big toad. She hopped right on to the table, where Thumbelina lay dreaming in her tiny cradle, under the pale pink rose leaf. 天啊,多么丑陋的一只癞蛤蟆,她一下子跳到桌上,拇指姑娘此刻正盖着粉红的玫瑰花瓣,躺在小摇篮里做着美梦呢。 english.xv88.net 3. The prettiest was the one in the pale pink jacket, who never looked around her as she worked. 其中最漂亮的要数那位穿着浅粉色短外套的姑娘。她干活时从不四处张望。 www.kekenet.com 4. I stared at the pale silver light coming through my window, stunned. 我盯着窗外银灰色的光冉冉升起,有些措愕。 bookapp.book.qq.com 5. Scattered throughout the world. When you have them all in hand, checkmate is possible, the pale royals may be of use. 在世界各处散布,当妳涨我它们的全部的时候,围攻是可能的,灰白的王族可能有用。 forum.gamer.com.tw 6. In my mind's eye, I saw the pale face of the mother at the news of her son's death. 我想象得出母亲在听到儿子的死讯时那张苍白的脸。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. It was a cloudless autumn day and the pale sunlight sliced between the pastel skyscrapers. 这是一个晴朗的秋日的阳光下苍白片粉笔之间的摩天大楼。 wenwen.soso.com 8. As I walked along the broad new embankment at twilight, I watched an aeroplane hanging against the pale sky. 傍晚我沿着宽阔的新河堤散步时,我看到苍白的天空中有一架飞机。 www.bing.com 9. Charlie blushed. Alice took his elbow and tugged him around into a slow spin to showcase the pale gray tux. 查理脸红起来。艾丽丝挽起他的手臂拉着他原地慢转,以此展示灰白色的西装。 bookapp.book.qq.com 10. The eyes of the pale-faced portraits on the wall followed Snape and Yaxley as they strode past. 当斯内普和亚克斯利迈着大步穿越走廊的时候,墙上那些面色苍白的雕像目不转睛地望着他们。 www.voice-english.com 1. This company product through the SGS environmental protection authentication, welcome negotiates by telegram the pale consultation! 本公司产品通过SGS环保认证,欢迎来电洽淡咨询! detail.cn.china.cn 2. Unlike his colleagues, the pale 21-year-old held no rifle in his hands. 与他的战友们不同的是,面显苍白的21岁米林确实手中无枪。 www.24en.com 3. CATE BLANCHETT is known for the pale beauty of her face and her vivid film performances. 凯特·布兰切特因其苍白的冷艳美和丝丝入扣的表演而闻名于世。 www.ecocn.org 4. It's spring now, young grasses have grown out on the hill. The pale yellowish green makes me joyous. 春天的山上,小草已经长出来,一片葱绿。让人神怡。 www.italki.com 5. The pale eyes seemed to glare past her, the eyebrows frowned, the long jaw hardened. 那双灰白的眼睛仿佛看穿了她的身子,眉头皱着,长下巴发僵。 www.jukuu.com 6. In Damascus, Bashar al-Assad's brutal repression of his citizens has simply put him beyond the pale. 在大马士革,巴沙尔·阿尔-阿萨德对他的公民的残酷镇压已经不可容忍。 dongxi.net 7. The pale face. . . you went as far as you could. 苍白的面庞…你离开我跑到你可到达的边界。 tieba.baidu.com 8. When the pale sun rose over the white, cold earth, it was the morning of Christmas Eve. 当灰蒙蒙的太阳在这片雪白而冰冷的大地上空升起时,已是圣诞夜的早上了。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 9. Mrs Clinton's recent visit, showing sympathy but changing no policy (Hamas remains beyond the pale), leaves the question dangling. 希拉里最近对中东的访问,虽然表达了对巴勒斯坦人的同情但政策并未改变(哈马斯依然被排斥在谈判桌外)。这使得巴勒斯坦问题依然悬而未决。 www.ecocn.org 10. Are there any people, organisations or regimes so evil that the mere act of talking should be beyond the pale, no matter what is said? 不论谈话内容,纯粹的对话都不可接受,有这样邪恶的政权,组织和个人吗? www.ecocn.org 1. Odour drawn out of fallen leaves by the pale filtering sunlight soaked his nostrils. 透进林子里来的淡淡日光把落叶的气味蒸发出来,输进他的鼻管。 dict.wenguo.com 2. But the critics were only expressing a widely held view that the subject matter of Carmen was beyond the pale for polite Parisian society. 然而,当时的评论家只是表达了一种广泛的观点:巴黎上流社会无法容忍这部歌剧的题材。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The gentle breeze, which stirred the pale moonlight over my heart, brought me back to the past, and I was beside myself with more grief. 微风仿佛会给那点(月牙儿)微光吹到我的心上来,使我想起过去,更加重了眼前的悲哀。老舍《月牙儿》。 www.7781.org 4. The couple wore matching polo shirts the pale yellow of newborn chicks, and their hair had faded to a similar sandy shade. 老夫妇穿着新生小鸡般嫩黄色的情侣T恤,他们的头发也已经转为相似的黄沙色。 www.bing.com 5. Pink Leyding cells are seen here in the interstitium. Note the pale golden brown pigment as well. There is active spermatogenesis. 间质组织中可见粉红色的间质细胞。同时可见淡黄*色褐色素。那里正有精子形成。 www.binglixue.com 6. The pale green lightning was flickering above us, that was no bull. 惨绿色的光芒在我们头顶闪烁,在这一点上我没有乱讲。 bger.org 7. He loved the way her red, red blood contrasted so beautifully with the pale of her skin. 他爱着她红色的血衬着苍白的肤色,无比美丽的对比。 tieba.baidu.com 8. Allowing teachers to instill scientifically unwarranted doubts about evolution is clearly beyond the pale. 如果允许教师针对演化灌输不符合科学的质疑,显然就越轨了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The pale face suggested that she was ill. 她脸色苍白,这表明她病了。 www.hnxxyz.com 10. The silver lines of her hair shimmered in the sunlight, and the pale wrinkled cheeks smoothed when she smiled. 她头上的银发在阳光下微微发亮,微笑的时候脸上的皱纹也舒展开了。 www.usastudy.com.cn 1. It may improve the coarse skin from the pale dark state, leaving your skin white, tender, healthy, and full of elasticity. 改善肌肤粗糙、暗淡状态,使肌肤白皙、健康、富有弹性。 fcp114.com 2. But Moscow rightly feels that, in a polyglot country with 102 different nationalities, ethnic violence is beyond the pale. 可是莫斯科自有理由觉得:在一个操多种语言,由102个民族组成的国家里,族裔之间的暴力则属过分。 www.hotdic.com 3. This was almost as thrilling as the pale storm still floating outside the windows. 这几乎跟窗外还在飘洒的白茫茫的暴风雪一样让我们兴奋。 www.putclub.com 4. I am very pretty, fluttering in the pale-blue sky. I am very delicate and fragile on the wings which make me a pretty thing. What am I? 我很美丽,在淡蓝的天空中飞翔。我有精致但脆弱的翅膀,正是因为它们我才如此美丽。我是什么? www.bing.com 5. The eyes of the pale-faced portraits on the walls followed Snape and Yaxley as they strode past. 墙上挂着的肖像人物脸色苍白,他的眼睛随着斯内普和雅克斯雷大步走过而转动。 blog.163.com 6. Every time when I see the pale red color in the sky after dusk, I feel a little sad. 每次黄昏后看到天空那惨淡的红,我就有点难过。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The pale wallpaper of the Bush era has been replaced with a two-tone stripe of beige and gold. 小布什钟爱的苍白色墙纸被换成了米色与金色相间的条纹纸。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. In the stormy east-wind straining, The pale yellow woods were waning, The broad stream in his banks complaining. 在风雨飘摇的东方风紧张,浅黄色的树林被减弱,在他的银行广泛流抱怨。 www.docin.com 9. The pale magenta tone creates or carves the pathway through which soul can be anchored into any field. 因为浅洋红音调创造或绘制了灵魂可以锚定进任何能量场的路径。 cqly186.blog.163.com 10. Even hard men like the Second Sons were terrified of mounting the pale mare. 就算是次子团的勇猛战士也怕骑上一头苍白的母马。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Round the plate were scented flowers, the blossoms laying on the edge, while the pale green stalks reached thirstily down to the water. 盘子上摆了一圈芳香的花儿,花朵沿着边儿排开,而嫩绿的枝干贪婪地伸向水中。 www.ebigear.com 2. The new yellow cushions nicely set off the pale green of the chair covers. 黄色的新靠垫把浅绿色的椅套衬托得很好看。 z.hersp.com 3. jade plate like a bright moon hanging in the pale blue sky, the moon, like diarrhea, like water down, the earth a silver-white. 玉盘似的明月高挂在淡蓝色的天空中,月光像流水一样泻下来,大地一片银白色。 fannaojieda.com 4. So humble is the pale, quiet young man that he refuses to give his name, for he believes himself so unworthy. 这位面色白净、冷静沉着的年轻人是如此微贱以至于他拒绝讲出自己的名字,因为他认为自己不值一文。 www.tianya.cn 5. It isn't surprising that the tournament directors found Eurisko's strategies beyond the pale. 赛事总监把Eurisko的策略看作一种“出轨”并不令人意外。 www.bing.com 6. The Catholic Lithuanians were beyond the pale as Slavs , as far as Himmler was concerned, so they languished in special police battalions. 天主教的立陶宛人和斯拉夫人一样苍白,他们不受希姆莱的重视,因此在特种警察部队中很少。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The pale pink and sand-colored regions are barren desert landscapes, while green indicates sparsely vegetated lands. 浅粉色和土红色代表着广袤的沙漠,绿色代表着稀疏的植被。 www.bing.com 8. This natural-color satellite image shows the pale plume blowing to the northeast of the active vent. 这张天然色的卫星图片显示了苍白色的烟柱吹向可以有效排放的东北部。 www.bing.com 9. nevertheless, the pale tongue is mostly shown in yang deficiency cold of kidney qi pattern(58. 8%). 而淡白舌则以肾气虚寒证多见(58.8%)。 www.fabiao.net 10. A subdued palette of browns (fabrics) and pastels (paints) complements the cool, raw metal of low racks and the pale-grey concrete floor. 压低了调色板的布朗斯(布)和粉彩(油漆)补充了冷静,原材料金属低架和苍白的,灰色的水泥地上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. As you laid there and cried in the pale lit moon. 那时你色苍白躺下哭泣。 xylslynn.blog.hexun.com 2. Those afflicted by the pale mare were always thirsty drinking gallons between their shits. 受苍白母马折磨的人总是口干舌燥,喝掉数以加仑的水却全部从肠子里合着粪便排出。 www.xmluyu.cn 3. You know the pale blue of Luke Skywalker's lightsaber? 知道天行者路克光剑的灰蓝色不?。 www.fmzx.org 4. As for the three nephews those brave free men had remembered urgent business elsewhere at the first sound of the pale mare's hooves. 至于那三个侄子,这些勇敢的自由人一听到苍白母马的蹄声就忽然想起别处还有紧要工作去做。 www.xmluyu.cn 5. Imagine that your Maharic Shield now pulsates, as it fills with the Pale Silver Light from Earth's Core. 想象你的马海拉盾开始有节奏地跳动,就像黯银光注入地球核心时发生的一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. It was foggy and misty and the mountains looked very black against the pale blue sky. 这是雾,薄雾和山上看起来非常黑色的淡蓝色的天空。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Besides the pale blue sky, white clouds and plateau landscape, what impressed me most is the feeling of being touched. 只记得当时最深的感触,除了城市里永远无法企及的蓝天白云和高原地貌之外,就是一种无法描述的感动。 brand.hjenglish.com 8. In embodying the pale yellow tone of non-conditional governance, one learns to direct one's life in a new manner that is founded upon unity. 在融合入无条件统治的浅黄色音调中,一个人学会用基于统一的新方式来指导生活。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Ronan, a human soldier, found the fist-sized seed of the pale tree in a cave. 人类士兵罗南在一个洞里找到了拳头大小的白耀之树的种子。 gw2cn.com 10. There were other areas of the world as well called the pale; the OED mentions Calais in northern France. 世界上也有其他地方被称为pale。OED提到了法国北部的加来(Calais)。 www.bing.com 1. It is the round window that looks out into the pale blue water that provides the biggest clue to Hadfield's whereabouts. 它是圆窗,看起来外面的淡蓝色的水,提供了最大的线索哈德菲尔德的下落。 bbs.5i5i.cn 2. Those that have witnessed the pale indigos in action feel most blessed. 那些已见证浅蓝孩童起作用者感受到了极大的祝福。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. I am not included within the pale of this glorious anniversary! 今天辉煌的周年盛会是把我们排斥在外的。 www.usinfo.org 4. Also, change the outline's color to the pale orange and newly traced background shape to purple. 此外,改变大纲的颜色苍白橙色和新追溯到背景形成紫色。 vvpp.5d6d.com 5. By the side of the pale-faced moon. 展示那苍白无力的明月。 dipan.kekenet.com 6. She remember that year that day , there is a little vitality in the pale, there is a little shine in clothes's black. 她记得那一年那一天,那苍白里有了一丝活力,那衣服的黑色中有了一丝耀眼! blog.sina.com.cn 7. Let us now focus upon running the pale violet rays of structure and divine union. 现在让我们聚焦于运转结构和神性联盟的浅紫色光线。 dict.bioon.com 8. Thus the Pale Blue Dot photo was part of a "portait" of the Solar System that was created by Voyager 1. 这样一来,“淡蓝圆点”就是由“旅行者1号”拍回的一系列太阳系照片中的一员了。 www.elanso.com 9. We can still boldly out of the pale heaven, minced angel devil' s face, forever touched by the passion of arrival. 我们仍然可以大胆地走出苍白的天堂,切碎天使魔鬼的脸,永远由到来激动过。 wenwen.soso.com 10. It's a combination of perfect trust, a couple having fun, and suggestion that slips beyond the pale. 这是极度信任,夫妻娱乐以及苍白之外的暗示的完美组合。 www.elanso.com 1. After emergence the bond with the Pale Tree is weaker but it links all sylvari and, to an extent, other plants. 在诞生之后来自白耀之树的联系会变弱但仍连接着所有希尔瓦里人,在某种程度上甚至包括了其他植物。 gw2cn.com 2. The outlines of rooftops and chimneys stood out against the pale sky. 屋顶和烟囱的轮廓在灰暗的天空下显得很醒目。 tieba.baidu.com 3. They are trying to find a way to the pale living place. 他们试图在苍白的生活中找到自己的位置。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The truth struck me when I saw the pale-colored cane beside him. 见到他身旁有支涂了颜色的杆子时,我十分震惊。 www.bing.com 5. I'm getting use to the pale wall , pink coutain and the puking old lady inside the emergency room and the damp feeling inside me . 习惯了医院急诊室惨白色的墙,粉红的隔帘,呕吐的老妇人,和湿嗒嗒的心情。 www.bing.com 6. He washed it down with the pale green Volantene liquor, the closest thing he'd had to wine for ages. 他用瓦伦提斯绿酒送服,好久没喝到什么葡萄酒类的东西了。 www.cndkc.net 7. the pale ray of my sentiency flowing from my face. 苍白的意识之光漾在脸上。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Quaithe warned me of the pale mare's coming. 魁晰警告过我苍白母马的到来。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The warm rays of the winter sun, filtered by the pale blue curtains, slanted into the room as only blurry shadows. 冬日的温暖的阳光透过窗户斜射进来,被淡青色洋布的窗帷遮住了。 www.jukuu.com 10. Yezzan's soldiers had tossed him onto the corpse wagon last night at dusk another victim of the pale mare. 昨夜黄昏耶赞的士兵把他的尸体扔到了尸体货车上,又是一个苍白母马的牺牲品。 www.xmluyu.cn 1. On the quiet waters is cast a dark outline of the Statue of Liberty under the pale moonlight. 淡淡的月光下,自由女神像黑色的轮廓映在静静的水面上。 zy.swust.net.cn 2. No! For they had placed themselves beyond the pale of humanity . 不能,因为他们已跑到人类的圈子以外去了。 dict.veduchina.com 3. The bareshapes of the winter trees stood out against the pale sky. 冬天光秃秃的树在苍白的天空的衬托下轮廓更加清晰。 www.hotdic.com 4. The pale mare does not carry off every rider. 苍白母马不会夺走每个骑手。 www.xmluyu.cn 5. The pale green dome making the aesthetic protest in the solitude of sky. 淡绿色的圆顶在寂寞的天空中孤芳自赏。 www.kuenglish.info 6. Mildew stains mark the pale blue walls of the three-room residence, which is no larger than 430 square feet. 这间三房的居所暗蓝的墙上是霉污的印记,房屋面积小于430平方英尺。 hi.baidu.com 7. The pale salesman wholesales scales on a large scale . 面色苍白的推销员大规模批发比例尺(天平,鱼鳞)。 kaoyan.hjenglish.com 8. The pale end-of-winter sunlight filled the room and yellowed all their faces; and John, drugged and morbid. 残冬淡淡的阳光充满了屋子,照得他们的脸发黄,约翰昏昏沉沉,萎靡不振。 www.jukuu.com 9. into the mountains, then crept into the pale mist. 深山,隐居在苍白的云雾里。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Her pearl-eyes as two bright stars that hung on the pale white sky of dream. 她的珍珠般的眼睛如同梦中苍白的天空中两颗明亮的星星。 bbs.artron.net 1. Also in the Qingzhou city has "the pale platform feather ancestral hall" old. 又听说青州城内以前有“淡台子羽祠”。 wenwen.soso.com 2. There's only one thing that is not sculptured from the pale stone, it stays in your heart, they cannot touch or take it away. That is HOPE. 只有唯一的一件东西,它并不是雕刻在灰石上面,而是藏在你的心中,别人无法触碰或者夺走它。这就是“希望”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. His rude behaviour is simply beyond the pale. 他的粗鲁行为是不受欢迎的?。 www.honghuxx.cn21edu.com 4. So in July of the night, the words of the pale in the silence sky disappears. 于是在七月的夜,苍白的言辞沉寂在寂静的天穹。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Trees, smelling fresh with life, leaves opening slowly under the pale blue sky. 树,呼吸着生命的新鲜气味,叶子慢慢地在苍白的蓝天下打开。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. The pale summer nights are another wonder in the city. 淡淡的夏季夜晚是这个城市的另一个美景。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. You can smile - every smile for the man who held your hand ' neath the pale moon light. 你可以微笑–给予那个在暗淡的月光下拉着你手的男人所有的微笑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Attractive enchanting after heavy rain washed under the pale. 诱人的妖娆过后,是雨水冲刷下的惨白。 www.bing.com 9. The glass candles are burning. Soon comes the pale mare. 玻璃蜡烛已经点燃,灰色母马很快会来。 www.cndkc.net 10. His behavior is really beyond the pale! 他的行为确实越轨了! helen12811.blog.163.com 1. If, like me lost quagmire deeper and deeper, such as the dull sun for a long time hanging on the horizon, given the pale light. 迷路如泥潭一样使我越陷越深,如沉闷的太阳长久地悬挂在地平线上,发出苍白的光。 gotofob.cn 2. Neil and seeing the pale face in after care, Mia satisfied and said: "Well, now I want out. " 在看见Neil和顾里苍白的脸色之后,Mia心满意足地说:“好了、现在我要出去了。” wenwen.soso.com 3. Gift, beneath the pale lakes of Minnesota. 礼物,在明尼苏达这些苍白的湖底。 www.bing.com 4. Down Delancey slowly crept the pale-grey auto. 浅灰色的汽车沿着德兰西街缓缓而行。 www.zftrans.com 5. She was struck as by a blade with the miserable provision which was outside the pale of marriage. 这种婚姻以外靠男人赡养的可悲生活像刀一样刺痛了她的心。 www.bing.com 6. The key for me is constant sunblock, because being the pale Dutchman I am, I burn quite easy. 对我来说,最主要的的是经常不断的涂上防晒油,我身为肤色白晰的荷兰人后裔,往往很快就会被晒黑。 www.engworld.org 7. You may live luxuriously but you must not break the pale. 你可以过奢侈的生活,但不能入不敷出。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The yellow cowslip and the pale primrose. 金黄色的九轮花和淡红的樱草花。 www.hxen.com 9. The pale scale on sale probably has a stale tale. 减价出售(onsale)的天平很可能有一个陈旧的故事。 www.waiyulm.com 10. 'There he is again! ' cried Izz Huett, the pale girl with dark damp hair and keenly cut lips. “他又出来了!”伊茨·休特叫喊起来,她是一个灰白皮肤的姑娘,长着黑色的滋润的秀发,嘴唇也长得很精巧。 www.hjenglish.com 1. "My name is Andrew Bridge. I'm a lawyer - your lawyer, " I said to the pale, thin boy in front of me, who looked about 13 years old. “我叫安德鲁?布里吉,是你的律师。”我对面前这个面色苍白,体格瘦弱,看起来大概13岁左右的小男孩说。 cn.qikan.com 2. Although the staggering increase, but this is like free-falling Monday as a record of the crash, is still the "pale into insignificance. " 虽然上涨幅度惊人,但这与周一有如自由落体般的创纪录大跌相比,仍然是“小巫见大巫”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The pale moon was reflected in the water. 淡淡的月亮倒影在水中。 english.knna.com 4. The pale winter light was fading. 冬天的光线褪色。 wang.hao26.blog.163.com 5. You'll be under the pale under the pale under the pale moonlight. 而你将出现在苍白的月光下方。 flyinspirit.blogcn.com 6. Cumin is the pale green seed of Cuminum cyminum, a small herb in the parsley family. 孜然是欧芹科的一种淡绿色的香草植物,椭圆的形状并有着深深的条纹在种子表面。 word.hcbus.com 7. leaves opening slowly under the pale blue sky. 叶子在淡蓝色的天空,慢慢地舒展。 www.tingroom.com 8. Fluttering in the pale-blue sky. 飞在淡蓝色的天空 bbs.ebigear.com 9. The pale hook-like moon makes me recall the past time. 苍白的月弯弯,勾住过往。 bjazz.cn 10. Names written in the pale sky. 写在苍天之上的名字。 www.tianya.cn 1. When the East against the pale, that a red cover. 当东方映着鱼肚白,那一片红遮掩着出来了。 www.cnlu.org 2. Inside the pale of sth. 在。范围之内用法词典。 www.fane.cn 3. I have set myself beyond the pale. I am nothing. I am hardly human any more. 我使自己看起来不那么苍白。我什么都不是。我不再像个人样。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Interpretation of life education can not do without love, no love of education is the pale. 诠释生命的教育不能没有爱,没有爱的教育是苍白的。 www.bing.com 5. While the pale sheeted ghosts go by! 当灰白色的鬼魂经过! zhidao.baidu.com 6. But some people are not satisfied with the pale background of modern style, to give it a certain cultural connotations; 但有些人不满足于现代风格底蕴的苍白,想赋予其一定的文化内涵; www.good2.com 7. I pull open the years drapery , the certificate there have existed in time leaving the pale tableau only. 我拉开岁月的帷幕,时间存在过的证明只留下一幅幅灰白的画面。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. It was high testimony to my confidence in the spirit of the pale young gentleman, that I never imagined him accessory to these retaliations; 我坚信那位苍白面孔的少年绅士的灵魂是高尚的,他不会唆使别人来报复。 novel.tingroom.com 9. The pale blue walls of this room hangs the black lacquer framed seascape. 这个房间淡蓝色的墙壁上挂着黑色漆框的海景图。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Batman: Have you ever danced with the devil by the pale moon light? 蝙蝠侠:你曾经在苍白的月光下同魔鬼跳舞吗? www.verycd.com 1. The pale mountain farewell to her homeland, The poor river look forward to her neighbors. (remnant sentence) 苍山辞祖国,弱水望邻封。(残句) blog.sina.com.cn 2. Those that belongs to our memories are slowly fading, the engraved with the name of our summer gradually broadens, rendering the pale sky 那些属于我们的回忆正在缓步凋零,那个刻着我们彼此姓名的夏季逐渐绽开,渲染了浅色的天际 zhidao.baidu.com 3. on the waters are cast the dark outlines of the Manhattan bridges under the pale moonlight 在苍白的月光下,水中倒映着曼哈顿大桥黑漆漆的影子。 wenwen.soso.com 4. They went along the pale of days And slept in sweet, white hearing lamps To overcome their doubt To feel like careful pills And then 他们沿着生活的边缘行走,战战兢兢,他们沐浴在温暖而苍白的手术灯之下,解除疑虑,如同心药般感受 bbs.rockyear.com 5. Oil-dependent countries are focused on growth at all costs, and the pale green political consensus looks unlikely to hold 依赖石油的国家不惜一切代价集中发展经济,那提倡环保的微弱政治共识看来撑不了多久。 www.bing.com 6. Now it was a herd of diabolic shapes, that grinned and mocked at the pale minister, and beckoned him away with them; 这些幻想时而是一群凶暴的恶魔,对着这位牧师狞笑嘲弄,呼唤他随他们而去; dict.veduchina.com 7. it depends on which you see, the red "cross" symbol or the pale mask 在于你看到了红色的“十”字符号还是惨白的面具 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Dancing in the dark in the pale moonlight 在黑暗中在那惨白的月光下跳舞 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Genetic Analysis of Leaf Color and Sterility in Photo-thermoperiod Sensitive Genic Male Sterile Rice with the Pale-green Leaf Marker 淡绿叶标记光-温敏核不育水稻叶色及育性的遗传分析 scholar.ilib.cn 10. By the pale dull pallor of an old gas light 老旧的煤气灯下惨淡的街光 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Maybe this is just a blurred dream but warm, gradually in my mind into fresh from the pale; 也许这只是一个迷离而又温馨的梦境,渐渐地在我的脑海中从苍白变成了鲜活; www.bing.com 2. Somewhere out there . . . . . . . beneath the pale moonlight 外面那里的某一个地方在那苍白的月光下 blog.sina.com.cn 3. I'll say yon grey is not the morning's eye, 'Tis but the pale reflex of Cynthia's brow; 我会说那远方的灰蒙不是曙光初现,它只是月之女神蛾眉惨白的影像; www.yxad.com 4. And now I suck up to the pale moonlight 如今我贪恋着这苍白的月光 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Porn is no longer beyond the pale; 色情不再在范围之外; club.topsage.com 6. The warm sun is failing, the bleak wind is wailing, The bare boughs are sighing; the pale flowers are dying, 长日渐秋阴荒风悲哀泣无叶之枝叹苍白之花零, beautycute.blogcn.com 7. Gray covered the pale blue sky bit by bit; cicadas chirruped for the coming evening; 灰色慢慢地覆盖过纯蓝色的天空,知了在为即将到来的夜晚欢唱; www.ecl.com.cn 8. You were brighter than the pale white moon 你比那苍白色的月亮还要耀眼, zhidao.baidu.com 9. Several Methods to Remove Ethylene in Storing the Pale Green Kiwi Fruit 浅谈猕猴桃储藏中除去乙烯的几种方法 www.ilib.cn 10. The pale light of dawn shines in my hopeful eyes 微弱的晨光闪耀于我那充满希望的双眼 haimahaha1902.spaces.live.com 1. Preliminary Research on the Pale Green Plant Bug 淡娇异蝽的初步研究 www.ilib.cn 2. The bare boughs are sighing, the pale flowers are dying, 秃枝在悲叹,红消香断花凋零, blog.sina.com.cn 3. I see faces as they pass beneath the pale lamplight 苍白路灯下晃过几张脸 blog.cersp.com 4. It's not the pale moon that excites me 不是那轮苍白的月亮使我兴奋 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Every smile for the man Who held your hand Beneath the pale moonlight 对那个在暗淡的月光下紧握你手的男人微笑 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Behavior that was quite beyond the pale 绝对无法接受的行为 chief.livid.cn 7. Concrete on the ceiling, The pale sprites on ice 天花板上的水泥,冰上苍白的烈酒 www.tianyablog.com 8. Every smile for the man who held your hand neath the pale moonlight 把每个微笑送给那个在清冷月光下紧握你的手的绅士 yue8000.bokee.com 9. If you drink enough urine, the pale yellow; 如果你喝水充足,则尿液呈淡黄色; www.xtol.cn 10. When the pale moon blooding hurt my heart, you crying 当带血苍白的月撩起我的心伤事时,你哭了 www.palunion.net 1. Ev'ry smile for the man who held your hand'neath the pale moonlight 在苍白的月光下,对握着你的手的男人微笑 bbs.77sky.com 2. Samurai of the Pale Curtain 灰幕武士 www.pro-cardgame.com 3. The pale moon sheds light on both ends of the world 白月光照天涯的两端 www.enread.com 4. I learned about love in the pale moonlight 但是我在苍白的月光下懂得了爱 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Raised on elbow, I stare at the pale fog 撑起在肘上,我凝视着窗户远处 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Casting shadows in the pale shade of blue 在兰色的苍白暗处投下阴影 www.wzhidao.cn 7. The pale skin under needle was paler 苍白的皮肤在针管下,愈加没有血色 spaces.msn.com 8. Than the pale violet hath, or love displays; 是爱情显现出的紫罗兰一样的淡意; bbs.ebigear.com 9. The hart hath hung his old head on the pale, 雄鹿已把旧角挂于篱笆上; www.foxlife.cn 10. i stand under the pale yellow street light crazily crazily waited foryou 我站在昏黄的路灯下痴痴地将你等待。 www.ichacha.net 1. Guilt, Debt and the Pale Criminal 负罪、负债与苍白的犯罪者 www.bing.com 2. And the pale thin girl with eyes forlorn 忧郁眼睛的苍白瘦女孩 spaces.msn.com 3. Beneath the pale moon light 在苍白的月光下 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Mines of the Pale Ones 苍白者之矿 lynn.tlfer.net 5. When the shadows veil the pale soil 当阴影笼罩这苍白的大地 bbs.gouzai.cn 6. Happy stop in the pale face 幸福停止在脸上的苍白 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The window glaring light hit the pale face 窗外耀眼的灯光打在苍白的面孔上 wenwen.soso.com 8. You'll be under the pale moonlight 你将在这苍白的月光下 bbs.xxbt.com 9. In the pale shade of blue 在那兰色的苍白阴暗处 www.wzhidao.cn 10. When the pale moon rises 苍白的月亮升起 daidai.cn 1. Of the pale tide when the moon has set, 苍凉的海,沉沉的月。 spaces.msn.com |
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