单词 | stop that |
释义 |
例句释义: 停止,快停下,停下来 1. The harbormaster waved his arms and yelled for the young man to stop, that there was a storm coming. 港务长挥舞着手臂,高喊着暴风雨即将来临,要年轻人停下来。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Hubert: Phillip, stop it, stop that! Hey, Phillip, quick, put me down. (Phillip lets go of him. ) Now, what's all this dream nonsense? 休伯特:菲利普,停下,停下!嗨,菲利普,快放开我。(菲利普放开了他)喂,你在说什么梦话? www.d-bar.cn 3. I said to her mother now stop that noise. 我对她妈妈说现在停止噪音吧 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Then prosecutors warned them that if they did not stop that day, they would be sent to jail, possibly for the rest of their lives. 检察官警告他们若不令行禁止会被关进监狱,甚至余生都要在铁窗里渡过。 www.ecocn.org 5. Laura: I hope so. I've got itchy feet. It's been a year since my last holiday. Stop, stop! That tickles! 罗拉:但愿如此。我非常想去旅游,上次放假已是一年前了。住手!住手!那使我发痒呀! www.wwenglish.com 6. "But I did slow down! " the guy argued. The cop shook his head. "You are required to stop. That's why they're called stop signs. " “但是我确实是减速了啊!”那家伙试图辩解。警察摇摇头,“按照规定,你必须停车,那牌子被叫做‘停车牌’正是这个原因!” www.bing.com 7. I had been running around working non-stop that day and I just woke up in the car. . . 那天我一直没停过工作,刚刚也是在车里睡醒。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. "I shall be able to stop that wretch whenever I please, " he thought. 他心里想道:“这坏蛋,我随时都可以制伏他。” ltlt198018.blog.163.com 9. "I was definitely the sort of parent who got angry easily and just shouted, 'Stop that', " she says. 我过去肯定是那种容易发怒而且只喜欢冲着小孩叫‘不要做那个’的父母。 www.bing.com 10. Fisting can be very intense, so make sure if the woman on the receiving end needs to stop, that you do. 拳交可能会很激烈,所以一定要确保接受拳交的女性要停下的时候,你就能停下来。 www.bing.com 1. It makes me no difference where I am to be. We will always be friends, nobody stop that. I aim for you to have these books. 我在哪儿都无所谓。我比什么都关心你。我们都是朋友,没人能改变。我这有些书送你。 www.icansay.com 2. There would have to be very strict rules to stop that happening. 必须得制定出严格的规定来预防这些问题的发生。 www.bing.com 3. Things may be happening at an early time point (in infection), but we may be able to step in and stop that reaction. “关键可能就在早期感染后的某个时间点上,并且我们要能找到那个点来停止反应”。 news.dxy.cn 4. Someone said to me: stop that, and wants to grow up, do not like a child of the. 有人跟我说过:别再这样了,要长大了,不要再像个小孩子了。 www.dota123.com 5. His neighbors tried to stop him. "Fan Dengshan! Don't you know what you're doing? Stop that! " 他的邻居想阻止他。“范邓山!你知道自己在做什么吗?快住手!” www.for68.com 6. And I'm crying for him to stop. |That all sounds humane to you? 我在一边哭喊着让他住手|你认为这算得上人道么? www.engxue.com 7. We always used to get colds or something when we would go on a cruise, but this product has seemed to stop that. 我们在的了感冒后总是使用这个产品或者当我们外出巡游的时候,这个产品的确有效。 www.011011.com 8. It may be as well to stop that young screamer right away as usually. 但是最好还是可以像通常那样立刻让那个大哭大叫的孩子住声。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. As long as the diagnostic angiogram is coupled so tightly to the performance of PCI, it's very hard to stop that train once it's started. 只要血管造影诊断与PCI术紧密结合,它就像火车一样在启动后很难停下来。 www.ccheart.com.cn 10. What are the worldwide implications if a nuclear device winds up being the only option left to stop that oil flow? 倘若核装置是阻止原油泄漏的唯一终结性选择,那么会造成怎样世界性的影响呢? hi.baidu.com 1. There were so many people at the bus stop that it was not easy to catch a bus. 有很多的人在公交站台上,所以想上公交车不是一件容易的事。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Todd: So let's stop that. We need to sit down and brainstorm ideas for a new marketing slogan for the new product. 托德:让我们结束争吵吧。我们需要坐下来集思广益,为新产品设计一个好的营销口号。 bbs.bugutang.com 3. "Stop that at once! " shouted Grandfather, jumping off his horse and running toward the men. “马上给我停下来!”祖父大声喝止,从马上跳下来,向他们跑去。 www.bing.com 4. India will go a long way to stop that from happening, and Sri Lanka appears willing to let India demonstrate an eagerness to please. 印度还有很长的路要走去制止这种情况发生,而且斯里兰卡显得乐意的让印度示范这个热心。 www.armsky.com 5. It may be as well to stop that young screamer. 但是最好还是让那个大哭大叫的孩子住声。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. For better or worse, governments have done their utmost to stop that happening. 不管结果如何,政府都已经尽了最大的力阻止此事发生。 www.ecocn.org 7. "I've got to stop that car, " Jose said. 他说:“我必须让那辆车停下来。” www.bing.com 8. So will we "act swiftly and boldly" enough to stop that from happening? 那么,我们“大胆而迅速的行动”是否足以阻止这种情况的发生? www.bing.com 9. But that was the only way I could stop that giant robot! 但那是我能制止那巨大机器人的唯一办法啊 www.tingroom.com 10. It is impossible to stop that by decree , it is impossible to try to stop that with a fence. 用法令和围墙来阻止这个趋势是不可能的。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. "Stop that, I said. Here! " “别哭,听话,停!” www.bing.com 2. My final stop that evening was at Jitlada, a foodie-anointed Thai restaurant a few more miles east of Grauman's. 那天傍晚的最后一站是Jitlada餐馆,这家公认美味的泰国餐馆距离格劳曼东边只有几英里。 www.bing.com 3. Where was that first stop that they made? 他们第一次停车的地点是哪? www.b2b99.com 4. It has not entered into the " doesn't stop, " that is, into the field on which depend necessity, on the one hand, and impossibility. 阳具并没有进入到「永不停止」的阶段,换句话说,进入到一方面是必需的领域,另一方面是不可能的领域。 springhero.wordpress.com 5. So, to stop that, they disabled all the electrics and electronics so they could not communicate on-board the ships or use their weaponry. 所以,为了阻止那些,空间存有们让所有的电子设备失效,以至于他们无法与船只通信使用他们的武器。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. all day , baby . all day ! can ' t stop that. 整天都行,宝贝儿。整天都行!无人能挡。 www.ichacha.net 7. Prodemocracy is a strong trend of mankind, no one can stop that, not even communism. 即使是共产主义,也阻挡不了全人类民主化的脚步。 www.ltaaa.com 8. On the ruler, drag the existing tab stop that you want to change left or right along the ruler to a different position. 在标尺上,将要更改的现有制表位沿着标尺向左或向右拖动到其他位置。 office.microsoft.com 9. He came to such a sudden stop that we almost hit him. 他突然停下来以至于我们差一点撞到他。 www.5ykj.com 10. Stop that, Danny! It's just a pencil. 丹尼,不要那样!只是一支铅笔而已。 www.tingroom.com 1. Glucose can block brain cell secretion of orexin, which keeps us alert. But amino acids can stop that block. Christie Nicholson reports. 葡萄糖能抑制大脑细胞分泌使我们清醒的促食素,但氨基酸可以解除这种抑制。 www.bing.com 2. There is a point at which every person with human nerves has to say to a child "Stop that noise. " 需要指出的是,每个有脾气的人都会对着孩子喊:“别吵了。” www.bing.com 3. Zuko: Can you please stop that? You're giving me a headache! 求你停一停行吗?我头都疼了! hi.baidu.com 4. Whenever my alarm went off, my first thought was always to stop that blasted noise and go back to sleep. 每当我的闹钟响起时,我的第一反应总是关掉那该死的噪音,回去睡觉。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they were as good as dead. 其他的青蛙一直对他们说停下来吧,不可能跳出来的。 blog.163.com 6. People were donating money, dog food and offering volunteer work to stop that truck. 人们自愿捐款,送狗粮并且自愿去截停这辆卡车。 bbs.enfamily.cn 7. You could stop that well, but what else might you do that might upset the eco structure of the Gulf? 你可以非常好地停止,但有可能打乱了海湾的生态结构。 www.etiri.com.cn 8. What are you trying to prove? 7. Stop that! I know what you're up to. 你想证实什么呢?7.少来!我知道你在玩什么把戏。 www.tingclass.net 9. Stop that, please. You're giving me a headache. 请别那么做了,简直让我头痛死了。 www.bing.com 10. From this perspective, it certainly made sense for central banks to stop that run by supplying short-term money. 从这个角度看,对中央银行来说,采取提供短期资金的方式中止那样的倒闭的确有用。 www.ecocn.org 1. It's really sad where people are willing to take innocent life in order to stop that progress [for peace]. 有人为阻止[和平]进程不惜杀害无辜的生命,的确令人感到悲愤。 www.america.gov 2. If I die and you stop, that's not a good sign. 如果我死了这课也停了那可不是件好事 dongxi.net 3. It will be as well to stop that young screamer. 最好还是让那个大哭大叫的孩子停止。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. But US and allied military might and growing Afghan army capabilities could stop that from happening. 但美国与盟国的强大军事力量和正在增强的阿富汗陆军实力可以防止这种局面。 www.ftchinese.com 5. I am glad she is alive. My God, she was able to stop that train that close. 我很高兴她能活下来。我的天啊,她能够在那么近的距离把列车给停下来。 www.51mokao.com 6. Why don't you just stop that monkey business and try to do some right job? 你干嘛不停止胡闹,开始干点正经事呢? blog.hjenglish.com 7. No, don't do that! Stop! That's a cryogenic Chihuahua! It's a real dog? 别碰它!住手!那是一只冷冻的墨西哥狗是一只真的狗?。 www.bing.com 8. If you don't stop that noise, I'll come in and sort you out. 如果你们还在那里吵吵闹闹,我就进来惩罚你们。 www.hjenglish.com 9. "Aren't you going to stop that row? " he shouted. “你别弄这么大声音行不行?”他喊道。 10. Singer: Stop that noise! I can't hear my own voice. 唱歌者:别出声,我都听不见自己的歌了。 www.rrting.com 1. Stop! That was an accident! 住手!刚才那个是不小心的 www.tingroom.com 2. "Stop that! " I snapped. "You aren't going to die. " “住手!”我厉声道,“你不会那么快死的!” www.bing.com 3. There's nothing really going to stop that. 没有什么能够确实阻挡这一进程。 www.voanews.cn 4. If you don't stop that din, I'll come in and sort you out! 你如果再吵闹不休,我就要进来收拾你了! www.hotdic.com 5. The wolf are decreasing now. But few people stop that. They don't understand them. 世界上的狼在减少,但是阻止的人却很少,他们对狼不了解。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. The police tried to from another way to stop that van and it failed. 警察尝试从另一条线路去阻止那辆货车,但失败了 zhidao.baidu.com 7. "Can you see a bus stop that says, 'Terminal Link? '" “你能看到一个车站么,上面写着‘中转站’?” www.bing.com 8. Could you stop that thing from beating; it's throwing my concentration off. 请不别再敲打那东西了,太干扰我注意力了。 www.xue90.cn 9. A (Alice): (to John) Hi, honey. How was your day? (to kids) You two, stop that right now! (艾丽丝)(对约翰)啊,亲爱的,今天工作如何?(对孩子们)你们俩,别吵了! pdf.sznews.com 10. I confiscated my map and also headed off, only to find at the next stop that my lighter had gone missing. 我把地图收了回来,到了下一站才发现打火机丢了。 www.bing.com 1. Each resource group will contain a script to start and stop that instance. 每个资源组将包含一个启动和停止该实例的脚本。 www.ibm.com 2. In that case, time grid at the moment it stopped. Stop that is eternal. 事实上,时间定格在这一刻,它将停留在这一刻,永远的停留在这一刻。 bbs.ebigear.com 3. Stop that fighting right now! Stop ! Get back to class. 别打了!停下!回去上课吧。 www.kekenet.com 4. It's just KG got hot with his midrange jumper, nobody can stop that. 只是加内特中距离投篮手感太热,没人可以阻止。 www.58daxue.cn 5. At every stop that we made, oh I thought about you. 但当我看著自己的影子,我觉得忧郁。 www.xici.net 6. No. Wait. Stop. That's not the right bus. 别,等下,别上。这不是我们要坐的车。 bbs.enfamily.cn 7. You are not supposed to get that, I stop that bag from the mailman. 你不应该收到那封信的,我已经从邮递员那截下来了。 bbs.1000fr.com 8. Hubert: Oh Phillip, stop it, stop that, why, Phillip, put me down! 噢菲利普,停下,别那样,菲利普,放我下来! blog.china.com 9. John, stop that right now. Come here immediately. 约翰,立即停下了。马上过来这里。 www.hxen.com 10. Come on, stop that! You might fall off! 快停下!你会跌下来的! blog.sina.com.cn 1. Assistant I'm very sorry, sir. There's simply no way to stop that train. 对不起,先生,没办法让火车停下来。 www.bing.com 2. 'Stop, ' he shouted, 'stop that. ' “停止,”他呼喊“,停止那。” forum.putclub.com 3. A clean installation may stop that nagging ieframe. dll error message. 干净的安装可能会停止唠叨ieframe.dll错误讯息。 kb.cnblogs.com 4. Laura: Wendy, stop that baby from pulling the plug out! 劳拉:温迪,别让那个孩子把插头拔出来! blog.sina.com.cn 5. They will always create chances so we need to stop that and counter. 他们将会一直都创造出机会,所以我们需要去阻止他们,打出反击。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 6. Imagine if we could stop that train, get out, look around, and see time for what it really is. 想一下如果我们能停下这列火车,走出去,看看四周,就会看到时间的真实面貌。 www.yoho.cn 7. Mr Obama's consensus-building may stop that slide. 奥巴马凝聚共识的努力也许可以阻止这一态势的发展。 www.ecocn.org 8. Would you kindly stop that horrible noise? 请求你们不要弄出噪音? www.tingclass.net 9. In America they say a period stop. So say if you cut a period stop in half, a full stop, that's about the size of the whole thing. 美国人把句号称作“periodstop”,如果你把一个句号切成两半,一个句号的一半,大概就是这个雕塑的体积。 www.ted.com 10. Here's the twin tower. my last stop that day, Then, -_-zZ. 这里是双峰塔。是我当日的最后一站! blog.sina.com.cn 1. You gonna get something if you'll stop that leaking! 如果你能不让它漏水,我就给你点报酬 zhidao.baidu.com 2. "Please stop that terrible noise, " the man said. 请不要再发出那可怕的噪声了。 www.kekenet.com 3. Stop that. You'II scratch your shackIes. 停下来!会把手铐弄坏的! www.tingroom.com 4. But what could be done to stop that happening? 但是能够做些什么来阻止这种情况发生呢? www.bing.com 5. Stop that nonsense . You are in big trouble, mister. 别闹了!你现在可有大麻烦了。 www.kekenet.com 6. For the love of mercy, stop that noise! 求求你们,别那么吵闹! www.gxpfm.com 7. Stop that thing, he is carrying scissors and hand cream. 别让他上来!他携带了剪刀和护手霜! www.engxue.com 8. Helene: Paul, stop that, not in front of everyone. 海伦:保罗,停止,不要在大家面前。 hi.baidu.com 9. Stop that terrible noise at once. 马上停止发出那种可怕的声音。 bbs.ebigear.com 10. "It's kind of impossible to stop" that migration, says Susan Baldwin, a senior regional planner at the San Diego Association of Governments. “这种趋势很难停下来”,圣迭戈政府协会区域高级规划师SusanBaldwin说道。 www.ecocn.org 1. Yet it is the aged beggar, the splotchy, dirty swing in the park and the edges of cigarettes beside the bus stop that give this city soul. 不过这座城市也有着年迈的乞丐,在公园里污点斑斑的脏秋千,以及公车站牌旁的烟蒂,使得城市有血有肉。 396495845.qzone.qq.com 2. Stop, thief . Stop that man. 小偷,站住。把那个男人拦下来。 www.bing.com 3. Stop that. Stop that right now. 住手,马上住手 www.bing.com 4. Alexa: Stop that! Look, security is coming this way. 亚莉克莎:住口!瞧,保安正朝这边走过来。 www.kekenet.com 5. Why would they want to stop that? 为什么他们想阻止他? www.bing.com 6. NO saying "Stop that" . 没人说“停止那样”。 28289008.qzone.qq.com 7. If anyone thinks that they can come to God on their own terms, you need to stop that immediately. 如果有人认为可以用他们自己的方式来到神的面前,你要悬崖勒马。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Stop that noise at once. 马上把那个响声停下来。 www.yywords.com 9. Stop that noise! -I'm sorry. 不要再发出那种声音!-对不起。 qac.yappr.cn 10. If we cann`t stop that, if we cann`t fix that, forget about the bigger issues. 如果我们不能阻止它,我们不能修正它,那么就别想解决更严重的问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. But imagine if we could stop that train, Gretchen. Hmm? 但想一下如果我们能停下这列火车,格雷琴,呣? blog.sina.com.cn 2. You stop that thing now. 你现在就把那玩意儿关了。 www.bing.com 3. Now I just wanna stop that. 现在,我只是想要停止它。 open.163.com 4. Stop that noise, won't you? 你们不要吵了,好吗? www.hxen.com 5. For goodness' sake, will you stop that noise? 看在上帝的份上,请你不要吵闹了好吗? en.ruiwen.com 6. We won't stop that. 我们是不会阻止的。 www.bing.com 7. Would you stop that? - Have you been thinking about me? 别这样好吗-你有没有想我 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Will you stop that crap and show me the damn gift! ! 你可不可少废话,把该死的礼物拿出来!! dictsearch.appspot.com 9. How can you stop that? 你如何才能停止这一进程? www.bing.com 10. we cant stop that more and more families own a car but we need consider the problem that cause from cars. 我们无法阻止越来越多的家庭买车,但是我们至少要考虑下车子带给我们的问题 zhidao.baidu.com 1. "Who on earth are you? " said a cross voice from below. "Stop that terrible noise at once. " “你到底是谁?”从下面传来怒气冲冲的说话声,“马上住嘴,别发出那难听的声音。” www.hjenglish.com 2. I want to shut your mouth with my tender fingers. Stop that, please! 我多想用纤柔的手指轻轻将你的口掩住,别再说了! hi.baidu.com 3. If we can't stop that, if we can't fix that, forget about the bigger issues. 如果我们不能停止这件事,如果我们不能解决它,就别管其它大问题了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Stop that! What are you doing back there? Hey! Hey! 住手!你在干什么? www.tingroom.com 5. You can go to you next stop. That is a long way. You'd better go now. 你可以去下一站了。那是条很远的路。你最好现在出发。 wenku.baidu.com 6. This may be remembered as the week Europe began to split apart. One woman could stop that 本周可能要成为历史上欧盟分离的开始,有一个女人能够止住这次分裂 www.ecocn.org 7. JO: Yes you are. You are. But we can stop that. Normal. JO:是的,你是在伤害他们但是我们可以制止它这就是现状。 www.ted.com 8. Stop that now, cause you and I were never meant to meet 停下来,因为你我本就不该相遇到 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Gotta make that same old stop that this soul makes everyday 灵魂日复一日的,总让这一切停止在老位置 zhidao.baidu.com 10. but nobody said the stop that i've taken 但是没有人对我带走的东西说停 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Stop that game, don't waste your time, 别玩游戏了,别浪费时间了 zhidao.baidu.com 2. And if you stop that talking 如果你停止交谈 zhidao.baidu.com 3. stop that . - i did feel something in my lungs 停-我没感觉有什么东西在我肺里 www.ichacha.net |
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