单词 | acquire |
释义 | acquiring是acquire的现在分词
第三人称单数:acquires 现在分词:acquiring 过去式:acquired 例句释义: 获得,招致,学得,捕捉住,习得,取得,瞄准 1. I can not boast of much success in acquiring the reality of this virtue, but I had a good deal with regard to the appearance of it. 我不敢夸口我已切实掌握这一德行的真谛,但对它的外观我却了解了不少。 www.jukuu.com 2. As banks did not know the level of debt they were acquiring, they no longer wanted to lend money to or borrow money from other banks. 正在银行不知自己所拥有的贷款额度时,他们不久又要借款或者还款给其他银行了。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The news comes as the search engine embarks on a buying spree, acquiring at least five companies since August, Reuters reports. 路透社报道,这个消息在购物搜索引擎中一经发出,从八月底开始就至少有五家公司征求。 www.bing.com 4. "Neither China nor America has an interest in a terrorist acquiring a bomb or a nuclear arms race breaking out in East Asia, " he said. 他说中国和美国都不希望看到在东亚地区恐怖分子有机会得到核武器或者原子弹。 www.bing.com 5. Some people say that life is all about acquiring knowledge. If that's true , then why do smart people always dress so badly? 有些人说,生命的意义在于获取知识。如果是这样,那么为什么聪明的人总打扮得这样糟糕? blog.163.com 6. Iceland's internal affairs ministry said Huang's investment group did not meet legal requirements for acquiring the land. 冰岛内部事务部表示,黄的投资集团不符合收购土地的法律规定。 dialogue.iflove.com 7. Even the French, who for decades ran the EU as equal partners with the Germans, are acquiring something of an inferiority complex. 就连几十年来一直在欧盟事务中作为平等伙伴的法国也在德国面前感觉到了自卑。 www.bing.com 8. Then the Bank of England sprang to the rescue, announcing that it would spend tens of billions of pounds acquiring government bonds. 当时,英国央行(BOE)迅速出来救援,宣布将花费数百亿英镑购买政府国债。 www.ftchinese.com 9. He says Iran has no intention of acquiring an atomic bomb; it is only making low-enriched uranium to fuel nuclear-power stations. 内贾德说,伊朗并无计划制造原子弹,只是制造一些低浓缩铀作为核电站的燃料。 www.bing.com 10. However, evidence suggests that, at least for the acquiring firms, acquisition strategy may not always result in these desireable outcomes. 然而,相关证据显示,收购策略可能并不一定产生上述的有利结果,至少对于收购方而言是如此。 www.ebigear.com 1. He began to escape studying, evade acquiring more knowledge. Passive reception exhausted him, without any improvement. 他开始逃避学习,逃避获取知识,被动的接受使他身心疲惫,得不到一点提高。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. Acquiring patents is often used as a defense tactic to stave off lawsuits from competitors. 收购专利技术经常被用来当作一种防守策略从而躲避竞争对手的诉讼。 www.bing.com 3. But, it is not easy to get such evidence. This paper presents a practical solution about acquiring the content of printer. 目前,针对此类电子证据的取证办法不多,本系统较好地解决了打印数据的获取问题。 www.fabiao.net 4. Externally, your main consideration seems to be acquiring wealth and satisfying your pleasure-seeking instinct. 你主要考虑的事情是获取财富和满足你享乐的本能。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. If it was hard to leave his hometown club, he was both flattered and excited by Liverpool's interest in acquiring his services. 尽管对他来说离开家乡的球队有点难,但是他对于利物浦签下他的兴趣感到受宠若惊以及激动万分。 www.lfcbbs.com 6. Leadership is a question of character and character is virtue in action. Every human being is capable of acquiring and growing in virtue. 领导能力是一个品格问题,而品格则是彰显于外的美德。每个人都能获得和培养美德。 www.sinaworld.cn 7. As a student, all you've got to do now at college is to put all your heart into acquiring knowledge. 作为大学生,你现在所能做的事情就是全身心地获取知识。 www.englishdata.cn 8. In 2002 Mr Bush lumped Iraq, North Korea and Iran together in an "axis of evil" and said he would stop them acquiring nuclear weapons. 2002年,布什先生将伊拉克,朝鲜和伊朗归为“邪恶轴心”国家,并说会阻止他们拥有核武器。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Likewise, American companies that have been enthusiastic over acquiring European businesses are going to think twice about investing now. 同样地,满腔热情要收购欧洲企业的美国企业如今也要再三惦量其投资的可行性。 www.bing.com 10. a company with a significant amount of overlap might just be acquiring the customer base and planning to migrate it to its own products. 而那些有大量交集的公司可能仅仅只是为了获得客户群,收购北电业务后,会计划将客户转移到自己的产品上来。 www.cnw.com.cn 1. Acquiring and collecting objects and material no longer seems to be the primary basis of museums' work and awareness. 征集收藏文物似乎不再是博物馆最为重视工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Chinese sources say that there was considerable debate internally over the risks and benefits of acquiring a single carrier or two. 中国原始信息表明在关于拥有一两艘航母的风险和效益方面中国内部没有大的争论。 www.bing.com 3. Right now I'm in the process of acquiring new clients in the States so I could get a place in New York and then go back and forth. 现在我正在接美国客户的活,所以我可以在纽约找个地方住,然后来来回回的走。 tieba.baidu.com 4. however, returns for acquiring firms do not always live up to expectations . 但是,收购方的回报往往没有预期那样。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. He said mergers and acquisitions would be a quick route to acquiring banking licences in some emerging markets. 他表示,并购将是获得某些新兴市场银行业务牌照的捷径。 www.ftchinese.com 6. But rooted in that, little did she know how much knowledge she was acquiring about geometry and just math and logic and all the rest. 但是本质上,她所做的这个小东西,她用了几乎所有学过的几何知识和数学,逻辑和其它的知识。 www.ted.com 7. None of these options have yet been taken up and the company says little interest has been expressed the acquiring a multirole J-11. 而上述方案都没有被采纳,并且该公司称解放军空军对期望获得多用途J-11并没有表露太多兴趣。 bbs.cqzg.cn 8. 'Lenovo's goal in acquiring IBM's PC business was to make this an international company, ' he said. 他表示,联想收购IBM个人电脑业务的目的就是成为一家国际性公司。 bbs.51ielts.com 9. Acquiring specimens of these animals from around the world proved to be an unusual task. 要在全球范围内获得这些动物样品是一件非常不寻常的事。 dict.bioon.com 10. and it requires a very special natural gift in acquiring languages, to be of any very practical value to you. 学习语言学需要有学会多种语言的特殊天赋,才能对你有非常实用的价值。 www.jukuu.com 1. The enormous amount of liquidity sloshing around the system was directed at acquiring existing properties rather than building new ones. 该系统周围庞大充盈的流动资金被用于购买已有的房产,而不是用于新建。 www.ecocn.org 2. Therefore, spying seems to be less crucial in acquiring vital information. 因此,在获取重要信息方面间谍的利用价值已经微乎其微了。 www.putclub.com 3. Western defence experts said the launch could mark a new step in Iran acquiring reconnaissance and intelligence-gathering capability. 西方防务专家表示,此次发射可能标志着伊朗在掌握侦察和情报收集能力方面迈出新的一步。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The threat of North Korea acquiring nuclear missile technology, he said, "matters to all people, everywhere" . 韩国申请使用核武器导弹技术,威胁着世界上每一个角落、每一个人。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Valdano claims that there will be at least four new faces to follow this summer but admits the club face a difficult task in acquiring them. 巴尔达诺表示这个夏季至少还会有四个新面孔,但是承认俱乐部想要得到他们确实要经过唇枪舌剑。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 6. And in an interview this year, he said that he would consider acquiring an N. F. L. team. 而在今年的一次采访中,黄健华表示他会考虑收购美国职业橄榄球联盟(NFL)的一支球队。 dongxi.net 7. It wasn't as if acquiring a basic Australian qualification allows cooks or hairdressers to earn far more money in India or Nepal. 这并不是因为获得一个澳洲初级资格职业认证就能让厨师或者美发师在印度或尼泊尔能大赚其钱。 www.bing.com 8. Even if some of the cats also then, it did not even frightening, to spend money acquiring point of cats like to eat food, what ah? 即使有个别的猫还那么痴心不改,那也没甚可怕,花点钱置办点猫喜欢吃的荤腥类食物,还有什么搞不定啊? www.bing.com 9. BATS, one of the largest alternative exchanges, announced last month that it was acquiring rival Chi-X to create an even larger platform. 最大的新兴交易所之一——BATS上月宣布正在收购竞争对手Chi-X,以打造一个规模更大的平台。 www.fortunechina.com 10. Do not attempt to deceive any user by requesting personal information or unduly acquiring it. 请勿试图骗取和非法获取他人个人信息。 www.bing.com 1. Learning a foreign language is a question of learning new skills, not a question of acquiring new knowledge. 学习外语是一个学习新技能而不是获取新知识的问题。 js.818edu.com 2. The British took control in 1674 after acquiring the territory as part of a swap for a tiny Indonesian spice island. 自1674年之后,英国人用一个印度尼西亚小岛作为筹码,获得了其他地方的土地以及这里,并开始掌管这里。 www.bing.com 3. For aneconomist, the cost of something is not just the cash payment, but all of the value given up in the process of acquiring the thing. 对经济学家来说,成本不仅仅是为购买一件物品而付出的现金,而是他在购买过程中所放弃的所有价值的总和。 www.bing.com 4. They are drawn by established manga artists , the characters acquiring the typical big bright eyes and cute little noses of the form . 这些删节版是由著名漫画艺术家绘制,人物外形都有典型大而明亮的双眼,小巧可爱的鼻子。 www.bing.com 5. The news that the Malaysian central bank has been quietly acquiring renminbi bonds is an important one of those steps. 有消息称,马来西亚央行一直在悄然买进人民币债券。此举正是其中重要的一步。 www.ftchinese.com 6. It has shocked corporate India, which has become used to its leading companies acquiring assets in the US and Europe. 它震惊了印度的企业界,因为它们已习惯于由自己的领先企业在美国和欧洲进行资产收购。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Acquiring Volvo gives Geely an international profile and a degree of credibility it could never have achieved on its own. 收购沃尔沃使得吉利有了一个国际化的形象,并且取得了单靠自己从未达到的信誉水平。 www.ecocn.org 8. In fact, many consist of foreigners acquiring just a sliver of the Chinese company as a financial investment with no say over operations. 事实上,在许多交易中,外国企业只是以财务投资者的身份收购了中国企业一小部分股权,对企业的经营运作没有发言权。 chinese.wsj.com 9. However, some strategies do seem to work efficiently well when it comes to acquiring one way links. 然而,一些策略似乎有效的工作,以及当谈到取得联系的方法之一。 word.hcbus.com 10. The risk that terrorists might acquiring a nuclear weapon, he said, "is the most immediate and extreme threat to global security" . 他说,恐怖分子有可能获得核武器,这一风险将是“全球安全最直接和最严重的威胁”。 www.ecocn.org 1. There is no upper age limit for acquiring a new language and then continuing one's life with two or more languages. 获取一种新的语言能力且在日后的生活中使用多种语言的能力并没有年龄上限。 www.bing.com 2. All the value funds would have to look at their strategy and think if they have a chance of acquiring control of any Japanese company, ever. 所有的价值型基金都必须研究自己的策略,考虑好自己是否真有机会获得任何日本公司的控制权。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Then, in her 20s, she set about acquiring the tragic worldliness that the timbre of her voice conveyed. 而后来,二十多岁时,她的声音音色又开始表达出一种悲哀的世俗。 www.ecocn.org 4. The cuts appear to be a first for Microsoft, aside from relatively limited staff cuts it has made after acquiring other firms. 除了他在兼并了其他公司后所做的有限度的裁员以外,这是微软第一次裁员。 www.bing.com 5. For the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, the outlook for acquiring a proper state looks as bleak as ever, at least in the short run. 而在巴勒斯坦总统马哈茂德?阿巴斯看来,争取以合适的方式建国的前景至少在短期内一如既往地渺茫。 ecocn.org 6. An attempt to seize control of a company, as by acquiring a majority of its stock. 获得对某公司支配权的努力,如通过获得该公司的大部分股票 zhidao.baidu.com 7. One simple trick I use to avoid acquiring things is compare the cost of the particular thing in question, to the expenses of my passion. 为了避免这些花钱的冲动,最简单的方法就是,用你特别希望想得到的东西的价值与你冲动的消费做比较。 www.elanso.com 8. It has even become a pronoun for the common people, acquiring a more extensive and profound cultural concept from a mere spatial concept. “市井”从一个纯空间的概念嬗变为更宽范、更深邃的文化概念。 blog.big5.voc.com.cn 9. Skills: Strong sales skills, including research, negotiation and acquiring orders; able to effectively analyze and resolve the problems. 能力:较强的销售技能,含调查,谈判和获得订单能力,有效的分析,解决问题的能力。 my.jobems.com 10. The loan was an unusual move for Patriarch, whose strategy usually involves acquiring companies through distressed debt. 这笔贷款对于Patriarch来说是一个不寻常的举动,因为它的策略通常是通过收购不良债务来收购公司。 chinese.wsj.com 1. No Asian rising powers, including China, possess the capability of acquiring such a mighty military projection in immediate term. 包括中国在内的亚洲新兴国家都不可能在短期内具备这种能力。 www.ecocn.org 2. We seem to be acquiring a reputation for efficiency. 看来我们正逐渐赢得高效率的声誉。 www.yuloo.com 3. It is not sufficient because you can fritter away your efforts without acquiring a thing, as you do if you chase a wild animal that escapes. 因为你不获得一件事物而能逐渐浪费离开你的努力,所以它不是充份,如同你做一样如果你追捕一只荒野逃脱的动物。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The scheme of the invention can be used for acquiring the complete route information of the DHCP server and the DHCP client. 本发明方案可以用于获取DHCP服务器以及DHCP客户端的完整路径信息。 ip.com 5. The size acquiring unit acquires a second size of a second document that can be received by a reception-side apparatus. 大小获取单元获取接收侧装置可接收的第二文档的第二大小。 ip.com 6. As their numbers became more substantial, their policy of acquiring land by subduing native populations began to dominate. 随着他们的数量日趋众多,他们那种通过征服当地居民获取土地的政策开始占据上风。 cn.wordmind.com 7. Who does not feel there is something wrong with government-backed banks acquiring such a disproportionate share of society's wealth? 政府支持的银行获得过多的社会财富,这其中是有问题的,谁不这样认为呢? www.ftchinese.com 8. What would the Modal-Drop theory predict to be possible word orders for a child acquiring each of the following languages? 小孩习得下列各语言时,漏掉情态助动词理论可能预测到的字序为何? www.myoops.org 9. He may have great capacity for acquiring knowledge, and yet not possess ability to teach. 他有获得知识的能力,但不具有教书的才能。 wenku.baidu.com 10. I enjoy acquiring new skills and information, which help me to adapt to the fast-changing world, as well as pique my interest in innovation. 我喜欢学习新的技能和信息,帮助我去适应瞬息万变的世界,以及激发我兴趣上的创新。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The system automatically handles storing and acquiring the credentials handle for a service principal. 系统自动处理服务主体的凭证句柄的存储和获取。 www-128.ibm.com 2. That's the unspoken agenda in acquiring a trophy anything, to say to those who doubted you: Look, you were wrong. 世界上最棒的事情的就是向那些怀疑你的人说,看,你错了吧! www.ebigear.com 3. However acquiring water from outside entails high maintenance costs for the supply system as well as an unsteady or inadequate water supply. 但从校外取水,供应系统的保养费用巨大,且供水量亦可能不稳定或不足。 www.cuhk.edu.hk 4. The Bush administration had taken preliminary steps to launch the office, such as acquiring office space and beginning to hire staff. 布什政府在设立国家应用局方面已采取了一些初步行动,比如说安排办公场所以及开始招募工作人员等。 www.bing.com 5. Acquiring a local manufacturer there might just be 'blowing cash down a black hole, ' he said. 麦格雷戈还说,在中国收购一家本土厂商则好比把钱扔进了无底洞。 c.wsj.com 6. I realized after acquiring competent staff members that I had been wasting my time with chores that weren't on my list of passionate things. 在雇佣了有能力的员工以后,我意识到以前我在一些无谓的小事上花费了太多的时间。 www.bing.com 7. The system is in charge of searching and acquiring relative data in certain range, analyzing the work principle and the key techniques. 系统负责搜索和获取指定范围内的有关数据。对检索服务系统的工作原理和关键技术进行了讨论和分析。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. After acquiring the PC arm of IBM in 2005, high-end computers sold to large enterprises have made up the bulk of its revenues. 自从2005年收购IBM的PC业务后,面向大公司的高端电脑是联想的主要营业额来源。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Thirty years ago, in the night of writing my first series of poems "Seasons of mine" , I had not expected acquiring so many poems. 三十年前,在我写出第一组诗歌《我的四季》的夜里,我没有憧憬获得如此多的诗歌。 english.31931.cn 10. The duct tape is acquiring fame as the number of its uses for it exceeds the thoughts possible. 管道胶带之所以有名,在于它的用途超出人们的想象,多得让人吃惊。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Lately, he has been acquiring hot but small companies at the rate of one a week. 最近,他每周都要收购一个规模不大但很受欢迎的公司。 cn.wordmind.com 2. The safety and degree of confidence: its safety, with respect to acquiring place to its safety information and trusting information etc. 发酵乳的安全性和信赖度:发酵乳的安全性,关于发酵乳安全性的情报的获取场所,发酵乳信赖度的情报等 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Learning a language is not a matter of acquiring a set of rules and building up a large vocabulary. 学习一种语言并非掌握一套规则及增加大量字汇的问题。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Next to acquiring good friends, the best acquisition is that of good books. 除了获得得好友之外,最有意义的获得就是获得好书。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Few of us would try to sell a product without first thinking about the best means of acquiring customers. 我们中很少有人会在没有想出获得客户的最好方法之前就试着去卖产品的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Reading is not the only way of acquiring knowledge . 读书不是获取知识的唯一途径。 wenku.baidu.com 7. "We have no interest whatsoever in acquiring Volvo, " Hyundai said in an emailed statement. “我们对于收购Volvo完全不感兴趣,”现代汽车在透过电子邮件发送的声明中称。 cn.reuters.com 8. Hippocampal neurogenesis could have both of these roles, in erasing old memories and acquiring new memories. 海马体的神经发生可以同时扮演两个角色,除去旧记忆和获得新记忆。 www.bing.com 9. I'm not convinced that handset manufacturers acquiring other manufacturers is the best way for value to be created for shareholders. 我并不认为手机生产商收购其他生产商是为股东创造价值的最佳途径。 www.fortunechina.com 10. Buyout firms borrow through banks and by issuing junk bonds (in the name of the companies they're acquiring, of course). 并购公司从银行贷款及发行垃圾债券(当然是以目前他们将要收购的公司的名义发放的债券)。 www.bing.com 1. When Web giants see interesting new business models, instead of partnering with you or acquiring yours, they launch something on their own. 当大型网络公司看到感兴趣的新业务模式的时候,他们不会采取合伙或收购战略,而是会自己创建一个网站。 dongxi.net 2. But if China had really been implacably opposed to its neighbour's acquiring nuclear capability, would it not have done more earlier? 但如果中国真的执拗地反对这个邻国拥核,它为什么不早点行动呢? www.stnn.cc 3. Each of these solutions is the product of decades spent acquiring knowledge on filling and packaging production processes. 每个方案都包含了我们几十年来在灌装和包装生产过程中所获得的知识。 www.steinecker.com 4. Is learning a foreign language a question of learning new skills, or a question of acquiring new knowledge? 学习外语是一个学习新技术的问题还是一个获取新知识的问题呢?。 www.tdict.com 5. and acquiring an authentication result of the on-line equipment management center. 获取在线设备管理中心的认证结果。 ip.com 6. It's not as though China has to go about acquiring technology in a sly, underhanded way. 并不是说好像中国非得以狡猾的、偷偷摸摸的方式获取技术。 c.wsj.com 7. To furnish the means of acquiring knowledge is the greatest benefit that can be conferred upon mankind. 提供获取知识的手段,便能给人类带来最大的好处。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Capital controls prevent foreigners from acquiring renminbi; internationalisation encourages foreigners to hold them. 资本管制阻止外国人买进人民币;国际化鼓励外国人持有人民币。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Neither America nor China has an interest in a terrorist acquiring a bomb, or a nuclear arms race breaking out in East Asia. 无论是美国还是中国都会对一个获得炸弹的恐怖份子或东亚核武竞赛产生兴趣。 pinehzj.blog.163.com 10. This approach is also used for acquiring a session ID and for submitting the final ticket. 这种方法也可以用来获取会话ID,以及提交最终的故障单。 www.ibm.com 1. The pen grows sharper with practice like a cobbler's awl , gradually acquiring the sharpness of an embroidery needle. 文笔需要靠练习来使之锐利,就像修鞋匠的锥子一般,逐渐的磨砺其锋。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Iran is still bent on acquiring nuclear capabilities and is expanding its regional influence. 伊朗仍在一心想发展核力量并试图扩张它的区域性影响; club.topsage.com 3. By throwing in every military thing at its disposal, Israel might slow by a few years Iran's progress towards acquiring the bomb. 对伊朗每一个军事设施投掷炸弹,以色列可能会使伊朗发展核武器延缓几年。 xiaozu.renren.com 4. The firms' investment strategies are supposed to be about acquiring control stakes, not passive minority slivers of listed companies. 私人股本公司的投资战略理应是获得控股权,而不是上市公司没有主动权的少数股权。 www.ftchinese.com 5. In regard to a company, it will be involved with acquiring, developing, utilizing, protecting, and terminating of the human resource. 就企业而言,涉及到人力资源的获取、开发、使用、保障和离职等方面的内容。 epub.cnki.net 6. Acquiring wealth is perhaps the goal of many, because life is considered to be about the survival of the fittest. 获取财富或许是很多人的目标,因为生命被认为是关于适者生存的。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Now these distributors are seeking to move up the value chain by acquiring brands themselves, rather than just distribution rights. 现在,这类分销商正试图通过品牌收购来提升自己在价值链上的位置,而非仅仅依赖于分销授权。 www.ftchinese.com 8. At least seven potential bidders showed an interest in acquiring the ING assets. 至少有7家潜在竞购方表示有意收购荷兰国际集团的资产。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In Grand Prix Story, become the boss of your own team, training drivers and acquiring sponsors before conquering the Grand Prix. 在赛车竞速的故事中,你变成你们队的队长,训练驾驶员,在大赛取得胜利之前要寻找赞助商。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. China's athletes have been acquiring a number of gold medals , rewarding the planning and training in preparation for the Olympics. 中国选手已获得了许多金牌,他们为准备奥运会所付出的筹划和训练得到了回报。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Think about the changes that occur in the brain of a child through the course of acquiring their movement behavior abilities in general. 想一下在儿童获得普通行为能力的过程中,其大脑中所发生的变化吧。 www.ted.com 2. The software company was so intent on acquiring Yahoo that it decided to make an unsolicited bid, virtually unheard of in Silicon Valley. 微软非常希望收购雅虎,以致于决定提出主动收购提议,这在硅谷几乎是闻所未闻的事。 www.hicoo.net 3. A contract from the customer's acquiring organization is an input if the project is being done for an external customer. 如果项目是为外部顾客而进行的,则来自顾客采购组织的合同属于依据。 www.qnr.cn 4. Establishes and submits processing requirements to be met in designing and acquiring processing equipment. 建立并提交处理需求得到满足设计和购置加工设备。 job.01hr.com 5. It's not fun acquiring gear only to not be able to use it for anything else. Think about it. 获得装备只是因为你不需要再用原来的那件,这一点都不好玩。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Thain continued the company's expansion by acquiring Euronext, a pan-European exchange. 塞恩收购了泛欧交易所(Euronext),延续了纽交所的扩张势头。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Third, Yahoo was interested in acquiring the people behind Flickr and absorbing their thinking and DNA into the company. 第三,Yahoo很想得到Flickr的那些优秀人才,吸取他们的想法,应用于整个公司。 www.bing.com 8. The system includes the modules of data acquiring, digital filtering, data conversion, digital zeroing and adjusting. 该系统包括数据采集、字滤波、据转换、数字调零和校准等模块。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. All of which begs the question: How is Google acquiring all this information on its customers' whereabouts? 所有的这些都引出了一个问题:谷歌是如何获得有关它客户的位置的所有信息的? www.ecocn.org 10. Peter Sunde, Pirate Bay's former spokesperson, has also entered the lucrative speakers' circuit, acquiring his own agent. 彼得桑德,海盗湾前发言人,也进入了赚钱发言人的行列,获得了自己的代理权。 www.bing.com 1. Third, there are serious doubts about whether countries acquiring land are paying the true cost of it. 第三,需要重视的问题是那些得到土地的国家是否支付了真实价钱。 www.ecocn.org 2. Many industry insiders were sure that if Google were serious about acquiring a portfolio of patents, InterDigital would be its target. 很多业内人士都确定,如果谷歌说只是想收购专利属实,那它就应该考虑国际数据公司是最合适的。 www.bing.com 3. Here the aspect is responsible for acquiring a license on start up, checking for a valid license in many places, and releasing the license. 该方面负责在启动时获取许可证、在许多位置检查有效许可证以及发放许可证。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Yes, but you need a certain lifetime reward for that. After acquiring enough Lifetime points, you may choose from around 20 rewards. 是的,但你需要得到特定的终生奖励。在获取足够终生点以后,您可以从大约20个奖励点中选择。 tieba.baidu.com 5. The Baltimore Orioles have showed a strong interest in acquiring Yankee SP Jaret Wright. 巴尔的摩金莺对洋基的先发投手莱特,表示强烈兴趣… dictsearch.appspot.com 6. A thickness information acquiring unit acquires thickness information which specifies a thickness of each line segment. 宽度信息取得单元,其用于取得用来指定线条画的粗细的宽度信息; ip.com 7. Acquiring knowledge is not an end in itself, but only a means to an end. Knowledge without purpose is useless. 学习本身没有终点,而是通往目标的一种手段。无目的的学习是没有用的。 www.linkshop.cn 8. Implicit learning is a form of acquiring complicated knowledge unconsciously. 内隐学习是人类学习活动中一种无意识的获得知识的形式。 lib.cqvip.com 9. I wish to praise the endeavor of Zhonghe sub health service centre in acquiring the knowledge about the various drug less ways. 赞扬中和亚健康服务中心在获得各种非药物治疗知识方面所做的努力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Customers also have the option of acquiring an unlimited support license, which can reach several hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. 客户也可以购买无限量的技术支持授权合约,那样的话,每年的花费会达到数十万美元。 dream4ever.org 1. The invention also discloses adevice and a system for acquiring the position area information during switching the heterogeneous networks. 本发明同时还公开了一种异构网络切换中获取位置区信息的装置和系统。 ip.com 2. Hearty congratulations on your completing the postgraduate course and acquiring the degree of Master of Science. 恭喜你完成研究生课程并获得理科硕士的学位。 www.tiantianbt.com 3. More market orientation of vertical subdivision, lower the cost of acquiring and attract users, but scale the appropriate limits. 越是垂直细分的市场定位,获取和吸引用户的成本越低,但规模相应的会受到限制。 texclo.net 4. In recent years it has expanded in the Gulf, acquiring an investment banking licence at the Dubai International Financial Centre. 近年来,公司业务已扩大到海湾地区,并在迪拜国际金融中心获得了一张投行牌照。 www.ftchinese.com 5. But the office's core mission is acquiring, managing and supporting the unmanned platforms used by the services. 但是,办公室的核心任务是获取、管理和支持军种使用的无人化平台。 forum.defence.org.cn 6. It began acquiring foreign technology in 2004 to accelerate the project and began launching high-speed lines a few years later. 中国在2004年开始获取外国技术加速高铁建设,并在随后几年开始开通高铁线路。 chinese.wsj.com 7. I expect to hear news of Sun acquiring applications some time in the future as well. 我期待着未来听到Sun收购某些应用程序的消息。 www.infoq.com 8. in fact, Chopin insisted on musical playing before acquiring technique because he knew that relaxation, music and technique are inseparable. 事实上,肖邦在获得技巧前坚持音乐性弹奏是因为他知道放松、音乐和技巧是不可分割的。 www.popiano.org 9. In the rich world, where beer drinking has peaked or is in decline, brewers have been acquiring rivals and slashing costs. 在富裕国家,啤酒产业已处于顶峰或转向低落,啤酒制造商也已着手收购对手和削减成本。 www.ecocn.org 10. Conversely, when acquiring the lock and restoring the thread state, the lock must be acquired before storing the thread state pointer. 相反,获取锁并恢复线程状态的时候,锁必须在保存状态指针之前就获得。 blog.chinaunix.net 1. Indicates shared access to a resource with the intent of acquiring exclusive locks on subordinate resources in the lock hierarchy. 指示对有意在锁层次结构中的从属资源上获取排他锁的资源进行共享访问。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Acquiring oral fluency is one of the objectives in EFL teaching and learning. 口语流利性是外语课堂教学明确追求的目标之一。 www.dictall.com 3. The sale of Shanghai Motel offers any prospective foreign buyer the rare chance of acquiring control of a Chinese company. 出售上海莫泰给潜在的外国买家提供了控股一家中国公司的难得机会。 cn.wsj.com 4. Mofcom also banned InBev from acquiring shares in two other major domestic breweries, China Resources Snow and Beijing Yanjing. 商务部还禁止英博收购国内其它两家主要啤酒公司——中国雪花啤酒(ChinaResourcesSnow)和北京燕京啤酒(BeijingYanjing)的股份。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Porsche went into significant debt earlier this year acquiring a majority share in Volkswagen. 保时捷进入重大债务今年早些时候收购的大多数股份大众。 usa.315che.com 6. Acquiring a professional certification is like obtaining a key to a door we'd like to open. 获取专业认证就像获得一把开门的钥匙。 www.ibm.com 7. There are some things which cannot be learned quickly, and time, which is all we have, must be paid heavily for their acquiring. 有很多事情不能很快学会,为了获得它们,必须付出大量时间,而我们却拥有时间。 www.tianya.cn 8. Acquiring non-wood building materials through brick making or quarrying was the object of Stone Mining. 经过砖块获得非木材建材制造或挖出是石头采矿的物体。 tieba.baidu.com 9. But those acquiring the power will have to work harder to preserve the open system that has sustained their growth dynamism. 但这些获得权力的国家必须付出更大的努力,以维护这种曾维系其增长动力的开放体系。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Internship is one of the most important periods for acquiring knowledge, improving practice skills, and forming the clinical ideation. 临床实习是医学生增加知识、增长技能、培养临床思维的一个重要阶段。 www.chemyq.com 1. The results of the benchmark seemed to suggest that acquiring a lock is an expensive operation. 测试的结果似乎表明获取锁是一项昂贵的操作。 www.infoq.com 2. For instance, acquiring a blood sample from a chimp can require a "knockdown, " or shooting it with a tranquilizer gun. 例如,人们需要使用“击倒”或者用麻醉枪注射的方法从黑猩猩身上采集血液样本。 dongxi.net 3. It is useful as a stepping stone in acquiring an early Tobacco, Coffee, or Factory to be your real money producer. 在获得较早烟草、咖啡或工厂成为你真正造前几期之前,小市场是重要的阶段基石。 www.mtime.com 4. But he notes that his model of a planet acquiring and then outgassing solar material is not dead yet. 但是他也注意到自己的星球形成模式获得了,然后排除了太阳物质,也还没有完全被打破。 www.bing.com 5. Be capable of acquiring other skills different than inspection (NDT, Tooling. . . ). 懂得除此检验之外的其他检验技术(如无损检测,工装检测)。 www.gao8dou.com 6. The employment ability consists of acquiring ability, professional competence and environmental adaptability. 就业能力包括职业获取能力、职业胜任能力和环境适应能力。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. The present invention relates to an electrode for acquiring physiological signals of a recipient. 本发明涉及一种用于获取受试者生理信号的电极。 ip.com 8. software: signal acquiring, filtering, characteristic value, trend analysis and insulating state estimating. 软体的信号撷取、滤波、特徵值、趋势分析与绝缘状态评估。 9. All this is evidence that Chinese composers were acquiring a surer grasp of the rules of symphonic creation. 这表明中国作曲家对交响音乐艺术规律的把握更趋成熟。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The best national champions are outward-looking, acquiring skills by listing on foreign exchanges and taking over foreign companies. 主张外向型发展,通过在国外交易所上市以及收购外国公司获取技术的企业是最佳的国有企业龙头。 www.ecocn.org 1. Warning! Economics does not study a hypothetical "economic man, " who cares only about acquiring material possessions or earning money. 警告!经济学并不研究“经济人”——即假定人仅仅关心拥有物质或赚得财富。 www.bing.com 2. Acquiring new information in general broadens your perspective and creates new choices for you. 一般来说,获取新知识可以扩展你的视野,也为自己增添了新的筹码。 www.bing.com 3. Creating a topiary guardian begins with acquiring a perfectly sculpted topiary of a boar, lion, or triceratops. 创造一个植园守卫首先需要一丛修剪完美的熊、狮子、或三角龙造型的园艺灌木。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. It may follow that wisdom is the output end of the knowledge acquiring process. 知识可能遵循着,智慧是获取知识过程的最终输出端。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Acquiring this understanding can be a difficult task even when the software is well-designed and documenter. 即使对于一个充分开发的软件和程序员而言,这也是一项艰巨的任务。 tieba.baidu.com 6. The invention relates to radar remote sensing technology, in particular to a method for acquiring the cross section of radar. 本发明涉及一种雷达遥感技术,特别是一种获得雷达截面积的方法。 ip.com 7. This book holds all the secrets to acquiring money, keeping money, and making money earn more money. 这本书掌握着如何获得金钱,保持金钱,以及用金钱赚取更多金钱的全部秘密。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Learning a language is not matter of acquiring a set of rules and building up a large vocabulary. 学习一门语言不是收购一套规则,并建立大词汇量的问题。 laiba.tianya.cn 9. Reading is one of the most important ways of acquiring information and exchanging information for foreign language learners. 阅读是外语学习者获取信息和交流信息的最重要的手段之一。 www.13191.com 10. The device comprises a receiving module, an acquiring module and a control display module. 接收模块、获取模块和控制显示模块。 ip.com 1. Project procurement management involves acquiring goods and services for a project from outside the performing organization. 专案采购管理包括从外部的执行组织取得专案所需的商品与服务。 el.mdu.edu.tw 2. He was found guilty of accepting 860-thousand dollars in bribes, and of acquiring twice that amount through illegal channels. 他被裁定有罪,接受了86万多美元的贿赂,并通过非法途径获得两倍于此的财产。 www.taiyang888.com 3. Section measurement is the most direct method for acquiring monitoring data of an operating tunnel in tunnel maintenance tasks. 隧道检测中之断面量测,是营运中隧道之维护管理作业最直接的监测数据之一; www.suidaojs.com 4. This program focuses on acquiring the management tools necessary to supervise a health-care facility. 这个项目主要集中在于掌握用于监管医疗设施的必要的管理手段。 college.strong-study.com 5. The results provide some theoretical guidelines for manufacturers' acquiring knowledge from distributors. 该结论为提高制造商从分销商处获取有价值的市场知识提供了理论指导。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a process of acquiring customers, retaining customers and increasing profitable customers. 而客户关系管理(CRM)正是一个获取、保持和增加可获利客户的过程。 www.fabiao.net 7. This paper introduces several frequently used databases for acquiring the best evidence of evidence-based medicine. 文章就获取循证医学最佳证据的几种常用数据库进行了介绍。 www.chemyq.com 8. For Geely , acquiring Volvo is both an extraordinary statement of intent and a huge gamble . 对吉利而言,收购福特既出人意表又是巨大的赌博。 www.bing.com 9. Corporate R&D boundaries decisions lie in the trade-off between the competence acquiring and transaction cost reducing. 而企业R&D边界决策取决于获取能力与降低交易成本之间的权衡。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Reform the form of exercises to guide students acquiring knowledge in multi-channel. 改革作业形式,指导学生多途径获取知识; lib.cqvip.com 1. By acquiring Sun, Oracle will be well positioned to help customers solve the most complex technology problems related to running a business. 通过收购Sun,Oracle将以最佳的位置帮助客户解决最复杂的关于业务运行的技术问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Data acquiring circuits and processing examples are also presented. Key Words: Weighing Sensor, Data Acquistion, Data Processing. 文中给出了具体的信号提取电路和分析处理数据实例。 www.showxiu.com 3. As a result, Chinese officials and steel groups are believed to be paying closer consideration to the idea of acquiring a blocking stake. 因此,外界认为,中国政府官员和钢铁集团正在更仔细地考虑另一个想法:购入拦截性股权。 www.ftchinese.com 4. A method for acquiring image data from a patient with a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system. 一种用磁共振成像(MRI)系统采集来自患者的图像数据的方法。 ip.com 5. The coefficient Cs corresponds to the overall effectiveness of the organization in acquiring knowledge. 系数Cs对应组织在获取知识时的整体有效性。 www.ibm.com 6. In 1852, he was appointed to his late father's position at the Stettin Gymnasium, thereby acquiring the title of Professor. 1852年,他得到了他亡父在什切青高中的职位,因而获得了教授的头衔。 instapedia.com 7. Instructions on acquiring the access code are available in the unprotected introductory section of the MQ LLM Information Center. 关于获取访问代码的操作指南在MQLLMInformationCenter无保护简介部分可见。 www.ibm.com 8. Both solutions are taking advantage of advances in networking technology , predominantly to start acquiring more multisite capability . 这两种解决方案都是利用了网络技术的优点,逐渐开始获得更强的多站点能力。 www.bing.com 9. Many marketing experts say that acquiring a new customer costs six to seven times more than retaining an existing customer. 许多市场营销专家都说,获得新客户需要花费比留住现有客户高六到七倍的成本。 office.microsoft.com 10. Under the support of date acquiring card mainly, the system finishes the intelligent diagnosis to the vibration signal. 系统主要通过数据采集处理卡进行数据采集,完成对振动信号的人工诊断和智能诊断。 www.juhe8.com 1. Many web hosting providers have partnerships with merchant account providers and provide discounts on acquiring merchant accounts. 许多网站都与东道主提供商提供者和商人到商人提供折扣获取帐户。 www.ckxp.net 2. If the manufacturer achieved a monopoly by acquiring a competitor or obtaining a patent by fraud, its monopoly may be illegal. 如果这家制药商是通过兼并竞争者或以欺骗性的手段获取专利而达到市场垄断地位的,那便是非法的。 www.zk168.com.cn 3. Indicates an update lock hold on a resource with the intent of acquiring exclusive locks on subordinate resources in the lock hierarchy. 指示对有意在锁层次结构中的从属资源上获取排他锁的资源持有的更新锁。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. To improve the acquiring precision of rice information, regionalization of the planting area of paddy rice in the whole country was studied. 为提高利用遥感方法获取水稻信息的精度而对全国的水稻种植区域进行合理的区划。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Locking going on here, albeit at a finer granularity and without the scheduling or JVM overhead of acquiring and releasing monitors. 锁定,虽然只是细粒度的并且没有调度,或者没有获取和释放监视器的JVM开销。 www-128.ibm.com 6. The production line adopts reasonable design, absorbing safe producing technology, acquiring CE certificate. 本生产线采用合理的设计,采用安全生产设计,获得CE安全认证。 www.jixiebiz.com 7. During a question and answer session after his speech, Ballmer was also asked about Microsoft's interest in acquiring Yahoo. 在发言后的答疑时间中,鲍尔默还被问到微软是否有收购雅虎的兴趣。 www.bing.com 8. They also set about acquiring land to add to the reservation, which ultimately resulted in its dramatic expansion. 他们甚至还开始扩张土地,并最终成就了其面积巨大的保留地。 www.bing.com 9. An X-ray CT apparatus has an image generating unit and a blood flow information acquiring unit. 本发明提供一种X射线CT装置,其具有图像生成单元以及血流信息取得单元。 ip.com 10. " Acquiring others is one option for us , being acquired by others is also an option, " he told the FT in an interview . 他在采访中告诉英国《金融时报》:“收购其他公司是我们的一项选择,被其它公司收购也是一项选择。” www.bing.com 1. Early initiation of breastfeeding, within one hour of birth, protects the newborn from acquiring infections and reduces newborn mortality. 尽早进行母乳喂养(产后一小时),可防止新生儿受感染并降低新生儿死亡率。 www.who.int 2. Chinese netizens like virtual currency because acquiring some does not require a credit card or even a bank account. 中国网平易近喜好假造货币因为获得他们不必要名誉卡年夜略银行账户。 www.ecally.com 3. Hausmann worries about the fact that until a country has a critical mass of capabilities, there's little point in acquiring more. 豪斯曼担忧的是这样一个事实:如果一个国家尚未具备某些关键的能力,获得再多其他能力也没有帮助。 www.ftchinese.com 4. By acquiring shares directly from the founder , they can increase their ownership without increasing the post-money value of the company. 直接从创始人那里购买股份,他们可以在不增加融资前估值的情况下,就增加公司所有权。 www.bing.com 5. Let us abandon all idea of acquiring further territory and by consequence cease at once to prosecute this war. 让我们抛弃一切进一步获取领土的念头,进而立刻停止发动这场战争。 www.zftrans.com 6. Acquiring autocracy is the best choice the individual or the organization seeks its own maximal benefit. 获得专制权力是个体或组织追求自身利益最大化的最佳选择。 www.fabiao.net 7. She led the company in acquiring British candy giant Cadbury in 2010, and the company generated $48 billion in revenues that same year. 2010年,她领导公司兼并了英国糖果巨人吉百利公司(Cadbury)。同年,公司营业收入达到480亿美元。 www.fortunechina.com 8. A violation can occur even if there is no lessening of competition between the acquiring and the acquired firm. 即使没有削弱兼并和被兼并厂商之间的竞争,也可能构成触犯法令。 www.kuenglish.info 9. But ambitious private companies are acquiring foreign brands in hopes of speeding up their evolution into international competitors. 但雄心勃勃的私营公司并购海外品牌则是希望早日加入国际竞争者行列。 www.bing.com 10. unifying, degassing, processing disinfection and sterilization, and acquiring the drink. 均质、脱气、消毒杀菌处理,即得。 ip.com 1. apart from conserving and acquiring film materials , the archive regularly holds exhibitions and retrospectives. 除了修复和珍藏电影材料外,资料馆定期举办展览和放映电影,欢迎公众参观。 www.ichacha.net 2. EXAMPLE: Before acquiring our biggest competitor, we hired a whole battery of business consultants to advise us thoroughly. 我们雇佣了全套业务顾问来提供全方位的咨询服务,最终收购了我们的最大竞争对手。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. In October, HSBC came close to acquiring the Asian private banking assets sold by ING, the Dutch group. 今年10月份,汇丰曾接近收购荷兰国际集团(ING)的亚洲私人银行业务。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The problem of acquiring, tracking and discriminating all the targets needs the full capability of the phased array radar. 解决捕获、跟踪和识别所有目标的问题,要求发挥相控阵雷达的全部能力。 wenku.baidu.com 5. The certified rate of the finished virescence construction is 100% and acquiring the good social effect, taking on the good public praise. 公司所承建的绿化工程合格率达100%,取得了良好的社会效益,并拥有可佳的口碑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Mr. Leung also said he would consider acquiring other cultural entertainment assets in China by raising funds through Imagi in the future. 梁伯韬还说,他将考虑今后通过意马国际的筹资来收购中国其他文化娱乐资产。 cn.wsj.com 7. Changes with each passing day of technology information bring huge variety for knowledge in range, form, scale, acquiring and transmitting. 信息技术的日新月异,使得知识的范围、形式、规模、获取、存储以及传送都发生了巨大变化。 www.fabiao.net 8. Acquiring a new language means mastering additional skills in communication and having more opportunities for career development. 掌握一门语言无疑是多了一项交流沟通的技能,对个人事业发展有好处。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 9. This strategy is particularly problematic since we put impediments in the way of allies acquiring the necessary technologies to defend them. 这一战略的问题尤其严重,因为我们在让盟国获得必要的技术方面为他们设置了许多障碍。 www.bing.com 10. I predict this kind of vertical integration won't be as easy as acquiring other software firms, but it's undeniably ambitious. 依我看,这种垂直整合不会像收购其他的软体公司那么容易,但此举显示了甲骨文不容否认的雄心壮志。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Primary care physicians usually can prescribe first-line treatments without acquiring additional equipment or staff. 初级保健医生通常可以明第一线疗法没有获得额外的设备或工作人员。 www.syyxw.com 2. Media supported by advertising encourage consumers to aspire to celebrity lifestyles, to keep up with the Joneses by acquiring more stuff. 那些依赖广告支持的媒体,鼓动着人们追求所谓名流的生活方式,为了攀比而购买更多的东西。 www.elanso.com 3. Review CRU's policies and practices for acquiring, assembling, subjecting to peer review and disseminating data and research findings. 审查CRU在获取信息、搜集信息、提交给同行评审以及传播数据和公开研究成果方面的政策和习惯。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 4. That deal, too, generated fury among nationalists concerned about a foreign company acquiring a leading Chinese firm. 对外国公司收购中国领先企业感到担忧的民族主义者来说,这笔交易也让他们感到愤怒。 www.ftchinese.com 5. This will prevent them from acquiring words & expressions beyond the language of the textbook. 这样会妨碍学生获得教材以外的词汇和表达形式。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. From hard and soft we learn of the multiple paths of progress, acquiring quite different measures of temporal efficiency. 从坚硬到柔软,我们学习到进展的多条途径,对于时间的效率有著不同的衡量。 springhero.wordpress.com 7. In all the regarding findings, those on acquiring vocabularies incidentally during reading are most fruitful. 在所有相关研究中,尤以从阅读过程中附带习得词汇的理论成果最为丰富。 8. Make a list of 5 masculine traits you'd like to cultivate, then think immediately about ways to go about acquiring those traits. 请在5男性特征列表您想培养,然后立刻想到了如何去获得这些特质有关。 paoxue.com 9. A method for acquiring an image data set comprising energy integrating (EI) and energy discriminating (ED) data measurements is provided. 提供一种用于采集包括能量结合(EI)和能量区别(ED)数据测量的图像数据集的方法。 ip.com 10. The publication said Ecclestone does not rule out acquiring more circuits in the event that he pays the teams less. 出版埃克莱斯顿表示不排除收购更多的电路中的事件,他向球队少。 usa.315che.com 1. But in several cases, acquiring banks purchased only the failed institutions' insured deposits. 而在另外几起倒闭案中,倒闭银行的收购方只购买了其在保险覆盖范围以内的存款。 www.ebigear.com 2. Every night I spend an hour studying political theories and acquiring knowledge concerning business management. 每晚我都要花一小时学习政治理论和企业管理知识。 freebird35.bokee.com 3. Acquiring a dog may be the only opportunity a human ever has to choose a relative. 人类唯一为自己挑选亲戚的机会,也许就是能选择一只狗了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I would spend one hour every evening on studying political theories and acquiring knowledge concerning business management. 每晚我都要花一个小时学习政治理论和企业管理知识。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Acquisition: n. The act of acquiring; something acquired, especially an addition to an established category or group. 获得,取得,获得、取得的行为;获得物、获得的东西,尤指一确定范畴或群体之外的。 qquu.net 6. As much as I'd like to ignore holidays devoted entirely to acquiring stuff, I cannot. I live in the modern world. 就像我常常忽视节假日一样,全身心地为需要我的事物奉献我是做不到的。毕竟我生活在现代世界中。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Soon after acquiring democracy, urban middle classes often grasp the frustrating reality that political change costs them power. 一旦获取到了民主,资产阶级很快了解到一个令人沮丧的事实:政治更迭太耗费精力了。 www.bing.com 8. The program offers workshops to help faculty learn how to teach in new settings while acquiring new knowledge about nutrition. 该计划提供了讲习班,以帮助教师学习如何运用新的设定,而获得新的知识营养。 www.syyxw.com 9. For Wheeled Mobile Robot(WMR), acquiring information by vision is one of the most important sensing methods. 视觉是轮式移动机器人最重要的感知手段之一。 www.dictall.com 10. The data acquisition unit is responsible for acquiring the relevant data and returning it to the user interface. 数据采集单位负责获取有关数据,并返还给用户界面。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. The United States signed an agreement acquiring a naval station at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. 年,美国签署了一项收购古巴关塔那摩湾一海军站的协议。 www.kekenet.com 2. The finding of Customer value especially the customer potential value plays the role in acquiring new customers and keeping old customers. 客户价值特别是客户潜在价值的发现,在企业获取新客户、保持老客户等方面发挥着基础的作用。 www.dictall.com 3. Chinese manufacturers, meantime, are still bent on acquiring overseas assets, undeterred by earlier mishaps. 与此同时,中国制造商仍有意收购海外资产,未被早些时候的挫折所吓倒。 www.ftchinese.com 4. For example, it might be preparing for a meeting, acquiring knowledge about a business process, or organizing a sales engagement. 例如,活动可能是准备一次会议、获取关于一个业务过程的知识或者组织一次营销活动。 www.ibm.com 5. Thus, we are led to the idea that studying Bach may be sufficient for acquiring most basic keyboard skills. 也是由于这个原因,我们才会知道,原来练习巴赫作品能够提高基本的键盘演奏技巧。 www.popiano.org 6. Effectiveness: the degree of exactness and integrity of completing certain task and acquiring certain goal. 有效性:用户完成特定任务和达到特定目标时所具有的正确和完整程度。 tiki.ss.pku.edu.cn 7. It appears that Iran is also close to acquiring the necessary technology, some Pentagon analysts say. 另外,根据美国五角大厦分析专家表示,伊朗也已几乎取得了必要的技术。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 8. It will be easy for you to record your major life changes such as acquiring a new job, moving, getting divorced, losing your job. 把你生活中的重大变化,如找到了新工作、搬家、离婚、失业等写下来应当是件容易做到的事。 www.docin.com 9. Theoretical and experimental issues of acquiring dispersion curves for bars of arbitrary cross-section are discussed. 理论与实验的问题获得散曲线酒吧任意横截面进行了讨论。 www.syyxw.com 10. Art is never decoration, embellishment; instead, it is work of enlightenment. Art, in other words, is a technique for acquiring liberty. 艺术绝非粉饰的装饰品;它系点燃智慧之火的作品。换言之,艺术是获得自由发挥之技巧。 dictsearch.appspot.com |
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