单词 | soviet-era | ||
释义 | soviet-era
例句释义: 苏联时代 1. It has no significant Muslim population (just a handful of Tatars, and some Soviet-era Iraqis, both highly integrated). 它也没有大量的穆斯林(只有少量的鞑靼人,一些苏维埃时期的伊拉克人,彼此都是高度的整合)。 www.ecocn.org 2. If those challenges cannot be tackled, however, the landscape around Aynak will be disfigured by more than just a few Soviet-era holes. 但是,如果无法解决这些难题,艾娜克铜矿的景致将面目全非,留下的伤痕决不止是区区几个苏联时期的钻孔。 www.ftchinese.com 3. And Russia is trying to maintain the dominant position it held since the Soviet era as the lead foreign supplier to India's military. 苏联时代开始就已经是印度军事最大的供应者,俄罗斯希望保持这种主导地位。 bbs.koolearn.com 4. Last week he took to the wheel of his Soviet-era Volga Gaz-21 car, giving Russia's patriarch a lift. 上周,他驾驶着他前苏联时代的伏尔加嘎斯21汽车送了俄罗斯主教一程。 www.bing.com 5. Mr. Bush called for the U. S. Congress to lift the Soviet-era amendment, which tied trade with Moscow to its human-rights record. 布什总统呼吁美国国会解除前苏联时代的修正案的限制,这一修正案把贸易和莫斯科的人权记录挂钩。 www.zftrans.com 6. Indeed, the Kremlin had no reason to continue with the Soviet-era subsidies to former Soviet republics like the Ukraine or Belarus. 事实上,克里姆林宫也没有任何理由延续它在苏联时代开始的,为像乌克兰和白俄罗斯这样的前苏联加盟共和国提供补贴性帮助。 www.bing.com 7. The donors' conference launches a week of commemorations in Ukraine marking the Soviet-era explosion and fire. 捐款会议在乌克兰开始了一个纪念周,以记住苏联时代的爆炸及火灾。 ying-wy.blog.163.com 8. Dozens of Soviet-era structures have been callously destroyed during the last decade even as Pare was meticulously working to document them. 几十个苏联时代的结构已经被无情地摧毁,在过去十年甚至剥掉精心工作文件他们。 www.sjgcz.cn 9. Ethnolinguistic maps of the region reward close study, though the figures from the best Soviet-era research are out of date. 尽管来自最优秀的苏联时代的研究数据现已陈旧不堪,但是这份该地区种族语言分布图却值得细致研究。 www.ecocn.org 10. Zyuganov may be able to pick up votes from some young people with no memory of the Soviet era. 裘加诺夫可能有办法吸引一些对苏联统治时期没有记忆的年轻人。 enews.url.com.tw 1. The Russian Orthodox Church was rising everywhere from the ashes of the Soviet era, and millions of Russians were rushing to be baptized. 俄罗斯正教会从苏联时代留下的灰烬里复兴,数百万的俄罗斯人争相到教堂受洗。 bbs.cnnas.com 2. Qaddafi's soldiers were largely veterans and mercenaries, backed up with significant artillery, most of it Soviet-era. 卡扎菲的士兵大部分是退伍军人和雇佣军,有充足的苏制军备。 www.bing.com 3. But Brussels should remember that detecting public support is not the same thing as actual democracy: just ask any Soviet-era comic. 但欧盟要记住一点,刻意地追寻民众支持不等同于真正的民主:看看苏联时代的喜剧您就会明白的。 www.ecocn.org 4. Two of the KGB men had been convicted in their country of compromising dozens of Soviet-era and Russian agents in the West. 俄罗斯还判定其中两名克格勃官员泄露了数十名潜伏在西方国家的苏联时代及俄罗斯特工。 www.voa365.com 5. The glittering harbour, beyond the gantries, cranes and Soviet-era housing, is overlooked by the active Avachinsky and Koryaksky volcanoes. 港口灯光闪烁,在井架,起重机和苏联时代住宅的那一边,是俯瞰着城市的阿凡钦斯基山和科里亚斯基山两座活火山。 www.bing.com 6. Bad old habits lingered from the Soviet era (bullying, alcoholism) and bad new ones had been picked up (mutiny, corruption). 不但保留了苏联时代旧的恶习(欺凌弱小,酗酒),还增加了新的陋习(造反,腐败)。 www.ecocn.org 7. In the late Soviet era, aspirations for Ukrainian independence were confined to a group of dissident writers and intellectuals. 在苏联时代后期,乌克兰独立的意愿仅仅局限于一小群持不同意见的作家和知识分子。 www.ecocn.org 8. Ukraine said it would get rid of its highly enriched uranium, left over from dismantled Soviet-era weapons. 乌克兰表示它将销毁其从苏联时代武器中遗留下来的高浓度铀。 www.bing.com 9. Despite Soviet-era attempts to force residents of the Caucasus to speak Russian, many Caucasian languages thrive today. 尽管当时的苏联试图强迫高加索居民说俄语,但许多高加索语言到今天依然繁荣。 www.bing.com 10. Evoking a line from a popular Soviet-era film during a live television phone-in programme, he announced, "A thief should be in jail. " 这使人不禁想起苏联时代的一个流行的观众来电直播节目中一句台词,“小偷应该坐牢。” www.ecocn.org 1. But the scars of the Soviet era, and the gaudy gimcrack results of 20 years of crony capitalism, are visible too. 但是苏联时代留下的创伤,和二十年的资本主义制度带来的花哨的小玩意儿,仍清晰可辨。 www.ecocn.org 2. The Soviet era, there was criminal liability, but in the current law there is no such criminal responsibility, there is no ban. 苏联时期曾有刑事责任,但在现行法律中没有这种刑事责任,不存在任何禁令。 www.englishtang.com 3. Russian elections are increasingly reminiscent of the Soviet era, when choice was narrowed to one candidate and one party. 俄罗斯选举正在提升人们对苏联的联想,那时仅有一位候选人和一个候选党派。 www.ecocn.org 4. Many appear to have been built from Soviet-era blueprints, and to have staff who go out of their way to demonstrate that they hate you. 很多从苏联时代已建成的蓝图,工作人员以出走的方式来证明她们恨你。 www.bing.com 5. These range from a Russian ban on Polish food products to a row over Estonia's decision to move a Soviet-era war memorial. 这些分歧包括俄罗斯禁止进口波兰食品、爱沙尼亚决定拆除一处前苏联时期战争纪念建筑物等。 www.ftchinese.com 6. It has been popular as a low-level drug since the Soviet era. 这种低级别的毒品自从苏联时代开始到现在一直很流行。 www.bing.com 7. From the 1952 Helsinki Games until the end of the Soviet era, Belarus competed in the Olympic Games as part of the Soviet Olympic squad. 从1952赫尔辛基奥运会到苏联解体,白俄罗斯都是作为苏联奥运团体的一部分参赛的。 www.ebigear.com 8. He urged the country to modernise the "primitive" Soviet-era economy with its reliance on oil and gas. 他敦促俄罗斯使还处于苏联时代、依靠石油和天然气的“原始”经济现代化。 www.bing.com 9. The strike, though, was not the work of Mr. Saleh's decrepit Soviet-era air force. 尽管如此,此次空袭行动并非萨利赫先生手下落后的苏联时期的空军所为。 www.bing.com 10. Russia has a history of whitewashing potentially embarrassing national disasters, a lingering legacy of the Soviet era. 俄罗斯赋有掩饰那些可能令政府尴尬的国家灾难的历史,这是苏联时期遗留的历史传统。 dongxi.net 1. Though the aircraft carrier was refitted from an old Soviet-era one, it will soon become a NEW member of China's navy. 尽管该航空母舰是由原苏联时代的航母改装的,但是它很快就会成为中国海军的新成员。 www.cet6w.com 2. The Armenian Nuclear Power Plant. Built in the Soviet era near a city known as Metsamor. 亚美尼亚核电站。在苏联期间建立在一个有名的城市Metsamor。 www.bing.com 3. After the collapse of communism, when many Soviet-era factories closed down, thousands of people left UB to reclaim their pastoral roots. 在共产主义破产后,许多前苏联的工厂相继关闭,成千上万的人离开乌兰巴托,重新回到游牧的生活中。 www.bing.com 4. 'In the Soviet era, the rule was to deny such people; they didn't exist, ' said Olga Oliker, a senior policy analyst at RAND Corp. 美国智库兰德公司(RANDCorp.)高级政策分析师奥莉克(OlgaOliker)说,在苏联时代,否认这些人是惯例,他们根本就不存在; c.wsj.com 5. We pass shabbily made Soviet-era wardrobes festooned with neon-coloured plastic flowers and into the sweets section. 我们经过装饰着鲜艳塑料花的苏联式衣橱,来到糖果区。 www.bing.com 6. Both pipelines are components of the Soviet-era Central Asia-Center pipeline system bound for Russia. 这两条管道都属于前苏联时期集中到俄罗斯的中亚中线(CAC)管道系统的一部分。 www.bing.com 7. During the Soviet era, the route through which it passed consisted of countries aligned with Russia. 在苏联时代,管道途经的国家都是俄罗斯的盟国。 www.ftchinese.com 8. At the show, Putin also tried to play a Soviet-era song called From Where The Motherland Begins but hit a wrong key and stopped. 当晚他还尝试自弹自唱苏联时期的歌曲,不过因为起调不对,后只好终止。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. The annual award takes its name from Andrei Sakharov, a well-known Soviet-era human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate. 这个年度人权奖是以苏联时代著名的人权活动人士、诺贝尔和平奖获得者萨哈罗夫命名的。 www.ybenglish.cn 10. Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" , the anthem of the European Union, was played along with the Soviet-era national anthem. 伴随着苏联时期的国歌,作为欧盟盟歌的贝多芬的“欢乐颂”也一同奏起。 www.ecocn.org 1. This is partly the legacy of the Soviet era, she said. 这部分的归因于苏联时代的遗风,她说。 www.bing.com 2. For decades, central Asia's environment has suffered from over-ambitious Soviet-era irrigation projects. 几十年来,中亚地区的环境因苏联时代的雄心勃勃灌溉计划而遭受了许多破坏。 www.bing.com 3. A bitter joke from the Soviet-era has it that Russia is the world's only country with an unpredictable past. 前苏联时期,曾有这样一个冷笑话——俄国是世界上唯一一个有着不确定的过去的国家。 www.bing.com 4. Perhaps, say many, austerity is too not hard to bear after the experience of communism and late Soviet-era inflation. 很多人说,也许是由于经历了共产主义和后苏维埃时期的通货膨胀,紧缩措施并非难以忍受。 www.ecocn.org 5. Threats: The cultural policy of the Soviet era ignored the traditional arts of Boysun. 威胁:苏联时期的文化政策忽视博恩逊的传统艺术。 www.ccnh.cn 6. Russia holds onto much Soviet-era plunder, taken from Germany and other countries, including from private citizens who were anti-Nazis. 俄罗斯仍占有苏联时代从德国及其它国家抢夺来的战利品,其中还包括反纳粹者的私人财产。 club.topsage.com 7. Tajikistan was known for its theater and famous novelists during the Soviet era. 在苏联时期,塔吉克斯坦以剧院和著名小说家而闻名。 www.ebigear.com 8. These Soviet era vehicles are acquired through the Arms Dealer and come produced with the first level of salvage. 这些苏联时代的车辆在被军火商回收利用和改造后。 zhihuiguan.com 9. But the prime minister said that he and Medvedev are smarter and have worked harder than leaders during the Soviet era. 但是这位俄罗斯总理表示,他和梅德韦杰夫两人更能干,而且比苏联时代的领导人工作更努力。 www.bing.com 10. After the latest crashes, Moscow ordered inspections of most Soviet-era planes. 航空业官员说,最近几起机毁人亡事故之后,莫斯科方面下令检修前苏联时代生产的大多数飞机。 chinese.wsj.com 1. The "Tulip Revolution" of 2005 brought down Askar Akayev, a Soviet-era strongman, who now teaches maths in Moscow. 2005年“郁金香革命”推翻总统阿斯卡尔?阿卡耶夫(AskarAkayev),这位前苏联时代的独裁者如今在莫斯科教授数学。 www.ecocn.org 2. The headquarters of Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB), successor to the Soviet-era KGB, is located just above the station. 俄罗斯联邦安全局(FSB,继承于苏联时代的克格勃)的总部,位于车站的上方。 www.tianya.cn 3. A Soviet era water tower and been modernised and all emergency fire ponds kept full. 苏联时代的水塔已经更新换代,所有应急消防水池的水都是满的 www.bing.com 4. This Soviet-era network is a reminder of the country's communist past. 这一苏联时代兴建的交通网络记录了这个国家作为共产主义的过去。 voa.hjenglish.com 5. Eight of the nine crashes involved Soviet-era planes. 九起空难中,有八起涉及苏联时代制造的飞机。 chinese.wsj.com 6. The North has an arsenal of Soviet-era Scud missiles that can hit South Korea, but its longer-range missiles are untested. 北方有一个阿森纳的苏联时代的飞毛腿导弹,可以打韩国,但其远程导弹是未经检验的。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Soviet-era housing complex in Alamar, near Havana, Cuba. 古巴首都哈瓦多附近的Alamar,苏联时代的综合住宅区。 news.mso.com.cn 8. Soviet era motor car advertising a clothing store. 正在为一家服装商店做广告的苏联时期的轿车。 www.kekenet.com 9. Somali pirates in the Gulf of Aden captured a Ukrainian ship with 33 Soviet-era tanks on board, then demanded a ransom of $20m. 索马里海盗在亚丁湾抓获了一艘乌克兰船只,船上载有33辆前苏联时代的坦克。随后,海盗要求支付2000万美元的赎金。 www.ecocn.org 10. This is the latest in a string of Russian air disasters involving Soviet-era Tupolev jets. 这是卷入一连串俄罗斯民航事故中最新的一架苏联时期的图式客机。 www.bing.com 1. The North Korea Air Force has approximately 1, 700 aircraft, including about 800 fighters, and nearly all of those are Soviet-era MiGs. 朝鲜空军拥有大约1,700架飞机,其中约800架战斗机,几乎全部是苏联时代的米格战斗机。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Masterpieces of the culinary art of the Soviet era and more. 这里展示的是苏联时代甚至更远古的烹饪杰作。 www.bing.com 3. In the late Soviet era capital investment in Russia was 31% of GDP. 在苏联时代末期,俄罗斯的资本投资占GDP的31%。 www.ecocn.org 4. During the Soviet era rural areas were heavily populated and the school catered for 200 pupils. 在苏联时期,农村地区人口密集,当时这所学校容纳了200名学生。 www.bing.com 5. An increasingly popular item is the Chinese-made AK-47, which is matching the Soviet-era version once supplied so generously by Mr Bout. 目前越来越受青睐的是中国制造的AK-47,堪比当初布特先生大方提供的前苏联时代的版本。 www.ecocn.org 6. The tower which shows the time is from the Soviet era. 塔上展示的时间是苏维埃时代的时间。 www.bing.com 7. Over 30 years the Egyptian armed forces have replaced Soviet-era weapons with top-notch American kit, such as F-16 fighters and M1 tanks. 在过去的30年中,埃及军队将苏联时期的武器换成顶尖的美式装备,比如F-16战斗机和M1型坦克。 www.ecocn.org 8. On the Cadre Training in Indochina During the Soviet Era 苏联初期印度支那干部的培训工作 www.ichacha.net |
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