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释义 | southern africa
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 南部非洲,非洲南部,南非 1. If he did, I'm sure we'd have found some way to communicate by now, even it was one of those clicking languages from southern Africa. 如果他会的话,到现在为止,我敢肯定我门已经找到一些方式来交流了,哪怕是用南非的咂舌音。 www.bing.com 2. Leaving children behind is one of the hardest parts of migrant life, whether the home village is in southern Africa or east Asia. 在外打工,最苦的就是把孩子扔在家里——无论在南部非洲还是东亚都是如此。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Leaders from southern Africa said they were ready to send soldiers to Congo "if and when necessary" , raising fears of a regional war. 非洲南部地区的国家元首表示将在“必须和必要”的时候派出援军,这造成了外界对潜在区域性战争的恐慌。 www.ecocn.org 4. Gore-Browne arrived in Northern Rhodesia during the First World War, as a member of a commission drawing the borders of southern Africa. 在第一次世界大战期间,戈尔-布朗作为负责勘绘南部非洲边界任务的一员来到了北罗得西亚。 www.bing.com 5. ''We would like to scale up to reach up to half a million farmers in West, East and Southern Africa, '' Tabo told SciDev. Net. Tabo告诉科学与发展网络(SciDev.Net)说:“我们想扩大规模以到达非洲西部、东部以及南部地区的50万的农户中去。” www.scidev.net 6. Recent evidence suggests that infection rates outside of southern Africa have not reached the high levels that had been projected. 最近的迹象显示,非洲南部以外地区的感染率并没有得到原先预测的高水平。 web.worldbank.org 7. Paul Hoffman of the Institute for Accountability in Southern Africa reckons that corruption is endemic throughout the public sector. 南非责任研究院的PaulHoffman认为,整个政界的腐败已经积重难返。 www.ecocn.org 8. Botswana, in southern Africa, remains the only country that has managed its resource wealth (mainly diamonds) well. 南部非洲的博茨瓦纳是唯一能掌管好本国资源财富(主要是钻石资源)的国家。 www.ecocn.org 9. Yet saving the credibility of southern Africa's failed diplomacy on Zimbabwe is not the same as saving the wretched people of Zimbabwe. 然而,挽回非洲南部国家因对津外交努力失败而丧失的信誉,跟挽救可怜的津巴布韦人民是两码事。 www.ecocn.org 10. BBC's southern Africa correspondent says the ceremony in the capital Harare was the biggest state funeral since independence. 一名BBC南非记者称,在首都哈拉雷举行的葬礼是自独立以来最大规模的国葬仪式。 www.hxen.com 1. Ascension was an arid island, buffeted by dry trade winds from southern Africa. 由于受南部非洲干燥信风冲击,阿森松只是一个干旱的小岛。 www.bing.com 2. Cholera has broken out in several nations in Southern Africa and has been blamed on sewage contamination in Angola. 非洲南部的几个国家暴发了霍乱,原因可能是由于安哥拉的下水道污染。 www.scidev.net 3. If he was a parrot from southern Africa we'd have made more progress. 如果他是一只南非的鹦鹉,我们或许已经有所进展了; www.bing.com 4. Achieving a balanced coexistence in southern Africa's Mid-Zambezi Valley between subsistence farmers and wild animals can be tricky. 在南非赞比西河流域中游地区实现种粮农民与野生动物的平衡共存并非易事。 web.worldbank.org 5. In their natural habitat in southern Africa, meerkats do not normally see snow. 在狐獴位于非洲南部的自然栖息地里,狐獴通常是看不见雪的。 gb.cri.cn 6. Johannesburg is also known as the economic engine of Southern Africa and the trendsetter of South Africa. 约翰内斯堡也被称作是南非的经济的发动机和领头羊。 www.hjenglish.com 7. She travelled around southern Africa and Australia with a string of unusual and sometimes dangerous jobs. 在一系列非同寻常,甚至有时危险的工作影响下,她游遍了整个南非和澳大利亚。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. any of various deep orange mandarins grown in the United States and southern Africa. 美国和南非出产的各种厚皮的中国柑桔。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Worst-hit are the Mediterranean, the south-west United States, southern Africa and Australia. 受灾最严重的将是地中海地区、美国西南部、非洲南部及澳洲。 www.bing.com 10. Environmental cooperation is helping southern Africa recover from devastating conflicts and prevent new violence from emerging . 南非通过环保合作,告别了战乱冲突,防止了新的暴力事件的发生,社会发展逐渐恢复。 www.bing.com 1. experts say the project will have to deal with dry conditions , poor soil quality and other realities of farming in southern africa. 专家说这个项目不得不考虑干旱的条件、贫脊的土壤、和其它在南部非洲种植的现实问题。 www.ichacha.net 2. Analysis of early human-like populations in southern Africa suggests females left their childhood homes, while males stayed at home. 对南非早期类人族群的研究发现女性会离开成长的地方而男性会留在原来的家里。 www.bing.com 3. Little rain and poor soil fertility are problems in that area, as in other parts of southern Africa. 乌干达东部和其他非洲南部的地区一样,存在着少雨和土地贫瘠的问题。 www.bing.com 4. It's especially common among the Khoisan in southern Africa and tribes in the Andaman Islands. 这在南非的科伊桑人和安达曼群岛的部落中尤为常见。 www.bing.com 5. The racist regimes in Southern Africa must be warned that they are up against an irreversible historical progress. 必须警告南非的种族主义政权,它们是对抗不可改变的历史进程。 wenku.baidu.com 6. AFRICA'S elephants are divided between the savannahs of eastern and southern Africa and the forests of central Africa. 非洲的大象分布于非洲东部与南部的大草原与非洲中部的森林地带。 club.topsage.com 7. Breadline Africa does incredible, valuable work, especially among orphans and Aids-affected children in Southern Africa. Breadline非洲确实令人难以置信的,有价值的工作,特别是孤儿和艾滋病,影响南部非洲儿童。 08062788.blog.163.com 8. In West Africa, rice accounts for a much larger share of food consumption than in Eastern and Southern Africa. 西非地区的水稻消费量占其粮食消费总量的份额要远大于东部和南部非洲地区。 web.worldbank.org 9. The sun is overhead there. Summer rains in southern Africa. 太阳在那里当头照着。 www.ted.com 10. This toolkit is a collection of advice and information that farmers in southern Africa have been testing. 工具包收集了经过南部非洲农民测试的建议和信息。 www.51voa.com 1. This means that it spends its days searching for food in the semi-dry bush in scrubby habitats of eastern and southern Africa. 这就意味着它在东部和南部非洲的树丛繁盛的栖息地同时半干旱的灌木丛里搜寻食物。 www.douban.com 2. Some trends now seem clear. North and South America and northern Europe are getting wetter; the Mediterranean and southern Africa drier. 现在,一些趋势已日渐明朗:南、北美洲和北欧正变得潮湿,地中海地区和非洲南部则日趋干旱。 www.ecocn.org 3. Opposition parties, especially in southern Africa, frequently campaign on anti-China platforms. 反对党,尤其是南非的反对党,经常以反华的政纲参与竞选。 www.bing.com 4. Mary lived in Southern-Africa, which strangled normal human nature. She lost the subject of her own life. 玛丽生活在扼杀正常人性的殖民制度统治下的南非,她被无形的殖民之网越缠越紧。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Who knows what this corporate-speak really means, but in all probability it heralds the big time introduction of GM soya in southern Africa. 谁又知道这个企业强调的专有名词是什么意思,但是几乎可以确定的是,这预示着转基因大豆将会在南非隆重登场。 www.bing.com 6. small penguin of South America and southern Africa with a braying call. 南美和南非叫声似驴叫的小企鹅。 www.hotdic.com 7. The researchers tested their index by looking at seven countries in southern Africa. 研究者在南非七个村对他们的指数进行了测试。 www.scidev.net 8. NAMIBIA is the fifth country in southern Africa to hold multiparty elections this year. 纳米比亚是南非今年第五个举行多党选举的国家。 www.ecocn.org 9. Initial planning meetings are held for sub-global assessments in Southeast Asia, Southern Africa, and Europe. 亚全球评估的最初规划会议在东南亚、南部非洲和欧洲地区分别举行。 ma.caudillweb.com 10. However, in southern Africa, where 58 percent of the elephant population resides, numbers are rising to problematic levels. 然而,生活着58%的非洲象种群的南非,其种群数量已上升到形成问题的程度。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Assignment of regional experts are foreseen for Southern Africa, Eastern Africa and the Pacific Island countries. 预计将为南部非洲,东非及太平洋岛屿国家指定区域专家。 www.unodc.org 2. a village of huts for native Africans in southern Africa; usually surrounded by a stockade. 非洲南部非洲本地人居住的村庄或棚屋;通常有栅栏防护。 www.hotdic.com 3. Graeme Bloch of the Development Bank of Southern Africa describes South Africa's education system as a "national disaster" . 南非发展银行的格莱姆?布洛赫(GraemeBloch)把南非的教育系统描述成“国家的灾难”。 www.ecocn.org 4. Zimbabwe is a scar on the conscience of the rest of southern Africa. 津巴布韦是南部非洲良心上的一个刀疤。 www.bing.com 5. Remarkable progress in Eastern and Southern Africa, the region most severely affected by HIV, offers hope. 东部和南部非洲受艾滋病毒影响最为严重,这些地区取得的显著进展带来了希望。 www.who.int 6. Zimbabwe and Botswana sharing a border in southern Africa will have the greatest increase of 77% and 76% respectively. 津巴布韦共和国和博茨瓦纳共和国(共享一个国界)各自都将会达到77%和76%的增长最高值。 www.elanso.com 7. But the frequent rain storm hit the southern Asia, western Europe, southern Africa and northern south America. 而亚洲南部、西欧、南部非洲、南美北部的许多地区暴雨频繁。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 8. Calla southern Africa country of origin, was born near the river or swamp. 马蹄莲原产非洲南部,生于河流旁或沼泽中。 www.enwaimao.cn 9. Experts say demand in Asia- especially Vietnam and China- currently drives most trade inRhinorhino horns from southern Africa. 专家称亚洲地区,特别是越南和中国对犀牛角的需求驱使非洲非法捕猎犀牛的活动增加。 voa.hjenglish.com 10. Experts say demand in Asia- especially Vietnam and China- currently drives most trade inrihnorhino horns from southern Africa. 专家指出,目前这种非法贸易的增加主要是由亚洲,尤其是越南和中国的市场需求所驱动的。 voa.hjenglish.com 1. A newborn giraffe relaxes under a tree in Zambia, in southern Africa, as oxpecker birds clean its skin of ticks and other bugs. 一只刚出生不久的长颈鹿坐在一棵树下休息,一群小鸟正落在它的身上帮它清理皮肤,吃它身上的虫子。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. And rural villagers in southern Africa harvest caterpillars from the local mopane trees. 南非的一些农业村庄也从可乐豆木上收获毛虫。 www.bing.com 3. Male circumcision is common in North America and among Jews and Muslims, but not generally in eastern and southern Africa, Europe or Asia. 包皮切除在北美、犹太人和穆斯林中非常普遍,但是在东部和南部非洲、欧洲和亚洲并不普遍。 www.scidev.net 4. The democrat and the dictator are six months into southern Africa's most curious marriage of convenience. 南部非洲的民主主义者和独裁者之间的古怪权宜联合已经维系了六个月。 www.bing.com 5. Meerkats are native to a desert region in southern Africa. 沼狸原产于非洲南部的沙漠地区。 bbs.putclub.com 6. A recent study found that about four hundred thousand farmers in southern Africa are using them. 最近的一项研究发现,南非约40万农民正在使用它们。 www.ebigear.com 7. The Anglican Church of Southern Africa has consecrated its first woman bishop in Africa. 非洲南部圣公会教堂推选出非洲历史上首位女主教。 www.enread.com 8. Jane's Sentinel Security Assessments: Southern Africa. 简氏安全预警评估:南部非洲。 www.zhongtu.com.cn 9. Many victims are agricultural workers and children in Asia and southern Africa. 在亚洲和南部非洲许多死亡者是农业工人和孩子。 www.unsv.com 10. As a result, some private firms in Southern Africa recruit two workers for every job in anticipation of losing staff to the disease. 因此,南部非洲一些私营企业为每个岗位招聘两名工人,以防艾滋病造成员工流失。 web.worldbank.org 1. The best-known click languages are in southern Africa. 最有名的嗒嘴音语言使用于非洲南部。 www.ecocn.org 2. such as the springbok of southern Africa, are also highly resistant to living in new areas and are expected to die out rather than move. 有些物种,比如非洲南部的跳羚,也对生活在新的地方极不适应,估计它们将逐渐灭绝而不会迁移。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Male circumcision, linked to lower HIV-infection rates, is also rare in southern Africa, she adds. 有助于降低艾滋病毒感染率的包皮切割手术在非洲南部地区也很少见到,她补充说。 web.worldbank.org 4. a constitutional monarchy in southern Africa. 非洲南部一君主立宪制国家。 tr.bab.la 5. The Victoria Falls lie in between Zambia and Zimbabwe in Southern Africa. 维多利亚瀑布位于非洲南部的赞比亚和津巴布韦之间。 www.bing.com 6. We are really concerned it will result in intense droughts in Southern Africa and floods in Eastern Africa. 我们真的很担心它会导致南非的极度旱灾和东非的洪灾。 www.bing.com 7. a short wooden club with a heavy knob on one end; used by aborigines in southern Africa. 一头有重型捏手的短的木制的棍棒;南非土著居民使用。 www.hotdic.com 8. Malawi, a country in Southern Africa, may make passing gas in public a crime. 非洲南部国家–马拉威,可能会让在公共场所放屁成为犯罪行为。 eng.daniel-gu.ws 9. Other signatories will include Russia's Vnesheconombank, Export-Import Bank of India and the Development Bank of Southern Africa. 其他的签署国还将包括俄罗斯的Vnesheconom银行,进出口银行,印度的国家开发银行和南非的发展银行。 www.bing.com 10. an enclosure for livestock in southern Africa. 饲养南非牲畜的围栏。 qq163s.cn 1. With the coming of political stability in southern Africa, the Zambezi opens the way to some of the continent's most unspoiled reaches. 随着南非政局的稳定,赞比西河开通了通往大陆一些未遭破坏流域的道路。 www.cnnas.com 2. very large python of tropical and southern Africa. 非洲热带和南部非常大的蟒蛇。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Reports on the assessment of southern Africa were released in September 2004. 南部非洲的评估报告已于2004年9月发布。 www.maweb.org 4. Rwanda is also severely affected by the HIV epidemic, although HIV -5. 1%- is much lower than the average of Eastern and Southern Africa. 艾滋病的流行也给卢旺达造成了严重的影响,尽管其5.1%的艾滋病毒感染率远低于东非和南非地区的平均水平。 web.worldbank.org 5. A. africanus was an early descendent of Lucy and lived in Southern Africa between 2 million and 3 million years ago. 南方古猿非洲种是Lucy早期的后裔,生活在距今200万到300万年前的南非。 www.elanso.com 6. First National Bank of Southern Africa Ltd. 南部非洲第一国民银行 zhidao.baidu.com 7. An estimated 280, 000 gold miners from across southern Africa suffered from lung disease brought on by dust. 非洲南部约28万名黄金矿工患有尘埃所造成的肺部疾病。 www.tingclass.com 8. While they knew about far-flung areas such as China and southern Africa, their world view was still narrowly focused on Europe and the . 尽管他们知道远在天边有中国和南非的存在,但他们的世界观仍主要以欧洲和地中海为主。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Most recently, the humanitarian crisis in southern Africa has drawn attention to the use of GM food as food aid in emergency situations. 最近,南部非洲的人道主义危机已引起对利用转基因食品作为紧急情况下食品援助的注意。 it.tommsoft.com 10. A severe flood in southern Africa has claimed the lives of more than 150 people in Namibia, Zambia, Angola and other places, the UN said. 联合国近日透露,非洲南部洪灾影响到纳米比亚、赞比亚、安哥拉等国,迄今已造成150多人死亡。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. An arid plateau of southern Africa. 非洲南部的干旱高原 dict.bioon.com 2. There are 32 willing people who are fluent in Tswana, a Bantu language generally spoken around Southern Africa, mainly in Botswana. 还有32个乐意分享的人擅长茨瓦纳语,这种班图语只在非洲南部使用,主要分布在博茨瓦纳。 dongxi.net 3. Populations of Bantu -language speakers who live in southern Africa today are far darker than the Khoisan. 现在在南非,说班图话的族群,比郭依桑人黑多了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The team paid particular attention to samples taken from the Khoi and San people of southern Africa. 该小组特别注意了来自南部非洲的霍伊和桑人的样品。 www.ecocn.org 5. Nevertheless, most countries in Southern Africa, such as Botswana and South Africa, say they now have an elephant population problem. 尽管如此,很多南部非洲的国家,比如博茨瓦纳和南非都说,它们面临大象数目过多的问题。 www.bing.com 6. He works in southern Africa. 他在非洲南部工作。 fanguodong.bokee.com 7. Lindiwe is 28 and lives in a shanty town in southern Africa. Lindiwe今年28岁,生活在非洲南部一个贫穷的小镇上。 web.worldbank.org 8. There are two groups of people shooting rhinos in southern Africa today. 在今天的非洲大陆南部,有两类人枪击犀牛。 gb.cri.cn 9. These are all countries in southern Africa where between one in seven and one in three of all adults are infected with HIV. 这些全部是南部非洲的国家七分之一到三分之一的成年人都感染了HIV。 www.ted.com 10. Southern Africa in general has a pretty dire record, largely because of AIDS. 由于艾滋病的侵袭,南部非洲地区的总体情况非常糟糕。 www.ecocn.org 1. Foreign direct investment, at $15. 5billion in 2008, up from $6. 8 billion in 2005, now accounts for overhalf the total for southern Africa. 2005年,外国直接投资为68亿美元,2008年上升至155亿美元,目前在南部非洲所吸收的全部外资中,一半以上投向了安哥拉。 www.bing.com 2. The firm predicts an even sharper rise this year, not only in east Africa but also in west and southern Africa, too. 尊尼获加公司估计,今年销售量还会激增,不仅是在非洲东部,西部南部的销量都会增加。 www.ecocn.org 3. In 7 countries of southern Africa, 60, 000 cases of measles were reported in 1996. 1996年,非洲南部的7个国家报告了60,000例麻疹病例。 dongxi.net 4. Q: Your organisation works in 10 countries in Southern Africa. Is this the first case of this kind in the region? 问:贵组织工作范畴遍及非洲南部十国,这是区域内首个案例吗? zh.globalvoicesonline.org 5. Declaration of the OAU Ad Hoc Committee on Southern Africa on the Question of South Africa; 非统组织南部非洲问题特设委员会关于南非问题的宣言; www.powerdict.com 6. Ad Hoc Standing Committee of Heads of State on the Question of Southern Africa; 南部非洲问题特设国家元首常务委员会; www.powerdict.com 7. Harare Resolution on the Prevention and Control of Regional Air Pollution in Southern Africa and its Likely Transboundary Effects ; 南部非洲防治空气污染及其潜在越境影响哈拉雷决议; www.bing.com 8. Age Of Commodity: Water Privatization In Southern Africa 商品时代:南非水私有化 bibf.cnpbook.com 9. Advisory Committee of the United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa; 联合国南部非洲教育和训练方案咨询委员会; www.fane.cn 10. Eastern and Southern Africa Journalists for the Child; 东部和南部非洲儿童问题记者协会; www.sinobay.com 1. Changing Gradients of Climate Change in Southern Africa during the Past Millennium: Implications for Population Movements 在过去一千年间非洲南部气候变化的变化梯度:人口迁移的含义 edu.cma.gov.cn 2. Declaration on Apartheid and Its Destructive Consequences in Southern Africa; 关于种族隔离及其对南部非洲破坏性影响的宣言; www.powerdict.com 3. The utility of satellite fire product accuracy Information-perspectives and recommendations from the Southern Africa fire network 来自非洲南部火灾网络卫星火灾产品准确信息透视图和建议的效用 library.cma.gov.cn 4. International Conference in Solidarity with the Liberation Movements and Front- line States of Southern Africa; 声援南部非洲解放运动和前线国家国际会议; www.sinobay.com 5. Emerging trends of thoughts on policy framework for assuring quality education through open and distance learning in Southern Africa 对南非开放与远程教育质量保障政策框架的思考 aaou.shtvu.edu.cn 6. Rights, Resources and Rural Development: Community Based Natural Resource Management Is Southern Africa 权利、资源与农村发展:南部非洲人社区为基础的自然资源管理 bibf.cnpbook.com 7. South African National Parks, Victoria Falls - Support for Southern Africa Assessment (meeting support) 南非国家公园局,维多利亚大瀑布–支持南部非洲评估项目(会议支持) www.maweb.org 8. Continuation Committee of the World Conference against Racism, Apartheid and Colonialism in Southern Africa; 世界反对南部非洲种族主义、种族隔离和殖民主义会议常设委员会; www.sinobay.com 9. International Conference on Security, Cooperation and Development in Southern Africa; 南部非洲安全、合作与发展国际会议; www.sinobay.com 10. ICZN; International Committee against Apartheid, Racism and Colonialism in Southern Africa; 反对南部非洲种族隔离、种族主义和殖民主义国际委员会; www.sinobay.com 1. Interregional Pledging Conference for Drought-Affected Countries in Southern Africa; 为南部非洲受旱灾影响国家举行的区域间认捐会议; www.powerdict.com 2. Apartheid and its destruction consequences in southern Africa 种族隔离及其对南部非洲的破坏性影响 www.fane.cn 3. Commonwealth Regional health Community Secretariat for East, Central and Southern Africa; 英联邦东部、中部和南部非洲区域卫生秘书处; www.powerdict.com 4. Conference in Solidarity with the Liberation Struggle of the Peoples of Southern Africa; 声援南部非洲人民解放斗争会议; www.powerdict.com 5. There were big regional disparities, too: CSIRO forecast the sharpest increases in temperature in southern Africa; 两个程序结果中还体现了区域性差异:CSIRO预测,南部非洲气温升幅最大; www.ecocn.org 6. International Conference on the Plight of Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Southern Africa; 南部非洲境内难民、回返者和流离失所者困境问题国际会议; www.sinobay.com 7. Youth and Student Conference in Solidarity with the Struggling People, Youth and Students of Southern Africa; 声援南部非洲战斗人民、青年和学生的青年和学生会议; www.powerdict.com 8. Georgetown Declaration of Solidarity and Support for the Liberation of Southern Africa; 声援和支持南部非洲解放乔治敦宣言; www.powerdict.com 9. International Seminar on Confidence- and Security-Building Measures in Southern Africa; 南部非洲建立信任与安全措施国际讨论会; www.sinobay.com 10. MED POL; Coordinated Multi-donor Programme for Tick and Tick-borne Disease Control in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa; 东部、中部和南部非洲防治扁虱和扁虱传染疾病多方捐助协调方案; www.powerdict.com 1. IRCC; International Red Locust Control Organization for Central and Southern Africa; 国际中部和南部非洲赤蝗防治组织; www.sinobay.com 2. Regional Consultation on the Impact of Armed Conflict on Children in the Horn, Eastern, Central and Southern Africa; 非洲之角和东部、中部、南部非洲武装冲突对儿童的影响区域协商; www.sinobay.com 3. Oslo Declaration and Plan on Action on the Plight of Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Southern Africa; 关于南部非洲难民、回返者和流离失所人员困境的奥斯陆宣言和行动计划; www.sinobay.com 4. Climatic and oceanic associations with daily rainfall extremes over Southern Africa 南非上空与每日的降水极值联系的气候和海洋 library.cma.gov.cn 5. Government of Norway - Support for Norway Assessment and Southern Africa Assessment 挪威政府–支持挪威评估项目和南部非洲评估项目 www.maweb.org 6. A Study of Poverty and Human Resource Ability in Southern Africa 南部非洲的贫困与人力资源能力研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Assessing the predictability of extreme rainfall seasons over southern Africa 在非洲南部上空极端降雨季节的预报评估 edu.cma.gov.cn 8. International red locust control organization for central and southern africa 中南非控制红蝗虫国际组织 www.zishayage.com 9. Study commission on United States Policy toward Southern Africa; 美国对南部非洲政策研究委员会; www.powerdict.com 10. Multidisciplinary Advisory Team for Southern Africa; 南部非洲多学科咨询组; www.powerdict.com 1. Regional Meeting on Confidence and Security-Building Measures in Southern Africa; 南部非洲建立信任与安全措施区域会议; www.sinobay.com 2. Advisory Committee on the Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa; 南部非洲教育及训练方案咨询委员会; www.fane.cn 3. Pledging Conference for the Drought Emergency in Southern Africa; 南部非洲紧急抗旱认捐会议; www.sinobay.com 4. Conference of Arab Solidarity with the Struggle for Liberation in Southern Africa; 阿拉伯声援南部非洲解放斗争会议; www.powerdict.com 5. Commonwealth Committee of Foreign Ministers on Southern Africa; 英联邦外交部长南部非洲问题委员会; www.sinobay.com 6. International Seminar on Mining Investment Policy for Base Metals in Southern Africa 南非基本金属矿业投资政策国际研讨会 www.bxgworld.com 7. SARRED; International Conference on the Plight og Refugees, Returnees and; Displaced Persons in Southern Africa; 关于南部非洲难民、返回者和失所者困境的国际会议 bbs.translators.com.cn 8. Forum - Southern Africa Tourism Forum - Southern Africa; 旅游论坛:南非旅游论坛-南非; sthm.dufe.edu.cn 9. Commonwealth Foreign Ministers'Group on Southern Africa; 南部非洲问题英联邦外交部长集团; www.sinobay.com 10. Modelling the dominant climate signals around southern Africa 在非洲南部盛行气候信号模拟 edu.cma.gov.cn 1. Modelling the dominant climate signals around southern Africa 在非洲南部盛行气候信号模拟 edu.cma.gov.cn 2. Tropical Resources Ecology Program (TREP) - Support for Southern Africa Assessment 热带资源生态计划(TREP)–支持南部非洲评估项目 www.maweb.org 3. Apartheid and Racial Discrimination in Southern Africa; 南部非洲的种族隔离与种族歧视; www.fane.cn 4. International Conference on Peace and Security in Southern Africa; 南部非洲和平与安全国际会议; www.sinobay.com 5. Support and Solidarity Fund for the Liberation of Southern Africa; 支持和声援南部非洲解放基金; www.sinobay.com 6. Educational Research Network of Eastern and Southern Africa; 东非和南部非洲教育研究网; www.sinobay.com 7. Sub-regional Ministerial Meeting for Eastern and Southern Africa; 东部和南部非洲分区域部长级会议; www.powerdict.com 8. Lusaka Manifesto on Southern Africa (Lusaka Manifesto) 关于南部非洲的卢萨卡宣言(卢萨卡宣言);卢萨卡宣言 www.sinobay.com 9. Standing Committee on Education and Training for Southern Africa; 南部非洲教育和训练常设委员会; www.sinobay.com 10. Out of Southern Africa Network; 促使美国退出南部非洲联络网; www.sinobay.com 1. EPG; Commonwealth Eminent Persons Group on Southern Africa; 英联邦南部非洲问题知名人士小组; www.sinobay.com 2. Transport of biomass burning emissions from southern Africa 南非生物量燃烧排放物的输运 edu.cma.gov.cn 3. Trade Promotion and Training Centre for Eastern and Southern Africa; 东部和南部非洲贸易促进和训练中心; www.sinobay.com 4. Tripartite Conference on Southern Africa; 关于南部非洲问题的三方会议; www.sinobay.com 5. Solidarity Fund for the Liberation of Southern Africa; 解放南部非洲团结基金; www.fane.cn 6. Summit Conference on Apartheid for Justice and Peace in Southern Africa; 为争取南部非洲的正义与和平讨论种族隔离问题首脑会议; www.powerdict.com 7. SATIS; Southern Africa Catholic Bishop's Conference; 南部非洲天主教主教会议; www.sinobay.com 8. International Forum on the Liberation of Southern Africa; 南部非洲解放问题国际论坛; www.sinobay.com 9. East and Southern Africa Management Institute; 东南非洲管理研究所; www.sinobay.com 10. DSS; regional seminar on AIDS and education in Eastern and Southern Africa; 东部和南部非洲艾滋病与教育区域讨论会; www.powerdict.com 1. Week of Solidarity with the Colonial Peoples of Southern Africa; 声援南部非洲殖民地人民团结周; www.powerdict.com 2. Conference on Landmines: Towards a Mine-Free Southern Africa; 地雷问题会议:建立南部非洲无雷区; www.powerdict.com 3. A model investigation of recent ENSO impacts over southern Africa 非洲南部上空近来ENSO影响的模式研究 edu.cma.gov.cn 4. Tripartite ILO Conference on Southern Africa; 劳工组织关于南部非洲的三方会议; www.sinobay.com 5. Politics in Southern Africa: State and Society in Transition 南非政治:转型的国家和社会 bibf.cnpbook.com 6. Network of Users of Scientific Equipment in Southern Africa; 南部非洲科学仪器用户网; www.powerdict.com 7. Regional Director for Eastern and Southern Africa; 东非和南部非洲区域主任; www.sinobay.com 8. SASREG; Southern Africa Regional Air Transport Authority; 南部非洲区域空运管理局; www.powerdict.com 9. COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa) 东部和南部非洲共同市场 www.bing.com 10. Metal Levels in Feathers of Cormornats, Flamingos and Gulls from the Coast of Namibia in Southern Africa 非洲南部纳米比亚海岸鸬鹚、火烈鸟和海鸥羽毛的金属含量 envir.stlib.gd.cn 1. Metal Levels in Feathers of Cormornats, Flamingos and Gulls from the Coast of Namibia in Southern Africa 非洲南部纳米比亚海岸鸬鹚、火烈鸟和海鸥羽毛的金属含量 envir.stlib.gd.cn 2. Norwegian Council for Southern Africa; 挪威南部非洲委员会; www.sinobay.com 3. Charter of Rights for Migrant Workers (in Southern Africa) (南部非洲)移徙工人权利宪章; www.powerdict.com 4. Quarterly Economic Review of Southern Africa; 南部非洲经济评论季刊; www.powerdict.com 5. Ad Hoc Committee of Heads of State and Government on Southern Africa; 南部非洲问题国家元首和政府首脑特设委员会; www.fane.cn 6. SNS; Nordic Foundation on Southern Africa; 北欧南部非洲基金会; www.sinobay.com 7. CFMSA; Commonwealth Committee on Southern Africa; 英联邦南部非洲委员会; www.sinobay.com 8. Holland Committee on Southern Africa; 荷兰南部非洲问题委员会; www.powerdict.com 9. RARC; Regional Adviser for Communication in Southern Africa; 南部非洲通信问题区域顾问; www.sinobay.com 10. SAETF; Southern Africa Freedom through Education Fund; 通过教育争取南部非洲自由基金; www.sinobay.com 1. Trust Funds and Programme for Southern Africa; 南部非洲信托基金和方案; www.sinobay.com 2. The Church of the Province of Southern Africa 南非洲聖公宗教省 zh.wikipedia.org 3. Grassland Society of Southern Africa 南非草地学会 www.resip.ac.cn 4. Migratory Species of Southern Africa 南部非洲的迁移生物 www.cpi.com.cn 5. Collective of Research and Information on Southern Africa; 南部非洲问题研究资料联合会; www.powerdict.com 6. ROSA Regional Office for Southern Africa 南非地区办公室 www.baohu.org 7. Internet Gateway to Southern Africa 南非因特网之门 www.genpower.com.cn 8. Development Bank of Southern Africa 与南非南部非洲开发银行 chinese.wsj.com 9. United Nations and Southern Africa; 联合国与南部非洲; www.sinobay.com 10. Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on Southern Africa; 南部非洲问题特设专家工作组; www.powerdict.com 1. ICCDA; Inter-Regional Meeting of Bishops of Southern Africa; 南部非洲地区主教会议; www.sinobay.com 2. Increase of Cholera in Southern Africa 南部非洲霍乱继续增长 dzd.every.com.cn 3. SACU; Southern Africa Desk and Task Force; 南部非洲处及工作队; www.sinobay.com 4. Floods kill dozens in southern Africa 非洲南部洪灾死亡数十 www.2getnews.com 5. Smart Card Society of Southern Africa 南部非洲智能卡协会 afw.yanshun.cn 6. karoo: an arid plateau of southern Africa 非洲干旱的南方 www.kekenet.com 7. BDEAC; Development Bank of Southern Africa; 南部非洲开发银行; www.sinobay.com 8. Ad Hoc Committee on Southern Africa; 南部非洲问题特设委员会; www.fane.cn 9. Food Crisis in Southern Africa 南非的粮食危机 gbcode.rthk.org.hk 10. A Need to Intensify Efforts in Southern Africa 要加大在非洲南部的工作力度 web.worldbank.org 1. Gethyllis has 32 recognized species, 30 of which are found in the summer-arid areas of southern Africa. Gethyllis 确认有32种,其中30个是非洲发现干旱地区南部在夏天。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Telecommunication Regulators Association of Southern Africa; 南部非洲电信管理机构协会; www.fane.cn 3. Association of Insolvency Practitioners of Southern Africa 南非破产从业者协会 www.chinainsol.org 4. PMAESA; Port Management Association of Eastern and Southern Africa; 东部和南部非洲港口管理协会 bbs.translators.com.cn 5. Port Management Association of Eastern and Southern Africa; 东南非港口管理协会; www.sinobay.com 6. Executives association of southern Africa 南部非洲商业领导人协会 search.sina.com 7. Franchise Association of Southern Africa 南非特许经营协会 ben.com.cn |
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