单词 | singled |
释义 | singled是single的过去式
复数:singles 现在分词:singling 过去式:singled 例句释义: 单身的,孤独的,一人用的,一次的,拣出,作一垒手,单步行进,一个,单挑,后区单挑 1. He singled out his co-stars, including Melissa Leo, who earlier had won for supporting actress for playing his mother in the film. 他提到一起合作的演员,包括之前凭借扮演片中贝尔母亲获得最佳女配角的梅丽莎?里奥。 www.bing.com 2. For London to be singled out initially as the only capital with Budapest to have said "No" is inglorious. 在一开始就成为匈牙利唯一的同伴、与之一同说“不”,对英国来说不大光彩。 www.ftchinese.com 3. And, you know, spiders, after all, just a program that was itself singled out as standardized site may not be desired by our own. 而且你要知道,蜘蛛毕竟只是个程序,它自行挑出来作为规范化得网址未必是我们自己所想要得。 82g.com.cn 4. Today, I was charged because my 6 year old son singled the police st near thing th near the I was hitting my wife as well as she was crying. 这日,我被逮捕了,因为我6岁的儿子打电话叫警察,说我把我的妻子打得哭了。 www.xiya120.com 5. St. James had been singled out to provide Dr. King with an honor guard of Cub Scouts, and my brother was one of the Scouts selected. 圣詹姆士教堂因此被选中,童子军们将在那儿聚集,成为金博士的仪仗队,而我的弟弟就在被选中的童子军之中。 www.bing.com 6. Being singled out as the only Liverpool player with a confidence problem by his manager is also unlikely to help Torres. 被主教练单独指出缺少自信但是教练还不愿意去帮助他。 www.ept-team.com 7. I singled at his house, but he wasn't in. So I left a communic telling him that I would singh on him the next day. 我到他家造访,可他不在家。所以我留下口信告诉他第二天再去造访他。 www.loloooo.com 8. Yet it is often unfairly singled out for blame. 然而批评采用双重标准一般来说是不公的。 www.ecocn.org 9. Essien was one Chelsea player who the Villa manager singled out for special praise. 埃辛是唯一一个得到维拉教练特别赞扬的切尔西球员。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. While thanking you for your singled support. I wish to asc for a continuance of your confidence in the new company. 在感谢您已往惠予登陆器的共时,盼愿对我新公司也游戏先容给夺信任。 336699sf.com 1. But the worst deal seems to have been dealt to the Jeep Wrangler which is singled out in the papers specifically. 但是最恶劣的处理似乎已处理的吉普牧马人是挑出来的文件明确。 usa.315che.com 2. Immediately the little boy singled out the lagging, limping puppy and said, "What's wrong with that little dog? " 小男孩的注意力立刻被这只落后而又一撅一拐的小家伙所吸引,“这小狗有什么问题么?” blog.sina.com.cn 3. The name is the form of speech by which a person is singled out for personal love, particular intimacy , and exact responsibility. 名字是一种语言形式,借着个别地称呼一个人的名字,赋予他个人的爱,特殊的亲密感,以及确切的责任。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Paul Scholes was singled out for giving away the ball, but even the otherwise outstanding Ryan Giggs was culpable . 斯科尔斯因为丢球被点名批评,表现优异的吉格斯也没逃过批评。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. If anything, it is good for a Republican's stock to be singled out for special attack by a Democratic president. 如果有的话,选出一名共和党人让一位民主党总统发起特别攻击是件好事。 www.ecocn.org 6. Mr. Sha then singled out Mr. Ban, the U. N. secretary-general. 'I know you never liked me, Mr. Secretary-General, ' he said. 沙祖康接着提到了联合国秘书长潘基文说,我知道你从不喜欢我,秘书长先生,我也从来没喜欢过你。 c.wsj.com 7. He's too smart to feel singled out by what happened to his wife. 他如此聪明能够了然她妻子身上发生什么事。 www.bing.com 8. There is no reason why defence should be singled out for such a review. 将国防力量单独挑出来进行反思是没有道理的。 www.ecocn.org 9. She began to describe this year's group and its variety of personalities, though she singled no one out by name. 她开始述说今年这个团体跟它的多种个人特质,虽然她没有说名字来指出任何人。 www.easeparts.com 10. This quarter seemed to have been singled out for punishment during the second siege. 在第二次围城时,这一区看来被挑中,作为惩罚。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. She singled out the lion cub immediately and began to hiss aggressively at the lion cub with open jaws. 她挑出来的狮子幼崽立即开始嘘积极狮幼崽在开放颌骨。 tieba.baidu.com 2. Whether it was a receiver running the wrong route, a lineman missing a block or a back fumbling the ball, Brett never singled anyone out. 不管是接球员跑错路线,还是某个线锋疏于保护四分卫,或者后卫漏接球,布莱特从不会把矛头指向特定球员。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. It puzzled young Ross that his house seemed to be singled out on their street. 小罗斯感到迷惑的是,他家就好像被从街坊挑出来了似的。 www.bing.com 4. Though the report did not mention him or his party by name, it was obvious who was being singled out. 虽然报告中没有提及他或他的政党的名字,但矛头所指却明明白白。 www.ecocn.org 5. Liang singled the study out, saying it was one of his top 10 abstracts at this year's meeting. 梁单挑的研究,说是在今年的会议上,他的排名前10位的摘要之一。 www.hbvhbv.com 6. James Wood, a British critic who teaches at Harvard, is one of a number of reviewers who have singled out Mr Cole's work. 在哈佛任教的英国书评家,詹姆斯.伍德是众多评论家中认为科勒的小说独树一帜的其中一人。 www.ecocn.org 7. The solutions we seek must be equitable with no one group singled out to pay a higher price. 我们的解决方案必须公平合理,不会把任何群体孤立出去,让他们负担更多。 blog.163.com 8. North Korea has singled out South Korea's president for harsh criticism, for the first time since he took office. 北韩点名抨击韩国总统李明博。这是李明博总统执政以来的第一次。 www.ebigear.com 9. He never could understand why he received this attention, why he was singled out as something special. 他一直不能理解,为什么他会受到这种注意,为什么单单把他挑出来当作特殊人物对待。 10. Usually she singled out the object of her choice and made the proposition herself. 她通常会自己挑出选中的男人,然后自己向他提议上床睡觉。 www.bing.com 1. Two years ago Benedict XVI singled out Marxism as one of the great scourges of the modern age. 两年前,本笃十六世挑出马克思主义作为现代社会的苦难之一。 www.bing.com 2. singled out the lagging limping puppy and said, "What's wrong with that little dog? " 小男孩立刻指着落在后面,一瘸一拐的小狗说,“这只小狗怎么了?” zd.002pc.com 3. I know but, surely he wouldn't have singled you out in his will just to help us turn out the lights! 我知道,但他特地在遗嘱中提到你,不可能只是为了帮我们熄灯! blog.sina.com.cn 4. When they singled out blacks, the report found a 38 percent higher incidence of such deaths than among whites. 当单纯对黑人进行研究时,结果发现黑人死亡风险的发生率比白人高38%。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 5. I singled out the one thing he did best and praised him for it before the whole class. 于是我挑出一件他做的最好的事,然后当着全班的面表扬了他。 www.chinaedu.com 6. As a result, some caught in the silk fiber paper, some floating on the surface, with silk fiber tip can be singled out. 因此,纤维丝有的夹在纸中,有的浮于表面,用针尖可以把纤维丝挑出来。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Therefore, several high grade sorghum accessions possessing one or two even more good quality traits had been singled out through screening. 通过鉴定,筛选出一批多项、双项或单项品质优良的高粱种质资源。 www.zwyczy.cn 8. But Obesity Society chief Dr Tim Gill believes obese people should not be singled out for penalties. 但肥胖协会负责人蒂姆·吉尔医生认为(DrTimGill),肥胖的人不应该受到惩罚。 www.elanso.com 9. But Seedorf, a Dutchman of Surinamese descent, claimed the temperamental forward is singled out for special treatment for other reasons. 但是西多夫,苏里南裔的荷兰人,却认为这名喜怒无常的前锋是因为其他原因才受到了特殊对待。 www.bing.com 10. Human-rights activists say Chinese workers and companies have been singled out for physical attacks. 人权维护人士说,中国工人和企业已成为暴力袭击的特别对象。 c.wsj.com 1. WHEN one category of citizens is singled out for privileged treatment, are the rights of others infringed? 如果某个社群享有某种独有的特殊待遇,这是否会侵犯该社会其他成员的权利呢? www.ecocn.org 2. Introduction: Test your eyesight from four snails shell inside singled out a snails a very dizziness . 考验你的眼力,从四个蜗牛壳里面挑出来有蜗牛的一个,很头晕。 www.bing.com 3. Robert Shiller of Yale University recently singled out farmland as "my favourite dark-horse bubble candidate for the next decade or so" . 最近耶鲁大学的罗伯特?席勒指出,农田是“我认为在今后十余年最有可能产生泡沫的领域。” www.bing.com 4. Google, with its instant access to factoids of dubious veracity, is singled out as a primary source of the malaise. 谷歌,因为人们通过它能即时访问真实性可疑的信息,成为了不安定因素的一个原始来源。 www.bing.com 5. Recent statements from the central bank have singled out the data event for its importance in formulation the next rate decision. 联储最近的声明指出,该数据对其下个利率决议很重要。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. He singled out for praise China's reaction to Washington's decision to sell Taiwan military-fighter upgrades rather than new planes. 他尤其赞扬了中国对华盛顿帮助台湾升级战机而非出售新战机的决定做出的反应。 cn.wsj.com 7. The short man noticed my stare. "Can I buy you a drink? " he offered, nervous, seeming flattered that I'd singled him out to stare at. 矮个子的男人注意到我的凝视。“我能给你买杯酒吗?”他提议,拘谨的,因为我只盯着他一个人看而红了脸。 bookapp.book.qq.com 8. I just don't want her to be singled out. 我只是不喜欢她被排挤。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Though each audience member is singled out to experience something unique and personal, the experience prompts much excited chatter. 虽然每个观众都是独自体验某种独特私人的经历,但这些体验却激起大量令人兴奋的八卦谈资。 www.bing.com 10. Computer term for a group of information which can be singled out as a unit for processing. 电脑用的术语。指可为一个单传送的一组信息。 www.tdict.com 1. I imagine that to be singled out by the Captain for a farewell luncheon is indeed an honour. 我认为被队长选中出席告别午餐会的确是一种荣誉。 www.tdict.com 2. President Barack Obama, in a June speech to the Muslim world in Cairo, singled out Dubai as a place where economic development worked. 美国总统奥巴马6月份在开罗对穆斯林世界发表演讲时,特别提到迪拜是经济发展发挥成效的地方。 c.wsj.com 3. During the last decade, they say, these banks singled out blacks in Memphis to sell them risky high-cost mortgages and consumer loans. 在过去十年里,他们说,这些银行专向孟菲斯的黑人兜售高风险高成本的抵押贷款和消费贷款。 www.bing.com 4. Berlin complains that it has been unfairly singled out for blame. 德国政府抱怨称,自己被单挑出来受责怪是不公平的。 www.ftchinese.com 5. I did not want to be singled out for gratuitous punishment. 我不愿意叫她提溜出来遭受这无缘无故的惩罚。 www.jukuu.com 6. Butthe enforcement of such rules can result in humiliation when largecustomers are singled out in front of a plane full of passengers. 但是,这类政策实施过程中,会让因航班满座而被拒载的大号乘客蒙羞。 www.bing.com 7. Though the campaign targeted young men as well, authorities singled out women with particular brutality. 虽然这场着装风暴也将年轻男性列为目标,但女性却遭到当局特别残酷的对待。 www.bing.com 8. The firm denies that it was singled out for political reasons. 该公司否认中国单独针对它是出于政治因素。 www.ecocn.org 9. Musa Hilal is among six Janjaweed leaders singled out by the United States for travel and economic sanctions earlier this year. 穆萨·希拉勒是美国政府今年早些时候提出实行旅行和经济制裁的六名阿拉伯民兵组织马枪队的领导人之一。 www.24en.com 10. Later, he told me he thinks Chinese companies get unfairly singled out for criticism in Zambia. 随后,他告诉我,他认为中国企业在在赞比亚受到不应有的批评。 www.bing.com 1. These grant tax breaks to businesses in disadvantaged areas singled out for privileged status. 这些计划向被单列享有特权地位的落后地区的企业提供税收优惠。 www.ftchinese.com 2. As any China watcher would expect though, Beijing is bristling at the thought it's being singled out for blame. 就如所有中国观察家所预期的那样,北京对于外界的指责感到愤怒。 www.bing.com 3. This report singled the United States out particularly, criticizing it "falls behind many western countries" . 这份报告还单独将美国列出,指责其“落后于许多西方国家”。 www.wwjtraining.com 4. How are the good ones to be singled out from among the others? 如何从其他计划中挑选出好的计划呢? zhidao.baidu.com 5. Likewise, the New York Times singled out the deregulation of credit default swaps as a cause of the crisis. 同样,纽约时报也认定对信用违约互换的缺乏监管是导致危机的原因之一。 www.bing.com 6. Sir Alex also singled him out for special mention in his post-match interview. 弗格森爵士在赛后接受采访的时候也特别提到了哈格。 www.mufans.org 7. Certain city areas have been singled out for special treatment. 某些城市地区被挑选出来特别对待。 bbs.freekaoyan.com 8. However, Mexicans on other flights say they have been singled out for harsh treatment. 不过,其它航班上的墨西哥人说,他们也被挑选出来受到了苛刻的对待。 www.bing.com 9. No one should be singled out for unfair treatment or unkind words because of their ethnic background or religious faith. 任何个人都不可以因为民族和宗教信仰的原因而受到辱骂或不公正对待。 www.tdict.com 10. Examples; All the staff did a very good job but the director singled the new comer out for praise. 所有的职员工作做的都不错,但是处长单单表扬了那个新来的。 netclass.cueb.edu.cn 1. Philip is good at writing. Last week his composition was once again singled out for special praise. 很会写作。上周他的作文又被挑出来特别表扬。 wljy.axhu.cn 2. After the students left. it took my colleagues a singled me a single hour or two to figure out why this was so. 在他们摆脱后,我和我的同事花了几个小时考虑才分解为什么会有这种情形。 www.briefingchina.com 3. He occasionally singled me out for a display of favor. 他有时把我抬出来夸奖一番以示恩宠。 www.jukuu.com 4. Mr Cole singled out sovereign wealth funds as among the possible buyers, and expected a series of deals "sooner rather than later" . 科尔特别指出,主权财富基金是潜在买家之一,并预期有一系列交易将“很快进行”。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Some delegations are resisting this move, arguing that governments should not be singled out against their will. 一些代表反对此项提议,认为政府不该被孤立出来违背他们的意愿。 www.ecocn.org 6. Tourists stand out, so often you'll be singled out for special attention and inflated prices. 旅游者太打眼了,因此经常会被挑选出来予以特别的关照和售以夸张的价格。 www.bing.com 7. Mr. Gates has singled out the PLA as the main obstruction in the way of improved bilateral relations. 盖茨指出解放军是改善美中关系的主要障碍。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Yet Ferguson has singled him out for special praise often enough over the past few months. 然而,弗格森对他的特别表扬,并不足以概括他过去几个月的表现。 www.mufans.org 9. Asian-descendants are singled out for their outstanding performance in exams of critical thinking, math and writing. 尽管如此,亚裔学生仍显示出他们在批判性思考、数学和写作方面的出色才能。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Those singled out in the report won't face immediate repercussions. 报告中特别提到的人和不会面临直接后果。 bbs.51ielts.com 1. The "perp walk" was singled out as a humiliating breach of the principle of the presumption of innocence. “游街示众”被指是对无罪假定原则的可耻背叛。 www.ecocn.org 2. Chinese silk has often been singled out as being among the finest textiles produced in the Far East. 中国的丝绸在远东地区最好的纺织品中独占鳌头。 baobeiyu.yculblog.com 3. But the Portuguese coach is adamant that he will remain a Chelsea player and singled the Frenchman out for individual praise. 葡萄牙教头肯定加拉将仍会是切尔西的一员,他单独表扬了这名法国人。 www.qieerxi.com 4. ' Even so, Kaifeng Jews say they weren't singled out for discrimination. 尽管如此,开封犹太人说他们并没有遭到歧视对待。 www.bing.com 5. It might also involve toning down a previous deal that private creditors should be singled out if debtors cannot meet their obligations. 这可能还意味着否决先前的一个协议,此协议规定应该挑出那些有着无法履行义务的借款人的私人贷款者。 www.ecocn.org 6. This was the first time the prime minister singled out al-Sadr's Mahdi Army. 这是伊拉克总理第一次点名要求萨德尔领导的迈赫迪军队解除武装。 www.voanews.cn 7. She singled out Valorum specifically, on the advice of Palpatine, for his inability to take decisive action. 在帕尔帕廷的指点下,她特别点了瓦洛伦的名,指出他没有能力采取决断性的行动。 starwarsfans.cn 8. He was singled out to receive special thanks for his help. 他被选中去接受对他所给予的帮助的特别致谢。 www.tdict.com 9. Some people familiar with the targeted companies in the Chaohu area also raise questions about the reasons they were singled out. 了解巢湖地区这几家受整顿企业的一些人士,也对它们为何被挑中提出了疑问。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Those who are singled out for special treatment can become too full of themselves. 那些受到特殊待遇的候选人会变得自满自大。 www.ecocn.org 1. Those who are singled out for special treatment can become too full of themselves. 那些受到特殊待遇的候选人会变得自满自大。 www.ecocn.org 2. It also singled her out for failing to impose quarantine for 10 days, as advised by the WHO. 该报告还指出,她没有按WHO的建议,实行10天期检疫隔离措施。 www.ftchinese.com 3. In comparison more than a decoration company, he singled in a relatively informal Home Company. 在比较了多家装修公司后,他挑中了一家相对正规的家装公司。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. However, he specifically singled out potential allies in the audience as having "their own views on this question" . 然而,特里谢特别指出,听众中的潜在盟友“对该问题有他们自己的想法”。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Alone of all created things man hath been singled out for so great a favor, so enduring a bounty. 万物之中,唯独人类被特选出来,承蒙这至大恩宠,这恒久惠赐。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Select Two other people were singled out for special praise. 另外两人被挑出来给予特别表扬。 www.sunsea.org 7. Standard Chartered has singled-out China and India as top emerging markets where it might expand through "organic growth" or acquisitions. 渣打银行已将中国和印度列为最重要的新兴市场。该行可能会通过“有机增长”或收购的方式,在上述两个市场进行扩张。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Now a news broadcast, and some men were prepared to "singled out" , and the reporter must quickly to dissuade. 现在转播一条新闻,有些男生们准备“单挑”了,本记者得赶快去劝阻。 www.tradeask.com 9. That way, no one gets singled out as a brown-noser, and everyone shares the holiday spirit. 这样不会有个别人被认为是马屁精,而且人人都分享到了节日气氛。 www.hxen.com 10. Luxury hotels and other sites favoured by Westerners were singled out for attack. 西方游客钟爱的豪华酒店和其他一些景点是袭击的首要目标。 www.ecocn.org 1. Being chosen expresses a special relationship, being known and loved in a unique way, being singled out. 被拣选表达了一种特殊的关系,那就是通过独一无二的方式被认识,被爱,并被选择出来。 www.bing.com 2. They duly singled out hedge funds, credit rating agencies, tax havens and executive compensation for tighter regulation. 他们会在适当的时候,挑选对冲基金、信用评价机构、避税地和执行更加严格的赔偿条例。 www.bing.com 3. In a group, you are singled out by this person for attention even in general conversation and questions. 在一群人中,即使只是平常的谈话你也同样会被吸引了他注意的这么一个人所单独挑出来。 www.bing.com 4. He singled out telecommunications, healthcare and energy sectors as preferred sectors for the fund. 他指出,电信、医疗保健与能源类股将是该基金偏好的板块。 cn.reuters.com 5. Colonial Secretary Ian Mcleod singled out Marshall's Bill of Rights as a helpful contribution. 英国殖民大臣伊恩·麦克劳德(IanMcleod)特别指出,马歇尔起草的民权法案是一个有益贡献。 www.america.gov 6. Indeed, there are signs of action against polluters singled out by Sepa bosses as among the area's most egregious. 确实,有迹象显示,针对环保总局点名的该地区污染最严重的企业,当地的确采取了一些行动。 www.ftchinese.com 7. But since the creation of the Islamic Republic in 1979, these critics allege, Iran is being singled out and persecuted. 但自从1979年伊朗共和国成立以来,这些吹毛求疵的家伙说伊朗要被排除在外而且要被制裁。 www.bing.com 8. Beelzebub: that Xiaomaohai so bold! On the kind of singled! 魔王:那个小毛孩这么大胆!有种就单挑! zhidao.baidu.com 9. But some wanted Chinese human rights activists singled out for their protests in Tibet. 但有人提出希望颁予在西藏反抗的中国人权运动的参与者。 bbs.putclub.com 10. He singled out uncertainty over whether foreign companies could gain a majority stake in newly discovered deposits. 他特别指出,在外国公司能否获得新探明矿藏的多数股权方面,存在不确定性。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Even so, South Korea has been singled out as an example of how being dug in, once seen as a virtue, is fast becoming a liability. 即便如此,韩国还是被选作一个实例,即一度被当作是优势的前沿部署策略是如何快速成为一种负担的。 www.51ar.net 2. Mr. Ramesh singled out India's intelligence community and the interior ministry for being alarmist about Chinese investment. 拉梅什单独提及了印度的知识阶层以及内政部门,说他们对中国的投资总是大惊小怪。 c.wsj.com 3. One thread is started for each CPU to perform a singled-threaded sort within its own partition. 每个CPU上都会启动一个线程并针对该CPU所分配到的(输入数组的)分区进行单线程的排序。 www.infoq.com 4. As a result, they may undersell their strengths in order to avoid being singled out and made to feel conspicuous. 结果是,为了避免被挑选出来而感到惹人注意,他们可能会不尽力工作。 www.douban.com 5. While Canada was lumped together with Australia, Germany, Iceland, Ireland and Luxembourg, the US was singled out. 当加拿大和澳大利亚、德国、冰岛、卢森堡站在一起时,就把美国给突显出来。 www.elanso.com 6. I tried to sing as quietly as possible, but of course I got singled out, anyway. 我尽量压低声音,唱得细不可闻,不过还是没能幸免,被挑出来。 ysszlj.blog.163.com 7. At the same time, however, the group singled out ongoing polio transmission in Nigeria as the single greatest risk to a polio-free world. 然而,与此同时,该小组突出尼日利亚脊髓灰质炎持续传播为对无脊髓灰质炎世界的单一最大危险。 www.who.int 8. The report singled out Germany, France, Italy and Spain as Russia's closest partners in Europe. 这篇报告还特别指出德国、法国、意大利及西班牙应成为俄罗斯最亲密的欧洲合作伙伴。 www.qeto.com 9. At the camp, those prisoners singled out to die were assigned work they could not finish. 在劳动营里,那些被挑出来的囚犯都面临死亡,他们分到了无法完成的工作量。 www.bing.com 10. Goldman has been singled out by critics who question why Chief Executive Lloyd Blankfein attended meetings that discussed a bailout of AIG. 批评人士将高盛单独挑出来,对高盛首席执行官LloydBlankfein何以能够参加讨论救援AIG的会议提出质疑。 cn.reuters.com 1. The former fishing village was singled out by Deng Xiaoping to be the first Special Economic Zone in 1979. 这个昔日的渔村当年被邓小平看中,于1979年成为首个经济特区。 www.ftchinese.com 2. He singled me out for special mention . 他单单特别提到了我。 bbs.ebigear.com 3. And he singled out French President Nicholas Sarkozy for praise. 布什特别称赞了法国总统尼古拉.萨尔科齐。 www.voanews.cn 4. Emotion vocabulary has been singled out as different from other abstract words in recent linguistic research. 近来的语言研究将情绪词汇单列为一类有别于其他抽象词汇的词。 www.lw23.com 5. Because it singled out from the pile of clothes, fashion clothes for a little, or getting bigger project. 因为要从一堆衣服中挑出一件稍为时尚的衣物来,还是挺大的工程。 www.dota123.com 6. Meanwhile, asked to name the biggest risk to their forecasts, economists singled out problems in the credit markets. 与此同时,当经济学家们被问到有可能造成他们预测失准的最大风险时,他们把信贷市场的问题排在了第一位。 www.bing.com 7. I was singled out to perform a play at the graduation ceremony. 毕业典礼上,我被单独挑出来演节目。出丑了。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. There has been much speculation about why she was singled out. 有很多关于为什么单单是她的猜测? www.bing.com 9. Almost as soon as I entered the house I singled you out as the companion of my future life. 我差不多一进这屋子,就挑中你做我的终身伴侣。 www.hjenglish.com 10. I singled you out as the companion of my future life. 就挑选你成为我的未来伴侣 www.tingroom.com 1. Others say her remarks do not represent mainstream Chinese society, which is why she has been singled out. 而还有些人认为她与众不同就是因为她不能代表现在中国的主流社会。 www.bing.com 2. And broccoli and cabbage were singled out as the most protective foods. 而花椰菜和卷心菜据证明是最有效的食物。 sunstreak.blog.35.cn 3. The girl said she didn't know why she was singled out by her attackers. 女孩说她不知道为什么被她的攻击者挑选 www.bing.com 4. Blair, too, is singled out as a king of language corruption. 布莱尔也被(汉弗莱斯)列为“污染语言大王”。 www.neworiental.org 5. In single-dispatch polymorphism, the object that "owns" a method is singled out. 在单分派多态性中,挑选出“拥有”方法的对象。 www.ibm.com 6. Benedict singled out Irish bishops for sharp criticism over their handling of abuse and pedophilia cases in the past. 本尼迪克特对爱尔兰主教们在处理儿童性虐待以及过去的恋童癖上事件提出了尖锐的批评。 www.bing.com 7. I always canbetween the rape and, singled out those petite and fresh vegetables, fat and pull out those green grass Pig. U. 我总能在密密匝匝的油菜和麦苗之间,挑出那些娇小而鲜嫩的野菜,拔出那些肥硕而翠绿的猪草。 www.bing.com 8. Jerry was singled out as the best student. 吉利被选为最优秀的学生。 www.hxen.com 9. I relly don't see why our English teacher has singled out our monitor for praise, since we have all done well this term. 这学期我们都学习得不错,美女我真不明白为什么我们的英语老师单单表扬了班长一个人。 blog.hinews.cn 10. London was singled as being particularly over-priced when it came to dining out. 伦敦还被选为超昂贵的外出就餐地。 www.voa365.com 1. How could I, an old man living alone, and always busy, singled-handedly raise a girl not yet ten? 我,一个独居的老人,又总是忙忙碌碌,怎么可能独立抚养一个不满十岁的女孩呢? www.zftrans.com 2. Why are bloggers all of a sudden singled out? 为什么突然间选择了博主? open.163.com 3. Chen's cool, calm attitude singled her out from 400 student-applicants for the trip to Tibet. 沉着,冷静的态度使得陈晨从400名申请参加此次西藏之旅的学生中脱颖而出。 www.hxen.com 4. They said Mexicans were being singled out because of their passports, despite showing no signs of the virus. 他们表示,墨西哥人仅仅因为持有墨西哥护照就被隔离,但是他们根本没有被病毒感染的迹象。 www.bing.com 5. The sense of humor must be singled out as man's most important quality because it is associated with laughter. 幽默感一定要被挑选出来作为人类的重要品质,因为被取悦的人是相关联的。 tutorsky.net 6. They got slapped with racist names that singled them out as Negroes. 他们遭到带有种族歧视的称谓侮辱,被叫作黑鬼孤立出来。 bbs.ilanzhou.com 7. If you re every singled want my advice I don't think you should quit school. 如果你真想听我的意见,我想你不应该入学。 chengrena5.qewrdv.com 8. Goldmanites feel their firm has been unfairly singled out as a symbol of greed. 高盛人感觉他们的公司被作为一个贪婪的象征而揪出来是不公平的。 www.ecocn.org 9. We find that we have singled out the wrong man. 我们发现,我们选错了人。 get.3322.net 10. We were singled out and stopped, while other cars zipped past. 其他的车辆都通过了,但我们被截停检查。 blog.jackjia.com 1. The girl is singled out to represent the school. 那女孩被挑选为学校代表。 www.hxen.com 2. Investors singled out Italy for more pain as they sent the interest rate on the all-important 10-year bond past 7% to hit 7. 17%. 投资人的选择让意大利更加煎熬,他们让最重要的意大利10年期国债利率攻破7%的红线到达7. www.bing.com 3. We singled her out from the list applicants. 我们把她从一串申请的名单中挑出来。 dict.aiedu.com 4. Six towns have already been singled out as test-beds; 11 more are planned. 目前已经挑选了6个镇作为试点,还计划再挑选11个。 www.ecocn.org 5. Mr Brown singled out Iran as an example ofthishis policy. 布朗先生单独把伊朗作为此政策的例子。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. She singled out Mr. Cohen, 28, and Mr. Ross, 38, saying they symbolize the drive to create "21st-century statecraft. " 她特别点名表扬了28岁的科恩先生及38岁的Ross先生,称赞他们是创建“21世纪治国之道”驱动力的象征。 dongxi.net 7. I have been singled out and given chances denied to white men of similar ability. 我被挑选出来,得到了那些具备同等能力的白人男性没有得到的机会。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Why have you singled this incident out for criticism? 你为什么单挑这件事批评啊? www.1stenglish.com 9. But that's not what most of us tend to do. When we get laid off, we feel singled out and helpless. 可惜这种做法不是我们大多数人所倾向的,当被解雇时,多数人会感到孤单和无助,并且可能变得激动、怀恨在心和悲伤。 www.bing.com 10. He was singled out from so many candidates. 3. This job is yours. 他在许多候选人当中被挑出来。3.这份工作是你的。 www.tingclass.net 1. Whupon were you doing when I singled you on the telephone? 我给你打电话时!你在干什么? zzzpx.com 2. Astronomers, film editors and farm product buyers are some others we've singled out. 天文观测员、电影剪辑者和农产品买主是我们挑选出的其他的一些工作。 www.bing.com 3. I was so happy because the teacher singled my composition out and read part of it in front of the class. 老师把我的作文挑出来在班上朗读,我真是太高兴了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. "We just want to make sure that no one is singled out because of their ethnicity or because they don't speak perfect English. " “我们只想确定,苹果专卖店没有根据种族不同或英语发音不标准来决定要不要严查身份。” www.bing.com 5. Why have you singled out this incident for adverse comment? 你为什挑选这事件加以不利的批评? www.hotdic.com 6. The Chinese, on the other hand, resent being singled out for punishment. 另一方面,中国人对被选为惩罚的对象而感到愤怒。 www.bing.com 7. Backstroke: Do more singled-arm drills with the other hand by body side. 仰泳:多做单臂练习,另一手放在身体旁。 bbs.chinaswim.com 8. In Coletta's post this week, he discusses some of the challenges with the singled threaded nature of the Flash runtime 在这个博文中,Coletta讨论了Flash运行时单线程天性所带来的挑战 www.infoq.com 9. Surprisingly, some of the bugs are also singled out for special treatment 令人吃惊的是一些虫子也被专门挑捡出来 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Nearly three in 10 voters singled out President Bush as the principal reason the country is in its current economic crisis, 将近十分之三的选民认为布什总统是造成美国经济危机的首要原因。 bbs.ebigear.com 1. was singled out as Man of the Century by Times magazine in 2000. ; 在2000年被美国《时代》杂志评为(20世纪)风云人物。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. He claimed that he was singled out for criticism because of his race, 他声称,自己受到点名批判是因为种族歧视。 bbs.ebigear.com 3. Special forcefulness of expression that gives importance to something singled out; 表达上的特殊加强,以突出某一单独事物的重要性; dictsearch.appspot.com 4. who had been singled out by Mr Karzai for his role in the alleged plot 卡尔扎伊已经指明了他在所谓的密谋行动中所扮演的角色 www.ecocn.org 5. There were many pretty girls at the dance, but he singled Mary out immediately 舞会中的漂亮女孩很多,但他立刻选玛丽为舞伴。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. He was singled out as the person who started the fight, 据说这场架是由他挑起的。 www.bing.com 7. Many critics have singled out 挑出,选出 www.sogood.cn |
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