单词 | strong | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
比较级:stronger 最高级:strongest strong 显示所有例句 有体力having physical power
有影响力having power over people
难以抵抗╱击败╱攻击hard to resist/defeat/attack
不易破碎not easily broken
不脆弱not easily upset
有望成功likely to succeed
擅长good at sth
稳固firmly established
易于看╱听╱感觉╱嗅到easy to see/hear/feel/smell
例句释义: 斯特朗,强壮的,强健的,强的,强劲的,坚强地,强烈的,坚强的,强势 1. it forms a group of a large number of areas, in aesthetic activities and cultural life of the theory show a strong vitality. 在古典美学领域,以“游”为中心,形成了一个数量可观的范畴群,其强大的理论活力表现在审美活动与文化生活的诸多方面。 www.lwkoo.cn 2. There is such a strong resistance to honour their mother that it becomes apparent that they rather die than to honour their mother. 她们对尊敬自己的母亲有着很强烈的抵触,而且很明显,她们宁愿死去也不愿去对自己的母亲表达尊敬。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. He said the U. S. team has strong tactics, discipline and is very physical. 他说美国队战术严谨、纪律严明、身体素质也非常好。 voa.hjenglish.com 4. The wind is too strong for me to fly in a line through the storm. 风力太强了,我不能一直直线飞行穿过暴风。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The American government may talk about the desirability of a strong dollar but it seems to have no intention of doing anything about it. 美国政府或许会说不希望美元保持强势,但看起来美政府并不打算在这方面有所行动。 www.ecocn.org 6. Japan media will talk about BYJ only, will give a strong impression that this movie is only for BYJ fans. 日本媒体依然会只谈论裴勇俊,这又会给人们留下“电影是为专裴迷而拍”的印象。 www.dreamyj.com 7. But the cartel has a mixed record in trying to stop sliding prices by cutting supply, especially in the face of a strong recession. 但欧佩克以减产手段阻止油价下滑并非屡屡奏效,尤其是在经济出现严重衰退时。 www.bing.com 8. "I am convinced that General James Jones is uniquely suited to be a strong and skilled national security advisor, " he said. 我相信,琼斯将军独具的条件,使他能成为一位坚强而有才能的国家安全顾问。 www.tingroom.com 9. Win or lose, San Francisco Giants' Dusty Baker has to be a strong candidate for the National League Manager of the Year award. 不管是输还是赢,旧金山巨人队教练达斯蒂·巴克尔都是本年度全国联赛最佳教练奖热门人选。 chinafanyi.com 10. Accord with human body engineering characteristics, strong, cartoon characters, small volume, not to occupy a space, easy to carry. 符合儿童人体工程学特点,结实耐用,卡通造型,体积小,不占空间,携带方便。 blog.163.com 1. Investment in education and research and a strong safety net can lead to a more productive and competitive economy. 教育与科研投资以及强大的社会保障网络,可以催生生产率更高、更具竞争力的经济体。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Initiative with a strong sense of responsibility, patient and meticulous, and with excellent professional ethics. 工作主动,责任心强,耐心细致,具有良好的职业道德。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. That turned out to be premature, as there remains a strong chance that Fiat may walk away from the talks. 这原来是为时尚早,因为仍然有很大的机会,菲亚特可能离开会谈。 usa.315che.com 4. An aggressive person has courage and energy. He feels strong and independent. He is often the first one to start a fight. 一个惯于侵犯他人的人都有勇气,有力气。他觉得自己身强力壮,凡事自作主张,经常是他,第一个挑起了打架。 www.hicoo.net 5. And neither kind of supposedly strong government was more likely to survive at the polls within two years of a bout of budget-slashing. 一般看来在一轮预算削减的2年内强势政府不可能在大选中幸存。 www.ecocn.org 6. A strong majority said the economy was the most important issue facing the U. S. -- and, by far, most of those voters backed the GOP. 绝大多数人都说经济是美国面临的最重要的问题,目前为止,他们中的多数都是支持共和党的。 chinese.wsj.com 7. He did not doubt nor did he distrust the promise of God, and by being strong in faith, he gave glory to God. 对于天主的恩许总没有因不信而犹疑,反而信心坚固,归光荣于天主。 www.ccreadbible.org 8. Can work in teams, proactive in exploration for new ideas. With a strong sense of confidentiality of the technologies and techniques. 具有团队工作精神,善于探索和研究,具创新和开发精神和产品技术及构成的保密意识。 www.chinabuses.com 9. The sea looks beautiful on a fine day. But it can be very rough when there is a strong wind. 在晴朗的日子,大海看起来很美,可是在刮大风时,大海很粗暴。 www.56y.cn 10. China has always been a strong advocate, firm supporter and active participant of South-South cooperation. 中国始终是南南合作的积极倡导者、坚定支持者和深入参与者。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 1. You are very resilient souls and it seems remarkable to us that you have such a strong sense of survival. 你们都是非常有弹性的灵魂,以我们的角度看是不可思议的,你们已经拥有了一种强烈的生存感受。 blog.163.com 2. The rest of South America is enjoying strong economic growth, but Venezuela is only just emerging from two years of recession. 休战的南美洲经济增长强劲,但委内瑞拉才刚从两年的经济衰退中走出来。 www.bing.com 3. I do not know why so much can be charged with each other, we, in the face of this subject is always so strong rebut the other. 我不知道为什么那么多事都可以互相起诉的我们,面对这个话题的时候总是那么强烈的反驳对方。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. No sort of mechanistic rationalism is ever possible and there is a strong hatred of the idea of logical necessity. 机械式的惟理主义在这里是永远不可能的,而且对于逻辑的必须概念都抱着一种憎恶的态度。 edu.21cn.com 5. She said there had been strong evidence that Mei Xiang might be pregnant, but no one was sure. 她说已有明显的迹象表明美香可能怀孕了,但谁都不敢肯定。 www.bing.com 6. As if he had got a pair of strong long legs in his heart. 他的心灵仿佛获得了一双有力的长腿。 appleshow.cc 7. Visibility in parts of Moscow was down to a few dozen meters due to the smog, which carried a strong burning smell and causes coughing. 烟雾散发出强烈的烧焦味并引发咳嗽,市内某些区域能见度仅为数十米。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. A strong and persistent desire to be or an insistence that they are the other sex. 对转变性别有着长久而强烈的渴望与坚持 www.bing.com 9. However, your place in Ascension is so vital to a successful completion, that a strong focus is placed upon the Earth and its inhabitants. 然而,你们在扬升中的位置是如此地关系重大对于实现一个圆满的完成,一个强大的焦点被放在地球和它的居民身上。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. You, as a highly trained employee with a strong loyalty factor to the company are a strong resource for the future. 你作为受过大量培训的雇员,对公司拥有高度的忠诚感,这会是你未来强大的资源。 www.elanso.com 1. At school, she was looking forward to his start with four goals, her phase of the cool, chic and economic strength is quite strong Scott. 在学校里,她四处寻觅着自己下手的目标,她相中了帅气、潇洒而且经济实力颇为雄厚的斯考特。 www.bluraycd.com 2. For months, it had been criticized as lacking strong leadership and for being unable to seriously challenge Iran's entrenched regime. 绿色运动持续数月以来,关于其缺乏坚强的领导以及丝毫没有对内贾德铁桶般政权产生任何威胁的批评不绝于耳。 www.bing.com 3. Customers with a strong sense of brand loyalty are rarely prepared to switch to a new competitior. 有强烈品牌信赖感的顾客很少会移情新出现的同类产品 www.ebigear.com 4. Agam's mother's strong personality from the very beginning of video out , she did not give up disability Agam. 阿甘的妈妈的坚强性格从影片一开始就体现了出来,她并没有放弃残疾的阿甘。 www.showxiu.com 5. For a graph G, f is a strong edge coloring if it is proper and any two vertices are incident with different sets of colors. 如果图G有一个合理边上色,使图G的所有相邻顶点的关联边上色集合都互不相同,则称图G为准强边着色。 www.dictall.com 6. Long engaged in the financial field, I developed a rigorous work, work conscientiously, and a strong sense of responsibility style of work. 长期从事的金融领域工作,培养了我做事严谨,工作认真,责任心强的工作作风。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Uh. . . was that bad? Hey, John. . . Obama was a lawyer for ACORN and has strong ties to this scuzzy little operation. 嗯…有那样糟吗?嘿,约翰…奥巴马曾是ACORN的律师,与这个肮脏的小组织有强烈的联系。 www.yappr.cn 8. The combination of your name and a strong password provide sufficient corroboration. 将您的用户名和强密码组合在一起,这样可以提供足够的安全性加强。 www.ibm.com 9. For the near term, at least, there is likely to be a sharper delineation between the strong and the weak. 至少就近期而言,强弱之间的分界线可能会更为明显。 www.ftchinese.com 10. He also said the suicides appeared to have a strong imitation factor. 他还表示,这些自杀事件似乎存在很强的模仿因素。 www.ftchinese.com 1. At the end of the day a strong, serious man came to see him. 白天快要过去时,来了一位强壮而严肃的人要见他。 www.kekenet.com 2. It won't make or break the deal in and of itself. Instead, the presence of a seller with a strong motivation to sell is essential. 地点不是能不能成交的决定因素,卖家展现出来的积极售屋态度,反而才是最重要的。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. when he knows that this is only the strong voices of the weak to catch up, he was a thinker. 当他知道了这不过是强者追赶弱者的声音时,他是个思想家。 quote.psytopic.com 4. At the beginning of this election year, there were strong arguments against putting another Republican in the White House. 今年年初,反对共和党人士入主白宫的呼声十分强烈。 blog.ecocn.org 5. In a woman's chart, it often signifies a strong male figure and his influence over her. 在女性星图中,它往往意味着一个强大的男性形象影响着她。 www.douban.com 6. But the business is now better focused and it has a strong presence in the US as well as the Asia-Pacific region. 但现在的业务重点更明确,它拥有强大的存在,在美国以及亚太地区。 bzxw.a1pak.com 7. H e has a strong sense of responsibility , and that's why he is chosen to take control of this project. 他有极强的责任感,这就是为什么他被选中掌管这个项目。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Dogs are known for a strong sense of smell. Their noses can be trained to identify different odors. 狗嗅觉灵敏众所周知,狗的鼻子经过训练后可以识别各种不同气味。 www.ebigear.com 9. They add that the benefits of a strong cup of chon coffee outweigh the unsavoury aspects of it passing through an animal's bowels. 他补充说一杯浓厚的chon咖啡的价值要高于穿过一只动物的肠胃所带来的负面影响。 www.bing.com 10. I've looked the word up in the dictionary and it means: a strong sexual desire or the suffering of Jesus at the crucifixion. 我在字典中查了这个词,它的意思是:强烈的性欲或耶稣受难时的痛苦。 www.ftchinese.com 1. I'll give them a little bit of sounds of weep but then you got to be strong, you got to make a comeback . 我可以允许他们偶尔流泪,但是之后他们必须坚强起来,你必须恢复。 club.topsage.com 2. Stone houses: These houses are made of stones beside hills, quiet, pure and strong. It seems to tell us a story long time ago. 《石头房子》石头堆砌的房子相伴着山野的安宁,像纯朴而坚实的生命,似乎要告诉你很多悠远的故事! www.onlylz.com 3. Before he left, however, the Master said to him in a whisper, "To follow your heart you are going to need a strong constitution" . 但是在他离开前,大师对他耳语道,“如果要跟从自己的心,你就要有强健的体魄。” bbs.putclub.com 4. So what if he speaks English with a strong Korean accent and his pronunciation is self-admittedly, "not so good" ? 如果他用一口连他自己都承认“不是太好”的浓浓的韩国腔说英文那又有什么呢? blog.sina.com.cn 5. A strong collective sense of honor, and strict with themselves, relief to others, love and dedication, honesty and trustworthiness. 有较强的集体荣誉感,严于律己,宽以待人,爱岗敬业,诚实守信。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. There seems to be a strong competition in China for senior high students to enter college or university. 在中国,高中入大学好像有很激烈的竞争(似乎竞争很激烈,看来竞争很激烈)。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. One answer is that the desire to set aside money may be so strong that savers do not require high prospective returns. 其中一个原因就在于人们把钱留在手中的愿望十分强烈,以至于他们不要求未来的高收益。 www.ecocn.org 8. He even used his newly discovered method of conducting electricity in an attempt to cook a turkey, but instead gave himself a strong jolt. 他甚至还用他新发现的导电方法作一次烤火鸡的试验,但结果却是自己遭受一次强烈的电击。 www.america.gov 9. The bottom line for me: The case is fairly strong that government regulation was one of the major sources of the financial crisis. 对我来说,关键的问题是:强烈的迹象表明:政府监管是金融危机的主要原因之一。 www.bing.com 10. Next up for the men, this Saturday's 1500. Davis holds the world record, but could get a strong challenge from Hedrick. . . 男子接下来的比赛是这周六的1500米。戴维斯保持着这项比赛的世界记录,但会面对亨德里克的强有力挑战… www.yappr.cn 1. Still, when a chunk of Rosneft comes up for sale, the temptation for them to set all that aside will be strong (see article). 尽管如此,当俄罗斯石油公司出售其大部分股份时,强大的诱惑仍会令他们将这一切抛到脑后。 www.ecocn.org 2. There was no evidence for a strong association between moderate alcohol consumption and HF without antecedent coronary artery disease. 没有明证据表明适量饮酒与无冠心病病史的心衰之间具有很强的关联。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. XPT, as it is called, is a roughly 2cm-thick sheet of silica particles glued together with a strong, heat-resistant resin. 因为被称为XPT材料,是一个大约2厘厚米的二氧化硅粒子的薄板,与强大的耐热树脂粘在一起。 www.ecocn.org 4. Now when He heard this, He said, Those who are strong have no need of a physician, but those who are ill. 耶稣听见,就说,强健的人用不著医生,有病的人才用得著。 edu.china.com 5. But it has failed to develop a strong brand of its own, even as rivals such as Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. have roared ahead. 不过北汽却没能打造出一个强大的自有品牌,而上海汽车工业(集团)总公司等竞争对手纷纷抢到了前头。 cn.wsj.com 6. If I am not strong, no none knows how much pain I have hidden behind smile. 我若不坚强,没有人知道我微笑背后所隐藏的伤痛要怎么激励 zhidao.baidu.com 7. He attributes this partly to the competitive nature of Silicon Valley and its strong 'get-up-and-go' culture. 他将此归因于硅谷的竞争氛围和他们自己“说干就干”的文化。 dongxi.net 8. However, the first from the bottom of the spiritual love of music, but gradually transformed into a strong cravings. 然而,最初发自于精神层面的音乐之爱,却逐渐转化成为强烈的占有欲。 fctaa.com 9. Mature and positive attitudes; strong sense of quality; able to work well in a fast-paced, multi-culture dynamic environment. 工作态度积极,有良好的质量意识,能快速适应多元化的工作环境。 www.yibaifen.com 10. The exception is if you're trying to create a strong local affinity like, say, a neighborhood bar. 如果你试图创造很强的地方亲合力,象“邻居酒吧”,倒是个例外。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 1. Good interpersonal, with strong sense of responsibility & careful working attitude, able to work under pressure. 工作积极主动,认真负责,有很强的责任心,能承受一定的工作压力。 021.zp.com 2. I always feel so strong and as if I can bear a great deal. 我总是感觉到自己很坚强,似乎能容忍很多的事。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. But they did have a strong sense of a need for terrestrial matters to be brought into synchrony with the heavens. 不过他们确实有一种强烈的直觉,地面事件需要与天空进入同步的状态。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. And, you know, she's been a very strong and very supportive girl even though she's very young. 尽管我的女友很年轻,但她是一个非常强大且非常支持我的女孩。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Saleh said that she had never seen such a large number of corals with a strong red fluorescence. 萨利赫说,她从未见过如此大量带有强烈红色荧光的珊瑚。 zjzhng.blog.163.com 6. BPGlobalPR : Catastrophe is a strong word, let's all agree to call it a whoopsie daisy. 灾难这个词不和谐,我们都同意把它称作一个“微误操作”。 www.360doc.com 7. I maybe was not as strong as what I thought myself was, but I knew many tips and I was determined. 我也许不像我自以为的强壮了,可是我懂得不少窍门,而且有决心。 bbs.wwenglish.org 8. The first case concerned a Norwegian woman in 1941, who developed a strong German accent and was ostracized from her community. 1941年,第一宗病例发生在挪威的一名妇女身上,她患上了一口重重的德国口音并因此受到邻里的排斥。 www.bing.com 9. Despite the support we had built for the program, there was still a strong anti-tax feeling in the state, aggravated by the poor economy. 尽管我们的计划已经累积了一定的支持,但全州上下仍有一股强烈的反征税情绪,经济的低迷也加重了这种情绪。 www.bing.com 10. These high level visits have been a strong boost for the steady and health growth of bilateral relations. 事实证明,这些高层交往有力地推动了双边关系稳定健康发展。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 1. The police were thoroughly satisfied and prepared to depart. The glee at my heart was too strong to be restrained. 当警察们彻底满意,并准备离开时,我简直无法抑制心中的喜悦。 feed.feedsky.com 2. Although is Russian version to shoot game, super and strong gunning effect, the lifelike portrait etc. is all good enough to draw on you! ! 虽然是俄语版射击游戏,但是超强的射击效果,逼真的图象等等都足以吸引你!! www.fishjava.com 3. When using the sputtering nickel system, photoresist and nickel Crosslinking became extremely easy-to-be strong enough to produce water. 在搁置溅射镀镍的编制洋,平刻胶与镍交联后变得格外坚硬,极易爆发水纹。 www.bing.com 4. The game is commercial aviation, and Pratt has been a laggard for years despite a strong presence in military engines. 这场比赛是商业航空,普拉特一直尽管在强大的军用发动机存在一个多年落后。 www.englishtang.com 5. Let us suppose that this man gets hit between the eyes. In other words, the woman has a strong affect on him. 我们假设这个男人被她的眼神“击中”(gethitbetweentheeyes),换句话说,这个女人让他有了强烈的触动。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. Very trustworthy, helpful and caring for others also with a strong sense of responsibility. 四、可信赖、乐于助人、关心他人,有很强的责任感。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Obama stressed that independent economists believed that this jobs bill will provide a strong boost to the weak economy and job market. 奥巴马强调,独立经济专家认为这个就业议案将为疲软的经济和就业市场提供强劲的动力。 www.hxen.com 8. Strong, classic lines, combined with her tall rigging give her a sense of real character. 强,经典线路,再加上她的身高造给她的感觉真实性格。 word.hcbus.com 9. "In two or three years, if the economy comes on strong, you'll have a huge shortage, and that would create a spike in prices, " he said. 他表示未来两三年里,如果经济复苏,燃料供应会出现大量短缺。那么燃料价格会再创新高。 www.bing.com 10. With the worst clearly behind us, and with signs of a strong economic recovery in the region, the mission of this group has still not ended. 虽然最坏的时间已经过去,而且区内经济更出现强劲复苏的迹象,但小组的任务尚未完结。 www.info.gov.hk 1. I maybe was not as strong as what I thought myself was, but I knew many tips and I was determined. 我也许不像我自以为的强壮了,可是我懂得不少窍门,而且有决心。 bbs.wwenglish.org 2. The first case concerned a Norwegian woman in 1941, who developed a strong German accent and was ostracized from her community. 1941年,第一宗病例发生在挪威的一名妇女身上,她患上了一口重重的德国口音并因此受到邻里的排斥。 www.bing.com 3. Despite the support we had built for the program, there was still a strong anti-tax feeling in the state, aggravated by the poor economy. 尽管我们的计划已经累积了一定的支持,但全州上下仍有一股强烈的反征税情绪,经济的低迷也加重了这种情绪。 www.bing.com 4. These high level visits have been a strong boost for the steady and health growth of bilateral relations. 事实证明,这些高层交往有力地推动了双边关系稳定健康发展。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 5. A company with a lot of cash is in a disproportionately strong position now than it would be in normal times. 一家拥有充裕现金的企业比正常时期的地位强大的多。 c.wsj.com 6. Kitten deeply in love with a small plaque cats are willing to do anything for her strong love. But she is not so easy to Zhuidao Shou Oh! 小猫深深地爱上了小斑猫,愿意做任何事情来向她表达强烈的爱意。可是她不是这么容易能追到手哦! www.fishjava.com 7. The police were thoroughly satisfied and prepared to depart. The glee at my heart was too strong to be restrained. 当警察们彻底满意,并准备离开时,我简直无法抑制心中的喜悦。 feed.feedsky.com 8. Although is Russian version to shoot game, super and strong gunning effect, the lifelike portrait etc. is all good enough to draw on you! ! 虽然是俄语版射击游戏,但是超强的射击效果,逼真的图象等等都足以吸引你!! www.fishjava.com 9. When using the sputtering nickel system, photoresist and nickel Crosslinking became extremely easy-to-be strong enough to produce water. 在搁置溅射镀镍的编制洋,平刻胶与镍交联后变得格外坚硬,极易爆发水纹。 www.bing.com 10. The game is commercial aviation, and Pratt has been a laggard for years despite a strong presence in military engines. 这场比赛是商业航空,普拉特一直尽管在强大的军用发动机存在一个多年落后。 www.englishtang.com 1. These high level visits have been a strong boost for the steady and health growth of bilateral relations. 事实证明,这些高层交往有力地推动了双边关系稳定健康发展。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 2. A company with a lot of cash is in a disproportionately strong position now than it would be in normal times. 一家拥有充裕现金的企业比正常时期的地位强大的多。 c.wsj.com 3. Kitten deeply in love with a small plaque cats are willing to do anything for her strong love. But she is not so easy to Zhuidao Shou Oh! 小猫深深地爱上了小斑猫,愿意做任何事情来向她表达强烈的爱意。可是她不是这么容易能追到手哦! www.fishjava.com 4. Ms. Kwolek did not tell anyone that she had produced something new and strong. 克劳莱克小姐没有告诉任何人她制造出一种既新且牢的东西。 www.bing.com 5. The police were thoroughly satisfied and prepared to depart. The glee at my heart was too strong to be restrained. 当警察们彻底满意,并准备离开时,我简直无法抑制心中的喜悦。 feed.feedsky.com 6. Although is Russian version to shoot game, super and strong gunning effect, the lifelike portrait etc. is all good enough to draw on you! ! 虽然是俄语版射击游戏,但是超强的射击效果,逼真的图象等等都足以吸引你!! www.fishjava.com 7. When using the sputtering nickel system, photoresist and nickel Crosslinking became extremely easy-to-be strong enough to produce water. 在搁置溅射镀镍的编制洋,平刻胶与镍交联后变得格外坚硬,极易爆发水纹。 www.bing.com 8. The game is commercial aviation, and Pratt has been a laggard for years despite a strong presence in military engines. 这场比赛是商业航空,普拉特一直尽管在强大的军用发动机存在一个多年落后。 www.englishtang.com 9. Let us suppose that this man gets hit between the eyes. In other words, the woman has a strong affect on him. 我们假设这个男人被她的眼神“击中”(gethitbetweentheeyes),换句话说,这个女人让他有了强烈的触动。 voa.hjenglish.com 10. Very trustworthy, helpful and caring for others also with a strong sense of responsibility. 四、可信赖、乐于助人、关心他人,有很强的责任感。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Ms. Kwolek did not tell anyone that she had produced something new and strong. 克劳莱克小姐没有告诉任何人她制造出一种既新且牢的东西。 www.bing.com 2. Products with a strong acid-resistant, anti-pollution, anti-aging, over the years do not change color, no peeling. 生产的产品具有耐酸性强、抗污染、抗老化,多年不变色、不剥落。 yp.0595stw.com 3. The police were thoroughly satisfied and prepared to depart. The glee at my heart was too strong to be restrained. 当警察们彻底满意,并准备离开时,我简直无法抑制心中的喜悦。 feed.feedsky.com 4. Although is Russian version to shoot game, super and strong gunning effect, the lifelike portrait etc. is all good enough to draw on you! ! 虽然是俄语版射击游戏,但是超强的射击效果,逼真的图象等等都足以吸引你!! www.fishjava.com 5. When using the sputtering nickel system, photoresist and nickel Crosslinking became extremely easy-to-be strong enough to produce water. 在搁置溅射镀镍的编制洋,平刻胶与镍交联后变得格外坚硬,极易爆发水纹。 www.bing.com 6. The game is commercial aviation, and Pratt has been a laggard for years despite a strong presence in military engines. 这场比赛是商业航空,普拉特一直尽管在强大的军用发动机存在一个多年落后。 www.englishtang.com 7. Let us suppose that this man gets hit between the eyes. In other words, the woman has a strong affect on him. 我们假设这个男人被她的眼神“击中”(gethitbetweentheeyes),换句话说,这个女人让他有了强烈的触动。 voa.hjenglish.com 8. Very trustworthy, helpful and caring for others also with a strong sense of responsibility. 四、可信赖、乐于助人、关心他人,有很强的责任感。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Obama stressed that independent economists believed that this jobs bill will provide a strong boost to the weak economy and job market. 奥巴马强调,独立经济专家认为这个就业议案将为疲软的经济和就业市场提供强劲的动力。 www.hxen.com 10. Strong, classic lines, combined with her tall rigging give her a sense of real character. 强,经典线路,再加上她的身高造给她的感觉真实性格。 word.hcbus.com 1. The police were thoroughly satisfied and prepared to depart. The glee at my heart was too strong to be restrained. 当警察们彻底满意,并准备离开时,我简直无法抑制心中的喜悦。 feed.feedsky.com 2. Although is Russian version to shoot game, super and strong gunning effect, the lifelike portrait etc. is all good enough to draw on you! ! 虽然是俄语版射击游戏,但是超强的射击效果,逼真的图象等等都足以吸引你!! www.fishjava.com 3. When using the sputtering nickel system, photoresist and nickel Crosslinking became extremely easy-to-be strong enough to produce water. 在搁置溅射镀镍的编制洋,平刻胶与镍交联后变得格外坚硬,极易爆发水纹。 www.bing.com 4. The game is commercial aviation, and Pratt has been a laggard for years despite a strong presence in military engines. 这场比赛是商业航空,普拉特一直尽管在强大的军用发动机存在一个多年落后。 www.englishtang.com 5. Let us suppose that this man gets hit between the eyes. In other words, the woman has a strong affect on him. 我们假设这个男人被她的眼神“击中”(gethitbetweentheeyes),换句话说,这个女人让他有了强烈的触动。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. Very trustworthy, helpful and caring for others also with a strong sense of responsibility. 四、可信赖、乐于助人、关心他人,有很强的责任感。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Obama stressed that independent economists believed that this jobs bill will provide a strong boost to the weak economy and job market. 奥巴马强调,独立经济专家认为这个就业议案将为疲软的经济和就业市场提供强劲的动力。 www.hxen.com 8. Strong, classic lines, combined with her tall rigging give her a sense of real character. 强,经典线路,再加上她的身高造给她的感觉真实性格。 word.hcbus.com 9. "In two or three years, if the economy comes on strong, you'll have a huge shortage, and that would create a spike in prices, " he said. 他表示未来两三年里,如果经济复苏,燃料供应会出现大量短缺。那么燃料价格会再创新高。 www.bing.com 10. With the worst clearly behind us, and with signs of a strong economic recovery in the region, the mission of this group has still not ended. 虽然最坏的时间已经过去,而且区内经济更出现强劲复苏的迹象,但小组的任务尚未完结。 www.info.gov.hk 1. When using the sputtering nickel system, photoresist and nickel Crosslinking became extremely easy-to-be strong enough to produce water. 在搁置溅射镀镍的编制洋,平刻胶与镍交联后变得格外坚硬,极易爆发水纹。 www.bing.com 2. The game is commercial aviation, and Pratt has been a laggard for years despite a strong presence in military engines. 这场比赛是商业航空,普拉特一直尽管在强大的军用发动机存在一个多年落后。 www.englishtang.com 3. Let us suppose that this man gets hit between the eyes. In other words, the woman has a strong affect on him. 我们假设这个男人被她的眼神“击中”(gethitbetweentheeyes),换句话说,这个女人让他有了强烈的触动。 voa.hjenglish.com 4. Very trustworthy, helpful and caring for others also with a strong sense of responsibility. 四、可信赖、乐于助人、关心他人,有很强的责任感。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Obama stressed that independent economists believed that this jobs bill will provide a strong boost to the weak economy and job market. 奥巴马强调,独立经济专家认为这个就业议案将为疲软的经济和就业市场提供强劲的动力。 www.hxen.com 6. Strong, classic lines, combined with her tall rigging give her a sense of real character. 强,经典线路,再加上她的身高造给她的感觉真实性格。 word.hcbus.com 7. "In two or three years, if the economy comes on strong, you'll have a huge shortage, and that would create a spike in prices, " he said. 他表示未来两三年里,如果经济复苏,燃料供应会出现大量短缺。那么燃料价格会再创新高。 www.bing.com 8. With the worst clearly behind us, and with signs of a strong economic recovery in the region, the mission of this group has still not ended. 虽然最坏的时间已经过去,而且区内经济更出现强劲复苏的迹象,但小组的任务尚未完结。 www.info.gov.hk 9. A strong boy student lifted a desk into the air in front of him. 一个大个男生举起在他面前举起一张课桌。 bookapp.book.qq.com 10. In order to achieve language acquisition students have to re-use the meme in the same or similar context, making it a strong meme. 为达到语言习得的目的,教师还应在相同或相似的语境中对其重复使用,使之成为强势模因; lib.cqvip.com 1. Let us suppose that this man gets hit between the eyes. In other words, the woman has a strong affect on him. 我们假设这个男人被她的眼神“击中”(gethitbetweentheeyes),换句话说,这个女人让他有了强烈的触动。 voa.hjenglish.com 2. Very trustworthy, helpful and caring for others also with a strong sense of responsibility. 四、可信赖、乐于助人、关心他人,有很强的责任感。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Obama stressed that independent economists believed that this jobs bill will provide a strong boost to the weak economy and job market. 奥巴马强调,独立经济专家认为这个就业议案将为疲软的经济和就业市场提供强劲的动力。 www.hxen.com 4. Strong, classic lines, combined with her tall rigging give her a sense of real character. 强,经典线路,再加上她的身高造给她的感觉真实性格。 word.hcbus.com 5. "In two or three years, if the economy comes on strong, you'll have a huge shortage, and that would create a spike in prices, " he said. 他表示未来两三年里,如果经济复苏,燃料供应会出现大量短缺。那么燃料价格会再创新高。 www.bing.com 6. With the worst clearly behind us, and with signs of a strong economic recovery in the region, the mission of this group has still not ended. 虽然最坏的时间已经过去,而且区内经济更出现强劲复苏的迹象,但小组的任务尚未完结。 www.info.gov.hk 7. A strong boy student lifted a desk into the air in front of him. 一个大个男生举起在他面前举起一张课桌。 bookapp.book.qq.com 8. In order to achieve language acquisition students have to re-use the meme in the same or similar context, making it a strong meme. 为达到语言习得的目的,教师还应在相同或相似的语境中对其重复使用,使之成为强势模因; lib.cqvip.com 9. OLPC found a strong uptake for a "give one, get one" campaign it launched in North America in November. OLPC发现,人们对其去年11月在北美启动的“买二捐一”(giveone,getone)活动反响热烈。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Looking at the last international cruise Xiamen City, Xiamen cruise to the feasibility of building a strong basis for the enrichment. 并在最后展望厦门国际邮轮城,为厦门邮轮旅游建设可行性提供了充实有力的依据。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Obama stressed that independent economists believed that this jobs bill will provide a strong boost to the weak economy and job market. 奥巴马强调,独立经济专家认为这个就业议案将为疲软的经济和就业市场提供强劲的动力。 www.hxen.com 2. Strong, classic lines, combined with her tall rigging give her a sense of real character. 强,经典线路,再加上她的身高造给她的感觉真实性格。 word.hcbus.com 3. "In two or three years, if the economy comes on strong, you'll have a huge shortage, and that would create a spike in prices, " he said. 他表示未来两三年里,如果经济复苏,燃料供应会出现大量短缺。那么燃料价格会再创新高。 www.bing.com 4. With the worst clearly behind us, and with signs of a strong economic recovery in the region, the mission of this group has still not ended. 虽然最坏的时间已经过去,而且区内经济更出现强劲复苏的迹象,但小组的任务尚未完结。 www.info.gov.hk 5. A strong boy student lifted a desk into the air in front of him. 一个大个男生举起在他面前举起一张课桌。 bookapp.book.qq.com 6. In order to achieve language acquisition students have to re-use the meme in the same or similar context, making it a strong meme. 为达到语言习得的目的,教师还应在相同或相似的语境中对其重复使用,使之成为强势模因; lib.cqvip.com 7. OLPC found a strong uptake for a "give one, get one" campaign it launched in North America in November. OLPC发现,人们对其去年11月在北美启动的“买二捐一”(giveone,getone)活动反响热烈。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Looking at the last international cruise Xiamen City, Xiamen cruise to the feasibility of building a strong basis for the enrichment. 并在最后展望厦门国际邮轮城,为厦门邮轮旅游建设可行性提供了充实有力的依据。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Q. But isn't a lot of this simply China's size and low wages, giving it a strong manufacturing and cost advantage? 但中国强大的生产和成本优势很大一部分不就是中国的劳动力多和工资低吗? dongxi.net 10. A book-based method requires a good deal of time as well as a strong commitment from the reader. 以书为基础的方法,需要读者有大量的时间和强烈的信念。 www.bing.com 1. "In two or three years, if the economy comes on strong, you'll have a huge shortage, and that would create a spike in prices, " he said. 他表示未来两三年里,如果经济复苏,燃料供应会出现大量短缺。那么燃料价格会再创新高。 www.bing.com 2. With the worst clearly behind us, and with signs of a strong economic recovery in the region, the mission of this group has still not ended. 虽然最坏的时间已经过去,而且区内经济更出现强劲复苏的迹象,但小组的任务尚未完结。 www.info.gov.hk 3. A strong boy student lifted a desk into the air in front of him. 一个大个男生举起在他面前举起一张课桌。 bookapp.book.qq.com 4. In order to achieve language acquisition students have to re-use the meme in the same or similar context, making it a strong meme. 为达到语言习得的目的,教师还应在相同或相似的语境中对其重复使用,使之成为强势模因; lib.cqvip.com 5. OLPC found a strong uptake for a "give one, get one" campaign it launched in North America in November. OLPC发现,人们对其去年11月在北美启动的“买二捐一”(giveone,getone)活动反响热烈。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Looking at the last international cruise Xiamen City, Xiamen cruise to the feasibility of building a strong basis for the enrichment. 并在最后展望厦门国际邮轮城,为厦门邮轮旅游建设可行性提供了充实有力的依据。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Q. But isn't a lot of this simply China's size and low wages, giving it a strong manufacturing and cost advantage? 但中国强大的生产和成本优势很大一部分不就是中国的劳动力多和工资低吗? dongxi.net 8. A book-based method requires a good deal of time as well as a strong commitment from the reader. 以书为基础的方法,需要读者有大量的时间和强烈的信念。 www.bing.com 9. Japanese companies have been grappling with a strong yen and a faltering global economy, which could undermine vital exports. 日本公司受累于强劲的日元和步履蹒跚的全球经济,这也破坏了至关重要的出口。 www.bing.com 10. DARPA is a US Department of Defense outfit with a strong record in backing high-risk, high-pay-off projects - things like the internet. 国防高级研究项目署是美国国防部的一个与支持高风险,高回报的项目(例如:互联网)搭配的部门。 www.bing.com 1. A strong boy student lifted a desk into the air in front of him. 一个大个男生举起在他面前举起一张课桌。 bookapp.book.qq.com 2. In order to achieve language acquisition students have to re-use the meme in the same or similar context, making it a strong meme. 为达到语言习得的目的,教师还应在相同或相似的语境中对其重复使用,使之成为强势模因; lib.cqvip.com 3. OLPC found a strong uptake for a "give one, get one" campaign it launched in North America in November. OLPC发现,人们对其去年11月在北美启动的“买二捐一”(giveone,getone)活动反响热烈。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Looking at the last international cruise Xiamen City, Xiamen cruise to the feasibility of building a strong basis for the enrichment. 并在最后展望厦门国际邮轮城,为厦门邮轮旅游建设可行性提供了充实有力的依据。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Q. But isn't a lot of this simply China's size and low wages, giving it a strong manufacturing and cost advantage? 但中国强大的生产和成本优势很大一部分不就是中国的劳动力多和工资低吗? dongxi.net 6. A book-based method requires a good deal of time as well as a strong commitment from the reader. 以书为基础的方法,需要读者有大量的时间和强烈的信念。 www.bing.com 7. Japanese companies have been grappling with a strong yen and a faltering global economy, which could undermine vital exports. 日本公司受累于强劲的日元和步履蹒跚的全球经济,这也破坏了至关重要的出口。 www.bing.com 8. DARPA is a US Department of Defense outfit with a strong record in backing high-risk, high-pay-off projects - things like the internet. 国防高级研究项目署是美国国防部的一个与支持高风险,高回报的项目(例如:互联网)搭配的部门。 www.bing.com 9. Now, I am such a strong believer of the conservation of mechanical energy that I am willing to put my life on the line. 现在,我很相信,机械能守恒,我愿意把我的生命,放到这条线上。 open.163.com 10. It is a hormone, but do not know what the reason, this substance has a strong poison, said to its toxic nature of the venom behind. 这是一种荷尔蒙,但不知道什么缘故,这种物质具有剧毒,据说其毒性仅次于自然界中的蛇毒。 brain.5d6d.com 1. Let us suppose that this man gets hit between the eyes. In other words, the woman has a strong affect on him. 我们假设这个男人被她的眼神“击中”(gethitbetweentheeyes),换句话说,这个女人让他有了强烈的触动。 voa.hjenglish.com 2. Very trustworthy, helpful and caring for others also with a strong sense of responsibility. 四、可信赖、乐于助人、关心他人,有很强的责任感。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Obama stressed that independent economists believed that this jobs bill will provide a strong boost to the weak economy and job market. 奥巴马强调,独立经济专家认为这个就业议案将为疲软的经济和就业市场提供强劲的动力。 www.hxen.com 4. Strong, classic lines, combined with her tall rigging give her a sense of real character. 强,经典线路,再加上她的身高造给她的感觉真实性格。 word.hcbus.com 5. "In two or three years, if the economy comes on strong, you'll have a huge shortage, and that would create a spike in prices, " he said. 他表示未来两三年里,如果经济复苏,燃料供应会出现大量短缺。那么燃料价格会再创新高。 www.bing.com 6. With the worst clearly behind us, and with signs of a strong economic recovery in the region, the mission of this group has still not ended. 虽然最坏的时间已经过去,而且区内经济更出现强劲复苏的迹象,但小组的任务尚未完结。 www.info.gov.hk 7. A strong boy student lifted a desk into the air in front of him. 一个大个男生举起在他面前举起一张课桌。 bookapp.book.qq.com 8. In order to achieve language acquisition students have to re-use the meme in the same or similar context, making it a strong meme. 为达到语言习得的目的,教师还应在相同或相似的语境中对其重复使用,使之成为强势模因; lib.cqvip.com 9. OLPC found a strong uptake for a "give one, get one" campaign it launched in North America in November. OLPC发现,人们对其去年11月在北美启动的“买二捐一”(giveone,getone)活动反响热烈。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Looking at the last international cruise Xiamen City, Xiamen cruise to the feasibility of building a strong basis for the enrichment. 并在最后展望厦门国际邮轮城,为厦门邮轮旅游建设可行性提供了充实有力的依据。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Obama stressed that independent economists believed that this jobs bill will provide a strong boost to the weak economy and job market. 奥巴马强调,独立经济专家认为这个就业议案将为疲软的经济和就业市场提供强劲的动力。 www.hxen.com 2. Strong, classic lines, combined with her tall rigging give her a sense of real character. 强,经典线路,再加上她的身高造给她的感觉真实性格。 word.hcbus.com 3. "In two or three years, if the economy comes on strong, you'll have a huge shortage, and that would create a spike in prices, " he said. 他表示未来两三年里,如果经济复苏,燃料供应会出现大量短缺。那么燃料价格会再创新高。 www.bing.com 4. With the worst clearly behind us, and with signs of a strong economic recovery in the region, the mission of this group has still not ended. 虽然最坏的时间已经过去,而且区内经济更出现强劲复苏的迹象,但小组的任务尚未完结。 www.info.gov.hk 5. A strong boy student lifted a desk into the air in front of him. 一个大个男生举起在他面前举起一张课桌。 bookapp.book.qq.com 6. In order to achieve language acquisition students have to re-use the meme in the same or similar context, making it a strong meme. 为达到语言习得的目的,教师还应在相同或相似的语境中对其重复使用,使之成为强势模因; lib.cqvip.com 7. OLPC found a strong uptake for a "give one, get one" campaign it launched in North America in November. OLPC发现,人们对其去年11月在北美启动的“买二捐一”(giveone,getone)活动反响热烈。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Looking at the last international cruise Xiamen City, Xiamen cruise to the feasibility of building a strong basis for the enrichment. 并在最后展望厦门国际邮轮城,为厦门邮轮旅游建设可行性提供了充实有力的依据。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Q. But isn't a lot of this simply China's size and low wages, giving it a strong manufacturing and cost advantage? 但中国强大的生产和成本优势很大一部分不就是中国的劳动力多和工资低吗? dongxi.net 10. A book-based method requires a good deal of time as well as a strong commitment from the reader. 以书为基础的方法,需要读者有大量的时间和强烈的信念。 www.bing.com 1. "In two or three years, if the economy comes on strong, you'll have a huge shortage, and that would create a spike in prices, " he said. 他表示未来两三年里,如果经济复苏,燃料供应会出现大量短缺。那么燃料价格会再创新高。 www.bing.com 2. With the worst clearly behind us, and with signs of a strong economic recovery in the region, the mission of this group has still not ended. 虽然最坏的时间已经过去,而且区内经济更出现强劲复苏的迹象,但小组的任务尚未完结。 www.info.gov.hk 3. A strong boy student lifted a desk into the air in front of him. 一个大个男生举起在他面前举起一张课桌。 bookapp.book.qq.com 4. In order to achieve language acquisition students have to re-use the meme in the same or similar context, making it a strong meme. 为达到语言习得的目的,教师还应在相同或相似的语境中对其重复使用,使之成为强势模因; lib.cqvip.com 5. OLPC found a strong uptake for a "give one, get one" campaign it launched in North America in November. OLPC发现,人们对其去年11月在北美启动的“买二捐一”(giveone,getone)活动反响热烈。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Looking at the last international cruise Xiamen City, Xiamen cruise to the feasibility of building a strong basis for the enrichment. 并在最后展望厦门国际邮轮城,为厦门邮轮旅游建设可行性提供了充实有力的依据。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Q. But isn't a lot of this simply China's size and low wages, giving it a strong manufacturing and cost advantage? 但中国强大的生产和成本优势很大一部分不就是中国的劳动力多和工资低吗? dongxi.net 8. A book-based method requires a good deal of time as well as a strong commitment from the reader. 以书为基础的方法,需要读者有大量的时间和强烈的信念。 www.bing.com 9. Japanese companies have been grappling with a strong yen and a faltering global economy, which could undermine vital exports. 日本公司受累于强劲的日元和步履蹒跚的全球经济,这也破坏了至关重要的出口。 www.bing.com 10. DARPA is a US Department of Defense outfit with a strong record in backing high-risk, high-pay-off projects - things like the internet. 国防高级研究项目署是美国国防部的一个与支持高风险,高回报的项目(例如:互联网)搭配的部门。 www.bing.com 1. A strong boy student lifted a desk into the air in front of him. 一个大个男生举起在他面前举起一张课桌。 bookapp.book.qq.com 2. In order to achieve language acquisition students have to re-use the meme in the same or similar context, making it a strong meme. 为达到语言习得的目的,教师还应在相同或相似的语境中对其重复使用,使之成为强势模因; lib.cqvip.com 3. OLPC found a strong uptake for a "give one, get one" campaign it launched in North America in November. OLPC发现,人们对其去年11月在北美启动的“买二捐一”(giveone,getone)活动反响热烈。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Looking at the last international cruise Xiamen City, Xiamen cruise to the feasibility of building a strong basis for the enrichment. 并在最后展望厦门国际邮轮城,为厦门邮轮旅游建设可行性提供了充实有力的依据。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Q. But isn't a lot of this simply China's size and low wages, giving it a strong manufacturing and cost advantage? 但中国强大的生产和成本优势很大一部分不就是中国的劳动力多和工资低吗? dongxi.net 6. A book-based method requires a good deal of time as well as a strong commitment from the reader. 以书为基础的方法,需要读者有大量的时间和强烈的信念。 www.bing.com 7. Japanese companies have been grappling with a strong yen and a faltering global economy, which could undermine vital exports. 日本公司受累于强劲的日元和步履蹒跚的全球经济,这也破坏了至关重要的出口。 www.bing.com 8. DARPA is a US Department of Defense outfit with a strong record in backing high-risk, high-pay-off projects - things like the internet. 国防高级研究项目署是美国国防部的一个与支持高风险,高回报的项目(例如:互联网)搭配的部门。 www.bing.com 9. Now, I am such a strong believer of the conservation of mechanical energy that I am willing to put my life on the line. 现在,我很相信,机械能守恒,我愿意把我的生命,放到这条线上。 open.163.com 10. It is a hormone, but do not know what the reason, this substance has a strong poison, said to its toxic nature of the venom behind. 这是一种荷尔蒙,但不知道什么缘故,这种物质具有剧毒,据说其毒性仅次于自然界中的蛇毒。 brain.5d6d.com 1. OLPC found a strong uptake for a "give one, get one" campaign it launched in North America in November. OLPC发现,人们对其去年11月在北美启动的“买二捐一”(giveone,getone)活动反响热烈。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Looking at the last international cruise Xiamen City, Xiamen cruise to the feasibility of building a strong basis for the enrichment. 并在最后展望厦门国际邮轮城,为厦门邮轮旅游建设可行性提供了充实有力的依据。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Q. But isn't a lot of this simply China's size and low wages, giving it a strong manufacturing and cost advantage? 但中国强大的生产和成本优势很大一部分不就是中国的劳动力多和工资低吗? dongxi.net 4. A book-based method requires a good deal of time as well as a strong commitment from the reader. 以书为基础的方法,需要读者有大量的时间和强烈的信念。 www.bing.com 5. Japanese companies have been grappling with a strong yen and a faltering global economy, which could undermine vital exports. 日本公司受累于强劲的日元和步履蹒跚的全球经济,这也破坏了至关重要的出口。 www.bing.com 6. DARPA is a US Department of Defense outfit with a strong record in backing high-risk, high-pay-off projects - things like the internet. 国防高级研究项目署是美国国防部的一个与支持高风险,高回报的项目(例如:互联网)搭配的部门。 www.bing.com 7. Now, I am such a strong believer of the conservation of mechanical energy that I am willing to put my life on the line. 现在,我很相信,机械能守恒,我愿意把我的生命,放到这条线上。 open.163.com 8. It is a hormone, but do not know what the reason, this substance has a strong poison, said to its toxic nature of the venom behind. 这是一种荷尔蒙,但不知道什么缘故,这种物质具有剧毒,据说其毒性仅次于自然界中的蛇毒。 brain.5d6d.com 9. Paul and I are unlikely to match Louis's time without a strong following wind, and I doubt we will utter the word "victory. " 如果没有狂风相助,保罗和我根本无法与路易斯匹敌。我也对能否说“胜利”心存孤疑。 www.bing.com 10. Scholars status increased, spurring a strong improvement of education and developing cultural tastes as a whole within the scope of society. 文人地位的升高,带动了文教事业的隆盛和整个社会范围内文化品味的提升。 www.fabiao.net 1. Q. But isn't a lot of this simply China's size and low wages, giving it a strong manufacturing and cost advantage? 但中国强大的生产和成本优势很大一部分不就是中国的劳动力多和工资低吗? dongxi.net 2. A book-based method requires a good deal of time as well as a strong commitment from the reader. 以书为基础的方法,需要读者有大量的时间和强烈的信念。 www.bing.com 3. Japanese companies have been grappling with a strong yen and a faltering global economy, which could undermine vital exports. 日本公司受累于强劲的日元和步履蹒跚的全球经济,这也破坏了至关重要的出口。 www.bing.com 4. DARPA is a US Department of Defense outfit with a strong record in backing high-risk, high-pay-off projects - things like the internet. 国防高级研究项目署是美国国防部的一个与支持高风险,高回报的项目(例如:互联网)搭配的部门。 www.bing.com 5. Now, I am such a strong believer of the conservation of mechanical energy that I am willing to put my life on the line. 现在,我很相信,机械能守恒,我愿意把我的生命,放到这条线上。 open.163.com 6. It is a hormone, but do not know what the reason, this substance has a strong poison, said to its toxic nature of the venom behind. 这是一种荷尔蒙,但不知道什么缘故,这种物质具有剧毒,据说其毒性仅次于自然界中的蛇毒。 brain.5d6d.com 7. Paul and I are unlikely to match Louis's time without a strong following wind, and I doubt we will utter the word "victory. " 如果没有狂风相助,保罗和我根本无法与路易斯匹敌。我也对能否说“胜利”心存孤疑。 www.bing.com 8. Scholars status increased, spurring a strong improvement of education and developing cultural tastes as a whole within the scope of society. 文人地位的升高,带动了文教事业的隆盛和整个社会范围内文化品味的提升。 www.fabiao.net 9. It has a strong promoter and has been used for expression of heterologous protein such as enzyme in a variety of bacteria. 它包含一个强启动子,能够在多种细菌中表达外源蛋白。 www.ebiotrade.com 10. The first appearance of the pre-school children, they are a , valiantly, full of dash and a strong pace of marching to us. 第一个出场的是学前班的小朋友,他们一个个英姿飒爽,雄赳赳、气昂昂地迈着有力的步伐,向我们走来。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 1. Japanese companies have been grappling with a strong yen and a faltering global economy, which could undermine vital exports. 日本公司受累于强劲的日元和步履蹒跚的全球经济,这也破坏了至关重要的出口。 www.bing.com 2. DARPA is a US Department of Defense outfit with a strong record in backing high-risk, high-pay-off projects - things like the internet. 国防高级研究项目署是美国国防部的一个与支持高风险,高回报的项目(例如:互联网)搭配的部门。 www.bing.com 3. Now, I am such a strong believer of the conservation of mechanical energy that I am willing to put my life on the line. 现在,我很相信,机械能守恒,我愿意把我的生命,放到这条线上。 open.163.com 4. It is a hormone, but do not know what the reason, this substance has a strong poison, said to its toxic nature of the venom behind. 这是一种荷尔蒙,但不知道什么缘故,这种物质具有剧毒,据说其毒性仅次于自然界中的蛇毒。 brain.5d6d.com 5. Paul and I are unlikely to match Louis's time without a strong following wind, and I doubt we will utter the word "victory. " 如果没有狂风相助,保罗和我根本无法与路易斯匹敌。我也对能否说“胜利”心存孤疑。 www.bing.com 6. Scholars status increased, spurring a strong improvement of education and developing cultural tastes as a whole within the scope of society. 文人地位的升高,带动了文教事业的隆盛和整个社会范围内文化品味的提升。 www.fabiao.net 7. It has a strong promoter and has been used for expression of heterologous protein such as enzyme in a variety of bacteria. 它包含一个强启动子,能够在多种细菌中表达外源蛋白。 www.ebiotrade.com 8. The first appearance of the pre-school children, they are a , valiantly, full of dash and a strong pace of marching to us. 第一个出场的是学前班的小朋友,他们一个个英姿飒爽,雄赳赳、气昂昂地迈着有力的步伐,向我们走来。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 9. Between 12 and 14 knots of wind and a bit of chop, strong sunshine and a beautiful blue sea, the Kiwis played the game "comfortably" . 12到14节的风力,略有波澜的海面,明媚的阳光,湛蓝的海水,Kiwi们今天状态极佳。 www.china-team.org 10. The new manager regenerated the losing team and made it a strong contender for first place. 新来经理再造这去打输的球队,使它变成有力的冠军争夺者。 www.bing.com |
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