单词 | statistics |
释义 |
v. n. collect statistics,gather statistics,statistics release,statistics analyse,produce statistics adj. n. false statistics,reliable statistics 例句释义: 统计学,统计数字[资料],统计数据,统计资料,统计表 1. Whether or not you accept those statistics, there can be no doubt that Flash is an enormously important platform. 无论你是否接受这些统计数据,Flash无疑都是一个庞大的重要平台。 www.infoq.com 2. One of the researchers, Dr David Batty, said the statistics showed "a strong link between cognitive ability and the risk of death. " 其中一名研究者,大卫·巴蒂博士说,统计数据表明“认知能力和死亡风险之间有着很强的联系”。 www.bing.com 3. He said that statistics like this do not have the details included. 他说像统计数据这样的细节就不必包括在内了。 wenwen.soso.com 4. I'm still reluctant to call it inflation risk, but only because inflation statistics aren't what they used to be. 我仍不愿意称其为通胀风险,但这仅仅是因为通胀统计数据不同于以往。 www.ftchinese.com 5. SDDS requires that annual IIP statistics are to be disseminated as from the reference year of 2001, with a time lag of two quarters. 规定二零零一年的按年国际投资头寸统计数据须于统计期后两季内发布。 www.info.gov.hk 6. The German central bank compiles the statistics all to pass the silver bank draft to leave the fund the data (time, amount and use). 德国央行汇总统计所有通过银行汇出资金的数据(时间、数额及用途)。 money.zhishi.sohu.com 7. If not, you might be able to write a few simple command scripts to run periodically and collect the most useful statistics. 如果没有这些工具,那么您可以编写一些简单的命令脚本,以便周期性地运行和收集最有价值的统计信息。 www.ibm.com 8. In statistics alone, Katrina was one of the worst disasters to befall the United States. 仅就统计来看,卡特里娜是降临在美国的最严重灾难之一。 www.bing.com 9. And our statistics there have been not terrific as a country, although I'm delighted to see what's happening here in Princeton. 虽然数据显示我们国家,在这方面做得还不够,但我对普林斯顿大学所做的一切很满意,而且在Xerox我们。 open.163.com 10. You've got to contribute in huddles and things that don't show up in statistics. 你需要在杂乱的事情中出力,那是无法在数据中体现出来的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The statistics are a very relevant followup to my post on Wednesday trying to sort out what platforms developers will ultimately pick. 这个统计是和我周三试图整理出开发者们到底会选择什么操作平台的文章有着很深的相关性。 www.bing.com 2. This can be helpful if you need to see the name of a computer or simple system statistics. 当你需要查看计算机名或者其他简单系统信息时会变得有用。 www.bing.com 3. Statistics majors tend to be highly sought-after graduates and are often hired into lucrative positions straight out of college, Wong says. 据他表示,统计专业的毕业生将会受到极大的追捧,一毕业就可以到获益颇丰的岗位工作。 www.bing.com 4. It would be very helpful if you could send us statistics on your sales. 如果你没能将你们的销售统计资料寄给我们,那就太有帮助了。 www.showxiu.com 5. Official statistics show that urban unemployment has risen only a whisker since the beginning of the year. 官方数据显示,城市失业率较年初只有小幅上升。 www.ecocn.org 6. No one seems to compile statistics on the standing-desk trend. But anecdotal reports suggest Silicon Valley is embracing the movement. 似乎没有人汇编过有关立式办公桌趋势的统计数据,但零星报告表明,硅谷正在欣然接受这一潮流。 www.hxen.com 7. The government department that deals with the matter concerned does not keep statistics. 处理有关事务的政府部门没有做统计。 wenku.baidu.com 8. My mind, which had been essentially empty to that point, filled with baseball statistics. 我的头脑那时候象张白纸,写满了棒球比赛数据。 www.bing.com 9. This is going to be, I think, within the next decade or two, part of national statistics. 我想在十年或二十年内,这将会成为国家统计数据的一部分。 www.ted.com 10. The simulation results show that, by using the estimated statistics of the channel, the performance is close to that of perfect channel. 仿真结果表明,利用估计的信道统计信息,系统的性能可以接近理想信道的性能。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Some of the statistics seem to paint a surprisingly benign picture of the industry at the moment, but the reality seems at odds with this. 一些统计数据似乎为当前的私人股本行业勾勒出了一幅出人意料的美好图景,但现实似乎并非如此。 www.ftchinese.com 2. In that case, statistics derived from many vacua, rather than trying to make predictions from a single one, might be more useful. 在这种情况下,针对多个真空所做的统计结果,反而会比单看一个真空而做的预测来得更有用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. These statistics are easy to gather, but without an unintrusive means of retrieving the data when it is needed, they are not very useful. 这些统计值容易搜集,但是在需要数据的时候,如果没有非侵入性的数据检索机制,那么这些值就不太有用。 www.ibm.com 4. Lord Lamont later argued that he was not all that wrong in the light of subsequent statistics. 后来拉蒙特辩称,根据其后的统计数据,他错得也不是那么离谱。 www.ftchinese.com 5. She collected statistics which proved that the death rate for young soldiers in peace time was double that of the normal population. 她收集的统计数据证明在和平时期年轻士兵的死亡率是普通人的两倍。 www.ttxyy.com 6. Lijit is a combined search and statistics package for your blog rolled in to a widget that's easy to install. Lijit是一个联合搜索和统计工具包,它将你的博客打包成易于安装的小工具。 www.bing.com 7. These surveys have been used by researchers at the Bureau of Labor Statistics and elsewhere to count the total number of jobs in a lifetime. 劳工统计局及其他机构的研究人员利用这些调查来统计美国人在职业生涯中一共从事了多少份工作。 c.wsj.com 8. These statistics can be skewed by a few large deals during the course of a year. 如果某一年内达成了几笔金额较大的交易,就可能造成统计数据发生巨大波动。 www.ftchinese.com 9. According to industry statistics, the assets of money funds have grown sharply since the credit crisis began to intensify last summer. 据行业统计数据显示,自去年夏天信贷危机开始严重起货币基金的资产就开始急剧增长。 www.suiniyi.com 10. The result of this operation is the same is if the rule had been run with its output type set to Statistics Only. 这一运行的结果与输出类型设置为StatisticsOnly的规则的结果相同。 www.ibm.com 1. Project managers and developers alike will be able to see up-to-the-minute statistics on the state of the translation process. 项目经理和开发者可以查看关于翻译过程状态的最新统计信息。 www-128.ibm.com 2. And indeed, he found that this was better than a country's health statistics at predicting the relative attractiveness of hunky faces. 事实上他确实发现比起使用健康因素这个理论更能预言阳刚脸庞与吸引力之间的关系。 www.bing.com 3. You choose a specific form whenever you use wild shape, and that form has no effect on your game statistics or movement modes. 你在每次使用野性变身时决定你的外形,同时这个外形对你的游戏数据或行动模式没有影响。 www.anetcity.com 4. SYSCAT. COLDIST contains entries for a certain table only if distribution statistics have been collected for at least one of its columns. 仅在收集了一个表中至少一个列的分布统计信息时,SYSCAT.COLDIST才会包含关于该表的条目。 www.ibm.com 5. Even the government's statistics, though, suggest that the cameras have done little to reduce the worst sort of criminal activity, violence. 尽管就连英国政府的统计数据也显示:这些摄像机实际上对遏止那些穷凶恶及的犯罪、暴力行为的作用微乎其微。 www.bing.com 6. I hate to be a wet blanket here but statistics show that this practical approach rarely leads back to your passionate pursuit. 我不想扫大家的兴,但是统计显示很少有人通过这种这种方法真正实现了自己所追求梦想。 www.bing.com 7. He might have been talking of economic statistics. 他或许说的是经济统计数据。 www.ftchinese.com 8. With EurekaJ Manger, it is possible to group multiple statistics into a single chart, to define thresholds, and email alert receivers. 借助EurekaJ管理程序,我们可以在一张图上分组显示多个统计数据、可以定义阈值和给接收者发出警报。 www.infoq.com 9. The fabulous statistics continued to pour out of the telescreen . 电幕上继续不断地播送神话般的数字。 www.bing.com 10. It reminds me of the old Winston Churchill line: "Statistics are like a drunk with a lamppost: used more for support than illumination. " 这让我想起老温斯顿·丘吉尔说过的一句话:“他利用统计数字,正如醉汉之利用路灯柱——非为借光,实为撑腰。” www.bing.com 1. English statistics prove the fact that four thefts out of five in London have hunger for their immediate cause. 英国的一个统计家说,在伦敦五件窃案里,四件是由饥饿直接引起的。 www.ebigear.com 2. Trade statistics showed the plant made of ivory button once 20% market share, so it was one of the main commodities. 贸易统计资料显示植物象牙制作的扣子曾一度占市场份额的20%,因此它是当时的主要日用品之一。 www.wz121.net 3. During the last recession in the early 2000's, I was one of those statistics. 2000年初,在上一次经济衰退时,我是那些统计数字中的一员。 www.elanso.com 4. Infographics are always a bit of a hodgepodge of statistics culled from a variety of sources. 因为原数据五花八门,信息图表展示的统计结果难免给人些许大杂烩的感觉。 www.hajzxx.cn 5. Counts the total number of inserted, deleted, or updated rows since the last time statistics were updated for the table. 对自上次更新表的统计信息后插入、删除或更新行的总数进行计数。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Only you could get in trouble in a town this small. You would have devastated their crime rate statistics for a decade, you know. 只有你才会在这么小的一个城市里遇到麻烦。你知道吗,你本来会打破他们十年来的犯罪率统计数据的。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Of course, the statistics system still plays catch-up to an economy that is sprinting ahead of it, making the data far from perfect. 当然,统计系统现在仍然只能亦步亦趋的跟在高速发展的经济之后,离完美还差的远呢。 www.bing.com 8. Returns a name value pair collection of statistics at the point in time the method is called. 调用该方法时,将返回统计信息的名称值对集合。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. There has no exact statistics on the total number of Chinese characters. 到底有多少汉字,至今没有一个确切的统计。 www.cctv.com 10. A reader pointed me to a website that's collecting some interesting statistics on women who are trying to get pregnant. 一位读者给了我一个收集想要怀孕的女人数据的网站。 www.bing.com 1. Ties Boerma is head of the WHO's Department of Health Statistics and Informatics. He says most child deaths happen in just a few areas. TiesBoerma是世界卫生组织卫生统计和信息部主任,他说大部分儿童死亡发生在少数地区。 www.hxen.com 2. Amazingly , the statistics say that you are safer up in the sky than you are in your car on earth. 令人惊讶的是,统计表明,乘在高空的飞机上比坐在地面上跑的汽车里还安全。 z.spring.blog.163.com 3. According to statistics, the Siberian tiger left at present, less than 20, still such a small number of these survive, has had imagined. 据统计,东北虎目前所剩无几,仅有不到二十只,如此小的数量还能否延续下去,已经可想而知了。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Many analysts seem to believe that this is the case and point to investors' composure in the face of latest grim statistics. 许多分析师相信这是事实,并指出面对最近残酷经济数据时投资者表现镇静。 cn.reuters.com 5. To give objective, complete and accurate statistics of Chins damages in the war is an obligation of every historical worker. 客观、完整、准确地反映抗战期间中国损失,是每一位史学工作者义不容辞的责任。 cnki.gzlib.gov.cn 6. He said the latest statistics suggested "what appears to be a significant slowdown" in the economy in the last month. 他说最新的统计数据表明上个月的经济“似乎很明显的放缓。” www.bing.com 7. But just as that slump shows up in the economic statistics, more forward-looking evidence points to a rebound. 但是,在日本经济衰退的同时,更多迹象表明经济即将反弹。 www.ecocn.org 8. The government department dealing with the matter concerned do not keep statistics. 处理有关事物的政府部门没有做统计。 www.wdzk.net 9. The validity of his analysis was impossible to assess; he did not include his statistics in the report. 由于报告并未给出相关数据,其分析有效性难以估量。 www.bing.com 10. But they also seem to feel that what they've done to improve China's statistics isn't sufficiently appreciated by the public. 不过,他们也似乎觉得自己为改进中国统计工作所作出的努力没有得到公众的充分赏识。 c.wsj.com 1. A: You can see your individual pay rate for the last month at the top of My Statistics page by the end of the current month. 甲:在本月月末,您就能在“我的统计资料”页面的上方看到您上个月的个人支付率了。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. Having up-to-date statistics is always necessary to ensure optimal SQL performance. 最新统计数据对于确保最优SQL性能总是很重要。 www.ibm.com 3. Psyco currently does not perform any sort of internal statistics or profiling, and does only minimal optimization of generated machine code. Psyco现在不执行任何类型的内部统计或概要分析,只对生成的机器码进行最小优化。 www.ibm.com 4. She composed statistics which evidenced that the death rate for young soldiers in truce time was double that of the customary accumulation. 她根据收集的统计数据证明在和平时期年轻士兵的死亡率是普通人的两倍。 tavernicoli.com 5. Wang from the Shanxi provincial statistics office confirmed in the margins of the event that she did buy vegetables. 在参加活动的间隙,山西省统计局一位姓王的女同志向记者证实,她确实会去市场买菜。 www.chinaacc.com 6. However, statistics released by the site's analytics team suggest Wikipedia's explosive growth is all but finished. 然而,由该网站的分析团队发布的统计数据显示,维基百科的爆炸性增长,几乎到顶了。 www.bing.com 7. Struck by his statistics on how television is seemingly more important than online advertising I decided to do some research. 他的统计数据显示:电视宣传比网络宣传更重要,被他这一观点打击后,所以决定再作一些调查。 www.elanso.com 8. There is still a chance that the divorce statistics might turn out to be better than the gloomy prediction from the ONS in coming years. 不过,在未来几年中,离婚数据仍有可能强于国家统计局的悲观预期。 www.ftchinese.com 9. But let me also profile the magnitude of the challenge with just a few statistics. 不过,我想仅用少量统计数据概述一下这项挑战的规模。 www.who.int 10. You can view these statistics to help determine how your cache is performing, and whether the size of your cache is appropriate. 可以通过查看这些统计来帮助确定您的缓存是如何执行的,以及您的缓存大小是否恰当。 www.ibm.com 1. Mr. Obama said the statistics were further proof that his multi-billion-dollar stimulus package needed to be passed as a matter of urgency. 奥巴马说数据会进一步证明他的几十亿元的促进打包需要被作为紧急事件通过。 www.bing.com 2. When trying to improve performance of a specific report, there is a simple method for determining which statistics are worth collecting. 在尝试提高特定报告性能时,有一个简单的方法可以确定需要收集哪些统计数据。 www.ibm.com 3. Monte Carlo methods have been used for decades in physics, engineering, statistics, and other fields. 蒙特卡罗方法已用于物理数十年来,工程,统计等领域。 www.ccebook.net 4. He grabbed a statistics sheet to verify his numbers as he answered a question about whether he is at his most comfortable now as a Laker. 他取得一个统计数据来证实他的号码当他回答一个关于现在是否是作为湖人球员最舒服的时候。 www.kobechina.com.cn 5. From the above statistics to see that the urban girls as early as the age of menarche in rural girls. 从上面的统计数字要看出,初潮的年龄城市女孩早于农村女孩。 wenda.tianya.cn 6. Statistics reporters the next, in an interview more than 20 owners, only two claimed that he did not receive this message. 记者统计了下,在接受采访的20余名老板当中,仅有两人称自己没有收到这封短信。 www.chinavalue.net 7. Bo said, the mahogany furniture rental Yuan Henry, the only daily pay rent statistics, and maintenance of free rent period by businessmen. 杨波称,租用元亨利的红木家具,只需每日交纳万分之三的租金,而且租期内均由商家免费保养。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Bayes was one of two main influences on the early development of probability theory and statistics. 贝伊斯曾是对概率论与统计的早期发展有重大影响的两位人物之一。 www.ecocn.org 9. The above is the statistics of the 2004-05 season when he was one of the architects of the historic title win. 上面是他04-05赛季的统计,那时的他是历史缔造者中的一员。 bbs.qieerxi.com 10. In addition to this HC comes bundled with FREE software like an Email server, a website statistics server and a forums applications. 此外,这高等法院捆绑的免费软件一样,一个电子邮件服务器,网站的统计数字,服务器和论坛的申请。 xtdownload.com 1. Predicates with concrete values are important for the optimizer to be able to use available distribution statistics. 为使优化器能够使用可用的分布统计信息,带有具体值的谓词极为重要。 www.ibm.com 2. Contrary to what most people think, the statistics show that most people fall in love with someone that they have known for a while. 与大多数人所想的不同,科学家们表明多数人会爱上他们已经了解了一段时间的人。 www.bing.com 3. Despite statistics that prove otherwise, Bryun said the image of the average Russian man as a vodka-swilling beer lover was simply a myth. 而数据却并没能证明Bryun医生的话——Bryun说俄罗斯普通男人猛灌伏特加加上啤酒爱好者的形象是“杜撰”。 www.bing.com 4. For all its high-flying rhetoric, Tuesday's article in a newspaper backed by the National Bureau of Statistics may not be one of those. 国家统计局主管的《中国信息报》在周二发表的一篇文章,虽然语气高调,但可能并没有引起很多人注意。 c.wsj.com 5. Population statistics tend to be less up-to-date than GDP figures and are generally not available on a quarterly basis. 因为比起GDP的数字,人口数目的统计数字没有更新那么快,一般也不会每个季度都有。 www.ecocn.org 6. National statistics on teen fellatio have only recently been collected, but the trend seems to be real. 尽管有关青少年口交行为的全国统计数据最近才开始收集,但上述趋势看来确实存在。 www.ftchinese.com 7. I think there may even have been a small mistake with the German statistics. 我认为甚至有可能是一个与德国统计数字的小错误。 www.sdsky.com 8. Statistics give health experts good reason to be disappointed. Americans exercise less than they used to. 统计资料令健康专家们感到失望,美国人已不再像从前那么常运动了。 www.bing.com 9. They may know all the safety statistics, and yet merely booking a reservation can trigger mental pictures of horrific plane crashes. 这些人或许对所有那些安全统计数据烂熟于心,然而仅仅是预定机票就足以让他们联想到可怕的飞机失事场面。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Our goal is to build a Google Gadget that displays up-to-date batting statistics of your favorite Major League Baseball team. 我们的目的是构建一个GoogleGadget来显示美国棒球联盟球队的最新击球数据。 www.ibm.com 1. This led to errors in trying to record statistics after finishing an operation. 在完成操作之后还想记录统计值时会造成错误。 www-128.ibm.com 2. Statistics show that China's energy intensity is three-to-four times that of the international average and eight times that of the UK. 四是“粗放”与“集约”。有数据显示,中国单位GDP的能耗是国际水平的三至四倍,是英国的八倍。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 3. This plan uses index statistics as an estimate of the number of rows expected to be returned during each portion of the query execution. 此计划使用索引统计值作为查询执行的各个部分预期返回的行数估计值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Statistics packages can give a clear idea of which devices have been used to visit your website. 数据让你清楚地知道用户用哪些设备访问你网站 www.bing.com 5. Statistics of the national Institute on Drug Abuse indicate that the glut is not the result of declining use. 国家毒品滥用研究所的统计数字表明,这种供应过剩不是毒品使用减少的结果。 www.jukuu.com 6. Consecutive days, my blog traffic statistics show that of the "youth of the day" posts, it seems more than up. 连续多日了,我的博客流量统计显示来看《与青春有关的日子》的帖子的人,似乎多了起来。 blog.stnn.cc 7. As you can see from the above examples, the procedure is working quite well and causes the statistics for the given tables to be updated. 从上面的例子中可以看到,该过程运行得很好,并导致给定表的统计信息得到更新。 www.ibm.com 8. Queries that initiate an automatic update of out-of-date statistics will not wait for the statistics to be updated before compiling. 启动过期统计信息的自动更新的查询在编译前不会等待统计信息被更新。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. But regardless of planning around statistics, trekking in monsoon can be just a matter of luck. 但不管计划在统计附近,迁徙在季风可能是运气事情。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Yet that theft will never showed up in criminal statistics, nor will the cost be listed in public ledgers as cost due to "cybercrime. " 但是,该黑客团体从未在犯罪统计上露面,由于”网络犯罪“它亦不会作为成本列在公共总账中。 www.bing.com 1. The statistics result shows that the whole page program time is less than 70% compared to that of the traditional method. 统计结果表明,本算法的页编程时间不到传统方法的70%。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. 'It's likely that the amount of agricultural land continues to decline, despite official statistics, ' he said. “尽管官方有自己的统计数据,但事实上耕地资源很可能一直在萎缩,”他说。 c.wsj.com 3. The Key Statistics chapter provides the key indicators for the industry for at least the last three years . 《主要统计数字》篇提供了产业至少在过去三年的主要指标。 www.bing.com 4. Market analysts say investors have yet to see relief in the global economic gloom as more statistics point to a deepening downturn. 市场分析人士说,由于更多的统计数据显示经济在进一步下滑,投资者还没有看到全球经济疲软有缓解的迹象。 www.ebigear.com 5. Tuesday I cited statistics compiled by Business Week that showed that the expansion that's ending did not, in fact, expand much. 周二,我所引述的《商业周刊》统计数据表明正在结束的经济膨胀事实上并没有膨胀多少。 www.elanso.com 6. As for a wishlist, I wish there was an API to tap into the statistics. 作为一种愿望,我希望能提供访问统计数据的API,我现在只能想象这种可能性。 www.elanso.com 7. It also needs to be stored in such a way that you can produce useful statistics on the output. 还需要以合适的方式进行存储,以便您可以对输出结果生成有价值的统计信息。 www.ibm.com 8. Though not a week goes by without stories of "grooming" gangs and rogue taxi drivers, these statistics are better news than they seem. 尽管每个礼拜都有拉皮条的团伙和耍流氓的出租车司机的(强奸)报道,但这些统计数据似乎也并不全是坏消息。 www.ecocn.org 9. china ' s statistics body said august retail sales were up 13 . 8 per cent , a rate consistent with that of the previous two months. 中国国家统计局表示,8月份,社会消费品零售总额较上年同期增长13。8%,这一幅度与前两个月持平。 www.ichacha.net 10. Statistics demonstrate that tobacco tax revenue has taken up a great proportion in the total tax revenue of the province. 统计数据显示,来自烟草的税收收入在云南税收收入中占有相当大的比例。 www.studa.net 1. Collecting catalog statistics can also be issued during a LOAD REPLACE of a table, as well as during the creation of an index. 在表的LOADREPLACE期间以及索引的创建期间,也可以进行目录统计信息的收集。 www.ibm.com 2. In a recent article I wrote for the Atlantic, called "The End of Men" (the basis for the talk), I lay out all the statistics. 在最近,我查找了所有相关的统计资料后,写了一篇名字叫着“男权时代结束”(这是基本主题)的文章,主要是关于大西洋地区的一些情况。 www.ltaaa.com 3. author also takes advantage of a great deal statistic data and method of statistics to calculate index weight of guideline. 同时借鉴大量的统计资料,运用统计方法确定了这些指标的权重。 www.fabiao.net 4. Some of your managers put the data and statistics right at the beginning, while others use appendices at the end. 有些经理们把数据和统计信息放在报告的最前面,而另外那些经理在报告的末尾用了附录。 www.bing.com 5. We 'd like you to send us your sale's statistics every six month instead of every year. 我们希望贵方能每六个月而不是每年发给我们贵方的销售数据。 www.wst.cn 6. We'd like you to send us your sale's statistics every six months instead of every year. 我方希望贵方能每半年向我方通报一次贵方的销售统计数字,而不是一年一次 www.kekenet.com 7. Neither is environmental damage nor depleted forests, although lumbering shows up in government statistics as value added. 同样,经济活动对环境造成的损害、被砍伐的森林也没有从GDP中扣除,然而,伐木业却会作为增加值出现在政府的统计数据中。 www.bing.com 8. The National Bureau of Statistics said the overall increase in the consumer price index was fueled by rises in food and oil prices. 国家统计局称,食品和石油价格的上涨促成了消费者价格指数的整体上扬。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Result The symptoms of the patients were all relieved but subgroup of T-cells data dealt with statistics was not significant. 结果各种症状均有改善,T淋巴细胞亚群数值的变化经统计学处理无意义。 www.chemyq.com 10. The realities that Dr Rosling is trying to highlight have been gleaned from decades of studying statistics. 罗斯林正试图强调的现实是自己从数十年的研究统计收集到的。 www.ecocn.org 1. safety statistics, including details of any hazardous incidents and activities relating to environmental aspects and public relations; and. 安全统计,包括涉及环境和公共关系方面的任何危险事件与活动的详情;以及。 horseke.blog.163.com 2. Officials from the National Bureau of Statistics have called for fresh measures to put the county on a more sustainable economic course. 国家统计局官员要求采取更多积极措施来推动整个乡镇经济朝更稳定的方向发展。 www.eoezone.com 3. If this advanced traffic control system becomes a reality, these already impressive statistics will no doubt be greatly improved. 一旦这样一种高级交通控制系统可以实现,那么上述一连串生动的统计数字将无疑发生很大的变化。 www.tigtag.com 4. If the problem is noticeable and persists, gather performance logs and any network statistics, to try to determine the cause of the problem. 如果问题显而易见并且仍然存在,请收集性能日志和任何网络统计信息,并尝试确定问题的原因。 www.microsoft.com 5. And how has not focusing on SEO impacted your company as a whole, particularly in terms of traffic and on-site statistics? And那么你们完全没有特别对网站进行SEO对你的公司总体说来有什么影响呢?尤其是对访客数和站点流量数据的影响? www.bing.com 6. Since the fragmented statistics are more granular than table statistics, they do take up more space as well. 因为片段统计比表统计更加细粒度,因此会占用更多的空间。 www.ibm.com 7. Next, content statistics are display, in the form of links that direct you to the specific area to manage that content. Example. 然后,显示了内容的统计数据,以链接的形式,直接将你导向某个管理内容的区域。例如。 www.zzbaike.com 8. The Zimbabwe Election Support Network says it believes there was a fair turnout, but is still busy compiling its statistics. 津巴布韦选举支持网络说,他们认为,投票踊跃程度适度,但是目前他们还在忙于统计数据。 www.voanews.cn 9. As a designer and incurable visual thinker, I would love to see some fancy charts worked in for the statistics. 作为一个设计师和无法治愈的视觉思想家,我希望能看到工作了一些奇特的统计图表。 www.acpp.com.cn 10. Statistics released by the National Archives this August would suggest the silver screen is not the only place we are seeing UFOs. 国家档案馆8月份发布的数据表明,我们并非只能在银幕上看到UFO。 www.bing.com 1. We 'd you to send us your sale's statistics every six month instead of every year. 我们要求你们从每年改为每六个月发给我们关于你们销售数据 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 2. This includes statistics records of all peers of a NTP server and of the PPS filter, if PPS signal handling is supported by the server. 其中包括一个NTP服务器和PPS筛选器的所有对等的统计信息记录,前提是该服务器须支持PPS信号处理。 e-support.hp.com.cn 3. Statistics are more than just a set of defining numbers. 统计数字不仅是一系列限定性数字。 www.who.int 4. So far, five people have been questioned by the police, including one from the National Bureau of Statistics. 到目前为止,五人已被警方质疑,包括一位来自国家统计局的工作人员。 www.tingclass.net 5. The Hero panel keeps track of your character's level, experience points, and attributes, as well as a number of other statistics. 在英雄界面中您可以看到您的人物的等级、特技及其他数据。 www.gwplay.com 6. We explore immigration through history, statistics and a very special discussion with an American immigrant. 我们一起探讨一下移民的历史,数据以及一些有关美国移民的特别专题。 cultureyard.net 7. These statistics can be compared against data from a previous version and verify that there is no bottleneck on the system. 可以将这些统计信息与以前版本的统计信息相比较,验证系统不存在瓶颈。 www.ibm.com 8. Method Descriptive epidemiological methods and medical statistics were used for statistics, analysis and evaluation. 方法运用流行病学调查方法,按照医学统计方法进行统计、分析与评价。 www.bing.com 9. To this point, a series of probability statistics analysis are performed after calculating the data of structural planes of rock slope. 针对这一问题,本次课题着重对岩质边坡的结构面数据进行计算,并对计算结果做概率统计分析。 www.boshuo.net 10. It is still illegal to reveal 'state economic statistics', including basic economic information that would be public in many economies. 在中国,披露“国家经济统计”数字,包括已经在其他许多国家已为大众熟知的基本的经济信息仍然是非法的。 www.bing.com 1. Statistics are gathered as the tracer token moves through the system, and these statistics can be queried from system tables. 跟踪令牌在系统中运动时,统计信息被收集,并可从系统表进行查询。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. But there needs to be an attempt to appeal to the different segments of society in ways other than using the traditional scary statistics. 但是,需要有人试着用造成恐慌的数据的传统方式以外的方法,向社会各个阶层进行呼吁。 www.bing.com 3. Statistics of "one side. . . " used in the Children Heroes and analysis of semanteme type. 《儿女英雄传》中“一面……”的使用情况统计及语义类型分析。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. You would have devastated their crime rate statistics for a decade, you know. 你知道,你可能打破了他们十年来的犯罪率统计数据。 wap.putclub.com 5. Also, if you do not want to see the statistics, use the vertical bar on the left to reduce the size of this window part. 另外,如果您不想看到统计,可以使用左边的垂直分栏来减小这部分窗口的尺寸。 translations.launchpad.net 6. The statistics of measured errors and variances are adopted as the criteria to determine the proper measuring ranges of these meters. 利用统计量中误差值与变异数以决定水份计之适用范围。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Norway is a paragon: the statistics office publishes figures with its own analysis, according to its own timetable. 挪威就是一个典范:在挪威,统计办公室按自己的时间安排独立的分析数据,公布结果。 www.ecocn.org 8. If you import multiple. Coverage files, you will be able to see statistics in both blocks and lines. 如果导入多个.coverage文件,则能够同时看到有关块和行的统计信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Let us know in the comments what you think of these statistics. Are you seeing different adoption and expectations inside your workplace? 读者可以自下面的评论中告诉我们你们是怎么看这些数据的,你在你工作场合看到了不同的情形吗? www.bing.com 10. Many customers new to Informix do not realize they must update statistics, and see poor performance due to the lack of optimizer statistics. 许多Informix新客户没有认识到他们必须更新统计数据,因此由于缺少最新的优化器统计数据,他们的数据库性能很差。 www.ibm.com 1. Andy Rothman, an economist at CLSA, a regional broker, believes that Chinese statistics are much more trustworthy than they used to be. CLSA经济学家、地区经纪人AndyRothman认为中国的统计数据比过去可信多了。 www.bing.com 2. But that hope has now been crushed under an increasing tide of grimmer and grimmer statistics that seem to portray an economy in free fall. 但是在日益上升的可怕统计数据之下,中国经济就象是自由落体,上述希望现在已经破灭。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. And the statistics back it up. A third of the citizens of many civilized countries admit to suffering from extreme loneliness. 统计学也证明了这一点,在许多文明国家三分之一的居民承认自己正承受着极度的寂寞。 www.bing.com 4. Descriptive statistics and log-linear models were used to identify factors associated with out-of-pocket expenditure on delivery. 描述性统计和对数线性模型用来识别与自费分娩费用相关的因素。 www.who.int 5. Statistics show that errors induced by heat are up to 70% of the total machining errors. 有资料表明,由发热引起的误差可占到全部误差的70%。 paper.pet2008.cn 6. Unfortunately, the marriage statistics are easy to misread. 不走运的是,结婚的统计数据很容易被误读。 www.bing.com 7. You only have to look at the statistics to see that. 你只需看看统计数据就明白了。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Quantile statistics provide the information whether the values of a column are clustered or not. 分位数统计信息提供关于一个列中的值是否聚合的信息。 www.ibm.com 9. Up-to-date statistics allow the optimizer to accurately assess the cost of different query plans, and choose a high-quality plan. 最新的统计信息允许优化器准确地估计不同查询计划的开销,并选择高质量的计划。 technet.microsoft.com 10. Update statistics - To help optimize query performance, we recommend that you update statistics on all databases following upgrade. 更新统计信息-建议您在升级之后对所有数据库更新统计信息,以便优化查询性能。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. However, some implementations might require you to run UPDATE STATISTICS separately with the FULL SCAN option. 但是,有些实现可能要求您分别运行UPDATESTATISTICS和FULLSCAN选项。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. It'sthe sort of reply that's long griped a small international club of amateur statistics nuts calling themselves the Oly Madmen . 这样的回答长期困扰着由热衷于数据统计的业余人士组成的一个国际俱乐部。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Director, Deputy Directors are appointed and dismissed by the Director General of the General Statistics Office. 主任,副主任的任免由统计总局总干事。 wenwen.soso.com 4. The consolidation service collects the statistics from a given lab and stores them in the company's centralized tracking system. 整合服务收集来自给定实验室的统计数据,并将它们存储到公司的集中式的跟踪系统中。 www.ibm.com 5. The statistics highlight just how large of a burden even the relatively lower cost of public colleges can be. 数据表明,即便是费用相对低廉的公立学校,学费依然构成了巨大的压力。 www.bing.com 6. I could quote all the statistics and numbers without ever looking at my notes. 我不看稿子就可以例举所有的数据和数字。 www.bing.com 7. Screensavers can provide you real-time statistics, information of any kind like currency exchange rates, or weather, or traffic, whatever. 萤幕可以为你提供实时的统计、信息任何货币汇率一样,或者天气或交通,不管。 actuafreearticles.com 8. Results: Expounding the statistics principle of paper analysis and setting up the mathematical model of it. 结果:阐明试卷分析的统计学原理并建立相应的数学模型。 www.chemyq.com 9. But the rising cost of computer games acted as an upward pressure on inflation, the Office for National Statistics said. 国家统计局的工作人员表示:电子游戏成本的上升对通胀率有拉动作用。 www.suiniyi.com 10. As if to underline Pires' influence, the statistics show that no Arsenal man played as many passes as the 30-year-old. 似乎是要突出皮雷的影响力,统计数字说明30岁的皮雷的传球次数是全队最多的。 news.arsenal.com.cn 1. I forecast the economy, I analyze current statistics, what they tell you; and the accuracy of the current statistic. 我预测经济,分析当前的统计数据、它们能告诉你什么;以及当前统计数据的准确性。 qac.yappr.cn 2. If official statistics are to be believed, prices have so far fallen only marginally, but they are expected to come down further. 如果官方统计数字可信的话,目前为止房价仅有小幅下滑,但预计会进一步下跌。 c.wsj.com 3. The German Federal Statistics Office indicated that it fell during the quarter, while in France it was only flat. 德国联邦统计局表示三季度该国消费者支出下降了,而法国只是持平。 www.bing.com 4. All economic statistics are best seen as a peculiarly boring form of science fiction, but China's numbers are more fictional than most. 最好将所有的经济数据看成一种特别无聊的科幻小说,但是中国的数字比大部分经济数据更具有科幻的味道。 www.bing.com 5. Extreme value theory(EVT) stemming from statistics has been used widely to analyse the financial risk quantitatively these years. 极值理论(EVT)作为次序统计学的一门分支,近年来已被广泛地应用于金融风险的定量分析中。 www.13191.com 6. Alarming as the statistics are, they do not convey the human suffering and pain. Every child is precious. Every life matters. 尽管这个统计数字是令人吃惊的,他们还没有表现出人们所受的苦难。每个孩子都是宝贵的。每个生命都是重要的。 sts.zju.edu.cn 7. Over time, the statistics beneath the surface begin to fall in line with perception. 随着时间的流逝,掩盖在外表下的资料就会依靠作者的觉察力了。 www.elanso.com 8. Be sure to work with your DBA to ensure you accumulate statistics at the appropriate time, especially in a production environment. 一定要与您的DBA一起工作以确保在适当的时候积累统计信息,尤其是在生产环境中。 www.ibm.com 9. He said, seven is a number more of statistics significance because a greater number break up or divorce in their seventh year. 他认为,七年之痒之所以是七年,更多是一个统计数字,恰恰在第七年的时候分手或离婚的人数比较多。 www.elanso.com 10. This allows for a tradeoff between speed of execution and no reduction in concurrency against the number of statistics returned . 这就可以根据返回的统计信息数量,实现执行速度与不减少并发之间进行权衡。 www.bing.com 1. It's thousands of individual decisions, not rows of statistics, that add up to political upheaval. 这是上千人自己的决定,不是统计的数据,这意味着政治剧变。 www.bing.com 2. The statistics on sanity is that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. 关于头脑正常的统计数字显示,每四个人中有一个有某种类型的精神疾病。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Note: Due to smarter statistics, any good fragmented statistics will be directly used for merging into table level statistics. 注意:由于采用了智能统计,任何良好的片段统计都将被直接用于合成表级统计。 www.ibm.com 4. Switzerland is one of the longest-lived countries in the world, with an average age of 84, according to WHO statistics. 据世界卫生组织的统计数据,瑞士的平均寿命为84岁,为全世界最长寿的国家之一。 www.crazyenglish.org 5. I challenge you to compile and disclose statistics of all the treatment protocols and outcomes of your patients. 我挑战你编译并披露你所有的治疗方案和您的患者的结果统计。 www.hbvhbv.com 6. But the statistics temper somewhat the view of the economic power of big emerging economies, he said. 不过他说,从统计得到的部分新兴经济大国的经济实力状况将有所削弱。 www.kekenet.com 7. Repair: Recommendations of this type indicate that important statistics are missing, or that conflicts exist among the statistics. 修复:这种类型建议表示重要的统计数据已丢失,或是统计数据之间有冲突。 www.ibm.com 8. The portlet adds the statistics section at the bottom of the view as shown in Figure 2. Portlet在视图的下面添加了统计信息部分,如图2所示。 www.ibm.com 9. Li Ming: I'm sure. You know my major is statistics and I get excellent records in all of the courses I have taken. 李明:有信心,因为我学的是统计学专业,并且在所有的课程中都取得了非常好的成绩。 www.kekenet.com 10. One way is by using statistics. But the most common argument in the NBA seems to always include the number of rings on their fingers. 一种方法是用数据对比。但是在NBA最普遍的争议是看他们赢得了几枚总冠军戒指。 www.kobechina.com.cn 1. They maintain that the population base used to give frequency statistics must be drawn from the suspect's particular Gene pool. 他们声称用于频率统计的人口基数必须从嫌疑犯的特定基因库中获得。 dict.ebigear.com 2. Dropping an index will cause the corresponding statistics to be removed from memory and no longer be reported by the function. 删除索引将导致从内存中删除对应统计信息,且该函数不再报告这些统计信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Attacks and checks you make through the creature do not include temporary bonuses or penalties to your statistics. 你透过它所做的攻击和检定不会应用你身上的临时性调整值。 www.anetcity.com 4. It would be very nice to roll-up key information about nested monitors in the JMX statistics. 累积JMX统计中关于嵌套的监视器的关键信息会很有用。 www-128.ibm.com 5. Statistics show that the number of Chinese tourists in the US is rising steadily, with over 30% increase in six years over the last decade. 统计数据显示,来美旅游的中国游客数量正在稳步增长,比起过去十年,中国游客人数六年来的增幅超过30%。 www.tingclass.net 6. Business schools around the globe are facing a faculty shortage within the next decade, according to new statistics. 最新的统计数据显示,在未来10年内,全球范围内的商学院面临师资短缺的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The procedure should be called after new statistics have been collected for tables used in procedures within the schema. 在为模式中过程使用的表收集新的统计数据之后,应该调用这个过程。 www-128.ibm.com 8. The graphical plan with statistics provides estimates and actual statistics for you to compare. 含统计信息的图形式计划会提供预计值和实际统计信息供您比较。 www.ianywhere.com 9. Chinese statistics and Chinese milk packaging have something in common. Do not believe what you read on the label. 中国的统计数据和中国的牛奶包装有些共同之处,不要相信你在标签上读到的东西。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Complete: Recommendations of this type cover the Repair ones as well as other statistics which can be refreshed for maintenance purpose. 完成:这种类型建议包含修复,还有为了维护而刷新的统计数据。 www.ibm.com 1. Compared to traditional statistics, statistical learning theory ( SLT ) is a machine learning strategy for a finite set of samples. 与传统的统计学方法相比,统计学习理论是一种专门研究有限样本情况下机器学习规律的理论。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Statistics on the issue of a book page from the natural number 1 until the beginning of coding sequence of natural number n. 统计数字问题一本书的页码从自然数1开始顺序编码直到自然数n。 joys99.com 3. through a large number of photon statistics of simulation results to obtain the distribution of laser energy within the organization. 通过统计大量光子的模拟结果得到激光能量在组织内部的分布情况。 paper.pet2008.cn 4. Growth in China's consumer price index continued to drop in August. The National Bureau of Statistics said the August rate was 4. 9 percent. 中国的消费价格指数在八月份的增长有所降低。国家统计局表示,八月份的增长率为4. ilovebree.blog.sohu.com 5. 'Yes, the statistics I've shown suggest that. ' 'You're welcome to see me personally afterwards if you would like more details. ' “是的,我提出的一些数据就表明了这点。”“如果你需要更为详细信息的,可以在这之后单独找我谈。” www.englishtown.cn 6. Result The statistics shows that the main influencing factors are surgical methods, payment types, age and the length of hospital stay. 结果统计分析显示影响口腔癌手术患者住院费用主要因素有:癌肿手术方式、付费方式、年龄及住院天数。 pp.lunwenchina.net.cn 7. Wilson believed that even statistics, so far from being dull, could "afford the deepest and often the most exciting interest. " Wilson相信即使是统计数字,也远不是枯燥无味的,而可以是“提供最深的以及经常是最令人兴奋的兴趣”。 www.bing.com 8. As you can see below, the execution group default has a flow debug port active as well as service and user trace and statistics reporting. 正如您将在下面看到的,执行组默认有一个流调试端口活动,还有服务、用户跟踪以及统计报告。 www.ibm.com 9. Correlations and stepwise regressions were the principal statistics used for data analysis. 本研究所使用的主要统计方法为相关性分析和逐步回归分析。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. The results of a decennial population census by the National Bureau of Statistics in 2010 shows they might be right. 国家统计局在2010年进行的10年一次的人口普查结果表明,他们的话或许是对的。 c.wsj.com 1. Although there are few independent statistics on the settlement industry, there is no doubt that some generous deals are being done. 尽管关于清算行业的独立统计数据较少,但是毫无疑问,这个行业正在进行着大量的交易。 www.bing.com 2. These statistics speak volumes for the mutually beneficial nature of China-US economic relations and trade. 这些数据充分表明中美经贸关系是互利双赢的。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 3. APPLICATION OF STATISTICS. INSPECTION BY COUNTING OF NUMBER OF NON CONFORMING ITEMS, IN THE CASE OF AN ISOLATED LOT. 统计学和质量.只有一批商品时非一致个体数量的计数检验 www.mapeng.net 4. The statistics, they say, are all lies, trumped up to generate attention (and grants) for self-interested organizations. 他们还说,数据都是骗人的,是那些自私自利的组织为了自身利益(获得关注或资金赞助)是捏造出来的。 www.bing.com 5. After proof and gathering statistics, the system has been proven to be fit for the coaches of the amateur school of Beijing. 通过专家的论证以及统计分析表明,本评价指标体系适合评价北京市业余体校教练员的素质。 www.fabiao.net 6. You must have been prepared for a long time. Some statistics in this presentation are not easy to find, right? 你一定准备了很长时间。这个报告的一些数据不容易找,对吗? www.hxen.com 7. European scientists asked volunteers to estimate statistics like the population density of Switzerland. Each person got five guesses. 欧洲科学家们让志愿者们估计一些诸如瑞士人口密度的数据,每个人有五次猜测机会。 www.bing.com 8. A statistics profile is a set of options that predefine which statistics are to be collected on a particular table. 统计信息配置文件是指一组选项,它预先定义了特定表上将要收集的统计信息。 www.ibm.com 9. Instead, the optimizer gathers up-to-date statistics on every database table referenced in a query. 相反,优化器将对查询中引用的每个数据库表收集最新的统计数据。 www.ibm.com 10. Take a look at our browser statistics to see the trends in browser development. 看一看浏览器统计数据得出浏览器发展趋势。 www.netvtm.com 1. Design a tool that recommends a set of indices to build given a particular workload and a set of statistics in a database. 已知某数据库的特定工作量和一套统计数据,设计一个推荐一套索引的工具。 www2.myoops.org 2. The no percent option prevents MRTG from printing percentage style statistics in the legends at the bottom of the graph. nopercent选项可以防止MRTG在图表底部输出百分比类型的统计数据线。 wiki.ubuntu.com.cn 3. Additional statistics include the total size of the Java heap and the memory addresses where the Java heap begins and ends. 另外的统计数据包括Java堆的总的大小,以及Java堆的起始和结束地址。 www.ibm.com 4. This article presents an overview of the Sun Blogs site's usage statistics, systems architecture, and Web Server configuration. 本文概述了Sun博客站点应用标准、系统架构和Web服务器配置等。 www.infoq.com 5. Translating the data into a story also draws the attention away from the inevitable inconsistencies of web statistics. 把这些数据翻译成为故事,也就脱离了web统计不可避免的不确定性。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. At first glance, the vital statistics of the former German Democratic Republic seem to contradict Prof Ludwig's downbeat assessment. 乍看之下,原德意志民主共和国的关键统计数字似乎与路德维希教授的悲观说法矛盾。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Statistics-limitation-options Allows you to limit the columns for which statistics are generated during the execution of LOAD TABLE. statistics-limitation-options用于对在LOADTABLE执行期间为其生成统计信息的列进行限制。 www.ianywhere.com 8. You can access the results and reports of various statistics within Google Website Optimizer to see which variant is the most effective. 你可以通过查看google网页优化工具的统计结果和报告,来判断哪一种页面变化能最有效率地提升转化率。 www.bing.com 9. The statistics follow other encouraging signs that the economy may be over the worst and that financial markets are recovering. 上述统计数据公布前,其它一些鼓舞人心的迹象表明,经济最糟糕的时期或许已经过去,金融市场正在复苏。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Divorce statistics and the stories of unhappy marriages seem to attest otherwise for a large group of people. 离婚数据和不幸婚姻却似乎说明了发生在一大群人身上的另一种情况。 dongxi.net 1. Like Nightingale, Dr Rosling had his eyes opened to the power of statistics while working far from home. 和南丁格尔一样,罗斯林博士把眼光放在统计机构上,尽管需要远离家乡。 www.ecocn.org 2. Fill in the manufacturing, materials, quality, statistics, related reports required by the Company. 填写相关的生产,物料,质量,统计等公司要求的相关报表。 job.01hr.com 3. Statistical views are a powerful new form of statistics that represent relationships among complex predicates or across tables. 统计视图是一种强大的、新型的统计,它可以表示复杂谓词或表之间的关系。 www.ibm.com 4. Almost every major database today uses some method of updating catalog statistics to provide the best information possible to its optimizer. 现在,几乎所有重要数据库都使用某种方法来更新目录统计信息,以便为其优化器提供可能的最佳信息。 www.ibm.com 5. And, statistics the year in officers and workers personnel or average personnel etc. , is all to bother very much of. 而且,统计职工年度人事或者平均人事等,都是非常麻烦的。 www.lw500.com 6. On a large data set, the statistics from 10% of the data (or even less) are often still very representative of the total population. 在一个大型的数据集上,10%的数据(或者更少)的统计信息通常仍然非常具有代表性。 www.ibm.com 7. The essay carries a disclaimer that it represents only the opinions of its author, and not the National Bureau of Statistics. 文章的免责声明说,它仅代表作者本人观点,不代表统计局观点。 chinese.wsj.com 8. So, if the statistics are to be believed, it appears the Brits have not completely fallen out of love with the CD. 这么看来,如果把这些数据当真的话,英国人还没到和CD彻底说拜拜的时候。 www.bing.com 9. The model fit statistics (significance = 0001) indicate that the null hypothesis, criteria do not influence choice could be rejected. 样板的适宜统计学(重要性=0.0001)指出无效力的假设,标准不影响选择可能被拒绝。 bbs.meizu.com 10. Get familiar with the concept of analytics, what Google Analytics offers, and how it compares to popular site statistics programs. 获取与分析熟悉的概念,谷歌分析提供什么,以及它如何比较流行的网站的统计项目。 www.ccebook.net 1. The Director is responsible to the Director General of the General Statistics Office for all activities of the Department. 主任负责向统计总局总干事部的所有活动。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Including evidence (quotations, statistics, etc. ) that should be in the body of the paper. 在结论中纳入证据(引语,统计数据等等),这是应当放在正文中的。 www.bing.com 3. The report must be brief and to the point, and the analysis must involve many graphs and statistics. 报告应简单准确描述,而分析应多列图表和数据。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The researchers work at the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 这些研究者就职于美国疾病控制与预防中心下属的国家卫生统计中心。 www.bing.com 5. The public needs to understand the statistics on the accumulation of "reusable" plastics, metals and paper. 公众需要对可回收塑料、金属和纸张有更充分的认识。 www.chinadialogue.net 6. Statistics show Americans work more hours than any other nation but receive the shortest vacations in the developed world. . . 统计数字显示美国人比任何其他发达国家的人工作时间都长,而假期最短… www.yappr.cn 7. Historically, data mining has been a task that could only be accomplished by experts in statistics and data analysis. 在过去,数据挖掘一直是统计和数据分析专家的任务。 www.ibm.com 8. Its aim is to make the Internet Usage Statistics available to the business community, the academic community, and to the general public. 它的目的是将InternetUsageStatistics变成业务界,学术界,以及整个公众可利用的资源。 www.ibm.com 9. statistics show that this year, Shenzhen, and toy exporters still maintain a rapid growth. 统计显示,今年以来,深圳,玩具出口仍保持较快增长。 www.qiyeku.com 10. This statistics did not take the inflation factor into consideration. 该数据统计没有考虑通货膨胀因素。 bbs.ebigear.com |
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