单词 | simplifying |
释义 | simplifying是simplify的现在分词
第三人称单数:simplifies 现在分词:simplifying 过去式:simplified 例句释义: 简化,使简易,使单纯,简单化,凡事简单化,简约 1. There are many difficult matters for me to tend to these days and your assistance in simplifying this one would be a real blessing to me. 近来有很多棘手的问题要我去办,您来协助解决这一问题对我真是幸事! www.tiantianbt.com 2. This easy to use overview is paramount for simplifying the troubleshooting of Dynamic Query Mode query performance. 这是易于使用的概览对于简化DynamicQueryMode查询性能的故障排除至关重要。 www.ibm.com 3. However, if you get in the habit of simplifying things for yourself, it will be easier for you to understand it yourself. 无论如何,如果你养成了简化事物的习惯,你会更容易的了解这些事物。 xianguo.com 4. By simplifying your lifestyle and making conscious choices along the way, it is possible to not need the income that you think you do. 通过在生命途中简化你的生活方式和做些有意识的选择的话,你是有可能不需要那些你认为你会需要的收入的。 www.enfamily.cn 5. So, quite a few people have had a go at simplifying the basic CRUD operation. 所以,很多人已经开始尝试使CRUD的基本操作更简洁。 ipshade.org 6. In 1991, infrared thermometers that you place into your ears took the work out of it, simplifying and speeding up the process. 在1991年,人们发明了红外式体温计,将它伸入耳腔,它就能够计算出你的体温,这样测量即简单又迅速。 www.xici.net 7. Enable simplifying the queries, the extra coding required to get the data in and out of the database would have eaten up all the savings. 可以简化查询,但是从数据库中存入和取出数据所需要的额外代码会抵消所有节省的代码。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Then, by simplifying the alphabet of the grammar, we make the design of DNA encoding be equal to that of the binary grammar. 进而通过化简文法的字母表,将DNA编码文法的设计问题转化为二进制文法的设计问题; epub.cnki.net 9. It's actually not difficult, if you give it a little thought: simplifying shouldn't be made complex. 事实上这并不那么困难,如果你可以这样暗示自己:不要把思绪简单化这回事搞复杂了。 www.bing.com 10. The result shows the formula is simplifying, easy to calculate, simple to use and the objectivity, generality and comparison. 该公式形式简单,易于计算,方便实用,并具有客观性、可比性和通用性等特点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Simplifying starts with these priorities, as you are trying to make room in your life so you have more time for these things. 以这些事情优先,因为你正在为你的生活创造出空间,这样你就有更多的时间做这些重要的事。 www.bing.com 2. Similar to simplifying, slowing down is just a matter of reminding yourself that there's no need to rush through life. 与简单化类似,慢下来就是要你提醒自己,生活无需总处于赶路的状态。 www.bing.com 3. Simplifying user interfaces may sound like a mechanical task, but what lies beneath the surface of user interface design? 简化用户界面听起来可能像一项机械性的工作,但是用户界面设计的背后又隐藏着什么秘密呢? www.youfind.com.cn 4. It's the answer to your financial problems: instead of trying to manage all your bills and debts try simplifying. 它可以解决你的财务问题。尝试着简化你的账单和债务问题。 www.bing.com 5. The system supplied users with a graphic interface for parallel programming, simplifying programming and monitoring tasks of running. 提供一个并行编程图形用户接口,大大简少并行编程工作量并能监控任务的执行。 www.pet2008.cn 6. In comparison, hard drive storage combined the machine and the medium into a single piece of hardware, gaining speed and simplifying access. 比较而言,硬盘机存储将机器与介质合成为单一的硬件,从而获得速度和存取简化的优势。 www.ltesting.net 7. Notice that the effort of selecting a provider is now encapsulated within the messaging system, simplifying life for the consumer. 请注意,选择提供者的工作现在封装在消息传递系统中,从而简化了使用者的工作。 www.ibm.com 8. Consider simplifying down to one or two decorations, preferably out of your immediate field of view. 考虑只留下一或两个饰品,更好地简化你当前的视野。 www.bing.com 9. It's true that the poor are often thought of as not having the luxury of even thinking about simplifying, or minimalism. 我们总是认为穷人甚至连想一想极简主义的想法都是很奢侈的。 www.bing.com 10. Simplifying corporate forms and structures so companies can quickly be unwound, particularly across borders, would be a welcome development. 简化公司的形式和结构,使其可以迅速解散——尤其是在跨境情况下——将是一个值得欢迎的进展。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Computations can be very complex, simplifying them is considered appropriate. 计算可能非常复杂,简化计算是合适的 wenku.baidu.com 2. It helps reduce risk in the financial system by simplifying a web of multiple exposures through a process known as "netting" . CCP通过一种称为“净额结算”的流程,简化了多重敞口网络,有助于降低金融系统的风险。 www.ftchinese.com 3. I had trouble simplifying my life for all the reasons mentioned above and this is when I found a balanced approach to simplicity. 我也曾经想要让生活简单点却让这些原因困扰,而我现在发现了一种可以达到简化目的的平衡的方法。 www.bing.com 4. simplifying the circuit and improving stability and reliability can be achieved by means of sequence startup mode. 通过灯管顺序启动模式可简化电路,提高稳定性和可靠性。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. As you can see, most of the benefits of EJB 3 and JPA that you mention involve simplifying assumptions that may not work for all situations. 正如您可以看到的,您提到的EJB3和JPA的大多数好处都包括简化假设,这可能无法适用于所有情况。 www.ibm.com 6. We're starting this year by going back to basics and organizing and simplifying one place that you see every morning: your undies drawer. 我们通过回归基本开启今年,组织和简化一个你每天早上见到的地方:你的内衣抽屉。 www.bing.com 7. the pressure of the heat supply system is lower, thus simplifying the heat supply system and reducing investment on devices and pipelines. 由于供热系统的压力较低,因此可以简化供热系统,减少设备和管路的投资。 ip.com 8. This tip explores the first two steps of that process: simplifying persistence and system classes and simplifying hierarchies. 这一部分探讨了过程的头两步:简化持久性和系统类以及简化层次结构。 www.ibm.com 9. He began by simplifying the notion of competitive advantage and then created a new framework for companies to think about how to achieve it. 他简化了竞争优势的概念,并且为企业如何达到竞争优势塑造了全新的框架。 www.ecocn.org 10. It would introduce a new form of value- added tax while dramatically simplifying income taxes and scrapping corporate and sales taxes . 它可以在大幅简化收入税和废除公司税及营业税的同时,引入一个新型的增值税。 www.bing.com 1. The fingerprints of simplifying and exaggerating journalists are all over the Iraq debacle. 在伊拉克问题上,到处可见简化、夸大的记者们的痕迹。 www.ftchinese.com 2. That provides a good basis for reforming the public finances and simplifying the tax system, which Law and Justice largely failed to do. 这给改革公共财政和简化税收体系——“法律与公正”党基本上没有做到——打下了很好的基础。 www.ecocn.org 3. I believe the art of living consists not so much in complicating simple things as in simplifying things that are not. 我相信生活的艺术不在于把简单的事情复杂化,而在于简化那些本来并不简单的事情。 wenku.baidu.com 4. At the heart of CUSP's success is simplifying complicated and lengthy patient-safety guidelines. CUSP取得成效的根本原因在于简化了复杂冗长的病人安全规章。 www.america.gov 5. That's simplifying a bit, because international comparisons of purchasing power are fraught with difficulties. 以上解释稍稍过于简化了,因为要在国际上比较购买力是很困难的。 www.ecocn.org 6. Simplifying is nothing more than getting rid of items you no longer use or need. 简化无非是扔掉一些你不再使用或需要的东西。 www.elanso.com 7. Using the AD7765 eases the front-end antialias filtering requirements, simplifying the design process significantly. 利用AD7765可降低前端抗混叠滤波要求,从而大大简化设计过程。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Dr Batty suggests there may also be benefits from simplifying health information for the public. 贝蒂博士说这一研究也对简化对公众的健康信息有好处。 www.bing.com 9. Integrated substation automation replaces the conventional substation secondary equipment, simplifying the substation secondary wiring. 变电站综合自动化替代了变电站常规二次设备,简化了变电站二次接线。 www.chinaqking.com 10. Simplifying the streaming strategy would also reduce the number of lines being built and enable a more active release heartbeat (see below). 将工作流单一化的策略还将减少正在被构建的线路数量,并且使得活动版本更加活跃(请参见下文)。 www.ibm.com 1. Without a plan for simplifying the input you take in, overload is an inevitability and analysis paralysis is a likelihood. 没有选择收到内容的计划,超负荷就无可避免,分析瘫痪也极有可能。 www.elanso.com 2. The EJB 3. 0 draft specification focuses on simplifying the programming model, and seems to not include filtering capabilities. EJB3.0的规范草本中重点是简化编程模型,似乎不包括过滤性能。 www.ibm.com 3. But to be effective and simplifying, honest words must be matched with honest intentions. 但是为了有效和简洁,诚恳的语言一定要和诚恳的意愿想配。 www.bing.com 4. However, it should be affirmed that the criminal mind can be estimated from exterior conduct without simplifying it. 同时,必须坚持行为人主观心理是可以通过外在化的客观方面认识的,但不能简单化。 epub.cnki.net 5. The first step towards simplifying chart creation with Groovy is to define the data structure(s) used to specify chart details. 使用Groovy简化图表创建的第一步是定义用于指定图表细节的数据结构。 www.ibm.com 6. File capabilities allow such privileges to be attached to a program, greatly simplifying the use of capabilities. 文件能力特性可以给一个程序分配这样的特权,这大大简化了能力的使用。 www.ibm.com 7. The strategy of ring vaccination emerged and was validated, vastly simplifying operational and logistic demands. 环带免疫战略的产生和验证,极大地简化了操作和物流需求。 www.who.int 8. It's no use simplifying and organizing if it just gets cluttered and disorganized every time you come home. 如果你每次回家都杂乱无序的排放东西,那么你再清简收拾也是徒劳。 www.bing.com 9. They provide the background against which you can start with simplifying your life aligned with what you want. 它们所提供的背景将让你可以根据你所希翼的,从简化你的生活开始行动。 www.bing.com 10. By radically simplifying production and by stripping down the design, Tata's engineers managed to cut that supposed floor price in half. 通过完全简化生产过程,去掉设计,塔塔的工程师尽力把原先的底价减了一半。 www.ecocn.org 1. Typical BPI projects involve connecting, simplifying, and streamlining a large-scale business process and its supporting applications. 典型的BPI项目包括连接、简化和组织一个大规模的业务流程及其支持应用软件。 www.ibm.com 2. Much effort has been placed in simplifying potentially complex areas, allowing you to achieve results faster. 并且已经尽力简化了潜在的复杂区域,使您更快地获得结果。 www.ibm.com 3. By simplifying our lives and paying off our debt, we'll be able to take an extended sabbatical via bicycle. 通过简化我们的生活,付清所有债务,使我们能够骑着自行车,去获得一次长长的体验。 www.bing.com 4. The primary focus of this article has been on simplifying configuration by harnessing the power of Java annotations. 本文主要关注于怎样通过掌控Java注解的力量将配置简化。 www.infoq.com 5. But its performance depended on the accuracy of the loss model, which affected by the parameter variations and simplifying assumptions. 但其控制性能取决于电机损耗模型的精度,而这却受电机参数变化和模型简化假设影响。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Simplifying your life means being able to say NO to filling up every moment of every day! 简化生活意味着你可以说“不”,从而使你的每一天的每一分钟都真正充实! www.bing.com 7. Boeing said the F-15SE will have 85% platform compatibility with the F-15K, simplifying logistics and training. 波音宣称F-15SE将会有85%部件和F-15K兼容,这会减轻后勤和训练压力。 www.bing.com 8. One approach to simplifying this problem is to introduce a broker to act as an intermediary for invoking the Web service. 简化此问题的一个方法就是引入代理,作为调用Web服务的中间层。 www.ibm.com 9. Simplifying the approval procedures , adjusting regulatory methods and process , and enhancing information disclosure. 简化行政审批手续,调整了监管方式和程序,加强信息披露。 www.bing.com 10. improve the retrospective method, simplifying operational procedures, improve the efficiency of product retrospective. 完善追溯方法,简化操作流程,提高产品追溯效率。 www.tojob.cn 1. It's also a great time, as you're simplifying, to get rid of clutter. 这也是一个伟大的时间。当你在开始简化生活的时候,你也在摆脱各种混乱。 www.bing.com 2. The foundation has spent two years streamlining, simplifying and automating the email program. Mozilla花了两年的时间对该电子邮件程序进行了压缩、精简和自动化。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Companies struggling with sku proliferation issues will find that returns can be avoided by simplifying product lines. 很多企业在与库存单位增值的斗争中发现其实简化产品线就可以避免退货。 www.bing.com 4. With simplifying the theoretical formularies , then present the specific designing methods: calculating method and experience method. 通过对相关公式做简化处理,提出了计算法和经验法相结合的生产设计方法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The calculation task for report data is accomplished by a user-defined formula, thus simplifying the program modification and maintenance. 采用用户自定义计算公式的方式来完成报表数据的计算任务,简化了程序的修改、维护。 www.jsks.net.cn 6. However, the production has drawn criticism for lacking depth and for simplifying the motives behind the plot. 然而,制作由于缺乏深度和情节后电影的简化而遭到批评。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 7. A new procurement policy aimed at simplifying offset rules is likely to be announced in August. 旨在简化补偿规则的新的采购政策,很可能8月宣布。 www.etiri.com.cn 8. Using MapReduce programming model can easy write distributed applications and simplifying distributed programming. 应用MapReduce编程模型很容易编写分布式程序,简化了分布式编程。 www.13191.com 9. One of the more powerful approaches for abstracting and simplifying natural phenomena is the use of conceptual models. 简化抽象自然现象的一种比较有效的途径是采用理想模型。 10. In this phase, you're looking at these items with the goal of simplifying processes, as well as simplifying and sunsetting applications. 在此阶段,您将对这些项进行分析,以简化流程和简化及淘汰应用程序。 www.ibm.com 1. I'm simplifying a bit - blood flow to the skin, sweating, etc. may increase or decrease also. 我简单的说-皮肤的血液循环,排汗等等同样可能加速或减缓新陈代谢。 www.elanso.com 2. Simplifying. the mathematical model of the seeker and autopilot and carrying out an. all-ballistic mathematical. simulation. 对导引头和自动驾驶仪部分的数学模型作了简化,并作了全弹道数字仿真。 www.magsci.org 3. And minimalism as a philosophy can be applied to anything, because it's essentially simplifying, prioritizing and organizing. 就像哲学一样,极简主义可以应用到任何事情上,因为它本质上就是简化、优化、有条理。 www.bing.com 4. Algorithms of simplifying right path, the closure set of left path, and normalization cover are proposed. 提出右部路径单一化、左部路径集闭包和规范覆盖的算法。 www.fabiao.net 5. I'm a great believer in simplifying user interfaces down to the bone, leaving fewer options and fewer controls to reduce confusion. 我十分相信尽量简化用户界面,这样更少的选项和更少的控件可以减少混乱。 www.ibm.com 6. In the process of the integration, enterprises can adopt these methods: Elimination, Engrafting, Integration, Simplifying, IT Improvement. 在具体的业务流程整合过程中,可以采用以下的方法:消除、嫁接、整合、简化和信息化等。 fabiao.net 7. Most money management software can automatically import those electronic expenses, further simplifying matters. 大多的理财软件会自动输入刷卡消费数据,这让记账更加简单化。 www.elanso.com 8. Both include parsers and extensive XML support, simplifying data exchange between the platforms. 二者都包括解析器和广泛的XML支持,简化了平台之间的数据交换。 www.ibm.com 9. Finally, the characteristic of implicit place will be used for simplifying the net system. 最后利用隐式库所特性对受控网系统进行化简。 www.fabiao.net 10. Columns are equipped with network connections, simplifying wiring and enabling remote configuration and maintenance. 两塔设有网络连接,简单布线,能进行远程配置和维护。 www.21csp.com.cn 1. This pattern would support a wide range of incoming security protocols while simplifying security in other ESB components. 此模式将支持各种传入安全协议,而且同时能简化其他ESB组件中的安全措施。 www.ibm.com 2. The technology implementation is separated from the business logic, greatly simplifying the application. 技术实现被从业务逻辑中分离出来,因此大大简化了应用程序。 www.ibm.com 3. Another difficult part about simplifying life is going against social approval. 让生活简单化的另一个困难的地方在于得不到社会的赞成。 www.bing.com 4. These improvements are simplifying and speeding up the surgery involved. 这种进步正在简化和提速相关手术过程。 www.ecocn.org 5. Simplifying drastically, we might say that what analytic philosophy analyses are concepts. 以非常简略的方式,我们可以说,分析哲学所分析的东西,是概念。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The Rockwell Collins system features an open system architecture, simplifying future upgrades to the aircraft's capabilities. 罗克韦尔柯林斯的系统形成了一个开放型系统架构,具备未来为飞机再升级的能力。 www.etiri.com.cn 7. In physically the application the process, this kind of method raised a development an efficiency, simplifying authorization a management. 在实际应用过程中,这种方法提高了开发效率,简化了授权管理。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. These tools help a database professional to be more effective and productive by simplifying the complexities of daily tasks. 这些工具可以简化日常任务的复杂性,从而帮助数据库管理员提高效率。 www.ibm.com 9. One wishes social scientists would write with such conviction today, even at the risk of simplifying complex social processes. 有时候我们会希望当今对此最为坚信不移的社会科学家也敢这样写出来,即便这样做会冒着将复杂的社会进程简单化的风险。 www.bing.com 10. Simplifying the calculation procedures, the method is of high reliability. 其简化了计算程序,同时也有很高的可信度。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Finally, a convenient optimal dispatch scheme is obtained by decomposing each original scene and simplifying the objective function. 最后,通过对原始情景的分解和目标函数的简化,便捷获取资源派遣方案。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Namespaces simplifying Spring MVC and JPA usage will probably be the first to be added to the core. 简化SpringMVC和JPA使用的命名空间可能会最先加入到核心中去。 www.infoq.com 3. As a last step in simplifying vaccination, I questioned the need for using alcohol to cleanse the vaccination site. 像简化疫苗接种的最后一步一样,我对必须使用乙醇清洁接种部位有怀疑。 www.bing.com 4. 'I'm simplifying the existing system of communication, ' he says, 'by making my own life more complex. 他说:“我现在把自己的生活搞得很复杂,就是想让现有的沟通系统更简单一点。” www.bing.com 5. Promoting a title registration system to give greater security to interests in land and property and simplifying conveyancing. 推行业权注册制度,加强保障土地及物业权益,以及精简业权转易程序。 www.hplb.gov.hk 6. Then Wiedeking lent parts of the Boxster's design to the new 911, simplifying the production process. 随后,维德京在设计新款911时,部分借鉴了Boxster的工艺,从而简化了生产流程。 www.bing.com 7. The accumulated errors can be removed by simplifying the complex equivalent circuit. 通过对复杂等效电路的化简求得参数初值可以排除积累误差。 www.fabiao.net 8. simplifying and perfecting some procedures during the operation of hortation and assist system. 七是奖励扶助制度实施的某些程序应进一步简化和完善。 www.fabiao.net 9. A runtime, delivered in Data Studio pureQuery Runtime, for optimizing database access and simplifying management tasks. 运行时,在DataStudiopureQuery运行时中交付,用于优化数据库访问和简化管理任务。 www.ibm.com 10. One key to simplifying reuse through inclusion is to use the most generic markup possible in the document fragments you want to include. 通过包含简化重用的一个关键点是,在希望包含的文档片段中尽可能使用最通用的标记。 www.ibm.com 1. Companies are developing a standard measure for products' carbon emissions in hopes of simplifying decisions for consumers. 企业制定了碳的排放标准,以简化对消费者的责任。 www.bing.com 2. It is hard to find much evidence that retailers are ferociously simplifying their offerings in an effort to boost sales. 我们很难找到大量证据,证明零售商在为了提振销售而极力减少产品的提供。 www.hjenglish.com 3. On the con side (that technology is simplifying our lives) is John Maeda, President Elect of the Rhode Island School of Design. 反方,即支持技术会简化生活,代表人是罗德爱兰州的校长JohnMaeda。 www.bing.com 4. Often you make the simplifying assumption that the subsystem has a one-to-one correspondence with the enterprise components. 你经常会简单化假定,子系统同企业组件有一对一的联系。 www-128.ibm.com 5. Boost employee productivity by simplifying everyday business activities. 通过简化日常的业务活动来提高员工生产率。 office.microsoft.com 6. Burgess hopes the flux of the desert can teach us how to live with a variable environment without simplifying it. 博格斯希望沙漠的改变能教会我们如何不用简化就能和变化的环境共处。 www.bing.com 7. The solution itself makes some simplifying assumptions, like only allowing modifications to Java source already open in the editor. 该解决方案本身就作了一些简化假设,象只允许在编辑器中对已打开的Java源代码进行修改。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Besides, a little dose of JSF lifecycle know-how can go a long way toward simplifying your Web application development efforts. 此外,掌握一点JSF生命周期技巧可以极大地帮助简化Web应用程序的开发工作。 www.ibm.com 9. In the research of airborne equipment miniaturization, simplifying the hardware circuit design to narrow PCB design is a key point. 在机载产品小型化研发中,简化硬件电路设计从而缩小PCB板尺寸是一个设计重点。 lib.cqvip.com 10. A related task is simplifying and teaching the art of interpreting AO images to guide clinical decisions about diagnosis and treatment. 一项相关的任务是简化与讲授解读AO成像技术,以指导有关诊断与治疗的临床决策。 news.dxy.cn 1. The key to our rutile exploitation are simplifying process, reducing production cost, increasing recovery and multipurpose utilization. 简化工艺,降低生产成本,提高选矿回收率和矿石综合利用水平是开发利用我国金红石资源的关键。 www.chemyq.com 2. A great life is the result of simplifying your life. 非凡的人生源于简单的生活。 gb.cri.cn 3. The article further refines what has been an ongoing theme for the series: Modeling is about simplifying reality for practical purposes. 本文进一步升华了贯穿本系列文章的一个主题:建模是出于特定目的而对现实的简化。 www.ibm.com 4. The former is satisfied with the requirement of simplifying deployment and multi-user concurrent operation. 前者较好地满足了简化部署、多人并发操作等要求。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Here, the artist cleverly comments on the opposition between good and evil, and the dangers of simplifying complex environmental issues. 在这里,画家巧妙地评述了善与恶的对立,以及简化复杂环境问题的危险。 cleanairauction.com.hk 6. The book describes how Jobs went about simplifying Apple's brand and focusing in on the key products that consumers wanted. 本书描述了Jobs怎么改造了Apple的简约品牌,让拳头产品成为顾客所好。 www.bing.com 7. By simplifying other areas of your life, you will come to find that you really do have enough. 通过简化你生活的其他内容,你会发现你已经拥有足够多了。 www.bing.com 8. The system is also compatible with CAN bus, simplifying integration to loggers . 该系统也与CAN总线兼容,这使得其与数据记录器的集成更简便。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The complexity of structure in porous medium results in too complex inner flow to get analytic solution without simplifying. 多孔介质结构的复杂性使其内部的流动非常复杂,通常不加简化就难以求解。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The initial values can be worked out by simplifying the complex equivalent circuit. 再根据不同的频段对等效电路进行化简,得到初值。 www.fabiao.net 1. In addition, beam combination with identical intensity is the best method for getting the maximum intensity and simplifying operation. 此外,等强度合成是获得最大合成强度、简化实验的最佳合成方式。 dx.doi.org 2. By rationally simplifying a mathematical model of batch rectification collum on citronella oil is presented. 通过合理简化,提出了香茅油间歇精馏塔的数学模型.用计算机模拟,获得了较佳的设计及操作方案。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. A transistor is grounded not connected to GND without connection, thereby simplifying the replacement of data in the memory cell. 晶体管不与GND连接地接地,从而简化该存储单元中的数据替换。 ip.com 4. Two: simplifying the question makes it more likely you'll get a useful answer. 第二,简化问题使你得到有用答案的机会增加。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. It also indirectly helps in simplifying the process of cost justification for IT budgets within an enterprise. 它还可以间接地帮助简化企业内IT预算的成本确定流程。 www.ibm.com 6. Progress had been made in simplifying the very complex web of capital controls and exchange rate restrictions imposed by many countries. 多国家的资本管理和汇率限制错综复杂,在简化这些措施方面,已经取得了进展。 wenku.baidu.com 7. The Think Long Committee wants to fix this by extending sales taxes to services, and simplifying and cutting income-tax rates. “长远委员会”希望通过将销售税的征税范围扩大到服务业,并简化和削减所得税率来解决这一问题。 xiaozu.renren.com 8. ActionScript 3 follows the ECMAScript, Fourth Edition specification completely, simplifying XML parsing. ActionScript3完全符合ECMAScript第四版规范,这可以简化XML解析。 www.ibm.com 9. It enlarges the space scale of virtual vector to decrease the division of small sectors, thus simplifying the calculation. 通过虚拟矢量空间尺度的放大,进一步减少小扇区的划分,简化计算。 www.epae.cn 10. Improvements in online career information are simplifying the work of shopping for jobs. 在线就业信息的改善正在简化求职步骤。 www.ftchinese.com 1. So these simpler limiting cases play a huge role in simplifying statistical mechanics and the calculations from them generally. 所以这些简单的极限的例子,起到重要的作用,在统计力学的简化,和通常的计算中。 open.163.com 2. Besides simplifying the development of Web applications, AppFuse allows you to integrate Web services into your projects easily. 除了可以简化Web应用程序的开发之外,AppFuse让我们还可以将Web服务简单地集成到自己的项目中。 www.ibm.com 3. The techniques presented here will help you save time by simplifying your virtual image deployment and activation. 本文所介绍的技术通过简化虚拟映像部署和激活,从而帮助您节约时间。 www.ibm.com 4. Using the credential vault slot for authentication has the advantage of simplifying the authentication method, for several reasons. 使用凭证保险库槽来进行身份验证的好处是简化了身份验证方法。 www-128.ibm.com 5. The time-domain simplifying circuit method extracts sources and channels from the actual circuit. 时域简化电路法从实际电路中抽取出干扰源和干扰通道。 www.boshuo.net 6. Frankly, thinking that the notion of simplifying is stupid is just plain, well, "stupid. " 坦率地说,认为简单就是愚蠢恰恰是简单而“愚蠢的”。 www.bing.com 7. Store the original information with table, delete redundant information by simplifying the table, and finally mine the useful information. 采用关系表存储原始信息,通过简化关系表删去冗余信息,达到提取有用信息的目的。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. HU Zhao-zi. Simplifying Analysis of Bridge Span Structure: Load Transverse Distribution[M]. Beijing: China Communications Press, 1996. 胡肇滋。桥跨结构简化分析--荷载横向分布[M]。北京:人民交通出版社,1996。 zzs.chd.edu.cn 9. Besides simplifying element nesting, compact expression also provides a way to reference and reuse policy expressions. 除了简化元素嵌入,紧凑表达式也提供一种引用和重用策略表达式的方法。 www.ibm.com 10. "You have such a way of simplifying things. " “你很会化繁为简!” 1. Some websites are helping musicians by inadvertently helping A&R reduce noise or by simplifying the search for new talent. 一些网站会通过帮助A&R减少“噪音”或者简化对人才的搜索从而帮助广大音乐人。 kk.dongxi.net 2. By simplifying the geometry model of the copper bus bar continuous extrusion process, based on a new metal forming simulation package, MSC. 对铜母线连续挤压过程的几何模型进行简化,基于MSC。 www.dictall.com 3. Actually, all of her books on simplifying are good. 事实上,她关于简约的所有书都很好。 www.bing.com 4. But "simplifying love " is the happy reunion final, "the roaring mountain villa " is tragedy but beyond doubt. 《简爱》是个大团圆的结局,而《呼啸山庄》却无疑是个悲剧。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Outsourcing: Simplifying the Operation China Outsourcing Provider: How to Align the Cultural Difference with the Overseas Outsourcing Buyer? 外包:将复杂的经营简单化;中国接包商:如何巧妙融合与海外发包商的文化差异? www.outsourcing.org.cn 6. VanRoekel, who spent 15 years at Microsoft, is no stranger to streamlining complex processes and simplifying costs. 拥有15年的微软工作经验,VanRoekel在优化复杂进程提升效率和简化成本方面拥有丰富的经验。 dongxi.net 7. Simplifying and Entertaining the Shopping Experience. 让购物体验变得简约而愉快。 www.commerce.sh.cn 8. There is no universal prescription for discovering these simplifying patterns of nature. 对于怎样才能发现自然界的这些简化图式,并没有什么万能的方法。 dict.veduchina.com 9. Many purists thought simplifying characters as appalling as eliminating them. 许多纯化论者认为,简化汉字和消除汉字同样可恶。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Simplifying assumptions and the evils affecting the popularization and application of them. 假设和简化带来的弊端,影响了这些方法的推广应用。 www.boshuo.net 1. The results are of use value for simplifying the computation of line integral and surface integral. 这一结果,对于简化线积分、面积分的计算具有使用价值。 tech.zidian8.com 2. We're simplifying our menus, and using fewer ingredients, that are fresh, and simply prepared. 我们正在简化我们的食谱,使用更少的新鲜的易于准备的佐料。 www.elanso.com 3. this can help in proving correctness , simplifying an algorithm , or even finding ways of optimizing it. 这有助于验证正确性、简化算法,甚至有助于找出优化它的方法。 ichacha.net 4. These steps focus on conceptually simplifying the problem that you are tackling. 这两步集中在概念上简化您正在处理的问题。 www.ibm.com 5. JEE - and Spring after it - made great strides in simplifying the enterprise programming model. JEE以及后来的Spring在简化企业编程模型方面都有了长足的进步。 www.infoq.com 6. lastly, simplifying and vulgarizing applying theory to practice. 把理论联系实际简单化、庸俗化。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. how to reach the goals of simplifying the system and subunit construction through "software servo" . 如何通过“软件伺服”达到简化系统及部件结构的目的; www.fabiao.net 8. Now that you've learned the background, it's time to begin simplifying your navigation with jQuery. 现在您已经了解了背景,接下来使用jQuery简化您的导航。 www.ibm.com 9. If you're faced with an endless stream of work each day, simplifying things will help you manage your time wisely. 如果你每天都要面对接踵而至的工作,将事情简化能助你聪明管理时间。 www.360doc.com 10. Acronyms simplifying memorized information are a great way to do this. 首字缩写是很好的降低记忆难度的一种方法。 www.bing.com 1. For practical policy work, those simplifying assumptions are relaxed. 在实际的政策运行层面,那些被简化了的模型更好操作而已。 dongxi.net 2. TEDA is simplifying items of administrative examination and approval. 天津开发区正在大力精简行政审批项目。 www.teda.gov.cn 3. If your project has been dragging on, or you're having problems completing, try simplifying, and stop trying for perfection. 如果你的项目计划已经开始延迟,或者你想完成它很困难,那么尝试一下简化任务,不要再盲目追求完美。 www.bing.com 4. In the end, a correction formula to get real wall temperature is built through simplifying the radiation transfer equation. 通过简化辐射传递方程,建立了由辐射温度计测量温度得到壁面真实温度的修正公式。 oaps.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn 5. A popular technique for simplifying unit tests is to create mock objects that are used just in the tests. 简化单元测试的一个流行技巧就是创建仅用于测试中的模拟对象。 www.ibm.com 6. This colorful clip provides a more complex example of simplifying a clip. 这一彩色剪贴画提供了简化剪贴画的更复杂示例。 office.microsoft.com 7. Simplifying food may sound like the easiest thing I have ever suggested. 精简食物听起来也许是我提出的最容易的事。 www.bing.com 8. Outlining is a method for accelerating the learning process by simplifying the music. 轮廓法是通过简化音乐而加速学习过程的一种方法。 www.popiano.org 9. This initial process of simplifying our home required energy, effort, and encouragement. 要简单化我们的家,一开始需要活力,努力和勇气。 www.dudu360.com 10. How simplifying the basic tools for digital expression will lead to a new creative digital economy. 简化数位表示的基本工具如何产生新的创意数位经济。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. It is also about simplifying the process of making products and letting people use the power of the web to share ideas. 这也关系到简单化产品制造过程并能让人们利用互联网的力量分享彼此的创意。 www.bing.com 2. While he has seen a lot of change during this time, he hopes that the two countries will discuss simplifying trade regulations. 在这段时间里,他见证了很多变化,他希望两国能讨论简化贸易规则。 www.hxen.com 3. Simplifying tissue culture of grapevine 'Xiangfei' 香妃葡萄的简化组培快繁 www.ilib.cn 4. EII can provide a unified view of data and content, simplifying representation of and access to underlying information services. EII可以提供对数据和内容的统一观点,这样就简化了对潜在的信息服务的表现和访问。 www-128.ibm.com 5. The most difficult part about simplifying life is dealing with emotional attachments. 简化生活最困难的一点是处理心理依赖。 www.bing.com 6. In addition to volume pricing, the CLP helps organizations cut costs by simplifying software ordering and administration in several ways. 除了批量定价,CLP还通过一些方式简化软件订购和管理来帮助组织降低成本。 www.adobe.com 7. It no longer has a dependency on COM, simplifying development. 它将不再依赖于COM,这简化了开发的过程。 www.bing.com 8. David Karp thought that simplifying posting would stop users from falling away, so he created Tumblr, a streamlined blog platform. 戴维·卡尔普认为简短的博文可以防止用户流失,于是他创建了Tumblr,一个精简的博客平台。 www.bing.com 9. By cleaning out and simplifying our outer space, our inner space will open up like a flower. 通过清理和简化我们的外在世界可以使内在世界像鲜花般绽放。 www.bing.com 10. Simplifying software by making fundamental changes is a powerful way to more fully satisfy existing customers and attract new users. 通过一些基础的变化来简化软件是使现有的客户更加满意并吸引新的用户的一种有效的办法。 forum.chinaui.com 1. Here are 7 ways to get started with simplifying your life and working towards a more peaceful state of mind. 这里有7种方法可以帮助你开始简化你的生活,并且使你以一种更为平和的状态去投入工作。 www.bing.com 2. You can import and export static relationship data, simplifying the process of loading the relationship tables. 可以导入和导出静态的关系数据,这简化了装载关系表的过程。 www.ibm.com 3. I'd recommend a self-taught course on logic, but really I've found it's a matter of simplifying. 我推荐一个关于逻辑的自学课程——事实上我发现,其实质上是一种简化。 www.bing.com 4. the process of simplifying the short version is suitable for fast color business card printing and membership card. 工艺简冻得当于长版飞迟不彩色制卡和会员卡制息。 www.bing.com 5. So, I turned to the most reliable action I knew. . . Simplifying. 所以,我只好向据我所知的最可靠的方式求助了……简化。 www.bing.com 6. The commission should help countries align the way they apply directives, and find a way of simplifying VAT payments. 委员会应该协助各国在运用指令时保持一致,并找到简化增值税支付的方法。 www.ecocn.org 7. Sometimes, however, trying to make things generic doesn't make sense because it can complicate development instead of simplifying it. 不过有时候,实现泛型并不实际,因为它会使开发变得复杂,而非简化。 www.ibm.com 8. Good luck simplifying your next complicated decision. 祝你在下次复杂决定时幸运。 bbs.oralpractice.com 9. jQuery is, perhaps, best at simplifying DOM scripting and event handling. 或许jQuery最擅长的就是简化DOM脚本和事件处理。 www.ibm.com 10. Thrust pin, simplifying the construction. 脚的推力,简化了施工。 wenwen.soso.com 1. There are so many changes I've gone through, from quitting smoking to simplifying my life to reducing debt to many more. 因为我经历了太多的改变,从戒烟到追求生活的简单,到削减自己的债务,当然还有其他很多。 www.bing.com 2. Here at TMP, I have probably been focused a bit much on just simplifying and not living a balanced life. 在坦佩雷,我可能太多关注于简化生活而非处于一种平衡的生活状态中。 www.bing.com 3. Bins for sizes less than 512 bytes each hold only exactly one size (spaced 8 bytes apart, simplifying enforcement of 8-byte alignment). 小于512字节的箱子只保存特定的一个尺寸(按8字节填充,简化了8字节对齐的实行)。 www.bing.com 4. Method more automatic, by simplifying the code that you must write to create and clean up an object. 语句通过简化必须编写以便创建和清理对象的代码,使得对。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The task of simplifying Brazil's byzantine tax code she described as "urgent" . 她认为简化巴西的拜占庭式复杂诡秘死板的税法是“当务之急”。 www.ecocn.org 6. Simplifying immigration procedures at America's borders might help a lot more, though. 不过,简化美国边境的入境手续,也许能带来更大的帮助。 www.ecocn.org 7. Then simplifying the design of phase-and-amplitude equalizer. 这样就大大简化了接收机均衡器的设计。 lib.cqvip.com 8. DMS containers require more maintenance, and automatic storage was introduced in DB2 V8. 2. 2 as a way of simplifying space management. DMS容器需要更多的维护,而自动存储是在DB2V8.2.2引入的,它是一种简化空间管理的方法。 www.ibm.com 9. During field work, we should write down folk belief carefully and thoroughly, rather than simplifying cultural event superficially. 在田野考察中,我们应该将民间信仰详细全面地记录下来,而不是将文化事件虚脱成一张文化之皮。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. You can reduce HTTP requests by simplifying the page so that fewer components need to be loaded. 可以简化页面,减少需要装载的组件,从而减少HTTP请求。 www.ibm.com 1. I call it the clean-slate approach to simplifying. Here's how it works, in three steps. 我叫他clean-slate简化法。以下是他的三个步骤: www.bing.com 2. This article introduced the LMMPWT pattern for simplifying scoped memory usage. 本文引入了LMMPWT模式以简化作用域内存的使用。 www.ibm.com 3. The group hopes in the future to create software capable of simplifying the process. 该集团希望在未来的创建软件简化过程的能力。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Simplifying chaotic lives Tools to simplify your life? 如何简化忙乱的生活我的日子总是忙得团团转怎么办? www.chinesewomentoday.com 5. It also has great tools for simplifying the deployment process. 它还有一些很好的工具,可用来简化部署过程。 www.ibm.com 6. These have focused on simplifying the development, automation, and optimization of applications. 这主要集中在简化应用程序的开发、自动化和优化方面。 www-128.ibm.com 7. Although this view quite prevailed, actually, it is on suspicion of simplifying the complicated history. 这个说法流行虽广,却有把复杂的历史简单化之嫌。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. As these are temporary resources, they are destroyed as soon as they end, simplifying the manageability of these partitions. 由于这些是临时资源,会在结束之后立即销毁,因此需要简化这些分区的可管理性。 www.ibm.com 9. Understand that code is read far more than it is written, so simplifying code is important. 要理解对代码的读取操作要远比写入操作多,因此简化代码很重要。 www.ibm.com 10. Simplifying Your Flying: Six great ways to get organized. 简化飞行:得以条理化的六大方法。 www.lib.cafuc.edu.cn 1. Simplifying the most complex thing, doing the simplest correctively times and times again. 把最复杂的事情简单化,把最简单的事情千百次做好。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. I've been finding that simplifying things means I can savor life more fully. 长期以来,我发现,简单化意味着能更充分地品味生活。 www.allwinworld.net 3. Limiting, or simplifying, the choices and factors in your life is essential. 限制,或者精简生命中的选择和因素是必要的。 www.elanso.com 4. If you have to work through a 10, 000-item hash, there's no way of simplifying that process. 如果必须遍历一个10,000元素的hash表,那么就没有办法简化这个过程。 www.ibm.com 5. THINKING OF SIMPLIFYING MY LIFE. 想过简单的生活。 qaf.cn 6. Officials hope that simplifying the standards this way will help Americans eat better. 官员们希望,简化的标准,这样将有助于美国人吃得更好。 www.hjenglish.com 7. I would recommend also simplifying the amount you eat. 我同时建议简化你吃的数量。 www.bing.com 8. I'm simplifying my blogging life and my emotional life, and taking the barriers down. 我将我的博客生活和内心情感生活简单化,将两者之间的屏障给拆除。 www.elanso.com 9. The teaching of organic chemistry face many problem, such as decreasing period, renewing textbook and simplifying contents. 有机化学教学面临学时减少,教材更新,内容精简等难题。 www.chemyq.com 10. Free up time. Simplifying your life in general is a way to free up time to do the stuff you want to do. 简化生活通常情况就是挤时间让你去做你想做的事情的一个方法。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Refactoring. This is a simplifying technique to remove duplication and complexity from code. 重构,这是一种从代码中除去重复编码和复杂实现的简单化技术。 blog.lupaworld.com 2. However, by having a mind that is capable of challenging itself frequently, the daily simplifying process is made easier. 但是如果我们能够形成经常挑战自己脑力的习惯,简化生活也会变得更加简单。 www.bing.com 3. The carnivals will have a monthly theme further simplifying the writing content. 博览会每月有一个主题来进一步明晰写作内容。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. What can you remove from the task list today that could bring you closer to simplifying your life? 怎么您从今天的任务列表,可以为您带来进一步简化你的生活?什么您将注意力集中在? bbs.voc.com.cn 5. Usage of C# generics allows to significantly simplifying this implementation (Listing 3). 使用C#泛型则可以大大简化这个实现(表3)。 www.infoq.com 6. SAX 2. 0 provides this information to the developer, dramatically simplifying the process of carrying out these programming tasks. SAX2.0为开发人员提供了这种信息,从而极大简化了执行这些编程任务的过程。 www.ibm.com 7. When we think about simplifying, we usually think about subtraction. Getting rid of excess stuff. 当我们一想到要把事情简化时,我们经常会考虑到删除法。 www.bing.com 8. It establishes a purified medium of action . Selection aims not only at simplifying but at weeding out what is undesirable . 学校建立一个净化的活动环境。选择的目的不仅是简化环境,而且要清除不良的东西。 www.bing.com 9. One of the simplifying assumptions made in our API is that when you read data from a row of a table, you get the entire row. 我们在API中对简化的一个设想就是,当您从表的一行读取数据时,您会得到整行的数据。 www-128.ibm.com 10. In addition, they can help businesses choose the collection system, simplifying the collection of paper, reduce the size of the device. 此外,他们还能帮助企业选择收集系统,简化回收纸的处理程序,减少设备的占地面积。 www.bing.com 1. Normalizing your environment goes a long way to simplifying administration. 规范化环境对于简化管理大有帮助。 www.ibm.com 2. To begin with, various routine calculations enable us to make some useful simplifying assumptions, without loss of generality. 首先,各种例行的计算使我们能够取得一些有益的简化假设,而不丧失概括性。 wenwen.soso.com 3. So re-writing this expression and somewhat simplifying it. You have the gradient of the flux plus B 0 M squared of the flux, equals zero. 所以,重写这个表达式,并将它简化,你得到流量梯度加上,流量BM的平方,等于。 open.163.com 4. You will also find out ways to make Web 2. 0 architecture more reliable than its predecessors by simplifying the major components. 您还将了解通过简化主要的组件,使得Web2.0体系结构比以前的版本更加可靠。 www.ibm.com 5. This way benefits going through restriction of trial grade, simplifying produce, saving suit time and reducing burden of parties. 该方式有利于克服审级限制,简化办案环节,缩短诉讼周期,减少当事人诉累,节约司法资源。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. By simplifying the complex rules. 简化复杂的规则。 cet.hjenglish.com 7. At the same time, there is an opportunity to install fewer switch drops, reducing cabling and simplifying fitting-out. 同时,也有机会减少开关、导线的安装及简化布置。这种照明策略可以缩短合同期从而使得使用期提前。 bbs.topenergy.org 8. By simplifying my finances, I can save money because I can more closely monitor my financial accounts. 而简化理财后,更密切地关注银行账户能让我减少花销。 www.elanso.com 9. I'm a big proponent of slowing down, simplifying, doing less, and being less busy . . . but what if you can't? 我一直倡导放慢生活的步调,一切从简,能少做就少做,让自己闲一点,但是假如你做不到这些呢? www.bing.com 10. To bring out the key points, we have made simplifying "small-country" assumptions in Figure 9. 1. 为了阐明主要论点,在图9-1中,我们作了一些使之简化的“小国”假设。 1. These results will be useful to simplifying chaos anti-control what is used in secret communication. 这一结果对应用于保密通信的混沌化简化具有重要意义。 www.jgjs.net.cn 2. I am saving gas, helping the environment, being frugal, simplifying my life and getting great exercise all in one move! 通过仅仅做这一件事,我同时节省了汽油、保护了环境、变得简朴、简化了生活并且得到了锻炼。 www.bing.com 3. The components are multi-curved surface shells and advanced tools such as substantiation are adopted in 3D modeling, simplifying operations. 零件为曲面较多的壳体件,三维造型中采用了“实体化”等高级工具,简化了操作。 www.dictall.com 4. EJB 3. 0 is a major step forward in simplifying application development in the enterprise. EJB3.0是简化企业中的应用程序开发的主要发展方向。 www.ibm.com 5. According to Beck, "The theme of JUnit 4 is to encourage more developers to write more tests by further simplifying JUnit. " 用Beck的话来说,“JUnit4的主题是通过进一步简化JUnit,鼓励更多的开发人员编写更多的测试。” www.ibm.com 6. I'm simplifying the task of packing for our trip. 我在为旅行打包做简化工作 wenku.baidu.com 7. What is the most difficult part about simplifying your life? 让生活简单化最困难的一点是什么呢? www.bing.com 8. The lesson for me here is two-fold and both are related to simplifying your finances. 我得到了两个教训,都与简化理财有关。 www.elanso.com 9. But the process of simplifying things is rarely easy. 但是把事情简单的过程不是那么容易。 www.kekenet.com 10. this is their way of simplifying complex problems. 那是他们简化复杂标题成绩的格式。 blog.sina.com.cn |
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