单词 | simple rules | ||||||
释义 | simple rules
例句释义: 简单规则,简单的规则,简单原则 1. Its simple rules and minimal equipment requirements have no doubt aided its spread and growth in popularity. 足球简单易懂的规则以及对于运动设施的低要求无疑加速了其在人群中传播及成长的速度。 www.bing.com 2. That's a complex management challenge, not easily summed up in a few simple rules or guidelines. 这是管理上的一项复杂挑战,难以概括成几条简单的标准或规则。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Herewith, a distillation of what I've learned about dining out, in six simple rules. 因此,从外出就餐里我学到的精华就是,六条简单的准则。 www.bing.com 4. Roosevelt succeeded as a policy maker and politician by following four simple rules that ought to guide the Obama administration as well. 罗斯福成为杰出的决策者和政治家的四项基本原则对奥巴马内阁的行政方略有重大的指导意义。 www.elanso.com 5. HAD William Safire written his own obituary, he would have laid down a few simple rules. 如果让威廉?赛菲尔写自己的讣告,他会立下几条简单的规矩。 www.24en.com 6. You probably don't want to become a Zen monk either, but you can live your life in a more Zen-like manner by following a few simple rules. 你可能也不想成为一个禅僧,但你可以通过遵从几条简单的规则过一种更禅意的生活。 www.bing.com 7. Instead each animal was following simple rules evolved over thousands of years of wolf attacks. 相反,每只动物都是在遵循数千年在对此饿狼攻击的过程中所培养出来的简单法则。 www.ecocn.org 8. Simple rules will be processed on the server on which they arrive and therefore have the best scalability across the cluster. 简单规则在其到达的服务器上进行处理,因此拥有跨集群的最好的可伸缩性。 www.ibm.com 9. Its simple rules of the game, it is very easy to get started, but it changes and very complex. 它的游戏规则简单,因此上手很容易,但是它的变化又非常复杂。 4455.cc 10. People living in high- risk areas can protect themselves by following a few simple rules of good hygiene and safe food preparation . 生活在高危地区的人们可通过遵循良好卫生习惯和安全制备食品的一些简单规则来保护自己。 www.bing.com 1. The simple rules of the old game remained unchanged but a few new details altered its appearance. 简单的规则,旧的游戏不变,但有几个新的细节改变其外观。 xtdownload.com 2. You can build a wide range of practical electronic devices if you understand a few basic electronics concepts and follow some simple rules. 如果理解一些基本电路概念和遵循一些简单的规则,你就可以搭建各式各样的实用电路设备。 www.myoops.org 3. If you follow these simple rules and your venture fails, you at least won't lose your friends and family. 如果你遵守这个简单的规矩,万一投资失败了,至少不会失去家人和朋友。 www.bing.com 4. Soft volleyball is a new sports. It has the characteristics of a small soft ball pressure, light weight, simple rules. 软式排球运动是一项新兴的体育项目,它具有球体柔软气压小,重量轻,规则简单易行的特点。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. And with NKS, I had a paradigm for understanding how all sorts of complexity could arise from simple rules. 有了NKS,我就有了一个理解各种复杂事物如何产生于简单规则的范式。 www.bing.com 6. These simple rules allow you to dip into any number of namespaces with no need to worry about name collisions. 有了这些简单的规则,便可以使用任意数量的名称空间,而不必担心名称冲突。 www.ibm.com 7. Finally, we walk through the complete process that you follow to create your own rules by implementing simple rules from the group. 最后,我们带领您通过执行简单的规则创建了您自己的规则。 www.ibm.com 8. It's really not too difficult to be a good guest if you follow a few simple rules. 如果你能遵循几个简单的原则,要成为一个好客人实在不难。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Instead, they're each paying close attention to the pigeons next to them, each bird following simple rules as they wheel across the sky. 相反,它们任何一个都对其身边的鸽子保持着细心的注意,每只鸽子在空中盘旋时也遵循着简单的法则。 www.ecocn.org 10. Remember the five simple rules to be happy: Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less. 通往幸福的五条简单法则:释放心中憎恨;不要过分忧虑;活得随意点;付出多一些;期待少一点。 www.shenyangsoso.com 1. To attract more simple rules of the activity of the user participation, the greatest degree increase brand exposure rate. 活动规则简单才能吸引更多的用户参与,最大程度上提高品牌曝光率。 www.82g.com.cn 2. Such simple rules, called heuristics, can be transformed into simple mathematical formulas fit for computer models. 这种叫“试探法”的简单定律,可以转化成简单,并且适合电脑模型的数学方程式。 www.bing.com 3. Great teams simplify. We found that the best teams live by sets of simple rules and hold each member accountable for honoring those rules. 我们发现,最好的团队会以一些简单的规则为行动准绳,并让团队成员对履行这些规则担负各自的责任。 news.cnblogs.com 4. It equips you with a very small set of simple rules to start off. 只需了解很小的一套简单规则,你就可以“盛装出发”了。 www.infoq.com 5. Woodworking can be a safe and enjoyable hobby or vocation, IF you follow some very basic and simple rules. 如果你遵从一些基本简单的规则,木工会是一项安全而又享受的业余爱好,也是一项好工作。 www.hjenglish.com 6. You just need to follow a few simple rules, all of which are shown in this example from Squidoo. 您只需要遵循一些简单的规则,在Squidoo这个例子中,都可以看到。 www.elanso.com 7. What we see in Ruby is not a "foolish consistency" nor a rigid adherence to a set of simple rules. 我们在Ruby里看到的不是一种“愚蠢的一致性”,也不是一系列简单规则的刻意坚持。 www.infoq.com 8. However, following a few simple rules when you are eating out will make it possible to stick to a healthy diet. 不过,当你外出就餐时,以下几个简单的规则,将使你得有可能达到健康饮食的习惯。 www.bing.com 9. As I say, it's just those three simple rules, plus the one about watch out for predators. 正如我之前所说,只是由三条简单的规则,加上一条关于捕食者的。 www.ted.com 10. Very simple rules, the player control of the small screen beneath bees, for the purpose of saving the bug eradication of all clean. 规则相当简单,玩家控制画面下方的小蜜蜂,目的是将上方的飞虫全部消灭干净。 4455.cc 1. It's not too hard to speak or write plainly if you follow a few simple rules. 只要遵循几条简单的规则,做到通俗易懂地表达并不太难。 www.elanso.com 2. They regularly subject these simple rules to profitability tests and only keep those rules that keep their profits at reasonable levels. 他们会定期用盈利能力分析,来检验这些简单的法则,并且只保留那些能维持合理利润的法则。 www.ftchinese.com 3. When confronted with such uncertainty about the intrinsic value of things, consumers use simple rules of thumb that they understand. 当消费者对事物的内在价值如此不确定时,就会用他们了解的、简单的经验法则。 www.ftchinese.com 4. In practicing "management by walking around, " he devised what became known as his 11 simple rules. 在实践“走动式管理”的过程中,他发明了众所周知的11条简单规则。 www.bing.com 5. Way before Michael Pollan wrote about his simple rules for eating healthy, the Okinawans had this down. 早在迈克尔.普兰写他的健康饮食之简单法则前,冲绳岛的居民就已经在这么做了。 www.bing.com 6. That's how swarm intelligence works: simple creatures following simple rules, each one acting on local information. 这就是“群体智慧”的工作原理:简单的生物群遵循简单的法则,每个单个生物都根据局部信息执行工作。 www.ecocn.org 7. Of course I remember. Why do you think I came up with the eight simple rules? 我当然记得。不然你觉得我怎么会想出这八条简单规矩呢? www.joyen.net 8. Remember the five simple rules to be happy: Free your heart from hatred. Expectless——通往幸福的五条简单法则:释放心中的憎恨; www.qzhlove.com 9. The intent is to show how you can combine simple rules into more complex structures expressing a robust business process. 目的在于展示如何将简单的规则整合到复杂的结构中,实现健壮的业务流程。 www.ibm.com 10. The sophisticated design of the game, will play on the simple rules of the game were deeply attracted! 该游戏设计精巧,规则简单会使玩上此游戏的人被深深吸引住! www.fishjava.com 1. In isolation there was nothing special about these simple rules for entry. 这个简单的进场原则没有特别的地方。 www.56.cx 2. The increased processing and database access reduces performance as compared to simple rules. 与简单规则相比,复杂规则因为处理和数据库访问增加而使性能下降。 www.ibm.com 3. A few simple rules will keep you, not from all error, but from silly error. 下面提供的几项简单原则,虽然不能保证你不犯任何错误,却可以保证你避免一些可笑的错误。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Follow a few simple rules and watch the offers come rolling in. 做到以上简单的几条规则,你就等着聘书源源不断吧! www.bing.com 5. No matter whether you use geometry, trigonometry or calculus, you use the simple rules of arithmetic. 无论你使用几何学,三角形学或者微积分法,你都用到了简单的算术方法。 dict.kekenet.com 6. Since they cannot see the whole picture, they use simple rules ( "rules of thumb" ) and partial information to guide their decisions. 既然不能纵观全局,他们便只能运用简单的法则(“经验法则”)和片面的信息来指导决策。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Instead, companies must keep reinforcing simple rules of thumb that can be applied in the most complex situations. 相反,企业必须不断强化可以适用于最复杂情形的简单经验法则。 www.ftchinese.com 8. he game has simple rules of play and is strategically far less complex than the related game of GO. 这个游戏规则简单,在技巧上也比其他类似的游戏更简单。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Which is why, over the years, I've developed a few simple rules to invest by. 这就是为什么我总结了一些简单的规则,并根据这些规则进行投资。 www.bing.com 10. Under these simple rules, let us create a Person p and an Address a instance and store them. 在这些简单的规则下,让我们创建一个Personp和一个Addressa实例并存储它们。 www.ibm.com 1. But the whole chemistry of colors is not more complicated than those few simple rules. 不过,色彩的所有变化再复杂,也超越不了那几条简单的定则。 www.bing.com 2. These two simple rules suffice to add all the information that's missing from the model. 这两条简单的规则足以将模型中省略的所有信息加上。 www.ibm.com 3. These are the plain and simple rules of living in love and trust and caring, by whatever name they are given in any of the various faiths. 这是活在爱,信任和关怀之中非常简单明了的规则,无论在任何信仰中被冠以任何名义。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Very simple rules : Now phase, composed of 'three', the other side can void the son son (after the son will be removed). 规则很简单:下子阶段,组成’三‘时,可把对方的子变为无效子(下完后该子会被去掉)。 5. Beyond a few simple rules, you have flexibility in designing your XML elements and attributes. 除了一些简单的规则之外,您可以随意设计XML元素和属性。 www.ibm.com 6. Like P: : RD, those grammars use simple rules to do lexing, and then use more complex rules to parse the lexed input. 类似于P::RD,那些语法使用简单的规则来进行词法分析,然后使用更复杂的规则来解析经过词法分析后的输入内容。 www.ibm.com 7. So, Mister Pollan suggests three simple rules: Eat Food. Not too Much. 所以,波伦先生提出了三个简单的规则:吃食物、不要吃太多、多吃素。 www.bing.com 8. They all knew each other and the judges and were accepting of local variations to the fairly simple rules which existed. 运动员们彼此还有和裁判都很熟悉,而且他们也接受当时简单规则在当地的种种变化。 www.24en.com 9. Mr. FISHER: When fish and birds are doing it, they're just following three very simple rules. Fisher先生:鱼和鸟类那样做的时候只是在遵循三个非常简单的规则。 www.bing.com 10. That said, these simple rules put you on the right track for developing high-performing DB2 applications. 但是,这些简单的规则可以使您进入开发高性能DB2应用程序的正轨。 www.ibm.com 1. Note that these are simple rules of thumb -- rules that, when followed consistently, result in diagrams that are easier to read. 请注意,这些是简单的经验法则--只要始终遵循这些法则,产生的图将很容易理解。 www.ibm.com 2. There are three simple rules for making a smooth landing. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are. 要做出好的降落有三个原则。但很不幸地,没人知道是哪三个。 wenku.baidu.com 3. A spiritual teacher has simple rules in life: obey, serve, love and excel. It is a direct route. 一个精神导师在生活中拥有很简单的守则:服从,服务,爱和精炼。这是很直接的道路。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Use simple rules for a complex world. 用简单的规则来应对复杂的世界。 www.ftchinese.com 5. If you learn the two simple rules explained here, you'll rarely go wrong. 如果你学会了这里所讲解的两个简单规则,将很少会出错。 www.bing.com 6. Were these simple rules already in place, how might they be operating? 倘若这些简单的规定已经就位,那么它们会如何运作呢? www.ftchinese.com 7. Using these simple rules, you can easily make the income in your city much higher than it was before. 使用这些简单的规则,你可以轻松地在你的城市的收入高得多的比以前。 www.simcity.cn 8. businesses can plan to get maximum benefit from their advertising by following some simple rules of thumb. 商家只要遵循一些简单的经验法则就可获得最大的收益。 www.jukuu.com 9. It relies instead upon countless interactions between individual ants, each of which is following simple rules of thumb. 相反,这些全部依赖的是个体蚂蚁之间无数次的相互影响的作用,即每个蚂蚁都遵循着简单的经验准则。 www.ecocn.org 10. Therefore want to protect their own safety, we comply with the minimum required, the most simple rules and order. 所以要保护自己的生命安全,需要大家遵守最起码、最简单的规则和秩序。 www.bing.com 1. Her remedies are simple: rules and diversions. 她的治疗方法很简单:管理和娱乐。 www.bing.com 2. Here are ten simple rules to writing an effective resume. 这里有十条可以让你的简历变得有效率的方法。 www.bing.com 3. Here are some simple rules for eating sushi: don't soak it in too much soy sauce. The rice falls apart and the taste of soy will dominate. 不要将它浸透在很多酱油调味汁中。稻米会散开并沾染上酱油的味道。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Wired: Simple rules lead to complexity in play; extremely fun and addictive. 《连线》:简单的规则引出复杂的玩法,让你玩到不亦乐乎。 dongxi.net 5. Here are some simple rules to review that will keep your horse out of trouble. 回顾这里的一些简单的做法将让你的马远离麻烦。 www.chinahorse.org 6. 4 Simple Rules for Balancing Life & Work. . . 平衡工作和生活的四个简单准则 www.bing.com 7. Very simple rules, as long as the same card can eliminate the mahjong, you need to look at how long? 规则相当简单,只要将相同牌面的麻将消去即可,看看你需要多长时间呢? 4455.cc 8. What makes a good employee There are ten simple rules that will make you beloved of bosses fellow workers and customers alike: 1. 如何成为一名好雇员以下10条简单准则能够帮助你赢得上司、同事、甚至是客户的喜爱:1。要守时。 www.doc88.com 9. They allow us to make decisions based on very little information and using simple rules. 它们允许我们在极少信息的基础上运用简单原则就做出决定。 www.zftrans.com 10. No way! Prepositions in English are too irregular for simple rules. You just have to memorize them. I'm still working on them myself. 那不行了!英语介词太多样了,没有简单的规律。你只需要死记硬背就可以了。我自己也要多学学呢。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Of course, there are some simple rules to follow: don't walk on farmland, and keep away from livestock. 当然,也有一些简单的规则如下:不要走在农田,并远离牲口。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The model is based on the development of rice tillers, using just some simple rules as the growth iteration principles. 该模型是基于对水稻分蘖生长的描述而建立,利用了一些简单的规则作为水稻生长模型的迭代原则。 www.juhe8.com 3. There are just three simple rules. 只有三条简单的规则。 www.ted.com 4. The good news, though, is that there are three simple rules to safe pleasing. 但好消息是,安全的取悦只需要遵守三条简单的原则。 www.ftchinese.com 5. There are no simple rules. 没有简单易行的办法。 www.bing.com 6. Here are some simple rules to follow that can save you a world of trouble when communicating with colleagues and partners. 遵循以下一些简单原则,可在与同事及合作伙伴沟通时拯救你的麻烦世界。 www.bing.com 7. Here are some simple rules for Bible reading. 这里有几个简单读圣经的方法 www.zftrans.com 8. And they can teach them several simple rules to keep them safe. 他们可以教孩子几个简单的规则,以保证孩子的安全。 www.bing.com 9. But , there are some simple rules you should follow about taking a nap . 然而,你也需要遵守一些简单的午休要求。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Once these simple rules are in place, apply a simple check to work out the matches 准备好这些简单规则后,应用一个简单检查来计算出匹配 www.ibm.com 1. These problems can be avoided by obeying a few simple rules 遵守一些简单的规则,可以避免这些问题 www-128.ibm.com 2. Simple Rules Generating Complex Behavior: Econophysics 复杂行为的简单规则:经济物理学 cn1.myoops.org 3. Undesirable control phenomena are defined and simple rules to avoid them are proposed 定义不良控制现象和提出避免它们的简单措施。 bbs.e5zj.com 4. Some simple rules for a safe and successful night of clubbing are as follows 以下是一些使你有一个安全、开心的夜总会之夜的简单规则。 www.bing.com 5. Simple Rules For Determining Nuclear Stability and Type of Radioactive Decay 确定核素稳定性和衰变类型的简单规则 service.ilib.cn 6. The results of following these simple rules are numerous and almost immediate 遵循上诉法则的结果很巨大,而且几乎马上见效 www.bing.com 7. Note: before you work these problems, remember these simple rules 在你处理这些问题之前,请记住这些规则 www.cnfig.org 8. There are two simple rules with no filters, as shown in Figure 2 使用了两个简单的规则,没有使用过滤器,如图2所示。 www.ibm.com 9. Two simple rules for overlapping iterations 重叠迭代的两个简单规则 www.ibm.com 10. Simple rules for multiplying decimals 小数乘法的简单法则 www.crazyenglish.org 1. Answer: You can't actually have safe casual sex, but you can make your one night stand safer by following a few simple rules: 答案:不可能有真正安全的艳遇,但是遵守以下一些简单的原则可以让你的露水姻缘减少风险。 www.bing.com 2. Remember these five simple rules for being happy 请牢记以下五个快乐的小秘诀 sm2000.org 3. Masonry - Part 2: Unreinforced masonry design by simple rules 砖石工程。第2部分:根据普通规则设计的未增强的砖石工程 www.std168.com 4. if people are less greedy, simple rules areeasier to design 如果人们贪婪之心稍弱,简单规则就更容易设计 www.bing.com 5. There are two simple rules for converting between files in 中的变量有两个简单的规则 www-128.ibm.com 6. Simple rules for creating an HLD 创建HLD的简单规则 www.ibm.com 7. Simple rules for doing my son 上我儿子的八条规定 dmsj.51maimai.net 8. 8 Simple Rules for Dating My Daughter 和我女儿约会的八条简单规矩 www.joyen.net 9. 5 Simple Rules to Beat Hunger 5个让你不饿的简单规则 www.englishcn.com 10. Here are some simple rules fordrinking and running: 这儿有一些简单的规则: www.bing.com |
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