单词 | small village | ||||||||||
释义 | small village
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 小村,小村子,小村庄 1. Once upon a time, there was an old man living in a small village. 从前,在一个小村庄里住着一位老人。 dict.bioon.com 2. Five days ago, the policeman told him, the bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred miles away. 警察告诉他五天前有人在离此四百英里的一个小村子里捡到这辆车。 www.netfm.com.cn 3. The idea was that anyone could do it, whether they were in a small village in France or a city like Sydney. 其实每个人都能做到这件事,无论你在法国的一个小乡村还是在像悉尼这样的大城市。 www.ebigear.com 4. It was for this reason that her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village. 这就是她的叔叔离开纽约,搬到一个小山村住下来的原因。 www.qiewo.com 5. The hunt for the puma began in a small village, a woman picking blackberries when she saw "a large cat" only five yards away from her, . 搜寻美洲狮的工作是从一个小山村开始的,那里的一位妇女在采摘黑蓝莓时看见“一只大猫”,离她只有五码远。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 6. It is for this reason that your uncle moved out of here and settled down in a small village. 正是由于这个原因,你叔叔搬离这儿,在一个小村庄定居下来。 www.moko100.com 7. In France, there has not been a black mayor elected since 1989, when a mayor of Togolese origin was elected in a small village in Brittany. 相比之下,法国只在1989年在布列塔尼的一个小村庄选举时出现过一位多哥裔市长。 www.bing.com 8. It was a very small village -- a weekly bazaar where people, just once in a week, they put in all the vats. 那是一个很小的村子每周有集市在这一周一次的集市上人们会把东西都放到大染缸里。 www.ted.com 9. Dubai City was just a small village until Dubai, along with Abu Dhabi and four other emirates , formed the United Arab Emirates in 1971. 杜拜过去只是一个小村子,直到1971年阿布达比和另外四个酋长成立了阿拉伯联合酋长国之后,这里才成为了一个城市。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. He was living in a small village out in the country but would come to visit her in the city when he could afford to. 他住在城外的一个小村,当他能付得起车费的时候还能够去城里看她。 www.loveunix.net 1. The road was the only access into and out of the small village. 这条路是进出这个小村子的唯一通道。 www.tingroom.com 2. In a small village, a woman picking blackberries saw 'a large cat' only five yards away from her. 在一个小村子里,有位采草莓的妇女曾看到一只“大山猫”离她只有五码远。 www.b2b99.com 3. Berg, born in a small village in Cameroon, grew up in Senegal and is now running the technology for ChildCount . Berg出生于喀麦隆的一个小村庄,在塞内加尔长大,现在负责ChildCount 技术。 www.bing.com 4. A family move to a small village and a bit of a storm ensues when the mum falls into a lesbian relationship with a villager. 一个刚搬到小村庄的家庭和接连而来的因为妈妈陷入一段与当地人的同性恋而带来的风暴。 www.internet.org.cn 5. Five days ago, the policeman told him, the bicycle was picked up in a small village 400 miles away. 五天前,警察对他说,自行车在离这里400英里的小镇被拣到了。 netgamezone.spaces.live.com 6. I had to live in a small village with the other actors for part of the winter, It was really hard for me as I grew up in a city. 我在最新拍的一部影片中扮演一名乡村姑娘,那时是冬天,我必须和其他演员同住在一个小村庄里。 www.wentidaquan.com 7. Once upon a time there lived an old shoemakerin a small village. The shoemakerwas known all over the village as "Old Harry" 从前在一个小村子里住着一个老鞋匠,这村子里的人都叫这个老鞋匠“哈利老伯”。 ced.xxjy.cn 8. He knew it would not proved difficult in such a small village. 他知道在这一个小村庄里抓住小偷并不困难。 bb.iyaya.com 9. This is the home for twenty years of my life - a small village, she was beautiful and dignified, her simple but minimalist. 这就是我生活了二十年的家乡——一个小村庄,她美丽而又端庄,她朴实而又无华。 www.bing.com 10. The Huangbaiyu project sought to transform a small village in northeast China's Liaoning province into a more energy-efficient community. 黄柏裕项目试图将中国东北的一个小村庄改造成一个更节能的社区。 www.bing.com 1. The author was brought up in a small village, as (which) is recounted in some of his stories. 作者是在一个小村庄里长大的,这个问题在他的一些小说了就被提到过。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 2. These kids were used to live in a small village. It took them almost a year to get used to living in a large city. 这些孩子熟悉小村庄的生活,他们差不多用了一年的时间才习惯了大城市的生活。 www.jukuu.com 3. The exploring party finally reached the small village where the site of an ancient city had been found. 探险队终于到达了曾经过一座古城遗址的小村庄。 yingxie.99927.com 4. Two weeks passed, but the small village was still surrounded by the enemy soldiers. 两个星期过去了,那个小村庄仍然被敌人的士兵包围着。 beike.dangzhi.com 5. The bus took about two and a half hours from Xi'an before finally leaving us at a small village at the foot (6) of the great mountain. 我们从西安出发,乘坐了两个半钟头的汽车才到达这座名山脚下的一个小村庄。 big5.china.com 6. A typical day would involve driving off-road to a small village and setting up the battery-driven equipment on a hot, dusty hillside. 典型的一天是这么开始的:驱车到外面的小村子,在炎热的小山上组装好电池驱动的装备。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. After walking two or three hours they found themselves in a small village. 走了两三个小时后,他们来到一个小村庄 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Two years into his presidency and Obama has decided to pay that small village a visit. 进入他的总统任期的第二年,奧巴馬决定前往那个小村子里看一看。 www.bing.com 9. With television, like our entire earth is like a small village is same, like the book, we live in a global village ". " 有了电视,好像我们的整个地球就象一个很小的村庄一样,就象书上说的,我们生活在“地球村”中。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. In the small village with 38 households, the only three families named Zha have been joined by marriage into a big family. 在塔川这个只有38户人家的小村里,仅有的3户查姓人家通过联姻成为了一大家子人。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. She was in a small village, part of a team returning abducted girls to their parents. 当时她在一个小村庄,是负责将被拐少女送回父母身边的团队成员。 www.bing.com 2. Residents of a small village in the UK have been forced to cover their car side mirrors after they were hit by wagtails. 日前,由于受小鸟鹡鸰侵扰,英国一村庄居民只好把爱车的后视镜包裹得严严实实。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. At 5: 20 pm we were discussing if we stay in a small village or make it to the next city 24 km away, with a mountain in between. 下午5点20我们谈论了一番,是留宿在一个小村子里,还是继续前行24公里,翻越一座大山,到下一个城市去住宿。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. To the early years of the Qing Dynasty, the present urban Chengde was called Rehe Shangying-a small village of some dozens of households. 直到清朝初年,现承德市区所在地仍只是个仅有几十户人家的小村落,叫热河上营。 www.hygmc.com 5. His father is a black person who grew up in a small village in Kenya. 他的黑人父亲成长于肯尼亚的一个小村庄。 hi.baidu.com 6. The fragrance of these flowers in the small village filled the air, trees, fields, small farm yard. 这些花的香气在整个小山村弥漫,树下,田野里,农家小院子里。 www.tradeask.com 7. Life in the small village is too primitive for me; if you want water you have to pump it up from a well. 对我来说于小村庄中生活太原始了;想要水要到井中抽取。 wenwen.soso.com 8. The small village was surrounded by the enemy. (被动语态)小村庄被敌人包围了。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. The farmers in the small village slouch about at street corner all day. 这个小村望而却步的农民整天在街角慵散地走动着。 dict.ebigear.com 10. Taking viewers to the jungles of Cambodia, Ghosts of The Killing Fields tells the story of a small village haunted by supernatural spirits. “柬埔寨鬼村”单元将带观众深入柬埔寨丛林,介绍一个为超自然幽灵笼罩的小村落。 learning.sohu.com 1. Trees of pepper, parsley and basil complete the scene, in the distance, a small village made of cheese. 胡椒树、荷兰芹以及罗勒组成了风景。而在远处则是由起士做成的村庄。 www.slideshare.net 2. At the stately white spires of a small village tucked five miles off the highway. 据高速公路8公里外的地方,能隐约看见某个小镇的白色塔尖。 www.bing.com 3. The bicycle was picked up in a small village. 那辆自行车是在一个小村子里发现的。(意外地找到) www.hjenglish.com 4. It is difficult for those who have never been the small village to describe its beauty. 那些未曾去过那个小村庄的人很难描绘出它的美丽。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Yes. My parents still live well and always comfort and support me, but they can only live far away from me in a small village. 诚然,父母都生活得很好,也总在安慰和支持着我,但他们住在远离我的一个小村庄。 www.zgwxbbs.com 6. The original Great Wall powder magazine is a small village at present. The sisters' ancestors have been the builders of Great Wall. 原长城火药库现是一个小村庄姐妹们的祖先者是修筑长城的。 dict.veduchina.com 7. The poor girl from a small village was deeply impressed by the large quantities of food in the big city. 大城市里大量丰富的食品给这个来自小山村的穷苦的女孩留下了深刻的印象。 www.5ykj.com 8. You are working for an institute that gives aid to the poor in a small village. 你在一个给小村庄里的穷人提供帮助的机构工作。 www.e-l-e.net.cn 9. Sha Sha lived with her papa, mama and granny in a small village. They led a happy life. 莎莎和爸爸、妈妈、奶奶生活在一个小山村里,日子过得很快活。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. His hometown is a small village called Xiao Pu Ze, situated about one and a half hour away by car from the capital Kunming. 他的家乡,是落在离开云南的首都昆明市,约一个半小时车程,名叫小堡子的一个乡村。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. e. g. The place has rapidly developed from a small village into a town. 这个小村庄已经很快发展成一个城镇。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Playing pool outdoors in a small village in Hubei province was a unique experience for me. 在湖北省的一个小乡村里,在户外打台球,对我来说是一次独特的经历。 dfsc.cn 3. As for water, there was plenty of it in my small village. 至于水,我的故乡小村却大大地有。 www.bing.com 4. My hometown in a small village that was a Shanjingshuixiu, picturesque places throughout the year. 我的家乡在一个小山村,那是一个山青水秀,一年四季风景如画的地方。 hi.baidu.com 5. Secco was born in the Electronic Waste Age in Wasteland, in a small village in a valley between the Rubber Hills. 赛科是出生于电子废物的年龄在荒地,在一个小村庄,在山谷之间的橡胶山丘。 space.yoka.com 6. And hundreds of residents in this small village in Serbia turned out to have a crack at the annual Easter contest. 在塞尔维亚一小村庄,数百名村民参加了一年一度的复活节碰鸡蛋比赛。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. A new military forces in shanty to the east at Hu Wa Lane 3 about a small village between the two places are separated by a river. 新一军军部设在位于胡家窝棚以东3华里左右的一个小村庄里,两地之间有一条小河相隔。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The past is only their to buji "ning sura between a small village, now it has become prosperous tourist resort. " 过去只是巴塘至布吉伯宁苏拉之间的一个小村子,现在已经成为繁华的旅游胜地。 en.cnxianzai.com 9. After his failure in the election campaign, Dr. Smith retired to a small village, where he tried his hand at farming. 大选失败之后,史密斯博士隐退到一个小村庄,在那里尝试工作。 wenku.baidu.com 10. There was a beautiful small village by the riverside on the foot of the hill of south town. 城南山脚下的那河边有个风景秀丽的小村庄。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Finally, the boy still went out of this small village to a big city to put his thoughts into practice. 最后,男孩仍然走出了这个小村庄去了一个大城市,把他的想法付诸实践。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. I grew up in a small village in the country. 我生长在乡下的一个小村落。 www.twis.cn 3. At this time we are focusing on supporting the children and parents in our small village community. 在这个时期,让我们的小乡村社区里的父母和孩子得到支持,是我们的工作重心。 www.bing.com 4. Juan lives with his parents, four younger brothers and two younger sisters in a small village outside Merida in Mexico. Juan同父母、四个弟弟及两个妹妹一起住在墨西哥梅里达外的一个小村镇里。 www.who.int 5. She grow up in a small village. 她在一个小村庄里长大的。 qxmylt.cn 6. My childhood was full of Chongqing, a lush bamboo, a small village surrounded by mountains spent. 我的幼年是在重庆的一个长满了郁郁葱葱的竹子、四面环山的小村庄度过的。 enwaimao.cn 7. It was for this reason that his uncle moved from New York to a small village. 就是因为这个原因他的叔叔从纽约搬到了一个小村庄。 tieba.baidu.com 8. The bus next stops outside a small village that appears to have the single purpose of feeding bus loads of tourists. 接下来车子停在了一个小村庄,似乎这村庄唯一的目的就是喂一车车的游客。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. IKEA was started by entrepreneur Ingvar Kamprad in 1943 when he was just 17 in the small village of Agunnaryd in Sweden. 宜家由其创始人英格瓦坎普拉德在1943年,当他只有17岁时在瑞典阿根娜瑞德的一个小村庄创办。 www.bing.com 10. A stone tool for food processing in the small village, at the foot of the Great Wall. 中的一个小村庄的食品加工石器工具,在长城脚下。 kakanow.com 1. Chronologically, during the first 15 years from 1868 to 1883, Chorleywood was merely a very small village with one main road to its west. 从年代的变迁来看,从1868-1883的15年里,Chorleywood仅仅是一个很小的村庄,西面有一条主路。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. 在离开法国南部的一个小村庄后,我继续驶往下一个城镇。 ts.hjenglish.com 3. There were several houses in the small village and he could talk with nobody when night fell. 小村庄里有几户人家,夜幕降临时他无人交谈,无法看电视,也没有电影院。 wenwen.xdnice.com 4. We arrived at a small village with a beautiful neighbourhood. 我们来到了一个环境优美的小山村。 www.qd62.qdedu.net 5. They have changed their small village into a beautiful modern town. 他们已经把他们的小村庄变成了一座漂亮的现代化城镇。 www.cnread.net 6. The boats travel approximately 25 km. down the river, then turn back to dock at the small village of Yangdi. 船顺河而下走了大约25公里,然后停到了一个叫杨堤村的码头。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. In a small village not far away from the town, there lived only couples of farmer's families. 在距小镇不远处有一个小村庄,村里仅有几十户农民。 bulo.hjenglish.com 8. The sun having set, we arrived at a small village. 太阳下山后,我们抵达一个小村庄。 9. A farmer who lived in a small village suffered from a severe pain in his chest. But it never seemed to get any better. 有一个住在小乡村的农民,他的胸口很痛,而且从未见有什么起色。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. What a good idea! In a little while they were flying across a small village. 这个办法真不错,不一会,他们飞过了一个小村子(管庄村)! blog.sina.com.cn 1. The rebels captured a small village south of Sebha on Monday. The fall of Sebha, one of Col. 反抗武装于周一占领了赛卜哈(Sebha)南部的一个小村庄。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Tom found the girl walking in the direction of the small village. 汤姆发现那个女孩朝那个小村庄走去。 www.5ykj.com 3. It was a lovely small village. There were many shops in the village, but all the things were very expensive. 这是个可爱的小村庄,那里有许多商店,但所卖的东西都非常贵。 r-and-k.travellerspoint.com 4. A family with red door in the small village at the foot of the Great Wall. 一个在长城脚下的家庭与红色大门的小村庄。 kakanow.com 5. When a young man from a small village in China studies hard and becomes a doctor of biochemistry in the US it's the American dream. 一位来自中国小山村的年轻人通过刻苦学习,后留美成为生物化学博士。这成就了一个美国梦。 ts.hjenglish.com 6. Imagine a small village in pre-industrial times, with a shared area of grassy land. 想象一个工业前时期的小村庄,其中有一个共用的草地。 www.ibm.com 7. Devi, from a small village in India, gave birth to a baby girl who weighed just over 3 pounds by Caesarean section in November. Devi来自印度的一个小村庄,在年11月通过剖腹产生下一个只有3磅多重的女婴。 www.bing.com 8. The boys arrived at a small village before the sun went down. 在太阳落山之前,男孩们到达了一个小村庄。 9. A time, this story happened in a small village. 很久以前,这个故事发生在一个小村庄。 resource.ahedu.cn 10. Bruce comes from a small village, not far from Sydney, Australia. 布鲁斯来自澳大利亚悉尼附近的一个小村庄。 www.xiaolaoshi.com 1. Five days ago , the policeman said , they found his bike in a small village four hundred miles away. 五天前,警察说,他们在一个小村庄发现了他的自行车外四百英里。 wenwen.soso.com 2. This group photo was taken in Gansu Province, Xiahe County, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, a small village. 这组照片拍摄于甘肃省甘南藏族自治州夏河县的一个小村庄。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. My hometown is in shrimp along a small village island - double mountain village. 我的家乡在虾峙岛的一个小村庄——双山村。 www.bannei.com 4. It is the junction of Shanghai and Jiangsu small village, walk into the quiet sanctuary of the countryside like. 那是上海和江苏交界的小乡村,漫步在静静的乡间仿佛步入世外桃源。 enwaimao.cn 5. They arrived at a small village, they were very tired and (51), but they had no food or money. 他们到了一个小山庄,他们很累并且很(51),但是他们没有粮食也没有钱。 www.qqszc.com 6. Tracy has always lived in a small village. She feels like a fish out of water in this city. 一直住在小村子里,来到这个城市她感到不自在。 bazaari.bokee.com 7. There lived an old tailor in a small village. 有位老裁缝住在小村庄里。 www.soenglish.com.cn 8. But now it has been developing and becoming a prosperous and beautiful seaside city from an unknown small village. 它从一个不为人知的小村落发展到今天繁荣美丽的滨海城市。 www.sycb.com.cn 9. Between the two hills was a small village. 这两座山之间有一个小村庄。 www.hxen.com 10. It was once a forgotten world, a small village and its bell tower. 小钟这曾经是一个被遗忘的世界,一个小村庄和钟楼。 my.chinese.cn 1. A train was robbed near a small village and two mail-bags of money were stolen. 一列火车被劫去附近一个小村庄和两个邮件袋的钱被偷走。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Shu's existence was unknown until an archaeological discovery in 1986 at a small village named Sanxingdui in Guanghan County. 直到1986年在广汉县一个叫三星堆小村子里的考古发现之前,蜀国的存在并不为人所知。 www.tdict.com 3. Who are spending their holidays in a small village by the sea. 正在靠海边的一个小村庄度假的那些人。 www.xiaolaoshi.com 4. She's from a small village in Belgium and gay marriage is recognised over there [as opposed to civil partnership]. 她来自比利时的一个小村庄,在哪里同性婚姻是被认可的(与民事伴侣关系恰恰相反)。 www.bing.com 5. IN A small village north-west of Bangalore, peasants queue for identities. 班加罗尔西北部的一个小村庄里,农民排队进行身份识别。 www.ecocn.org 6. Lotta Nilsson lives in southern Sweden. In 1999, her small village became the site of one of Sweden's new wind farms. 洛塔。尼尔森生活在瑞典南部。1999年,她的小村庄成为瑞典新的风力发电场的基地之一。 www.yappr.cn 7. Today, almost deaf, this "short marcher" lives in a small house in a small village in Li Cun. 如今,这位几乎已经聋了的“短征者”住在黎村镇一个小村的小屋里。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. Jonesie The Great Lion Hunter A small village was troubled by a man-eating lion. 伟大的猎手Jonesie有个小村庄正为一只吃人的狮子而懊恼。 www.dj922.com 9. Family hotel in the center of a small village near to bruges and the coast. 家庭酒店,在该中心的一个小村庄附近的布鲁日和海岸。有一个餐厅,充满氛围和接待室,为最多400人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. I love the small village, the small village of my childhood love time! 我爱小村,我爱小村的童年时光! www.bing.com 1. With a boy leading the way they arrived at the small village. 由一个男孩带路他们到达了那个小村庄。 www.bdez.cn 2. The young couple both consider that a small village by the sea will be a nice place. 这对年轻人都认为海滨小村会是个好地方。 www.ahyxzx.net 3. My home is located in a small village, although not rich, but we always live a happy life. 我的家坐落在一座小村庄里,虽然并不富裕,但我们一直过着幸福快乐的生活。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. There is a poor man in a small village. He has an orange tree in his garden. On the tree there are many fine oranges. 有一个穷人,在一个小村庄,。他有一个橙子园在他的园子里在那棵树有许多优良的桔子。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The old couple moved to this small village as the other people did. 夫妇两人也向其他人一样搬去了那个村子。 wenwen.soso.com 6. I read that the life expectancy of people in a small village near the Blue Mountains is up to 88. That's really high! 我看到报道说蓝山附近一个小村庄的人平均寿命达到88岁。真是高寿。 www.hxen.com 7. The "paved" road passing through a small village. 上山的路,穿过小村庄。 www.mayascafe.com 8. All the old in this small village were hard to meet their children. 所有住在那个村子的老人都非常难见到他们的孩子。 wenwen.soso.com 9. The population of the small village increased fast in recent years. 近几年来这个村子的人口增长很快。 test.2u4u.com.cn 10. Cheese houses, awnings and baskets of macaroni, grains and vegetables form this small village set. 起士房子、通心粉雨棚和篮子、谷物和蔬菜形成了这个小村庄。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 1. Their ordinary and simple stories form yet another beautiful view in the small village. 他们那些平凡而简单的故事是这个小村里另一道美丽的风景。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. At 1700 the seventh of June the Royal Ulster Rifles was ordered to move up towards Cambes, a small village about ten kilometres inland. 六月七日下午五点,第二皇家阿尔斯特营又接到命令朝深入内陆大约十公里的一个小村庄——Cambes前进。 www.langmanzg.com 3. Two men who lived in a small village got into a terrible dispute that they could not resolve. 两个住在小村庄里的人陷入了一场激烈的争论而无法解决。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. How a small village can be so busy? 偏远的小山村怎么可能车水马龙呢? wenwen.soso.com 5. I was so tired that I determined to find a place in this small village to stay in. 我太累了,决定在这个小村子里找个地方住下来。 www.nhyz.org 6. I used to live in a small village near the ocean. 我曾住在靠海的一个小村庄里。 www.8875.org 7. I'll close with the inspiring example of Matukar, a language spoken in a small village in Papua New Guinea. 就让我以一种巴布亚新几内亚部落的Matukar语为例来结束这次采访吧。 www.ecocn.org 8. The daughter of shopkeepers, she hails from a small village in the western province of Guizhou. 她是一个店主的女儿,来自西部地区贵州省的一个小村庄。 www.bing.com 9. Our friends from PIQUE llc shared with us this house located outside the small village of Mormont in the Ardennes Forest of Belgium. 从我们的朋友皮克公司分享我们与比利时阿登森林位于这所房子外面的小莫尔蒙在村。 www.dndci.com 10. Yesterday, I hitchhiked my way to a small village several miles away from London. 昨天,我一路搭乘便车去离伦敦几英里外的一个小镇。 cnoug.zahui.net 1. Many years ago three soldiers, hungry and weary of battle, came upon a small village. 很多年前,有三个士兵,他们从战场回来既饥饿又疲倦,这时他们来到了一个小村庄。 www.bing.com 2. My hometown is a small village close to the ocean. 我的家乡是在一个靠近海的小村庄。 www.ebigear.com 3. The newly built power station brings brightness to the small village. 新建成的电站给这个小村庄带来了一片光明。 www.unls.cn 4. He used to live in a small village with green trees around and fresh air? 他过去是生活在一个绿树环绕,空气清新的小村庄吗? wenku.baidu.com 5. My home, near a small village in Austria, is a one-room cottage in a forest. 我住在森林中的一个单间小木屋里,那儿挨近奥地利的一个小村庄。 www.elanso.com 6. In a small village , everyone knows everyone else . 在小村子里,人人都互相认识。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Where was he born? He was born in a small village in Shandong Province. 他是哪里出生的?他在山东省的一个小村庄出生。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Wang lin is an eight age boy. He is living in a small village in Hunan. 王林是一个八岁的男孩,他住在一个湖南的小村子里。 wenwen.soso.com 9. My hometown, Henan zhoukou city shenqu, a beautiful small village, where filled my childhood pleasure and dream, I love my hometown. 我的家乡河南省周口市沈丘县,一个美丽的小村庄,那里充满了我儿时的欢乐和梦想,我爱我的家乡。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. In a small village everybody knows everybody else. 在小村庄里,大家彼此都认识。 www.ebigear.com 1. One year an old wise man came to visit a small village in the south of China. 有一年在中国的南方有一位智慧老者来光顾一个小村庄。 wenku.baidu.com 2. There lived an old hunter in that small village. 有一个老猎人住在那座小山村。 www.crazyenglish.org 3. He says this change is not peculiar to this small village. 他说这个变化不是这个小村子所独有的。 www.yuloo.com 4. A man found some gold in the small village of San Francisco, California. 一个人在加里佛尼亚州一个叫落杉矶的一个小村里发现了一些金子。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 5. Nobody knows the Blacks live in a small village at the foot of a hill. 没有人知道布莱克一家居住在一个小山脚下的小村庄里。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. In this small village located by the waterside of Lake Poyang about 40 families depend on the fishing industry. 位于鄱阳湖边的这个小村庄,大约40户人家依靠渔业为生。 www.hxen.com 7. The earth is covered with thick verdure in the small village . 这个小村庄的土地上覆盖着郁郁葱葱的植被。 www.bing.com 8. Through the forest, they found the small village. 穿过森林,他们找到了那个小村庄。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Illusions cast by gnomes from a small village have started becoming real. 侏儒对一个小村庄施放的幻术开始变为真实。 eclosion.blogbus.com 10. According to reports from the US, the pair will marry in a small village just outside Johannesburg. 据美国有关报道,两人的婚礼将在约翰内斯堡郊外的一个小村庄举行。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. Mike comes from a small village by the sea. 迈克来自于海边的一个小村庄。 www.tingclass.net 2. Tibet government uses our 10KW wind turbine system to power to a small village. 西藏政府使用我们的10KW风力发电系统给小村庄供电。 product.ch.gongchang.com 3. But this small village, germ of something more, why did it fail while Concord keeps its ground? 可是这一个小村落,应该是可以发展的一个幼芽,为什么康科德还在老地方,它却失败了呢? blog.sina.com.cn 4. there was a kind girl living in a small village. 有个善良的小女孩住在一个小村庄里。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. So that the world had become a stranger in this warm, familiar now a small village. 使原本陌生的世界变成了现在这个温暖熟悉的小村子。 enwaimao.cn 6. We arrived at a small village before it was dark. 天黑前我们到了一个小村庄。 wenku.baidu.com 7. They settled in a small village after they got married. 他们结婚后在一个小村子里安了家。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. There is a place for the small village in my heart forever including my relatives and beloved grandma. 在我的心中永远有一个小山村,那里有我的亲人,有我亲爱的外婆。 www.bing.com 9. The news that living Buddha has come got abroad in this small village. 活佛来了的消息在这个小村庄传开了。 www.kuenglish.info 10. I once traveled to a small village in Cambodia. 我曾经旅行到一个柬埔寨的小村子。 sfile.ydy.com 1. Few people have ever visited the small village which is situated in a deep valley. 从来就很少有人访问过那个位于深谷中的小村庄。 yingxie.99927.com 2. There is an island called Sindi in East Africa , there is also a small village with white lighthouse . 有一个小岛叫辛迪在东非,也有白色灯塔的小村庄。 wenwen.soso.com 3. At this time, students, teachers and few hundreds of villagers attending the funeral in this small village 'GanShu' 可在此时,甘肃那个人们已经忘记了的小山村,正在举行只有学生、老师和数百位沉痛的村民的追悼会。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. When the Romans came to Britain in the First century AD, London was a small village. 公元一世纪罗马人来到英国时,伦敦还是一个小村庄。 www.zftrans.com 5. It's small village and everyone thinks you're a decent man. They won't just watch and do nothing. 这小村子里的每个人都认为你是个正派人。他们不会坐视不理的。 www.dezine.cn 6. The box was used as a desk in the small village school. 在乡村的小学校木箱被用作书桌。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Located 120 km away from London in a small village in arms ". " 位于距英国伦敦120多公里的一个小村庄阿姆斯伯里。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. I was born in Taiwan but spent my childhood in a small village in Southern China. 我出生于台湾,但在广东乡下度过童年。 poetrysky.com 9. The young man from a small village of Guangxi province doesn't dream big. 这名来自广西壮族自治区一个小山村的年轻人并没有什么高远的梦想。 www.24en.com 10. The news spread in a small village. 消息在一个小村庄传开了。 wenwen.soso.com 1. There is a small village among the mountains. 大山之间有座小村庄。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Finally we arrived at the small village, averaging 10 miles a day. 最后我们终于抵达那个村子,平均每天走了10公里。 kaoyan.hjenglish.com 3. A small village was troubled by a man-eating lion. 有个小村庄正为一只吃人的狮子而烦恼。 www.ebigear.com 4. Each Hakka house has a big gate, when the gate closed, the big Hakka just like a small village. 围屋对外有一个大门,生活在屋里,关起门来就是一个村子,便于防御。 news.qq.com 5. When day broke, I found myimmolation in a small village. 破晓,我发现我身处在一个村庄里。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. In this small village, he passes for a wise man. 在这座小村落里,他被人们看成是一个聪明的人。 www.exam8.com 7. My grandmother lives in a small village. 我在广东省的一个小村庄出生。 www.bing.com 8. After some time, it stops at a small village. 过了一段时间,它停在一个小村庄里。 wenwen.soso.com 9. The road conducts to the small village. 这条道路通向那个小村庄。 mrwang2008.anyp.cn 10. He was born in a small village in Gansu Province. 他出生在甘肃省的一个小山村里 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Small village beside the Lake Kawaguchi, Japan Tour. Photo by KaKa. 旁边的小村庄河口湖,日本巡回赛赛事。 kakanow.com 2. A severe storm turned the small village down to ground. 一场剧烈的风暴把小村夷为平地。 www.bing.com 3. The storm caused great damage to the small village. 那场暴风雨给小村子带来了巨大破坏。 www.worlduc.com 4. Nelson Mandela was born in a small village in the Transkei region of South Africa. He eas born on 18th July, 1918. 纳尔森·曼德拉1918年七月18日出生在南非特兰斯凯地区的一个小村庄。 huangyunzheng123.blog.163.com 5. My hometown is a small village surrounded with rivers. 我的家乡是一个河水环绕的小村庄。 www.jiaoanw.com 6. They arrived at the small village last night. 他们昨晚到达这个小村庄。 wenku.baidu.com 7. The small village park provides excellent leisure space for villagers in Yannan Village, Houzhai. 农村公园为后宅岩南村村民提供了良好的生活休闲空间。 yc.ywnews.cn 8. In this small village, he found few persons congenial to him. 在这个小村中,他发现很少有人跟他意趣相投。 www.bing.com 9. It's a small village about fifty kilometers north of Kaohsiung. 那是高雄以北约五十千米外的一个小村庄。 learning.sohu.com 10. Small village beside the Lake Kawaguchi, Japan Tour. 河口湖旁的日式花园。日本巡回赛赛事。 kakanow.com 1. When day broke, we found ourselves in a small village at the foot of the mountain. 破晓时,我们发现自己在山脚下的一个小村子里。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. I once lived in a small village among the mountains. 我以前住在群山之间的一个小村庄。 bbs.njupt.edu.cn 3. They arrived at a small village before dark. 他们在天黑前到达一个小村庄。 www.hjenglish.com 4. The road links this small village to the town. 公路将这个村子和城镇连接起来。 www.hxen.com 5. After two days they arrived at a small village. 两天之后,他们到达一个小村庄。 www.enfang.com 6. For the first time after so many years, he came back to his hometown, a small village in Texas. 第一次,他回到了他许多年以来从未回过的老家,德克萨斯的一个小村庄。 www.ebigear.com 7. Mrs. White is a respectable neighbor in that small village. 怀特夫人在那个小村庄里是一位受人尊敬的好邻居。 8. The woman comes to this small village week about. 那个女人每隔一周到这小村子来一次。 9. Jim arrived at the small village last week. 吉姆上个星期到达那个小村庄。 www.cn0452.cn 10. Lingling: I was born in a small village in Shanxi province. 玲玲:我出生在山西省一个小村子里。 huangyunzheng123.blog.163.com 1. I got culture shock when I visited a small village in Africa. 我参观非洲小村子时为文化的差异而感到震惊。 www.ttxyy.com 2. Thus, we see the fast expansion history of this small village across a span of over 100 years. 由此,我们看到了这个小村庄100多年里的快速发展史。 edu.qq.com 3. In the small village, the survival rate from the earthquake was very low. 这个小村庄从这次地震中幸存下来的人比例很低。 english.31931.cn 4. We first visited a small village called Na Mo, west of Nanning. 我们首先到达了一个叫NaMo的小村子,他位于南宁的西部。 www.bing.com 5. They used to live in this small village, which surprised me. 他们过去住在这个小村子,这令我感到惊讶。 dlgz.nhedu.net 6. It happened in a small village in Southern Henan in the late 1960s. 这是发生在上个世纪六十年代末豫南的一个小村庄上的故事。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. If they hadn't started the business, they would leave the small village. 如果他们(当时)没有开始做这项生意的话,他们现在就会离开这个小村庄。 yyz.nbyzedu.cn 8. I live in a beautiful small village. Families with four, father, mother, brother and me. 我住在一个美丽的小乡村。家中有四个人,爸爸,妈妈,哥哥和我。 dict.wanyuwang.com 9. She lives in a small village in France. 她住在法国的一个小乡村里。 www.way2english.com 10. My dad left a small village outside of Amritsar, India. 我父亲离开了印度阿姆利则市外的一个小村庄。 www.ted.com 1. My grandmother's house in Fenghua, a small village. 我外婆的家里是在奉化的一个小村庄里。 enwaimao.cn 2. The small village perched on a hill. 这个小村庄位于山上。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. The small village hugs the highway. 那个小村庄紧挨着一条公路。 4. We arrived at the small village in the evening. 我们傍晚到达那个小村庄。 52english55.xinwen520.net 5. It is really a thrilling experience that we were staying at that small village for months. 去年在小山村居住数月是我的一次激动人心的经历。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Many years ago there lived a poor young boy in a small village. 许多年以前在一个小村庄里住着一个贫穷的小男孩。 www.ccppg.com.cn 7. He teaches in a small village. 他在一个小村庄教书。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. He would prefer to live in a small village rather than live in a big city. 他愿意住在小村庄里而不愿住在大城市里。他愿意住在小村庄里而不愿住在大城市里。 wenku.baidu.com 9. He left the small village for Shanghai to find a way out. 他离开小山村去上海找出路。 wenwen.soso.com 10. The bombs landed in the small village. 小村庄遭到了炸弹袭击。 www.logage.com 1. Qiu Shan, originally named TAN CHEW SUA, was born in KARANGAN, a small Village of Kedah, Malaysia in 1961. 秋山原名陈秋山,1961年出生于马来西亚吉打州南部的一个弹丸之地加拉岸,原籍潮州普宁县。 purepoem.com 2. Father: We shall go to this small village. It's beside the sea. 我们到这个小村庄去,它在海边。 www.hxen.com 3. I am from the beautiful ancient city of Xi'an, next to a small village. 我来自美丽的古城西安旁边的一个小山村。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Rise, separate shore to hope mutually, there is one secluded small village in front, this is to wear rock village. 抬头间,隔岸相望,对面有一幽静的小村落,这是穿岩村。 www.gl114.net 5. Nie, 1964 was born in the town of Dang Yang Hubei Zaoyang a small village. 聂海胜,1964年出生于湖北枣阳杨荡镇一个小村庄里。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. I was born in a small village in Hebei Province. 我出生在河北省的一个小村庄。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Here is business competition from a small village. 在一个小村庄里,却发生了一起商业竞争。 www.bridgeschoolchina.com 8. On the way home, we stopped at a small village called Puddleton. 在回家的路上,我们在一个叫普都顿的小村逗留。 lueergoogl.popo.blog.163.com 9. There is a small village by the sea. 海边有个小村庄。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. He lives in a small village. 他在一个小山村居住。 www.tingclass.net 1. Mr Krutikov owns 100 hectares of land in a small village 40 miles from Vladivostok, in Russia's far east. 在距离俄罗斯远东城市海参崴40公里处的一个小村庄里,克鲁季科夫拥有100公顷的土地。 www.ftchinese.com 2. There is a lonely small village over the river. 河边有一个偏僻的小村庄。 beike.dangzhi.com 3. I come from a small village in shandong. 我来自山东的一个小村庄。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. My friends! Come and love my small village. 朋友们啊,来爱我的小村庄。 bbs.yzs.com 5. My father was a foreign student, born and raised in a small village in Kenya. 我的父亲是一个外国留学生,生长在肯尼亚的一个小村子里。 6005039.qzone.qq.com 6. My hometown is a small village in the country. 我的老家就是在乡下的一座小村落。 www.aasky.com 7. "I will never forget a lecture I made in the playground of a small village school, " says Qian. “我永远也忘不了那一次我在一所乡村学校的操场上做的一场报告,”钱迎倩说。 www.scidev.net 8. You originally came from a small village in Pakistan. You live in Canada now, don't you? 你原先生活在巴基斯坦的一个小村庄,现在生活在加拿大,对吗? www.kekenet.com 9. one day early 1621, an Indian to their small village. he introduced himself. 早于1621年的一天,一个印地安人到了他们的小村庄。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. I took a walk along the river every evening when I lived in the small village. 我住在这个村子里时,每天傍晚都要沿河散步。 www.bing.com 1. My grandfather would rather live in a small village than a large city. 我祖父宁愿住在小乡村里,而不愿住在大都市里。 gb.ep66.com.tw 2. She always tells people she is from Shanghai, when in reality she is from a small village. 她总是跟人说她是上海人,事实上她来自于一个小村庄。 www.rrting.com 3. The small village located at the foot of the mountain. 小村子坐落在山脚下。 learning.sohu.com 4. He lived in a small village in California until he was sixteen. 他在加州的一个小村子里一直住到十六岁。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Rebels retreated to defensive positions in the small village of Ajaila, about 45 miles east of Ras Lanuf. 反抗者撤离到拉斯拉努夫以东45英里的一个名叫Ajaila的小村庄。他们把这里当做防御阵地。 c.wsj.com 6. At one time, Shenzhen was a small village. 深圳曾经是一个小村庄。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. I was born in a small village in Wuhan. 我出生于武汉市的一个小村庄里。 www.ruiwen.com 8. On 11 June 1944, for instance, they captured 11 resistance fighters in Mussidan, a small village in the Dordogne. 举例来说,1944年6月11日,他们在多尔多涅省的小村子米西当俘获了11名抵抗战士。 www.bing.com 9. We were swagging on the muddy road when we saw a small village. 我们在泥泞的道路上一直颠簸着,终于看见了一座小村庄。 10. The basic story is that Kosuke arrives at a small village inhabited by farmers, craft people, a wine maker and some fans of old movies. 基本的故事是,北岛康介到达一个农民,手工艺人,葡萄酒制造商和一些老电影迷所居住的小村庄。 vcddvd88.com |
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