单词 | stratosphere | ||||||
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in/into the stratosphere 在(或到)极高水平at or to an extremely high level
例句释义: 平流层,同温层,平零,高塔饭店 1. Stratospheric air more stable, is a smooth flow of the atmosphere, the stratosphere is called. 平流层的空气比较稳定,大气是平稳流动的,故称为平流层。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. As he's flying around the stratosphere letting off steam, he spots Wonder Woman lying on her back stark naked sunbathing on the beach. 当他在高空飞行发泄精力的时候,看见神奇女郎正在海滩上一丝不挂做日光浴。 www.bing.com 3. If it were engineered by intentionally putting sulphate into the stratosphere they would judge it to be deliberate. 如果将硫酸盐放入到对流层,他们就可能认为这是蓄意行为。 www.ecocn.org 4. Here's Mount Pinatubo in the early '90s, that put a whole bunch of sulfur in the stratosphere with a sort of atomic bomb-like cloud. 这是90年代初的皮纳图博火山喷发,产生了有一中类似原子弹爆炸的云把大量的硫带入了平流层。 www.ted.com 5. Greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide and methane, trap heat down near the surface. The result: colder temperatures in the stratosphere . 象二氧化碳、甲烷等温室气体将热量限制在接近地球表面的范围内,结果同温层的气温更低了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Stratosphere's shipment was but one of many to the humans. I had the foresight to salvage a piece of the MechTech for study. 平流层把这么多的武器都运给人类,我有先见之明,抢救了一件轴动变形武器,留为研究。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 7. It's what I call the Goldman Sachs Effect: Goldman increased its leverage and its profit margins shot into the stratosphere. 这就是我所说的高盛效应:高盛一直增加自己的影响,从而使其利润率大幅增加。 www.ecocn.org 8. Reactions between oxygen and ultraviolet radiation from the sun create a layer of ozone throughout Earth's stratosphere (upper atmosphere). 太阳辐射紫外线和氧反应在整个地球平流层(上部大气圈)内产生一个臭氧层。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. And secondly it will be necessary to get adapted to the cold layers of the stratosphere, to become a cold blooded fish of the air. 其次有必要适应平流层中的寒冷层次,成为空中的一条冷血鱼。 www.bing.com 10. Wake turbulence between the two aircraft as well as engine performance and flight control responsiveness in the stratosphere were evaluated. 两架飞机之间的尾流以及在平流层飞行时的发动机性能和飞行控制响应都进行了评估。 www.etiri.com.cn 1. Civilian jets cruise at an altitude of 10km, the bottom of the stratosphere, and any sulphate they released would thus fall to earth faster. 民用喷气机在海拔10000米的同流层的底部巡航,它们释放的硫酸盐会迅速的落到地球上。 www.bing.com 2. Aerosols can warm the stratosphere and cool the air below by absorbing energy from the Sun. 气溶胶可以使平流层升温,并通过吸收太阳能量使得下层气温降低。 www.bing.com 3. Deliberately polluting the stratosphere would make the sky less blue, although sunsets would probably be prettier. 处心积虑地污染大气同温层会对天空的蔚蓝度造成危害,尽管日落的景色可能会更美一些。 www.ecocn.org 4. And though it's got a nickname, "Stratosphere Giant, " it is no longer the giant. It's been trumped. 它有一个绰号“同温层下的巨人”,但他不再是巨人,它是王牌。 www.bing.com 5. Ozone is one of the major pollutants at the ground level, though a good gas in the stratosphere. 平流层臭氧有益,近地面臭氧是重要空气污染物。 www.chemyq.com 6. It was a promotion, but not into the managerial stratosphere because there were only four BA flights a day between Amman and London. 那确实是升职了,但那并没有让迈克尔得以进入高级管理层,因为当时安曼和伦敦之间每天仅有4班航班。 www.bing.com 7. The stratosphere begins about 12 kilometres up, above the troposphere where weather systems like the monsoon develop. 平流层大约从距离地面12公里开始,天气系统例如季风通常在对流层上发生。 www.bing.com 8. Nitrogen oxides releases directly by supersonic aircraft into the stratosphere contribute directly to the depletion of the ozone layer. 由超音速飞机直接排放到平流层中的氧化氮会直接导致臭氧的消耗。 www.dictall.com 9. The greatest declines, up to 30%, are in the winter and spring, when the stratosphere is colder. 并且,在平流层温度更低的冬季与春季,最大减少量可以达到30%。 www.bing.com 10. Lift is a problem in the rarefied air of the stratosphere, and it seems such a design can help. 因为在稀薄的同温层中升力的产生是一个问题,所以这种飞行器的设计可以起到一定帮助。 www.ecocn.org 1. Enhanced heating of the stratosphere could be behind the heightened effects felt by Europe of changes in solar activity. 平流层中增加的热量正是太阳活动期欧洲升温作用的幕后黑手。 www.bing.com 2. Such a small change in stratospheric water vapour can have such a large effect precisely because the stratosphere is already dry. 平流层里水蒸汽含量如此微小的变动可以造成如此巨大的影响,正是因为平流层早己非常干燥。 bbs.ecocn.org 3. Besides polluting the stratosphere, there is another way of changing the atmosphere to make it more reflective. 除了污染同流层外,另一个途径就是改变大气层使它更容易反射。 www.bing.com 4. The rocket had passed the stratosphere and mesosphere and was leaving the atmosphere . 此时,火箭已经飞过了平流层和中间层,正在接近大气层边缘。 www.bing.com 5. The rest is in the stratosphere, from the top of the troposphere to an altitude of 50 kilometers. 其余的臭氧在离对流层顶部至50公里高度的同温层里。 www.america.gov 6. The overall amount of ozone in the stratosphere is determined by a balance between photochemical production and recombination. 在平流层中臭氧的总量取决于光化学反应中分解和再结合之间的平衡状态。 www.bing.com 7. Sulphur particles shot into the stratosphere, could reflect enough sunlight to make a measurable difference. 把含硫粒子投放到同温层中,可反射足够多的阳光,从而起到显著效果。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Increases in the amount of cosmic or terrestrial dust in the stratosphere could also increase the number of brightly shining clouds. 宇宙或地面尘土的增加也可能增加明亮光云的数量。 blog.163.com 9. Can the dynamical impact of the stratosphere on the troposphere be described by large-scale adjustment to the stratospheric PV distribution? 对平流层PV分布的大尺度调整能描述平流层对对流层的动力学影响吗?。 www.juyy.net 10. The most common example would be to scatter sulfates in the stratosphere to reflect sunlight away from the planet. 一个最普通的例子就是往大气中释放硫酸盐,把一部分射向地球的阳光反射开。 www.bing.com 1. The industry emits in the air pollutant aggravating air's stratosphere fog haze, the destruction ozone layer, causes the global warming. 工业放出的空气污染物加剧空气中的同温层雾霾,破坏臭氧层,导致全球变暖。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. For many years a dangerous change has been taking place in your stratosphere that has a deadly portent for all earthly life. 很多年来一个危险的变化出现在你们的同温层,有趋势导致所有地球生命走向灭亡。 apps.hi.baidu.com 3. All that remains is the release of 696 horses (512kW) into the stratosphere. 所有这一切仍然是释放696匹马(512kW)的平流层。 usa.315che.com 4. The Strip's northernmost casino, the Stratosphere, is the property of a Goldman Sachs affiliate. 赌城大道最北边的赌场Stratosphere是高盛(GoldmanSachs)旗下产业。 www.ecocn.org 5. Ozone in the stratosphere is important because it absorbs some of the Sun's dangerous ultraviolet radiation. 在平流层的臭氧是重要的,因为它吸收了一些太阳中危险的紫外线辐射。 www.bing.com 6. "Stratosphere" creates the viewer's imagination by the even shade of the color and the difference of the density of the prominence. 《平流层》由颜色的均匀渐变和突起的疏密不同来营造观者的想象空间。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Scientists could use airplanes to inject sulfur dioxide directly into the stratosphere and bring down global temperatures. 科学家们可以用飞机直接将二氧化硫散播到平流层而使全球气温下降。 www.bing.com 8. Quasi- Decadal Variability of the Tropical Lower Stratosphere : The Role of Extratropical Wave Forcing . 热带平流层低层准年代际变率:温带波的驱动。 www.bing.com 9. The ozone layer is in the stratosphere. Ozone absorbs UV, causing the rising temperature with altitude in this layer. 臭氧层位于平流层中。臭氧吸收UV,促使今年的温度随海拔上升而不断升高。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Transforming agricultural land into energy resources drives the price of food into the stratosphere. 将农用耕地转变为能源来源促使粮食价格大幅攀升。 www.bing.com 1. Ozone can be beneficial-the ozone layer in the stratosphere helps protect us from harmful ultraviolet rays. 臭氧也有它有益的一面——大气同温层中的臭氧会保护我们免受有害紫外线的伤害。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. STE may affect climate by altering the vertical distributions of greenhouse gases in the upper troposphere and low stratosphere. STE可以影响温室气体在上对流层和下平流层中的垂直分布,进而影响气候。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. The ozone layer is a thin region of the upper stratosphere which protects us from ultraviolet radiation. 臭氧层是对平流层的保护上,从我们的薄紫外线辐射地区。 andromeda.lamost.org 4. Unusual weather was thought immediately to blame, though the underlying cause is probably chlorine-rich chemicals in the stratosphere. 人们很快认为不寻常的天气是其出现的原因,而根本原因是平流层中丰富的含氯化合物。 www.ecocn.org 5. Debris injected during the autumn into the lower polar stratosphere may have a half-residence time of as little as 3 months. 在秋季间进入低区平流层的碎片半停留期只有3个月。 www.putclub.com 6. Injecting sulphate particles into the stratosphere, for instance, would cool the Earth by reflecting more sunlight into space. 向平流层喷洒硫酸盐颗粒,可以通过反射阳光达到降低地球温度的作用。 www.ecocn.org 7. The findings will trigger a radical rethink about the state of the stratosphere. 这些发现将引发对平流层状态大量的重新思考。 www.bing.com 8. Dr Solomon suspects the former, because of the way the relationship between the stratosphere and the sea-surface temperature has changed. Solomon博士倾向于前者,理由是平流层和海洋表面温度两者关系的改变方式。 bbs.ecocn.org 9. Above the troposphere is the stratosphere, followed by the ionosphere and capped by the exosphere. 在对流层上是平流层,接着是电离层,最上层是外逸层。 www.crazyenglish.org 10. The pyrocumulus cloud and the detection of smoke in the stratosphere are good indicators that the fires are large and extremely intense. pyrocumulus云以及在同温层探测到的浓烟可以很好的说明火势的凶猛。 www.bing.com 1. Unemployment is still in the stratosphere and shows no sign of improving. 失业问题依然鬼魅般如影随形,并且没有好转的迹象。 www.bing.com 2. In the stratosphere, the air gets warmer at higher altitudes, which provides stability. 平流层的气体随着海拔升高而变暖,这使得气流稳定。 www.ecocn.org 3. Large volcanic eruptions spread cooling palls through the stratosphere. 火山大爆发将厚重的火山灰铺到了平流层。 www.ecocn.org 4. This longer life means that in terms of cooling per gram, sulphur in the stratosphere outdoes the lower-down stuff by about 25 to 1. 这么长的寿命表明,就每克硫的降温作用而言,平流层中的硫比大气层中的硫的作用力强1-25倍。 www.ecocn.org 5. Injecting aerosols into the stratosphere or brightening clouds would do more than just cool the planet. 将悬浮粒子注入平流层,或是云层亮化方案都不仅仅是对地球降温。 www.bing.com 6. the resulting colder stratosphere emits less long-wave radiation downward, thus cooling the troposphere. 这就使得较冷的平流层向下释放较少的长波辐射,从而冷却了对流层。 www.bing.com 7. In the past decade, it has become clear that pyrocumulonimbus clouds also act like chimneys, pulling smoke into the stratosphere. 在过去的十年里,人们已经弄清火势云团可以像烟囱一样将烟雾投射入大气平流层。 www.bing.com 8. So in times of heightened solar activity, the stratosphere heats up and this influences the winds in that layer. 所以在太阳活动高涨期,平流层会被加热,而这影响了该层中的风。 www.bing.com 9. Aircraft flying in the stratosphere is the large number of exhaust emissions and garbage here. 飞机也在平流层中飞行,把大量废气和垃圾排放在这里。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. this problem with, install flat the stratosphere at small go-cart , do temporarily work station, gone pusher answers ark inside. 设计师们就用一个连柜小推车解决这个问题,将平板设置于小推车的最上层,做临时的操作台,用完后推回柜内。 dict.kekenet.com 1. That in turn may increase the severity of tropical cyclones, which throw more water into the stratosphere. 而地球暖化又会加重热带气旋的影响,结果更多的水会被带到同温层。 www.bing.com 2. These molecules are important to understanding the chemical interactions between sunlight and molecules in Jupiter's stratosphere. 这些分子发现为了解木星的平流层阳光和分子之间的化学相互作用提供了重要依据。 www.bing.com 3. the governmental stratosphere; business expenses in the stratosphere. 政府最高层;极高的商业支出费用 www.putclub.com 4. N, respectively. Thus, the zonal mean wind was weakened in the upper troposphere and the stratosphere over the region about 60? N附近对流层中、上层为辐散,从而引起纬向平均西风在60?。 www.iapjournals.ac.cn 5. Generation Mechanisms of Convectively Forced Internal Gravity Waves and Their Propagation to the Stratosphere . 对流强迫重力内波的生成机制和向平流层的传播。 www.bing.com 6. Nitrous oxide is destroyed in the stratosphere and removed from the atmosphere more slowly than methane, persisting for around 114 years. 一氧化二氮在平流层中被破坏,它从大气中被除去要比甲烷慢得多,能存在约114年。 www.bing.com 7. Most of the chlorofluoromethanes reside in the lower stratosphere . 大多数氯氟甲烷存留在平流层下部。 ielts.hjenglish.com 8. Vicious cycle: Water in the stratosphere contributes to the current warming of the earth's atmosphere. 恶性循环:同温层的水有助于现在地球大气的升温。 www.bing.com 9. Stratosphere to the stability of degradation and the spread of pollutants have serious repercussions. 平流层的稳定给污染物的扩散和降解造成严重的影响。 www.bing.com 10. The stratosphere is home to the Ozone layer. which reduces the amount of lethal solar radiation reaching the Earth. 臭氧层就位于同温层。臭氧层减少了到达地面的太阳致命辐射。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Although ground-level ozone is considered a harmful pollutant, the ozone layer in the stratosphere is beneficial. 尽管地表的臭氧被看成是有害的污染物,但平流层里的臭氧层却是有益的。 www.dictall.com 2. Spreads on sovereign credit have reached the stratosphere (see charts). 主权债务息差已经高入云端(见图表)。 www.ftchinese.com 3. In the stratosphere, the hot under cold, the air is very stable stratification, vertical movement was inhibited. 在平流层里上热下冷,空气层结十分的稳定,垂直运动受到抑制。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. It would require the addition of about 10m tonnes of finely divided sulphate particles to the stratosphere each year. 这需要每年向同温层增加大约1000万公斤分离好的硫颗粒。 www.bing.com 5. His airplanes and spaceships have dwarfed distance, placed time in chains, and carved highways through the stratosphere. 飞机和宇宙飞船缩短了时间和空间距离,在平流层高速航行。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The upper stratosphere is less affected, so that the amount of ozone over the continent decreases by 50 percent or even more. 高一点的对流层受到的影响少,因此大陆上空臭氧含量减少了50%甚至更多。 www.bing.com 7. We can move things out of the stratosphere into the mesosphere, in principle solving the ozone problem. 我们也可以把这些物质从同温层送到中间圈,理论上可以解决臭氧空洞的问题。 www.ted.com 8. He's also playing in an individual stratosphere only LeBron can touch. 他个人的竞技水平联盟中也只有詹姆斯能够匹敌。 www.bing.com 9. Hovering 10 miles above the South Pole is a sprawling patch of stratosphere with disturbingly low levels of radiation-absorbing ozone. 在南极上空10英里处的同温层,漂浮着一片令人不安的、低水平辐射吸收的臭氧层。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. In 1974, scientists discovered that chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) emissions were depleting ozone in the stratosphere. 科学家在1974年发现,氯氟烃(chlorofluorocarbon,CFC)的排放正在消耗同温层中的臭氧。 www.america.gov 1. The stratosphere holds an natural amount of ozone, but by Earth's surface this becomes air pollution. 大气平流层中存在有大量的臭氧,它们若是在地球表面则会造成空气污染,空气中的臭氧会严重破坏人的肺部。 www.bing.com 2. Once in the stratosphere and above the weather, smoke can linger for a long time and spread around the globe. 一旦进入平流层,烟雾即可停留相当长一段时间并扩散到全球。 www.bing.com 3. Once again: I am not saying gold is going into the stratosphere. I am saying there is a good case for saying it might. 要再次强调的是,我并不是在说黄金价格会冲上云霄,而是在说有理由认为可能出现这种情况。 chinese.wsj.com 4. The temperature of the stratosphere rises with ascending of the height. 平流层温度随高度的上升而升高。 www.gdsszx.org.cn 5. Chlorine from ocean spray is soluble and thus is washed by rainfall before it reaches the stratosphere. 海洋释放出的氯易溶解并且在它还未到达平流层时就会被雨水冲掉。 www.bing.com 6. The most important issue of solving self navigate problem for a stratosphere airship is flight path programming. 解决平流层飞艇自主航行的首要问题就是航迹规划。 www.mct.com.cn 7. There is strong evidence that vigorous narrow current is observed in the upper troposphere and stratosphere. 有重要的证据表明,在对流层上部和平流层有狭窄强劲的气流存在。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. In a flew minutes our passenger plane will be flying in the stratosphere. (将来进行时)几分钟后我们的客机将在同温层中飞行。 baike.baidu.com 9. At other times, though, they have seemed to predict a wetter stratosphere. 不过,其他时候这温度似乎只预示了一个更潮湿的平流层。 www.ecocn.org 10. But they would do a lot less harm to the stratosphere than Concorde or the space shuttle, devices that were accepted by most people. 至少与协和式飞机和航天飞机这些被大多数人所接受的设备相比,他们对于同温层造成的危害要小得多。 www.ecocn.org 1. All three events took place when the DJIA was shooting off into the stratosphere. 这三次事件都发生在道琼斯指数疯狂飙升的历史时期。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 2. So this lower bar is the upper atmosphere, the stratosphere, and it heats up after these volcanoes. 下面这根线代表较高层的大气层(平流层)的温度火山爆发后平流层温度上升。 www.ted.com 3. In the stratosphere, sunlight breaks apart an oxygen molecule (O2), producing two oxygen (O) atoms. 在同温层,阳光使一个氧分子(O2)分裂成两个氧原子(O)。 www.america.gov 4. When the "ozone hole" occurs, the ozone in the lower stratosphere is destroyed. 当臭氧空洞出现时,较低平流层的臭氧就会受到损害。 www.bing.com 5. But if a major volcanic eruption has polluted the stratosphere with thin haze, the eclipse will be dark red, ashen gray, or blood-black. 但如果发生大型火山喷发,导致同温层掺杂有薄云,那么月食就会变成暗红色、灰暗色或者血黑色。 www.bing.com 6. The photolysis of NF3 in the stratosphere yields a fluorine radical that reacts fairly rapidly to form hydrogen fluoride (HF). 在同温层里NF3的光解作用氟原子团,氟原子团相当迅速地发生反应,生成氟化氢(HF)。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The stratosphere is dry and contains little water vapor. 平流层很干燥,水蒸气含量极低。 www.kuaiyilin.com 8. "You don't pollute, you're in the stratosphere, " Botti said. “你在同温层,不会制造污染,”Botti说。 www.bing.com 9. In a flew minutes our pbummenger plexcellente will be flying in the stratosphere. (另日实行时)几分钟后我们的客机将在同温层中飞行。 www.xhhb.net 10. When you shot it into the stratosphere. 你把它射入同温层 www.kekenet.com 1. In the early 1960s a worldwide aerosol band was discovered in the lower stratosphere at 17-24km. 在六十年代初期,在17-24公里平流层下部发现世界范围气溶胶带。 2. And it's exploring without polluting the stratosphere. 它探测时不会污染平流层。 www.ted.com 3. Above the troposphere, some 30 miles (48 kilometers) above the Earth's surface, is the stratosphere. 在对流层之上,离地大约30英里(48公里)的地方,是平流层(同温层)。 www.bing.com 4. The stratosphere is the second layer of the Earth's atmosphere at altitudes of above 12 km. 平流层是地球大气层的第二层,高度超过12千米。 www.kuaiyilin.com 5. Ozone Layer is 25-30 km from the Earth's atmospheric ozone molecules are relatively enriched in the stratosphere. 臭氧层是指距离地球25-30公里处臭氧分子相对富集的大气平流层。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. The nextlayer is the stratosphere also called the jet stream because of its strong' but steady winds with little or no change of weather. 接下来是平流层,也叫喷流层,因为那里出除了刮风基本没有气象变化。 www.suiniyi.com 7. The pollutants such as nuclear explosions, in the stratosphere than in the troposphere lot more. 如核爆炸产生的污染物,在平流层中比对流层中多很多。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Whatever they choose, Watson said, won't matter unless they can get it into the stratosphere. Watson说无论选择什么都没有问题,只有当它们进入平流层才能知道结果如何。 www.bing.com 9. Because it doesn't rain in the stratosphere, the droplets can linger for months or years. 因为这些小雨滴并不会在平流层结云降雨,因此会在那里停留数月甚至数年。 www.bing.com 10. Then last year, she cracked the model stratosphere. 去年,她打入了顶级模特的圈子。 chinese.wsj.com 1. A massive search for offshore oil was underway in the South China Sea, sending Hong Kong real estate prices into the stratosphere. 如火如荼的南中国海大规模油田勘探搅热了香港地产价格。 www.360doc.com 2. A case study of excessive subtropical transport in the stratosphere of a data assimilation system 一个资料同化系统的平流层中过多的副热带输送的一次个例研究 edu.cma.gov.cn 3. A study of ozone variability and its connection with meridional transport in the northern Pacific lower stratosphere during summer 2002 在2002年夏季期间北部太平洋下部平流层臭氧变率和它与经向输送关系的研究 edu.cma.gov.cn 4. A drying out of the stratosphere may help explain recent temperature trends at the Earth's surface 干涸的平流层或能解释近期地球表面温度变化 www.ecocn.org 5. A Simulation Study of Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange due to Cut-off-low over Eastern Asia 东亚地区一次切断低压引起的平流层、对流层交换数值模拟研究 www.ilib.cn 6. A case study of stratosphere-troposphere exchange during the 1996 North Atlantic Regional Experiment 1996年北大西洋区域性试验期间平流层-对流层交换的个例研究 edu.cma.gov.cn 7. The Features of Ozone Quasi-Biennial Oscillation in Tropical Stratosphere and Its Numerical Simulation 热带平流层臭氧准两年周期振荡的特征及数值模拟 www.ilib.cn 8. Stratosphere-troposphere evolution during polar vortex intensification 极涡加强期间的平流层—对流层演变 edu.cma.gov.cn 9. Modeling atmospheric stable water isotopes and the potential for constraining cloud processes and stratosphere-troposphere water exchange 模拟大气稳定水同位素和约束云过程和平流层—对流层水交换的潜能 edu.cma.gov.cn 10. Relationship Between Vertical Shear of Zonal Wind in Equatorial Lower Stratosphere and Troposphere Circulation, Monsoon 赤道低平流层纬向风垂直切变与对流层环流及东亚季风的关系 www.ilib.cn 1. Simplified Calculation of Radiative Forcing with Adjusted Stratosphere Temperature 平流层温度调整后的辐射强迫的简化计算 www.ilib.cn 2. Although helium-filled weather balloons regularly launch instruments high into the stratosphere 然而充氮气的气球定期的发动它的动力装置升高到平流层 www.ecocn.org 3. Topographic Information Based Path Loss Prediction for Stratosphere Communication System 基于地形信息的平流层通信系统传播衰减预测 www.ilib.cn 4. Estimation of the turbulent heat flux in the lower stratosphere from high resolution radar measurements 根据高分辨率雷达测量在平流层下部湍流热通量的估计 edu.cma.gov.cn 5. The influence of volcanic activities on the abnormal changes of climate in stratosphere of the northern hemisphere 火山活动对北半球平流层气候异常变化的影响 www.ilib.cn 6. Regional and global trace gas distributions and inferred transports in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere 对流层上部和平流层下部局部的和全球的示踪气体的分布及其推断的输送 edu.cma.gov.cn 7. Lightning sferics and stroke-delayed pulses measured in the stratosphere: Implications for mesospheric currents 在平流层测得的闪电天电和闪击延迟脉冲 edu.cma.gov.cn 8. Key technologies and equipment of stratosphere telecommunications systems 同温同层通信系统关键技术及设备 ascetlan.bokee.com 9. Tropospheric wave response to decelerated stratosphere seen as downward propagation in northern annular mode 对流层波对北半球环状波中视为向下传播的平流层下降的响应 edu.cma.gov.cn 10. Longitudinal aerodynamic modeling and design of state observer for stratosphere verifying airship 平流层验证飞艇纵向动力学建模及其状态观测器设计 www.ilib.cn 1. Antarctic mesospheric temperature estimation using the Davis mesosphere-stratosphere-troposphere radar 使用戴维斯中层—平流层—对流层雷达的南极中层大气的温度估算 edu.cma.gov.cn 2. Longitudinal variations of temperature and ozone profiles observed by MIPAS during the Antarctic stratosphere sudden warming of 2002 MIPAS观测的2002年南极平流层突然增暖期间温度和臭氧廓线的纬向变化 edu.cma.gov.cn 3. It is for the most part only in the tropics that tropospheric air can be drawn up into the stratosphere; 只有在热带地区上空的大部分对流层,空气可以上升进入平流层; bbs.ecocn.org 4. Study of Robust Control for Stratosphere Airship Attitude 平流层飞艇姿态鲁棒控制研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Diagnosing the stratosphere-to-troposphere flux of ozone in a chemistry transport model 诊断化学输送模中臭氧的平流层到对流层通量 edu.cma.gov.cn 6. Signatures of stratosphere to troposphere transport near deep convective events in the southern subtropics 副热带南部深对流事件附近平流层输送到对流层的信号 library.cma.gov.cn 7. Simulation of Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange Effecting on the Distribution of Ozone over Eastern Asia 东亚地区平流层、对流层交换对臭氧分布影响的模拟研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Aeronomy of the Middle Atmosphere: Chemistry and Physics of the Stratosphere and Mesosphere 中纬度大气的平流层研究:同温层和中圈的化学和物理学 psop.cnpbook.com 9. Residual mean transport in the stratosphere: Contributions from wave driving and seasonal transience 在平流层残留的平均输运:波驱动和季节性的作用 library.cma.gov.cn 10. Guided propagation of naturally occurring infrasound in the troposphere and stratosphere 在对流层和平流层自然出现次声速的导向传播 edu.cma.gov.cn 1. Measurements of Thermal Profiles in the Stratosphere and Lower Mesosphere with Rayleigh Scattering Lidar 瑞利散射激光雷达探测平流层和中间层低层大气温度 2. Mean radiative energy balance and vertical mass fluxes in the equatorial upper troposphere and lower stratosphere 在赤道对流层上部和平流层下部平均辐射能量平衡和铅直质量通量 edu.cma.gov.cn 3. Influence of Stratosphere Platform Movement on the Cellular Mobile Communication 平流层平台稳定性对蜂窝移动通信的影响 www.ilib.cn 4. Transfer of the solar signal from the stratosphere to the troposphere: Northern winter 平流层到对流层太阳信号的输送:美国北部冬季 edu.cma.gov.cn 5. Dynamical heating in the polar lower stratosphere and its impact on the tropopause 极地平流层低层的动力学加热和它对对流层顶的影响 www.zzdnyy.com 6. Modeling of ozone reactions on aircraft-related soot in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere 对流层上部和平流层低部臭氧在飞机-有关的煤灰反应的模拟 edu.cma.gov.cn 7. Mass and water transport into the tropical stratosphere: A cloud-resolving simulation 传输进热带平流层的质量和水分:一次云分辨解模拟 edu.cma.gov.cn 8. Some Characteristics of General Circulation in theLower Stratosphere of the Southern Hemisphere 南半球平流层大气环流的若干特点 service.ilib.cn 9. Impact of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation on the Distribution of the Trace Gases in the Stratosphere 准两年振荡对大气中微量气体分布的影响 10. Aerodynamic Estimation for Stratosphere Airship 平流层飞艇空气动力估算 scholar.ilib.cn 1. A global statistical study on the origin of small-scale ozone vertical structures in the lower stratosphere 下部平流层小尺度臭氧垂直结构源地的全球统计学研究 library.cma.gov.cn 2. Tropical and extratropical tropospheric air in the lowermost stratosphere over Europe: A CO-based budget 在欧洲上空最下部平流层热带和副热带对流层大气:一个基于CO预算 edu.cma.gov.cn 3. Impact of monsoon circulations on the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere 季风环流对对流层上部和平流层下部的影响 edu.cma.gov.cn 4. Turbulence parameters in the tropical troposphere and lower stratosphere 热带对流层和平流层低层的湍流参数 edu.cma.gov.cn 5. Injection of gases into the stratosphere by explosive volcanic eruptions 爆炸性的火山喷发进入平流层的气体 edu.cma.gov.cn 6. Generation of layering in the lower stratosphere by a breaking Rossby wave 受中断罗斯贝波影响的平流层低层成层的产生 edu.cma.gov.cn 7. Control and Propulsion Technology of Stratosphere Airships 平流层飞艇控制与推进技术 www.ichacha.net 8. Relationship of Zonal Ozone Seasonal Variations and Planetary Wave in the Stratosphere 平流层臭氧纬向分布季节变化和行星波的关系 www.ilib.cn 9. Microwave Studies of the Structure of the Polar-Latitude Ozone Layer during Winter Anomalous Warming Events in the Stratosphere 平流层冬季异常热事件期间极地纬度臭氧层结构的微波研究 edu.cma.gov.cn 10. general circulation of stratosphere and mesosphere 平流层和中层大气环流 dict.ebigear.com 1. LIMB; Limb Infrared Monitoring of the Stratosphere; 平流层临边红外监测; www.sinobay.com 2. Coupled Coagulation of Aerosols in the Stratosphere when Gravity Motion is Dominant 平流层重力占优气溶胶粒子的耦合碰并 www.ilib.cn 3. Radiative effect of ozone on the quasi-biennial oscillation in the equatorial stratosphere 臭氧对赤道平流层准-两年振荡的辐射影响 edu.cma.gov.cn 4. A model simulation for anomalous annual cycle of vertical motion in the middle stratosphere 平流层中部垂直运动年循环异常的模拟研究 wulixb.iphy.ac.cn 5. PORA Panel on Meteorology of the Stratosphere and Mesosphere 平流层和中层气象学小组 www.24en.com 6. Diagnosing ozone loss in the extratropical lower stratosphere 诊断温带平流层低层的臭氧损耗 www.zzdnyy.com 7. Variability of active chlorine in the lower most Arctic stratosphere 在最低的北极平流层活跃的氯气变率 edu.cma.gov.cn 8. Sex toys make sex easier, while maximizing your pleasure and can take your sex life and sexual enjoyment to another stratosphere 情趣玩具让性生活更轻松,同时能够给你带来最大程度的快乐,引领你进入快乐的最高层。 www.bing.com 9. NOy partitioning and aerosol influences in the stratosphere 平流层NOy的划分和气溶胶的影响 edu.cma.gov.cn 10. Impact of clouds on radiative heating rates in the tropical lower stratosphere 云对热带下部平流层中辐射加热率的影响 library.cma.gov.cn 1. Review of Study on Propagation of Laser Beam Through the Stratosphere 平流层激光传输规律研究的现状 service.ilib.cn 2. Contents and trends of the trace gases in the stratosphere over China 我国上空平流层中微量气体的垂直分布和变化趋势 www.ilib.cn 3. An improved measure of ozone depletion in the Antarctic stratosphere 测量南极平流层中臭氧损耗的改进 library.cma.gov.cn 4. Use of long-lived tracer observations to examine transport characteristics in the lower stratosphere 用寿命长的示踪物观测结果研究平流层低层的输送特点 www.zzdnyy.com 5. Advances and Prospects in the Study of Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange 上对流层-下平流层交换过程研究的进展与展望 www.ilib.cn 6. Sensitivity of ozone to bromine in the lower stratosphere 在平流层下部臭氧对溴的灵敏度 edu.cma.gov.cn 7. The Seasonal Cycle of Planetary Waves in the Winter Stratosphere 冬季平流层中行星波的季节循环 edu.cma.gov.cn 8. physics of stratosphere and mesosphere 平流层和中层大气物理学 dict.ebigear.com 9. Comparison of CRISTA-1 observations with transport studies based on the Chemical Lagrangian Model of the Stratosphere CRISTA-1的观测与基于平流层化学拉格朗日模式输送研究的比较 edu.cma.gov.cn 10. owner of the stratosphere hotel and casino 云霄塔赌场大饭店的老板 www.ichacha.net 1. Ozone destruction in the stratosphere 平流层臭氧层破坏 wenku.baidu.com 2. The design of integrated navigation system based on DSP for stratosphere verifying airship 基于DSP的平流层验证飞艇组合导航系统设计 ilib.cn 3. HESP higher layers (of the stratosphere) 比平流层更高的大气层 www.bing.com |
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