单词 | stepping-up | ||||
释义 | stepping-up
例句释义: 走上前,登上,增加,加强,爬上图片,五线谱和上行音阶 1. Working at the application architecture level means stepping up to a whole new way of thinking. 在应用程序架构级别工作,意味着要采用全新的思维方式。 www.ibm.com 2. Oddly enough, Mr Arpaio seems to be stepping up his efforts just as illegal immigrants seem to be leaving in droves. 奇怪的是,正当非法入境者似乎成群结队离开时,阿尔?帕约却似乎在加大打击力度。 ecocn.org 3. It's nice to see Microsoft stepping up to the bar and offering its own version. 看到微软也朝这个方向迈出了自己的脚步,这真让人高兴。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Stepping up the voltage is like increasing water pressure, thus speeding the flow of energy through the system. 把电压升高就像给水加压一样,这样一来就会使这个系统中能量的运动加快。 ens.ccit.edu.cn 5. Chinese military officials have said the country is stepping up its cyber warfare abilities to compete with the U. 中国军方官员说中国正在加紧增强网络作战能力,以便和美国等其它强国竞争。 www.bing.com 6. He explains that although the enemy is stepping up its pace through experience, the good guys are adapting as well. 他解释说,尽管敌人不断积累经验加快步伐,但是好的一方也在不断适应。 www.bing.com 7. Asian central banks have been trying to help by stepping up market intervention in an attempt to restrain currency appreciation. 亚洲各国央行一直在增加市场干预,以抑制货币升值,从而为这些企业提供帮助。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Authorities are stepping up the pressure on New Orleans residents who have refused to leave the devastated city. 当局正在对那些拒绝撤离遭受飓风重创的新奥尔良市的居民加大压力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. But the data would also suggest that insiders do better, often much better, than outsiders when stepping up to the top job. 但数据同时显示,当内部人士升任这一最高职位时,他们会做得比外部人士更好,而且往往要好得多。 www.ftchinese.com 10. "With Ultra HD, you're going to see people stepping up, too, and you'll see at the show it's going to be a big deal, " Mr. Shapiro said. “超高清电视也一样,你会看到人们开始跟上潮流,在这场展会上,你会看到这些产品引起轰动,”夏皮罗说道。 cn.nytimes.com 1. Yesterday, reporter in the scene saw, is stepping up to repair restores the old the county alley, the old town ancestral temple museum. 昨日,记者在现场看到,正加紧修复古县衙、古镇祠堂博物馆。 www.binv.org.cn 2. HOUSTON -- Tracy McGrady is once again stepping up to the plate for a local elementary school. 休斯敦――特雷西。麦克格雷迪将再次走进垒球场,为当地一所小学募捐。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Vela, though, is not daunted by the prospect of stepping up to the Spanish top-flight and hopes to impress. 虽然如此,维拉并未感到沮丧,他希望能够在西班牙顶级联赛上给人留下印象。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 4. Without China stepping up to the plate, any global downturn would be steeper and longer. 如果中国不能填补需求缺口,一旦出现全球性低迷,其程度将更严重,时间也会更久。 www.ftchinese.com 5. China is now stepping up efforts to meet its massive appetite for minerals from domestic sources as an alternative to soaring global prices. 为了满足对于矿产的巨大胃口,中国目前正在加紧国内资源的开发,以应对国际款产价格的飙升。 www.1x1y.com.cn 6. Moreover, stepping up the fight against the guerrillas may prove to be politically convenient for Mr Lugo. 再者,升高打击游击队的作战可能证明对于FernandoLugo来说具有政治上的便利性。 www.ecocn.org 7. With the human individual and to strengthen the independence, with the attendant sense of loneliness and anxiety are also stepping up. 随着人的个体化和独立性的增强,随之而来的孤独感和焦虑感也不断加强。 www.zidir.com 8. Meanwhile, he said China is stepping up efforts in supervising the Internet. 他还说,中国正在加大互联网的监管力度。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. By stepping up and getting the ball rolling, you often attract a positive response from others. 只要你向前一步,打破冷场,往往就能从别人那得到积极的回应。 www.bing.com 10. Major packaging companies are not stepping up to the mark and using available recycled product. 主要的包装公司并没有加强的标志和使用可再生产品。 www.512121.com 1. To their credit, European countries are stepping up to that, in particular Poland, Sweden and even Germany. 值得赞扬的是,一些欧洲国家,特别是波兰、瑞典,甚至是德国加快承担这些责任。 www.bing.com 2. Although it is stepping up efforts to invigorate its capital markets, they still provide only a small part of its financial needs. 尽管中国政府不断出台鼓励资本市场的措施,但中国资本市场仍只能满足一小部分融资需求。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Forward-thinking companies are already stepping up to address the challenge. 一些高瞻远瞩的公司已经开始接受这一挑战。 www.bing.com 4. Nato ministers meet to consider stepping up the Afghan campaign ahead of an expected Taleban offensive. 北约外长会议讨论加强阿富汗塔利班的进攻战役提前预期。 www.2getnews.com 5. But just as the government is stepping up its media controls, critics of its policies are becoming more vocal. 不过,随着政府加强对媒体的管控,对此类政策的批评声音也越发强烈。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Charles Chao, chief executive, told an industry forum on Sunday the company was stepping up censorship. 新浪首席执行官曹国伟(CharlesChao)上周日在一个行业论坛上表示,该公司正在加大审查力度。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Yet now a senior Taiwanese officer says China has been stepping up a "smokeless war" with its spying efforts. 可是目前台湾的一名高级官员说,中国通过其间谍活动已经加快了“无烟战争”的步伐。 www.ecocn.org 8. In the face of climate change, Tzu Chi volunteers are stepping up their efforts to promote eco-awareness around the world. 面对气候变迁的问题,慈济志工走入社区推广环保意识。 www.newdaai.tv 9. Today we are stepping up our governance and anticorruption efforts along three different fronts, and let me describe them. 目前,我们在三个方面加大我们的治理和反腐败的力度,我来介绍一下。 web.worldbank.org 10. The Obama administration is stepping up enforcement efforts against employers in the United States who knowingly hire illegal workers. 欧巴马政府加强打击故意雇佣非法工人的美国雇主的执法努力。 ept-cn.com 1. Millions remain without electricity and authorities are stepping up relief efforts as the scale of the tragedy becomes clearer. 数以百万计的人仍然没有电力和当局正在加紧救援的努力是大规模的悲剧变得更加清晰。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. China has been stepping up its protests since the incident occurred. On Sunday, it suspended ministerial-level exchanges with Japan. 自从该事件发生之后,中国的抗议逐步升级。周日,它暂停了与日本方面的部长级互访。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. On the enforcement side, the Police and Environmental Protection Department are stepping up action against smoky vehicles. 在执法方面,警方与环保署现正加强行动,对付排放黑烟的车辆。 www.hplb.gov.hk 4. They say China is a growing concern for the international community, and that it is stepping up activity in waters near Japan. 它称中国对于国际社会来说也日益令人关注,并且在靠近日本海域的活动日益频繁。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. said a pleasant-looking elderly man, stepping up to the clerk, "what does the boy want? " 一位风度不俗的老人走过来,对店员说。“这个男孩来做什么?” www.dreamkidland.cn 6. U. S. investors have been stepping up purchases of foreign stocks, and foreign central-bank reserve managers are diversifying holdings. 美国投资者已经在加大购买海外股票的力度,其他央行的外汇储备管理机构也在分散资产。 c.wsj.com 7. "Reina" was accident site is about to usher in stormy weather, are stepping up relief and rescue workers clean up oil spills. “雷纳”号出事海域即将迎来暴风雨天气,救援人员正加紧救助和漏油清理。 bbs.enfamily.cn 8. France will hold the next presidency of G20. China is looking forward to coordinating position and stepping up partnership with France. 法国将担任G20下届主席国,中方希望协调立场,增进合作。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 9. To cope with the reduced flow of labor from other provinces, Mr. Wang says his government is stepping up efforts to find workers locally. 王南健说,为解决其它省市流入的劳动力下降问题,江门市政府正在加紧发掘本地劳动力。 c.wsj.com 10. An important item on our agenda is stepping up enforcement action as part of a global enforcement regime. 我们会议议程上的一项重要内容是进一步加大执法行动力度,将其纳入全球执法体系。 web.worldbank.org 1. Many public health authorities have been stepping up efforts to tackle the growth in superbugs , using rigorous hygiene . 许多公共卫生当局一直在加大力度,通过严谨的卫生制度,对付超级病菌滋生的问题。 www.bing.com 2. Other state schools are also stepping up efforts to lure high-caliber students from out of state. 其它州立大学也在加强宣传,以期吸引本州以外的优秀学生。 www.bing.com 3. Indeed, Buffett can win the game before ever stepping up to bat. 的确,巴菲特不费吹灰之力就能在交易中大获全胜。 www.fortunechina.com 4. China is stepping up its efforts to boost its slowing economy by unveiling the first steps in a potentially large fiscal stimulus programme. 中国宣布了一项潜在规模巨大的财政刺激方案的一些初步举措,表明其正逐步加大力度,提振不断放缓的经济。 www.ftchinese.com 5. S. military is stepping up the pace of upgrading the network operational capability. 这表明美军正加快提升网络作战能力的步伐。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. The state's key projects - Handan Airport is stepping up its building operations, is expected to navigation can be achieved in 2005. 国家重点项目-邯郸机场正在加紧运筹建设,预计2005年可实现通航。 www.elycn.com 7. Now, a new successor is stepping up to the challenge. 现在,一个新的后续者出来迎接挑战。 e.pku.edu.cn 8. While consumers continue to hold back, businesses are stepping up spending on equipment and software. 虽然消费者继续捂紧钱包,企业却增加了设备和软件支出。 cn.reuters.com 9. But with pride, glory and huge amounts of money at stake, drug cheats too are stepping up their game. 但是在自豪感、荣誉和大量的金钱的利诱之下,兴奋剂欺诈也正在增加。 cn.reuters.com 10. Genoa are stepping up their efforts to lure unsettled Juventus striker Raffaele Palladino, but he looks likely to stay in Turin. 热那亚花了大力气,希望得到尤文图斯前锋拉斐尔。帕拉蒂诺,但看起来他似乎会留在都灵城。 www.bing.com 1. Second, now that I've finally done my part, how about you start stepping up and delivering some wins? 其次,现在我终于完成了我的第一部分,那么你加紧一些去为球队赢得一些比赛怎样? blog.sina.com.cn 2. The United States is stepping up pressure on the Palestinians to jump-start the peace process. 美国正在对巴勒斯坦施加压力,促使它立即开始和平进程。 www.voanews.cn 3. He is stepping up from acting chairman at a time when then there is a danger that animal spirits are settling in at StanChart. 他从代理董事长升任董事长之时,动物精神正有在渣打内部扎根的危险。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Only by stepping up business cooperation can China-Kazakhstan trade and economic cooperation grow big and strong and gain strong vitality. 只有加强企业合作,中哈经贸合作才能做大做强,才能具有强大的生命力。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 5. Europe's leading low cost airline Ryanair is reportedly stepping up its competition with big carriers by opening operations in Frankfurt. 为了进一步提高它与大航空公司的竞争力,据说欧洲的主要低价航空公司瑞安航空公司将在德国法兰克福开展业务。 www.bing.com 6. Institutions are stepping up lobbying ahead of guidance from the US Treasury on implementation of the law. 美国财政部目前尚未出台该法案的实施指导意见,而金融机构正纷纷加大游说力度。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The discoveries come as Japanese researchers, local governments, and residents are stepping up their monitoring. 上述发现是在日本的研究人员、地方政府和居民加大监测力度后做出的。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Mainstream media are losing their foothold as a sole provider of information and blogs are stepping up. 主流媒体正在失去其提供资讯的垄断地位,而博客就正在填埔这个缺口。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 9. At the same time the state is stepping up its role as an investor, it's also issuing preferential policies for homegrown businesses. 同时,国家也正在加强投资者的角色,那就是对本土企业施行优惠政策。 www.bing.com 10. Chinese regulators are stepping up efforts to deny loans to companies that violate standards on energy efficiency and pollution. 中国监管人员加紧努力停止向违反节能和污染标准的公司提供贷款。 ept-cn.com 1. Now another toy company in Asia, Hot Toys, is stepping up with a set of high quality collectibles based on Pixar's 10th film. 现在另一个玩具公司在亚洲,最新玩具,正在加紧了一套高品质的收藏品的基础上皮克斯的第10电影。 learning.wenda.sogou.com 2. China does appear to be stepping up its efforts on intellectual property. 中国好像确实已经开始加强保护知识产权的措施。 chinese.wsj.com 3. The club took the incident very seriously and is stepping up security at its two racecourses . 马会认为事态严重,并加强两个马场的保安措施。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. China's athletes, are stepping up training and preparation for an exhibition skill. 中国的运动健儿、正在加紧训练,准备一展身手。 www.fwsou.com 5. Fourthly, stepping up critical SARS research and exploring effective methods of diagnosis and treatment. 四是加强科研攻关,研究有效诊治办法。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 6. Regulators meanwhile are stepping up pressure on asset managers and advisers to be more transparent about how they are rewarded. 与此同时,监管者正向资产经理与顾问施加越来越大的压力,要求他们更多地披露自己薪酬的架构。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The embassy is now further stepping up its security measures according to ministry instructions. 使馆正在按照国内指示进一步加强安全防范措施。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 8. Many companies will try to preserve margins by stepping up efforts to sell their wares elsewhere. 许多公司会加紧努力开拓海外市场,以期维持利润。 www.bing.com 9. A medical research centre in Gabon is stepping up its efforts to become a world-class global health research centre. 加蓬的一所医学研究中心正在加强其举措,从而成为一个世界级的全球卫生研究中心。 www.scidev.net 10. Others said Chinese commodities users are being savvy, waiting for market prices to decline further before stepping up buying. 其他人则说,中国大宗商品用户很明智,他们在等待市场价格进一步下滑后才增加购买。 chinese.wsj.com 1. The minimum headaches are part of the plan-airlines and TSA both bumped stepping up 25 percent for the holiday period. 但唯一令人欣慰的是部分计划航班和TSA航班在节日期间增加了25%。 bbs.putclub.com 2. The US report accused Beijing of stepping up restrictions on lawyers, activists, bloggers and journalists. 美国的报告指控中国当局律师,社会活动者,博客作家和记者的限定逐渐加强。 www.bing.com 3. A senior Chinese security official warned this month that "anti-China" forces were stepping up efforts to sabotage the games. 中国一名高级安全官员本月警告称,“反华”势力正加大力度,准备破坏奥运。 www.ftchinese.com 4. China also appears to be stepping up its antismoking campaign. 中国似乎也在加强禁烟。 c.wsj.com 5. Trade has been stepping up recently, since the weather turned warmer. 天气转暖,生意兴隆了。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. The reverberations were felt far outside the city, with officials in New York and Washington stepping up security at important locations. 爆炸事件波及了远离波士顿的地方,纽约和华盛顿的官员加强了重要位置的安保部署。 cn.nytimes.com 7. Explorers are stepping up their search for a man-like creature. 探险家们正在加紧搜寻一种像人一样的动物。 www.aspoo.net 8. The US is stepping up its complaints to China on a separate trade-related issue over censorship software. 美国正就另一项与贸易相关的网络审查软件问题加大向中国的抗议力度。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In light of new concerns, we are stepping up our IP protection efforts. 由于出现了需要关注的新问题,我们加强了保护知识产权的工作。 www.america.gov 10. Juventus are stepping up their interest in Lokomotiv Moscow defender Branislav Ivanovic. 尤文图斯对莫斯科中央陆军队的防守球员伊万诺维奇越来越感兴趣了。 bbs.juvezone.com 1. Certainly, American forces have been stepping up strikes. 当然,美国空军加强了空袭强度。 www.ecocn.org 2. The Delegation looked forward to stepping up international cooperation with WIPO. 该代表团期待加强与WIPO的国际合作。 www.wipo.int 3. In response, the National Police are stepping up patrolling of city streets and neighbourhoods. 国家警察正逐步加强该市街道和附近地区的巡逻。 www.ecocn.org 4. About 300 Turkish troops move several kilometres into northern Iraq, local officials say, stepping up pressure on Kurdish PKK rebels there. 300民土耳其士兵向伊拉克北部前进了几千米的事件,地方官员这是对库尔德PKK反叛军的压制。 iamin.blogbus.com 5. Japan says it is stepping up efforts to cool overheating fuel at the tsunami-hit Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. 日本声称正在采取措施为遭受海啸的福岛核电站冷却过热的燃料。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Local authorities are stepping up their efforts to alleviate the panic over water shortage. 地方政府正在竭尽全力缓解因供水不足而产生的恐慌情绪。 page.renren.com 7. Stepping up his rhetoric, Bush said a nuclear-armed Iran would pose a "dangerous threat to world peace. " 布什的措辞论调趋于升级,称拥有核武器的伊朗“将对世界和平构成威胁。” cn.reuters.com 8. Ethiopia and Kenya are stepping up operations along their porous borders with Somalia. 埃塞俄比亚和肯尼亚正加紧在与索马里松散的边境上展开行动。 www.ecocn.org 9. Infraero, the state company that runs Brazil's airports, is stepping up its investment. 经营着巴西机场的国有公司Infraero,正在加大投资。 www.chenyingke.com 10. China is stepping up efforts to tame soaring pork prices that helped push consumer price inflation to a surprise 4. 4 per cent in June. 中国正加大努力,平抑不断飙升的猪肉价格。今年6月,猪肉价格的飙升已将消费者价格指数推升至出乎意料的4. www.ftchinese.com 1. China is stepping up efforts to tame soaring pork prices that helped push consumer price inflation to a surprise 4. 4 per cent in June. 中国正加大努力,平抑不断飙升的猪肉价格。今年6月,猪肉价格的飙升已将消费者价格指数推升至出乎意料的4. www.ftchinese.com 2. Stepping up development of socialist democracy and the socialist legal system and promoting social fairness and justice. (八)加强社会主义民主法制建设,促进社会公平正义 blog.hjenglish.com 3. The floor is so clean almost primary colors, stepping up easily. 地板也是近乎原色的那么干净,踩上去很轻松。 img3.zhubajie.com 4. Lehman went elsewhere, stepping up its borrowing from the European Central Bank. 雷曼兄弟选择了其他途径,从欧洲央行获得了借款。 www.bing.com 5. By stepping up their own spending, governments can directly boost demand and employment. 通过增加消费者的支出,政府可以直接推动需求和就业。 www.ecocn.org 6. The Chinese government is stepping up efforts to get Internet users to say no to rumors. 中国政府正在更加努力地让互联网用户对谣言说“不”。 chinese.wsj.com 7. This year, Hurd acquired 3Com Corp. , stepping up competition with Cisco Systems Inc. in networking equipment. 去年11月份,赫德再次出手,斥资27亿美元收购了3ComCorp.,使公司成为能够同思科竞争的网络设备制造商。 www.bing.com 8. These include stepping up cooperation in space exploration. 协议包括加强两国在太空探索方面的合作。 www.ebigear.com 9. Sometimes we are simply held back from helping others through lack of knowledge or even fear of stepping up. 有时,我们仅仅由于知识的匮乏、甚至是恐惧等因素,不得不收回援助之手。 www.bing.com 10. The department plans to set 7 iron, now is stepping up efforts to set the remaining four. 该处计划设置7块铁板,目前正在抓紧设置剩余的4块。 www.englishtang.com 1. Policymakers are stepping up their campaigns to warn consumers about the dangers of obesity. 政策制定者们正加大力度警示消费者肥胖的危险。 www.ecocn.org 2. Stepping up trade enforcement is about opening up markets, not closing them down. 加强贸易执法是要开放市场,而不是要关闭市场。 www.america.gov 3. In addition, the Yanshan industrial park and cultural animation drama Lingui animation industrial park is also stepping up construction. 此外,雁山动漫戏曲文化产业园和临桂动漫产业园亦在抓紧建设中。 www.dw188.com 4. Lao officials have said in recent months that they are stepping up efforts to halt the illegal timber trade. 近几个月来,老挝官员说,要加强打击木材非法贩运的工作。 www.bing.com 5. President Bush is stepping up U. S. support for efforts to end the political crisis in Kenya. 美国总统布什正在加强结束肯尼亚政治危机的努力。 www.voanews.cn 6. They would earn extra days at sea in return for stepping up their conservation efforts. 渔民还将因加紧开展鱼类保护工作换取额外的出海天数。 www.elanso.com 7. That means not just pushing for more serious sanctions, but also stepping up the covert campaign to disrupt Iran's nuclear facilities. 这不仅意味着会实施更加严厉的制裁,还会采取策反行动破坏伊朗的核设施。 www.ecocn.org 8. Regulators are looking to gain an edge, too, by stepping up their data-mining efforts. 监管机构也正在通过加速他们对数据的挖掘,调查边缘收益。 ecocn.org 9. The sale has also alerted foreign private equity groups including Permira, the UK fund, which is stepping up its activity in the region. 该交易还对外国私人股本集团敲响了警钟,其中包括正积极寻求在亚洲地区扩张业务的英国私人股本基金Permira。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Stepping up TB treatment also makes economic sense outside Africa. 在非洲之外,加强结核治疗也具有经济意义。 www.who.int 1. US, China stepping up nuclear security cooperation. 美中开启核安全合作。 www.17tx.com 2. Countries are once again stepping up their military presence in the far north. 在极北地区国家之间再一次加防军事。 www.bing.com 3. As such, researchers have been continuously stepping up their efforts in order to gain more understanding of Alzheimer's. 因此,研究人员不断努力去获得有关老年性痴呆症的更多信息。 www.elanso.com 4. are stepping up their efforts to globalise their operations. 正加紧努力,使他们的业务全球化。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Our factory is stepping up manufacture of locomotives. 我们工厂正在加紧制造机车。 www.hotdic.com 6. He is stepping up and take the lead on this issue. 他加大了力度,在这个问题上起着带领的角色。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. But China has been stepping up efforts to reduce its dependence on imports of raw materials. 但是中国显然已加快脚步以减少其对原料进口的依赖。 www.bing.com 8. China's own companies are stepping up acquisitions abroad. 中国自己的公司正逐步在国外进行收购。 www.bing.com 9. New CEO Larry Page is clearly committed to stepping up Google's social game. 新公司CEO拉里佩奇明确承诺要加快谷歌在社交网络上的步伐。 www.bing.com 10. Since 2007 the Communist Party has been stepping up efforts to curb a rash of lavish office building by local governments. 2007年以来,中国共产党已加大力度来限制地方政府修建豪华办公楼的热潮。 www.bing.com 1. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi lost no time in stepping up pressure on the Republican leader. 众议院民主党领袖南希·佩洛西加紧对共和党领袖施压。 www.360doc.com 2. The government was also stepping up efforts to stop deforestation, raising its target for tree cover to 15% by 2020. 印度政府也在加紧努力制止砍伐树林,在2020年森林覆盖率达到15%。 www.bing.com 3. Free market advocates are stepping up their censure. 自由市场鼓吹者正在提高批评的调子。 www.bing.com 4. "Stevie will be stepping up his recovery this week, " Dalglish said. “这周,史蒂夫将逐步的开始恢复性训练。”达格利什说。 www.lfc.org.cn 5. Japanese employers are stepping up their efforts to recruit young Japanese with international skills, who are still rare on the job market. 日本雇主正努力寻找具备国际技能的年轻日本人,这样的人才在就业市场上仍十分稀缺。 cn.nytimes.com 6. You may find that stepping up outside the office is easier, as there is less competition. 你会办公室之外的活动是很容易的,竞争少。 www.ttxyy.com 7. He also gave the carmaker credit for stepping up discounts and other incentives. 他还称赞了现代汽车加大折扣力度及其它促销举措。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Tin II, high- gas - cooled reactor demonstration power plant in stepping up preparations for the project, and so on. 田湾二期、高气冷堆示范电厂等项目在加紧筹备。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. China has been stepping up oversight of the industry. 中国一直在加强行业监督。 bbs.ebigear.com 10. South Korean defense officials say they are stepping up surveillance of the North's activities on land and at sea. 南韩国防官员表示正加紧对北韩海陆活动的监测。 www.24en.com 1. Amazing. Demand Media is stepping up its game. 真神奇,迪蒙德传媒正在升级它的玩法。 dongxi.net 2. I was half-heartedly looking for a new job, but now I'm stepping up my search. 我以前一直在漫不经心地寻找新工作,但现在我下定决心要换工作了。 www.fortunechina.com 3. Mr. Ma has been stepping up efforts to publicly defend the deal. 马英九一直在加大努力,公开支持这项协议。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Hacking, too, is "really stepping up" , says Mr Redeyoff. 莱德约夫表示,黑客活动也“确实在加剧”。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The government is stepping up its efforts in building more apartment for teachers. 政府加大步伐为教师修建公寓房。 www.iselong.com 6. Given this backdrop, the government will be tempted to keep stepping up mortgage subsidies. 在这样的背景下,政府将会继续加大对抵押贷款的补贴。 www.bing.com 7. The school is stepping up attendance checks on its pupils. 学校开始对学生加强考勤。 dictionnaire.reverso.net 8. This is especially helpful if your bad breath remains after stepping up your oral hygiene. 如果你加强口腔卫生后,口气的症状仍未改善,这些日记将帮助你进行诊断。 www.bing.com 9. They are stepping up time safeguarding the interests of the people. 他们都在抓紧时间维护人民的利益。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Our role players are stepping up. 我们的角色球员也会填补上来。 bbs.hoopchina.com 1. To boost its standing, the government is stepping up social programs to boost the fortunes of lower-income Thais, much as Mr. Thaksin did. 为提高自己的声望,政府正在强化各种旨在提高较低收入人群财富的社会项目。这跟他信曾经做的存在很大相似性。 c.wsj.com 2. It proposes some measurements for stepping up product liability insurance in China. 最后提出大力发展我国产品责任保险的对策。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. He's stepping up writing his new novel. 他正在加紧写作他的新小说。 www.hxen.com 4. Recently the government has been stepping up efforts to eradicate such abuses. 近来,中国政府正着力根除这些滥用短信的行为。 www.bing.com 5. Fast-growing economies such as China are stepping up food imports to feed a burgeoning middle class. 经济快速增长的国家比如中国开始进口食物来喂养急速发展的中产阶级。 www.bing.com 6. Other food companies are also stepping up safety practices in China. 其他食品公司也在中国加强了安全措施。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Rivals like TPG and Carlyle, which have long has been active in China, are stepping up activity. KKR的竞争对手如TPG和凯雷(Carlyle)也加紧在华行动,凯雷在中国一直很活跃。 chinese.wsj.com 8. EPCOS has been rapidly and consistently stepping up its presence in China for years. 多年来,EPCOS不断迅速地加强其在中国的地位。 yanan.baicai.com 9. The FEHD is also providing technical assistance to AFCD in stepping up mosquito control work in the three pig farms. 食物环境生署亦有向渔农自然护理署提供技术协助,加强三个猪场的灭蚊工作。 www.chp.gov.hk 10. But Mr Crewe sees, for example, HarperCollins stepping up its activity in this area again, its faith in business books restored. 但克鲁认为,HarperCollins加大了这个领域的活动,它重新恢复了对商业图书的信心。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Developing countries are stepping up their efforts in surveillance and research on breeding wheat for rust resistance. 发展中国家正在加大监测和研究培育抗锈病小麦的举措。 www.scidev.net 2. Just after our country's accession to the WTO, stepping up E-governance has very important realistic meaning and real value. 对加入WTO后的我国各级政府来说,加紧实施电子政务具有很强的现实意义和实际价值。 www.fabiao.net 3. Implementing the Smooth Project of Communications Network and Stepping up the Building of Railway Information-based Technology 实施通信网畅通工程加快铁路信息化建设 www.ilib.cn 4. Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan is stepping up his call for Congress to let the Bush-era tax cuts expire, 前美联储主席格林斯潘加大呼声,要求国会让布什任期内通过的减税法案到期自动失效。 www.360abc.com 5. Improving the Forest Resources Management System and Stepping up the Sustainable Forestry Development 坚持和完善森林资源管理制度保障和促进林业持续快速发展 www.ilib.cn 6. Improving the Forest Cutting Management Regulations and Stepping Up the Sustainable Development of Forest Resources 完善森林采伐管理制度促进森林资源持续发展 service.ilib.cn 7. Stepping up the quality control of transfusion and guaranteeing transfusion safety 加强输血质量控制保证输血安全 service.ilib.cn 8. Several Problems about Stepping up the Agricultural Development 农村政策调整的几个难点问题 ilib.cn 9. Stepping Up the Work of Measurement to Serve Enterprises Sincerely 加强计量工作切实为企业服务 www.ilib.cn 10. The electromagnetic influence of central substation stepping-up engineering in Qiqihaer and relevant protection measures 齐齐哈尔中心变电站升压的电磁影响及其保护措施 www.ilib.cn 1. Discussion on Stepping up Establishment of Unified Enterprise Standards for China Pipeline Construction Sector 对加快建立中国石油管道建设行业统一企业标准体系的探讨 www.ilib.cn 2. Application of Computer Comprehensive Automatic Control System in Reforming or Stepping up Old Electric Power Substation 计算机系统在旧变电站升级改造中的应用 www.ilib.cn 3. Strengthening the Government's Public Service, Stepping up the Construction of Public Service-oriented Government 强化政府公共服务加快建设公共服务型政府 www.ilib.cn 4. On stepping up the reform of examination and approval system in North Fujian 加快闽北政府审批制度改革的设想 www.ilib.cn 5. Stepping Up the Building of the Chinese Credit Management System 加快建立中国的信用管理体系 service.ilib.cn 6. Second, stepping up efforts to increase the field investigation and collection of cultural relics; 加大田野考察和文物的收集力度。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Reflections on Stepping up Implementing the Strategy of Urbanization of Ethnic Area 关于加快实施民族地区城镇化战略的思考 ilib.cn 8. The pursuit of excellence and continuously stepping up enterprise 追求卓越持续和全面提升企业 www.sh-stt.com 9. Stepping up the Technological Advancement, Promoting the Development of Wuhan's Automobile Industry 加快技术进步促进武汉汽车工业发展 ilib.cn 10. Policy Suggestions for Stepping up Efforts in Handling Bank's Bad Assets 加速银行不良资产处置的政策建议 ilib.cn 1. Policy Suggestions for Stepping up Efforts in Handling Bank's Bad Assets 加速银行不良资产处置的政策建议 ilib.cn 2. Enhancing the level of patient care by stepping up clinical consultation control 加强临床会诊管理提高医疗诊治水平 www.ilib.cn 3. A Thinking for Stepping up the Development of Unique Chongqing Sports Tourism 加快重庆特色体育旅游业发展的思考 www.ilib.cn 4. We're stepping up security at the hospital, 我们要加强医院的安全管理 wenku.baidu.com 5. stepping up checks at crossing points 加强过关站口的毒品检查 www.crazyenglish.org 6. the content of cis-1, 4-unit increased and then decreased with the reaction temperature stepping up; 随着反应温度升高,顺式-1,4-结构含量先增加后降低; lib.cqvip.com 7. Strategic Ponderation on Stepping Up Efforts to Change China's Foreign Trade Mode of Economic Growth 加快转变我国外贸增长方式的战略思考 ilib.cn 8. Stepping up High Speed Railway of China 迈向高速的中国铁路 service.ilib.cn 9. Stepping Up Establishment of an Innovative System in Nano-science and-technology in China 加快建设我国纳米科技创新体系 www.ilib.cn |
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